#idk man this is one of those things that could be bad and warrant a retrial
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hookechoes · 7 months ago
Okay so that nyt article about one of the arbitrators who has worked with Romania before, this bit kind of makes me wonder how bad this actually is:
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If everyone knew and was fine with it, does it matter? Apparently his work for Romania was significant enough to warrant the opinion from another (random, unconnected to this case) arbitrator that he should have recused himself, is that accurate? And does any of this matter if the evidence used to make the decision was an objective official timestamp from the Omega timekeeping tech?
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callsign-songbird · 1 year ago
OK ok ok, my mind is churning with an AU
So, we know Charlie's wonderful slasher Simon AU, right? Well, I just finished the second scream movie and BOY do I have thoughts for my own vaiernt of the Slasher Simon AU.
Of course, not for any convoluted reason like Micky or Ms. Lumen, no. Just because Simon had a rough upbringing, and it's one of the only ways he knows how to releive stress. Besides, he's always found knives and firearms fascinating, especially his KBAR and his Snake Eye. The first time was an accident, the second time felt good, and after that? After that was just... Ghost.
They can go to an rotc specializing college (idk if those exist, but it's 4 am, I'll finesse the details later) ANYWAY they can be split up by Dorms!! Like, dorm TF141, and K0RT4C.
Laswell could be the headmistress, or Vice President
Price would totally be the golden boy dorm leader. He has to make sure that the boys under his jurisdiction stay safe and abide by dorm rules. He totally acts like the father of the group and always gets mistaken for a teacher (although, he does tutor students who fall behind, even if they aren't in his dorm)
Gaz could be the clumsy right-hand man who always has the scoop around campus (Golden retriever boy) always wears a baseball cap or letterman jacket, sometimes both.) He's the little brother of the group, definitely. Not to the point where he is baby, but definitely to the point where the others help him out a bit more and tend to give him advice (whether it's warranted or not) and he totally looks up to Price.
Soap is a study abroad student from Scotland who takes his studies almost as serious as his Rugby. A total Jock, but not the sleazy kind, the kind that takes a drunk girl home and writes her a note explaining what happened while leaving a bucket by her bed and some pedialite on the bedside (because not everyone can drink like him) going with the brother theme, Soap is TOTALLY the older brother, you can't tell me I'm wrong. I totally headcannon that he grew up in a stable household with three younger sisters, so he's just used to being the big brother.
Simon would (obviously) be the Ghostface. The scream movies are really good at keeping you guessing who the killers are, so it really wouldn't be obvious at all. He's buff from sports and the time he spends either at the gym or training in martial arts for his expected military career, of course he still likes dark humor and really bad jokes, and has a penchant for skull themed clothes, going as far as to wear a skull-print balaclava in winter. (Soap has declared himself as Simon's best friend. Simon won't admit it, but it's true.) Keeping up with the brothers theme, Simon is DEFINITELY a middle child. Quiet, reserved, brooding, tries to keep to himself so people tend to overlook him. Middle child all the way in this dorm dynamic. (Though, being a murder isn't exactly his LIFE, more of a hobby to let off steam, so it isn't really the focal point of the AU so much as college shenanigans)
And Roach (Because in my AU roach is alive and well) if the dorm is a family, then Roach is the pet, or the Wine uncle who occasionally shows up at 3 in the morning to steal snacks. Roach is the dorm party animal, always up to trouble, always has a drink, everyone loves him, and he always seems to know everything about everyone on campus. But he's also a feral gremlin who says and does weird things (like taking naps in the ceiling on lunch) all the time, so half the time no one takes him seriously. Odd and feral as he may be, he's still part of the dorm, and everyone treats him as such.
I still have to think about the K0RT4K dormmates and their dynamic, as well as the Ghosts squad, but oh my gosh, let me know if you want any more, and please send asks if you're interested! Though, I'll probably be drabbling more about it anyway, lol
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andypantsx3 · 1 year ago
Ok Andy this had been on my mind for a while now and I really want to hear your thoughts on this!
So we all know that Shouto is pure husband material, the kinda guy you'd be proud to introduce to your parents! But yk all those years of abuse and trauma (our poor bby ;-;) would definitely take a big toll on anyone, right?! So I was reminiscing about the earlier episodes where he is all closed off and cold to everyone, and that really got me thinking... what would dating Shouto REALLY be like.
How much of his behavior in a relationship really be affected by his past? Obviously nobody is perfect and even though our princess man comes close what do you think his shortcomings are as a person/partner? What do you think his toxic traits would be? What could be some of his bad habits? How would he react during an argument? I used to hc that he would be really calm and passive but then I remembered this scene
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Ofc us being his partner would change things, but he DOES lash out at times. The police officer hadn't yelled at them, he was just explaining what they did was wrong according to the law (which could be unfair but thats his job) and he straight up called him a slur 💀 (well yk in this society where so many ppl have animal related quirks it probably is a slur? Idk tho). He was sorry later but still. I was so shocked when I internalized the fact that Shouto does infact have quite a temper, even when he's not rude/ aggressive about it. It doesn't make him bad or anything because 9/10 times it's well warranted and I am just a pussy who doesn't handle other's anger well but yk...
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I am really wanna take his character and study him under a microscope and I am really interested to see your pov on this. Also don't feel inclined to agree with anything I said if you dont, I asked you precisely cuz I wanted a different way of looking at him from mine.
Btw none of this is to paint him as a bad person or partner because of a few shortcomings or his trauma. We all know he's too precious for that and that would be hypocritical of me especially since I have many of my habits and unhealthy ways of dealing with stuff that I dislike, but I also feel like he has so much angst potential in issues that aren't necessarily rooted in his family but moreso his own personality. Healing is often a "one step forward and three step back journey" and while I hate to watch him struggle, his perseverance gives me a lot of strength. Also obviously people change over the course of time and character development and all that, but we see even after the MASSIVE amounts of character development Bakugo has he still retains a lot of his previous qualities and obviously still struggles with a few things. I wonder if it's similar for Shouto. I wonder what he struggles with 🤔 (idk why I am scared but I don't want ppl to take these dumb sleepy thoughts of mine the wrong way yk lol)
I support my mans rights, his wrongs and everything in between :>
(p.s. I am so sleepy rn I don't even know if any of this is coherent cuz the points are flying all over the place but I hope you get a gist of what I am trying to ask. I love myself some sweet angst when it comes to all my blorbos but when I think of Shouto nothing obvious comes to mind. Also whenever I write even an ask or question like this my respect for writers keeps increasing tenfold! How do you guys write fics at like 4 am and it's still a masterpiece and I can barely string my thoughts together... )
Yes!!! I have so many thoughts about this, particularly as someone who also has daddy issues and a hot temper but actively works to be better as well lol.
I do think for the most part we've really seen Shouto move past who he was in those earlier episodes. That is not to say he still doesn't have those feelings, but he arguably manages them in a more regulated way. He has the temper but now he also has the tools and the perspective to better articulate himself.
