#idr its name
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siriuslygay1981 · 1 year ago
"Whose your Sirius-"
It is the little person I found on tik Tok who comes up on my page randomly with wild rants. They are so pretty and silly and she screams Sirius to me. Also autistic Sirius. Like this is him.
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dullahandyke · 3 months ago
Went into dealz and they were playing a live version of a mcr song
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fandom-hoarder · 3 days ago
Sorry to rely on you for understating some discourse, but what is this about:
Why the hate on Jared?
I can't see the post because they have me blocked, but I'm guessing from what's in the url that it's something about Jared's pranks. Maybe bringing it up now because of the boys, and misha coming to the boys with Jared?
Hellers love to act like Jared pranks people maliciously, and Misha has contributed to it by constantly exaggerating his stories about Jared's pranks. Some blogs who handle more of the drama have done comparisons of old versions vs recent versions of Misha's stories: times he's told it around other cast who were there, and times he's embellished it for hellers with no other cast around and made it sound worse on Jared's part, while downplaying his own part in it.
A main heller past time IS hating on Jared because he's an easy target for their rage about not getting their way on the show and irl. And at this point, Misha has become a grifter who thrives on telling hellers what they are foaming at the mouth to hear, which doesn't help the propagation of truth.
They ALL pranked each other, and it could get over the top for all of them in dudebro ways, especially when they were younger. They all love pranks, but they've also all matured since some of the bigger pranks. If Jared's pranks were so criminally bad like they love to say, Misha wouldn't want to continue working with him so badly. Jared has worked and pranked with a lot of people, and they all love having the opportunity to work with him again. People love Jared and even bring him up when he's not around, years after they've worked with him. Pranks around the Walker set were fun, and they pranked Jared back. Jared is a playful, puppydog of a man, and he likes to joke around with people as a bonding experience.
And if The Boys is mentioned in the post I can't see: Jared has already hung out with these guys with Jensen. The people on set are still people working on a show full of over-the-top gore, crass humor, and explicit and often gross sex. They don't think the pranks on that set could be crazy? It's a set with Eric Kripke. And while the cast is full of some phenomenal actors, they're still just people who probably like to have fun like most people. Even on a tightly controlled set, I'm sure there will be jokes and bonding, and then they'll do press tours together.
Jared is going to be 43 this year and he's been in the business for over twenty years, and everyone he's worked with thinks of him fondly. The man knows how to behave. There's a thing called maturity, and it changes how you do some things compared to when you were younger, because of how your life experiences have shaped your behavior and mindfulness about the world around you. Especially someone like Jared who actually does therapy. FFS. Hellers want to act like people aren't allowed to ever make mistakes or grow if they're at all famous. 🙄 Unless that person is Misha, in which case he's never done anything wrong in his life and doesn't have to grow or apologize for anything. 🤷‍♀️🙃
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galaxygermdraws · 4 months ago
I’m about 30+ hours into Brothership…yall I’m insane??? The comparisons to TTYD plot wise were not exaggerated. I have a large sense of dread going into what seems to be the final area. Cannot wait! Jus gotta…learn how to excellent bomb derby…and jump helmet…ofc it’s those two i sucked at em in the previous games…
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year ago
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I drew a friend's OC!! 💛✨
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dysfunctionaldogdude · 7 months ago
So I keep seeing Deadpool and Wolverine stuff. I REALLY want to watch it but..
I've never watched ANY Deadpool nor Wolverine movies.
Brutha I need to watch them for context. Idc if I don't need to. I WANT to.
This is the kinda movie watcher I am ESPECIALLY with Marvel movies.
Only stuff I haven't really watched is F4 stuff, most X-men stuff, Deadpool, Venom, and 3 different shows (Winter Solider, Anything after first two episodes of Hawkeye, and SHEILD -> Winter Solider just kinda escaped me, Hawkeye I just kinda dropped, and never saw much point in watching SHEILD).
[Hella yaps below]
F4 stuff I only watched ONE movie - sucked to high hell. Told the rest did so I'm only going to probably watch the new one coming out
X-men stuff I just keep forgetting to watch, I've watched a few I'm mostly into the comics for them rather the movies tbh.
Deadpool I wasn't old enough for the longest time. I just kinda forgot about it after a while.
Venom is along the same as Deadpool.
I honestly have so much shit to watch Marvel goes into the depths of my brain since I already seen so much and read so much and my family talks about it so much I just don't register I have more I need to watch/want to watch - also not to mention the constant movies coming out - that I just lose track.
