#if anyone notices a typo
pagesofkenna · 3 months
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My Outer Wilds Solar System Map Embroidery Pattern is finally done, and up for sale on my ko-fi!
The pattern includes a printable template (which you can use on printable fabric, or copy onto your fabric by hand) plus a 25-page booklet detailing the steps to take for every section of the pattern. I've also included suggestions on how to improve on my initial design!
This is currently up on my ko-fi for $4 USD, and is a digital product (nothing physical will ship; you'll have to supply your own fabric and thread, though I give a list of all the DMC thread colors I used).
Thank you to everyone who reached out over the last two years expressing interest in this project!
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dethharmonic · 2 years
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HLVRAI birthday made me realize i have never drawn any fanart specific to that, so i did one lol
the community that the rtvs folks has built is, for the most part, fantastic. I’m thankful that I can witness all the cool shit y’all do.
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momentomori24 · 2 months
Keiji is a character that I'm pretty sure every one of us can recognize is an absolute weirdo (ok maybe some are too hard on copium for the "weirdo" part) and sketchy as hell, but thinking about everything he's done it really feels like he's so much shady and ruthless than we give him credit for. So here's me bulletpointing some the moments that I haven't seen too many talk about, a little theory throwing his status into question and addressing the massive elephant in the room that almost everyone refuses to acknowledge. If there's something else you feel I missed or wanted to evaluate on, do leave it in the comments.
[Also, disclaimer: I will be discussing Keiji and Sara in a romantic light near the end of this post, so if that makes you uncomfortable please proceed with caution or skip entirely. This should go without saying but for my own sake I will say it anyway-- No, I do not condone their relationship in real life. No, this is not meant to be "shippy" or endorsement of any kind. This will simply be pointing out their dynamic as another example to prove the whole point of this rant. But if someone else does ship them that's totally fine. Fiction doesn't equal reality and if you harass a real person over fictional characters you will not see the light of heaven. Be civil, please and thank you. My block button is rated E for Everyone and if anyone decides to ignore the warnings and be an asshole I won't hesitate to use it. Thanks for listening. Disclaimer over.]
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*Being a murderer.
I feel like I should start with the most obvious and undeniable. I don't think this is debatable to anyone here. Mr. Policeman may have been an accident and kinda confirmed by Midori to have been set up, but he still shot and killed an unarmed man in a moment of panic and recklessness. Even putting that aside, there's no denying that he killed Megumi in cold blood to get out of his debt to her and covered it up to the group to preserve his credibility. Regardless of what you think of Megumi, he has no excuse here. Not only is he one more kill away from being a serial killer, he's the only participant in our group that has actually killed people directly aside from Alice. Another reason why I bring this up is cuz something that completely flew over my head is this:
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At the start of the game he had the audacity to complain about not having a partner or someone he knows with him like Sara does as if he didn't literally let Megumi get ripped apart by chains probably not even an hour ago Keiji what the hell--
*Throwing Kanna under the bus repeatedly.
Despite positioning himself as a protector and someone to rely on, he's far from above putting their youngest members in danger. Next to voting for the fourteen year old girl to die, he had the great idea of letting said fourteen year old be the one to babysit their biggest liability. Up to the point where they would stay in the same room both day and night. While I absolutely 100% trust that Sou would never EVER do anything to her, Keiji had no guarantee of that when he send her off. Hell, he literally just got done accusing Sou of setting Joe up to die (which I don't believe almost solely based on the fact that he said it, more on that another time maybe). He knew Sou was bad news, and openly acknowledges how adults can be terrifying, but he did it anyway. The dubiety of throwing the already traumatised little girl to keep watch on what they thought to be the most dangerous adult that had manipulated her once before is not lost on me, and that he didn't take any responsibility for her afterwards isn't lost on me either. To be fair, the Sou and Kanna thing doesn't just fall on him, it falls on everybody (Alice gets a pass because he actually swapped out with Kanna to watch Sou for her), but he was the one with the final say on the matter and who encouraged her to take the role despite Reko's rightful protests. The fact that he also voted for her to die in the Main Game, and is the only adult to do so, doesn’t help his case.
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*Attempting to frame Sou knowing Reko was actually responsible.
While you could argue he was trying to cover for her since he knew why she did what she did, trying to pin this act on Sou to cast more doubt on his is extremely shitty. Never mind the blatant corruption and the irony of a supposed man of the law abusing his power to knowingly frame an innocent person (in this situation at least), and him sowing more seeds of confusion and resentment within an already rattled group, and giving Sou legitimate reason to be suspicious of him (and by extension Sara)-- this makes it so difficult to trust him after realising he's done this. Literally every time he accuses someone of being or doing something suspicious (mostly Sou), I always have to think in the back of my head if he’s telling the truth or just telling a blatant lie. He's shown that he's willing to not only lie to cover for himself, but to lie to delegitimize someone else. And Sara never caught onto it (Sou and maybe even Nao likely did tho). She never openly acknowledged it-- No one did. The complete lack of mention of what he did here makes this action quite missable. Hell, I didn't even catch it the first time. Has he done this before? Who else has he lied about? Who else would he lie about? Who else would he knowingly pit against the group? You don't have to wait for that answer, because I will provide an example later. And with "later", I mean now.
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*Casting suspicion on Gin before the vote while hiding the fact that he killed Megumi.
While it's not as blatant as with Kanna, there are two instances where Keiji shows a readiness to either put or leave Gin in harm's way. The biggest one for me is in the Main Game. Like, how dare you. That is a furry child, sir. This kid’s like TWELVE. Even though he makes a valid point about calling out suspicious actions to clear them up so we can all trust each other, casting doubt on Gin of all people right there feels pretty screwed to me. This was before the preliminary vote. His words could’ve very well gotten Gin voted for if he couldn’t disclose why he did what he did for whatever reason and therefore being unable to clear himself from suspicion. It’s even more fucked when you realise that Keiji has literally murdered his partner and is currently planning to get Sou killed while giving this whole spiel about doubting others so that we can believe them and pointing the finger at a little kid to make an example to the group. But when Nao, Sou and Sara call him out on his suspicious actions that could rightfully damage his credibility, he tries to shut them down completely. My brother in Christ, you brought it on FIRST (don’t get me wrong I’m very much aware he didn’t really mean the whole “trusting each other” bit but come on dude)--
Speaking about not meaning what he says:
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*Letting the group think he’s Ok to vote for knowing he’s the Keymaster.
This kinda got to me because I thought this was Keiji actually being… vulnerable? Accepting the consequences of his actions and allowing them to vote for him in their distrust without protest even tho it could cost him his life, maybe. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I can’t remember a lot of times-- or any times, really-- where Keiji has willing put himself into the line of fire, at this point at least. He always finds a way to keep himself safe, give himself insurance, and I thought that this would be the one time he doesn’t do that. But this feels so ominous looking back knowing that he was the Keymaster the whole time. That our distrust and betrayal and his resignation to it all didn’t matter because he was going to be safe no matter what. That he knowingly allowed us to assume that he was a safe vote because he didn’t want his plan to kill Sou to be ruined, which narrowed down choice of people we can safely vote for even further. That this action is ultimately the reason why Sou and Kanna were our only options to kill off in the end. If he had admitted it there, we could’ve found someone else to vote for so our final options could consist of three people, not two. But he didn’t, and the rest is history. There’s a lot of things he’s done I can’t get over. This one ranks pretty high. The second Main Game is already a huge sore spot for me for obvious reasons; knowing that a lot of the things that happened were due to his inaction where it truly mattered and activity in all the wrong places doesn’t make me fee any better. He didn't say he was a safe vote-- he didn't lie-- but his words carefully omit that voting for him means a total party death, something he should've stated then (and before this, really).
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*Leaving Sara with the sacrifice card.
