#if i try to talk about or show any signs of being autistic i get told to stop acting childish
theconcealedweapon · 6 months
There's a common assumption that sex is the only social situation that people go out of their way to achieve. Anything else is assumed to come naturally.
That's why there are so many pickup artists teaching men weird tricks for how to get laid, while advice for other social situations is often "just talk to people".
While many men treat getting laid as an accomplishment, autistic people are likely to treat a success in any social situation as an accomplishment. While many men feel like they "got lucky" when they get laid, autistic people are likely to feel like they "got lucky" when they succeed in any social situation.
For many men, if a woman shows signs of interest in him and he gets overly excited about it, he could think "this is awesome because it means I'm about to get laid". But if he's autistic, it could mean "this is awesome because I somehow managed to figure out how to be likeable enough for this to happen, even if she would never in a million years have sex with me".
It's very easy for an autistic person to be accused of being a pervert just for treating socializing like a science and for saying nonsexual things that have a socially accepted sexual connotation.
It's also very hard for asexual autistic people to get advice for social situations, because sex is often the only social situation that people think requires any analyzing. If you try to explain "I don't want sex but I want more intimacy than someone just saying hi to me when they walk by", most people wouldn't even believe you, and even if they did they'd assume that it comes naturally so they wouldn't give any useful advice.
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lovelybrooke · 11 months
Do you have any headcanons for what hobie would be like with a person he considers to be his younger sibling having autism? Like he’s older than them and they’re like a little sibling to him. To be more specific, they really like having a routine, are sensitive to loud noises, constantly stims by pacing, and is socially awkward and tend to feel like an alien around people
Hobie with an Autistic reader (Platonic yandere Hobie x reader).
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I'll be completely honest, I don't have Autism so if anything in this post seems offensive in any way, please notify me and I'll take it down immediately. I tried my best, so please keep that in mind while reading.
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Hobie takes your place as big brother very seriously, regardless of if you were autistic or not. He is very socially aware and easily can tell when you're overwhelmed and need a break. If you're showing any signs of distress, he takes you out of the situation immediately and helps you calm down.
While Hobie is a very random person and doesn't stick to one think often, he doesn't mind going about your specific routines with you, especially if it's a day where you need extra assistance. He doesn't mind doing the same thing over and over, because he knows how much you need to do your routines.
Music is a big part of Hobie's life, but he understands that his style of music might be too much for you. So, he involves you in his pastimes in other ways. You help him write the lyrics for his songs and on days where he doesn't feel like blaring out eardrums with his guitar, he'll play you songs at a volume you can enjoy. If you're feeling up to it, he'll even teach you how to play. You can bet that if you're into certain bands or styles of music, he's learning how to play their songs just to make you happy.
Hobie is not afraid of tell someone off if they are making you uncomfortable. If someone is being too loud, he gives you his headphones before telling them to be quiet. If someone makes fun of you for getting too excited about something, he tells them to fuck off because they're ruining your fun. If someone bad mouths you when you're not around, Hobie is the first to defend you. He's fiercely protective of you because it's his nature, not just because you're autistic. He can't stand people disrespecting the people he loves, and that extends to you.
Hobie knows how it feels to not belong and often feels other than. While a part of him is proud of his unique status, he knows it can be isolating. His heart hurts when he sees you genuinely try to open up to someone only to get shot down or your words be misinterpreted. It's why Hobie tries so hard to understand you.
Hobie is one of the few yanderes that doesn't keep you from having a life outside of him. In fact, Hobie is incredibly happy whenever you make progress in something you've been struggling with, like social situations. If you come to him talking about a new friend you made, he'll be so happy because he knows how stressful specific social situations might be.
One great thing about Hobie in this scenario is that he doesn't treat you like a child. He treats you like a person first, while also not completely ignoring your autism since he knows it's an integral part of you. He doesn't get annoyed at your stimming or ranting about your interests because those behaviors are an aspect of you, and that's what he loves about you. He doesn't try and change you and you don't try and change him, it's a perfect dynamic in his mind.
Though, like any big brother, Hobie can get very protective of you. He doesn't want to take his life away from you, but he can't help but get nervous whenever your put in situations where he knows a bad outcome is possible. Even if you explain to him that you'll be fine and that you can't constantly be coddled, he still feels like it's his responsibility to make sure you're doing okay, even if you're perfectly fine.
Hobie excuses his behavior by claiming that he's your brother and he knows best. He knows you're your own person, but he's just doing what he thinks is right for you. Manipulation his how Hobie gets around a lot of your questions about his behavior. He just wants you to be happy, so you should be questioning is protective nature or defensiveness, it's how big brothers act.
A/n: Again, I'm not autistic so please inform me if any of this was offensive/incorrect. I really hope you enjoyed.
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bluegekk0 · 5 days
I've been in such an emotional slump lately. I fear that I upset my friends without realizing and now every interaction I feel like they're mad at me. It's like every time we chat I get the impression that they're annoyed with me, I keep thinking they're being sarcastic and trying to tell me to shut up in subtle ways, but I'm scared of asking cause what if I'm overreacting like I usually do? I just hate it so much. I feel like I'm such an exhausting person to be around and a little voice in the back of my mind keeps telling me it would be better for everyone if I distanced myself.
And I'm also fighting really hard against the idea that people in general are getting bored of me. I know engagement is not everything, I know that drawing for myself should be a priority. It makes me happy, and I draw what I love BECAUSE I love it. But it's so hard for me to not hope for validation and feedback when I've been compared to others all childhood. And it stings so much when a drawing I'm super happy with maybe doesn't perform as well as I hoped (at least compares to the number of people who follow me). I don't know if it's not reaching people here or if it's just getting too repetitive for people to care anymore. Or perhaps people see my self-reblogs as desperate and get discourages from interacting for that reason? Maybe they're right for that.
I've also been looking into and educating myself on the experiences of autistic individuals since I suspect I'm on the spectrum, and I do relate to many of them, plus every test I take indicates that I might be autistic. So in theory, self diagnosing would help, right? I could stop worrying that I'm broken somehow or a failure of an adult, and just accept that my brain simply works differently and maybe even be more kind to myself. That sounds good. But then the doubts keep creeping in. I don't remember if I showed any signs in my childhood, I barely remember anything from it. So what if I'm wrong, what if there were none, and I'm just overanalyzing symptoms or even faking them? How can I consider myself part of the community if there is a chance I shouldn't be there at all? What if I'm just lazy, what if I'm an introverted, anxious loser who put themselves in this situation by being incompetent at everything, now trying to find excuses?
I don't know. There's so many exhausting thoughts that have been dragging my mood down for the past few days. And I guess I'm just waiting for it to pass since I'm so scared of actually going out there and getting help.
Well, there goes another oversharing session. I usually feel bad talking about this with my friends cause I don't want to put them under the obligation to respond. And with how terrible I am at responding to their struggles (not that I don't care, I'm just so, so bad at responding to emotions and putting my thoughts into words that don't make me sound robotic) it often feels too one sided. So I guess this is a way for me to scream into the void and give people a choice if they want to ignore it or respond. I could just write it down in a diary or something, but part of me is hoping that maybe this experience resonates with someone and I'd feel less alone. Or maybe I'm simply just desperate for advice or validation that would feed my ego.
