#to anyone who believes the submitter; go. out. side.
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terrific-togekiss ¡ 8 months ago
It's disgusting how normalized this level of bullying is.
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Fandom Problem #4569:
When people believe cishet dudebros are active shippers. Maybe they'll find a ship ok or cool but they're absolutely NOT out there writing romantic fics or making ship art or daydreaming about a fictional relationship. At most, they'll weaponize a m/f ship to use it against a m/m one, and just hate m/m ships in general. But actively shipping? Nope. They rather dedicate their time to "waifus" than ships.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 4, Wave 2, Poll 1
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and round here.
Xiao Xingchen-The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi
He's blind (long story there but basically his partner was blinded and they did some magic so gave up his eyes for him). He's technically not canonically queer in the show (unsure if he is in the books) but like intensely close relationship with his partner Song Lan and then unintentionally inspiring an insanely homoerotic
He's blind but he has a sword that point him towards evil things (ghost puppets). unfortunately for him, this can, and does, get exploited by others so he kills people he believes are just ghost puppets that aren't. anyways his story is quite tragic (along with everyone else around him. no one has a good time of it, not even the villain). He's also incredibly kind. like he saves some stranger off the side of the road and never asks him who he is or why he was there but still takes care of him and then when the guy just doesn't leave, they live in domestic bliss for like 3 years (this does not end well).
Ianthe Tridentarius-The Locked Tomb
she's a lesbian and one of her arms has been cut off twice. As in, it was cut off once, a replacement one was stuck, but she didn't like it so it didn't work properly and she tried to cut it off. as a favour, someone else cut off that arm and grew her a new one which is just bones. it doesn't have the same strength of her old arm because it doesn't have any meat on it
amputee lesbian
canon WLW/lesbian (in love with Harrowhark) and loses her hand at the end of book one. In book two, she gets a fancy bone-prosthetic.
she's had her right arm cut off twice. after the first time she was given a replacement, which she hated and didn't work right. she tried to cut it off, failed, so her crush grew her a new one out of her own bones in the closest thing we've had to a sex scene so far in the series. she had the bones gilded. she's such a lesbian for this woman, absolutely obsessed. "ohhh do up the back of my sexy evening dress for me ;)", and her crush just does it from a distance with bone arms because she's also a weird lesbian. Ianthe's competition for her crush's affections are two corpses and she's losing to both of them
she’s evil lesbian with a golden bone arm
If you like morally corrupt girlbosses, she's your gal! Ianthe is very powerful, ambitious and determined- unfortuantely she's also a bit unhinged and happy to side with god, who in this universe is a war criminal. Ianthe gets her power and influence at the cost of others, but her popularity in the fandom proves we love awful women and will defend them until the end of days even if they're objectively terrible people.
Anything Else?:
Ianthe is such a shit and I love her for that. a quote from the author: "I don't think Ianthe is nice to anyone, if she is I'll go back and fix it" (Submitter 1)
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crossovershipstournament ¡ 2 years ago
Three Teams Of [X] Has Two Hands
So we’ll start off the Team Posts with a group of teams I like to call ‘[X] has Two Hands’. Specifically, it’s the three teams where I paired them up specifically because they each had a specific character in both ships.
And funny enough, two out of three of them feature a Pines twin. Good for them, good for them.
Those teams are basically just ‘X character and their two significant others’ and I love the imagine them running back and forth to both sides of the bracket for each of their rounds on both sides. I also like to assume polyamory on their end, because cheating’s no good. So I feel like everyone’s in the know-how, everyone’s cool with it, and it’s all very sweet. 
Yes, I realize it will break some previously-established lore in the case of the first team, and yes, the phrase ‘[X] has two hands’ is pretty hit or miss for me personally (sometimes people like one ship and not the other, they’re allowed to do that). But it’s just for the sake of the tournament, nothing lore-breaking will be considered canon outside of it.
Is it a little unfair to have multiple ships with the same character, leaving less room for other ships with different characters to have made the cut? ...Maybe, but it’s my contest so I make the rules.
With all that being said, we have:
Team Dewey Has Two Hands:
Dewey Duck and Whitley Schnee Dewey Duck and Silver the Hedgehog
The first but certainly not last team to have a character from Ducktales 2017 (we love Ducktales 2017 here), both teams involve Dewey Duck and were automatic-ins, based on roleplays involving either myself or one of my buddies.
One of which involves him being still new to romance and also grey-aro, with a side of being caught in a ‘Protagonist Is Crushing On His Best Friend and Vice-Versa’ plot. Which would be so cool if it wasn’t happening to him specifically, but I’m sure things will work out.
If it’s not blatantly clear, this one’s one of mine and @crossovernonshipstournament‘s from our big Ducktales/RWBY crossover, which we’ve been working on for several years now. I’ll go more into that AU as I cover more teams but for now, we’ll just leave it there. Wait until Team Science gets here~!
I’m not entirely knowledged about the second one, but I’m sure with both Dewey and Silver having canon plots that involved time-travelling, there’s bound to be a lot of angst involved. Also knowing the submitter of the ship personally, I’m almost POSITIVE that there’s a lot of angst involved. ( @decanard Would you like to confirm~? 😉)
Team Dipper Has Two Hands:
Dipper Pines and Wirt Dipper Pines and Dib Membrane
Feels like the ships are pretty self-explanatory. Dipper deals with a lot of paranormal and supernatural things, so it’d make sense for him to be interested in other boys who are similar. Whether it’s dabbling in aliens and not being believed by anyone else outside of his sibling, or dealing with an ever-approaching threat that always seems to be watching from the darkness, it’s always nice to have someone there alongside you when dealing with the unknown.
Also I think if they all teamed up, they could so easily beat Zim, the Beast and Bill together. Or maybe they’d just avoid the last two, and go on to catch proof of Zim’s existence alongside Dib. Probably safer and less anxiety-inducing. And the last thing any of these boys need is to deal with more things that will spike their anxiety further.
Also just a special shout-out to @justadoll aka Doll, who asked me to include Wirt and Dipper. They have several ships they’re rooting for in the tournament (and I will absolutely give them a shoutout at that point too) but I know this is one of your super special ones and how much you love your boys 🥺
Team Mabel Has Two Hands:
Mabel Pines and Webby Vanderquack Mabel Pines and Gaz Membrane
Mabel Pines is full of love, whether it’s for boys or girls. But for this contest, it’s for girls~! Specifically one ducky girl and yet another Membrane kid. 
Honestly, I added Mabel and Gaz in because Dib and Dipper was one of the highest submitted ships, and I thought it’d be adorable to include the other side as well, but Gaz and Mabel really fall into the adorable ‘sunshine and gloom’ tropes pretty well (along with a few other pairings later on down the line, but we’ll get there when we get there). The person who submitted them said, and I quote, ‘it’s the dynamic of all time’ and I agree.
As for Mabel and Webby, it’s yet another ship that got in automatically, based on suggestions from my friends. Adorable autistic girls with grappling hooks, special interests, and just a love of their family? It’s just SO cute and fits both of them well.
Also another thanks to Lexi for suggesting the latter ship <3 We love the autistic girl rep over here!
That’ll be the three ships I cover for now; we’ll see which ships I cover next! Hopefully the other posts will not be this long, but who’s to say for sure because we all know I love to talk a lot.
Also if anyone has any other lore/propaganda for the ships mentioned in these posts, please feel free to add it in an ask/reblog/etc. Taking any and all if you got it, don’t be shy~!
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scoobypoopypoop ¡ 17 days ago
I don't believe in forcing Islam on anyone. What matters is belief in a God, even if its not my god. Because I believe all religions come from Islam and so Allah is the original god of all religions. The Qur'an says to protect and honor Believers even if they are not Submitters (Muslims) to the will of God.
What concerns me is that you seem more sexual than romantic and more material than spiritual in your mindset.
I like you a lot so I'll just drop knowledge on you I was going to save for much later. But I think you have promise and a good heart, so I'll give you the deepest secret wisdom.
You're probably aware of the Qur'an's story of Adam and Iblis. Iblis is an angel jealous of Adam and refuses to bow to him for Allah. So Allah punishes Iblis and Iblis gets revenge by getting Adam to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Then Adam and "Adam's wife" are made mortals. This is all in a garden in the Heavens. Allah kicks Adam and iblis out and makes them enemies and their descendants will fight til the end of time.
Do you get it?
Iblis is Adam's wife. In the Bible, Eve or Heva is the cause for the fall of Adam because of a snake who LATER was considered Satan. Jews created the character Lilith as Adam's first wife and made her a demon, sometimes the wife of the archdemon Samael or even the Devil herself. They got this from the Qur'an.
That's why there's a hatred of women in the 3 Abrahamic religions but Islam is the most forgiving and progressive by treating women as equals but maintaining they submit to, not men, but men who submit to God.
Masculinity = Darkness and Femininity = Light. Good = Darkness and Evil = Light. Throughout time, there's the belief that women are naturally witches and full of an evil force that they can't control. They're more prone to corruption and sin and temptation. They lead men to ruin and evil. The only exceptions are the black woman and the white man. This is why America's black Muslims called the white man the Devil. Because he is the most devilish man. The white woman is also devilish, but the white man's abuse makes her less evil than him. Thats why more white women are Muslim than white men.
The Arab is a biracial race which is why Allah gave them the Qur'an first. They're between Africa and Asia. But thats also why they are so incredibly corrupt, wild, violent, stupid, etc. They side with white supremacy and evil more than they do with Allah and other Muslims. Because black people were the first Muslims. Every prophet in the Qur'an is black, but they're viewed as white because of the Bible. Because Jews are white thieves of a religion of black Israelites. The Ethiopian Jews. They're not even called "Jews" They're called Beta Israel, which is what the Qur'an calls the Israelites.
My point is you, like most people, struggle spiritually because your ideas of good and evil are backwards. And I don't blame you because white people have programmed the world to see them as angels and blacks as demons or subhuman. I do not say whites are devils but they are the jinn of the Qur'an. Most are spiritually desolate. The jinn in the Qur'an are never called spiritual beings. They are a physical race DEFINED by their spirit. Proof is it says Solomon used the jinn to build his temple. Ghosts and demons don't build temples; White slaves do. JEWS.
Jinn = Gentile. GENesis in the Bible is about the creation of the white race, not the human race. The Bible's Adam is created on Earth by Elohim (plural for "many gods). Its talking about black people creating white people as a source of labor. Neanderthals who were bred with enslaved humans to build our pyramids. This is where mixed race Middle Eastern peoples come from, out of Egypt into the Caucus area.
Black people are not gods and white people are not devils. That was the pre-Biblical understanding of them. Actually there's evidence in the Bible that still says it if you read it properly ex. Psalm 82:6. But the Qur'an makes it clear that humans are made of both God and the fallen angel. You see it in society. White people are genocidal, ignorant and can't keep their clothes on or a marriage going. And every culture does well until a lighter one enters their lives.
Islam is the only treatment for white people and its actually what rescued them from their Dark Ages. They protect this knowledge because they still need Judaism and Christianity for political power. Before then, Egypt lifted hem out of the caves and into Greco-Roman culture. Its true the Sumerians were the first high civilization... but they were more black than anything else. They fell when they became too light.
Look at your big fat ass, your long legs and arms, your full lips and almond eyes. Even your pregnant-looking belly is African because Africans are lactose intolerant. But you also have pale skin, light eyes, flat hair, a wide waist and slumped posture from the Neanderthal genes in Caucasians ... and I love it because I have some too from my European grandmother. She also has Ashkenazi Jew in her, which is basically Turkish. Turkey is the homeland of Rome's Spartans and also "Jews", which is why they are the Satanic elite behind Christianity and Judaism.
If you do have a secret fart fetish, it comes from the Neanderthal DNA. Africans (Homo sapiens) had a very peaceful tribal culture because of their climate while Neanderthals were forced into caves, little sun, cannibalism, pedophilia, rape, living in filth and feces and worship of fire. All of this came to Middle East in "Aryan" religions.
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argentilibrary ¡ 8 months ago
Summary, Stances, Submits (+ How To Contact)
Plaintext at the end of the post, after the four dashes and under the read more. This post is recommended to be read before interacting with our blog. This post was last edited July 22, 2024. SUMMARY: Argenti Library is a blog dedicated to posting informational resources of all kinds. (Carrds, Rentries, Websites, Organizations, Articles, Personal Research, or any other form of information that may be interesting or helpful for plurals to read)
Extended Summary: Argenti Library is a blog run currently by one individual. It will post all forms of information, from any side of any argument, as long as they: 1. Do not call for the extermination of any particular group 2. Do not encourage individuals to commit crimes, harass individuals, or otherwise engage in harmful behavior 3. Are respectful to the mods and anyone who may interact with this account regardless of stance 4. Are, in some way, informational. These rules go for anyone who interacts with this account regardless of their stances on anything.
There is a lack of aggregated information on the internet for these topics, causing there to be large amounts of "the telephone game," echo chambers, misinformation on every side, and general harm to most communities involved. Argenti Library believes that it is healthy for anyone on any side of an argument to read and understand the other side's arguments, be able to easily understand and recognize bias in information on both sides, and to be able to interact with those with differing opinions respectfully. We will do our best to keep any and all posts accessible to all users.
STANCES: Argenti Library is neutral on any and all stances. Anyone, regardless on opinion, is welcome to interact and submit resources they deem interesting or informational.
Argenti Library labels every resource by: 1. Accessibility: Ease of reading, general screenreader compatibility, flashing lights, bright colors, or any other important to note comments on accessibility, including those requested to be added. 2. Credibility: Ranked by a 5 star system. Resources that cite credible sources (credible referring to a source that is either scholarly or popular) will receive the highest amount of stars, while resources with no sources have the lowest amount or none. 3. Risk (1): A color system (Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red) that corresponds with the likelihood an article contains content that could be triggering to the reader. (Blue being absolutely no risk, Green being very low risk, Yellow being low but possible risk, Orange being medium risk, and Red being high risk). 4. Risk (2): Any possible triggers listed. This includes most common and some uncommon triggers, if deemed necessary to add or requested. 5. Stance of author: If an author is pro neu or anti endo, pro neu or antiship, pro neu or anti radqueer, or any other stance that is relevant to the resource.
SUBMITS: To submit a resource to Argenti Library, use the Argenti Library inbox labeled "Front Desk" and fill out the form below to the best of your ability. To ask a question, refer to How To Contact. To Request an accessibility and/or risk addition or a change to the author's stance, you may use either the Front Desk inbox or contact us on our main at your discretion.
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Summary: Argenti Library is a blog dedicated to posting informational resources of all kinds. (Carrds, Rentries, Websites, Organizations, Articles, Personal Research, or any other form of information that may be interesting or helpful for plurals to read)
Extended Summary: Argenti Library is a blog run currently by one individual. It will post all forms of information, from any side of any argument, as long as they: 1. Do not call for the extermination of any particular group 2. Do not encourage individuals to commit crimes, harass individuals, or otherwise engage in harmful behavior 3. Are respectful to the mods and anyone who may interact with this account regardless of stance 4. Are, in some way, informational. These rules go for anyone who interacts with this account regardless of their stances on anything. There is a lack of aggregated information on the internet for these topics, causing there to be large amounts of "the telephone game," echo chambers, misinformation on every side, and general harm to most communities involved. Argenti Library believes that it is healthy for anyone on any side of an argument to read and understand the other side's arguments, be able to easily understand and recognize bias in information on both sides, and to be able to interact with those with differing opinions respectfully. We will do our best to keep any and all posts accessible to all users.
