#if villain bad why freckles
hawkeshep · 2 years
Not a minute goes by where I am NOT thinking about or discussing Solas’s freckles. And I’m not sorry about it
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lackadaisycats · 1 year
Hi so sorry but uhhhhh I saw your ask saying “with few exceptions all the characters are the villain” and yes fair absolutely- but what about Freckle and Ivy? Freckle got roped into this and Ivy was raised into it, also not to pressure you but if you say they’re villains I’ll cry (kidding) (mostly)
Much of Lackadaisy is an exploration of very flawed, morally ambiguous characters. Many of them are deliberately orchestrating, knowingly engaging in, or knowingly accomplice to some very bad things (and I don't mean their disregard for the Volstead Act itself). The story is meant to explore a lot of the how and why they ended up in this place. There's an internal logic (or sentiment) to their behavior, but that's not really a justification for the violence they do. And my calling them 'villains' doesn't mean that their arcs necessarily exclude seeking disentanglement or making moves to do better.
Ivy and Freckle's interactions are set in deliberate contrast to what's going on around them and what they've become involved in. There's a point to that. I feel I'm doing far too much 'author attempts to explain their meaning instead of showing it' here, though, so I'll just leave it at that.
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shieldofiron · 8 months
Legally Brunette
For @intothedysphoria, Happy birthday!! Have a frat boy Stevie! Sorry for the slight villainizing of Jonathan, one does what one can.
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He had freckles. No. Moles. Scattered across pale skin, more skin than anyone was showing in Boston in late October.
It took a moment for Billy to force his eyes up from the strong lines of the stranger's back, only to blink for a few seconds at the worn and faded Kappa Phi Delta hat.
It probably couldn't be. But just in case, he cleared his throat, rocking back and forth on his heels. He still remembered the warm feeling he'd gotten when the pretty boy had told him how glad he was that he ran into Billy. He didn't actually want to jeopardize that by creeping on the (likely straight) law student he'd just barely befriended.
And that same pretty boy, Steve he'd said, turned, met Billy's eye, and sighed, his shoulders slacking a little. "Don't ask."
"Wasn't gonna," Billy said, keeping his eyes on the ceiling.
Whatever had Steve Harrington out in the middle of the Boston night in short shorts and what looked like a Chippendale's bow tie, also had apparently made his eyes red rimmed and raw.
"But..." Billy ventured, "Are you ok?"
Steve turned back to the front of the line. And then back towards Billy, his eyes darting around like he was getting away with a crime by purchasing a new laptop in the middle of the day.
"You know that ex I told you about, the one I... kind of... followed here?" He said haltingly.
"Yeah?" Billy moved the hard drive he was buying to the front of his crotch, trying to be cool.
"He was there. At a party. With his new girlfriend. Who told me it was a Halloween party," Steve's shoulders fell.
So, not straight then. But very much hung up on this ex.
"So that's why-"
Steve shrugged, "Jonathan liked when I used to show some skin. That's not even the problem."
They moved up closer to the front of the line and Steve blinked those big pretty bambi eyes at Billy. As if he wouldn't be helpless for that shit.
"Want to hang out for a second after you check out? Or we can go next door and get some coffee?" Billy offered.
"Yeah," Steve's shoulders dropped a little, and he nodded, the little wave of bangs pulled through his hat bobbing just a little.
They checked out one after the other, and met up by the entrance, sliding door opening and closing rapidly as they hung for a moment by it.
"I'll just put this in my car and grab my jacket," Steve shook his head, "I was so mad, I wasn't thinking when I came in."
Billy nodded, "I'll get you something. What do you like?"
Steve bit his lip, "Just a latte. Oat milk. I'm a vegetarian."
Billy couldn't seem to stop nodding. Something about this guy turned him into a bobblehead.
It was only a few moments after he sat down that Steve joined him, hoodie laid over his arm, hard nipples and chest hair on full display. Jesus, it's like he wanted to kill Billy.
"So. The ex."
"Yes. The ex," Steve shook his head. "He was just... kind of flirting. But then he said... he just said that I didn't have to be here. That it was gonna be too hard on me and he didn't want to see me hurt."
"That what was going to be too hard?"
"Law School," Steve played with his cup. "Like, duh, I fucking know that. It's already been hard. And I know I'm not, like, the smartest of guys. But like..."
Billy was trying not to jump in, let the guy say what he needed to. But Jesus Christ, this ex was some kind of an asshole.
"I took the LSATS. I got in. I've been... like maybe I haven't been trying the hardest in every class but..." He shook his head. "Kinda pissed me off, you know."
"He's a fuckin' idiot," Billy curled one hand in a fist. "Didn't you say he got with this new girl like less than a few months ago."
"Yeah," Steve finally gave Billy some relief, shrugging the oversized hoodie on, "Gave her a ring and everything."
"He probably just doesn't like being confronted with his own bad behavior," Billy frowned, "You got in to Harvard Law, Steve. You know people work their entire lives to do that. I worked my entire life to do that."
"I worked really fucking hard to be here," Steve sipped his latte, "Fuck, that's delicious."
You're delicious, Billy thought. God, he needed to get a handle on that.
"Thanks for asking what was wrong," Steve smiled softly. "And not thinking that I'm too stupid to be here."
"Anytime," Billy smiled. "And don't worry about that guy. Plenty of bitches in the sea, am I right?"
Steve chuckled, "I guess so."
It wasn't really much of a statement, but the way those brown bambi eyes lingered had Billy sit up a little, trying not to preen. Maybe it wasn't so hopeless a crush after all.
"So. Why are you buying a computer? I thought you had one." Billy asked after a long moment.
"Oh. That. My friend Dustin back home convinced me I needed a linux computer before I left but I just need something easy. I'm going to law school, not computer science... school."
Billy chuckled, "Fair enough."
Steve smiled, his pretty brown eyes lighting up as he launched into a story about his friend Dustin, who sounded like a grade A nerd.
Billy had briefs waiting at home to research. He ought to be making dinner. But instead he had another coffee and then another, earning them the ire of the barista as they stayed late talking.
It was worth it.
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wc-confessions · 8 months
re: WC misogyny
This is solely to get my thoughts out abt this bc I’m probably not gonna be able to articulate this to the best of my ability but I feel like it’s incredibly important to say that these books are pretty damn misogynistic and so was the fanbase for the longest time.
Not saying that to be "throwing the word around without knowing what the word means", because misogyny is defined as a dislike/contempt against women. This can also absolutely be an unconscious bias (which is primarily what I see anyway!) I've seen far more people dismiss these characters while holding up male ones that do similar/worse things (i.e. Thistleclaw primarily but a lot of the MV characters to an extent)
The reason why discussion about sexism usually ends up against cats like Mapleshade, Squirrelflight, Frecklewish, and Nightcloud is primarily due to how the universe of the books is written to chastise these characters while their male counterparts go thru barely half of the shit thrown onto the girls.
Mapleshade gets her kids and herself exiled for breaking the code while Appledusk literally gets a slap on the wrist for breaking the same code she did? The Riverclan leader just tells him "well, you'll not do it again so you don't need to be punished" while Mapleshade doesn't even get to bury her kits. Even if she's the Warrior Cats evil woman that's still really fucked up!? And this goes to Frecklewish as well, who does not watch them drown oh my god. The flood that kills Maple's kits is incredibly loud--saying Freckle would have been able to do anything else OTHER than watch dismisses the fact going to the flooded stones was an idea doomed to fail (of which Mapleshade has a lot of in MV specifically.)
Frecklewish absolutely ended up in the Dark Forest over Oakstar or Ravenwing (who both condemned the kittens to their fate instead of?? idk punishing Maple and not the kits who didn't even know they were half clan?) because of the way the fandom perceived her at the time. Freckle's a lot like Squirrelflight where fandom opinion only recently shifted to people defending those characters--she's pretty awful for calling the same kits she doted on half-clan creatures! But I don't think she deserved to go to cat hell forever when the cat who actually caused those kittens to end up dead (and every other cat in MV!) ends up in Starclan without even so much of a trial.
