#if there is a video or article out there about it I would love to see it!!!
moutheyes · 9 hours
[translation] Nam Yoon-su interview with Vogue Korea
Original article link
(T/N: did this a bit quickly as it's been a busy week for me, apologies for any errors. once again i am but a longtime student doing this for practice and fun. there were some interesting bits in here about nam yoon-su's connection to go young and his experiences on set. i find his personality quite refreshing lol. also the pictures are gorgeous.)
No Pretense, Just the Truth: Nam Yoon-Su’s “Love in the Big City”
Oct. 20, 2024 | Son Gi-ho and Kim Na-rang
Today is Sunday, but weekends probably aren’t that special for actors, right?
If you start a job, you just keep going. That's when days start to lose significance.
You filmed Love in the Big City last winter and spring, are you working on something right now?
I rested for a bit after the surgery with my dad, and I’m preparing for a movie now.
You donated a kidney to your father this past June, have you recovered? Can you drink that coffee?
It’s okay as long as I don’t drink four cups a day. Smoking is the worst so I quit. 
You were appointed as the ambassador for the Life-Sharing Campaign. It seems like you experienced firsthand the value of organs and tissue.
I was interested in it before, so I searched up videos on YouTube. Obviously I didn’t know that I would end up donating my kidney. I could actually feel my body changing during the process. My skin became dull because the kidney couldn’t detoxify properly, and seeing people have trouble going to the bathroom gave me a lot to think about.
This will make a big difference in your life.
More than anything, it improved my relationship with my father. (laughs) There are three of us, all boys, and we didn’t get along well with him. But now we talk a lot.
Love in the Big City is based on the novel by Park Sang-young, and it’s widely recognized as a Booker Prize-nominated queer romance novel. Did you feel pressured by the genre?
I started modeling in my second year of high school (T/N: equivalent of junior year in NA), and there were a lot of queer staff members around, so I never felt that sense of difference. Everyone has their own world, right? I also had a childhood friend come out to me when they turned 20. We actually became closer after that.
How did you get the role?
I was contacted by the production company and met with the directors. There are four of them—Hur Jin-ho, Hong Ji-young, Son Tae-gyeom, and Kim Se-in—and I hadn’t met anyone before, so we needed time to get to know each other. Their directing styles are all different, but thankfully they all gave me the okay.
During the meeting, did they ask if you were okay with doing a queer romance?
Not at all. If I thought that way at all, even a little bit, the meeting wouldn’t have happened.
What kind of conversation did you have then?
They were unexpectedly curious about my hardships. Looking back on why we talked about that, though, I think it’s because I had to play Go Young from age 20 into his 30s. I had to show various emotions and character growth at all those different ages.
It seems like you’re right in the middle of that ten-plus year range for Go Young.
I’ll be 30 in three years. Episodes 1 and 2 tell the story of 20-year-old Go Young, but we shot episodes 3 and 4 first. It was better to film him in his mid-20s first. Director Hur Jin-ho made it comfortable for me while filming. It seemed like he placed a lot of importance on sound. Even after giving the okay, he would sit there with his eyes closed and just listen.
I’m interested to see how four different directors, working independently, will capture your image.
I haven’t seen the final edit yet, so I’m also curious and looking forward to it. I was only able to see the parts I later had to add narration for. Like the novel, there were a lot of parts I had to describe or explain.
Was there anything you had to keep in mind while doing the narration?
I couldn’t get caught up in the emotions and had to read everything in a similar manner, using a normal tone. That way it would be easier for the viewers. The emotions are already shown on screen, so if the narration was too forceful it would be hard to handle.
In an eight-episode show, you had different acting partners every two episodes (Lee Su-kyung, Kwon Hyuk, Na Hyun-woo, Jin Ho-eun, and Kim Won-joong). It must have felt like you were filming fragments of four separate works.
It was interesting because not only the directors, but the actors, staff, assistant directors, and producers all changed as well. It was a little difficult at first. On top of that, all the directors had different styles and wanted different things from me. I think that produced a more interesting result.
It must have been a big challenge for the actors.
Yes, it was a challenge. (laughs) One week it was one director, the next week it was another director, so I had to change my own approach every time. I learned a lot through that process.
Was there a wrap party for the entire production? (laughs)
Each team had their own gathering, but unfortunately we couldn’t do a big one.
While filming Today’s Webtoon, you said you were extremely sensitive because you wanted to do a good job. And because of that, you lost a lot of weight. How did you feel while filming this drama?
I’m fundamentally a sensitive person. Of course, I can handle it so I don't affect others. This time, my main focus was on showing the changes in Go Young’s expressions and speech as he got older. For example, he was more active in his relationships when he was younger, but as time passes you can see him slowing down. Also, he changes his hairstyle and fashion. But that’s also due to the directors having different preferences.
You started out as a model, so do you have any personal views about fashion?
Nope. (laughs) I go around wearing comfortable tracksuits.
Which of Go Young’s eras are you most drawn to?
While shooting episodes 3 and 4 with director Hur Jin-ho, there’s a scene where he goes running to the hospital after finding out his mother is sick. It was around the time when my father was ill, so I definitely felt a lot of empathy.
You were also having a hard time then.
Physically I was fine, but I couldn’t say the same about my heart. I became one with Go Young when he was in front of his sick mother. I was able to grasp the emotions, so we filmed those scenes without needing to rehearse. The emotions were captured really well, so we didn’t need any other scenes to explain the situation.
It must have been a strange feeling, having real-life sadness help with your acting.
To be honest, I just concentrated on filming the scene at the time and didn’t think about my father. Thinking about it later, I realized it was easy to express those feelings because of my connection with him.
How did you feel after filming that scene?
I don’t look back once it’s over. I just come right back to reality.
In a way, that’s a blessing. Some actors have to receive counseling to separate acting from real life.
You have to keep filming, right? You can’t keep clinging to just that one scene. Of course, the on-site staff takes care of you and asks when you want to film a scene where you need to immerse yourself in your feelings. That’s the degree of difficulty. But even if it’s an emotional scene, I brush it off when it’s over and go home.
Go Young is a lively and carefree character. What about you?
Even though Go Young is straightforward, there are still times when his heart aches. Although he expresses himself in his 20s to the point where it feels aggressive, he hides his feelings more as he gets older. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t talk a lot and hides my feelings, so I can be misunderstood. When I was a model, I was shy and cautious of my surroundings, and couldn’t even greet people properly. That changed when I started acting.
Now you seem very warm and comfortable with other people.
That’s only been true for a few years. The production company head even said I seemed awkward when we met, so they thought I wasn’t interested in the work. I’m more comfortable talking to others now, but of course, I don’t like forced situations.
Like what?
It’s often described as being “fox-like.” It’s better to be honest rather than pretend to like someone in order to look good.
The longer you see them, the better they will be.
That’s right. Most of the people I see on a personal basis are childhood friends from my neighborhood, but we can’t meet that often because they’re all busy with their social lives.
It seems like you got close to all of the actors in Love in the Big City since you’re all around the same age.
It was really fun on set. But I’m not the type to contact people that often; I don’t want to meet them unless it’s from the bottom of my heart.
Kim Won-joong, who also started as a model, said in an interview with Vogue Korea that you were really reliable and helped him out a lot.
He's a top model, but since this was his first time acting, he obviously wasn’t familiar with the process. Normally no one on set tells you anything in detail. I tried to make things comfortable by telling him about that kind of stuff. Not just comfortable for him, but also for me. I wanted both of us to do well.
There are a ton of skinship scenes. How did you want those to be seen?
First I got my teeth deep-cleaned and then I passed out mouthwash. (laughs) Male actors, rather than female actors, are recommended to gargle. I’d go, “Hyung, do you want to gargle?” and then we’d laugh at each other. Man or woman, I just want it to be seen as two people who love each other.
What was the hardest part for you?
Go Young has a bit of a daredevil streak, so he usually starts the skinship. There was a scene with eight actors that required over 300 takes. Each time I tried my best to make them comfortable, and it wasn’t as hard as I thought.
You seem pretty calm when you come across some kind of difficulty.
If I don’t deal with it today, I’ll have to do it tomorrow, so my belief is that I should just get it done. Other people tell me I don’t seem to get stressed out, but I think it just piles up silently. There are times when I’m fine and it’s a normal day, and then suddenly I feel it one night.
