#idk this feels more like a beginning that an end
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pinkiemachine · 2 days ago
Hello! I've really enjoyed your work for a while and have a Batman question for you!
How do you feel about Maps?
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I’m just a little nervous to share them because it ties into shipping…
But since someone in the comments asked...
Okay, so, before, during, and/or after Damian's crush on Amythest (link to that full story below) he was going to West-Reeve School and had a group of friends there, including Jon Kent (jus kidding, Jon had a friend group, and Damian just happened to be in it, lol). One of these friends was Mia, aka Maps. Now, like a lot of characters, I haven't gotten around to really truly reading up on Maps as much as I want, so there are a lot of details I'm missing from this story, but what I have so far is:
Maps was always getting caught up in adventures, intentionally or accidentally. She's a bit rambunctious, and very intelligent. For example, she wound up stumbling into a serious criminal case that Damian and Bruce were working on at the time, and she was completely oblivious (like, she was focused on this other thing at the time). Damian was with her during their trip into Metropolis' version of Crime Alley, so he had to protect her from (idk, scarecrow? riddler? whoever, I haven't gotten that far) all while trying to make sure she doesn't notice that he's doing all this karate and parkour and bending over backwards to keep the villains from hurting her. lol. BUT, actually, one day she does notice. One day she puts two and two together and realises that Damian is Robin. She doesn't confront him, though. She actually doesn't tell anyone. Quite frankly, she's a little starstruck at the idea of her classmate being ROBIN, and she doesn't know what to do with that information. She decides to simply keep his secret, for his sake. Imagine if the whole school found out, or worse, Gotham's criminals. But so, to sum up, Dami and Maps are good friends, nothing more.
Eventually, Damian gets kicked out of West-Reeve and starts going to Gotham Academy. Which means he and Maps part ways.
We are now in the depths of high school. I know. Ew. During this time, Damian meets and begins dating Nika, aka Flatline. They have a very exciting, very fun relationship, forged in the heat of youthful passion! Aka, it's cute. But, as time goes on, some of their flaws start cropping up. Like the fact that Damian is beginning to understand what a terrible thing death and killing are, while Nika is actively fascinated by death--drawn to it. She also looks up to Damian's mom for her awesome assassin skills. Also, it begins to become clear that while they do like one another and have fun together, there's not much more to it than that. Nika and Damian both have a hard time communicating their feelings, but after a year of being together, Damian is beginning to want to take the next step, and... Nika isn't.
Valentine's Day. Damian and Nika's first. All of Damian's bat-sibs have been in his ear about how to plan the perfect date--where to go, what to eat, what to wear--they will not shut up about it. In the end, he goes to the trouble of planning out an elaborate date and feels rather proud of himself. He waits at the table for Nika to arrive--since they had agreed to meet at the restaurant--but... she doesn't show. He waits a little longer... he texts her... she still doesn't come and doesn't text. And now he's starting to just feel depressed. He put in a lot of hard work, and she's ghosting him? Why? She's never done that before. It begins to rain outside.
While he's sitting alone at the table, who should approach him but Maps herself, a little older now, and a little more mature. She and her parents are in town for some business stuff her dad's doing and when she spots Damian--out of the manor, alone in the restaurant--she just has to stop and say 'hi.' Well, she ends up saying a lot more than just 'hi.' Damian is happy to see an old friend, and they start talking... and talking some more... there in the cozy restaurant while the rain patters against the windows. Damian is smiling. And laughing. She is too. Then Damian offers to walk Maps home, and they talk a little longer, not wanting the night to end. It's only when they're waving goodbye, and Damian watches that big smile spread across her face and feels his cheeks growing warm that he gets this sinking feeling.
He goes to Dick's house at once, seeking council. It doesn't matter that it's midnight and he's got a baby now, Damian needs to know what just happened and what to do about it. So, tired but sympathetic, Dick lets him in and they talk about the events of the evening. Dick reaffirms what Maps said, "Maybe there's a good reason why Nika didn't show" and that there's no reason to panic. Just take this one day at a time. Nothing truly bad or irreversable has happened yet.
So Damian goes and finds Nika, asking why she flaked on their date, and she says it was an honest mistake. Something (plot) related came up and she forgot to tell Damian that she wouldn't be available anymore. Whoops. So crisis averted. Damian convinces himself that the night with Maps was just two old friends catching up--his relationship with Flatline is fine--and there's nothing to worry about.
Just kidding.
Nika has a few more little incidents after this, like flaking again, or showing up when she wasn't expected (often at inconvenient times) Damian keeps getting frustrated with her, not just because of her seemingly immature behaviour, but also (as stated before) there doesn't seem to be anything truly substancial holding the relationship together besides some rather surface-level things, and Nika is intentionally trying to keep it that way. Eventually, they have a fight where Damian confronts her on this. He just wants to know the real her, he doesn't want just a "fun" relationship. Nika, however, still feels like she isn't ready, and she deflects. She falls back on old habits, she ignores, she retaliates, she tries to make things stay the way they were before, but Damian has outgrown that.
