#sexism tw
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blogitalianissimo · 10 months ago
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Unpopular opinion, nei social si sta memando un po' troppo su questo individuo omofobo e sessista, direi di trattarlo come un V4nnacci qualunque perché non c'è differenza tra i due
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aspiringwarriorlibrarian · 7 months ago
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Every single argument of why men are superior in any way is always bullshit.
I love how this started with "hey I work crime and I've seen three sneaker related murders so yes man can and will be that fucking petty" and ended with Aaron Burr shooting Alexander Hamilton.
Like they call it honor, but call it what it is: petty drama.
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hubillusion · 10 months ago
For all the persons asking what sexism is I have something to show them!
This a translation of the first 20 comments on the L'équipe (the main sport newspaper in France) site concerning the match between Iga and Potapova today versus the ones concerning the match between Djoko and Mannarino at the AO (and I should mention that Nole is one of the most hated player in France).
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And as a bonus a little nice comment about Iga's hat because we can't have enough of those:
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inkwell-illustrations · 1 month ago
I'm pretty sure that my gym teacher is sexist
So today during gym class my teacher made all the girls. (Just the girls no boys.) Carry insanely heavy boxes full of school merch down about 3 flights of stairs out to his car. While not even carrying anything himself. Keep in mind none of us volunteered to do this, he did not ask us if we wanted to help. He offered nothing in return, and gave no good answer to why he only made the female students do this. Now my arm hurts because I pulled something while carrying those fucking things. Fuck my gym teacher needless to say I'm gonna report his bitch ass!!
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entity56 · 11 months ago
"If women and men are equal, why don't they get drafted/get sent to the military/forced to do hard labor jobs?" is a good point, but not for the reason misogynists may think. The point isn't to A) say women are lesser than men OR B) say we need to force women to do the same things as men.
The point is nobody should be drafted. The point is nobody should be forced to work hard labor or time-extensive, underpaid jobs to survive. The point isn't equal man/woman work load anymore. It's a matter of free will in late stage capitalism. Work should be optional.
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msfbgraves · 7 months ago
I wish CK would end with Daniel giving up Miyagi-do and teaching, leaving LaRusso Auto to Amanda, and just becoming a full time stay at home dad. He loves family life and homey stuff, and he always seems happiest and most content when he’s at home with his family 💕 I genuinely believe Daniel isn’t ambitious and would have been perfectly content being a househusband. I don’t think Amanda would mind either since she seems to be the one who runs the business and Daniel there just to help her out and charm the customers.
speaking of careers johnny needs to go back to being a handyman and like, actually try and be a dad to robby. his “karate” is better off as a hobby and certainly not something miyagi-do needs to be associated with.
So you feel there was zero character development for either of them Nonnie? Pretty damning on the writers 🤭 I didn't use to think Johnny was a bad sensei, but contrasting him with Miyagi-Do doesn't bring out the best in him. Sam and Miguel said they wanted the All Valley to be able to compete safely, to prevent injury, with the possibility to safely back out of a fight and if Johnny doesn't understand that Tory was at serious risk to hurt herself and Sam, after what had already happened to Miguel when Robby got like that, he's no better than Kreese.
As for the business - Amanda needs Daniel there as a front man. It's cars, the sexism must be rampant. I'm sure he already gets as much time as possible at home but without him, they would lose out on customers and contracts. I said what I said. The likes of Cole would really be like: "You're buying your cars from a chick???" The presence of a man legitimises a woman to those kinds of people. There also must be a reason why they focus on foreign brands, Daniel probably feels familiar and less aggressively Murican to those suppliers. I know for Americans, Johnny Lawrence may feel mainstream but to Europeans at least all the flag waving and bigger-is-better feels pretty foreign. Daniel of course to us is still very obviously American, but less loud, so he can close certain cultural gaps more easily. As long as he defers to Amanda behind the scenes, this model works very well. There would simply be too much stigma if Daniel stayed home permanently. I bet Amanda always closes up and comes home to a home cooked meal with Daniel having picked up the dry cleaning. It's the best this culture will allow.
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angstfactory · 6 days ago
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Walking through the picturesque streets of Cardinal Hill, you find ( Neylani Smith ), the ( 40 ) year old ( co-owner of Castillo’s Boxing Gym ) originally from ( Cardinal Hill ). Living alongside them in such a small town, you know that they’re ( disciplined ) and ( controlling ), but what you might not know is that they are a ( witch ), and that they’re hiding something… ― Yaya Dacosta, heterosexual, woman, and she/her.
