Otome Daydreams
132 posts
Requests open // Look up at the night sky and make a wish, it might just come true // Very slow uploads
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 2 years ago
Okay ! May i ask you a few flower prompts about Kouta from Sanrio Boys ? Only if you have time and energy of course ! As again, I love your work and personality !
🌼 Wisteria - How they would be jealous, or if they can be jealous easily (maybe this is how we can see a side of Kouta we are not so used to see)
🌼 Periwinkle ! Add a random headcanon you have about Kouta
Thank you πŸ’™
ofc anon! This was a v cute and sweet request, and I had so much fun writing it! Kouta is such a sweetheart aw,, Hope you enjoy this request as much as I did writing it πŸ’• I also did something a little different, so it's a bit longer than usual but alas! hope you enjoy <3
flower prompts: kouta hasegawa
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❁ Wisteria β€” Would they get jealous easily?
kouta actually didn't get jealous too easily! it's pretty difficult to do so actually given that he's not really the jealous type
he trusts you wholeheartedly, of course; and kouta knows that if someone tries to flirt with you or make some sort of advances, you'd have it totally under control. he's not even that much of a confrontational type anyway, cutely shy
(though admittedly, he is a bit naϊve at times so he may or may not know what even constitutes as flirting. yuu would totally tease him about it at times)
but when kouta does get jealous β€” usually when he's a bit touch starved β€” it's the shy and quiet sort. he'd hide it from you and try his very best to deny it, to stave off those stupid feelings
he doesn't like the feeling of being jealous, and kouta totally thinks it's stupid anyway. he feels a bit embarrassed, in a way. there's no reason to be jealous after all!
the way his heart beats a bit painfully and how he gets all antsy makes kouta a bit too uncomfortable for his liking. ugh, his school uniform feels too stuffy now too, he pouts
and although kouta tries to hide it, he's not exactly a secretive person. he wears his heart on his sleeve, and it's pretty clear to everyone β€” including his friends and you β€” that he's jealous
he can deny it all he wants, but the way kouta is staring at the guy talking you up during free period, playing with the cuffs of his sleeves, is too obvious
yuu can't help but tease him about it, though shunsuke bluntly tells him to just confess his jealously to you (to which kouta absolutely refuses and even tries to deny he's even jealous. again, not convincing whatsoever)
but with some sage advice(?) and some hype from yuu who continues to egg him on, kouta decides to tell you so anyway. he can't really handle the twisted feeling in his chest anymore, and kouta feels himself getting more jealous the longer he watched you and the guy
he knows that it's nothing! but kouta will now admit, he was totally jealous of the proximity between you and the guy now during free period
"um, sweetheart.." kouta's voice is shy and comes out small, but it's still enough for you to hear. he sees as you turn around, quirking your head cutely to the side; it makes him flush all the more. kouta can't help but hide behind the homework he had brought, to avert his gaze from yours and stutter out his words. this was oh so flustering for him to admit after all.
"yes, kouta?" you turn around in your seat, waving goodbye to your classmate who you were just tutoring in japanese. it was free period after all, and there wasn't much else to do; besides, he had asked you for help beforehand anyway. but now that kouta had appeared, your attention is all on him.your boyfriend is all flushed pink and cute.
"um, could you.." kouta looks behind him for a few seconds, and he sees as yuu grins and motions for him to continue. it does make kouta all the more warm, but he does gather up the courage to blurt it out. "could me out with the japanese homework too?"
it's all too clear what's going on. you raise your brow, watching as your shy boyfriend holds his paper a bit too tight, crinkling it. and you look behind him, noticing how his friends are watching with such interest and spark. ah, kouta is jealous, you tut. it's easy to tell, especially with the way he holds the paper way too close to his lips and how kouta closes his eyes, as if preparing for rejection.
kouta was an open book: too easy to read. but it's also totally cute, you can't help but think, giggling a bit seeing how shy kouta was at the moment. y'know, it was a bit adorable that someone as shy as kouta even got jealous in the first place.
"of course, sweetie!" kouta gets even more warm at your words, and the pink tinting his cheeks brightens. well...he certainly didn't expect that (ok he didn't know what to expect). he gets all too flustered, and you can't help but smile at him really. gosh, jealous kouta really was a cutie, you think. you wouldn't tease him for being jealous now though...not here, at least. you think kouta would combust right here right now if you did so anyway, and you still need him until the end of the school day. "so, what do you need help on?"
ah, this was too embarrassing, kouta thinks, but he's all the more content still. the knot in his heart seems to have went away, and he relaxes his shoulders. even as warm as he felt, being tutored by you amidst free period, kouta was still pretty happy with the outcome. yeah, he didn't actually need any help, but that was irrelevant. kouta now got to spend time with you instead of that other guy, and that made him feel better. he sighs, a content smile on his lips.
man, jealously really was a disease, kouta thinks. he had to try harder to not get jealous again.
