#if some demons decided i’d make for a good exchange student
does your mind ever go “i could get isekaied in this outfit” or are you normal
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devildomwriter · 6 months
A Devildom Easter Egg Extravaganza
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Diavolo decides to hold an Easter egg hunt. Shenanigans ensue.
Slight x reader for Lucifer, Diavolo, Mephistopheles, Barbatos
[Student Council Room]
Lucifer: “You really mean to hold…an Easter egg hunt?”
Diavolo: “Why, yes! I think it will be great fun!”
Mephistopheles: “My Lord, everything you do is brilliant!”
Diavolo: “Thank you!”
Mephistopheles: “However…this holiday is in celebration of everything we are against…as is Christmas for that matter but that’s become popular here recently…”
Diavolo: *nodding* “Yes. I understand that these holidays traditionally represent and celebrate our opposites. So celebrating them not only promotes goodwill with the angels and religious exchange students but also draws attention away from its original purpose.”
Lucifer: “I see, so that’s your angle.”
Mephistopheles: “Am I missing something?”
Lucifer: “We are celebrating and promoting the secular traditions instead. Celebrating bunnies, eggs, and candy rather than my father and father-brother.”
Diavolo: “Ahahaha.”
Mephistopheles: “Father-brother?”
Lucifer: “We’re done discussing this.”
Diavolo: “Anyway. I think it would be great fun to hide eggs all around RAD for the exchange students and any willing RAD students to join in. I understand it may not be especially popular with demons but I do want to incorporate holidays important to others too. It is vital to accept and learn about each other’s cultures and traditions to better respect and understand each other.”
Barbatos: “Well said, my lord.”
Mephistopheles: “In that case, I’d be more than happy to promote this in the newspaper! Leave it to me.”
Diavolo: “Thank you, Mephistopheles. I knew I could count on you!”
[Purgatory Hall]
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Luke: “A what?”
Solomon: “An Easter egg hunt.”
Raphael: “We’ll be busy.”
MC: “Oh, really…”
Simeon: “Yes, we must celebrate our father-brother, after all.”
MC: “That’s such a weird way to say Jesus.”
Raphael: “Those are the only words in your language to accurately describe him.”
MC: “Right. Will you really be in the celestial realm all day though?”
Simeon: “Umm well…”
Raphael: *glaring* “We should be.”
Luke: “…”
Solomon: “You’re going to make Luke sad.”
Luke: “Wh! Hey!”
Raphael: “Luke has no reason to be sad.”
MC: “C’mon Raph, you can’t make a kid miss an Easter egg hunt. That’s cruel and unusual punishment.”
Raphael: “That’s an inaccurate description of cruel and unusual punishment.”
MC: “But it’s true though.”
Raphael: *sigh* “I suppose we can come back after service and the banquet.”
Simeon: “Wonderful!”
Luke: “Yay! Sir Raphael, you’re the best!”
MC: “Okay, the angels are in. Let’s go tell Thirteen.”
Solomon: “I believe Diavolo already has.”
MC: “Really?”
Solomon: “Yes. He said something about some eggs containing special surprises.”
Raphael: “I have a bad feeling about this…”
[Lucifer’s Private Study]
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Lucifer: “I have a headache already.”
Solomon: “Hahahaha!”
MC: “So he’s really having her rig the eggs?”
Lucifer: “Many of them yes. I fear she’s taking it overboard, hoping Solomon will find them all.”
Solomon: “How thoughtful.”
Lucifer: “How can you be wise and yet so oblivious, honestly?”
Solomon: “It just shows she’s thinking of me. She really is a good friend.”
MC: “You may need better friends.”
Lucifer: “Considering most of them want to kill you, I’d have to agree.”
Solomon: “Most? I wouldn’t say that most of them do.”
MC: “Even some of them is an issue…”
Solomon: “Well, regardless I think this hunt will be fun. You’ll be participating yes?”
MC: “I already asked if I could hide them instead.”
Solomon: “You’d like to hide them? Not find them?”
MC: “I used to hide them for the neighborhood kids. They’d still turn up years later.”
Solomon: “Don’t you suppose that’s too good at hiding them?”
MC: “You can never be too good at something unless it’s illegal.”
Solomon: “I…suppose that’s true.”
Lucifer: “That is a flawed argument and the fact you think that makes my headache worse, please leave Solomon.”
Solomon: “Only me?”
Lucifer: “That’s what I said.”
Solomon: “Wow, so cruel, Lucifer. I suppose I’ll see you this weekend.”
Lucifer: “Yes, goodbye now.”
MC: “Soooo…what’d you want to talk about?”
Lucifer: “Nothing, I just wanted him to leave and your company soothes me.”
MC: “I thought I was giving you a headache?”
Lucifer: “You do, but it’s nothing compared to Mammon.”
MC: “That’s fair.”
MC: “So are you going to compete?”
Lucifer: “Finding the eggs?”
MC: “Yeah.”
Lucifer: *smirks* “Will I get a reward if I do?”
MC: “Hmm…maybe?”
Lucifer: “I see…then I suppose I will.”
MC: “Yes! This going to be so much fun!” *hugs*
Lucifer: *blushes* “Only you could make me so excited about this holiday.”
[The Day Before Easter | RAD]
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Diavolo: “Oh, MC! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be hiding these with you!”
MC: “About that…don’t you want to participate?”
Diavolo: “I think preparing it is just as exciting! Besides, there will be some places by Barbatos too and I won’t know where those are.”
MC: “So, you’ll be looking for the ones he hid?”
Diavolo: “Yes, as I oversee everything.”
MC: “Good, I love to see you have fun!”
Diavolo: “I feel the same way. Hopefully, you’ll do a bit of searching too?”
MC: “Sure, I’ll walk with you and we’ll see who finds them first.”
Diavolo: “A competition? How fun! I can hardly wait.”
Barbatos: “Young master, here are the baskets.”
MC: “That’s…a lot of eggs.”
Diavolo: “Yes, this may take us all night, I’m so excited.”
Barbatos: “MC, be careful not to trigger the traps.”
MC: “How would I know?”
Barbatos: “They’re in separate baskets, just handle them more delicately and take care they don’t open up, even the slightest bit.”
MC: “Right…”
Diavolo: “Oh my, look how this own sparkles, MC, isn’t it just—“
MC: “Where’d he go!?”
Barbatos: “And I just warned him too…”
MC: “Okay, but where did he go?”
In the distance, you hear roaring laughter and look to see a light on in RAD.
MC: “I found him.”
Barbatos: *sigh* “I suppose I should supervise this shouldn’t I?”
MC: “It’ll be okay, I’ll protect him.”
Barbatos: “Ever so reliable, MC. It’s what I love most about you.”
MC: *blushing* “G-Glad you feel that way.”
A small explosion sounds from inside.
MC: “He’s…not being careful. At all.”
Barbatos: “Good luck.”
MC: “What’ve I done?”
[A Few Hours Later]
Diavolo sits next to you on the RAD lawn covered in pink and yellow powder, hair spiked, and hands puffy and pink.
MC: “Sooo….”
Diavolo: “That was so much fun!”
MC: “Thirteen wasn’t happy about resetting them all though.”
Diavolo: “Yes, I did apologize.”
MC: “I think she laughed hard enough to forgive you.”
Diavolo: “Yes it was quite excessive.”
MC: “That’s rich coming from you.”
Diavolo: “Hm? What do you mean?”
MC: “If you laughed and a bomb went off at the same time, I’d hear you.”
Diavolo: “Pfft! Ahahahahaha.”
MC: “My point exactly. Anyway…Barbatos will skin me alive if you come back looking like this.”
You take his hands and whisper an incantation, lips close to his inflamed hands. The pink vanished and his hands returned to normal. Diavolo let out a sigh of relief.
Diavolo: “Thank goodness. That was quite itchy.”
MC: “Now all you need is a serious bath.”
Diavolo: “Oh, will you be giving it to me?”
MC: “Wh—“
Diavolo: “Ahahahaha! I’m only kidding.”
MC: “That’s a shame.”
Diavolo: “What?”
MC: “What?”
Diavolo: *sigh* “Why don’t we go get some rest and meet early again tomorrow before the others arrive.”
MC: “Sounds like a plan.”
Diavolo smiles and ruffles your hair. You attempt to do the same but your hand gets stuck to his gelled hair, the result of an egg surprise. You stare at him, hand stuck in his hair and he stares back at you when a familiar person clears their throat.
Thirteen: “Uh…the eggs have been reset. Am I interrupting something?”
Diavolo: “We seem to be stuck.”
Thirteen: “Hahahah! Serves you right, anyway I’m headed out.”
MC: “You’re gonna leave us here?”
Thirteen: “Yes!”
Diavolo: “I see…I suppose we should call Barbatos?”
MC: “Yeah…”
[Early the next morning | House of Lamentation]
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Asmodeus: “MC! You’re finally back! Where’ve you been all night? Don’t tell me you- ooooh!”
Lucifer lightly smacks Asmodeus over the back of the head.
Asmodeus: “Ow! Lucifer you big meanie.”
Lucifer: “Don’t imply such things.”
Asmodeus: “But they were gone aaaalll night. Isn’t that right? And who were they with? The hunky—“
Lucifer: “Be quiet.”
Mammon: “What’s goin’ on down here!?”
Mammon: “Hey! MC! You’re finally back!”
Satan: “I was getting worried.”
Belphegor: “Mmhm.”
MC: “One of Thirteen’s traps went off…”
Lucifer: “I see. That explains things then.”
Asmodeus: “Boo. I was hoping for some gossip.”
Belphegor: “That’s the same thing as saying you hope Diavolo and MC hooked up.”
Mammon: “Hold on, what happened!?”
Satan: “Nothing happened, Mammon. Pay attention.”
MC: “My hand got stuck to Diavolo, that’s all.”
Beelzebub: “Stuck?”
Mammon: “Huh? Stuck where!”
MC: “His head.”
Asmodeus: “Which o—“
All: “Shut up, Asmo!”
You got a few hours of rest before your alarm went off. You already had good morning texts from the angels reminding you of the importance of the day and you smiled and sighed. You changed into your Easter outfit and put on the rabbit ear headband Diavolo insisted all participants wear.
[Easter Morning | RAD Courtyard]
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Diavolo: “MC! I’m so glad you’re here!”
MC: “As promised.”
Barbatos: “Good. Participants should be showing up in a few hours and—“
Mephistopheles: “Good morning everyone.”
Diavolo: “Ah, good morning, Mephistopheles.”
Mephistopheles: “Hm? You still have baskets?”
MC: “We couldn’t finish hiding them all…there was a mishap.”
Mephistopheles: “Oh? Of what nature.”
Barbatos: “The details aren’t necessary. Why don’t you take a few pictures of the setup before we begin? See if you can spot an egg and photograph it.”
Mephistopheles: “Right. And MC.”
MC: “Hm?”
Mephistopheles: “Happy Easter?”
MC: “Aww! Thank you Mephisto, that means a lot coming from you.”
Mephistopheles: “What does that mean?”
Diavolo: “I’m so glad to see you embracing change, Mephistopheles. Very well done!”
Mephistopheles: “Naturally! One can’t help but be swayed by your genius and example, my lord.”
MC: *muttering* “Here we go.”
Barbatos: *chuckles*
After a few hours You, Diavolo, and Barbatos had finished hiding the rest of the eggs and just sat down by the sign-in booth when you heard a loud scream coming from RAD.
Barbatos: *sigh* “I told him to photograph the egg not open it.”
Diavolo: “Ahahaha!”
Barbatos left swiftly to investigate and as soon as he vanished around the corner, a loud group approached the booth.
Lucifer: “We’ve arrived. I apologize if we’re late.”
Satan: “Yes, someone wouldn’t wake up.”
Belphegor: *zzz*
Asmodeus: “I can’t believe the bunny ears are staying on even though he’s slumped over Beel’s shoulder. I have to get a picture.”
Beelzebub: “Asmo…”
Asmodeus: “What? It might generate more attention for the event, right?”
Diavolo: “Wonderful idea, Asmodeus.”
Asmodeus: “Thank you!”
Lucifer: *sigh*
Mammon: “So…I heard there’d be a prize.”
Leviathan: “Two minutes, I called it.”
Asmodeus: “Tch, I really thought it’d be sooner.”
Mammon: “Huh? Are you betting on me? Without me?”
Satan: “That wouldn’t make any sense idiot.”
Lucifer: “All of you shut up and sign in.”
Leviathan: “Eep! Okay.”
The brothers signed their names. Beelzebub signed Belphegor in for him and you sat around and talked.
Mephistopheles returned with Barbatos looking very flustered and uncomfortable.
Lucifer: “What in the Devildom is that mess?”
Mephistopheles: “Thirteen.”
Lucifer: “Oh. So you set off a trap.”
Leviathan: “Does no one find it alarmingly easy to set them off? Like, didn’t even Lord Diavolo do that?”
You heard an amused chuckle from behind you.
Thirteen: “Duh. That’s what makes it fun.”
Barbatos: “Thirteen. What wonderful timing you have. Mind telling me what Mephistopheles is currently covered in?”
Thirteen: “That’s just a personal concoction of highly flammable spider web spray.”
Mephistopheles: “Of what!?”
Mammon: “Bahahaha!”
Mephistopheles: “Get it off of me this instant!”
MC: “Calm down Mephi, I got you.”
Mephistopheles: “Mephi?”
You brought forth a torrent of water to flush the web off Mephistopheles and then a gust of wind to blow him and his clothes dry.
He was left momentarily stunned before he sighed, patted himself down, and smoothed out his hair.
Barbatos turned on the bright lights around RAD to illuminate the lawn as the other students showed up. The presence of more than a few students elated Diavolo and the happy gleam in his eyes made all the trouble worth it.
Near the end of the thirteenth hour, a beam appeared from the sky. At first, everyone stumbled back in fear but as it disappeared, Simeon, Raphael, and Luke appeared in its place.
Barbatos: “I could’ve opened the portal.”
Raphael: “This was faster.”
Mammon: “Gave me a freakin’ heart attack!”
Raphael: “Why?”
Luke: “MC! I’m here!”
MC: “Hello, Luke! Your Easter uniform is so cute!”
Luke: “Huh? I’m supposed to look gentlemanly not cute!”
Simeon: “You can be both.”
Luke: “No I can’t!”
Solomon: “Good morning everyone. I’m not late am I?”
Simeon: “No. We just arrived.”
Raphael was looking around from the sign-in booth, already scanning the area for eggs as though it were a mission. It gave you chills to see his serious expression but at the same time made you laugh because this was only an Easter egg hunt.
You noticed that Lucifer was doing the same thing but he was being slightly less obvious about it, giving himself reasons to be turned in a certain direction rather than just openly staring.
Luke: “MC! Will you be on my team?”
Mammon: “What? We’re forming teams!?”
Solomon: “Are we?”
Barbatos: *shaking his head* “I suppose if you wanted to you could however anything you find would be evenly split between you and not counted as a whole.”
Satan: “Every demon for themself.”
Lucifer: “I agree.”
Satan: “I’m no longer certain.”
Lucifer: *sigh*
Diavolo: “Hahahaha!”
Belphegor: “Mm…quiet.”
Beelzebub: “Belphie, are you awake?”
Belphegor: “What…what’s on my head?”
Asmodeus: “Those are your bunny ears! And you look adorable!”
Belphegor: “Ugh. Kill me now.”
Asmodeus: “Your sleepy bunny pic has already generated so many likes!”
Belphegor: “My what?”
MC: “So how was the sermon? Is that what it was?”
Luke: *sobbing*
MC: “What’d I do?”
Simeon: “Each year, we visit the past to review the events before and during Easter and the future it will bring.”
MC: “That sounds emotionally traumatic.”
Raphael: “It is. And now we’re here. Looking for eggs…”
Mammon: “Just as father intended!”
Raphael pulls out his spear and Mammon takes off.
MC: “He deserves that right?”
Asmodeus: “Mhm.”
Lucifer: “Honestly…”
Thirteen: “He’s got some guts to piss an angel off on Easter.”
Mephistopheles: “Right. Especially when it’s about their father slash brother or something…”
MC: “Speaking of father and brother…”
You looked between Lucifer and Satan as they watched you. They looked at each other, back at you and Satan bared his fangs as his brothers and Diavolo managed to contain their laughter.
Satan: “Not another word!”
Beelzebub: “They didn’t say anything.”
Solomon: “Hahaha! I get it. Because Lucifer and Satan have the same dynamic.”
As Raphael runs past you he protests this idea and continues after Mammon who’s tripping over bushes in his escape attempt.
Diavolo: “Should we stop them?”
Simeon: “He earned it.” *scary smile*
Luke: “Simeon. You have that scary look in your eyes again.”
Simeon: “Oh, do I? My apologies.”
MC: “Anyway…it’s a good idea you came here after so Luke can recover from his trauma a little more easily.”
Luke: “It never goes away.”
Mephistopheles: “I’m not sure I like the haunted look in your eye.”
Solomon: “It’s weird when Luke is serious.”
Luke: “Hey what does that mean!? I’m always serious.”
Mephistopheles: “Good he’s back.”
Simeon: “Ah, yes. It does weigh heavily on us angels. Thank you for this event, Diavolo.”
Diavolo: “Yes, of course! Speaking of, it’s just about time to begin. Can someone go fetch Mammon and Raphael?”
Lucifer: “I’ll do it.”
Beelzebub: “I’ll go with him.”
Belphegor: “Set me down somewhere first.”
Beelzebub: “Okay.”
Belphegor is placed gently on top of a bush as Beelzebub runs after Lucifer. He begins sinking into the bush and you and the others watch as the branches begin to slowly snap and he disappears into the leaves.
As soon as Raphael and Mammon are reeled in and Mammon is forced to grovel for an apology, Diavolo is given the microphone and you, Lucifer, Barbatos, and Mephistopheles work together to hand everyone a woven basket to place their found eggs in.
Diavolo: “Everyone will have an hour to find as many eggs as possible, they are everyone beyond this booth on the RAD ground and I do mean everywhere so give it your best shot!”
Diavolo: “Many of the eggs contain wonderful surprises! Coupons for your favorite cafes, gift cards for your favorite stores, Grimm, fun tokens, cup-cuties, and more! But beware because there are also eggs that contain a wide variety of tricks of all kinds! You should expect flesh-eating piranha plants, bees, angry spiders, blasts of spider webs, teleportation, and potential small explosions!”
Luke and Mammon turned white but the demon students seemed extra excited by this news. Danger was an everyday occurrence for them and simply counted as fun or mildly inconvenient at best. As a human, you had a protection spell placed upon you in case of minor explosions. Luke and Simeon also had protective spells. Raphael opted to forgo this as he “wasn’t weak.”
With a wide smile, Diavolo raised his hand and everyone gathered into groups or faced the directions they planned to scour.
Diavolo: “On your marks!”
Diavolo: “Get ready!”
Diavolo: “Set!”
Diavolo: “GO!”
The ground shook as the hundreds of demons, three angels, reaper, and human sprinted past the booth.
You laughed and Diavolo helped you regain balance and handed you your basket.
Diavolo: “Shall we go observe?”
An explosion went off.
MC: “Yes!”
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Barbatos trailed far behind you and Diavolo so you could talk more privately. You passed by students stuck to walls with spider webs. Students dressed more oddly than when they’d arrived. You passed by Mammon hanging from the ceiling and weren’t sure whether it had been Raphael, Lucifer, or a genuine trap. Either way, Diavolo burst into laughter alerting the others to your location immediately.
Barbatos cut Mammon down and you continued to walk with your empty basket as you enjoyed the sounds of chaos all around you.
Diavolo eyed your basket and nudged you gently.
Diavolo: “Is there someone you were hoping to go find eggs with?”