Stances: Argenti Library is neutral on any and all stances. Anyone, regardless on opinion, is welcome to interact and submit resources they deem interesting or informational.
Argenti Library labels every resource by: 1. Accessibility: Ease of reading, general screenreader compatibility, flashing lights, bright colors, or any other important to note comments on accessibility, including those requested to be added. 2. Credibility: Ranked by a 5 star system. Resources that cite credible sources (credible referring to a source that is either scholarly or popular, linked clarification: https://guides.lib.berkeley.edu/c.php?g=83917&p=3747680) will receive the highest amount of stars, while resources with no sources have the lowest amount or none. 3. Risk (1): A color system (Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red) that corresponds with the likelihood an article contains content that could be triggering to the reader. (Blue being absolutely no risk, Green being very low risk, Yellow being low but possible risk, Orange being medium risk, and Red being high risk). 4. Risk (2): Any possible triggers listed. This includes most common and some uncommon triggers, if deemed necessary to add or requested. 5. Stance of author: If an author is pro neu or anti endo, pro neu or antiship, pro neu or anti radqueer, or any other stance that is relevant to the resource. Submits: to submit a resource to Argenti Library, use the Argenti Library inbox labeled "Front Desk" and fill out the form below to the best of your ability. To ask a question, refer to How To Contact. To Request an accessibility and/or risk addition or a change to the author's stance, you may use either the Front Desk inbox or contact us on our main at your discretion. Submission Form: Resource link: Located from (optional): Stance of submitter on resource topic (optional): Post with ask attached or as a standalone post: Anything else? (optional):
How To Contact: For questions, comments and concerns, contact us on our main, endogenicentropy. To know more about the librarian's personal stances (though they will be kept omitted from this blog wherever possible), contact us on our main, endogenicentropy. To debate us on our personal stances, contact us on our main, endogenicentropy. To send us pictures of birds you took or other various completely unrelated commentary, contact us on our main, endogenicentropy. We do not have another blog, and if we did, we would not associate it with this one. If we create another blog, we will advertise it on our main. (our main is endogenicentropy)
/End plaintext]
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noah-infinity ¡ 2 years ago
It's people like this submitter that make me realise why people no longer enjoy Splatoon as a game anymore.
When you have to go out of your way to explain that people being extremely unkind, annoying and unpleasant in matches by being in your spawn and killing you endlessly is "part of the game", that's when I personally believe you need to rethink your stance on things.
Splatoon isn't just a competitive landmine for people who sink 1000s of hours into it. Splatoon is also a game meant for general audiences, kids, etc. People who will be less talented, less skilled and have less of an idea of how to play optimally. Splatoon 3 is most likely someone's first game in the series. They won't know how to deal with spawn campers and base invaders, will get frustrated, never touch the game again and associate the game with bad memories or call it an awful experience.
This logic is a one way ticket to a lowering player base and a bad reputation. Players need to understand that they don't need to give it their all every match in order to have fun and a good experience. You all get worked up over everything because you all only see how it makes or breaks the competitive scene. A lot of other players just want to enjoy the game and the newest features.
This constant stream of negativity and people taking everything too seriously has, well, seriously damaged the way people see Splatoon. It's no longer fun to anyone which is a shame considering Splatoon's worldbuilding, lore and side content are so richly thought out and enjoyable. There's so much to love within Splatoon but because everyone only ever focuses on the multiplayer aspect, everyone is just tired and done and annoyed thanks to people like this submitter.
Now, more than ever, I miss the way the fandom was back when Splatoon 2 was still alive, and when Splatoon 3 was nothing more than a reveal trailer.
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Spawn camping is fine and a part of the game. There are ways to prevent it, like no the opposing team should not retreat from your spawn just to ‘give you a chance to win’ bffr. It’s just a skill issue
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everlarkficexchange ¡ 5 years ago
Everlark Fic Exchange: Masterlist
 Springtime Edition (2020).
The King's Mistress by @eiramrelyat
Prompt 9: Katniss is a commoner and peeta is a cruel king. He wants katniss to be his mistress. How will they fall in love is up to you. [submitted by anonymous] 
Stay with Me Just for Now by @booksrockmyface
Prompt 10: katniss and peeta are best friends who were in a friends w benefits arrangement in the past. now the hunger for each other is coming back. [submitted by anonymous] 
A Quiet Announcement by @albinokittens300​
Prompt 11: in panem au where everlark isn’t reaped and peeta knocks up katniss. [submitted by @sunflowerslyf] 
Prompt #12: by @endlessnightlock
Prompt 12: katniss walks out of the fitting room wearing only a bikini to ask her friend if it suits her but it isnt her friend at the other side of the door but peeta. [submitted by anonymous] 
When You Were Mine by @pitualba2015
Prompt 20: Peeta is the CEO and katniss is his secretary. They have an affair and katniss gets pregnant but when she tells peeta he doesn’t believe her and accuse her of trying to trap him. What will he do when he realize his mistake and how will he win katniss back. [submitted by anonymous] 
Two Households by @everlarkandhistory
Prompt 22: Set in early 20th century. Katniss and Peeta are from two rival families who have been enemies since forever. They have a chance meeting which led to them falling in love. They are completely unaware of their identity. Will their love survive or will their relationship crumble. [submitted by @mysteriouslycraftyreview]
Operation: BREAD (Bring Revenge on Everdeen to Avenge Dad) by @alliswell21
Prompt 23: Rumor: MrEverdeen crossed fence dividing Town and Seam, kidnapped Mrs Everdeen making her his commonlaw wife. Years later, Mellark sons plan to avenge their father by raiding Seam and kidnapping one of Everdeens daughters for one of them to take as a wife! Does Katniss “volunteer,” does she escape, how do the 3 brothers decide what to do with her since they didn’t plan it all out well? [submitted by @567inpanem] 
lying in the bed we made (if it wasn't us) by @archersandsunsets
Prompt 26: the night before the Quarter Quell, in the sleepless dark, Katniss and Peeta allow themselves to indulge in the bittersweet dream of a future they’ll never have together (“if it wasn’t us, what would you do?” “I’d want to marry you” “tell me”) [submitted by @rosegardeninwinter]
The Proper Response by @madetofly
Prompt 29: Post-MJ, Growing Together. Peeta is finally showing his affection and love for Katniss as they heal and reconnect. Katniss, being Katniss, seems to act like she doesn’t appreciate this, and is less than enthused. Peeta, taking this like an adult, stops showing her with the affection and tries to show her his love in other ways. Katniss, however, does not appreciate him stopping those things and set out to try and get him to continue it again because she misses it. [submitted by @albinokittens300] 
All the World's a Stage by @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Prompt 31: “We never see you two so much as kiss in public but last night we all heard you having sex.” Submitted by Buttercupbadass
Misconceptions by @awkwardeverlark
Prompt 35: No reaping AU. At 19, Katniss considers marrying Gale for practical reasons; the fact she just heard the baker’s son toasted and was assigned a house at the edge of town has nothing to do with it... maybe. What happens next? (was Peeta really married or was it his brother? Does she marry Gale? Does Everlark ever talk? Will Peeta cheat if he’s actually married? Can Katniss admit she loves the Boy with the Bread? Is this forbidden love?) is up to you. [submitted by anonymous] 
No One's Gonna Need You More by @ambpersand 
Prompt 36: Frustrated and stressed out Single dad!Peeta needs a fuck desperately. His best friend, Katniss, unwittingly offers to help him out. Things get murky with repressed feelings, but one thing’s certain, Peeta can’t keep his hands to himself anymore and Katniss is all too willing to oblige at the drop of a hat, regardless of place, time and her own emotions, as long as he keeps whispering all his sexy, filthy thoughts into her ear. [submitted by anonymous] 
Vidua by @darkhorse-javert
Prompt 44: Believing that taking a new young bride every 5 years will keep him youthful, Snow arranges to marry wife #12 from D12. In the hours between the ceremony and the wedding night, he drops dead. 16-yr-old Katniss returns to 12 but now she’s ��Widow Snow.” Can she ever be Katniss, district huntress again? With all that $, wedding gifts, etc that were sent on the train with her? [submitted by @567inpanem] 
Fortune Favors the Brave by @ambpersand
Prompt 46: Pacific Rim inspired AU with drift compatible Everlark (or not if you’re inspired by angst). I really just want to see more of that aspect of Pacific Rim explored than what they did in the movie and what better way to do it than with Everlark! [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback] 
Fate Takes a Break by @ally147writes
Prompt 50: everlark discovering on their date that they've missed each other their whole lives (living in the same city, went to the same high school, going to the same halloween and nye parties, were set up before by different friends but stood each other up, shopping at the same store, etc.) [submitted by @sunflowerslyf] 
I Choose You by @wendywobbles
Prompt 51: Katniss E, the Valedictorian of Panem High school, is perfect in all fields of life. And that is the crush of awkward, average in studies, not so popular, never had a girlfriend, often bullied Peeta M. Not only does she have a very popular friend circle but also a handsome, popular boyfriend Gale H. Will she even want to be his friend? Is his crush doomed to fail? Eventual Everlark. [submitted by @white-dandelion-seeds] 
The Change by @alliswell21
Prompt 59: Growing up Peeta started loving her. It was a gradual thing that happened throughout his childhood and into his teens. But something changes when he hits puberty. Her scent has heightened, he can spot her from miles away. He gets a bit possessive. But the biggest thing is when his body starts to heat up and even just the thought of you gets him hard for days. He finds out the family secret of his werewolf genes, something his parents thought passed him. How can he go by with his day and be with her without scaring her away by humping her because of his heat. [submitted by @animekpopxx]
By The Moonlight Side by @endlessnightlock
Chapter 2
Prompt 61: Peeta knew better, but he did stupid things when he got drunk. Now he’s caged at the animal shelter in his wolf form. And, omg, Katniss Everdeen let her little sister drag her in to see the dogs?! He knows he shouldn’t, but teen hormones. He just wants to lick her hand. Get a tummy rub. Hump her leg. Sleep on her bed. Omg, they take him home!!!! He needs to let his dad know where he is. Omg. He needs to figure out his bakery shift. “God, don’t let Katniss catch me licking my balls.” [submitted by @567inpanem]
Maybe Tomorrow by @katnissdoesnotfollowback​
Prompt 62: one night stand!everlark sleeping together the same night a terrible snowstorm hits the city and everything gets shut down with no way to get home. perhaps a two night stand? [submitted by anonymous] 
Genesis  by @rosegardeninwinter
Prompt 66: Everlark post apocalypse, katniss and peeta are neighbors and the only two that make it to katniss's father's bunker in time. Over the course of several years the two have grown quite close having no one else, but now provisions are running low. Do they face the unknown outside or stay put, knowing they only have food to last another week? [sent by anonymous]
Sunset on Grass by @alliswell21
Prompt 67: Her parents said that it was just a childhood crush and that she will outgrow it. But why does her heart flutters. When she’s finally old enough to get a job, she immediately gets a part time job to be close to him. Will is pursue her love against people’s negative views because he’s so much older than her. Or go for it and make him fall in love with her. Age Gap Older!Peeta. [submitted by @animekpopxx] 
A Taste of Rebellion by @acpoe82
Prompt 68: Dark Coffee Shop AU - Capitol Peeta runs a Coffee/Pastry shop in the poshest part of the Capitol. Near by President Snow’s Mansion. Capitol!Katniss is a frequent customer. Things in the Capitol begin to deteriorate as the rebellion drags on. Are they sympathetic to the rebel cause? [submitted by @oakfarmer12] 
You're Not Alone by @sunsetsrmydreams
Prompt 70: Peeta picks up a hitchhiker in the mountains one night, only to find it's his childhood best friend and now escaped convict Katniss Everdeen. In a panic he calls police but after hearing her side of the story comes to believe she didn't actually murder anyone. Everlark on the run. [submitted by anonymous]
Forever and a day... by @thegirlfromoverthepond
Prompt 73: I am a simple woman: I just want Katniss Everdeen content and loved and washed in moonlight I don’t care how you do it. [submitted by @rosegardeninwinter] 
The Most Unlikely Serendipity by @albinokittens300
Prompt 75: An in-Panem arranged marriage a/u where Katniss is slightly older than Peeta. [submitted by @endlessnightlock] 
Shots Make Me Sing by @sunsetsrmydreams
Prompt 81: Katniss finds her soulmate at her bachelorette party (aka Peeta)(Happy ending please) [submitted by anonymous] 
when we’re underneath the lights my heart’s no longer broken by @omercilessmoon
Prompt 92: High school musical au: katniss and peeta as troy and Gabriella. [submitted by anonymous] 
December nights in June by @viloula
Prompt 110: AU. Everlark live across from each other in fancy New York (or the like) penthouses. With all those large windows, they see each other daily and know the other's routine and all he/she does, but they've never met. A chance meeting occurs. What will happen? The circumstances of their living arrangements/any backstory and what happens between them is up to you. [submitted by @acpoe82]
High Heels at Midnight by @hutchhitched
Prompt 134: Visual Prompt. To see it go HERE [submitted by @javistg] 
must work hard, tolerate cats by @mendontprotectyou
Prompt 140: In Panem AU where Peeta is a Mail Order Husband. As the youngest son of a merchant class Capitol family, he has accepted he will never inherit the family bakery. But when his family contract him to an arranged marriage to further the business he will never own, he escapes by signing up to a programme to relocate and marry a district woman. Why Katniss needs a husband, is up to the author. Everlark endgame :) [submitted by @louezem]
Fics organized by prompt number. 
Masterlist compiled on May 11, 2020. Subject to change. New works will be added as they’re posted to the @everlarkficexchange. 
Looking for updated versions of the multi-chapter fics? Try our AO3 Collection 
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roleplay-salt ¡ 4 years ago
About; Rules; FAQ
Welcome to Roleplay Salt! This is a blog for roleplayers to vent & rant anonymously about the things that peeve or hurt them in the roleplaying community.
Your submission will always be posted anonymously; no exceptions. (This includes positivity submissions & shoutouts.)
Your submission’s text will be placed in a graphic and then copied as plain text as its caption for accessibility purposes.
Topics must be roleplay-related. (This can, of course, include experiences with partners doing things that may be unrelated to roleplay, but would still be considered relevant if it impacts your roleplaying experience with that particular partner.)
Anyone following our blog will be allowed to leave replies on submissions, whether in agreement or disagreement, and everyone is allowed (even encouraged) to reblog submissions, with or without their own commentary. However, we will delete any spamming comments, including ones that are or are similar to “Why don’t you come off anon and say that?” Such comments provide nothing to the discussion. In fact, they usually shut down discussion and it completely disregards the entire point of this blog’s existence. No one has to “come off anon” nor are they “cowards” for seeking safety behind anonymity. Your aggressiveness with that sentiment only reinforces the reason why they want to be anonymous in the first place. ADDENDUM: We will delete salt replies that involve simply telling others to, essentially, “shut up and move on already” and “stop sending salt replies in about this”. You’re more than allowed to say this things in the comments, but we will no longer be making them a part of any future debates.
We actively edit and restructure the wording of submissions. We read every single one of your submissions and we care about consistency and readability. We will correct any spelling errors, grammar errors, and odd sentencing structure, and we will often lengthen abbreviations and slang, and we will fill out any curse words or sensitive terms that were originally 'censored' in the submissions. Do not take it personally! Again, we aim for consistency. We will never just copy/paste your submission and then post it. That's terrible.  