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❁ Periwinkle β€” A random headcanon of yours!
you once won kouta a pompompurin plushie from a claw machine during a date, and it's one of his most prized possessions (next to the plush from his grandma). kouta likes to sleep with it each night, cute smile on his lips, as he drifts off to sleep thinking about you.
honestly, he had a tendency of cuddling with that plush each time kouta was missing you as well; after all, it was a gift from you, and whenever kouta looked at it, he envisioned your adorable smile as you gifted him it. it reminded him a lot of you and brought him a lot of comfort whenever kouta was dealing with a lot. he'd never let you find out though; kouta think that'd be mega embarrassing.
(he also keeps it in a safe space hidden away when not at home so that his mom didn't accidentally throw it away as well)
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 2 years ago
OMG YOU ARE OPEN AGAIN ?! 😭 You are my favorite Sanrio danshi writer❣❣❣
Aww you flatter me too much anon 🩷 thank you so so much!! This genuinely made me blush haha πŸ’• I’m glad you enjoy my sanrio danshi writings! It’s a shame there aren’t many more writers in the space, but I’ll do the best that I can! I simply love my boys and wish there was more content for them <3 but yes, I’m open and ready for business!
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 2 years ago
Requests are open again!! For all my fandoms as well and including the flower prompt list
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 2 years ago
❁ Carnation β€” What are their favourite thing their S/O does to them? with kouta (cause he is just too cute for the world :'] )
This is,, stupid late. I’m so sorry anon!! Honestly, life got in the way and then my motivation fell flat etc. etc. etc. TT Regardless, if you’re still out there, I hope you enjoy this πŸ’• Kouta is one of my absolute favorite boys, and I hope I did him justice! I kinda miss writing for sanrio boys, so if anyone out there is still interested I’m totally open lol. Anyway, tysm for the request, and hope you enjoy! πŸ’ž
flower prompts: kouta hasegawa
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❁ Carnation β€” What are their favourite thing their S/O does to them?
Kouta’s absolute favorite thing that you do is quite simple, actually: hold him. In all honesty, he’s a bit of a touch-starved boy, even as shy and flustered as he got; so kouta absolutely lives for any form of physical affection. holding hands, pinching his cheeks, chaste forehead kisses, cuddles β€” they were all his favorite. as long as kouta was able to feel you, to hold you so close, he was alright.
your touch was simply so warm and loving; kouta couldn’t help but fall in love! when you intertwine hands or snuggle into him on the couch, he can feel his heart accelerate so quick. it skips a beat, but the feeling is..good. kouta flushes warm as you hold him, but there’s a sweet smile on his lips. you’re so comforting and warm, just like pompompurin, and kouta easily relaxes under your touch.
kouta is most definitely the touchy type, so just give him all the physical affection, and he’ll be a happy pup!
β€œhey sweetie,” he asks, with warm cheeks burning a cute shade of red; it suit him so. and kouta is a tad shy, unable to bring himself to look you directly in the eye. β€œcan you…um, nevermind!” your boyfriend is touch-starved, needing you as a remedy, but kouta can’t seem to bring himself to ask of such from you! thankfully, you can read him all too well, cuddling him promptly at once.
β€œthank you..!” he smiles, sweetly. and kouta snuggles into you, a bit too deep. all his wants and needs are satisfied now; you were his absolute favorite thing.
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
Does reqs close include the flower prompt or no??
Hey anon! For now it does since I haven't had much motivation to write recently (still have a prompt to do from before they were closed!), but I'll open them up again sometime soon! Now, however, both regular requests and flower prompts are closed for the time being :)
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
❁ Azalea β€” Will they want kids? How many? (with ryo, shunsuke and seichiro from sanrio boys) thank you have a nice day! <3
cute cute cute!! Tysm for the request anon, and I hope you enjoy πŸ’•
flower prompts: shunsuke yoshino, ryo nishimiya, seiichiro minamoto
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❁ Azalea β€” Will they want kids? How many?
hm, kids? ah, shunsuke never did ponder on the topic much before, actually. i mean, he certainly didn't mind kids and perhaps had a bit of a soft spot after observing the local soccer team of elementary kids practicing at the park's field (they were adorable, he had to admit); but, well, wasn't it simply much too early to be thinking about kids? he was still in high school after all.
but having kids with the love of his life, whenever he did manage to meet them and perhaps live together (even if it did seem a bit early to be thinking about such things), that surely was a thought he quite liked actually. gosh, he had no idea why his heart skipped a beat like that, the strong 'thump' resonating within his ears, or why his face got all warm and flushed when asked about it. i mean, well,,having kids with the love of his life didn't sound all that bad. he actually found himself getting a bit happy at the thought of it. mm, he was perhaps more of a family man that he had previously let on.
one kid, perhaps, or even two. shunsuke can't see himself with any more than that. children were quite a task after all, requiring much attention and care and money. and he never did want to neglect one over the other and all. plus, shunsuke did want a small family, perhaps with a cat or two as well. mm, the more shunsuke imagined it - him, his partner, his kid, and a cat perhaps - the more he seemed content and serene about it really. it seemed so picture perfect.
