#idk y'all got ideas
yeeggbenny · 1 year
I'm feeling.
just feeling.
thinking about volunteering with my local youth LGBTQIA+ community services. wanting to do more with my community and, as a byproduct, hopefully gain some gay adult friends. I'm the only outwardly gay person in my job location (at STARBUCKS of all the god damn places) and I feel like I'm losing parts of me I felt so much in my last city, even though this place is so much more mentally better for me. being on testosterone being the biggest contributor to this gain.
i moved into a place on my Own for the first time at 31 two months ago (still renting, alas) and I've been overthinking my whole life in that time, as one does.
one of my co-workers last day was yesterday and she kept it on the downlow, she was partner of the week without me knowing and I had to erase her for the new partner today and someone said "awe, that's sad, erased for the last time" and I damn near cried.
I left my water bottle in my managers car, went home a few hours later, having set my mind that okay, I'll use a new cup, it'll be fine. found my water bottle on my doorstep. did cry this time.
sitting on my porch across from a river and realizing how lucky I am to hear the crickets and frogs, even though there's a busy street in between.
I love opening my windows and having summer air, having moved coincide with the release of seasonal depression, my season, someone who thrives in the heat and this past winter was the longest, coldest winter of my memory. feeling poetic about nature and singing more.
thinking about how I used to be a shitty person? I've been working on redirecting my thoughts and being able to just say fuck off and distract myself instead makes me cry about the progress I've made in my mental health.
and I've been biting back my lip for days, how I used to scorn at people's "it gets better" posts and now I want to scream it from the rooftops, shove it down your throats and promise you that. the bitter irony.
if you've followed me long enough y'know I'm not usually posting personal rants but I needed to tell the void this one.
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year
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How are people gonna take that?
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silvers-starrway · 6 months
So the wildest thing happened where @mactheactor decided to dub over (if that's even the correct terminology) the Chaos Sonic animation I made!!!!
I'm still in utter awe about this like, hands down the coolest thing ever I've been thinking about this non-stop. Hope y'all enjoy it as much as I do!!
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lewyym · 9 days
Remember when in like 2020-ish Metal Gear Rising was cool again and everyone was talking and memeing about it
And how sometimes popular media quotes just become part of regular vernacular?
It's an absolute SHAME we didn't make "The death of a few soldiers is tragic, but nothing to start a major war over" into a saying
"I might be a little paranoid but it's nothing to start a major war over."
"Sure I have some gray hairs but nothing to start a major war over."
"Yeah it was a bit salty but nothing to start a major war over."
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dailyloopdeloop · 5 months
loop if they were Birds are a group of warm-blooded vertebrates constituting the class Aves (/ˈeɪviːz/), characterised by feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a strong yet lightweight skeleton. Birds live worldwide and range in size from the 5.5 cm (2.2 in) bee hummingbird to the 2.8 m (9 ft 2 in) common ostrich. There are over 11,000 living species, more than half of which are passerine, or "perching" birds. Birds have wings whose development varies according to species; the only known groups without wings are the exti
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DAY 41: sorry i turned your guy into a weird creature instead
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nixie-deangel · 2 months
@redfurrycat here is the very short version (because I started typing this out and got a thousand words in before I even introduced Jake to Bradley XD) of the Hangster girl dad's au I mentioned the other day!
anyway, basically it's Bradley gets his papers pulled, knocks up his not-sort-of-but-not-really-college girlfriend/hookup, moves down to Texas, decides he's gonna be a single parent when his not-ex states clearly she doesn't want to be a mother, gets adopted by Mama Seresin and Jake's four sisters before he even meets the man.
A few weeks before his child is born he finally meets Jake and it's definitely a meet-ugly but they rapidly move through getting to be friends (because they don't have their careers and reputations standing in their way) and then baby girl Bradshaw is born and they spend run co-parenting her, even though Jake is often away during the week (he's at Corpse Christi for flight school, fight me) but any spare moment he can, he's driving the two hours back to his Mama's house to help Bradley with their his baby.