I think generally Shouto would work hard to be calm and patient during an argument, but as with any human being, mistakes will be made and tempers will spike. I think during particularly bad arguments he'd get more closed off, like in those earlier episodes, would try to go off by himself so that he doesn't explode with that white-hot rage.
I do think, thankfully, that Shouto's ability to show empathy and compassion even in the middle of what we know are the most emotionally trying times of his life (the fights with Dabi), bodes well for his future ability to communicate and regulate himself on the whole. I do not see him as the kind of man who would yell or break things; I see him as the kind of man who now does everything in his power not to be like that.
And also with a face like that, would we not just let him win any argument anyway?? LOL
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petorahs · 2 years ago
☀️ i am so sad, i heared that they wont include anything from fes or portable, so no femc, no answer or the like. I hate it here, why this disrespect to my girl Minako i will fight somebody at atlus HQ
oh. well i will say it straight (the only thing straight about me i fear lol) but thats likely not entirely true, ☀️ anon. idk if youve seen this post but it sums it up pretty well https://www.tumblr.com/petorahs/719925542729695232
and the full article published a while later:
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bad ign reporting aside, i was also pretty upset at first since no femc and the answer! but then i saw a good point someone made about the femc case:
persona 3 reload has reportedly been in development for four years. and in that four years thats standard time to build a game from the ground up, maybe even too little – anyone who's been in game dev can tell us that. p3re doesnt reuse assets, too, it's completely from scratch. so having femc isnt simply a matter of model swap. they'd also have to program the UIs and make everything pink - sure, that could be "easy", but there's also the changed social links and team dynamics (more writing to be done), weapon system and all that (more coding)? so its like... i'd be actually surprised if they managed a femc during those 4 years. its quite a lot of work to re-adapt base p3 as is i feel and modernizing it. also i feel like atlus themselves wouldnt want to do their character and her fanbase wrong so of course they wouldnt fkn slap on a few pink menus and call it a day. they surely want to rewrite the s links and everything too in accordance to her. art takes time.
(with all that being said bullying atlus for femc is warranted actually maybe then her inevitable dlc might come faster lmao )
similarly, im fine with no "the answer" now despite being its #1 defender. theyd have to completely rework the 30:2 hour grinding to story ratio which is just not sustainable on a modern gameplay perspective. that also takes time.
its why i made this post actually. i somehow trust them, and i feel like most of us can stand to chill a little and have healthier expectations. as in not overbloated and not have the bar set in hell either (altho we should also do that too)
and i know, like anyone who's played this game, it means so much to so many people. and thats why its maybe impossible to please everyone, because its so many different things: a game that saved their life, a funny goofy lighthearted one where you catch demons, the most depressing persona game ever (altho i feel like p2 would beg to differ on that one-), or for me personally, a game that just made me cry man.
and because it means so much, everyone wants to see it be the best it can be!! and that means having hamuchan. i get that all of this riot energy is out of love for the game, really. but. yeah.
a remake seems like it's "less work to do" since the foundation's "already there" and i dont know how many people worked on p3re but like. i highly doubt theyre just sitting on their asses pissing off fans on purpose lol. (or maybe they are and im just too optimistic damn 😭)
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jeanmoreaux · 1 year ago
atlas complex anon logging on for the last time
i finished it like two days ago and i have been trying to process it and i truly just….don’t know what to do with it 😵‍💫
the other death was SO PAINFUL ACTUALLY and i am choosing to believe it didn’t happen (bc objectively it didn’t! if you think about it!!! *eye twitch*) — bc why would you write such a lovely passage A LOVE CONFESSION IF YOU WILL and then fucking MURDER HIM…AND THEN YOU DONT EVEN TELL US PLAINLY WHAT HAPPENED (again, i choose to believe he lives on, mr security camera man)
tbh both of those deaths confessed their love and then she was like “that’s nice please drop dead xoxo”
(me trying to be vague about spoilers but also who fuckin cares nobody is reading this book)
anyway here’s the deal. i think it was all bad writing but i got so lost in the sauce in the last 15% that i could convince myself that i Appreciate the Ending?? like sorry i just am stuck on IN EVERY CULTURE THERE IS BREAD…but also what the hell even happened in this book and why was it even more convoluted than it needed to be
need olivie blake to pay for my therapy
so excited to hear from you!!! yeah, that second death. OOF. literally hated it. and right after that wendy cope esque love confession SOBBING FR. he has been my bestie from day one and he will remain so forever. i love him!! and it wasn’t that his death didn’t hit me, but it hit me because i Did Not Want Him To Die and not because the death was written well and executed well narratively speaking. ngl i read it and was like. this is so stupid. why like this?? after all the build up why at all but WHY LIKE THIS. also yeah the crumbs with the scenarios and security camera make for a range of possibilities of what *actually* happened but i have to say it felt a little cheap to me. like blake could not decide one way or the other and instead just kept all the options open which felt very unsatisfying to me. the entire thing is similar to what blake did with gideon’s last pov chapter (and both together exemplify my issue with the ending): keeping options open and lines blurry so that you can headcanon you own way out of the mess she made. which is not the great move she might think it is because instead of writing a scenes where she can actually evokes emotions because she commits to a thing completely and unequivocally it’s all so vague that the reader is never made to fully grapple with one outcome or the other. you’re left in limbo and that’s why you feel so disconnected from everything happening (at least that’s how it was for me). i love open endings but what she did wasn’t an open ending (given that it’s the last 30% of the book lmao) but a lack of narrative commitment.
i am so glad you appreciate the ending!! wish that were me!!!! i would so love to mske my peace with it but i Can’t. these characters deserve better. i read the last two chapters and just thought ‘that was it? wow. i feel absolutely nothing. what a shame.’ tho i agree the bread line being a banger. it is Very good. and that’s the thing there are some good parts and lovely sentences and sentiments (the love confession you mentioned might be one of my favourite passages of the entire series!!) but as a whole tac simply did not deliver in a way that makes the last chapter or the ending in general hit for me. idk it’s nicely written but the emotional impact is minimal because the narration did nothing to build up to it in a meaningful and nuanced way???? like i get it and i understand it and i like it out of context but it has no impact IN context because the story preceding it doesn’t warrant it. or maybe i am just too bitter to see it lol. veryyy real possibility.
also you are so right what even happened in this book??? sooooo convoluted. instead of paying for my therapy i want blake to rewrite the book istg like pls i am begging on my knees.
((also this answer is veryyyy vaguely worded too. but i am sure you Get It.))
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yoongiblunt · 2 years ago
Today was a fever dream
I’ve had this shitty heat rash that has made my hands cramp, burn, and sting. I also have blisters from working while my skin is so sensitive. I have a UV allergy and made the mistake of going out in the sun on the 4th, which was the hottest day the US has ever recorded with UV rays of like, 12. I didn’t know that, obviously. But I got a little sun and a little rash. The AC being broken at my job made it so much worse though. It’s nearly 100 degrees in the building and we have literally been getting awful reviews because of it and even had a pregnant woman get sick due to it. The Ac NEEEEEDS fixed but our owners are dragging such ass.