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huboi · 11 months
character(s) — ayato, thoma, heizou, kazuha, itto, gorou
reader’s gender is not specified, nor is their race. I always try to make my fanfics as inclusive as possible
tw/cw — none ig, lemme know if there are any
note(s) — I made this as an autistic person, however this may not include like every trait of someone with autism if that makes sense. PLS DON’T USE THIS FANFIC TO SELF DIAGNOSE URSELF WITH AUTISM, it’s important to get professionally diagnosed due to overlapping symptoms
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sadly he’s usually busy with being the head of the yashiro commission so he can’t spend as much time with u as he would like to
if u have certain comfort foods? he’s defo asking his maids to make the highest quality version of said food
you stim? he’s ok with that, it doesn’t bother him at all, as long as ur happy. if u want him to he will get you fidget toys
you have hyperfixations? tell him about them, he may not seem like he’s listening whilst he’s signing some documents from other clans, but he is listening to ever single thing ur saying, he’s a very observant guy
his sister loves u and is fully understanding of ur different behaviours, she actually thinks it makes you very unique. whenever ayato is not around due to his work, ayaka is always available for stuff you need too, she’s always happy to help her future sibling in law :))
thoma is also very supportive of you, all of your needs will be met as soon as you ask for them. he sees you as a good friend, so dw about being a burden, he loves u as a brother would
you struggle to make eye contact? that is a ok, ayato doesn’t mind, he knows that ur still listening to him, he refuses to force you to make eye contact with him if it makes you uncomfortable
don’t like large crowded areas? perfect! he doesn’t really like crowded areas himself due to all the attention that’s on him due to his high status, he knows the perfect places in inazume where there are no people
don’t like loud noises? that’s ok too, he will make sure to buy you noise cancelling headphones just in case you need them at any time
one time another clan group came over to his to deal business, and when they noticed you avoiding eye contact and fidgeting with ur hands, they made a snide comment on how you were acting weirdly
safe to say ayato refuses their deal, no one talks to his partner like that and gets away with it Scott free
don’t worry, he comforted you straight after they were gone from ur sights, he even made sure his day after was free so he could spend it with u <33
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this malewife is just the absolute perfect boyfie to have that’ll be so accepting and understanding of ur autism
sometimes he will ask questions about certain things, u don’t have to answer them tho, he just wants to understand a bit further in depth so he can support you as best as he can
if u ever get overstimulated for whatever reason, he will grab tomaramura for u to cuddle with or just to be there for emotionel support (forgot how to spell the dogs name) (ignore this if ur allergic to dogs)
if u can’t make eye contact he won’t mind, he just wants u to be as comfy as possible around him
if u have comfort foods don’t worry at all, like this man’s got u covered, he’s the best chef tbh, man can cook. he doesn’t care if it’s simple or the most complicated thing to make, he will make it
u have hyperfixations? he loves to hear about them, u can swear he has love hearts in his eyes whenever you talk about what you love
in return, he will talk about the animals that he helps look after, even shows you some of the clothes he’s knitting them🥺
don’t like loud crowded areas? that’s fine, he doesn’t mind a nice walk on the beachside when it’s quiet and peaceful
if ur clingy he lives for that, like hug him all you want, he doesn’t mind. he’s cooking? u can hug him, he’s cleaning? hug him, he can multitask
if anyone ever makes fun of you or belittles u for being autistic, you swear that thoma becomes a different person alltogether, like- where’d ur man go?
dw after he’s done with them he will comfort you sm, cuddles, kisses n anything else u need, he’s on it <33
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at first, he’s not the best with knowing what to do or how to support you, but throughout the relationship he gets way better at understanding you
if ur unable to understand sarcasm, don’t worry, he will let you know if he’s being sarcastic or not, if u want him to tell u that is
doesn’t mind if ur clingy, he lives for that shit. cling to him all u want, he just basks in it, he’s also quite clingy at times, so he appreciates it being reciprocated
if u don’t like loud crowded areas, he’ll try his best to take you places where it’s more quiet or less people are around. if he’s unable to do so, he will just drag you throughout the city until you find a nice quiet spot to relax
if u have certain comfort foods he will buy them when he can, he’s not the best cook, but he’ll try his best when he does cook
if u don’t like making eye contact he’s fine with that too, he can still talk to you and you can still talk to him so what’s the problem?
have hyperfixations? great, he does too. sometimes you guys just end up talking about ur hyperfixations and when u realise the time it’s already night time somehow
one time you were attacked by some samurai cause they thought you were an easy target, safe to say that heizou literally kicked their asses for you :))
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when u tell him ur autistic, he just lightly smiles and says “I know love, the wind already told me”
he always knows whenever ur overstimulated, u don’t have to say/do anything, he has it covered
hate loud noises? if ur on the crux ship then kazuha will ask beidou if the crew and her could possibly keep it down a notch
hate crowded places? he has the perfect spots where only the wind resides, they’re always so calming as well
if u have comfort foods then he will make them or buy them when possible
don’t worry if u can’t make eye contact, he’s totally chill with it, doesn’t bother him at all
if ur clingy he’s fine with that too, you can cling to him as much as you would like and he won’t bat an eye
if u have hyperfixations he will just sit down and listen to them, he can listen to them for hours no matter what
one time a new crew member poked fun at you for your autism, safe to say that they were no longer a crew member the next day
even tho beidou is pretty boisterous and loud, she always tries her best to tone down her tone when speaking with you, she has a small soft spot for you and often buys you ur comfort foods when she has extra mora <33
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this himbo oni loves you for who you are, like he doesn’t care you have autism, he still thinks ur the coolest person ever, however ur still numero dos, he’s numero uno
whenever ur feeling overstimulated he will get out ushi and let you cuddle with him, if not then he can just be there for emotional support
whenever he has his gang around he always asks them to tone it down just a notch if ur also there, he doesn’t like to be the cause of ur discomfort
clingy asf, like if ur clingy he’s like so happy, hugs for days, kisses for days, just fluffy shenanigans all day
whenever you start stimming he copies you, not in a mean way, he actually enjoys stimming with you, if you want him to of course, if not then he’ll just annoy kuki or sum
one time a member of the tenryo commission made fun of you... safe to say you and kuki had to bust him out of jail again
speaking of kuki she is like amazing with you, very supportive and is the one to go to when ittos not around and up to his shenanigans
have comfort foods? he will buy them when he can, can’t buy them often since he and the gang are sadly broke
talking about ur hyperfixations all day? talking about ur hyperfixations all day :) u and him will both take turns talking about ur current hyperfixations
he’s trying his best ok <33
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best emotional support dog/hj
when ur feeling overstimulated u don’t have to say anything, he will sense ur overstimulated and cuddle you if you want, he will also let u play with his ears and tail if desired
won’t take for you being picked on by anyone that resides on watatsumi island, he wil give them a very stern talking to, and he’s a general so he can be quite strict when he needs to be
if ur clingy he is too, case solved. no but srs, he’s a dog boy, what did u expect? whenever u guys hug you can hear his tail wagging and thuming on whateverur sitting on
have comfort foods? not to worry, he’s on the case, he will cook for you, don’t test him, cause he will no matter what!
doesn’t mind if u can’t make eye contact, sometimes even he struggles to make eye contact, and he’s a general!
sadly because of his job as a general of an army oftentimes he’s unable to really see you or spend lots of time with you, so when he does have time off you guys make the most of it by spending as much time together as possible
in short, he’s an amazing boyfie who won’t hesitate to receive and give affection when possible <33
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shinoposting · 1 year
A comprehensive guide as to why Aburame Shino is peak Autistic Representation
Very long post under the cut!
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( This is poorly organized and doesn't actually include everything, but you know :] )
It starts with the flashback to when Torune was taken and flashbacks to early academy days, during which Shino is about 7.
He showed no interest in playing with other children, or in making friends. He didn't see a point in talking to people who didn't want to discuss his special interest, which he dedicated all his free time to, and he didn't emote when Torune was taken away, even though it impacted him very deeply. Even as a small child he talked "like an adult", monotonous, strange phrasing, over-explaining, and too quietly. When he wasn't being ignored by his classmates, they were trying to use him.
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Later on when you see him socialize more, in Pre-Teen and Teenage years, more things become apparent.
In general he seems semi-verbal, most of the time silent, and becomes agitated when forced to repeat himself. Konoha Hiden expands on this, saying that he wishes people just knew what he meant and felt without him having to talk, and that he is bonded to Akamaru because he feels that Akamaru is the only one who he can communicate with in that way. When he's upset he isolates and at one point is even seen hitting his head when he was trying to cool down and was interrupted by unwanted social interaction.
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He doesn't understand why people need to see his face, and usually doesn't look in the direction of the person he is addressing. He also doesn't understand jokes, rarely laughs, and angrily dissects puns…but then later puns become his entire sense of humor. He's never dressed for the season, either. Aburames tend to be very covered up by default but besides his Part 1 outfit he is always in multiple layers regardless of the season. (Year round trench coats are a huge autistic stereotype.) He gets along better with people outside of his age group, respected by adults and looked up to by younger kids who think he is cool and knowledgeable. Konoha Hiden also states that during this period he was suffering with comorbid Anxiety and Depression.
