#if you couldn’t tell it’s a room
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aquared · 1 year ago
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mcyt-confession-room · 2 months ago
I am considering running a little experiment where I write a series of Flower Ranchers fics but treat them the same way I see Ranchers fans treating Flower Husbands (the whole "Scott is toxic and evil because [writer] doesn't like him" problem) just to see how quickly people will pick up on it
But I'm low-key scared that if I do I'll get death threats and doxxed over it
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otrtbs · 1 year ago
headache so bad last night that i nearly threw up but i slept for 13 hours and now im brand new
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sunfloweraro · 2 months ago
Request: Put the Stitched boys in the Cuddle Pile
Hi Paloma!! I’ve loved this request from the moment I got it and I’m so glad I finally got the chance to write it. Enjoy <33
All was quiet in LonLon Ranch. But it was never silent. Soft peeps escaped the sleeping chickens, crickets hummed their low, nightly song, and blankets rustled as they were thrown aside. A young head of blond hair peeked out from the blankets, eyes tired, lips twisted with frustration. An hour had passed, and yet sleep refused to find him. It had been months since the young boy had been left to sleep alone, and the quiet of the night left him tense where he had once preferred it. He missed the low rumble of the ocean, and now he missed the low rumble of his companions snoring.
With a scoff, he pushed himself to his feet, slipping out of the too-quiet spare guest room he had been given for the night. His companions lay spread out around the two-storey house, had earlier boasted their relief at finally having some privacy for the night. But Wind had never once had quiet, and it was too much for him to handle. A certain friend in the living room would understand; he had to.
When he arrived, the other was sitting up and awake, expectantly watching the open doorway. “Couldn’t sleep?”
Wind shuffled over to him, dragging blanket and pillow and setting up shop next to his close friend. “Not a wink.”
Warriors huffed a laugh, dragging a hand through his hair. “Same here. Not with you all…”
“I know.”
Wind had no qualms with flopping his tired body against his friend. With a huff of laughter, Warriors lay back into his pillows and blankets, and Wind shifted so his head lay on his friend’s stomach, feeling the rise and fall there, his shoulders relaxing.
Another voice swiftly piped up, though Wind didn’t open his eyes upon hearing it. “I see I’m not the first.”
“Not at all, Rancher. Come here.”
A soft sound, an unnatural clinking of diamonds and rattling of chains Wind had come to associate with Twilight transforming. And then soft fur pressed against his side, Twilight laying his furry face on Warriors’ chest next to Wind. As he relaxed, Wolfie’s head settled back to rest against Wind’s.
“You lot like using me as a pillow, don’t you?”
“Fine, fine. The weight helps, anyhow.”
“Good, because you’re stuck with us both night.”
Warriors laughed at that, his chest and belly moving in time with the sound and jostling Wind.
“Shhh,” he repeated, and Warriors was quick to settle down and quieten.
Wind had almost fallen asleep when he heard soft shuffling in the doorway. “Got room for two more?”
Wind peeked open an eye, spotting Sky standing in the doorway, Four standing close behind, rubbing an eye with one hand, the other grasping Sky’s hand.
“We couldn’t sleep at all,” Four groaned, his face souring. Wind huffed a laugh along with Warriors and Twilight, and then Warriors beckoned the other two closer. Sky settled on Warriors’ other side. Wind didn’t need to look to know he had drawn Four into his chest, chin over Four’s head protectively as their Smithy curled up in his arms.
Wind didn’t get the chance to close his eyes again before more shuffling of feet greeted his ears. Wild and Hyrule stood in the doorway this time, faces lighting up when they saw the five of them already in the living room. Warriors waved them over, now unable to get up from where he lay on his back, crushed beneath Wind and Wolfie, squashed in by Sky and Four. Wild and Hyrule were there in an instant, Wild sliding the last few feet across the wooden floor and crashing into Twilight and Wind. A murmured apology followed their growls and curses, and then Wild settled, curling into Wolfie, knees tucked up against Wind’s side. In the darkness, Wind couldn’t tell what earrings they were wearing, if they had worn any to bed at all; he would check come morning, once he was rested. Hyrule settled next to Wild so they lay back to back, his wings tucked away and his head angled so he wouldn’t hurt Wild with his antlers, growing larger by the day and glowing a faint amber in the darkness, a familiar comfort like the light of a fire. And then Hyrule waved at the doorway, to Wind’s confusion.