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❁ Azalea β€” Will they want kids? How many?
woah woah woah, kids?! ryo flushes instantly at the thought, a light pink dusting his cheeks. it certainly wasn't a topic he gave much thought about, being too concerned with everything else going on in his life and never focusing too much on his future. but the thought of having children in the future, with someone that'd be the love of his life, someone he'd want to devote his time too...wasn't it much too early for all of this talk?! or so, ryo thought, though perhaps the topic simply flustered him so that he shut it down just as quick as it was brought up.
ryo certainly didn't feel much like a parental figure, or well, more accurately put, couldn't see himself in such shoes. he's seen how tired his mother and father seemed raising five kids or so, and even ryo himself felt much too tired and fatigued as he thought about his sisters. even if he was the youngest, at times, they surely were a pain to deal with, so he wasn't all too confident that he'd be able to care for a child and tend to their every need.
perhaps it was a bit of insecurity on his part, thinking how he surely would never be all that good of a father, or maybe it was simply because he was still rather young and, well, never really did think about having kids all that much, but ryo didn't want any children in the future for the time being. if he was lucky enough to find a loving s/o to always be with in the future, then ryo would want to spend time with them, to be coddled and spoiled with their affection. ah, that sounded like the dream, ryo imagines, a bit of pink dusting his cheeks.
for now, however, there were certainly no plans of having kids in the future, wanting to spend a few years or so with his s/o alone. after that, however, he may consider it (but only if he truly did have a desire for wanting kids!).
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❁ Azalea β€” Will they want kids? How many?
he definitely was a family man of sorts and certainly loved kids to an extent. seiichiro found them to be adorable, and i can totally see him volunteering for some children's events or whatnot to get to spend time with and help them out. ah, seeing their cute, innocent smiles surely did make his heart all warm and happy, his own lips turning upward in a smile. so, even if it was a bit early to be thinking of such plans, especially with uni right around the corner, seiichiro knows right away that he wants kids.
he certainly would treat them with much love and care, vowed to never push them as hard as his own family did. seiichiro, while he definitely did want his child to live a good and happy life, never did want to stress them out, of course. the more he thought about having a kid, more so with his future partner, the one he'd devote his life to perhaps, the more seiichiro loved the idea. ah, raising a child together with his partner, giving them all the love and care and affection, having his own family; such thoughts made his heart beat just a bit faster, a smile on his face. seiichiro loved the idea of it all, really, a happy future.
two or three kids, seiichiro thinks, that was ideal. he'd want them to have at least a sibling so they wouldn't grow lonely and would have someone to rely on and help as well. even if they weren't too close, seiichiro was very much thankful for and loved his own older brother dearly. besides, he certainly did love kids, and i think he'd want more than one, though not many at the same time. raising children was very taxing after all, and he wanted to ensure that he'd be able to properly love and meet their every want and need.
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
❁ Daffodil β€” A cute thing about them w/yoosungie :3
ohh very cute!! Yoosung is absolutely a cutie so this was super fun to write! Hope you enjoy anon πŸ’•
flower prompts: yoosung kim
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❁ Daffodil β€” A cute thing about them.
well, yoosung was very much a cutie in his own right already, just a tad awkward but still very much sweet. there were many habits of his that were downright cute, in your mind: how he constantly fidgeted with his pencil when he was focused on homework; perhaps even how he always seemed to spend just a bit much in the bathroom each morning, making sure his hair was the perfect amount of fluff; or the way he'd stare at himself in the mirror in the morning and pat his cheeks, muttering how he'd try his best today as well or how he most certainly was going to say 'i love you' today - if it was early on in the relationship (it was supposed to be his secret, but you managed to catch a glimpse one morning).
gosh, what wasn't adorable about your boyfriend?
one habit of his that was especially cute was certainly how his tendency to stare at you, a sort of lovestruck look in his gaze. of course, you weren't supposed to know about it, how he admired his first ever romantic partner from afar; but you do catch a glimpse from the corner of your eyes. and when you turn to face him, yoosung immediately sputters and looks away, as if hiding it. the rising pink that tinted the very tips of his ears was certainly a dead giveaway, however.
but yoosung almost couldn't help but lovingly gaze at you. i mean, gosh, how could you be so pretty? especially when you concentrated at the task at hand, biting your lip or running a hand through your hair. he was a bit of a lovestruck college student after all, and perhaps it also had to do with this being his first relationship and all, but really, yoosung couldn't help but admire whatever you were doing, even on the most mundane of tasks.
it was a bit of an unconscious thing, you've come to notice. yoosung would sometimes simply stare off and watch you doing whatever, perhaps a sparkle or so in his eyes, a soft smile, as he admires how beautiful you looked, thinks about how awfully lucky he was to date someone like you. he certainly looked up to you, in a sense. and when yoosung caught himself, he usually had a small blush and looked away, though unable to help but sneak glances back at you, as if he was still fawning over a crush of sorts from afar rather than his own partner.
it was definitely cute though, you had to admit, especially that flustered reaction of his when you meet his eye and give him a small smile back.