TRIGGERS: mentions of military and police, sexism
one of four children, she is the eldest with three younger brothers.
is from one of those 'military' families, where there's a long line of them that's enlisted at one point or another, specifically with the marines.
they could say the same as witches, too. there are witches in the family as far back as it can go, though not all of them possess the magic touch. as to be expected, however, most smiths had ample talent where protection spells were concerned.
father and mother ran a strict, but fair household. chores were done, homework completed, and curfew followed. but they understood the importance of play and family time, too.
as the eldest, she carried that responsibility of being 'role model' to her younger brothers, and help raise them to be fine young gentlemen.
always felt she had more to prove and had to be the toughest, mainly because her gender seemed to be an obstacle to overcome in these male-dominated spheres.
but the one thing she struggled to excel in was magic. while she didn't get skipped, ney has always been a poor excuse for a witch, as her spells and potions never quite have any power or oomph to them. so, she concentrated on what she was good at. yes, this is still a sore subject for her.
in school, was essentially that person with her hands involved in all the things, whether she actively participated in them or not (like planning dances, but didn't attend). she also juggled lacrosse and softball, and maintained a B+ average.
in lieu of college, she followed in the steps of many in her family and enlisted as a marine; she pursued being a fighter jet pilot and dedicated sixteen years of her life to it.
after, she did work in law enforcement and even got elected sheriff for two years before entering into business with one of her closest friends, and is now co-owner of castillo's boxing gym. her money kept him from closing, but she made no demands of him to change the branding.
has currently placed her focus in running self-defense classes, though she will often assist other instructors in their boxing courses as well.
is a very headstrong, reliable person who is comfortable in the life she's set up. things are a particular way, she keeps things ship-shape. she places expectations on everyone, whether they're aware of it or not.
very, very nosy. very, very judgmental. she is, however, painfully aware of this, so actively tries to conceal it as much as possible.
while she's a closet romantic that simps for sweet moments in media and other people's lives, ney believes she's "realistic" in the approach to her own life. as in, she highkey doubts in love and thinks it's exaggerated a lot, because she hasn't experienced it herself.
this is, however, quite literally a causation of her own doing because she's one of those people with an utterly ridiculous list that her partner must check off before she'll even consider them seriously. let's just say, she's had quite a few first dates only.
so, still a bachelorette, still childless. and these days, her focus on such things has lessened because she's getting older, and feels it's not really in the cards anymore. also, she's seen too many friends and family go through terrible breakups.
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lightinxthedark · 27 days ago
How would Veadris react to Ashelia and/or Caelen coming out to her?
((I can't give straightforward answers to save my life lmao, so I'll give the general answer first and then ramble, heh
in general: just fine! Does she understand? Maybe not completely, but at the end of the day, she just wants her children to be happy and safe. If they're happy with a partner of the same sex, then who is she to judge? And so what if that means neither Ashe nor Caelen can have kids biologically? While she knows the weight of the Dynast line - boy howdy does she know - she would rather them be happy than feel burdened to pass on their blood. She had nine children because she wanted a large family, not just because she felt pressured to keep the Dynast line alive, and she would rather Ashe and Caelen had kids of their own because they want to, not because they have to. Again, as long as they're happy and safe, she's going to support them.
now for my rambly answer, heh. Under the cut because... y'know, I rambled sdfghsd
the reason I want to ramble about this is because I want to figure out why Veadris would feel that way. Silence has said that Raminas has warned/shamed Ashe and Caelen into, essentially, denying/ignoring their sexuality, which... if Vea knew that, she'd be livid, heh, but that sort of thinking doesn't... stem from nothing, y'know? Dalmascan culture is to blame in this situation (both in regards to sexuality and it being more of a patriarchal society, but the latter is a separate discussion), so it stands to reason that Vea should feel similarly. She should have a similar reaction to her husband's and she shouldn't encourage Ashe's spiritedness and ambition, but she'd be accepting of her children's sexualities and does encourage Ashe to go against the norm. She's an oddity herself in Dalmascan culture, particularly in the royal class, and she knows that, and it's something that tends to cause the clashes she has with Raminas despite how much she loves him.
for Vea, despite what her culture dictates, influences, encourages, what have you, a lot of how she behaves comes from her immediate family. Her father was probably the stereotypical Dalmascan noble, but her mother was a different story. I think Vea got along just fine with her father - maybe not the closest relationship ever, but decently enough - but her mother was... a different story. Her mother definitely wanted to live vicariously through Vea because she was never happy. Her mother had children because she was pressured to do so, not because she necessarily wanted them. Her mother felt stifled and trapped within the confines of a patriarchal society by being confined to the life as a wife and mother, and when Vea was betrothed to Raminas, she constantly pushed Vea to make changes in Dalmasca. Which... sure, Vea wanted to make Dalmasca better for those who weren't male Humes, but the way her mother went about that wasn't... encouraging or helpful. It was more of her nagging her than anything else, and being critical of what Vea did or didn't do. Vea, however, had always been too stubborn for her own good, and held firm against her mother. Needless to say, those two didn't have a good relationship.