Speaking of trials--Squirrelflight and Leafpool literally end up almost being sent to CAT HELL for following Starclan's orders. Leafpool ends up having forbidden kits but Starclan goes "it's okay!" until it isn't. Brambleclaw almost being involved in Firestar's fox trap murder never gets mentioned or brought up while both of the girls are questioned about if they even belong in Starclan because they "broke the code and lied"?? There's a pretty damn big bias towards the toms for doing bad/worse actions but Bramble never went to Starclan and had his ticket for heaven almost revoked. Oakstar didn't get put in the Dark Forest because he exiled 3 innocent kits.
I think it's important to note the fandom has a lot of say over how characters like these get interpreted (which is why Nightcloud ended up being hated a lot despite the fact Crowfeather is just. actually abusive to Breezepelt.) That's why I brought up unconscious biases, because I think generally a lot of WC content creators tend to stick to presenting the stories in a more radical/black and white way.
I think the discussion really should be that the books and the stories ARE pretty misogynistic but unconsciously so? A lot of the story beats I mentioned weren't written by just one person, and the Erins have different opinions on these cats than the fans do. That's not me stating an opinion, that's just me saying recognizing that it's very male-oriented IS an issue these books have.
Anyways this got way too wordy, Ashfur is one of my favorite villains so I don't even know why I typed all of this up /j.
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grimmcheems · 3 months
Inko au I came up with yrs ago….
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AU where bakugou’s actions have consequences lmao. I only remember coming up with this yrs ago after thinking through all the terrible stuff Bakugou put Izuku through and it was more of a “what if” scenario, was even planning to write a fic with this concept in mind but never got to it and lost all my motivation to do so, especially with all the spoilers I’ve been getting about the series recently. I have not read the manga past Aoyama’s reveal and I think I’m going to keep it that way.
…..just realized I never added her freckles…..pretend you don’t see it……..
Will forever be a Bakugou hater and I will die on this hill. Also whole convo ppl are having about Aoyama rly peeves me when I take Iida’s past actions into account and the fact that there’s way worse people in the series yet ppl suddenly have so much to say when it comes to my bby Aoyama. That’s a conversation for another day though sigh.
Anyways. In this au Izuku’s low self esteem and inner demons win and, along with Bakugou ‘s relentless bullying, lead him to take his (Bakugou’s) earlier suggestion about the rooftop and it quickly becomes the worst case scenario. Let’s just say he doesn’t make it and Inko is left to mourn and try to piece together why it happened and what caused it. She eventually figures out that Bakugou had a hand in it and eventually she gains the resolve to cultivate a plan for revenge, not just for herself but for Izuku as well. She’s especially angry after finding out Bakugou is accepted into UA and it’s no longer just about getting revenge against him, but also holding society accountable for the way they treat quirkless people in general. It also delves deeper into the quirk aspect after she meets Toga and Spinner, as well as everyone else in the league or other villains that she meets that were more so driven out and mistreated because of their quirks (like Dabi).
Other than that, Aizawa also gets involved (idk why but he always makes his way into being a main character for my mha aus). Idk how much more to include on him since idk if I’ll be making some sketches or more art over this but he does become pissed once he finds out about Bakugou’s bad reputation before enrolling.
I added some silly stuff in between the serious parts. She does end up training her quirk and I do plan on making some sketches at least of that happening and she is also a caretaker alongside Kurogiri.
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fox-quills · 4 months
Fox!!!!!! <3333
For the ask meme: 4 and 8 <333
<33333!!! 4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
YOU!!!!! Know the answer to this very well, you enabler lmao. OKAY SO the correct answer to this would be "haha no I'm being a good writer and focusing on my current wips" but the true answer is "dear god so many save me please" Let's see if I can manage a quick rundown: - Dragon Crimes (aideku): Fantasy AU in which Shouta is a Hot Dragon with a contentious relationship to pants, and Izuku seduces him with the power of freckles and good parenting - Sequel to Slow Slide (dekumic): In which Hizashi is a neurotic headcase and tries to self-sabotage himself out a good thing but luckily nobody lets him - Sequel to Ships in the Night (aideku): Shouta and Izuku come out of a one night stand unreasonably obsessed with each other, and Hitoshi and Hizashi have to intervene because they're both a mess. - Villain Izuku (aidekumic): "Because you haven't written villain Izuku or alpha Hizashi yet" The commission makes a calculated risk, but man are they bad at math. Izuku is very competent and very angry, and Shouta and Hizashi definitely want to kiss him about it. I keep telling myself that I'll be free from the fanfic someday, but no. No I will not. 8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. So I have—what we will politely call—a poor memory, so I definitely do not have a killer line on deck ready to throw down. My favorite bits of dialogue tends to be the funny stuff, because I'm generally not great at humor so I'm always extra proud of myself when I manage to make myself giggle lol. ALTHOUGH I did find an old conversation about favorite snippets, so I'll do that one so I don't wind up digging through all my fic for hours. From Mobius: All the frustration that had been building in him on the topic came pouring out, Izuku near shaking with frustration at the futility of his situation. "But then what if I did? What if I laid it all out and put the burden of fixing the future on you, and you couldn't? How many pebbles do you have to toss in the river to change the flow?" Izuku sniffled, scrubbing roughly at the blur of tears he barely felt. "And what if, in trying to fix the future, I wind up making it all worse? Because it was—it was terrible and bloody and so many people died, but we won. And I keep thinking, about all the people we lost, and how we could save them, but changing the future isn't something you can predict. What if I manage to save a life?" The words came faster and faster, spilling out of him like blood from a wound. "What if I save ten, a hundred, a thousand? And what if, in the process of making sure we win the battle, I've only ensured we lose the war?" Silly Time Bonus, from Justice in Defiance:
Kacchan snorted. "Don't get mad at me because you decided to go cruising for ass at the retirement home."
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onboardsorasora · 1 year
gripping thigh!
Anonstie I feel like you wanted something steamy for this prompt but all I could think about was Max hating zombies. Don’t hate meeeee, I’ll probably think of a spicy scene after I post this lol if I do I’ll post that too😅
From this prompt list
The room was dark, and the smell of pizza was rich in the small space. It was the Tuesday before the race weekend, everyone came in early because of potential weather issues expected on Wednesday, and a few of the guys on the grid decided it was the perfect time for a movie night catch up.
Charles invited them all to his room, which was immediately vetoed because everyone knew that meant that there would be paparazzi and fans lurking about and none of them wanted the hassle of trying to figure out the best way to sneak into the hotel.
Instead, they all agreed to meet in Pierre's room. It also helped that the pizza place closest to the Alpine hotel had 'the best vegan options' according to Lewis. And cosigned by Daniel, much to everyone's surprise.
They'd played a bit of FIFA before beginning their movie marathon. Pizza was devoured and Lewis' smug 'I told you so' was noted by the stewards.
Max settled on the couch between Daniel and Lando. He was enjoying himself immensely, they rarely ever had time to do something like this, be anything more than F1 drivers. When they were all home they tended to separate and do their own thing; break off into their smaller friend groups.
He and Daniel spent a lot of time together, they were always going out to dinner or watching sports at Daniel's apartment. They were always close friends but Daniel being back at Red Bull threw them further into close quarters even when they were at work.
Max was aware that there were many videos and tweets about how 'down bad' he was for Daniel. Lando never missed an opportunity to present the newest edits and explain the latest fan theories. Lando's most recent hyperfixation were the ones captioned 'the dick can't be that good'.
Well it wasn't like Max knew now was it? He wished he could confirm or deny just how good Daniel's dick really was. Lando liked to tease him about that too.
But ever since his tyre test, Daniel had been extraordinarily busy. Max wished him good luck the Monday night and then he hadn't seen him again until the following race weekend. Daniel had been as elusive as a cool breeze on a hot day. Too busy flying from place to place to get ready for his first race weekend back in F1.
Now, when he wasn't at the track, Daniel was back in Faenza with his team. Max wasn't sulking, no matter what Lando or Christian said.
Tonight, Daniel was right where he belonged– beside Max. And Max was happy. He found his attention deviating a lot from the movie over to Daniel's stunning profile. He wanted to be able to trace the bridge of his nose with his fingers and not just his eyes. Max wanted to catalogue each of Daniel's freckles with his lips, kissing each new one he found hidden in his hairline.
