#if this isn't what happens i do in fact already have notes for a fanfic lmao. childhood best friends anyone??
fridayyy-13th · 2 months
gonna be honest, feeling very conflicted about this episode, lads. i've been really hoping Protocol won't explain away the (NARRATIVELY IMPORTANT) mystery left at the end of Archives, i.e. Jon and Martin's fate, so seeing as they're the next thing Sam and Celia are gonna be investigating, this is kinda gonna be the thing that makes or breaks Protocol, for me.
i do think there's a solid chance Chester and Norris are the Jon and Martin from Protocol's universe, and that is something i absolutely would not mind. but i haven't actually made a post explaining why i think that, and i should probably do that before it's explained, just so i can mayyyybe say i called it.
(for the record, i'm pretty sure i came up with most of this before the series even officially dropped, when all we had was the ARG and the trailer. i haven't done much to connect this theory to the further information we've learned, so it's probably not fully accurate (if accurate at all). and quite a bit of it is kinda baseless conjecture; i'm just throwing my thoughts out there. just a little disclaimer.)
in Archives, Jonah's primary motivation is fear of death. turning to the Eye is what allows him to body-hop as he does for 200 years, trying to create a world where his Patron reigns supreme, where he is seated upon its throne and cannot die. assuming his motivation is the same in Protocol, this new universe is (likely until recently) untouched by the Entities. if Jonah wanted to evade death, how could he do that without the help of an eldritch fear god?
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i'm not particularly knowledgeable about the subject as a whole, but i'm certainly familiar with the Philosopher's Stone (the symbol of which is also present in the OIAR's/podcast's logo, though it seems the OIAR is more focused on balance than on experimentation).
i also know that the seven metals used in alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron, and tin) are all components of computer chips. i've been thinking Jonah, or maybe his successors, saw that and began turning their research to how it could be utilized to extend—or preserve—life.
to cut to the chase, bc frankly it's hard trying to sound like i know what i'm talking about and this post would take forever to write otherwise, i think Jonah tried to Sergei Ushanka himself into a computer, because metal and plastic are a hell of a lot longer-lasting than a human being.
but he wouldn't shove his consciousness into some random motherboard without making sure it was safe, what do you take him for?? he is a man of academia. obviously he had to test it on others first, and then he'd do it himself.
cue the thought experiments the Institute ran on kids. the things the experiments quantify are empathy and obedience to authority, which to me screams that they were trying to find kids who were easy to manipulate into more dangerous experiments.
and who are two characters who were kids in the 90s, with circumstances that left them lonely, isolated, and who, even as adults, are desperate to please (whether a parent or a bad boss)? Jon and Martin.
i posit that Jon and Martin were both victims of these experiments, perhaps the first (and only) successful subjects, and Jonah uploaded his consciousness to the computer soon after. their records could have been stricken from the spreadsheet to hide that they'd even been part of the program, and given the Institute burned down soon after, and there were no survivors—it could have been assumed that they'd died in the fire. it isn't like they had the most doting guardians to worry over them.
...but Chester and Norris's voices are those of adult Jon and Martin.
best i can figure, Jonah's plan might have worked in the short term, but computers have had date/time hardware in them since the 80s, so they—and Augustus—are still aging. so they've been trapped in computer software since 1999, and now that Sam and Celia are digging into what happened, they're desperate to catch their attention and find a way out.
(and lastly, a fun little thought—given Jon and Martin were both born circa 1987, they would have been twelve in 1999. they didn't even get to be teenagers.)
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pipermca · 20 days
New AO3 Tag Wrangling Policy and the Transformers Fandom
(This is a long one, folks, but I think it's important.)
A new tag-wrangling policy on AO3 has the potential to create some massive confusion and chaos in the Transformers fanfic community, with regards to fandom tags. There is a Reddit post about it here with a focus on anime fandoms, but I want to give some concrete examples for the Transformers fandom on why we DO NOT WANT this, and why I think it's a horrible idea.
The Problem
Basically, AO3 is looking to get rid of the "All Media Types" fandom tag across the board, either by dismantling them or just not maintaining them. The Transformers - All Media Types tag has been an all-purpose tag that you could select when your story doesn't fall into any one specific continuity. Additionally, all most (see below) TF continuities on AO3 are considered a subtag of the Transformers - All Media Types tag. For example, if you look at the link above for all works in the All Media Types tag, you will see fics that are also tagged ONLY with Transformers: Animated, because it falls under the All Media Types tag.
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One exception: With the upcoming Transformers: One movie coming out imminently, there will likely be a big influx of stories tagged with Transformers: One. In fact, there are several already. However, it hasn't been linked to the larger Transformers - All Media Types tag yet. I wasn't worrying about it though, because I know these things can take time.
With information about this new tagging policy, however, I'm now wondering whether it'll EVER get linked to the All Media Types tag. If that happens, and when more continuities are developed in the coming years (since you know Hasbro loves creating new universes) this has the potential to cause massive confusion when looking for stories to read.
Searching for Stories with the New Tagging System
So let's say the All Media Types fandom tag isn't accurate anymore, because it no longer includes ALL of the continuities (such as TF:One). You will need to include ALL the Transformers continuities when browsing for TF fics.
How many tags is that? Well, here are all of the tags currently listed under the Transformers - All Media Types tag:
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Note that this doesn't include Transformers: One since it hasn't been categorized yet.
You will potentially have to have 40 or more different fandom tags in your search, just in case the author tagged their story with something you weren't expecting.
This massively decreases the findability of a story.
Tagging with the New System
The email response from the Tag Wrangling group (see the linked Reddit post above) seems to be a bit flip in the response to the user's concern. "...encourages creators to tag with the media they intend."
While I appreciate what they are attempting to do, this policy change feels like a solution in search of a problem, especially in larger fandoms with multiple continuities, versions, and media types that are all cross-pollinated in both canon and fanon. While I'm focusing on Transformers fandom, imagine a creator in the DC comic universe writing a story that incorporates bits and pieces from a dozen different reboots.
For example, let's say that I am writing a fic about Ratchet. I am using the setting of the original G1 episodes, but I also am using the characterization of him as a bit of an old man grump. That characterization originated in the Animated continuity, but I want to incorporate bits of pieces of his other characterizations as well (old friend of Optimus from TFP, Ratchet ran a faction-free clinic like he did in the War for Cybertron series, he's got a Decepticon boyfriend like in IDW1 - or maybe even Cyberverse, etc.)
With this new tagging structure, I might potentially have to tag the story with ALL of those continuities. So instead of just slapping down the "All Media Types" tag (and maybe one other fandom tag that matches the characters as best I can), I'll have to analyze my story and try to figure out how best to tag for the characters I used.
And what if you're doing a completely AU version of the story? For example, a humanformers story, or merformers? Using the All Media Types tag along with a Alternate Universe - Human or Alternate Universe - Mermaid tag worked perfectly, since you weren't writing the story to fit into one specific continuity. But now, that might not be an option.
What To Do??
The first thing I would suggest is to contact AO3 (using the Feedback and Support page) and let them know (nicely) that you think this is a horrible idea. Give them some examples on how you use the All Media Types tag to find stories to read, or to help you tag a story. People outside of the Transformers fandom don't always appreciate how absolutely tangled the continuities can be with each other, and providing examples might help them see why this would be a really messy change.
Readers: Be aware that when you are looking in the All Media Types tag, it will no longer show newer continuities. And if AO3 starts dismantling that tag like they suggested they are doing, be aware that some stories won't show up in that tag like they used to. You can also create and then bookmark a custom search page that includes all 40+ continuities. REALLY annoying, but it's a workaround.
Writers: Until they start dismantling the All Media Types tag, ALWAYS ALWAYS tag your stories using Transformers - All Media Types... Especially for newer continuities. This will be especially important if you are writing a Transformers: One story. Right now, anyone who is only browsing the All Media Types tag will not see a story tagged only with Transformers: One. Make sure you're aware of how tags work and how they can affect the visibility and findability of your story.
Ugh. That's a lot of words for a long-weekend Saturday. And maybe I'm overreacting a tiny bit. But my work involves information architecture, and this change just absolutely baffles me. It's almost as though they want to make it harder to find stories. Considering that AO3 won a Hugo partially because of its fantastic tagging system, this change seems like AO3 is doing its best to shoot itself in the foot.
When you have a square hole, a round hole, and a rectangular hole… Yeah, you DO want each peg to go in the "right" hole. But if all of the pegs fit in the square hole, who cares? You got the job done.
I love you @ao3org, but please reconsider this change... Especially for IPs that are as old and are as varied as Transformers.
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
I found AO3 pretty intuitive. Took me like 5 minutes to realize how all the little buttons work. They're pretty straightforward. Apart from the AND filters - took me a while to realize what type of filters AO3 used. Beyond that, I'm not sure why people have a hard time? Wattpad and FFnet are way more of a pain in the ass.
It's all about familiarity.
I mean, look, AO3 works how my brain works. When we first set it up, it was what we were all used to, more or less, but an upgrade. It was hard to even see how it could ever be unintuitive because this was just How Things Were. From the style of trope tags to the fact that there's an index of fandoms by media type, it was all familiar.
But that thinking is a trap.
It's easy to say "Oh, well, that person's just an idiot", and sometimes, the problem really is laziness or sleep deprivation, but a lot of the time, it's different cultural context.
By the time we were designing AO3, I'd had many rounds of formal instruction in how to use library catalogues of various sorts, familiarity with Delicious, years in LJ slash fandom whose assumptions form the metadata structures of AO3, etc.
There's nothing strange about going "Why are ship types a top level system of organization?" or "How do I search for genre X in any anime fandom but not in non-anime fandoms?"
It's strange to me, but it's not strange in the context of people who read fanfic overall.
It's not just about learning the search features that do exist: it's about unconscious assumptions about what metadata must exist.
If you don't know to look for something and you aren't coming from a culture where poking buttons is encouraged, you're going to take a lot longer to find things than if you already have a good idea of what's probably there somewhere.
To pick two very obvious examples:
If I were designing a gen-focused archive, I'd make genre a top-level organization system, like on FFN.
If I were designing a more x-reader-focused or One True Character-focused archive, I'd make the ship searches work like Character X/Anyone instead of having to click on each ship of your blorbo or each ship with Reader.
If someone has years of experience searching for some bullshit 'trickyfish' style nonsense ship name because they're on sites with garbage searches, they'll go to AO3, plug some words into the search bar at the top, and then feel like they can't find any relevant results because everything that turns up is just that word in author's notes on an irrelevant fic. They might even go to advanced search...
...and then totally miss that the sidebar filters are the best part of AO3, and they don't appear when you do a search search as opposed to starting from a tag.
Isn't Advanced Search the most... well... advanced search? On every other website, it is, but not on AO3.
Each new site/technology/culture/etc. a person has to learn takes time and attention. If you're exhausted and burnt out, that's hard. Even if you're not, it takes at least some effort. It doesn't Just Happen, not for every person and every new thing.
We should tell people to read the damn FAQ, yes.
But I can't say I always do that myself on every site unless I'm both having a problem and invested enough to care about solving it.
On an average day, most of us don't need to care why some people have a hard time figuring out AO3.
But if anyone is planning to design a site or needs to teach a bunch of kids how to use the library or something, it's worth keeping in mind just how many unconscious assumptions are hiding behind the idea of something—literally anything—being "intuitive".
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pascaloverx · 5 months
To Begin Again
Summary: You're a new teacher at a large and influential school. It's a risky step for you, as you've been running from your ex for almost two years. But when Dumbledore asks you to take on a class at the renowned Hogwarts, you can't refuse. However, your life as a newly arrived teacher won't be easy. Especially when the other teachers don't seem eager to make friends. Or rather, two teachers in particular: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Author's Note: Welcome, dear readers. Please leave your comments if you enjoy fanfiction. This fanfic takes place almost in the real world (with the addition of werewolves) and is not a wizarding fanfic. There will be some differences and changes in things from the Harry Potter story or other fanfics in the HP universe, but I promise to do my best writing this fanfic. There will be a love triangle coming in this fanfic.
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One week since your arrival at Hogwarts has passed faster than you imagined. During this time, you discovered some things: single teachers tend to live in a building exclusive to Hogwarts, with one floor designated for each pair of teachers. Each floor is divided into two large rooms on the right and two on the left. These rooms, almost like suites, have a shared entrance between the two rooms leading to a bathroom. Meals are taken at the same time as the students but in a specific staff wing.
Before your arrival, there was a draw to determine who would share the floor and bathroom with you. To your "luck" (with irony), your floor mate is none other than Sirius Black. On the same floor as you, there are also Peter Pettigrew and Bellatrix Lestrange. Other married teachers or staff members of Hogwarts live in houses or mansions in the nearest village to Hogwarts. Students spend most of the school year residing at Hogwarts, being released only on festive dates and weekends if they want to spend time with their families. Not all families reside near Hogwarts or in London, so many students spend the year at Hogwarts. Harry Potter's parents, Lily and James, work at the school and live in the village. Therefore, Harry spends weekends with them. Draco Malfoy isn't as lucky. Lucius Malfoy, from what you've been told, prefers a luxurious life as CEO of a conglomerate over coming to London to visit his son. He apparently has a house in the village where he sends Draco's mother, Narcissa Malfoy, when he's tired of marital life. She seems to be Draco's parental support. According to Remus, Narcissa volunteers frequently to help with school matters. Lucius Malfoy is a major donor of money to assist with the school's financial issues. Hermione Granger's parents are also known to make generous donations to Hogwarts, but as they are not wealthy, this means they spend more time working than being able to care for her. Therefore, she only visits them on festive dates. They apparently live in London, so it's a long train journey to get there. Just thinking about the poor girl spending much of her holidays on a train for hours makes you feel a bit exhausted. Ron Weasley is the son of two Hogwarts employees. Molly Weasley works in the school's administration, while Arthur Weasley works as a librarian. They live in a large house in the village, from what you've heard. 