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
Flower Prompts
A list of questions of my own creation for soft, sweet and loving headcanons. Mostly these suits for the canon era, but some are for a Modern!AU. Please, if you use, reblog and tag #flower prompt so I can see your amazing works. Feel free to use and request. Have fun β™‘
❁ Rose β€” How is a typical date?
❁ Tulip β€” What is their love language?
❁ Lily β€” What type of love language they like?
❁ Wisteria β€” Would they get jealous easly?
❁ Peony β€” How is their ideal partner?
❁ Violet β€” How would they realize they are in love?
❁ Hydrangea β€” How would they court their S/O?
❁ Petunia β€” How would they tell them they are in love? Where?
❁ Aster β€” How they are like? They change when their S/O is around?
❁ Bluebell β€” Perfume choice
❁ Delphinium β€” What are their favourite things to do to their S/O?
❁ Carnation β€” What are their favourite thing their S/O does to them?
❁ Primrose β€” Best and worst traits?
❁ Daffodil β€” A cute thing about them.
❁ Chives β€” What are their personality test results? And their zodiac sign?
❁ Papaver β€” What would make them mad?
❁Alstroemeria β€” What would make them sad?
❁ African Lily β€” How the would be in a [Intert name here] AU?
❁ Begonia β€” What are they deal breaker?
❁ Geranium β€” Something they can't stand.
❁ Verbena β€” How are morning with them like?
❁ Dahlia β€” How they sleep alone? And with someone?
❁ Zinnia β€” How they are in bed?
❁ Camellia β€” Little things they do.
❁ Blackeyed Susan β€” Favourite film/TV show?
❁ Calla lily β€” Favourite thing to do alone? And with someone?
❁ Water lily β€” What is their coffee order?
❁ Sunflower β€” How they kiss?
❁ Chrysanthemum β€” How they cuddle?
❁ Dusty miller β€” How is making out with them?
❁ Jasmine β€” What is their aesthetic style?
❁ Erica β€” How will they propose?
❁ Iris β€” What is being engaged to them like?
❁ Poinsettia β€” How is their ideal wedding like?
❁ Crocus β€” What is their ideal honeymoon?
❁ Azalea β€” Will they want kids? How many?
❁ Lavander β€” How they are as parents?
❁ Daisy β€” How is living with them like?
❁ Gardenia β€” Do they have any annoying habits?
❁ Gerbera daisy β€” How is their ideal house?
❁ Orchidaceae β€” Can they cook? What is their favourite food?
❁ Periwinkle β€” A random headcanon of yours!
❁ California Poppy β€” Free space, ask your question
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
Masterlist is finally updated to include the tea prompts!!
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
Sorry I just dipped on you after asking if tea prompts are open πŸ˜”
chai tea; how do they spice up their relationship? w/ kouta, shunsuke and seiichiro (from sanrio boys)
I hope you are ok and please have a nice day!! 😊
You're fine anon! These were cute to write hehe. Hope you’re alright as well and had a great new year!! Sorry for the slight delay, but thank you sm for the request, and I hope you enjoy πŸ’•
tea prompts: kouta hasegawa, shunsuke yoshino, seiichiro minamoto
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Kouta Hasegawa
chai tea; how do they spice up their relationship?
Kouta absolutely adores spending time with you alone, whether it's cuddling while watching a cheesy romcom underneath warm blankets or eating lunch together at the same table. He loves loves loves your presence really! It's so inviting and comforting; it felt like home, a place where he can be safe and sound. To him, there was no better place other than your arms.
So when things start to get a bit stale or boring perhaps, Kouta suggests spending more alone time together, so intimate - though not too much - and cozy; it's the little moments in life that count after all! Plus, with school and everything else going on, rarely did the two of you have the chance to simply relax and rewind together, finding comfort in one another. It was, well, perfect. Being able to cuddle one another close, quiet save for the beating of each other's hearts (which could surely be heard) and your guys' breathing, I'm sure it's also a bonding moment somewhat. It feels rather deep and close somewhat to be able to hear the other's heart rate or breathing patterns, things that went unnoticed in day-to-day life. It wasn't as if it was anything too big, but ah, hearing kouta's heart beat as you lay on his chest, slightly shy as you pick up it's a tad bit faster than usual because of you specifically, it certainly did deepen your guys' bond, the two of you as close as ever (literally and metaphorically that is).
It may seem a bit clichΓ©, perhaps, but simply cuddling one another and being so close in such a quiet environment certainly does spice up the relationship in a way. It makes Kouta realize even more just how utterly in love with you he was. There was no other sound that was as beautiful as your heart beat, no other warmth as comforting as your arms.
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Shunsuke Yoshino
chai tea; how do they spice up their relationship?
Ah Shunsuke is a bit tricky given that he's not much of an outwardly affectionate person. He' stoic and usually remained quiet and composed, saying a few words here and there. To others, it seems to be quite the mystery as to how the two of you got into a relationship. But Shunsuke surely loves you and finds you interesting! Even when you guys have completely different interests, you two get along so well, able to read each other's minds. And Shunsuke does love learning more about you, finding himself more and more in awe and in love with you.