(To be continued | the remaining story with be different based on the character you choose to go with. They are all currently being written and will all be released in the following week unless unforeseen circumstances delay the writing)
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The Brothers With an MC That’s Only Soft for Them
So, cute Headcanons are my kryptonite! Please enjoy, my fluff loving brethren!
We at Stupid Headcanons inc. recommend that MC does not inflate this bastard’s ego further, but if they choose to…
Lucifer, the morning star, a high ranking demon, does not need MC’s affection… that was a lie he C R A V E S it.
This pairing is actually quite complimentary, Lucifer is only soft for MC, MC is only soft for Lucifer, perfectly balanced.
MC shouldn’t expect Lucifer to be too reciprocal to their affections in public until they’re both neck deep into the relationship, but in private, hoo boy.
The “good job!”s, the hugs, the quick pecks on the cheek, all of it just made Lucifer practically melt. He adores all the affection, and it’s all for him.
Finally, someone in this house appreciates him…
“Lucifer, try not to overwork yourself, if you need anything, just ask, okay?” “Thank you, MC.” “Hey MC! I need help, pass me the remote.” “YOU CAN WALK OFF A CLIFF BELPHIE! Love you, Lucifer.”
And to be honest, some of the roasts are funny, but MC, dearest, please dial down the sass near Lord Diavolo.
Of course MC’s favourite is the Great Mammon! Heh, who else would it be? Not that he needs this human’s affection or anything!
…screw it, please MC, give him more head pats.
Hand holding, hugs, resting his head on MC’s lap… Mammon’s really living the life.
In public Mammon is constantly trying to get MC to shower him in praise and affection in his own weird tsundere kind of way. It’s good thing MC is always willing to give their demon all the love they have.
It just makes him so happy that all of MC’s affection belongs to him, it makes his greedy little heart sing.
MC’s love and care tragically does not save him from being caught for his shenanigans, but MC, stone cold bitch that they are, will always do something bad to get strung up next to him.
“MC, what’re ya doin’ here?” “Oh you know babe, just hanging around.”
Nothing makes him smile more than when they stick up for him, to MC, he isn’t scummy trash, he’s the great Mammon! Their super amazing guardian! He does what he can to live up to MC’s image of him!
Since Mammon’s super supportive of his human, he’ll always provide reaction sound affects whenever MC delivers a verbal smack down.
MC likes him? Must be a joke. Who’d like a gross Otaku like him…?
The human exchange student apparently.
They’d listen with a look of pure adoration on their face whenever Levi would ramble about his favourite anime, they’d help him organize his figurines, they’d play video games with him…
Man… MC’s really playing the long con here on this practical joke.
When Levi isn’t drowning in self doubt, he absolutely loves how sweet and gentle MC is around him, a side only he gets to see… *swoon*
A cold mean character that’s only soft for their love interest??? That’s one of Levi’s top five favourite romantic tropes!
Levi’s often taking notes on MC’s snappy remarks so he can sass people while he streams, he’s not too good at it, so he just streams with MC present. His viewership goes up whenever exponentially whenever MC says anything.
“Someone in the chat just said I must be insanely lonely-” “There’s no way in hell you’re lonelier than that guy at night. His bed ranks number one in the top ten loneliest places ever.”
At first, Satan took more of an analytical interest in MC’s attitude, they’re either suicidally impulsive or very confident in their ability to run from danger if they think they can sass demons and get away unscathed.
Once the two connect and MC goes soft for him, it’s game over. Satan’s weakness is cute things, and nothing is cuter to him than his usually mean MC raining affection and compliments down upon him!
Satan finally has a leg up on Lucifer! The human adores him and isn’t afraid to talk back to that pretentious motherfucker-
MC sits in Satan’s lap and the two read together, they smuggle cats into the house, they lay in bed together plotting the downfall of their enemies… just normal couple things.
Sometimes MC just sits next to him and makes a particularly nasty quip at someone else, then give him a big ol kiss on the cheek.
It just makes him oh so happy…
“Honey, I brought you tea!” “Ah, thank you MC.” “I took it from Lucifer’s private stash of relaxing tea :D” “You really are my soulmate, aren’t you?”
Gasp! MC’s so mean! Do it more!
Asmo, sassy god he is, appreciates a good snide remark or twelve, so he’s always got a front row seat to MC’s shennaniganery.
Before the pact, he was back in the peanut gallery with Satan wondering when MC’s words would come back to bite them, but after the pact, nothing’s touching the human. Their sass is completely consequence-less as long as Asmo’s around!
These two are a match made in hell, literally. Asmo and MC get to be so in sync that they manage to make each other’s insults better by working together.
“I’d give you the name of a few surgery places but I don’t think they implant brains into unlucky people like yourself.” “They might be able to implant a better personality though~.”
Asmo’s fully willing to flaunt his relationship in public. Sort of in a “look at us! MC’s only nice to me! Eat shit losers!” kind of way.
It isn’t all vanity and insults, MC always finds a way to make Asmo feel better whenever he’s feeling down. MC makes sure to tell Asmo as often as possible that they love him for more than just his looks, and it makes the Avatar of Lust swoon.
Just as long as MC never turns their razor sharp wit on Asmo, he’s their cheerleader forever.
Good choice, MC.
Despite his resting bitch face, Beel’s a big softie, everyone knows that, and as the Simpsons said, ‘the strong must protect the sweet’.
Well… MC isn’t as strong as Beel, but they will verbally eviscerate anyone who even dares insinuate anything not nice about their precious gigantic cinnamon roll!
“Listen up bitches! Not you Beel, we’re all glad you’re here.” “^_^” “Y’ALL ARE IN DEEP SHIT.”
Beel loves how affectionate MC is! Doesn’t matter if it’s in public or private, he and MC are almost always at least holding hands.
MC always has emergency snacks on them, they never get upset when Beel eats everything in the house, they just smile and hand over whatever food they have on them and help fix the problem.
Beel is probably one of the only characters who would try and get MC to branch out and be nicer to everyone and not just him. Whether this works depends on MC.
Does he deserve this? No. Did he almost start crying when MC began to show him genuine care and affection? Yes. Does he nearly die of laughter every time MC snaps at someone? Yes.
Belphie’s not sure why MC decided that they were going to love him of all demons… but they just… understand him.
They listened patiently and offered a shoulder to cry on, even after he hurt them… their understanding, their compassion, just wow. Belphie really lucked out.
MC lets him nap, fluffs his pillows, reminds him to wash his pillow cases and comforter, gets him sushi, like geez… what a simp… *sniffle*
In return, Belphie offers cuddles. Cuddles and quality time together. For the first time in how many millennia Belphie is going to get off his ass and do something for someone if they ask.
It’s a miracle.
Belphie isn’t one for flaunting a relationship but… he may just let some people know that this super mean human likes him the most by giving his human a quick kiss.
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Horrortober Day 7: Shock “You look like a deer caught in the headlights.”
Ah yes. Angels. Complicated beings, I love them. Randomizer sure gave me an interesting combination for this day, but I am not complaining :D Also, if you are one of the people leaving a comment on my posts, please just know you are everything. I love you ♥ Even if they are in the tags, I am so happy to read your thoughts and feelings, it really helps so much to stay positive and motivated! ;;
Warnings: Yandere, Kidnapping, Corrupted Angel, Mild violent outburst Characters: Simeon x Reader
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Angels aren't human.
How could you have forgotten?
Running through this godforsaken hallway, you were constantly blinded by lights. Little remnants of Simeon's power, one you didn't know he had. "I should have known better," you thought as you shielded your eyes from another flash caused by an orb to your left. If only the holy magic Simeon was able to use wasn't that harmful to your vision. If only he wouldn't use it on you. If only you never let it come this far.
But how could you have known? You thought you two were friends and like-minded people when you got closer to Simeon as you two attended RAD as exchange students. You weren't that kind of sinner; you never gave yourself hope there could be anything beyond friendship. And you weren't looking for it either. But to dismiss his exalted status as well, that one was on you. Of course he could use magic that was dangerous to you, especially with how little Simeon could understand human emotions.
Sure, he could crack a smile at a joke, show sadness, and give comfort, but he only did what he learned to do, feigning his sympathy. He didn't mean to hurt anyone with it, but it just wasn't in him to feel as humans do, or else it was threatening to defile them. Angels aren't human, they couldn't feel emotions like you did, and when they did, well, this is what happened.
Simeon was a mess. He was beside himself, trying to figure out what was wrenching his body. Ironically, it had been Lucifer who warned you about this. He kept himself brief when talking about angels and corruption, not wanting to open his own wounds. But he still made a point to tell you that it was overwhelming and maddening to have lived for centuries and only then regaining an emotional conscience. It war pain. Suffering. A change that would take months and years to overcome.
And it was all the scarier how quiet it made Simeon.
He didn't tell you what was happening, and you didn't notice it, busy with your duties and the brothers. You should have seen it! You blamed yourself for not being more careful as his friend, but it was already too late. When he started to demand more of your time and attention, glaring at the others for taking up his space by your side, it should have rung some alarm bells. It was almost painfully obvious that him getting more touchy when you were together and antsy when you pulled away was a warning of what was to come. Maybe you chose to ignore it. Perhaps you thought your friendship could survive him being irrational and angry, snapping at you and others at times.
But by the time Simeon became what he wasn't supposed to be, he had already kidnapped you somewhere strange and magical, just as twisted and scary as he was now. It was like an endless dark, ancient castle. Rooms with high ceilings and tall windows looking into the nothingness around the building. The insides were decorated, but the colors everywhere were constantly shifting, nauseatingly so. Sometimes white, sometimes grey. Gold accents, then copper. The temperature was hot when you were awake and cold when you slept. You knew it was magical and tied to Simeon, but that made it all the more uncomfortable and scary. You didn't want to experience this. You never asked for it! Part of you knew what was going on, and it made the realization worse.
There had been moments of clarity in his eyes when you pleaded with him to get a grip, but they fogged over with emotions an angel shouldn't have. When you tried to reason with him, he got jealous over the argument that others would come looking at you. "You're mine!" he screamed, and then his eyes cleared as he regretted his words, leaving you alone abruptly before you could say another word. He was ashamed and scared, you had seen it in his expression, but he still came back as if nothing happened.
On the surface, he was still the Simeon you knew. The one you loved. But he was so quickly offended and angered by now that you only grew more worried every day. Suddenly he started locking your room or would sit and watch you sleep, and you were scared of this angel that wasn't an angel anymore.
So… you ran.
At the first opportunity, you ran. The hallway seemed endless, and you didn't know where you were going. Flashes went off every few steps, and you ran into a few amenities blindly. Even if it was pure madness and wouldn't help either of you, you couldn't do this. The longer you stayed, the worse Simeon got. You needed to find help for him—and for you. That was the only way. The others would know what to do! They could do something for Simeon that you weren't able to, give him stability and support him in these hard times. You were just a human and didn't know if Simeon could remain an angel after all that happened, but if he could, that's what you wished for him from the bottom of your heart. You never intended any of this to happen, and secretly, you didn't want to be the reason for it.
"AH!" with a loud shriek, you were caught by a slice of light right in front of you. It was like a slit opening up, but even brighter than the orbs that had exploded before that. You could recognize magic when you saw it by now. Simeon's magic. Flashy, dazzling, unbefitting of the tumult he was going through. Simeon was far stronger than you expected him to be, but you realized now that you took his calm and sweet demeanor for weakness, when really, it was mercy.
Tumbling backwards, you landed on your side, your arm throbbing as you slowly tried to get up again. It should have shocked you more to see the person slowly stepping out of the light, but you could barely see anyway, only recognizing the voice as he spoke up. "My, you look like a deer caught in the headlights."
Finally, the light shining at you terrifyingly bright vanished, leaving only you two behind in the warped hallway. It took you a few blinks to recover from it, tiny sparks flying through your vision when you looked up at Simeon. Other than the dark corridor, Simeon was wearing his pristine, white clothes. Pure and amiable. Nothing like the inner tumult he was battling, and still, he looked nothing like the Simeon you knew. The kind Simeon. The one you loved.
You feared he was already gone.
Around you, the colors of the castle shifted to nightmarish black while accents turned into a deep red, all while you and Simeon never broke eye contact. He was walking towards you, hand on his chest and smiling in greeting. You once loved his reassuring smiles, the encouraging message they delivered. But this one was menacing and cold, as was his voice when he spoke up again.
"Where are you going?" he asked curtly, right to the point. Biting your lip, you only looked away. You wanted to argue, but good could come out of that? When you cracked your room's lock, you thought it would take him longer to find out. Long enough for you to form a plan, but it only now crossed your minds that the lights you encountered could have been like security cameras for Simeon to check in the case you ever did break out.
"There is no leaving this place, my dove. You know this. Why are you testing me."
"Why are you keeping me here?" you asked the same question he ignored so many times. Though this time, he indeed had something to say to it.
"It's dangerous out there. Demons will get to you, blemish your skin with their marks and rob you of your life. Aren't you worried at all?"
"I'd like to see for myself what I can do out there," you retorted firmly. "I think you're losing it, Simeon. You are nothing like you were when we were students."
Confronting him may not have been the best idea as his once so kind eyes turned moody, smile turning into a frown as you mentioned the past. "No, I am better. I can protect you now. I take care of you. You owe me more respect if you think I've gone mad. The only thing making me mad is you!"
Gulping, you looked at him. He was prideful now too. It was painful for you.
Simeon was slipping further and further. Every passing second was destroying him.
"Simeon, please," you whispered, pleading with him from the bottom of your heart. "I want to help you! B-But I don't know how! I need help to help you, I need to get out!"
"You're not going anywhere," he decided, cutting his hand through the air in a gesture signaling finality to his word. Kneeling down before you, he pulled you roughly into his chest, pressing your head against him. If there was any good that came out of the change, perhaps it was how open he was now to touches. You longed for this, for something longer than just a hug when you two met. But your heart was throbbing out of devastation now, rather than jumping from joy.
"Please get help," you pleaded, gripping his clothes. "I won't leave you, but please ask the brothers or Lord Diavolo for help, Simeon!"
"Never say their names again," he hissed at you, an unfamiliar hostility in his voice that brought you to tears. But Simeon held you as you cried into his chest. His comfort wasn't helpful, but what else did you have to cling to? If not for him, you would be alone and abandoned in this realm, and you had to painfully admit that he was indeed taking care of you. Good care. In his own, twisted way.
While you were still crying, Simeon carried you back to your room, laid you in your bed, and tugged you in. He did so with a frown deeply lodged on his beautiful face, the wrinkles so unfitting for an angel. But a small hope remained inside of you that you crying would make him see reason. Instead, he sat by your bedside as you two stared at each other, eventually muttering that he was going to get you some food before leaning down and kissing your forehead. You hated this affection. Actually, you hated that it was under these circumstances.
When Simeon got up, he left you without another look back over his shoulders, and you sniffled, the tears never drying out as you looked after him. So cold, so… lonely. He was in pain too, he must have been. If only there was a way to reverse it. To make him see reason and to calm his aching. You wished you could have helped him, at least a little bit. As a human, was there nothing you could do? Maybe just take some of the sins he was living through! As normal as they were for you, they were killing him from the inside.
The intense light from before flashed up as he opened the door to your room, blinding and stinging in your eyes. Still, you were already crying, and it was hard to avoid your gaze from Simeon even now. It was the first time you noticed his wings, usually concealed by magic, but as he used them, they came into plain view. You had believed until the last second that maybe there was a way to help him. To save him from this. But you were a little wiser as you looked at the feathers sprouting from his back. His beautiful, large wings. 
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melodiesofblueroses · 4 years
𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘓𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴
♡ ━ Obey me, Headcanons
»»————————- ♡ ————————-««
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Lucifer x reader, Mammon x reader, Leviathan x reader
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: Fluff
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: the older brothers find a love letter addressed to them
𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘴 𝘶𝘱: gn!reader 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✦ Lucifer
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he finds the letter on his desk one day, although he doesn’t pay much mind to it given that his desk is always swamped with paperwork
figures that it’s just another form to fill out and hand in to Diavolo, so he sorta just brushes it off to the side until he can make time to get to it
when he finally gets to opening it, however, Lucifer is taken aback
he didn’t think anything could surprise him after having lived thousands of years, but he certainly is shocked to see a handwritten confession (he didn’t like the feeling and tries to deny it)
immediately recognizes your handwriting since he had to read your RAD homework and other forms given to the human exchange students
plus, you did live with them now, so Lucifer got pretty used to your way of speaking, which was undeniably yours given the letter
skims over the letter multiple times, not because of the disbelief of being confessed to, but because he just loved the surge of pride he felt after reading it
i mean, here was this human confessing that they were in love with him
of course they were in love with him, the one and only avatar of pride, strongest demon second only to the prince and king themselves
Lucifer was practically the only choice given the other contenders (he really did love his brothers, but they were just a bit much at times)
smugly smiles to himself and stores it in a drawer as a keepsake, although it was mainly because he wanted to get the chance to reread it whenever he liked
when you two cross paths again, he’d pull you to the side
“by the way y/n, I quite enjoyed your letter”
he kept his cool, or rather he couldn’t hide the smirk on his face, which would only fluster you since you had no idea what he was thinking
was he going to reciprocate your feelings? reject you? make you grovel and beg for him to never tell anyone of it? how did you fall for him again?
“I accept”
with those two words, Lucifer would walk out of the House of Lamentation as he made his way to RAD, leaving you behind at the house as you tried to process what had just occurred, 
you mentally cursed yourself once you broke out into a stupid grin, knowing full well that the demon had wanted to fluster you, and you had fallen straight into his plot
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✧ Mammon
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the letter is sitting on the hood of his car that was in his room (you still have no idea how he managed to bring one indoors) but it takes him a few days to realize it’s even there
he doesn’t really have the best perception, so even if he does eye the letter, it won’t register in his mind that there’s a letter sitting atop his car
(you start to worry that you may have given it to the wrong brother or not given it at all)
when he finally does realize that it’s there, Mammon will most likely think it’s some note from the witches he still owed money though
just the thought of them makes him shudder
so he’d put it to the side once again, until he sees the little heart sticker on the opening, which makes him automatically flustered
and the next thing he knew, Mammon was ripping open the letter and reading its contents, turning redder by the minute
someone loved him? like not in a friendly way too?? 
well, I mean, of course. he was THE great Mammon after all. the one and only
Mammon doesn’t even notice that it’s your handwriting, so he’s just hanging on to this letter that he thinks is from a secret admirer and doesn’t bring it up to anyone
meaning that you don’t even know if he saw or even received the letter, and the waiting was eating you up on the inside
confessing was already stressful enough, and now you don’t even get a response?? this was practically a nightmare
one day, you get too anxious from waiting so you decide to confront him about it directly
he tries to say that he has no idea what you’re talking about, but the blush on his face says it all
“w-what love letter? I dunno what yer talking about...”
“Mammon, I see the letter sticking out of your pocket”
tries to brush it off all as if this was a daily occurrence for him, but he was basically a stuttering mess so you knew better
“soo, do you accept?”