And those were some of the pieces of information you managed to gather during this week. McGonagall assigned you to assist two teachers in their classes on your only day off, which happens to be today. Something tells you she might not have liked you much, but perhaps she just wants you to integrate into the team. And once again, by irony of fate, you will be assisting precisely the teachers you already know: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. A curious fact is that you couldn't find out the reason why Lupin has a separate room from all the other teachers and it's so close to the school entrance.
"Excuse me, professor. May I come in to assist you on this fine morning?" You say as you enter Remus Lupin's classroom. His class takes place in an auditorium. Your voice echoes throughout the entire auditorium, and you feel embarrassed.
"Of course, please come in." Lupin replies, smiling warmly as he gestures for you to enter the classroom. The students look at you curiously, especially those who are not already your fans, like Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. You must have been the first one to, instead of fueling their rivalry, bring them together.
"Today, my dear actors, we will be doing some exercises that will prepare you for any theater play. Our first exercise and main lesson is improvisation. Professor Y/L/N and I will demonstrate it for you, and then you will practice with each other." Lupin says, gesturing for you to step onto the stage. As the students step down from the auditorium stage and take their seats as if they were spectators, you climb up, feeling uncertain if you are the best person to assist Lupin.
"Professor, who will tell you what to improvise?" Hermione Granger asks, all smart and eager. The smile she opens for being the first to ask is encouraging. You notice out of the corner of your eye Draco Malfoy sticking his tongue out towards Hermione. Harry looks at him and makes a gesture as if he's going to attack.
"I think it could be Mr. Potter. He seems eager to help us. Don't you think so, Remus?" You say, trying to attract the attention of the three students and observing them focus their attention on you. And then, when Malfoy was about to laugh at Potter, you put two fingers pointed at your eyes and then pointed them at Malfoy, as if to say, "I've got my eye on you."
"Indeed. Potter will tell us where the improvisation takes place, Granger will tell us who we are to each other, and Malfoy will tell us what we're doing. Learn that a good improvisation requires the factors: Where, Who, and What. Now let's see what my future actors have for this improvisation." Lupin seems to have noticed the same thing as you. In the end, it seems like you two make a good teaching duo.
"You're in a pub." Potter says quickly. It seems like he already had that answer ready to go. You and Remus exchange a glance and almost laugh, thinking that you'll probably have to pretend to be drunk. And the worst part, in front of the students.
"You guys are friends who have feelings for each other." Granger says after thinking for a moment. Something tells you she wants to see some good drama unfold.
"And you guys are arguing. About these feelings that Granger made up." Malfoy finishes the plot of the performance you and Lupin will have to do. You feel nervous. It's strange to do this kind of thing with someone you've known for a short time.
"You always act like this when we go out drinking. Flirting with anyone without remembering that we're together." Lupin starts the scene, giving you a slight wink while trying to pretend to be drunk and annoyed.
"That's rich coming from you. You're always out and about with a different person, like some big Casanova. Just to be clear, in a friendship, you have permission to flirt with other people." You act, portraying a sense of indignation.
"Our... our moments together should be just ours. But of course, you don't understand, how could you? You only think of yourself." Lupin says, and it's so funny the way he says it that you laugh, breaking character, but you quickly try to recover and finish the performance.
"You're mistaken, you stubborn man. I think of you. Night and day, all the time if it matters." You say, being overly dramatic, but it seems like the students and Lupin found it amusing. Your finger is pointed at the middle of Lupin's chest as if accusing him.
"Know that I think of you too. More than necessary, more than anyone would like to admit." Lupin says, holding your finger and looking deeply into your eyes. It's almost enchanting to gaze into his eyes. You both lean in closer, without breaking eye contact. Until you hear a noise like two bodies hitting the ground and immediately look down. Malfoy and Potter are fighting clumsily. You and Lupin rush down to intervene, with you holding onto Malfoy, who was pulling Potter's hair this time, and Lupin, who takes the task of lifting Potter off the ground and holding him back. No real harm came to either of them. After a stern talking-to from Lupin, both of them apologized, even Malfoy. It might have been the fear of facing McGonagall or missing the rest of the week's classes, or perhaps the prospect of their parents having to come in. You're not entirely sure what brought about the reconciliation, but it worked.
"Everyone else is dismissed. Except for Malfoy and Potter. As punishment, you'll accompany Professor Y/L/N to her next class as assistants and participate in the lesson. I'll inform the teacher of your scheduled class that you'll be otherwise occupied. When Professor Y/L/N authorizes it, you'll be released from punishment." Remus says, and you look at him in confusion. Is the punishment for them or for you?
"But Professor..." Draco and Harry speak in unison, looking at each other in surprise. You and Lupin laugh, and then you gently touch their shoulders. Then you point to the exit of the auditorium.
"Follow me, boys. Professor Black must be waiting for us." You say, leading them out. Before leaving, you wave gently to Remus, who waves back. The moments of improvisation between you are playing in your head like a movie trailer. The three of you take a long route, with Malfoy and Potter arguing about who is to blame for their punishment and which way to go. It feels like an eternity until you arrive at the hall where Sirius's class takes place.
"Got lost on the way and needed the help of two troublemakers to get to me, Y/N?" Sirius asks, looking at you with a hint of mockery. You take a deep breath because you know you can't curse him. At least not right now.
"No, Black. The two troublemakers are accompanying me as punishment, and I came to assist you in the dance class. I never imagined you'd teach this kind of class." You say, teasing Sirius, who continues with a charming crooked smile on his face.
"So, I have to inform you both that you'll be partners. We're practicing ballroom dancing today, which gives me the unique opportunity to teach this class with a partner. I'm sure Harry and Draco will manage each other just fine. In fact, I'll let you decide who will lead and who will follow." Sirius says, turning on the music for you to dance and extending his hand towards you. You smile, realizing it might be easier to handle the Potter/Malfoy rivalry than you thought.
"You handle them well. Better than I imagined. At least you know how to do that." You say as you feel Sirius' hand firmly hold your waist and guide you. One, two, three, one, two, three. You're being led by him across the dance floor, reaching certain realizations you'd rather not admit. The main one being that you're attracted to Sirius Black. The second major realization is that he's an excellent teacher.
"I know how to do many things well. I hope I can show you all of them someday. But it's easy to get them to focus in class when your lesson requires meticulous concentration. Not to mention, the music and the steps help scatter conversations." Sirius says with a playful tone, leading you through the dance with confidence.
"I find you handsome, and it makes me uncomfortable." Slips out of your mouth accidentally, and you silently thank the gods that apparently no one else heard you. Well, no one else except the idiot in front of you. 
"Let me see if I got this right. Are you uncomfortable because of my beauty or because you find me handsome?" Sirius teases, poking fun at you. You're not sure how to respond, pretending to observe the students. You actually check on Malfoy and Potter, and it seems that besides finding their rhythm, they found a bit of harmony. Malfoy even let Potter lead him in the dance.
"I think it's the second option. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I didn't come here for this. I don't even know why I said that. Just pretend you didn't hear it." You deflect, stepping back a bit from Sirius. As soon as he senses your retreat, he twirls you around and steps closer to you.
"Go out with me. We can go to a bar nearby. If you want, I can invite Lupin. Maybe then you'll feel more comfortable talking about how you want..." Sirius starts to say, but you purposefully step on his foot.
"Watch what you say. The next place I hit won't be your feet." You try to sound threatening, but it doesn't seem to work. Sirius bites his lip and pulls your body close to his, making a strangely sexy dance move.
"I'm looking forward to our date tonight." Sirius says to you, then stops the dance. "Students, congratulations, you managed to concentrate enough for no one to get hurt in this class. Special congratulations to you, Potter." Sirius says, looking in the direction of Malfoy and Potter.
"And congratulations to you too, Malfoy. You two are excused from accompanying me. But no fights on the way out." You say, looking at the two of them, who nod almost in unison and quickly leave the class with the other students. 
"How will we handle the bathroom schedule  of the bathroom that we share, since we're going out together tonight?" You ask as you feel Sirius getting close behind you. You hear his muffled laughter near your ear and shiver all over.
"Not to be obvious, but I think we're grown-ups. We can use the same bathroom without any major issues." Sirius says, trying to sound charming, and you look at him seriously. Then you lightly slap his arm and leave the hall. After all, now you have a date, not only with one, but with two men. If that can be considered a date, after all.
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thefrogdalorian · 9 months
Dincember Day 18: Snowflake
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Word Count: 1280 Rating: General Summary: As Din stands by the window, watching the snow fall outside your cabin in the mountain paradise he brought you to for a vacation, he reveals a hilarious memory of his first encounter with snow to you. One that you are keen not to let him forget in a hurry. Content Warnings: None! Author's Note: Did anyone spot the Alzoc III reference? Ahh. I just want to know WHAT HE DID!! This was a gloriously indulgent space himbo fanfic and I regret nothing. Love imagining Din as a damsel. Hope you enjoyed!
Link to read on AO3 | My Dincember Masterlist
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The heat emanating from the lit fire at your side warmed you despite the cold outside. The comforting sounds of the wood logs crackling and the happy coos of the child opposite you,who you were currently engaged in a game of peek-a-boo with, filled your ears. Din was standing by the window, observing the picturesque landscape outside the little cabin he had brought you and Grogu to for a well-deserved break. It was a perfect familial scene.
But you could not stop stealing glances at the figure standing by the window. Din seemed utterly captivated by the view outside the cabin. Sure, it was wondrous to see so much snow on the ground, especially coming from the lava planet of Nevarro. Yet, you were curious why Din seemed unable to move, transfixed by the landscape. 
As it transpired, you did not have to wonder for much longer as Din called your name softly to summon you over to the window where he had been standing statuesque while you had played with Grogu. As you walked over to the window, Grogu in your arms, you noticed the flurries of snow falling outside that were apparently what Din had been quietly watching. The cabin’s location, nestled in the mountain peaks, made the sight all the more stunning. It was the perfect festive scene and you felt almost as if you were looking at a painting rather than something that really lay just outside your cabin.
There was already a lot of snow on the ground when you arrived in this mountainous paradise, but standing here by the window was the first time you had the privilege to witness it falling since you had journeyed here. You completely understood now why Din had stood there, utterly transfixed by the sight. You wanted to do the same, to stand there and watch the snowflakes flutter to the ground. Each snowflake was so perfectly formed that it was almost difficult to believe that this was a natural occurrence.
“Wow, Din. It's incredible,” You breathed as you admired the sight, standing by Din’s side in front of the window. “Look at all the snowflakes, Grogu,” You said to the child nestled in your arms as you pointed outside the window. Grogu gave a happy coo in response and you silently wondered whether he had ever seen snow before. 
“It's beautiful, isn't it,” Din said admiringly, moving his head to look at you. He smiled at you as he complimented the snow’s appearance and for a moment, you were unsure whether he was referring to the snow's beauty or your own. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.”
“Neither have I,” Din admitted, turning back to face the snow, the look of childlike awe returning to his face as he did so.
“I wonder if Grogu has ever seen snow before,” You pondered, finally vocalising your train of thought. 
“I wonder too, though he’s older than both of us,” Din shrugged. “He’s probably seen so much more of the galaxy than either of us have.”
“That’s true,” You said, leaning down to kiss the wrinkled forehead of the child that you tended to forget was actually older than you. It was a strange fact that you tried not to think too deeply about.
“Did I ever tell you about the first time I saw snow?” Din asked, looking at you with a smirk on his face. 
“No, what happened?” You asked, intrigued by the apparently comical memory that had been provoked in Din by something as simple as falling snow.
“I did the most Mandalorian thing possible,” Din said, raising an eyebrow. “I used a weapon and tried to fight it.” 
“Fight it?!” You exclaimed, once again reminded by how ridiculous your favourite Mandalorian could be sometimes.                                             
“Yes. In my defence, I had never seen snow before; it never fell on my home planet, the climate was too warm. Then the moon where I was raised, Concordia, I’m not sure whether it was part of the seasons there. We were hiding most of the year, certainly in the colder months, in a cave complex, so there was no opportunity to see the weather,” Din explained. Suddenly his fear of snow seemed more understandable, you sometimes forgot how sheltered he had been for the first part of his life. “Anyway, when I left Concordia as a teenager to forge my own path in the galaxy, I ended up working with a few other mercenaries. They were far older and more well travelled than I was, but they were impressed by my fighting abilities. I was simultaneously terrified of them while also trying to impress them. They told me so many lies about things and I just believed them because I had no reason to distrust them. My upbringing was so sheltered.” 
“Aw, Din,” You said sympathetically, your heart constricting at the thought of him having the bantha fodder taken out of him. He had come so far, you sometimes forgot about the frightened boy he must once have been.
