#if i took on enough projects and things to do i can set myself into emergency mode time-wise enough that i will at least get SOMETHING done
friendofthecrows · 8 months
How many projects do I have going right now?
Well, there's college, and then there's my jobs, and then there's the main project, and then there's the 3 side projects, and then there's the back burner projects and then the secret farther back burner projects and then the-
But it's not really that much. I mean, one needs to save time to dissociate for 8hrs a day. #selfcare
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teaboot · 5 months
This is gonna sound rather conceited but I feel like it highlights an issue we have in Art.
I'm good at art. I've never had a hard time making art. I started using crayons before I could walk. Painting, Beadwork, sculpture, sketching, stippling, whatever- once I have a feel for the material, it doesn't take long to start doing what I want with it. It's been a common theme my whole life.
(Y contrast I'm awful at things like dancing, performance, sports, etc- in all things there is balance, right?)
Now, I've taught myself to use so many artistic mediums now that I KNOW how to most efficiently integrate them into the brain database. Once you really *understand* a material, it's much like memorizing the layout of your house, or flexing a muscle, or something in-between- it becomes PART of your brain in a way I cant quite articulate. But to get there involves just fucking around for a bit doing nothing in particular.
And I've found, especially in group settings, that nobody seems to be able to see you make something badly and leave you alone. Even if you say you're fine, you don't want help, you're happy, you're having fun, it's fine, they gotta ride your ass and hover.
I was at a class the other day for something I hadn't done before. The medium was one I've never used, so once the instructor told us the basics I started experimenting with weight, gravity, texture, viscosity, saturation, temperature, etc. The instructor had given enough info to know what was dangerous and what was safe, and beyond that I just wanted to absorb what I could about it.
And no insult to the instructor, but they kept checking in. Which was fine the first few times.
But then, without asking me what I was trying to do, started giving tips. That I told them I was grateful for but didn't really need just yet. If I had a question, I'd ask.
But they kept coming over. And touching my shit. And manipulating my project. And touching my hands. And using my tools. Without fucking asking.
And this happens every time. EVERY TIME. And by now I know the best way to get them to fuck off is to make something way beyond their expectations so they know I'm capable, then go back to doing what I want.
So I did. I wanted to keep having fun and learning, but instead I made something beautiful that I really didn't want to make, and wasted my time, and really didn't learn what I wanted to learn at all. I knew the formula to create a beautiful thing, so I followed that formula the same way I have a hundred times before, and didn't get to try anything spontaneous or ugly or exciting, just so I could be left alone.
And I know when I was a kid, I was aware aware people saw me puttering alone on something ugly assumed I had a special issue and treated me like I was stupid because of that. (I was neurodivergent.) And at at time I knew that I could do a neat trick for them like a trained pony and they'd go, "Oh, surely they aren't defective if they can do something like that!" And piss off.
But what if I hadn't known how to do that?
What if I hadn't been talented, or "special"?
What if I'd been just any other average kid trying to learn, and I couldn't pop something pretty out of my ass to get them off my back?
My problem my whole life has been that I haven't been allowed to make anything ugly in peace. I'm capable of beauty, so I have to make beauty, or get stepped on. And once people see what I can do, they get loud about it. "Look at this! Look what they did! We all know who the best is, don't we?". And that used to feel good, but it's tiring.
And how many people like me just wanted to play? Just wanted to have fun and experiment? Who were having fun with no goal in mind, or just took longer to learn, who gave up because of all the obnoxious helpers breathing down their neck with no way to shake them off?
How many of us are made to feel defective because we aren't doing things beautifully?
I have a lovely piece of art I didn't want to make.
I think I'm gonna frame it.*
(*I think I'm gonna burn it in my yard.)
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tickettride · 2 months
A good dad || J.D.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
pairing is johnny davis x wife!reader
in which your daughters want to keep the stray puppy they've found outside, and you have to convince Johnny that it's a good idea. it is, right?
word count: 2,2k
warnings: fluff, a bit of angst, allusions to sex, Johnny's such a grumpy dad, sixties relationship clichés?
A/N: : while I’ve convinced myself numerous times that writing one-shots isn't for me, Benny and Johnny have stuck in my mind and never left. why shouldn’t I fantasize about them and share these moments with you?
English isn’t my first language, but I’m having fun and that’s the most important <3
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(my gif)
“Oh, your dad’s gonna be pissed,” you sighed, eyeing the girls as they watched you back with cute pouts. 
Maybe cute, but not enough to make you fold. That puppy right there, at your feet, wouldn’t be part of the family for long. You remembered broaching the subject once, trying to convince Johnny that having a dog could only be good for the girls. Running low on arguments, his response to you was just a look with a serious ‘What the fuck would we do with that?’. You had never talked about the idea again.
“We told you he was near the trash cans,” Lynn, your eldest, nearly burst into tears at the thought of letting go of the dog. “All by himself.”
The dog nudged your bare legs, tail wagging. You took a step back, knowing it would be harder to leave him at the vet if you only stroked him once. You were too damn kind for these kinds of things, and the girls knew it damn well.
The brown fur went to nuzzle against Joan next, who scratched him with more intensity than necessary. Her smile was huge, and her little giggle of happiness nearly melted you on the spot.
You shut your eyes for a second. Focus.
“Look at his ears!” Joan squealed, comparing her small hand to his head. 
“Careful, baby,” you warned her, willing yourself to have some sort of authority back. “Don’t scare him off.”
“I want to keep him!”
“And who would be feeding him when you’re at school?”
Your question raised a moment of silence you had expected. It made you sigh loudly again, leaning your back against the kitchen table. 
“That's what I thought. You exhaust me, you two,” you said in a breath, watching the girls hustling back to the living room on a mission to find the little beast a name.
You were fucked. All of you. 
Rolling your shoulders back, you spun around and ignored the noises above your head. You were fairly certain a family of mice had taken up residence in the walls, but it didn’t matter. You had greater issues as of now, starting with the dog jumping around the girls.
While their laughter filled the house, you finished pouring boiling water into your cup and dunked a teabag inside, watching the clear water turn a bloody red. What could you even tell Johnny? Maybe you could lie and tell him the girls’ new school project was to take care of a puppy for a few days. Make them more responsible. After all, your neighbor's son had taken care of a guinea pig once. 
No, you scoffed at yourself. Your husband was more clever than that. He would see right through you and ask for the truth that you would deliver because you were like that. You hated lying to him, just as much as you hated him lying to you. 
Ten minutes later, your eyes were focused on the tea between your hands. You almost jumped out of the armchair when you heard the jingle of keys being thrown into the drawer in the hallway.
The front door closed with a thud and the girls looked up at you, waiting for any instruction. 
And here you were, sacrificing yourself again for those two little monsters. Setting your cup down on the coffee table, you tried to appear as serious as possible and pointed a finger at them.
“Don’t move, okay? Don’t move and keep the dog with you both.”
“‘Kay Mommy,” Lynn grinned up at you, stroking the dog’s head resting on her lap. 
You gave them a brief nod and cursed at yourself when you stepped across the dolls lying on the carpet, those poor things looking as crazy as you. So you quickly smoothed down your hair and waltzed to the kitchen, where Johnny was removing his leather jacket and boots. Seemed like he had finally heard after all those times you had yelled at him to stop getting the floor dirty with soil and grease. 
Johnny snapped his neck to face you with that charismatic smile he was always giving you, hanging his jacket on the coat rack. He was always making your heart flip too.
You crossed the room in no time, wrapping your arms around his neck. Sometimes you just greeted each other with a quick peck, and that was okay too. But you had missed him more than usual today, huddling up to shed warmth. 
“Hi,” you whispered, hoping you looked as innocent as you sounded. 
His forehead knocked against yours, and you could feel the love rolling off him in waves when he pressed a quick kiss on your mouth. And another. His face went to the crook of your neck, pressing into the sensitive skin as he pulled you as close to his body as possible. So he had missed you too, maybe more.
“We just had dinner,” you muttered, breathing in the scent of smoke clinging to his skin. “Didn’t know when you’d be back.”
“It’s okay,” Johnny’s lips grazed your cheek. “I’m not hungry tonight.”
“You’ll change your mind when you get a taste,” you grinned, pecking his lips and forgetting for a second about the dog taking shelter in your living room. “C’mere.”
Johnny’s steps were heavy behind you, trailing to the kitchen counter. His body nearly collided with your back when you faced him again, lifting a wooden spoonful of tomato sauce to his mouth and thumbing his bottom lip gently. 
“How’s that?” you asked, biting down on your lip.
“You know it’s fuckin’ delicious, as usual,” Johnny hummed, giving a smile that made you smile too. "Love it."
“Yeah,” his hand slithered back down your pants, steering around your backside and fondling you. 
A small chuckle escaped your lips, happy to be still feeding your man after six years of marriage. It was almost unimaginable how after all these years of being with him, you still wanted nothing more than to be close like a lovesick teenager.
“Where are the girls?” Johnny asked before he could do anything to you, licking his lips as he stole a glance toward the living room. 
That’s when the dog decided to bark. A low, high-pitched bark that made you want to kick him out yourself.
Johnny stared back at you, no trace of that amused grin anymore. “What’s that?”
But he was already making a beeline for the other room, and you beat him to it to block his way. 
“Listen to me first,” you ordered, pointing that finger again at his face and swallowing when he looked down at you that way, the same look he gave in bed sometimes. “Alright? Listen. Joan found a puppy in the garden earlier, and I’ve told the girls we can't keep it.”
“And they–well, they were waitin’ for you to come home,” you chickened out, making him huff. “C'mon, what was I supposed to do, hmm?”
Johnny scowled, staring impassively at you and skirting past your figure to have a look at the intruder. 
Mumbling another inaudible curse, you dared to look at the scene too. The dog was now curled on Joan’s lap, sleeping softly. They all looked so damn cute. Meant to be, you could say, if your husband didn’t look so unpleased.
“You’re kiddin’ me,” Johnny’s eyes widened at the sight and darted back to yours. 
“We asked everyone around if they knew him and they said no,” Lynn explained enthusiastically. “That means we can keep him. He must have lost his parents.”
“They did ask,” you muttered, though only Johnny heard you. 
“He's gonna be sad if we abandon him,” Joan was now the one gazing at you both dramatically, giving those sad eyes that usually made her father change his mind. 
Johnny stared at the moonlight slanting through the blinds. Ten seconds felt like forever. And eventually, he retreated to the kitchen. 
“Take him back where you found him.”
The girls' protests were in vain. Both were already calling for you, sniffling tearfully while the dog snored like a little king on his throne. They begged you to do something, and you knew you had to try. You hated fighting with Johnny, but you hated your daughters’ heartbreak even more. 
“Honey,” you started smoothly when you found him by the front door, wide shoulders and thick arms, a cigarette dangling between his lips. 
At least he had opened the door to let the smoke out. 
“We need to talk about this.”
“We don’t,” Johnny sounded casual, as though the matter was already settled. 
Angry, it was now your turn to scowl. You were already getting upset at his close-mindedness. Your dad had been like that–talking to your mom like she couldn’t have an opinion. Johnny knew you despised that attitude, and you certainly wouldn’t be the one to let a man get in your way. Even less when it came to the kids. 
You stepped closer to him, speaking lowly so the girls wouldn’t eavesdrop. “So you’re the only grown-up making a decision here? Is that it? You’re being selfish and… and clearly blind. You know how happy it makes them.”
Johnny’s eyes met yours, a breath of smoke separating you for a second. 
“You want the dog too?” his tone was dry. “Keep it then.”
“Hey, you’re acting like a jackass right now,” you snapped, so close to his face you could feel his breathing over your nose. “It’s a decision we both have to make. I’ve never seen the girls looking so excited by the same thing, Johnny. Taking care of that dog would give them a memorable childhood. Like mine.”
He let out a dry laugh, taking another drag of his cigarette. “Playing with my feelings now, aren’t you?”
“I don’t care,” you almost whined, so tired that the discussion wasn’t going anywhere yet. “Do you fear dogs? Is that why you don’t want it?”
“What?” Johnny scoffed. “No. The tiny shit isn’t goin’ to scare me anytime soon.”
“Tiny shit,” Joan sing-sung lowly, making her way toward you both. 
Beside her, Lynn was covering her mouth to suppress her giggles. The sisters exhanged a glance, more hopeful than you really were. 
“Bad word, Joan,” you warned, glancing down at the dog she was struggling to cradle in her arms. 
Deciding any of this wasn’t worth a fight, you let out a sigh and wordlessly turned your back on Johnny, kneeling before your daughters. 
“You’ll have to leave him at the doorstep, baby,” you said quietly, brushing a strand of her hair out of her forehead. “We’ll find him a new family tomorrow, okay?”
“Why?” Lynn asked, a sob catching in her throat. 
Joan was already tearing up, holding on to the oblivious dog like it would kill her to let go. You had no doubts she would be sad for an entire week, if not more. She was too kind, too. 
“We’ll talk about that in the morning,” you nodded at them, waiting for a nod back. When they did, it was truly the saddest thing you had ever seen. It nearly made you cry, too. 
That night, it was Johnny’s turn to tuck them in. You heard his voice from across the hallway, telling his girls he loved them. Small voices said I love you back. 
You walked from the bathroom to the bed silently, Johnny hot on your heels. 
“How long are you gonna be mad for?” his raspy voice broke through your inner thoughts, bringing you back to the present.
You slipped beneath the white comforter, a foot bumping into his.
“I don’t know,” you shuffled, turning your back to him and burying your head in the pillow. “How long are you gonna be an ass for?”
You had been expecting a response, but nothing came. Just a slight touch over your stomach to test the waters, slipping under your top when you didn’t tell him to stop.
“He’s downstairs,” Johnny muttered, clearly fighting to keep his eyes open.
“The dog,” Johnny moved your hair so he could kiss your neck lazily. “He’s downstairs.”
Out of instinct, you tilted your head, allowing him to devour the side of your throat. It was hard to stay mad at him. You squeezed your eyes shut, focusing on his warm fingers. 
“How long for?”
“A week to start with,” Johnny replied, though you knew the dog was part of the family now. A week would turn into two, and then he would just forget about it. “Longer if he’s not a pain in the ass.”
You tried hard not to smile out of victory, reminding yourself how hard he had been to deal with. And how he was a pain in the ass.
Johnny's hand slipped over your hip when you rolled over to face him, a hand beneath your pillow. 
He swallowed, not quite smiling but not frowning either. You knew he was feeling guilty, always wondering if he was doing the right thing. If he was a good man. A good dad. Yet, you couldn't think of any man who would sacrifice himself like he did. Johnny never hesitated to work overtime and make sure you had all you needed, just like he had promised you all those years ago.
Your lips neared his, a bit bashful, just wanting him to know he could be forgiven easily. It was he who made the final leap by pressing his mouth to yours. His large hand filled the dip of the small of your back, remnants of the cigarette he'd smoked on his lips. A shiver trembled down your spine as your hand stroked his cheek gently.
"Don't sideline me," you pulled away, keeping him close to you. "Please. I know what's good and what's wrong for them."
"I know, darlin'," Johnny muttered back. "I wasn't implyin' that you didn't."
You nodded, keeping your eyes on him. “I’m sorry I got upset. I've had a long day."
Johnny’s lips turned into a smile. “And I’m sorry your man’s a jackass.”
You chuckled, eyes boring into his. “Yeah. Yeah, he is. But he’s a good dad.”
He nodded at your words, kissing your temple and holding you as though he would burn down the city for you. Another kiss was pressed on your forehead and all you had to do was drift asleep peacefully, hoping that dog wouldn't betray you.