Almost twelve years later -of them working their shit out, getting married, having another daughter and being stupidly in love- Jake gets selected for the mission and uh oh, Bradley's past is clashing with his present.
(this is for me and my version, you all can think and decide for yourselves on how you want this to go -especially because I've left out a lot of the context trying to shrink this down to share- but for me, Jake is mega asshole to Mav when they meet because that's the asshole who hurt his husband and he's a bitch and doesn't stand for that shit. he's gonna be the biggest bitch to bitch unless Bradley tells him otherwise.
and Bradley who is still nursing the broken trust and hurt from someone he thought he could trust and someone who he thought believed in him, lets Jake have free reign because he's just not ready to forgive Mav or Ice for what they did to his life.
Even if he is sort of grateful because he got his baby girl AND his husband out of it. That broken trust is just not easily forgotten or forgiven.)
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 months
i recently remembered DickTim Week 2024 is happening very soon and i looked at the prompts again to see if i could get anything out for it and. the Hades & Persephone AU prompt for day 1 has got me really thinking so here's a vague concept i plan to write.
i've been pretty burnt out on modern Hades & Persephone retellings because of how they always seem to fall into the same generic "innocent wide-eyed girl runs from her evil mean mother into the arms of a dark mysterious man because actually she went willingly and chose to marry him" which has gotten repetitive for my tastes. (for clarity i don't care if this retelling is your cup of tea personally, so long as you're not actively trying to rewrite the original myth and claim untrue things about it, if this is your favorite flavor i sincerely hope you enjoy the buffet i just have little interest in it since it feels overdone for me and exhausted of it's supposed commentary atp)
but? but. biblically accurate Hades & Persephone AU has me all kinds of interested. because wait listen so hear me out right. Hades!Dick and Persephone!Tim, obviously. i feel it'd be more loosely inspired by with themes and imagery (though playing with death and nature powers could be interesting, i haven't decided) rather than explicitly making them gods and all. but. something dark and fucked up where Dick and Bruce are especially estranged. maybe to do with Jason's return, maybe to do with them just clashing and having their usual explosive arguments. and Bruce knows the peace needs to be kept, if he and Dick are at odds then everyone starts to pick sides and things just fracture so he needs a peace offering.
and the peace offering is Tim.
Bruce (the stand-in for Zeus) offers up Tim. agrees to have Tim move to Bludhaven and be Dick's... whatever Dick wants him to be. knowing that with the implication comes the likelihood of Dick grooming Tim. and Tim has no real say and is hesitant to put up a real fight. he doesn't want this, he knows what this is going to imply Dick will do to him, but he also knows if he says no things have the possibility to just... fall apart. so he's the unwilling bride, dragged off to the metaphorical underworld (Bludhaven) with Dick, away from his family, his friends, the life he built.
and on the flip side, i think weirdly enough, your best pick for the Demeter stand-in is *Jason*. just, hear me out on that. not necessarily on the side of it being motherly, but on Jason being just estranged enough from the Batfamily to be the one willing to call it out for being bad and wrong and raising bloody hell to get Tim back. maybe it's because Jason wants Tim for himself, maybe it's truly out of a concern for Tim to have autonomy, i'm toying with the idea of it primarily being Tim's POV and him genuinely not knowing which of these is true. (and the truth possibly ends up being a complicated middle ground) and because i like Helena, i think you can use her as the Hekate stand in, the one who strikes a tentative alliance with Jason and tries to go find Tim and bring him back. Tim stuck with Dick, getting groomed and hyperaware of it, possibly even getting fucked the whole time as well, knowing he can't go back without causing massive issues for Dick and Bruce because well, Bruce did promise him to Dick. so he has to adjust his whole life, try to figure out being a vigilante in this new city with Dick breathing down his neck the whole time.
and then much like the ending of the myth, a sort of compromise is struck that's a shaky deal for everyone involved. Tim is put on an essential timeshare, going back and forth between Gotham, where he has friends and family and a support system, then getting dragged right back to Bludhaven with Dick in this brutal cycle that he slowly gets used to and stockholm'd into even liking it. Dick isn't so bad, once he gets used to the quirks of their unbalanced 'relationship'. the sex is even something he can adjust to as well. not quite a happy ending but one that sits in this realistic grey area that becomes Tim's life.