“This particular job took us to a planet that was much colder than anywhere I had ever been. I remember being absolutely fascinated by the destination of our quarry. Except halfway through, this white thing that I had never seen before came falling from the sky. I assumed it was ash or something, perhaps from an explosion. Whatever it was, I was terrified. I rolled over and hid in the undergrowth. They all thought it was hilarious, but no one told me what was going on. Then, when I finally emerged, I tried to melt some of it with my flamethrower,” Din admitted with an embarrassed sigh.
You wanted to be sympathetic to his struggles, to the way he had embarrassed himself in front of the band of mercenaries that he was clearly trying to impress by coming across as a tough warrior. But the way Din told the story, you were beside yourself with laughter, falling about yourself at the memory.
“Oh Din,” You said, still breathless from the laughter. “I’m so sorry for laughing but that is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. They thought they had secured this tough Mandalorian warrior to be part of their crew, imagine their surprise when they saw you terrified of snow!”
“Well, I did earn their respect eventually on another snowy planet…” Din said, something dark briefly flashing across his features, a reminder of the man he had once been, long before you had ever met them. Then his features softened and he glanced away from the window, back to you. “It’s nice to be back on one now, to enjoy the surroundings. Especially to be here with you,” Din said quietly. The man with the unbelievably gentle side that you knew was back. 
“I couldn’t agree more,” You smiled at Din, but you weren’t going to let him forget his humiliating story easily. “Are you still scared of snow now?”
Din just rolled his eyes at you, shaking his head and smirking. He knew that you would not stop reminding him of his embarrassing snow-related past for the rest of the time you spent on this planet. You knew that he wouldn’t mind, either. It was a huge step for him to open up and admit these things and you were so proud of the progress he had made in that regard.
But it didn’t mean you would ever stop laughing at the mental image of this man, feared throughout the galaxy due to his formidable reputation as a bounty hunter, who had once been terrified of something so dainty as a snowflake. 
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queenlilithprime · 2 months
Business of Love - Cruel Notes (Pt. 5/8)
Gavin (He/They) x Lily (They/Them), Malik (He/Him), and Harper (He/Him)
A @campwillowpeakvn fanfic
Content Warnings: Kidnapping, Blackmail, Threats
Word Count: 885!
Gavin's hands shook as he read the letter scrawled in red ink. The police eventually confirmed it wasn't blood, but it still looked like it. It was shakily written, unconfident but definitely Lily's handwriting. Along the top half of the paper, there are tear stains. Not many but enough for them to be noticed and smudge some of the letters.
My belov-d Hyeon,
Please pardon my absence. My heart aches for you, but for your own safety I cann-t return home. I cannot return to you without putting you in d-nger.
There isn't much I c-n say about where I am. I am fed and shelt-red. I miss you.
Suddenly, the handwriting changes, far more messy and aggressive, less gentle than Lily's.
There is no way they'll ever return. Give up. I've already taken the ring.
Leave my lover. Never contact or seek them again.
Lilith is mine.
Gavin's heart sank through the floor each time he read it, looking over and over at every word, every detail to see if it was possible to discern where they are. Who has them. Everything in him ached for Lilith and he felt useless not being able to bring them home.
They were barely taking care of themself at this point, losing sleep and having to take time off work because they just... Can't handle it. Malik had been staying over because Hyeon couldn't handle the silence of the house. The lack of someone else there. Even if he wasn't Lily, knowing they weren't alone was a big relief.
"Hey, do you want me to order takeout again or...?" He asked quietly, not sure if his college buddy would respond. "Gavin...?"
Malik's eyes settled on the letter in their hands, gently plucking it from the shorter of the two. The blue-haired architect reached up to grab it but Malik raised it out of his reach.
"Nah dude, you need to stop stressing over it. The police already have the original, rereading the copy you have won't make Lily appear. Stop." He said, his expression softening as he saw Gavin's red eyes. "I know you're struggling with this, trust me I understand. I would fucking freak if I were in your shoes. Lily was my friend too Gav, I'm also really worried about them."
"No Malik you don't... I mean you do get it but there's things I can't tell you and there's a reason why Lily and I don't go on trips without each other and—" Gavin was starting to tear up, thinking about how difficult it must be for Lilith to be unsustained for so long. His words started to blur together as he spoke faster, "I physically need to be near Lily or else they—"
"Or else what, Gav?"
"Lily gets sick..." His voice broke as he barely got the words out. Malik didn't... particularly understand why Gavin was so sure that Lilith would get sick if they were far away from him but... His best friend was also extremely sure of this.
"Okay... I don't have a clue how that happens but..." He paused before sighing, "I believe you dude."
"I just... I need to see them, to make sure they're okay." They said, dropping their head. Malik rubbed their shoulders for a second before pulling them into a hug. The architect was a wreck without Lily and honestly their entire friend group was incredibly stressed.
They all knew Lilith was pretty but, they respected the fact that they were in a relationship with Gavin. So finding out that they were kidnapped was a huge shock. Especially when the letters started.
The first few were vague threats telling Gavin to keep away and stop searching for Lily.
Eventually they ramped up to death threats.
Then, the blackmail came.
It started with threats towards Gavin's family, saying that they'll be physically hurt unless he stops looking for Lily.
After that, there were letters in Lily's handwriting pleading for Gavin to stop but with the tear stains and the aggressive writing under it, the police told him that these were likely coerced.
Gavin was growing unsure of how to handle it all, unsure of how to bring Lily back.
The latest letter stung like a knife. They were getting vague and infrequent again. Did this mean they'd stop?
Would he eventually never hear about them again?
How... How did this happen?
Who is doing this?
It was breaking his heart.
There was a loud shattering of a window that jolted Gavin awake, a rock had flown through his bedroom window and nearly hit him.
Malik ran into the room in his PJs, looking towards the window then to Gavin. When he saw that Gavin was fine he ran to the broken panes to see if the person was still there.
It was too dark to make out much other than the dude was fucking massive. Something itched at the back of his brain, the guy was so familiar but so... Not? Like he was forgetting someone.
As Malik stared out the window and dialed the police, Gavin picked up the rock.
It had a note taped on it.
Tell the police to stop looking or I'll burn your house down. This is your final warning.
If you tell the police about this I'll do it tonight.
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alaydabug2 · 2 months
I'm in the car and I'm bored en
Vaugly related to my fanfic
Tetrology of Fallot (tof): congenital (born with it) heart defect that is basically 4 defects in 1 (I do not have the energy to look up or type all those scientific words rn so sorry)
I've had 3 open heart surgeries to fix it o e at 8 days 10 months and 5 years
Died 6 times on the second one 😃
Ngl life isn't too different with it
If you don't count the yearly doctor visits and can't play contact sports
I mean there's more to it that that obviously but it's mainly small things like getting out of breath quicker and I bruise easy because of having to take baby asprin
BUT the doctors ORIGINALLY said I was never gonna be able to walk or talk or do anything for myself
God vetoed that decision 😌
Got a nifty battle scar down my chest as a souvenir ☺️
And I used to be called smurf baby cause I turned blue alot
I make jokes about it now (hush I'm allowed to )
Ngl pretty sure I'm short cause failure to thrive as a baby cause of that 😭
Don't think there's any scientific backing on that tho for tof patients
Imperferated anus + colostomy bag: basically means I was born without a butthole
Not even joking on that i wasnt
But had to have three gastrointestinal surgeries from that
Don't know the ages or many details but I'm pretty sure I was two for the last one
And I had to have a colostomy bag
Thankfully don't remember it
Buy my waste went into a bag that had to be changed out
Ik it got infected so the scar is bugger than it should be
Seizures: if you've read my fanfic that's explained in detail for how it feels
But that was from aged 5-10
We never found the specific reasons for it
But we do hypothesize it has something tk do with possible scar tissue on my brain
Either from a heart attack/stroke/lack of oxygen from my second heart surgery is what we think it could be from
During a seizure my heart would start beating weird (not good description ik but idk how to describe it really) and my vision would start to tunnel out my tongue would tingle and then I'd black out
During a seizure I couldn't hear anything or see anything but my head would completely start to tingle
From my parents I was told during them I would stiffen up and lock my joints and almost seem to hyperventilate
It was control moderately well by medicine but I thankfully do not have them anymore
Hard hearing: im not like deaf or anything nor do I use hearing aids but my hearing isn't what it should be for a normal teenager lol
This is because during one of my heart surgeries they gave me a drug used on horses and a little too much if it at that (ketamine?)
Legally blind: yeah come to find out last year found out my eye sight is actual crap
Without my glasses I am legally blind
I've got 20/200 vision 😭
So I've got these crazy thick glasses now
Tourretts: neurological disorder where I make these random noises and movents
Got diagnosed back in sixth grade
My tics ate ill make various sounding noises (all kinda of variations of a hiccup for visualization) and my head will jerk back
It was awful before we found out what it was
Got picked on for it quite a bit and a certain teacher of mine essentially told me "just stop bro lol" and I'd get sent out of class for it even after we had doctor notes for it
Just get up out of that wheel chair then then buddy ☺️
They'd get set off my certain things
Music being one of them so I would carry around these earbuds when there was music around so it didn't get set off
I'm on medicine now for it and it's a LOT better
And a recent development (in the past 6 months) I've been able to listen to music again!
The tourretts aren't going away tho
If over been without medicine for more than 2 days it's BAD
Ovarian cyst (possible pcos?) : this has happened over this summer so you already got some rants on that lol
Buy I've got an 8cm cyst on my left ovary
Hurts like a beach 😃
In fact this Friday I was holed up in my room hyped up on narcotics cause of it
Fun stuff 🙂
Surgery is supposed to be on October 5th so we'll see how that goes
Yeah so medical history of mine 😃
That's fine
We'll see what comes next to the collection I can add
Also here's some pics of a couple of my scars (that I can show several are in places I'm not keen of people seeing 😅)
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That's my colostomy scar
And near the top you can see a scar from a chest tube from my third heart surgery
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And here's a really good picture of my heart surgery scar that I have (goes down to under the ribcage)
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On my neck you can see a breathing tube scar
At least I think that's what it is
Also the corner of my lip I have a scar from some sort of tube from surgery (can't see it well on camera
Tbh idk what half these tiny scars are from
I just know they're remnants of surgery
Any way I do know kw I have a couple of other chest tube scars
But they are not in places to be shown
Same with a few dimples near my tail bone from gastrointestinal surgery
But those are there too
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lykaios2 · 1 year
how aboutttt hcs of mikey comforting reader who is usually super positive n hyper and never really has bad days?? :,)
or any sort of mikey comfort <3 OHH AND towards the end when reader cheers up, make sure they give mikey lots of affection and gratitude <3<3<3 please :)
so I said screw hcs and did a full blown fanfic
also this can be taken as platonic or romantic!
hope you enjoy! ❤️
Not Like Yourself
mikey x reader, hurt(?)/comfort
You and Mikey were like peas in a pod. The day you met, you immediately hit it off. Your energies matched. You two seemed to bounce off of each other. Always side by side, the best of companions. You were crazy energetic, insanely creative, and always had a positive attitude. Always going on crazy adventures, doing whatever insane thing you guys could think up.
So one day when he was not greeted by you with a hug that would gave nearly toppled him, he was a little confused. Of course, he still ran over and gave you a hug. As he did, he lifted you up into the air a little.
"Hey, y/n!"
He was so cheerful. And normally so were you. But what happened? You just...weren't feeling it today. The spark that normally filled you to the brim with energy was gone. You put on a smile so Mikey wouldn't be worried, and returned his greeting.
"Hi, Mikey. How's it going?"
"I'm doing great, now that you're here!"
He set you down, and took your arm to lead you to the kitchen. As you sat down, he started pulling things out of the cupboards and the refrigerator. He whipped together a quick snack for himself and you, and slid you over your plate.
"Eat up! We've got a big day today. I found a new place for us to explore, and it's a big one. I'll pack us some more snacks while you eat."
You slowly ate your food, all the while staring off into space. It wasn't that you were bored. In fact, your interest had been piqued when Mikey mentioned a new spot to explore, but it wasn’t showing on your face. Your mind was other places. Why were you so...out of it? It was a weird feeling, one that was unfamiliar, almost uncomfortable.
"Here's your snacks. You ready to go?...y/n?"
"Oh, sorry...thank you."
Mikey was about to start walking out, but he looked at your with concern on his face. He'd already noticed your lack of energy, which wasn't too unusual for you. It had happened a few times in the past, and by itself it didn't mean anything was wrong. But now he took note of you spacing out. Of course, being emotionally aware as he was, he knew something was up.
He sat back down. You had gone back to staring off into who knows where. He grabbed your hand from across the table and gave it a little squeeze. You looked back at him and smiled again, but noticed his worried demeanor.
"You okay?"
"Mhm...but I'm worried about you. You seem a little...out of it."
"Yeah...I guess you could say that."
You both sat in silence for a little while longer. You didn't know what to say, yet Mikey was still waiting for you to speak. He put his head in his free hand while he waited, but before long he spoke up again.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You sighed before responding.
"I don't know what to say...I just don't have energy today. Something’s got me down. I dont know what happened, but my mood isn't the best today. I don't like it."
"Yeah, I get that. And that's okay. Sometimes it happens. It's just part of life."
He smiled at you. It was infectious now, as you felt a smile of your own come across your face.
"Tell you what...we can take a little relax day today. We don't have to go anywhere or do anything crazy. Just...have a calm day, until you feel better. Does that sound good?"