The fight ends bad. They try to make up after, but they have another fight a while later... and then, in a twist, it's Nika who breaks off the relationship. Maybe they could have worked, but... not right now.
When Maps shows up again, it's not as a rebound, don't worry. She shows up as a friend. She's there to console Damian, nothing more. She feels partially responsible for all of this, actually, and regrets any part she played in it, but Damian assures her that this was a long time coming and wasn't her fault. During her visits, they end up talking more, completely just by chance. No pressure, no elaborate dates, just two friends talking. Once Damian is moving on and getting back into his old groove, (aka a brief timeskip) he decides to call up Maps and asks if she would like to hangout.
Not sure how fast I want things to move, or what kinds of challenges they will face as a couple, all I know is... Maps is a serious contender for the title of Mrs. Damian Wayne. I'll leave it at that.
Your thoughts?
Oh, previous stuff about Dami's love life here:
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spookyteeths · 2 days ago
idk i feel like this is too positive a reading of that ending, especially with the context of how that final scene was shot. the way helly looks at gemma + “i’m her” + the red lights + that final shot!!! that’s not independence, that’s embracing the same short term bursts of happiness that lumon has been selling to innies since the beginning. it’s touching in the sense that iMark is choosing to stay in hell with helly (ok that name’s irony is just now hitting me) but at the end of the show, they’re framed as rats running in a maze. they’re proving lumon right, in more ways than one. there is tons of nuance in the sense that iMark is choosing to go against what oMark and oGemma want, but at the same time, that isn’t independence. bc oMark wasn’t iMark's true oppressor---lumon is. and in that final scene, he is literally taking the hand of the person who has self identified as his oppressor just a few minutes earlier.
Okay but Cold Harbour is the episode that really, truly, fully humanized the innies - all of them, but none more so than Mark S. Let me digress.
I was so goddamn excited when iMark and oMark started talking with the camcorder, and it was so clear that iMark was incredibly touched at the start, that his outie had been thinking about him, wanted to talk to him, apologized to him. But oMark fucked up BAD the moment he belittled iMark's relationship with Helly and got her name wrong. It mirrored Helena getting Gemma's name wrong in the restaurant, and it was the same flavour of disrespect and disregard. oMark obviously isn't anywhere close to as malicious as Helena, but this scene made it extra clear that he doesn't see iMark as his full equal, and iMark realized it too.
So when the time came, it made perfect sense that he acted how he did. Mark nearly died, accidentally committed murder, and more in the span of a few minutes. iMark rescued Gemma, saw her safely out the fire escape door, and in doing so discharged his duty to oMark. He was in an insane and impossible situation, somehow managed to accomplish his mission, and then once that was done, he stepped fully into his agency for the first time in his short life and made the choice HE wanted to make!!!
I completely and fully disagree with people saying that that choice didn't make any sense. Of course he and Helly don't know where they're going. Of course they don't know what they're doing. But they were ready for death, had had their final parting, and then iMark said no!
I felt horrible for Gemma, and I cannot begin to imagine how she would have felt seeing that - it absolutely broke my heart. But at the same time, I couldn't help but feel proud of iMark, in a way, because in that moment he stepped out of oMark's shadow and became his own person.
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eunandonly · 2 days ago
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in the end, no matter how you run or hide, you're already theirs
( 対 ) boynextdoor + gn. reader 1087WC · thriller? tbh idk what this is contains! language, death, homicide, substances / archive
은 : this idea came into my head during calculus and i cringed the whole time i was writing this thing. have fun reading some cringy ass shit that's hopefully entertaining!! hope you guys still enjoy ~ also, a quick disclaimer that my writing does not reflect the real personality of the idols!!
myung jaehyun 
you’d like myung jaehyun. everyone does. he walks into a room and fits in seamlessly, his presence neither too bold nor too forgettable. people gravitate towards him, drawn to his warm voice, the way he listens just enough to make you feel important. he’s friendly–a little too friendly. he’s the kind of person you’d trust without realising why, and that’s exactly what he wants.
his work is quiet, meticulous. he infiltrates, observes, gathers information piece by piece during seemingly innocent conversations until you’ve handed him everything he needs without ever suspecting a thing. by the time you feel like something’s off, by the time you feel the shift–when his eyes turn cold, when his presence settles in a way that makes your stomach sink–it’s already over.
his kills aren’t messy. there’s no need for amateur dramatics. a swift movement, a blade between the ribs, a whispered apology that means nothing no matter how much you try to pretend it is. 
if it makes you feel better, myung jaehyun doesn’t enjoy killing you.
it’s just that that’s his role, and he’s really damn good at it.
“it’s not personal. but if it makes you feel better, you can pretend it is.”
park sungho
park sungho doesn’t get close. why would he when he doesn’t need to? his work is done from rooftops, from miles away, from places where no one even thinks to look.
clearly, you didn't think to look either.
everything in his world is measured in distances, in calculations, the exact weight of the trigger against his finger. wind speed, bullet drop, breathing patterns–he keeps all those factors in mind without hesitation. killing isn’t personal to him. it’s not some cliche act of vengeance or cruelty or whatever shit you've seen in movies. it’s just science, and he’s perfected it.
you would never never see it coming. one moment, you’re alive and breathing, caught up in whatever meaningless thing you’re doing. the next? your world turns black. no struggle, no warning. just the soft whisper of a bullet finding its mark. and sungho never misses
people talk about luck. they call his skill unnatural, but there’s nothing unnatural about inevitability. a bullet for you will always find its way.