Despite making a big show about “always being by her side” and being her “reliable policeman”, he chose to look away when she was in real danger. He attached himself to her as her right hand man, made her shoulder the responsibility of being the leader, constantly manipulated and flattered her to win her trust and gain her favour-- but when she needed him the most, he basically left her for dead because it was the most beneficial to him. Keep in mind that not only did he know about her getting the sacrifice (he was also the sage so he'd have seen the trade happen), but he had the tokens to help her get rid of it. But those tokens weren’t for her life. They were for his. He used them instead to give himself the Keymaster as insurance for the Main Game (the Keymaster he stole from Sou/Kanna most likely to buy Sara’s trust btw). His desperation for survival outweighed his sense of obligation to keep her safe, and that’s the most subtle yet transparent he’s been about his selfishness. What makes this so much worse is that Keiji is our support character. He’s an ally, and our closest one at that, to the point where Sara burned her hands in a futile attempt to rescue him and signed her life away to save his. And yet his loyalty and protectiveness pale in comparison to other characters. Compare his actions to Sou’s: one of their many parallels and similarities is that both their girls get hit with the sacrifice card. As we’ve established, Keiji was fully aware of Sara being send the sacrifice by Sou, had 50 tokens ready to go and chose to secure his own survival than save her life. Kanna ended up doing it instead, attempting to trade the card off Sara with Sou realising what happened immediately. And what does Sou do? Completely bend over backwards trying to keep her alive. He lied about being the Sacrifice so the others wouldn’t suspect Kanna of having that role, meaning he could try gathering vote for her without anyone seeing his true intentions. He tried to stop her about coming out with the truth of what she had done so she doesn’t sentence herself to death. After everything he did to survive-- after how much he lied, how much he schemed, how much he hurt, and how he had thrown himself away to replace everything that made him Shin with the man that had traumatised him years before the game began to scrape together even the tiniest chance to survive-- he threw it all to the wind and was willing to let it all be in vain if it meant she got to make it out of the Main Game alive. The worst part is that Sou had never intended to make it through that Main Game. He confessed to already knowing that Kanna would choose Sara over him if she truly had the Sacrifice card. Yet he still did what he did all in the hopes that she could win. Because it was all about her survival first, not about them surviving together.
It also gives a different context to Sou's panic and him stumbling over his words trying to come up with any argument to get them to stop. At first I thought that Sou was afraid for his life. Which would make sense-- Keiji and Q-taro set him up to die and seemed pretty adamant on having everyone voting for him to get it all over with. But he was already prepared to die the minute he realised Kanna traded with Sara. So it means it wasn’t his life he was fearing for here-- it was hers. To him, if they voted for him there, it wouldn’t have just been his end but hers too. But we know that Kanna isn’t the one who has the sacrifice. It’s Nao, and considering how the Main Game can end either or both of them dead, I wonder if he regrets not having given up there, not letting Keiji get away with that shitty stunt he pulled knowing it would’ve at least guaranteed her safety than leave her fate in hands of a girl with enough reason to kill her. Ignoring the sounds of my heart shattering into pieces for the 100th time thinking about the Greenblings, it’s so fascinating that our biggest rival and most distrusted member has a greater sense of loyalty and responsibility for his ally than Keiji has for his own. Sou can be a liar and manipulative and selfish, but for how unpredictable he is something I can always trust is his love for those he holds dear (Kanna) and general desire to protect our most vulnerable (Gin). Sou loves Kanna, and so he’s fine with protecting her even if it comes at a price he never wanted to pay. Keiji surely cares about Sara, but unfortunately that is something I can’t say about him-- at least at that time (also the fact that Sou ended up taking more care and responsibility for Kanna despite Keiji having been the one to throw her on him in the first is so ironic).
*Continuously pushing Sara to take on the role of leader.
I think one of Keiji's biggest failures in the game come from his treatment of Sara despite positioning himself as her most reliable ally and her partner. From the very get-go, he was very adamant of making Sara be the one to shoulder the responsibility of the group. He, along with Joe (he didn't do anything wrong here), pushed Sara to be the Challenger during the Russian Roulette, despite Q-taro and Kai being readily available. He made Sara be the one to interrogate the suspicious convict while distancing himself from the situation. And he encourages her to lead them through the Main Game, lets her make the choices that steer them all forward and as a consequence take the fall for them as well. Rather than take on the role himself, or let another adult take it, he places his full trust in her and makes her shoulder everyone's weight so he doesn't have to. And he can see the effect it has on her: having horrific hallucinations due to the immense guilt she feels. But having Sara as their leader gives him a greater shot at survival and helps his credibility, so even though he tries to provide her comfort he still continues to keep her in that role. Again, the high schooler taking responsibility for the adults falls on a lot of the older people here, but Keiji was the one who kickstarted it rather than just go along with it like everyone else had. Gin, Nao, Kanna, Reko and even fucking Sou to an extent all have moments where they take the burden off her and relieve her of that pain she shoulders all the time (or at least try to). I need Keiji to take more responsibility for both the group and for her.
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*Pitting Sara and Joe against each other.
This is just another example of the previous point. This isn't as bad, and I could give him the benefit of the doubt that this might have not been intentional, but it's something I want to bring up regardless. I'll be the first to say that Keiji wasn't wrong here. Prying into everyone's votes is a very bad move, especially since no one knew that Mishima would actually die (it was introduced as a practice round, after all). I agree with him, Joe was being rash, but instead of leaving the conversation there, he decided to throw Sara into it to pick a side. Which is... not good. He already won the argument and already had Reko on his side. Bringing in Sara could not only make Joe feel worse and potentially strain their relationship (especially if she rightfully chooses Keiji's side like he was expecting and hoping for), but just puts Sara in the spotlight during something she doesn't want to be part of. While there's a chance he might've done this because he know Joe is more likely to listen to her than him, he should've known better than that. It again makes her take the responsibility of giving the final verdict that would've otherwise gone to him.
*Asking Sara to take responsibility for his life
I've got nothing other that the grown adult swearing his life to the grieving, unstable teenager to take responsibility for while asking her if she'd die along with him is weird as heck. Keiji's said weirder things prior to this, but this one is a different weird. I think Beanieman's post mostly echoes my thoughts on this on, so I'll link it here for this point. This part kinda bothers me:
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He shouldn't be encouraging her taking on anymore responsibility than she already is. He knows that the deaths that happened under her leadership haunt her. He knows that she's very much unstable enough already, to the point where he takes baby-steps to avoid triggering her trauma over Joe. He positioned himself as her reliable partner, her rock to lean on (quite literally sometimes). We see first hand how emotionally dependent she is on him. If he died, it would destroy her-- she'd destroy herself over it. He knows this (or should) but he still does it. His disappointment and dismissiveness when she understandably rejects him makes it worse. The guilt of potentially not living up to his expectations is not what she needs.
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*Potentially working for Asunaro
This is more ambiguous than everything else here and more a theory than anything but it's been on my mind for a long time that Ranmaru might actually be onto something here. We know that Asunaro has a strong hold on the police. Midori was able to infiltrate the force, and they were able to get rid of Mr. Policeman for looking into the corruption going on, first having Megumi fire him and secondly getting Keiji to kill him by planting false info about the suspect having a gun. Megumi was also able to get Keiji off the hook for murder, which I believe Asunaro had a hand in too (I theorize this might've been her wish). There's also Alice, who was arrested and sent to prison despite the fact that he (legally) didn't kill anyone since Midori was a doll. The police are connected to Asunaro-- by extension Megumi and extending further potentially Keiji.
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Something I've seen someone rightfully point out is that neither of the options you're given to say in response to the accusation... actually deny it? Both choices dance around answering directly, which is suspect as fuck. If Keiji truly wasn't with Asunaro, why not shut that theory down immediately? There's no benefit to answering anything but "no" when he's innocent, and he's lied straight to people's faces for less. So why not just debunk it? I think it's cuz there might be some truth to what Ranmaru was saying here. The biggest reason I think this is because despite the fact that Keiji quit the force, he and Megumi were still associating with each other years later. They were kidnapped together and partnered up for their first trial. One missable piece of dialogue is Keiji admitting that he was with his partner-- or rather a "coworker"-- before getting knocked out.
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That slip of the tongue and backtracking makes me believe this part to be true. Him switching from "my partner" to "a coworker", which is a lot more distant and impersonal, makes me think it's got to be Megumi. However, I don't believe that Keiji would wanna keep in touch with her after what happened willingly, so I can only imagine that it's due to that debt he has to her. My little game theory here is that after the shooting, the debt he owed her was a forced recruitment into Asunaro. It's the only thing I can imagine he meant by "the worst kind of debt", a debt he'd literally let her die for to get out of. And if this is true, then it could also explain away his instant attachment to Sara, since he'd know beforehand that she's someone he can depend on due to her having the highest chance at survival. Maybe he already knew about her beforehand, one way or the other. We know Hayasaka did (which I think we as a fandom moved on from way too fast btw). Kai and Sou did too. There's always a chance. And unlike Sou's victory rate and Midori's favourite number, it's not zero. One person made a comic about this idea I recommend checking it out, it's tastefully unsettling. But still very much unsetling and uncomfortale. Be warned that it's also Keisara-centred, so if that makes you even more uncomfortable they did the job right you can ignore it. Proceed with caution or don't read if you don't like.
*Being a predator
I have been waiting so long for this one XD For context: a while ago I made a longpost discussing the sanitisation of soushin and this kind of toxic attitudes in fandoms regarding "problematic content" (ships, characters, shows, you name it). In it, I mentioned that it's not only soushin that receives this treatment but a certain other dynamic too. It's not a rainy day, however this has been way overdue and if I don't get this done now I never will.