Even if you don’t realize it, your body will show symptoms of stress.
Sometimes I suffer from gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), but that’s my problem. I want to show everyone else a smiling image. 
I guess that’s why you smile all the time. Is it hard to keep smiling?
If I frown because I’m having a hard time, it’ll affect other people. Do no harm, right? It’s a kind of principle. A while back, I received a thank you text from one of the staff. It was long and said something like, “I’ve never contacted an actor before, but I was surprised because you finished everything with a smile even when things were difficult on set.”
Is that a recent moment where you were proud of yourself?
It’s more so the DMs I received from abroad thanking me for doing the show. There was one from a Brazilian person saying, “This drama is even more meaningful because gay marriage is illegal in our country, and I’ll be sure to watch it.” Of course, there are a lot of detractors. Go Young’s mom is a Christian, and I actually received a DM from a woman who is of a similar age that said, “Youngsu-ssi, I thought you were a good person but I’m disappointed in you.” But there has been a shift in the perception of queer people in Korea over the last 10-20 years, and it’ll continue changing in the future.
How did you feel after filming?
I felt strongly that we had made something together. We finished it while discussing how we could complement each other and making revisions. Also, there were fewer characters than in other productions, so the individual actors and staff could communicate more deeply. Although I was the one acting, I feel that the end result is something we achieved together.
Is there something you want to achieve before the end of the year?
I’m not good at setting goals. I used to make resolutions about how I should go about acting, but now I just work hard on every drama that comes to me. Rather than making plans for the future, the present is more important. This morning, I grated vegetables and then did some cleaning, and right now I’m focused on finishing up well with this photoshoot and interview.
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kenobion · 2 years
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Andrew Garfield for GQ+Saint Laurent
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kindlythevoid · 1 year
Oppenheimer spoilers below
Christopher Nolan.
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You done it again.
I’m sure I could touch on so many things in this movie. I might later, I might not. But leaving the theater I felt so deeply unsettled, and I wanted to touch on that, from my point of view as an amateur writer and someone starting to feel comfortable talking about cinematography (although I have no current plans to do much more than talk about it).
Now I’d like to start by saying that, if you haven’t seen it or it didn’t make that big of an impact on you, this is a long movie. I, myself, am no stranger to long movies and I think it was marvelously done. That being said, my memory tends to leave things to be desired, so while I am writing this rather soon after I watched and digested it, others may have stronger points/counter points/evidence/what-have-you.
With that out of the way, I’d like to talk about one facet of the movie that Christopher Nolan, imo, harnessed in a way that I did not expect. And it wasn’t color, it wasn’t camera perspective, it wasn’t even the timeline.
It was his usage of sound.
From the very beginning, sound has always been a key factor in this movie. In the trailer, the crackling of the radiation detector is ominously present. It is used less frequently in the movie than I had predicted, but when it makes its “appearance” it most certainly put me on the edge of my seat. It brings a sense of gravity to an already serious situation. Engrossed in the movie as I was, I admit the sound mainly made me uneasy because it demonstrated the presence of radiation. Looking back, I can add to that and say it may have also been used as a foreshadowing tool.
Now, I’m sure we’ve all heard sound used a foreshadowing tool. The little girl screaming for help is actually the protagonist with a shadowy past who can’t get the sound of the daughter/random child he couldn’t save out of his head. The words of an interrogation in the beginning of a movie finally get context half-way through when the timelines finally align. It’s been used, it’s been subverted, it’s nothing new.
Except when it is. In my experience, and I am the first to admit that I haven’t seen enough movies of the genre to have a definitive say in the matter, I have never been quite as unsettled or shocked by the background noises than while watching Oppenheimer.
Let me start with the sound that will not leave my mind. Those damned boots. I’d heard it at school pep rallys when everyone would stomp in the bleachers. I had never expected to hear it in a movie about the man who made the atomic bomb. When I first heard it, I thought it was an aesthetic choice, like picking the music to evoke a certain emotion. And while it is that, all of sound is, I never actually expected for it to be from such a central scene.
When the boots were first connected to a scene, a short, split-second, blink-and-you-miss-it shot of shoes-on-bleachers, it was early enough in the movie that I thought it was a flashback of a pep rally at one of his schools, maybe as a boy genius, and I let it go. Later on, when they show the full scene, it’s terrifying.
And then you can’t hear the boots at all.
For hours, all you could hear were those boots in the back of stressful scenes and now that they’re there, now that you can see them, suddenly they’re gone. You know what they’re supposed to sound like, so why would you need to hear them again? And it helps build the suspension, the tension that Oppenheimer is feeling during that scene. And so the next time you hear it in the movie, the next time those boots are stomping on the bleacher in the background when they are in a meeting or an interrogation, it pulls you right back into the stress and horror of the bleacher speech.
And then, of course, you begin to realize that while the timelines had been so well interwoven that it seemed like you couldn’t go two scenes without hearing those boots, it was always a very specific scene, a specific timeline that the boots would make an appearance. Because, of course, in one Oppenheimer hadn’t heard them yet, and in another it’s not Oppenheimer at all.
Another prominent sound that I mentioned earlier is the Geiger Counter (I finally looked up the name!). This is a foreshadowing of a different kind, more physically consequential than mental. This, I believe, foreshadows the heavy losses suffered later in the movie by the radiation poisoning. The blast itself only killed so many people, it was the radiation, as they are so fond of pointing out in the movie, that helped round out the total killed in the bombings.
I’ll admit that it’s a bit of a stretch, but I can see it being a small detail that was added in.
On another note, I’d like to address how Nolan also utilized the absence of sound.
Oppenheimer (movie) doesn’t necessarily have jump scares, per se, but rather I jumped a lot during the movie. More startled with a side of deep-seated dread rather than scared. Any way you put it, Nolan does a very good job of keeping me at the edge of my seat. I’ve mentioned earlier the lack of sound during the bleacher scene (containing about half of the many times I jumped during the movie) so I won’t go into that again.
Another part of the movie where he employs this is the bomb test. This is the culmination of years of hard work, the pinnacle of one of three (four?) timelines. And you can’t hear a thing. You get the countdown (a staple from the trailer), the drop, and then… nothing.
It’s a beautiful flash of light and an explosion but the whole time there’s not a sound to be heard. At first it feels like it’s gone just so you can look at the view and then as you’re lulled into security… the shockwave hits.
I can’t remember the last time I jumped so high in a movie theater.
And it’s used for every time you see the shockwave. Silence, wind, and then a force pushes everything back, rattling the house, whipping up the dust. It’s really iconic imo.
Anyway, I walked out fixated on the noises of that movie. And the cackling of the neon did not help my dazed state.
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ktempestbradford · 8 months
I have been on a Willy Wonkified journey today and I need y'all to come with me
It started so innocently. Scrolling Google News I come across this article on Ars Technica:
At first glance I thought what happened was parents saw AI-generated images of an event their kids were at and became concerned, then realized it was fake. The reality? Oh so much better.
On Saturday, event organizers shut down a Glasgow-based "Willy's Chocolate Experience" after customers complained that the unofficial Wonka-inspired event, which took place in a sparsely decorated venue, did not match the lush AI-generated images listed on its official website.... According to Sky News, police were called to the event, and "advice was given."
Thing is, the people who paid to go were obviously not expecting exactly this:
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But I can see how they'd be a bit pissed upon arriving to this:
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It gets worse.
"Tempest, how could it possibly--"
source of this video that also includes this charming description:
Made up a villain called The Unknown — 'an evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls'
There is already a meme.
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Oh yes, the Wish.com Oompa Loompa:
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Who has already done an interview!
As bad (and hilarious) as this all is, I got curious about the company that put on this event. Did they somehow overreach? Did the actors they hired back out at the last minute? (Or after they saw the script...) Oddly enough, it doesn't seem so!
Given what I found when poking around I'm legit surprised there was an event at all. Cuz this outfit seems to be 100% a scam.
The website for this specific event is here and it has many AI generated images on it, as stated. I don't think anyone who bought tickets looked very closely at these images, otherwise they might have been concerned about how much Catgacating their children would be exposed to.
Yes, Catgacating. You know, CATgacating!
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I personally don't think anyone should serve exarserdray flavored lollipops in public spaces given how many people are allergic to it. And the sweet teats might not have been age appropriate.