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starrjoy · 2 months
Life update. Probably the last I’ll do for a while
Unfortunately, my little family is still not doing great. The economy is rough, so jobs are pretty few and far between. Commissions have been our only source of income for the past four months, and that’s barely been enough to get by. On top of that, my health is pretty bad, so I haven’t been able to manage my usual turnarounds. It’s all very tiring. We have leads and interviews coming up, so we can only hope things will get better soon. I’m not giving up hope that we’ll get through this, but the exhaustion is setting in.
On top of that, I’m just not all that into Sonic anymore. It’s hard to lose a hyperfixation, especially one that has brought me so much community and joy for so long. I’ve just simply lost touch with the fandom, and I don’t find myself as excited as I usually would be for upcoming events. The ending of Prime and the Knuckles series just really took it out of me lmao.
Because of that, I’m sad to say I won’t be working on Pandora for the foreseeable future. I’m not going to promise I’ll return to it since there’s simply no way to tell, but I want to thank everyone who has supported me through its 100+ pages. I learned so much from making it and have definitely developed as an artist and writer throughout the whole process. It’s sad to say goodbye. Hopefully soon I’ll have the time and energy for bigger and better projects, but for now, I’m going to rest.
If you’d still like to support me, please check out my ko-fi. I’ll be uploading more personal wips there soon, as well as recent commissions. And of course, comms will be open again as soon as I finish this last batch. I’ll still accept Sonic comms, but please know I take all sorts and am definitely down to stretch my creative abilities :]
That’s all for now <3
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gonzo-rella · 4 months
Together in the Shadows | Eloise Bridgerton
NOTE: I prefer to write the reader as gender neutral, but as Bridgerton is set in a very gendered time, that poses a challenge. The reader in this is implied to be, societally, a woman; they are alone with Eloise without worrying about scandal, so this implies that the reader is perceived as a woman. However, I've deliberately been as vague as possible about the reader character to make them as close to gender neutral as possible and haven't explicitly referred to them as being a woman so that some nonbinary and trans folks like myself can feel comfortable reading this fic.
Relationship(s): Eloise Bridgerton x fem-coded/possibly gn!reader (romantic)
Summary: Your sister's last-minute ball is disastrous, but at least it allows you to spend some time alone with Eloise.
Warnings: Nothing beyond kissing. (Let me know if I need to add any)
Word count: 0.8k
(A/N: I'm so in love with Eloise Bridgerton. I want to be in a secret situationship with her, so here's my attempt at exploring that. Also, I haven't actually written a lot of fics that include kissing, so I'm glad I got some practise in writing something I normally don't write. A lot of my original projects are romcoms (including a Regency-inspired duology and a zombie apocalypse story) so it'd help me out a great deal if you let me know what you think of how I did writing the romance in this!)
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“Is it not a bit chilly to be out here, Miss Bridgerton?” A grin tugged at Eloise’s lips. She stopped dead in her tracks and peered over her shoulder, not quite looking at you. For a moment, she listened to your footsteps as you paced towards her, though the rustling of grass under your shoes was barely audible over the piercing noise of the string quartet that carried itself through the windows and doors. She scrunched up her nose at the unfortunate sound.
“Perhaps. But, I am afraid I may spiral into a state of madness should I stand in that room for a second longer. I can, however, withstand this cold and my mama’s scolding of me for my absence.”
You wore a mocking frown as you finally reached her side. You were both illuminated by the golden light that shone through the windows and the pale glow of the moon. She turned her head to look at you. For a moment, you forgot to breathe. She was naturally beautiful, but seeing her in this lighting… she looked ethereal. It took you a moment to compose yourself enough to form coherent thought and speech. You weren’t sure that she had noticed the momentary falter.
“In my dear sister’s defence, she poured her whole soul into planning this spectacular event this afternoon.”
Eloise snorted.
“It certainly is a spectacle. I shudder to think what Lady Whistledown will write about it.”
You chuckled and linked arms with her. Briefly averting your gaze, you looked through the window at the attendees who were pretending to enjoy themselves or whispering to each other, presumably uttering some cruel things about this awful ball. Meanwhile, Eloise’s eyes flickered down to where the pair of you made contact, then back up to your face. The skin of your arm brushed against hers, and the gentle friction generated a light tingling sensation that flooded her whole body. She almost couldn’t keep herself upright, and she tightened her grip on your arm to steady herself. Despite the cold night air, her cheeks burned. With her free hand, she reached up to feel the warming flesh of her face. Heat seeped through the fabric of her gloves to her fingertips. The second you returned your attention to her, she quickly lowered her arm, embarrassed.
“However scathing it may be, I assure you that my sister will be delighted to have even been acknowledged,” you said. You paused before continuing. “Given how dreadful everything is in there, I shouldn’t think our absence will be noticed. Would you like to wander the grounds so we do not freeze to death?”
A breathy laugh escaped her lips. 
“Of course. Might we wander far enough that we can escape that cacophony? Somewhere that will afford us some… privacy, perhaps?”
You grinned back at her.
“Certainly, Miss Bridgerton. I know the perfect place for us to enjoy one another’s company.”
Stealing a final glance behind you, you led her to a secluded part of the vast garden, where you would both be hidden by grand hedges. You let go of her arm and turned to face her.
“Is this to your liking?”
A smirk tugged at her lips.
“Anywhere that you are is to my liking.”
“That is so very sweet, I can almost forgive how nauseatingly trite it is.”
She rested her hand on her chest in mock-offence.
“Oh, how you wound me.”
Of course, she can’t have been that wounded, given her grin.
“Would you feel better if I offered you a kiss?”
She scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“And, that is not trite?”
You shrugged innocently, unable to suppress a smile.
“I could not think of a more creative way to ask if I could kiss you. I know how you value originality.”
Without hesitation, Eloise placed her hands on your cheeks, and brought your face close to hers. Her breath fanned your skin. Through half-lidded eyes, you watched her gaze flicker to your lips.
“Being direct would have done,” she muttered. “After all, I have been waiting all night for this.”
“Then, why wait a second longer?”
Eloise let out a low chuckle, then closed the gap between you entirely. The kiss was gentle at first, but within seconds her hunger for you became clear. One hand moved to the back of your head to bring you in closer. The other remained planted firmly on the side of your face, her gloved thumb grazing your cheekbone. The motion was so light that you gasped quietly into the kiss, to Eloise’s delight. Her lips moved against yours with fervour, as though she was determined to take in and savour as much of your taste as possible. You rested your palms on her shoulders, and as your hand drifted up her neck you could feel her racing pulse. Then, your fingers became entangled in her hair. You tugged on it softly, and a quiet hum escaped her lips.
Reluctantly, she pulled away, but she only managed to get her face an inch away from yours. She laughed quietly, while you couldn’t help but grin.
“Was that to your liking, Miss Bridgerton?”
“You are always to my liking.”
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celaenacc · 1 year
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CDD ~ Fresh Start Styled Look
If you’re like me, the first thing you do in CAS is clear everything off the sim for a nice fresh canvas. This custom styled look (when coupled with Mizore’s hider mod) is intended to make that take as few steps as possible every time. 
Download and info below the cut for future updates
Item Details:
Base Game Compatible
Toddler Infant - Elder; Masc & Fem frames (Added infant support on June 16, 2023; please redownload)
1 Variant (per frame)
Custom thumbnails
Needs @mizoreyukii’s Styled Looks Hider to truly be worth it. If you’re overly attached to EA’s styled looks, this cc probably isn’t for you.
Removes all accessories, clothing, shoes, makeup, skin details (excluding acne and scars), tattoos, facial hair and hair (changes color to dark brown for adultFem + children, blonde for AdultMasc, red for toddlers for all of them now I believe (I can’t remember tbh 😅 - if anyone knows how to remove the hair without changing the color, please hmu)
Does not change teeth, eyebrows, eye color, acne and scars (I couldn’t get it to remove these last 2 categories)
Tagged for all outfit categories
Added overrides (June 16, 2023) for shoes/bare feet and masc frame nude tops to resolve the look not applying to those categories after one of the recent patches. If you want to use an alternate override from someone else and it isn’t compatible automatically, (only do this if it’s not working otherwise) open your desired alternative in Sims4Studio, navigate to the warehouse tab, tick the setting box for “ShowInUI”, and save the file. (Edit June 6/20) I’ve been informed by @asixteenthrose that even with changing your desired override to have the showinui checked, you still need my overrides for the styled looks for some reason, and the desired override can’t be in a subfolder/must be in main mods folder.
Added “Stripped Start” (June 16, 2023) which affects the accessories, makeup, facial hair, clothing, and shoes, but does not affect hair, body hair, skin details, or tattoos. You can have both Fresh Start and Stripped Start in your folder at the same time or not; they should not conflict with nor do they depend on each other.
> SFS < (Current Version is a zip)
> Google Drive <  (Current Version is a zip)
Needs: > Hider Mod for EA Looks < (by MizoreYukii)
There is no way I would have been able to figure out this project without MizoreYukii’s How to Make Custom Styled Looks tutorial, so huge thank you to her.
This look is mainly for simmers who want nothing on their sim when they start in CAS. If there is enough demand for a version that keeps existing tattoos, skin details, and maybe hair; I might make that as a v2 down the road. After receiving nonny asks, I went ahead and added a version like this while updating the original.
I timed myself clearing every outfit category for a new sim using just this look as fast as I could, and it only took 15 seconds total.
I have added patch numbers to the files in case someone needs the outdated version.
Kijiko eyebrow texture defaults cause the fem frame teen-elder not to show Fresh Start.
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xervn · 6 months
like a french girl 🎨
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part 3 - french girl | art major ellie x dance major reader
last chapter | next chapter
ao3 link
summary: ellie had been struggling with finding the perfect model for her art final. that was until she saw you.
18+ MDNI | 3.8k words | slow burn(?), mutual pining, loser ellie, recreational drug use (weed)
a/n: this took so long because im an intp AND a taurus *makes excuses for myself* also tysm to everyone who commented on the last chapter ur amazing and ily ♥
Ellie’s in nothing but her underwear, legs criss-crossed on her navy comforter; holding a joint between her lips as she tunes the strings of her maple wood guitar. It’s a lazy Saturday, the one day out of seven where Ellie isn’t constantly tormented by homework and art projects.
These days are practically therapeutic for her. Being able to strum her fingers against the nylon strings and relish in the relaxing, skunky smell of cannabis can fix all of her problems. Minus one, of course: getting to know you better. 
For now, she’s at peace with doing nothing, that is until a loud ding goes off and the brightness of her phone flashbangs her otherwise dim-lit room. She scowls, exhaling a puff from her lungs as she reaches over for the device. Ellie has friends, but she’s no social butterfly. Her phone is usually dry, especially on weekends. Jesse is definitely with Dina, so unless it's serious; there’s no reason for her to be getting a text. 
Naturally, her scowl deepens when she reads that the number is unknown. 
???: hii
ellie: wrong number
She opts to toss her phone away, but the next message throws her off track. 
you: it’s — !
Ellie’s eyes widen at her screen like your name is a hypnotic spiral. She can feel her heart swelling well within her chest, and she’s left wondering if the weed she’s smoking is laced or if she somehow manifested you. Ellie quickly transfers her blunt in one hand and her phone in the other, straining her thumb trying to type as fast as she can to you. 
ellie: oh hdy! 
ellie: hey*
you: dina gave me ur number, i hope that’s okay 
ellie: yeah ofc it is :-)
ellie: i was planning on giving it to you
Ellie typed that half-lie slowly, weighing how true it really was as she pressed send. It was on her plan of things she’d like to do before dying, but even then she doesn’t think she would ever gain the courage. 
you: oh thank god
you: i thought i might be intruding 🙁
ellie: never, what’s up?
you: can i ask you something?
ellie: yes of course aks me anythign
ellie: ask* anything* shut sorry
ellie: SHIT
you: lmao are you okay??
ellie: yeah… forget about that, ask away
you: well i was wondering if you could help me study? im failing my anatomy class..
you: if u can’t it’s okay though!
A sheepish grin spreads across Ellie’s face, as she thinks about all the scenarios that could lead to. To think she’d finally have an excuse to see you after weeks of hoping, of praying for the opportunity. You asked her for help instead of taking other options, especially considering how much easier it would’ve been for you to. 
ellie: its no problem, id be glad to help :-)
you: really?? ur a lifesaver els, tysmm
you: when are you free?
ellie: Right now.
ellie: or whenever .
you: let’s meet at the library in 20?
Almost instantly, Ellie’s excitement warps into anxiety. She wasn’t particularly ready to see you and twenty minutes doesn’t seem like nearly enough time to get her shit together. She thought you’d ignore her impulsive desperation of “right now” and set plans for a later date, but, alas, you didn’t.
Ellie rubs her forehead with her blunt holding hand, trying to scratch the itch of her worries away with just her pinky and thumb. Despite her increasing knowledge of you over the past few weeks, she was still incredibly nervous to be around you. 
Ellie takes one final hit of her joint before snuffing it out in a doob tube on her nightstand. She sets her guitar against her bed and nearly falls off trying to get up in a rush, even though she has more than enough time to get ready. 
She stumbles around the room to put something on, settling with a gray hoodie and a pair of jeans. She attempts to keep her balance as she hastily shoves each leg through her pants; simultaneously eyeing around her room in an attempt to remember where exactly she put her anatomy textbooks. 
Ellie hears a familiar ding from her bed and she snaps towards it to pick up her phone, peering at the screen.
you: ellie?
Ellie curses under her breath, scolding herself for forgetting to text you back. She taps on the keyboard, quickly making sure she doesn’t manage another typo before hitting send.
ellie: sorry! yeah i’ll see you in twenty!
you: awesome :) 
You weren’t ready to see Ellie either, you figured, since it took you hours to actually text her. You made up far-fetched scenarios with the worst outcomes; the one where she immediately deletes your number tormented you for quite a while. Now you’re trudging across campus to meet her, internally at war with your mixed emotions. On one hand you get to hang out with a cute girl and on the other you’re hanging out with a really cute girl. Alone. Zero friends around. 
There’s a chance you two might not have anything to talk about. You guys are only mutual friends after all. Even if you guys somehow manage to start a conversation, what if she comes to not like you by the end of it, or vice versa? Not to mention the window incident you’re both hoping the other forgot. 
You hesitate in your steps as you reach the library doors. It’d only take a few seconds to spin around and walk back, but how could you leave her there? You thoughtlessly chew on your lip, eyes worriedly shifting around. 
You can’t recall any moment you’ve been so anxious about meeting up with a girl before. Not once, not even in a distant memory. You’ve always been the bolder one in your endeavors. The fact that Ellie is the only girl to make you feel this way has to mean something. You slowly pace in front of the doors in an attempt to dissipate your worries, nodding to your inner thoughts and ignoring the probable concerned stares in the distance. You’re the one who invited her, so you’re gonna stick it the fuck through. You couldn’t bail before testing the waters, you’d never forgive yourself.
So you barge into the building, letting the cool air hit your face from the swinging doors; granting you a waft of leather and drying ink. The building was decorated with freakishly tall dark wood bookshelves; so high, there were beige ladders in place to reach the top shelves. As expected, it was quiet, empty and definitely overfunded. Studying has never been your forte and you’ve never stepped in this building; save for a few dance history books. You wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case for everyone else. Thankfully, one pro definitely outweighs those cons. Ellie was going to help you study. Ellie is the reason you’re here at all.