i will write this, eventually, but i don't know if i'll get to it before DickTim Week ends so by posting the idea i'm essentially putting it out into the world so the peer pressure holds me accountable. i just. really like the potential of making Hades/Persephone AUs as fucked up as they can be simply by adhering to the source material and making it a raw story of being stolen away and forced to like this new home you didn't ask for.
also a less fleshed-out aspect of this idea i have ties into Persephone becoming the Queen of the Underworld when she's taken and how the transition from Kore to Persephone could be reflected in Tim. how he makes the best of the worst situation and becomes something far more dangerous and dark when he's in Bludhaven, possibly takes on a new vigilante name/identity and leans into the worst quirks of his personality he tries to tamper because there's no point in not going full tilt Obsessively Weird if he has no choice anyway and it being one small way he takes back his autonomy, and that inevitably making Dick *more* into him, because he gets to see Tim finally just. let loose.
#dicktim#timdick#batcest#necrotic festerings#necrotic works in progress#dicktim week 2024#fandom event#this will be written i've just got a pile of things before it.#i'm mostly posting it so i don't fucking forget about it#i'm also interested in some of the other prompts#day 2 is full of goodies. and day 7.#but the other prompts are probably ideas that'll be shorter and quicker#this one i feel. if i rlly fucking ran with it. could go on to be a novella length idea.#idk how long it'll get when i write it#but there will be smut this i promise you#also i'm respectfully begging y'all pls don't do hades/persephone myth discourse on this post#i really *don't* care if you like romantic retelings i promise. they're just not my vibe#and i also promise i am *incredibly* well read on this myth#if you try to give me the “well in some versions-” argument i'm *going* to get incredibly boring with so many sources.#like i will go step by step through every ancient version of this myth.#i save that discourse for spiritual spaces tho so pls don't drag it here i will combust#anyway making jason the demeter stand in is funny bc greek mythos also does do the incest pretty hard#so like. it still works. it's funny#how long will this take i honestly cannot tell you#depends on if i cave and bump it up in the queue bc it's behind like. four fics i'm so sorry.#but you're welcome to send asks or whatnot to shout at me about this idea and 'yes and' me#that applies to any of my ideas anyone is welcome to 'yes and' that shit#it delights me dearly.#my sole hang up on this rn is how godly do i make it. do i give them powers. or do i just make it vaguely inspired by the myth.#both are fun for their own reasons.
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wolfsbanesparks · 4 months
i just cant choose correctly, can i?
into the light?
Don't worry it's hard to keep track of what's all been asked about (and Boys Night was a surprisingly popular pick!)
So Into the Light would be the direct sequel to my first ever fic From the Shadows (my Billy gets adopted by the batfam AU)
Now I don't typically write sequels because I want my stories to feel complete without them, but I'm always open to the possibility that with the right motivation/inspiration a sequel can be fun to write.
(Also From the Shadows and Into the Light just sounds so cool as a duology)
So the plot would pick up almost immediately after From the Shadows as Billy and the batfam try to deal with the repercussions of what happened. Billy and Bruce in particular have to learn how to deal with balancing their new dynamic as both father and son as well as long term coworkers.
The JL is surprised and confused by the sudden shift in the relationship between Captain Marvel and Batman. Bruce wants Billy to tell them who he is but Billy is advantage that it remains a family secret.
Billy as the new wizard Shazam has to deal with brand new responsibilities around the Rock of Eternity and the magical community as well as establishing a new normal that includes being Captain Marvel, going to a new private school, and reconnecting with friends back in Fawcett City.
In the midst of all of this Lady Blaze and Lord Satanus are furious that Billy has taken what they consider their birthright as Shazam's children and are seeking to destroy Billy and his new family so they can reclaim their father's powers for themselves.