There's a lot of black and white thinking on display, for example he is anti-alcohol-- obviously he would have been taught not to drink as an Aburame, but he also doesn't like when others drink. He sees it as universally bad. He's a stickler for the rules and often scolds his peers for not following rules and guidelines. He also seems like a bit of a prude even though it is suggested that he himself has a dirty mind (noticing girls' cup sizes and the implications of Road to Ninja treating his Personal Business as a personality trait) which is a funny hypocrisy I have noticed in a lot of autistic people. He holds a hell of a grudge and ruminates endlessly, which is documented at higher rates in autistic people due to rigid thinking.
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He is trying to make friends like Torune wanted, and is now aware that not having friends is a bad thing. He starts feeling the pain of being ostracized not only in general but also by his friend group and isn't even sure if he has friends. He is 17 years old before he understands what allistics consider friend status.
We start to see some of his sensory issues pop up too. He is seen wearing sunglasses even at night and while sleeping. He hates any food that smells strongly and his favorites are pretty bland. He pulls a piece of meat out of his mouth, in public, uncharacteristically violating taboo. He was able to identify the number of people in a distant group only by sound at a time when this would have been above his skill level. (Which makes sense. Team 8 is thus Eyes, Ears, Nose. More on this later.) By Boruto, he has added ear protection and stronger eye protection that he wears when he is expecting to be near fluorescent lights or crowds. Suddenly his overall mood is greatly improved and he can smile openly.
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He shows signs of hyperempathy in being overly distressed when losing insects, as he has many millions of them, and having an exaggerated physical response to anticipating Sakura and Naruto's despair.
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He has chronic bitchy resting face and is extremely blunt to a a degree of being insulting, which makes people assume he is a mean person. He also comes across as pedantic to his peers, when from his perspective he's just didactic, and even though he over-explains everything his peers still have difficulty understanding what he's saying.
He will also randomly connect the topic of discussion to his special interest and begin infodumping about bugs, and isn't aware that people around him are not interested or worse, repulsed by his special interest until told, at which point he feels personally hurt. Generally his interests are very stereotypical of an autistic person: bugs, comics, ecology, strategy, etc.
He seems level-headed and robotically analytical until he reaches a certain threshold when he suddenly over-emotes in dramatic and awkward ways.
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You might notice that when his hands aren't in his pockets, he doesn't seem to know what to do with them; they're always balled into fists, which smells of someone who was taught not to stim. Even so, when he gets really excited in Konoha Hiden and is being himself, he starts spinning around. His speech quirk preceding frequent over-explanations (Why? Because... / The reason is because...) is also considered a type of echolalia.
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Mentioning Hiden, in the Blank Period we start to see changes associated with the autistic experience of starting to understand that you are awkward, not knowing how to fix it, and all the anxiety that comes with that. He is stuck riding the lag train and is fully ready to become a hermit in the woods.
He isn't understood in the way that he wants to be understood. He can't let himself get comfortable in other people's homes. He uses his trench coat as a barrier between himself and other people, treating it like a security blanket. He still doesn't understand how his choice of attire affects people's perception of him and becomes agitated when he's told it makes him look suspicious. He doesn't appear to be pursuing any intimate relationships, and displays a lack of boundaries when picking Choji up with his insects when he gets excited.
The lag train becomes even more apparent in Boruto. He hasn't found a partner, his friends are growing even further away from him, and possibly worst of all he's seen as more childish-- too grown-up as a kid, too immature as an adult.
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He is masking extremely heavily for the sake of his career, mirroring Iruka, removing almost all of his personal identity from his appearance including the parts that made him feel safe-- everything has to be professional. This actually hurts his ability to work with kids because he already knew how to talk to them, but he is now trying to emulate the image of a teacher for the sake of professionalism.
In the classroom he struggles with things I have seen real-life autistic teachers talk about: He works well with the younger kids, they love him and his fun facts, but the older ones can tell that there is something different about him and they will ignore or outright bully him. It's very difficult to control them or hold their interest. (He later develops stomach problems due to stress from working with said older kids)
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The big problem is that he is not good at masking. In traditional settings with very clearly defined roles and rules of how to act and what to say he gets by just fine, but in organic interactions it's nothing but spaghetti and this causes him severe stress. He is proud of himself for being able to speak to many people in a day now but at what cost? Pattern recognition and rigid thinking of course leads to rumination spirals, and under extreme pressure he starts reverting to childish things. He has only had Kura-maa a short time before he becomes attached and starts personifying it. This may seem childish, but autistic people are more likely to do this and will continue to do so later into life than their allistic peers. (See Object Personification in Autism: This paper will be very sad if you don’t read it)
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He has become a real people-pleaser, allowing himself to be imposed upon constantly, and apologizes excessively even for situations that were not his fault, which are both behaviors many autistic people pick up. And, for all his masking, he can't hide that he is still terrible at understanding and constructing metaphors, ie "bad insects" and the yakisoba bun analogy.
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He is trying his damnedest to adapt and accommodate himself in a rapidly changing world that wasn't very friendly to him to begin with. He was able to slide under the radar as respectable and somewhat normal when the world was as rigid as he is. Now every day he's facing new challenges that he isn't used to and he's acting a little fucked up and neurotic, overcompensating and making it worse.
So yeah, maybe he's not 'cool' by most standards. Not everyone gets a happy ending where they become the most ideal version of themselves. Not in real life, and not in animes that have hundreds of characters. What's important is that he is exactly on the trajectory set by previous installments to the series and very accurately and thoroughly depicting autistic struggles in every aspect of life. And that's pretty cool to me. :)
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Hi, I’m asking different related blogs if they have any advice for this because I’m not sure what to do when the time comes and I’d like some help if thats okay?
So I recently talked to my boyfriend, who is a little, about the idea of him possibly trying diapers because I think he would look and feel adorable. We had a long discussion about it because I knew it was a hard limit for him at first but he told me he doesn’t actually know why it’s a hard limit, rather more so being a stigma he’s created in his head about trying them. I told them he wouldn’t have to use them or anything, I’d reassure him all he needed and I’d take good care of him.
Now he’s telling me he wants to try it because he knows I’d make him feel safe. However he said he’s been thinking about it a lot and he’s afraid that he’ll try it and not like it and disappoint me (there’s no way he ever could, I love him too much)
Basically what I’m trying to ask is how could I make the experience, when it happens, the most comfortable and safest? How can I make him enjoy it/let himself be looked after? How can I ease him into this? He’s also autistic so gets overwhelmed easily. I just love him so much and I want him to be comfortable and make this enjoyable for him. Also what are like… the best ones? Idk. Like what would be the comfiest for him I guess. He’s very skinny if that helps
Hey there, Anon – thanks for the thoughtful question, and so sorry it's been so long since you asked this! I wanted to give you a proper response, and life was so crazy that I'm only just now getting to it.
First off, I'm no authority on this stuff. I'm just one kinky person on the internet, so please don't take my opinions as gospel. But right at the outset, I'd say that it sounds like you're starting in a very good place. You both are communicating, and you're both aware of hard and soft limits. You're also both open to negotiating, which is a great sign of a healthy relationship – so long as you can also maintain healthy boundaries for yourselves.
It's really so sweet what you've shared about your boyfriend, and it's super relatable! Few of us want to disappoint our loved ones, and certainly when we're trying new and intimate things, it can be SO easy to feel pressure to like stuff just because we know our partner wants us to like it. I therefore think what you both will need is a bit more courage and self-assertion. Ideally, he will find the courage and the confidence to say when he dislikes something after trying it for you, since he knows that that you'll still love him regardless.
This idea is obviously something you've communicated to him verbally, but perhaps you can find other ways to show it as well by example? Maybe try watching a show he really likes – or a food, or music, or a hobby – and don't be afraid to tell him if and when you don't like it? And encourage him to do the same with you? If you can establish a relationship in which you both feel it's okay to be different in your likes and dislikes, that can make open differences in intimate affairs that much easier to communicate.