You tidy up your outfit that you diligently put together and roam farther into the library, trying to hold down a smile that’s impossible to hold down. In fact, it completely takes over your face. You need to simmer down your giddiness before you start skipping around. You purse your lips and briefly steady your eyes on the dark, olive carpeted floor ahead of you. 
You head towards the front desk that’s just a sunken step away with the intention of asking for directions to the study hall. An older lady is sitting there, glowering with obvious annoyance definitely because of your loud entry. It’s been ages since you’ve been in the library— your failing grade proves that— and clearly you’ve forgotten all the rules with it.
A flash of guilt passes through you and you force an apologetic smile. She returns it with a grunt and you immediately redirect yourself further into the library; aimlessly in search for the study hall. 
You’ve been walking around for a solid five minutes and you swear you’ve passed the same fantasy section a million times now. It’d be smart to text Ellie and tell her you’ll be late, but your ego won’t let you. 
The looming large, ornate bookshelves certainly don’t make it any easier for you to navigate around.
The question of why the school spent so much money on all this occupies your mind as you venture further. You make a turn around a corner you’ve definitely made before, and you sigh at the familiarity of the area in front of you. 
You keep pressing forward anyway, hoping you can manage a new route this time around.
Before you can make another turn, you’re interrupted by drowned footsteps behind you blending into your own, followed by a tap on your shoulder. You flinch at the sudden touch, sharply turning around only to see Ellie looking at you with a downward smile. 
“Lost?” She sarcastically presumes, her viridescent eyes taking in your shocked yet relieved expression. 
You fiddle with the straps of your backpack between your fingers, shyly glancing around you. “No, I was just… looking for more textbooks.” You nod sagely at your own words, as if you’re trying to convince yourself too.
“Oh? Next to—“ The auburn-haired girl squints at the shelf behind you before adorning a wide grin, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?” 
Your brows raise and you follow her eyes onto the obviously fiction-filled bookcase. “Uh, yeah? I’ve got Professor Snape at four.” 
Ellie narrows her eyes at you in amused disbelief, trying not to laugh at your adorably dorky excuse.
Dramatically sighing in defeat, “Fuck, okay, you got me.” You say lowly, a bashful smile developing on your lips.  
“You passed the study hall five times. I counted.” Ellie goads.
You partially suppress your laugh, mindlessly giving her arm a light smack. “Oh, my god. Don’t tell me that!” 
She dotes on your laughter and your touch; whether it was intentional or not. Either way, she’s feeling good about herself now and her previous worries about this encounter floated away, and you could safely say the same. 
“It’s a good book though, we can go back and get it. No need to be shy about it.” Ellie quips.
With Ellie as your guide, the trip to the study hall was much easier than you made it out to be. You recognized the big glass windows you passed by often and when you stepped into it, you flushed with embarrassment. It was a direct contrast to the old-fashioned, mahogany colored library you’d been meandering around. 
Ellie really could’ve counted the times you walked by, and she really did. The first time, she thought you must’ve seen a friend and left to catch up with them. However, the second time around she realized you might be lost. 
She was going to text you and tell you to turn around, but she thought it was cute seeing you walk in circles, ignoring literally every sign in your way. By the fourth time, she could tell you thought you were in a time loop and she found it fucking hilarious. Someone like you, seemingly exceptional in everything but directions. The fifth time came and, of course, she decided she was being cruel and had to come help you herself. 
Ellie leads you to the desk where she’s set camp at, and the amount of books and paperwork makes you dizzy. “Jesus, Els. Are you teaching me the entire course?” 
She takes a seat before giving you an answer, “Well.. That depends on how bad you’re failing.” 
You take a seat across from her, setting your backpack on the floor before resting your forearms on the oak table. “My teacher said I was dumb as fuck and essentially called me a homophobic slur.” You’re exaggerating, obviously, but that was exactly what it felt like.
Ellie scoffs out a sound, unsure of whether to laugh or be offended for you. “Damn... It’s Bill, isn’t it? God, that guy is a fuckin’ prick.” She questions, clearly unsurprised by his actions.
You sit upright in your chair, relief shining through your words, “Yes! Is that his thing?” 
Ellie casually leans back, thinking back to when she was a student of his. “Oh, yeah. He’s a blunt guy, shitty filter,” She continues, and somehow you’re both meeting each other’s looks, “But he’s fair with his grades, n’ I know it doesn’t make it any better, but he has a husband. He’s just… old.. and grumpy.”
You try to consider that he is letting you retake a major grade. You guess you could appreciate that somewhat. “True... still, the comment was unprovoked. You must know him well though?” 
“Yeah, I took his class last year. We were at each other's throats about coursework n’ shit. Really hard to reason with that guy.” Ellie purposely leaves out the part where she was being unreasonable too, but only for the sake of storytelling, of course. “Then that summer, I saw him at a family gathering.” She finishes off with a dramatic shiver in disgust and you laugh at how endearing it was. 
“Anyways, his gaydar is somethin’ else. I can never tell.” She admits, carelessly waving a hand in the air. Ellie’s radar in particular is broken. Shattered, even. She can’t keep track of the amount of times she has stood in the shower, realizing a girl was flirting with her only days later. 
“Even with me?” 
“Even with you...” She speaks with artificial sadness and a slight sulk.
“Ouch… I’m wounded.” You fake a frown, slightly dropping your shoulders.
Ellie’s eyes fall to your nails; some suspiciously shorter than the others, and all painted in your favorite color. “But… that I know for sure, I can definitely tell.” Ellie comments.
 A swarm of butterflies suddenly parade your belly, and you shine a coy smile her way. “They’re not short because of that…” Your half-hearted attempt to defend yourself drips in the lightness of your voice.
Ellie briefly raises her eyebrows with a sly smile plastered on her face, folding her arms over her chest; which, unbeknownst to you, was to shield how hard her heart was thumping. She’s shocked she hasn’t turned into a pile of mush yet, probably thanks to her smoke session earlier.
“I’m serious! I keep my hands to myself.” You continue on, putting in a little effort in your voice for your defense this time. For the most part it is true, lately your mind has been on Ellie, and Ellie only. The thought of random flings didn't excite you, but she did. However, it wasn’t not true that you’ve had a fair share of hookups. You’re in an art school, how could you not? 
“C’mon, just yourself? I’m sure you've cared to share.” Ellie playfully pokes around you with her words; nonchalant and prone for a reaction. 
Your jaw slightly drops, making your head tilt to the side incredulously. “Wow. What makes you think that?”
Ellie unfolds her tattooed arm to rub her palm against the back of her neck, responding unexpectedly timid, “Hey, ‘m not blind. I know you’re popular.” 
You snicker at her explanation and shake your head. “They’re friends. You can be friends with girls even if you’re gay, Ellie.”
“Friends don’t touch you like that.” She notes with an uncharacteristically stern expression.
It surprises you for a second, but all it makes you wanna do is poke fun, tease her, and see where it’d go. “Like what?”
Ellie sighs, reluctantly explaining further, “Like they’ve touched you before.”
“Straight girls are touchy.” You shrug, purposefully ignoring what she tried to imply. 
The way you said it so matter-of-factly makes Ellie’s eyes roll. “You know I don’t mean it like– ugh, my judgment is usually fucked up, but that? That I can tell the difference with.” Ellie states with surety.
You narrow your gaze at her, a teasing grin forming on your lips. “What are you jealous or something?” 
“Of you or the girls?” 
“Oh, the girls were an option?” You playfully remark, but also with honest curiosity in how she’d answer. 
Ellie clears her throat and leans forward to place her textbooks into view, trying to hide the blush spreading across her features. She’s not doing a great job at it and you’d love to tease her some more, but you can settle with taking the win for now. 
Night crept up faster than you both anticipated, the ambient sounds of paper printing and carts rolling by were no longer prevalent. The only thing filling the room is the buzz of the light fixture above and the words you two exchange. The table is cluttered with Ellie’s open notes and some textbooks with neon page markers poking out the sides. It wasn’t organized by any means, but it was a mess you both found easy to work around. 
Surprisingly, Ellie is a great tutor. When she saw your paper, she didn’t make fun of you like you thought she would. Instead, she expressed how grating it is to remember all that crap and you shouldn’t give yourself a hard time over it. 
To help you memorize the muscles of the body, you guys settled on one area and made up silly rhymes for it. She tried to argue that brachiosaurus was perfect for brachialis even though it didn’t even rhyme. You even gave her the chance to pick a different one, but then she said brachyceratops with a mockingly straight face and you knew she couldn’t be trusted for the task anymore.
The air between you two wasn’t stuffy or silent like you feared it’d be. Ellie made you laugh, not in the breathy forced way you’ve unknowingly gotten used to making. 
She made sure you listened to her tips & tricks, made you review your mistakes so you wouldn’t repeat them again.
You hadn’t picked up your phone for anything other than to google things on the subject, and your ringer? Off. Your attention never strayed far from her. That made her undeniably nervous– sweaty, and hard for her to breathe normally, but she could  acknowledge how well she was doing.
Ellie’s head is dipped down to a paper you two were working on and you’re openly ogling, wondering how she’d look in a pair of glasses. Flipping through papers, tapping the back of a pen on her inviting lips. You tell yourself you snap back to reality before your mind strays any further. 
“If we keep this up, you’ll remember it all in no time” She encourages, eyes still glued on the paper. Secretly, she hopes it takes a little longer. Just a little.
“Thanks for helping me out, Els.” You say, face tilted into the palm of your hand. 
Ellie looks up from the paper to give you a smile, but she doesn’t hold her gaze for long. A millisecond later and her blush would have you thinking she had a sudden, terrible fever. 
“It’s no problem. It helps me out too.” Ellie points to the examples she sketched out for you with her pencil. She pauses before speaking again, trying to get rid of the sudden dryness in her mouth, “Can I ask you something?” 
Studying her expectantly, you lift your head off your hand. “Yeah?” 
Ellie fidgets with her pencil, trying to muster up courage. Her mouth feels dry trying to push out the words. “I’m also struggling with a class and uh,” she twirls her pencil in one hand, tucking a sliver of her hair behind her ear with the other, “I was wondering if you could be the model for my art final?” Her question came out whinier than she’d like it to, making her freckled-face wince. 
You can sense how nervous she is about asking, but you can’t place your finger on why she ever would be. This is the first time anyone has ever asked you something like this, so in your mind it’s nothing but exciting, especially coming from her. You can already imagine yourself sitting prettily still while Ellie studies you and paints long, fancy strokes on a yellow canvas. “Ellie, are you kidding? I’d love to.” 
Her lashes flutter in disbelief, “Really?”
“You’re helping me, so why not? It’s fair.”
“It’s kind of a weird thing to ask. I mean, we barely know each other.” Ellie murmurs, unaware that you have absolutely no idea what she’s on about. 
You lift a brow at her. “We will eventually, right? What’s weird about a portrait anyways?” 
“It’s not a portrait… Well, I guess it is–“ Ellie sighs into her palm, “I’m drawing you, but…” She cringes before she can finish her sentence. 
“A portrait in pencil? What am l missing?” You slowly question. 
“Think Titanic.” She grimaces as she waits for your reaction, trying not to bang her head on the table for picking Titanic of all movies. 
“Titanic? What does that have to do with…” Your voice trails off, quieting down so you can process what Ellie said. Think Titanic. It's hard for you to connect what the 1997 romance movie had to with this, but when it connected, it connected. The infamous drawing scene was memorable. You’re in awe, not quite sure how to react. 
“You don’t have to be fully… y’know..” Ellie insists. 
Your face is still unreadable, as if you're lost in thought, and it’s freaking her out. Too many what-ifs are going through her head, all of them gradually getting worse the longer you stay silent. She thinks she got too close to the sun when she had more than enough warmth. She's already preparing herself for rejection, worryingly scouting your face for a hint of revulsion; however, it never comes.
“Oh. Okay.” You calmly respond with a shrug, your face still unreadable; the only difference being a light smile. You could’ve thought about it longer, but you’re so flattered Ellie wants you to pose for her that you rather worry about it later. She wants to sketch your body onto paper. Yours. It sounds vulnerable and a little nerve wracking, but she’s your friend. A friend you have a crush on, sure, but you wouldn’t want to inconvenience her over it. Plus, you owe her now. Really, you’re purely being selfless. At least that’s what you’re telling yourself.
“Okay?” Ellie repeats to make sure she was hearing things right.
“Like I said, you’re doing this for me, so I’ll do it for you.” You reassure, gesturing around to the study session laid across the table. 
“Are you sure? You know I’ll still tutor you, even if you say no–”
“— Do you not want me to?” You pout your lips, hoping she hasn't changed her mind already.
“Are you shitting me? Of course I do. I just… didn’t expect you to say yes.” Ellie finally says, absolutely dumbfounded given her hand movements. 
You laugh melodically, “Didn’t think that far, huh?” 
“Nope.” She answers with a cute embarrassed smile, her blood rushing to her face. 
Your phone buzzes, probably a text or notification. You reach out and shove a few papers to the side to get to it before taking a look, only for your eyes to be drawn to the time. “Shit. It’s late. I think the library closes soon…” You murmur regretfully, feeling all too comfortable where you were.
Ellie presses her tongue against her cheek in annoyance, upset that time dared to pass by as fast as it did. “We should get going then, I guess.” She says dejectedly, not wanting to leave you just yet. 
You peep her suddenly gray aura and smile warmly towards her. “Can you walk me back to my dorms?”
She nods with subtle enthusiasm and pushes out of her seat, immediately packing all her belongings to join your side. “Yes! — I mean, sure. Yeah.”
The lamp post lights are warm and waning, complimenting the shadows on both your faces. You two walk down the dark flagstone path towards the housing area, chatting about nothing. It’s nice to be able to spend a little more time with her before the night is over. Unfortunately, you guys were drawing closer and closer to your dorm and the feeling of loss came as quick as it left. 
“Hey, Els?” 
She glanced at you and hummed in response, giving you the signal to continue. “I was wondering if you were gonna be at some party tomorrow? Apparently Dina’s co-hosting it.”
Ellie looks at you quizzically before looking off elsewhere to think. “Why the fuck would they party on a Sunday?”
You snort out a laugh before lifting and dropping your shoulders, “I don’t know, senioritis or something. Will you come though?”
“Mhm, I’ll be there.” She smiles as she speaks, loving how your face lit up by the end of it. Ellie isn’t too fond of parties, but for you? She can make an exception.
You cheer in a whisper tone and it makes Ellie smile harder, her features creasing in adoration. You two finally approach your dorm building. You walk up a step before turning to wave goodbye. She raises a palm in return and you flash her a smile that makes her heart leap before turning into the building.
If Ellie couldn’t tell before, she’s completely enamored by you. 
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a/n: fuck jk rowling but i rlly couldnt think of any other commonly known fantasy book :/
taglist: @bready101 @pascals-doll @macaroni676 @khai-le @pedropascalsbbg @seraphicsentences @starlight-savegery @snowy-vee @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @a-little-bit-of-everybody @elliesactualgirlfriend
217 notes · View notes
daydreaming-nerd · 5 months
Young Love and Old Money (Cassian x Female! Reader) Part 8
Young Love and Old Money Masterlist
AN: Hey guys I have a feeling no one really liked part 7 so I cut out a couple scenes for this. This chapter might feel like we’re jumping around a lot but I wanted to get you guys to the good stuff that you want in the next couple parts. I do want to take this time to tell you that things are going to get more angsty before they get more fluffy. At least the next two will have ANGST… but please hang in here with me and let me cook I promise you’ll love it in the end. I hope you all stick around. Sending you all love 🥺🖤
Summary: She was the most beautiful woman in Prythian, sister to the High Lord of Night, and now she is the soon-to-be wife of Eris Vanserra. Despite her many titles and her aura of unattainability, Cassian can't help but fall deeply in love with the princess of the Night Court. But will it be enough to stop her impending wedding to a man who is sure to destroy her from the inside out?