He'd been so distracted looking for differences in Daniel's appearance that he completely missed when the first movie– a gratuitous action flick– ended and the second movie began. The squelching and creaking noises coming from the screen let Max know that he wasn't going to like whatever movie Charles had picked. Because only Charles would pick this kind of movie.
He felt Lando's eyes on him and Max shook his head. He was ok. It would be fine. So what if it was some form of scary movie, as long as there weren't any zombies.
The music intensified and a jump scare introduced the 'outbreak' that caused the major villain in the film. And of course…it was a sort of parasitic zombie.
Max swallowed uncomfortably but said nothing. He felt Daniel's shoulder press into his a little and he smiled over at the beautiful man looking at him with concern. Of course, his friends knew he wasn't the biggest fan of zombies. Which is why he was maybe a smidge annoyed that Charles would choose one. He'd made a grand announcement that everyone would love his choice. He was wrong of course, as always.
The movie continued and Max got more and more uncomfortable. The music raised his anxiety levels and the piercing subsonic sound they used to denote that a zombie was near really grated on his nerves.
"Do you want to go outside?" Daniel whispered in his ear and Max suppressed a shudder. He turned his head, finding Daniel leaned in close. If he tilted his head a little they could kiss, maybe.
"No. I am fine." Max lied. He knew it wasn't a good one because he could clearly see the doubt in Daniel's eyes, even in the dark.
"Come, let's go out on the balcony." Daniel gripped Max's thigh and Max's attention zeroed in on the new press of their bodies. It's not like Daniel had never touched his thigh before, they'd played enough gay chicken over the years and Daniel had touched Max almost everywhere by now. Non sexually.
And of course, this touch wasn't sexual. But this also wasn't gay chicken.
Daniel squeezed his thigh again before standing up, Max followed him because he was gleefully at Daniel's mercy.
They escaped through the sliding doors to the balcony, the balmy night air and city sounds greeting them. Daniel sat on the wicker two seater and patted the dark blue cushion beside him. Max sat obediently.
"There, that's better." Daniel grinned, folding his arms behind his head. Max stared at the tattoos on his bicep that exposed themselves as if he got a flash of ankle and he needed to keep looking before the maiden realized his perversion.
"You wanna stay out here for the whole movie?" Max asked dubiously, hoping he hadn't let the silence happen for too long.
"What, tired of my presence already? Absence didn't make the heart grow fonder, Maxy?" Daniel teased.
"Never." Max tried for a joke but he knew his voice sounded too earnest. Daniel's smile softened.
"I missed you too Maxy Max." He whispered as if a confession only to be heard by the two of them.
“I’m, of course, happy you’re back on the grid but I miss you too much, I think.” Max felt lightheaded, and bit his tongue to just…stop talking.
Daniel’s smile dimmed a little, “I mean at least I was able to work on the last few updates in the sim for you. Adrian said we got good data—“
“Of course I don’t only miss you in the sim Daniel.” Max rolled his eyes, Daniel could be slow sometimes. He guessed he was doing this. “I missed you here. With me.”
He watched as Daniel’s eyes widened then his smile followed suit.
“Yeah nah. It hasn’t been that lonely.”
Max gripped his thighs, remembering the time that Victoria told him that men were shit at taking hints. He needed to text her an apology, he should have believed her.
“Daniel, just kiss me. Please.” Max ordered and Daniel’s face slackened in shock before he nodded.
“Yeah. Ok.” He cupped Max’s cheeks and pulled him in, Max’s eyes fluttered closed in pleasure. He floated out of his body while Daniel kissed him, his mind far away from the zombies infecting people on Pierre’s tv.
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therand0mwriter · 1 year
IDOL-Chapitre un
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir x Male!Idol!reader
When a young American idol and his band tours in France, every one in Adrien's class wants to go. Unfortunately for them, tickets sold out as soon as they were for sale. Fortunately for Adrien, his father was able to get him tickets, but with a cost. Even though theres an underlying reason on why he's going, Adrien decides to take his best friend Nino, and his other two close classmates/friends, Alya and Marinette.
When they all got to the concert and the idol started singing, it mesmerized Adrien, pulling him to the front of the stage. Seeing the idol perform made Adrien feel things he never felt before, and it didn't help when the idol lent down and kissed Adrien's hand. Now that caused quite the ruckus.
"𝐔𝐡, 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭?"
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[(h/t) = hair type, i.e. curly, wavy, straight, ect.]
[Everyone in the story is 18 or older unless it is specifically said otherwise.]
*Y/N's POV*
"We're going to France!" Your manager, Sheena, just cheered. It was silent in the conference room as you and your band mates took this in. "Huh?" Was all you could say. "What do you mean: 'huh'?! You guys are going to tour in France! Be more excited!" Sheena yelled at us while shaking her fists.
"Are we that popular to be touring in a different country?" Your bass player, Jiraiya, questioned. "Oh boy, I don't know any french..." Your drummer, Loyal, worried out loud. "Relax, I'm sure this'll be a fun, new experience for all of us." Your guitarist, Kylian, said as he patted Loyal's shoulder in comfort. "Ah, I can't wait for the food!" Your keyboardist, Kairo, was already drooling at the thought of French cuisine.
These are your bandmates. You five, including yourself, make up the band: Ensnare. There was you, Y/N L/N, age 18, 5'9", the leader and vocalist. Then there was Jiraiya Duran, age 19, second in command and the bass player. Jiraiya is of Asian and pacific islander descent, around 5'8", has straight black hair, sharp dark brown eyes, glasses, tan skin, a Medusa lip piercing, sharp features and a slim but fit figure. You honestly think he could become a model if he wanted to. You could call Jiraiya the cool but serious type.
Next is Kylian Thatcher, age 18 and the guitarist of the group. Kylian is of European descent, 5'7", has wavy light brown hair, blue eyes, peach colored skin, dolphin bites lip piercings and a sharp jawline, giving Jiraiya a run for his money. He's definitely the most cocky in the group, constantly butting heads with Jiraiya when you're not around. You could consider him the bad boy out of everyone.
And finally, the twins, Loyal and Kairo Elsher, age 17, mix of European and African descent. Loyal is our drummer while Kairo is our keyboardist. They're identical twins with a height of 5'6", heterochromia eyes (one hazel and one green), light brown skin and a beauty mark under their right eye. They both have curly, colored hair, but their natural black hair is starting to show at the roots. Loyal's hair was dyed blue while Kairo's was dyed orange. The only difference between the two, minus their hair color and their instruments, was their personalities. Loyal was nervous and introverted, Kairo was care-free and extroverted.
Oh, and we can't forget our manager, Sheena Wright, age 40. She is of European descent, 5'6", dyed red hair, blue eyes, freckles, peach colored skin and has multiple ear piercings. Sheena's personality is very outgoing, she's headstrong but determined, she knows when it's time to be serious but also knows when it's time to let loose. In a way, she's kind of like a cool mom to all of us.
"Wait, wait, wait," You started, placing your hand on the table to calm everyone down. "Isn't France notorious now because there's villains constantly running rampant?" "Oh yeah, will we be safe?" Loyal sat up, instantly starting to worry. Sheena waved us off, "Of course you'll be safe! You'll have your bodyguards and Frances hero's."
"'Frances hero's?'" You repeated, not sure if you heard her correctly. "Oh, that's right," Jiraiya started, opening the conference room laptop. He started typing then projected an image of a dark blue haired female in a skin tight, red suit with black polka-dots and a blonde haired male in a skin tight, black cat suit with cat ears on top of his head. "This is Ladybug and Chat Noir, Frances hero's. They're the ones who take care of the villains." Jiraiya explained, pointing to the duo.
You sighed then asked, "When is it?" "It's in six months, you'll be doing the same tour you did earlier this year." Sheena informed. All of your bandmates look to you, their leader, for your decision. "Seems like we need to start learning French." You shrugged. Kairo and Kylian cheered, Loyal got a nervous look and Jiraiya smiled.