You know, for example: "Hey, I know you really like tomato soup, and that's cool! It's just really not for me. How about we have it only once a week instead of twice?" "You know, I'm so glad you love that new Taylor album! It doesn't do much for me, but I do love seeing you happy. So don't worry – I'm totally fine with listening to it on repeat now and then."
Anyway, about making a first diaper experience comfortable and enjoyable! A few thoughts:
Let him try training pants instead of full-on diapers. Goodnites come in XL sizes these days (140+ pounds); they are super cheap and easy to find at many grocery/drug stores or Amazon. In case you aren't aware, these are pull-on, thin, disposable underwear made for bedwetting teens. Because they're essentially thicker, disposable underwear and they come with an assortment of cute/cool designs printed on them, they will likely be a great way to ease into diaper play. If he's unable to fit into them, maybe check Amazon for sample packs of 2 AB/DL diapers and see if there are some with designs he might like. Pretty much any AB/DL diaper will be soft and comfy. :-)
Don't make a big deal of it. When adults are wearing something babyish, we're often embarrassed by the experience. Sometimes what we want is to be able to duck into our room – maybe at our loved one's suggestion/command – and put the thing on ourselves. Wear pants over it, maybe. And then be completely, utterly normal about it. Let life go on. Have supper. Cuddle on the couch. Watch a show. Do whatever you normally would when he's in little space. Maybe let a hand stray down there and give a little pat, complimenting him on obeying you. Tell him how cute HE is (not the diaper; it's him you love. You want to show that you're not making him into your fetish dispensing machine.). And check in casually to ask how he's doing, or if he wants to take it off. Basically, the less of a deal you make of a potentially embarrassing ordeal, the easier and less overwhelming it will likely be for him.
After a try, don't rush. Give it some time – sleep on it. Check in a day or two later, maybe. See how he feels about it. If it works for you, try again – or maybe consider putting the ball in his court and let him tell you when he'd like to try again.
Communicate your own gratitude and concern. It sounds as though your boyfriend has a strong desire to please, so giving him a sense of how much fulfillment and joy he is bringing you can be essential. Sure, it will function as positive reinforcement and make it more likely that he might want to wear again. But more importantly, it will bring him relief and joy to know that he did well, that you still love him, and that even if/when he isn't wearing something special, you love him all the same.
Again, I'm very sorry for the delayed response. I hope these few thoughts will be helpful – and best of luck to you both!
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sagesilentfire · 3 months
Autistic Toffee, thoughts?
I mean I did make this image:
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But yeah, he's super fucking autistic. Like me. Canonically: (warning: references to self-harm and also oversharing my weird experiences as a chronic autism-haver)
Gets social skills enough to be manipulative about it and understand what people will do, does not get them enough to not creep out people who already are looking for an excuse to dislike him.
Like every behavior the creators gave him to make him creepy and evil just read as autistic person trying to mask to me.
Cold and emotionless? Bro has a flat affect and it just clashes with the overemotional rest of the show.
Low empathy? Autistic, and he does have his own kind of empathy, he just, like a lot of autistic people, expresses it weirdly. And seriously, the idea that a) Normative, neurotypical empathy is the only sign of good moral character and b) that Toffee lacks any version of empathy in general because he doesn't seem to care when unjust rulers or bootlicking toadies get their due, is really ableist and can go die now.
Monotone voice? Flat affect, and probably over-correcting on controlling his tone of voice too. Remember he's in Socialization Mode every time we see him, or Dealing With Mewmans Mode, which is even more tense. I bet he can and will emote via voice when alone or with people he trusts. Heck, he does it in Meteora's Lesson, when he's with the other septarians.
Ulterior motives? When you're autistic, you know that everyone has ulterior motives you can't hope to understand, including other autistic people. It's fine.
I actually headcanon he's repressed a lot of his sensory issues. I have a few that are really annoying, but I don't have another option if I want to appear in polite society and have to force myself to live with them even though they make me want to vomit, so I can see him actively choosing to repress emotional reactions to things. 
He gets overwhelmed more often than you'd expect. People just don't notice, because his reaction is always to freeze up and go silent – a shutdown, the "flight and/or freeze" part of the autistic experience. This is from my own personal experience: when overwhelmed I'm either yelling and angry (around people I know and trust enough to get mad at without them hurting me) or hiding and silently self-harming (around people I don't know or trust). (When I get overwhelmed in a place I feel comfortable but don't know anyone there, I tend to get weird in public looking for someone to feel less bad with. We don't talk about those times.)
I think he was close to a shutdown during Mewnipendence Day when he saw that stupid play Star put on.
Definitely doing a shutdown after he couldn't rescue Star. Probably exiting the scene as fast as possible to go pull out some scales (fun, risk-free self-harm! warning: only septarians can do this. you will bleed if you don't have a healing factor. be safe and maybe don't self--harm it's bad for you), grit his teeth, and go find a way to rescue Star. And also send an army to take over Butterfly Castle while the wand was out. Star would be alive to learn to live with not being a princess. 
Doesn't *always* know what to say. Can convince people to do things easily, but has no idea how to help other people with their emotions. His autistic ass could never be a therapist.
And then there's SAMATFOE Toffee, who has some extra Problems:
Sílthéy and Toffee work together to ensure that Toffee is as immune as possible to emotional leverage. Do anything to them, especially when they're in Business Mode, and Toffee will just sigh, shake their head, and refuse to take the bait. They may have PTSD and Autism, but have you considered: they also have severe emotional repression!
However, when they do crack, it's really bad, and potentially really dangerous. They still freeze and flee, but due to... circumstances, they could be as much of a magical superweapon as the wand, but in a completely uncontrollable way. Unlike the Butterflys, they do not make a habit of flirting with destroying the world, so instead they shove down their feelings and get their ass to therapy. 
And then when their therapist advocates for expressing their emotions healthily, they go get a new therapist, probably a cognitive behavioral therapist or something (I'm JOKING, CBT works for people who are not me! It's a perfectly fine method of brain-helping, it's just my default punching bag. I'm more of an Internal Family Systems guy myself). 
Rasticore is a big help. He helps them express medium amounts of emotion healthily and without having a complete (magi-nuclear) meltdown. They help him with his own meltdowns, because everyone is autistic in my world except for Mina. Rasticore finds their calm grounding. 
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kanatashinkaifr · 11 months
going to talk abt obey me and how they are all extremely neurodivergent!!! gonna go through my thoughts on each characters who stands out to me in one way or another.
Lucifer- he has NPD. dont even try to argue with me about this. from the way he holds himself to an extremely high standard to how hes LITERALLY the avatar of pride, hes just a total narc and I love him dearly. I also consider him to be autistic. half bcuz he shows some signs half bcuz I'm autistic and love projecting onto characters. I think that the way he is so strict and finds being on time so important is extremely autistic of him. he follows a very specific routine, and if said routine is messed with, he is unapproachable for atleast the rest of the day. this is shown in likee late lesson 24 or early lesson 25 I forget. he also has issues with emotions. both showing and I think even identifying them. autistic man. ALSO ptsd. duh.
mammon: adhd. he has adhd. he doesnt have npd, HOWEVER, he totally shows symptoms. he acts like hes on top of the world but the second a minor inconvenience happens he is just. reduced to nothing. I also like the hc of him being dyslexic.
levi: AUTISM AUTISM AUTISM!!! yeah that ones obvious like extremely obvious. stg autism runs into the family or smth cuz it feels like mammon and asmo are the only allistics in that mf house. dont need to explain why Levi is autistic. its obvious. if you really need an explanation just ask. but I also think he has severe social anxiety. like to the point that he gets extremely sick at the thought of social interaction. over the years, and with lots of trial and error medication, he can sort of deal with it now. still freaks him out though.