Warnings: Sexism, flashback to under the mountain, ANGST
Word Count: 5,609
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The smell of sulfur and sweat filled my senses. During the day it was always burning hot and at night the temperature dropped significantly. The hour that it took for my body to adjust to the change in climate everyday was always grueling. When my brother and I first arrived he was able to keep me hidden, offering me his coat or an arm to slink under,  but the second Amarantha set eyes on him he was ripped away from me. I hadn’t been allowed to speak to him since.  
For the most part I had kept my head down, desperately trying to blend into the crowd of fae. It was  all I could do to survive, yet the whispers still followed me. 
“The Jewel”
“Rhysand’s sister” 
I knew they were all plotting against me, weighing whether or not my brother would have leave to reprimand anyone who dared hurt me. It was only a matter of time until someone decided to test the waters. 
I stood among the crowd of fae looking up at the dias before us. The King Of Hybern had come to see how his little experiment had been going and Amarantha had made a point of making a show out of it. She had the most noble subjects lined up first, Kallias, Helion and myself included among the ranks. The rest fell into place behind us.
I looked up to the dias where the High Queen sat, my brother standing dutifully by her side. To my knowledge he had not yet given in to her wishes, but by the bags under his eyes and the paleness of his skin I wondered how much more of her torture he could take. 
“As you can see my king, they have bent the knee without much fuss,” Amarantha gestured to those of us kneeling before her. The rocks under my knees cutting my skin. “We have all the High Lord’s but one present with us.” 
“Very good,” the king smiled, making his way down the line to survey every High Lord that Amarantha had lured into her domain. 
I kept my head down, staring only at the ground before me. The sound of his heavy boots crunching against the gravel was my only  indication that he was getting closer to where I was kneeling. The toe of his leather boots came into view before me and then stopped. My heart started to race and my palms became clammy behind my back. A cold hand lifted my chin and my eyes were met with a pair of black soulless ones.
“What about this one?” the king asked, never once taking his eyes off me. By the look on his face I could tell that he ate up every ounce of fear I projected, practically thrived off it.
“That is y/n, sister of Rhysand, High Lord of Night.” Amarantha purred, clearly proud of herself for getting me here. 
“I’d like to have her,” he said, pulling me up roughly by my arm. “It’s time I take a wife so that I might have an heir to this mighty kingdom I’ve built.” 
Fear courses through my veins as I feel tears start to prick my eyes. The king spoke so casually, like he was picking out a new tapestry. If I had eaten any food the last two days I would’ve hurled onto the stone floor below me. This would be my fate, and there was no one coming to save me. 
“She is yours then,” Amarantha said, sipping her wine. “She’s of no use to me. Make an example of her for all I care. Some of her companions have been especially restless these past few evenings.” she uttered, referring to how Helion punched a lesser fae for trying to touch me last night. 
“With pleasure,”the king growled, tossing me onto the ground. 
The stone and rock sliced open my palms, the pain quick and biting. I had barely any time to think before I felt the king kneeling behind me, his hands beginning to lift my dress. 
“NO NO NO!” my screams echoed off the walls falling upon deaf ears. 
I tried to crawl away but I was hauled back by a pair of hands, one wrapping around my neck forcing me up. 
My brother's voice boomed through the room, ricocheting off the walls like glorious night earning gasps from the lesser fae behind us. Thankfully the disruption was enough to stop Hybern in his tracks. 
“If you don’t give my sister to him and you promise me her safety I will go to bed with you willingly,” Rhys pleaded and my heart dropped. 
My eyes flitted up to find my brother, the High Lord of the Night Court, and the most honorable man I ever knew, kneeling. His hands grasped one of Amarantha’s as she looked down at him with a light in her eyes. 
‘No, no, no, no’ was all I could think.
“Without any fuss?”she asked him. 
“Yes,” he agreed. 
“Rhys no!” I called but Hybern’s grip on my throat tightened. 
“For as long as I wish?” she clarified. 
“Consider it done,” she purred. 
My eyes flew open, my breath racing so fast I couldn’t keep up with it. A sheen of sweat coated my skin and it took me a moment to recognize where I was. 
Cassian’s breaths rose and fell behind me, his arms around me an impenetrable wall to anyone who might try to take me from him. But it was all too much, and I needed to feel the fresh air. The fresh air I didn’t get to feel for 50 years. 
So I wiggled out of his grasp with great difficulty and padded down the hallway to the balcony where he and I normally would take off. 
The second the freezing night air hit my bare skin I felt like I could finally breathe again. My  nightgown did nothing to keep me warm but I was more than happy to feel the breeze. I looked down upon the sparking lights of Velaris and took it all in. There was a time I thought I would never see my home again, yet here I was. But at what cost? 
Images of Rhysand’s health deteriorating under the mountain flashed through my mind. What he had done with Amarantha, so completely unspeakable. The only time I ever saw him perk up was when the Cursebreaker showed up. The one who had saved us all, the one I would later find to be my brother’s mate. I had never met the woman, but I longed to thank her for what she did. 
These past few weeks I had been able to escape the nightmares of my time under the mountain. I supposed Cassian chased those monsters away. But as I stood here now I realized that it didn’t matter how far I ran, I could never be free of that stench of sulfur, and I could never outrun my guilt. 
“You’re going to catch a cold,” Cassian murmured from the doorway. I didn’t turn back to meet his stare, unwilling to show him the tears in my eyes. 
“It’s not that bad,” I laugh subtly wiping away a tear.
His arms wrap around me and I can’t help but lean into his warm chest, as his wings cocoon around me to block out the wind. He’s so warm, how is he always so warm? 
“Are you okay?” he asks softly, words rumbling through his chest. 
“I just had a nightmare that’s all,” I sigh, resting my hands to where his arms are clasped over my chest. “I thought that I was done having dreams about what happened under the mountain but I guess not. The things I saw? What Rhys did for me?” I pause, taking a deep breath. “Sometimes I think I’ll never really escape that place.”
Cassian turns me slowly in his arms and though I know he wants me to look at him, I can’t stop myself from wrapping my arms around him and burying my face in his bare chest. He holds me even tighter as his wings wrap around me, keeping in the warmth. 
“Never again y/n,” he coos, running a hand over my hair. “For as long as I live you will never have  to go back there again.”
I can’t help as a tear trickles down my eye at his words. My face burying further into his warm chest, the one place I truly never want to leave. Not when I longed for it for so long. I breathed Cassian in deeply, trying to remind myself I was here, I was home. Rhys was at the townhouse, we were both safe. 
“What can I do? How can I help?” Cassian asked me, pressing a kiss to my forehead. 
“Just hold me,” I say with a shaky breath letting my hands wander up and down the bare skin of his back.
I felt his chest rumble through my cheek as he let out a small laugh, “I remember when I would’ve done anything to hear you say those words.” he says wings coming in tighter around me. 
“You can hold me whenever you want general,” I smile, continuing to rub circles on his lower back.
“Almost whenever I want,” he corrects me quietly.
Reality came back to me in an instant. I knew what he meant. The complexities of marriages, and armies and alliances keeping us from being transparent.
But we would get there soon… Together we would get there.  
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The next few days my dream follows me. 
Every night I dream of my brother on his knees before Amarantha, every night I wake in a cold sweat, every night Cassian soothes me until I fall asleep again. 
As I stare at myself in the mirror the bags under my eyes are a reminder that last night the nightmare had found me again. The ladies maids behind me pull my corset tighter, taking away my ability to breathe.
The only saving grace about today is that Eris isn’t here. Apparently he was out on a hunt with his brothers on a hunt and had been gone for three days. I knew it was really a bachelor party, no doubt spent in a seedy brothel, but I didn’t care to correct the autumn court women. How could I when they had the garment so tight I could hardly speak.
Today had been all about fitting me for my wedding dress, one I had yet to see. It was a long process of measuring my arms, legs, and bust. Picking out shades of white that would look best with my  complexion, (the debate between ivory and white lasted an hour and was utterly ridiculous). With Eris gone Cassain had spent the day lounging on a sofa, letting his guard down, that is until the corsets came out.
“Prince Eris says he wants her a size smaller for the wedding, keep pulling!” Ordered the older of the two, her gray hair falling from its updo. Gods they had already taken me in a full size.
My hands braced on either side of the mirror as the women yanked with all their strength one last time. It took everything in me not to scream out in pain once more as the fabric constricted around me again. I swore on my life I heard a rib crack.
“That should do it, measure her,” the older one snapped again. I wasn’t sure who this woman was but I didn’t dare argue with her. 
A tape measure was slipped around my waist for the millionth time as they checked to see if the dress would fit. I watched in the mirror as the young one held up the measurement, my eyes flitting to Cassian’s worried gaze in the back of the room.  
“Perfect, the dress will fit nicely after the alterations on the arms are done,” the older woman reported, putting her tools away. “You are free to go.”
“Can you help me get this off?” I ask trying to reach around trying to find the ribbons but the damned thing is tied so tight I can’t even reach. 
“Absolutely not!” the woman cried like I had asked her to murder her first child. “You will need to leave that on till at least the end of the day to train your waist.” 
I don’t argue, too scared to hear the woman squawk at me again like she just did. Thankfully the younger one, who I assume is her apprentice, helps me put on my old dress. The rusty colored fabric is looser in the middle now but all I can think about is going home. The sooner I’m home the sooner I can take this damned thing off. 
“Ready?” Cassian asks, standing from his spot on the couch. 
“More than you know,” I laugh waddling over to him. 
He leads me out of the palace and neither of us say a word or even dare to brush hands as we walk down the too quiet hallways. Even when this place is empty it feels like it has eyes everywhere. I swear if I looked up right now there would be a dozen people staring down at me. Normally the second that I step outside I feel like I can breathe, but today that’s not the case. I’m thankful that Cassian feels my urgency to get home shooting us both into the sky as soon as possible. 
I knew it was dumb but I never got tired of this part of our day. There was a certain sense of joy in getting to spend these peaceful moments with Cassian. Just him and I, the world soaring by around us with the knowledge that I would be home soon and life could resume as normal. 
The second we touch down on the House of Wind balcony I’m rushing to Cassian’s room, well I supposed it was our room now, considering I hadn’t slept in my own in over a week. I hear Cass close the door behind me as I fumble for the ties on my dress desperately wanting to take a full, deep breath. 
“Here let me help you,”  he pleaded, moving my hands out of his way. 
“Thanks,” I breathed as I felt my dress fall to the ground, the impending freedom starting to make my heart race. Cassian’s hands fumbled with the knot at the base of the corset. 
“They tied it so tight I can’t break the knot apart,” he said, starting to panic a bit as my breathing quickened. 
“Cut it off me Cassian, I can’t breathe,” I rasp trying to pull the top of the corset off my skin a bit to allow my chest to rise and fall normally but it’s useless.  
“Shit baby hold on,” he assures me. I hear him draw a dagger from its sheath on his thigh, carefully dragging the tip down the back. 
With every single snap of the ribbons I feel my lungs expanding again and the second the torturous garment is on the floor I nearly double over, taking my first full breath. 
“Oh my gods,” Cassian curses, his fingertips running down my spine gently, like he might hurt me.
“What? What is it?” I ask looking into the floor length mirror in the corner of the room. In it I can see Cassian looking over my back with furrowed brows. 
“They bruised you,” he said, eyes meeting mine in the mirror.
I turn around so I can see myself in the mirror from afar and sure enough a bruise lines my vertebrae where the corset was. No wonder I felt like I heard bones cracking.
“It’s fine, you’ve experienced worse,” I sigh, picking up a discarded robe on the floor and slipping it over my shoulders. 
“I’d rather fight a battle than wear a corset,” Cassian snickered and honestly I didn’t blame him. 
“At least I’ll never have to wear it again,” I say, tossing the corset aside, taking my anger out on it.
“Does that mean you’ve figured out how you’re gonna handle this?” he asks me tentatively, like he was terrified to either ask or hear my answer.  
I turn to meet his eyes, and for a moment I think about taking the easy way out, telling him something that might give him hope. But we had spent so long lying about our feelings for one another, wasting so much time. I wouldn’t lie about this. 
“I thought I did, but the last two times I brought up calling off the wedding he-”
“If he touches you again I don’t think I-” he trails off, looking to the side as if he’s trying to compose himself. “Last time it felt like my blood was on fire.” 
His admittance nearly brought me to my knees. The anger in his eyes veiled with sadness had me reaching up to cup his face, just needing to feel him. 
“I know Cass and I’m so sorry. I know this is hard for you and gods I’m a fucking monster-” 
“Fuck y/n,” he shakes his head taking my hands in his. “Don’t you dare apologize. You are trying to save your people and help your court. I’m being a selfish prick.” he says, casting his head down in embarrassment.
My blood boils at the thought that he felt selfish in any sort of way. Even more so that I was the reason.
“No, don't say that,” I order him, squeezing his hands to bring his gaze to mine. “You are the most selfless male I’ve ever known. I love you Cass, and I promise I’m going to figure this out. Because I honestly don’t think I can live without you now. You are everything to me, and so much more. I know I can do this,” I assure him, but really I feel like I’m assuring myself more.  
His gaze softens, and a twinge of light flickers in his eyes, one that looks like hope, “I know you can too, My smart, ambitious, caring and beautiful woman,” he praises, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I am beyond honored to call you my princess.” 
“And I’m thankful to call you my general,” I smile, craning my head to read his face. “But mostly I’m just thankful to call you mine.” 
“I’ll be yours until my heart stops beating, and maybe even after that if there’s a place we go when our time in this world is through,” he coos, brushing a hair from my face. 
“Wherever that place is,” I sigh, pressing my head to his chest and pulling him closer to me. “I’ll follow you there too.” 
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The days that followed were generally boring. Cassian would fly up to the Illyrian Mountains with Azriel to further prepare the troops for the impending war.  Apparently Windhaven had become the main stronghold for all the camps, and of course having hundreds of Illyrians in the same camp was more than rowdy. Cass and Az were constantly breaking up fights and coming home worse for wear. One night Cassian had come home caked in mud and blood, which he assured me wasn’t his own.
That night I demanded that he let me get him cleaned up and after hearing a million phrases along the lines of…
“You’re a princess, you shouldn’t be having to clean me up.” 
“I don’t want to get you dirty.” 
I finally convinced the stubborn general to let me take care of him. I took my time rubbing out the knots in his shoulders, his muscles so hard I could barely feel my hands afterwards. The sounds that fell from his lips were enough motivation to keep going though. He even let me wash his wings, something I knew Illyrians didn’t normally tolerate. 
I remembered a day when I was just 10 years old and Rhys was 12. I had instinctively reached out to touch Rhys’ wing and he just about had my head. After that I was terrified to go anywhere near them. I could tell he felt bad about the encounter. One day when I was crying over something our father had yelled at me about he hugged me, and used his wings to cocoon me in.  It was enough to bring a smile to my face and ever since then it had become a silly thing he had done whenever I was upset. Gods we hadn’t had a moment like that in years.  
Nevertheless, my heart soared when Cassian asked me to wash his wings. I took my time to be extra careful. Grazing over sensitive areas when necessary. But appreciating every breathtaking inch of them.  I didn’t miss the way one of his large wings curled over my frame that night while we lay in bed, almost as if it was its own sentient being thanking me. 
“So last family dinner huh?” Azriel said as Cassian and I walked into the living room of the townhouse. 