“of cour-I mean, if that’s what ya want then sure. I am THE great Mammon, and of course ya would fall for me, so I’ll be generous and play along”
that was one of his qualities that made you fall for him 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✰ Leviathan
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when he first finds the letter at the bottom of his bathtub, Levi is convinced that it’s a cruel prank at first
there was no way that someone would even like Levi, the nasty, yucky otaku who spends all his time trapped in his room playing games or watching anime
forget that he’s one of the strongest demons and grand admiral of hell’s navy, he was a good-for-nothing freeloader and-
“ugh, let’s just get this over with,” he mumbled to himself as he tore open the envelope and quickly scanned over the letter
although he was convinced it was a prank, Levi held a tiny bit of hope, just the tiniest bit, that maybe it was genuine. he just didn’t want to get his hopes up to have them viciously crushed in the end
the letter, to his surprise, seemed rather genuine?
although Levi didn’t interact with others much, he could still tell when a person (or demon) was telling the truth
he did live thousands of years after all and experienced so much
immediately, Levi would get flustered and start shaking a bit from all the excitement
someone actually loved him?? this was a scene ripped straight out of a romance manga no doubt about it
him, the social recluse that never interacted with others much, finally having a s/o. gosh, it didn’t sound right at all, but oh did it feel so good
Levi would reread it over and over again, each time his heart beating faster and louder than before as his cheeks got progressively warmer
he never wanted this feeling to end. if this was a dream, he wanted to stay and revel in it
it takes a good few minutes of thinking and analyzing, but Levi is able to figure out that it’s you who wrote the letter
and he’s over the moon, especially because you were his crush, and his feelings were reciprocated
this truly would make for a great romance manga
immediately goes to you in order to confirm that you were, in fact, not lying and trying to pull a cruel prank on him
“um...y/n? so, uh, about the letter, were you, uh, ya know, being serious?”
poor guy, he was he nervous
“of course I was,” you reassure him. “I poured my feelings out into that letter. I’d never lie about something like that.”
once he got your confirmation, he’d go red once more and try, keyword try, to say that he felt the same
although it came out as an incoherent jumble, you perfectly understood him and smiled, happy to know that he felt the same
when you kissed him in response, Levi swore he felt his soul (do demons even have souls?) leave his body, and he practically malfunctioned, although he did gather up the courage to kiss you back in response
he was just too cute
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weebswrites · 4 years
Hello, can I request a hc for the demon brothers where they notice you spend a lot with another guy and go to confront you about it. Only to find out that other person was your brother. If requests are closed, sorry you can ignore this. Love your writing btw, hope you have a great day.
The Demon Bros finding out the guy you’ve been hanging out with is your brother
• He knows everything that goes on in the Devildom, especially everything that goes on with you
• So he definitely notices when you start acting awfully familiar with someone he’s never taken note of before
• One night when you’re lying in bed together he decides to bring it up
• “I’ve noticed you’ve been spending an awful lot of time with someone new. A guy, to be specific. Who is he?” he asked, realizing he failed at being casual about asking
• You chuckle, “Awh, are you jealous Lucy?”
• He scoffs, trying to downplay his jealousy (obviously failing)
• “He’s my brother, you buffoon. Didn’t you see that I had a brother on the paper when you selected me as the exchange student?”
• “I picked you at random, remember. I hardly noticed your name,” he said, then realizing how badly that came off, “But now I’m in love with you,” he said, voice soft as he tightened his arms around you a bit
• “Nice save” you teased him, “But he’s just my brother, so no need to worry. You can meet him sometime if you want” you offer
• He nods and kisses the side of your head, silently asking himself how he didn’t even know your brother
• Half of him wants to be upfront because he’s Mammon! And you’re his! But the other half of him is nervous. Something about you makes him shy and want to just cuddle for hours on end
• So one night when you’re doing just that, he breaks the silence
• “So uh, the guy you’ve been hanging out with...” he starts, not sure how to finish what he’s saying
• “You mean my brother,” you say, sensing in his voice that he wanted to know who this mysterious man was
• “Oh, yeah. Your brother” he replies, mind put at ease as he curses himself for not knowing you had a brother
• “What about him” you nudge his chest with your head, curious to see how he was going to save himself from admitting he was jealous. You loved that about Mammon
• “I was uh, wondering if I could meet him” he stammered
• You laugh, “Sure, Mam. How about I invite him to a family dinner some night with everyone”
• He nods, relieved it wouldn’t just be the three of you as he wanted nothing more than your brother (and family) to love him, “That’d be nice”
• He texted you about watching a new episode of an anime that came out, but for the third time that week you said you were hanging out with Devon (the name I’m giving your brother it’s random)
• “Oh, okay” he texted back, tossing his phone to the side as his head fell back against his pillow
• He heard his phone vibrating, glancing at it to see a call from you
• “Yeah?” he asked, tone more negative than he intended
• “I can bring Dev over if you want? He’s into anime too and has been wanting to watch the one we are. I’d like you to meet him, seeing as he’s my brother and all” you say, putting emphasis on the fact that he’s your brother
• “Oh, your brother. Yeah that’d be okay” he agreed, relief washing over him, “You don’t think I’ll be too awkward?”
• “He won’t mind either way, and besides, I love you for who you are” you reminded him, and made a mental note to make him feel extra special that night once your brother left (take that how you will)
• The night goes amazingly, and Levi’s glad that your brother is (almost) as cool as you
• You walk into the library to read with him, spending quality time together being one of your favorite things to do
• “So, who’s the guy you’re hanging out with now” he spits, crossing his legs and closing his book as he looks directly into your eyes
• “You mean my brother?” you ask, leaning on your hip and crossing your arms as you smirk at him, your heart swelling that Satan was jealous of someone over you
• “Oh, that’s cool” he said, a visible sheet of relief washing over his face
• “Why, were you jealous” you tease him, not about to let this go
• “No, I was just curious” he said, defending himself
• “Sure you weren’t” you chuckle, walking over the remaining few steps to where he was seated and kissing him softly
• “You can meet him if you want” you offer, the idea of Satan meeting your family making you nervous in the best way possible”
• “Maybe, I’m not good with authority figures” he said, truthfully nervous that your family wouldn’t like him because of his demon status
• “They trust me, and they’ve already heard a lot of good things about you” you admit, blushing a bit, “They’ve even asked when they can meet you” you add
• “Fine, I’ll consider it” he says, smiling at you in a way you know means he wants to as well
Asmodeus (16+ themes)
• You noticed he was spending even more time than usual making you ~feel good~, so one night when you were lying in bed together you asked him about it
• “Asmo, do you have anything on your mind?”
• He figures since you’re asking, he’ll just be straight with you
• “I noticed between classes you’ve been walking around with a guy I haven’t seen before”
• You let out a sigh of relief, “Oh, Asmo, he’s my brother!”
• “Oh, cool. I was just curious anyways it’s not like I was jealous” he said
• You laughed lightly, kissing his cheek, “Sure you weren’t, honey” you tease him
• “Whatever” he said, kissing your forehead as he held you close
• Soft boi loves you so much
• “Hey, MC? Who’s that guy you’ve been getting lunch with” he asks, voice softer than you’d ever heard it before
• “Devon? He’s my brother” you explain, moving a hand on top of Beel’s, smiling at how big his hand was compared to yours, and squeezed it tightly
• “Oh, okay. I was just curious” he said, and you could tell he was embarassed
• “I love you Beel” you said, smiling more as you leaned over and kissed his cheek, “You can meet him if you want”
• “I’d like that” he responded, smiling softly at you, eyes tracing each feature of your face as he fell more and more in love with you by the second
• You looked into his sparkling eyes and smiled, resting your head in your free hand, glad you found a man as wonderful as Beel
• He’d been giving you a bit of an attidude for a few days, but you didn’t bring it up incase he didn’t want to talk about it
• Until you were tired of his short answers, and you finally snapped, “Belphie, what is with your attitude?!”
• “I don’t know, why don’t you ask your ~other~ boyfriend” he snarled, flopping on his bed in exhaustion
• “What? Is that what this is about?” you ask, walking over to him and sitting gently on the edge of the bed
• “Maybe” he said, turning to look at you
• “He’s my brother, Belph. You have nothing to worry about” you smile, and lay down next to him. You face him and smirk, “I’m not dating my brother” you tease
• He rolls his eyes and laughs, “Thank Diavolo you aren’t, that’d be gross” he joked back, “Sorry I snapped, I should have just asked you” he apologized, and wrapped his arms around your torso
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vagabondreamer · 4 years
Pairing: Lucifer x MC, Mammon X MC, Levi x MC, Satan x MC, Asmo x MC, Beel x MC, Belphie x MC
Summary: MC's final day in Devildom before returning to the human realm.
Word Count: 1.3k
Author's Note: This is my first 'fanfic'! Feel free to request in the inbox!
365 days had passed quickly.
It was the last day of the student exchange program, and Lord Diavolo decided to throw a grand going away party. You had spent nearly all day with Asmo, he insisted on finding the perfect outfit for tonight and wanted to have one last spa day with you.
“MC, isn’t this just great? I could stay in here forever.” He sinks deeper into the flower bath, cucumbers sitting perfectly on his eyes.
“I have to admit, this is pretty relaxing,” you giggle. “Especially with all of the running around we’ve been doing.” You had already eaten your cucumber slices - no doubt a bad habit picked up from Beel. You took a deep breath in, letting the floral scent intoxicate your lungs, trying to forget that tonight would be the end.
And just like that, all relaxation was gone. A commotion could be heard from outside the room.
“Huh, I wonder what’s going on,” you ponder.
“Sir, you can’t go in there -” an employee says.
“Asmo, you son of a bitch!” Satan barges in.
“Dear brother ~ Do you want to take a dip too?” Asmo taunts as he pulls the cucumber slices off.
“I can’t believe you stole MC away! They’ve been gone nearly all day!”
“We were shopping, you’ll see them at the party.”
“No, come on MC, I want to spend time with you too.” The look on Satan’s face was nearly heartbreaking. You didn’t like goodbyes, maybe subconsciously you had been avoiding everyone so it would never happen.
“Okay, just wait outside while I get dressed.” You look at Asmo. “No peeking.”
He covered his eyes, and you quickly got dressed.
“I’ll see you at home?”
“Of course ~”
You and Satan went to a bookstore, there was a small bakery attached to it. The smell of freshly baked goods and the serenity of the air was comforting - being around Satan was comforting.
“So, how did you know where to find me?”
“Asmo posted pictures on devilgram. That’s his favorite bath-house, so of course he’d take you there today.”
You hummed in agreement, your fingers tracing the spine of books as you two walked past the shelves.
“Is this your favorite bookstore?” A small blush creeps onto his face.
“One of my favorites, yes.”
“Any last recommendations?”
Satan grins taking your hand to lead you to a more obscure area of the bookstore. The books become more odd looking, and the mood shifts ominously. He grabs a small book, the title reads, Death of the Three Worlds.
“It’s fictional, but has an abundance of historical accuracies about all three worlds. It’s a good read, I’ll buy it for you to take...home.” He hesitates. You look up at him and smile.
“I’d love that. Thank you.”
Side by side, you both walk towards the cashier; you decide to check out the bakery before leaving. There, you spot a familiar ginger and his twin.
You rush over to them in excitement.
“Hey guys!”
“MC!” Beel exclaims with a stuffed face.
“Hey MC,” Belphie says less enthusiastically but with a smile on his face nevertheless. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I’m here with Satan. He’s buying a book for me, I just wanted to check this bakery out real quick.”
“Here.” Beel holds up a puff pastry filled with jam, nearly jamming it in your face. You open your mouth up slightly.
“Ahh - mm. It’s good.” Some jam dirties the corner of your mouth, you go to wipe it off but Beel cuts you off, licking it instead. Your face turns beet red.
“You can’t just do that in public, Beel!”
Belphie nods in agreement.
“Ah - sorry, I couldn’t help it.”
“Anyway, I should buy a treat for Satan. What do you think he’d like?”
“Cupcakes, cheesecake, danish, doughnuts -”
“Beel, that’s what you like,” sighs Belphie. “Nothing too sweet. He doesn’t care for it.”
You nod in consideration and buy him a croissant. By the time you walk back to the table, Satan is sitting there patiently for you. You hand him the croissant, and he hands you the bag with the book in it.
“Thanks, MC.”
By the time you got back to the House of Lamentation there were only a few hours before the party would start. You knew Asmo would want to start getting ready soon. Racing to the stairs and looking through your phone, you bump into Levi - who was also not paying attention. You fall flat on your back, Levi hovering over you with both hands beside your head and one knee in between your legs. He would’ve been mad had it been anyone else, but seeing it was you he began blabbering.
“Oh really? I haven’t seen that one yet.” You smile, while gently pushing him into a sitting position.
“It’s okay, a little too predictable to me.”
“Predictable? I thought you didn’t like surprises, Levi?”
“Well - yeah - not in real life, but in anime I don’t want to guess what’s going to happen!” He huffs and looks to the side. “So when are we going to watch that new anime? I mean - I know you leave tonight but you said you wanted to see it…”
“I do want to see it! But...I’m running out of time. I’m sorry, I just don’t have time tonight.”
“Yeah, sure.” He slumps his shoulders, hands in pockets, and heads back upstairs to his room.
You sigh, hoping to make it up to him somehow.
Due to Asmo, you were late to the party. He called it fashionably late - you called it rude. You would have to apologize profusely to Lucifer once you saw him. But instead, you saw a rambunctious demon coming towards you - your first man.
“MC! I haven’t seen you all day!” He pouts; he looks you up and down. “You look a-amazing.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry, Mammon. I’ve just been busy trying to spend time with everyone.”
“You’re telling me I’m the last person?!”
“Well, technically no, I haven’t seen Lucifer - but, let’s not focus on that. I just want to have fun with you tonight!”
“Of course you do, I’m the Great Mammon! C’mon, let’s dance!”
You spent the night dancing and laughing with Mammon - occasionally his other brothers would steal you away for dances, but he always found you and stole you back. The night was coming to an end, you could feel it in your soul that it was almost times up.
“Mammon - I’m having so much fun.”
“I am too!” He twirled you in his arms.
“I have to find Lucifer.” Slowly you both stop dancing, and he stares deep into your eyes.
“Okay, just come back to me?” He questions rather than states. You nod your head.
It shouldn’t have been too hard to find Lucifer, you figured wherever Lord Diavolo was he would be. But that wasn’t the case.
“Lord Diavolo, have you seen Lucifer?” You ask desperately.
“He went outside, he said he needed to breathe.” He eyes you carefully. “I haven’t seen him this distraught in a long time.”
You thank him and rush outside, you could suddenly feel how suffocating the ballroom was, packed with demons dancing. You see his silhouette, he’s looking away. Suddenly all of the emotions of the day rush to you; everything that you had been holding in wanted to come out.
“Lucifer!” You cry out, tears streaming down your face. He turns at the mention of his name. You rush to him, arms extended - he opens his, and engulfs you in his embrace.
“MC...Why are you crying?” You look away in embarrassment, but he holds your face gently in his hands wiping away the tears with his thumbs.
“I-I don’t want to go. This is my home. Your brothers. You - you’re my home.” A small smile is placed on his face.
“MC, you’re my home, too.”
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devildomimagines · 4 years
Asmodeus Reacts to MC Getting in a Fight
Asmo jumped and gasped, “MC!?”
He looked you over and tears gathered in his eyes, angrily he asked, “Who did this to you?” Looking around as if they were nearby.
You hated seeing Asmo cry, it’s like his tears had some kind of magical effect on you. “Uh, I guess it’s kind of my fault, I’m ok though.”
He recounted your injuries and guessed, “Were you in a fight?” All signs of tears gone.
You looked down ashamed at his accusing question. He wasn’t wrong so you nodded.
“I can’t believe that!” Asmo shouted.
“Sh!” You hush, not wanting to make a scene and have one of the other brothers see and get involved.
“Don’t shush me MC!” Asmo pointed a finger at you.
“Sorry,” you placated, “I just don’t want to make a big deal of it, I’m fine.”
“MC,” He whined but did quiet down. He started really looking at your wounds. As a tactile person, he runs a gentle hand over your cheek and the other down your arm to your hand where he inspected your knuckles.
You wanted to pull away from his prying eyes and gentle touch, not feeling worthy of his worry.
He sensed your hesitation and pulled you closer.
You stumbled slightly, not expecting the pull and Asmo caught you with a smile, having played right into his game. That is until you wince away from his hand at your side.
“Ah,” you look up at him and try to recover, “Ha hah ha, that tickles?”
Asmo frowned deeply, not buying it. He takes your wrist to drag you to his room. As soon as the door is closed, he’s close again.
“A-Asmo!” You shouted as he began pulling at the hem of your shirt. He pulls it up just enough to see the dark discoloration on your abdomen.
He reaches out to touch it and you flinch away. “I-I’m fine, just don’t touch it for now, ok?”
Asmo nods and steps away. You let out a sigh of relief as he went to his bathroom and looked at a shelf of what you thought were all perfumes. He picked out three bottles and brought them back to you. He placed them on his desk and then picked one back up. 
“Here, smell this,” He uncorked it and extended it to you.
You tilted your head, then leaned in trusting him.
“It’ll help with pain,” and as he said that you felt an uncanny abatement of the throbbing pains throughout your body. You eased forward to get a second whiff but Asmo pulled it away. “Not too much though,” he looked away, “don’t want to overdose.”
The next bottle was small and he uncorked it and smelled it himself, like how one would check for spoiled milk. “Drink this one,” You placed it gently in your hands.
“What does this one do?” You’d like to know before putting it in your body.
“It will help promote healing.”
You shrugged, you trusted him and threw the drink back. “Ugh!” the terrible taste lingered.
Asmo giggled, “Yeah, not the best tasting sorry I didn’t say anything. Consider it part of your punishment.” He winked.
“That’s fair.” You sighed as you sat down on the edge of his bed. Truly exhausted from the day. “What’s the rest of the punishment?” You eyed the last bottle on his desk.
“I’ll think about it while you rest,” Asmo teased, “This one is topical, for the cuts.” He pointed to his own face to remind you of the busted lip and scratch.
“Thanks,” you held the bottle while you thought for a moment.
“What’s wrong?” Asmo came to sit with you.
“Nothing!” you chirped. “You’re really kind Asmo, do you know that?”
He sat up straight, surprised. He’d been called many things, mostly related to his good looks, not often did he get such a genuine compliment.
“I didn’t ask for all this, and I certainly don’t deserve it for getting into a fight, but I appreciate you taking care of me,” You smiled sweetly at him.
His heart melted, “Oh MC… I’m happy to help but I’d rather you not get into fights in the first place.”
“Hahaha, me too but you should have heard what they were saying! They were trash talking your family, the exchange students, even Lord Diavolo!”
“No way! There are some pretty extreme consequences for openly contesting the royals.” He absentmindedly took the bottle from your hands and opened it. He began applying the liquid to your scratch, “What did the demon look like? Someone important?” He had you describe everything you remember about the demon and decided to share the information with Barbatos later for handling.
With the pain taken away and Asmo’s caring hands working away, tiredness swept over you, your eyes drooping. Asmo chuckled as he offered, “You’re welcome to stay here for a nap but let’s get that dirty uniform off, ok?” You nodded as you removed the jacket and Asmo got you a pajama set. 
You came back from the bathroom and collapsed into bed, almost instantly asleep. Asmo laughed as he set to work cleaning your clothes of the dirt and blood and mending the tears.
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diavolosthots · 3 years
Request are opeeeeeen yay
Oh, well, could you please do a comforting scenario with Belphie and a depressed MC that's usually very cheerful but not right now (y'know, because of✨ Seasonal depression✨) with a lot of fluff and love?
Thank you in advance, and thank you also for all the things you write! It is amazing!!!
Requests are not open, this is from last time. Also i love how you go to emo boy for seasonal depression haha
Warning: mentions of seasonal depression
As the Seasons Change (BELPHEGOR X GN!READER)
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As if life wasn’t already complicated enough as it is, it also just had to throw yearly change at you. The warm, fun, light, bright, and outdoors-y stuff was suddenly replaced by cold, long nights and tons of darkness. Now, for some people, this was great. Who doesn’t prefer shorter days and more sleep? But to people like you, this just put you into a spiral of moodiness. Everything that you looked forward to in Spring and Summer suddenly got taken away and it wasn’t… it just made you feel bad, you know? Things are dying, animals go into hibernation, and people are dressing more darkly. It’s almost as if the world decided to be emo for 6 months out of the year and as much as that is okay, it really isn't. You liked the sunshine and warm days with the softest of breezes. The beautiful flowers and trees and animals that come out to play. Of course, people also just seemed happier. It’s beautiful, to you. Besides, the Devildom already gave you a shock with its constant darkness but you somewhat got used to it, up until Diavolo decided that he needed to “keep up with the human realm” and decided to bring winter down here. So now instead of dark and hot as hell, it was dark and cold as hell. Seriously, it may not be affecting the demons too much but how did he think his two human and two angel exchange students would react?