Something I've seen a lot, and I mean a LOT-LOT is this notion that Keiji acts "like a father" to Sara and that their relationship is a completely platonic father-daughter bond and that he's the resident dad of the group? Like, it's cute, but that's not at all what their relationship is. At all. Not even a little bit. We called Sou and Kanna siblings before the Greenblings reveal. The difference is that not only does half the fandom think this man is gay, but he's only ever been protective and caring and loving without any romantic intentions towards Kanna ever. His title as her brother was deserved, based on the genuine affection and platonic protectiveness similar to that of Alice's. Keiji has made advances tho, on many occasions, and his flirting is repeatedly acknowledged by other characters. Namely Sou and Reko.
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(Sou grills him for being a creep every chance he gets I love him XD) But yeah, these are not the type of reactions and comments you receive when being a "father-figure" to the teenager. You get all this when you hit on the teenager. Which he does all the time by calling her "cute" every time she asks something and his "cute little detective", swearing himself to her by saying that "he's always on her side" or something like that, asking her if she'd die alongside him, repeatedly claiming or insinuating that they're on a date, or ""having a moment"" and going to ""take the next step"" when in private (*cough* groomer *cough*)-- you name it, he likely said it. He's a walking-talking ladykiller machine and teenage girls aren't safe, apparently.
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(Quick note: The dialogue for the Russian Roulette one is a tad different now. In the new translation he says "cause you're so darn cute" now. I dunno if that makes it sound any less weird, but I felt like putting that out there. What I'm also putting out there is that according to the trivia he calls her cute 8 times throughout the game so. Yeah. *Cough* groomer *COUGH COUGH*)
Like, who tf says this?? Especially that last part 💀 Even if you wanna die on the hill that these are supposed to be "jokes" not to be taken seriously, we should all be able to agree that the (ex)police officer in his late 20s jokingly hitting on the high schooler he follows around is still weirdo behaviour at best and down right despicable at worst. The fandom seeing lowkey predatory/inappropriate behaviour from a figure of authority persistent for almost three entire chapters and dismissing it as "fatherly" and "platonic" is, well, concerning. It's very concerning. If your dad acts like Keiji, you should probably call the police. Unfortunately for Sara, Keiji is the police. And considering this guy got away with manslaughter, I don't think said police would do anything anywho. But yeah-- he uses flattery and flirting to distract her from prodding to much at him while simultaneously aiming to gain favour in her eyes. He showers her with reassurance of his loyalty and affirmation of his deeper attachment towards her and her alone every chance he gets to cement his position as her closest and most trustworthy ally. He insinuates a romantic partnership between them to others to mostly keep her to himself or the two of them alone (he always does that when they're investigating or going to investigate by themselves). There's such an obvious romantic undertone to their relationship and his actions that it going almost completely ignored in the fandom feels weird to me.
I want to make clear that there's nothing wrong with headcanoning Keiji as a father figure to Sara. It's cute. Keiji didn't have a dad himself, and the closest thing to a father figure he had was the man he shot dead. He's a damaged and hardened guy. But Sara's dad is involved with Asunaro and Gin's is an alcoholic, and in a situation where they both need guidence and protection he tries his best to grow and change, fumbling to become that decent father none of them got to have. It's nice, and a wholesome dynamic for our "characters with memorandum counterparts and only non-determined deaths" trio. But that's obviously not what their dynamic is. There's a difference between headcanoning something and erasing canon and the Yttd fandom leans heavily into the latter. Keiji's a creep, he always has been, yet 90% of people I see always portray him as a Mr. Dad Guy or completely sanitise him to hell when him being creepy and unnerving to be around is what made him such a fascinating character. Just like I said with Soushin, the sanitisation to make canon more digestible is one thing: harassing or insulting the people that explore canon is another. I'm gonna take a bullet, derail this rant and say it-- Keisara shippers get so much shit for literally being right it's so infuriating. Keiji does hit on Sara, a lot. He's creepy and weird like that. Him flirting with her isn't a "mistranslation" or a joke or anything like that; his dubious wording and antics are very much intentional. Yet the only people I see actually addressing and acknowledging that without adding fluff is keisara shippers and other ""proshippers"" only for them to get fucking sniped for it I cannot 💀💀 I have yet to meet a single eastern fan who calls this cop "fatherly". This really feels like such a western issue cuz the majority of the japanese fandom agrees that this man's a predator (correct me if i'm wrong but keisara is the most popular ship in the japanese side of the fandom, right?). Then again, eastern fandoms are more chill over there when it comes to separating fiction and reality in general anywho.
*Yeah, I think I'm done with the Keiji slander. Yay. Time to unceremoniously end this.
There's more to say about that, but this is a Keiji post, not another shipping discourse post (although it's hard discussing Keiji's predatory behaviour without bringing it up too). Before I do spiral from the original point, I'm going to try and reach some sort of conclusion here. While I did spent the majority of this post just reading Keiji to filth, and am very salty towards him in particular, this was not just to rake him through mud for my own sanity (tho it's part of it XD). Keiji's character is that he started off as someone who wanted to do the right thing, someone who wanted to be good and moral and protect others by joining the force only to kill all the progress he made along with the person who inspired him to become an officer in the first place. It heavily contrasts the Keiji we have now, a sleazy, unreliable and corrupt ex detective who flirts with underage girls and is willing to resort to the most bankrupt of decisions to save himself. A man that has long lost hope of his wounds healing that he lets them fester and his rot spread onto others. And while I headcanon Keiji to just inherently be a piece of shit, his former self tried his best to be genuinely good before he became so convinced he can never be better that he made peace with his shittiness in the end.
With all this I wanted to highlight some the shadier and bankrupt things he's done that I haven't seen much discussion around and refresh myself on them before the final part. Both so no matter how emotionally dependent and therefore rose-tinted Sara is about the man I don't forget what he's actually like and what he's done while also being able to appreciate how much he's changed for the better. Some of my favourite examples about how he's changed are these:
Before the second Main Game Keiji was willing to let Sara and Kanna die because it was the most beneficial option for him, but in Chapter 3 he takes the on the role of "it" from Kanna and refuses to tag Sara when he thought he was gonna die after failing to beat Midori.
Actually showing more sympathy towards Sou after the Main Game. He was very mean about dismantling his pretence of a cold front to Kanna's death, don't get me wrong, but he showed a lot more consideration and understanding for Sou's feelings and acknowledgement about his active role in it than he ever had beforehand.
He was genuinely fighting for everyone to survive the game, not just himself. While Keiji would prefer everyone making it out safely, he has a tendency to guarantee his own survival first through any means necessary. His plan to corner Midori in the banquet could've cost him his life if it weren't for Q-taro's final stunt, yet he still reassured Sara to save Gin even tho it could've resulted in his execution from Meister potentially finding him guilty of violating the rules.
Him hugging Mai and trying to be more cheerful was cute as heck. I'm sorry but him showing more vulnerability around his allies and being less closed off in a way he hasn't been before is something I'm very head empty about. That he was hugging and interacting with Mai without making any unwanted advances or ladykiller jokes and generally just having a more friendly vibe was nice. It makes his creeping on Sara more unfortunate, but I'll take what I can for now. The bar is in hell.
And that's it, I think. Overall, I hope they do address some of his actions here in the final part or make them have an impact on his and Sara's relationship. Especially that Asunaro part. The person who wished for Sara to join the death game is still unknown and so is Keiji's consent form wish (same goes for the Dummies, Hinako and Megumi), so I'm curious if they're related or not. If he's going to go down an even darker path or redeem himself as much as he can we'll see when the final part drops. He has the potential to go both ways. This is going to be kinda awkward if the next part reveals him to have been a decent guy all along, so hopefully that doesn't happen. Please be morally bankrupt, man. This post didn't end up the way I wanted it to, nor bring up as many points as I would've liked, but I know I won't finish it if I went full perfectionist on it (I already spent months on this writer's block do be a bitch) and it's looking kinda long already. Hopefully it's still decent enough as is right now. I'd like to say that this is my apology for the last longpost I made, but I brought up one of the most controversial and hated ships and traits of Keiji's character and defended them, so maybe I shouldn't 🙃 Anywho, hope you enjoyed and cheerio.
