#Dragon Age: Veilguard
corseque · 3 days
Transferring a twitter Dragon Age 4 theory to tumblr:
This is a theory about the very latest DA4 information that people were upset to learn about because they want to wait for the game rather than hear too much, so look elswhere if that is you. I suspect that Rook is called "Rook" for a reason. I suspect their color is purple for a reason.
Rook is associated with trickery and death, a bad omen.
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Hmm.... that reminds me a little of a "dread wolf."
I, for a long time, thought the game was called "Dreadwolf" because the main character would be taking on the trials and tribulations and responsibilities of the Dread Wolf onto their own shoulders. This suspicion has expanded hugely in my mind when I think about DA4 because what exactly is the story set-up, here? What is the Dread Wolf?
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Solas, who is playing the role in the story of Dragon Age of an ancient trickster deity, has claim and power over the functions that trickster gods. Namely, power over doorways, thresholds, boundaries.
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It doesn't matter what Solas thinks about godhood if he has all the trappings and power of godhood. There is no material difference in a fictional story.
(I love that Solas in the prologue is demonstrating exactly what you would expect from a Trickster God in this situation - manipulating boundaries, and then being Just a Little Guy.)
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So the game prologue opens on Solas, a trickster god, delicately manipulating the magical boundary between worlds, which is something that you would expect a trickster god to do. Then unfolds a scene in which a tiny figure (Rook) causes a larger-than-life god (Solas) mischief and, with Rook's foolish meddling, undoes the very fabric of normalcy, trapping the trickster god and throwing the world into chaos, upsetting the very balance of power between the gods, threatening the end of the world.
Rook then recieves power over the Veil the trickster god has, the sacred knife that the trickster god wields, the ability to traverse back and forth between the boundaries only easily traversed by the trickster god, the magical mirror teleportation network of the trickster god, the magical floating Lighthouse home of the trickster god, the responsibilities of the trickster god, etc.
Rook also recieves the advice of the trickster god, whether they want it or not (it seems).
Do you see what I'm saying?
"They call me the Dread Wolf, what will they call you when this is over?"
I think this game may be about Rook becoming a trickster god.
As Felassan tells Briala in The Masked Empire, "[Becoming a god] is for the stories to decide."
Tricksters in folklore are very often mortal, human heroes. Very often, they act stupidly and foolishly (like we are said to do by interrupting Solas in the prologue) and somehow win anyway.
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And what more powerful figure could there be, to fight with gods? Only a little guy like Solas or Rook, could hope to fight multiple gods and win. A little tiny trickster hero who makes foolish mistakes but is unkillable like Bugs Bunny is actually the perfect challenger to all-powerful deities.
Anyway, so if we get all of Solas' powers and his responsibilities, if we're, in a way, in training to become a trickster god. We may be stepping into myth and doing his job for him, disrupting things the way he does, and there will be comparisons. (the articles tell us that Solas is comparing himself to Rook, and that he doesn't like what he sees of himself in Rook). People always acted like Solas' situation was incredibly easy, but imo we could never actually understand what his story was, or see it from his point of view, enough to judge him. But if we actually walk in his shoes, then maybe we can actually have a part of the conversation. And later, maybe part of the myth.
The little Rook-bird that tugged the Dread Wolf's tail and let the creators free again, the little trickster Rook that destroyed or saved the world. I wonder what kind of trickster they will call us, when it is all over?
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lesbiansandboromir · 2 days
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I regret to inform you all that I am also thinking about Dragon Age: Veilguard 😔 and about a Kossith Grey Warden Rook close to her calling who has been growing ogre-like horns ever since her Joining 🥴
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damallarky · 3 days
Ok. So, like, you know who I really want to see in Veilguard, but probably never will?
Like, we talk about how Solas’s plans never work out. But have you guys met my boy Jowan? If Solas is the King of Fuck Ups then Jowan is the Prince, because that man was just one consecutive woopsie after another.
He tries to get a leg up on Magic so he learns Blood Magic but then he gets caught and his magic does not, in fact, improve.
Then he hatches to plan to escape the circle with his chantry girlfriend and that one doesn’t work out either. And when he uses the aforementioned blood magic to save himself and his girlfriend, she leaves him.
THEN he gets caught up in Logain’s nonsense and gets roped into poisoning Arl Eamond which sets off a chain of events and turns Redcliffe into the Walking Dead.
I want to see what he’s going to fuck up next. I want him to accidentally knock over a lamp post and set the whole of Minrathous on fire.
Retcon his fate if you need to BioWare. I want to know what that pathetic wet rag of a man has been up to.
(Maybe I should make Jowan my Rook. That would be hilarious. Can you imagine?)
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olessan · 22 days
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i love when adolescent griffons are picked up and they’re so absolutely confused as to how this could happen that they just sorta
Edit: the lil baby's name is Assan!!
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elvhenwarden · 22 days
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very excited about davrin
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·· When the Dread Wolf rises, the Veilguard keeps its watch ··
hooo boy the dragon is finally aging
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coolenrutherford · 26 days
me getting ready for the 7 companions in Veilguard:
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laiostoudenn · 22 days
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dragonagitator · 22 days
I loved the Veilguard trailer, and I'm super hyped for the game. Also, fall 2024 is a year earlier than I'd realistically expected.
This is gonna be me for the next year or so:
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star--nymph · 22 days
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miragesbian · 20 days
varric should call his next bow sebastian after the other person he desperately wanted to fuck and couldn't </3
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olessan · 22 days
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uh oh. oh boy. oh boys, even
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beaulesbian · 20 days
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brennacedria · 21 days
So, has anyone else noticed Varric's belt?
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andrastespyre · 3 months
The theory that the Dragon Age protagonists are the Four Horsemen really fucks btw
The Hero of Fereldan - Pestilence. The Blight follows close behind them. Ever since the Fifth Blight, the taint has been spreading at alarming rates.
The Champion of Kirkwall - War. The Champion indirectly or directly lights the spark of the Mage-Templar War.
The Inquisitor - Famine. After War follows Famine. We see this when exploring the world as vital resources run low.
The Rook - Death. Only Death can defeat Pride. Death is change and upheaval. The veil will be broken. Many will die and nothing will be the same.
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nateeseart · 22 days
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Honey, I'm home! I'm so inspired by the Dragon Age news. too many emotions, too much new information, I’m burning and don’t know how to calm down. It's alive!!
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