“if you heard the shot, it wasn’t meant for you.”
lee sanghyuk
you don't eve realise he's there. but he's watching. always watching.
lee riwoo doesn’t need a weapon. doesn’t need to be in the same room. doesn’t even need to exist.
his world isn’t flesh and blood–he doesn’t like getting his hands dirty like that, no. it’s code, data, systems meant to be impenetrable until he decides otherwise. cctv footage glitches at just the right moment. bank accounts drain in seconds. entire case files vanish from police databases, as if they were never there to begin with.
he exists everywhere and nowhere at the same time. a name whispered in law enforcement circles with no face attached, no records, no proof. they search for him, try to pin him down, but how do you catch something that isn’t real?
he sees more than he speaks. listens more than he moves. he knows everything about you before you even realise he’s watching. passwords, addresses, the embarrassing text you deleted five years ago. he keeps it all tucked away, waiting. and if you become a problem? he erases you from existence, just like he does with those cctv footages and case files.
“funny. you really thought you were off the grid?”
han dongmin
you hear the stories. the ones about a killer too smart to be caught.
you tell yourself it’s just a rumor. that he’s not real. that people like him don’t exist.
but then you meet han taesan. and suddenly, you’re not so sure.
he watches you, studies you, make a game out of it. his kills aren't random–he doesn't just blindly pick a random person on the street as his next victim–and they're never sloppy. han taesan doesn't kill because he has to. he kills because he enjoys it. because it's fun. and he's really fucking good at it.
his murders are carefully orchestrated, a masterpiece. he leaves just enough clues to make you think you're close, just enough hope to make you believe you'll figure it out, only to rip it away at the last second. he's loves watching you scramble, loves knowing you'll never catch him.
han taesan always wins at the game.
“they always think they’re smarter than me. it’s kind of cute, actually.”
kim donghyun 
you don’t even feel it at first. that’s the beauty of it.
it’s not a gunshot, not a stab wound, not something dramatic. no, kim leehan doesn’t do theatrics. his kills are quiet, elegant. a tasteless drop in a glass of wine, a slow-acting toxin hidden in perfume, a lethal dose disguised as medicine. by the time you realize what’s happening, it’s already inside you.
he specialises in making deaths look natural. a heart attack, an allergic reaction, an unfortunate accident. even the most skilled doctors find nothing suspicious.
kim leehan enjoys watching. he watches as you sip your poisoned tea whilst you laugh, unaware that it’ll be your last. he watches as panic sets in, as your body betray you. and then, when you finally realise what’s happening, he simply smiles before giving you a little finger gun at your last gasp of breath.
“i wonder how long it’ll take before you figure it out.”
kim woonhak
you think you’re strong. that you won’t break.
you’re wrong.
kim woonhak enjoys the process. he’s patient. he takes his time. it’s not just about the pain–it’s about control. the way people break at different speeds, how fear changes the way they breathe, how the ones that claim to be the strong and tough are always the ones who beg the loudest in the end.
those type of people pisses woonhak off.
he doesn’t ask questions right away. that’s too easy. instead, he talks. he jokes. he makes you feel like maybe, just maybe, you’ll make it out of this. he leans in close, tilts his head, smiles like he’s curious about you. and for a second, you think he’s not so bad.
but then the real work begins.
he knows exactly how much to wait before pushing just a little further. it’s not about the information. it’s about watching the moment you break, knowing he's the one who did it.
"you’re shaking. are you scared? or are you finally realising how much fun i’m having?"
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wooyokitty · 21 hours ago
i love ur ateez headcannons.. please sub seonghwa 🥀🥀
ANYWAYS can u perchance write a sub!seonghwa x reader where seonghwa is caught jerking off without readers permission and is punished for it.. PLEASENESSS 😞😞😞😞
"Listen To Me."
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sub!seonghwa x gn!reader
link of the atz headcannons mentioned here
cw: post-orgasm torture, forced orgasms, idk.. </3 a/n: thanks for the req my dearest friend heeheh i tried to do the best i could for this.. u better start praising me for doign this in the span of one sitting..very hard thing for me to do!!! /j also im sorry for how short it is i struggle with making my writings either insanely long or too short because i dont want them to be too long </33
Seonghwa knew he shouldn't even think about doing this, he knew the consequences of his actions, but he was missing you so bad, and you weren't here to help him with the growing need he felt in his pants..
He was laying down on your shared bed, alone with his phone in his hand. He set the phone down, sliding it under his pillow as he then started shifting around under the covers. He started to lay on his back, spreading his legs slightly and diving into his pants and underwear, feeling his painful hard-on. You were out on a business trip, but Seonghwa had completely forgot that this was the day that you would be returning.