You nodded, much to his enjoyment. He scooped you up in another big hug before apologizing, reminding himself that it was a calm day today. You laughed and told him it was okay.
"Come on, let's go make some tea, why don't we?"
After he made some tea for the both of you, he brought lots of blankets and pillows into the living room. He grabbed all of his arts and crafts supplies, and all of his movies, and and all of his comics. Every indoor activity he could think of, he brought into the living room. You two spent hours together, just like you usually did, but only this time it was in the safety of one's home.
It was getting late. The two of you were still in the living room, alone. The TV was on, playing your favorite movie. You had finished all the snacks and done lots of things, and it was now time to wind down. You and Mikey were sitting next to each other, enjoying the movie.
"Yeah? What's up?"
"Thank you...for today. I don't know what was wrong earlier, but it's not so bad now. I feel a lot better."
Mikey smiled and said it was no problem. He was just glad to see you happy. As he turned back to the movie, he felt your head rest on his shoulder. He appeared to take take no note of it at first, but then he lifted his arm and wrapped it around you, pulling you closer and resting his head on yours.
As you watched the movie, you could slowly feel yourself falling into unconscious. Mikey could feel it too, as your body grew limp as you leaned against him. He grabbed a pillow and laid it in his lap, instructing you to lay there instead. As you moved your head, you held his arm close to you, not wanting to let go as you finally fell asleep.
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g-on-ef · 1 year
Helluva Boss season 2 episode 4 Rant Review IDK but be prepared to hate me Stolas/Stoliz lovers
Okay guys I'm not gonna come down from the high of seeing my baby Striker so I might as well get this review out the way while it's still fresh on my mind ^^
Striker my gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous snake boy you've done me proud !!! Love how bad ass he looked with the Pancho it further feeds my head canon that Striker is Mexica {yall free to disagree but thats my personal head canon} !!!
The fighting scene guys I loved how smart and agile Striker is. The way he used the environment to his advantage as well as all parts of his body.
Feet, arms, tails, hell he was amazing with both the rope guns knife it showed Striker isn't just good with his body but also different types of weapons.
Hell rewatching the fight scene and imma be honest Striker has more experience with his body as well as weapons than millie and moxxie.
Again the way he used his body showed guns weren't the only weapon he had the environment the way striker used everything from Millies ax sticking on the ground to the railroad tracks showed how he uses his surroundings to work for him and the weapons showed this guy is a deadly fighter and not one to be messed with.
And once again, once again my boy is spitting facts !!! I said it once and I'll say it again my boy sees Hell for what it is and how he and his people are at the bottom of the barrel and he's not afraid to do what he sees is right if it means saving his people.
Argue with the wall yall fuckers aren't gonna change my mind about Striker and his actions.
Now onto his personality okay I know some people don't like the unhinged way he is but if I'm honest it was good granted I would've loved this to be seen as the show progressed but I guess I'll take this wit a grain of salt.
Okay I may anger some of my fellow striker lovers but I did not like his new voice honestly I'm still gonna use Norman's voice when I read fanfic cause I loved how Norman voiced my boy and that's the voice I'm sticking wit ^^
Speaking of voices yall I did not like Stella's brothers VA like that art style with that voice did not fit him, gonna be honest I was imagining something like Stolas not that.
Also side note did something happen wit Lunas VA i saw a post talking about it but exsit out Tumblr before I could like or reblog it.
I also hated how they reduced Stella into I don't even know what to call that mess cause you mean to tell me this woman is once again treated like a 1 dimensional wet piece of paper that can't think for herself and is just a spoil brat ??? !!!
Like Viv keeps adding these characters that are big and bad but are just become a joke towards the end.
Also that incest plot ... ... ... someone tell viv that this is not game of thrones/house of the dragons please.
I'm not touching that because if I tell yall that Stella might be a victim of incest abuse yall would have my head and viv and crew will not know how to handle something like that.
Like you mean to tell me not once Stella thought that she wouldn't get anything from her divorce unless Stolas had a say so ??? Like come on man.
Also Viv, you and your little crew can shove whatever bullshit down my throat to convince me Stolas is an innocent soft blue and I'll choke on it till I'm blue in the face.
Like someone remind her that her show is in Hell and no one cares if he cheats or not.
Like Stolas I knew you were dumb but damn I didn't know you were THAT DUMB.
You still cheated, you still betrayed an agreement you made, you are still an asshole for cheating.
I'll already made a post on Stella and the bullshit that is her marriage so again argue wit the wall.
Stolas, Stolas, you got shot by an assassin, he has a blessed rope, and he obviously has angelic weapons and you have the audacity to ask if your endangered ... ... ...
I have no words for the sheer amount of stupidity of that question -_-
Also why in the fuck did you call Blitz ??? Why not your guards why not someone who can save you before the threat kills you ??? !!!
The anger and annoyance I felt when he called for him knows no bounds especially when Blitz told him he had a very important appointment to get to and that fucker just had the nerve to try and convince him to still save him ???
Again why not call your royal body guards ??? !!! Like dude i know you're horny and want to live every fantasy that involves you and Blitz but the man has a life outside of you let him live it !!!
Also can we all agree that the sex jokes are getting old/boring like viv sex jokes do not make your show for a mature audience if anything it's for an immature one instead.
Case in point you trying to say the R slur but ended wit how you can't say it anymore after being called out on it
Funny yes but not funny haha funny you ass needs new material cause your jokes aren't funny.
I love absolutely love how Blitz rather be at the appointment for his daughter than save Stolas like him complaining about Stolas {rightfully so} and how he rather focus on making sure his daughter is comfortable and safe really warm my heart.
I find hilarious how viv tweets/likes shit like this
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And yet the only time she remembers that imps are at the bottom of the barrel or needs to remind the audience that the citizens of hell hate imps and they are horribly mistreated is when Striker is involved.
Like you mean to tell me Striker is a simple minded bigot and yet he's the only one that's called out how fucked up Hell is for imps AND episodes that surround him show how the royals and others view imps ??? !!!
Pick a side and stick to it.
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Said it once and I'll say it again Viv is not gonna make me hate my gorgeous snake boy.
Cause seeing him stabbing that bird seeing him torture him I was cheering him on !!! Like I was seriously smiling and praising him.
Like yes amor torture that bird make him pay !!!
Millie and Moxxie ... ... ... you had me and you lost me that's all I gotta say
The ending gonna be honest the ending made no sense.
Blitz your boyfriend had a blessed tip rifle pointed at the ditzzy blue blood had a blessed rope like OF COURSE HE CAN GET HURT !!!
Anywhore there's more but these were my main issues ^^
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romanthewhimsical · 1 year
The wrong number
A prinxiety fanfic
For @sandersidesbigbang
Chapter 1
The worst case scenario when your brother gets a new phone? You typed his number wrong and didn't realize it until you tried to call him. And the first time you called him so happens to be after you came home to find out he broke the record player you bought, and you are calling to yell at him, but, since you put the number in wrong,  you didn’t really call him, you called a stranger. So then that stranger has to deal with your rage as you yell before they are able to interrupt you,so to inform you that you have the wrong person. 
It has not been Virgil’s best day.
The worst case scenario when your brother gets a new phone? You typed his number wrong and didn't realize it until you tried to call him. And the first time you called him so happens to be after you came home to find out he broke the record player you bought, and you are calling to yell at him, but, since you put the number in wrong,  you didn’t really call him, you called a stranger. So then that stranger has to deal with your rage as you yell before they are able to interrupt you,so to inform you that you have the wrong person. 
It has not been Virgil’s best day.
That record player cost a lot of money! It was quite reasonable for him to be mad! All he wanted was to call his brother, and then promptly lose it on him. Maybe he did say some insults he didn’t mean, but he figured it was his right at this moment. (Or maybe he's just a jerk, who knows). 
Then, when his rant was interrupted by the voice of someone he didn’t know, his heart sunk. OH. He messed up. He messed up badly. He has embarrassed himself, and he will never be able to forget it. The other person won’t forget it. How can you forget when a stranger called you a asshole who can’t even-
“So, what’s your name?”
The question interrupted Virgil’s thoughts, snapping him back to reality. They didn’t sound mad at him. Which was weird! He just called them an asshole! Who isn't mad when a stranger calls them an asshole! 
Virgil squinted confused, like the person on the phone could see him. He bit his lip and looked around his room.“Uh- Virgil?” he stammered out, sounding more confused than he wanted. 
 He didn’t know why he even answered. HE should have hung up! He normally wouldn’t even pick up phone calls from unknown numbers, much less call one! Plus, he was not that into the idea of telling strangers his name! That’s dangerous right?. He figured maybe the situation put him on edge. Maybe he was still too upset about his brother to fully care or comprehend this. 
The other person chuckled, “Well Virgil, You can call me Roman.”
Virgil nodded, again despite the fact that Roman couldn’t even see him. He looked around his bedroom again, and the broken record player, just sitting on his dresser, on it laid a small message on a sticky note.
‘So Sorry :( - E’
Virgil sighed. When Emile came home he might just throw the thing at him. It is already broken anyway. This whole thing is his fault anyway. He wouldn't have called the stranger if Emile didn't break the dumb thing. 
‘Maybe I need to work on his aggression.’ Virgil thought absentmindedly 
No one talked for a moment, Virgil had it in him to just hope that Roman would just hang up on him. He checked.
Nope, still there.
What was he supposed to say? IS he supposed to say something? 
Well- he could apologize, he figured, he did yell at him. That wasn't cool, really. This guy didn't do anything
Virgil took a deep breath, he tried to prepare himself for this. Ohh he hated it. 
“Hello-?” Virgil asked, getting Roman's attention once again. Why was he staying on the line if he was just gonna be silent anyways. 
“Yeah?” He heard Roman hum.
Ok, talking time,  oh boy. Uh. 
“So, um, sorry for like- cursing you out and all that-” Virgil was muttering- he sounded so awkward, and weak, he hated it. So much. 
Virgil heard Roman just start to laugh at the other end. Rude. Is he making fun of him? “Its fine. It was pretty funny, if I’m going to be honest.” 
Virgil laughed in response, but a smaller laugh. A fake one.  Nervous laugh, at that. He did not like this conversation. “Yeah..yeah I guess it can be funny.”
Virgil muttered in response. Virgil never wanted to talk to this man again, and forget this ever happened. Virgil started messing with some stuff on his shelves. 
He has been planning to re-arrange this stuff at some point. He has been putting off, but now would want nothing but to just do that. 
That was a good excuse to hang up. 
“Anyway, I have clean up some stuff, so- bye-”
“Oh, okay! Talk to you later?”
Hopefully not! Virgil thought in a panic. 
Roman already hung up though. Virgil sighed in relief. Virgil wondered if that ‘talk to you later’ was just an accident. Like when you accidently say ‘love you’ at the end of a call with your friend because you're used to saying that to your mom. Yeah. that was probably it. No way he actually wants to keep talking to him, right? 
 He put his phone down and flopped on his bed. That was over.
Virgil looked up at the stuff on his own, he put his head back down. He can rearrange it later.
Emile came home later that day
Virgil heard him and just about stormed out of his room “Hey you fucking asshole do you know what y-”
“Hey, hey I ordered you a new record player” Emile stated with his hands up in defeat, before he moved slightly to place his jacket on a chair “ here look I have a picture, look it's cool too and matches your room.” Emile said and held his phone out to Virgil. Virgil looked at it, taking the phone.. Emile was right, it was purple, so it did match his room better then the old one.
 “Sorry the other one broke. You weren't home so. I left a note for you, did you see it?” Emile hummed.
“Howw the fuck did you even break it?” Virgil looked up at Emile, still holding Emile’s phone.
“You know how I watch our neighbors dog sometimes when they go out?” 
“You let the neighbor's dog in my room?”
“You left your door open, I didn’t know.” Emile frowned.
Virgil huffed “Whatever- just drop it- just- whatever.” Virgil mumbles. “What 's your phone number by the way?”
“Don’t you have that already?” Emile said, taking his phone from Virgil, as he moved to the living room to sit down on the couch. “Besides, you like, never contact me.” Emile laughed.
“I thought I had your number,” Virgil took his phone out of his pocket, “But I tried to call you earlier, and I ended up calling some random guy-”
“Awe sorry-” Emile sympathized “Here show me the number you have, i'll tell you where you typed it wrong.” 
Virgil nodded and walked over, pulling up the contact he had for Emile “Yeah you better be sorry, it was awf-”
“Hey, I know this number.” Emile stated
“It’s my friend Roman.”
“Yeah! That’s why I said it's my friend Roman- I’ve told you about him before right? He's the actor. You called him? That’s funny” Emile laughed like this wasn't the worst day of Virgil's life. 
Not only had he called a STRANGER. That stranger is his brother's friend? So he might know who Virgil was, which is so embarrassing. Virgil dropped next to Emile on the couch. He put his head in his hands. “I hate you, you know that?” 
“I know.” Emile humming, giving Virgil a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. Virgil stuck his tongue out at him. 
This situation could not get worse. 
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khruschevshoe · 10 months
OFMD Critique: the Handling of Female Characters, "Girlbosses," and Dropped Polyamory in Season 2 (aka Why the HELL did you give Zheng Yi Sao that ending?)
For this one, I kind of just want to gesture at the ending of 2x7 and the entirety of 2x8 and scream at the top of my lungs, "What the FUCK was that SHIT?"
But I already did that when the finale itself came out, so instead I'm going to stay calm and give a genuine critique (though still as rambly as always).