*Time Skip, Adrien's POV*
When I entered my class, every one was absolutely buzzing. I went up to Nino, Alya and Marinette as they were huddled together watching something with large smiles. "Whats going on you guys?" I smiled, peeking over Nino's shoulder. Marinette jumped and squeaked at my presence and Nino greeted me, "Hey dude! We're just watching the announcement for Ensnare's France tour!"
"'Ensnare'?" I questioned. "Yeah man," Alya started, smiling. "Ensnare is an American boy band that's totally amazing. Everyone in the group is super talented and not to mention super hot! And they have mentioned some of the best news I have ever heard: they're coming here!" Her and Marinette squealed in excitement. "Here, watch this!" Alya said, pulling up the video they were watching earlier.
On the screen was a... really attractive guy. He seemed to be around our age, but he had a mature air about him. His soft smile, (e/c) eyes, (short/long) lashes, clear (s/c) skin, sharp jawline, and (h/t) (h/c) hair all screamed hot model.
"Depending on when you're seeing this, bonjour or bonsoir République française! This is Ensnare announcing that we will be touring all of France in six months! The tickets will go on sale at 10 in the morning your time, so get them while you can! They're limited! And if you get the VIP tickets we all can't wait to meet you! The VIP tickets include a meet and greet before the concert, a picture with us, and a signed piece of merch! But we are giving out a handful of Deluxe VIP tickets where you get everything a VIP ticket does, but you also get to have dinner with us! The meet and greet will be after the concert though. Remember, premier arrivé premier servi. À bientôt!" The male ended with a smile and a wink.
'What was that?' I shook my head. "Who was that?" I ask, pointing to the male on the phone. "That's (Y/N) (L/N)! He's the leader and singer of Ensnare! Then there's Jiraiya," Alya excitedly explained, hurriedly moving on to the other members before I could ask more questions about the bands leader. 'Oh well, guess I'll do my own research tonight.' I mentally shrugged to myself as Alya continued to explain every member to me.
"Wow, it seems like you guys really like them. Are you going to their concert?" I questioned, getting pouts from the girls in return. "We're gonna try! That is, if the tickets don't sell out." Marinette answered. "I'm sure you guys will get them!" I encouraged, giving her a smile. Her face immediately turned red and she gained a nervous smile, she started stuttering before Alya stepped in, "Well it's going to be hard since pretty much every one I know is going to try to go to that concert. But we're going to try too!" "I'm sure you'll get them, babe." Nino said, kissing Alya on the cheek.
"Wait, when you say every one you know is going to try to get tickets, does that include our friends?" I ask, referring to the other students around me. "Definitely," Alya sighed. "Well, fingers crossed." I gave Alya and Marinette a comforting smile.
*Time Skip*
"I'm sorry you guys," I tried to comfort my sad friends. "We were so close to going to their concert..." Marinette mumbled. "At least no one else in our class was able to get tickets!" Nino also (poorly) tried to cheer them up. "Still..." Alya sighed in a sad manner. Everyone in our class was bummed out that no one got tickets. And not to mention Chloe who had a temper tantrum when even her dad couldn't get tickets. Even I was a little sad that I couldn't get tickets, I don't know the band very well but I wanted to see that (Y/N) in person... 'Wait, what's up with my thoughts?' I shook my head.
*Time Skip*
I just got home after a photoshoot, heading straight to my room. After I closed my door and made sure Nathalie didn't follow me, I let Plagg out of my shirt. "Gosh! Its about time!" I ignored the kwamis complaint and went to my computer, logging in.
I went to the search engine and typed in: 'Ensnare'. The American boy band popped up and I clicked on the members. "Um... excuse me? I think you're forgetting something." Plagg flew next to me, opening his mouth. I rolled my eyes and tossed him a piece of camembert, successfully quieting him.
I turned my attention back to my monitor and clicked on the bands leader. "Hm... let's see, Y/N L/N, age 18, Ensnare's vocalist..." I was mumbling to myself as I read information about him. After a couple minutes I watched some of their music videos and covers. "His vocal range is amazing..." I mumbled to myself again.
"You seem to really be into this guy, you like him or something?" I jumped as I heard a voice in my ear. I turn to see Plagg with a smug look on his face. "W-What? N-No! I just found out about him today!" I explained, confused at my stuttering and racing heart. Plagg flew circles around my head, "Doesn't mean a thing!" He teased in a sing-song tone. "Whatever..." I waved him off.
I saw a thumbnail of a video and it looked like Y/N in an interview. The only thing was, it was titled: 'ENSNARE'S Y/N'S TYPE'. I clicked on it, curious. You could tell the video didn't start at the beginning of the interview with how it was edited.
"So," The interviewer started, "All of your fans want to know: does Y/N L/N have a secret girlfriend?"
Y/N uncomfortably laughed, "I'm not going to lie, I wasn't expecting this question."
The interviewer laughed, "C'mon! Every one wants to know!"
"Fine, fine. No, I do not."
"Wow! Really?! Why not?!"
"Haven't met the right person yet."
"Can we at least ask who your type is?"
Y/N was quiet for a bit, thinking. But he finally smirked, "Blondes."
"Blondes? Like me?" I unconsciously said, making Plagg snicker in amusement.
*Time Skip*
I was eating dinner by myself in the dining room, picking at my food. "Adrien," Nathalie called out to me, "Are you alright? You seem to be thinking about something." I blushed and waved her off, "O-Oh, yeah, I'm fine." It looked like she wanted to say more, but left it at that.
In fact, I was thinking about something. More accurately, someone. I couldn't get his face or voice out of my mind! 'Y/N L/N... what are you doing to me?'
"Adrien," I look up to see the owner of the deep voice. "Father!" I stand up from my seat, pleasantly surprised and confused. "I don't have much time, but have you heard of the American band: Ensnare?" He got straight to the point. "U-Um, yeah." I answered.
"I have 4 Deluxe VIP tickets to their concert in six months, I want you to go."
"There's a catch. I want you to befriend them and convince them to collaborate with me for a new fashion line. I've asked them multiple times myself, but they keep turning me down. So, go to the concert, befriend them, and convince them. If you fail, I'll be disappointed."
"...Yes, father."
"...You can give the 3 extra tickets to your friends if you would like."
"Thank you, father!"
He nodded at me and walked out. I was excited but nervous at the same time. Me and a few of my friends get to go to Ensnare's concert! But... if I can't convince them to collab with my father he'll be upset. 'One step at a time, Adrien!'
*Time Skip*
"AHHH!" Alya and Marinette screamed in excitement. "I can't believe you're taking us to see Ensnare!" Alya shouted, large smile on her face. "This is amazing! Thank you so much, Adrien!" Marinette also shouted. "Yeah man, we all really appreciate it!" Nino added, patting my shoulder. All I could do was laugh at their reactions, "It's no problem, you guys are my best friends, of course I'll take you!"
"Did you guys hear that?" I asked, after hearing a faint scream. Alya and Marinette snickered to themselves, "I think Chloe is a little upset you didn't ask her to go to the concert." I frowned and shrugged, "If I had an extra ticket I would."
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Speaking of AFO (going off my last silly post), what if he wasn't always meant to be seen as the main villain of our story? Just the man behind the main villain, Shigaraki Tomura?
It's a stretch, but when I think about it…
Midoriya is our main hero, right? So wouldn't it make sense that as Midoriya is shaping up to be the next greatest hero, succeeding after All Might, Shigaraki is our next greatest villain to succeed after All For One?
Sometimes, our big bad is a dark mirror to our hero.
While Midoriya shares similarities with AFO, it's not a lot. At most, they both just have multiple quirks. That's about it I can think of.
But it is evident that Shigaraki is truly Midoriya's dark reflection. Both have multiple quirks that was given to them, they're both successors and their predecessors are dark reflections of each other. They both have been failed by society in some way. Their biological fathers are absent/weren't the best fathers. Meanwhile, All For One serves as a bad father figure to Shigaraki and All Might serves as a good one to Midoriya. (And I say good because All Might at least learns as he bonds with Midoriya and cares for him.) Even by appearance they share something. Both Shigaraki and Midoriya wore red shoes and have facial marks which is a detail I think is a little funny and clever (I don't know if it's intentional though). Midoriya has eight freckles. There were eight OFA users before him Shigaraki has a singular beauty mark, the same one his grandmother has. Also, he has AFO (the quirk). Only one other person before him possesses AFO and that's… AFO. Who is for himself, mono. They're even the "face" of their groups.