The man then lets out a soft whine at his own touch, beginning to stroke himself slowly and shutting his eyes.
Seonghwa is imagining the touch to be by you, and not him.
As some time goes by, his pace quickens, and he thinks he hears something from afar, but he ignores it since there were no continued noises.
"A-aaahn~!" Seonghwa whines as his body becomes more jittery due to the pleasure. He's so close, and everything feels so intense due to the fact that he knows he shouldn't be touching himself. You had specifically told him he was not allowed to until you came back from your business trip; he disobeyed you.
"Go ahead, baby. Cum." Seonghwa's hands still against his dick as his eyes open, widening immediately.
Since when have you gotten here? Oh, fuck. he's so embarrassed..
"Y/n.." Seonghwa speaks while panting. "I-i'm sorry!—I missed you so much, I couldn't!-" He panics, knowing what he's in for in a few seconds.
"I told you to cum, you should listen to me." your hands reach under the covers, holding Seonghwa's hand and making him jerk himself off. Your voice is almost sarcastic, but demanding. Seonghwa complies hesitantly, stroking himself slowly.
"Go faster, you should know this already." Your voice is cold, but your expressions show the opposite—you almost look amused at the state Seonghwa's in. You love how embarrassed he seems to be. You study Seonghwa's expressions and body language. Seonghwa begins to shudder from the pleasure, chasing his high again. You don't interrupt him as he cums, allowing it to just happen, which is anything but usual to Seonghwa, but you have something else planned for him, a punishment that is unlike the usual ones you give him when he disobeys.
"Aahg—! Please! Stop, It's too much!" Seonghwa shrieked, body thrashing at the overstimulation on his dick. You didn't stop, though. If anything, you held him down tighter. You had gotten 2 extra orgasms out of him, and you weren't stopping until he's learned his lesson. "Just one more, hmm?~ My baby's gotta learn how to respect my orders somehow.." you grinned, devouring Seonghwa's pathetic state with your eyes. Seonghwa just let out a strangled cry at your words; he knows he doesn't have a say in it. He has to bare this torture on his dick like it's the last thing he'll ever live to feel.
Seonghwa feels your hands leave his dick, and he lets out a shaky sigh in relief, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. You then start to undress yourself, lowering yourself onto Seonghwa's red, spent dick. The gasp he lets out is delicious, he obviously expected everything to end, but fortunately enough for you, you weren't even close to done. You were going to ride him until YOU were now satisfied with yourself.
It's safe to say that Seonghwa indeed learned his lesson after that day...
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hersuniverse · 2 days ago
warnings: mentions of drug use, dealer!ellie x celebrity!reader.
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is just the first part to idk how many, i'm working on more stuff guys i swear! anyways, enjoy lovers :)
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Growing up you knew what you wanted, you were born for this, being on screen in front of big audiences, you lived for it. At Least you thought you did. You’d work so hard on your latest project, Savage Starlight,  which was easy reciting lines and putting on an act; what dreaded the most was the promotions. 
Making appearances, doing interviews and posing for paparazzi was constantly taking a toll on your mental health. That didn’t mean you got to opt out of anything, it just meant you’d have reassurance on the sidelines or just more than what you had before. 
Red carpets were the worst, usually in interviews you’d receive questions before the fact to be able to prepare and react in a positive way for audiences. Red carpets were spontaneous, interviewers would pop some of the most bizarre or invading questions and you didn’t always know how to counter them; yet here you were, the start of promotion, the premiere red carpet of Savage Starlights first episode. 
“Here! Look Here!” 
“Over here, please!” 
You couldn’t begin to count the amount of voices shouting at you once you stepped on the carpet. You were forever grateful for your management and stylist for dressing you so well, tonight was Mugler, fitting for the space travel series. You gave a couple of poses, making sure to smile as big as you could before starting to take questions, which went well in the beginning. 
“You’re starting with us! Oh I’m so happy!” The lady said, holding a mic from IMBd. You smiled as she started to introduce you and ask questions about the set and your costars. “Did you and Riley get along?” There were rumours that the two of you had clashed heads when photos of a dinner you two attended leaked which showed you both arguing. 
“Oh of course, those photos that went around were only half of what happened. Riley and I argue like that all the time but it’s never serious, it's all love.” You smiled, the signature smile that every news outlet loved to see. You finished with her and continued on, making good progress through two more interviews before reaching a woman who you didn’t think would stun you so much. 
“Hello!” You greeted, her smile lacked teeth which should’ve been your first sign but you ignored it. You never know what someones going through, at the end of the day. She introduced you to the camera man as usual, then went on to her questions. 
“What was it like having to completely change your appearance for your role in Savage Starlight?” You tried to pay her tone no mind, but it was a brutal first question. 
“Wow, uhm. I mean if you’re talking like physique and style you know, I trained with Abby Anderson, a pretty popular gym geek for months prior. My style on the other hand, I have to give kudos to my stylist on set for working with me to build such a unique style.” You dodged her attitude the first time, but it’d only begin to get worse. 
