#idk what else to say rn
skunkes · 10 days
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reposting some old doodles i still enjoy a bit
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pineappical · 10 months
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would calling this something like "the sun to his earth" be a little bit too cliche? maybe...
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favoure · 10 months
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a lifetime of indentured servitude
used this frame from the mv of "femme fatale" by kedarui as ref for this piece ! just thought that it fit them perfectly orz
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mattodore · 5 months
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somehow managed to make matthias look even more bitchy
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flowerakatsuka · 1 month
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finally got around to making a dynamic chart for kuroba & the sextuplets! they deserve a government stipend for dealing with these guys on a regular basis. ( further info about their dynamics under the cut! )
some of kuroba's relationships with the brothers changes over time so here's a bonus chart + explanations!
OSOMATSU : thanks to how the rest of the sextuplets first met kuroba, they initially perceived them as being extremely serious and intimidating. this eventually gets smoothed out after they have a meal together at hybrid oden, with osomatsu breaking the ice by making a joke and making kuroba crack up. the two enjoy hanging out and drinking together when they get the chance. they talk pretty casually with each other, especially when the subject of sex is involved. osomatsu finds it pretty amusing that kuroba can say some fairly raunchy shit with a completely straight face. once he finds out they're older than him, he starts calling them kuronii-chan ( or kuronii-sama when he's in trouble them. )
KARAMATSU : first of the sextuplets to meet & get close to kuroba. they " first met " when kuroba spots karamatsu sadly trudging through the rain and they invited him into their shop to dry off, he's been a frequent loiter ever since. kuroba doesn't really mind since they find him oddly endearing and enjoy getting to chat with him, ( that and there's something familiar about him that they can't really place. ) they also have a tendency to nonchalantly go along with his typical shtick. they're a comforting presence for karamatsu, with how kind and reassuring they are towards him. he's very glad that they were able to become friends. he's definitely not into them, though. it's normal to find your friends attractive and fantasize about a relationship with them, there's nothing else going on there.
CHOROMATSU : they're both pretty awkward around each other at first. choromatsu is aware that kuroba is a kind person, but still finds them kinda intimidating for various reasons ( mostly because they're objectively more put together and genuinely passionate than him. ) neither really knows how to talk to each other, typically defaulting to small talk that always falls flat.
ICHIMATSU : even after things were smoothed over with the other brothers, ichimatsu can't help but still feel anxious around kuroba. they feel horrible for scaring ichimatsu that badly the first time they met, but hasn't had much luck when trying to apologize about it. they don't want to make him uncomfortable so they keep their distance from him, despite wanting to get to know him better.
JYUSHIMATSU : definitely their other favorite brother besides karamatsu. there's a lot about jyushimatsu that reminds kuroba of their own little brother, keshiki, so they tend to dote on and be a bit more lenient with him. he thinks kuroba's neat and comes to visit them at work from time to time, trying to get them to come hang out with him. they try to play baseball with him occasionally, but they aren't athletic at all despite being relatively strong. their training sessions don't last very long because of that, much to jyushimatsu's disappointment.
TODOMATSU : kuroba finds todomatsu's cutesy act off-putting, which baffles him considering the fact they have no issue with karamatsu's goofy ass shtick. admittedly, he's kind of jealous of how they treat jyushimatsu, ( and later ichimatsu, ) and wants to get doted on, too. however, any attempts he makes at trying to appeal to kuroba usually ends with them giving him the cold shoulder. they definitely don't hate each other, though, it's more like siblings that have a tendency to get on each others nerves. ( they also have moments like this with keshiki so they do essentially regard him as a little brother. )
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KARAMATSU : after spotting karamatsu during their high school reunion, kuroba finally realizes that he's actually the same person they had a crush on during their 2nd year and proceeds to have a major crisis over it. it doesn't help that karamatsu doesn't seem to remember them, even when it's revealed to him that they went to school together. kuroba's crush coming back with a vengeance complicates things further and starts to strain their relationship the more it weighs on them, all the while karamatsu's completely oblivious to anything being amiss. ( this gets resolved eventually, but i'll save talking about that in another post. )
CHOROMATSU : choromatsu mistakes kuroba as a fellow fan of nyaa-chan when he sees them making a special flower arrangement for her upcoming concert, but his excitement to meet a fellow fan is quickly undercut by them telling him that they were actually hired to make it and don't know much about her. even though he left the interaction embarrassed and disappointed, kuroba tries to use this new information to their advantage and find something to talk about. they come back to choromatsu after listen to nyaa-chan's music, finding it cute and fun, and tries to strike up a conversation about it... only to find out he doesn't really care about her music, now leaving them both disappointed. they do eventually find a topic they find interesting enough to chat about together : idol outfits. choromatsu is glad to have someone to talk about them with, but the way their conversations go sometimes does make kuroba raise an eyebrow, ( like him questioning why they wouldn't want to wear cute outfits like the ones they talk about, saying he'd wear them if he was a girl. )
ICHIMATSU : ichimatsu's impression of kuroba slowly starts to improve over time, especially after he witnesses them feeding a cat even after it tried eating the shop's plants. once kuroba finds out he likes cats, they starts sharing pictures of stray cats that come by the shop with him. eventually, they start calling him " ichinyan " now that he seems less skittish around them. they also try to help yanagida reconnect with ichimatsu, which he's a little less keen on.