I started having awful blisters coming up on my hands, arms, and legs while working. I went to deal with it and MOD literally was upset at me for sitting in the manager chair while I applied burn cream and bandaids. So I told him what was up and he MOCKED ME. So I lost my cool on him a little.
I watched a customer come to the store with a messed up order, she asked for extra beef lamb on her gyro and that’s a little subjective due to our already large portions. She drove home and came back during shift change, so her order took a little longer. Her fries, from a separate order, got cold, and she demanded we replaced those as well. We remade both orders even though only one was messed up. She drives about 10 minutes away o guess and comes back pissed because her fries are cold. Maam you were in an air conditioned car and they were hot when you left. Food cools. She demanded a free meal, and the 19 year old trainee explained that they had already fixed the meal and all she could do was grab fresh fries as that’s the only thing that was wrong. The woman demanded that joy eat or touch her fries to see how cold they were. Joy refused and the woman threw the order at her.
A friend came up to me while I was working and she said she had done some coke before she came in and felt bad. She’s a regular user so it was weird to feel that shitty after a couple of bumps and she asked if I had test strips. I knew the bartender and her fiancé had them as they are hardcore harm reduction bitches and are all about making sure someone is using safely. I wasn’t really concerned with if she got it at my job or did it at my job, moreso I just needed to know what she had taken on the off chance that she began to OD. I meet lynlee in the office and she tosses me a couple of tests and I run Leelee to the bathroom and we test the bag just to find out she had been dosed on Fentanyl. Naturally I calmly grab her face and am checking her out to see if she’s okay. She insists that she just needs to go home and get to bed. I get her a ride home and make sure security walks her out, have her send a picture of the positive test to her dealer, and flush the coke. I let MOD know, and this man literally just gets mad. He’s like wtf like why did she do it here. Idk man, we have plenty of people doing coke here. He got upset because he thought that she would tell her friends that they can get their shit tested here. Bro. That’s not an okay way to think about that. It’s like he totally overlooked the fact that one of our customers ingested fentanyl and could have overdosed and had we not tested her coke we would not have known what happened. Warranted, most of FOH is narcan certified due to lynlee wanting to cut down on accidental overdose among friend groups. He was like we aren’t gonna talk about it and no one needs to know.
I said fuck that and texted the general manager and let him know because not only is he my roommate, but the last thing I need is it getting around I was in a bathroom stall with leelee with a bag of coke, or that she “did coke with me” that had fent in it. I’m three months sober. I’m not touching that shit. I did it to protect her and make sure she had knowledge on how to test her drugs in the future for her safety.
Obviously Caleb told me I did the right thing and told me he would make sure I didn’t get in trouble if anything was said.
I was obviously ridiculously stressed about the ordeal and got off the clock and won a bunch of fireball shots because apparently the only luck I have is playing quarters for free shots.
We all hung around at the bar and got a little drunk and then a bunch of us went to the pocket museum, which is literally just an alley way connected to our historical saenger theater that has little miniature people hidden around and art from local artists. It’s a really cool spot, and has twinkle lights and music playing all night long. We got some Taco Bell and twisted teas and explored and star gazed. We absolutely tagged the parking garage a little ways away with some trans rights shit. I was a little insecure about literally being on the security cameras laying on the pavement while we stargazed so I shot the museum a little message letting them know that we were just looking at the stars and that we were alright. They have security cameras for people who steal from the exhibits and deface the alley as it’s part of our historically protected district. A lady and her kid literally took blue paint and splashed it all over the place.
The people who run the page actually messaged me back saying that they appreciated us having a good time and enjoying their space and that our drunken star gazing was safe with them.
I brought cole and Brooke from work over and we had a mini dance party in my room and I got to show them some cool music videos. It’s been a long time since I’ve hung out with people without being high as hell, so it was nice. I taught cole a couple of bass lines and he asked me to play a random song (alien blues) and I hadn’t heard the song in a while but gave it a shot, I managed to play thru most of it without fucking up and he complimented my playing. I was super embarrassed tho because I did fudge a few notes. He even scolded Brooke for talking while I played because he was listening.
Idk it was a really good night and a really bad night all the same. My life really is an uncomfortable balance of good and bad.
Caleb wants to throw a triple birthday party for himself, his son Aaron who is turning one, and me next month and told me to go on and ask the days off cause he wants a week of partying with a bouncy slip and slide.
Even tho things are often rough, I’m starting to feel a little more loved.
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tears-of-boredom · 2 years ago
played the first two episodes of Tell me Why today. damn. still wanna know the context behind why they call her by her first name. and also i kept calling Tyler gay in my mind and i kept reprimanding myself for that because its not a good habit to call literally every dude gay. but also...was i wrong. see if you call every single dude "gay as fuck" you'll be right some of the times at least. world philosophy right there. i have no idea what "world philosophy" means. i just say shit and hope it sounds right most of the times. oh and also i feel bad cuz i dont remember alyson's friend's name, like i somehow mi.....its michael isnt it. yeah theyre name is michael. at least i hope so. anyways so their vibe is so me. like we are on the same wavelenght vibe-wise. except i dont got game like him. man has rizz not gonna lie. smooth mother fucker. i did blush at those dialogues. you know the ones if youve played ep2. my mans got rizz like no other. also he's hot. and has a septum piercing. and i did call him gay as well just out of habit. tbh i really missed the opportunity to call alyson gay. i need to get on that tomorrow when i continue the game. to be honest i think its because i call attractive people gay. i dont know why really, but if i see an attractive person, i will call them gay as fuck. ig because in those moments i myself feel gay? idk. and sorry alyson, ig youre just not my type. girl's real pretty but i like my women with a bit more moustache ya know. and that isnt a way to say that i dont like women. i mean that whole heartedly: i lfind women who have moustaches attractive. mostly just because facial hair looks good on about anyone. clean shaven face aint my thing just in general. which is why im so fucking sad that i cant grow shit on my face. like bro cmon i have testosterone in me. atleast some amount. give me a fucking moustache.
anyways yeah i forgot to say that tyler is hot too. and also one thing is specific: theres one scene where i got this vibe that he wasnt angry at a person because there was a reason to be angry at them, but because, well,, when youve been angry at someone for so long, and people confront you about it, sometimes you just get stuck on like, defending yourself. defending your anger. even if there isnt a reason for it anymore. you dont want to feel like all the time youve been angry at them, you were wrong to be so. and when you get riled up, its hard to calm down and regocnise that forgiving someone in the present, doesnt invalidate the feelings you had of them in the past. and you just get stuck having this tunnel vision where you are angry at this person. doesnt matter why, you just are. because youve always been angry at them.
yeah so, i was probably just reading into that scene a bit too much, but i just related real hard alright. its the one with tyler and alyson talking to brown for the second time. it just fucking hit me. and then there was that later scene with tessa. and,, the vibes were just different. it was much calmer, and no one said anything that would've made him feel the need to be defensive. they had a conversation. and i think, if tyler and brown could manage to let out their steam, and then have a calm conversation, tyler would probably forgive him.
