#if it’s not your cup of tea good!
frownyalfred · 2 years
I mean this in the best, most educational way:
You don’t get a gold star for not liking something.
If a tag, story or trope isn’t your thing, it doesn’t make you better — or more interesting, pure, appropriate, etc.
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kori-dearest · 4 months
People moralize so much that doesn’t need to be moralized. Ugly people are good. Annoying people are good. Unhygienic people are good. People with weird kinks are good. Rude people are good. Criminals are good. Uneducated people are good. And I’m being serious.
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kaelidascope · 5 months
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Hey hey! It's ya favorite chef here with a HORROR FIC this time! Peep the tags and the note before proceeding <3 It's time for some INFECTED BEES! 💃💃
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quynhorlose · 2 years
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Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, Jewish Literacy // “the hairpin turn” @quynhorlose // “The Elektra Complex” @filmnoirsbian // Beth Cavener // “Best Friend’s Brother” @mayzarbewithyou // Cain and Abel, Keith Vaughan + Andrew Kozma “Song of the Insensible” @brotherism // @mayzarbewithyou // “My Name Is Memory” Ann Brashares // “Cain and Abel” Adolf von Hildebrand // @mayzarbewithyou
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Luigi’s been acting weird lately-- and Bowser’s concerned. When Luigi vanishes one day without any warning, Bowser begrudgingly turns to Mario for help, meeting him at a (humorously petite) cafe in Mushroom Kingdom to discuss what’s been going on. Old rivalries die hard.
The cafe has really good liability insurance, don’t worry.
(A/N under the cut)
bear with me as i try to find my footing with this LOL, i am by no means a professional comic artist. i’m writing (or attempting to, at least) a comic based on my Evil Luigi AU-- read the original post/see the original art my looking thru the #my art tag on my blog! this is a bowuigi AU, so the relationship’s pre-established and Luigi, up until he ran away, had been ruling Koopa Kingdom alongside Bowser and navigating that fun new king life.
i have no idea what to tell yall to expect other than the fact that this will be very inconsistent in literally all senses of the word :’) but hey, im tryin my best-- i havent done any sort of comic in a long time and im having a lot of fun with this so far. if anything it’s good practice. right now i have at least a few pages planned out, but im not sure how quickly ill be able to draw them out, especially since i’ll be working full-time again soon. so see this as a bit of a teaser for things to come/an experiment to measure interest in the idea. :D
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crowleys-hips · 9 months
"I'm sick of people portraying this character as-" "I'm tired of seeing-" "I'm tired of fics where-"
okay then WRITE YOUR OWN. if you don't like the way others write your favorite characters, if you don't like certain tropes or scenarios, if you don't like certain headcanons, you're not obligated to read any of it. you are free to write your own shit. nothing is stopping you. fanfic writers don't owe you anything, and neither do authors, showrunners, etc. we're not here to cater to your own special little headcanons. we're here to tell stories we'd like to see and share them with people who want to see them. that's all. so stop complaining, and go make your own.
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zeravmeta · 6 months
im going through talent development plan and ultimate summer camp events again and what really strikes me about izuru's events even now is just how much compassion everyone has for izuru. and more than anything that despite finding everything boring izuru just goes around helping people.
like people ask him to help with menial tasks all the time and even though he finds it boring he just helps without really complaining. he does not turn down a single request from anyone. some characters call him out on being rude but at the same time they also immediately acknowledge that izuru doesn't really say these things will ill intent and moreso try to get him to actually use his talents for himself and to do basically anything compared to just being a machine that hopes peak applies directives to. It's also really striking to me how izuru has this like, negative self image in a weird way? he acknowledges that he's basically the smartest person on the planet but at the same time keeps insisting that if anyone were to stand beside him they would inevitably just leech off of him no matter what and with the way he refers to hopes peak I cant help but think that the steering committee actually programmed him in some ways to be subservient to them
despite all that though hes just incredibly earnest too. multiple characters like togami and kuzuryuu and ouma all offer him positions or just to stay with them after hopes peak and even though he's dismissive of the actual reasons why he also answers them completely honestly and says that he does seriously consider their offers. for all that life is boring to him, he does not hate living
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rabid-wolfie · 14 days
Grabbing my big sibling’s chin from under my desk and pissing down their throat so I don’t have to get up from my studies send post
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figofswords · 8 months
wow I didn’t think reblogging that tea post and then seeing people’s tags would deal me such strong psychic damage. come over I can fix you I can find a tea you will like. “I don’t like tea” how can you say that as a blanket statement when there are so many vastly different kinds of tea. head in hands
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espithewarlock · 3 months
For anyone who might be hesitant on fantasy AUs within fanfiction, I encourage you to give it a try! It's just our favorite boys falling in love again, but there might be magic or dragons (or both!) involved.