T Y P E S    O F    S A L T
Vents & Rants
Negative Confessions
T Y P E S    O F    S U G A R
Advice & Suggestions
Positive Confessions
T Y P E S    O F    F L O U R
The “Flour” category is reserved for any submissions that do not appropriately fit under “Salt” or “Sugar”, often involving personal confessions and storytelling.
C A L L O U T S    &    S H O U T O U T S
A callout submission is specifically speaking nastily and meanly about someone else, regardless if it’s the truth or not.  All URLs & names in a callout submission will be marked out to preserve the other party’s anonymity as well.  We are a safe place for you to release your anger, frustration and hurt, even if it’s towards someone and not something. But we cannot and will not participate in the true nature of a callout. That will need to be something that you do for yourself if you believe that it’s important for you, your friends and your fandom community.
A shoutout submission is specifically speaking kindly and positively about someone else.
All URLs & names in a shoutout submission will remain visible, and the person will be tagged & mentioned on the post so as to better the odds of them seeing it.
“Who are the moderators?”
Currently, there is only one operating the blog: Moderator Bull.
“Am I allowed to know your roleplay/personal blogs?”
Unfortunately, no. To preserve our own anonymity (for many of the same reasons as the submitters), we have agreed on the terms to never give out our URLs if requested. If we are interested in your blog, then we will follow you at our own discretion!
“Will you remove a submission for me?”
That depends on the type of submission, what it is about, and what your reasoning for wanting it removed is. The whole point of anonymity is that nothing gets tied back to you. The only cases where we will greatly consider removing a submission is if it’s involving a shoutout about you and you don’t want to be affiliated with us. 
“Will you remove my comments on a submission?”
Of course! However, we will not remove any corresponding responses to you (except in instances where, if yours is removed, the next comment is made to look like it’s being directed to the person prior to your comment. We don’t want to cause unnecessary conflict.) We will also not be relied upon to keep deleting comments you regret leaving behind. If you’re wanting to leave a public response on submissions, then you must be prepared to have others possibly publicly disagree with you.
“Can I ask you for roleplay advice?”
Go right ahead! But we can’t promise the best or most insightful of answers, or that we’ll get to them relatively soon! Chances are, we will post your questions anonymously so that others in the community can help.
“Why did you follow my blog?”
To make our existence known to you and, if you like us, hoping that you will send in a submission of your own or tell your roleplay partners about us!
“How did you find my blog?”
Most likely through the Recommended sidebar feature, a mutual, or just the good ol’ search function.  
“Could you unfollow me?”
If you don’t want to be associated with us, then we recommend blocking the blog so that we don’t unintentionally follow you again!
“Hey, could you do something about the people leaving rude, mean responses on the submissions?”
Unless they are throwing bigoted slurs, threats, or suicide-baiting remarks at the anonymous submitter, they are not doing anything wrong. They have just as much right to disagree with your submission as you had when you sent it to us. We are, first and foremost, a place to vent frustrations or hurts behind the safety of anonymity, and we are also a free-speech blog. We are of the belief that discussions, no matter how heated, is healthy and brings the community together as a whole. Just as your submission may provide someone else with the awareness that they are not alone in similar frustrations, someone disagreeing with your submission may provide a new perspective to you and others that had not been considered before.
“How does name-calling and swearing and being mean add to a discussion? You and your blog are what are wrong with the roleplaying community!”
Just because someone isn’t being nice to you as they give their side of the argument, doesn’t mean that it cancels out their actual argument. You’re choosing to be offended and distracted by how abrasive they are, and that’s no one’s problem to deal with but your own. You have the ability to block anyone so that you no longer have to see their comments on future submissions. Why would we police what people say, the endgame of which would be to ban them from ever reblogging or commenting on submissions again if they don’t listen to us, if you’re not even willing to try solving the problem first by just blocking them? Wanting to have the last word or being upset that your submission didn’t receive the feedback you wanted is not a reason for us to step in and step on someone else’s right to speak, rudely or otherwise. If you’re not going to block them, then why should we?
“Could you not post submissions on sensitive topics like noncon, incest, and pedophilia?”
We have started tagging posts that we believe might be sensitive and controversial in nature with the tag “#twcontroversy”. We recommend blacklisting this tag. If that is still not enough, then we recommend unfollowing/blocking us. These are topics just as relevant in the roleplaying community as anything else.
“Could you promote me?”
Certainly! But only if you are another community-involved blog (a blog that provides a ‘service’ to the community, such as advice, roleplay help, a place for confessions, etc.), and it must be relevant to the roleplaying community to some degree! If you want to promote a roleplay blog, then we suggest sending in a shoutout submission!
“I sent a confession in weeks ago. Where is it? How long will it take for it to get posted?”
It’s either sitting in the queue or sitting in our drafts, waiting to be queued. We have 1,200+ followers so far, and on average we’re sent 15+ submissions a night. We only post between 5 to 8 submissions at night. Your submission is on a wait list. That’s all we can tell you.
“Why don’t you just close your submission box until all the current confessions are posted?”
Because we’re a vent blog first and foremost. If we close our ask/submission boxes, then we’re no longer an option for people who might desperately need to vent or talk about something that could have happened to them that day but have no other options. We want to be a healthy alternative to just bottling it up or possibly lashing out at the wrong people.
“I don’t believe you! I think you deleted my submission because one of you didn’t like it! You’re not unbiased at all!”
We’ve posted submissions about highly controversial roleplay topics like noncon, racism, transphobia, and pedophilia. We reassure you that your salt submission about OCs, theme trends, blog selectivity, etc. is not on that same level, least of all to the point that one of us would delete it. The only submissions that we have deleted, so far, are the ones that have included racial and homophobic slurs.
“[insert OP/commenter] is obviously a rapist/pedophilie!”
If we find that you have accused someone of being a rapist, pedophile, or apologist of either because of their defensive views on noncon/pedophilic ships or roleplay, your comment will be removed and you will be blocked. These are serious accusations that you shouldn’t be throwing at people over fictional content and we refuse to to let you use this blog as a platform to spew such slanderous accusations.
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askaceattorney ¡ 5 years ago
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(Previous Post)
Dear Anonymous,
The Mod: I learned to like Kristoph the more I wrote for him, but the entire disbarment of Phoenix is a sore spot for me. It’s not the fact that it happened, it’s a good story beat with good character development (that was later ignored by DD and SoJ), and I love hobo/dad Phoenix as a character. I just don’t like the way it was handled and Kristoph has always been a part of that.
Like I said in the article, I’ve warmed up to it some. If you bring Kristoph’s obvious mental state and extreme paranoia into the picture, it works out. I’m not going to say I like that Kristoph went from “I’m upsetty that Phoenix Wright stole my spaghetti” to “Everyone must die” but it does make him an interesting and dangerous character.
I suppose there really are two steps to his killing spree. He started out with only wanting Zak Gramarye to take a fall for jilting him and, if Phoenix Wright got disbarred, he didn’t care. Once he realized that Phoenix might have been wise to his game, he started phase two: eliminate those involved and keep an eye on his “friend”. It’s an interesting dynamic that works like the best parts of Death Note. I wish we got to see those seven years happen.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Nah, that’s the one we’ve been using for as long as I can remember.  None of us are eligible for a real attorney’s badge, and asking one of the lawyers here to give theirs up would be unthinkable.
The Mod: It’s been that way since the blog’s incarnation. That probably means the Admin wasn’t Mia as I presumed, but actually Furio Tigrette.
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Dear rogertheegg,
The Mod: I’ve had the following theory since AJ and it’s only become more likely as the series progressed. They’ve teased Lamiroir finally telling her children she’s their mom twice now. AA7 is where she finally does it, Apollo doesn’t take it well, she winds up dead, and Polly finally gets accused for murder. Athena defends him.
Co-Mod: I’ve never cooked up a scenario like that in my mind, so I’ll just go with the Mod’s idea.  I’d hate to see Thalassa die as much as anyone, but if that’s the price Capcom makes us pay to see more of Athena, then so be it.  Yeah, I’m actually that cynical.
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Dear Anonymous,
The Mod: Phoenix banked on Apollo to be an integral part of his plan to bring Kristoph down and clear him name. If Polly didn’t play ball, Phoenix might have very well wound up dead like all the other pieces in Kristoph’s game. Either Phoenix or those close to him. Somehow I always imagined Kristoph being more sadistic and less straight forward with Phoenix considering he pretended to be his friend for seven years like a straight up sociopath.
Athena working for the Dark Side of the Law™ would be a manipulator to the maximum degree. Let’s face it, her Mood Matrix isn’t an exact science and really shouldn’t be allowed in a court of law. She’d definitely fill in a few blanks and tamper with witness memory to ensure every testimony fit her vision.
Co-Mod: Not really a fan of alternate timelines where the good guys join the dark side, so I’ll leave this one alone.  And no one draw a picture of that Athena, or I’ll never forgive you.
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Dear Anonymous,
The Mod: It’s super sad. He was a great voice actor and still young.
I haven’t played TF2 in years and never got around to installing CSGO, so I’m not really sure what all happened with the source code leak. I know it was really bad and allowed for malware distribution, but that’s about it.
Co-Mod: I’ve played either of those games, believe it or not, but I might consider doing so just as a tribute to Rick May.
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(Art by submitter)
Dear kuromajinevil,
The Mod: Who gave them life? They are the real monster.
Co-Mod: The only way I can respond to that is with a sprite.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Thanks for mentioning that.  It’s been some time since I played Dual Destinies, so I didn’t quite put that together.  Even still, I imagine Apollo would be quite bewildered (while also smiling to himself) after hearing something like that from Pearl.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: That’s just one way I’m used to saying it, and how I imagine many of Ace Attorney’s adults would say it.  It’s also been said that way at least once in the games (by Sister Bikini), so it’s just part of the characters’ portrayal.
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(Previous Letters -- Arachnophobia Warning)
Dear Anthony,
Co-Mod: Thanks for clarifying.  I was wondering why I couldn’t find a letter to Athena about Larry that matched the context of this letter.
Also, with all due respect, ix-nay on the uge-hay iders-spay.  You’re freakin’ us out with those, dude.
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-The Mods
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secretshinigami ¡ 5 years ago
Masterlist of Spring Roulette 2020
Thank you everyone for giving this a go. It was a fun round and all gifts are now posted. We will return to our regular method of matching in our next exchange and we look forward to your participation.
Here is a compiled list of everyone’s prompts from this round – thank you for letting us post them, and we hope you guys enjoy them! If you use a prompt, please let us know and we’ll reblog your piece!
Prompts are organized by their submitter, so feel free to ctrl+f to find character-specific prompts.
Girls’ night with Sachiko and Sayu
Five times Beyond Birthday lost to A, and one time he came out on top
Office AU
A date with Naomi and Raye
What L sees in the dark
L as an actual frog, Light as whatever animal you prefer
Naomi Misora and BB have a fun time looking for clues for the LABB murders, with cheeky banter and Naomi getting a little attached to Beyond
L wins AU, where Light never recovers his memories, but Misa did (following canon). explore how L, knowing that Light is Kira but being unable to either prove it without making Light a criminal, deals with the whole "Light is Kira but he doesn't remember it" situation
Mello is a witch and Near is a vampire he's been hunting for a long time - maybe to discover that he was chasing the wrong target all along
Mello and Near hugging, if possible in casual clothes
Light's mind-shelter, the place in his head he retreats to when the pressure of being Kira becomes too much and he starts to doubt (extremely early in the manga or post L's death)
Naomi Misora and L wearing traditional japanese yukatas at a summer festival
Beyond Birthday going a blind date with A
L meeting Beyond Birthday for the first time
Misa and L have a sleepover party
A switched roles with Beyond Birthday
Sayu is Kira
Mello meeting Beyond Birthday in prison
DN cast goes to college together, has some unfortunate roommate matches, hijinx ensue
The Kira case from Sayu or Sachiko's POV 
AU where Soichiro actually dies from the heart attack he had in the first arc and Light is accused of murdering his dad.
Lowlightprimed AU: The fight between B and L at Wammy's house at the end of the first arc (BBAL) 
Lidner and Misora go on an undercover mission on Halloween
Near in harajuku fashion(s), creatively dyed hair is a plus
Beyond Birthday dressed as Winnie the Pooh and eating jam out of a honey-pot.
Mourning the death of various DN characters (Who gets large crowds? Who gets one or two heartfelt mourners? Who gets mourned by no one at all?)  
Fake dating sim screenshot featuring character of your choice   
Wammy House-era Near, Mello, and Matt trying to give L something for Valentine's Day.
The origin of the "Dear Mello" photograph.
Mikami being catfished by Beyond Birthday.
Anything involving Mello, Matt, and Near hanging out (as friends, romantically, or with one of them third-wheeling is fine).
Sayu giving Light his obligatory Valentine's chocolate at his grave.
Light surrounded by chibi versions of the other Kiras, who are clambering over one another to try and be the first to give him their chocolate.
(Anyone!) Person A comes home during a blizzard covered in snow and all grumpy. Person B warms them up with their pj’s and cuddles
Matt/Mello: They get into a heated argument over something trivial in canon. They say some pretty harsh stuff to each other, but make up later
Wammy’s Kids: In which they all sneak out one night to go to the drug store. Upon discovering they’ve forgotten their money they decide to shoplift, using B as their distraction.
B and Matt as best friends post-timeskip
L hardcore crushing on Misa, and she lowkey liking him back (canon)
Makeshift boyband in someone’s garage. Löded Diper vibes. B’s lead singer
mello & matt but they have magical powers au 
fem!light and takada but one of them borrows a book and doesn't return it so they have to find each other au
canon-compliant character study on sayu, post-canon (when Light dies); pre-canon L first getting into the kira case
au where Light and L become accidental roommates because SOMEONE forgot to pay rent 
canon-compliant Mello and Matt find each other between the explosion and the ending
Light and L in some ugly fashion, like dads-on-vacation-in-Florida fashion
Naomi Misora with lots of tattoos!
Rem and Ryuk in human form, with some punk fashion
Light and Sayu bake a cake for a birthday surprise party for either parent (Soichiro or Sachiko) of your choice. A lot of family silliness and sibling bickering.
Light and Misa's first official romantic date was a disaster. While it does not shake Misa's devotion, her feelings are hurt.
Death Note is a reality TV show. Yes, there's still a Kira to be caught, but cameras are now involved! The more dramatic, the better!
Mikami and Takada walking side by side out in the winter.
L meeting Wedy and Aiber for the first time.
Demegawa being pampered like the king he believes he is.
Reverse!Noel AU (Noel by TzviaAriella): Light won, and threw Near in the cage meant for himself. It's been three years since his victory, and he's starting to get lonely; he goes down to taunt Near. (NOT SHIPPY. Disgusting rivals only, thank u).
Terrace House AU (or 'we all are strangers and have to live together' reality show AU) with the Death Note cast.
Pirate!AU. L is the captain of the ship, and Light is his first mate and plotting a mutiny with his most 'trusted' crew:  Takada and Mikami. It's all going well until Misa hears about the plot and wants in...
Light/Near dating sim CG.
Beach Episode feat. Light and Mikami getting iced drinks under an umbrella.
Kiyomi Takada and/or Teru Mikami in a kimono, having tea alone or with one another.
A holiday at Wammy's House (could be Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's day, etc)
Raye and Naomi's first date
LABB beach episode
Older Light braiding Near's very long hair
Naomi and cats
Spider-Man meme but it's L (from the anime/manga) and L (from the 2015 tv drama)
In a no!kira world, both fem!L and fem!light have a crush on misa. how do they try to impress her?
Beyond Birthday “accidentally” (its totally on purpose, he just doesn’t want to admit it) gets involved with the Kira case, and he and Misa become friends while they both annoy light.
