#idk maybe I’m overthinking
rhaenyraisadyke · 9 months
I know this is probably me being dramatic or whatever but it really hurts that only one of my friends has acknowledged my birthday, I know everyone is always doing something but for every single person I’ve always made sure I took the time out of my day to wish them well / send a gift on my birthday even while at college
Not even any of my college friends have said anything either.. idk are your 20s actually lonely?
My birthday has always been something super important to me as on my 13th I almost killed myself and acknowledged I was actually hurting to my parents and wanted to get help, so every birthday after is a huge victory for me idk I know I shouldn’t rely on anyone for my happiness but it does hurt a bit
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darlinimamess · 1 year
maybe i’m overthinking but my friend unfollowed me on tiktok and i’m panicking about it
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Okay, so I found out something about Genshin Impact:
Visions are shaped differently depending on what region your Geo or Pyro is from. Mondstadt Visions flare out at the bottom; Liyue Visions are square-shaped; Inazuma Visions have 3 circles on the top; and Sumeru Visions are teardrop-shaped. The only person who doesn’t have a Vision shape that fits these categories is the Traveler, who came from an unknown world.
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kaeko · 2 years
does anyone actually listen to me or am i just speaking into the void everytime i am in a conversation
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fulcrum-art-fox · 8 months
There’s something so interesting about Akemi releasing the songbird and Takayoshi killing it, and while he doesn’t know of how personally Akemi is projecting onto it, he recognises that the act and then his mother subsequently being a dick about it upset Akemi and offers her two birds to make up for it and the way that like, the basic principle that it suggests that he might be actually kinda an alright guy and not the tyrant Akemi has been dreading, but also, the way he presents her with two birds locked in a cage is so interesting because it could suggest he does guess how personally she was projecting onto that bird and offer her a metaphor back: two birds, both hemmed in by the strings of power and status and expectations and court intrigue and the machinations of his mother. Two birds trapped in a cage together
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theythemmer · 1 month
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am i really a clique artist if i haven’t draw THE pic of tyler
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buddiebitch · 4 months
call me crazy but i thought of a parallel i didn’t notice before
in the s4 episode treasure hunt, when they’re all teaming up to secretly look for the treasure, Eddie asks Buck to team up with him but he’s already teamed up with Taylor.
in s7 Eddie asks Buck to go to the bachelor party as Crockett and Tubbs, Buck doesn’t think for a second before saying absolutely, despite the fact that he’s currently dating someone he could wear a couples costume with instead.
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funkinmadnesss · 11 months
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you know what? Fuck it *posts these doodles of my Mysterio and vanishes*
I was lowkey waiting till I had more official art pieces of him and my other sinister six before posting anything about him but I’m impatient and really like how these look <3
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uglygaldumdum · 3 months
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melobin · 13 days
do you ever just consistently see someone talking like you and it makes you feel weird 😭 i feel like everyone has their own way of talking and it makes me feel weird when someone is consistently speaking the way i do 👎 like i get picking up things from friends but when it’s every sentence something doesn’t feel right
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booksanxietyandsports · 7 months
Stephan Leyhe/Andreas Wellinger - "Quiet of the night." (fic)
well well well. what do we have here.
right after welle won the first four hills comp in oberstdorf this season i wrote like a thousand words, then completely forgot about it. i just discovered it again and in a lovely case of hyperfixation wrote the rest of it in about an hour, so do with that what you will. better late than never, right?
so as for the timeline, this takes place after andi won the first comp of the 23/24 four hills tournament. for the sake of plot they’re not roommates in this (although we all know they always share, but let’s just pretend they all got single rooms for the tour). even though it’s a rather quick and short one at 2.2k, i hope you guys enjoy it. as always, i’d love to know what you think and appreciate any kind of feedback <3
Knock Knock. 