To spice up the relationship, I think Shunsuke would try out some of your interests or hobbies with you, even when he struggles a little at first, brows furrowed as he figures out exactly how to do this thing! You giggle at how adorable he is and show him of course, so Shunsuke is certainly fascinated by how much you seemed to enjoy this hobby, loving the way you smiled or the excitement that shown through, a blush prominent on his cheeks. It's...cute, watching how much fun you were having. Shunsuke indeed loved it; there was nothing better than doing things with you, in his mind since it was so much fun. Even if you're a little surprised when Shunsuke awkwardly asks if he can watch or work with you given how not talkative he is, you certainly do end up enjoying how engrossed Shunsuke becomes (if only to impress you and watch the sheer joy on your face, his favorite). And Shunsuke invites you as well, teaching you how to play soccer and perhaps finding it quite amusing if you mess up (ah you were so cute).
But doing hobbies together certainly brings the two of you much closer together, finding much fun in teaching the other or even working on projects together. It does deepen the bond and relationship between you guys and spices things up a little.
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Seiichiro Minamoto
chai tea; how do they spice up their relationship?
He definitely enjoys going places, whether it's the usual trip to Puroland or even around the block to the grocery store; Seiichiro very much enjoys going out and tasting the fresh air. As someone so diligent and studious, he often finds himself trapped in his room, back bent over and eyes scanning another textbook for the umpteenth time. It was all so tiring. And sightseeing, well, I can surely see it as one of his hobbies.
So Seiichiro loves nothing more than going out to new places and exploring them with me, from hiking up a mountain trail to watching the cherry blossoms bloom in that one infamous park for it. There was nothing better than walking through places hand-in-hand together and discovering new sights, perhaps even a new favorite picnic sight for the two of you. Being able to share such beautiful sights together, amazed by nature itself, it felt so good actually. And Seiichiro absolutely loved the look of amazement in your eyes, the starstruck gaze you had as you observed such places. To him, your excitment and fascination was the cutest; it was more beautiful than any sights he'd seen, as cheesy as that sounded. And being able to witness them together was surely a blessing, in Seiichiro's mind anyway. There was nothing quite like the peaceful stillness, walking hand-in-hand and pointing out wonderful structures that were so pretty.
Exploring the world together, even when it was just right around the block, made the two of you much closer honestly, and the time spent together was very much enjoyable. It did make the relationship a little more exciting.
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
I gib
Hart ;-;
I'm so sorry for the late reply I didn't see you on my dash this whole time!! 😭
I actually sometimes can't concentrate and lose myself in any catchy music! But yup! It makes the work much more enjoyable :D
Oooh!! Tell me what you learned as well!! It really makes learning a lot funner when you get so interested in a topic that you dig deeper into it!
I actually forgot the titles of what I watched but I remembered one of the things I learned is that spending less time on the phone and making yourself bored lets your mind wander which helps in focusing and coming up with ideas!
CMC means custom mc which is like an oc hahah ✨
Yes!! I'd love to cry and scream with you!! I'm a huge Saeyoung simp so like, almost anything about him will make me go: πŸ₯Ί
But even if it's about characters I don't know about, I'd love to listen anyway!! :DD
I hope you're taking care of yourself too and not overworking!!! πŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ₯°πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’žπŸ¦„πŸ’–
I'm sure you're almost there and you can do this!! I believe in you!!! Don't forget to give yourself a treat for every one thing you accomplish! Love ya too πŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’
I accept your heart with open arms and send you more in return 😀 πŸ₯°πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’žπŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’“β€πŸ’•πŸ₯°πŸ’œπŸ’—πŸ’πŸ’•β€πŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’— And dw about the late reply!! Tumblrs wild sometimes I totally get it haha. I'm really glad to hear from you again though <3
Oh man, I felt you on losing yourself to the music haha. It does make it a little hard to concentrate, but at the same time, I need noise to do stuff so it's a lose-lose situation in my book lol. But it does make it more fun so!!
I actually didn't learn much over the break since I was so caught up in studies, but I did learn some interesting topics in my biochem class that I became way too invested in! Drug design and oncogenes were way too interesting, and it lowkey made me consider a career in it especially drug design since I love that sort of problem solving lol, except I don't really like lab work so it's a shame. But that sounds very interesting as well! It makes sense too since without your phone, your brain becomes more active (? Is that the word lol) and begins to wander since it's bored haha. It's really neat to learn the science behind it though! But maybe that's my bias talking haha
Ohh a custom mc!! That must've been so fun to make and create backstories for! Creating something from scratch then refining it, especially when you grow attached to it, is always loads of fun, and I'd love to hear about your mc if you want ofc :) I actually don't have my own cmc but it's always neat to see what others have made!