her mother was pleased that Vea didn't give Raminas children right away, but she wouldn't have been happy with how many children Vea did have with him. Nothing Vea did was enough, and her mother seemed to be under the impression that, because her daughter was queen, meant that Vea could make whatever decisions she wanted and push Raminas to enforce them. She knew her daughter's status didn't elevate her own, fortunately, but Vea was frustrated that her mother didn't understand that, no, she wasn't readily listened to either despite being queen consort, and she was only queen consort - she only had so much power until everything fell to her husband to control. But Vea did try to make things better, and she did try to encourage Raminas to be more open about allowing their sons to explore other options than just war and to allow Ashe to have more freedom and to have similar lessons as her brothers. Something that had mixed results and questionable success, heh, but Vea did her best, and made sure to never become like her own mother when trying to call for changes. And, all things considered, Raminas was probably a little more open-minded to certain things than most, especially seeing how he let Ashe have a little more freedom with play when she was growing up, and changed that when Nabradia was interested in betrothing Rasler to her.
now, as for sexualities specifically, I think one of Vea's siblings was queer. Maybe her brother was gay, tbh I'm not too sure yet because this is 100% me spitballing, but regardless, she would've seen the fallout when her sibling came out to their parents, and their parents reacted badly. Although she wouldn't understand her sibling's sexuality given she's heteroromantic (she's also asexual! as a side note, sex for Vea was for reproduction instead of pleasure), she was heartbroken to see them so distraught and didn't understand why her parents were upset by it, and vowed to never act like her parents in that regard.
not to mention, Vea has lost almost all of her children. In her main verse, as far as she knows, Ashe is her only child still alive - she doesn't know about Caelen or even Rohir. She's not going to disown, chase away, or shame her surviving children just because she doesn't fully understand something about them. She loves all of her children fiercely and equally, and just wants them to be happy, especially considering all of the suffering they've gone through.
I also like the idea of Vea having a different mindset compared to her family or even the rest of Dalmasca's noble/royal class because she used to sneak off to wander Rabanastre alone. She would hide her identity and use a different alias, but she gained a new understanding and different views to consider because she was exposed to other cultures found within her own kingdom. It'd also be why she rallies for them as much as she does, because she found friends in other places, and she couldn't turn her back on them once she left her wandering days behind even if she wanted to.
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moonglowmuses · 1 month ago
"Stop being nice to me! You don’t owe me anything. You don’t owe anyone anything, anymore." ( paxton & anyone )
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"why should i not be nice to you? you're a good person." pax furrowed his brows, looking wholly perplexed, because he did not know where this assertion was coming from. "... you know that you deserve to have people around who care about you, right? who want you to know when you're valued and looked after?" pax was a good person. or, rather, he was an improved person compared to the asshole college boy that he'd once been. sexist and intrusive and close-minded. he was a better man than he'd been a boy. it was wholly true.
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frostise · 10 months ago
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okay so i thought a lot about louise's services lately and not only is she great at interrogation, torture and murder because that's the main reason why she gets hired for a job 100% of the time but she can also provide anyone looking to hire a thermodynamicist! louise used to work for S.T.A.R labs and was noted for being a brilliant worker that made several breakthroughs in the comics. plus, she's known to be a exceptional ice skater in T.A.B because they trained all their operatives to be at the level of olympians. she can easily become anyone's mentor for a reasonable price. kf is a completely different person in that area because she's in her element. definitely be acting like one of those scary, strict teachers that just wants the best for you and the next thing you know you'll have a friendly frost in your hands when you do meet her expectations
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byrdstrolls · 10 months ago
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brettdoesdiscourse · 1 year ago
"I'm a tradwife!"
In your twenties
Not married
Have no kids
Have a job
Are posting to get attention online
Voicing your opinion
You're not a tradwife and real tradwives would view you the same way you view the "modern woman."
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saturnmused · 4 months ago
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𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟺 𝚂𝙿𝙾𝚃𝙸𝙵𝚈 𝚆𝚁𝙰𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁 』 『 FRESH OUT THE SLAMMER ( taylor swift ) + @miidnighters
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❝ THANK YOU FOR BAILING me out, ❞ petra says gratefully to friend as they make their way out of the police station. the witch gives a glance back as she leaves, giving a measured 𝙶𝙻𝙰𝚁𝙴 to the stationed officer. ❝ typical, of course. get a woman defending herself & arrest her instead of the creep harassing her. ❞ she gives a roll of her eyes, turns to face callisto, & lets a subtle smile 𝙵𝙸𝙽𝙰𝙻𝙻��� come to lips. ❝ you know exactly when i'm in trouble, don't you ? it's like a sixth sense of yours, truly. ❞ she reaches out to squeeze gently at one of her friend's hands, showing appreciation through touch. ❝ what are you up to now ? care for a 𝙳𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙺 ? ❞
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