Stephan turns over in his bed towards the door, sheets tangling with his legs. The room is pitch black when he blinks sleepily, eyes protesting the unscheduled awakening. There’s someone knocking at his door, which isn’t an uncommon occurrence in the team hotel during the tour because someone always wants something, except it’s two at night and they only went to bed like two and a half hours ago. Stephan‘s brain is still muddled with sleep after the adrenaline crash that inevitably always follows a competition, especially one as electrifying as yesterday‘s. So, what on earth-
There‘s a third knock and Stephan squints at the door as someone gently pushes it open, causing a sliver of light from the hallway to spill into the darkness of his room. He can barely make out a silhouette when there‘s a whisper- “Stephan? Are you awake?”
Stephan sits up abruptly, every last trace of sleep gone. “Yeah,” he whispers back, which isn’t true at all given that Andi quite literally just woke him up but he’d rather fling himself off a hill than tell the younger that. It’s not like he minds, anyway, he’s got an open ear for all of his teammates, although maybe it’s a bit different where Andi is concerned. Stephan tries not to think about it.
Andi tiptoes into the room and closes the door behind him. Darkness falls back around them and for a long moment neither of them moves. Stephan looks in Andi’s general direction and waits for him to offer some kind of explanation, to start talking the way he always does without paying any mind to time, company or circumstances. After a full minute goes by without a sound Stephan starts to grow increasingly concerned. “Andi?,” he prompts gently, eyes searching the darkness for any kind of movement. 
“Yeah, uh, sorry. I shouldn’t have woken you up, it’s late, we’ve got training today and it’s stupid anyways, I’ll just-“ 
“Don’t you dare open that door, Andreas. It’s the middle of the night, what’s wrong?” Stephan hears Andi shift on his feet followed by the faint click of the door handle being released. The silence returns as the questions hangs between them, unanswered. Despite the odd situation, Stephan smiles quietly to himself.
“Stop biting your lip, Andi. It’s gonna be all raw and red on camera tomorrow.”
He hears Andi sputter over where he’s still standing by the goddamn door. “I’m not! It’s pitch-black in here, Stephan, you can’t even see me! How would you know that?”
Because I spend most of my time watching you. Because I could paint your face in a thousand different ways if I had just an ounce of talent. 
“Because you always bite your lips bloody when something’s bothering you. Now come on over here and tell me what’s wrong, please.” Stephan sits up straighter as he hears Andi shuffle through the room, leaning against the headboard. The mattress dips beneath him as Andi sits down on the edge of the bed next to his stretched-out legs, which isn’t as close as Stephan would like him, but it’s better than the other side of the room.
He figures this is the moment they should turn on the lamp on his bedside table since they still can’t fucking see, but something about Andi’s behaviour stops him. This isn’t like the younger at all; to be so caught up in his thoughts and feelings that it drives him out of bed in the middle of the night. Maybe it’s got something to do with how young Andi was when he started into the whole world cup circus, but Stephan has always admired how good his teammate seemed to be at compartmentalizing. One problem after the other, brain turned off periodically to rest, then switched back on to work out the issues at maximum capacity and all of that with endless optimism and a quick smile. 
So yeah, the more Stephan thinks about it, the more alarming he finds this entire situation. The least he can do is offer Andi the courtesy of keeping the lights off.
Not that it helps much. He can feel the tension in Andi’s body, every muscle coiled as if he’s preparing to make another jump from the hill. Stephan bends his knees a little, tucking them closer to his body in a silent offer for Andi to lean against them. He takes a deep breath and tries to prompt the younger into talking with an easy question.
“Did you sleep at all?”
Andi sighs. “Uh, not really. I think. Kinda been dozing on and off since we all went to bed but…time hasn’t really felt real tonight anyways. That’s so weird don’t you think?”
“What is?” Stephan’s eyes have adjusted to the darkness enough to make out Andi’s face turned in his direction to look at him, eyes way too wide and awake for this time of night.
“This! Me waking you up at this godawful hour just because, what? I won a competition? Been there done that, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. And yet here I am and my body just doesn’t- it doesn’t-“ 
Andi cuts himself off with a frustrated sound, dropping his head into his hands and pulling at his hair. “My brain’s not shutting up, Stephan. It wasn’t like that after Lake Placid last season, right? What’s different now?” He’s desperate for an answer, voice breaking on the last word. 