i just. i know that feeling so well. being mad at someone just because, well, you hate them. and you dont even remember why, but wouldnt you be such an asshole if this whole time youve been angry at them for no reason. so you double down. think that whatever it is that made you hate them, it was bad enough to warrant your grudge. and you nitpick all of their actions to find little things that annoy you, or something about their behaviour you didnt like, or maybe you didnt like the tone of voice they used that one time. and when your anger is running out of steam, you remind yourself of all those little things. and its hard to talk to anyone about it, because everytime you do, you find that there isnt really a reason for your feelings. and confronting that is hard, especially if youre doing with the person you are angry at. and the smallest of things they say or do in that calm moment can feel like an attack on your character. belittling you. or maybe they just laugh. and you dont like how lightly they seem to be taking this conversation. they arent taking it seriously. they arent taking you seriously. and you go quiet and add that conversation into the pile of reasons to hate them.
another media post that turned into venting. sorry. and yes that was about my mother, surprise surprise. though ive got testimony from third parties(mys sister), about how my mother sucks, and that evidence will last me for a while. im not even trying to forgive her at this point, im just trying to save myself.
she likes to say that im stubborn and resiliant. when adults ask what kind of person i am. i guess sometimes i feel stubborn in my anger, but that does not last for good things. i have no patience for myself, and no resilience to keep trying. i am pretty stubborn when it comes to proving people wrong. but most of the time im just trying to prove them that im not as good or smart as they think. showing that i dont have "potential for anything, if you set your mind to it". showing that i dont have the strenght to get out of bed. proving that "only a week of school" isnt easy for me.
god okay i dont want a repeat of yesterdays whole ordeal so im forcing myself to cut this now. sorry for the typos, i cant dwell on this longer.
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scalproie · 11 months ago
tekken 8 tells us that one of the reason jin hates kazuya so much was because he saw his past self in his father's actions, so hiding behind the general "kaz is a bad guy and we must stop him at all cost" sentiment is jin's general brand of self-hatred. Reaffirming he is not his father is the first step jin takes to accept himself.
(That whole thing is also the main reason behind my hc/theory as to why devil jin and kazuya are dressed so much alike in their main t8 outfits: in his storymode subconsious confrontation, when jin first encounters devil jin and is still rejecting him/who he is, dj is wearing that heavy coat which is similar in silhouette to kaz's, and the more jin confront dj (or vice-versa really), dj's clothes change going from his first outfit from t3 to eventually wearing jin's t8 clothes when the latter realizes they are one and the same and accepts him as part of himself, if not wholly himself all along.)
ANYWAY to go back to the boys' feelings on each other: so jin (in t8) hates kaz bc he saw himself in him and also bc kaz is a certified asshole™️, but even if we take it in consideration and if we look at past games... jin's hatred toward kaz has never been explicitly said to be a direct one:
some games like pxz try to explain jin's hatred of kaz bc kaz was absent for most of his life (jin himself could consider him a deadbeat but kaz was fucking dead dont call him that in my presence) (bloodline does this too to an extant but jin was mostly neutral and curious about his absent father). That's the most direct feelings jin has toward kaz, but its not 100% canon.
the other main source of hatred of jin toward kaz is bc jin hates the entire mishima family and. thats not kaz's fault (mostly), its the impact of what heihachi did to jin in t3 that had him give up entirely on half of his bloodline, kaz didnt help those feelings tbh bc he was the other main carrier of the devil gene that was plagueing jin's life at the time but jin had made peace with it as of t8
the endings of t4 (the ONLY CANONICAL FATHER & SONS INTERACTIONS prior to t8 btfw) are also kinda vague. "Kaz" was tormenting jin in his sleep for. some reasons I guess? And that was enough for jin to want him dead, on top of the other reasons above? Sure, we know kaz's a bastard but before properly meeting the man, its not like jin knew much about how kaz is enough to warrant downright murderous hatred. And as for kaz, it was pre-retcon so it was still devil in control, when kaz took control the only thing he did was yell at jin to wake up and fight, and even if devil WAS kaz... well the offense wasnt that hard yknow. AND kaz still gasped in shock when he saw jin chained up so. Idk.
Anyway thats it for jin toward kaz, as for kaz toward jin, yeah we know kaz never hated jin, he never really minded jin at all ngl. Only moment I can think of when kaz cared™️ was when jin presented the threat of getting a power to rival his own, and at the very end of their final fight when jin refused to go down in classic mishima perseverance and kaz was experiencing genuine frustration. In the "bad" ending you can tell hes had enough of him bc he resorted to the cliff tossing to fully get rid of jin.
but thats not canon, yknow whats canon tho? Kaz talking about killing whoever gets on his way or whoever tries to control him will suffer and then he just fucking walks away from jin when hes down.
(I know the meta reason was just so jin rising back up and turning the mishima mantra on his father would be so cool BUT. they still made kaz walk away. We know how a hateful kaz who wants to finish the job looks like and it did not look like how he fought jin)
Anyway jin accepted himself and the devil gene and his mishima heritage, in a perfect world I wouldve had him try to "extand a hand" to his father bc if he (and everyone else) could forgive himself for all the stuff he did, then surely he could do the same for his dad who is LITERALLY the same as him... but I understand why they didnt bc neither of them are there yet (i mean jin just forgave himself and kaz 100% had no intention of self-reflecting or god forbid changing his ways)
So if jin keeps hating kaz on a quote unquote "personal" it would be EXTREMELY hypocritical of him so I hope he just views his father more neutrally now, esp if he just has to stop him from trying some new world domination shit. And as for kaz, well we know the man values power and i think being beaten but NOT killed afterward would be new to him (not counting t4, it doesnt count when its heihachi doing it, even if he took kaz to jin, he 100% had bad plans in mind for both of them) so I think he should at least CONSIDER jin now.
and idk, even if the dynamic now is "only I can defeat my dad/my son" theres still SOME protectiveness in there yknow?
anyway all of that to say tl;dr theyre in the perfect headspace to get a beer right now
my ultimate tekken guilty pleasure™️ is wanting to see more instances of kazuya and jin just. getting along
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heretherebegaydragons · 2 years ago
A brainstorm for a fic I’m not gonna write so feel free to steal 
- Hob travelling around the world, doing different jobs and stuff but always leaving the story of his Stranger in his wake
- It would need a callback to his time in the publishing industry and an explanation of how many soldiers have hearts of poets or something like that
- Or how his Stranger brings it out in him
- No matter how it’s justified I need him to wax poetic about Dream a whole bunch
- Maybe a 5+1?
- Five times Hob told a story of his Stranger and one time The Stranger told it himself?