Really, fantasy is a story that's in a setting that allows your imagination to run wild. It breaks norms of reality and adds possibilities. Underneath it all is a familiar story of love and finding each other.
If you need some places to start, under the cut is a bunch of my favorite Piarles fantasy fics:
every broken piece of me (belongs to you) by @your-littlesecret (Explicit | 45k) - Jully's Fae!Pierre. An absolute marvel of worldbuilding. I adore this interpretation of the world of the Fae and the courts and everything in between. The details are gorgeous and the slow build of the relationship is so delicious. And there's a dragon. (It's Jully...of course there's a dragon!)
you are perfection, my only direction (it's fire on fire) by @singsweetmelodies (Explicit | 40k) - Katie's dragon riders AU! This fic is the epitome of we're-both-in-love-with-each-other-but-too-scared-to-admit-it. Arranged marriage and politics and they're both pining for each other the whole time while flying on their dragons. It's beautiful and hot and features meddlesome Sewis which I adore.
and it's coming closer by @wolfiemcwolferson (Explicit | 84k) - Logan's Werewolfierre fic! (what the fuck, it's 84k???) It's Logan, so nobody gets to be surprised when there's themes of loss and grief and found family here. It's one of those fics where the audience knows exactly what's happening and seeing Charles come to a slow understanding is beautifully done.
dragonheart by @duquesademiel (General | 2.1k) - sol's little bite-sized glimpse into an Eragon!AU. This fic captures so much worldbuilding and setup and establishing relationships in 2k words and I am eagerly camped out for the day when sol wants to add more to this universe.
hold your hand in mine (starlights in your eyes) by @your-littlesecret (Mature | 20k) - Jully's How To Train Your Dragon AU! It's so sweet and there's action and shenanigans and I am just a sucker for anything HTTYD. Honestly? Dragons. Need I say more??
miles away from places you have been by @wolfiemcwolferson (Explicit | 36k) - Logan's Vampierre! The air of mystery in this fic is incredible. Logan manages to capture that feeling of something being off and when it hits, it hits HARD. There's angst, there's tragedy, there's hope, and there's love. (And magic and vampires.)
e forse il mare è dentro di lui by @duquesademiel (Teen | 24k) - If the ocean was a character. There's magic and mystery and it's stunning how everything comes together. I love all the characters and how relentless Charles is in attempting to figure out what the fuck is happening on this island.
And, this is my blog, so I'm allowed to self-rec my own fantasy:
By the Grace of Magic and Flames (Teen | 54k) - The collab Jully and I wrote in 3 weeks. Dragon Rider!Charles and Witch!Pierre. Featuring sassy familiars and learning magic and so much pining. We honestly went insane over this and it's incredible.
A Nymph's Heart (Series | Teen | 46k) - My Nymph!Pierre & Violinist!Charles series. A small glade in the woods provides an excellent spot for Charles to practice his music, and there's an intriguing magical creature that lives there. They go to the Feywild in Part 2 and the way that magic works there is some of my best & favorite worldbuilding.
Bittersweet, That Glitter (Teen | 23k) - Dragon!Pierre & Potions Apprentice!Charles. Pierre is a shape-shifting dragon who finds his soulmate in a tiny village. Charles convinces him to stay and teach him magic and potions brewing, all while Pierre is trying to conceal his true identity as a dragon. I spent way too much time on potions brewing theory and I want to live in this world.
Our Love Is Not Illusion Based (Teen | 3k) - Another little bite-sized piece of magic where Pierre is a witch and Charles refuses to leave his side despite the stigma against witches. It's sweet with just a touch of angst and I'm so happy with how much I managed to pack into a short fic here.
The Boy With the Storm-Colored Eyes (Teen | 31k) - Mermaid!Charles!!! This is the first fic I ever posted to AO3/F1 RPF and it holds such a special place in my heart. I love naϊve Charles as a mermaid and surfer/scientist Pierre who is immediately besotted. The action and the drama is so good and the resolution is somehow angstier? I love this world and I love how they're drawn to each other despite everything in the way.
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magpod-confessions · 5 months
@ doorkeay-disliker anon
You do know that most doorkeay shippers were shipping it before knowing anything about the age gap? And that these are two consenting adults in at least their 30s? And that after that information showed up, Jonny came out saying he fucked up the timeline like an idiot? That he fucked it up many times? Nobody in that group of people wants that age gap, and shipped them before knowing of said age gap. The general timeline of TMA has so many mistakes, and so many Michaels. The Michael that worked with Eric could've been a different one, or he could know about Michael because Mary told him after binding him to the book to make him feel bad.
If you don't like. A ship, that's fucking fine. It's not your thing. Nobody's telling you that you have you like it. But you need to get over yourself with this whole righteous bullshit. If you actually read what people write for doorkeay, you'd notice they're always making them healthily consenting adults.