The handling of this show's women is...questionable. I think the only woman that was handled 100% well is Mary in Season 1. No real notes there. I love her and how her storyline is written to bits.
But in season 2, all 3 major women characters (Archie, Zheng Yi Sao, and Spanish Jackie) have their storylines hamstrung by romantic plot lines.
In Archie's case, the romance plot works. Not every character needs to have a subplot. The bits that flesh out her character are well integrated into the story, whether that be her first kiss with Jim directly leading into the fighting to the death plotline/Jim finally standing up to Blackbeard or the lines "you have hope, it's cute," "this is just kinda how things work," and "they just kind of get away with it, you know" (though it still pisses me off that that last one goes unchallenged in the narrative) being used for plot progression, or are fun character details, such as all of the snake cult hints. (Do I wish that the poly aspect of her, Jim, and Olu's dynamic was better executed so that I didn't feel like the tealoranges plot was yanked out from under my feet? Yes. Of course.)
But as for Zheng Yi Sao?
The treatment of this character makes my blood boil.
See, I'm not opposed to her having a romantic plotline. In fact, I think it could have been fun. A woman can have romance and power. 2x7 even looked like it was building to that sort of conclusion, with Jim, Olu, and Archie joining her crew in one of the very few actual canon implications of poly (though no confirmation, sadly- have y'all seen the info about the deleted scenes that could have confirmed it? I can't believe so much ended up on the cutting room floor.) But then the end of 2x7 strips all power from Zheng Yi Sao.
The show pulled one of the most powerful pirates and most accomplished women in history (also a woman of color, btw, a fact which only doubles the weird fucking undertones of her treatment as a character) into the show only to strip her of her power, shove her into a romantic plot line on a ship where she isn't even a captain, and expected me not to pick up on ANY of the fucked up optics of the writing? The fact that we end the season with Zheng and Spanish Jackie both losing their power as pirate queens in exchange for setting them on a ship with only one singular boyfriend grinds my fucking gears, man.
There are ways to give Zheng a romantic plotline without it making her an idiot (ala what happens with Olu in 2x3) or making her lose all of her power (ala the finale). Jackie's case is less infuriating, but it does remind me of the fact that a lot of the casual poly/open relationship rep from the first season got stripped from the second season (and before you come at me with the Zheng/Olu/Archie/Jim storyline, look me in the eye and cite to me any concrete canon evidence we have of it. I ADORE the fanfic as much as the next person, but I mourn the lost potential every day. Check my previous tealoranges meta for that- I might write a long version of it sometime). Lucius and Pete lost all their open relationship implications and Jackie's husbands are dropped from the finale in favor of her running off with the only one who gets a name.
I understand that they probably wrote Zheng Yi Sao this way to show Stede's growth as a Captain by showing that he brings more flexible ideas to the table (which, by the way, is completely undermined by the fact that his plan actively kills Izzy in the process), but they really should have thought through the...everything in regards to the implications of writing Zheng Yi Sao this way. Because if you bring in one of the only female characters with speaking lines onto this show, a Chinese woman at that, make romance actively make her stupid, have her be fooled by a white man (who, by the way, kills THOUSANDS of unnamed women off-page in explosions and it's just kind of treated as a plot point for the whole Zheng/Auntie/Stede/Izzy/Ed comparison which gives me the ick), strip her of her fleet and her power, and then have the GALL to not even make her the Captain of the Revenge at the end of it all? I'm not sure I trust you to handle her legacy, much less write women in general.
TLDR; Writing a very queer show does not resolve you of sexism.
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naranjapetrificada · 8 months
Fanfic Friday!
I still don't completely understand it, so this week I'm just gonna reflect on things that happened while writing this arranged marriage longfic, some of which I posted about on here and some of which I didn't.
I gave up on the Soup Paragraphs that were haunting me and realized I can introduce them later if I must.
I got in some "let go and let god" practice when I realized I don't have to get every little throwaway detail right, especially when it slows down my progress/makes writing miserable.
My therapist wants me to see about applying this Free Yourself skill in my non-writing life, to which I say I know you are but what am I
Characters put themselves in situations without my input and it was great!
Ceremonies are hard to write but at least I now know what Ed and Stede would be like if they were kids in a school play.
I started watching Rome again after thinking about it last week in the wake of the cancelation (I've had it on DVD for years). Still problematic in the way something made in 2005 will be, but otherwise it holds up incredibly well.
I've also stopped caring as much about all the people using the world's problems as a bludgeon against OFMD fans and the campaign to to save the show. For all the reasons other people have already articulated well but also, on a personal note, because of what this show has done for my relationship with writing.
I won't get into too much detail but suffice it to say I have a lot of baggage around writing, because of all the "gifted" nonsense of my childhood and my MFA experience as an adult. I don't blame anyone per se, but unhelpful social frameworks were unhelpful. Let's just say that when Pop-Pop said "if you were ever good at anything go do that" to Ed, it didn't not remind me of feeling obligated to do something that used to be rewarding but isn't anymore because it's what you're "supposed" to do. Anyway.
I wrote three short (<2000 word) fics between seasons 1&2, the first fic I've felt like writing in over a decade. It was liberating as hell to write again in a low-stakes environment, and with blorbo motivation to power me through the difficult parts. I never, ever thought I would write anything longer than 2000 words, but for the past (several?) weeks now I've been alternating between two drafts in tropes I can't get enough of, the shortest of which is around 10,000 (admittedly unedited) words.
The other is longer, and every time I work on it I keep having to break shit up so the chapters stay under 5000 words. This is unprecedented for me, and I've wanted to share it so much that I'm running out of shit to post on WIP Wednesday that won't reveal the plot or require too much context. I've never been in a fandom as creative (and creatively inspiring) as this one, nor have I every written so much in a single fandom before.
My relationship with writing wouldn't be healing like this at all if it weren't for this show and this fandom, and in particular I want to highlight the freedom in embracing the "David Jenkins School of Historical Inaccuracy." In fact, I've been keeping a running list of AO3 tags for the fic I've made the most progress on, and there are several "David Jenkins School of ________" tags, including Archaeology, Theology, and Comparative Politics. Thanks to seeing DJ's philosophy at work it's now possible for me to move on from certain details when I get stuck because they're "inaccurate" for the setting or whatever in a way I never could before. Now I feel empowered to move on from tricky details by asking myself:
Is it funny?
Is it related to the plot?
Is it character-building?
And if the answer to all of those is no, then so is the answer to question 4: "does it matter?"
Assuming I finish these longfics they'll be the longest creative pieces I've ever written and beyond the longest works of fiction I ever thought I would write, and for that I'm eternally grateful. Even if the world we live in is a crumbling disaster. Especially if the world we live in is a crumbling disaster.
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pascaloverx · 4 months
To Begin Again
Summary: You're a new teacher at a large and influential school. It's a risky step for you, as you've been running from your ex for almost two years. But when Dumbledore asks you to take on a class at the renowned Hogwarts, you can't refuse. However, your life as a newly arrived teacher won't be easy. Especially when the other teachers don't seem eager to make friends. Or rather, two teachers in particular: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Author's Note: Welcome, dear readers. Please leave your comments if you enjoy fanfiction. This fanfic takes place almost in the real world (with the addition of werewolves) and is not a wizarding fanfic. There will be some differences and changes in things from the Harry Potter story or other fanfics in the HP universe, but I promise to do my best writing this fanfic. There will be a love triangle coming in this fanfic.
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You take a deep breath, thinking about how to explain what just happened. Nervousness takes over as you face Sirius, who seems increasingly impatient as he waits for your response. Or maybe he's waiting for Remus' response. But you don't dare look at Remus. Looking at him now might mean seeing regret in his eyes, which would mean he regrets kissing you. And you couldn't bear to have that confirmed.
"You aren't interrupting anything, Black. Inappropriately, I let myself get carried away by a feeling of affection for Mr. Lupin. I'd like to apologize to both of you and take my leave, as I believe that's the best course of action." You step away from Remus, not even looking at him. But before you can leave the kitchen and head to your room, Sirius grabs your arm. You look at him, confused, and he seems even more uncomfortable with your gaze on him. Did kissing Lupin make Sirius angry with you?
"I never considered you a coward. But it seems you think I'm a fool." Wow, Sirius sounds incredibly rude trying to insult you. Admittedly, it might seem cowardly not to admit you kissed Lupin because you wanted to, but that doesn't give him the right to judge you or your actions.
"Mr. Black, whether or not you're a fool is none of my concern. Just as whether or not I'm a coward is none of yours. Whatever relationship you have with Mr. Lupin, if you have an issue with the kiss we shared, you should discuss it with him. Now, do me a favor and spare me your presence." You respond assertively, perhaps even a bit too rudely. You pull your arm away from Black's grasp and continue on your way. There's no chance you want to be near Lupin or Black right now. On your way to your room, you wonder how you could be so foolish. It's more than clear that Sirius and Remus must have some kind of secret relationship, and you almost kissed one of them and actually kissed the other. How many stupid mistakes are you making when your intention was never to get involved with anyone?
"Stupid Potter, stupid Potter. Why would he do that? Defend me. He must be plotting something, it can't be anything else. In fact, I think he deserved it. Yes, he deserved it." You hear Malfoy muttering. He is sitting under the staircase that leads to the teachers' quarters.
"What exactly did Mr. Potter deserve?" You ask, approaching Malfoy, who is crouching on the floor with a sullen expression. It even looks like his eyes are swollen, as if he's been crying, but at the same time, his face conveys pure anger.
"I pushed him. He came towards me to ask something, and I pushed him. At first, it seemed funny. But then he got angry and pushed me back. He said I wasn't deserving of any kindness. As if I cared." Malfoy says, his voice muffled and upset, yet still maintaining his superior tone.
"And you didn't respond to him or anything?" You might have been at Hogwarts for a short time, but you already understand how things work.
"I said that at least my mother isn't dying in bed while I pretend to be okay." Malfoy speaks quietly, almost as if he realizes he crossed a line. You look at him, unsure of what to say. But after a minute of pure silence, you let out a sigh and sit down next to him.
"You know, I could tell you that what you said was wrong. That you crossed a line that shouldn't be crossed. I could demand that you apologize to Potter. But I won't. Because you're a grown boy. I believe in your ability to know what's right and wrong. And if you choose to do something wrong, as your teacher, I can only offer you advice. Draco, no one in this world will be perfect. You're going to make mistakes and get things right numerous times, but the most important thing is to know when to recognize your mistake. Knowing how to apologize is sometimes more noble than never making any mistake. Believe me, I know this well. I just made a mistake with someone; I apologized, but to be honest, I didn't do it because I wanted to. I did it because it was the right thing to do. So, I want you to figure out for yourself what you think you should do." You speak almost giving a speech to Malfoy, who for the first time, seems to really listen to you. Malfoy looks at you and then stands up. He stares at the stairs and then looks back at you, as if seeking some kind of support.
"Professor Y/L/N, will it take until I'm your age for me to know when I'm making a mistake?" Malfoy asks, and you almost smile. He is definitely one of the most eccentric students you’ve ever had.
"I'm sorry to inform you, Malfoy, but it might take until you're Professor Dumbledore's age for you to recognize when you're making a mistake." You reply, and he widens his eyes as if surprised by your answer.
"So, I might die before I know when I'm making mistakes. That sounds like a very complicated task. But even so, thank you for the advice. It's the first time a professor listened to what I did and didn't force me to apologize to Potter. To be honest, it might be the first time someone really listened to me. And since we're giving advice, I should tell you your hair is messy. It looks like you just came out of a windstorm." Draco says and then quickly leaves your sight. What a boy. You then head to your room to prepare for a bath. You first open the dividing door separating your room from the bathroom. When you don't see any sign of Sirius, you hurry to grab your towel and hair-washing products. Malfoy is right, your hair is a mess.
You fill the bathtub and take a long bath, hoping to better understand what feelings led you to want to kiss two men in the same night. Flashbacks of the moment when Remus's lips touched yours come to mind. The softness of his lips against yours. The sensation of tasting him after a long time without this kind of intimacy. Your last relationship was good while it lasted but terrible when it ended. And now, exposing yourself to feelings and physical contact seems like a risk. A risk you apparently are willing to take. However, the best thing for you right now would be to distance yourself from all of this. From everything that isn't safe. So, you let the water in the bathtub envelop you and allow yourself to immerse in the sensation of not knowing what to do.
"I need to talk to you. Let me know when you're decent and I…" Sirius basically shouts through the door leading to the bathroom. You startle, as he seems angry and in such a hurry to talk that he interrupted your bath.
"What makes you think I want to talk to you?" You shout back, nearly as loudly as he did. You step out of the bath and wrap a towel around yourself. Water drips onto the floor as you quickly head to your room, starting to dress while waiting for Sirius's response.
"I would hope you wouldn't force me to shout all over Hogwarts what I want to say. But I don't mind having this conversation with an audience." Sirius says, quieter than before. You realize he must have entered the bathroom when he noticed you had left. Even in your wildest dreams, you wouldn't have thought he'd enter expecting to find you there.
"I firmly believe that you and I have nothing more to say to each other. So why don't you just keep whatever you have to say to yourself?" You say as you finish putting on the dress you picked out. Your hair is still wet when you hear Sirius leaving the bathroom. You think he might have given up on talking to you. That's what you believe until you hear a knock on your door. As you lightly dry your hair with another towel, you open the door to a very unhappy Sirius Black.