“Really? I’d heard from resources that you didn’t rely on just the gym to help slim yourself down?” You furrowed your brows but kept your smile nonetheless, you had a feeling of where this was going but you didn’t want to escalate anything. “I’m- sorry, I just don’t quite know what you mean?” You kept your composure, knowing there were too many cameras to freak out. 
“They’ve theorized that you’d been using drugs to get you to the perfect size, things like ozempic? Or something harder?” You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth, you were at a loss of words. You couldn’t call anyone to help you out so you did the thing you were trained to do. 
“I think your resource may have me mixed up with someone else, either way I think we’re done here.” You explained, reading yourself to walk away. “Is that the truth or is it what you’re trained to say?” You shook your head walking away, the last few outlets were waving you down to ask you a few questions but you waved them off walking over to your assistant, Dina. 
“Hey, what happened? You still have a few outlets to speak too?” 
“I’m not fucking talking to any of them, no more questions, I’m going inside.” You struggled to remove the gloves that had been a part of your outfit but were now too hot for your liking. You heard your name still being called but you didn’t bother looking back. “What did she say?” She asked, looking over your angered expression. 
“That I’ve been on drugs, trying to lose weight.” You were on the verge of breaking down, and you couldn’t do that so out in public. Dina didn’t bother asking you anymore questions, instead she stepped out to the outlets and let them know that you’d be done with questions for the night. 
After the premiere, the next day you attended your morning meeting with your team. Arriving at your talent agency, you greeted everyone before sitting down at the end of the table, closest to the board they had. You didn’t really take in the vibe of the room ,still thinking about last night, but that’s when your manager stepped in and got straight to business. 
They were talking back and forth but you were still focused on the events of last night, trying to figure out what would prompt such a question. “Babe, are you still with us?” Your manager, Maria, tried getting your attention. “Yea- Yes I’m still here.” You sat up in your seat, focusing on her.
“Good, so can you explain this to me?” The lights went out as she flicked on the projector which showed three images of you with another person whose face couldnt be seen from their hood being pulled up but you knew exactly who that was.
You were clearly in house clothes, a hoodie and some shorts, your hair freshly washed and you were bare faced. The person over the three photos was shown, talking to you in the first, cradling your face in the second and handing you a paper bag in the last while you handed the person cash. 
“Babe?” Maria had her hands folded over her chest as she watched you analyse the photos. “Who took these?” You asked, Maria ran a hand through her silver hair, visibly stressed. “A news outlet, they  threatened us that if we didn’t pay them to keep these photos on the back burner they’d release them.”
“What did you say?” She chuckled. “Well we saw the email a bit too late,” She flicked the projector to a title from an article which you read aloud “Savage Starlight rising star, sheds light on a dark habit? What the fuck?” You shot up from your seat.
“There’s not much we can do now-” 
“What do you mean? Isn’t this some sort of defamation of character? I’ll call my fucking laweyer!” You pulled your phone out, ready to dial your lawyer and get straight to business. “Let’s refrain from that right now, the public is bound to believe the rumours more if we fire back with a lawsuit.” Dina explained, you scoffed, your career had been running smooth but ever since you started with bigger projects, things have been iffy.
“What the fuck else are we supposed to do? Let them drag my name through the mud?” you argued. “We’ll handle it, one way or another we’ll find a way to clear this up.” Maria reassured, you could only hope they’d work quickly to clear this up; you could only imagine what the public was saying right now.
When you got home the first thing you did was head to your office, going straight to the comments of each news outlet and scrolling through comments, reading them quietly to yourself. 
“I knew she was losing weight, but not like this.”
“You could tell, it was such a short span of time and a lot of weight lost, it’s fitting.” 
“Is this who we want our children idolising?” 
“This makes so much sense, just look at her.” You sat back in your chair, hand over your forehead as your thoughts ran wild. You stayed in your office for hours, reading comments, conspiracies and more. At this point you wanted to simply disappear and never show your face in public again. 
Your panicking came to a close when a familiar contact lit your phone up, catching your full attention. 
‘How’s my favourite girl?’
You bit the inside of your cheek, thinking of the stupid look that Ellie probably had on her face after sending that text. You let out a shaky sigh before texting her back. 
‘Can you come over, we need to talk.’
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alkalinebatteriess · 9 hours ago
Omggg thank you so much OP for this post :D
Ok, now time to gush over the fake video game people! I've played mostly Skyrim and ESO so I'll just give my list for those two games.
Aicantar+Nelacar- My favorite non thalmor High Elves that only have like 12 lines of dialogue.
Brynjolf- C'mon, this is a classic, who hasn’t thought about him at least once?
Serana- Another classic pick, I imagine my main OC and her traveling around Tamriel with Erandur, all happily ever after as the ending to their story. Favorite character to be misunderstood and misrepresented by most of the fanbase.
Darien+Naryu- Ok the first one is an embarrassing sex pest, but on my first play through in high school, he was lowkey my everything. The second, just wow, once again, she is the character I pair with my OC as they disappear into the sunset together, retiring to that Morag Tong island. Love Naryu to the moon and back, the true companion for any vestige.