I think there's a lot of fun places a sequel could go in that particular au, and writing one could be a chance to address some of the things I wished I done in the first one (namely focus more on Billy’s connection to Fawcett City and the people there as it's hero)
I don't know when or even if I'd have time to write it but it was a lot of fun to consider the possibility!
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seawitchkaraoke · 4 months
So how much benefit is there to listening to an audiobook or podcast in your target language when you really don't understand most of it? Is there any point to it or should I just stick to stuff I can really properly follow (which is really just like. Things for small children or stuff made specifically for learning so they talk a lot slower, but is also usually y'know boring)
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neverwasreddie · 2 years
“Incoming, Spaghetti-o.”
Eddie’s barely though the door, his hands still tugging at the scarf looped around his neck, before Richie is chucking the crudely wrapped box at his chest. His hands are shaking so badly it’s a wonder his aim is as on-target as it is.
Eddie, on the other hand, whose hands are still gloved up, is not as dexterous. “Rich!” he yelps, fumbling with the package. “Warn a guy, c’mon!” 
Richie mourns all the vines he knows are sitting unopened in Eddie’s inbox, because it’s the perfect moment for an I could’ve dropped my croissant! reference, but he lets it slide for now, snatching the gift away from Eddie so he can properly disrobe. 
Or at least take off his winter gear. Richie doubts he’ll ever get a chance to see Eddie fully disrobe in front of him, but hey, a guy can dream. 
“Sorry,” he says lightly, shoving the box into Eddie’s hands as soon as he’s carefully placed his coat, hat, mittens, and scarf into their (their!) coat closet. “Take two.” 
“We said no presents this year, you dingus, I would’ve gotten you something nice --”
“Don’t complain until you opened it, man, it’s a handmade Tozier original.”
“So patented, name-brand trash?” Eddie lifts an eyebrows skeptically as he peels off the dollar-store wrapping paper and lifts the lid of the cardboard box cautiously. “Whatever kind of stupid prank is gonna pop out of here, Richie, so help me God if it’s a clown --”
“I’m not that much of an asshole!” Richie cackles, a little manic-sounding to his own ears. 
“Is this --” Eddie grimaces as he lifts the tissue paper out of the box. ���Jesus, Rich, when you said Ben was teaching you woodworking I thought you were just being a fucking creep --”
“Oh, I was, don’t worry,” Richie agrees loudly, shoving his hands into his pockets so Eddie can’t see how bad they’re still shaking. “The woodshop lessons were just an added bonus.”
“If I get a splinter from this --”
“This is the thanks I get for a hand-made present? For dismantling the Kissing Bridge and risking a vandalism charge to get the finest lumber Derry could offer --”
“This is wood from the Kissing Bridge?” Eddie mimes a gag over his arm. “Christ, Richie, am I gonna get -- fucking ringworm from this, or something? Jesus, if you wanted to commit a crime to get some cheap wood you could’ve just chopped down a tree from the Paul Bunyon courtyard or --”
“EDDIE.” Richie grimaces, slicing a hand through the air in a very Eddie-like gesture. “Could you just look at the gift, man.”
Rolling his eyes, Eddie drops his gaze down to the box in his hands, immediately snapping his head up to look at Richie again. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh.”
“You made this?” Eddie carefully, as if it’s precious, lifts the hand-carved wooden picture frame out of the box. 
Richie knows it’s a little shoddy. He’s not great at working with his hands, which is why he went into fucking comedy as a career, and the detailing in the pattern around the frame is uneven and potentially looks like a child’s art project. 
But the picture in the center, of 11-year-old, pre-clown Eddie and Richie, arms around each other and ice cream cones clutched in their fists, is a priceless original, carefully mailed from Maggie Tozier in a padded envelope to ensure its safe arrival to Richie in time for Christmas. 
Richie shuffles his feet, suddenly burning under Eddie’s attention and unsure of what to do with all that light and warmth. “Merry Christmas, Eds.” 
Eddie takes a step forward and throws his arms around Richie, the cardboard box and tissue paper falling forgotten to the ground while Richie feels the press of the picture frame against his back, clutched tight in Eddie’s grip like he never wants to let it go. 