Moreso. I've never seen a doorkeay shipper harass anyone, or cause any fights. But people who claim "doorkeay has a problematic age gap!" even led harassment campaigns and told artists and writers to off themselves repeatedly for weeks on end for shipping it, when said artists and writers made it explicitly clear that they had always seen the ship as being about 2 to 3 years different maximum.
I hate when people come after ships between fucking grown adults. Why are you so fucking obsessed with it?
Care when they're shipping a minor with an adult.
Gerard Keay is not a child, he's in his 30s, and before we got his birthyear from Protocol, he could've been born anywhere in the 80s. Including 1980. No matter how much you whine, he's in his 30s. That's an adult worldwide as far as I'm aware in this dimension, bucko.
If we didn't get the exact year, he could've even been 43 at the oldest today (1980 to 2023). Doorkeay shippers have been under this understanding since forever (timeline's fucked. Play with it). And they almost always picture Michael as being close in age. Hell, I know someone who made a whole timeline trying to catch all the options that the mistakes cause and found that there's a chance Michael could've been a year younger than Gerry (before getting the set year from Protocol. That timeline was made over 2 years ago)
And the few times there's been a larger age gap, the authors/artist always make sure to clarify:
Smh. G/d forbid girls like anything
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burning-academia-if · 7 months
Hey, this isn’t related to the story but I was curious how you got started with twine? Your story inspired me and I want to learn the program so I can make my own. I wanted to see if you had any advice or reference points. Perfectly fine if not, much love regardless!
I've messed with Twine on and off for a while now, so I'm not sure when I actually got into it? It was probably when I originally got into IFs back in like 2015 lol
I use Twine Sugarcube specifically, and I pretty much just watched/read through these:
Twine or Treat: a youtube playlist where a guy shows you how to make a game. Focuses more on making an exploration/puzzle game in Twine, but still has some useful/relevant info
Introduction to Twine: another video playlist, although again, I really only watched what I needed
The Twine Grimoire: there's 3, with each one going through more complicated concepts each volume, includes Harlowe as well as Sugarcube
Sugarcube (and Harlowe) also have their own documentation, but it's so Long and Daunting that I honestly just ignored it when I first started LOL. It's obviously useful to have and reference, but I always need to watch people doing the thing first. I really struggle with just reading through things personally. I'm comfortable enough with Twine now that it isn't overwhelming though lol
Also I'd argue you really only need to learn how to set variables to get started with IFs. Once you know how passages work and how variables work, you're almost set to make an IF.
I'd also recommend learning the very basics HTML and CSS just in case. There's plenty of Twine templates available for free on itch.io, but if you want to adjust them in any way, it's helpful to know CSS/HTML. Also just have fun and mess around! From visual novels to this IF, my learning process has honestly just been 'fuck around and find out' and it's been useful so far! I also think it helps with the inherent anxiety of trying something new too
But yeah, hopefully some of this is helpful/useful to you!
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ratatatastic · 2 months
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#the forsblad agenda deepens#542... you are so important to me...#i was gonna add the fact that ekky does skew a little towards sweets even if he tries to pretend he doesnt#considering the “cookie on the ice cookie off the ice” ritual but he doesnt do it as much anymkre#but he has admitted he does eat half a cookie on the road sometimes with his coffee#which he drinks black; forsy also drinks it black as well#thats not anything surprising considering a good portion of athletes take coffee black to cut back on sugars for health/preformance reasons#its a little surprising because i know forsy enjoys pastries to a certain extent because of fika#but also considering the stated above you dont get an adonis body without certain sacrifices...#and considering the contrast between the rest of the scandinavians admitting they either add cream or milk#(or drink tea woo go sasha!!) to their coffee#it really cements the oh!-ness of him going “i think its just black. straight up.”#two boys cutting back on sweets for the sake of hockey theres romanticism somewhere in there#this is all to say it makes me really happy to see forsy indulge in sweets in the offseason#anyways enough about that lets go back to whatever the fuck forsblad are on#truly cross continental pyschosexual flirting is going on#wdym youre using your cup day to taunt ekky whos (checks notes)#fucking around in the tennis court around the time these shenanigans have started#why are you so obsessed with getting his attention...#if we get an ekky quote about the flying i will in fact eat a shoe 👍
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bardic-inspo · 9 days
Every time I go into the AA tag I find people to block and my new best friends and nearly nothing in between
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cobaltfluff · 7 months
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my man could you be any more obvious
bonus me overanalysing maruki after seeing him twice vs my smug friend who has been recommending me this game for years
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reggie-fish · 8 months
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sighs sorry guys i guess its time i get a real art style
note yes these are traced from cannon tf2 images HERES THE IMAGES I TRACED OVER FOR THIS JOKE
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