Though the Twilight Tunnel looks pretty cool:
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I'm not sure that Dim Tight Twdrding is safe. I've also been warned that Vivue Sounds are in that weird frequency range that makes you poop your pants upon hearing them.
Yes, Virginia, these folks used an AI image generator for everything on the website and used Chat GPT for some of the text! From the FAQ:
Q: I cannot go on the available days. Will you have more dates in the future? A: Should there be capacity when you arrive, then you will be able to enter without any problems. In the event that this is not the case, we may ask you to wait a bit.
Fear not, for this question is asked again a few lines down and the answer makes more sense.
Curious about the events company behind this disaster, I took myself over to the homepage of House of Illuminati and I was not disappointed.
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I would 100% trust these people to plan my wedding.
This abomination of a website is a badly edited WordPress blog filled with AI art and just enough blog posts to make the casual viewer think that it's a legit business for about 0.0004 seconds.
Their attention to detail is stunning, from how they left up the default first post every WP blog gets to how they didn't bother changing the name on several images, thus revealing where they came from. Like this one:
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With the lovely and compact filename "DALL·E-2024-01-30-09.50.54-Imagine-a-scene-where-fantasy-and-reality-merge-seamlessly.-In-the-foreground-a-grand-interactive-gala-is-taking-place-filled-with-elegant-guests-i.png"
"Concept.png" came from the same AI generator that gets text almost, but not quiiiiiite right:
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There are a suspicious number of .webp images in the uploads, which makes me think they either stole them from other sites where AI "art" was uploaded or they didn't want to pay for the hi-res versions of some and just grabbed the preview image.
The real fun came when I noticed this filename: Before-and-After-Eventologists-Transformation-Edgbaston-Cricket-Ground-1024x1024-1.jpg and decided to do a Google image search. Friends, you will be shocked to hear that the image in question, found on this post touting how they can transform a boring warehouse into a fun event space, was stolen from this actual event planner.
Even better, this weirdly grainy image?
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From a post that claims to be about the preparations for a "Willy Wonka" experience (we'll get to this in a minute), is not only NOT an actual image of anyone preparing anything for Illuminati's event, it is stolen from a YouTube thumbnail that's been chopped to remove the name of the company that actually made this. Here's the video.
If you actually read the blog posts they're all copypasta or some AI generated crap. To the point where this seems like not a real business at all. There's very specific business information at the bottom, but nothing else seems real.
As I said, I'm kinda surprised they put on an event at all. This has, "And then they ran off with all our money!" written all over it. I'm perplexed.
And also wondering when the copyright lawyers are gonna start calling, because...
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This post explicitly says they're putting together a "Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory Experience" complete with golden tickets.
Somewhere along the line someone must have wised up, because the actual event was called "Willys Chocolate Experience" (note the lack of apostrophe) and the script they handed to the actors about 10 minutes before they were supposed to "perform" was about a "Willy McDuff" and his chocolate factory.
As I was going through this madness with friends in a chat, one pointed out that it took very little prompting to get the free Chat GPT to spit out an event description and such very similar to all this while avoiding copyrighted phrases. But he couldn't figure out where the McDuff came from since it wasn't the type of thing GPT would usually spit out...
Until he altered the prompt to include it would be happening in Glasgow, Scotland.
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You cannot make this stuff up.
But truly, honestly, I do not even understand why they didn't take the money and run. Clearly this was all set up to be a scam. A lazy, AI generated scam.
Everything from the website to the event images to the copy to the "script" to the names of things was either stolen or AI generated (aka stolen). Hell, I'd be looking for some poor Japanese visitor wandering the streets of Glasgow, confused, after being jacked for his mascot costume.
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thehauntedetheral · 3 months
Yan Husband x Pregnant Reader ~
Requests are open!
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• You and your husband has been married for 3 years and you have a happy marriage that your life couldn't get any better
• Until one day you realise your period has been late a few weeks. You take a pregnancy test and found out you guys are gonna become parents.
• You told yan about your pregnancy and now you are the happiest couple in world. You always thought yan husband is very protective? Well get ready darling because this man is gonna get double protective and stress out about every single thing till the baby is born.
• Yan Husband who hires the most famous, experienced and expensive gynecologist in city.
• Buys every pregnancy book available and remembers every single thing mentioned in it
• Food cravings? My love he would go buy anything even at middle of night. But you wanted from that specific shop? Well then he is going to make owner open the shop and make food for you at the middle of night no in between.
• Makes the most nutritious breakfast, lunch, dinner by himself. Makes you eat fruits, homemade smoothies that even professional fitness coaches plan is colourless compared to his.
• Reads so many pregnancy articles, cases and watches video. The only thing remaining now is getting a medical degree which he thinks upon to get just in case which you have to put a stop on.
• Constantly checking your blood pressure, sugar levels, pulse that he has become personal doctor of yours.
• Going with you on walks, doing yoga together.
• Buys all the baby stuff with the most safety guarantee even if the price is ridiculous. When it comes to you and baby nothing is expensive.
• Takes leave from work or work from home throughout your pregnancy. Won't let you go out of his sight.
• Won't even let you lift a finger and you are thinking about continuing job? THAT'S JUST STRAIGHT UP NO.
• Baby proofs that whole house. Always looking up at nutritious recipes for pregnant ladies on internet.
• Buys everything that he finds adorable and spending unnecessarily very high that you have to sit him down and explain the budget but still doesn't listen.
• Wants Baby to look like you because you are the most beautiful person in this world for him.
• Attends every doctor's appointment with you like a ritual and bores doctor to death with his constant questions about your pregnancy. Don't be surprised if you find him talking to doctor and asking a question at two in night.
• Talks and kisses to your baby bump everyday and mostly talk about you to baby telling how much lucky he is to have you and how much he loves you both.
• Has multiple panick attacks through out your pregnancy just thinking about you and baby's safety.
• When your water broke and the contraction begins he is just a centimetre away from having a heart attack.
• When you are under going labour threatens doctor that if anything happens to you or the baby the doctor will become a dead body.
Requests are open!
Read more yandere fics:
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ros3ybabe · 7 months
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🎀 Hobbies 🎀
I feel as tho I don't have much time to do things besides school, work, some chores, and survive right now, but I've been thinking about some hobbies I enjoy and would like to incorporate into my life when I decide to make the time without burning out!
Reading - I used to be big on reading just about any books I could get my hands on. Then I was really focused on reading self help, and now that I haven't been reading at all, I've been thinking about getting back into reading. Always looking for book recommendations, and I do have my eye on some books I'd like to purchase.
Gardening - if I had the time and space, I'd love to have a flower garden or a vegetable garden. It always makes me happy when the fruits of my efforts come to life, so tending to plants and gardening sounds super fun and relaxing.
Video Games - I used to play video games on and off, but I wouldn't mind owning a PS4 or a Switch and spending some time playing video games whenever I'd want time to wind down.
Cooking/Baking - I love learning things, and the sense of pride I've gotten in the past when receiving praise for things I've cooked or baked has really driven me to want to increase my skill. I've only baked something from scratch once in my life, but I'd really like to expand my skills in making desserts.
Exercise - I'm talking all forms of it! Dancing, martial arts/kickboxing type activities, yoga, pilates, running, swimming, spin/cycling, weight lifting (again), calisthenics, all of it! I don't currently look like the exercise type but I find various forms of movement to be so fun! If I had more time, I'd be trying new things all the time!
Volunteer work - This is something I used to do all the time, and it's a hobby that I enjoyed that kept me humble. Not only that, but I thoroughly enjoy showing kindness and compassion to others. Making a difference in anuwau brings me so much joy, and I love meeting new people and learning their stories. I also would love to volunteer with animals, because they deserve so much love and affection too!
Drawing/Art - I used to draw for fun but when I started college, I didn't have the time to devote to continuously increasing my art skills. I still own a sketch kit, coloring materials, and several sketchbooks so it really is a matter of having time.
Crochet - The thought of making things that I can gift to others seriously makes me so excited!! Crochet seems like such a fun, crafty, relaxing activity and the added fun of gifting those crafts to others would make it so fun!!
Scrapbooking - I don't know if I'd ever do this one, but I do Ike the idea of keeping my memories in a physical space, and not just in like pictures on my phone.