Stephan’s heart breaks a little, too, because Andi sounds tired. Utterly tired; the kind of exhaustion that creeps up on you after an entire evening of adrenaline and endorphins and riding the high of a victory. He puts a hand on Andi’s shoulder and just leaves it there, applying a bit of pressure to let the younger know he’s here. His heart breaks a bit more when Andi leans into the touch, instinctively chasing the comfort. “What’s different, Stephan?” Andi repeats quietly. “This wasn’t my first win since- since everything, and it’s not like it came out of nowhere. It’s been building up for a while, right? I’ve been doing great so far, I feel good, I-“ He stops for a second before dropping his gaze to the ground. “I think I’m scared.”
There it is. Stephan has started to rub soothing circles into Andi’s shoulder and back while the younger was clearly working something out. If there’s one thing Stephan’s learned in all the years he’s spent with Andi, then it’s that sometimes he just needed to rant. They’re different that way, Stephan supposes. Whereas he himself tends to work things out in the relative peace of his mind, Andi needs to voice his concerns. Contact, feedback, the weight of spoken words in a space to be able to see clearly. And if he needs to do that at two in the morning, then so God help him Stephan will be the one that listens. 
“What are you scared of, love?” Stephan asks softly. Andi scoffs. 
“I don’t know. Messing up? Disappointing everyone? It’s like…it’s like this victory comes with a price tag, you know? With conditions. The last few years nobody expected anything. I was the Olympic champion with the tragic injury, so getting back on track was the only task I had and nobody cared when I messed up. Every good jump was a bonus. But now people keep saying I’m back and then I went ahead and won the first comp of the tournament and now-“ 
“-now everyone expects you to win the rest as well.” 
Andi deflates the second Stephan speaks the words out loud. His head drops forward, messy hair tickling Stephan’s arm. The older carefully moves his hand from Andi’s shoulder to his scalp, gently carding his fingers through the unruly strands. “I don’t know if I can do it,” Andi whispers after a few seconds of silence and lifts his head to look right at Stephan, eyes desperately searching for answers. Stephan holds his gaze.
“Listen, Andi. You don’t owe anyone anything – not the fans, not our coaches, not us. The only thing you owe yourself is to enjoy competitions like yesterday’s since you went so long without them despite always trying your fucking best. What you do is enough, Andreas. Every jump you pour your heart and soul into is enough, no matter where you rank in the end. This victory isn’t worth more than the one in Lake Placid just because it’s got Four Hills written all over it, alright? You could’ve given up long before you ever reached where you’re at today, but you never did. That alone matters more than whatever happens in the next few days. Because I know for a fact that you will fight for every point and if that’s not enough, then that’s not on you. I believe in you and so do the team and the fans and whoever measures your talent and worth by whether you win this damn tournament or not can go fuck right off.”
He inhales sharply after his monologue, which was admittedly longer than he’d planned. Andi stares at him, eyes wide and mouth open. 
“Uh, so” Stephan finishes eloquently. “You know. Don’t worry too much.” He shuts his eyes briefly, cringing at himself internally. Way to ruin this, Stephan. You’re doing fantastic.
He looks back up when Andi snorts and dissolves into quiet laughter. He can feel a smile fighting its way onto his own lips because honestly, no one is immune to the sound of Andi Wellinger’s joy. It’s even sweeter when Stephan’s the reason for it. 
Andi’s voice is breathless when he teases Stephan. “You say all that and end it with ‘don’t worry too much’? Really?”
“Well excuse me,” Stephan retorts, untangling his hand from Andi’s hair to put it on his own chest in mock offense. “I apologise for running out of sensible things to say in the middle of the night. If you’d like to register a complaint, I’m gonna have to ask you to do it at a reasonable hour.”
Andi giggles again, wiping his eyes with his hands. He looks back at Stephan then, tilting his head in such an adorable way that Stephan’s heart skips a beat or three. The silence stretches on for a while, the mood turning serious once more as Stephan practically sees Andi going over his words in his head. 
One of us is gonna have to say something because if it gets any quieter, he’ll hear how loud my heart is beating. 
Yet Stephan doesn’t break the fragile silence. Andi doesn’t, either. Instead, the younger shifts, turning to face Stephan properly with one leg folded under him while the other hangs off the bed, and pulls the older forward into a hug.