Satan: I think he takes after his father. like. A LOT. he is so npd and so autistic. I think that he really prides himself on his smarts but like. if he were to fail/get an average mark on a test (especially if lucifer got a high mark) he would disintegrate out of pure self hatred. if lucifer is better than him in any academic topic, you can practically feel the envy and rage coming from him. lucifer understands how he feels, and always tries to help him with his npd issues, but that just upsets him tenfold. "you think that *I* need *YOUR* help??? disgusting!". he has such issues I love him so much. not much to comment on his autism. also quite obvious, especially in nightbringer.
beel: autism. binge eating disorder. ptsd.
belphie: autism. BPD!!!!! B!! P!!! D!!!!!!!! I will scream it from the roof tops THAT MAN HAD BPD IDC WHAT YOU SAY!! impulsivity (especially when angry), unstable relations (mostly hc), uncontrolled anger, chronic emptiness (hc), self destructiveness, fear of abandonment. you look into the DSM-5 and there is a picture of him there. I think that. he might have PTSD too.
diavolo: autism. I dont care what anyone says I think he is an autistic woman who was just forced into masking. c-ptsd due to mainly emotional neglect.
solomon: autism. no canon reason to support this I'm just projecting. c-ptsd. he has very complicated feeling surrounding loneliness and abandonment due to his childhood.
simeon: autism. C-PTSD!!!!!!! I think that. there wasnt nessacarily anything that could generally be considered traumatizing. but a lot of things in his early days were extremely stressful for him. I think that hes always questioned the word of God just a bit. he made sure nobody ever found out, but he always had doubt within him. this has always eaten at him, as he is supposed to be an angel. Angel's do not doubt the word of their father,, so, why does he?
ermm okay I think that's. enough ranting for today...
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shylemon0 · 2 years
Elijah Mikaelson dating an Autistic!Reader would include (Headcanons)
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Got bored and started watching the vampire diaries again so here you go
Warning: implied violence/vampire stuff, autism stuff
(Gn) ———
· He’s such a gentleman, we all know this, so he’d be so respectful and kind towards you the second you met, and of course, you got smitten almost immediately with him especially since he’s so easy to talk to and he would never make you feel bad for not understanding something social · He has definitely met a couple of autistic people throughout the years he’s been alive, it was only when he met you that he got a name for it and was able to understand it more
· It’d take him a while before he felt safe introducing you to his siblings, knowing how they are likely to use you against him during a fight, he won’t take any shit from his siblings and expects them to respect you · He learned how to make your favorite dishes and safe foods perfectly, exactly how you like them
· Always asks for consent before he touches you in any way (like unnoticeable to bystanders and only you’d notice him asking as to not get any unwanted attention on you) and cares so much for your comfort 
· If one of your love languages is biting (same lol), he’d be surprised at first when you do it but he quickly would end up loving it, especially if you’re still human, he finds it cute · We all know he’s filthy rich, so don’t even try to be surprised when he buys you expensive stuff, or that he buys you anything you seem even slightly interested in, even if you didn’t say anything lol
· Will and has educated multiple ignorant people about your disability so you won’t have to get uncomfortable trying to explain why you are so “weird” to them, he would also quickly snap someone’s neck or drain them of blood if they keep harassing you about it or just keep being plain rude
· His siblings love you and quickly took you in, Rebekah and Kol would be the most friendly (Finn would be the nicest towards you if he was umm alive)
· He’s fantastic at comforting you, whenever you show any signs of almost having a meltdown, he’d get you out of the area before the meltdown even started and tries to calm you down and get rid of whatever was hurting you
· Again since he’s filthy rich, he’d take you anywhere in the world, especially if it has something to do with a special interest (like if your interests are either Disney, a country or any other place that has something to do with an interest)
· He just genuinely loves to see you happy, just to see you doing anything that makes you happy and to see you stim, it just makes him wanna squeeze you in a bear hug
(I have a taglist now! It’s on my pinned post if you want to know more about it!)
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madlyn5ever · 23 days
Madlyn headcanons!
-Ashlyn calls Maddox Bub
-when everyone goes back to camp the next year, Ashlyn takes the bunk Maddox’s bed is on so that she can hold hands with her from the top bunk, and she starts writing her little notes and sending them down to her with a string. Maddox makes them a little mail box out of the wood she uses for sets so that she can send notes back. (They paint the mail box like Carl and Ellie in up)
-Ashlyn gets one of those shirts that says “I don’t need google, my girlfriend knows everything” and Maddox gets them both shirts that say “if lost return to Ashlyn” and “I’m Ashlyn” like that cute old couple with shirts that said “if lost, please return me to Dee” and “I’m Dee”
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-Ashlyn says I love you first, and Maddox is so stunned she literally can’t get any words out and had a panic attack cause she wants to say it back but didn’t know what to do on the moment. She ends up asking for tips from Big Red, who is more than happy to help, and she ends up going backstage at the barn at camp and working the stage managers panel to drop a note on a string
(like they would do in the honey comb) where she tells her she loves in the note. (Including that Bug Red helped, cause who else could’ve inspired that -after all his little things like the light up sign, who else was gonna help her think of something that cute-. everyone is waiting outside and being nosey -in a sweet way- to their cute moment)
-Madlyn goes on double dates with Big Red and Andy, -I’m thinking Bandy or Brandy for their ship name, idk. Do we know if they have one and what it is?)
-Maddox becomes good friends with Big Red and bc they’re both neurodivergent they have a sort of symbiotic understanding in certain things. Big red knows all the best spots in school to go for quite. when Maddox gets overwhelmed for the first time around him he takes her to one of his spots, and some time afterwards he shows her where they all are in case she’s in a retain area of the school and needs one
-Maddox is ace and Ashlyn isn’t but she doesn’t necessarily need anything more than to have Maddox by her side and she doesn’t mind going her whole life without that side of a relationship as long as she has Maddox.
(Maddox eventually voices her worries about that when she tells Ash that she’s asexual and subsequently tries to avoid her -Ash is too good at knowing her girlfriend and finding her in a room full of people to not track her down to talk about why she’s avoiding her- it goes very well but Maddox can’t promise her reaction to stress won’t always be her running away and trying to avoid the person or thing causing it)
-For their one year anniversary, Ashlyn gets Dewey Wood to keep the camp running late (they keep it open for field trips and events during the year until camp over the summer) and she gets EJ as Val to drive them to Cali and sets up a movie night where they watch Maddox’s favorite Disney Channel original movie, Camp Rock 2 (the final Jam)
-after opening night Maddox’s mom asks why the hell she put a chunk of a tree in her room until she see’s what’s on it and they have a cute moment where Maddox gets to tell her mom Ash is her girlfriend offically. Her mom’s just happy Madison is out of the picture (she didn’t know what it was but she never liked Madison), but she’s so happy for her cause Maddox has been unknowingly gushing about Ash for weeks.
-When Maddox tells Ashlyn she’s autistic, Ashlyn does some research and gets her a little stuffed animal with the weighted beads inside it, (you can decide what animal cause I couldn’t pick between a d purple triceratops-which is what I have- and a raccoon -this one feels very Maddox I can’t explain why-) (Maddox likes the pressure of it on the side of her face for some reason)
-one of the first times she was there when Maddox was stressed and feeling overwhelmed and had darted to of the the nearest places big red had showed her, Ashlyn went after her and turned off the lights and sat with Maddox on the floor. (Eventually Maddox leaned against Ashlyn and fell asleep from being drained)
-The Balloons, sat in Ashlyn’s room until they deflated, and after that until Gina convince her that they needed to go because they were literally taking up space on her floor just sitting in their original spot. Ashlyn compromised and kept one folded in her drawer (including the note from Madison about how the way she talks about Ash is the way people talk about someone when their falling for them)
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church-of-lilith · 1 year
I would like to see the neurodivergent Abbott character notes? 👀
hello anon! for those who don’t know, this ask is in response to this post of mine. and i am here to provide you my notes. they’re long but here’s all my musings about each of the characters and my headcanons for them in terms of neurodivergency.
please note that I am in no way qualified to be making any of these headcanons. i’m not a medical professional i’m a teenager with autism & adhd just out here calling it like I see it.
Gregory Eddie
Gregory definitely shows signs of autism, and this is probably the most popular headcanon of the whole show.
- In canon right now I don’t believe he is diagnosed or ever really thought about or explored the possibility of being neurodivergent. His father doesn’t seem like the type to ever support him getting a diagnosis in early life. Moments that stuck out to me as an autistic person to lead me to this conclusion:
- His relationship with Gritty in the season 2 premiere. The whole “I just don’t get Gritty” thing. It’s a common thing for autistic people to not understand elements of culture that are important to most people. Gregory didn’t understand the hype around Gritty, and didn’t anticipate the negative backlash he would get from his coworkers upon admitting so.