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cityandking · 8 months
d&d character class asks
artificer: How good is your muse at picking up new tools/skills? Are they proficient with any tools? How are they at making things with their own hands?
barbarian: What makes your muse angry? How do they manage their anger? Has their rage ever led them to destroy something important?
bard: How does your muse handle social situations? Are they personable, charming, awkward, shy? How does your muse respond to being the center of attention?
cleric: Does your muse believe in any god or follow any religion? What drives their faith? Or, if they're faithless, why? What would it take for them to find faith in something or someone?
druid: How does your muse interact with the natural world? Are they good with animals? Plants? Do they keep any pets?
fighter: What's your muse's fighting style? Are there any weapons your muse is comfortable with, or a weapon they'd like to learn to use? What drives them to fight?
monk: How does your muse regulate their emotions? Are they in tune with themselves? How does your muse find peace?
paladin: What does your muse fight for? What tenets or oaths drive them? Have they ever had to break a vow, and if they have, why?
ranger: What is your muse's preferred environment? How good is your muse at fitting in with the world around them? Can they survive on their own, or do they need support?
rogue: How secretive is your muse? What are they secretive about? What would it take for your muse to spill their secrets?
sorcerer: What are your muse's natural talents? Have they taken the time to hone those skills? Do they like to show off, or are they quiet about their abilities?
warlock: Has your muse ever made a deal to get something they wanted? Is there anything your muse wants enough to broker for it? What would your muse sacrifice to get what they want?
wizard: What is your muse like as a student? Do they have the patience for studying? What do they like learning about? What do they most want to know?
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gailiag · 9 months
A Comprehensive List of Character Ages from Encyclopaedia Eorzea III
Got my copy today and figured I'd compile a list of every character that has an age given in Encyclopaedia Eorzea III! Contains Shadowbringers and Endwalker spoilers. Text version below the cut (warning: it is LONG).
Shadowbringers Characters
Major Characters
Vauthry – 29
Beq Lugg – ~250
Lyna – 33
Feo Ul – "newly blossomed by fae reckoning"
Kai-Shirr Olkoh – 17
Ran'jit – 88
Chai-Nuzz Mewlah – 40
Dulia-Chai Mewlah – 40
Tesleen Stoneplowe – 18
Halric of the Gold House of Aldmere – 9
Seto – at least 140
Runar – 30
Ryne – 17
Gaia – 17
Role Quest Characters
Granson Ketchthane – 28
Lue-Reeq Chalah – 18
Cerigg Morpurse – 25
Taynor Lakplowe – 10
Giott – 22
Cyella Valthane – ~10,000
Crystalline Mean Characters
Katliss Horhand – 39
Facet of Forging
Iola Waldhand – 18
Eismon Valhand – 31
Colana of the Seventh House of Oakbridge – 27
Sue-Rend Maihov – 29
Facet of Crafting
Thiuna – 24
Walden of the Final House of Elmsby – 43
Owell Freehand – 27
Facet of Nourishing
Bethric of the Second house of Pinehome – 36
Facet of Gathering
Qeshi-Rae Kaapoh – 30
Yalana of the Grey House of Ashgrave – 25
Mao-Ladd Moshca – 23
Facet of Fishing
Frithrik – 26
Mervyl Stonehand – 52
Hurielle Stonehand – 22
Lakeland Characters
Callea Skyekirk – 27
Nielden of the First House of Oakbridge – 48
Mauwyl Mudkirk – 23
Tolas Valkirk – 23
Dwarf Quests Characters
Ronitt – 15
Ozogg – 20
Kholusia Characters
Kai-Shirr Olkoh – 17
Tristol Horpurse – 39
Eueliss Hylplowe – 22
Sai-Lewq Jinal – 56
Theva Valfyst – 37
Irvithe Ketchand – 26
Grithil Ketchpurse – 26
Xamott – 50
Korutt – 19
Glagg – 72
Eulmore Characters
Ran'jit – 88
Chai-Nuzz Mewlah – 40
Dulia-Chai Mewlah – 40
The Jongleurs – 18
Mowen Freepurse – 41
The Canary – 17
Hathenbet Ketchkirk – 67
Thoarich Skyeplowe – 73
Anfrigg Morhand – 21
Bosta-Zia Panpah – 19
Amh Araeng Characters
Ghen Gen – 39
Tesleen Stoneplowe – 18
Halric of the Gold House of Aldmere – 9
Thaffe Morhand – 24
Jeryk Motplowe – 23
Jamial Nabaath – 64
Guthjon – 34
Horthur – 53
Kee-Satt Lye – 20
Rhal Ral – 27
Darmal Morfyst – 45
The Fae
Aenc Thon – "as old as the flick of a disappearing tail"
Seto – at least 140
Rak’tika Characters
Runar – 30
Almet – 87
Uimet – 85
Cymet – 83
Lanille – 140
Myalna – 38
Qitari Quest Characters
Valan – 19
Quinfort – 18
Ciuna and Phyna – 48
Qitarl Natl – 14
The Tempest Characters
Tolshs Aath – 63
Paushs Ooan – 18
Grenoldt Freethane – 51
Teushs Ooan – 33
Zumshs Aath – 68
The Empty Characters
Ryne – 17
Gaia – 17
Werlyt Characters
Gaius Baelsar – 56
Valens van Varro – 56
Severa Souther – 23
Valdeaulin Ganathain – 48
Alfonse aan Baelsar – 21
Allie aan Baelsar – 16
Rex aan Baelsar – 18
Ricon aan Baelsar – 17
Milisandia aan Baelsar – 20
Bozja Characters
Bajsaljen Ulgasch – 54
Marsak Apella – 42
Misija Votyasch – 29
Stanik Alubov – 15
Noah van Gabranth – 48
Menenius sas Lanatus – 55
Lyon rem Helsos – near 70
Sadr rem Albeleo – 37
Firmament Characters
Augebert Brasher – 36
Maelie Greystone – 11
Peyraquile Bomptond – 13
Marcelloix Mourelz – 34
Neillemard Hanette – 31
Endwalker Characters
Major Characters
Ahewann bin Alzadaal – 22
Montichaigne Mongrignois – 74
Ameliance Leveilleur – 42
Erenville – 25
Kokkol Dankkol – 43
Wilfsunn Tragbharsyn – 56
Bloewyda Uwilsyngwyn – 54
Matsya – 22
Jullus pyr Norbanus – 21
Role Quest Characters
Shirabaht bin Ardati – 31
Ea-Sura-Supin – 28
Charlet Reed – 19
Minato Urabito – 24
Kisei Urabito – 51
Sharlayan Characters
Montichaigne Mongrignois – 74
Ojika Tsunjika – 21
Dickson Denman – 38
Barnier Clarke – 54
Ameliance Leveilleur – 42
Kytte Kirk – 26
Nenelymo Totolymo – 72
Studium Characters
Rurusha Rusha – 74
Boric Azora – 40
Namono Tayamono – 29
Jude Rose – 19
Jeromere Marette – 20
Debroye – 21
Galveroche Larille – 55
Flaugustert Friont – 73
Hinageshi Wright – 29
Tankin Banjo – 35
T'laqa Tia – 31
Nele Newton – 81
Qih Aliapoh – 26
Labyrinthos Characters
Vtorak Vetasch – "indeterminate age and inconclusive gender"
Erenville – 25
Kokkol Dankkol – 43
Wilfsunn Tragbharsyn – 56
Bloewyda Uwilsyngwyn – 54
Verpaulaine Fouillel – 12
Thavnair Characters
Mehryde bihn Shinan – 40
Ahewann bin Alzadaal – 22
Mehryde bihn Shinan – 40
Matsya – 22
Qerasaf bin Shirashir – 24
Racashir bin Fahleel – 9
Yezahn bin Qulhudi – 27
Sula – 24
Arkasodara Quest Characters
Trna (Arkasodara Quests) – 21
Ogul Khatayin – 18
Kancana – 50
Garlemald Characters
Sicard Spence – 26
Licinia bas Corculum – 18
Jullus pyr Norbanus – 21
Jareck aan Natasch – 43
Vergilia van Corculum – 42
Nerva yae Galvus – 44
Rimelnaud de Thelomaire – 27
Appius eir Callaecus – 30
Galla oen Longus – 33
Volsus bas Malicus – 13
Vipsania dus Malicus – 44
Frontinus fae Malicus – 43
Job-Related Characters
Radovan Slobasch – 45
Sophie – 20
Cato nan Mammula – 52
Vitus quo Messalla – 52
Ranaa Mihgo – 17
Nashmeira – 37
Drusilla Varus – 52
Arnegis Elder – 42
Hermin Hart – 19
Lalah Jinjahl – 22
Mahaud Stone – 21
Ancel Stone – 26
Guildivain Sailmet – 38
Blue Mage
Latool Ja – 22
Whastrach Ahldwaensyn – 37
Ceadda of the Whalaqee – 14
Zirnberk Fyrgeissyn – 26
Seasonal Event Characters
Valentione’s Day
Lisette de Valentione – "nearing thirty"
Astrid de Valentione – 16
Little Ladies’ Day
Ulala Ula – 16
Narumi Kakeya – 21
Masha Mhakaracca – 19
Aldiytha Thorne – 22
Jihli Aliapoh – 22
Pawlin Morning – 38
Make It Rain Campaign
Nanaphon Sasaphon – 23
Roland Redsteele – 48
Moonfire Faire
Haermaga Bleibornsyn – 39
Beaudefoin Dupaitre – 33
Hildelana Quick – 28
R'fhul Tia – 18
The Rising
Wandering Minstrel – "undisclosed age"
J'bhen Tia – 22
Nhagi'a Jakkkya – 16
All Saints’ Wake
Impresario – "gives his age as 'six hundred and sixty-six'"
Amh Garanjy - 27
30 notes · View notes
moonlitkilljoy · 1 year
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@giftober 2022 | day 23: full body
Gotham (2014) Season 3, Episode 17 "The Primal Riddle"
107 notes · View notes
starrattlerofprydain · 10 months
Anyone want some feels again?