Learning - if school wasn't crazy busy, I'd spend all my time learning languages (ASL, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Italian, etc), computer coding skills, how to make and do certain things, just anything I can do to keep my mind enriched.
Upcycling/Altering Clothes - I would love to upcycle or alter articles of clothes into more personalized pieces for myself. The thought of having a personalized, hand made closet full of clothes makes me really want to buy a sewing machine and learn how to use it to my advantage!
That's all I can think of for now that I'd like to someday incorporate into my life. Having hobbies is always so fun, but I've been so busy and tired that I don't mess with any of the hobbies I'd want to do. If anyone has any tips for time management, or resources for beginning new hobbies, please let me know!!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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youreverydayfangirl · 13 days
pairing: max verstappen x singer reader
summary: the one where a private phone call gets leaked, no one gets the full picture and people are quick to judge
warning: online hate, mentions of cheating
a/n: after two months its finally here for you guys
face claim: sabrina carpenter (just had to because shes gorgeous)
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leahsavajeffries I WAS IN THIS
-> yourusername YEAH YOU WERE
user3 anyone find it weird that exbsf wasn't in it
-> user5 go touch grass people grow and change and no ones seen them together for like months now
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liked by exbsf and 31, 859 others
y/ngossip SPOTTED! yourusername and landonorris in what looks like a very heated public exchange, could this be the end?
user1 tagging them is so messy 😭
-> user2 RIGHT
user4 whatever happened IK its y/ns fault
user5 not exbsf liking this 👀
-> user6 RIGHT
user7 idk what anyone says exbsf liking this speaks SIDES
-> user8 right cause she wouldn't like it if y/n hadn't done anything wrong
-> user9 this is such a bold accusation to make
a few months prior - during a conversation
Ex Bsf: Can you just support me for once instead of making it about you
Y/n: Support you? You cheated on Jacob how can I support you Ex Bsf
Ex Bsf: By being my friend instead of being all high and mighty
Y/n: I'm sorry Ex bsf but its true and I don't know if I can support you with this
Ex Bsf: What would you say if it was you who cheated on Lando
Y/n: Hypothetically, I say I cheated on Lando and be upfront with him
Ex Bsf: So have you cheated on Lando
Y/n: Of course not, I love him so much and he means to much to me, I don't ever wanna lose him
Ex Bsf: If you did ever, your gonna own up to it right
Y/n: Yeah of course I have to, but this isn't about me
Ex Bsf: Well you kinda did make it about you
Y/n: No I didn't, You asked me about it Ex Bsf
yourusername has posted
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Liked by alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes and 11, 274, 964 others
yourusername and that marks the end of the wonderland tour! i can't believe everything that has happened over these past couple of months and i am so grateful for all the support i received from you guys over the past couple of months. stay tuned guys and ill see you at the grammys 👀
alexandrasaintmleux obsessed with you omggg
francisca.cgomes grammys this year are going to pop off
user2 NEW MUSICC???
user3 girl we saw the article....
-> user4 what article????
-> user3 she cheated on lando
-> user5 WHAT
-> user6 source???
-> user7 theirs legit a voice recording of her and exbsf
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Yes. You heard us right.
Fan favourite f1 couple, superstar WAG Y/n L/n and Lando Norris have reportedly split after L/n cheated on him. A leaked phone call between L/n and a third party has been leaked.
Y/n: I cheated on Lando
Ex Bsf: You cheated on Lando
Y/n: Of course, I love him so much and he means to much to me, I don't ever wanna lose him
Ex Bsf: Your gonna own up to it right
Y/n: Yeah of course I have to
yourusername has posted
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes and 1, 293, 950 others
alexandrasaintmleux WELL DESERVED
liked by creator
francisca.cgomes YAYAYAYAY OMMGGGGGG
liked by creator
user1 i used to have so much respect for you
user2 i can't believe u cheated so dissapointing
user3 your setting such a bad example for you younger fans...
user4 CANCEL Y/N
-> user5 yep #cancely/n #y/nisoverparty
-> user6 #y/nisoverparty
-> user7 #y/nisoverparty
-> user8 #y/nisoverparty
-> user9 #y/nisoverparty
-> user10 #y/nisoverparty
user11 🐍🐍🐍
user12 #y/nisoverparty
user13 🐍🐍🐍
user14 Ex/bsf deserves better
-> user15 her and lando should get together tbh
Hi guys, i'm really sorry i am going to start posting more often but things have just been really busy as im starting grade 12 work which is insanely dissicult and family drama has been going on and i've been working on writing a book which is pretty exciting
anyways i will try to post more often - maybe once everyweekend or second weekend
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illnessfaker · 8 months
tw: black+trans death
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from the_yvesdropper on instagram:
our beautiful black trans brother, 35 year old Righteous Torrence "Chevy" Hill, was murdered in Atlanta, GA this weekend.
he went by his nickname 'Chevy' he was originally from Macon, GA. he owned Evollusion, which is a black/ queer owned LGBTQ+ salon in Atlanta that provided and dedicated full service to specializing in hair, nails, barbering and makeup. growing up as young black queer boys/kids, the barbershop experience can sometimes be a tricky space to occupy, this was something that Chevy understood and wanted to cultivate a space of safety where you can also get the affirming look and style you want, and he did exactly that.
Chevy was a beloved son, brother, partner, and father.
one of his last posts that had a photo of himself said :
"if you truly know me, you know i am a humble, modest, private man, that i love my community, i have the love of God in me and will give the shirt off my back to any soul in need, also i never post pictures of myself, legaey give myself credit, that stops today, i am my legacy!"
(a close friend of Chevy asked if i could share more then one photo of Chevy, since he never posted photos of himself and in recent years he got the confidence to want to share more photos and now he won't get the chance to)
Chevy, hey king, hey brother, hey angel, thank you for everything, i lové you, we lové you, i'm so sorry. there are a lot of photographers in heaven who will be able to photograph you as the glorious black trans angel that you are.
there will be a homegoing service/memorial for our brother
there aren't many details about what happened but apparently he was shot by a family member last wednesday, the 28th (at least this article was the one linked in relation to his murder.)
judging by both the IG post and the comments section he was well-loved by many people and those people have many good memories with him and nothing but good things to say. this is a comment that was left by tirajmeansgolden which was hidden by IG for some reason:
I started testosterone in February 2020. I hit this man up at the end of 2019 after numerous Google searches for an LGBT-friendly barber near me (and by near me... he was a good 35-40 minutes from the rural area I was in outside of Atlanta: but when I found out he was a trans man and that his business was the first and only LGBT hair bar, I knew it would be worth the trip). I was a dysphoric mess in his DMs one Sunday. I hated how my hair was growing out. I never had a "masculine" hairstyle before but decided one day I would buzz it all off myself, then allowed it to grow out a bit... I sent him a video and despite him being closed on Sunday, he told me to come through. I got my hair braided and he gave me my first really masculine fade. Explained the different terms. Lined me up. Was asking me about my decision to transition and provided some helpful advice + guidance. I told him how I was a therapist and he was hype and said he talked with a group of trans men and he would love for me to stop by and also give some mental health tips. So whoever said he was humble - wow, what an understatement. Such a community man! Made me feel SO comfortable because barbershops were a source of major trauma and triggers for me. They were such an integral part of my early transition (I just celebrated 4 years later week). And he was such an integral part of the Atlanta Queer community with hosting events like Queer Con. How I found so many other great resources + queer businesses/artists. May you rest in peace, Chevy. You'll be missed. You've made such a different in the lives of countless people. You definitely were living your Purpose + left a legacy behind ...
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its-avalon-08 · 3 months
Can I request something where Reader is with Lando and she actually more famo then him and he feels like she could do better then him. But reader reassures him that he is the best boyfriend she has ever had.
he's just ken (ln4)
✦ pairing - lando norris x female!reader
✦ genre - a little angst, tears, A LOT OF fluff
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The soft glow of the city lights filled the room, casting a gentle glow over the sleek furniture and large windows overlooking Monaco’s glittering skyline. Lando Norris sat on the edge of the bed, his hands nervously fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. His girlfriend, Y/N, was getting ready in the adjoining bathroom, her melodic hums filling the space.
Y/N was more than just Lando’s girlfriend. She was a globally renowned actress, her face gracing billboards and magazines across the world. Her fame was astronomical, dwarfing even the recognition Lando received as a Formula 1 driver. And lately, this disparity had started to gnaw at him.