- His ongoing problems with food, most notably in the episode where pizza is discussed. He has stated in canon before that there are only certain foods he can eat because of different issues with texture/temperature/flavor. i.e. “fruit should not be hot.” his boiled chicken sandwich, only eating pure dark chocolate. while I would not make these same choices in my eating habits, I understand having the ick towards certain foods. this is an autistic trait.
- Taking things too practically. Often times autistic people struggle to understand metaphors and take them way too literally. One of the examples of this I can think of in recent times was a conversation he had with Barbara in which she encouraged him to work through his problems. She said something along the lines of “This color does not look good on you.” Referring to the way he was acting. Later, he confesses to the camera that he thought he was dressed nicely that day. Clearly misunderstanding what she was trying to say.
- Having to stay organized with absolutely everything. We see this at the beginning of season two where he attempts to plan every day of the year down to the minute in order to stay in line with teaching guidelines. This, of course, before Barbara steps in and helps him realize this is improbable. Just the way he reacts at the idea of getting off schedule is incredibly reminiscent of how some people with autism become overwhelmed at the idea of things not going the exact right way.
- Gregory also really enjoys sticking to schedules. In the fire episode he tells Janine he has the fire drill schedule memorized. And during the teacher’s conference episode his need to have a schedule in order to feel comfortable is mentioned multiple times.
- In the teacher’s conference episode Gregory and Janine have a conversation about romance and relationships. He expresses that he feels like he is the problem in all of his relationships. That he’s the ‘weird’ one, so different that no one ever wants to stay. As an autistic person this one was extremely relatable to me.
In conclusion I wait for the day his neurodivergence is properly explored in canon. Because I do believe the day will come. And so does SLR apparently because at one point she tweeted an article about Gregory being great autistic representation. And then deleted it (😭)
Janine Teagues
Janine is also autistic, and let me tell you why. It all goes back to her velcro shoes (among other things but just let me have this moment real quick).
- In one of the season 2 episodes Janine talks about never learning how to tie her shoes and still not being able to, so as a result she wears velcro shoes. This is a very common (if not universal) autistic experience. It’s also a sign of childhood neglect but that’s a conversation for another day.
- As we know, she also has a problem picking up on social cues. She doesn’t let this stop her, and often does not have the social awareness to recognize when others are uncomfortable with something she’s saying or the way she’s acting until she is explicitly told so. We see this throughout the series but one moment that stuck out to me specifically was in the episode where she goes to Melissa’s house for cooking lessons. When she first gets there she won’t stop talking about her family relationships and doesn’t understand that Melissa wants her to stop talking as she loudly grinds the blender to drown her out. Even Melissa realizes it’s a moot point after awhile and gives up.
- Keeping a proper schedule and staying organized is also very important to her, (not as severely as Gregory) but still notably enough that she would probably get upset at any major variations. During the sick day episode when Ava has to sub for her we see that she has very detailed plans, like.. binders worth of plans. And she keeps her class on a tight schedule with story time, and listening to music, etc.
- Janine has the undeniable urge to fix literally every problem that comes her way. Even if the problem isn’t hers, she is so confident that she can fix it despite anyone or anything logically telling her that hey, maybe she shouldn’t. Once she gets her mind set on something, though, she cannot let it go. She has to be in control of every situation—or at least feel like she is.
Melissa Schemmenti
Probably the next most canon neurodivergent character. Personally I headcanon her as having ADHD, and at this point she canonically has dyslexia.
- Obviously in terms of her dyslexia we have that whole episode where she helps one of her students with difficulties reading.
- The way she talks with the student’s parents about getting her tested/possibly getting a diagnosis and then is clearly upset when the parents react negatively really stuck with me. Obviously when she first realized she was neurodivergent as a kid she didn’t have the resources to figure any of that out. It makes me think that she was initially resistant to getting diagnosed as she grew older (No doctor could tell her more about herself than she could. And if it ain’t broke don’t fix it right?) But at some point when she started teaching she realized she owed it to herself and in some part to the students she would be teaching to really figure herself out.
- Melissa strikes me as someone who is very impatient and gets easily frustrated with herself. But she would never get frustrated at a student who’s struggling with reading or otherwise. She doesn’t know how to go easy on herself.
- The reason I headcanon her as having ADHD is because of the way she self stims in some scenes. One that comes to mind specifically is when she’s arguing with Gregory about pizza and rocks herself back and forth.
- In one episode Melissa also has problems hearing things. It’s not mentioned again that I can remember but the auditory processing issues can be a sign of inattentive adhd (although if anything I’d say she shows some signs of both inattentive and hyperactive)
- Melissa’s obsession with firetrucks is something I would be remiss not to mention here. It’s a delightful hyperfixation and I love her for it. Her insistence on sharing this knowledge and trying to get others to enjoy her hyperfixation also screams neurodivergence to me.
Ava Coleman
Ava definitely has hyperactive ADHD. I see this a lot in the way she talks and acts.
- One of the most common signs of hyperactive ADHD is impulsivity. I would say that she makes a lot of impulsive decisions, specifically when it comes to shopping. In early season 1 we see her spending all of the school’s extra money on a large sign, for example. She also has a LOT of clothes to the point that she has her own business selling them. She also jumps into pyramid schemes with great ease.
- Another sign of that is talking excessively (and also at greater speeds). Ava talks pretty fast at times, and is always the first one to jump into a conversation with her thoughts. She has a hard time waiting her turn in conversations.
- The way she acts with the students in the episode where Gregory sends Micah to the principal’s office makes me think that Ava can relate to being ‘the problem child’ when she was in school. Her being hyperactive (unable to sit still, talking incessantly, acting impulsively etc.) makes sense under this lens. Her teachers likely wouldn’t be able to recognize her ADHD and would label her a problem, meaning she probably spent a lot of time in the principal’s office as a child herself.
Barbara Howard
My general analysis of Barbara is that she has OCD and suffers from repressed lesbianism. Both of these are rooted in her extremely religious upbringing.
- I do believe that a lot of Barbara’s OCD comes in the form of fixating on the rightness vs wrongness of things. And that this stems from her religious upbringing. An example of this is with Tamika’s mom and her utter fixation on the woman freely using profanities. This is wrong, so the woman must be immoral, and that’s a problem. When she actually gets to know Tamika’s mom and realizes that she’s actually a pretty great person, she doesn’t know how to comprehend that until Ava puts it into perspective for her. This can apply to herself too, (not wanting to roll around in the mud with melissa or having a crisis learning she’s been in the wrong with lighting her candles on school grounds.)
- Her interest in religion and the church borders on compulsive. This is why she’s very overtly religious, (introducing herself as a woman of god to anyone who will listen etc.) From a very young age I imagine that she’s had the idea of morality and being right instilled in her, which developed into this obsession as she got older.
- Barbara also seems very comforted by following a routine. She and Melissa have had the same spots at their table for years. She goes to the same place to get her nails done every week.
Jacob Hill
I do believe that Jacob suffers from an anxiety disorder of some kind. And also possibly autism but I’m less confident about that.
- Jacob comes across as a very nervous person. I suspect that this may come from his childhood although we don’t know much about it. He strikes me as a kid who was never really heard. That he’s always had a lot to say, but always somehow faded into the background when talking to parents/family. Him joining improv would add up with this, as it would finally make him the center of attention and force people to pay attention to him after being ignored by those closest to him for so many years.
- Similarly to Janine he’s not great at picking up on social cues. He doesn’t understand that people don’t appreciate his infodumping about random topics until he is explicitly told so. We see this most highlighted in the desking episode where we meet Zach for the first time and see his methods of helping Jacob stay on track of the conversation and prevent him from straying too far off topic
- He talks fast which is also something attributed to anxiety. It would also add up if he did struggle to get all his thoughts out as a kid as I suspect. Talking fast is a habit he’s grown into as an adult, so that no one can interrupt him or talk over him. If he gets all his thoughts out he doesn’t have to worry about not being heard.