The words rolling off the Shadowsinger's tongue was enough to make my stomach hurt again.  Rhysand had asked for us all to come together one last time for dinner as a family before I married Eris and moved to the Autumn Court. 
Cassian hadn’t asked for updates surrounding the nuptials that would be taking place in two days time, which I was thankful for, considering I had none to give. I knew that tonight he would ask for answers, I could tell by the quiet demeanor he had all day. But I would cross that bridge when I came to it. 
“Yeah I guess so,” I replied to Az as the three of us made our way to the long dining room table.
I took my usual place at the end of the table next to Azriel, Cassian sat across from me, Mor next to him and then Amren.  Rhys, who always sat at the head of the table, arrived late adjusting the lapels of his jacket.
“Forgive me for being late,” he apologized, taking his seat. “I was just reading the latest reports and well-” he trailed off, not wanting to bring it up. 
“What is it?” Amren demanded, leaving no room for him to avoid the question. 
“Hybern’s forces are growing and there are rumors that the spring court will stand with him,” Rhys admits and my stomach plummets. 
My eyes lift to Cassian’s and find him already looking at me. Worry passes between us. If the spring court has chosen to side with Hybern then we are truly outnumbered, especially if Tarquin refuses to fight. His foot brushes against mine under the table, the only comfort he’s able to offer me at the moment. 
“Why would Tamlin do that?” I ask, breaking the silence. 
“His father was one of Hybern’s biggest allies in the first war. My guess is that he’s trying to follow in his fathers footsteps,” Rhys turns to me. 
“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Mor scoffed, sipping her wine. 
The topic of conversation was dropped and dinner continued as usual. The boys swapped fond memories and fought over who was the true winner of last year's snowball fight. All the while I couldn’t shake what my brother had said, if the rumors are true and Tamlin joins Hybern what does that mean for the rest of us? For Cassian, who would no doubt be on the front lines. 
I lift my eyes to see him and just like always I nearly have my breath taken away. He had one arm thrown over the back of his chair, the other holding a glass of wine while he laughed at something my brother had said. Cassian was so handsome when he was like this, at ease, laughing with his family. I had yet to see him in battle, but I knew that seeing him that way would be just as knee wobbling. If he was gone then what? 
I looked at my family around me, the home my brother had built and fought so hard to protect. The warmth that lived here, it was something that couldn’t be put into words. It could all be gone in seconds, and then everything my brother sacrificed under the mountain? It would’ve been for nothing.
“Well I have to get back and finish some paperwork,” Rhys said, tossing his napkin on the table. 
“I have some mission reports to wrap up,” Azriel said, also throwing in the metaphorical towel.
We all stood, our chairs sliding across the wooden floor with a squeak, my eyes found Cassian and I could sense that he wanted to speak to me. 
“And you dear sister need to get some beauty sleep for the big day,” Rhysand said, placing a kiss to the top of my head. 
I embraced him warmly, taking in every part of him. I knew it wouldn’t be the last time I saw him, or the last time I saw any of them. But with the wedding and war, everything seemed so much more precious now. 
We all moseyed over to the front door where I said goodbye to Mor and Amren, as they wouldn’t be attending the wedding. I gave the townhouse one last look, taking in the warm fae lights, the plush carpets and the love that the place offered. I hoped it would be a bright light for me to remember when I would no longer be able to visit. The door closed and I swear a part of me was locked behind it. 
“I’ll see you two at home,” Azriel said, he didn’t even give us a chance to say goodbye before shooting off into the sky. 
“Walk with me?” I asked Cassian, cocking an eyebrow at him. 
“Look at that you’re taking me for walks now, what a responsible dog owner,” Cassian smirks referring to the dog comment made nearly a month ago. 
“You’re never going to let me live that down are you?” I laugh bumping into his arm as he holds open the front gate for me.
“Never baby, never,” he laughs
 Velrais was beautiful no matter what time of day or what season it was. But summer nights in Velaris had to be my favorite. While growing up I hardly ever got to leave the house, if I did it was when Rhys would sneak me out on night time flights. Often going into the city for sweets or ice cream. 
Tonight was perfect. The temperature was just warm enough to merit the lilac satin I was wearing, while the breeze coming off the Sidra kept us both cool. It seemed that the whole town thought it was a perfect night. Many people opted to take their dinner and drinks on outdoor patios, a small band had brought their instruments out for children and couples to dance to, and there was a general scene of merriment everywhere. This was home. 
  As we got closer to the river and further from the music the breeze picked up and Cassian’s wing shot out to create a shield for me. My mouth was halfway open poised to say something when a small cry came out from behind me. Cassian whipped around to assess the danger even faster than I could, but as we both turned around all we found was a little girl, about 5 years old, running toward me, doll in hand. 
“Princess! Princess!” she squealed in excitement as she came to a halt at my feet, tugging on my dress. 
“Celia!” shouted a woman running towards us. By the matching black hair and blue eyes I could tell it was her mother. “Get back here this instant!”
“Don’t worry she’s alright,” I smiled towards the mother trying to offer her some reassurance. 
The woman quickly halted in her tracks upon seeing my face and bent at the waist, “Your highness please forgive me,” she said quickly. 
“Please, please, no bowing,” I laughed, placing my hand on her shoulder. 
“You’ll have to forgive this one, she’s much faster than me,” the woman laughed nervously. 
I looked down to see the little girl looking up at me with stars in her blue eyes, I bent over to pick her up using all my strength to do so.
 “Sounds like she’s going to be a little warrior then,” I laugh. “You should meet my friend Cassian, he’s the general.” I say to Celia hiking her up on my hip to see Cass. 
He tucked his wings in tight and wiggled his fingers at the little girl, trying to seem less intimidating. She hesitantly waved back unsure of him and then turned her gaze to me. 
“You’re pretty,” she smiled, one of her tiny hands grazing my nose for emphasis.
“Why thank you. I think you’re very pretty as well Celia,” I smile at her cherub cheeks. “Tell me about your dolly,” I say looking at the porcelain doll in her arms.  
“Her name's Poppy, she’s a princess too,” Celia stated proudly holding the doll up so I could see her more clearly. 
“Well it’s lovely to meet you princess Poppy,” I nodded, shaking the doll's dainty hand. 
“Come on Celia it’s time for bed darling,” her mother laughed.
I placed the girl down on the ground and watched her run to grab onto her mothers legs. 
“Thank you princess,” she nodded to me. “General,” she nodded to Cassian. 
“Of course,” I said, waving goodbye.
As I watched the two walk away hand in hand I couldn’t help but notice the warmth there and the love. At that moment I found myself missing my own mother.  I looked out over the river, the calm black water drifting by as the stars sparkled over Ramiel. The distant sounds of children laughing, adults singing, music playing. 
I couldn’t leave this place to chance. This beautiful home that Rhys had built, the shops and restaurants. The people who lived here peacefully and without worry. 
I wouldn’t let people like Celia and her mother suffer from my selfishness. 
I turned to find Cassian already staring at me expectantly, as is if he was on edge waiting for me to say something. There was a wariness to his stare that told me he knew what came next.  
“Cass we need to talk,” I sigh.
I see his metaphorical hackles raise as he speaks, “No y/n, absolutely not. I won’t lose you.” he declared the heat of the argument already rising. 
“There isn’t a way out Cassian. I won’t put my people at risk like that. Think of the little girls like Celia. I can’t just sit by and watch her go to the slaughter because I didn’t want to marry someone.” I argue, gesturing to the city behind him. “And what about you? Huh? You heard what Rhys said. If Tamlin is involved and we still don’t have Tarquin’s support, then where does that leave you? On the frontlines. If something were to happen to you and I had to live with the thought that I could’ve done something to stop it but didn’t, I couldn’t live with myself.”
Cassian’s fists clenched at his sides, “I would rather live with you for however long I have left then be without you y/n.” he pleaded. 
His words hit like a blow as I felt tears pricking my eyes. This was the end. This beautiful, wonderful thing I had found that made me feel so alive, so loved. It was ending, and it was dying like a star. Burning bright and exploding, taking everything in its path. 
“And what about them?” I gestured to the city in the distance as a cheer sounded from one of the taverns. “If I don’t marry Eris that means I’m okay with their blood on my hands Cassian. What does that make me? A monster.” 
His jaw ticked,  “So I’m just supposed to sit here and watch you marry him? Watch him put his hands all over you? Watch you have his fucking children!” he roared, eyes only softening when I flinched away from him. 
“I’m sorry Cass, but I don’t know what to do anymore. All I know is that I want to save my people, and this is the only way I know how. The safest.” I say calmly. 
Cassian steps back and looks over the water, like he can’t even face me and I don’t blame him. He takes a deep breath, seemingly collecting his thoughts and then he speaks for the last time.
“He is going to kill you from the inside out y/n. You’re going to become just like that dog in his kennels,” he grits, unable to meet my gaze. “And I won’t stick around to watch.” 
He walks past me, wings nearly knocking me over. 
“Cassian please,” I cry trying to reach out for him, but he’s airborne and flying gods know where before my fingers can graze his leathers. 
I stand there watching him disappear into the night sky. Once he’s out of sight I swear I hear a roar so loud it rattles Ramiel. I’m left there on the edge of the river with no one but myself to wipe my tears. And I suppose I deserve that, I should’ve never kissed Cassian that night after the ball, should’ve never gone to bed with him. Should’ve never fallen in love with him. 
Turns out it didn’t matter what I did, I was a monster either way. 
And I sat and thought about that for a long time.
Part 9
Taglist: @crystalferret202 , @nickishadow139 ,  @graceshifts , @writeroutoftime , @heyyitsnat21,  @stinkinstuffie , @lilah-asteria , @12358 , @fxckmiup, @daughterofthemoons-stuff, @mybestfriendmademe, @anxious-study, @bxm-1012 , @mal-adaptive-dreams ,  @sh4nn , @talesofadragon , @5onedirection5 
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always   
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nqmonarch · 8 months
Yandere Blade Part2
Don't know why but I feel like Blade would call the reader "fool" (affectionate) like as a petname? Like not degradingly but just Blade is kinda shit at expressing himself (aside from expressing pain) so a lot of the time reader doesn't pick up hints and he's like 'tsk fool...'
But like you're his fool so it's okay. Around anyone else you're not allowed to do such foolish things, what if they take advantage of you? Assuming you're around anyone else alone which is near impossible.
Also reader being like "I want you to die, I'll find a way to kill you." as if it's romantic and Blade being like half flustered half frustrated cause like he wants to die but no way in hell is he leaving you on your own or killing you. And bro's just like "You fool >:(" and reader is like ??? how tf do I read your mind.
Part 1 you don't have to read it if you don't want to but you can :)
TW: Yandere, Violence, Kidnapping
After you left he appeared in your dreams. It was strange, if anything you'd expect it to be a welcoming presence, memories of the past gone by. Yet instead all you could see where hate fueled eyes and his arm twitching struggling to resist the urge to raise his blade. If you were him you'd hate yourself too.
You'd been gone for a while, you were sure the medicine must've run out. You'd spent your time researching the Borisin, another creature "blessed" by Yaoshi. They had incredible healing ability yet could still die, and you didn't see any effects of mara. You'd managed to get aboard one of their ships and while you would've loved the opportunity to research them further and learn about the Abundance's effect on them, you couldn't.
The Borisin weren't well known for being kind, they valued strength above all and preyed on the weak. You were lucky for still being alive on their ship. Although, you were prison you'd learned a bit from observation and your cellmate, curiously enough another person interested in mara. They knew more about it than you.
You couldn't tell their gender, a ragged brown cloak covered them near completely aside from their porcelain pale legs and long blonde hair. They spoke of research projects you'd never heard of, of how livers were where mara gathered in both Foxian and Borisins, and how death of these long life species would come suddenly. When their cells suddenly stopped multiplying.
If you took out Blade's liver would he die? He would be in pain, agonizing pain if it didn't work. Would it even grow back? At this point you were too scared to try anything, in case of another failure. But you had to kill Blade. Maybe you didn't have it in you but you had to for his sake.
"I must wonder..." The voice drawled, a rather raspy quality to it, "Do you hate the Abundance?"
You looked over at the hooded figure, your back pressed against the cool wall of your cell, "Can't hate someone I don't know," You replied, a slight frown on their face, "But I do hate the number of lives they've ruined, even if they meant to save those people, you think by now they would've learned they hurt more than they help."
You'd seen it time and time again, a person lost to mara, set to forget everything in their life and turn on those they love lost in a sea of pain and hate. Getting to know Blade just made you hate it more.
"Didn't they save those lives first? Do you not need to continue helping just to find a way to help without hurting? Surely, in the end all the pain will be worth it." The person spoke slowly, leaning closer to you but not close enough you could see beneath their hood.
"I'd rather die young than lose myself completely," It was personal preference, "Maybe they did, but even if their immortality came without the cost of sanity, it has a cost of its own." You heard footsteps growing louder in between your words, "Sometimes we're too short sighted for our own good." You wished you'd stayed on the Xianzhou Luofu.
You could've told Blade that you couldn't do it, you could've begged him to stay by you anyway. You could've found a way that didn't involve death. But you would be a fool to think there was a cure for mara where the mara struck didn't die. You weren't that dumb. It would've all been empty promises, you would've wasted your life looking for a cure knowing you would never find one. On the other hand there had to be a way to kill Blade.
The stranger let out a sigh, and the footsteps stopped, a shadow hanging over you. One of the guards had come, you weren't sure for what. Perhaps, now that they knew they could kill you without any repercussions they'd come to do that. Yet as you strode out of the cell calmly, following the wolfish person, death never came. You were left to wonder what would have happened if their head hadn't been sliced messily off their body.
It took a moment for you to register it, the warm blood splattered on your clothes, staining them. The scent laid thick in the air and yet you were unaware of who the assailant was. You'd seen a brisk dark figure in the shadows only a moment before it'd happened.
Arms wrapped around your body, holding it uncomfortably tight. Normally, you would've fought back and called the person a creep but you knew who this was. Beneath all the blood was the faint scent of spider lilies. His arms remained still around you, refusing to budge in the slightest. You reached up and went to pull one of his arms down by his forearm but his other hand caught yours and held it tight against his blood soaked sleeve.
"At least let me go so I can see you," Your voice was gentle, and a small smile rested on your lips. Was it bad to say you were happy to see him again? He was wanted, for good reason too. But since when did emotions listen to ethics?
"No..." Blade's voice was a weird mix of pain and relief, both strained yet as he approached the end of the words he spoke he sounded more euphoric, arms quivering as they held you, "You would just leave again."
You chuckled, you weren't sure if it was out of sorrow or amusement, "You came." You didn't expect him to. "Do you really think I can kill you?"
You didn't get an answer at first instead feeling your cloak brushed to the side, your neck being left exposed. It wasn't pretty, you'd been in a prison cell for how long now? They didn't treat you well either. Not much food or water much less the opportunity to bathe. You'd offered your food to your cellmate but they declined, claiming their kind didn't need to eat as often. Instead you often received the rations for both of you, guilt settled in your gut at the thought.
You weren't sure what was going to happen now. If Blade killed you, would your cellmate at least be able to live or would he get overtaken by mara and go on a murderous rampage? Mara tended to become more unstable when emotions became more unstable.
Teeth pierced your skin and you let out a yelp, tightening your hand around Blade's forearm, and clenching the other one in a fist. "What are you? A dog?" You barked out, you had thought he'd resembled one before... but biting you like this? Wasn't that too much? It wasn't as painful as you'd expect it to be.