Bro speaking of things to watch I need to watch the other seasons if Sweet Tooth I've still only watched the first season haven't continued since the second came out (3rd came out too I believe) also Dragon Price got a new season RIGHT after I finished the last season since I needed to catch up (hate when that happens). I ALSO have to finish so many shows, start shows I want to watch badly, CONTINUE shows I've started (I started one based off a manga - it's live action and actually really good since it's set in a more "realistic" setting but not really since again manga but real world type setting no fantastical elements other than the cheesy flowery stuff - MC is so funny too).
Bro I'm yapping so much I haven't talked to y'all in forever I highkey miss y'all !!
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snobgoblin · 1 year ago
it's so funny how Buttercup asks for a rifle for Christmas 1) because HUH and 2) because girl you literally have super powers. she just wants it for the aesthetic ig lmao
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synthetic-sonata · 27 days ago
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havent been drawing regularly ( as usual but it only rlly gets worse ) But ! heres some more compiled sketches. some bodyhorror-y just as a warning .
sketches i like more r below bc i dont feel like re-organizing them
more below. theres a Lot i havent posted things in this tag since like november lol
hey . get attacked okay ? 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
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and a small thing 👇
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ok thankyou
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alkemylabz · 11 months ago
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transition so good it makes a guy realize he's bi like 20 years later
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melodybottles · 10 months ago
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ok happy wip wmonday this is mostly rune factory ft. one (1) romijuli. most of these did not escape the sketch phase (and the two that did... did not get far, as pictured) but they're all things i had intent to complete at some point.
commentary is below the cut if anyone is curious about my thoughts on anything i've drawn here
for piece commentary..... well first off i also had a shara/sofia sketch that got corrupted bc sai loves doing that at random and it's part of why i want to move away from using it :-( second off
(drops to my knees) PLEASEP PLEASE PLEASE.... CONSIDER PIA/RAVEN..... PLEEEEEEEASE oh the things i could say about those two regarding their own isolation / alienation due to being nonhuman and how despite the fact they've both found a place for themselves they still feel Othered and Lonely at the core. i think they could work on that together once raven gets out of her shell a little bit. the meeting of sea and sky. fire and water. please understand. (the one w raven in bird form is actually even based on the caelum et ocean story set from love nikki bc it made me think of them LOL)
dolce/forte is also like... please consider them. there's something really funny about the knight who's afraid of ghosts and the ghost whisperer. but i also think they have really compatible personalities and forte's generally headstrong nature could go well with dolce's quieter way of doing things. i think dolce would find flustering her funny. but not in like... a harassing way. just in a way where she knows how to make her blush a little bit. i like them
romijuli..... well you see (i open my mouth and begin screaming) (i do not stop screaming) (if you listen closely enough you can detect a garbled string of sounds that loosely translates to 'READ PERFORMANCE')
for the 5 doodles.... priscilla ended up being my favourite rf5 girl to my immense surprise LOL so i developed a habit of sketching her a lot in 2022. fat priscilla. please understand. reblog. i also really liked priscilla/lucy at first bc they're like... obvious, and while my interest in them waned for various reasons (one being a lamentation that they'd become The One Femslash Pairing^tm of the game where people don't really consider anything else bc they have that one...) i still like that doodle.
and lastly. ray and alicia r my favourite sibling steup in all of rf and i think they're both transgender. i hope this helps. (idk solidly what direction i see ray as trans in but whatever the case. ray is not cis to me. love and light)
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demenior · 1 month ago
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The Path of Daggers meets me remembering how to use markers
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nabsthevulture · 1 month ago
What's your tumblr icon? (Like your new discord icon BTW lol)
It is a coyote head actually. I would post the actual photo but tumblr would not like that
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freakinator · 2 months ago
theres a certain Way that certain video essayists talk that i highkey wish id be able to find streamers that talk like that as well but idk if thats even a reasonable want considering the video formatting is most likely what makes it so they talk like that anyway
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leolaroot · 1 year ago
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brier sweater:)rides to the left bc i was off centre when i started to decrease but who gaf honestly
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nin-deer · 2 years ago
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day 5!!!!! almost there!!!!!
honestly was just experimenting w lineless and i dont hate it, so i count it as a win <3
ID under the cut!
[ID: Natsume and Shibata sitting on a grassy hill, bodies turned slightly away from each other. In the middle is a tree with no leaves, branches spreading out. Natsume is sitting criss-cross applesauce with his arms in front of his torso, hands hidden by his legs. Shibata is sitting with one leg propped up, a hand wiping away something on his face.]
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gutsfics · 4 months ago
man. i really wanna replay Sally Face but also i hate how it ended so i never wanna replay it again. many such cases
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