"I heard that besides kissing Lupin, you spent your night encouraging Draco Malfoy's mischief. I wanted to be sure what kind of person you are, and it seems appearances really can be deceiving. I always thought you were a bit too sympathetic towards Malfoy." Sirius seems too nervous and too irrational. You look at him without reacting because you know that if you respond, you might come off as more irrational than he is.
"Your arrogance is greater than I imagined. Yes, I kissed your boyfriend, and if you really want to know, I enjoyed it. As for encouraging Malfoy's behavior, I did what I thought was right. Instead of ordering him to do what I wanted, I asked him to think about whether what he did was right. Don't think I care about your opinion, Mr. Black, but know that I didn't come to Hogwarts to have my character questioned. Your adoration for Harry Potter makes it almost impossible not to see Draco's side. Both are in a crazy rivalry because they're encouraged to be. Unlike you, I'm more interested in ending this feud and focusing on my students' growth. Maybe one day you'll realize you should act that way too." As you speak, Sirius seems fixated on you, but you can't quite understand why. It could be pure anger. Anger because you're getting involved in things you shouldn't. Anger because you're interfering in his relationship with Remus. But then he leaves your room. Who would have thought that Sirius Black is a scaredy-cat?
You try to process what just happened, but there's no time. Seconds after Sirius leaves, he returns and kisses you. Without further explanation, his mouth and yours engage in a small battle to see who is more desperate for the other. He then abruptly pulls away from you as if he's reconsidering what he's doing. You feel like he's going to run away again. He must have regretted it, probably going to say that you both made a mistake. You can already feel the sadness of hearing that from him, but you can't help but keep your eyes and your hopes on Sirius Black. You hope that he will say he's sorry for being an idiot. And you hope that he will kiss you again.
"Every moment I spend near you feels like I'm losing a bit of my sanity. It's intoxicating, and at the same time, perhaps one of the best sensations I've ever had. So listen to me carefully. If you don't want to complicate this, kick me out of your room. Send me away, say you don't desire me. Say there's no room for an idiot like me in your life. Say you prefer Lupin. Because he's the kind of guy who doesn't insult the person he desires. Just say it, and I'll leave." Sirius speaks as his hands touch your neck and then your lips. He's right. What you have is intoxicating. A tension that makes you feel like you've lost control over yourself.
"Sirius, don't ask me to do the dirty work for you. If you don't want to be with me, then go before something worse happens. If it helps, I promise to stay away from you. But if you stay here, we…" You speak, and you can see that Sirius is in an internal battle trying to figure out what to do. You definitely want him, but no one can want someone who doesn't know what they want. And Black doesn't seem to know if he wants you. You can see that from a mile away. Maybe you're not as intoxicating as you thought.
"There's no 'us,' Y/N. There can't be." Sirius replies, looking into your eyes. Funny thing is, you didn't expect to find that so sad. You then remove Sirius' hands from you and open the door of your room for him to leave.
"Know that I intend to forget what happened here. I hope you'll do the same. Have a good night, Mr. Black." You say as you watch Sirius leave your room, unable to meet his gaze. You close the door and lock it before either of you can change your minds.
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cosmeticalchaosicle · 6 months
Snack that smile back goldfish!
Note : Im sorry I had to make the reference hehe
Summary : Riddle's in a terrible mood once again, and pushed away all his dormates and even his best friend. Until he happened to run into floyd. What did he do to make the tyrant so.. silly?
Warnings & etc:
This fanfic will contain swearing, angst, tickles (Also, As you like Floyd x Riddle. It can be either platonic or romantic to your view)
Now, buckle your seat belts and hang on tight!~☆
‎♡₊˚ 🦩・₊✧
The sky was sunny, rather flaming. It was only spring yet the temperature was heated. And you could say the same about riddle's attitude, he was avoidant of his fellow classmates and making rude remarks when ticked off in the slightest and everyone could portray it as : 'Oh! Just ordinary Riddle' when really.. Something wasnt right with him.
Riddle sat alone in the library, looking for peace. As his mind was drowning in horrid thoughts ; Am I Wrong? What do they think? I wanna be free . I'm sick of the rules. Am I being disobedient for this behavior? Does my sluggishness affect the others? Why do I feel so terrible!? Why can't—
"Hey Goldfishie!~☆"
Oh no , the one face he did not want to see today.. floyd usually doesn't go to the library which is why riddle was even there in the 1st place. Why was he there though? Perhaps to play games, perhaps to do something productive . . . Or was he looking for him
"I was looking for you allll over! Don'tcha know how bored I would be without you?" Floyd skipped over with enthusiasm as riddle's face already began to turn red
"Floyd. I'm NOT in the mood for this.." A deeper tone to riddle's voice came out, floyd didn't care however "Huh? Why not little goldfishie? I wanna play with you :D You've hide away from everyone like a little scared cuttlefish.. Maybe I should switch nicknames ehe!~" floyd teased happily, riddle didn't realize much that floyd payed attention to the fact he was actually hiding from people and not just out of sight. Riddle began to get angrier and angrier "Floyd. Go away. Immediately"
Then. Somehow, this was the last thing that broke riddle
"Oh? Goldfishie. Isn't today when you're supposed to help with the unbirthday?"
. . .
Riddle broke down into tears, his head down on the table. He just couldn't keep these emotions in anymore. Floyd stared confusedly at how Riddle randomly broke down sobbing furiously. He had to ask though.. "Uhm. Goldfishie? Are you okay?"
Riddle gave a harsh outleash back "DO I FUCKING LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY? DO I?! DO I?! I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF THIS CYCLE OF FUCKING BULLSHIT! I'M TIRED OF LIVING LIKE THIS. IM TIRED OF HAVING NO CHOICE BUT TO APPLY IM SO. TIRED OF IT ALL!" Riddle gone quiet. As he broke down even more. . Floyd was aware this could cause blot, he didn't know what much to do than attempt to comfort the teary-eyed housewarden. "Hey uhm.. don't cry. Its gonna be okay." Floyd awkwardly patted the boy. Surprised as riddle pushed his hand away so furiously. Then.. got an idea . Usually, it helped whenever he was upset. So ofcourse he had to try.. but he was partially concerned to. Though he took the chance. And gave a warm smile to riddle. "Come here goldfishie!~ Ive gotcha okay? Don't be sad, and just relax " he pulled in riddle tightly. It wasn't as tight as when he squeezes people but similar, "YOU LITTLE !— PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!!" Floyd only giggled with glee as he proposed an idea "Hehe! I will. Just tell me when you want me to stop the fun okay?~" . "Im sorry wh— Ahahah!— LET ME GO !-" Riddle burst out into this soft , raspy laughter at the feeling of Floyd tickling him . Almost, well yeah. Enjoying it. Honestly riddle forgot what it felt like to be like this since his lack of physical attention. And He could only take it, because its not like he can get down from floyd having him scooped up into his arms while Floyd's stupidly long nails fluttered around his stomach . Soonly Floyd had stopped. But didn't put riddle down.. instead just carried riddle back to his dorm mates.. they were sitting in the cafeteria.. Cater decided to snap a picture with everyone just to see floyd carrying a flustered, giggly riddle in his arms.. "Riddle-kun! Are you okay? We haven't seen you all day!". Floyd looked at riddle "See. They aren't mad." Riddle had quickly composed himself as floyd was still poking him in the ribs and found the words to respond, "O-Oh. Don't worry about it. I'm okay now."
They resumed life as normal.. though something was odd. Riddle was walking off balance. And seemingly startled when someone's hands came in contact with him. Ah, hes alright. Because what can he say? He's always right
A/N : Thank you so much for reading!~☆ I haven't written a genuine fic in months , so I hope you liked it
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merakiui · 1 year
For the Ask Game! 🥺🙋‍♀️🌞🤯⏳
if you haven't answered them already 👉👈 I hope this isn't too much for you! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
It's not too much at all!!! I'm happy to answer more emojis. :D thank you!!!
(ask game)
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Oooo there are too many!!! To name specific instances, Riddle's relationship with the reader in DRU always tugs on my heart. He worries so much for her and it's obvious he cares immensely. The same goes for Azul and Cater. All of these people care for Reader, but Reader doesn't care enough for herself. T_T additionally, I like when characters have a chemistry that is so good that they can just share a look and instantly connect and be on the same wavelength as the other. Like Jade and Reader in the upcoming fic. They're both aware that they're using the other for their own benefit, but that doesn't stop them from being friends. And they understand each other (to some degree) because they're both freaks. They play off of one another so incredibly well. I love it. >v<
Also, the trope of "what could have been had [xxx] not happened" always makes me weak. Sea Glass (and its sequel Moonbroch) delve into this trope a lot, especially with Reader's relationship with the man they murdered. At first you may hate him for what he did, but then the fic reveals more human facets to him and suddenly he seems so much better than the trio. It hurts even more when you note the genuine connection he had with the reader before it was compromised.
I also like the interactions Scaramouche and Reader have in another upcoming modern au fic. He's like a grumpy, hissing cat who slowly but surely learns to accept and open up to someone. The entire fic revolves around Scaramouche and his struggles with his humanity and emotions and trauma. He meets his very first friend in the last place he'd ever expect to make a friend. It puts me in my feels every time Scara realizes he's having fun talking to the reader and he quickly stifles that emotion because it's another reminder that he's human. >_< aaaa he just deserves to be loved forever.
And Bittersweet Secret!!!! Reader's relationship with Xiao is so tragic. To a very small degree, Xiao knows it's wrong to confine someone, but he can't let the reader go as they're the only good thing in his life. Without them, everything is dark and lonesome. And the reader is trying so hard to make Xiao happy and get him to smile while living with the fact that they will remain his captive forever. It's such a sad dynamic. :( they both deserve to be happy.
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
Just one person and it's my best friend. They've listened to my ramblings about various fic ideas before, and I'm always grateful when they exchange ideas with me despite not being into Genshin or twst. :D
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
I like to write at night because that's usually when I'm most inspired and focused, but sometimes I'll write in the afternoon if I'm able to.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
This may not be a genre, per se, but research papers. Truly the bane of my existence. >:( it's not that I struggle to write them; I just don't enjoy writing them. ;;;;
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
It depends! I wrote Mother in just two hours because I was so inspired after listening to haikara. Conversely, it took nine entire months to write Azul thought 4, whereas it only took a few days to write Azul thought 2. >_< it might just be a matter of how inspired I am, how determined I am to finish a fic, how much free time I'm afforded to write, and also how complex the plot is. Sometimes it takes longer to write fics with complex plots or scenes.
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7th Dimension (Chapter 7.8)
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7TH DIMENSION WATTPAD VERSION LINK (I am entirely ahead on this site now. 7th Dimension on Wattpad has now accumulated more than 10 chapters. There are minimal scenes back in the previous chapters which has been altered there, so sorry about to those who only read my updates through Tumblr because there might be some differences in Satoru's characteristics which has been changed on Wattpad already, yet y'all are bound to read the altercations in further chapters. Heehee.)
Characters: Gojo Satoru x Small!Naive!Fem!Foreign!Reader | THIS IS A MULTI-CHAPTER FIC. THIS IS AN X READER FANFIC WHO HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO THE DIMENSION OF JUJUTSU KAISEN | (Trust me, you'll live. I hope?)
Summary: (Part 9) Mind Training with Gojo Satoru had been beneficial to the both of you. You were given a mission to bake him sweets and in return of earning a 10/10 rating from the Great Teacher Gojo would result for a Shopping Spree treat from the Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer alive. Additional Summary for this chapter: From your transference of your world to Satoru's have been actually forecasted by an undisclosed diviner that obscured his prophesies in the dark. Nonetheless, what was meant to be envisioned for you had all been a trifling matter because he had seen nothing but a nullity of a future set out as you walk upon Satoru's dimension. Except for the fact that Fukumoto Daichi knew you also were an erudite when it came to the happenings that was set forth for the Jujutsu Society in the near future.
Warnings: Fukumoto Daichi is not a character from Jujutsu Kaisen along with Sasaki Hibito as well. They're both OG characters created by me. | Satoru's still being Satoru. Other than the menace being a menace, none. Just a lil' bit suggestive somehow because Satoru's sexy as heck---*rolls on the ground*
7th Dimension Taglist: @dailystsg (Send me an ask or message if you want to be added or removed, bb's!)
A/N: FEEDBACKS HELP A LOT FOR A WRITER.  REBLOGS, RESPECTFUL MESSAGES SENT THRU ASKS AND COMMENTS MAKE MY HEART TINGLE AND SQUEAL, ISTG. 💙 I DO APPRECIATE THEM ALL. I sincerely apologize how long chapter 7 is. There's another part which is 7.9 but don't worry because it'll be the last part before chapter 8. Thankies! Heehee.
Words: 5.4k+
Disclaimer: PNG's or pictures used in edits, also those posted are not mine especially the GIF's. (I dunno how to make GIF's 😭 Tell me if the GIF's are yours so I could probably tag/credit you, bb's!) I only own the plot of 7th Dimension. But, not Jujutsu Kaisen's storyline and the characters themselves. OG characters are created by me and will be stated during my brief author's notes. I apologize for the typos or grammatical errors by the way! English isn't my first language so I'm so sorry in advance! Character development and personalities are based from my understanding and how I want them to be for the sake of the story.