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iheartjameshetfield · 8 months
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james please just one chance i’ll be good i’ll swallow
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teardew · 4 months
edit - thank you for those who shared & msgd me for commission. especially to those who donated to my kofi i appreciate the kindness so much. i hav enough now for rent this month & other expenses 🥹
i really hate to beg so often, but rent is due in 3 days and im 180$ short. i'v been working on comms nonstop to try and open more slots before the month ends but stress and overuse is starting to make my hand shake and its impeding my ability to draw quickly
im expanding my slots from 10 to 15 bc of urgency. if you could so kindly share this or my commission post itd be greatly appreciated. i do character portraits where you get 3 separate arts for 50 USD, like these
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otherwise if you like my art and like to support me some other way i hav a ko-fi. thanks for rreading & if u share, itd help out a lot
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I feel like barnabys favorite drink (alcoholic) might be a old fashioned? And non alcoholic mixed drink. Might be a Shirley temple. (Which Is my favorite non alcoholic mixed drink!)
(Of course this is all my opinion! But yea!
he Does feel like a classy guy, huh? but who's to say! Who's. To. Say...
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lysia-doodlez · 8 months
Guess whose got a new hyperfixation!!! It's me I have a new hyperfixation
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jemmo · 10 months
ok i just finished binging opla and as someone who is like the most distant fan, who doesn’t even have any previous emotional connection to the show, i just have to say this is spectacular. like really. and no matter whether you’re a fan, whether you’ve seen the anime or read the manga or not, or whether you’ve even heard of one piece before, watch this show.
i can’t remember what one it was, but i was watching a video essay about the barbie movie yesterday, and this is really an extension of what was said there, about the nature of so called things made for kids, and about the point of visual media. first off, i just adore how much of an absolute spectacle this show is. it’s visuals, it’s story and writing, it’s pacing, it’s characters, the fights, the sets, the wardrobe, just the feat this show is, it’s such a visual and auditory and sensory feast and oh my god is it so fun and thrilling to be along for the ride. and this is what media lacks so much for me, this unbridled sense of fun. bc this is like being on a white knuckle ride. you’re propelled from story to story, from heartfelt moments to exquisite fight choreo, from twisted, terrifying clowns to pure dumbassery. there is no consistent, coherent tone bc that’s the point, and that is the tone. the tone is chaos through and through and it’s so thrilling to go along on the journey. and it’s one of the best examples of showing how something you see as childish can not just resonate with adults, but should be watched by adults. bc it’s not a kids show at all, but it has the joy of a kids show at its heart, and i don’t think it’s silly to not outgrow loving seeing pirates go on adventures and follow their dreams and the fucking power of friendship. its fun!! idk what else to say, it’s just so fun!! and it’s so much more!!
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skunkes · 8 months
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
what's up pookie it's just me, PLEASE REMEMBER FOLKS I HAVE MY MOTA ACCOUNT THIS ONE IS JUST MY MAIN. But heyyy people, it's your second favourite whore who's present on this channel <3
Anyways, about that wrestling fic. I'm very sorry but just the image of them tackling one another into the dirt like they do in that scene, and maybe people are around them, or it's when they're just on base somewhere. Either way, some form of tension has gotten to them and they're both a little riled up, John more than anything. Gale tries to push off his attempts, but John's persistent, managing to get them down onto the ground with him. But Gale thinks fast, able to get himself on top, his thighs straddling John's hips, trying to use his grip to hold John's arms down but they keep shoving up against him, bucking their hips to try and knock him off. It's pretty consistent for a couple of moments, until one move stirs a feeling in Gale's pants and he freezes for a second, immediately being like "John," warning them to stop moving, but they don't.
In fact, John starts getting a little more frantic with his moves, dragging his legs up to wrap around Gale, pulling them flat against him to try and restrict movement but it just keeps driving friction elsewhere. Gale's trying hard not to let it get to him, but he knows if he doesn't get away in the next couple of seconds that he won't be able to control himself. He starts to plead, "Bucky stop, get off me you animal, let go" and John barks out a laugh, he's loving every second of this, is getting more competitive, "Can't take it Buck? Huh? Thought you didn't like me going easy on you"
Then John rolls them over, presses his palms down to Gale's arms, feels them wriggling and squirming under him, locks his knee between their thighs, and each time he presses them down, his leg rubs up against them, and suddenly a flush starts to grow, and Gale looks dizzy, and John's hand comes to their throat, getting a little too into it. "C'mon Gale, just admit it, I'm stronger" and he doesn't even realise, too wound up in his game to see that Gale's hips are starting to twitch, and when he finally gets a hand free he brings it to John's wrists, nails dragging to pull them off. John's not even pressing that hard, he just thinks they're messing, doesn't realise until Gale suddenly gasps under him, until those nails drag down his arm and it's just fingertips pressing to his skin, until the blond's eyes roll and his back arches off the ground.
He immediately relents, letting go, eyes wide, staring down at Gale in shock, his breath caught in his throat as Gale finally turns his head, brows knitted together, flush to his cheeks, pupils blown wide. "I fucking told you to lay off-" He tries to sound pissed but the anger isn't there, just something else.
John feels himself get hard.
you writing john pov of a wrestling scene and me writing gale pov of a wrestling scene companion fics but different scenarios when??
(this is from @curtsbigspoon btw go follow bc she is a god among brainrotters <3)
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more human(?) sb guys
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raiiny-bay · 4 months
new character page wip
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angelpuns · 8 months
I have spent all afternoon/night trying not to rot and I don't even know how to explain what that means but oh my god I'm so- urrgehfhrh I'm like- everything just feels so bad
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lautakwah · 4 months
not to be a stick in the mud but draft dodging is the literal least u can do imo it's basically a non action when the alternative is committing war crimes for western imperialist interests like forgive me for not thinking much of ppl who did the bare minimum? like idk the way (white) leftists talk abt draft dodgers as almost mythical heroes who heroically defied totalitarian regimes is kinda laughable tbh when i have visited my immediate family members' graves who died actually doing that.
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