Stephan wraps his arms around Andi’s waist instinctively because that’s just what his body is wired to do at this point. They’re usually in an outrun when this happens, but right now, as Andi is tightening his arms around Stephan’s shoulders and hiding his face in the older’s neck, Stephan would gladly never see an outrun again if it meant he could stay right here for the rest of his life.
They hug in a way that’s only really acceptable in the tranquility of the night, when the sole witness is the moon and the darkness swallows the thoughts of any consequences a touch like this might have. Time passes and while Stephan doesn’t know if it’s seconds or minutes or hours, he never eases the pressure around Andi’s slim waist. He’s unconsciously started to rub circles into the dip of it with his thumb and he doesn’t stop when he notices. Andi’s breathing is quiet and steady against the side of his neck. Stephan can’t help but smile when the tension finally bleeds out of the younger’s body. 
“Did you mean it?” Andi asks after a while, voice little more than a whisper. “What exactly?” Stephan whispers back just as softly, tucking the other impossibly closer. Andi makes the transition with ease, laying almost entirely on top of Stephan, face still hidden against his shoulder. “Everything. That I owe my victories to no one but myself. That you-,” he clears his throat, a bit awkwardly. “That you believe in me?” 
It comes out like a question and something in Stephan’s chest cracks a little when he hears it. Impulsively, he turns his head to press a soft kiss into Andi’s hair. “Of course I do, love. Never stopped. And I always will, no matter how the tour ends.”
Andi exhales then, a bit shakily but Stephan can feel him settle. He removes one arm from around Stephan to search for Stephan’s hand in the dark and holds on tight when he finds it. Stephan squeezes back, interlacing their fingers. Through it he takes everything Andi gives him; all the doubts and thoughts and uncertainty that overwhelm Andi’s infinite optimism only in the shadows of the night. Stephan knows that when the sun rises in a few hours, it’ll be like the clouds in Andi’s head never existed at all, because that’s just how he works. Stephan wouldn’t want to have it any other way. 
Until that happens, he holds on tight to the boy in his arms. 
Andi doesn’t go back to his own room that night. 
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jounosparticles · 1 year
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suegiku posting again sorry (i’m not sorry) but this is genuine love to me. they won’t say it but the fact that tetchou put aside saving the world from the vampire pandemic when he could have easily went after bram in favour of attempting to save jouno shows how much he loves him. i really hope we see more on this and that the two share a moment where they talk about it and how much they actually care. i need tetchou to assure jouno that he isn’t a bad person, and that being selected for evil isn’t his true self. the potential for character building here is so good.
asagiri said he wants to focus on their rivalry in the future, i hope this does not make them enemies but instead just work partners that argue sometimes. tetchou is the only one who understands jouno, i really hope they get to have moments where they connect and jouno slowly breaks away from his tough exterior around tetchou. two people who just care for each other and want to help the world.
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shantyofsins · 11 months
So is it just me or did this Fizzarolli
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Give completely different vibes compared to this Fizzarolli
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I don’t know if it’s how he’s drawn, if it’s how he acts, I have literally no idea what it is, maybe it’s nothing and I’m going crazy. But I swear that he’s different in the two latest episodes compared to episode 7 in season 1…
I still love him tho don’t get me wrong, it’s just nagging on me that I can’t figure what’s different.
I’ve broken down his personality, and I mean it’s generally the same, and he’s still drawn the same???
I really think it’s the eyes tho, that’s my best guess. I mean his eye brows are little different if u really look at it?
Idk, this was just a really random realization-
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pillowenvelopchair · 14 days
It’s pretty weird when you write something and put so so so much effort into planning it out and actually writing out the scene just for you to take a step back realize how flawed it actually is in the bigger picture
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the-may-queer · 11 months
There’s too many pictures floating about of Robert kissing men that the lack of one where he is kissing Jimmy comes off as a conscious decision. Like it seems like something that should just exist somewhere even if they hadn’t actually been together at any point so the fact we haven’t seen any feels like it’s because someone doesn’t want us to.
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euthymiya · 2 months
Good morning my little blog citizens 😚
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