Still, you can’t blame it all on Diavolo. The guy was trying to do something nice by bringing a little bit of human into the Devildom, probably forgetting that not all humans react the same way to sudden change and or dark and cold dynamics in general. Bottom line is, you were less than pleased. Your moods spun out of control ranging from sadness to anger to not feeling worthy. It was a confusing time and right now, the most you could feel was ‘okay’. “Lucifer, why don’t demons get weirded out by the sudden change in temperature?” You hoped that the eldest could give you some type of explanation or maybe even a little bit of sympathy so you didn’t think you were the only one, but he only shrugged. “Demons adapt easily. We have to, otherwise we’d be tormented by our own minds.” It wasn’t exactly the answer you were looking for and Lucifer could tell, but it didn’t take away from the fact that that was the only answer you would be getting out of him. 
You hated this, genuinely. You even tried talking to Diavolo about it but it seemed to fly right over the guy’s head. “Haha isn’t this fun? I forgot what the cold feels like!” No, Diavolo, it’s not fun. Did you know that some people prefer the cold and get depressed over summer too??? No??? Well, then don’t assume! Of course, you didn’t say that to the Demon Lord because although he himself never scared you, you were terrified of what Barbatos may do had you disrespected the future King like that. You felt alone because even Solomon preferred the dark and although the angels are being of light, they didn’t seem to be affected much by this either. Was it just a human thing? Maybe just a you thing? The more you thought about it, the lonelier you felt and the brothers began to notice your change in behavior. How couldn’t they? They felt bad for you. Beel tried to cheer you up with food, which usually made you laugh, but now you’re just turning away from him. 
Belphegor is the only one who somewhat seemed indifferent, although his looks at you lasted a little longer than usual. Usually you’d annoy him with your constant happiness and ability to jump around everywhere, so now that it’s gone, it’s weird that he actually kind of misses it. “Come cuddle with me.” “Belphie I do---!” But he didn’t even care. He just grabbed you and then dragged you up into the attic with him. That’s probably the most exercise he’s done in a while: dragging someone up the stairs, but it was worth it. Kinda. Maybe. “I didn’t ask. I told you.” You rolled your eyes at him because when does he ever ask? He just does his thing and seems endlessly happy with that, although something told you that was the biggest lie. 
“I don’t want to cuddle.” Now he’s rolling his eyes, falling down onto the bed in the attic and holding out his arms to you. “Maybe you don’t want it, but you definitely need it. Stop fighting with me.” you groaned but gave in, falling down beside him, trying to keep at least some space between the two of you, but Belphie didn’t care and immediately rolled closer, putting his head on your chest. “Stroke my hair and tell me what’s wrong.” What? See this is why you and Belphie rarely ever hang out. He’s so demanding, so needy, and you swore he rivaled Leviathan at times. Levi would beg you to stay until you would, though, and Belphie would just have a death grip on you. Right now you didn’t know which was worse. “Belphie I don’t… I don’t want to.” “Fine then just hold me, but talk to me.” You sighed, wrapping your arms around him because that seemed like a fair compromise and he was already half on top of you so what’s the point of arguing? 
“I just… my emotions are all over the place. I’m sad and then I’m angry. I get annoyed and then I get lonely… it’s because Diavolo changed the damn weather…” You felt stupid for saying that out loud and you could almost guarantee that Belphie thought the same thing, but he didn’t say anything, instead waiting for you to go on. “I just got used to the dark and the hot of the Devildom and now it’s… it’s dark and cold and it feels lonely and empty and I can’t cope with that. He did it to be ‘hip’ or whatever with the human world but he fails to realize that just because it happens naturally up there, doesn’t mean people like that.” “So you got seasonal depression.” You nodded, slowly beginning to let your fingers run over his back while he wrapped himself around you. Well, he more so climbed fully on top of you and snuggled his face into your neck. It tickled a bit so you managed to let out a little giggle, but it disappeared just as quickly. 
“Yeah… I was… you know I could’ve gotten used to just having dark and hot all year around but then he goes and does this and I can’t feel happy right now… everything is just so sad and gloomy. Spring just started in the human world and yet Diavolo decides to start late and extend winter…” Belphie snorted, finding amusement in your words. He has his own opinions about his Demon Lord, including the fact that that guy is a huge himbo, but he could never voice that out loud. Not when he knows Lucifer lives under the same roof as him. “He sucks. But you know… this does give you an excuse to just lay with me all day.” And yes, he truly believes that’s a good thing. Why wouldn’t it be? No expectations, just sleep and cuddles. He pulls his head out of your neck and leans up a bit, kissing your forehead before looking at you. “Just stay with me. I can make you sleep until Lord Diavolo decides winter is done. He’s going to get tired of it sooner or later.” 
You laughed softly at his proposal, shaking your head a bit. “I don’t know if you’re aware but humans need to eat and drink and you’d have me play sleeping beauty, meaning I’d die due to the lack of food and water in my body.” Belphie only shrugged, laying his head back down and snuggling closer. He was behaving like a baby right now, but a cute baby, who wouldn’t let you go. “I don’t see the issue, but suit yourself.” Of course the Avatar of Sloth wouldn’t see the issue. You rolled your eyes again and then poked his sides before holding him tightly. “You’re warm….” “I know.” Another eye roll but you also couldn’t help but smile. He’s such an idiot but at least you’re not alone right now. “Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer… for just a little bit.” 
Belphie smiled into your neck, kissing it gently before closing his eyes, “I thought so.”
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joonie-beanie · 4 years
(Bonus) The Undateables + their reaction to you having a nightmare
Since some people were interested, I went ahead and wrote reactions for the rest of the characters too!
[The Demon Brothers’ Reactions]
The Demon Prince may not act it, but he’s typically quite busy.
Even in the middle of hosting the humans, angels, and demon brothers in his home for the night, he’s forced to split his time between his duties, and being a proper host.
Unfortunately, balancing these tasks causes him to be awake until quite late--3am, to be exact.
By then, the castle has gone quiet. The voices of his guests have faded--indicating their slumber. However--
Diavolo pauses when he walks past one of many lounges, and spots you curled up at one end of a couch--the flames from the fireplace flickering in your glazed over eyes.
You look exhausted, and yet, you’re battling yourself to stay awake.
“Y/N,” he speaks softly, padding into the room. You jump--wide eyes flitting to him with worry.
“I-I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t be roaming around this late--”
“No, no, I do not mind,” he says with a small chuckle, seating himself on the couch beside you. He flashes you a gentle smile. “I was simply surprised to see you here. Why are you up so late?”
“I...,” he sees your cheeks go pink, and your eyes move to stare at the fireplace once more. “I had a bad dream...”
Clearly, you’re a little embarrassed to be admitting to him that something like a scary dream is what’s keeping you from going back to bed, but Diavolo is nothing but understanding.
“Ahhh, I hate when nightmares get in the way of a good nights rest.” He frowns and crosses his arms--glancing up at the ceiling as he ponders what he can do to help.
“If you don’t mind, I’d be more than happy to stay the night with you. I know having the comfort of another person nearby can be helpful.”
You can tell from his kind demeanor that he has no motive aside from genuinely trying to help you, and you get all warm inside.
You’d never have imagined receiving an offer like this from a literal Demon Prince, but...”I think I would like that.”
Nodding, Diavolo is quick to swoop you into his arms. With barely a sliver of his power, he manages to teleport you back into your room, and you blink in surprise as he sets you in bed, and then seats himself beside you.
“Sleep, Y/N,” you feel his hand against your hair, and suddenly your eyelids feel quite heavy. Within seconds, you’re fast asleep (you’re not sure if he had used more of his power, or if it’s just because the Demon Prince is so damn comforting, but either way, you’re out like a light)
True to his word, Diavolo stays with you the whole night, and you wake up in the morning to find his arm loosely curled around your torso.
The demon butler tends to get up early in order to prepare for the day.
He sees to it that things are prepared for his Lord, and any guests. Today, he’ll need to prepare breakfast for the exchange students as well.
His Lord had invited them to stay the night after a casual check-in on their experience in the Devildom had turned into a night of drinking and tale-telling.
It’s just past 5AM when Barbatos makes his way into the kitchen. However, he quickly realizes that he’s not alone.
You’re sat in a window nook in the corner of the room, a cup of coffee cradled between your hands as you stare out into the yard.
“Y/N,” he speaks your name whilst approaching, and Barbatos watches you blink out of your haze--your eyes shifting over to look at him.
“I’d say good morning, but I get the feeling you haven’t gotten much sleep,” he comments with good nature, smiling pleasantly. The corner of your lips twitch. “Do you have a hangover?”
It’s not like your group had been overly zealous the night before, but perhaps you’re easily affected by alcohol.
“No, just a nightmare,” you say with a sigh, taking another sip from your coffee. Barbatos eye’s lighten with sympathy.
“May I join you?”
You nod, scooting over to make room for him. He seats himself beside you, crossing his legs, and looking over to you pleasantly.
“At the very least, I can help you take your mind off of it. I have some time before I need to start preparing breakfast.”
“Thank you, Barbatos.”
The two of you chat for a while, talking about things that don’t really matter. Barbatos is careful to keep the questions and topics simple, and his efforts seem to pay off, because at some point, your words begin to slur.
Your body slumps, head landing onto his shoulder, and Barbatos pauses.
He was hoping to help you get back to sleep, but he hadn’t expected you to fall asleep on him.
Unfortunately, he’s grown to have a soft spot for you, and doesn’t have the heart to move.
Sighing, he leans himself against the window frame and closes his eyes.
Diavolo finds the two of you asleep together in the nook two hours later, and is sure to take many, many pictures before he decides to wake you up.
The angel is drawn out of his sleep by a small cry.
Rubbing at his eyes, he glances over to his DDD and sees that it’s just past 2AM. That’s strange. Usually he has no trouble sleeping soundly--
Eyes widening, Simeon suddenly remembers that he’s not alone tonight. You’re curled beneath a blanket on the couch in his dorm room. He and the other residents of Purgatory Hall had invited you over for a movie night, and you’d ended up opting to stay the night.
So, of course, Simeon had offered to let you room with him. (Like a proper gentleman).
However, now it unfortunately seems like you’re having a nightmare.
Flinging himself out of bed, Simeon hurriedly makes his way to your side. He cups your warm face with his hand, frowning as he he spots the tears blotting the corners of your eyes.
“Y/N,” he calls your name softly, but it’s enough to draw you from your dream.
Inhaling a deep breath, your eyes shoot open. You jolt to sit up, and immediately Simeon is holding you--drawing a hand between your shoulder blades as he attempts to comfort you.
“Shhh, you’re okay,” he coos, and your hands lift to grip against his shirt. Your heart is still racing, but him being there is a huge relief.
“Thank you,” you sigh after a few long minutes, and you feel Simeon shake his head. If it was in his power, he would have loved to protect you from bad dreams in the first place.
“Would you....would you mind joining me in the bed?” he asks, his cheeks feeling a little warm as he leans back to look at you. He places a hand against his neck, feeling a little foolish. “I would feel better if you were close. I don’t want you to have another bad dream.”
For a moment, you can only stare--processing everything he’s just said. Then, you smile, and nod your head. “Sure, Simeon. I would like that too.”
Relieved, Simeon beams at you, and you gasp quietly as he scoops you into his arms.
Moments later, you find yourself beneath his sheets, with the Angel tucked tightly against your back. 
“Is this okay?” you nod at his question, relaxing against him. Simeon relaxes as well, allowing his eyes to close.
Knowing that the angel is nearby, you manage to get back to sleep. And in the morning, you wake up with Simeon’s arms hugged around your waist.
The sorcerer is on his way home from the House of Lamentation in the wee hours of the morning when he walks past your room, and notices that the door is ajar.
Pausing, he curiously glances inside. Your bed is messy--covers thrown to the side, and pillow on the floor beside the bed. 
A little worried, Solomon double checks his DDD. It’s only 4am. Where would you be?
“Solomon?” your quiet voice rings out from behind him, and he turns to find you standing a short way up the hall. Your arms are hugged to your chest, cold sweat beading on your brow.
“Are you alright?” he asks, frowning. “I got worried when I saw your door open.”
“I...I had a nightmare, and...,” you motion behind you, still looking a little dazed. “Went for a short walk to try and ground myself...what are you doing here?”
“Asmo,” he says simply, not explaining further. After all, right now he’s more concerned about you.
Stepping forward, he reaches out and rests his palm on your hair. The contact makes you glance up at him, and he can see how tired you are. Your body needs more rest, but you’re too scared of falling asleep again.
“I know a spell that might help,” he says, a little mirth in his voice, and before you can ask, you feel his lips press against your forehead.
You freeze in surprise, and punch him lightly in the stomach when you hear his laughter.
“Asshole,” you push him aside and trudge back into your room. However, Solomon follows you--watching as you pick up your sheets and rearrange yourself back on your bed.
Once you’re settled, he joins you--sitting against the edge of the mattress.
“Would you like if I stayed?”
His voice is tender--understanding in his eyes as he regards you. As much as you hate him for that little move earlier, you can’t lie to yourself--you’d feel better if he stuck around.
“You can use my shower,” you mumble, rolling over and showing your back to him. “I don’t want you getting my sheets dirty.”
“Rude,” he comments, but nonetheless stands and moves to use your bathroom. You hear him turn the water on, and by the time Solomon reemerges into your bedroom, you’re fast asleep.
He ends up snuggling in beside you anyway. 
The next morning, Asmo spots him sneaking through the front doors at 9am, and is very confused.
(Bonus!) Luke:
When Luke notices you tossing and turning, he’s quick to jump to his feet and move to check on you.
You’d fallen asleep in the Purgatory Hall common area after a study session, but he and the others had decided to let you be. 
Eventually, Simeon and Solomon had gone to do their own thing, but Luke had stayed behind to greet you once you were through with your nap.
Unfortunately, it seems your nap has turned into a nightmare.
“Y/N!” he’s a little frantic with worry as he calls for you--his hands gripping your shoulders and attempting to shake you awake.
It works, and after a few seconds your eyes slide open--hand raising to press at your heart as you regain your sense of reality.
“Are you okay?” he hangs close to your side, his hands hovering near you. He’s never dealt with someone having a nightmare before, so he’s a little anxious. He wants to help you in any way that he can.
“I-I’m fine, Luke,” you flash him a half-hearted smile that makes his chest ache. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep...”
“It’s okay! We wanted you to rest!”
The angel presses to his feet, his hands fisting at his sides. He feels useless right now, and that bothers him.
“Ah! Simeon knows a celestial realm recipe for some calling tea! I’ll get him to teach me!”
He turns and starts to run from the room, but ends up pausing, and turning back to look at you. After a moment of internal debate, he darts back over to the couch and throws himself at you.
You grunt as his body weight lands against your chest--the tiny angel giving you a tight squeeze.
Then, he pulls back with pink cheeks, and scurries away.
You’re left sitting there in shock, but after a few moments, you laugh.
You feel a little better already.  
[The Demon Brothers’ Reactions]
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yolkyeomie · 4 years
Humanity of the Inhuman | Kim Sunwoo
summary — legends are meant for the wild fantasies of the dream world, but when one myth suddenly comes true, you find yourself tangled within its webs of reality.
word count — 7.2k words
pairing — sunwoo x female!reader (ft. x juyeon in a sense?)
genre — college au, gumiho au
disclaimer — !! light mentions of death, blood, and injury !! this is an wip of fic that I did not have the energy to complete, so it leaves off at a pretty big cliff hanger :( but if enough people enjoy it it I’ll make a part 2 or sumn lol (update: it does in fact have a part 2 now, go enjoy it!)
part I | part II | part III | part IV?
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“Nine tailed foxes,” the instructor stated, pointing their finger towards the pictures that were projected upon the board. There were three different depictions of the creature from other cultures posted up together, expressing how each of the cultures viewed the mythical being. Mindlessly you began to draw on the notebook set in front of you, taking in each picture and messing different aspects that you liked together.
“Known as the Kitsune in Japan, the Huli Jing in China, and the Gumiho here,” they continued, switching to the next slide that only displayed more old pictures of the fox, “they are a well known part of our folklore today that even western countries have begun to adopt their own version of this creature into their literature.”
“If it’s so popular, why are we learning about it now,” you mumbled, the lead of your pencil snapping as soon as the words had been spoken into existence. You let out a deep sigh at the inconvenience, letting an angry curse come out of your mouth as you leaned over to grab something new to write with.
Though you stopped mid turn as a black pen was placed into your vision. Curiously you glanced up to catch the smiling sight of Juyeon above you, waving around his pen and urging you to take it from his hand. “We’re learning about the Gumiho because it’s an important part of our folklore, just because it’s well known doesn’t mean you shouldn’t teach it.”
He was an acquaintance, nothing more than that, a “school friend” if that made more sense. You had met him the first day you attended the mythology class after picking up the course for fun, seeing as the only available seat in the room was by him. Having no friends who attended the class at the same time as you, he had offered to become one and you gladly took up his request in order to feel a little less only in the room full of strangers.
It was a little odd to see a class so minor like this be jam packed with students, but you did notice the recent influx of people who were interested in the mythologies of their and others cultures.
Plus, you didn’t do very well on your own and were a little more socially dependent than you’d like to admit, so Juyeon’s willingness to befriend you was greatly appreciated.
“Well, I guess you’re right,” you shrug, gratefully taking the pen out of his hands. “But still, what person doesn’t know the wild tales of the nine tailed foxes? They’re like… everywhere now. If I meet someone who didn’t even have a clue what I was talking about, I’d be surprised.”
“You never know,” Juyeon continued, urging you to take a look at the board. Being presented was the Korean version of the nine tailed fox, a few notes typed beside the art describing the details and depictions of what was generally believed about the fox demon. “Maybe one day you’ll need that information to save yourself from a Gumiho one day?”
You snorted at his words, pointing out one of the bullet points to him and quietly reading them to him. “First of all, this is a mythology class. That means everything we learn here is a myth, not real? Secondly, it clearly says that they seduce men and last time I checked, I’m not a man.”
“Well, I guess you’ve got a point there,” he nodded, laying his head in his hands as he half heartedly listened to the teacher speak. “I guess I’m the one who should be paying more attention to the lecture since I’m the man, but I don’t think a Gumiho would ever find interest in me.”
“Why?” You questioned, a teasing smile appearing on your face and you poked the pin cap into his side. “It’s said that gumihos eat human livers, do you have bad livers or something? Do you have some sort of liver disease that would make you undesirable to a fox?”
“If I say yes will you stop poking me?” He innocently asked.
“I’d know you’re lying if you said yes, you’re rather healthy despite some… odd habits you have,” you clarify, giving the boy a skeptical look before turning back towards the board. You were only acquaintances with Juyeon, but there were times you’d catch him in the hallways of the building or dorms when you were looking for Kevin doing skeptical activities. Most of the time he was just smuggling snacks that his roommate would steal out of the room but man did he look crazy while he did so.
“Hey, those aren’t odd habits, it’s me protecting what I paid for,” Juyeon argued, a pout developing on his face as he tried to explain himself, “if you don’t pay for it, you don’t get a bite of it! That’s the rules and you have to respect the rules.”