Lando sat in his hotel room, scrolling through his phone. He was used to seeing news articles and interviews featuring Y/N; she was one of the most famous actresses in the world. But today, as he absentmindedly browsed through his social media feed, a headline caught his attention: "Y/N Asked About Her Relationship with Lando Norris."
Curiosity piqued, he clicked on the video. It was an interview she had done recently, her radiant smile lighting up the screen. He watched as the interviewer, a man with a smug expression, leaned forward.
"So, Y/N," the interviewer began, his tone dripping with condescension, "you’re one of the biggest stars on the planet. You’ve got legions of fans, countless awards, and a career most people can only dream of. Why are you dating Lando Norris? I mean, he's just a race car driver. Don’t you think you could do better?"
Lando's heart sank. The interviewer’s words echoed in his mind, each one a stab at his already fragile confidence. He couldn’t bear to hear her response, too afraid that she might hesitate or, worse, agree. His thumb hovered over the screen, and with a heavy heart, he closed the video, the reporter’s sneer still haunting him.
He tossed his phone onto the bed, running a hand through his hair. The doubt that had been festering in the back of his mind surged forward. He loved Y/N more than anything, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he wasn’t good enough for her. She was a superstar, adored by millions, and he was just Lando—a guy who drove fast cars and occasionally made it to the podium.
The rest of the day passed in a blur, the reporter's words playing on a loop in his mind. By the time Y/N returned to the hotel room, Lando was sitting on the edge of the bed, lost in his thoughts.
“Hey, babe!” Y/N called out as she walked in, her face lighting up when she saw him. “I’ve missed you.”
Lando tried to muster a smile, but it felt forced. “Hey.”
Y/N’s smile faded as she sensed his mood. She crossed the room and sat beside him. “What’s wrong?”
He hesitated, not wanting to burden her with his insecurities. “Nothing, just a rough day.”
She frowned, concern etching her features. “Talk to me, Lando. What’s really going on?”
Lando took a deep breath, his eyes meeting hers. “Nothing baby, I love you."
She could sense the tension in his posture, the way his shoulders were hunched slightly forward. "Baby tell me the truth." she asked softly, crossing the room to sit beside him.
Lando glanced at her, a forced smile tugging at his lips. “Nothing, just thinking.”
Y/N took his hand, her thumb gently rubbing circles on his skin. “Thinking about what?”
He hesitated, his eyes dropping to their intertwined hands. “About us,” he finally admitted. “About you and me.”
Her brow furrowed in concern. “What about us?”
Lando took a deep breath, his voice barely above a whisper. “Sometimes I wonder if you could do better than me.”
Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise. “What? Why would you think that?”
Lando looked away, the weight of his insecurities pressing down on him. “You’re… you’re Y/N. Everyone knows you. You’re this incredible actress, and I’m just a guy who drives cars really fast. People adore you. They look up to you. And I feel like… like I’m not enough for you.”
Y/N’s heart ached at his words. She gently cupped his face, turning him to look at her. “Lando, listen to me. You are more than enough. You’re kind, funny, and so incredibly talented. Do you know how proud I am to be with you? How much I love you?”
He swallowed hard, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “But people—”
“I don’t care what people think,” she interrupted, her voice firm but filled with love. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Fame, awards, none of that matters without you. You make me happy. You make me feel loved and cherished. I don’t need anyone else because I have you.”
Lando’s expression softened, the vulnerability in his eyes breaking her heart. “But what if—”
“No what-ifs,” she said, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “You are my person, Lando. My heart chose you, not anyone else. And I wouldn’t trade what we have for anything in the world.”
He took a shaky breath, her words slowly melting away his insecurities. “You really mean that?”
“With all my heart,” she whispered, her forehead resting against his. “I love you, Lando Norris. And nothing, no amount of fame or success, will ever change that.”
Lando’s arms wrapped around her, pulling her close as he buried his face in her hair. “I love you too,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “Thank you for always being there, for believing in me.”
Y/N smiled, her hand gently stroking his back. “Always, Lando. I’m here for you, always.”
As they sat there, wrapped in each other’s embrace, Lando felt a sense of peace wash over him. In that moment, he realized that Y/N’s love was more valuable than any trophy or accolade. She was his anchor, his home. And with her by his side, he knew he could face anything the world threw at them.
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jaythes1mp · 3 months
I was wondering how you think readers life would be different if they were a puppy hybrid instead of a cat? I had a dream about this last night after I reread your works
You had a dream abt it after my fic?🫢🥹💚
The dynamics between the reader and the family would noticeably change if the reader took on more canine traits rather than feline. The bat’s would likely respond differently, as canine behaviors and characteristics can vary significantly from those associated with cats. The reader's dog-like nature could shape how the family interacts with and cares for them, adding a different layer to their relationships and potentially influencing the family's behaviour. They’d expect more from you.
The nature of a dog is typically more sociable and dependent, leading to different expectations and interactions.
So if you don't immediately respond to their affections by showing signs of eagerness, like a happy, loving puppy would, the family would interpret your behaviour as abnormal. They might worry that something is wrong with you, as canine behaviour typically involves being sociable and receptive to affection.
They'd expect you to enjoy being petted, as dogs often crave human touch and attention.
You’d promptly be sent out on your way to a vet. Because, something must be the matter with you. It could never be their faults. They'd assume that the issue lies within you rather than considering the possibility that they might be the source of the problem.
In contrast to their care for Kitten Reader, they'd be more inclined to allow Puppy Reader to spend time in human form. This is because it's easier for them to monitor and assess your mental state when you're in human form. As they find it less challenging to gauge your emotions, well-being, and mental state when you're human if you’re completely unreceptive as a pup.
For a kitten it’s natural to be less receptive to affection, batting at their hands or hissing when they get too close. But it’s completely abnormal for a pup. You’re supposed to seek out their touch, not flinch from it.
So they need to nip your behaviour in the bud.
Damian, being the meticulous and dedicated individual that he is, will take it upon himself to arrange online training sessions with the most skilled and highly regarded trainers available. He believes that you ought to behave in a manner that befits your canine nature and will take great care in selecting trainers who can help you learn and adapt accordingly.
He will diligently oversee your progress, taking notes on your behavior and ensuring that you receive the necessary guidance.
Dick, being the “loving and dedicated older brother” that he likes to call himself, will dive into a thorough online research session to discover the best ways to force have you to be affectionate with him. His search queries including phrases like "How to get your dog to like you," "How to create a bond with your new puppy," and "How to make a puppy love you instantly." He’ll immerse himself in articles, videos, and guides that provide tips and techniques to form a deep and affectionate connection with you.
This ends up resulting with every time you manage to do literally anything besides growling at him, whether it be making eye contact, sitting, or even just existing in his presence, you’re immediately rewarded with a dog biscuit as an incentive.
Jason, with his rugged exterior and rough edges, is the type to carry you, no matter how large your fluffy canine physique, in a practical doggy bag. While he may appear tough on the outside, he has a deep attachment to you in your puppy form, as in some underlying level he sees himself in you.
Especially if you have any visible scars that can’t be concealed in your canine form, he might find an even stronger affinity towards you, mirroring his own experiences in a strange yet comforting way.
Tim, being the methodical and detail-oriented individual, he is, would design an unnecessarily intricate and ultra-luxurious dog pen for you indoors. This pen would be thoughtfully equipped with every amenity and comfort appropriate for your puppy needs. However, he's also pragmatic and meticulous, and would ensure that appropriate measures were in place to lock you up if you needed disciplining for misbehavior, demonstrating his keen attention to both your comfort and safety.
Tim's favorite creation thus far for you is the collar fused to your skin in a way that causes no discomfort when you transform from one form to another. It relays live data to the Bat-computer and a specially designed app installed on each family member's phone. The collar monitors everything you consume, tracks your whereabouts, keeps tabs on your vitals, and records your voice continuously for 24 hours. Moreover, it also picks up on any intense emotions you're experiencing, providing the family with a comprehensive understanding of your canine state of mind at all times.
The collar is discreetly designed to blend in, looking just like any ordinary dog collar one would purchase at a pet store, except perhaps a bit more posh and expensive. However, the back of the collar is adorned with a beautiful tag bearing all the family members’ contact details.