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YOU'VE PATIENTLY WAITED FOR THE TRAIN ON THE SIDE. Another ice-lolly on hand that Satoru has promised to invest you in. His own strawberry popsicle guzzled within seconds. As expected from an unusual man who had a terrible, gnarly sweet-tooth. There wasn't much people that bordered. The veiled excitement balling upon your soles, making you senselessly wriggle those toes of yours inside your shoes, playing along your weight with the heels of your feet as it appeared like a child eager to be taken to the first destination of her field trip.
Bzzt. Bzzt. Satoru could feel his phone vibrate inside his pockets. The default ring tone of his cellphone pealing out loud, over and over again.
He never cared to put it on silent. Unmoved by how it look as though he was definitely needed to be somewhere.
Gojo was doing it on purpose. Ignoring the call, that is. In no circumstance did he bother to answer again as he knew it was either Yaga ranting and raving for his irresponsibleness or Ijichi being chided for his faults that has been put to the assistant director's blame.
"You're not answering that?" your tone seemed mirthful than ever, bringing the stuff toy below your chin while the other held onto the wooden stick. The cold dessert you were clutching onto was now polished off to the ends; the piece of wood aimed directly at Satoru's phone that was kept inside the pocket of his jeans.
You've held a palm out to him, signaling for him to wait as your feet skipped through the cemented grounds, throwing the garbage inside the proper recycling bin. Even though, Satoru did not appear to be looking. He basically was keeping track of where you walked upon.
Filled with vim. Your feet having the springs as you've pranced back, being all smiles and giggly. He'd given you his regard and another of his toothy grins, intentionally ignoring your question.
"You should at least hide your excitement, Tiny-Chan."
The train was fast enough for you to emit a sound of excitement; a faint squeal that went straight passed out of your mouth, heedless that you've ought to say it out loud. The train speaker declared its standard procedures in their native language, stating upon which station they were currently in---where both you and Satoru are located in.
You've taken short, overjoyed leaps through the entryway, snapping your head from left to right once situated inside and saw how there weren't a lot of people aside from a college looking student who had thick, square eyeglasses that sat on the farthest end of the train over the boundary where another hatch were interloping and connecting with the other door, a periphery of the area.
This stranger had his head leaning along the window behind him. He'd audibly sighed his frustration out underneath his breath. Mind elsewhere, currently in a pensive state as he was burdened over complications that has happened with his work and towards subsidiary affairs.
Activities which can be considered as a religion he worshipped. A lone divinity adulated by a faction of individuals they've devoted their lives for, depending on their own scriptures or gospels delivered by a deity they offer all their reliance on. People were of many creeds and cultures. Humanity embodied boundless beliefs. Divine beings reverenced by traditions that were established years before. 
Each one had their own doctrines of predestinations. It was just a matter of faith or a member of the human race to perceive and accept their designated sects with accepted pieties and the sanctity of one. 
"If 'Toru' has a tiny spot of grime...I'm strangling you alive, Satoru!"
You've caught this stranger's attention when you've given a loud, rowdy exclamation of your own irrefutable threat. The man lethargically blinked to himself, keeping his head away from the window before he'd been knocked for six, blinking another as if he couldn't believe his eyes. 
"Is that..." His submerged mind went above the apprehension of reality, own dwellings surfacing in between a quandary that emerged for an unsought time. Incredulity and dread loaded his disbelieving spirits. Own nerves malfunctioning, putting a kibosh on worrying over the mistakes he'd been berated back on a work he'd been receiving money from. 
The faction comprehended him clearly. Six months. Half a year after dooms day, Fukumoto Daichi was to be reborn again. Right after on the succeeding date that every Jujutsu Sorcerer has been oblivious for. An ill-starred time that no one would've been aware of. 
Their world's downfall for only a minute of time where each one was bound to suffer in successive unforeseen deaths. 
Fukumoto Daichi had seen what was written in the stars.
Through every calamity; every stroke of bad luck from every Jujutsu Sorcerer's decisions till the contretemps of what Satoru's dimension provided them with. Natural disasters that couldn't be controlled till the resoluteness of cursed-spirits that has been casted to the sides---thrown towards the tenebrosity of their world because of one's existence. He'd detected them all. They were au courant with the eventualities and incidents. Every member finding utmost trust to his divine providence that he offered to their faction.
But, to his ordinance---a god-forsaken commandment, Fukumoto Daichi had announced his sacrilege was to never stand in the way of what fate had for their dimension.
No matter what it takes.
Undeterred by the laden consequences, deplorable conditions and egregious circumstances that he'd foreseen before his demise.
Even if it meant for their world to collapse into complicated, torn pieces.
Only Sasaki Hibito was the sole person to apprehend what was said between the lines of their overseer in the subject matter of a woman; a substantial commination to the tenets of Fukumoto.
This threat he'd distinguished to be. Fukumoto foreknows everything. The image of your face which had his sanction flabbergasted by the details. Yet, barely laying hold of what you provided for Satoru's world other than the sketches he envisaged because your existence; your life, your motives or plans ahead, to Fukumoto he'd seen nothing but a nullified cloud of obscurity. Withholding bupkis of your astral influence that he could not predict.
Hence, which is why he'd made it intelligible for everyone---to everyone meant that only Hibito had understood the obligation imparted to those who were vacated that you were entailed to be terminated.
It was either to decimate or keep you constrained no matter who ended up escorting you through your unnecessary pilgrimage on their land.
Nevertheless, the scene that he was welcomed with---bringing you with them to a standstill required sedulous care. An all-embracing endeavor and a life of toil for each member of their religion that it would take a chucklesome illusion of pigs flying in the air.
Perhaps, keeping you detained within their grasp would be impossible.
Because you were guided---deemed to be protected and shepherd around Japan by the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in their world.
How fearsome it was to see you with him. Even mind-boggling to get a drift of such appearance that were an absolute reciprocity of Fukumoto Daichi with an opposite gender that they had prophesied for. Though, to no extent did they have any idea where, when and how you would make an appearance.
Hibito's hand couldn't help but shake just by being in the presence of him alone. Those fingers of his that trembled from trying to clean his own glasses with the fabric of his shirt. His lungs that began shaking like a leaf.
Those of the members within his faction who had seen Gojo Satoru in the flesh have been right. It was either you get intimidated or terrorized by the judgements you had for his potentials, exhibit abhorrence for his existence and hubristic side or have a bit of both.
There was no in between if he doesn't plan to keep you close within his range. Physically, mentally and spiritually.
Only those who were of palsy-walsy are to witness what and who Gojo Satoru really was. Apparently, Hibito was not one.
Master Daichi knocked together a plan of action that was paradoxical to begin with if what he depicted were not of an illusion fabricated during his stressed out conditions.
Hibito brought back his glasses to where it was situated in the first place. Lenses all limpid that he'd happen to fall further on his seat. An expected migraine taking place from the image.
You really were with the honored one. The inheritor of the limitless and six-eyes.
"Out of all damned people...She was supposed to be with us," Hibito mentally thought to himself, shunning his eyes away from both you and Satoru who kept bickering like you did not care for the world. He kept his eyes straight, disregarding your presence on purpose.
Nevertheless, his own leg seemed to be jiggle when he began to cross them. His own nerves deceiving him through the thoughts, logics and false providence that followed; his soul outright aware of Satoru who was just meters away from him and knowing he had the capability to die with one phony act he makes when he appears to be like he knew him and his history along the Jujutsu Society.
It would always end up with the question, 'How'. In which, Hibito could forebode their sub rosa patrols that involved time ahead and revealing them all would have him dying first before he could.
"Ooooh. Scary! A threat coming from a teeny-weeny girl," Satoru teased and taunted, shifting on his seat as he leaned his head to the side, sending you a charming, skittish beam, "---A threat that's entirely impossible to happen. Heh." he'd lowly chuckle to himself, leaning closer to your face to offer more of his mischief and irritating taunts, "---I'd love to see you struggle."
"You've already gotten him dirty because you threw him off!" you've groused with a grimace, huffing back to him and taking the stuff toy in between you both, emphasizing your forefinger and drawing beads on where the exact smudges were. Showing him the tiny specks of dust that it has gotten from his previous reckless actions back at the photo booth.
"Eh. It's only a tiny speck of dust. You should've chosen a different plushie then. You had options. Either a black one or the horrid, white one." Satoru nonchalantly stated, his voice light as he leaned his broad shoulders back, crossing his arms but having his legs spread enough for you to chastise him for in which he clearly didn't care about if you were too bothered by it.
"Aren't you sitting too close to me? There are lots of spaces to be seated on! Yet, you chose to sit beside me and man spread like a bitch again!" your verbal horsewhips passed from one ear then towards the other. His grin growing like it was animated enough as Satoru scooted closer next to you, depriving more of your area with his lofty built. Another sally resurfacing that was already prepared to be quipped out in the open.
"Actually, you should be thankful. I get to check the weather up here and that annoying top of your head. Need to check if you're growing a halo or the devil's ears already." His facial expressions turned more of a cock-a-hoop when you've shamelessly pushed his thigh close with your palms, exerting all your energy to it as he let you do it your own. Satoru going on with the flow and letting you have your own fun.
He'd countered all of this perversion with a semblance of bypassing the sense of absurd froth that spumed under that palisade he trusted to be resilient and stout.
"---I realized that it might be a little bit of both though. There's no in between. Are you also like this back in your world?"
"I was once an angel. But, being with you is making me turn into a she-devil!---Satoru, your leg is heavy! Please move! Or just basically give me space then!" You've breathed out the energy used to just allow yourself to sink in further on your seat, being cloth to cloth with Satoru now while he expressed his frisky, obdurate discords with a shake of his head and continuous 'nah's' ,'No's.'  and unsophisticated 'uh-uh's'.
You were being ridiculously more comfortable as you held onto the prize that you both had claimed back at the arcade. Another exhausted breath has been puffed out of your lungs as you've held onto your fluffy, Neko's white ears, making it sit on your lap, aimlessly playing with it, a genuine smile lifting your face.
An involuntary run of the mouth. The repressed thoughts, one that has been too honest to overhear by the latter, "---Also, I've chosen this because this is the only one that has the possibility to look like you!"
Satoru couldn't help the waggish grin that traced his features. His arms folded before him as he was gazing alongside your face, "Ah. I understand it clearly now. Are you saying that you've chosen that Neko plushie in hopes of remembering me whenever I'm not around?"
"---I mean," he started again and went on with his teasing, wiggling his albino brows as he jibed at your abrupt honesty, "---you've basically had him patented with such a marvelous nickname, right? There's no doubt that you've chosen that particular plushie to spare a thought for me."
Damn it. His own reasoning and logic made your body freeze. A bucket of numbing ice seeming to fall above your foolish self. Your hands stiffening from mindlessly playing with the stuff toy at hand.
Caught red-handed. You had to snap your head away after that, fighting shy of his conspicuous, unabating observance. Those palpable Ether that always had your face toiled underneath the broiling sun. With a twisted expression and your tongue poking on the insides of your cheeks, there was no doubt that you wanted to slap your own mouth, turning too free-spoken around a person that you should be through and through attentive of. 
Satoru was left chuckling to your side. The tonality rich and resonant, full-toned enough to analyze that he was probably thinking of taking its meaning to his head. The assumption lingering inside his haughty mind that you've purposely chosen the white cat in terms of remembering him when he wasn't around.
You knew you were right when he started to brag his mouth upon the notion, "Don't worry, I'll always be around you, Tiny-Chan. There's no need for that." Satoru pressed on, his leg now elegantly crossed as he leaned further on your side. Straight off, being cheek by jowl with him. His willowy, athletic weight now leaning more onto you as he hummed teasingly.
"Y-You're putting words in my mouth! I-I didn't say that!" Flustered words toppled one on top of the other, caught in your own incautious reckoning. Those honest statements should've been left unsaid and prohibited only to that angel sitting on your shoulder.
Those off the record kept thoughts should've been written on a locked diary or some sort instead. Yet, this erratic, refreshing solace that neighbored you whenever Satoru was around, the apparent sheltered ambiance that could be felt through him paved those thoughts out somehow.
In which fed to his ego again after all.
"It's okay to be honest with me. I dislike liars anyway. Feel free to memorize my charm and handsome face before I return the blindfolds back," your cheeks were puffed for both, restraining the need to strangle yourself from your genuine dopiness, aware of the piping hot temperature that tarried, falling further down the volcano hole. Your face experiencing to be sizzling in a fiery catch of shame for such an honest retaliation that didn't seem to even be a verbal counterattack from you and also for Gojo's veracity that he was proudly reveling in.
He'd slanted down further, catching you entirely off-guard when the supple of his lips grazed along your earlobe. Those next words of his sounding deep-toned, modulated but a little bit hoarse that was meant to be classified into the titillating side.
What was set forth susurrated below his breath. Warmth carelessly skimming above your skin, "Don't be shy,"
All at once, those hairs on the nape of your neck stood like you've been electrocuted. The electricity going straight down the rabbit hole like it has given you a sensation of something different. One squeezing through concupiscent dreams, worth for a mother to scold the licentious behavior of her daughter. 
It echoed and rang through that flummoxed state you were having, his words being crooned like a choir out in a church. Full and utterly angelic despite of how the devil was probably laughing out of court through your persistence of going through the motions being a paragon of virtue. An angel? Nah. You certainly weren't. 