Jakarta- Yeah playing through ESO on the Daggerfall Covenant made me unfortunately attached to the worst male characters, like what a piece of shit, thank you to High Isle for giving me more time with him :)
Quen- I absolutely love characters that games give you in the beginning of a storyline to experience everything with, the forever bond it gives your character is unmatched friends to lovers material.
Aranias- Ok I felt I needed to include a picture because she feels obscure to me. IDK what I was on in 2020 when I first played through the Aldmeri Dominion zone quest line, but I like actually sobbed. TMI but a story about a girl who didn't have anyone growing up, being retroactively given a friend in the vestige through some wood elf story magic, hits close to home 😭 She means so much like I gotta drop some dialogue from her to drive home how heartbreaking her writing is:
"No, but they are my memories, and some of them fond. The ones with you. They seem only partially real, but they're the memories I'll miss most.I have to let go though. The way I embrace you in my heart, that's how I must embrace the Valenwood."
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Fennorian- Okay, maybe the other true companion for the vestige, just the sweetest man in the whole game, I mean, that last scene and dialogue in the Markarth story line? Like ok he actually proposed and confessed his love for sure if you read between the lines.
Ashur+Veya- Am I an elf person?
TES Crushes
I'd really like to get to know people in the fandom space, so here's an open invite to discuss something fun!
Which NPCs in TES (all games included!) do you crush on, and why? They don't have to be marriage candidates (in vanilla), just people you find yourself blushing around. Hell, it could be a Deadric Prince if that's what you're into. Name them and say what about them you find appealing! Then feel free to tag a friend or two!
Don't be afraid to reiterate what someone else has said if you happen to like the same characters.
I'll start off by tagging some really cool-looking people I've seen around: @skyrim-forever @mareenavee @changelingsandothernonsense @ladytanithia
Mine? Well, they'll go below so this intro page isn't all about me and mine. ;)
((So far I've only played Skyrim, so my NPC crushes are all from TES: V. And I haven't met every single NPC there is in the game so my list may expand with time, lol.))
Male Crushes:
Onmund - He's just a sweet, nerdy Nord doofus who tries his best at the College despite feeling like a fish out of water. As a spouse, he's always supportive and loving. As a follower, his AI immediately picks up on threats (usually before I do) and it gives the impression of his character being protective. First spouse I ever chose (also it just makes perfect sense for Elur, my first LDB, to fall for him as far as her character goes).
Enthir - Shady but undeniably charismatic in the fact he gives zero shits what anyone thinks of him. There was always an undertone of odd genuineness to his personality in the College quests that made him fun to be around -- and that came full circle when we realize just how much he genuinely cares for members of the Nightingales. I love characters who act shallow but think and feel deeply.
Female Crushes:
Niranye - I crushed on this merchant the second I saw her because I just thought she was beautiful (her eyes got me for some reason). I also find her voice type the most attractive. I have no idea why, but I usually end up enjoying the uppity tone her voice actress pulls off for everyone she voices. Such a fun and charming mix of pleasant and passive-aggresive, lol. Then Niranye reveals she's a fence and her appeal to me became stronger because now she's more than just a pretty merchant, she's got a cunning little personality. She's a smart businesswoman and she knows it well. Used a cheat code to marry her to my second LDB (who is a Thalmor sympathizer who would only fall for another Altmer, and Taarie is too old for her). Luckily she has voiced romance/marriage dialogue. Since I really like the sound of her voice, my sappy ass melted to bits hearing it when my Altmer LDB proposed.
Jenassa - Hired her randomly because I needed extra pockets and was shocked to discover that she has a personality (was not expecting that of the sell-swords in this game). Took her to a Dwemer ruin and girl laid out paragraphs of lore that I hadn't heard before -- which gives the impression that she's rather book smart for a mercenary. Helping this is that every time I make camp with her, the first thing she does is read a book -- which in my mind, is something she keeps with her at all times because she enjoys reading in her spare time. I enjoy how excited she gets when she sees a hidey-hole she could ambush someone from and how she'll comment on the DB's strong ability to fight. I like that she's a suave, confident, capable fighter that comes to enjoy your company beyond the fact you're paying her. I plan to have my third LDB marry her because she's won my heart as far as the mercenaries I've come across.
Astrid - She's a murder-happy bitch who loves what she does and I'd be happy to let her stab me. . . . Shut up. Also, she's the only member of the OG Dark Brotherhood to have a full-blown character arch and in this house we are SLUTS for good character development. Absolute SLUTS for it.
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screechingfromthevoid · 3 months ago
Things that scare me about Bell's hells and their end game:
We literally don't know anything about how the emergence of Predathos entails. Is it floaty and metaphysical like the red strings connecting the ruidus born? Or is this thing going to hatch like a big red egg and just leave no hope for anyone on the moon?
Imogen and Fearne have expressed splitting him up and taking him in. Will that work? What happens when they die? WILL they die if they have a piece of an immortal God inside them?