- Implying that Dream, so endeared by Hob’s dedication, tells him of himself much earlier
- I think I’d do a shifting POV, that’s always fun
- So like, we’ve got Hob travelling the world and telling anyone who’ll listen about a creature fair as moonlight and dewdrops, his skin the white paper on which a secret was never written, his hair the black ink of spilled dreams
- Telling them of a man as beautiful as a mystery, soft as a kiss and sharp as a secret, deeper than the ocean yet contained in so frail a frame
- Trying to convey the walking contradiction through tales he isn’t quite sure if he comes up with or if they’re dreams, but which always reinforces how beautiful he finds Dream
- The people he tells them to will on occasion make a comment that implies he’s not being subtle about his feelings for this “totally hypothetical” man
- Sometimes he accompanies his stories with music
- At least once he tells it to someone who’s falling asleep, and Dream gets a glimpse of himself in their dream, though slightly different
- Because while Hob is gallivanting around being obvious about his crush and also making himself sort of a priest or something, Dream is Very Aware and also Rather Conflicted
- Like, how do you react to the human you’ve built up a weird fondness for spreading the story of you like this?
- Is it a good thing?
- Is it bad enough to warrant calling your sister for help?
- What does it say about you that you keep listening?
- He’s always watching the dreams of the people Hob speak to, finds them easily by his own likeness
- He’s always slightly different in those, filtered through the mind of whoever Hob spoke to, but it is most definitely him
- Que marveling about being known and perceived, and how Hob sees him so wonderful
- It could take place over a century or so, and then the 1889 meeting could go differently?
- Because I think it would take quite a lot for Dream of the Repression to show up unannounced
-Like normally it wouldn’t be a big thing to him but now he’s got Feelings and he isn’t sure he wants Hob aware of them
- There’s a lot of Lucienne Therapy
- I suppose Matthew isn’t there yet, but perhaps Jessamy?
- Idk
- Lucienne, at least
- He’s gonna get his character development through Hob instead of imprisonment because I say so
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theoreticslut · 4 years ago
O’ Captain, My Captain // s.r.
steve rogers x reader
requested: no - # 2/7 for my 2k writing challenge where I used all of the day’s prompts!
summary: A stealth mission gone wrong leads to some injuries and an accidental sharing of feelings. 
word count: 2.8k
warnings: mentions of fighting & injuries, very slight angst if you squint, fluff
A/N: I debated posting this tonight bc I already posted a fic, but you know what? fuck it. I don’t want to wait forever to post this bc I like it. I’m pretty sure this si the first marvel fic I’m posting?? I know I’ve got some that I’ve started before this one, but I don’t think I’ve posted any yet?? Idk. I hope you like this!! Xx
“Would you be quiet?” You huff, shaking your head at the blonde man walking beside you.
For someone who has supposedly done stealth missions before, you’re questioning how he ever managed. You swear that since you step foot in the base, he hasn’t stopped talking. Honestly you’re not sure how you haven’t been found out or caught yet.
“At this point, if we get caught, I’m blaming you.”
“We won’t get caught, y/n. Settle down.” Steve huffs, rolling his eyes in mock annoyance.
As soon as the words leave his lips, you hear a loud clang from somewhere behind you, although it could be in front of you as the hallway you’re currently in is awful echoey. 
Senses heightened, you find yourselves surveying the entirety of the hallway before even considering moving.
“Won’t get caught, huh? Say that again and I’ll try to believe you.” 
“Just stay alert. I’m not going to let you get caught, but that doesn’t mean anything if you don’t make it out of here.”
“Got it. Stay alive.” You quip, not able to keep your sarcasm at bay.
“Cap!” You shout as one of the bad guys sneak up on his backside.
You had managed to get through the hall, and even all the way to the basement laboratory before the two of you encountered hydra goons. 
It would have been fine, if you had paid attention when they first attacked you. Instead, you twisted your ankle and fell backwards when trying to dodge their advances because you hadn’t paid attention to the layout of the room. This meant that Steve had to help you up before helping himself, leaving him open to attack.
“Got it. Are you good?” He checks, glancing back at you as you get your footing, your ankle already screaming at you.
“Yep. I’ve got it. Let’s take care of them.” You reassure, ignoring the pain in your ankle as you ready yourself for combat.
Dodging an attack from some short, dark-haired hydra agent, you sweep your leg out to trip him, pinning him to the ground with a few simple jabs at certain pressure points.
You catch sight of Steve fighting off a handful of agents himself, but before you can even think of helping out you’re being cornered by two new agents.
It doesn’t take you too long to take them down, but as soon as they're taken care of there’s more advancing. 
You honestly can’t tell how long you’ve been fighting now. It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long, but time passes differently when you’re trying to survive.
In all honesty, you’re getting worn out, but you know that the second you let it fully take over your body will be the second you fall. That means that even though your muscles are burning and you’re hardly able to take a deep breath anymore, you keep pushing and fighting.
“Y/n, look out!” Steve shouts, spotting a stray agent getting ready to attack you.
You don’t register his words in time though as you get thrown back by the agent, hitting the wall with more force than you had expected. It’s not until he’s stalking towards you do you realize that he must have been another test subject of theirs - gaining super strength at the cost of his humanity.
You attempt to get up to fight back, but the combination of being tired and hitting the wall has your head spinning. As soon as you’re attempting to push yourself up, you’re stumbling down again and dozing off.
Coming to, the first thing you make out is the small room you’re in. You’re guessing it’s a hotel of some sort by the setup - a small table with a coffee maker, a single dresser with a TV set on top of it, and one sole full-sized bed. The second thing you notice is just how tired you still feel, along with the ache in your entire body.
You groan as you try to sit up, but as soon as you do you begin feeling lightheaded.
“Oh, you’re up. How are you feeling, y/n?” Steve asks as he comes into sight, carrying a couple bags in his hand.
“Sore...those hydra agents were relentless.” You groan, still attempting to push yourself up to a sitting position which is proving to be more difficult than it should be.
He catches you wince lightly, frowning as he sets the bags down on the table to help you.
“Let me help.” 
You sigh, nodding lightly as he carefully wraps an arm around your waist, giving you his other one to pull on.
“Thank you.” You murmur, resting your head against the wall as you shut your eyelids.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah...yeah. Just a little lightheaded.”
He nods, pursing his lips in a frown, watching you take a few breaths to steady yourself.
“You hit that wall hard, after you had already hurt your ankle. I’m sure you’re going to be sore for a few days at least.” He tries to console. He may be good at pep talks, but he’s never been all that great at comforting people.
“Just get me some ibuprofen and I’ll be fine. When are we heading back?” You question, opening your eyes enough to look at him.
“Not for a day or two at the very least. You need to heal some before I’ll even think about getting us back.”
Before you can even register or question his words he’s continuing.
“You might just have a twisted ankle and some soreness here and there, but I doubt it. You’ve got a broken ankle and a concussion at least, on top of various bruises from fighting.”
“And how are you so sure?”
“I’ve seen broken bones and concussions on the battlefield enough times before to have a pretty good idea that you’ve got the same.” He deadpans, but cracks a smirk nevertheless when you roll your eyes.
“Alright Rogers, whatever you say.” 
“I’m really hoping those bags you were carrying contain food. I know for sure that I could eat.” You blatantly hint, drawing a chuckle from the blonde man.
You can’t stop the yawn that wants to escape your body. It’s been hours now since you woke up to Steve returning, and you are thoroughly exhausted.