Light Yagami wakes up in his teenage bedroom after he died at the Yellow Box warehouse. He still has all his memories, and it’s exactly one day before he originally found the death note.  
The Kira case ended years ago, the Wammy’s House is shut down. Only very few of the original Wammy’s kids are still in touch with each other. Linda hasn’t talked to anyone from Wammy’s in years. One day, Near knocks on the front door of her atelier in LA.
Light Yagami is for whatever reason a Wammy’s kid. (Pre-canon, so not even LABB has happened yet, and we’re ignoring the timeline, so L, Light, Beyond, and the other Wammy’s kids (Near, mello, matt, linda) are all the same age.) Chaos ensues.
Fantasy!AU. The noble knight Light Yagami was tasked with slaying the “evil” monster Ryuk. On his journey through a fantasy land while trying to find and defeat the beast he meets many people, like the cutesy goth witch Misa Amane, the baker’s son L Lawliet (Watari’s the baker) and his twin Beyond Birthday, or the group of 4 students from a wealthy orphanage (Wammy’s House is the orphanage, Linda, Matt, Mello, and Near are the students).
Misa posing, while Linda is painting her.  
Misa, L, and Light in modern fashion (Misa as an egirl, what fashion L & light wear is ur choice!!)
Misa’s reaction after she used the death note for the first time, viewed through the shinigami eyes. (Maybe she’d also have some blood on her clothes)  
An interaction of Mello and Near pre-canon when they were still in Wammy’s House.
A drawing of the characters mentioned the fantasy!au fanfic prompt, goofing off. (doesn’t have to be all characters, just choose the ones you wanna draw!!)  
Misa Amane sitting in a Wammy’s House foyer with the Wammy’s kids (Near, Mello, Matt, Linda). They’re all the same age, Misa’s also a Wammy’s kid.
Several years post-canon, Near decides to (or has to because circumstances) tell Sachiko and Sayu the truth about Light.
Pre-canon Light and Yamamoto hanging out at an arcade, being early 2000s teens in peace.
Actor AU. Light is a young Japanese actor getting his first Hollywood role under L, a notoriously difficult director who never shows his face. (Not Lawlight, other ships welcome.)
Near and Light playing a piano duet.
Naomi kicking ass in her wedding dress in a Kill Bill-esque fashion.
Ryuk trying to play Switch and struggling to use the Joycons with his huge hands, to Light's amusement.
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wildcardwriting ¡ 5 years ago
How Social Media Infected the Glory Pro Circle #2
(or Conversations Most of the Glory Pro Community Would Like to Forget Existed)
[King’s Avatar /全职高手 - 蝴蝶蓝 | Quánzhí Gāoshǒu - Húdié Lán ]
Next Chapter | Previous Chapter
 Read on AO3
Summary: Or Ye Xiu is forced to deal with his fans. No one saw what was coming next.Because the alliance wants more exposure (i.e. fame) for the pro gamers, all pros are mandated to respond to questions from the fans.Naturally, this leads to some…strange conversations and some stranger answers. Likely will lead into AU TKA UniversePart Story, and TKA fun. Will include some social media.
Chapter #2: When Excellent Era Reads
The next day was filled with even more chaos. Slumped over the computer, Ye Xiu was awakened to the sound of loud chatter. Even though the training room had been renovated it was still located by the manager's office so even though the walls he could still make out bits of conversation.
As well as his name.
Rubbing his eyes, Ye Xiu stretched in his chair, and reach for a packet of dry food that was sitting at the next computer station over. It wasn't the same as breakfast, but it would do for now. For once it looks like he's up before it was time for training, so he might as well finish what he was doing.
Moving the mouse he woke the computer from sleep and clicked back into the Reddit email. He was expecting to see a little under two hundred questions, but instead of only having a few questions, the inbox count was over five thousand and growing by the second. Already just in the time, he was looking at the email count, the number rose by another hundred.
Resisting the urge to give up Ye Xiu set a timer. He agreed to do this, so he was going to do this to the best of his abilities... at least until training started.
Glory Forums → Fourth Server → General -> Ye Qiu AMA?!?!
                              1st Floor— Forest of Rain
          ��   Hey all, did you hear about Ye Qiu's thread?
                               2nd Floor— Snow Dancer
          I haven't just heard, have you read it? (Also: Sofa!) [1]
                               3rd Floor— Light of Life
                 Only some of it, but it's gold. Pure gold.
                               4th Floor— Endless Refrain
                          I know. He's just so cool!
                             5th Floor— Frost Burn
    I heard he's going to be posting weekly. Are you going to submit anything?
                           6th Floor—Barren Defeat
       Obviously. I've already submitted multiple questions. You should take this chance too.
                           7th Floor— Kicker Win
               Any chance to speak to the Great God is a precious treasure.
                             8th Floor— No No Novak
Excellent Era Chatroom
[User; Ye Qiu has been removed from the chat temporary.]
[Users; Qi Breaker, Absent Sun, Merciless Magic, Bleak Sky, and Woven Shadows are logged in.]
Qi Breaker: Before we start, let's go over the issues. Did anyone else read the questions on YQ's thread? Woven Shadows: Nope was at dodging practice. Merciless Magic:   No time. I was being punished... too much training...              Absent Sun: No. Why? Bleak Sky: I did. Some of the questions were misleading. Why? Did something else come up?                       Qi Breaker: YQ came and asked me what AllYe and HanYe meant. Bleak Sky: What did you say?     Merciless Magic: Did you tell him? Absent Sun:+1 Woven Shadows: Tell him what. I'm confused. What do those words even mean? Absent Sun: what Merciless Magic:what Bleak Sky:what Merciless Magic: You don't know?! I can't believe Nurse is out of the loop. Quick, Xia Ming explain it to him. Bleak Sky: Fine. Be right back. Merciless Magic: So you gonna tell us what you told YQ? Qi Breaker: Not until Xia Ming returns. Bleak Sky: Back. Please carry on. Qi Breaker: Well, it went like this...
When Wu Xuefeng walked into the Excellent Era practice room, a little after eight, he had expected several things. He expected to see food at Qin Tianran's desk, or extra pillows at Yin Xiong's desk, or perhaps Ye Qiu sleeping on the room couch again but what he did not expect was to see Ye Qiu typing furiously at a computer.
After their first championship, Ye Qiu hadn't needed to put in the same amount of work as he had before, and now with sponsors and a guild to back them up Ye Qiu's responsibilities had been shortened to only focusing on the team.  So to find him still at a computer early in the morning instead of in his room, especially this early in the morning was completely out of character for the rather mature teenager.
Making his way over to his captain's side, Wu Xuefeng took a look at what his captain was looking at. He blinked at the words he was reading. While one half of the screen contained the Reddit email the second was something completely different. A plain word document, containing incredibly sexual and in some cases, vulgar words were listed. Every question was tied to a username or usernames and there was even a tally next to them. Taking off his glasses and cleaning them to ensure he was seeing what he thought he was, still did not make the words vanish.
The list was still there, and it was growing.
Feeling his age, Wu Xuefeng decided to just ask.
"Ye Qiu, what is this?" He asked as he motioned to some of the words on the word document.
Ye Xiu frowned at him. "I don't know. Some of the Reddit questions were odd, so I compiled a list so I could ask just in case."
Wu Xuefeng steeled himself hoping Ye Qiu's next words weren't what he thought they were.
"What does AllYe and the rest of these mean?"
Excellent Era Chatroom
Bleak Sky: And how did you reply? Qi Breaker: I just told him I'd tell him later. Merciless Magic: I don't blame you. Absent Sun: Wait, why not tell him? Merciless Magic: Remember who our captain is. Absent Sun: Oh right. Bleak Sky: Telling him would be boring anyway. But what are you going to do about the rest of the questions? Surely there are some that are worse. Qi Breaker: I told him that I would monitor the questions. Merciless Magic: Nice Qi Breaker: Don't be too happy, I told captain everyone would be chipping in. Absent Sun: Why do you hate us? Merciless Magic: +1 Bleak Sky:+2 Woven Shadows:+3 Qi Breaker: Either way, its time for practice. We'll talk later.
[Users; Qi Breaker, Absent Sun, Merciless Magic, Bleak Sky, and Woven Shadows have logged out.]
       Breaking News: Ye Qiu's Shunning First Appearance on Social Media!
In a stunning first appearance, the mysterious and elusive Battle God himself made his first appearance to the fans in nearly three years.
In a Reddit thread climbing up charts (and currently number three as of this printing), Ye Qiu, or as he's known as on Reddit, OneLeafofTwo answered a large number of questions sent by fans. Everything from his favorite foods, to regrets, was answered in a Reddit MMA that is still taking questions.
Suffice to say fans are shocked, and overwhelmingly pleased to have this link to their battle God, which as all fans knew is notorious for never showing up at fan events.
Excellent Era themselves has teased some more appearances of the Battle God, but how and what shape will they take has yet to be announced.
But we at glory Pro are excited about the future.
This is Nang Shi signing off.
Ye Xiu watched as his team scanned through his questions and sorted them into different groups. Instead of Ye Xiu dealing with all of them in a disjointed fashion, his team was splitting them up. Wu Xuefeng was sorting through his thread and setting it up into sections, while Xia Ming was adding accents and personalization to the site. Qin Tianran was adding sub-threads and other links onto the website while Xue Mingkai and Yin Xiong were checking the questions for quality.
All of Excellent Era was working through the questions so fast Ye Xiu was impressed. He didn’t think his team would even really bother with the social media accounts the alliance had set up for them but they had really taken to it. Watching them now, helping him made him feel proud and a little suspicious.
Neither Wu Xuefeng and Xia Ming were able to look him directly in the eyes, and Xue Mingkai and Yin Xiong were blushing.
Ye Xiu frowned.
He hoped they hadn't broken anything important.
                                               AMA: Ye Qiu Edition
Congratulations all! Due to the extreme popularity and demand for this thread, this thread will be separated into several sub-threads. Click on the links below to navigate to any of the topics, or submit a question!
*Note: As a reminder, all submitters must abide by the rules. Any inappropriate questions will be removed, and the users will be punished. Personal questions may or may not be answered depending on the topic, please keep this in mind. In addition, questions pertaining to face reveals will be deleted.
Recent Questions [click to see all questions and answers]
MusingthruDreams:  Did you see yourself playing video games professionally when you were younger? And if not what was your dream profession before gaming kicked in?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): Gaming professionally was only an option for certain games when I was younger, and I wasn't even sure it was the right choice for me at the time but I end up giving it a try. My dream profession before I became a pro was anything that didn't deal with business.
SlippingLight: Do you wish you'd gone with a different gamertag? / How did you come up with the name for One Autumn Leaf?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): While I did come with the general name for One Autumn Leaf, I let the sister of my friend type in the name but she ended up using the wrong character for 'zhi' and instead of Herald of Autumn it became One Autumn Leaf. I just went with it in the end.
YellowFellow:  What was the worst thing you ever did in Glory?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): I completely destroyed my friend's arena record but it was mostly by accident. He refused to stop challenging me until he won and he lost often.
UrbanKnight:  Who is the weakest player in Excellent Era?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu):Boss Tao.
RevengeFry: You've hold a number of titles in Glory, such as Master Tactician, Battle God and Glory Textbook. Which one do you like the most and why?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): Glory Textbook. Glory is about more than fighting. Glory is a whole world of characters, and classes and meeting people. There are twenty four official classes but every person plays those classes differently and that what makes Glory.
SanonShe: How did you meet the rest of Excellent Era?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu):Most of Excellent Era was part of the guild before the team went pro, but I only met Wu Xuefeng a few months before Glory Pro was annonuced.
WaterBottleQ: What is your motto for teamwork?
OneLeafofTwo (Ye Qiu): A team can only work when all members trust each other. If an enemy needs to be defeated I can only do so with Excellent Era. Glory is not a single player game.
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allenmendezsr ¡ 5 years ago
Magic Article Rewriter And Magic Article Submitter
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/magic-article-rewriter-and-magic-article-submitter/
Magic Article Rewriter And Magic Article Submitter
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    Laugh at Google’s Duplicate Content Ban when You Discover…
From the Desk of Alexander Krulik Wednesday, 11:11am
Dear Friend,
There are tons of ways to generate traffic and build your business or
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practice online. There are new slick marketing ideas popping up all the time, one after another, claiming to be the next best thing.
However, one of the easiest, proven, most time-tested ways to attract new business and more traffic to your site is to become a sought after authority and gain expert status in your field. 
One of the biggest secrets that the top marketers don’t talk a lot about is the fact that they ALL have built their credibility, visibility, and their lists of gold by writing articles.
In fact, multi-million dollar online entrepreneur Ali Brown says that:
“This is a tried-and-true method that will NEVER stop working, unlike the latest and greatest gimmicks to spoof the search engines.
(Try one of those and see how quickly your traffic halts once the bottom drops out.)
Search engines love real content and will always love real content.
Ali Brown, http://AliBrown.com
And this is only scratching the surface…
As thousands of Internet Marketers already know, backlinks from articles offer the surest route to high rankings in Google, tons of free traffic and lots of targeted customers.
That’s what Yuwanda Black found out…
“I wanted to create more passive income, I decided to give article marketing a REAL try. I decided to submit one article to 25 top-rated directories for 30 days straight.
Only a week into it, my Google Adsense income has quintupled (increased 5 times) and my subscriber rate has increased three fold. And this is after ONE WEEK.”
Yuwanda Black, PubliserInkwellEditorial.com
There’s nothing better than seeing first-hand the profitable results of your article writing.
And it’s a “dream strategy” for many other reasons, too.
Increase web traffic – With article marketing, visitors can constantly come to your website.
Achieve massive publicity
Build your list of targeted prospects that want to hear from you right now
Boost your reputation, credibility, and name recognition
Gain link popularity & Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) rankings.
Create affiliate relationships and JV partnerships with highly influential web publishers.
So if you’ve learned to write articles, then congratulations.
You’re halfway there!
Writing effective articles and submitting them to popular article directories is the first step. But you also need to know the “Dark Side”:
Send the same content to 1000’s of places and Google ignores it…
Here’s the problem:
You have spent 3 or 4 hours writing a great article.
You take another 3 – 4 hours to submit it to 100’s of article directories or blogs. Each site gives you a rank-boosting backlink.
Google only counts one. You get no credit for the other 100 or so.
Some unscrupulous marketers deliberately duplicate content across domains in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings or win more traffic. Deceptive practices like this can result in a poor user experience, when a visitor sees substantially the same content repeated within a set of search results.
It’s called “Content Spam”. Guess what Google does?
The ranking of the site may suffer, or the site might be removed entirely from the Google index, in which case it will no longer appear in search results.
Not what any of us want.
By making sure every article you submit or post is 100% unique.
Most people rewrite their articles by hand. Selecting sentence after sentence and reworking the content. As you can imagine it takes them hours and hours.
But you aren’t like most people, are you? You know deep down in your heart that there has to be a better way. I knew it, too. I used software that was supposed to ‘spin’ my articles.
The problem was: the resulting articles looked like they were rewritten by a program.
I knew I could do it better. After many long hours locked in my office, I finally figured it out. How to rewrite text easily and quickly, that looked and read like it was professionally done.
And here’s what happened when I started using unique articles to drive traffic to my site…
Then I watched with amazement as my sales took off on autopilot!
Now I have a very important question to ask you: Are You Ready to…
With Magic Article Rewriter, you can save hours of tedious drudgery rewriting articles for posting to article directories. And best of all? It is so easy to use!