Our hero of this story, Midoriya Izuku, is fighting his battle with Shigaraki Tomura, our true main villain. Meanwhile, their predecessors are having their beef elsewhere.
That's just my opinion. While AFO is a truly evil guy, the most powerful bad guy, I don't think he was meant to be seen as the main villain. I think it's Shigaraki.
That's just my two cents, that's just me, I don't expect anyone agree and if you don't, that's you. This isn't up for debate, just again an opinion. Just a ramble.
I just often see AFO labeled as the main big bad and I understand why, but this is BNHA we're talking about here. Horikoshi be pulling tricks sometimes that makes me have to rethink everything about this story.
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hellishere7980 · 3 months
After Happily Ever After
He always knew it would be a bad idea. Even when she was Ladybug. He first saw her on a screen on Tim’s laptop. Gorgeous blue eyes. Freckled skin like chocolate chips on a cake. A deep commanding look on her face, which he usually saw on the faces of seasoned heroes like Batman or Superman or Wonder Woman. She looked around his physical age. Not that it was a true measuring unit. He'd been around for a couple of years and still looked 18. Yeah, but the first thing that came into his mind when he saw her was the word ‘pretty’. More specifically, that she looked pretty.
But he never had an opportunity to directly talk to her. Wonder Woman, Zatana and John were in charge of the communication from the Parisian heroes and the Bats were only backing up as detectives, aiming to find her villain. He first had the opportunity to meet her when she first stepped into the tower as ‘Lady Miracle’, finally defeating her villain.
They were all standing around in the watchtower as she and Wonder Woman walked in. His surprise must have shown on his face because Rob was trying to elbow him in his gut to get his mouth closed and Clark and Jon were smirking at him.
Wonder Woman gave them a quick review of the situation in France and then the main founders left for their meeting while the ‘sidekicks’ hung around as so helpfully said by Green Lantern(Hal- the git). The younger school-going superheroes were also sent back. Yeah, but it gave the young heroes a perfect opportunity to chat with Lady Miracle. Which Bart helpfully emphasized by running up to her first.
“Hey, what's up? How are you doing?” Bart said, shaking her hand. Classic speedster style.
If Lady Miracle was shocked by it, she didn't let it show on her face. “Yeah, I'm doing good. Defeated my villain and all. Finally my schedule was cleaned up a bit.”
And of course, that had to catch Nightwing’s attention. “You mean to tell me that you didn't drop out of school?”
“Why would I?” Lady Miracle asked.
“So how did you take care of the akuma-ta-ta?” Bart asked.
“First of all, it's Akuma. Come on, say it with me a–”
“A–” Repeated Bart.
“Close enough.” Lady Miracle said with a smile.
“Anyway, getting back to the topic.” Red Robin said. “How the hell did you manage that?”
“I made up excuses like– ‘Miss, I wanna go to the bathroom.’ or ‘I need to help my parents out at the–their business’ or something.” Lady Miracle said, shrugging her shoulders.
“So you mean to say your parents know?” Nightwing asked.
“WHAT? No. They don't know. Hopefully they'll never find out.”
“But why not?” Superboy(elder) asked.
“I really don't like talking about it, sorry.”
“No problem.” Superboy answered before one of the detective boys could jump in and insist on an answer.
“We all have something we don't want to talk about, right Red?” He said, giving the boy in question a pointed glare.
“Yeah, right. Totally.”
This was a bad idea. He had a sinking feeling he would be back on that question the moment he got the chance. But there was a really pretty lady in front of her and maybe he would not get a chance to ask her out later on, so-he-probably- shoulddoitnow. Why on Earth was he rambling? He was supposed to be the smoothest talker in his team for God's sake! He stopped as he felt a touch on his forearm. He lived up to see Lady Miracle smiling at him curiously.
“You were rambling.”
He gulped. Quite visibly. This fact was verified by the snickers from his team. Whole herd of betrayers, that lot.
“Are you fine?” Lady Miracle asked.
“Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?” He replied, trying desperately to gain some swagger back.
She certainly let go of his arm as she heard the door open. More specifically the meeting door. “Let’s go see my new room.” She said, slightly tilting her head over the door where all the senior founder members were coming out of.
“Wait a minute, You're joining Young Justice?” Superboy asked, looking down at her and confusion.
“Yeah, didn't you hear, Wonder Woman? Wonder Woman is supposed to take me to the Young Justice headquarters.”
Apparently his lack of awareness was too much for his so-called teammates (Betrayers, as he had previously established) because those goons burst out LAUGHING.
“Ah, I've never seen Kon so FLUSTERED in my life.” Red said, trying to get his laughs under control, pretending to wipe a fake tear. Dude wore domino masks! And his (Robin’s) life was about to get VERY short.
“Ohh I'm gonna enjoy having you around.” Cassie said, lightly patting Lady Miracle’s arm.
The meeting got over and they were all on their way to the Young Justice cave. Correction Batman, Wonder Woman, Lady Miracle and the Young Justice were on their way to the Cave.
Although it wasn't clear enough from Lady Miracle’s face, it was easy enough to tell that she was excited. No, excited wasn’t the word. Terrified? Yeah, that was closer. And to be fair, they were the upcoming heroes who were eventually gonna be the new Justice League. That makes them sound like rich kids ‘heirs to huge empires’ club. Whatever.
Jon’s mind was distracted. Will she date him? She was very pretty smart, and he was pretty sure many heroes would try to ask her out. Not that he owned her, but he really really wanted to date her. He tried to ease his mind as he heard Lady Miracle’s gasp as she first saw the cave.
And the days flew by.
Surprisingly, Lady Miracle, fit right in with Red Robin and Superboy. They were all around the same age group. She and Red Robin, specially bonded over coming up with ridiculous ideas during battles. It didn’t help that her superpower only spurred them on. Stupid polka-doted stuff that made everything more risky. They would come up with ridiculous angles and what not to take down simple villains! Too bad, he loves them. He did, because those mini-heart attacks were never easy on the kryptonian.
I won’t bore you with the fluffy details. This story isn’t about that. The story isn’t about the happily ever after. It’s about what comes after the happily ever after.
So let’s turn up the speed of the story.
Lady Miracle and Red Robin went on a couple of dates, but they decided they were better off as friends. Sometimes, when people have too much in common, it doesn’t fit right. After that Kon finally picked up the courage to ask her out, and it was a whirlwind from there. Happy days, passionate nights (or days, depending on their mood). Meeting the parents. Well Connor’s parents. Lady Miracle’s parents, as she told them, didn’t believe her, and they had a fall out. Something personal she said and they dropped it. Meeting Martha and Jonathan. Meeting Jon. Meeting Lex, Clark and Lois. Her revealing her identity. Her story. Kon getting down on one knee. Both of them, laughing in their wedding pictures. Marinette with their baby boy in her arms. Jon and Tim’s awed faces as they finally held baby Andrew. Tim crying as Kon and Marinette asked him to be the Godfather. It all flew by in a whirlwind.
Their are happily ever after.
Wise men say that there is a definite point, a decision that turns one fates’ around.
And to understand that point, you need to look at the line before and after it.
So, let’s start at normal speed. A few hours before they are happily ever after ended.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
5 ask game: Au where Izuku has a twin brother named Mikumo, who (unlike his quirkless brother) has a very powerful ability to give and take quirks at will!
This doesn't cause All Might any heart attacks when Izuku introduces them, of course
1- Izuku introduces them and says something about Mikumo having a transfer quirk too, to which he sighs but says he knows Izuku would never be fooled by a fake All Might, so it must be fine. All Might is like 'uh what do you mean' and Mikumo explains. All Might goes very still, but Izuku just. offhandly mentions that their dad can do it too, but he didn't want to ask them to steal a quirk for him, since Mikumo wouldn't do it anyway, they're both going to be heroes. All Might nods, very strained, and then says he really should talk to both the boy's parents if he's going to train Izuku and give him OfA, can they meet?