Not that you’ve done anything to warrant such exhaustion - since he returned the two of you ate, he tended to your injuries, you both changed into lounge clothes he had picked up, and then watched some tv and chatted.
It’s certainly been nice, but it feels wrong all at the same time. Sure it’s been lovely having the entire evening to hang out with Steve, but you can’t help but feel like you should be doing something. If you’re not trying to get back to headquarters, then you should at least be trying to gather information on the hydra operations you’re trying to take down.
Instead, the two of you have just been laying around, talking and laughing. You’ve watched some rather boring tv before you found a movie that interested the both of you. You can't lie and say it's been torture, because in all reality, it's been more like heaven. 
You never really had a chance to get to know Steve aside from missions and running the Avengers. You had obviously heard stories from some of the other members, but you didn't really know him. 
You've always found him pretty attractive, but he was older than you - even ignoring the 70 year time period that he had been frozen. That, and he was your superior in a way. You knew that you would never have a chance no matter how much you hoped for one.
That's partly why you never got to know him. Sure, you've been dying to every day since you met the man, but you figured that the best way to keep from continually falling for him was to avoid any unnecessary socializing.
“Are you tired?” Steve asks softly, catching you yawning. 
He can’t help but admit to himself that it’s rather adorable seeing you so sleepy, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“A little bit.” You admit, another yawn escaping your body as tears line your waterline.
“Get some rest then. It’s been a long day, y/n.” 
You nod lazily, carefully adjusting yourself to a more comfortable position. 
You hiss, wincing as you put just a bit too much pressure on your ankle and twisting your torso more than you should have. Immediately Steve is checking you over, trying to figure out what happened.
“What happened? Why are you wincing?” He asks, eyes bouncing all over your figure  - from your pained expression to how you're holding yourself tensely.
“I moved the wrong way.” You hiss, trying to breathe through the pain as tears brim your waterline.
“Where does it hurt?” He asks, features relaxing slightly. He had tried his best to tend to your injuries, but there’s only so much he can do here without the proper education or equipment.
“My ribs and ankle.” You sigh, gently relaxing yourself as you attempt to lay down in the bed more.
He nods, pulling the blankets back to grab ahold of your leg to prevent you from applying pressure to the ankle as you wiggle down into the mattress.
Once you’re settled, he helps you get your leg situated so you’re comfortable but the ankle won’t hurt. Then he pulls the blankets back up over your body, tucking you in with a little smile.
“Good night.” He murmurs, starting to walk away from the bed.
“Wait! Where are you going?” 
“Just to the chair over here.” He chuckles, pointing towards the piece of furniture as he watches you pout slightly.
“You’re not sleeping there, are you?”
He watches your frown deepen, wondering why you’d care. He didn’t want to spend too much on a room, which is why he just got a single. He had already planned on you taking the bed, not thinking it’d matter to you.
“No. That’s going to be so uncomfortable, Steve. You need a bed too.” You pout, watching him as he watches you, confusion plastered on his face.
“….but there’s only the one bed.”
“So? I don’t mind, and I mean, I-“ you stutter, warmth blossoming in your cheeks as he watches you with furrowed brows. 
“I don’t want to be alone.” You mumble, watching as it finally clicks in his head that you want to share the bed with him.
He mouths a little ‘oh’ before smiling and making his way back over to the bed. You watch with bated breath as he pulls the sheets back again only to crawl in beside you.
“You okay?” He asks, smiling lightly at you, taking in how beautiful you are as he does so.
“Mhm. Are you?”
“I’m perfect. Now get some sleep, y/n.” He chuckles, pulling the blankets over himself.
You whine but nod nonetheless, situating yourself the tiniest bit before you’re closing your eyes, hyper aware of just how close Steve is next to you. If you were brave, all you needed to do was wiggle back about six inches and you’d be curled up in his side. As much as you’d like to, you figure it’s probably best to keep that little bit of space, opting instead to just try to fall asleep.
Steve groans lightly as something hits him in his sleep. Rubbing his eyes he looks around, frowning when he doesn’t find anything out of the ordinary.
He finds that he fell asleep to the tv playing, some irrelevant sitcom playing on the screen. Sighing lightly he goes to find the remote, finding that he can’t move.
Looking down, he can’t help the groggy smile that fills his face. Somehow in your sleep you had turned onto your other side from which you fell asleep on, entangling your legs with his while your arm was thrown over his stomach in a hug. He could feel his heart swell as he admired your sleeping form. 
There was no denying that you were attractive. He himself had been attracted to you since you first joined the Avengers. The sole reason he never made any moves was because he could tell you were trying to keep your distance from him. It hurt, but it’s not like it was the end of the world. He figured that you had your reasons for staying away and he wasn’t going to push it.
Now that your body is practically on top of him, though, he can’t help but wonder what the exact reason is for you keeping your distance. He’s tired of it in all honesty. He thought that maybe he could get over his little crush if you were going to stay distant, but his feelings have only grown tenfold.
He can’t walk into any common area of the compound without wondering if you’d be there or if you’d walk in. He’s constantly wondering if you’re thinking the same things of him. He’s always watching you whenever you’re in sight - including during battle, which isn’t the best thing to be doing, but he can’t help it.
“I’m going to take care of you, I promise.” He murmurs, going to press a kiss into your hairline.
“We’re going to get your ankle all fixed up and then I’ll make sure your concussion is getting better. I promised you that you wouldn’t get captured, and I’m promising you now that you’ll heal up just fine.” 
As he talks, he mindlessly plays with the ends of your hair, gently waking you in the process.
“I’ve never broken a promise to you before, and I’m not planning to now. I care for you too much to ever think about hurting you. God it killed me when you passed out. There were still so many hydra agents and I-I just couldn’t let them hurt you. I think I blacked out myself, honestly” he rambles, chuckling lightly, not noticing that your breaths are deeper against his chest.
“I remember watching you pass out and worrying that they’d hurt you while you were out, and then, I don’t know. It’s like I woke up and all the hydra agents were taken care of.”
“All I knew was I had to make sure you were safe. We may not be close, but god do I wish we were. I get that you have your reasons for wanting to keep your distance, but I can’t keep pretending that I don’t have feelings for you. I just wish I could say that to you awake…”
You can feel him sigh, and you can tell he’s frowning without even looking at his face. You can’t help but smile lightly, a small blush covering your cheeks as you bury your head into his chest slightly.
“You’re awake, aren’t you?” He mumbled after a moment.
You nod lightly, gently lifting your head to look at him as he chuckles and shakes his head, his hand rubbing at his temples.
“I have feelings for you too, Steve. That’s why I put distance between us. I-I didn’t think I had a chance….” You admit, looking away from him as you continue your thoughts.
“I thought that having some distance between us would help me stop falling for you.” You chuckle.
“Did it?”
“Not at all.” You laugh, blushing wildly as you look up to him to find a large smile on his face.
With a smile he leans down, capturing your lips with his in a near mind blowing kiss. Years of pining and hidden feelings are finally brought forth, and it’s more than you could have ever dreamed. You swear it felt like fireworks were going off throughout your body - your stomach twisting, your heart racing, and every nerve hyper aware of his touch.