- In a recent episode he talked about having night terrors, which definitely connects back to having anxiety. (Although we don’t know now frequently he has them or if that was just a one time thing). The way he reacts to the thought of Abbott turning charter also screams chronic anxiety to me. He loses it because it’s a situation he cannot anticipate.
Mr. Johnson
“Is the single most well adjusted man I’ve ever met.”
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manuinout · 6 months
So, I have a theory about Inside Out 2 after the read below! (in relation to my previous post)
So, people say that our childhood molds who we are as a person, right? I've been analysing the new emotions and I saw that Riley has indeed already felt them through the first movie without them necessarily being present! Here are the scenes where they are (probably) shown:
It can probably be related to her seeing the cool kids in her class with Disgust's statements. Of course, it's not explicitly shown any signs of Envy, but I can see some hints
The same scene where the first day of school takes place. When Riley starts crying in class, we see the cool kids give her a concerned look, and we clearly hear one of them whispering "Is she okay?". However, despite all of these signs, Fear claims that they are judging her. Other scenes can show the feeling of anxiety growing throughout the movie, but I will just show one example for now.
Honestly, I had a hard time with this one, but it could be related to the fact that Riley started to lose interest in hockey in the first movie. Although I could be wrong, but the scene of Riley talking to her parents could possibly show a hint when Riley replies with Disgust to her mom's question about her new hockey team. (This is just an hypothesis, don't come at me)
And lastly, we see Embarrassment take control in the last few scenes of the movie + Riley's First Date short! One where Riley's parents come to her hockey game with face paint and the other, which is very clear at this point lol
And here is where I'm trying to get at:
The new emotions are based on Riley's thoughts in the first movie, and that includes the classic emotions' interactions as well.
Of course, she felt the new emotions indirectly, but now with them taking a more physical form in headquarters, it will only make them stronger, especially Anxiety since she was metaphorically more present in the first movie.
However, these stronger emotions will only make Riley feel worse while she grows in her teenage years (bonus points if they are not aware of it, but if they are it would make the plot interesting either way)
And if the classic emotions don't take care of them before Riley's teenagehood ends, they would stay in Headquarters for the rest of Riley's life, which would affect her adult age negatively
So yes, according to my theories, their stay in Headquarters will be temporary, as long as they are taken care of properly (judging by how stable the classics' teamwork is nowadays, and/or if Riley gets therapy)
But that's just a theory. An autistic theory lol
( @killedbyfrank made me do this /j )
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euphorial-docx · 2 years
reasons why timothee chalamet characters are autistic because i’m autistic and said so :)
first up is paul atreides because he is the most obvious:
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soft spoken. isn’t very loud most of the time
uses sign language to communicate sometimes
doesn’t show a lot of emotions until he’s extremely stressed and/or upset. when he feels a lot of negative emotions (sensory overload?), he lashes out (meltdown?)
only hangs out with older people. and i know this isn’t really by choice, but he still prefers that company
often referred to as “mature” for his age. a lot of autistics know about that very well lol
has a strong sense of justice (even if he’s wrong sometimes, but let’s not get too into All That)
spends a lot of time alone, and in darker environments. does that boy ever turn any lights on?
struggles with his tone when speaking. the most prominent example of this is his difficultly learning the voice, which is all about getting the right tone and cadence
subtle facial expressions, or complete lack thereof. he’s a very difficult person for others to read
hyperfixations (fremen, arrakis, etc etc)
very observant (source: him being aware of the hunter-seeker very quickly)
next up, it’s my boy elio perlman:
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difficulty reading other people. basically the entire book and movie is him trying to figure oliver out
very skilled at specific things, such as music, history, and languages
infp (infps are autistic. i don’t make the rules.)
likes controlled environments, such as his home or places he’s been to before
his little spin thing that he does all time? looks like a stim to me. also plays with his jewelry a lot, which could also be a stim
introverted (not that all autistics are introverted, but it can be a trait)
small friend group
just overall Vibes. there’s not a very long list for him, so the source is just trust me bro
lastly, kyle schieble:
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monotone voice
strong sense of justice (in his own way?)
anxiety maybe? he has a lot of paranoia, which can indicate anxiety
like elio, a small friend group
and like paul, very subtle facial expressions. very hard for others to read
doesn’t seem too interested in school. perhaps he just doesn’t find it interesting, or maybe he struggles with it
very blunt
doesn’t like small talk. likes to have “smart” conversations (“smart” is used very liberally lol)
that boys posture… it might just be timothee, but yeah that posture is not The Best. and he sits in very odd positions sometimes
doesn’t seem to understand social cues. he’s not very aware when he’s made ladybird uncomfortable or sad
difficulty understanding when he is in the wrong
drawn to the arts (aka his band, music, and reading)
weak long term memory (literally forgot that he told ladybird he was a virgin… which was a lie, but let’s not get into that right now)
deep thinker (“deep” is also used liberally)
accidentally funny. like he doesn’t mean to be, but other people (ladybird) seem to think he’s joking when he’s really not
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quimble · 1 year
Random Headcanons for the Main Peeps and Lodgers :)
Have I done one of these yet...?
Anyways, yeah these are just my headcanons that I enjoy thinking about, but in no way have to be canon or relate to canon :)
Henry - Autistic, but pretty good at masking in situations when it's necessary, such as dinner parties and dances. - Also didn't have the best childhood. He was looked after, had all he needed, sure, but he wasn't usually indulged in his science and his enjoyment, save from going to those Frankenstein plays. - Probably why he got sent to a university in England when he came from Scotland. - Does stim. Really feels good when he stims, but often doesn't because of his status. Robert has made it known that he really doesn't care if Henry stims around him and in fact finds it rather sweet. - Henry's still working on feeling comfortable doing it, but every now and then his hands will start to flap in his office. - Has quiet days where he just.. doesn't want to talk. Usually the days he'll hole himself up in his office, so they don't get noticed. - Prone to headaches from light, why he keeps his curtains closed - Will fall asleep/relax with fingers running through his hair
Hyde - Stims far more visibly, especially in front of Rachel - Is still prone to overloads, but shoves through them because there are more fun things to do - Very much catlike - Will also relax if someone strokes his hair - Struggles to fall asleep because he's never really needed too? - Grins with his teeth on show, thinks it looks intimidating but Rachel finds it endearing and slightly goofy.
Robert - Had a pretty terrible childhood, first proper friend who saw him for him, was Henry - Neurotypical - Struggles with germs and contamination, Henry brings round stuff to clean, like gloves and hand sanitiser - Recognises a lot of Henry's overwhelmed reactions, even when he's trying to hide them - Has learnt from Utterson and just general practise how to help with them, when Henry allows him to - Just bringing Henry to a quiet room, covering him in a blanket, offering a hug if that isn't going to be too much of a sensory thing
Jasper - Struggles with Auditory overload because of his better senses - And most kinds of overloads actually- - Knows how to make sausages from scratch and will often help Rachel in the kitchen with the meat
Bird + Archer - In a QPR with each other - Bird being Finnish, so struggles in the warm summers of England and is still adjusting to the temperature, even now. - They both enjoy snuggling together, but also have their own beds in their room. Well, Bird has a bed, Archer has a hammock. - Bird cannot get in the hammock, he always falls out, no matter how much he tries. - Bird had problems with his self image and weight growing up and still as he joined the society - Archer was homeless upon coming into London, so he was worryingly underweight and malnourished - They helped one another out, Bird giving Archer snacks from the plants he grows, Archer's excitement to finally be able to gain weight, and maybe a little muscle, and not look so brittle helping readjust Bird's image of himself. - In the beginning of their friendship, they fought and argued a lot, both adjusting to the new place - They still jokingly tease each other because it's fun - Archer can box
Sinnett - ADHD - Can also do metalwork - I always loved the idea of him having a supportive family? So him having a brother who's a fisherman and has one of Sinnett's handmade lamps at the front of his ship to keep it going in storms - Sinnett's brother completely accepting his Sinnett's ADHD and stuff and adapting to help him - Sending back any scrap metal he finds for Sinnett to play around with - His brother gets married and ends up having a daughter who Sinnett loves to bits - Gets a little nervous as the daughter starts showing signs of ADHD herself, but his brother reassures him that "If she's anything like you, she's going to be spectacular."