29 notes · View notes
damallarky · 3 months
So nothing gets me out of a ten year writer's slump like Dragon Age, apparently. I was going to write a quick character study for my Rook, but then it took a life of its own and turned into a 5000+ word monstrosity.
You can also read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57135346
Anyway, my first fic in ten years. Enjoy!
At the Black Swan tavern in Minrathous, an elven man with bright red hair sat on a massive barrel, tuning a lute. At first glance, it would appear that he was entirely engrossed in the instrument. If they paid close attention, however, they would notice his green eyes dart imperceptibly from guest to guest as if taking stock of each person who entered the tavern. 
To be fair, this was exactly what Renan was doing. The Shadow Dragons had been given a tip that the Venatori were having a meeting here tonight. He had been given instructions to keep an eye on them, make a note of how many attended, and if there was anyone there he recognized. 
Ren was good at that, using his talent at the lute, voice, and good looks to get him information, and he used his particular skill set often. Sometimes, he played in chamber halls and ballrooms of the Minrathous elite, and they were goldmines, to be sure. But if he was honest, he preferred the establishments of the working class. One would be surprised at how much information could be gained at the taverns and brothels of the world. 
Even better, Ren was familiar with this particular tavern, having played here countless times before. 
‘See anything good yet, Hope?’ He thought through the bond to his spirit companion, currently flitting between the rafters somewhere. He thought he had caught a glimpse of black feathers once or twice, but he couldn’t be sure. 
‘No. Not yet.’ He heard her say. 
Suddenly, in his mind’s eye, he saw the vision of a mouse cleaning itself on one of the rafters, not noticing the great, winged beast lurking in the shadows a mere foot away.
‘Hope…’, Ren moaned internally, ‘I just fed you.’
‘Well, yes… But I am still hungry.’
‘Well, I don’t want to find puked-up mouse bones on my pillow tonight. Again.'
‘Ugh. Fine.’ Hope grumbled.
Ren could practically feel the eye roll from his companion, and he struggled to keep his face neutral. He was halfway through tuning a string to A when his own stomach began to grumble. He hadn’t had much to eat today, or at all, what little he did have going to fill his daughter Esana’s belly. 
‘Maybe I should catch a mouse for you to eat.’ He heard Hope say. 
‘Thanks, but no…’
‘When was the last time you ate?’
‘In the morning.’
‘Which morning?’
Ren winced against the shrill voice echoing in his head. A man sitting at a table nearby gave him an odd look, to which Ren responded with a sheepish wave.
“Lute strings!” He said in way of explanation. “They don’t make them like they used to.”
The man merely grunted and went back to his tankard. 
‘Look, Hope.’ He said. ‘I promise I will get something to eat tonight after we’re through.’
‘I will hold you to that, Renan.’
The tavern began to fill in earnest as more workers ended their day shift. Amongst the crowd, Ren noticed a group of shifty-eyed men gathering at a nondescript table closer to the back of the bar. It had probably the worst lighting in the entire tavern, but the darkness made it particularly well suited for those who maybe didn’t want to be watched too closely, such as lovers…. Or secretive organizations.
‘Is Esana still in our room?’ Ren asked as he tuned a string to E flat. 
‘Yes,’ came Hope’s reply, ‘She was asleep when I left. Why?’
‘Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because I don’t want a repeat of last time, where she snuck out for an entire hour without anyone noticing after I explicitly told her not to?’
‘Ah, yes. Wherever does your daughter get her complete and utter disregard for authority? It is truly a mystery for the ages.’
Ren couldn’t help but laugh at that. Hope had become quite adept at using sarcasm over the years. 
‘Fair.’ He said. ‘I suppose she does come by it naturally.’
‘What is that mortal saying about apples and trees?’
‘Har har. Alright you made your point.’
Out of the corner of his eye, Ren saw a man walk in that he recognized. The thin, balding man was a Magister, albeit a low-ranking one. Ren couldn’t remember what the man actually did in the Magisterium, exactly, only that it was something asinine.
Asinine or note, that didn’t explain what he was doing here, of all places. The Black Swan was a little too plebeian for most Magisters.
‘Well, well.’ He thought ‘Look who’s slummin’ it up with the rest of us. Interesting.’
‘That is the man in charge of grain tax collection!’ He heard Hope say.
‘He is?’ Ren asked. ‘How do you know that?’
‘Because I pay attention, Renan.’
‘Oh… Well, I’m glad one of us does…’
Ren’s interest peaked even further as he watched as the magister walk to the back, taking a seat at the table with the group Ren had noticed earlier.
Very interesting…
‘Alright, it looks like the Venatori dinner party has started. Table in the back.’ He said. ‘Let’s get to work, shall we?’           
‘We shall. Good luck, Ren.’
‘You as well, Hope.’
Ren walked up the stairs to the small stage at the front of the bar. With a bright grin, he played the first few notes of the song on his lute and began to sing.
“Oh, come along with me, love.
Come along with me.
Come for one night and be my wife.
And come along with me.”
While still playing the notes to the chorus on the lute, Ren stopped singing to address the crowd.
“Grata! Bienviedo! Welcome good people of Minrathous.” He said. “My name is Rook, and I am here to add a little song to your evening. But enough with the pleasantries! The night is young, and I don’t know about you lot, but I am far, far too sober!”
His grin broadened as the crowd began to laugh and cheer. Ren heard a few of them shout, “Here, here!” and his playing grew stronger as he egged the crowd on further. 
“So, let’s raise a glass,” Ren crowed, “and let the night of drinking and debauchery begin!”
And, with that, he began to sing once more, his voice strong and clear.
“Well it is of a jolly butcher, as you might plainly see,
As he roved out one morning in search of company.
He went into a tavern and a fair girl he did see
And said ‘Come for one night and be my wife,
Oh come along with me!’”
Ren jumped off of the stage and began to weave in and around the tables as he continued his song. 
“He called for liquor of the best
And he made such fortune play
‘Come have a drink, it'll make us think
That it is our wedding day’”
‘I cannot hear them, Renan.’ He heard Hope’s voice say in his head as he played. ‘Distract them so I can fly down and slip underneath their table.’
Ren began to maneuver himself to the back of the bar, stopping every so often to play at another table to make it look less conspicuous. He danced around a waitress as she was carrying mugs of ale, giving her a bright smile that made her blush prettily. Finally, he stopped at the Venatori’s table, placing his foot on the edge of the table top with a thunk. Balancing his lute on his knee while he played, he leaned forward and winked at the Magister, who fumed. So focused were they all at the elf and his sheer audacity, that they didn’t notice the small black figure silently fly down from the rafters, dodge the various foot traffic, and tiptoe underneath the table.
‘I made it, Ren!’ Hope crowed, triumphantly.
Ren beamed at the crowd and continued his song.
“Well, he called for a candle to light their way to bed
And when he had her in the room these words to her he said
‘A sovereign I will give to you for to embrace your charms.’
And all that night, that fair young maid lied in the butcher's arms.
Oh, come along with me, love
Come along with me!
Come for one night and be my wife
And come along with me.
Well, about one year later he went roving out once more,
And he went into the tavern where he'd often been before.
He wasn't in there very long when his fair maid he did see,
And she brought forth a baby three months old and placed it on his knee.”
Some of the crowd began to chuckle as they realized where the song was going. Ren’s playing picked up in volume as he reached the punch line. 
“And when he saw the baby, he began to curse and swear
And he said unto that fair young maid, ‘Why did you bring him here?!’
‘Well, he is your own, kind sir’, she said, ‘Do not think me strange
Well, that sovereign that you gave to me, well I gives you back your change!’”
The crowd burst into raucous laughter, and Ren couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride as he finished the song.
“Oh, come along with me, love
Come along with me!
Come for one night and be my wife
And come along with me!”
With a flourish he played the last few chords as the crowd’s laughter turned into applause. He gave a bow, and as he stood back up he saw a flash of red dart through the crowd.
“Dammit.” He muttered. 
‘What happened?’ He heard Hope ask. He turned to the crowd.