Other features are installed to keep you in line. A built-in shocker to administer a warning shock in case of any misbehaving behavior. After all, a little shock can go a long way in shaping a puppy's behavior. The collar is also equipped with a feature that bypasses the need for conscious thought to shift between your human and puppy form. It sends signals directly to your brain, creating a sort of mental “shortcut” to seamlessly transform between states. It takes much of the guesswork out of transforming, streamlining the process and making it effortless, forcing you to shift and taking away your ability to choose with a click of a button.
Bruce, being the overprotective father figure that he wishes to be, would be disheartened with the limitations placed on him. He’d long to take you to the grocery store, show you off to his co-workers, or even simply take walks around the park in his neighborhood. However, the others would be quick to point out that your canine form might attract unwanted public attention, and the less people knew about your existence, the better it would be for everyone’s security.
Like, What the fuck do you mean he can’t take his purebred puppy inside this fine dining establishment?? He’s a billionaire. Make the exception before he has your whole restaurant shut down and each of your employees knee-deep in debt by the end of the day.
Link to official chapter
Like to previous cat reader
I’m so tired… really hope you liked this, anon.
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heritageposts · 7 months
[...] More specifically, the cycle of violence in The Last of Us Part II appears to be largely modeled after the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I suspect that some players, if they consciously clock the parallels at all, will think The Last of Us Part II is taking a balanced and fair perspective on that conflict, humanizing and exposing flaws in both sides of its in-game analogues. But as someone who grew up in Israel, I recognized a familiar, firmly Israeli way of seeing and explaining the conflict which tries to appear evenhanded and even enlightened, but in practice marginalizes Palestinian experience in a manner that perpetuates a horrific status quo. The game's co-director and co-writer Neil Druckmann, an Israeli who was born and raised in the [occupied] West Bank before his family moved to the U.S., told the Washington Post that the game's themes of revenge can be traced back to the 2000 killing of two Israeli soldiers by a mob in Ramallah. Some of the gruesome details of the incident were captured on video, which Druckmann viewed. In his interview, he recounted the anger and desire for vengeance he felt when he saw the video—and how he later reconsidered and regretted those impulses, saying they made him feel “gross and guilty.” But it gave him the kernel of a story. “I landed on this emotional idea of, can we, over the course of the game, make you feel this intense hate that is universal in the same way that unconditional love is universal?” Druckmann told the Post. “This hate that people feel has the same kind of universality. You hate someone so much that you want them to suffer in the way they’ve made someone you love suffer.” Druckmann drew parallels between The Last of Us and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict again on the official The Last of Us podcast. When discussing the first time Joel kills another man to protect his daughter and the extraordinary measures people will take to protect the ones they love, Druckmann said he follows "a lot of Israeli politics," and compared the incident to Israel's release of hundreds of Palestinians prisoners in exchange for the captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2011. He said that his father thought that the exchange was overall bad for Israel, but that his father would release every prisoner in every prison to free his own son. "That's what this story is about, do the ends justify the means, and it's so much about perspective. If it was to save a strange kid maybe Joel would have made a very different decision, but when it was his tribe, his daughter, there was no question about what he was going to do," Druckmann said.
And continuing, on the security structures featured in the The Last of Us Part II:
Besides the familiar zombie fiction aesthetics of an overgrown and decomposing metropolis, The Last of Us Part II's main setting of Seattle is visually and functionally defined by a series of checkpoints, security walls, and barriers. There are many ways to build and depict structures that separate and keep people out. Just Google "U.S.-Mexico border wall" to see the variety of structures on the southern border of the United States alone. The Last of Us Part II's Seattle doesn't look like any of these. Instead, it looks almost exactly like the tall, precast concrete barriers and watch towers Israel started building through the West Bank in 2000.
Illustrations, from the article:
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The first barrier Ellie and Dina encounter when arriving in Seattle / West Bank barrier.
. . . article continues on Vice (July 15 2020)
Backup -> archive.today link /archive.org link
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meowmeowriley · 1 month
Ghost had been on his phone since Soap had entered the rec room. Not unusual, he tended to read emails or news articles in his spare time. No, what was unusual was that he had his phone sideways. Occasionally tapping at the screen with a thumb. Gaming then.
The 141's resident emo was full of surprises, one being that Ghost loved video games. The man had an old Playstation 3 that might as well have been his first born, the way he adored it. If the PS3 were his first child, then his Xbox One was rebellious problem child, the way he cursed it constantly, threatening to dismantle it and use its husk as a doorstop. Something about changing constantly, and adds on startup had been his most recent rant. He swore he loved it too, but the favoritism was obvious.
Ghost would be found in his room on one of the two consoles nearly every evening. With how often Soap found him gaming, this behavior shouldn't have struck him as odd, and yet it was the first time he'd ever seen the man play anything on his phone.
"Ya winnin', Lt.?" The glare he earned for that comment had him cackling as he fixed himself a midday coffee.
Soap sat down on the sofa with Ghost and turned on the TV. Ghost continued with whatever he was doing.
Beneath his mask the man's brow was pinched, he chewed his bottom lip, and each tap of his thumb was marginally more firm than the last. Ghost was seething, then.
Soap abandoned his show and instead watched something much more entertaining; Ghost's apparent descent into madness. He huffed on occasion, shifted in his seat, hunched his shoulders, and glared daggers down at his phone, a look that could make any of the rookies on base cry and wet themselves.
Soap was delighted. After he finished his coffee he jogged back to his room and snatched his journal so he could draw Ghost having his fit, he wanted to commit it to memory.
Soap was nearly done with his sketch, though it was a bit more than a simple sketch, nearing realism with how much detail he'd poured into Ghost's stormy eyes, when Ghost spoke quietly and for the first time in nearly an hour of them sharing space. "This game is for godless heathens." 
Soap nearly lost it, just barely managing to smother the laugh that bubbled forth. He coughed to hide what little escaped him, and used his hand to hide his face, scrubbing down to erase the smile that tried to give him away. "What, ah, what're you even playin', Ghost?"
"Tile Towers, on Webkinz."
Soap did lose it then. He'd seen the now ancient stuffy in Ghost's quarters, a scraggly looking leopard, but couldn't wrap his head around the man actually playing the game, let alone getting this angry over a mini game for children. He laughed so hard it hurt, tears streamed down his face, and Ghost booted him off the couch without even looking away from his phone.
Written by someone who recently found out that webkinz classic has a mobile app, and rediscovered their utter hatred for Tile Towers. Why do I keep playing it? It's awful, fucking stupid! And yet I keep. Going. Back. I'm also miffed that my original account has been deactivated. I've only been absent for like 13 years! Come on! 🤬
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midnightsslut · 5 months
A Guide to Red - The Quintessential Taylor Swift Album
After the release of The Manuscript, the role of Red and Red (Taylor’s Version) in Taylor’s life and discography has been highly discussed. A lot of people have referred to it as her magnum opus and most formative album. I have decided to compile a condensed list of about a dozen key interviews, performances, speeches, posts, and videos from 2011 all the way until 2024 that illustrate the importance of this record for Taylor’s personal life and career. I’m putting the list under a cut because it got pretty long. You don’t have to go through all of these, obviously, but I would suggest at least one per era. The bolded ones are essential in my opinion.
Pre-Red - These interviews hint at Taylor’s emotional state at the time and thus the content that will be explored on the Red album
2011 The New Yorker profile
Taylor Swift reveals new album is all about heartbreak - Extra TV
Bonus: an article going through Taylor’s arm lyrics on the Speak Now World Tour, which she described as mood rings for any particular show
Lover diary entries from the making of Red (credit to @cabincreaking for the scans)
- All Too Well lyrics first draft (February 2011)
- Random bursts of happiness and anxiety during the Speak Now Tour (June 17, 2011)
- Red (September 8, 2011)
- Holy Ground (February 2012)
- Nothing New (March 2, 2012)
- Working with Max Martin (June 10, 2012)
Red era - Listen to the original sixteen songs on the Red album at this point.