“…Number 1 in Google!”
I understand why I bought the program. I hope it sells well for you, I know it will save a lot of time for me. 🙂
Tom Lyons www.makingyoufindable.com
Let’s start with a quick walk-through Magic Article Rewriter right now…
With Magic Article Rewriter, you can rewrite your articles quickly and easily and make literally thousands of unique, well-written articles in minutes.
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First Step: Open your article in Magic Article Rewriter or type it out in MAR
Second Step: Open the Synonyms box and select a word to spin…
There are over 30,000 words and their synonyms in Magic Article Rewriter. Plus you can easily extend them as much as you wish, and then reuse them in all your other articles.
Third Step: Change Whole Sentences
It’s wonderful that you can change individual words but the real power of Magic Article Rewriter comes from being able to exchange entire sentences.
Each sentence can be completely replaced automatically and randomly by Magic Article Rewriter.
And it gets even more powerful! Imagine spinning different words within each different spun sentence…
Final Step: Sit back and relax… Let Magic Article Rewriter do all the work!
You can either make one new version (Spin) of your article or you can “Mass Rewrite Articles” and save hundreds of new article files on your hard drive.
“…Cut My Spinning Time by Two Thirds!”
Hey Aleksandr,
I have absolutely nothing but wonderful things to say about Magic Article Rewriter.
I spin articles for use in multiple programs – Traffic Kahuna, Free Traffic System, Article Drip Robot, SENuke – and many, many smaller programs.
This is incredibly time consuming to do by hand with curly brackets, and it’s also extremely difficult to find outsourcers who can do it skillfully for a decent price.
However, Magic Article Rewriter is the solution for this problem. It’s cut my spinning time by two thirds – which, in essence, means I’m outputting three times the content and getting three times the backlinks in the same amount of time.
Not only that, but it’s SO affordable at only $47!
If you are a content marketer, you NEED Magic Article Rewriter
Melanie www.NicheChick.com
But that’s not all Magic Article Rewriter does…
To just spin words and sentences is great, but I wanted to add to Magic Article Rewriter’s effectiveness and speed. I wanted to make rewriting articles so fast your head will spin as your articles spun…
That’s why I came up with Tokens.
As you are working with the Synonyms you can convert specific words into Tokens.
Then when you want to spin a new article, instead of using the Synonym function on all the easy words, like “one”, “this”, or “that”, you only have to click the “Apply Token” button and Magic Article Rewriter does it all automatically for you!
Then all you have to do is go over the few remaining words and add variations to them.
Your set up time per article is cut by up to 80%, after you have set up your Tokens the first time.
“…Finished in One Hour What Usually Takes Me All Day!”
WOW! Alexander
I bought your software, I’ve got to say I am so impressed I can’t hardly believe it!
I was able to spin 5 articles within 1 hour which normally would have taken me all day to accomplish. And the “Token” feature saved me a ton of time on the last four!
You should be selling this for $100. My inexperience, in computer skills gave me a little trouble getting started.
Your assistance was fast, easy to understand and very professional! Excellent software! Excellent price! Excellent customer support!
I’d recommend Magic Article Rewriter to anyone! Buy it people!
Not only that, but it’s SO affordable at only $47! If you are a content marketer, you NEED Magic Article Rewriter
Steve Crowley Prairie du Chein WI
Magic Article Rewriter will help you rephrase your content in five easy steps:
1) Launch the Magic Article Rewriter spinning tool. 2) Load your original article into Magic Article Rewriter. 3) Select a word, sentence or paragraph you would like to rewrite. 4) Pick as many synonyms as you want throughout the text or insert your own variations. Use Tokens to speed up the process. 5) Press the rewrite button and get brand new, top quality, exclusive and unique articles!
This takes between ten and fifteen minutes per article and if you work with the Tokens database, you can be done in five minutes!
We use a secret (some would say “Magic”) formula to save you from the tedious job of constantly rewriting your articles.
You do understand that with Magic Article Rewriter, you could be creating hundreds of unique articles and watching your traffic stats explode…
Forget about out-sourcing article rewriting to the Philippines, Eastern Europe or India. you can be doing it yourself in seconds a day!
“…No More Proofreading Spun Articles!”
I have been in SEO for quite a while now with great results.
The problem was spinning content, and coming up with unique content. I have to say your tool was the best time saver I have seen.
For once I can spin an article and not have to proofread each version because I pick the words that make sense.
I just did in 20 minutes what I did yesterday in about 3 hours!
Good thing I have the day off today, it is time to some damage to those search engines!
Thanks for developing and offering such a great price on this product! Brent Sweet www.one-way-links-now.com
But no more…
If you are one of the first 275 Fast-Action-Takers deciding to take me up on my offer today, I’m willing to give you a full 39% off the regular price of Magic Article Rewriter.
You’ll get Magic Article Rewriter for just $47. After we fill the 275 spots, Magic Article Rewriter goes to $77, and believe me it is a steal at that price for all you get.
But space is extremely limited. As soon as we reach the maximum amount of members, I’ll be forced to increase the price.
The strategies you’ll discover in Magic Article Rewriter alone have been used to build multi-million dollar businesses on the Internet. But you’ll also receive these FIVE Super Bonuses valued over $425…
Super Bonus #1 Bum Article Super Glue Report (Value: $127)
How To Make Your Articles And Ads Stick To Google Like Super Glue!
Tired Of Your Listings Being Dropped By Google After Just A Few Days?
It’s Time To Strike Back!
And for those who HATE writing articles….
Super Bonus #2: 27,000 Private Label Articles (Value $97)
27,000 PLR Articles for more than 800 niches!
Start using Magic Article Rewriter today, even if you have never written an article before…
And with this professionally written package, you probably never will!
But even if you like to write, it is important to have the best money-pulling keywords…
Super Bonus #3: Keywords Killer List (Value $27)
Making your articles into profit-pulling magnets requires a strong keyword list focused on your Niche.
Discover How To Make A Killer List Of Thematically Related Keywords for FREE!
Once you are bringing lots of traffic from your keyword-rich articles, what will you sell your readers?
Super Bonus #4: Affiliate Marketing Handbook (Value $77)
An entire industry has grown around online affiliate marketing since the mid-1990’s and it is getting bigger all the time.
Conventions are regularly held and attended by thousands of people and there’s even an offline magazine devoted entirely to the subject of affiliate marketing.
Entire affiliate networks such as Commission Junction, Linkshare and Double Click Performics exist for the purpose of bringing merchants and affiliates together.
There are THOUSANDS of merchants with affiliate programs.
The Affiliate Marketing Handbook will get you started on the right foot.
And then all you need is an proven action plan to follow…
Super Bonus #5: The 48 Hour Affiliate Action Plan (Value $95)
New Report Gives You A Step-By-Step Action Plan To Show You How To Create Your Own Money Making Website In Less That 48 hours!
Here’s a specific plan for you to start your online business in less than 48 hours (less than 2 days!) and what’s better is that you won’t empty your bank account while you’re doing it…
If you want to skip the steep software learning curve, and the confusing and time-consuming process of manually rewriting your articles…
If you want to forget about the complicated spreadsheets, the frustrating collections of thousands of keywords, and the costly errors that set you back even further…
In short, if you want to remove EVERY possible barrier between you and successful article marketing, with a tool that is GUARANTEED to quickly and easily rewrite your Niche articles, you need Magic Article Rewriter.
Even if you have no technical skills or business experience, you’ll be able to quickly and easily use this proprietary almost magical tool to quickly rewrite your niche articles and start driving buyers to your web sites — no matter how long you’ve been trying to do this on your own.
For just about the cost of web hosting for a single year, you’ll have access to this simple point-and-click tool that completely automates the entire rewriting formula.
In just a few “point and click” steps lasting just a few minutes, you’ll have unlimited unique well-written articles for your site, blog, article directories and much more, and you’ll be ready to start getting new traffic to your new website right away.
“…Massive Boost in Rankings!”
Hi Alex,
your new Article Submission software is great
I have seen a massive boost in rankings for a very competitive keyword over just three days
This software makes article submission so quick and easy I am amazed you are selling it so cheap!
I just hope my competitors don’t find out about it!
Nick Davison – High Impact SEO
Get immediate access to Magic Rewriter, covered by our complete no-risk guarantee, now, by clicking the link below…
Be one of the first 275 Fast-Action-Takers deciding to take me up on my offer today, and receive a full 39% off the regular price of Magic Article Rewriter.
You’ll get Magic Article Rewriter for just $47. After we fill the 275 spots, Magic Article Rewriter goes to $77, and believe me it is a steal at that price.
If you’re still not sure if Magic Article Rewriter is right for you, here’s what I suggest you test-drive them with my…
When you claim your copy of Magic Article Rewriter, you will have a full 30 days to review your membership and ensure your satisfaction.
I am 100% confident you will be absolutely thrilled with everything you are about to discover…
But you are fully covered by my iron clad, no quibbles satisfaction policy, which means if you are not totally delighted with Magic Article Rewriter and Magic Article Submitter, you will get a prompt and courteous refund.
Information marketing is a multi-billion dollar market, which is expanding every year, and submitting unique, well-written articles to hundreds of popular article directories is your ticket to dominating your Niche today.
Anyone with this system — regardless of experience or previous success — can now build a highly successful online business, beginning today!
…A system so advanced you’ll almost feel guilty with all the money you siphon off of the internet!
…Being able to live the internet dream of FREEDOM, because you cracked the secret code and never looked back.
…Working whenever you please, or taking that well deserved time off in a luxury resort on a tropical paradise!
…Strolling into work and firing your boss because you make more money in a day than he/she does in a month
If you made it this far, if you’re ready to unlock the secrets that only advanced marketers will ever discover.
All you need to do is click the “Order Now!” button above to make your one time payment of $80. Then, you’ll be given full access all the goods so you can start profiting now!
Download the programs, read everything carefully and take notes. Then, take action! Don’t sit around thinking “gee, that’s cool”, put it to work for you NOW!
Don’t wait. Take action today!
Warm regards, Alexandr Krulik
P.S. I mentioned this earlier, but just want to stress it one last time because I think it’s one of the most important benefits to you by using the Magic Article Rewriter system. Articles are at the foundation of any information-based product, service, or strategy you ever buy or sell. You MUST master this basic marketing strategy to make an impact in your market, or you will be left behind.
I’m sick of seeing internet marketers try to fool or distract you with the latest traffic gimmick or “traffic-secret-of-the-month”. You deserve to know just how simple and easy it can be to build steady streams of targeted visitors to your site just by using articles. Remember, that this method is also completely FREE.
And once you have your articles written & spun into unique versions for different directories… they’re evergreen! That means, long after you’ve moved on to other articles and projects, you will still see new traffic visiting your site from your articles.
P.P.S. As soon as you claim your copy of Magic Article Rewriter, you’ll get a 5 Super Bonuses worth over $400 – FREE!
Currently, the only way to get these bonuses is through this limited time offer. As a Magic Article Rewriter member, you get them absolutely free!
“ I know what I am saying when I say there IS a need for a product like this“
Alex I have just reviewed Magic Article Rewriter and appreciate the opportunity to have used it.
Let me tell you that I have essentially made a career on the internet writing and rewriting articles for my websites, blogs, article directories, videos, forums and ebooks – so I know what I am saying when I say there IS a need for a product like this.
To CLARIFY, for anyone shy on using spinners – this one is human controlled, meaning it only spins the content that YOU put in it. In my mind, this is a very clever, time saving, production boosting tool that every internet marketer can find a use for.
If you have ever bought any PLR content, Magic Article Rewriter can turn that dormant content sitting on your hard drive into money making, original articles. Now Alex as a long time user and advocate for Power Article Rewiter, I was skeptical to try something new but I quickly learned how may features you jam-packed into this product to make it, IMHO the leading human article spinner on the market right now.
You have added the word count, synonym bank, and tokens to help speed things up even more, but I also noticed a rather quick and intuitive work flow and layout, so the actual rewriting doesn’t seem daunting – it seems like you are getting a LOT done in a little amount of time.
Marty J
  “…Fast Results!”
On the weekend I purchased the Magic Article Rewriter and the Article Submission software too. I rewrote an article and then used the Magic Article Rewriter to create accounts and submitted my article in the spin format. I used the same url but different anchor text.
The article was submitted on Saturday, today is Tuesday and I already have 27 published and over 100 waiting for review according to Article Rewriter, and my article has been downloaded 7 times, twice from the same directory.
Wow! Talk about fast results, your programs are fantastic. I had been procrastinating about writing articles because of all the versions needed to be effective. Now I can write just one and then easily make all the versions I need.
I also like the account creation and activation on the Magic Article Rewriter, for me it saves my wrist form all that clicking.
Thank you so much for creating them both.
“…Made 4 Sales Already!”
Hi Alex,
Your new Article Submission Software really rocks !!
I bought it yesterday .. submitted 3 articles about a new sales page only published 2 days ago and I have made 4 sales already.
They came from direct links in the articles as that’s the only marketing I have done for this sales page.
“…Way Better Than the 6 Other Programs I have Tried!”
I just wanted to let you know I just finished rewriting my first article and found your program to the best of it’s type that I have used – and I have tried at least six!
Thought you’d want to know.
John Thibdeau
“The best articles spinner !”
In my opinion this is the best articles spinner that is available on the market today. the synonyms that are available and the ease-of-use is extraordinary. Not only has a lot of time and effort went into the development of this software, but a lot of time and effort has went into the synonyms used inside the software. Now, this does not automatically spin the articles, but it allows you to easily and effortlessly spin a readable and quality article. It is absolutely amazing and a no-brainer for anyone who wants to mass-produce spun
Shannon Herod
“I was very impressed!”
wanted to provide some feedback on this tool. I took it for a spin (no pun intended) last night and the tool works flawlessly and is by far one of the best spinners out there. The best feature for me is the ability to export the spinnable articles for the various article networks (i.e. AMA, UAW, etc.). Of course there are several other great features I could brag about but this one was the most important to me. I also want to say that Alex provides unbelievable customer support – the best I’ve ever experienced to be honest. I had a few questions after I purchased and he got back to me every time within minutes. I was very impressed. Thanks for creating such a great and useful tool and for providing terrific customer support as well. It’s rare these days that you get both a quality tool and strong customer support. Kudos!
Shannon Herod
“UNMATCHED in quality support!”
Magic Rewriter and Article Submitter are so fabulous that it is almost beyond belief that two such integrated products are available at such a great price. I’ve searched for Article Spinning software, and had a few that were both more expensive and not as powerful as MAR and MAS, so I can say Alexsandr has really done his homework in developing these two terrific products.
As for support, it is UNMATCHED in quality, Timeliness, and Professionalism. Alexi is brilliant and has demonstrated that in how he can quickly find the problem and fix it on-screen with you, using Teamviewer.
I highly recommend both of these Article Re-Writing and Article Submitting programs. You will have NO problems putting your articles on the web quickly, accurately, and without fear that something will go wrong.
Being able to automate the article submission process to nearly 1,000 directories with the press of a button is truly remarkable!
Saved me time and trouble of having to go through the hundreds of registrations individually over the course of days and maybe weeks with other programs versus an automated process that made me smile with delight! That is what Alexasnder does…He brings the entire process down to automatic, virtually one-touch article writing, spinning, publishing all within minutes.
Terry Kulp Hawkinsville, Georgia USA
“Now I press a button and I am done!”
Alexsandr you have saved me so much time I cannot thank you enough! I use to spend hundreds a day for a writer and now I press a button and I am done!
This program is worth far more than what you are asking! This is a must have for every marketing professional! Thank you for an absolute wonderful product!