“Thank you! You have been a wonderful audience!” Ren exclaimed. “Don’t forget to tip your waitresses! If you need me, I’ll be by the bar.”
The crowd quickly went back to their food and drink, and Ren made a beeline for the bar. 
‘I thought you said Esana was sleeping.’ He demanded through the bond. 
‘She was!’ The spirit replied. ‘I thought she was. Oh! But she might have been faking, now that I think about it. The snoring was a bit too loud.’
To which Ren could only groan.
The Maker had to have it out for him. That was the only explanation. 
‘Don’t move, Hope.’ He said. ‘Keep listening in on the Venatori. I want to have something to report back to the Dragons before the night is over.’
“Only one song tonight, Rook?” Asked one of the waitresses, Rosa, as she carried a tray full of food and drink.
“Can’t be helped, Rosa.” He said as he approached the bar. The barkeeper, a jovial older man with a wiry frame and bright eyes named Julius, poured him a glass of water with a knowing grin.
“Loose something?” He asked.
“Ugh.” Was Ren’s articulate response. Julius only laughed as Ren downed the water in one gulp before setting the glass back down on the counter with a thunk.
“You didn’t happen to see which way she went, did you?” Ren asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“Aye. She snuck out the back door.” 
“Thank you, Julius.”
“Best of luck, Rook!” 
Ren stepped outside, taking a deep breath of the cool night air to center himself. He needed to remain calm. Esana couldn’t have gotten far.
In the distance he heard the sound of cheering. Children cheering. He relaxed slightly; he had a feeling whatever was going on, Esana was probably around, if not directly involved.
He followed the sound of cheering until he turned a corner and found himself staring at a veritable horde of children all gathered around a circle. In the middle, playing what looked like a game of bones against an older human boy, was Esana.
“That looks like another game for me!” She exclaimed as she grabbed the copper pieces and put it in her already fairly substantial pile of winnings.
The boy didn’t seem too pleased. 
“That’s not fair!” He cried. “You cheated!”
“How do you cheat at bones, Dax?” One of the other children asked. Dax’s face only grew more red as the other children began to laugh. 
“Yeah, Dax.” Esana taunted as she began to count her winnings. “Don’t be a sore looser.”
“Why you-“
Whatever Dax was about to say was cut short by the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the alley. Out of the darkness, a behemoth of a man emerged. He had lank, dark hair that clung to his face and a scar that ran from one side of his neck to the other. He approached the children, most of whom had already scurried away, and sneered at them with yellowing teeth. 
“What do we have here?” The large man asked as he loomed over the children eyeing the pile of money. “You brats got some money for me?”
“No!” Esana cried. “That’s mine!” She stood up, putting herself between the man and the coin. 
Ren could have sworn his heart had stopped beating then, as he watched the giant man loom over his daughter. His daughter, who looked so very small standing in that man’s shadow. Thinking quickly, Ren grabbed a bottle from a nearby drunkard and flicked a coin his way before the man could complain too much.  
“What did you say, little knife ear?” The man sneered as he pulled an out a wicked looking dagger. “Perhaps I should teach you a lesson of what happens when pests like you talk back to your betters.”
Esana’s eyes widened as the knife was held merely inches from her face. The man made to grab her, but before he could do anything, Ren staggered out of the darkness as if drunk, practically barreling into the man. He made a show of spilling the contents of his bottle all over the man’s clothes. 
“M’so sorry, serah.” He said, slurring his words together. “It seems I-“ and he hiccuped here for effect “-I can’t seem to hold me liquor! Can’t seem to carry it neither.”
Ren gave his best drunken laugh as he pointed to the almost empty bottle of booze. Predictably, the man took the bait, grabbing Ren by the collar and shoving him hard against the wall. 
“Stupid elf! I should gut you here and now!” 
Too busy threatening him, the man didn’t notice Ren pull on the Fade, summoning flames in his left hand. 
“Gut me?” Ren asked, feigning innocence. “While you’re on fire?”
The man stared at Ren in confusion before bursting into laughter.
“On fire? You must be drunker than I-“
Suddenly, the man let out an inhuman screech as Ren held the flame against the man’s alcohol drenched clothes, quickly setting them ablaze with a satisfying woosh. The man dropped Ren as he tried to quickly strip off his burning clothes.
Ren, for his part, didn’t need to be told twice. Grabbing his daughter, he took off running down the narrow alley. 
They had made it almost halfway back to the Black Swan when he stopped to catch his breath. He looked down at his daughter and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. Getting down on one knee he began to look her over.
“Are you alright?” He asked. “Did he hurt you?”
“No. I’m fine.” 
Ren nodded. That would have to do. For now, at least.
Together, father and daughter ran the rest of the way back to the Black Swan. When finally they arrived at the back entrance, the adrenaline seemed to leave Ren all at once, leaving him drained. He sank onto one of the large crates nearby, placing his head in his hands as the reality of what almost happened hit him like a druffalo. 
Esana stood there nervously, sensing, perhaps, that she had crossed a line somewhere. 
“Papa, I’m-“
Ren cut her off. 
“Esana,” he began, frustration filling the void where fear and adrenaline once were, “How many times have I told you that you cannot go out at night on your own?”
“I was just-“
“And yet, you continue to deliberately disobey me. And for what? A handful of coin?”
“It wasn’t just a handful…” she muttered. 
Something inside Ren snapped.
Hot, angry tears streamed down Esana’s face as she pulled herself out of her father’s grip and ran into the tavern. Ren tried to grab her but she was too quick.
“Esana!” He yelled. “Esana get back here!”
Instead, he heard the sound of a door slamming from upstairs, where the guest rooms were. He looked around the tavern and noticed that it was mostly empty, save for a few stragglers who seemed too deep into their cups to notice the elven family drama going on around them. He also noticed a distinct lack of Venatori. They must have left earlier as well. 
With a sigh, Ren felt all of the previous anger bleed out of him, leaving him bone-tired. With great effort, Ren dragged himself to the bar, rubbing at his eyes before anyone could see the moisture in them. 
“Julius,” he called, “Can I have another glass of water, please?”
The barkeep popped out from the kitchen, a bowl of something heavenly smelling in one hand and a tall glass of water in the other.
“I’ll do you one better.” He said, setting the bowl, some sort of stew, in front of Ren. “Here, eat. You look like you’re about to keel over where you stand.”
“Julius, you are a gentleman and a scholar.”
“Yes, yes. Tell me something I don’t know.”
Ren took a few spoonfuls before his appetite left him entirely as the monster currently gnawing at his stomach felt more akin to guilt than hunger. He stirred the soup in lazy circles with his spoon, occasionally making a half-hearted attempt at taking a bite before giving up entirely. 
“I need to go talk to Esana.” He said with a sigh.
“Rook, wait…”
Ren looked up and was surprised to see the old barkeep looking at him with eyes full of understanding… and a bit of sorrow.
“I don’t usually tell people this for obvious reasons, but… my father was also a freeman.” He said. “And an elf, too.”
Ren’s eyes widened. A lot of things about Julius suddenly made sense. The slight build, the bright eyes…
The easiness in which he accepted Ren and Esana… 
He looked at the man in a whole new light then, silently wondering how he never noticed the way Julius’s ears tapered to a point, a tell-tale sign of the man’s heritage.
“I’ll be.” Ren exclaimed. “I’d had no idea I was in the presence of a fellow knife-ear. I’ll make you a flower crown. Maybe even show you some of my favorite places to frolic naked in the moonlight.”
“I am quite capable of going to a whore house on my own, thank you.”
Both men burst into laughter, loud enough in the almost empty tavern to draw the attention of the last remaining guests. The confused stares sobered both men up fairly quickly, and Julius continued whatever point he was getting at.
“Before I was born,” he said, “my father had somehow managed to buy his and my mother’s freedom. Never did quite figure out how he managed to pull it off...”
Julius’s eyes grew distant as he stared at something only he could see. After a moment, he blinked, and turned his attention back to Ren. In all the years he had known the man, Ren had never seen an expression so solemn on his face as he did now.
“When I was Esana’s age, I also never… appreciated the sacrifices my father had made for my family. For me... And Maker, there were so many…”
“And you do now?” Ren asked.
“Aye.” Said Julius. “I do now. Very much so. And I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but Esana will too.”
Ren considered the older man’s words as he took a few more bites of his stew. He pushed himself off of the counter and dusted himself off. 
“Thank you, Julius.” He said. “For everything.”
“Anytime, Rook.“
Ren made his way up the stairs and down the hall to where he and Esana were staying. As quietly as he could, he crept in, closing the door behind him. 
They were fortunate enough to stay in a room with two cots this time, an upgrade to their usual fair. He noticed that the cot on the left was occupied by a relatively Esana sized lump buried underneath the blankets. On the desk , underneath an open window, was a rook. It sat atop a wooden perch as it cleaned its feathers with its long, grey beak. 