Once he'd managed to get his teeth into your skin, he stilled as if satisfied. His arms and mouth latched onto you like a terrified child scared to leave their parent. He wasn't planning to murder you, that was a plus. But for some reason it only made you feel more guilty. Guilty for leaving him, you should've told him. If you did then you would've wanted to stay.
This was for his own benefit, right? You could find a way to relieve him from this pain, right? But even if you did would you be able to kill him? "You shouldn't bite me," You chided him, moving your free hand uncomfortably over your shoulder to nudge at his head, hair brushing up against your hand. It felt rougher than usual.
At him remaining still you spoke again, "Seriously, for your own good, I'm dirty right now." You let out a sigh, pushing your hand against his head right now. He let go, moving his head back slowly and then rested it on your other shoulder, tilting his head toward you.
There was a dull ache where he'd bitten, slowly disappearing as heat took its place. You were probably bleeding.
"I don't know," Blade suddenly spoke voice scratchy and your eyes furrowed at his words. "Stay... you should stay. If you can't kill me. Stay."
"You're upset at me leaving..." You mused, he had mentioned it earlier but you'd just assumed it was because he thought you'd given up on killing him and ran.
You heard footsteps in the distance and jolted up a bit. The Borisins could smell blood, couldn't they? One of their canine characteristics. "I suppose we should be heading out then," You chuckled, yet couldn't help but be on edge your shoulders tensed even as you remained in Blade's arms. "Wouldn't want unwelcomed company to interrupt our welcome."
You felt him sigh, hot breath hitting your neck. Yet he didn't move at all, "...Blade?" Was he just going to wait for them to come and slaughter you both? Well, you suppose he'd live. But the pain of having his body ripped apart would last in his mind. How had he ever managed to stay sane?
Right, he wasn't sane. "Are you going to run away again?" Blade's voice echoed against your ear, and your smile twitched in response.
"If I die then I'll be leaving too, from a place I can never return from," You replied mock cheer in your voice. He stiffened for a moment before instantly relaxing despite the footsteps getting louder.
"I wish you would wield me as the blade I am," He muttered voice gruff and you vaguely remembered when you'd had him kill mara struck for you. It hadn't been pleasant. But if you'd found a way to kill him it would've all been worth it.
You felt your anxiety begin to rise as the footsteps only came closer and closer, you decided this misunderstanding had gone on long enough, "Look, I left because I wanted to help you," You explained, cringing at the weakness in your voice, "I am going to find a way to kill you Blade," you promised despite the sinking feeling in your heart.
You knew at this point you were just lying. Even if you found out how to kill him you wouldn't be able to. You felt his body to begin to shake before you heard it, the sudden laughter. As if all in life was futile. It chilled you to the bone, it sounded like a mad man losing his last bit of sanity becoming hysterical. At the sound of Blade's laugh the footsteps began to speed up having a clear source of the intruder.
...Was he going to kill you? You really thought he wouldn't, given that he'd bothered to keep you alive this long. He stopped in his laughter stilling, and in a strangely affectionate tone said, "Fool."
His hand reached up to the side of your jaw and--
You supposed being knocked out was better than being killed. It really could be worse. The bed you were on was also surprisingly comfortable, would it be more comfortable if you weren't being clutched against a nice firm chest that was probably Blade's? Well, the hug was pretty comfortable so you were going to say no.
"You're awake." Blade's voice sounded rather hoarse. Had he not slept at all? Now that you were thinking of it, you'd never seen Blade asleep aside from when your medications made him do so.
You attempted to turn around to face him but the second you began to move your body his grip tightened, "Good morning," You laughed nervously at his actions. You were both happy and perturbed to find that you'd been bathed and your clothes had been changed.
It sounded like a command yet you could feel the desperation from the way he gripped your arms in the hug.
"You... fell in love with me at first sight," He still remembers that bullshit you made up to get him to stay?! "So stay..." His voice broke a bit at the last word, cracking.
You felt him dive his head into your neck. Pressing his forehead against your skin as if he was performing worshipping. Then relishing in the feeling of his skin against yours as if any crumb of physical affection gave him held the same meaning as giving a starving man food.
You did love him, and you wouldn't be surprised if you continued to do so for the rest of your life. Blade may be-- Blade definitely is a terrible person in some capacity but you couldn't help who you loved right? Plus, it wasn't like you were a saint either. You cared for life and you wanted it to thrive, yes. But, if a few individuals suffered for the greater good you wouldn't complain. If some had to die for the whole Xianzhou Luofu to overcome mara, wouldn't it be worth the price?
[A quick note, in actual research please be ethical. This reader is and should in no way be a role model for real life. If you consider doing unethical research please reach out to someone.]
When it came to people you loved, you'd be willing to bend your morals. You knew it wasn't right but, love is a very dangerous beast. "I'm doing this because I love you," You stated and you felt his hair brush against your neck, his nose met your jaw, his face continuing further until the two of your faces were side by side.
"Fool." His breath was warm against your cheek and you felt your face warm.
"Didn't you want to die?" You retorted, feeling grievance come into your voice. You were doing this for him.
Blade's lips pressed chastely against your cheek, the corners of his lips slightly uplifted. Then he bit, much more gentle than he did before, it was akin to how he bit you the night before you left. When he'd been struggling with his mara, and looked at you with those panicked eyes. All you did was turn and walk away.
Still... "What are you, a dog?" You teased him, not bothering in moving. It didn't really hurt.
You weren't sure if you'd be able to move anyway. One of his arms had moved in front of you, gripping down on the bedsheet, allowing him to shift the majority of his body weight over you. He moved his head up from your cheek and stared down at you, your eyes meeting his eyes. Their colors were similar to that of a fire's but they'd never been calmer, a look of devotion in them.
"Do you want me to be?" Blade shifted his weight, sitting more upright, keeping your legs in between his. He grabbed your hand and began to lay gentle kisses on your hand moving upward to your wrist and then forearm as you stared at him dumb struck.
You took the opportunity of his weight being off you to grab his jaw and tilt it toward you, "Of course not." You glared at him and pulled his face close enough so you could kiss him.
It was like water breaking through a dam, his reaction was immediate. He responded desperately, kissing back with rushed fervor albeit clumsily. His lips pressed against yours, yet his tongue was trying to get in on the action, flicking against your lips and leaving them wet. It was as if he'd die if you left.
It didn't move much further as Blade moved away for a moment to speak, he stared into your eyes something that could be considered deeply romantic if not for his next words, "Don't run away or I'll kill everyone."
"...You're ruining the mood," You muttered, feeling bristly hair against your palm as you pulled his head closer to yours lest he ruin the mood with another comment. You'd talk to him about finding a way to kill him later, but if you brought it up now you were pretty sure a massacre would happen.
"Fool..." Affection laced Blade's voice as you pulled him in for another kiss. You suppose you didn't mind being called a fool, so long as you were his fool.
AND THAT'S A WRAP for this little story, if you want idk spin offs or like little snippets of life (like an epilogue on cuddling or jealousy or whatever) send in an ask or something i'm always happy to write!
Anyway GUYS DOES BLADE SLEEP? genuine question.
Also you know how in like some yandere fics they restrain the reader with restraints? Yeah Blade is the restraints. He's also the weapon. Bro is everything in one. and like ugh writing kiss scenes i feel so awkward, my end goal for this year in writing is to write like a nsfw scene (not on this account will prob make a separate one) to like really challenge myself but i dont think itll be possible
Anyway on a bit of a more serious note, I love yandere as much as the next person IN FICTION. Please be sure not to romanticize these troupes in real life because your life can get fucked over very easily by people who resemble yanderes.
Let's enjoy ourselves IN FICTION please :) so I can keep writing this without having made someone romanticize a troupe that is dangerous in real life.
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Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
Request: Hey there! First of all, I want to say that your stories are amazing and I love reading them <3! They bring me the kind of comfort I can't get anywhere else. I'm fairly new Tumblr user, so I don't know how things actually work here, and I don't even know if you accept story suggestions. But anyway, I have a little idea that I don't feel I'm talented enough to write myself. I don't automatically assume that you will do anything, but I would be more than happy and grateful if you would ever find the time to even consider my suggestion. ❤
Idea: Y/n is really afraid of spiders. One day Natasha she starts discussing it with Natasha. Natasha, being a Black Widow herself, doesn't understand how anyone can be afraid of something as small as a harmless spider. The conversation soon turns into a playful pillow fight where Natasha accidentally finds out that Y/n is ticklish.
hi!! I love reading fanfics you made, but I was wondering would you write another natasha and her sister (reader) story? Thx and have a nice day 💛
Note: Thank you so much for these wonderful requests! I appreciate you guys reading my fics and I am glad you like them! I went ahead and combined these requests, as I felt they went well together. Enjoy! <3
Word Count: 1423
You were Natasha’s little sister and you adored her. You looked up to her in every way and wanted to be just like her. You were always excited to spend time with her, and today was one of those days. You and Natasha were having a sleepover and you two were preparing for it. First, you two went to the supermarket nearby to pick up snacks.
You immediately went to the candy aisle, much to Natasha’s amusement. 
“You know, Y/N, if you’re too energetic and hyped on sugar, I’m gonna have to find a way to calm you down,” Natasha warned you.
“It’s fine, I can tolerate large amounts of sugar,” you replied, taking a large pack of Twix and a bag of M&M’s off the shelf.
“You want anything?” You asked.
“Hmm, I’ll take a KitKat,” Natasha said, as you smiled, knowing that it was her favorite.
You and Natasha then went to get some microwave popcorn bags, a bottle of lemonade, and some paper plates. While she wasn’t looking, you snuck in a large pack of Oreos. You two also got some arts and crafts supplies that you planned on using at your sleepover.
After you guys bought all the items, Natasha surprised you by swinging by the pizzeria and picking up pizza for dinner, as it was 6pm already. 
“I got your favorite, Y/N, pepperoni with sausage and mushrooms,” Natasha said, as your mouth watered. 
You thanked Natasha for getting pizza as you guys headed home. You jumped out of the car, eager to get the sleepover started.
You set out two paper plates on the table and poured some lemonade for both of you. You guys sat down at the kitchen table and chatted while eating dinner.
“So what do you want to do first?” Natasha asked you.
“I want to do an arts and crafts project!” You cheered.
“Then arts and crafts it shall be!” Natasha declared.
After dinner, you guys threw your plates away and headed upstairs to your shared bedroom. 
Natasha pulled out the arts and crafts supplies, consisting of paint, paintbrushes, canvases, and materials to make friendship bracelets.
You took some of the painting supplies and began to paint a picture. You had been working on your art skills for a while, and you decided to attempt to paint a cabin in the mountains with a lake and beautiful nature nearby.
When you two were done painting, you showed each other what you created. Natasha had painted the Statue of Liberty, which turned out pretty decent. 
“Wow, Y/N, I had no idea you had gotten that good at painting. I remember when you used to just throw random colors on there, and now look at you. All grown up and an expert at painting,” Natasha said, tussling your hair as you beamed with pride.
Afterwards, you decided to make friendship bracelets for each other. You chose red thread and decorated it with various colors and spelled out her name.
You guys traded bracelets and then began to set up for the movie. You got the popcorn out and heated it up before pouring it into a large bowl to share. You also made sure to bring the candy over. 
After the movie, you guys changed into your pajamas and headed back to your room to play games and chat. 
After a while, the conversation had shifted into a deeper topic about fears. You thought your fears were silly, but you wanted to share them with the person you trusted the most. 
“I guess I’m sorta afraid of spiders,” you admitted, looking down into your lap.
“Spiders?” Natasha asked, as you nodded.
“It’s just weird because your average spider won’t do any harm, so I feel silly for being afraid of them.
“Y/N, it’s perfectly normal to be afraid of spiders or anything really. We all have our fears, even if we don’t fully understand them. I mean, part of me doesn’t quite understand it since I’m a black widow myself,” Natasha said, hoping to lighten the mood.
“I’m not afraid of you because you’re not an actual spider,” you said, playfully rolling your eyes.
“Wow rude! The disrespect to the original black widow,” Natasha gasped, reaching for a nearby pillow and whacking you with it.
“Pillow fight!” You declared, grabbing another pillow and fighting back. You two whacked each other and giggled endlessly, both not wanting to give in. Natasha lunged and reached to grab your pillow so she would have all the power. However, her hand missed the pillow and she ended up grabbing onto your side, causing you to squeal and jump away.
“Oh sorry Y/N! Are you okay?” Natasha asked, as you were still processing what just happened. 
“Oh, what yeah, I’m okay,” you said, looking away in embarrassment. 
Natasha gave you a weird look, knowing that something was off. Then she finally realized what had happened.
“Ohhhh, I see. Somebody’s ticklish huh?” Natasha said, now inching closer to you.
“No! I’m not!!” You cried, scooting away from her. 
Natasha knew you were bluffing, so she pounced on you and pinned your arms to your side, while tickling your stomach and ribs, making you cackle with laughter.
“NATAHAHAHASHA STAHAHAHAP,” you shouted, kicking your legs underneath her. 
“How come you never told me you were ticklish?” She asked, sneaking her hands into your armpits.
“BEHECAUSE YOU AHAHARE MEHEHEAN,” you squealed, clamping your arms as best as you could. 
“Excuse me?” Natasha said, leaning down to blow a raspberry on your tummy. Your laughter went silent as you shook your head. Your sister gave you a break, but kept your arms pinned.
“Can’t you let me go?” You whined.
“I certainly cannot since I finally found a way to calm you down after all that sugar,” Natasha teased, as she now reached down to shake into your ribs and tickle between the sensitive, vulnerable bones.
“YOHOU JEHEHERK,” you laughed, cursing yourself that you let her find out.
“Where else are you ticklish?” Natasha asked, giving your knees and thighs a squeeze, which gave her a few giggles. 
“Hmm, how about…your feet?” Natasha said, with a growing evil grin as she saw you panic.
“NO PLEASE! NOT MY FEHEEHET,” you squealed, as she began to scribble over your soft and sensitive feet.
“Why not? It’s such a great spot!” Natasha cooed, as you squirmed and thrashed around. 
After she felt you had enough, she helped you sit up.
“Y/N, I have a way to help you get over your fear of spiders,” Natasha said.
“How?” You asked.
She snuck her hand under your shirt to scratch lightly at your back, causing you to gasp and jerk away.
“HAHA NAHAHAT,” you laughed, as she held you still.
“Just imagine that my hand is a spider. See? Harmless, besides the fact that it’s ticklish,” Natasha said with a smirk.
“Now try and stay still,” Natasha said, wiggling her nails all over your back.
You scrunched your face up, trying not to laugh, but couldn’t help but squirm at the touch.
“You’re really that ticklish?” Natasha asked, now tickling your sides to make you collapse in laughter.
“Not until you’re over your fear of spiders~,” Natasha said, now singing the itsy bitsy spider as she walked her nails over your back.
You snorted as she reached the top of your back, right before your neck.
“Is your neck also ticklish?” Natasha asked, as you shook your head vigorously.
Natasha didn’t say anything, but instead wiggled her nails against the back of your neck. You curled up into a ball, swatting at her while laughing.
“Get over here you little troublemaker,” Natasha said, now squeezing the back of your neck, causing you to squeal and beg for mercy.
“Oh alright, you’ve had enough,” Natasha said, now releasing you from her grip.
“Thanks for helping me try to get over my fear of spiders,” you said, snuggling up against her.
“Are you still afraid of me?” Natasha asked with a smile.
“Well, now you made me have two fears. Spiders and the tickle monster,” you said, poking her ribs.
She swatted your hands away with a glare.
“Well, the tickle monster isn’t ticklish,” Natasha said, as you took that as a challenge.