You only spared Juyeon a quick glance, your eyes full of skepticism for him. He was a nice guy, a decent person to hang around, but awkwardly catching him in the hallways like a criminal running from a crime scene was all you had to see from him to determine whether or not you wanted to hang around him often. “Y/N, seriously! I'm not some freak I promise, my roommates and I just do this often and—“
“Sure, Juyeon,” you nodded, softly patting his back in only slight comfort. “I completely understand what you mean.”
“Y/N!” He complained a little louder this time, earning some sneaking looks from the rest of your peers. The two of you weren’t the biggest troublemakers but you did have a volume problem more often than you’d like to admit. Though, that was mainly because Juyeon doesn’t understand when to keep his mouth shut. “Come on, Y/N, I know you don’t believe what I’m saying but you gotta! I can even show you what we—“
“I really don’t want to walk into that room,” you decline almost immediately, “something tells me I’ll regret it if I do.”
A small chuckle left Juyeon’s mouth at your harsh words, finally taking the response as an end to the conversation. It seemed as though the two of you had stopped just in time though, as a deep sigh left your instructor’s lips. The entire class turned their head towards him in confusion, unsure on what sort of gloom had possessed their mythology teacher.
“I think… I’ll end class early today,” he declared, turning off the board that had projected the day’s lesson. In a flash, your reference for your very own nine tailed fox disappeared in front of your eyes as the instructor continued to speak. “The rain just… throws me off the mood for today.”
Instinctively you turned your head toward the window and lo and behold, the rain was pouring down outdoors. Many students groaned at the sudden change in forecast, not having brought umbrellas to shield them from such weather since the day had called from sunny skies. “Ah… that’s gonna suck going home,” you tell yourself, noting how even you hadn’t brought an umbrella.
“Excuse me!” A student called out, drawing attention to the front of the class where they had seated themselves. “If you don’t mind me asking, are you superstitious? Usually rain is considered a good thing especially on wedding days. It’s supposed to be a good omen for the future of their marriage.”
“Superstitious?” He hummed in response, thinking to himself for a few moments before answering. “Well, in a sense? Not for the reasons you think I am though.”
“Does it have something to do with gumihos?” You couldn’t help but ask, curiosity getting the best of you as you blurted out in front of everyone. The class turned back to look at you expectantly, exchanging confused and bewildered glances with each other. Even Juyeon looked at you as though you were beginning to lose your mind. You don’t really blame them, rain didn’t really have anything to do with gumihos after all.
However, your teacher smiled at you. His eyes crinkled at their sides and his wrinkles from age becoming more prominent as his smile continuously grew larger as he thought about his answer again. “Something my grandparents used to tell me when I was younger,” he began, each student getting left on the edge of their seats as he turned back towards the rainfall, “that when it rained, it meant a gumiho had entered the premise.”
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“You don’t actually believe him, do you?” Juyeon asked, holding the borrowed umbrella over your heads. The boy had offered to walk you home in the disastrous, knowing you lived off campus instead of in the dorms. The dorms were a lot closer to the apartment you had rented out, so the two of you had scrambled over to his room first in order to grab an umbrella and begin the trek to your home.
He was only walking you towards the closest bus stop to the campus, not wanting to intrude on your privacy any further than he already was. Juyeon was just your acquaintance from mythology after all, he was just a little too nice to let you go out into the rain and get soaking wet.
“What, about the whole rain and gumiho thing?” You responded, remembering your teacher's statement he had ended the class with. You shrugged after a moment to yourself, “honestly, not really. I mean, come on, gumihos being related to the rain? It doesn’t even make that much sense the more you think about it.”
“I guess you’re right,” he agreed, “but don’t you think it’s a little weird how he seemed to believe it? Whole heartedly too, he ended the whole class over some superstition his grandparents told him!”
“It’s probably an old saying in his family or something,” you ultimately decide, nodding your head to yourself as you come to a conclusion. “Lots of people have things like heirlooms and stories that get passed down from generation to generation, maybe that’s what that was. Maybe his family is really big on nine tailed foxes and rain.”
He shook his head in disagreement, stopping in place and nearly causing you to get soaked by the downpour. “I don’t think so, why would they pass down a saying like that when gumihos aren’t real?”
“How do you know that they aren’t real?” You challenged him.
“Because if they were real, then we wouldn’t be learning about it in a mythology class and calling it folklore,” Juyeon stretched his arm out so that the umbrella was covering the both of you as he kept talking, “Humans are like… cockroaches. We force ourselves into the lives of other beings, I think we would have done something about gumihos by now don’t you think?”
You grinned at him as you rocked back and forth on your feet absentmindedly, nugging his shoulder soft as you teased, “wow, I know the lesson wasn’t long today but did you already forget that we were taught? Once a fox has lived for a thousand years, it becomes a gumiho and can shapeshift! How will you know your face to face with a fearsome nine tailed fox when they look exactly like any normal stranger on the street?”
You didn’t even give the boy a chance to speak as you stood in front of him, your back getting pelted with the rain droplets as you continued to jeer, “anyone could be a gumiho. I could be a gumiho, your roommate could be a gumiho, our teacher could be a gumiho, even you could be a gumiho and we’d never know a thing!”
“I think you're forgetting something,” Juyeon countered, pulling out his phone from his pocket and waving it in your face. “Humans have technology, we’ll just develop more technology to find them if we need to.”
“Gosh, you’re no fun,” you pout.
“And your bus stop is right there,” he pointed behind you, taking note of the metal structure built on the side of the road.
You struggle to decide whether or not you want to steal his umbrella as payback for being the way he was but ultimately ditched the idea. “Fine, I’ll see next week then? That is, if you don’t get eaten by a gumiho that is.” You teased.
You watched as annoyance contorted on his face, wanting to find a reason to be mad at you but unable to keep the grin off his face. “I’m not going to be eaten by a gumiho, Y/N. Did we not just have the conversation that they aren’t real?”
“Gumihos seduce men to absorb their energy!” You argued once more. “You’re a physically fit guy whose kept his livers healthy and you’ve got the looks to draw attention to you, you’re the perfect meal for a nine tailed fox to catch!”
“Go home, Y/N,” he urged, pushing you out from under his umbrella. You whined at his audacity and quickly covered your head with your hands in an attempt to shield yourself from the rain. The boy only laughed at your reaction before waving you off, giving you a small farewell as you rushed over towards the bus stop.
When you glanced back to find him again, Juyeon was gone, turned around the corner with his umbrella in tow and forcing you to sit and wait for the bus stop to come if you didn’t want to be soaked by the time you got home.
“Sheesh he could have waited until the bus actually came,” you complained, sitting back on the bench with a somewhat annoyed frown donning your face once again. Juyeon always seemed like he was in a hurry at times, whether he was sneaking around the dorms on your campus or rushing through the hallways to get to his next destination, he always had somewhere to be. There were times where he’d completely ignore your existence in and outside of your mythology class because of his need for action, too busy with his daily life to even spare you a glance.
You wondered where he so urgently needed to go at times, but ultimately knew that was none of your business. The two of you were nothing but classmates, school friends who helped each other out every so often whenever you got the chance. You had no right to dig into Juyeon’s business, so you never tried to cross the line the two of you set up for each other. You don’t really know if you wanted to cross it in the first place.
Besides, he never even said hello to whenever he was in a rush! Why bother trying to discover something where he has to completely ignore your existence to do it? That wasn’t exactly your type of information and gossip you wanted to gather and indulge in.
You sat at the bus stop for around three or four minutes, unwillingly listening to the pitter patter of the rain on the bus stop glass. Like your superstitious instructor, you weren’t very fond of the rain but not for the same reasons. The weather would always ruin plans you had been looking forward to for weeks and the days that came after it always felt humid and musty, you didn’t enjoy the aftermath of rain like other people did.
Don’t even get you started on the days where a thunderstorm would roll over the city, those were the worst days of your life.
You snap out of your daze for a moment, however, completely forgetting your hatred for the raining weather at the sound of barking floating through the air. You tried to ignore it at first, comfortably leaning against the side of the structure and scrolling across your phone to distract yourself, but you couldn’t help it. The more you tried to pretend like the sound didn’t exist the louder it seemed to become, which was a lot seeing as the downpour was a little louder than normal.
Begrudgingly, you stood up out of your seat and shoved your phone deep into your pockets. “Is the universe trying to tell me something today?” You mumbled, covering your head with your hands and stepping out into the rain. You peered across the street where the barking was coming, checking the side of the road for any oncoming cars before rushing to the other side.
The closer you got to the other sidewalk, the louder and more distinct the barking became, resembling more of a young dog than a fully grown one. The barks were more closely related to squeaky toes than anything if you had to be honest; light, annoying, and young. But there was no one else on the street beside you, and your morals were telling you to involve yourself instead of run away.
“Puppy...or puppies?” You called, not exactly having a name to call out for the animals. You don’t even know if they could hear you over the rainfall, but it was worth a shot. If they didn’t come running to you soon you were going to run right back to the bus stop for shelter and go home. You didn’t want to fall ill from standing out in the rain for too long and you didn’t want to miss your bus stop either. “Come here, boy! Or girl…? Whatever you are, come here! I’ll get you some place warm and out of the rain.”
There was no response, which was to be expected. They were animals, not humans, so they couldn’t exactly reply back even if they really wanted to. The barking was still echoing across the area but there was no sign of the animal making all the commotion, not to mention the fact that the rain was beginning to fall harder with each passing second. You might have to give up early if you didn’t want to get caught in a potential thunderstorm, it hurt your heart but you had to take care of yourself as well.
“Ah, I better hurry up before I miss the bus home… walking is going to be a pain if I do,” you mumble to yourself, turning to sprint across the street.
Though you stopped yourself from moving when you heard the sound of bells echoing against your ears, ringing loud and clear within your head as if it was right in front of you. You cautiously look around you for the source of the bells, the jingling rippling out to the rest of the world like a droplet of water falling into a lake. The bells chimed again in your head, yet this time pulling in a certain direction and urging you to continue on that way.
Glancing between the bus stop and the direction you were being pulled toward, you followed the jingling of the bells. Everything in your body was telling you that chasing after the ringing was a bad idea but nevertheless you pushed forward. The dog barking had completely gone silent and the loudest thing in the area was no longer the rain, but the bells in your ears.
You scurried across the sidewalk like a cat, trying your best to stay dry in the unfortunate weather but ultimately failing as you began to feel your clothes stick to your skin. “Ah, there’s no way I’m not going to be sick after this.” You mumbled, turning the corner to peer down an alleyway where the bell chiming was the strongest.
“I’m wet and cold and I’ve been out here for way too— oh my god!” A scream fell out your mouth as you tumbled to the ground petrified by the sight before you. Slumped up against the wall was a boy, barely clinging onto his life as he took slow ragged breaths to keep himself stable. On his arms was the familiar crimson red creeping down his forehead and splattering to the ground, creating a mixture of water and blood pooling underneath him.
Did you just find the end results of a bloody fight? In the middle of the city and close to your college’s campus no less?
“Excuse me, are you alright?” You called out to him, mentally smacking yourself for asking such a question. Clearly the boy wasn’t okay, he was bleeding out in the middle of the rain!
Despite the stupidity of the question, he slowly turned his head toward you. A majority of his face was covered by his hair being plastered against his head thanks to the rain so you couldn’t exactly see if he was looking directly at you, but the mere fact that he was responsive was enough for you.
You hurry over to him as fast as you could, though careful not to slip and fall on the slippery ground, before crouching down next to him. “Can you move at all? It’s not good to sit out here in the rain and waste away, you need to go to a hospital or something—“
“No,” he declined, forcing himself to sit up against the wall and make an attempt to stand up. The boy struggled to himself up right, leaning against the wall for support and the severity of his wounds being put on display. It didn’t look like he got into a fight, per se, more like he had been attacked by an animal. He had large gashes that covered his body and his clothes were tattered and stained with the red hue they leaked down his arm. He needed any sort of medical attention, right away or he might actually bleed out in the middle of the alleyway.
“Can you not see that you’re hurt?” You hissed, grabbing a hold of his wrist and tugging him down to your height. The boy grimaced at your toughness as you rolled up his sleeve, catching sight of an ugly yet fresh scar that needed to be addressed immediately. “You need to go to a hospital, or you’ll die out here in the rain.”
“No,” he challenged you, his face somewhat akin to an animal’s snarl as he tried to snatch his arm away from you. In that instance you heard the soft of the bells that had led you down the alleyway, much louder than they had been before and nearly drowning at the words that the boy had spoken. It sounded like… the ringing was coming directly from him. “I can’t go there, I won’t go there. They won’t be able to help anyway.”
“Are you an idiot?” You couldn’t help but ask, almost scoffing at his persistence to stay away from medically trained professionals. His lips formed into a pout, appalled by the fact that you had the audacity to call him an idiot. “I’m trying to help you man. It’s raining, you’re bleeding out, and I’ve probably missed my ride to go home. Please don't take my kindness for granted and let me help you.”
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You laid down in the middle of your bed, staring at your ceiling as you struggled to recall the events from the day before. It’s not like you to forget things easily or anything, in fact you had a rather decent memory when it came to remembering events that had taken place beforehand. You didn’t have a photographic memory, you just had a habit of remembering little details that have happened throughout your day.
But right now? You couldn’t remember a single thing that had happened yesterday.
Most of what you could remember was leaving your mythology early because your teacher had ended the class early. He didn’t like the rain and it had shifted his mood and everyone was grateful for the extra time off. Juyeon had generously offered to walk you to your bus stop with his umbrella so that you could get home without getting rained on and…. that’s where it ends. You can’t recall anything that happened after that. You don’t even remember ever walking into your house the more that you think about it.
“Alright, this is weird,” you declare, forcing yourself to sit up off of the bed. At least you had no classes to attend, you don’t know how you could pay attention to anything you were being taught if you had to deal with your sudden memory loss. “Why can’t I remember anything? Why does it feel like what u forgot was something really important too…?”
Just when you felt as though you were on the verge of pulling your hair out, your phone began to ring. It was a lot louder than you originally set the volume on and was practically screaming at you to pick it up instead of ignoring it like normal. Frustrated, you snatched the device from underneath the sheets and answered the call with a much more aggressive “hello?” than you had meant to start with.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Juyeon’s voice registered through the speaker.
Juyeon. Why was Juyeon calling you right now? The two of you don’t usually call each other unless it was something class related because you weren’t close enough to each other to hold conversations like that. So the mere fact that he had called you out of the blue like this was…. weird to say the least. “Of course,” you replied, giving your voice a lighter tone than when you had answered. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You called me a couple of times yesterday but I didn’t answer because I was busy,” he clarified, giving you a little peek as to what had happened the day before.
You called Juyeon first, why would you do that? You didn’t even call him once, but multiple times given the way he had worded his sentence. You’re not even close to Juyeon, why would you even dare to call him several times yesterday? If you were in trouble you should have just called Kevin like normal! “Are you saying you don’t remember?”
“Yes, actually, I don’t remember anything that happened yesterday.” Maybe you had gone to go get a drink or something before coming home and that’s why your thoughts from yesterday were blurry. But you’re not the type of person to drink that much, at least not alone you wouldn’t. “Listen, Juyeon, I’m sorry about all of this. I didn’t mean to call you, I was just… out of it or something. I don’t know I just can’t remember right now.”
“It’s fine, Y/N, don’t worry I’m just glad you’re alright. I got worried something might have happened to you but hearing you now makes me relieved.” You smiled at his words, letting his caring words for you twirl around in your head like ribbons. Juyeon was just too nice to you, honestly, but he was probably like this with everyone he knew. It made sense if he was, he was kind to almost everyone he met.
Before you could answer, the jingling of bells echoing through your ears, distracting you from any other words that might have come out of the boy’s mouth. You glanced around the room for shunting that could have made the noise, but you don't exactly have anything that could chime like the whimsical clicking of a wind chime. “Do you hear that?” You asked him, cutting off the boy mid sentence as you stood up.
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” he answered, “what am I supposed to be hearing? All I hear is you.”
In a flash all of the memories from the day before flooding back to you. The barking, the bell ringing, and the injured boy who refused to go to the hospital to treat his wounds. It all came back to you now, but why had it gone away in the first place. “I’ll… I’ll call you back, Juyeon.”
“Y/N? Y/N, what's wrong? Is something—“ you hung up before he could finish his sentence, cautiously following the ever growing sounds of the bells you had heard earlier. The closer you got to your door, the louder the chiming became, probably signifying the fact that you were going in the right direction.The last time you had followed the bells, they led you straight to the wounded boy. So if your hunch was right, it was most likely leading you straight back to him.
You carefully opened the door to your room, peering through the crack in the door frame to see what was going on. It was eerily silent and for the most the entirety of your apartment showed no signs of inhabiting a second person. “That’s odd…,” you noted, fully stepping out of your room to look around the room for the boy from yesterday. It seemed as though he hadn’t even lived in your house for an hour. “I don’t think he ever left… and I still can hear those bells so he can’t be far.”
Goosebumps ran down your spine as a cold wind blew through your living room. Something was off, you’ve never felt uneasy in your own home before. You had picked this apartment to live in because it felt comfortable and warm like home, but the only thing you were getting from it now was the feeling of being watched. As if a pair of eyes were carefully taking in your every move to determine how you’d react next.
“I know, you’re here,” you stated, rolling your eyes as you began to turn around. “You couldn’t have left in the middle of the night, you were bleeding out and collapsed as soon as you—“
You stopped mid sentence when you stopped the boy in the hallway to your bathroom, frazzled and confused by his surroundings yet still keeping a close eye on you. Now that he wasn’t soaking wet and bleeding (thanks to your amateur bandaging skills) you couldn’t help but notice how much more innocent without the dramatic effect of everything that had happened yesterday. “You really are still here, nice to see you didn’t die while I was asleep.”
“Where am I?” He demanded, not as aggressive as he was the day before but still in a rather rude tone you weren’t expecting from him. “How did I get here and… who are you?”
You slumped onto the small couch of your living room, glancing around the room for a moment before turning back to him with a cheeky smile on your face. “Heaven. You died in your sleep and now you’re in heaven. In the goddess that's going to accompany you through the afterlife.”
“Lies, you just said I didn’t die while I was sleeping,” he quickly pointed out, catching your lie as soon as it came out your mouth.
“Woah, despite all those injuries and passing out in the way here you still have a working brain, that’s good to know,” you tease him, watching as the boy rolled his eyes at your tiny jabs. “I’m Y/N but i guess you can just call me your savior really. Oh, and this is my house. You slept on the couch last night and I appreciate the fact that there is no blood on my cushions. Thanks.”
He nodded his head in understanding, though it seemed like the movements weren't actually correlating to what his mind was thinking. “Wait, you’re my… savior? No that doesn’t make any sense.”
“Why not?” You questioned, “I saw you bleeding out in an alleyway yesterday and I tried to take you to hospital but you kept refusing to go, so I just… took you home. I address your wounds and everything and just hoped that when I woke up there wouldn’t be a corpse in my living room. Luckily, as we see now, there isn’t. I saved your life.”
“No!” He yelled, rolling up his tattered clothes to find messily wrapped bandages all over his body. “Why would you do that?”
“Because you were dying?” You blurted, confused to the boy’s sudden panic. “What would you rather have bled out in public for all to see?”
“Yes, actually, that would have been the better option of the two.” How ungrateful was this boy? You saved his life and all he has to say is that he wished you didn’t? Maybe you should have strayed away from your morals for a second because all that had gotten you so far was a boy with no manners. “I don’t think you realize what you’ve done.”
“I have realized what I’ve done,” you responded, “I’ve saved your life because I’m a good person. Why are we arguing about this, there are no downsides to getting your lives saved. Wait, are you embarrassed because you got attacked by some feral cat and nearly died? Not gonna lie, I’d be embarrassed about something like that too.”