A beat passed. Then Wind spotted another one of them shambling into view, his arms curled around his middle with discomfort, the space beneath his eyes laden with darkness. Legend made his way over, avoiding Wind’s gaze, pausing briefly to stare at Warriors, as if wishing he could fit himself in there somehow, be close to Warriors, Hyrule and Four. Finally, Legend settled down by Hyrule, giving himself a little space as he preferred. Hyrule stretched an arm out, and with a roll of his eyes, Legend took his hand. Hyrule linked their fingers together, before the both of them settled.
Wind closed his eyes again, breaths evening out swiftly.
Soft murmurs awoke Wind a little while later, followed by rustling. He glanced up, curious, meeting Time’s eye.
“Oh, sorry, my dear,” Malon whispered, and it was then Wind realised she was there too.
“Get some rest, Sailor,” Time murmured as he and Malon settled onto the couch. Malon lay on her back, Time settling into the space between herself and the couch and immediately being wrapped up in her arms. As they settled, warmed by each other’s presence, one of Time’s arms came the hang down to the ground, an invitation. Wind reached out slowly, past Wolfie and Warriors, still snoring softly, and pressed a finger to Time’s, all he could reach from his position. Time pressed back, a gentle push of acknowledgement, and he left his hand there for Wind; for himself.
Wind drifted off again swiftly, warmed by the presence of his new family away from home.
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bra1nw0rmz · 1 year ago
Feeling hateful today bc people are stupid and in denial abt certain Funger characters being canonly queer. Like I’m sorry but why are you here if you aren’t lgbt+ friendly?? Funger is literally inherently queer idk what else to say???? Like damn I’m sorry that your Chad alpha sigma male likes it up the ass, you can go jump off a cliff over it if it makes you that upset ig??
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fireater · 2 months ago
very hard and tiring being better and funnier than everyone ever
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comapill · 2 months ago
really unhelpful that whenever you look up “insect phobia” the search engine decides it’s a good idea to pull up images of insects. i’m gonna break my phone based on how many times i’ve thrown it across the room whenever i see bug :-(
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I love the range of sibling dynamics that take place.
It goes from “i hate you, you suck, don’t touch me don’t even breath the same air as me” to “hey” “hey” to “we were forged in the fires together, two halves of the same whole that cannot be complete without the other, you are my family in a way that no one else will ever be” to “look it’s you *shows a picture of a moose*”
And it’s all from the same two people, like
Siblings are wild dude.
I love it
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ephemeral-winter · 1 month ago
I went to a funeral this morning for a beloved member of my synagogue community but she has no observant family so there isn’t any shiva to go to and it feels so so so deeply strange to just be sitting alone at home with my memories of her
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allieinarden · 10 months ago
The one comedic quirk of Seinfeld that I have yet to see another show imitate, but enjoy so much is when one of the characters will be in a mood with one of the other characters in a way that is not influenced by the events of the plot, has no bearing on the events of the plot, and is not oriented toward any punchline. It’s so true to life.
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across-every-universe · 1 year ago
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40 hours of crocheting later…..
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yeah-thats-probably-it · 6 months ago
figured out i can use the german subtitles on english-language shows i’m very familiar with for examples of specific syntax. put on i think you should leave on account of i’ve seen it a ton of times. it has occurred to me that faithfully translated, itysl would NOT be the best model for correct syntax or natural-sounding speech, however whoever wrote these subtitles has no aptitude for comedy or absurdism so it works just fine
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robertsbarbie · 6 months ago
my nightmares are so fucked up because almost every single one of them start out as dreams and then suddenly my worst anxieties are coming true, or i’m on the cusp of death or someone i care about is killed before me or wherever i was is actually a plot to kidnap me ect ect like REM why you gotta do me like that
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mryqu3sti0nmark · 7 months ago
Will one day adopt kittens.
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magical-xirl-4 · 8 months ago
I wish I could find that PMMM homura centric monologue I made for drama when I was 16, but the script is either 1) on an old laptop that doesn’t turn on anymore because the charger broke or 2) on my iPad pages app that had the pages app wiped when I had to basically factory reset the thing after it glitched
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dirtbra1n · 8 months ago
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reclining and smoking a lollipop. I hope shirahama has a particularly bad time this week
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