Rodney Harper www.kortia.com
0 notes
timeslidingsonuvabitch-main ¡ 7 years ago
// So, this is not, in the slightest related to Cable or anyone I’ve seen here, but this just came on my radar and irritated the hell out of me.
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Whoever the original poster/submitter was, and I will so hate to offend anyone, they need to get some perspective. I am one of the last people in the whole world to cry ‘sexism’, but this is absolutely a thing, you ignorant and close-minded being.
First of all, yes, OCs in general are woefully overlooked. People like easy and they like familiar and they like things that they know without any possible complications of running across one of THOSE OCs that give all of the others a bad name. And there’s nothing wrong with people being wary or preferring canons because that’s easiest for them. Maybe they just don’t have time to get invested in something else and have to learn it from the ground up, or maybe they’ve had bad experience and once bitten, twice shy. 
Is it that rough and discouraging on original content creators? Hell yes it is. But that’s your right to choose that.
But, I think I can safely say, both from my experience and from what I’ve seen my friends go through, female OCs are treated even more poorly and are even more so looked down upon. People assume they’re just out for the shipping. Or that they’re self-inserts. Or that they’re going to be a Mary Sue. 
Those RPers are out there, sure. They absolutely are. But they write OCs AND they write canons, and it’s high-time OCs, in general, stop getting stigmatized simply because someone created them on here. 
NEWSFLASH: All canon characters were once someone’s OC, or became someone’s canon divergent interpretation. They don’t become more valid simply because someone gets older or they get paid to write them.
Let’s just use my fandom for example. Deadpool was the OC of artist/writer Rob Liefeld and writer Fabian Nicieza. His interpretation on film by Ryan Reynolds is almost perfectly to canon, but it’s still an adaptation of someone else’s OC. Cable has several points to his origin and thus in some ways was a collaborative/collective OC, but an OC nonetheless. And, in some ways, Josh Brolin’s Cable is a canon-divergent interpretation of that OC.
Here’s some other examples for you: Sherlock Holmes? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s OC. Victor Frankenstein? Mary Shelley’s OC. The Phantom of the Opera? Gaston Leroux’s OC. Elizabeth Bennett? Jane Austen’s OC. Bilbo Baggins? J.R.R. Tolkien’s OC.
The first step is: can we finally just agree to stop snubbing our noses at people simply because they chose to write a character all their own? If you just have no interest in the character, or you prefer canons simply because you know the material, fine. That’s your decision, ultimately. But, I would also challenge some people to consider what would have happened if they didn’t decide to look at the material for the canons they currently write. Y’know, the ones that are their creators’ OCs.
And the second step: can we stop judging an OC simply for the fact they’re female? Because not every female OC  [ or canon, for that matter, as female canons also have a tendency to be shoved into this box ]  wants a ship. Not every, or even the majority, I would say are Mary Sues. Can we stop assuming that they only want to interact with us because they want to self-insert into a ship with their favorite character?
On the opposite side of this: any and all OC creators––regardless of what gender, race, creed, religion, occupation, or whatever else––please don’t become discouraged. 
If you have a story to tell, then tell it, even if only one person listens. And if you feel that nobody listens? Keep pushing through. Hone your craft. Practice, practice, practice. Take this time to further develop your characters and their world. 
Hell, if you want to prove some people wrong, write your character(s) a novel and get it published and then nobody could say anything about your character being an OC. Just. Keep. Writing. I urge you to research how many famous authors were turned away––multiple times and by countless publishers––for ‘uninteresting characters’ or ‘boring stories’. 
The cursory search I just did supplied such names (and their rejected works) as: 
Herman Melville (Moby Dick)
Rudyard Kipling (short story pitch rejected by now defunct newspaper)
Sylvia Plath (The Bell Jar)
C.S. Lewis ('who was turned down 800 times before selling a single piece of writing’)
Ernest Hemingway (The Sun Also Rises)
George Orwell (Animal Farm)
H.G. Wells (The War of the Worlds)
F. Scott Fitzgerald (The Great Gatsby)
Stephen King (The Running Man)
[ credit: information found here and here ]
And there are, I’m certain, countless others. All of these authors and these works, in many cases as well as several of their other works, are considered classics. What would have happened if they had listened to the critics or cried defeat when they were ignored? If you have a character or a story that you believe in, then write it, even if you only ever write it for you. Who knows when that might change?
Come on, guys. Through this toxic practice/mindset, how many people have we discouraged from writing or made to feel inferior or like their ideas weren’t worth anything?
We, the RP community as a whole, are better than this. 
Or, at least, we should be.
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[ credit: gif found here ]
0 notes
terrific-togekiss ¡ 1 year ago
In addition. This is just a hobby most people have for escapism & fun. This isn't a sign of morality. Someone's tastes in fiction are rarely a sign of character. Especially men.
Plenty of men are active in these spaces. You just don't hear from us that often because all the stereotyping and (cyber)bullying is so rampant that it turns into background noise. Plus, the whole "Why would ANYONE care about men!? They're! MEN! THEY DESERVE TO DIE THAN WE CAN GET (FANDOM WIDE) PEACE!" Junk, that's almost everywhere. And some people are afraid of losing friends for daring to care.
Though I'm sure some do and are brave enough to. As seen in the notes and rare "dude(ette)... fanbases should be inclusive of everyone," posts or discussions on the internet.
We're just not really given a voice in these discussions. And are well aware of what happens when we dare to say anything. Damned if you; damned if you don't.
Also. No one cares, or rarely ever does, about men in "shipping" spaces unless they need someone to blame. And face no real consequences for said blame.
Hence, all the snide remarks a fanbase makes that men "clearly" only care for (insert m/f pairings here) because they all imagine themselves as the male insert of the said male character in it. And would take advantage of (insert fictional woman here) if she was real. Or already do. As we see in this post with the submitter going "waifus" like they coughed up a rock.
Or that only men care about (insert unpopular or polarizing m/f ship here).
Or men only care about (insert m/f pairing here) because ONLY men romanticize abuse in this "clearly" abusive pairing or some other great evil.
Or they only care about (insert m/f pairing here) to weaponize it against other pairings or harass shippers of other ships, as this post mentioned. Which is funny when much of those same fans view it as abusive to a female character, to put her with a male character.
It's amusing how many fans say you don't need to be a certain identity to care for certain ships, only to not stand by that statement.
This also extends to outside shipping. I can't stand how many bullies (and people in general) in fandoms are so surprised that yes, there are men who are involved in the more "lovey-dovey" parts of a fanbase. Then, have the gall to turn around and act like men shouldn't be angry by all this stereotyping.
There are plenty of men who do write romantic fanfics. And stories in general, as this discourse has ignored men in history and today, because why bother? They're men. Ugh. Or those are the only ones like that while men in general deserve scorn for no reason.
And there are plenty of men daydreaming about fictional women. In a "soft" context for goodness sake. Chances are you don't see that to often because...
A fanbase makes it pretty clear they frown on even the smallest mention of a man talking about or liking (insert fictional woman here).
Or they can't conceptualize men talking about them or making content without thinking of predatory behavior. Go. Out. Side.
Or they only want women talking and looking at them. While men are commonly frowned on and being viewed as one-note creeps.
And people have the audacity to say men are never looked down on or ostracized or mistreated in any fandom spaces. The fact they can say this and that to men (in fandoms) and regard all counterarguments as mindless whining and face no consequences for being this harsh is proof that they're wrong.
As said before. No real voice in these kinds of situations. Just keep to yourself and hope no one notices and starts cyberbullying. It's sad.
Most fanbases just see it as a badge to wear when doing this. And it's disgusting.
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Fandom Problem #4569:
When people believe cishet dudebros are active shippers. Maybe they'll find a ship ok or cool but they're absolutely NOT out there writing romantic fics or making ship art or daydreaming about a fictional relationship. At most, they'll weaponize a m/f ship to use it against a m/m one, and just hate m/m ships in general. But actively shipping? Nope. They rather dedicate their time to "waifus" than ships.
96 notes ¡ View notes
allenmendezsr ¡ 5 years ago
Magic Article Rewriter And Magic Article Submitter
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/magic-article-rewriter-and-magic-article-submitter/
Magic Article Rewriter And Magic Article Submitter
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    Laugh at Google’s Duplicate Content Ban when You Discover…
From the Desk of Alexander Krulik Wednesday, 11:11am
Dear Friend,
There are tons of ways to generate traffic and build your business or
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practice online. There are new slick marketing ideas popping up all the time, one after another, claiming to be the next best thing.
However, one of the easiest, proven, most time-tested ways to attract new business and more traffic to your site is to become a sought after authority and gain expert status in your field. 
One of the biggest secrets that the top marketers don’t talk a lot about is the fact that they ALL have built their credibility, visibility, and their lists of gold by writing articles.
In fact, multi-million dollar online entrepreneur Ali Brown says that:
“This is a tried-and-true method that will NEVER stop working, unlike the latest and greatest gimmicks to spoof the search engines.
(Try one of those and see how quickly your traffic halts once the bottom drops out.)
Search engines love real content and will always love real content.
Ali Brown, http://AliBrown.com
And this is only scratching the surface…
As thousands of Internet Marketers already know, backlinks from articles offer the surest route to high rankings in Google, tons of free traffic and lots of targeted customers.
That’s what Yuwanda Black found out…
“I wanted to create more passive income, I decided to give article marketing a REAL try. I decided to submit one article to 25 top-rated directories for 30 days straight.
Only a week into it, my Google Adsense income has quintupled (increased 5 times) and my subscriber rate has increased three fold. And this is after ONE WEEK.”
Yuwanda Black, PubliserInkwellEditorial.com
There’s nothing better than seeing first-hand the profitable results of your article writing.
And it’s a “dream strategy” for many other reasons, too.
Increase web traffic – With article marketing, visitors can constantly come to your website.
Achieve massive publicity
Build your list of targeted prospects that want to hear from you right now
Boost your reputation, credibility, and name recognition
Gain link popularity & Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) rankings.
Create affiliate relationships and JV partnerships with highly influential web publishers.
So if you’ve learned to write articles, then congratulations.
You’re halfway there!
Writing effective articles and submitting them to popular article directories is the first step. But you also need to know the “Dark Side”:
Send the same content to 1000’s of places and Google ignores it…
Here’s the problem:
You have spent 3 or 4 hours writing a great article.
You take another 3 – 4 hours to submit it to 100’s of article directories or blogs. Each site gives you a rank-boosting backlink.
Google only counts one. You get no credit for the other 100 or so.
Some unscrupulous marketers deliberately duplicate content across domains in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings or win more traffic. Deceptive practices like this can result in a poor user experience, when a visitor sees substantially the same content repeated within a set of search results.
It’s called “Content Spam”. Guess what Google does?
The ranking of the site may suffer, or the site might be removed entirely from the Google index, in which case it will no longer appear in search results.
Not what any of us want.
By making sure every article you submit or post is 100% unique.
Most people rewrite their articles by hand. Selecting sentence after sentence and reworking the content. As you can imagine it takes them hours and hours.
But you aren’t like most people, are you? You know deep down in your heart that there has to be a better way. I knew it, too. I used software that was supposed to ‘spin’ my articles.
The problem was: the resulting articles looked like they were rewritten by a program.
I knew I could do it better. After many long hours locked in my office, I finally figured it out. How to rewrite text easily and quickly, that looked and read like it was professionally done.
And here’s what happened when I started using unique articles to drive traffic to my site…
Then I watched with amazement as my sales took off on autopilot!
Now I have a very important question to ask you: Are You Ready to…
With Magic Article Rewriter, you can save hours of tedious drudgery rewriting articles for posting to article directories. And best of all? It is so easy to use!
“…Number 1 in Google!”
I understand why I bought the program. I hope it sells well for you, I know it will save a lot of time for me. 🙂
Tom Lyons www.makingyoufindable.com
Let’s start with a quick walk-through Magic Article Rewriter right now…
With Magic Article Rewriter, you can rewrite your articles quickly and easily and make literally thousands of unique, well-written articles in minutes.
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First Step: Open your article in Magic Article Rewriter or type it out in MAR
Second Step: Open the Synonyms box and select a word to spin…
There are over 30,000 words and their synonyms in Magic Article Rewriter. Plus you can easily extend them as much as you wish, and then reuse them in all your other articles.
Third Step: Change Whole Sentences
It’s wonderful that you can change individual words but the real power of Magic Article Rewriter comes from being able to exchange entire sentences.
Each sentence can be completely replaced automatically and randomly by Magic Article Rewriter.
And it gets even more powerful! Imagine spinning different words within each different spun sentence…
Final Step: Sit back and relax… Let Magic Article Rewriter do all the work!
You can either make one new version (Spin) of your article or you can “Mass Rewrite Articles” and save hundreds of new article files on your hard drive.
“…Cut My Spinning Time by Two Thirds!”
Hey Aleksandr,
I have absolutely nothing but wonderful things to say about Magic Article Rewriter.
I spin articles for use in multiple programs – Traffic Kahuna, Free Traffic System, Article Drip Robot, SENuke – and many, many smaller programs.
This is incredibly time consuming to do by hand with curly brackets, and it’s also extremely difficult to find outsourcers who can do it skillfully for a decent price.
However, Magic Article Rewriter is the solution for this problem. It’s cut my spinning time by two thirds – which, in essence, means I’m outputting three times the content and getting three times the backlinks in the same amount of time.
Not only that, but it’s SO affordable at only $47!
If you are a content marketer, you NEED Magic Article Rewriter
Melanie www.NicheChick.com
But that’s not all Magic Article Rewriter does…
To just spin words and sentences is great, but I wanted to add to Magic Article Rewriter’s effectiveness and speed. I wanted to make rewriting articles so fast your head will spin as your articles spun…
That’s why I came up with Tokens.
As you are working with the Synonyms you can convert specific words into Tokens.
Then when you want to spin a new article, instead of using the Synonym function on all the easy words, like “one”, “this”, or “that”, you only have to click the “Apply Token” button and Magic Article Rewriter does it all automatically for you!
Then all you have to do is go over the few remaining words and add variations to them.
Your set up time per article is cut by up to 80%, after you have set up your Tokens the first time.
“…Finished in One Hour What Usually Takes Me All Day!”
WOW! Alexander
I bought your software, I’ve got to say I am so impressed I can’t hardly believe it!
I was able to spin 5 articles within 1 hour which normally would have taken me all day to accomplish. And the “Token” feature saved me a ton of time on the last four!
You should be selling this for $100. My inexperience, in computer skills gave me a little trouble getting started.
Your assistance was fast, easy to understand and very professional! Excellent software! Excellent price! Excellent customer support!
I’d recommend Magic Article Rewriter to anyone! Buy it people!
Not only that, but it’s SO affordable at only $47! If you are a content marketer, you NEED Magic Article Rewriter
Steve Crowley Prairie du Chein WI
Magic Article Rewriter will help you rephrase your content in five easy steps:
1) Launch the Magic Article Rewriter spinning tool. 2) Load your original article into Magic Article Rewriter. 3) Select a word, sentence or paragraph you would like to rewrite. 4) Pick as many synonyms as you want throughout the text or insert your own variations. Use Tokens to speed up the process. 5) Press the rewrite button and get brand new, top quality, exclusive and unique articles!
This takes between ten and fifteen minutes per article and if you work with the Tokens database, you can be done in five minutes!
We use a secret (some would say “Magic”) formula to save you from the tedious job of constantly rewriting your articles.