But yes! Saeyoung is such a lovable character omg. He's relatable in many ways even when his backstory is quite complex, which is actually one of the reasons I love him so. He deserves all the love 😀
I hope you're taking care of yourself as well! Remember to take breaks and drink plenty lf water! I'm almost done too (halfway there!), so I can't wait until break! lol. Remember to not overwork yourself too! Ily πŸ₯°πŸ’•
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
Hiii just popping in to ask if you are doing tea prompts still?? πŸ€”πŸ€”
Hey hey anon! I actually don't mind if you guys continue to request from the tea prompt list! I don't really put it anywhere on my blog, but if I reblog a prompt list, you can continue requesting from it whenever since I don't mind. So yes! Tea prompts are still open! Also, ik it says requests closed, but you can still send them in, although I prob won't get to them until next week when I finish finals lol. Hope this answered your question <3
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
Aaaaahhh I hope you get to enjoy the break to the fullest!! πŸ’– (Oooh delicious food!!! πŸ‘€βœ¨)
I'm still actually trying to find what to look forward in Thursday, but so far I planned:
Music Monday (blasting music while doing assignments)
Tedtalk Tuesday (gotta learn something outside of school!)
CMC Wednesday (designing a CMC!)
FREEDOM FRIDAY (where I go on Tumblr and scream about fictional characters πŸ˜‚)
Thank you for listening!!
I gib
More hart!!
I appreciate you!!! Mwah!!! πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
Oh also good luck with finals!!!! πŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’žβ€οΈπŸ’—πŸ’πŸ’žβ€οΈπŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’žβ™₯οΈβ£οΈπŸ’“πŸ’–πŸ’β€οΈπŸ’•β£οΈβ™₯οΈβ€οΈπŸ’β€οΈπŸ’•β€οΈ
Ahh thank you sm anon!! I've been greatly enjoying my break so far, mostly because I don't have class for an entire week lol and because it's very much needed! But your week sounds very eventful as well and super fun! I hope you enjoy it as well πŸ’•
I too love blasting music while I work on assignments or even when I'm writing! Sometimes I can't concentrate and I just start dancing and singing, but it's super fun and makes work much more enjoyable! Besides, I actually can't concentrate well without music haha. I wonder if you're the same? But Music Monday sounded like a blast; there's really nothing better than having a mini karaoke session while working on assignments. It makes it so fun imo.
Oo tell me what tedtalks you watched or what you learned about! Tedtalks are always so entertaining even when I don't have the attention span to watch them in their entirety. But learning something new outside of school is always a pleasure! It's really so interesting because you get so fascinated by a subject and fall down a rabbit hole and it genuinely makes learning so fun. I genuinely do love learning and getting to know more about the world, so I hope you found just as much enjoyment as well! Do tell me what you learned about as well :D
I actually have no idea what a CMC is (and I tried looking it up but to no avail. All I got was computer mediated communication lol!), but I hope you have tons of fun with it! And Freedom Friday is definitely super common haha. There's absolutely nothing better than crying about your fave characters~ If you'd like to cry about any of them, I'm always open as well. We cam cry and scream together 😀
Thank you for sharing anon! This was a delight to read, and I hope you have lots of fun fulfilling your goals each day! And thank you for the good luck! I'm definitely not looking forward to them, but I also can't wait to finish finally lmao. I appreciate you lots and lots too πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’žπŸ₯°β€πŸ’“ Remember to take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself! Stay hydrated, take a quick snack break or two! Love ya πŸ’•πŸ’•
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
Hi hii!! πŸ’– πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ I heard requests are open so if you don't mind, can I ask for a Saeyoung fic where the reader really needs to be told to sleep but she can't because of being stressed out with school? Thank you <33
Ah, what a mood honestly haha; this was supposed to be short, but ig I got too carried away writing it lol. I haven't written much for Seven, so I hope I was able to do him justice!! Thank you sm for requesting anon, and I hope you enjoy πŸ’• If you also have any finals coming up, good luck, and I hope you do well πŸ₯°πŸ’•
-𝘱𝘒π˜ͺ𝘳π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨: saeyoung choi x gn!reader
-𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: fluff
-𝘸𝘰𝘳π˜₯ 𝘀𝘰𝘢𝘯𝘡: ~2.3k
seven knew exactly what it was like to stay up until the early hours of the morning, too focused on the book in hand, trying to fit all one-hundred nine pages’s or so information in mind. many of his nights were spent like that after all, up until a few months or so ago when the whole ordeal took place. seven was no stranger to all-nighters, perhaps even nights (or more accurately, days) where he went without even a blink of sleep, chugging down energy drink after energy drink in order to stay awake long enough to complete just this one job, though this cycle would continue on and on. once he started something, was amidst his work, then it was difficult for seven to stop and rest, even if it was half past three in the morning.Β 
so seven could certainly sympathize with you right about now, watching with a pout as you sat at your desk for the fifth straight hour, bent over backwards over the mess of papers and scattered books, trying to cram as much information as you possibly could. finals were coming up for you after all, if seven could recall correctly, in a few days or so, meaning that surely you were stressed, so stressed beyond even your own comprehension. of course, it’s not as if seven didn’t understand that. back when he was still in school, he certainly felt that stress and pressure, more so knowing that he was practically responsible for his and his brother’s entire future. the burden was too much at the time, though he did try his best to ignore it by pushing through and studying until he hit his limits, beyond that even.Β 