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hi! its donnie, but I've got a weird question,,
whats the best thing to do during a meltdown?
i just figured out these episodes ive been having are most likely meltdowns and i have no idea what to do. (hooray!) i literally threw my phone and cracked it. i understand if youre uncomfortable replying! im just looking for advice, thanks!
Greetings, Donanon!
I'm glad you asked & hopefully I can help you out. I'm sad to hear you struggle. Maybe it comforts you to know that I struggle with meltdowns, too? You are not alone. 💜
It isn't a weird question! I made this blog to spread awareness & show the 'inside view' of autism, as well as share the fun that is life in the Hamato household.
Let's begin! (/  ̄▽ ̄)/
Let's define what a 'Meltdown' is first:
Meltdowns can also occur as a result of periods of masking.
A meltdown is an intense response to an overwhelming situation - social, emotional, or/and physical. It happens when an autistic person becomes overwhelmed by their current situation & temporarily loses control of their behaviour. 
This loss of control can be expressed verbally (eg shouting, screaming, crying), physically (eg kicking, lashing out, biting) or in both ways.
Meltdowns are not temper tantrums. They are not bad, manipulative or naughty!
Meltdowns are not the only way we autistics may express feeling overwhelmed. We may also refuse to interact, withdraw from situations we find challenging, or avoid them altogether. Which are all valid!
The 6 stages of Meltdowns:
Triggers: anything that stresses you - can be sensory, emotional, and/ or social.
The Rumbling: if you identify your stress at this stage, you MAY be able to prevent a meltdown from taking place- it takes a lot of self-awareness
Loss of Control: from here, it's only down the spiral, the stress keeps adding up & you can't turn back
The Meltdown
De-Escalation: a period that varies greatly in time, in which you calm down from your meltdown
Recovery: You're beginning to slowly feel better & you might feel guilty about the happenings before & during your meltdown
Here's what I do when I have a meltdown:
Removal: I retreat to my safe space (sometimes with help of my brothers), where I am safe to scream & move without hurting myself
Meet my sensory needs: I turn on my noise-cancelling headphones or music, get my fidgets, & comfort items to ground myself
Let the energy & tension out: I stim & I try to feel my emotions & express them - screaming, crying, ...
I won't talk to anyone to save energy (also because I can't think logically)
I try not to 'eat it up' (as in masking it or trying to internalise it)
Letting myself rest: especially after a meltdown I'm very drained & sleepy, I may have a headache too, so any medication treating that is nice to have nearby
Also, important advice: Have someone informed about it so they can check on you.
Maybe a "Meltdown Plan" would be beneficial?
Mine includes triggers, signs of a meltdown, what I need from others & aftercare.
It's important to note that despite all your efforts, you will still experience meltdowns & shutdowns. It's a normal part of being autistic (frustrating & sad, I know). What you can change is your self-observation & your mindset. Be compassionate & kind with yourself - I know it can be hard. Autism is a disability.
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Feel free to ask if you want further advice, I could've written an entire novella about it.
I can recommend the book "The Neurodivergent Friendly Workbook of DBT Skills" by Sonny Jane Wise, if you want to work on self-awareness & improving your well-being as a autistic or neurodivergent.
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andersunmenschlich · 9 months
On Identity, Perception, and Freedom
When my parents believed I was not autistic, they projected a non-autistic child over the top of me and interacted with that psychologically-produced hologram instead of with me: and, as a result, I didn't have the freedom to act autistic.
For example, say my siblings were playing with Christmas jingle bells, and this hurt my ears.
My parents would look at me holding my hands over my ears, trying to get my siblings to stop playing with the bells, and see a neurotypical child doing that. No, the bells didn't hurt my ears! Of course they didn't—Christmas jingle bells don't hurt the ears of a neurotypical child! I simply wanted to ruin my siblings' fun.
"Stop that," they would say to me. "Get your hands off your ears; stop trying to make your siblings feel bad. Why don't you leave, if you can't play nicely?"
My parents looked at me and did not see me.
They created a whole different person in their heads and superimposed that character over who I actually was.
Have you ever been invisible in this way? Surrounded by people who see, not you, but someone you have never been and do not recognize? Have you ever found yourself playing, on the stage of life, a character who is nothing like you?
There was never a moment in my life when I wasn't doing that.
It wasn't all bad. When I memorized every book of the (Protestant) Bible at two or three years old, my parents were delighted with me. A neurotypical child who does that is a genius!
When I took an interest in my father's sermons and began to spend my time working out the finer points of doctrine and scriptural harmonization, my parents didn't see an autistic special interest: they saw spiritual promise.
...But, in a sense, it was all bad.
Because none of it was me.
My parents never saw me. They never talked to me. They never listened to me. They never scolded me, never praised me, never interacted with me at all, except by proxy.
When they told the superimposed neurotypical child to stop acting autistic, I couldn't act autistic.
When they praised their imaginary child for being a genius, I had to be a genius. It was expected of me now—of me, because I was the real child. The illusion did nothing, couldn't do anything... yet, behind it, I would never be seen.
When you're a child, your parents control everything.
My parents told everyone else around me who I was, and so no one else in my life saw me either.
They told me who I was and, confused, I tried to be the character everyone but me saw... and as I failed, and did things that looked very, very bad being done by the overlaid, imaginary child, the character I was struggling to be became a worse and worse person.
I enjoyed ruining people's fun (I couldn't stand parties).
I was emotionally manipulative (I showed signs of pain).
I didn't care about other people (I didn't know how to interact socially).
These things, I couldn't change. So I embraced them. What else could I do? This was me, apparently. This was what everyone saw when they looked at me, and I couldn't change any part of it no matter how hard I tried, so (I decided) it must be who I was.
I was cruel and unfeeling and manipulative and sadistic and hateful, and no matter how often I begged for supernatural assistance, I stayed autistic.
Because autistic is what I was, under the hologram.
I didn't know that. How could I? There was never a moment in my life when I wasn't surrounded by people interacting with the hologram they'd projected over me instead of with me—everyone told me that it was who I was with every word, every look, every expectation: a terrible, horrible, wicked, sinful, neurotypical human.
Which we all are, according to the Bible (except for the neurotypicality, which it doesn't touch on at all unless you count the bit where epilepsy is caused by demons). The heart of you, your very core, is desperately wicked.
So it says, and so I believed.
How could I not? Everyone around me said that was true, too: not just with words, but with their actions.
You don't pray with such fervor and desperation to be forgiven and washed clean of sin unless you believe you're dirty with sin and in desperate need of forgiveness.
The imaginary child my parents projected over me was a filthy sinner as well as a neurotypical.
So even when I took a cruelly meant joke literally and began researching the form of retardation I obviously had; even when I brought home so much evidence from the library that my parents actually paid money to get me assessed by psychologists with an expertise in autism; even then, they still didn't see or interact with me.
They simply made the imaginary child autistic.
And this did give me more freedom to act autistic. I remember feeling as though I was beginning to be able to breathe.
But they still did not see me. The imaginary child they'd built in their own heads still took precedence over the actual person standing in front of them, and when they looked at me they saw someone I was not. With autism! And that helped a little. But only a little.
It took me a long time to realize that Christians can't see people.
When a Christian looks at anybody, they don't see a person. They don't see a human being. They see a sinner.
"What's the difference?" Christians ask.
Yeah. There's the problem right there.
A sinner is someone who has broken the law of Yahweh Elohim, fallen short of Yahweh's standard of perfect moral righteousness, thus becoming morally dirty and vile, which puts them in moral debt that can only be paid with their very lives—a sinner is someone who deserves to burn in hell for all eternity.
That is what a Christian sees whenever they look at anybody, themselves included.
Have you ever found yourself playing that role on the stage of life?
It wasn't until I realized that the neurotypical child everyone saw when they looked at me was imaginary that I was able to act like the autistic person that I am.
It wasn't until I realized that the sinner everyone saw when they looked at me was imaginary that I was able to act like the human being that I am.
Genuine belief in a lie takes freedom away.
The truth really does set you free.
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