You snuck your finger under her arm when she wasn’t looking, causing her to yelp and jerk her arm down.
“Y/N! I warned you!” Natasha said, pinning you down for round two of tickle torture.
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active-mind-15 · 3 months
Let's talk about Murasakibara as the youngest sibling
As we all know, Murasakibara canonically has four older siblings in the series, making him the fifth and youngest child in his family. So, as a fellow youngest child of my own family, I wanted to explore some headcanons/general observations I have in the context of him being the youngest child. I'll try not to project too hard but I make no promises. 🫶🏿
He is HEAVILY doted on. I think we can all agree on this because it's pretty obvious in the series that he is spoiled (I mean this both endearingly and derogatorily). That mindset probably came from all of his siblings taking care of things for him. But the downside to too much doting is that, outside of basketball, Murasakibara is not intrinsically motivated to do anything unless he gets a reward for it such as pocket money or sweets. I'm guessing the reason why he has such a sweet tooth in the first place is because his siblings would constantly bribe him with sweets to get him to do something. Fast-forward to Teiko, and he became a person who essentially wouldn't do anything they're asked unless they had sweets for him. Akashi is kinda guilty of fueling Murasakibara's sweet tooth with how often he shares sweets and snacks with him, but that was also their way of bonding. Himuro is worse, though. He will just straight-up be like "Atsushi, if you do this thing for me I will give you sweets." He's not even remotely ashamed about it.
He has a very set-in-stone hierarchy in his house. This would explain why he's so used to falling in line within the context of the basketball club. As the youngest, he has to obey his siblings and parents. This is why when he believes someone has authority over him, he follows them without question. But I'm sure that made him build up resentment, especially as a teenager. As a former teen myself, I hated being told what to do. So I'm sure Murasakibara lashing out at Akashi in 3rd year could be a result of pent-up frustration. When his skills drastically blossomed and he saw the power he held over Akashi in that regard, he decided to use it as a gambling chip to win his independence from the team, but it backfired.
He is not used to taking accountability because he has never been expected to be the "mature" one in his house. This frequently comes with the territory of being the youngest child. If you act out, it's often your older siblings that take the heat for your behavior because the older children are supposed to "know better". If two children are playing rough inside the house and break something, the older child is punished more because they were supposed to be the one to tell the younger child that playing rough inside wasn't a good idea. (It's a fucked up way of thinking but I've seen parents use this excuse to avoid holding themselves responsible for not raising their children correctly.) That being said, with four older siblings, I would expect that whatever trouble Murasakibara would get in would be pretty minimized in comparison to his siblings. Their parents would probably be so busy interrogating Murasakibara's siblings about why they weren't watching him or why nobody told Murasakibara not to do XYZ that by the time the attention trickles down to Murasakibara, his siblings have already gotten most of the flack for shit they didn't even do. Judging from the Replace Plus chapters, it seems like to make up for that, his siblings have taken up parental roles of their own to ensure that Murasakibara gets disciplined. In one of the chapters, Murasakibara mentioned that he had a fight with one of his older brothers. So, as punishment, his older sister took away his allowance. Clearly, his siblings do hold enough authority to make decisions like that regarding punishments. But I'm sure Murasakibara would then turn around and try to get his parents to overturn it (and maybe it works sometimes). This is why even after having that fallout with Akashi, they go back to their normal dynamic, but Murasakibara never truly apologized. Not as far as the viewers/readers are aware. So there always was that unsettling air hanging around the two of them even in high school. Things were never properly resolved for them. Not until much later.
I feel like he's a total snitch in his house. Younger siblings tend to be. Either to relish in their older siblings getting in trouble with their parents or because they have it so ingrained into them to be truthful that they just naturally don't lie. I remember in the OVA 41.5, Murasakibara instantly tattled on Aomine and Haizaki to Midorima when they were stuffing their dirty t-shirts into a locker and Midorima was wondering why the locker room smelled terrible. It didn't even seem malicious, Murasakibara was just objectively giving Midorima the answer he wanted. So I'm sure there have been times when Murasakibara has snitched on his older siblings when his parents interrogated him.
I feel like him being the youngest also plays into Murasakibara's fashion sense and how it's more 'juvenile' compared to the rest of the Teiko gang (I know Kise is also the youngest in his family but he's a model so his fashion sense is a direct result of being in that line of work). If you've ever seen official art of Murasakibara, a lot of his outfits are very cutesy. Overalls, baggy hoodies with cute characters on them, fuzzy boots, hats, and sweaters...he clearly embodies the lifestyle of the youngest child. He prioritizes comfort over everything, and it shows in what he wears.
Even the nicknames he gives to others and his way of speaking are very reflective of the youngest child. Shortening everyone's names and adding -chin to the end of it is probably something he does with his siblings at home (and maybe vice versa). And his way of speaking is very languid and carefree. He tends to drawl out his words very slowly, like he's in no rush to finish his sentence. And people could probably use this as evidence that he may be dull intellect-wise, but he's actually pretty intelligent and has gotten good grades when he applies himself, emphasis on applies himself. The problem is that he just doesn't give a fuck, so he doesn't try as hard in a lot of things even though he has potential. Someone usually has to push him to try, which circles back to my first point about him practically having to be bribed to do anything that's not related to basketball.
Overall, I think most of the negative traits that Murasakibara has in regard to youngest child syndrome will be things he grows out of as he gets older. I don't think my youngest child syndrome was ever as severe as Murasakibara's but I do relate to being doted on, having people constantly looking out for me, and not being used to taking care of others. I could be stubborn in my own right sometimes, on occasion even rude where I shouldn't have been, and my teen years were pretty rocky all the way through as I was figuring myself out. It took a lot of self-reflection for me to see that I had to change and in my latter teen years, I actively worked on my personality and my behavior. I also learned how to be more considerate of others and to step into the role of taking care of my friends and other family members. I still enjoy the perks of being the youngest in my family such as never having to worry about bringing my wallet out if I'm with my older siblings, but I still did take the time to mature and become an adult I'd be proud of. Eventually, I believe Murasakibara will lay that groundwork himself and become much more mature as time goes on post-canon. He'll learn to become a better friend and a better person, and he'll learn how to put the utmost effort into his passions. But at the same time, I still think he'll be the adorable slow-acting giant we've all come to know and love.
Anyway, this was my take on Murasakibara as the youngest child. Hope you enjoyed it!
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shihalyfie · 6 months
I've alluded to tri. having some very troubled production behind the scenes, and among everything that apparently went on back there, there seem to have been at least two major bottlenecks: 1) the fact that the director (who, based on his own statements about deliberately not consulting source material, most likely didn't even watch Adventure to begin with) kept asking everyone to make things more "mature" without being clear on what that actually meant, and 2) the fact they ran out of budget and had to rewrite the entire plot halfway into it. Even the most brilliant of creators probably wouldn't be able to work at their best under such conditions.
But conversely, this also means that there were some excellent people involved in production whose efforts probably haven't been as appreciated as they should be! So I want to take a moment to spotlight some people I want to give props to:
Ayana Yuniko and Nakanishi Yasuhiro: These two scriptwriters were childhood Digimon fans who were thrilled to be on the project, and their enthusiasm clearly shows in every interview they were in. Ayana even made keen observations like noticing that the Adventure kids aren't as super-tight as people tend to make them out to be (something I've pointed out myself, and something that generally only tends to crop up among fans who have studied the series closely), and Nakanishi stated that she would slip him detailed notes about the characters and their relationships.
Both of them stated they were trying to portray the Adventure characters in a character-accurate way but kept getting their scripts rejected for not being "mature" enough, leaving them unsure about what they were supposed to do. Their roles on the series were also limited; Ayana was on parts 1, 2, and 4 while Nakanishi was on part 4 only, and they were sharing the scriptwriter role with multiple others (even within a single movie). But if I were asked to pick who on the staff list I would want to see come back for another Digimon work, it would absolutely be these two.
Kakikara Yuuko: The one in charge of overall writing for the series. tri. had a total of five scriptwriters and could have up to four(!) on a given movie, so because of that, her statements on the series and its story direction have been a bit difficult to tell whether it was her idea personally or whether she was delivering the writing room's discussion result. But one of her final statements on the series basically amounted to "I'm grateful if you even came to watch it to the end at all," and she was quite humble about saying she felt things could have been done differently; considering it sounds like she had a hard time keeping everyone and everything in order, I can only imagine she went through a lot trying to make sure everything ended safely. Incidentally, her writing portfolio is also quite respectable (and even includes kids' shows).
Suzuki Takaaki: The person with the job of "setting researcher", i.e. the one with the job of looking into the lore. Sadly, it seems like most of his ideas didn't make it into the final series (possibly because of the budget loss-induced rewrite), but his one solo interview indicates that he put quite a bit of conscientious thought into how Digital World lore works, including the idea of an EMP weapon that would affect Digimon easily but not humans (an idea that doesn't pop up among fans as often as you'd think, and took up until last year to make it into actual Adventure material via Takeru's 02TB in-universe fanfic).
Sakabe Gou: The person in charge of the series BGM. We haven't heard a lot from him, but the little we have indicates that although he also had difficulty understanding what the director was asking for when he wanted "mature" music of some kind, he himself put some very thorough thought put into the composition. In particular, he went into detail regarding the music used at the beginning of part 4, which seems to be a fan-favorite track from what I've seen (it's also my favorite too!). Sakabe also has an extensive and respectable portfolio outside Digimon; in particular, he's very highly regarded in Kamen Rider circles, so if you have a friend who's a fan, it might be a good idea to ask them about it!
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cheri-2047 · 4 months
can you write a hurt/comfort Kaveh x reader where the reader feels insecure because they don't have any talents or passions and Kaveh reassures them that they deserve to be loved even without those, and if they want, he'd help them find something they like doing that makes them happy
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG !!! I had writers block 😔 anyways thanks for requesting :3 (idk how to title this do I just made it comfort)
Kaveh x Reader comfort
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TAGS: mentions of alcohol, fluff
CHARACTERS: kaveh, mentions of alhaitham
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I’m gonna make it so Kaveh and Alhaitham are still roommates, it’s just alhaitham allows you to stay over and stuff because you and alhaitham are friends too.
The scenario for this is you and kaveh were drinking and you accidentally say things you didn’t mean to say while drunk. (Alhaitham isn’t at home right now)
Lately you’ve been feeling down, but you didn’t want to tell it to kaveh because you felt like it would only make you a burden, that is until you accidentally let it all out one night.
Kaveh said, bringing his drink up to yours. You two haven’t seen each other in awhile, due to personal reasons such as him having multiple projects, but now that it’s over, you two decided to celebrate.
You two had been drinking for the past hour, your cheeks only getting more and more flushed per sip.
“Finally that project was over! That client kept wanting me to change things, it went from him saying it needed ‘minor changes’ to the point that he changed almost everything!”
Kaveh exclaimed, taking more sips from his cup.
“Anyways, how are you?”
He turns to you, noticing your flushed cheeks.
“Drunk already? Hmm… but it’s only been your third drink!”
He laughed, before noticing your sullen expression.
“Hey if you want to go to bed you can… I’ll wash the cups don’t worry”
When you didn’t stand up, kaveh placed a hand to your shoulder.
“Stop…stop calling me that”
He looked at you with a worried expression, gently cupping your cheek.
“What’s wrong?”
You buried your head in your arms, after taking a sip of the wine.
“You…I don’t deserve you… “
Kaveh frowned, setting his hand that was on your cheek to your shoulder.
“And what brought you to that conclusion?”
“Forget it”
You mumbled before taking more sips.
“No no please y/n, what’s wrong? Is it cause of my projects?”
The thing is, it was because of his projects, not because you weren’t spending time with him, but because you can’t help but feel like you’ll never be as talented as he is.
You hated how you made yourself feel bad about it, it’s not like kaveh said anything or anyone did. It was truly your own mind.
Kaveh noticed your silence, he felt guilty even though he didn’t do anything wrong.
“I’m sorry I’ll spend time with you more I swear! I promise y/n”
He said as I tilted your chin to look at him.
“That’s not it”
You mumbled.
“I’m not good like you… I don’t have any passions, I can’t do anything well, I don’t feel good about myself. I feel useless”
Why were you even telling him these? You don’t know. To your surprise, you kept talking.
“How could you possibly love someone as useless as I am? I can’t do anything at all!”
Kaveh set both your drinks aside.
“Please look at me”
He muttered, before hugging you tightly.
“I love you very much, I don’t think you’re useless at all. I think quite the opposite. I think you’re amazing, the way you’re so kind and caring…I love you.”
He rubbed your back comfortingly, looking at you with a frown.
“I think you’re more than enough love…”
He pulled you closer, burrying his face on the top of your head.
“And plus…there’s no rush, it’s okay, it’s everyone’s first time living…”
He cradled you in his arms
“If it makes you feel better, maybe I can help you? I know I’ve liked art since I was a kid, but I’ll do anything in my power to help you.”
He gave you a reassuring smile.
“I think you’re wonderful, I love you so much.”
To his surprise, when he looked down at you, you had already fallen asleep in his arms. Most likely due to you being drunk.
He presses a kiss to your head and carries you to his bedroom.
The next morning, he’s already prepared with stuff you two could try, and if you tell him that you feel bad for “wasting his time” he will always say no and that he loves you
Thank you for requesting! So sorry if this was mischaracterized or I wrote reader a bit weird 😞 I hope ure okay tho!! Just a reminder that everyone deserves to be loved <3
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kerubimcrepin · 2 months
Wakfu Season 3, Episodes 1-6
//tw mentions of SA
Episode 1 - Fallen Heroes
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I had a very long discussion with a friend of mine, who is a fan of medical settings, about how cool the existence of IV within the lore of Krosmoz is.
We didn't come to any conclusion. It was just us fanboying about this. Because my friend loves medical things and I love putting character into situations (some of which would not be survivable, if them being put on IV wasn't possible) (big fan of the concept of Joris getting poisoned and very sick and Kerubim and Atcham freaking the fuck out).
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Funnily enough, during the making of my YouTube series, I discovered that there are two Sram-venerating women named Toxine in this franchise.
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Adamai harbouring feelings of violence towards the members of the brotherhood is a good idea, (<- obviously the guy that wants Joris to beat the shit out of Kerubim would say this), but man, it could have been so cool if someone competent was working with this idea.
Episode 3 - Oropo's Tower
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I should admit, this moment was probably a big win for Tristepin Mental Illness fans. Also, this is sadly the most explicit they can get with the reasons why Tristepin might hate being the Iop god in a cartoon.
He has plenty of reasons. Not only had Iop had 394824 demigods who hated him and felt abandoned by him while suffering fates worse than death (all gods have those) and just as many mortals he took advantage of using the power imbalance of godhood and promises of love (all gods have done that), he also canonically sexually assaulted a woman.
Ngl, if I was Tristepin, I would be considering killing myself — however, the kids and the wife would be sad.
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They shuoild do this to Yugo too. He also had other wives. Albeit in an infinitely less insane way than Tristepin. Ankama.., please stop ignoring how existentially horrifying the Eliatrope demigods are.
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In the Dofus MMO Kerubim pretty much calls the brotherhood of the forgotten an emo club of people with too much free time on their hands doing nothing but whining about their daddy issues.
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And he was so real for that.
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Btw canonically, Mishelle/Coqueline makes him feel intimidated (due to her grand age) while she herself doesn't really care about him (besides liking his good attitude towards animals), and is actually besties with Otomai.