but seven also knew that such methods of studying weren’t efficient nor good for your health. and being your significant other, being someone that he truly loved and cared for from the bottom of his heart, seven put his health and wellbeing above all else, and thus couldn’t help but worry and pout when he saw how hard you were pushing yourself. surely finals meant absolutely nothing compared to one’s health, though he too knew how that sentiment may seem far from the truth when under such immense stress and pressure.Β 
but now that he was here next to you, able to keep an eye on you at all times and ensure that you were taking care of your health (he could only wish that he had someone like that back then honestly), seven wanted nothing more than to pry you away from that fearsome pile of papers and to cuddle you all night long, to make sure that you got enough rest and didn’t overwork yourself like he did himself. he cared for you after all, and seven truly didn’t want to see you go down the same path of destruction he had gone through once as well. you deserved to be happy, at least, he wanted you so, and certainly stress was getting in the way of that goal. he wanted you to have nothing but a happy and stress-free life.Β 
β€œah, you should really come to bed y/n,” he sighed, a hint of desperation evident in his voice. seven was desperate to get you away from your studies, desperate to feel your touch and warmth and love once more. it surely felt as if he had been devoid of that the past few weeks, given that the only thing you could focus on were your studies; and as said before, seven totally understands that! but there definitely came a time when it became too much, and you were definitely past that. β€œit’s so cold in bed without chu~”
yet, despite his cutesy act that always seemed to, at the very least, get a hint of an adorable smile out of you, you still sat at that desk, not paying much mind to your lovely boyfriend or whatever antics he was up to currently.Β 
β€œafter this chapter…” 
it was a small soft mumble, barely audible unless he truly put his ear to it. seven had been receiving that response from you a lot lately, that or the tired smile you’d pull off whenever he came to give you snacks or drinks and advised you to take a small break, all pulled off in that high-pitched voice of his, hidden behind a cat plush, as he scolded you for pushing yourself (β€œnya!” he’d say, upping the pitch of his voice as he hid his face behind the plush, β€œwhy aren’t you taking care of yourself, nya? it makes me so sad”; and who couldn’t resist a break, especially when demanded by that cute kitty of yours?).
β€œi’m freezing right now though. you wouldn’t let your poor, lovely boyfriend freeze all by myself, would you y/n?”
the teasing, once more, fell on deaf ears, much to seven’s disappointment. oh, the pain and heartbreak of not being able to keep you away from your work despite being your lover. this was supposed to be his thing, was it not? what to do, what to do...
with a pout, seven got up from the bed and made his way over to you, standing above the desk and scanning the papers you were studying at this very moment. just what could possibly be taking up this much of your attention the past few days, more so than your cute boyfriend (he kids, he kids)? but he definitely had to admit, you were swamped. there was so much information in those few papers or so that you were holding, and even seven may have some difficulties trying to memorize or study them all, that is, trying to keep track of everything. you had so many subjects to study and information to memorize; it was a wonder how you remembered it all! he always knew you were so smart after all, being able to understand all of this with ease, or at the very least, enough to study and keep track of the topics.Β 
β€œ’s a lot,” you chuckled, feeling seven standing on top of you and in attempt to break the awkward silence that rose. it’s not as if you meant to ignore him or not spend as much time with him as before, of course. it was just that, ever since finals season approached, it had taken up much of your time, especially with all the assignments and projects and essays your professors gave you. besides, grades were another issue, whether it was getting them up or keeping them stable. ah, the end of the semester was certainly stressful, as much as that had been reiterated already. well, it was true, being in the final stretch and whatnot; it was only natural to start worrying about how well you were doing in your classes and how it’d affect your overall school performance. a bad grade only served to discourage you whereas good grades gave you a major boost. you knew that your feeling of worth or your happiness should depend on grades, but given that it was the final few weeks of the semester, it seemed hard to keep that mentality.Β 
if only you could jump through time and skip to the days afterwards.Β 
β€œwhich is why you should go to bed,” he continued, resting his chin on your head, β€œit’s getting late, and you have to rest y’know.”
there was still that slight playful tone in seven’s voice, as if chiding you in a little bit of a childish manner; but this time, he did sound much more serious, as if it was a demand rather than advice. he wanted, no, needed you to get up and go to bed, to drink a cup of water and eat dinner, to cuddle with him until the both of you fell asleep. you had been sitting in that same seat all day! surely there was a hole there already. you needed to destress for a while or so, to go to bed and continue studying the next day; your body would thank you for it honestly.Β 
β€œnope,” seven cut you off, β€œno buts. you even have eyebags from studying too much.” he poked your cheek, if only in attempt to get a rise out of you, perhaps to see that smile of yours that never failed to get a skip of his heart. it’s been so long since he had last seen you smile, or so, it felt like that.Β 
you didn’t seem to budge, however, puffing out your cheeks in attempt to drive off his poking attempts and going back to your studies. you loved seven, you truly did, but for now, your studies had more of an importance, temporarily at least. it was only for these few days, so you’d have to power through, even if it was almost eleven at night.