“I wasn’t… attacked by a cat,” he explained, a scoff threatening to spill out of his mouth at your bizarre accusation. “I don’t think a cat could make those types of scars.”
“If it wasn’t a cat…” you began, thinking aloud as you tried to member the wounds that covered the boy’s body. The more you pictured them in your head. The more you realize those weren’t… cat scars. They still seemed as though they were animal scars but a cat didn’t make that big a gash on a person’s body. You should have known, you’ve gone to cat cafes enough to have learned the hard way. “Then what…?”
“Gumihos,” the boy replied, tearing off the bandages you had wrapped around him the night before. You winced as you watched your handwork tumble to the ground, but were more concerned over the fact that the gashes on his arm were healed almost completely overnight. “I was attacked by gumihos.”
“Nine tailed foxes?” You blurted, more for yourself than the boy. Seeing you bewilderment made a smile begin to etch across his lips, childish yet mischievous as you tried to break down what you had learned in your head. “But… those are just folklore, they aren’t real. If they were, one would have been caught by humans at this point.
“Why? Don’t you know that a gumiho can shapeshift? They live among humans as if they were any other mortal in order to get what they want in life,” the boy explained, reminding you of the words you had thrown at Juyeon for making the same excuse. “You really think that they’d let a human catch sight of their existence and get away with it?”
“Okay then answer me this,” you ask, sitting up attentive to the stranger you had brought into your home. “If gumihos are real… then why did one attack you and leave you out to die? Don’t they usually kill humans for their livers and hearts? You should have been devoured by now.”
A hearty laugh left the boy’s mouth, much stronger and louder than the small giggle from earlier. His smile couldn’t stop growing on his face as he blinked his eyes at you, the dark browns of his iris swapping out to a bold amber yellow color. His pupils slowly began to dilate into the familiar small slits of a cat’s as your own eyes widened in pure fright. The boy you had saved had now become your greatest mistake. “What makes you think I’m human?”
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“Juyeon!” You hissed at the boy, urging him to come to you once you had finally caught sight of him. He was walking with a group of his friends, people who hadn’t mingled with and didn’t know whether or not you wanted to in the first place. When the boy had turned his head to you, the entirety of his friend group did as well, displaying their bright and eager smiles as they waved their hands in greeting. Awkwardly you greeted them back, unsure of what to do next as they also whispered and muttered to themselves as they let Juyeon break from their group.
Hopefully it was something nice and not anything that could hurt your feelings. They were still grinning and jeering with each other despite whatever comments they were making, so maybe it was a conversation of their approval. Or at least… you hoped it was, you couldn’t really tell the difference. You acted like you had a tough shell but in reality you were way too soft when it came to a stranger’s perspective of you.
“What’s up Y/N?” He greeted, a fond smile plastered across his face as he stood in front of you with his hands shoved in his pockets. “It’s a rare sight to see you interact with me when we don’t have a class together. It must be serious.”
“Well…” you trailed off, unsure of how to explain to him. “I guess it’s serious? But nothing too serious… I need some advice really, that’s all.”
“Advise?” Juyeon questioned, intrigued by the topic you had brought him. “Wow… of all the people could have chosen, you need my advice! I can’t help but say I’m honored. But what happened to your other friend… Kevin was his name, right? He would come to walk you home after class sometimes, why aren’t you asking him?”
You grimace at the thought of the boy before quickly waving the thought away. “Kevin will just think I’m crazy and make fun of me. Plus, I think you’re probably most equipped to help me out here since we take mythology together and all.”
“Ah… still keeping this as a school oriented friendship right?” He teased, getting a small laugh to leave your mouth. “Alright, what is it? What mythological help do you need this time? I’m all ears.”
You hesitated for a moment, unsure on how to word your sentences without sounding insane. The whole reason you had gone to Juyeon instead of Chanhee was because he would understand you a little better than your friend could. “Gumihos… you know how we’re learning about them currently, right? Is there something that people should know about them in order to protect themselves from one?”
Juyeon raised a brow at your question, staying silent as he thought to himself. “Gumihos? I thought you didn’t want to learn about gumihos because it was pop culture and everyone knows about them?”
“Well, what can I say!” You exclaimed, hoping to cover up your nervousness as much as possible. “I decided to take up a personal essay of sorts on those nine tailed foxes. I got intrigued a few days ago about them and I wanted to get as much information as I could about them, but we don’t go back to our mythology class until I… really can’t wait to get started.”
In reality, you actually had that gumiho boy holed up in your apartment still. In fear of the boy actually attempting to devour your liver you had locked him up in your bathroom and placed a talisman on the door so that he couldn’t escape. You had absolutely no clue on how to deal with a gumiho and you had only recently started your lesson on the fox spirits a few days ago. So needless to say, you wanted to be prepared for whatever might come next while housing him.
“That’s fair,” Juyeon agreed, taking your lie like candy and smiling brightly back at you. “I mean, the concept of nine tailed foxes are pretty cool, so I can’t blame you for looking into them a little further than everyone else.”
“So?” You asked, eagerly awaiting his answer, “Do you have any information I should know?”
“Well… there's this one thing I’ve been told before by my grandparents,” he explained, trying his best to recall past memories that had no use up until now. “Yeah, they would use old myths as stories to tell me before bed when I was a kid. They told me that no matter what fork a gumiho comes in, never let them kiss you.”
“Kiss?” You blurted out, shocked that that was the one thing he decided to share. “What’s kissing got to do with fox spirits?”
“It’s how they take your energy,” Juyeon told you, putting his pointer fingers together as if mimicking a kiss between two people. “When a gumiho kisses you, they absorb your energy. The more energy they absorb the weaker you become until you eventually die! Kinda scary, right? Not only do they feed off of human livers, but our mere life essence.”
“What type of bedtime story is that,” you mumbled, skeptically glancing over Juyeon. If that was the type of stories he was being told as a child, how was he not a little messed up in the head? If you were him, you would be absolutely terrified of everything even approaching you. Who knew when someone would randomly come up and kiss you? Your first and last kiss would be from a fox trying to steal your life away!
“I was very easy to tease as a child,” he shrugged, his smile turning sheepish as he softly scratched the back of his neck. “My grandparents loved telling me stories like that because I was an emotional little kid, ease to scare and quick to try and stuff like that.”
“That makes a little more sense,” you nodded, “no sane person would tell that as a bedtime story, it’s always got to be told to a child that’s easily scared.”
“Yeah, yeah, say what you want. If they hadn’t told them those stories of gumihos, I probably wouldn’t be taking mythology now,” Juyeon explained, glancing back toward the direction your shared class was. “And if I didn’t take mythology, you wouldn’t have any friends in that class.”
You shrug in response, he was right. If Juyeon had decided that he didn’t want to take the mythology course you probably wouldn’t have ever met him in the first place. So that was one good thing that had come out of his grandparents scaring him into the folklore of nine tailed foxes. “If you don’t mind me asking by the way,” the boy continued, switching topics while he still had your attention. “Whatever happened that day? You said you’d call me back but you never did. I can’t lie, I was a little worried for you again.”
“Ah, that,” you stall, struggling to make up a lie off the time of your head. You felt bad for lying to Juyeon more than you already were, you heard what he said! He’s worried about you and you didn’t want to put any more of load onto his back with your supernatural problems. “Well, I think I’ve got spirits in my house. I’ve been hearing weird noises sometimes and I thought you could hear it too, that’s why I asked.”
“Funny how things like this happen to a mythology student, huh? I wonder what kind of spirit has skipped their way into your house then.” Juyeon laughed, shaking his head at the ironic situation you had got yourself in, “well if you ever find yourself needing a home away from home, my dorm room is always open? We’d have to clean up a little bit before you arrive and sneak you in but anything to get away from spirits, right?”
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mageofseven · 4 years
Hi I just recently discovered your blog and I’m in love with your writing! I have a little request if you don’t mind. The brothers (and undateables I’d you want to) finding MC bruised and beaten and later discovering they got into a fight with another demon. Thank you in advance if you decide to write this!
Awww thank you so much! I might end up doing the Undateables in another post, but I'll just stick to the Brothers for this one.
And thanks for requesting 😊
TWs: violence, vague s*xual assault
Spoiler warning: 1st year spoilers in Lucifer's and vaguely in Belphie's section
Was checking out the area under Diavolo's orders.
Apparently there have been some people sneaking around in the old Colosseum and normal methods to keep other demons away from the historical landmark have been futile.
That and word has made it's way that some criminals have been using the place to secretly make dealings
So when he got there, he had expected to find some such people lurking around
Instead he found MC on the ground in the center, bruised and bleeding with their arm bent in a very concerning way.
He rushed up to them, calling their name and checking them for signs of life.
Honestly, the man was having major flashbacks to the day he lost his sister.
This was exactly where Lilith fell and Lucifer had to watch his sister, all broken and in pain until Diavolo came and he had to make the deal that changed everything
The deal that eventually led to MC's existence
Yet here they were now, in exactly the same place and state and the demon couldn't help but break down for a minute with panic he tried so hard to conceal.
The human let out a groan and the man could only sigh in relief.
"MC, oh thank the Devil..."
"You'll be alright." He promised. "I'll take you over to have Simeon heal you."
Despite the internal panic and flashbacks of such a traumatic event, he still handled the situation well.
Once MC was all healed up, he asked them what happened.
Apparently, they found a note that someone had stuffed in their school bag, asking for them to meet at the Colosseum.
They thought it was weird, but curiosity had gotten the better of them so they went and were attacked while exploring the ancient building.
The demon had meant to kill her, but sensed Lucifer approaching so they dropped the human and ran for it.
Ends up getting as much info from them about the attacker as he can.
Even if MC doesn't want the demon to die for what they did, they get no say in the matter.
Because of their status as exchange student, this attack is a political issue and the consequences Lord Diavolo warned his people about originally must be put into play.
Politics aside though, Lucifer would never let any being who hurt MC get away with it.
Becomes a lot stricter with what they can and cannot do
Like, they're not even allowed to go for a walk around the block without either him or his brothers accompanying them.
Even changes up their class schedule to make sure they have at least one of his brothers with them per class and they even have to walk MC to their next one.
Any arguments about this from MC or the brothers fall on deaf ears.
He will never let anyone lay a hand on them again.
School day had ended and he was on his way to pick MC up from their class.
Since Lucifer decided the day they came that he was responsible for their safety, he always had to do stuff like this.
He was late today though since his teacher held him back after class.
Blah blah F on the test, blahh blah summer school, blaah blahh blaaaah. Whatever man; he wasn't listening
And because of them, he was late. So much so that when he arrived at the human's classroom, they weren't there.
Lowkey panicked.
Shit. Shit shit shit, where'd they go???
Practically runs in the halls trying to find them
Knows Lucifer will have his head for this if he can't track 'em down.
Ends up hearing some kind of ruckus in the courtyard
And finds a big group of students forming a circle and chanting "Fight!"
"Oh yell!" Is momentarily distracted from his problem and joins the group. "Fight! Fight! Fight--."
Oh shit. That's his human in the circle!
Mammon's brain just started buffering as he watched MC dodge and weave, even getting some good hits in. The second brother was actually pretty impressed.
The lower demon in the fight eventually lost his footing and fell to the ground, giving an opening for MC to give a big kick between his legs and the demon let out a shrill scream. His green skin started smoking and changed to grey as it hardened and suddenly seemed more like stone than a person.
The circle of students started cheering and Mammon's jaw practically hit the floor.
Holy shit, the human did it!
MC fell the ground, panting heavily and bruised from head to toe.
Mammon finally rushed up to them.
"Damn, MC! You're gonna give me a heart attack!"
All of a sudden, some students started running and others just quickly jumped back, revealing Lucifer and Diavolo.
....yep, he's dead.
The two older demons started asking MC questions as they caught their breath and Mammon tried to sneak away.
Lucifer grabbed his brother by his jacket, but otherwise paid him no mind as MC told their tale.
Apparently this demon that sits behind them in their Devildom History class had been giving them crap for a while; calling them names and pushing them around. Today they even started touching them in places that made them wanna break the demon's hand.
MC snapped and told them such. The demon only grinned. Honestly, he was probably waiting for them to say that.
From there, he dragged them out by their hair and the rest is rather obvious.
Diavolo had some of his men carry the demon away. Apparently, the stone-like skin is defense mechanism, essentially the equivalent of a turtle hiding in their shells for that sub-race of demon.
The prince assured MC that the demon will be dealt with and tasked Lucifer with getting them healed up.
Mammon was hung upside down from the roof for a few hours for letting this happen, but MC was patched up and okay in the end.
He usually buys all of his otaku stuff off of Akuzon
But occasionally, he likes to go out and by manga at this store downtown.
It's a once in a blue moon sort of thing, but he still does it
MC felt like taking a walk so they joined him
The two explored the shop as Levi fanboyed about seemingly every other series he passed.
The otaku had already started a pile of manga he planned to buy.
He didn't even notice when MC left his side until he approached the counter to pay
Boy just assumes you bailed on him at first and sinks into self-loathing mode
Until he heard a scream from outside.
He abandoned his manga and raced out, just in time to see another demon run for it and MC leaning against the building.
Their right arm was bleeding from the holes and claw marks made into it.
The third brother started freaking out and rushed them home, even leaving his books there.
When they get back, Lucifer patches them up with a first aid kit and a little bit of a potion.
MC explains how they were shopping with Levi when all of a sudden they saw Beel outside the store waving at them
She went out to talk to him, but then suddenly, it wasn't Beel anymore.
Apparently, it was a shapeshifting demon and, since they specifically choose Beel's form to take, Lucifer assumed that they must have been watching them for a while and planning this attack. They likely chose Beel because they knew he was someone MC would let their guard around.
Levi felt like crap for letting them get hurt, but MC said it was their fault for being tricked.
Lucifer decided it was both their faults and gave them both a long lecture
The fourth brother invited MC out for coffee
The blonde actually really likes the atmosphere of coffee shops and wanted to share it with them
The two ordered their coffee and sat at their table while talking about books. He recently read a book on artic fauna from the human world and was comparing the information he read with their own knowledge
It was a very relaxing experience like most of MC's quality with Satan.
Before the two of left, MC had to stop in the restroom.
That demon waited patiently for the human at their table, but when almost ten minutes went by, he became a bit annoyed and puzzled.
Not wanting to be rude, but also ready to leave, Satan approached the bathroom door
He paused mid knock when her heard a low growl followed by a cry from MC
Now in his demon form, the blonde kicked the door off its hinges. It wasn't locked or anything, but the man was super pissed.
Found a demon pressing MC, who had a gash in their head, against the opposite wall
'An eye for an eye' is more or less the philosophy he followed here, or rather, a head for a head.
He took the demon and slammed his head into another wall over and over again.
MC had to run up and tell him to stop after the other demon passed out.
They left the demon on the floor of the bathroom and Satan, with his arms around MC to keep them close, headed back to House of Lamentation
The human didn't want the other brothers to see them like this and worry so Satan snuck them into his room and went to get the first aid kit.
It was quiet between the two as he patched them up.
"I'm sorry for scaring you." He said as he finished with their stitches. "Seeing you hurt like that just made my blood boil. They deserved it, but you shouldn't have had to watch."
"It's okay... thank you for saving me."
The two spent the rest of the night huddled together in his room, reading and just settling down from the incident.
Shopping trip!
Asmo was a bit too enthusiastic about it, but that's part of why MC was all too willing to go
He mainly just wanted to see MC in cute outfits, but also bought a few for himself
Any self-consciousness MC might feel on her own is long gone when they spend time with him. He's always hyping them up and complimenting them and overall making them feel beautiful.
Time spent with Asmo is always a good time and well spent.
The fifth brother does actually leave their side for a bit after they found someone hot to flirt with
MC didn't mind and just let the Avatar of Lust do his thing as they continued to look through the racks.
At some point a very good looking demon approached them and started flirting with them
It became obvious that this dude was one of Asmo's demons, another demon of lust
Even with this in mind though, their attention really did make the human feel special, even if they probably said such sweet words to everyone
MC underestimated the demon, thinking that just because Asmo wasn't the aggressive sort that the demons under him wouldn't be either
Ends up following him out of the store and makes out with him against the wall of the building
They didn't understand why they were doing this, but the human's mind had been feeling foggy for a while now.
Suddenly, MC's whole body started to feel heavy and they were so dizzy that their vision was just a blur
Ends up passing out and waking up a few minutes later to Asmo crying as he stood over them and begging them to wake up
The man threw his arms around them.
Finds out that the fifth brother went looking for them when he saw that they weren't in the store anymore. He came outside just in time to see one of his underlings try to suck their soul out of their body.
As soon as they heard their superior's voice though, they dropped the human and ran.
The two went straight home and Asmo was extra clingy with them for the rest of the day.
The two of them went together to Madam Screams since they were both craving sweets.
Beel was really hungering for a cherry pit pie (though of course he planned on order other things as well) while MC was really hankering for some chocodevil cake.
The two happily got in line to pick out their treats, but MC stepped out to get a clearer view of the case with all of the treats to see if they wanted anything different instead.
Ends up getting attacked by a famished, minor demon of gluttony and slammed down on the glass case containing the sweets.
Beel jumped into gear; he changed into his demon form and threw the other demon off of them.
During the skirmish, the two ended up breaking down a wall and crushing three tables.
When the fight ended, the big guy rushed up to MC to make sure they're okay.
The human was bleeding and had a lot of glass shards embedded in their back and arms.
Though worried, the sweet boy keeps himself together and carefully takes out the bigger shards.
Rushes them home, treats forgotten.
Once home, Lucifer is the one who gets the rest of the glass out of their back and cleans up their wounds.
Beel stays by their side and lets them squeeze their hand when Luce's clean up hurts too much.
Luce gives his younger brother a lecture for all the stuff he had broken back at Madam Screams, but is surprisingly lenient with him.
The older brother didn't say it (and honestly, he should have), but he was proud of his brother for stepping up and protecting MC, but at the same time, expected nothing less from him.
Yeah, Lucifer will likely get sent the bill, but MC's safety is more important.
Belphie had fallen asleep during class; no surprise there.
The rest of the students left the room when class ended, but the seventh brother continued to sleep at his desk.
MC found his sleeping face cute and didn't want to wake the demon
So instead, they hung around the classroom, waiting for the Avatar of Sloth to awake; the school day was over and the classroom wasn't going to be used for anything else so they thought there'd be no harm in hanging around.
Sadly, they were wrong.
Another student, a jerk from their Seductive Speechcraft class had waited for them to leave the classroom in order to harass them, but when they didn't come out, he came in.
Eventually had them backed up against the wall and forcing their hand up their shirt, causing the human to yelp.
He tried covering their mouth with his other hand, but MC bit them, angering the demon and leading them to putting their hands around their throat as he yelled at them.
The entire time, the minor demon never saw the Avatar of Sloth sleeping at his desk.
Big mistake.
Belphie woke up and saw the scene before him, turning into his demon form real quick.
Didn't hesitate to grab a hold of the bastard and make him let go of MC, who was now gasping for much needed air.
The seventh brother used his miasma aura to weaken the demon as he was now the one doing the choking with the lower demon.
MC covered their face and cried in their corner on the floor.
It was too similar to That Night™️ and the human was bordering on panic attack because of it.
Once the minor demon passed out, Belphie turned and saw MC crying on the floor.
He rushed up to them, but stopped once MC started screaming and begging for him to stay back.
That look in their eyes... it was the same fearful look he remembered from That Night™️
And it killed Belphie inside because he never wanted them to be scared of him ever again.
He waited for the human to calm down and, with their permission, slowly approached them.
He wanted to hug them, but was afraid that they'd just be reminded of it even more so he held back.
Surprising him, the human hugged him instead.