Red announcement livestream + Q&A
Red prologue
2012 Rolling Stone interview
2012 The Guardian interview
2012 Billboard interview
2012 Esquire interview
Sirius XM Town Hall - an hourlong interview from the day Red came out
Good Morning America - this is the first mention of the ten-minute version of All Too Well
Red track-by-track descriptions
Random interview where she discusses the connection between writing Speak Now and Red
I Knew You Were Trouble music video
Diary entry about how love is fiction and she might move to New York after all (January 6, 2014)
Diary entry from Grammy night (January 25, 2014)
Red Tour London performance of All Too Well - any performance of this song from 2013-14 will work here, but this one has a pretty comprehensive speech
Final performance of All Too Well on the Red Tour - just listen to the speech here
Post-Red era - Over the course of these interviews, you’ll see her relationship to the album evolve.
Taylor’s description of Clean (skip to 11:18)
2014 BBC Live Lounge interview
1989 World Tour interview where she mentions thinking she’d never sell as many albums as she did with Red before 1989 came out
Clean speech - a lot of these will work, but these two best describe her relationship with the Red era and heartbreak in general
All Too Well (The 1989 World Tour live)
2015 GrammyPro interview
All Too Well Super Saturday Night performance
Reputation Tour All Too Well speech
Red into Daylight performance - 2019 City of Lover concert in Paris
Re-recordings era - at this point, listen to the red vault
2020 Rolling Stone podcast
Red (Taylor’s Version) prologue
2021 Saturday Night Live performance
All Too Well: The Short Film + Behind the Scenes
Seth Meyers interview
2022 Tribeca film talk OR TIFF (both are equally good. I have a slight preference for the former, but there are some interesting new details in the latter). You could also watch directors on directors from the same year as a bonus, but it’s less comprehensive.
2022 Graham Norton - How All Too Well (10 Minute Version) came about + how the re-recordings inspired Midnights
Also listen to Midnights
The Eras Tour
All Too Well speech (Glendale Night 2 & Atlanta Night 1) - any of the speeches from March and April 2023 will work, but these two really illustrate how she feels about this time in her life now and how the fans changed the Red album for her. Obviously credit to @cages-boxes-hunters-foxes for the transcripts!
Maroon first ever live performance (‘This is a song about something that happened a long time ago, but it took place in New York’)
Aaaand finally listen to The Tortured Poets Department, especially The Manuscript
This is a lot, but it’s worth it. Enjoy!
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drifty-draws · 3 months
reconnecting to therianthropy ideas
hello y'all! first post! so recently i had a friend ask me how they can get reconnected to therianthropy, so i made a list and i thought i'd post it here!
-take walks in the woods or wild space -listen to a stream running while sleeping -sometimes when i sleep, i curl up into a ball on top of my covers -watch documentaries about your theriotype -go swimming in a lake and play on the shore if you have an aquatic theriotype -listen to your theriotype’s vocals -eat meat, if you’re a carnivore, or eat a salad if you’re a herbivore -take a cold shower and pretend it’s a waterfall -i’m dragonkin and being on the prow of a boat feels an awful lot like flying, but other options are standing facing the wind with arms outstretched, watching flying POVs with a fan pointed at you, and daydreaming, i guess -make a mask out of cardboard or buy a base (it’s okay if you can’t!) -lay in the sun outside -play with a pet, if you have one -if you have a lupine theriotype, play Wolfquest 3 Anniversary Edition on Steam. i’ve heard it has amazing graphics and hunting! -chew on something rubbery. i have an inflated rubber egg that i love to chew on -make a tail out if yarn. it takes a LOT of time and effort, but it feels good once completed -put glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling to simulate the night sky -watch Wolfwalkers, Brother Bear, Nimona (all relate to shapeshifting into a creature) -read Warriors if you have a feline theriotype -read Nat. Geo. magazines and articles -i like wearing sunglasses on my head because it feels like i have ears, but you could also wear a hat or a headband -draw your theriotype -if you have a nocturnal theriotype, try pulling an all nighter (if your parents will let you) -try hunting one of your stuffed animals (close the door in case you shift -climb a tree! -look up videos on how to get a shift by meditating (i personally don’t meditate but i’ve heard it works) -if you’re home alone, put a bowl of water or soup on the floor and eat/drink it like your theriotype would -if you can, try to get a tag to hunt something for real! when i hunt, it really connects me to nature (if you can’t, don’t sweat it) -go on a hike and try to act like your theriotype -make a den in your room or backyard -paint rocks or shells -decorate your room to match your theriotype -do quads, if your body allows. don’t worry about having the perfect form or jumping high, just have fun! you feel more natural the more you do it (i find going up stairs or uphill to be easiest) -find alterhumans in your area and make a pack -look at therian boards and concept art on pinterest -make a paw imprint in clay then hang it up -make a hidden therian/otherkin symbol in your room
thanks for reading my ramble! if you have more ideas, please feel free to comment!
stay wild 🐾 -drifty
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delimeats-000 · 2 months
Heyyy! So what if the reader is having attitude all day and then when Matt and her are alone he says that one line for the car video “if your gonna talk out of your ass turn around so I can hear you better” and you can take it from there 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Turn Around
matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: smut..
note: idk man read it or don't
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matt's pov:
“i dont understand how you can be so full of yourself matthew!”
matthew, turns me on but i know shes pissed.
“oh please you’re being more dramatic than usual.” i say waving off the argument.
“i’d rather be dramatic than not care at all.” y/n mumbles
i turn from closing the door and face her, “if you’re gonna talk outta your ass, at least turn around so i can hear you better.”
instantly she goes silent. mouth agape, brows furrowed, and mind boggled.
she walks over to the closet pushing past me harshly, “you would love that wouldn’t you?” she mumbles once again.
walking up behind her i grab her by the back of the neck.
“yes, i would.”
y/n pov:
kissing down my neck he stops at my shoulder before licking a strip to my ear.
a shiver runs down my spine and i know he feels it as i am now pressed up against his stomach.
i can feel the print of his dick pressing up against me.
i turn facing him over my shoulder pressing gentle kisses against his lips. “all quiet now, huh?”
“dont ruin this matthew.”
“fuck i love when you call me that.” he spins me around my chest againt his, lifting me up he walks to the bed and throws me down.
he pulls off his shirt and looks down at me, “strip.”
i smile sitting up on my elbows, i peel away each article slowly trying to tease him as much as i can. once i get down to my bra and panties he leans over me pulling me in for a rough kiss.
one hand behind my back to unclasp my bra, while his other hand reaches to rub my clothed slit.
he slips two finger into the waistband snapping it back onto my hips.
“matt, please”
“please what princess?”
“fuck me.”
he flips me over, “hands and knees.” he demands. he slaps a hand straight down onto my ass, “arch, now.”
i do as im told hoping he’ll just fuck me sooner, “such a good girl, no more attitude.”
he runs his thick cock up and down my pussy, slowly sliding it in letting me feel every inch i cry out from the delicious pain of the stretch.
i have nothing to say, he's right no more attitude. all i can think about is how matt fills me so good.
"tell me how good it feels pretty baby." he says slowly thrusting.
his hands roaming my back, one tracing my spine while the other holds my hip tightly.
"fuck matthew, so fuc-fucking full of yourself"
he smacks my ass with one swift motion, like muscle memory.
"thats not very nice baby, why don't you just do what you're told."
"just fuck me and shut up matt"
he smacks my ass one more rime before thrusting harder. i can feel him twitching inside of me.
kicking backwards i hit him in the leg. pushing him off.
"what do you think you're doing?"
"shut up." i turn and push him onto the bed.
i straddle his waist lining him up with my entrance. he moans as i sink down onto him. "oh shit"
"awww you sound so pretty honey"
"go faster- please"
"keep begging" i smile looking down at him.
"fuck- off" he cries.
suddenly, i stop. my hand lands on his throat.
"oh no baby, you cant talk like that to me. thats not very nice."
he throws his head back, allowing my hand more access to his neck. "be a good boy, and ill let you cum"
"yes- yes ok" he nods, and i let go.
i bounce on top of him quickly with his hands on my tits i feel him twitching once more. "cmon baby i know you wanna cum, cum inside me pretty boy"
just then spurts of cum fill me and when the euphoria takes over i let go too.
"dont stop dont stop FUCK" he groans.
i finally stop and lay on top of him, head in the crook of his neck, sweat dripping, breath heavy.
"that was great"
"fuck yeah"
"i should make you mad more often."
"fuck off mathew."