seven, however, was quite resilient, you should know, so he wasn’t one to give up easily. sure, he was at a loss when it seemed that you didn’t take too kindly to his playful attempts, trying to at least cheer you up with his childish acts and personas that you seemed to love very much (anything to make you happy, after all). but he soon had an idea of how to get you to come to bed with him, at least, he hoped so.Β 
β€œit’s so cold out here,” seven commented, bringing his hands to his arms and fake shivering, all complete with β€˜brr’s and chattering teeth here and there, to try and play the image of being frozen, of needing warmth. β€œif only i could keep warm somehow.” 
you could only roll your eyes at seven’s another attempt.Β 
he then placed a hand on your forehead, pretending to take your temperature, though not before. β€œwahh, you’re so cold y/n, freezing even!”
in reality, his hands were much colder than your forehead, or at least, it felt so given how cold they felt when placed to your skin. β€œbut i’m not-”
β€œyou can’t keep going like this babe, something is bound to happen, and i don’t want to lose you.” seven truly was a good actor, even adding in the fake tears and sniffles and everything. perhaps a k-drama actor was his calling, more of his specialty than hacking. plus, he did put on quite a good show.Β 
you always did have a tendency of underestimating seven’s strength, however, unable to resist when he pulled you up from your seat and in close to his chest. no matter how much you tried to pry yourself out of his grip, it was no use; it was practically steel honestly. damn, you cursed yourself, you always did forget that he had undergone such intense training. no wonder he was so fit and so strong. his grip was deathly, in an iron-like sense too.Β 
β€œdon’t worry though, my body heat should be enough to sustain you until we get there!”
the waddle to the bed a few feet from the desk was rather awkward, especially with the two of you stumbling in the dark and hitting your toes on all sorts of furniture once he turned off the lamp you had been using to study.Β 
β€œyahoo! we made it to safe landing!” he practically threw the two of you on the bed, wrapping you guys on the dishevled blankets that have yet to be made and folded properly on the bed.
β€œseven…” you mumbled, admittedly a bit agitated at him for successfully pulling you away from your desk, and consequently, your studies. you had a lot to do after all, with the piles and piles of information that still had to be looked over and studied for your finals in a few days. you certainly didn’t have time to waste, especially not now when it was nearing the end.Β 
but...the bed was simply too warm, seven’s touch and presence too good to let go. the blankets that weighed on you were definitely a source of comfort, practically pinning you down to the bed and making it difficult to get up. and the way seven wrapped you in his arms, the way he held you so tightly, his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck, obviously way too comfortable to let go. it was difficult to even get the courage to get up and finish your work, not with how good you felt right this moment. and it certainly didn’t help the way your fatigue began to weigh in, the consequences of all those sleepless nights and strained eyes crashing down at once the moment your head hit the soft pillow. it was difficult to not close your eyes, in all honesty; it was difficult to fight the feeling.Β 
...perhaps a light sleep wouldn’t be too bad.Β 
and so you closed your eyes, though it didn’t take too long for you to go to fall asleep right then and there; your body was practically begging you to do so anyway, even if you were mentally trying to fight it and not fall into a deep slumber for many hours.Β 
seven, on the other hand, couldn’t help but lightly chuckle at how cute you seemed, unable to resist the temptation of sleep, no matter how much you tried. it simply felt too good and too desirable. sleep really was simply the best.Β 
β€œgood night y/n,” he mumbled softly, careful not to wake you (though perhaps that wouldn’t happen either way given how deeply you seemed to be sleeping), gently placing a kiss on your forehead. you were by his side now, your warmth that he knew all too well making him feel much more sleepy by the second. you were finally resting, giving yourself time to fall asleep and recharge, and that was all that seven could ask for.
for now, seven felt as if he could sleep a bit more peacefully.
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
I gib
Tis Tuesday!!
Write down at least one (1) thing you're looking forward to for each day of the week! Small things always count!! You can do this!!
oo I once again accept your lovely heart anon!! And give you more in return πŸ’•πŸ’πŸ’žπŸ’—β€πŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’“πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’πŸ’•
I actually have a whole week off for break, so I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the week and having a break before finals! I can't wait to write and just read manga and watch youtube!! Also looking forward to the delicious food Thursday haha and sleeping in this week (no more 8 am labs for a while!!). I wonder what you're looking forward to anon!! I hope the week's been going well for you so far πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ₯°
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
Hey guys! Since I'm on Thanksgiving break rn, I'll open up requests for a bit, so send them in if you'd like! I also write for male reader now as well if that's what anyone would like as well!
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melodiesofblueroses Β· 3 years ago
Woke up to the first snow fall of the year! It might be early in the year for this, but I'm excited for the winter season
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