Pulling away you can’t help but giggle, giddy off of his touch. He smiles, tucking some hair behind your ear before pressing kisses all over your face.
“I really like you, y/n.”
“I really like you too, Steve. I’m glad that you were there to make sure I was okay.” You giggle, pressing one last soft kiss to his lips before settling back into bed beside him. 
Making sure that the tv is off, Steve wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you into his body so there’s not an inch of skin without yours upon it. Of course he makes sure you’re comfortable first and that you’re not hurting anywhere. As soon as he’s sure that you’re okay, he presses another kiss to your hairline, whispering sweet words and promises to you as you drift off to sleep once again.
As he feels your breaths become shallower, he can’t help the content smile on his lips. Playing with your hair as you sleep, he drifts off for the night with you.
General - @moatsnow @yikesyikesyikes95 @onyourgoddamnleft @justfangirlingoverhere
Steve Rogers - @jackys-stuff-blog @stoopidwithtwohoes @teawiththeweasleys @kaslupin @mollysolo @lilypad-55449 @roonilwazlibswhore
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feliix · 4 years ago
like this ↠ han jisung (18+)
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↠ Jisung x Reader ↠ genre: smut, fluff, established relationship!au ↠ rating: m ↠ word count: 2.6k ↠ summary: being stuck in quarrantine with your boyfriend seems all fun and games until you’re in need of an attitude adjustment, and Jisung is sure to it give you. ↠ warnings: explicit sexual content, dom!jisung, sub!reader, dirty talk, thigh riding, praise kink, nipple play (like a lot of it too idk?), teasing, overstimulation, aftercare ↠ a/n: I don’t even know how this happened it was supposed to be a drabble but I got carried away, enjoy!
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After a long day of doing absolutely nothing, it's finally bedtime. Normally it would be nice to snuggle up next to your significant other before blissfully drifting off to sleep – but this time is different. Today was absolutely exhausting. Maybe exhausting is a bit too harsh to describe it – but Jisung was in one of those moods today that entailed him being excessively bothersome, and that’s enough to deal with on its own.
Being cooped up in your tiny shared apartment is nothing short of tiring. You love Jisung, yes, but spending every waking second with someone constantly for weeks on end is finally getting to you. This routine where you wake up together, go to virtual work next to each other, eat together, and then go to bed together is getting old real fast.
Today in particular drove you over the edge. The longer the day went on, the worse his antics became. His teasing ways only grew more and more irritating; it was to the point where Jisung kept doing things for the mere sake of pissing you off. It’s become his only source of entertainment in your tiny space. He kept saying or doing things that bothered you just enough to warrant a dirty look from you, but nothing was ever enough for you to stay angry over. But that only lasted so long. Jisung is nothing light of an instigator; being cooped up in your apartment together for days on end only makes it worse.
And once you crawled into bed tonight you were sure that these instigating antics of his would fade away, but there must’ve been something in the air tonight.
Now he’s cuddled up against your back, which would have been nice on any normal occasion. Except for this time his slender fingers are terrorizing your sides by jabbing you between the ribs every now and again.
“Knock it off,” you huff, swatting your hand back at him to stop. Yet, he remains pressed up against your back, squeezing you tighter his arms. Because of your positioning, you’re unable to see the amused look that's currently spreading across his face. Your annoyance only entices him to do it again, seeing how far he could get before you snap.
“Knock what off?”
You can practically hear the smile in his voice, which only annoyed you further that he’s finding amusement in your misery.
“Stop poking me,” you sigh as you do your best to wiggle out of his grip. Sleeping on the opposite side of the bed from Jisung is never as comfortable, but at this point you were desperate. Thank god you have a king-sized mattress.
“Y/N,” he whines as a pout forms on his face at the loss of contact, “I just wanna cuddle.”
But soon his arms are stretching back out and his top leg is wrapping over your body, pulling you back into him. An annoyed sigh leaves your lips as you surrender.
Trapped between all four of his limbs, you let out a forced sigh, biting your tongue to stop yourself from lashing out. You’d already gone through the entire day without an argument – there’s no use in starting one now. After living together this long he can tell the intentions behind the sounds of your breath, and now he was feeling kind of bad for bothering you. This sigh in particular was filled with annoyance, so much so that you weren’t able to respond to him with a coherent thought.
He does his best to make it up to you, kissing the nape of your neck sweetly before nuzzling into your back again. You notice the grip of his legs loosening around you, slowly allowing yourself to get comfortable again.
“I just miss you, Y/N.”
“We’re together all the time, Jisung.”
“That’s not what I mean,” he says matter-of-factly. Without a spare breath, his lips begin trailing up your neck, leading to your cheek and then landing on your ear before whispering, “I miss you.”
The low, gravelly tone in his voice makes a knot tighten in your stomach. Your mouth waters as your core begins to ache, understanding the intentions behind his words. “Y-you do?” You swallow thickly, eyes opening to stare at the wall in front of you as you wait for his next move.
“Mmhm,” He asks while his fingers begin to graze against the bottom of your shirt, tracing small circles on the material before pushing it aside and sliding his hand underneath. Goosebumps quickly cover your skin at the cold sensation of his fingertips meeting your stomach. His small ministrations against your smooth skin have you chasing after your own breath; more and more arousal begins to flood between your thighs by the second, “Do you miss me?”
“Y-yes,” you gulp back harshly, voice hanging on for dear life when his fingers make their way up to your torso, landing on one of your nipples. A satisfied hum leaves his lips as he squeezes the hardened bud between his fingers. You keen at his touch, your body quickly spasming as the pool of arousal between your thighs grows.
“I don’t like the attitude you’ve been giving me lately,” he whispers in your ear causing a shiver to travel your spine at the feeling of his hot breath fanning onto your cheek.
“I-I haven’t.”
You’re being honest, or so you believe in your own perspective. But Jisung has noticed how short your fuse has been ever since you’d started working from home. So, in Jisung nature, he retaliates in the only way he knows how; to be as big of an instigator as humanly possible. Anything he could do to push your buttons, he will do. That’s always been his way of getting back at you for your bad attitude. Unfortunately, you just kept on like normal, thinking it’s nothing but all the time you’ve spent together. Man, are you dead wrong.
“I don’t think so,” he pinches your nipple harder this time. Instinctively, your back arches in pleasure in reaction to his tough, flinching, and then relaxing as he soothes the area afterward.
“You don’t?”
“Nope,” he confirms, quickly grabbing you by the waist to flip you over. It catches you off guard, losing your breath in the heat of the moment as your back meets the mattress. Your eyes meet his as he hovers above you, and it doesn’t take very long for you to notice the dark and lustful look that’s taken over.
In an instant your lips chase after his, begging for more contact as desire fills your veins. His lips meet yours in a heated kiss; his tongue quickly darts out to tease the entrance of your mouth. But just this isn't enough for you, you want more – need more. It's hard to ignore the arousal soaking through your underwear, all you want is to satisfy your needs. No matter what you have to do to make things up to him.