He held them tight for as long as they needed and started to notice the bruises forming on their neck
The two went home after that and reported the incident to Lucifer before Belphie dragged MC with him for a nap.
He chose Beel and his' room since he knew the attic would probably be too much for them right now.
Cuddled close to them and apologized for all of it. For falling asleep and leaving them defenseless. For the other demon's attack. For scarying them. Above all, that he was sorry for That Night™️
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MC is Half Demon and They’re- Oh Crap They’re Barbatos’ Kid!
This is the second part of that one request I answered for Dia and Barb’s possible kids. Sorry this took so long! Writer’s block, y’know? Anyhoo~ enjoy, everyone!
This story didn’t start on the first day of the exchange program, it started five days before in Barbatos’ room at three in the morning with the poor butler waking up in a cold sweat.
Oh dear, it appeared the exchange program would be up in a bit of a tizzy. He had… a child? Oh my… Barbatos hoped the young master wouldn’t be too miffed about the student not being a totally normal human.
On the day of the exchange program, Barbatos insisted he had to be present for the event, he carefully pushed a cushioned sofa in the drop zone before opening the portal. The child fell right out of the sky and landed perfectly on the couch, they were already wearing a helmet and looked quite shocked by the cushioned fall.
Well, it was a big shock to the assembled crowd, but the child gave everyone a lopsided smile and removed their helmet.
“So, I assume I’m here for the exchange program?”
Well, this child was incredibly… what was the word the kids were using? chill? They were quite chill considering the situation, and was surprisingly prepared for the sudden drop into hell.
“Oh, I had a dream that this was going to happen, and I dream about the future n’stuff. I thought I’d come prepared.” “Ah, that’s very sensible.”
Diavolo recovered quickly from his shock and was positively delighted to meet this little munchkin. He insisted that they had to stay with their dad.
MC was polite, if not a bit overly calm about a lot of things. They didn’t run off to start trouble, and they didn’t seem very impressed by the Devildom itself. It was sort of like this child had a very low maximum level of excitement. Barbatos was glad his child wasn’t some little hellraiser.
He was never a child himself, so he’s a bit clueless about what children actually enjoy. Here child, have a… have an old torture weapon. Don’t use it on anyone who doesn’t deserve it :)
(I’m kidding, Barbatos is too responsible to give one of his instruments of torture to a child. That’s for when they’re older.)
“MC,” Barbatos knocked on his child’s door. “Have you done your homework?”
MC answered the door with a grin on their face. “Yep, done this week’s and next week’s. I’m getting a head start on the potions project due next week.”
Barbatos almost breathed a small sigh of relief. Thank the stars his child was responsible, it already took a big chunk of his energy to make sure Diavolo didn’t get distracted from his paperwork. Though, his stress levels did rise a tad when he got a glimpse at the mess in MC’s room.
“Are you going to clean that?”
“Nah,” MC shrugged. “It’s whatever. I know where everything is and nothing’s a fall risk. See you at dinner, father.”
And with that, MC shut the door. Well… no child was perfect.
As much as MC’s lack of cleanliness bothers Barbatos, he knows his kid isn’t being maliciously lazy, just for the love of the Demon King please stop leaving cups on the coffee tables without a coaster!
Oh yeah, Luke has a big sib. Sorry- little sib, because Luke isn’t some chihuahua child, he’s a totally mature grown-up Angel.
Barbatos is the type of father who will let his child go off and have whatever kind of fun they want as long as they don’t slack on their important duties.
Barbs also has a goddamn torture dungeon so we here at Stupid Headcanons inc. do NOT recommend trying to eat MC. Doing so may result in you wishing you were dead.
Don’t fuck with the butler.
…out of literally everyone in the room, the last person Lucifer expected to have a secret scandal baby… had a scandal baby. Damn.
At least the human wouldn’t have to live with him and his brothers. The last thing Lucifer wanted was for Barbatos to be even more aware of the chaos that went down in that house every single day.
MC and Lucifer have a healthy level of respect for one another, but Lucifer just can’t shake the feeling that this kid is messing with him somehow.
Just, little things… MC offering him fruit and loudly assuring him that it was just blackberries and nothing poisonous, asking if the RAD uniform suits his tastes, proclaiming that the dirt was high quality-
MC wasn’t exactly visibly goading him, they said everything with an innocent smile on their face.
When MC starts getting nosy with the attic, he’s not terribly sure how to deal with it. He was going up against a child that could at least partially tell the future. After the first time Lucifer told them to scram, they never went back to the steps… at least not when Lucifer was there to guard it…
After everything goes down, Lucifer is glad that MC wasn’t hurt or anything. He’d come to like the child and it’d be awful to lose the only person who could get his more hyperactive brothers to calm down.
Mammon wasn’t present for the meeting, but when he was informed later, the news was met with an eloquent: “the fuck? Huh, wild.”
He isn’t too interested in MC at first. At least until the little runt saved him from getting busted for skipping class. Mammon was just eating his lunch in the courtyard when MC passed by and calmly told him that if he skipped class he should not hang out in the west staircase because Lucifer was going to walk down those steps during third period.
At first Mammon tried to brush off the warning, but ended up listening to the kid anyway, and what do ya know! He didn’t get caught by Lucifer!
That’s when it clicked that MC could see the future, right? Right?! Ya know what Mammon could use that for?! Right?!
Gambling! Scams! Schemes! General shennaniganery!
MC wasn’t terribly enthused about the entire situation, so they may have messed with Mammon a little. Just a bit.
It’s not like Mammon ever listened when MC told him to cut his losses and leave the casino anyway 🙄
First reaction? Thank the anime gods that there wouldn’t be another normie living in the house with him…
Reaction upon hearing that the MC was Barb’s kid? Really? Barbatos? Wow… well, to be fair Levi totally understood why someone would be attracted to Barbatos, I mean, Levi’s watched plenty of anime involving butlers, but Barbatos actually having a living breathing child? Damn.
But still, Levi wasn’t going to hang out with some normie brat. He had better and nerdier things to devote his time to.
Whenever MC visited, Levi was up in his room. But once MC decided to poke their head in the door while Levi was in the middle of gamer raging.
They calmly sat Levi down and explained to him that he could be upset about whatever happened in his game, but lashing out wasn’t going to fix anything or make him better at the actual game.
…damn it… they were right.
Slowly but surely Levi and MC built up a friendship, and the brothers rejoiced at the lack of rage related Lotan summons.
Out of everything Satan could have possibly expected from the second exchange student, this was not one of them.
Satan began to wonder exactly how MC’s powers worked, he didn’t exactly have any concrete data to compare them to because Barbatos was so mysterious
Hm, how very interesting. Satan decided that it was up to him to satiate his own curiosity and began to study MC. To be honest, MC wasn’t being terribly interesting.
They were a pretty normal kid all things considered. MC went to class, made friends, did their work, very very normal. Well, except for the fact that they seemed to dodge practically every unfortunate thing that could have happened to them.
They’d stop at the perfect time to avoid something accidentally being spilled on them, they always had pencils ready, and they always seemed to know exactly when a teacher was coming… mad sus.
Satan eventually confronted MC about this, and they just shrugged and explained that they tend to dream about what was most likely to happen the next day and would adjust their actions accordingly.
It may have been anticlimactic, but MC did inform Satan that there would be a cat in the courtyard in fifteen minutes.
Asmo had genuinely been looking forward to the new exchange program, he was excited to have a new face around the house to shake things up! He loves his dear brothers but spending thousands of years with them makes their shenanigans become a bit… well, a bit boring.
But my oh my, the new face was being obscured by that tacky bicycle helmet… the new face looked an awful lot like Barbatos…
Once Asmo registered what was going on, he was positively enchanted with the little half human. They were just so cute! They looked like a baby Barbatos with those adorably chubby cheeks!
Oh Barbatos~ he just had to let Asmo babysit!
When Asmo managed to sweep MC away for a fun day with shifty uncle Solomon, he was reminded of all the shenanigans that he, Barbatos, and Solomon used to get up to.
*sigh, Barbie was always so busy… no time for a fun night of torture, chaos, and revelry
Anyhoodles~ MC was always such a relaxed little thing. They let Asmo vent whenever any awful tragedies occur, like when Asmo finds a sweater that isn’t in his size… *sniffle*
A child of Barbatos? The best cook in the three realms Barbatos?! …hey kid want to hang out with cool uncle Beel?
Beel tried everything in his power to get MC to make him food. I mean, the genetic disposition for making good food has to have been passed down from father to child!
When MC finally made Beel food, he was ecstatic!
…Until the food touched Beel’s tongue and he realized it wasn’t good, it was just… okay. Average. Passable.
Aw man… but the kid looked so excited to have made something for Beel…
Beel really hammed up his reaction to make MC feel better. Beel was like “Wow. So good. Amazing.” “Thanks Beel.”
Very sweet child, they don’t mind being used in place as a dumbell.
Damn, and here Belphie was, thinking Barbatos has standards. Apparently not!
When MC went and walked up the attic steps, Belphie was almost bouncing on his toes in anticipation. This human had been a pain in the rear to call up, so he was excited to finally get a good look at them. And lo and behold, a half demon child of Lord Diavolo’s butler.
MC grinned and greeted Belphie first, using his name and asking why the Avatar of Sloth was stuck up in the attic of his own home when he was supposed to be in the human world. Belphie was flabbergasted and didn’t exactly know how to respond.
He came up with a new plan quickly. Belphie didn’t exactly know how this kid’s powers worked, so he’d continue with trying to trick them into opening the attic door. Allowing Belphie to end their miserable little life and thus ruining the exchange program.
The child continued to visit Belphie up in the attic, relaying the events of what was going on, and Belphie continued to play the part of prisoner. Until one day in particular…
MC appeared in front of the door, looking a tad more unkempt than normal, they weren’t smiling their usual carefree smile either. Their eyes bore holes into Belphegor’s skull as they flared at him.
“How long have you been planning on killing me?”
MC had seen the future where they died at Belphie’s hand, and they sure as hell were not going to let him out of the attic after that. Though, they did tell Belphie about Lilith’s true fate before they left, and assured Belphie they had no reason to lie to him about something he wasn’t directly involved in.
So, Belphie did get let out of the attic eventually, and even though MC smiled and welcomed him back all the same, there would always a barrier between the two. Broken trust wasn’t easy to mend, after all.
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yandere-sins · 4 years
Now that the undatables are datable, can I see some thoughts on a jealous Diavolo who wants to hoard the mc? Just maybe a punishment for going on a trip to the human world with some of the bros and leaving him behind. Or he’s upset about how little time he can grab between the demon bros eating up all of their attention and his own duties. He’s just so cute, and I’m so happy he’s finally a surprise guest!!!!!
Bruh ask me!!!! Everyday I open the app to be welcomed by the handsome demon-king-in-making and my heart goes doki doki ♥ I decided I need a change of mind since I worked on the book for four days straight, so I wrote you a scenario instead of just my thoughts! Thanks for requesting and please enjoy!
»»———————— ♡ ————————««      
Humming, you were led down the hallways of the Demon Lord’s castle. With a smile and short waves, you greeted the little devils that passed you, snickering and welcoming you back. You had only been back home in the human world for a weekend, but they all seemed awfully joyous that their exchange student had returned, even though you couldn’t pinpoint why that was. 
Thanking the Little D that led you to Diavolo’s study, it swirled around you, giggling for a moment before leaving you alone, and you took a deep breath before knocking on the massive doors that separate you from the room. With a hint of anticipating nervousness, you waited for an answer, hoping Diavolo would be as happy to see you as you were to see him. Over your time in the Devildom - no matter how harsh the truths you had discovered were and how often you had questioned your capabilities since you met the brothers - you had grown quite fond of the Lord, always knowing he supported your progress and time here.
“Yes?” it called out from inside. You had no doubt that Diavolo knew everyone who knocked at his door, but it was still nice that his voice never lost a certain tinge of curiosity when he called someone in. With your smile growing wider, you entered, looking into the instantly brightening face of the man of the hour. 
“[Name]!” he called out, jumping out of his chair like an excited child, and you greeted Barbatos quickly before focusing your attention on the Lord in front of you. “I am back!” you announced, holding up the small package with sweets you brought as a gift from your trip.
“Where have you been?” he asked, his voice urgent despite the smile on his face. “I’ve been worried about you.”
“Huh?” you muttered in surprise. “I thought Lucifer was going to tell you that we were visiting my home for the weekend?”
“Is that so?” Diavolo grumbled under his breath, expression faltering and becoming somber for a moment before the corners of his lips curled up again. He opened his arm as he approached you, adding, “It’s good you’re back then.”
Even before he could reach you, you quickly handed over the package in your hand to Barbatos, who whispered a short, “His majesty was a little... tense this weekend.” Then spoke up louder, “I shall prepare some tea.”
With that, he was gone, and Diavolo pulled you into a hug, an affection you two had grown used to. It was wild for a mere human like you to embrace the future Demon Lord, but you weren’t complaining, especially not since it was Diavolo’s wish to act more normal with you. “I’m sorry. I really thought Luci was going to keep you updated,” you mumbled into his hug, and Diavolo let out a long, sad sigh that tugged on your heartstrings. 
“I can think about why,” Diavolo revealed, and your curiosity perked up at that, showing in your face when you finally brought some distance between you two. “Why?” you asked, unsure what he could mean, but Diavolo’s answer kept you waiting while his eyes scanned all over you, inspecting all of you as if he hadn’t seen you in years. “It’s not a surprise. Anyone would want you all to themselves.”
Furrowing your brows, you let yourself be led to the discussion couch in the middle of the room, sitting down together with Diavolo on his urging. “If Lucifer had told me, I’d have insisted on tagging along. I am sure he wanted to be the only one to have all of your attention this weekend.”
Spluttering, you felt the heat shoot into your head as you shook it vehemently. “It’s not like that! I just showed him around my hometown, and we had all kinds of foods, and...” your words trailed off as you heard the door behind you open again, Barbatos walking in with an apologetic smile as if he had interrupted something, tea tray in his hands.
“As I said, it was just a change of scenery.” Clearing your throat, you tried to change the topic, looking Diavolo straight in the eyes as you spoke up. For a moment, you thought to notice a disapproving gleam in his eyes, but you merely spoke over the bad feeling his unusual stern expression and crossed arms gave you. “What have you been up to? I hope you didn’t just have to work all weekend!”
Prolonging his response, Diavolo hummed thoughtfully before sitting up straight and opening up his arms to receive the cup of tea Barbatos was handing to him, and afterwards to you. “That’s all, Barbatos,” he confirmed to his servant, the latter bowing before taking his leave. You thanked Barbatos too and took a sip of the hot beverage, letting the delicate aromas of the drink fill your nose. 
“I’ve... I’ve been busy, yeah,” Diavolo eventually simply admitted, an uncommon short answer coming from him. Not like he had much leisure to tell endless tales, but usually, he talked in longer sentences. “It’s been a quiet weekend, and I actually wanted to ask you to join me for tea, but I guess my message never reached you.”
“Oh, no...” you mumbled, realizing that since your DDD didn’t have reception in the human world, you hadn’t even checked it once in all this time. Not even know had you charged it and looked at it, having come directly to the castle instead after your return. A crude mistake on your side.
“It’s no problem.” A short smile crossed his lips as Diavolo looked into your regretful eyes. “I am used to it. You are always up to something with the brothers, so I am not surprised when you didn’t reply.” But disappointed. The words he didn’t speak were plainly visible on his face, and you felt a sting in your heart knowing that your carelessness had upset him. Biting your lip as you thought, you decided to make it up to him in the best way you could come up with.
“I’m sorry, your Highness... But I am here now! How about I wait for you to finish your work and we can go out together and have dinner? Promise I won’t leave this time!” Laughing, you tried to lift the mood, and at first, he gave you a raised brow and a somewhat skeptical look, but soon enough, even the Lord couldn’t resist your smile, chiming in softly. 
“Here, let me,” he prompted, taking your cup from you and filling it up with fresh, warm tea even though you hadn’t even finished. Being only able to see his back, you could only assume he even put sugar into the new brew for you, stirring your cup dutifully. It was an honor to receive such a treatment from someone like Diavolo, and you made sure to thank him plenty when he handed the cup back to you. 
“I think spending some time with you is a good idea. This weekend I’ve just been a bit too gloomy for everyone in the castle, I think. Can you believe it? I broke half of the entire inventory on tea sets we own in my frustration.”
Diavolo laughed out loudly while you couldn’t help but feel concerned about what he just revealed to you. It didn’t sound very healthy that he’d let out his mood on the items around him, much less on the people who had to endure the chaos he caused. Giving him a forced polite smile, you decided it was best to let him talk while you sipped your tea. It was almost too sweet now to enjoy it, but since Diavolo went out of his way to prepare it, who were you to refuse the gesture just because it was a little sweet?
“Everytime they brought me a new one, I felt so lonely since you never responded. Eventually, Barbartos decided no more tea for me.” His laugh became even louder as you felt your stomach twist anxiously, not liking what you were hearing. 
“But now you’re here.” Diavolo’s eyes focused back on you, blinking innocently as if he didn’t just reveal that he caused quite an unnecessary troubles. He opened his mouth, breathing in visibly before he continued to speak, one of his hands coming down to lay on your free one resting in your lap. “Let’s not talk about the past anymore. We should think about what we want to do when you wake up instead!”
“When I wake up?” you questioned, confused. Was this a dream? Did Diavolo meet you while you were asleep still? But everything and even his touch felt so real and warm, it couldn’t be. “Well, I didn’t think I’d stay the night. There’s school tomorrow, right?” you chuckled jokingly, nudging him slightly, but when you continued to talk, your voice betrayed you, cracking as you felt a nervous pull inside of you.
“I... I just thought we could go for dinner later, so we have enough time to prepare for tomorrow at home.”
As if on cue, the moment you finished your sentence, you looked back at Diavolo, feeling suddenly very light-headed. “I heard you, [Name].” Diavolo spoke slowly, sounding a bit like he was talking to a toddler, trying to pronounce his words clearly. “But you said it. You’re not leaving this time, and a promise is a promise.”
“W-What... What’s going on... ?” 
Indifferent to your growing discomfort, Diavolo took the cup of tea from you, putting it down on the coffee table before inching closer to you. An arm wrapped around your shoulders while another pressed between your knees and the couch, all while you felt dizzy and dizzier, your body slowly but surely growing heavy. “I think I deserve some extra time with you, and tonight must suffice for now. Maybe even tomorrow? Let’s see how long the magic lasts. Do you like movies?”
Really, it was more of a monologue by now as you could barely manage to speak anymore, being hit by seemingly the weight of the world as Diavolo lifted you gently from the couch. “We could watch one of the new movies I sponsored. Rate if they did a good job.” Giggling like an excited child, your head fell against his chest, your breathing growing slow and steady despite the inner panic you felt just seconds ago. Your eyelids felt like they were solid blocks of cement, ready to bow to gravity and fall closed.
“I know, you're very tired, you don’t need to answer me right away. I promise we’ll have a lot of fun together later, and you can tell me if you like movies then. If not...” Diavolo’s words came to a halt while he carried you forward, doors opening for him with seemingly no effort as he simply kept going and going. But it was too hard to comprehend what was going on, only a feeling of fear and disapproval left bubbling inside of you for a few moments more. 
“If not, I am sure we’ll find something,” he promised with a wide grin on his face. You felt his lips connect with the top of your head briefly before a second wave of tiredness overcame you, this time too strong to resist. Your eyelids refused to open while your mind was lulled into a dreamless sleep, your limbs hanging loosely from Diavolo’s arms. The last thing you remembered wondering was what he was going to do with you, but luckily, you didn’t finish this thought and rode yourself into more anxiety than the situation already gave you.