If they do take him and control him, what of the gods? Do they leave? Do they try to stay even though this will keep happening regardless of the existence of a god eater? Maybe they'll try being mortal again.
And if nothing works as intended? If no one can contain him and he breaks out and he chases the gods away, does he crush the ants in his path? Is exandria saved? Is it torn to shreds? Is it left to the mercy of the betrayers?
Who fucking knows besides Matt Mercer. And then again. Even then, he doesn't know what the bells hells will do.
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doodledrawsthings · 1 year ago
Begging people to watch scavengers reign, I haven’t felt this strongly about a tv show in a while.
Seriously, if you like pretty art and animation, horror, and speculative biology, this is your show
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bayetea · 5 months ago
I think it's really annoying that leo has completely falsified memories of jason too and this is barely acknowledged in the books
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elizabeth-mitchells · 1 month ago
inside you (me) there are two wolves. one couldn't be happier about gayer yellowjackets a new survivor and gay hilary swank i guess??? yay <33. the other one.... never really liked that they added new girls and now they're important... sorry 😬
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xxlady-lunaxx · 4 months ago
it had been completely run on by alcohol. unless the alcohol had only loosened his tongue, letting the words he’d reigned in finally slip free. it would make sense, really. sanemi had been acting more distant recently. even so, giyuu hadn’t paid it too much mind. until now. until sanemi had drunk one too many sips of sake and had laid his thoughts out on the table.
“i don’t think we can keep doing this,” he’d said, turning to look at giyuu. he spoke casually, a small smile playing on his lips. he looked half out of it.
“doing what?” giyuu gently pushed the sake away from sanemi’s reach.
“this. us.” sanemi waved vaguely between them. “us dating.”
giyuu froze. “what do you mean?”
“it’s not really working.” sanemi sighed, sitting back up and shifting on his chair to look at giyuu. he shrugged. “you know?” his hands tucked between his thighs, fiddling with his sleeve. “i feel like we clash badly. like colors. like, uhm… i dunno. what colors look bad together?”
“but… why?” giyuu pressed, ignoring sanemi’s ramble about colors.
sanemi leaned back—only to jolt up again as he realized there was only empty air behind him. he scrambled to turn, his back resting against the counter. his head tilted back and his hair made a show of swooping down. “why? ‘cause… you know. we’re both boys. we’re gonna die anyway. how many years…? two left? also we never worked well before, yeah?” sanemi mulled this over. “i used to hate you. ‘cause you were so annoying and i thought you were an arrogant piece of shit. i don’t hate you now, but still. don’t you hate me for hating you?”
he crossed his legs, sitting back up and cocking his head towards giyuu. “you’re not stupid, giyuu. i think.” he paused. “oh yeah. i’m the stupid one. you’re the educated one.”
he laughed. held out his hand. “where’s the sake?”
giyuu shook his head. he was in some state of shock, so it took him a moment to catch up with everything. “you’ve wanted to break up? for how long?” he asked, his voice hitching slightly. he reconsidered the questions. “why do you want…? i thought we were doing well?”
sanemi huffed, scanning the counter for the sake. his eyes lit up as he caught sight of it and he reached over. giyuu intercepted his attempt, holding him back and simultaneously shoving the sake away. sanemi shot him a look but gave up, apparently too tired to bother.
“are you going to answer me?” giyuu said with a slight frown. he had to ask before the alcohol left sanemi’s system.
“answer what?” sanemi slumped onto the counter, glowering at the sake that was much too far for his liking. somehow, he’d forgotten he could walk. so he resorted to resting his head in his arms. he closed his eyes, letting out a breath.
“why do you want to break up?”
“i do?” sanemi sat up, looking suddenly alarmed. he stared at giyuu. “since when?”
“oh. uhm. well, you were heavily implying it.”
sanemi thought that over. “i don’t want to break up. i just think we’re not gonna end up well. not a lot of relationships do. i’m just being realistic.”
“more like pessimistic,” giyuu mumbled. “how won’t we end up well, though? we’ve been fine.”
“it’s just…” sanemi hesitated. he shook his head. “my head doesn’t fucking make sense. can’t think.”
giyuu sighed. “sometimes, i don’t understand you.”
“me neither.” sanemi went back to resting on the counter. his eyes fluttered close again. “‘m just worried that i’ll fuck up and leave you with the consequences or something. never mind. gonna sleep, now. night.”