2- The twins agree, and All Might gets ready to grab both of them and flee if he sees AfO- but he doesn't. Inko's a kind, short woman who reminds him of Nana, and Hisashi has messy dark hair and freckles. Still though, that quirk...
3- Hisashi notices All Might's reaction and knows the boys wouldn't mention his quirk unless trusted, and sighs. "Oh, yeah. You work in heroics, since you offered to train izuku? No relation to that villain with a similar quirk, it'd be like thinking everyone with a fire quirk was related to Endeavor." (This is the first time Izuku's heard of a villain, and Mikumo admits Hisashi told him when explaining why they kept their quirks on the down-low, its dangerous association.) All Might says its an association that's gone now, as he killed AfO six years ago and has the scars from it. He stays for dinner and mentions that he has a powerful strength quirk he can no longer use, but that he'd like to gift Izuku, who impressed him with heroic spirit. Inko and Hisashi assume he means Mikumo will be transferring it for them, and they let the parents think that.
4- Mikumo isn't sure how he's going to get into UA though- he wouldn't have minded stealing the sludge villain's quirk or something similar, but he didn't really have the chance, and he's pragmatic enough to know image is important to a hero and borrowing his mom's quirk might not cut it. All Might encourages him though, and says he should try to be open about his quirk at UA, training and borowing classmates, or letting them practice with each other's- he'd be an asset in a big agency like idaten. Mikumo thanks him and even though he's not totally convinced (kinda anxious himself), he does approve of izuku training with him now.
(Toshinori might be tiiiny bit saying that because he really is scared of history repeating itself with a pair of brothers who basically have afo and ofa, and wants to make sure mikumo stays firmly on the hero side.)
5- Izuku leads Toshinori out later, and asks him if he visted purely to check on their father. Toshinori admits yes, just because AfO was such a bad villain, but he's very glad Izuku has such supportive parents- his dad walked out when he was quirkless, leaving toshi to be raised by his dead mother's brother. Izuku is shocked that All Might was born quirkless too, but excited for more training the next day.
Walking away, Toshinori gets a text from his uncle Chu- he's getting rid of a lot of old things in his home he can't keep clean any more, but he found a photo of Toshinori's parents from just before he was born. He sends a picture of it, and Toshinori almost has his third heart attack of the day when he sees his father's face there.
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grimm-tales-gamer · 6 months
Fallen Hero: Sidestep 1?
Not sure how to even start this. I guess basic info and then fun/not fun facts? Here we go! Also if it matters, all my sidesteps are gender queer one way or another. Either trans, non-binary, ect
Name: Nicole Saxon Gender: female she/her Villain Name: Robin Hood Villainous Role: thief Motivation: life Scar: friendless Reason for gala: money Where is she now?: at the ranch with her girlfriend, Julia Ortega.. with both her legs broken. Not everything is great. Nicole is an entire mess, that could be said about all sidesteps but she feels like a mess in particular. Nicole as a villain is a technology thief that steals from villains, saves people, doesn’t kill (yet), gives to charity, and would help a kitten out of a tree for a kid. She desperately misses being a hero. She also desperately misses having friends. Having the friendless scar is rough on Nicole. She knows she’s messed up for feeling the complete lack of connection to other people and misses the feeling of companionship and camaraderie she felt as sidestep. She has such a need to feel it again she will manipulate people to get a connection. Things Nicole is willing to do include but are not limited to: befriending Mortum as the puppet, using her telepathy to make Argent think of her as a friend, and of course risk getting caught as a villain relighting old friendships and old romances. Nicole is so bothered by her scar, so lonely that she is suicidal. But thankfully her.. girlfriend? Yeah we’ll say girlfriend. Is having her go to therapy and Nicole is working through things herself. She hopes that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Her motivation being life doesn’t mean she wants “the good life”. Nicole just wants to live. She “works” and lives at an electronic repair shop with a coworker she likes and gets to help out the rangers every now and then. That’s the life she wants. At least it’s second to her becoming a hero again, but that ship has.. probably sailed. Either way Nicole needs money and a lot of it to keep herself and her loved ones safe.
Fun facts?: Nicole is my sidestep “prime”. On account of her being my first ever play through. Nicole is probably the friendliest of my sidesteps, or at least the least prickly. She also jokes a lot. If there is a teasing or joke response she most likely chooses it. Also, I just remembered she has like 92% empathy if that shows anything. As said before, Nicole is relighting an old romance. With Julia Ortega. They are super sweet together. Though, Nicole is worried that if Ortega would ever find out about her being a regene (which Julia did) or about being a villain (which Julia did not) Julia would abandon her. Nicole’s vice is alcohol. Thanks Ortega… all joking aside Nicole should probably slow down. Nicole’s lowest relationship is Argent at like 68 I think. Due to her high subtle manipulation, Nicole resisted hollowground and was able to “agree” to work for her. Totally not gonna feed information to Ortega. If you’re curious as to why Nicole would do this: Nicole misses being a hero. This might be the closest she will ever get again. Nicole’s handwriting is so bad that before she got a phone as sidestep she left a handwritten note for Ortega. Ortega and the others thought it was written in code. Thinking sidestep was in trouble they searched for her only to find her eating at a diner. Sidestep got a phone shortly after this. Ortega plays the guitar and taught Nicole while she was sidestep. Nicole still plays a little to relax. I can’t think of anything else right now, so let’s end it with appearance and stat stuff? If you care to read: Nicole prefers anonymity to an extent. About 60%-65%. Very much prefers empathy as stated before at about 92%. And is very cautious at 80%ish. She also prefers subtle manipulation, sitting at about an 82. Nicole’s appearance: Race: white, lots of freckles. Height: short. I imagine she is maybe 5ft (1.5m) Hair: curly red hair put into a thick braid over her shoulder. Shut up, it’s aesthetic. Eyes: green.. they used to be blue but then the Void happened. Style: fashionable preppy with lots of piercings. I imagine her wearing lots of skirts with guards and tights with sweaters. Almost a fashionable librarian look.
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hellcatinnc · 4 months
~ Wish ~ Movie Review
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I been wanting to watch this for awhile since it first advertised it last year however with life being hectic I just got a chance to see it last night. Oh wow it was worth the wait but this would have been pretty epic to see in the theater for sure. So I wanted to share my thoughts because on sites I have seen this has gone either people absolutely love it or they hate it and think Disney failed with it.
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This is set in the Mediterranean area which from what I got was closer to Spain like based on some of the dances etc. Anyways this girl is by far one of the prettiest Disney has drew in a long time. I normally like the fair skinned girls but this girls beauty and the freckles are absolutely breath taking in the art. The songs are super catchy and no way you would want to pass them up one of my favorites is this one.
The song is so inspirational and even if you get to the end you realize this is that song that brings people to their feet when the world has you stomped down. Like how can you take a movie with this kind of heart and even remotely put it on a not good enough list. It isn't however something I think young children would understand and the darkness in the bad things that happen like wishes being destroyed and breaking peoples hearts tells me children teens up would get this way more than young ones. If younger kids watch it would be for the factor of the songs and cute stuff like the animals talking and stuff. To me this makes this movie even better because all age groups will find something beautiful in it.
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The love with Asha (voiced by Ariana DeBose) and her family and friends guides this movie more than anything from the love of her dead father to her grandfather, mother and best friends they all are such a huge part of her story and journey. You can tell she loves her town and all the people in it, she has so much heart she is easily one of my favorite disney characters. Yes she isn't a princess but who knows maybe thats what makes her better she is like the rest of us and yet dreams big but its not about what she wants its about what she can wish for others.
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She wants to work with King Magnifico (voiced by Chris Pine) who is a magic wieldier and supposedly protects the village by saving peoples wishes protecting them and sometimes granting them to the townspeople. Until Asha gets the chance to see he picks and chooses who he wants and its not random, he won't even grant her 100 year old grandfather his simple wish because he feels he will lose control with some peoples wishes and its about control for him. I swear he reminds me of my ex-husband sometimes lol.