You do understand that with Magic Article Rewriter, you could be creating hundreds of unique articles and watching your traffic stats explode…
Forget about out-sourcing article rewriting to the Philippines, Eastern Europe or India. you can be doing it yourself in seconds a day!
“…No More Proofreading Spun Articles!”
I have been in SEO for quite a while now with great results.
The problem was spinning content, and coming up with unique content. I have to say your tool was the best time saver I have seen.
For once I can spin an article and not have to proofread each version because I pick the words that make sense.
I just did in 20 minutes what I did yesterday in about 3 hours!
Good thing I have the day off today, it is time to some damage to those search engines!
Thanks for developing and offering such a great price on this product! Brent Sweet www.one-way-links-now.com
But no more…
If you are one of the first 275 Fast-Action-Takers deciding to take me up on my offer today, I’m willing to give you a full 39% off the regular price of Magic Article Rewriter.
You’ll get Magic Article Rewriter for just $47. After we fill the 275 spots, Magic Article Rewriter goes to $77, and believe me it is a steal at that price for all you get.
But space is extremely limited. As soon as we reach the maximum amount of members, I’ll be forced to increase the price.
The strategies you’ll discover in Magic Article Rewriter alone have been used to build multi-million dollar businesses on the Internet. But you’ll also receive these FIVE Super Bonuses valued over $425…
Super Bonus #1 Bum Article Super Glue Report (Value: $127)
How To Make Your Articles And Ads Stick To Google Like Super Glue!
Tired Of Your Listings Being Dropped By Google After Just A Few Days?
It’s Time To Strike Back!
And for those who HATE writing articles….
Super Bonus #2: 27,000 Private Label Articles (Value $97)
27,000 PLR Articles for more than 800 niches!
Start using Magic Article Rewriter today, even if you have never written an article before…
And with this professionally written package, you probably never will!
But even if you like to write, it is important to have the best money-pulling keywords…
Super Bonus #3: Keywords Killer List (Value $27)
Making your articles into profit-pulling magnets requires a strong keyword list focused on your Niche.
Discover How To Make A Killer List Of Thematically Related Keywords for FREE!
Once you are bringing lots of traffic from your keyword-rich articles, what will you sell your readers?
Super Bonus #4: Affiliate Marketing Handbook (Value $77)
An entire industry has grown around online affiliate marketing since the mid-1990’s and it is getting bigger all the time.
Conventions are regularly held and attended by thousands of people and there’s even an offline magazine devoted entirely to the subject of affiliate marketing.
Entire affiliate networks such as Commission Junction, Linkshare and Double Click Performics exist for the purpose of bringing merchants and affiliates together.
There are THOUSANDS of merchants with affiliate programs.
The Affiliate Marketing Handbook will get you started on the right foot.
And then all you need is an proven action plan to follow…
Super Bonus #5: The 48 Hour Affiliate Action Plan (Value $95)
New Report Gives You A Step-By-Step Action Plan To Show You How To Create Your Own Money Making Website In Less That 48 hours!
Here’s a specific plan for you to start your online business in less than 48 hours (less than 2 days!) and what’s better is that you won’t empty your bank account while you’re doing it…
If you want to skip the steep software learning curve, and the confusing and time-consuming process of manually rewriting your articles…
If you want to forget about the complicated spreadsheets, the frustrating collections of thousands of keywords, and the costly errors that set you back even further…
In short, if you want to remove EVERY possible barrier between you and successful article marketing, with a tool that is GUARANTEED to quickly and easily rewrite your Niche articles, you need Magic Article Rewriter.
Even if you have no technical skills or business experience, you’ll be able to quickly and easily use this proprietary almost magical tool to quickly rewrite your niche articles and start driving buyers to your web sites — no matter how long you’ve been trying to do this on your own.
For just about the cost of web hosting for a single year, you’ll have access to this simple point-and-click tool that completely automates the entire rewriting formula.
In just a few “point and click” steps lasting just a few minutes, you’ll have unlimited unique well-written articles for your site, blog, article directories and much more, and you’ll be ready to start getting new traffic to your new website right away.
“…Massive Boost in Rankings!”
Hi Alex,
your new Article Submission software is great
I have seen a massive boost in rankings for a very competitive keyword over just three days
This software makes article submission so quick and easy I am amazed you are selling it so cheap!
I just hope my competitors don’t find out about it!
Nick Davison – High Impact SEO
Get immediate access to Magic Rewriter, covered by our complete no-risk guarantee, now, by clicking the link below…
Be one of the first 275 Fast-Action-Takers deciding to take me up on my offer today, and receive a full 39% off the regular price of Magic Article Rewriter.
You’ll get Magic Article Rewriter for just $47. After we fill the 275 spots, Magic Article Rewriter goes to $77, and believe me it is a steal at that price.
If you’re still not sure if Magic Article Rewriter is right for you, here’s what I suggest you test-drive them with my…
When you claim your copy of Magic Article Rewriter, you will have a full 30 days to review your membership and ensure your satisfaction.
I am 100% confident you will be absolutely thrilled with everything you are about to discover…
But you are fully covered by my iron clad, no quibbles satisfaction policy, which means if you are not totally delighted with Magic Article Rewriter and Magic Article Submitter, you will get a prompt and courteous refund.
Information marketing is a multi-billion dollar market, which is expanding every year, and submitting unique, well-written articles to hundreds of popular article directories is your ticket to dominating your Niche today.
Anyone with this system — regardless of experience or previous success — can now build a highly successful online business, beginning today!
…A system so advanced you’ll almost feel guilty with all the money you siphon off of the internet!
…Being able to live the internet dream of FREEDOM, because you cracked the secret code and never looked back.
…Working whenever you please, or taking that well deserved time off in a luxury resort on a tropical paradise!
…Strolling into work and firing your boss because you make more money in a day than he/she does in a month
If you made it this far, if you’re ready to unlock the secrets that only advanced marketers will ever discover.
All you need to do is click the “Order Now!” button above to make your one time payment of $80. Then, you’ll be given full access all the goods so you can start profiting now!
Download the programs, read everything carefully and take notes. Then, take action! Don’t sit around thinking “gee, that’s cool”, put it to work for you NOW!
Don’t wait. Take action today!
Warm regards, Alexandr Krulik
P.S. I mentioned this earlier, but just want to stress it one last time because I think it’s one of the most important benefits to you by using the Magic Article Rewriter system. Articles are at the foundation of any information-based product, service, or strategy you ever buy or sell. You MUST master this basic marketing strategy to make an impact in your market, or you will be left behind.
I’m sick of seeing internet marketers try to fool or distract you with the latest traffic gimmick or “traffic-secret-of-the-month”. You deserve to know just how simple and easy it can be to build steady streams of targeted visitors to your site just by using articles. Remember, that this method is also completely FREE.
And once you have your articles written & spun into unique versions for different directories… they’re evergreen! That means, long after you’ve moved on to other articles and projects, you will still see new traffic visiting your site from your articles.
P.P.S. As soon as you claim your copy of Magic Article Rewriter, you’ll get a 5 Super Bonuses worth over $400 – FREE!
Currently, the only way to get these bonuses is through this limited time offer. As a Magic Article Rewriter member, you get them absolutely free!
“ I know what I am saying when I say there IS a need for a product like this“
Alex I have just reviewed Magic Article Rewriter and appreciate the opportunity to have used it.
Let me tell you that I have essentially made a career on the internet writing and rewriting articles for my websites, blogs, article directories, videos, forums and ebooks – so I know what I am saying when I say there IS a need for a product like this.
To CLARIFY, for anyone shy on using spinners – this one is human controlled, meaning it only spins the content that YOU put in it. In my mind, this is a very clever, time saving, production boosting tool that every internet marketer can find a use for.
If you have ever bought any PLR content, Magic Article Rewriter can turn that dormant content sitting on your hard drive into money making, original articles. Now Alex as a long time user and advocate for Power Article Rewiter, I was skeptical to try something new but I quickly learned how may features you jam-packed into this product to make it, IMHO the leading human article spinner on the market right now.
You have added the word count, synonym bank, and tokens to help speed things up even more, but I also noticed a rather quick and intuitive work flow and layout, so the actual rewriting doesn’t seem daunting – it seems like you are getting a LOT done in a little amount of time.
Marty J
  “…Fast Results!”
On the weekend I purchased the Magic Article Rewriter and the Article Submission software too. I rewrote an article and then used the Magic Article Rewriter to create accounts and submitted my article in the spin format. I used the same url but different anchor text.
The article was submitted on Saturday, today is Tuesday and I already have 27 published and over 100 waiting for review according to Article Rewriter, and my article has been downloaded 7 times, twice from the same directory.
Wow! Talk about fast results, your programs are fantastic. I had been procrastinating about writing articles because of all the versions needed to be effective. Now I can write just one and then easily make all the versions I need.
I also like the account creation and activation on the Magic Article Rewriter, for me it saves my wrist form all that clicking.
Thank you so much for creating them both.
“…Made 4 Sales Already!”
Hi Alex,
Your new Article Submission Software really rocks !!
I bought it yesterday .. submitted 3 articles about a new sales page only published 2 days ago and I have made 4 sales already.
They came from direct links in the articles as that’s the only marketing I have done for this sales page.
“…Way Better Than the 6 Other Programs I have Tried!”
I just wanted to let you know I just finished rewriting my first article and found your program to the best of it’s type that I have used – and I have tried at least six!
Thought you’d want to know.
John Thibdeau
“The best articles spinner !”
In my opinion this is the best articles spinner that is available on the market today. the synonyms that are available and the ease-of-use is extraordinary. Not only has a lot of time and effort went into the development of this software, but a lot of time and effort has went into the synonyms used inside the software. Now, this does not automatically spin the articles, but it allows you to easily and effortlessly spin a readable and quality article. It is absolutely amazing and a no-brainer for anyone who wants to mass-produce spun
Shannon Herod
“I was very impressed!”
wanted to provide some feedback on this tool. I took it for a spin (no pun intended) last night and the tool works flawlessly and is by far one of the best spinners out there. The best feature for me is the ability to export the spinnable articles for the various article networks (i.e. AMA, UAW, etc.). Of course there are several other great features I could brag about but this one was the most important to me. I also want to say that Alex provides unbelievable customer support – the best I’ve ever experienced to be honest. I had a few questions after I purchased and he got back to me every time within minutes. I was very impressed. Thanks for creating such a great and useful tool and for providing terrific customer support as well. It’s rare these days that you get both a quality tool and strong customer support. Kudos!
Shannon Herod
“UNMATCHED in quality support!”
Magic Rewriter and Article Submitter are so fabulous that it is almost beyond belief that two such integrated products are available at such a great price. I’ve searched for Article Spinning software, and had a few that were both more expensive and not as powerful as MAR and MAS, so I can say Alexsandr has really done his homework in developing these two terrific products.
As for support, it is UNMATCHED in quality, Timeliness, and Professionalism. Alexi is brilliant and has demonstrated that in how he can quickly find the problem and fix it on-screen with you, using Teamviewer.
I highly recommend both of these Article Re-Writing and Article Submitting programs. You will have NO problems putting your articles on the web quickly, accurately, and without fear that something will go wrong.
Being able to automate the article submission process to nearly 1,000 directories with the press of a button is truly remarkable!
Saved me time and trouble of having to go through the hundreds of registrations individually over the course of days and maybe weeks with other programs versus an automated process that made me smile with delight! That is what Alexasnder does…He brings the entire process down to automatic, virtually one-touch article writing, spinning, publishing all within minutes.
Terry Kulp Hawkinsville, Georgia USA
“Now I press a button and I am done!”
Alexsandr you have saved me so much time I cannot thank you enough! I use to spend hundreds a day for a writer and now I press a button and I am done!
This program is worth far more than what you are asking! This is a must have for every marketing professional! Thank you for an absolute wonderful product!
Rodney Harper www.kortia.com
0 notes
allenmendezsr ¡ 5 years ago
Magic Article Rewriter And Magic Article Submitter
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/magic-article-rewriter-and-magic-article-submitter/
Magic Article Rewriter And Magic Article Submitter
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    Laugh at Google’s Duplicate Content Ban when You Discover…
From the Desk of Alexander Krulik Wednesday, 11:11am
Dear Friend,
There are tons of ways to generate traffic and build your business or
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practice online. There are new slick marketing ideas popping up all the time, one after another, claiming to be the next best thing.
However, one of the easiest, proven, most time-tested ways to attract new business and more traffic to your site is to become a sought after authority and gain expert status in your field. 
One of the biggest secrets that the top marketers don’t talk a lot about is the fact that they ALL have built their credibility, visibility, and their lists of gold by writing articles.
In fact, multi-million dollar online entrepreneur Ali Brown says that:
“This is a tried-and-true method that will NEVER stop working, unlike the latest and greatest gimmicks to spoof the search engines.
(Try one of those and see how quickly your traffic halts once the bottom drops out.)
Search engines love real content and will always love real content.
Ali Brown, http://AliBrown.com
And this is only scratching the surface…
As thousands of Internet Marketers already know, backlinks from articles offer the surest route to high rankings in Google, tons of free traffic and lots of targeted customers.
That’s what Yuwanda Black found out…
“I wanted to create more passive income, I decided to give article marketing a REAL try. I decided to submit one article to 25 top-rated directories for 30 days straight.
Only a week into it, my Google Adsense income has quintupled (increased 5 times) and my subscriber rate has increased three fold. And this is after ONE WEEK.”
Yuwanda Black, PubliserInkwellEditorial.com
There’s nothing better than seeing first-hand the profitable results of your article writing.
And it’s a “dream strategy” for many other reasons, too.
Increase web traffic – With article marketing, visitors can constantly come to your website.
Achieve massive publicity
Build your list of targeted prospects that want to hear from you right now
Boost your reputation, credibility, and name recognition
Gain link popularity & Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) rankings.
Create affiliate relationships and JV partnerships with highly influential web publishers.
So if you’ve learned to write articles, then congratulations.
You’re halfway there!
Writing effective articles and submitting them to popular article directories is the first step. But you also need to know the “Dark Side”:
Send the same content to 1000’s of places and Google ignores it…
Here’s the problem:
You have spent 3 or 4 hours writing a great article.
You take another 3 – 4 hours to submit it to 100’s of article directories or blogs. Each site gives you a rank-boosting backlink.
Google only counts one. You get no credit for the other 100 or so.
Some unscrupulous marketers deliberately duplicate content across domains in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings or win more traffic. Deceptive practices like this can result in a poor user experience, when a visitor sees substantially the same content repeated within a set of search results.
It’s called “Content Spam”. Guess what Google does?
The ranking of the site may suffer, or the site might be removed entirely from the Google index, in which case it will no longer appear in search results.
Not what any of us want.
By making sure every article you submit or post is 100% unique.
Most people rewrite their articles by hand. Selecting sentence after sentence and reworking the content. As you can imagine it takes them hours and hours.
But you aren’t like most people, are you? You know deep down in your heart that there has to be a better way. I knew it, too. I used software that was supposed to ‘spin’ my articles.
The problem was: the resulting articles looked like they were rewritten by a program.
I knew I could do it better. After many long hours locked in my office, I finally figured it out. How to rewrite text easily and quickly, that looked and read like it was professionally done.
And here’s what happened when I started using unique articles to drive traffic to my site…
Then I watched with amazement as my sales took off on autopilot!
Now I have a very important question to ask you: Are You Ready to…
With Magic Article Rewriter, you can save hours of tedious drudgery rewriting articles for posting to article directories. And best of all? It is so easy to use!
“…Number 1 in Google!”