If he doesn’t turn it over right away, if it takes a while for him to notice the carved but faded letters on the back of the frame (R + E), well...Richie’s been waiting over 30 years for Eddie. He can wait a little bit more. 
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autumnrory · 18 days
you ever think taylor said " i need to be on the right side of history" not because she was thinking about what makes her look good but because she hadn't said anything during the 2016 relection and she wanted to do things differently in the wake of that?
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finelyageddragons · 9 months
Currently in love with the relationship between the Grey Wardens and being doomed by the narrative, especially with how the HOF subverts that relationship so here's a 3am rant about it. Enjoy! The wardens are ghosts. They are born by letting go of everything you had before and drinking poison to bind your fate to the darkspawn and promise that your life and perhaps more importantly, your death belongs to them. The whole joining is a terrifying experience, you're drinking the blood of monsters and seeing a corrupt god in your mind and waking up to see those who died around you and being told you'll meet the same fate soon enough you've just been given more time to get there because to sacrifice, to die is a warden's purpose. Even if you survive becoming a warden, your best case scenario is sacrificing yourself to end the blight but it's far more likely you'll die fighting darkspawn or even more likely lose your mind and have to go to the deep roads to be lost and have your death be your last act of defiance in the face of this overwhelming wave of evil waiting to rise again. The best thing that can happen to a warden is to die in a meaningful way because you gave away your life the moment you drank that blood. All you are now is a soldier waiting to die in war and hopefully take the enemy down with you. It is tragic and haunting and noble and so full of grief. Grief for the live you gave behind and for the one you'll never have. Every warden spends every day of their life hoping not for a future or any life for themselves but simply to make their death mean something which is an incredibly interesting mental state and I could go on about how that effects individuals and messes with their values so that corruption is rife but what started this whole thing is Fereldan.
A wonderful post by @sapphim (which I don't know how to cite but I wanna give credit so if there's a way please tell me) discussed how beneficial it was for the wardens that the fifth blight occured in Fereldan and how much they lost by it being solved so soon. To put it simply, they wanted to sacrifice Fereldan as a lost cause and use it as an example of why they wardens shouldn't be neglected. They wanted it to be known of how much of a sacrifice they make an how important their duty by letting the country of Fereldan be an example of what happens when no one is there to do it and that the narrative has doomed everyone, that the world's crimes will be paid for unless someone is willing to be selfless and bear the burden to give the world another chance. Andraste would have been a great warden I'm sure. In the eyes of the warden, Fereldan is tainted just like their blood, it is promised to the darkspawn just like they are, willingly or not it bears the duty that all wardens do and must make the sacrifice they do too. For the greater good. To stop the darkspawn. It's better you having a death that matters than a life that lasts. This is the psychology of the wardens and they are applying those same beliefs to all of Fereldan. Why must they be the only ones doomed by the narrative? There is no surviving this story and there is saving the world there is only killing the darkspawn before it kills you. Thedas is at war with the archdemons and until they're all dead, there is no peace, there is only preparing for the next battle. There is no building a life, no building a country, there is nothing to protect because it is all doomed.
The way duty and sacrifice and the promise of the Grey Wardens must alter their values and perspective on life is fascinating and there is so much to explore here but what's important for this post is that the foundation of their entire order is that they are already dead.
This then brings us to the HOF and cheating death. Duncan is like the grim reaper in Origins the way he comes and snatches your soul at the end of each origin which I honestly love and it ties in so well to the idea that wardens are ghosts given you die in every other version of the story without him but that's the story of all wardens. They all die a symbolic death at the joining so that's okay but then Ostogar happens. Flemeth happens. You should have died. Fereldan should have been lost. Remember, the duty of the wardens is dying not surviving but you did survive, snatched away by a god. Every other warden has died thinking their paying the price for an absent god yet this goddess not only favours you, she changed fate for you. Every other warden throughout history has paid the price but not you. Not Fereldan. You get to cheat the fate while it dooms everyone else. Can you imagine how that must have felt for the other wardens? How much they must hate the hero for stealing the martyr Fereldan was set to be and making all their losses naught but a tragedy when it could have been so much more? Not only did you escape your own death but you stole the value of theirs. You survived which goes against everything the wardens are made for.