Hearing the door close, it looked up and flew over to where Ren sat on the empty cot, silently landing on his knee.
“Hey, Hope.” He uttered.
“…Why is your doublet singed?” Was the spirit’s response.
“Good to see you too.”
Ren looked down at his doublet, his favorite one too, and, sure enough, he noticed singe marks all long the bottom hem. 
And lo, did the Maker say “Fuck this Elf in particular.” He thought.
“I suppose it does not matter. I am sure it can be fixed.” Hope said kindly. Then, through the bond, he heard: ‘Esana was very upset, but she would not tell me what happened.’
‘She decided to pick fights with grown men and then I lost my temper and yelled at her.’
‘Ah. I see.’
Hope climbed up Ren’s arm to perch on his shoulder.
“I think I am going to go out.” She announced. “Stretch my wings for a bit.”
“Have fun.”
Hope rubbed up against his cheek affectionately, nuzzling him much like she had when he was a boy, newly arrived in the Tevinter Imperium and being sold off like chattel.
‘You can fix this.’ He heard her say through the bond. 
With that, Hope flew out the open window and into the warm summer’s night, leaving father and daughter alone to talk. After a minute or two of sitting silently in the dark, Ren spoke.
“I know you’re awake, Esana.” He said. “Can we talk? Please?”
A loud sniffle from underneath the covers was the only response he got. With a sigh, Ren pulled off his boots and set them neatly by his bedside table.
“It’s ok, Esana. You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to.” He said as he took off his now singed doublet. “I’ll talk then, ok?”
Ren took a moment to gather his thoughts. He stared down at his hands, looking at the small knicks and callouses from years of playing the lute. He unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt, and let the loose sleeves reveal old scar tissue across his wrists from where too-heavy shackles had rubbed his skin raw years ago. They certainly weren’t pretty, which was part of the reason why he always covered them, but they weren’t the worst of his scars. He knew his back was a gnarled web of lash marks, fifty in total. They still ached from time to time, too…
He made a vow, long ago, that the Imperium would never hurt him, or his loved ones, ever again. And he intended to keep that promise.
“I love you, Esana.” He said, finally. “And I am very sorry that I yelled at you like I did. I shouldn’t have lost my temper.”
In the darkness, Ren saw two bright blue eyes (her mother’s eyes, he thought distantly) peek out from underneath the covers, watching him warily. Taking that as progress, he continued.
“The truth is, I was scared. What you did was incredibly dangerous. I truly thought that man was going to hurt you, and that terrified me.”
Esana crawled out from underneath the covers and sat on the edge of the bed, hunched over and refusing to look anywhere but her bare feet. Ren noticed that she was already in her nightgown. She must have changed after she stormed upstairs. 
With a small smile, Ren patted the empty space beside him in invitation. Esana quickly crossed the short distance to sit with her father, but still refused to look up at him, even after he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to his side. 
“I just wanted to help.” She said miserably, swiping at her eyes as fresh tears  began to fall. “I thought that if I could earn money like you do, then you would let me join you for once.” 
“I just wanted to be like you. I’m tired of being treated like a baby.”
Ren tucked an errant lock of red hair behind his daughter’s ear. 
“Esana,” he said, “I don’t need you to be like me. In fact, that’s the last thing in the world I want you to be. And while I appreciate the help, I’m your father. It’s my job to take care of you, not the other way around.” 
“But I want to help!” Esana cried, almost desperately. “I want to be out there, with you!”
Ren chewed his bottom lip as he pondered Esana’s words. He certainly did not want to expose her to the drunks of Minrathous, but he also knew that soon she would be turning thirteen. Too old to stay willingly cloistered away. Maybe he could bring her along every now and then, introduce her little by little to his world in a way where he could monitor her and keep her safe, rather than having her go out behind his back…
Still, he couldn’t help but feel he was missing something. Something important. There was a frantic edge to Esana’s pleading that Ren couldn’t understand. Not for the first time, Ren wished his wife were still alive. Leena would have known what to do. She was good at that sort of thing.
“I’ll tell you what,” Ren began, cupping his daughter’s chin gently, “how about I teach you how to play that spare flute I have? Then, you could play with me. Sometimes.”
Esana stared up at her father with wide, disbelieving eyes. 
“Sometimes!” He reiterated. “Only the jobs that I think are safe, ok?”
“Really?” she asked, excitement and a strange tinge of something akin to relief shining in her eyes.
“Yes.” Ren laughed. “Really.”
Esana launched herself at him, wrapping him in a tight hug which he returned without a thought. 
“I love you, papa.” She said.
“I love you, too, Esana.”
Not long after Ren noticed his daughter’s eyelids grow heavy and her shoulders begin to droop. He chuckled as he watched her try to stifle a yawn.
“Alright little Nuglette, I think that’s enough excitement for one day. To bed with you.” 
“Ok, papa.” Esana murmured sleepily as she crawled back into her own cot. Suddenly, that frantic edge that Ren noticed earlier returned.
“Papa…” she said, “Could I stay in your cot? Until I fall asleep?”
“Sure.” Ren said with a small smile.
Esana quickly scurried from her cot to join her father. She snuggled herself up against him, and he felt her relax as if she had been holding in some sort of tension. 
“Esana,” Ren asked as she tucked herself in the crook of his arm, “Is everything alright?”
Esana hastily nodded, not quite looking her father in the eye. Ren sighed.
“You know you can talk to me, right?”
Another nod. 
“Ok. Good night, Esana. Sweet dreams.”
Ren didn’t notice Esana wince at the mention of dreams. He didn’t notice his daughter squeeze her eyes shut, desperately trying not to think of the monsters in her dreams that hounded her, begging her to let them in. 
Instead Ren began to sing softly, voice barely above a whisper as he sang an old Elvish lullaby, one that his own mother sang to him when he was little. It didn’t take long for Esana to drift off into the Fade. No nightmares plagued her this time, safe as she was in her father’s arms and a song promising only pleasant things echoing in her ears. 
For Ren, however, sleep evaded him despite his exhaustion. If he was honest with himself, he didn’t mind and was content to watch the rise and fall of Esana’s chest as his daughter slept soundly, snuggled up against him. Truth be told, he cherished moments such as these because he knew that sooner rather than later, his daughter would grow too old to cuddle with her papa. For now, though, he placed a kiss upon his little girl’s brow and held her as tightly as he could without waking her.
He didn’t know how long he stayed like that, only that it was near dawn when Hope flew in through the window, the first rays of light gently reflecting off of her feathers, giving them a purplish hue. 
“Morning, Hope.” Whispered Ren as he watched her land on the bedside table. 
“Good morning, Renan.” She whispered back. “I am happy to see you two worked it out.”
“Yeah. Me too.” Ren shifted slightly to face his friend. “You were gone an awfully long time. Did something happen?”
“I ran into Neve Gallius. She would like you to meet her later this evening.” 
“Ah… and what did our favorite Ice Queen want? Did she say?”
“Only that she would like to introduce you to an aquantence of hers. Some sort of… novelist?”
“Of course she does…” Ren murmured tiredly, not really paying attention. 
They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the silence of the early morning. Ren was just about to finally drift off to sleep when Hope looked up from where she was preening her feathers and stared out of the window with an unusually concerned expression.
“Renan…” she whispered, so quietly Ren barely heard her. 
“There is a storm coming.” Was all she said.
Little did Ren know, as he later found himself staring up at the terrifying visages of his Dalish mother's myths, how true those words were about to become. 