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hope you liked this, new fic every 2 days so send requests or wtv
love ya to bits🫀
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vanteguccir · 6 months
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       𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x bi!reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N faces a journey of self-discovery when questioning her sexuality. Fearing rejection, she is reluctant to reveal her truth to Chris, her boyfriend. But with the help of Nick, Y/N finds the courage to finally come out as bisexual.
REQUESTED?: Yes, by anons.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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Y/N found herself in a moment of deep introspection, a journey of self-discovery that led her to confront truths that had long been kept within her.
Sitting in her favorite armchair, in her cozy bedroom lit only by the soft light of a bedside lamp, she found herself immersed in tumultuous thoughts.
Since a few months ago, something inside her had started to change. Small sparks of doubt had turned into an uncontrollable fire of questioning. Y/N, who had always considered herself heterosexual, now found herself slipping through the choppy waters of sexual uncertainty.
It was difficult to name exactly when it all started. Maybe it was that long look at the pretty girl who crossed her path in the cafe, or maybe it was the sudden intensity of feelings she felt while watching a romantic movie in which the protagonist couple were two girls.
These experiences, seemingly insignificant at the moment, now echoed within her like a deafening echo. And the more Y/N tried to ignore these feelings, the more intense they became, like a relentless tide that was dragging her towards the truth she wasn't ready to accept.
She looked at Chris, a kind and caring boy who had won her heart a few years ago. They were inseparable, sharing big dreams, secrets, and plans for a future together. But now, an abyss opened between them, an abyss fueled by the confusion and fear that Y/N carried within her.
The fear of rejection, of judgment, of change. She didn't want to hurt her boyfriend, but she also couldn't deny her growing awareness of her own identity. She wondered if he would be able to accept her completely. Would he still love her the same way when he knew the truth about her sexuality?
Y/N found herself tormented by vivid images of an uncertain future, where she was alone. She feared that revealing her bisexuality would trigger a chain reaction of events that would lead to their inevitable breakup.
She found herself turning over scenarios in her mind, rehearsing the words she would need to say to Chris, but never finding enough courage to truly face her truth.
The nights became long and lonely as Y/N spiraled into self-questioning. She read articles, sought answers in the far reaches of the internet, and desperately tried to fit into a clear definition of who she was.
She lost count of how many times she watched the video on her boyfriend and his brothers' channel, where Nick told his story of coming out to his family, trying to find some direction or inspiration.
Until she understood that there was no point in remaining closed off like she was doing. Chris was increasingly worried, filling her with questions when they were together and messages when they were away, while Nick and Matt tried to understand the situation and help both sides - that of a best friend and that of a brother.
And seeing the desperation in Chris's eyes again when he facetimed her that morning - while on his way to a photoshoot with Matt - made her finally make the decision to seek real help.
And who better to do this than Nick, who was openly gay and had gone through his own journey of self-discovery?
With her heart racing, Y/N knocked on Nick's bedroom door after entering the triplets' house with her own key. She wondered if she was doing the right thing by seeking his guidance, but an insistent inner voice was pushing her forward, telling her it was time to confront her fears and uncertainties head on.
Nick opened the door with an excited smile, having already been notified minutes before through a text message that she was on her way, his welcoming eyes conveying an instant sense of comfort. He opened the door wider, giving Y/N space to enter, turning around and returning to his gaming chair, Y/N finding herself surrounded by the relaxed atmosphere instantly.
"Hey girl!" Nick greeted, his voice carrying a tone of euphoria. "What do you want to do today?"
Y/N swallowed, feeling a lump form in her throat. Nick probably thought she had gone to his house to spend time together - which wasn't a lie - completely unaware of the matter at hand.
"Actually, I need to talk to you about something important." Y/N began, her voice wavering with built-up tension as she walked with shaky steps towards the bed. "It's about.. my sexuality."
Nick nodded understandingly, pointing to the mattress with his chin, inviting her to sit there, and turning his body on the chair so that he was facing her. He quickly sent her a compassionate look, encouraging her to continue.
"I've been... thinking lately." The girl continued, carefully choosing her words. "And I think I'm... bisexual."
A wave of relief swept over Y/N as she finally voiced the truth she had been keeping inside herself for so long. Nick smiled gently, looking genuinely happy for her.
"Oh my God, this is amazing, Y/N!" Nick's voice was overflowing with support and encouragement. "Discovering and accepting your true sexuality is an incredibly brave step, I'm so proud of you!"
Y/N felt tears of gratitude bubble up in her eyes. She could never have imagined such a positive and loving reaction, despite him not being heterosexual himself.
"Thank you, Nick..." She sniffled, wiping the tears from her eyes in a quick movement, letting out a low laugh. "But I'm... I'm scared to tell Chris." Y/N said, her eyes lowering to her thighs and her voice cracking with anxiety. "I don't know how he will react, and I'm so afraid of losing him."
Nick sighed, getting up from his seat and walking over to his bed before sitting next to the girl, pulling her into a big hug and resting his head on top of hers, conveying a feeling of calm and security.
“Y/N, I understand this is scary.” He began, his voice soft like a comforting whisper. "But if there's one thing I've learned on my own journey, it's that being true to yourself is the most important thing we can do. And if Chris truly loves you, he will accept you for who you are, no matter your sexual orientation."
Nick's words echoed in Y/N's mind, filling her with courage and determination. She knew that she could no longer postpone the moment of coming out to Chris, he was one of the most important people in her life - if not the most important - and keeping that from him was being a martyrdom for her.
Y/N's heart hammered hard against her chest as she prepared to take the bravest step of all: telling Chris about her bisexual identity.
She found herself in front of him, in her own room, watching him with a mixture of nervousness and determination while searching for the right words to express what she was feeling.
Chris looked back at her with his extremely blue eyes carrying gentle and loving emotions, his face lit up with a warm smile that always made Y/N's heart melt. He held her right hand, conveying a comforting sense of silent support.
"What is happening, gorgeous?" Chris asked softly, his voice thick with concern. "You said you needed to talk to me, and you seem nervous. Did I do something?"
Y/N's eyes widened at his deduction, shaking her head quickly.
"No! No, of course not, baby." She took a deep breath, gathering all the courage she had within herself. "It's just... There's something I need to tell you." Y/N began, her voice trembling slightly as her breath came raggedly, her cold fingers trembling between his. "It's about my... sexuality."
Chris's eyes widened slightly in surprise, he hadn't really expected the conversation to be about that - the possibility hadn't even crossed his mind - but he remained silent, waiting for Y/N to continue.
"I've been struggling with this for some time." The girl continued after a few seconds, carefully choosing her words. "And I realized that... I'm bisexual."
The silence that followed seemed to echo around them, filling the space between the two with palpable tension. Y/N held her breath, waiting for Chris's reaction, her heart beating wildly and her posture falling almost automatically, as if a weight was put on her shoulders.
And then, finally, Chris broke the silence. His eyes ran over Y/N's features with a gaze full of love and understanding, a tender smile curving his lips.
"Oh my baby, I have no words to describe the honor of you sharing this with me. Thank you for trusting me." His voice sounded soft like a comforting whisper. "I want you to know that I love you exactly the way you are, and nothing will change that... I'm so proud of you!"
Tears of relief and gratitude welled up in Y/N's eyes as she threw herself into her boy's welcoming arms, feeling overwhelmed by an overwhelming wave of love and acceptance, a sob escaping her lips.
"I was so scared of losing you." Y/N admitted, her voice cracking from crying. "You really are the love of my life, huh?" She let out a tearful laugh, wiping away the lone tear that rolled down her cheek.
Chris hugged her back tightly, pulling her into his lap in a quick movement and wrapping his arms around her waist, pressing their chests together and burying his head in the crook of her neck, enveloping her in a comforting warmth that seemed to melt away all her worries and fears.
The boy sealed the exposed skin gently before pulling away slightly, cupping her face gently in his hands, looking into her eyes with an intensity that made Y/N's heart flutter.
"Princess, I'll always be here for you, no matter what." Chris revealed, his voice filled with silent promises. "You are the light of my life, and I will do everything in my power to make you happy."
Chris' words echoed in Y/N's heart, filling her with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love. She felt infinitely blessed to have found someone so incredibly loving and understanding to share her life with.
And in that moment, as they hugged each other tightly, Y/N knew that no matter what the future held, she was right where she belonged: in the arms of the man who loved her unconditionally, regardless of who she was or who she loved. And with that came a feeling of peace and wholeness that she knew would last forever.
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