Episode 4 - Beastly Girl
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I like to headcanon that Joris's relationship with Coqueline is that he projects onto her ("oh god.... being 7 forever would make me kill myself.... even being 3ft tall is already horrible and makes me want to die..... the poor woman must be suffering") while she's like,, 1. probably doesn't think of herself as a "woman". I think she would describe herself as a creature, maybe a girlcreature, and 2. is literally chilling and doesn't give a single shit about anything but animal welfare and direct anti-god action.
I think talking to her would kill Joris because he'd realize that not every immortal person is as insecure about Literally Everything as he is.
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She literally says, "the only good gods are ex-gods". We stan a leftist girlcreature?
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This screenshot can be used as a reaction image for so many different shows. More fictional parents should say "my child is NOT ascending to godhood and shedding their mortality, becoming something beyond my comprehension, before they're of age. Fuck you."
Episode 5 - A Iop Hides Himself to Cry
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You want to read @bitter-panacea's analysis posts about Goultard so bad.
Despite my negative feeling on s3, this is a WIN for Goultard fans, as far as I'm aware. (and Goultard enjoyers, since I kinda consider myself one)
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I;'m going to walk into the sea.
Episode 6 - The Ecaflip's Scratching Post
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This might not seem like a contentious issue to normal people. Gods have... a lot of different lovers, so it seems normal to assume that Ush has one mom, while Kerubim and Atcham are twins like Eleley and Flopin, and have a different mom...
But a cancelled game that Tot really liked and still considers canon had really weird "there's an Ecaflip priestess who is the CEO of Giving Birth" lore, and was planned to be the mysterious mom of Kerubim and Atcham (and many other demigods), which contradicts a lot of previously established lore (ankama LOVES retcons. sadly).
I am quite open about thinking this is stupid and not considering this canon until they show her to me in an actual released media (and even then I will find a way to headcanon a better reality). Seeing the series itself acknowledge that Ush is not Atcham and Kerubim's full brother makes me feel quite better.
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Hi Ush were you doing [SEXUAL ACTS REDACTED] upon cats again.
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A normal thing for a Bontarian to do. Blue-clad (metaphorically, he isn't wearing blue but white. Still very Bontarian though) man over here protecting kids and women. While also beating them up.
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But unironically, I think it's cute that he has this gap moe of being an evil man who also saves people and cares about honour (because that's a proper thing to do) despite cheating constantly.
Somehow, his shallowness and "I mostly care about appearances, even if I do have a moral code" sort of behaviour is just as Extremely Bontarian as Joris's.... 30 mental illnesses.
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Hey past me! Maybe he really does pay these cats to put up with his insane behaviours. 🤨
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Yugo, I'm gonna be real with you:
he's probably heard Joris and Kerubim say these exact words at least twice before,
He is reallllllly weird about cats and I am unsure if that's illegal in your setting,
He lured in people to kill in his tower for sport serial killer style.
He's bontarian. -20 morality and honor points immediately.
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dc-marvel-life · 6 months
That Dang Snake
Pairing: Hermione Granger
Summary: Hermione starts to get the attention of an unlikely Slytherin girl
Word Count: ~2k
A/N: Final Part! Or is it....... Send in request
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Narrator POV
It has been a few weeks after Hermione and Y/N’s dates, and things are going great between the two. They have gone on serval dates in Hogsmeade or London. They very much enjoy being in each other’s company. Hermione took Y/N to her parents, which surprised them. They thought Hermione would bring Ron home and say they were together one day. 
Hermione’s parents didn’t care that Y/N was a girl. They were just delighted that Hermione was happy. They also loved Y/n, who was very charming towards them and won them over.
Hermione even helped Y/N find a new place to live since she got kicked out of her parent’s house and the family name. They found a small, cute place in London where Y/N can stay on breaks once she finishes school. It is close enough to Hermione to come and visit and even stay the night if she wants.
Now Y/N and Hermione are chilling in the Gryffindor girl’s dorm on Hermione’s bed. Hermione is reading a book while Y/N is working on a unique project that Hermione doesn’t know about.
“So, are you ever going to tell me what you have been working on for the past week,” Hermione says, peeking over her book.
“Not yet, it is a surprise, and you’ll have to wait a bit longer,” Y’N says, continuing to work. Hermione lets out a loud sigh and closes her book.  She climbs her way to Y/N and puts aside her project. 
“Please be careful, Mione, it is very important,” Y/N protests while Hermione sets it aside. Once Hermione puts it aside, she sits on Y/N’s lap and wraps her arms around Y/N’s neck. Hermione leans in and starts to make out with Y/N. Y/N gives in and kisses her back. After about a minute, Hermione pulls away and looks Y/N in the eye.
“So are you going to tell me now,” Hermione says, inches away from Y/N’s lips. 
“No, just wait until later tonight, and it will be all done,” Y/N says, then lean in to continue to kiss Hermione, but Hermione pulls back.
“Let me try and persuade you another way,” Hermione says and tries to lift up Y/N’s shirt, but Y/N stops her. Y/N and Hermione have been going on dates for about a few weeks now, and they aren’t officially dating. They haven’t had sex yet, and the only thing they have done was made out. Y/N did not want to rush into things since they weren’t officially together.
“Did I do something because you never want to go further? Do you not find me attractive anymore?” Hermione questions Y/N and Y/N feels instantly bad.
“No, not at all, Mione” Y/N kisses Hermione on the lips, then pepper kisses her face.
“You are the most attractive girl I have ever seen. Don’t ever think like that again,” Y/N comforts Hermione.
“Are you sure?” Hermione asked, making sure.
“Yes, I am,” Y/N says, then reaches over to grab the project she had been working on for a while.
“Read through this but be careful because I haven’t added the final pieces,” Y/N says, handing Hermione a handcrafted book. Hermione looks over the book and looks at the craftsmanship that is shown.
“I made it all myself. I could make the book from leather that Hagrid gave me and even made the paper from old newspapers and notes that I had lying around,” Y/N says proudly and watches Hermione open it.
Hermione opens that book to see Y/N’s handwriting. The book is a long love note to Hermione, and on the last page, it says, ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ Y/N waits until Hermione reads the whole book. While Hermione reads, she starts to tear up because Y/N wrote so many nice things. Hermione finishes the book and closes it gently, then stares at Y/N.
“So, do you like the book?” Y/N asks, and Hermione hugs her.
“I love the book so much, Y/N, thank you. Also, yes, I will be your girlfriend,” Hermione says while hugging Y/N in her lap.
A few days have passed, and everyone knows Y/N and Hermione are dating. Most people are happy for them, but some aren’t happy. The people are the girls that wanted to be with Y/N and Ron. Ron was never a fan of Y/N, but now Y/N is dating Hermione.
Y/N now stands up for the gang if Draco comes around to mess with them. Now the gang can see how nice Y/N really is and how much happier she is with Hermione. Everyone can also see how Hermione is much happier and more relaxed since dating Y/N. 
Y/N even started to eat meals with the gang at the Gryffindor table with Greengrass. It was a way for Y/N to be closer to Hermione and be close to her friends since Y/N is still being excluded from Slytherin. 
Y/N didn’t care too much about being excluded; she was okay as long as she had Hermione. 
Now everyone is talking about the upcoming Yale Ball. 
“So Hermione, what are you going to wear to the ball,” Ginny asks.
“Well, I don’t know yet because someone hasn’t asked me to the dance yet,” Hermione says, looking over at Y/N.
“You know you still have to ask your girlfriend to the dance even if you are dating right,” Greengrass says.
“Yes, I know that, Greengrass. Just waiting for the right moment to ask her,” Y/N says.
“The ball is just a week away. You should as soon, or someone else will take her from you,” Ginny says jokingly.
“Yeah, this is not how you treat a woman. Hermione, if Y/N doesn’t ask you, then I can be your date,” Ron says hopefully, and Y/N gives him a death stare.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that, Ron. Maybe you should focus on getting an actual date and not try to steal my girlfriend away,” Y/N says, tired of Ron trying to step in.
“I need to get going and prepare for my next class,” Y/N stands up and grabs her stuff, “I’ll meet you tonight, so wait up for me, please,” Y/N says to Hermione and gives her a kiss. Hermione nods and watches Y/N walk out of the great hall.
Later that night, Y/N sneaks into the Gryffindor dorm and enters Hermione’s room.
“Hey, Mione,” Y/N says, approaching Hermione and kissing her quietly, so they don’t wake up the others.
“Hey, why did you want me to wait for you?” Hermione ask.
“Well, wouldn’t that ruin the surprise,” Y/N says, smiling, and Hermione raises her eyebrows.
“Come on, and I will explain later,” Y/N says with her hand out. Hermione grabs it and follows Y/N outside the castle.
“What are we doing out here now?” Hermione questions.
“Just wait for a second, and you will see,” Y/N says, looking up. Hermione looks up to see what Y/N is looking at and sees a hippogriff flying. Hermione is in awe. The hippogriff sees Y/N and comes down to her. They greet each other, and Y/N starts to pet it.
“This beautiful beast's name is Missy. Missy, I want you to meet someone special; this is Hermione,” Y/N says to Missy, and Missy bows to Hermione. Hermione is shocked and bows back at Missy.
“This is going much better than I expected,” Y/N points out. 
“Where did you find her” Hermione questions while petting Missy.
“One day, I needed some supplies in the forbidden forest. I saw Missy tangled up in some trap. She was injured, so I nursed her back to health. Now she comes and sees me every night,” Y/N says, smiling at Missy.
“So that’s what you have been doing late at night and not getting any sleep,” Hermione says, and Y/N giggles.
“Yep, I mean, I had to practice riding her before I took you on a ride,” Y/N says, looking at Hermione, who is shocked.
“You know how to ride her?” Hermione questions while Y/N climbs onto Missy. 
“Yes, I do. I have been practicing for the past two weeks. I wanted to show you the views, which are almost as beautiful as you,” Y/N says with her hand out, waiting for Hermione. Hermione blushes and takes Y/N's hand to help get on the back of Missy. Once Hermione and Y/N were securely on Missy, they took off into the night. It was an extraordinary scene flying over Hogwarts and seeing everything simultaneously; it was perfect.
“So, how do you like it?” Y/N asks Hermione while slowing down Missy.
“This is amazing! Thank you so much for taking me up here,” Hermione hugs her tighter.
“I am happy that you like it. The reason why I brought you up here is to ask you to the Yale Ball. I know it is not big and fancy like everyone else being asked out. I wanted this to be an inmate and personal” Y/N smiles at Hermione, hoping she will say yes.
“This is very inmate and personal, so I must give you that. Plus, I would rather have a more personable asking than going big and letting everyone know. This is perfect, and I couldn’t have asked for it any better. Now I do have to see if I am busy with the dance. I have had many people ask me out,” Hermione says, trying to hold back a laugh. 
“As long as those people aren’t Ron, then I am okay, and I have to have the first dance,” Y/N says, looking back at Hermione.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that because I will only be dancing with you,” Hermione says, leaning forward to kiss Y/N on the cheek. Y/N starts to cheer in happiness, and Hermione laughs at her girlfriend. 
Flashforward to the ball, Hermione wears a cute green dress, and Y/N wears a red jumpsuit to represent each house. They have a magical time together, dancing, hanging with friends, and having a little drinking involved.
During a slow dance, they look into each other’s eyes with so much love for each other.
“You know, I wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else, but you're right,” Y/N says to Hermione.
“I know, my sweets, and I couldn’t imagine being here with anyone else either” Hermione leans up and kisses Y/N. Y/N kisses Hermione back with so much passion.
“I am ready for the next step with you,” Y/N says, looking into Hermione’s eyes, but Hermione looks at Y/N, a little confused.
“What do you mean by that,” Hermione asked to understand more.
“I am ready to make love to you,” Y/N says and kisses Hermione.
“Ooo,” Hermione says after the kiss. Maybe it was the alcohol in her, but Hermione was ready to act now. She takes Y/N’s hand and leads them out of the ball.
“Mione, where are we going? The party is still going on,” Y/N says, standing in place, not moving until Hermione gives her answer.
“So, do you want to go to mine or your room?” Hermione says with her eyebrows raised, holding a flask that Ginny brought. 
“My room,” Y/N says and runs to her room. Hermione follows, giggling all the way there. They get to the Slytherin door, and Y/N says the password to reveal the door. They walk into the common room and head up to Y/N’s room. 
“Are you sure you are ready for this?” Y/N asks Hermione one more time. 
“Yes, I am,” Hermione says, pushing Y/N onto her bed. Hermione gets on top of her.
Taglist: @fanficaddictcore
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jalluzas-ferney · 7 months
Soooo….I made some nationality headcannons! At first I was a liiittle bit unsure if to do so cuz then again.. they live in ninjago…. And im pretty sure countries like argentina or Morocco don’t quite exist in the ninjago universe LMAO. Butttttt. Already seen others make headcannons, so hell, why not? I uses they apply to some irl au or what if they lived in our world uk? And what different countries would I see them coming from and etc.
I can imagine that the EM might have travelled all over the world, either to go into hiding, or missions, or escape conflict, etc. Or maybe simply that’s where they came from! So yeah that’s my little explanation that is mostly for myself cuz im a little bit too literal sometimes lol.
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When thinking about nationality I always think a lot about where they grew up and what nationality they grew up with and would later on identify with the most. It’s a complicated concept when your parents are from a different nationality and theyre immigrants in a different country- so you grow up in this country, surrounded by this culture and people, but your. Also. Raised by your parents who also have your family living in this completely different country- where you also find home and relate to the people considering how you look, the language you speak with your parents- or the specific culture and environment your parents grew up wiooith, impacting your home life and the way your raised. Perhaps you lived in both places, or travel a lot to your parents homeland. Perhaps you live in one of your parents countries but the other. Not. but you still identify with one of your parents nationality because of the rest of your family from that side and the culture your take in from them. So it’s always very personal! So for Kai and Nya, I imagined that ray was Argentinian and Maya Filipino. And perhaps - because I want to project onto my faves- they were born and grew up in Argentina. But have always also identified a lot with their mothers homeland, since not only does their race impact the way they might feel more different and set apart from kids there, maya loves talking about her childhood in the Philippines and is always talking over the phone with their aunts and cousins, meaning Kai and Nya def were taught some Tagalog, tho theyre not incredibly fluid with it. In their early teens they probably travelled to the Philippines, (took ray and maya some time to settle down and get enough money to travel, as well as find time) and met their whole family, and the place they reside in, habit that would turn quite common as they would continue to travel other times the following years.
For Lloyd, I really wanted to make him Asian -Brazilian. It just felt right. So imagined that my queen (don’t you judge her >:() Misako would be Brazilian, meanwhile Garmadon,Japanese. i imagine that Misako adores traveling, so she met Garmadon on her trip to Japan, and decided to stay there for a WHILE because of the brothers. During her time there, she had Lloyd. Since her family heard of her new baby, she travelled back to Brazil with a two y/o Lloyd to have her family meet the him and catch up overall. but as the serpentine wars rose In japan (ill hc it happened in japan let me know what u think of that) Misako was told to wait in Brazil. Misako didn’t really like that though, and while she dreaded having to leave her son, she was sure shed come back soon after helping out the Brothers in the battle against the serpentine. So Lloyd was left to live with his aunties and grandparents in Brazil. Of course, after Misako found out about the whole Green Ninja thing and all that crap, she pulled the same stunt as in the series and ✨ vanished ✨. But then Garmadon came and fucking took him like divorced parents sometimes do uk? So then he spent some other of his childhood years growing up in, ya guessed it, Japan. This is how Lloyd identifies both with being a Brazilian and Japanese. As for the rest, I just envision that they lived in their respective countries their whole lives till they were recruited!
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