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widevibratobitch · 3 months ago
Ok, drop your favourite characters and ships from the Three Musketeers, queen. <3
the answer is pretty simple actually <3
Aramis is my babygirl, my murder kitten, my favourite little princess, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese... truly one of the characters of all time. to me. and he ages like fine wine - the older, the more cruel and ruthless and cunning and evil he gets, the better.
im a die-hard Athos/Aramis truther 🙏 i also adore the whole thing Aramis and Madame de Chevreuse have going on, especially their fucked up little divorce in the last book, it's insane and i'm obsessed with it. I do also think Aramis and d'Artagnan are long overdue for some quality hatesex sesh! and none of these are mutually exclusive, the opposite actually. basically i live for and breathe the entire d'Artagnan/Athos/Aramis/Marie drama. it's everything to me <333
#im also a huge fan of the weird psychosexual relationship he has with fouquet in the last book... did they fuck? idk! idc!#i think it would actually be more fucked up if they didnt so im gonna go with that lol#now i know its not a popular opinion but i dont buy the fan favourite porthos/aramis ship AT ALL im sorryyyyy#i just feel like aramis's relationship to athos is so so important to his character and it gets overlooked a lot#because of the easy schematic d'art/athos & aramis/porthos division. but it just doesnt really work for me#now i could talk about the relationship between aramis and d'artagnan for hours but i think one of the most important things#is that they both need to be absolutely psychosexually obsessed with athos and they both need to clock the other immediately.#i also think the aramis and porthos relationship is also very very important even if it's not romantic in nature#i actually think the ending they get hits harder if it isn't (and the ending with athos hits more if it is.#i will never be normal about their last scene together. it was written specifically to haunt me.)#BUT ALSO! i do like to think that they all fucked. i mean come on. dumas knew what he was doing.#as for other fav characters i have a strong love-hate relationship with d'artagnan lol#mordaunt and milady ofc 🙏 they should have been allowed to fucking kill them all <33#but aside from aramis my fav is actually marie aka mme de chevreuse. we dont get a lot of her in person but she's a fascinating character#especially being a woman in a dumas story. she's special. to me <33333 i still think she should have been allowed#to get aramis's head at the end. her salome swag would be INSANE 💖💅✨#the three musketeers#^^girl who said the answer is short and simple#oh i also adore constance!!! at the beginning ofc before dumas nerfs her into little more than tragic love interest for d'artagnan :(#montalais and malicorne too ofc 🙏 het couple of all time. to me.
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you-opened-my-case · 1 month ago
I love how despite learning so much about her in chapter four, there's still a lot we don't know about Poppy.
We learn that after the Hour of Joy, she acted as the leader of the Safe Haven toys. But at some point, she left for reasons that we don't know and gets shut up in her case by the Prototype. We don't know exactly how long she was gone, just that it was long enough for the others to lose faith in her. We know that she won't tell Doey about the case, but why is that? Kissy knows, if only because Poppy talks about it to the employee in front of her, but why not Doey?
We learn that she's Elliot Ludwig's daughter, but unlike a lot of the other characters we meet, we still don't know her human name (Assuming it isn't actually just Poppy) or her experiment number. All we can do is narrow it down to somewhere between 814 and 1006.
Everything I learn about her raises another question. Poppy's like a puzzle to me, and I can't wait to see the rest of pieces fall into place.
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alerrison · 1 month ago
The emotional response I have to Vox Machina over the other campaign groups is... a lot. Bell's Hells wrapping up? Fine, it was okay. Mighty Nein? Sure. Vox Machina wrapping up? Full on weeping.
I have genuinely only ever cried at Critical Role over campaign one stuff. Multiple times in the first campaign, and then the only time I remember shedding tears in campaign 2 was when Keyleth's mom went back home. Vox Machina the hold you have on my heart.
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nellasbookplanet · 2 years ago
I just caught up with ep 63 and I'm fucking vibrating. The difference of the Bor'dor reveal and the Dusk reveal! Dusk spending their entire time with the party stirring up drama, once caught out still openly provoking and trying to find an angle to straight up kill Fearne's parents, and the party still struggling to find every reason to let them go, let them live. And Dusk never gave a shit. Why would they! They were a fey assassin! And still the Hells fought and argued for them and let them walk away despite openly remaining a threat.
And then we get Bor'dor, wet paper tissue of a man, tragic backstory up to the gills, genuinely spending time to bond with them, having his little practice session with them being his proudest moment, sharing vulnerabilities. And though he drew first blood, he did it trying to run away, not kill! He did it having seen these people murder his friends and drag their dead bodies out of the hole! He was helpless on the ground, all but begging them to end him because he saw no reason to keep going! There was enough turmoil and doubt in him that he could probably have been deradicalized! He hated them but he loved them too!
And had this been early campaign, in all likelihood they would have let him live. But this is a Bell's Hells who have already been betrayed once by an ally, who lost Eshteross to the Ruby Vanguard, who lost half the fucking party to the Ruby Vanguard, who went on a grueling journey to get Laudna back, who struggled and struggled and still failed to stop Ludinus and ended up separated and scared and not knowing whether the world is about to end or not, whether their friends are alive or not.
And they were done. They did not fight for him. This is war. Were Dusk to show back up now, I doubt they’d survive the encounter.
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nettedtangible · 5 months ago
Guys I need sm help ples.
So, I have a few scenes in Burn it all that are quite important to the plot but Reg isn't present/doesnt know this information. Now, this entire fic is Reg POV, so I'm not sure whether to just include a couple oneoff chapters from like a camera on the ceiling POV and then return back to the Reg POV. Or, keep it all Reg POV, and just have these things happen off-screen so to speak and Reg finds out about it later/second hand. IDK. Do you guys hate it if theres a Random POV break in the middle of a story??
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