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twistedappletree · 1 year
My all-time favorite zhuiling + LJY dynamic is just Jin Ling lowkey being a hopelessly romantic Disney princess like “ohhh what if I moodily stepped out into this misty night into a lush forest of bamboo 🥺✨ what if he noticed I was gone and ran after me and followed me here and we—“ and out of nowhere Lan Jingyi pops out of a bush like “nice cringey storybook daydream you got there, would be a shame if all you got was me being the most annoying person you’ve ever met in your life”
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venusdebotticelli · 1 year
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M, Multi
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach & Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet/Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Blackbeard | Edward Teach & Crew of the Revenge (Our Flag Means Death), Blackbeard | Edward Teach & Israel Hands, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Crew of the Revenge (Our Flag Means Death), Israel Hands, Fang (Our Flag Means Death), Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Crack Treated Seriously, Character Study, Humour, Identity, Self-Worth Issues, Self-Discovery, Self-Acceptance, POV Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Unreliable Narrator, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Deserves Nice Things, Young Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Has ADHD, (just like in canon. especially obvious since this is his pov anyway), Post-Season/Series 01, Co-Captains, Established Relationship, post-reunion, Man cheerfully bullies himself, Despite his best efforts it results in some genuine self-reflection, Aging, And the pains of having to witness it on yourself with no previous warning, Canon-Typical Historical Inaccuracy (Our Flag Means Death), The Arcane Ways Of The Sea, Cats may possibly be witches, Illiterate Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Literate Blackbeard | Edward Teach, He contains multitudes what can I say?, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Beta Wanted
"Fuck me!" Ed says when he finally takes in the situation. The situation in question seemingly being a younger version of himself, mid-twenties, right on the prime of the whole Blackbeard schtick, crouched defensively on deck and surrounded by half of the Revenge's crew. The Babybeard, for his part, has been shrewdly sizing him up, trying to be all subtle about it, but now makes a show of dubiously eyeing him up and down. "Seems to me you'd be getting the better end of that deal, Old Man." Oh, he is absolutely fucking delightful, all wound up and prickly and still convinced he has shit-all to prove to anyone at all. Ed is going to have so much fun crushing his entire worldview! "Aww, don't dismiss the value of experience," he winks, "I know a lot more about what you like than you do." He punctuates this with a delicate sip of his tea, pinky out, an airy swish of the sleeve of his wrapping gown. ~ The Mad Devil Pyrate Blackbeard has been living in kinda-retired bliss for a couple of years now, mostly going by Ed these days and enjoying a spoiled and pampered life as The Infamous Captain Edwards's co-captain, when he is abruptly faced with his worst and most fucking annoying foe yet: Himself.
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Sophia in the window. :) She enjoys chewing on the spider plants.
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acearohippo · 2 years
The wiki is being updated with birth years!
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But the math ain't mathin with these years. 🧐
How is Lewis 21 born in '06 but Li Ling is 21 born in '07. Lewis was born in April, so if the years are correct he should be 22 when Li Ling is 21. Or, Li Ling 20 instead of 21 like Lewis, for the 2-ish months until his birthday.
It could just be a typo, but I've no way of double checking anywhere.
Am I missing something?
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oh-my-frog · 8 months
Just had my first lj celebrity sighting, Luka Mesec in maxi mercator 😍
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been reading a run of horror/thriller novels lately. i've specifically been looking for ones that aren't too intense, ones that are a bit generic or not intended to be especially earthshattering. and i've been largely enjoying it, but, for anyone else who also enjoys reading horror/supernaturaly thrillers, i just wanna stake a quick red flag over J. H. Markert's The Nightmare Man. Not gonna say "don't read". however. AM going to say two things: thought it was a first novel until i saw the six other titles at the back; was astonished at the amount of gratuitous ableism throughout. Also felt it was a bit racist and sexist but not in an overt way, in a nagging uncomfy way.
#details in tags bc i hate to openly hate on things#please allow me this sotto vocce bitching#so 1: the first novel thing.#i noticed a few typos - more than normal - and there were a lot of extremely confusing sentences that i felt an editor should have caught#there were a lot of just Off phrasings#and very little concrete character descriptions and connective action descriptions#so a lot of things were like - oh that happened already?#the plot was also really oddly paced and overly complex#the worldbuilding was also dripped in a way that was like. just uneven#so on that level i was just feeling like it's Okay but just not experienced#2. the ableism#so there's a central background semi-villanous psychiatrist who builds an asylum.#that CAN be done less horribly#i lately read the children on the hill which had the same conceit but was much more sympathetic#anyway. the portrayal of the many mentally ill (actually possessed by nightmares) people we encounterer was so ridiculously flat and cliche#like. to a point that was distinctly uncomfortable over and above the inherent bullshit#because these were. people who were literally supernaturally not in control of their actions. and they were described so animalistically#with ZERO sympathy#except for one woman who was young and hot and whose ridealong nightmare demon just seduced married men rather than kill anyone#and then the ultimate villain came from a deeply toxic family environment and was like the most stereotypical#bad criminal minds episode quote unquote psychopath#and there was ZERO narrative reflection on anything - the kid was just born evil apparently#the father of that kid also had a limb difference and a cleft palate and there was like. so much made of this#but nothing done with it except the guy's wife was cheating on him with his dad#and the narrative essentially justified it bc of this guy's differences#it was just sort of like. a really bad criminal minds episode meets arkham asylum meets what i think nightmare on elm street is about#it was also just blandly racist and sexist#ran out of tags. know i am fuming.
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wathanism · 1 year
Hi! I am also an ex Muslim I have been struggling a little bit with religion but I would like to learn more about paganism especially in mena regions. I can't find a lot of sources so I was wondering if you could tell me or offer me some sources. Also, I was wondering, if you still live in a Muslim majority country, do you find it harder to practice? One of my biggest concerns is I don't think I will be able to be fully committed because of family restrictions since I live with my parents. So will that affect my connection with the Gods? Thank you 💞💞
i have a lot to say so TLDR: the #1 source that i recommend is this paper in the journal of religious history. it's always good to do more research and seek out multiple perspectives, but this paper imo makes a very intentional effort to be kinder and more respectful of the pre-islamic arabs than most other sources bother trying to be. it's very accessible even if you don't study history or theology, so it's a great starting point). more under the cut!
firstly i wanna give the disclaimer that i don't know much about any other pagan religions in the swana region, as i've only started looking into wathanism which was practiced in the arabian peninsula and the levant. there are other folks that practice the ancient egyptian religion (kemetism) and probably other maghrebi religions, but i haven't had a chance to learn about those yet.
i wanted to answer this ask sooner than later, but unfortunately my answer might not be the most satisfying, since there really aren't many sources out there to begin with, especially not reliable ones. ancient arabs relied a lot on oral systems of knowledge, and a lot of the written records of their worship were destroyed during the coming & spread of islam. as far as i know, we actually don't have a clue about any of the mythology of the arabian gods or anything like that, though we know what was associated with some of them (ex: manat was a goddess of fate, allat was a goddess of combat and prosperity). soooo the way i see it, there's a couple ways you can go about practicing wathanism:
the first is that you can view it in a very academic sense and literally become an amateur historian lol. google scholar and scihub are your friends!
the second is to take a more intuitive approach and really let your feelings guide you. that can look different for everyone, but generally it's good to try out a few different approaches drawing from other practices and to decide with trial and error what makes you feel good/what your gods respond to.
these two approaches are not mutually exclusive and i personally try to apply both in my own practice. if you want, i can get into all the details of what being a wathanist means to me and how i practice it, but i wanna try to keep this answer at least reasonably short for now lol. but to give an example: christopher moreman's 2016 paper, rehabilitating the spirituality of pre-islamic arabia, talks about how stones were used to mark graves and how historic records do show that stones and statues were important in the pre-islamic religion, and he interprets this to mean that the religion had a strong emphasis on ancestor worship and that the stones may have been thought to house the spirits of the dead. based on that and if you connect to the idea, you can try to find ways to apply ancestor worship in your own life. this is where looking at other similar religions for inspiration can help, and with time you can find what you like.
on the flip side, there's another interpretation of the same facts about the relevance of stones and statues to the arab pagans, which is more animist in nature (i.e. all things on earth have a spirit and to live in harmony with your environment means to respect all of them). a lot of indigenous american religions have this view and are worth studying if this idea connects with you. and of course, the animist interpretation and the ancestor worship interpretation are not mutually exclusive, and you can apply both in your life.
i actually don't do a lot of deity work, so i can't speak much on that. i actually have been meaning to change my bio abt that since i wrote it when i just started this blog lol.
as for how to practice safely in your home... that's a really complicated question, but i'll do my best to give some advice. keep in mind i'm not currently living in a muslim country, and even when i visit, my family gives me enough privacy that i'm relatively safe.
the main thing i think you should keep in mind is plausible deniability. a lot of pagans online have these big fancy altars with lots of explicit pagan symbolism and spell jars and all the works, and you want to avoid something like that that would catch people's attention. you can set up an altar in your room, but organize it in a way that it might just seem like a cute decor item rather than something religious. for example, just having a vase with flowers and candles is enough, and it won't draw any attention. lots of people like candles and flowers and even crystals without any witchy or pagan connotations.
the important thing is to know what your family will consider suspicious. for example, my parents wouldn't be able to identify tarot cards, so its no problem if i have them, because they just think i have pretty playing cards. be aware of what the safe boundaries are, and if you're ever unsure, you're better off being cautious.
also, not everything in your practice has to be external. for me, the act of cooking a traditional dish or reading a poem are acts of worship because they connect me to my culture. caring for others around me and learning about the world are acts of worship. sunbathing and smelling flowers and petting a cat are acts of worship. to me, my religion is a lot more than just having a designated time and place to perform a set of rituals that are sacred. it's a shift in perspective, and anything that makes me feel more grounded and connected with the world around me IS the practice of my religion, ykwim?
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