If Levi’s envy, Satan’s wrath, and Lucifer’s pride - feelings that were ever so possessive over you - were awful in your opinion, then you should have known better than to rise all of them in the strongest Demon that currently existed. Unless, that was, if you wanted him to catch you like a mouse with a piece of cheese?
If that was the case, you achieved exactly what you wanted.
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melodiesofblueroses · 3 years
Hey, i saw your requests were open so :D
I would like some fluff with Lucifer, Levi, Beel, and Satan
With a flirty s/o that when they flirts back she is shutter mess and just "s/o.exe stopped working"
(and I'm so sorry about my english, it's not my first language and I still learning)
This was such a cute request omg I love it sm. I can feel myself getting flustered just thinking about it! Thank you for the request, and I hope you enjoy it! Btw, your English is pretty good so don’t worry about it :)
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✦ Lucifer
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Lucifer certainly thought that you were a peculiar exchange student when you began flirting with him
i mean, here stood one of the most powerful and feared demons of the Devildom. hell, even his brothers feared him, and they were some of the most powerful too
you seemed so fearless and flirted with him so easily that Lucifer honestly couldn’t help but admire it
he’d usually roll his eyes or give a tiny smirk whenever you tried a pickup line on him or tried to flirt
(i could totally see him telling you which were good pickup lines and which ones needed more work)
he’s lived with his brother’s shenanigans for thousands, if not, millions of years by now
Lucifer can put up with a human’s flirtatious nature for a year by now
one day, however, Lucifer decided to flirt back just for the sake of it. you were always flirting with him, so why not try it back?
well, for someone so bold, Lucifer certainly wasn’t expecting you to become a nervous mess
you were immediately taken aback. Lucifer was so cold and stoic, you couldn’t imagine him even flirt back
and the fact that his voice just sounded so...hot? gosh, you could feel your heart begin to beat rapidly. was he always this attractive??
you could feel your face getting warmer by the second, your mind went blank, and any words you attempted to say either got stuck in your throat or ended up as an incoherent mess
y/n.exe has stopped working
to Lucifer, it was a bit, well, cute and satisfying. seeing you get all flustered over him was such a good feeling and boasted his already high ego
he uses this new information to his advantage, always flirting back whenever you did and smirking triumphantly afterwards
your shy and nervous reaction never got old. it was just too cute
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✰ Leviathan
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when Levi heard that they were expecting a human exchange student, he was expecting you to be somewhat troublesome
but not this troublesome
your compliments, teasing, and flirts would’ve damn near killed him the first time he heard them, although he never would get used to them despite having to live with him for a year
he never could hide the massive red blush or his shock whenever you tried to flirt with him
he didn’t think that he was the most attractive demon necessarily or even an interesting one
so why were you even flirting with him? even if it was just who you were, Levi would overanalyze every little move
but he did like the attention, so naturally, he would get jealous if you were to flirt with anyone else
it felt nice when he was the only one that received such attention from you
even if he had no idea how to flirt back or if he would even be able to, Levi would want to respond to your attempts
and when he finally gathered the courage to do so one day, he was a bit shocked yet smug at your reaction
you were exactly like him after all! it certainly did make him feel a bit better about himself, though it also flustered him at the same time
just how could a human look so cute??
your flustered face would become an immortalized memory for him, one that he was quite fond of
even after knowing how you’d react to such responses, Levi wouldn’t really respond on most days since he wouldn’t know how to until a few hours later (he always went blank immediately after you attempted to flirt with him)
on the off chance that he would flirt back, however, Levi would get a little ego boost and just enjoy the moment
guess you weren’t such a strong human after all
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✣ Satan
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at first, Satan is taken aback from your flirtatious nature, but that’s only because it’s been quite a while since someone approached him in such a way
it amuses him, so he flirts back from the get go, which made him learn of the fact that you easily get embarrassed if someone does it back
it became even more amusing for him
Satan just found it so fascinating that a human who so easily threw out compliments and flirts couldn’t handle someone else flirting back
he already found you to be cute since you were a small human amongst many demons, but this just added to your cuteness
Satan couldn’t help but tease you for it
get prepared to endure teasing for the next year
every time you attempted to flirt with him, Satan would always have a comeback, and a lovely one at that
seriously, how were they even better than your attempts
being at the receiving end of flirty comments was so much more different. i mean, Satan was just so well-spoken and attractive that you couldn’t help but blank out when he responded back
was this demon that you were crushing on really responding to your attempts? this surely wasn’t a dream, right?
he’d probably even start the flirting at times, which would only leave you both speechless and flustered which was exactly what Satan was aiming for
“hey y/n. would you care to hear my latest pickup line? i think it could be improved but i’d like a second opinion.”
cue the stutters and rosy cheeks which Satan grew to love oh so much
he’d always chuckle at your reaction which would only annoy you even more
gosh, he was such a tease
»»————- ♡ ————-««
✯ Beelzebub
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he would probably be kinda confused at first or just brush it off
you were human after all, so of course Beel wouldn’t really know of any human customs (at least he assumed it was one)
however, i do think that he’d find it a bit fun
(he loved all of your creative and new compliments, they were such a joy to listen to)
so he’d occasionally play along and flirt back
when he finds out that you get so embarrassed by it, Beel would laugh and find it adorable
like Satan, he’d find it fascinating that you could so easily dish out flirts but couldn’t take them
he couldn’t recall the last time he’s seen someone so flustered and speechless
even though Beel finds it adorable, i can see him getting a bit worried that you hate it so he’ll most likely stop flirting back
i mean, just seeing you so speechless and stuttering whenever you tried to respond made him extremely worried that he said something wrong
was his flirting inappropriate? did you perhaps not like it?
he didn’t want to do anything that you were uncomfortable with, so he’d stop responding with flirts altogether
although he would stop flirting back, Beel would still respond back to your flirts by smiling or chuckling at one that he found to be good
he didn’t want you to think that he was ignoring you (i swear he’s paying attention he’s just busy trying to satisfy his endless hunger)
honestly, that just made you even more flustered, especially the sight of his cute smile that you’d somehow fallen for
how did he look so good with a smile?? why was the sight of him smiling riling you up??
gahh, Beel was just too cute for his own good
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Title: Dissonance. 
Word Count: 3.0k
Commissioned by the lovely @arthurtheghostmechanic​.
[Part One]
TW: Kidnapping, Captivity, Emotional Manipulation, Unhealthy Power Dynamics, Non-Graphic Violence, and Suffocation.
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Every morning, Diavolo would help you get dressed.
It was a daily ritual, one that’d begun the first time you’d shown more interest in burning his gifts than wearing them, and he’d realized he liked the way you squirmed as his fingers brushed against your collarbone, his palms pressing against the dip of your back and his hands tracing the shape of your waist under the guise of fastening a row of clasps that’d been sewn in more for exorbity than security. You supposed this was how he intended to ‘court’ you, as he put it, or it was his favorite method, at least. The others came and went, and although he still occasionally took the time to bring you flowers from the castle’s garden or refuse to feed you at all until you let him feed you by hand, he always had an outfit waiting for you by the time you woke up, he always knew exactly how he wanted you to look, and he always helped you get dressed. Always. It was one of the few constants you could count on, with a man as busy as Diavolo.
Today, he was taking his time. Swabs of silky, scarlet fabric had already been draped over your form and adorned with just the right amount of black and gold to outweigh any individuality you might have retained, and yet, you could still feel warm breath ghost over your skin as he toyed with the strings of an already-bound corset, making you unsure whether he was still contemplating how to perfect it, or if he wanted to undo the intricate knots altogether. You could easily step away, finished or not. He’d positioned you to face a full-body mirror, one of the many scattered around the corners of his bedroom, but there was space, and he wouldn’t stop you, you were sure he wouldn’t stop you. Of all the things he was willing to do, raising a hand was where he drew the line, even if your stubborn neutrality often left him gritting his teeth and appealing to your sense of defeatism. It should’ve been a reassurance, it should’ve been a god-send, but in practice, his self-restraint only made you feel like the villain. If he wasn’t going to shove you away, then you’d have to shy back on your own. And if you did that, then you’d be the one to blame for his subsequent disappointment.
So, you stayed in place, glared at the floor, and wordlessly willed him to grow tired of watching you squirm sooner, instead of later.
Diavolo, however, was not as content with the silence as you were.
“You’ve been quiet, today,” He started, unprompted, unasked for. There couldn’t have been classes, that day. Clearly, he didn’t have anything better to do than draw your suffering out. “Is something wrong, my love?”
You could’ve told the truth. It would’ve been easy to, but there was some twisted, contorted part of you that still thought of Diavolo as someone distant, someone you shouldn’t upset, if only because it was so difficult to dampen his spirits, and he seemed so determined to keep them up. Even after he’d taken you away from the brothers, taken you away from the life you’d wanted, locked you into a gilded cage, and told you to sing for him, you still had to remind yourself to hate him. Fearing him was second nature, but loathing him was another burden entirely. Rather than spouting out the obvious, you let your eyes wander, past the mirror and to the well-decorated wall that lay beyond it. “I’ve been… with you for two weeks, and I haven’t seen anyone besides you and Barbatos,” You starters, letting your gaze fall onto a portrait of a young boy with gold eyes and crimson hair. It had to be Daivolo, but that wasn’t the surprising part - there was only Diavolo. No parents, father or otherwise, a theme that carried into many of the other decorative pieces, as you were beginning to notice. “Is it just the two of you?”
“Is that what’s been bothering you?” He chuckled, shrugging off your flat tone with all of his usual carelessness. If it was a sensitive topic, you couldn’t tell, but you could never tell, not with Diavolo. You’ve only seen him truly, genuinely affected a handful of times, and you doubted something as simple as a conversation would be the thing to finally leave a permanent impact. “If you’re worried there might be a lack of guests, don’t be. The only reason you haven’t met a diplomat or an ambassador or someone new and exciting is because of our budding arrangement.” He said it as if it were nothing, as if you’d just signed yourself into a contract you had yet to realize the full scope of. In his eyes, you might’ve. You were still trying to work out what exactly Diavolo thought your ‘arrangement’ was. “I thought it would be best to give you time. Humans can be such fickle creatures, and not all demons are as understanding as I am. I don’t want you saying the wrong thing to the wrong person while you’re still new to playing host.”
You should’ve known better than to press. You should’ve, but you pushed forward regardless, another singular pair of eyes in another all-but empty portrait working to spur you forward, despite your better judgment. “Still, you’re only a prince. Your father--”
“My father is asleep.” He spoke with the calm, practiced tone of someone who’d used the same excuse one too many times, of a child, scared and alone, trying to convince himself of something he didn’t really believe. “He has been, since the day he decided I was capable of ruling on my own, and while I’d be honored, I doubt he’s going to disturb his slumber to meet my chosen mate. He’s not a factor you should concern yourself with, darling.”
You were beginning to think there was nothing you should concern yourself with, not here, not when Diavolo thought of himself as so honorably, valiantly reliable. You hadn’t thought you’d miss that, about life with the brothers. You were left exhausted more often than not, in over your head with Mammon’s scheme’s or Lucifer’s standards or the twins’ insatiable habits, but at least you’d had enough to do to warrant exhaustion. You never thought you’d long to trip over a cursed book on the floor of Satan’s bedroom or find the door to Leviathan’s room blocked off by a dozen too many boxes, and yet, you found yourself waiting for it, sometimes, listening for an out of place scream, anticipating the next crisis. Diavolo said it was too much strain, for you. He said you shouldn’t be held responsible for a family so unpredictable.
He didn’t think you could handle it, so he sought out a way to handle you.
You bit down on the inside of your cheek. “That sounds lonely.”
There was a slight pause, a hint at a trace of hesitation. The closest thing you’d come to one, during your time with Diavolo. “It was.”
For a moment, neither of you spoke. Taking kind of prolonged stillness was unlike him, but Diavolo managed to redeem himself with a heavy sigh, a shake of his head, an arm wrapped around your waist as he slumped gingerly against you, leaning down as he slotted himself against your back. It was a heavy sort of tenderness, the type a desperate man might seek from a remorseless stone pillar, but your resolve felt a little less solid with every drum of his fingertips, every shaky breath he let echo against the back of your neck. You were the one to speak, though. If only to stop yourself from breaking first. “And that’s why I’m here, right?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper. “Because you’re lonely?”
You felt him stiffen against you, going rigid at the suggestion alone. “(Y/n), I never--”
“You have other people.” It was more frustration than anger, the sudden awareness that you’d been taken by him, because of him, for him, despite all the luxurious, loving ways he tried to dress it up. “Your father might be gone, but you have options. There’s an academy full of students who’d be happy to find themselves at your side, there’s a kingdom of subjects you could choose from, if you wanted to. Is that why you ran the exchange program? You just didn’t have enough options, you wanted to see what the other realms had to offer. Were you going to kidnap Solomon, if I wasn’t good enough?”
“I wasn’t looking for company,” He countered, his hold becoming a little more secure, growing a little more controlling. It was oppressive, one arm crossed over your stomach and the other over your chest, making it more difficult to inhale as you struggled to keep your breathing even, but somehow, his affection did little to comfort you. If anything, it just made you want to rip yourself away from him more. “When I found you, I wanted you. There’s no one else I’d consider--”
“You have Barbatos,” You went on, letting your hands curl into fists at your sides. “He’s your friend, and you have him, and you shouldn’t need me, too. Even if that wasn’t enough for you, Lucifer’s still there. He looks up to you, he’s loyal to you, if there was anything you needed, he’d go to the ends of the Earth to find it. You have him--”
“I used to have him,” Diavolo hissed, the words nearly muffled against the nape of your neck. “I had him, once, but it seems that someone has caused his attention to stray.”
Your jaw clenched shut, instantly, but you made a point of narrowing your eyes at his reflection. It was a small rebellion, one he barely seemed to notice, but it felt too right for you to really care about whether or not he deserved it. “I’m sorry,” You muttered, frantic irritation fading into mild, blatant displeasure. “I didn’t realize how much you hated it when your toys find other people to play with.”
Diavolo went tense. He went tense, he took in a sharp breath, closed his eyes, and with little more fanfare than that, he relaxed again, as calm and composed and infuriating as he always was.
This time, when his attention returned to your attire, it centered around the ribbon choker around the base of your neck, the fabric as soft as a newborn lamb and as dark as the Devildom would be, in the dead of night. His fingers slipped underneath the strip of material, and for a moment, you thought he’d tear it off completely, but he’d never been that kind.
Rather, he took his time, untying the loose knot and speaking, as he did so. You were beginning to hope he’d talk himself to death.
“Lucifer’s interests align with his heart. He’s smart, and I do value him, but he’s a sentimental creature. He only pledged himself to me because of Lilith, and now that you’ve given him something of Lilith, he’s satisfied. He doesn’t have a need for me, anymore.” The choker was pulled taunt, for a moment, cutting you off halfway through an inhale. It wasn’t suffocating, but Diavolo made no move to let go. “And while Barbatos will always be my closest companion, he is a servant. His loyalty to me is a loyalty to the crown, and there’s no doubt in my mind that he’d put a knife in my back, if he thought it would benefit the realm.”
It took you a moment to respond, your voice coming out weaker than you would’ve liked. “I don’t see what that has to do with me.”
“It’s because I want you to be more than that,” He started, the words nearly a plea. Despite his tenderness and his airy tone, the choker was still biting into your neck, still making it harder and harder to breath. If anything, the task was only growing more difficult, one of your hands unconsciously finding its way to your neck, following the indents where the fabric cut into your skin. “You may choose not to believe me, but I’m not looking for power. I’m not looking for somone I have to chain to my side, if I want them to stay. I want you to love me. I want you to look at me and see someone who you couldn’t picture yourself going on without.” A pause, a ragged exhale. Again, you felt him shake his head, Diavolo leaning forwards just enough to kiss the top of your head. “That’s how I feel about you.”
By now, you were pulling at the choker, prying at it, trying desperately to put a hair’s width of space between your neck and that noose. It was barely a scrap, just a strip of material, and yet in Diavolo’s hands, it became a vice, a chain, a collar attached to a leash just couldn’t stop yanking. You kicked blindly, scrambling to throw your elbow into his stomach or tear at the choker or do something to make it a little easier to breath, but Diavolo only laughed, the sound low, throaty, warm and heavy and fatal.
“I do want you to love me. If nothing else, I want you to care for me. Worry about me, if you have to. I know beggars can’t be choosers in a situation like this.” When he released you, letting the choker fall to the floor and pulling away from you completely, saving your dignity wasn’t an option. You stumbled forward, gasping, choking, trying to cough air into your lungs as you groped at your now-tender skin, reddened bruises already forming a tight ring around your neck. Diavolo watched you passively, letting you stumble forward and brace yourself against the standing mirror. “I want you to love me,” He went on, slowly. There was a step forward, a footfall softened by the slightest trace of reluctance, and Diavolo’s hand came to rest on your shoulder. “But I’ll find a way to live with it, if you have to fear me.”
It was all you could do to close your eyes as you fought to catch your breath, to rest your forehead against the cool, welcoming surface of the mirror. You couldn’t see your reflection, but you didn’t have to - your throat ached, throbbed, and when you forced yourself to give him a reply, it was raspy, as jagged as all the many things you wanted to drive into your kidnapper’s anatomy, at the moment. “I can’t believe I ever felt bad for you.”
Diavolo only grinned, letting you catch the edge of the expression in the corner of his eye as he stepped forward. A firm hand came to rest on the small of your back, but it was fleeting, chaste, as far from comfort as the light, almost unnoticeable kiss he pushed into your temple. “I’ve never been one for pity.”
With that, he stepped away from you completely, leaving you hunched over, your body shaking and your pride stomped so far into the ground, you doubted you’d ever nurse it back to its full health. You should’ve stopped there. You should’ve let him go, given yourself time to recover, and resigned yourself to spending the rest of the day sobbing your eyes out into satin sheets, but there was something burning in your chest, something hot and rough and ruthless, as it urged you to speak, to yell, to scream. You didn’t know if barking after Diavolo like his disloyal mutt would do anything to sate it, but there was a chance that it might, and that was a chance you were willing to chase after like your life depended on it.
“You can’t keep me here.” That was enough for him to pause, to glance over his shoulder as he moved to tell you that he was already doing just that, but you faster than him, this time. “I won’t let you keep me here. I’m going to get out, and once I do, I’m going to put myself so far out of your reach, you’ll be lucky to remember what I look like, by the time I’m done.”
He wasn’t facing you, but he didn’t have to be. You could hear his expression drop, his smugness not disappearing, but dampening. “I’ve told you, (Y/n), the brothers think you’re in the human realm, and the other exchange students have yet to express their concern. There’s nothing Lucifer or his--”
“Fuck Lucifer.” That earned you the slightest flinch, a subtle delay as he finally turned towards you, but you were past the point of patiently waiting for his reaction, for his approval. It was almost sickening, in retrospect, how you’d given him the benefit of the doubt after he’d kidnapped you, after he’d failed to have the decency to show a shred of remorse. He thought you were going to sit pretty and wait to be impressed, and you had to prove to him that you wouldn’t be so spineless. Brothers or no brothers. “I’m not locked in a tower. I’m not helpless. I don’t need to wait around for someone else to save me. I’ll crawl out of here, if I have to. I’ll claw my way out. I don’t care what I have to do, I will get away from you.”
You almost expected him to lash out. You might not blame him after that, but to your relief and your disgust, his composure never faltered. He didn’t raise a hand, did storm out or take you by the hair or do something violent and ugly and expected. It didn’t matter, though. His aggression was repressed, but that didn’t mean it was concealed, not when you could make it out in every clench of his jaw, in the way his head cocked just a little too far to the side. In the stretched, seamless, sadistic smile that soon found its way to his lips, only reassuring you that your new resolve would’ve been necessary, whether or not you were the one to provoke him.
“I’d like to see you try.”
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