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You even see he has a beautiful wife Queen Amaya (voiced by Angelique Cabral) you find she loves him and always tries to ground him until one day its just not enough and she has to choose sides. When her husband turns truly evil which honestly I didn't see coming for 2 reasons. One Chris Pine usually plays loveable characters not hateful controlling villains' and 2nd because it was lighter and fluffy at first about why he became a protector of that town and why he did what he did to save people. Then when he gets a taste of dark magic it can never be the same, he can never be the same again either.
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You go on to see Asha come into her own and turns being his apprentice down. She makes a wish and this cute little star comes down from the sky to help her get everyone's wishes back.
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She has her pet goat Valentino (voiced by Alan Tudyk) who is the most adorable little animal ever. Not going to lie it was what attracted me about the movie. Then after he gets from the little star he can talk holy hell his cuteness is in overload then.
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He is her companion through everything but it doesn't stop there the little star makes all these animals and plants all come to life and sing and dance. This is the happy parts of the film that make it a fun Disney movie with lots of catchy songs to it.
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She has to go up against the king and with the help of the animals, star, Valentino, her family and even the queen they bring the peoples wishes back to them.
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Honestly some parts with her interacting with her grandfather and even in the end when she was being beaten down by the king she continued to push through singing trying to bring people up and inspire them to fight back. It had some unexpected twists and turns but to me this is one of Disney's best animated movie in years. I recommend watching it and expect to be engaged in such a beautiful world.
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lexj2000 · 7 months
Dragon Hunt 1
Godvalley, West Blue
"Father! Father!" King Ozmond, the ruler of the independent Kingdom of Godvalley perked up as he gazed out the veranda as he sipped from his tea. The portly man gazed alongside his fair wife, Queen Emma.
"Dorothy?" He pondered, as his teenage daughter of eighteen, fair and beautiful with soft red hair and freckles, carried in her arms a boy in green, bleeding out.
"Good heavens! Where did he come from?" Emma cried out, rising from her table. "Doctors!"
"Don't worry Dorothy," Ozmond ran over, seeing the injured and tattered young man, smiling at his daughter. "He'll be alright."
"so his name is Midoriya Izuku... what an odd name." Dorothy said as she wiped her apron. Ozmond stood by, seeing her daughter wash her hands with the nurses.
"you didn't have to help heal him Dorothy."
"Father I couldn't just let him be like that. I wanted to help!" Dorothy exclaimed. "Besides, I want to be a doctor someday." Ozmond rubbed his temple a little.
"You can't be a doctor sweetling, you're a Princess." Dorothy pouted.
"Then have more kids with Mother then. Gimme siblings!" Ozmond looked flushed.
"D-Don't just say such things! Making children isn't as easy as making a cake you know!"
"Well you said I was a bun in the oven in once." She stuck her tongue out, and the king puffed his cheeks before sighing loudly.
"Anyways, how is the young boy?"
"The worst will pass, but he's hurt bad..." Dorothy frowned. "He looks younger than me, yet he's put through that kind of hell... what for Father? Why would he fight when he looks like he should be in school?"
"I don't know..." Ozmond sighed. "For now just rest." And the king departed down the halls, leaving the red head to her own devices.
Dorothy poked her head inside the room, seeing Izuku look out the window to the amazing twin peaks that made the titular valley of the Gods.
"Hey." She whispered, Izuku's eyes going to her. "My name is Emeral Dorothy." She took a seat by his bed. "You're healing okay so... I was wondering if I can read you a story and-Oh! You're crying." She grabbed a kerchief, and dabbed his eyes. "So... Izuku." His eyes went to her.
"It looks like you could use a friend." She held out her hand, settling it on his scarred one. "I can be that for you..."
The boy looked touched, and nodded despite his immense injuries.
Weeks passed, and the boy began to heal as Dorothy learned of his tale. An island called 'Japan', Heroes and Villains, and his valiant quest to defeat the Demon King called 'All for One'. It was so amazing! Yet... the ending was so sad. The failure to save two people...
She had stuck by his side, helping him heal, Mother and Father coming by and taking a liking to the boy as he healed and wanted to repay the King and Queen as best he could.
He was quite the shy boy, easy to fluster. Kind yet knowledgeable. And yet looked so strong and built... it made Dorothy's heart flutter the more they bonded. He was so differential to her too.
She even heard word of Ozmond wanting to make the boy his ward, to raise him as his own as he always did want a son. It was paradise here.
Until that day came... when the World heard of their island. Of their name.
And Hell arrived on their shores.
"Stay here and hide!" Emma shouted, Izuku and Dorothy inside the hidden passageways.
"Don't come out! Whatever you do!" Emma urged, as Izuku was still in bandages as he held Dorothy and they hid within the walls. The doors came crashing down, and Dorothy began to weep as the boy held her mouth.
They heard laughing and jeering, and Emma was dragged out of the room as minutes began to pass.
Izuku began to shake, an hour passed, and Dorothy walked through the hidden passageways and came out of one end.
Their bedroom was trashed. Ruined. Shelves tossed over and items and china shattered on the ground. Outside, a great bonfire was being held as Dorothy went.
Outside, she saw it. Those white robed men and women laughing as people were strung up on a burning crucifix.
"And with the death of the False God King of Godvalley!" Someone said over Snailspeaker. "The Native Hunt will begin! Of course remember St. Garling, you have a 10,000 point deficit for killing the King early!"
Dorothy fell to her knees, and Izuku embraced her. She gasped, unable to cry. Unable to weep.
Izuku looked down from the window, and his eyes... began to harden as he heard their rules. Seeing all those people in chains, the white robed men armed with guns and mounts.
Lives... being worth... points?
"Unforgiveable..." He uttered as he brought Dorothy in closer inside. Dorothy wept, eyes covered.
"Why... why would people do this... to other people?" She blubbered as Izuku went over to a knocked over chest, finding his hero gear.
"It's going to be alright." He uttered darkly as he began to get dressed, tightening his iron grieves. His dark green suit. And he put on his mask and his hood. "Stay hidden Dorothy." He marched out the door, dark tendrils emerging around him much to her shock.
The way he looked...
He didn't look like the hero he said he was.
But she followed his lead, going back into the Passageway. Going down to the stables should help...
"Myohihihihi! That's Thirty Points!" Saint Topman Urlic declared, aiming his rifle as he shot down another rabbit. "How many do you have Mjosgard!" He laughed. He snorted back his snot, cursed lower world air. They always mess up with his sinuses!
"Twenty-Seven! I'll catch up to you yet!" Donquixote Mjosgard jeered, the young man laughing as he fired his pistols. "Pity Homing couldn't come along, the soft hearted fool!" He fired more into the bushes.
"Come now gentleman." The Obese and chortling Figarland Custar said as he rose upon a struggling Bear Mink, a handcannon in hand. "Let's enjoy ourselves. We cannot dare to hope to catch my beloved brother." He wheezed, the bear mink groaning as he moved on hand on knee. "I heard he's at a thousand points already."
"As expected of a Holy Knight." Urlic scoffed. "Ah! There's a rabbit!" He heard rustling in the bushes, and fired his rifle there. "I must have gotten it for sure!" He ran up...
And saw no body. "Huh... must have been an actual rabbit then." Mjosgard stood by his side as they turned.
And Custar was gone, the Bear Slave confused."What the-Custar?" Urlic snarled as he aimed his rifle. "Slave, where did your rightful Master go!?" Mjosgard reaided his pistol.
"I-I don't know... he was there and-"
"Out with it! Don't you stutter before your better's presence." Urlic rifle-whiped him, the bear whimpering. "Or so help me me and Mjosgard will turn you into Swiss Cheese, won't w-"
Mjosgard was no longer standing there as Urlic felt the wind blow through the forest. He looked around.
"Custar? Mjosgard? Is this some kind of joke?" He called, looking around the dark forest... whic hwas growing ever darker. Foggier.
He felt fear begin to grip him as he aimed his rifle at the Bear's head.
"You better come out now! Or You'll be down a mount Custar! This isn't funny! I-" His rifle was ripped from him, as a dark shaped landed on the tree looking down as Urlic gazed up.
It was a Demon. A demon in dark tendrils as it gazed down, with emerald eyes raging in fury.
