#id just like to feel some relief rn bc idk if iv been feeling naeseous from looking at my screen too long or from anxiety
teardew · 4 months
edit - thank you for those who shared & msgd me for commission. especially to those who donated to my kofi i appreciate the kindness so much. i hav enough now for rent this month & other expenses 🥹
i really hate to beg so often, but rent is due in 3 days and im 180$ short. i'v been working on comms nonstop to try and open more slots before the month ends but stress and overuse is starting to make my hand shake and its impeding my ability to draw quickly
im expanding my slots from 10 to 15 bc of urgency. if you could so kindly share this or my commission post itd be greatly appreciated. i do character portraits where you get 3 separate arts for 50 USD, like these
Tumblr media
otherwise if you like my art and like to support me some other way i hav a ko-fi. thanks for rreading & if u share, itd help out a lot
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