Going even further than that, you have the dark ritual where you can actively choose to cheat death again. When every other warden has had to give their life, had to sacrifice and lose and grieve and poison their humanity as they did their bodies, you get to escape it all. Wardens have struggled for decades to have a foothold in Fereldan but you'll go so far as to choose their ruler for them without any consultation. You have been a warden less than a year, ended a battle that they prepared for over hundreds of years and sacrificed more hundreds of years fighting in the past and not only have you defied everything they defined themselves by, you have made them look like fools and decided their fate for them. You have stolen the meaning of the death of every warden, you have stolen their martyrs and the justifications for their actions and by keeping your own life and humanity, by resisting their poison you have made them all look like monsters.
The hero was doomed by the narrative as all wardens are but they rewrote fate, they stole their life back so many times and by surviving, they created a whole new narrative that ruined everything the wardens were built upon. The wardens were made to be ghosts, not heroes. They're meant to die and be remembered nobly so they can be redeemed for they had to do to get there but not you hero. You get to shame us all, don't you?
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
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#submission#I actually have seen this meme because someone sent it to my supervisor at some point and she showed it to all of us ajdbkajs#working with a bunch of gay autistic math nerds fucking rules lmfao y'all have no idea#one of my bosses is super into sci fi and is also a math teacher and puts star trek and firefly and buffy and hitchhikers guide etc etc#references in EVERYTHING he makes. I took a math class from him once and all of the test questions were about some fuckin show#whenever he runs meetings he asks us questions based on star trek usually. recently in a meeting he asked us to choose the best captain#I'm one of only like 3 people who watches all of this shit so I looove going to meetings when he runs them#bc he'll ask some fuckin question like who's the best star trek captain. and the 3 of us who knows what's going on will just start arguing#while everyone else looks around like what the fuck is going on right now (this one always gets the newbies)#my ALL TIME favorite Jake moment tho was when I was there one night and there were no students so we were all just hanging out#and Jake walks out of his office and he looks kind of annoyed. and he's a big dude like super tall and broad and loud as hell#so I can hear him like mumbling shit all annoyed and I'm like hey Jake what's up? you doin ok?#and he sighed and was like no. the schools internet filter started blocking my FAVORITE board game forum#and now when I have a thought I can't just look it up to see if anyone's said anything about it. and that's like ALL I do. it's so annoying#and I was like Jake maybe that's why they blocked it akddjkansbdjsdbebs#god I love that dude. and this barely mentions my other supervisor who is autistic and pansexual and married to a woman#and both of them foster several kids. Jake has like 10 fuckin kids or smth bc he was fostering a couple of kids and then he got married#and she already had children and then they had a baby together. idk he's got like a whole baseball team they're very cute
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reinabeestudio · 9 months
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Tryin to slowly organize my thoughts of these two, starting by making a basic timeline to work with. My original notes + a more cleaned up(?) version in case you can't understand my chicken scratch lol
Something I forgot to write down is that I like to think that, at some point (while she's down there), both her situation and the og game happen concurrently ☝
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dove-da-birb · 1 year
You just made me remember a daydream i had about giving jade a knitted scarf but it wasn't a "i made this for you" kinda deal it was a "i made this for me but you just pointed out how it's your dorm colors and what else am i supposed to do than put it on you now? No. Keep it. I can make more. *sigh* and now i have to make one for floyd too so you don't fight over it... And one for azul so he doesn't feel left out..."
P. S. i literally only crocheted two scarfs in my entire life
Love, V <3
POV you turn needle/hook work into your gig at NRC. Charge by the hour ^v^ /j
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iwanttobepersephone · 2 months
I’m having a caffeine crash ehat thrvhell do I do also a girl kissed my neck today and it’s not fully processed that it happened yet so like Wtffffff how do I cope withvthiss
Take a nap, read a book, and/or draw something. That typically helps me process things lol
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