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And his claws... were dripping with blood.
Urlic yelled as he began to ride, and felt pain with the beast launching at him.
And he knew no more.
The faint sound of screams. Gunfire.
Saint Saturn sat within his luxury ship, eating his sausage as he can hear the Native Hunt take fold.
Today was a good night.
Dorothy made it to the stables, poking her head out. "Made it..." she murmured. No sign of those Celestial Dragon enforcers. She turned her head, and to her surprise...
"Vho are you?" Said a young shocked boy with a large head with violet hair. A small girl missing a tooth with pink hair was beside her. And beside the boy was a large hulking boy with broad arms and kind frightened eyes.
Dorothy brought her fingers to her lips. "It's okay..." she whispered. She saw the marks on their necks.
"Ve vere just about to launch our mission, are you ze Princess of this island?" The boy said. "You can call me Ivankov."
"Ginny. I'm his lil sis!" The girl added, and Dorothy looked to the large boy.
"Come. hide down here with me." Dorothy urged. "Before more guards show up."
"Thank goodness, a place to rest." Ginny sighed, before giving a big grin. "Before the fun begins." Dorothy blinked.
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Our big plan of course!" They were all in the passageway underground. "Ginny called for pirates to come for the Devil Fruit Prizes! Soon, pirates from ze New Vorld will come storming in! And zen we can make our breakaway! Yeeeeehaw!" Ivankov cheered.
Dorothy felt hope swell within her. An escape?
Garling rode upon his Chocooster, content as he counted his tally mentally, swinging his sword to get rid of the blood. "Now... where are those Rare Rabbi-" He paused, and he saw them.
Broken, mangled, and pulverized. His fellow Saints. His Celestial Dragons.
There was no one on this island who could resist thanks to the shock collars. This was supposed to be a Safari.
Saint Ulric's head was twisted like a screw.
He went to his snail. "This is Saint Garling of the Holy Knights." He urged. "We have a situation. Several Celestial Dragons have been found dead! I rep-" He heard explosions off to the side, and he turned, seeing... Pirate ships?!
"You're kidding me!" The Red Haired Noble cursed as he kicked on his Chooster, and began to run down to the main city. They had to defend their kin!
He felt his Observation Haki tingle, and he turned, parrying with his saber as an iron grieved Kick smashed into him, off of his mount and down to the ground. Garling rolled to his feet, glaring at the dark interloper with dark tendrils, blood on his claws.
"So it was you!" Garling hissed. "Demon!"
"You killed King Ozmond. you're not one to talk." The green Demon snarled, his eyes boring into him as Garling's saber turned black with Haki.
As cannonfire rang out down below, Garling and the Demon leapt, kick colliding with his sword as hurricane force winds erupted in the forest as Garling's grey eyes bore into the emerald hellfire that came from the Demon's eyes.
The Godvalley War, has begun.
Thank you guys who read this to the end but don't worry there will be more.
Original writer IS Zaru19 (Author of Heroes of the New World) who Made this amazing Omake story. Next u can wait for next part see u later.
And yes, i have permision from Author
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tea-and-panthers · 1 year
LACKADAISY (Pilot) Review
I know im probobly late to the party and this isnt realy going to get seen but by anyone who hasnt seen it yet. but if you havet go watch it. I will give a review but it may be long and have disconected points. To preface this, I have only read snipits of the comic, and even I was exited for this. however I am compleatly new to the actual story so I am esentaly going into this. I am also not a profesional reviewer, its mostly just me expressing what I like about the Pilot. I am also not a good writer, I have an understanding of what makes a character or story good but understanding is differnt from expireance. even than its more a basic understanding.
This is one of the best pieces of media I have watched in probably a long time. I love the details in the animation. For example, when Ivy offers Freckle the "sunset rose cocktail" his expression was very entertaining. I caught myself smiling throughout throughout the whole pilot.
In terms of characters, when Rocky hands Freckle the gun he is clearly hesitant and while we may not know why entirely yet, we can clearly see part of why when he gets trigger happy (tbh, I'd be the same probably), even when he isn't talking you can often tell what he is thinking because the animators did such a good job with his body language that even someone like me who finds that stuff difficult can even get an idea.
Rocky, is very confident to the point that it makes him a really fun character but it can also act as a character flaw. but I don't think anyone will consider Rocky getting his hands on explosives a bad thing. If I had his confidence (and I wish I did) and I was in that scenario I would do what he did too, besides explosives are fun.
Ivy, is childish (in a good way) and very honest. While the focus is not necessarily on her as much as Rocky or Freckle she still feels like a fun character.
The 2 "goons" as I shall call them, feel like individual characters with their own personality and are fun characters, and they feel like real people (cats?). They have some fun banter and attempt to rescue the other if they are in danger.
Mordecai, I love him as a villain, he may report to someone higher up but he is definitely set up as the main villain. for most of the pilot he is show as a cold and calculated but we get a point where he show weakness in a fear of water, now a cat afraid of water may not seem to original but every other character in the scene is unphased (well as unphased as someone can be with a rush of water flowing at then.) making this a unique character flaw to Mordecai.
I don't have much to say about the sound design and sound track other than it was good. I especially liked the music from the chase sequence (which I believe was also used in the trailer). I would love to hear it on its own and would happily add to my playlist.
Overall it felt like a nice middle ground for people like me who like animation but don't want to watch stuff that is targeted with primarily kids in mind but feel uncomfortable stuff that is filled with adult references.
I'd say on a scale from 1-10 it's a 10 would definitely love to see a whole series, since I can't support financially I may as well support with this review.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hey, congrats on the milestone!! I’m a new follower but I love your writing, and can’t wait to see what else you have in store!! I was wondering if I could request a No.9, please?
A little about me:
I’m a nonbinary British (unfortunately) goth, with very sickly pale skin, freckles and a messy black mullet. I work in theatre and am a writer of poetry and plays, as well as a dancer, but I’m also very much obsessed with the death industry and ‘morbid’ interests in general. I collect bones and taxidermy, and my prized possession is my taxidermy crow, Edgar (full name Edgar Allan Crow!)
I’m autistic and suffer from depression and psychosis, but I’m generally a very confident, outgoing and fearless person, often to the point of being reckless. I’m also a huge horror fan (I even chose my name based on my favourite horror character!) and I’m the type who laughs through the gore scenes and is kind of rooting for the villain lol. That being said, I’m very much an animal lover and can’t bear to see a non-human in pain, and having been raised vegetarian I’ve actually never eaten meat. I’m greyroace but bi, so although attraction is rare for me, it could in theory be toward anyone!
I hope this wasn’t too long or short, and I can’t wait to see what wondrous writings you come up with next!
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: oh this was easy-peasy! and thank you so much ;-; 💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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(hey don't feel bad, depends which flavour of british you are, although i suspect if you were from anywhere but england you'd say that, source: me typing scottish every chance i get)
ah, the sickly pale goths, forever paired with the nasty crow boys lmao but even better you sound scruffy and scrappy which is literally jonathan in a little nutshell
he's a romantic soul, i think poetry and playwriting are such strong interests for him, maybe not writing them himself, but he'd love to have someone who could dedicate one to him, or write it for just him to read
i don't know why but dancing seems like such a jonathan thing. it's maybe his bouncy gremlin-like movements in asylum, or his footwraps? i don't know, he seems like he enjoyed interpretive movement before he got his leg injury
ok now we get to the real meat of the relationship: taxidermy??? crows??? yeah, i don't think he would be able to conceal his excitement about that. it would take everything in him not to beg you to make him his own little beasts for decoration in his lair
don't worry, totally normal, completely helpful, he's only super interested in your mental health so he can help you! but a fearless person? perfect for him! yeah it might annoy him at first, but he'll get used to it, and it would actually be beneficial to not have to worry about creeping you are constantly
horror movies together is your every night before bed routine now, no questions asked no arguing, that's it, especially if you're willing to out loud proclaim your love for the villain, he feels so touched
yeah jon would probably be a vegetarian now too... it's not fun to be munched on like a piece of meat so... yeah
he requires a companion, a partner in crime, kindred spirits more than an attractive based pairing, so that works for him!
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