This quotation you've heard from Satoru have been mixed within the familiarity that echoed in that fragmented abyss planned to be healed and connected together, filling the cavity of intrigue. Though, the words that came out of his mouth was definitely the first time you've heard them loud and clear. It was as far as you could recall, including that distinct impeccable locution he uttered that has given you a giggle prior when you were forcefully fed by his Shiitake Mushrooms.
"H-Hey! IT'S MAKING ME UNEASY!---you are making me uneasy, Satoru!" Out of the blue, you've loudly protested at the top of your lungs. As luck would have it, there weren't any other passengers except for the college student you've become cognizant of. To some degree, his body stilted upon his own seat like he was situated in a rather confined space when he had all the expanse to take, off in a world of his own. If there were elders, they would've chastised both you and Satoru for being so brash and rowdy. Affiliates to be classified in the boisterous side of the crowd because of the constant rumbustious pleasantries that catapulted high and low from both parties.
The noise would've been considered ill-mannered to their culture especially while riding a public transportation.
You tore hell for leather out of the seat you've occupied in the train, lifting yourself off from Satoru's side, emigrating from his reach without sparing him a glance. Your face uttermost being baked inside an imaginary oven, feeling like it was being scorched by the heat of the stove.
Satoru was utmost tickled pink for such a raucous reaction.
Too entertained that he had to drive more around the bend. He'd given a simper, the ends of his lips stretching wider as he ought to bring his pestilent necessities to use. Satoru was settled to provoke you even more, shamelessly pulling himself out of his seat, scurrying along your side with a playful purse of his lip. The troublesome idea of whispering the phrase again along your ear.
The strongest have made it obvious. Satoru's perverse decisions and plans that were clouded with mischief all the while he scooted next to you and offered his audible teehees.
"Don't be---" His words were cut off, lanky body being at an angle where his breath was capable of giving the summer breeze along your hypersensitive skin. The wariness of his presence stuffing your sentience that you were holding tightly onto your brand new prized stuff toy with a reckless moniker of it having named 'Toru' that you've had the audacity and will power to shove the plushie on Satoru's face in attempts to shut him up.
It would've stopped everyone's tracks; would've ceased Sasaki Hibito if he wasn't intentionally shunning off to both of your existence, it would have also catch Satoru's students on the hop because of a breathtaking and unanticipated incident. An absolute willpower from a non-sorcerer would have raised a furor among everybody who'd wanted revenge given to a menace of the Jujutsu Society. That fixity of purpose from a person who entirely had no sense of cursed energy nor knew any technique in regards to Jujutsu.
All that spunk you've got deserved an uproar. If his students or those people who were constantly annoyed by him were around, you might have received a splendid applause.
Satoru had seen it. His senses knew you were about to give him a smite with your Neko stuff toy. But, he was too busy; too preoccupied with his own guffaws over the bashfulness of your spirits that he allowed it to happen. Your soft toy smacking him in the face, "---Oomph!"
However, Gojo Satoru was obviously quicker than you opined him for revenge. Energetically taking the stuff toy from you and out of your hands.
The annoying idiot literally and proudly chucked the prized possession away inside the train. Within the area of the public transportation that you were both traveling in. The poor white stuff toy kitty heading throughout the width of the train compartment, accepting its hapless fate with a faint squeak of its loss. The lifeless soft toy devoting itself for its sustained defeat for being tossed for a lot of times today.
Satoru Gojo: 2 | Neko-san: 1
Neko-San has earned his well-deserved point by hitting him on the face.
This has been one of the loudest exclamation of his name that has been spat out of your mouth, kicking up a fuss for the sorcerer's foolish actions. Those embarrassed expressions you had, the broiling heat gradually melting away when Gojo had to dramatically stood on his towering height. He'd posed like he had a strike over a bowling game. Fists tightened on either side of him. His long-legs slightly bent like he was ready to pounce or give a kick over a cursed-spirit that technically wasn't there to begin with. Stance appearing to be like he was ready for combat.
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You couldn't help the tight, firm moue. Those aghast expressions candid to be perceived by anyone, distorting them even more when Satoru had to declare a word out loud.
You've given him the stink-eye, giving his face a once over and scrutinized the widening beam he had. As a matter of fact, you've spotted the slight dinky rumpled streaks of his wispy Ivory hair on the strength of Neko-san's attack. Satoru never took his eyes off your Neko stuff toy that went and flew as far as it did that it fell right exactly before the stranger's shoes whom was sitting silently and minding his own business.
"AH! YOU NEED TO STOP IT! He's as pale as your albino hair! Stop throwing him away like he's some ragdoll! REALLY!" With a stomp of your foot and an obvious, tight wrinkle of your brows clamped together. To the fullest extent were you nettled by Satoru's acts of inconveniences. You've felt your lips twitch on the sides, huffing out an exasperated breath. Holding onto the train's metal side bar to stabilize yourself to stand as you've audibly vouched and dragged your heavy footing along the floors towards your beloved stuff toy.
"---I have to get him again myself!" you've crowed your thoughts out loud, bleats frank enough for Satoru to assess as he continued on with his poses and own glares upon a lifeless dummy he was subtly seeing as an illusionary combatant. "---you've almost had to hit the stranger on the head too! Now, I need to apologize for your behavior when I don't even speak your language!"
The floor seemed nicer to stare at for Sasaki Hibito. How long had he been moored to his seat till his destination? In all likelihood, the time he spent with the both of you around had been ephemeral. Quite not too long ago yet. Granted that, time stood still and had been a suffocating mess when Satoru Gojo has been in the ballpark bordering his vicinage.
Hibito has been eavesdropping, nevertheless. Mentally inscribing synopsis or observations for your existence as well. One he'd taken to footnote was the nonnative language you were speaking. Distinguishing you to be of a foreign woman whom the strongest could decipher. He'd also been hearing you both fighting over something so childish. An irrelevant notation he'd paid attention to when his earwigging was ceased due to seeing a large, white, stuffed cat toy that has been knocked to the ground, right before the tip of his shoes.
This was the thing that both you and Satoru has been bickering non-stop about.
He couldn't help but mentally cuss inside his head. Never risking the profanities to be commented out loud.
"Damn it." Hibito was repeatedly questioning himself if he needed to get it for you. Balancing the consequences if he did or did not. What if he acted and turned a blind eye to the plaything? would Gojo Satoru break his neck for it? 
Hibito technically heard the prior canards through one of Fukumoto's disciples. One of the few and far between strong adherents of his that he couldn't conceive to be happening; confabulating with an eldritch being to start with. He'd listened to the their chinwags over how Gojo granted ruthless measures over a particular unregistered special grade cursed spirit who'd underestimated the strongest. His foe losing his temper for his vainglorious demeanor that he had whenever in the course of a Jujutsu battle. Gojo Satoru was granted that he was verily stronger and had the upper hand before the battle even started. 
The word on the street purveyed in the pitiless aftermath of this certain vier, taking him down a peg or two from grisly pulling his own head off inside Gojo's Domain Expansion that has overthrew his. 
Straightaway and without even realizing his fretful nerves were controlling him all at once, Hibito was coming in for the stuff toy. His subconsciousness screaming how his yips would've made everything conspicuous, yet he had to play the chivalrous and respectful Japanese citizen. He didn't need to look at the both of you anyway, he silently thought as his head bowed when he'd felt that you were at arms length away from him. 
Both of his arms out with the plushie on his hand, offering your soft-toy back without even sparing you a glance. 
This was the first and only time he'd seen whom everybody have loathed and been frightened of. Gojo Satoru whose existence which made every cursed-spirit hid behind the shadows because of his birth. Hibito even had the ill-fate to tolerate upon communicating towards the threat that their worshipped being has forewarned them all about.
The woman of peril that needed to be constrained within their hands.
"Ah---Hm. Arigatou Gozaimasu and Gomenasai. I hope the pronunciation is correct. By the way, mister---I'm with the crazy, albino man child. I'm so sorry." you've kindly thanked Hibito, trailing off for a second as you've glanced at the train's ceiling, reclaiming your soft-toy back from his hands. Your next words gibberish for him to understand as it was beyond any doubt a foreign sentence that he had his brows in a twist. The stranger carried on and hid his face underneath and in between his arms, playing the role of a diffident man who did not want to have a confab with anyone. 
He just didn't trust the constant frets of his fingers and the everlasting instability that Gojo's presence has brought him in. 
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"Oi! Tiny-Chan!~" 
Ah, Damn it. Hibito felt himself tripping on the wrong foot when he'd heard Satoru merrily calling out for you. His spirit of inquisitiveness has been changed to stress, stirring an intense amount of agitation when he heard Satoru hollering. The peculiar nickname and honorific he'd used piqued his curiosity. 
He had to continue and bow further as if the floor was really such nice art. Fukumoto's votary wanted you to scram; wanted you to skedaddle that he was pleading to Fukumoto's dead soul that you would leave him alone before his state of nerves could divert Satoru's attention from yours to his. 
However, your nosiness; your snoopy self decided to stay upon your tracks and studied him down in concern, wondering why he wasn't giving you a look, worried that he wasn't all too well. 
You've dwell on further, not wanting to judge the culture that you were still adapting from. Distracted as you appeared to be especially with the visual perception of Gojo, his six-eyes be immersed over your figure as you stood before the unusual, timid stranger. How the echo of his feet were like the drums of death, steadily being clobbered with in hulking thuds. Literally. 
"He knows. He knows that I know him. He knows. He knows." Hibito was cognitively ranting and wordlessly rambling time after time. His mind in a mess and have been on edge that he had unconsciously fished his phone out of his pocket, acting as if he has gotten a text when he could hear Gojo's heavy footsteps echoing closer.
"Didn't I tell you to just stay beside me because it's more fun when I'm around?"
Hibito's breath was being held back. He could feel himself fighting to keep an unstable pattern of breaths to make him appear more composed within the presence of his mind when it has all been the opposite. From his peripheral vision, his line of sight that has been hardly engrossed over the screen of his phone, he could see and feel Satoru closing in within a spitting distance which kept his anguish mid bay. 
"More fun when you're around? Hah! That was very funny. You've been giving me headaches!" you've bewailed with a tepid, sardonic laugh, turning a blind-eye to Satoru's saunters, "---throwing my plushie away since the moment I had him whenever you could. I always had to get it myself! This is all your fault!"
"Hai, hai...Come here now," Satoru droned once he was well-nigh, waltzing within the borderline of your discussion with a stranger you barely knew. "---besides, Neko-san's meant to be catapulted all the time."
"You go wash him then!" 
He'd kept his foot atwix the stretch of margin that kept you and Hibito adjacent to each other, looking as though he was trying to meddle in. Satoru actually was, much to your ignorance. On grounds of Hibito's twitchiness, his own nerves reacting upon his jittery impulse, his foot has faintly repelled when his sight-line and headlong senses seen Gojo's shoes step in between the line. 
It probably wasn't the best idea for his own axons to betray him in such an epoch-making occasion right now. 
You've been too faraway over your own hairsplitting mumbles of complaints over Satoru's actions, those real grouches inwardly interrupted when you've felt the grasp and warmth of his riveting touch that has gently grabbed your wrists, snowed under with his sizeable palm. Indulgent as he always was with you. Gojo have pried you out of the superfluous conversation, dragging you alongside of him and back to where you both seated. 
He's protective over her. She probably has been aiding to what Master Fukumoto has seen her to be. This guy wouldn't keep her with him if she was entirely useless after all. Hibito took his time as he breathed out the air he had been holding. At an apparent snail's pace with each step Satoru took as he yanked you away. The sneaking suspicions settling his ruminative thoughts ahead again. 
Although, he's kinda' too protective to assess.
Unbeknownst to him, The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer has given him the side-eye upon his intrusion, sparing him a glance of his fugitive heed when he'd intentionally whisked you away from Sasaki Hibito, the knacks of his scrupulous senses fastening on the infinitesimal buck fever he was having till the mocked-up act he was trying to mask for whatever reasons. Yet, above all was the tiniest scent that he had been around cursed-spirits. His six-eyes never conked out nor diminished him. It was a vague smell that he was inured to after all and even how diminutive this was for Hibito because he hadn't even met Fukumoto's acolytes for today yet, Satoru knew.
Satoru's foremost gut feeling that his restiveness had to be about him. 
That's what he thought because Gojo has been given to understand that you were a nonentity. Thoroughly unidentified and your existence purely being a mystery whom no one in his world knew of. 
"How could we even get ahold of her when it was impossible from the start?"
Gojo has cut those hunches dead, thumbing one's nose over a tangential non-sorcerer whose existence was irrelevant to begin with. 
Through the birth of Gojo Satoru; the balance of the world has been altered. But, to your unanticipated existence and being entirely surrounded by him, alone. Everyone's destiny was guaranteed to be reshaped and tweaked to an extent that should've been left untouched.
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Just wanna make it clear that Fukumoto Daichi has the same face with you. He's a man but prolly older. Heehee. He also have his disciples which are Sasaki Hibito and the others---which will be named and introduced soon. 
Think of them as a cult that's supposed to be hiding at all costs because they know some things that aren't supposed to be known that easily.
Satoru just be breathin' and Sasaki Hibito be fainting---LMAO XD 
There's still going to be chapter 7.9 before chapter 8 begins. Sorry if it's too long. I just really wanted this to last and also let them have their moments. Heehee. See you on the next chapter soon, if anybody even reads these fanfic stories of mine. Heehee!
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