I understand why I bought the program. I hope it sells well for you, I know it will save a lot of time for me. 🙂
Tom Lyons www.makingyoufindable.com
Let’s start with a quick walk-through Magic Article Rewriter right now…
With Magic Article Rewriter, you can rewrite your articles quickly and easily and make literally thousands of unique, well-written articles in minutes.
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First Step: Open your article in Magic Article Rewriter or type it out in MAR
Second Step: Open the Synonyms box and select a word to spin…
There are over 30,000 words and their synonyms in Magic Article Rewriter. Plus you can easily extend them as much as you wish, and then reuse them in all your other articles.
Third Step: Change Whole Sentences
It’s wonderful that you can change individual words but the real power of Magic Article Rewriter comes from being able to exchange entire sentences.
Each sentence can be completely replaced automatically and randomly by Magic Article Rewriter.
And it gets even more powerful! Imagine spinning different words within each different spun sentence…
Final Step: Sit back and relax… Let Magic Article Rewriter do all the work!
You can either make one new version (Spin) of your article or you can “Mass Rewrite Articles” and save hundreds of new article files on your hard drive.
“…Cut My Spinning Time by Two Thirds!”
Hey Aleksandr,
I have absolutely nothing but wonderful things to say about Magic Article Rewriter.
I spin articles for use in multiple programs – Traffic Kahuna, Free Traffic System, Article Drip Robot, SENuke – and many, many smaller programs.
This is incredibly time consuming to do by hand with curly brackets, and it’s also extremely difficult to find outsourcers who can do it skillfully for a decent price.
However, Magic Article Rewriter is the solution for this problem. It’s cut my spinning time by two thirds – which, in essence, means I’m outputting three times the content and getting three times the backlinks in the same amount of time.
Not only that, but it’s SO affordable at only $47!
If you are a content marketer, you NEED Magic Article Rewriter
Melanie www.NicheChick.com
But that’s not all Magic Article Rewriter does…
To just spin words and sentences is great, but I wanted to add to Magic Article Rewriter’s effectiveness and speed. I wanted to make rewriting articles so fast your head will spin as your articles spun…
That’s why I came up with Tokens.
As you are working with the Synonyms you can convert specific words into Tokens.
Then when you want to spin a new article, instead of using the Synonym function on all the easy words, like “one”, “this”, or “that”, you only have to click the “Apply Token” button and Magic Article Rewriter does it all automatically for you!
Then all you have to do is go over the few remaining words and add variations to them.
Your set up time per article is cut by up to 80%, after you have set up your Tokens the first time.
“…Finished in One Hour What Usually Takes Me All Day!”
WOW! Alexander
I bought your software, I’ve got to say I am so impressed I can’t hardly believe it!
I was able to spin 5 articles within 1 hour which normally would have taken me all day to accomplish. And the “Token” feature saved me a ton of time on the last four!
You should be selling this for $100. My inexperience, in computer skills gave me a little trouble getting started.
Your assistance was fast, easy to understand and very professional! Excellent software! Excellent price! Excellent customer support!
I’d recommend Magic Article Rewriter to anyone! Buy it people!
Not only that, but it’s SO affordable at only $47! If you are a content marketer, you NEED Magic Article Rewriter
Steve Crowley Prairie du Chein WI
Magic Article Rewriter will help you rephrase your content in five easy steps:
1) Launch the Magic Article Rewriter spinning tool. 2) Load your original article into Magic Article Rewriter. 3) Select a word, sentence or paragraph you would like to rewrite. 4) Pick as many synonyms as you want throughout the text or insert your own variations. Use Tokens to speed up the process. 5) Press the rewrite button and get brand new, top quality, exclusive and unique articles!
This takes between ten and fifteen minutes per article and if you work with the Tokens database, you can be done in five minutes!
We use a secret (some would say “Magic”) formula to save you from the tedious job of constantly rewriting your articles.
You do understand that with Magic Article Rewriter, you could be creating hundreds of unique articles and watching your traffic stats explode…
Forget about out-sourcing article rewriting to the Philippines, Eastern Europe or India. you can be doing it yourself in seconds a day!
“…No More Proofreading Spun Articles!”
I have been in SEO for quite a while now with great results.
The problem was spinning content, and coming up with unique content. I have to say your tool was the best time saver I have seen.
For once I can spin an article and not have to proofread each version because I pick the words that make sense.
I just did in 20 minutes what I did yesterday in about 3 hours!
Good thing I have the day off today, it is time to some damage to those search engines!
Thanks for developing and offering such a great price on this product! Brent Sweet www.one-way-links-now.com
But no more…
If you are one of the first 275 Fast-Action-Takers deciding to take me up on my offer today, I’m willing to give you a full 39% off the regular price of Magic Article Rewriter.
You’ll get Magic Article Rewriter for just $47. After we fill the 275 spots, Magic Article Rewriter goes to $77, and believe me it is a steal at that price for all you get.
But space is extremely limited. As soon as we reach the maximum amount of members, I’ll be forced to increase the price.
The strategies you’ll discover in Magic Article Rewriter alone have been used to build multi-million dollar businesses on the Internet. But you’ll also receive these FIVE Super Bonuses valued over $425…
Super Bonus #1 Bum Article Super Glue Report (Value: $127)
How To Make Your Articles And Ads Stick To Google Like Super Glue!
Tired Of Your Listings Being Dropped By Google After Just A Few Days?
It’s Time To Strike Back!
And for those who HATE writing articles….
Super Bonus #2: 27,000 Private Label Articles (Value $97)
27,000 PLR Articles for more than 800 niches!
Start using Magic Article Rewriter today, even if you have never written an article before…
And with this professionally written package, you probably never will!
But even if you like to write, it is important to have the best money-pulling keywords…
Super Bonus #3: Keywords Killer List (Value $27)
Making your articles into profit-pulling magnets requires a strong keyword list focused on your Niche.
Discover How To Make A Killer List Of Thematically Related Keywords for FREE!
Once you are bringing lots of traffic from your keyword-rich articles, what will you sell your readers?
Super Bonus #4: Affiliate Marketing Handbook (Value $77)
An entire industry has grown around online affiliate marketing since the mid-1990’s and it is getting bigger all the time.
Conventions are regularly held and attended by thousands of people and there’s even an offline magazine devoted entirely to the subject of affiliate marketing.
Entire affiliate networks such as Commission Junction, Linkshare and Double Click Performics exist for the purpose of bringing merchants and affiliates together.
There are THOUSANDS of merchants with affiliate programs.
The Affiliate Marketing Handbook will get you started on the right foot.
And then all you need is an proven action plan to follow…
Super Bonus #5: The 48 Hour Affiliate Action Plan (Value $95)
New Report Gives You A Step-By-Step Action Plan To Show You How To Create Your Own Money Making Website In Less That 48 hours!
Here’s a specific plan for you to start your online business in less than 48 hours (less than 2 days!) and what’s better is that you won’t empty your bank account while you’re doing it…
If you want to skip the steep software learning curve, and the confusing and time-consuming process of manually rewriting your articles…
If you want to forget about the complicated spreadsheets, the frustrating collections of thousands of keywords, and the costly errors that set you back even further…
In short, if you want to remove EVERY possible barrier between you and successful article marketing, with a tool that is GUARANTEED to quickly and easily rewrite your Niche articles, you need Magic Article Rewriter.
Even if you have no technical skills or business experience, you’ll be able to quickly and easily use this proprietary almost magical tool to quickly rewrite your niche articles and start driving buyers to your web sites — no matter how long you’ve been trying to do this on your own.
For just about the cost of web hosting for a single year, you’ll have access to this simple point-and-click tool that completely automates the entire rewriting formula.
In just a few “point and click” steps lasting just a few minutes, you’ll have unlimited unique well-written articles for your site, blog, article directories and much more, and you’ll be ready to start getting new traffic to your new website right away.
“…Massive Boost in Rankings!”
Hi Alex,
your new Article Submission software is great
I have seen a massive boost in rankings for a very competitive keyword over just three days
This software makes article submission so quick and easy I am amazed you are selling it so cheap!
I just hope my competitors don’t find out about it!
Nick Davison – High Impact SEO
Get immediate access to Magic Rewriter, covered by our complete no-risk guarantee, now, by clicking the link below…
Be one of the first 275 Fast-Action-Takers deciding to take me up on my offer today, and receive a full 39% off the regular price of Magic Article Rewriter.
You’ll get Magic Article Rewriter for just $47. After we fill the 275 spots, Magic Article Rewriter goes to $77, and believe me it is a steal at that price.
If you’re still not sure if Magic Article Rewriter is right for you, here’s what I suggest you test-drive them with my…
When you claim your copy of Magic Article Rewriter, you will have a full 30 days to review your membership and ensure your satisfaction.
I am 100% confident you will be absolutely thrilled with everything you are about to discover…
But you are fully covered by my iron clad, no quibbles satisfaction policy, which means if you are not totally delighted with Magic Article Rewriter and Magic Article Submitter, you will get a prompt and courteous refund.
Information marketing is a multi-billion dollar market, which is expanding every year, and submitting unique, well-written articles to hundreds of popular article directories is your ticket to dominating your Niche today.
Anyone with this system — regardless of experience or previous success — can now build a highly successful online business, beginning today!
…A system so advanced you’ll almost feel guilty with all the money you siphon off of the internet!
…Being able to live the internet dream of FREEDOM, because you cracked the secret code and never looked back.
…Working whenever you please, or taking that well deserved time off in a luxury resort on a tropical paradise!
…Strolling into work and firing your boss because you make more money in a day than he/she does in a month
If you made it this far, if you’re ready to unlock the secrets that only advanced marketers will ever discover.
All you need to do is click the “Order Now!” button above to make your one time payment of $80. Then, you’ll be given full access all the goods so you can start profiting now!
Download the programs, read everything carefully and take notes. Then, take action! Don’t sit around thinking “gee, that’s cool”, put it to work for you NOW!
Don’t wait. Take action today!
Warm regards, Alexandr Krulik
P.S. I mentioned this earlier, but just want to stress it one last time because I think it’s one of the most important benefits to you by using the Magic Article Rewriter system. Articles are at the foundation of any information-based product, service, or strategy you ever buy or sell. You MUST master this basic marketing strategy to make an impact in your market, or you will be left behind.
I’m sick of seeing internet marketers try to fool or distract you with the latest traffic gimmick or “traffic-secret-of-the-month”. You deserve to know just how simple and easy it can be to build steady streams of targeted visitors to your site just by using articles. Remember, that this method is also completely FREE.
And once you have your articles written & spun into unique versions for different directories… they’re evergreen! That means, long after you’ve moved on to other articles and projects, you will still see new traffic visiting your site from your articles.
P.P.S. As soon as you claim your copy of Magic Article Rewriter, you’ll get a 5 Super Bonuses worth over $400 – FREE!
Currently, the only way to get these bonuses is through this limited time offer. As a Magic Article Rewriter member, you get them absolutely free!
“ I know what I am saying when I say there IS a need for a product like this“
Alex I have just reviewed Magic Article Rewriter and appreciate the opportunity to have used it.
Let me tell you that I have essentially made a career on the internet writing and rewriting articles for my websites, blogs, article directories, videos, forums and ebooks – so I know what I am saying when I say there IS a need for a product like this.
To CLARIFY, for anyone shy on using spinners – this one is human controlled, meaning it only spins the content that YOU put in it. In my mind, this is a very clever, time saving, production boosting tool that every internet marketer can find a use for.
If you have ever bought any PLR content, Magic Article Rewriter can turn that dormant content sitting on your hard drive into money making, original articles. Now Alex as a long time user and advocate for Power Article Rewiter, I was skeptical to try something new but I quickly learned how may features you jam-packed into this product to make it, IMHO the leading human article spinner on the market right now.
You have added the word count, synonym bank, and tokens to help speed things up even more, but I also noticed a rather quick and intuitive work flow and layout, so the actual rewriting doesn’t seem daunting – it seems like you are getting a LOT done in a little amount of time.
Marty J
  “…Fast Results!”
On the weekend I purchased the Magic Article Rewriter and the Article Submission software too. I rewrote an article and then used the Magic Article Rewriter to create accounts and submitted my article in the spin format. I used the same url but different anchor text.
The article was submitted on Saturday, today is Tuesday and I already have 27 published and over 100 waiting for review according to Article Rewriter, and my article has been downloaded 7 times, twice from the same directory.
Wow! Talk about fast results, your programs are fantastic. I had been procrastinating about writing articles because of all the versions needed to be effective. Now I can write just one and then easily make all the versions I need.
I also like the account creation and activation on the Magic Article Rewriter, for me it saves my wrist form all that clicking.
Thank you so much for creating them both.
“…Made 4 Sales Already!”
Hi Alex,
Your new Article Submission Software really rocks !!
I bought it yesterday .. submitted 3 articles about a new sales page only published 2 days ago and I have made 4 sales already.
They came from direct links in the articles as that’s the only marketing I have done for this sales page.
“…Way Better Than the 6 Other Programs I have Tried!”
I just wanted to let you know I just finished rewriting my first article and found your program to the best of it’s type that I have used – and I have tried at least six!
Thought you’d want to know.
John Thibdeau
“The best articles spinner !”
In my opinion this is the best articles spinner that is available on the market today. the synonyms that are available and the ease-of-use is extraordinary. Not only has a lot of time and effort went into the development of this software, but a lot of time and effort has went into the synonyms used inside the software. Now, this does not automatically spin the articles, but it allows you to easily and effortlessly spin a readable and quality article. It is absolutely amazing and a no-brainer for anyone who wants to mass-produce spun
Shannon Herod
“I was very impressed!”
wanted to provide some feedback on this tool. I took it for a spin (no pun intended) last night and the tool works flawlessly and is by far one of the best spinners out there. The best feature for me is the ability to export the spinnable articles for the various article networks (i.e. AMA, UAW, etc.). Of course there are several other great features I could brag about but this one was the most important to me. I also want to say that Alex provides unbelievable customer support – the best I’ve ever experienced to be honest. I had a few questions after I purchased and he got back to me every time within minutes. I was very impressed. Thanks for creating such a great and useful tool and for providing terrific customer support as well. It’s rare these days that you get both a quality tool and strong customer support. Kudos!
Shannon Herod
“UNMATCHED in quality support!”
Magic Rewriter and Article Submitter are so fabulous that it is almost beyond belief that two such integrated products are available at such a great price. I’ve searched for Article Spinning software, and had a few that were both more expensive and not as powerful as MAR and MAS, so I can say Alexsandr has really done his homework in developing these two terrific products.
As for support, it is UNMATCHED in quality, Timeliness, and Professionalism. Alexi is brilliant and has demonstrated that in how he can quickly find the problem and fix it on-screen with you, using Teamviewer.
I highly recommend both of these Article Re-Writing and Article Submitting programs. You will have NO problems putting your articles on the web quickly, accurately, and without fear that something will go wrong.
Being able to automate the article submission process to nearly 1,000 directories with the press of a button is truly remarkable!
Saved me time and trouble of having to go through the hundreds of registrations individually over the course of days and maybe weeks with other programs versus an automated process that made me smile with delight! That is what Alexasnder does…He brings the entire process down to automatic, virtually one-touch article writing, spinning, publishing all within minutes.
Terry Kulp Hawkinsville, Georgia USA
“Now I press a button and I am done!”
Alexsandr you have saved me so much time I cannot thank you enough! I use to spend hundreds a day for a writer and now I press a button and I am done!
This program is worth far more than what you are asking! This is a must have for every marketing professional! Thank you for an absolute wonderful product!
Rodney Harper www.kortia.com
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