Swiftly, his hands loop under the sides of your panties, ripping them off of your body by tearing them straight down the middle and tossing them across the bedroom. Your immediate reaction is to scold him for ruining a completely good pair of underwear – but once you see the dark look in his eyes you know that's no longer a good idea.
When his fingers reach for your cunt a smug smile spreads across his face. He’s pleased with how aroused you are already, just from him teasing your nipples for a few short minutes. “You wanna make it up to me?” His eyebrow quirks pompously following his question.
Slowly, Jisung shifts up on the bed, propping himself up against the headboard to sit upright. You give him a confused look before he responds by patting his thigh, telling you to hop on.
Eyes widening in response to his action you instinctively shuffle towards him on the bed, bringing yourself up to your knees before staring directly at his hand over his thigh. You glace up at him once more, reassessing the situation to get another non-verbal confirmation of what exactly he wants.
With an encouraging nod of his head and lift to his brow, he’s motioning to his thigh again – except this time is different. His slender fingers grip around the fabric of his shorts, dragging them slowly upwards to expose the muscle underneath. Jisung’s hand remains on his leg, squeezing his muscular thigh to entice you as your mouth waters in amazement.
“I’m getting impatient,” his stern tone breaks you out of the trance you’re in. Shaking your head you return back to your current state, realizing how tight you’re squeezing your legs together right now.
Without making Jisung wait any longer, you scoot closer to him, slowly moving onto him by enclosing each of your legs on either side of his thigh. You sink down onto him gently, the feeling of his bare skin under you already sending another rush of arousal to your core.
Your eyes lock with his before you make any more movements, waiting for him to give you the cue to go, even though you have such a strong urge to start going. His pupils are blown out and dark, filled with desire as he admires your vulnerable state before him.
With one swift movement, his hands grip the sides of your waist, looking up into your eyes to watch your every reaction. You let him take control of you as he begins to guide your actions, shifting you forward ever so slightly on his muscular thigh. Instantly you shudder at the feeling; the sensation is foreign, unlike anything you’d done before. But you’re focused on obeying him – now that your head is buzzing with lust you’re too
“Like this,” he coaxes you as he sways your body back and forth a few times, hands still tight on your hips. The arousal pooling from your core makes it easy for you to glide back and forth on him. Your breath catches as your clit drifts over his muscular thigh, quickly stammering to hold yourself up by placing your hands on his shoulders.
“Feels good?”
An amused look is prevalent on Jisung’s face, eyes narrowed while a cocky grin lines his lips. You’re quick to respond with a nod, not trusting your voice as you’re still out of breath and shaky. Jisung takes this as an opportunity to ease up on the grip his hands have on you; he’s signaling for you to do it on your own now. For more support you move your hands to his chest, flattening your palms against him to give yourself an easier way to move.
Your legs buckle the second you begin grinding yourself on his thigh. A moan escapes your lips as your arousal coats his thigh, clenching tighter to get more friction to satisfy you. “Like this?” You’re able to choke out while your pace picks up. You’ve begun rocking forward slightly to give extra stimulation to your clit, pushing yourself closer to his chest each time. But with you shoving your chest so close to his face, he can’t help but reach out and knead them over your t-shirt.
Jisung’s hands quickly scramble to the bottom of the shirt, lifting it off your body in one swift motion. He’s careful not to disrupt you in the process. Once the garment is removed and flung somewhere to the side he reaches back out for you, his palms finding your bare breasts. He cups them gently, swirling his fingers so that his thumbs circles your nipples with every stroke.
Your head rolls back with the added pleasure, orgasm building faster with each rock of your hips. Goosebumps trail close behind as his hands travel down your body, finally settling on your hips. Your eyes screw shut in bliss as he flexes his thigh, the ridges formed by his muscles adding the needed friction under you.
The surface of his thigh becomes even more slippery as you continue to ride him – it’s your essence that's covering every inch. The slick surface makes it easier for you to move against him; pleasure overtaking your senses as you grind harder into his tensed muscles.
“Doing so well for me Angel,” his voice is raspy, yet comforting. His praise has you keening into him, only wanting to move faster to hear him compliment you more. As you open your mouth to speak a desperate whine escapes. It’s not what you intended to do but Jisung is still satisfied, smirking at your needy squeal as you get yourself off on his leg.
Your eyes slam shut as you try to focus on your movements. The growing ache in your knees is slowly beginning to tire you out, but you can’t stop now. You’re so close.
“I’m so tired,” you whine, frustration laced through each word you exhale deeply. Your movements begin to slow in fatigue; It feels like you’ve been at this forever. Whatever you’re doing just isn’t enough to reach your peak.
Hot tears prick in the corners of your eyes as you feel your high starting to slip away. You’ve already worked hard enough, building up a sweat and painful throb in your core begging for release. But Jisung can see the agony written all over your face, and he knows you well enough by now to leave you to suffer alone.
“Hey it’s okay, just a little longer baby,” he comforts you as grip on your waist tightens once again, “you’re doing so good.”  Following his praise he begins to guide your movements once again, rocking you back and forth on his leg with the strength of his arms. Relief sets in as Jisung takes control, finally easing up your stress and allowing yourself to focus on your high.
He coerces your body over his toned muscles, your clit catching on every crease with each glide of your hips. And if his help wasn't enough, his body soon begins to lean forwards, pulling you towards him as his lips catch you in a heated kiss.
A steep groan leaves your lips as his teeth catch your bottom lip between them. Soon his lips are leaving yours, trailing kisses across your cheek and down your neck. You know where he’s heading – the extra sensitive spot just above your collarbone he knows all too well.
Jisung’s lips attach to your skin, sucking harshly on the area before stroking his tongue over the sensitive skin. The familiar band in your stomach is tightening once again, begging to snap with just a little more stimulation. It’s hard to catch your breath now; the overstimulation from the rock of your hips and his mouth sucking dark marks onto your neck is enough to send you over the edge.
Your body collapses as a sharp moan leaves your throat. Bliss overtakes you as your body falls into Jisung, his arms wrapping around you to hold you close. Your orgasm overtakes all of your senses as you impulsively shake with each spasm of your wall. Luckily Jisung is there to aid you through your high. His toned arms hold your tired body while you recover, peppering gentle kisses along your cheek while whispering praises in your ear.
As your shaking begins to subside Jisung helps you maneuver off of his leg. He’s gentle to lay you down beside him – moving the pillow so it supports your head just right. You’re in bliss as his arms cradle your exhausted body, feeling like you could fall asleep right here. The subtle sounds of his breath comfort you, closing your eyes as you relax back into his arms.
Maybe you’ll think twice before giving him an attitude again.
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‘Like This’ is copyright 2020 @chaangbin​​, all rights reserved. Please do not repost on any platform or translate without permission.
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acciofanfics · 5 years ago
Tormented (Sirius Black x Reader) Part 4 SMUT
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Summary: (Y/N) leaves home right out of Hogwarts due to circumstances Sirius could definitely relate to. When he opens his home to her, things don’t go exactly as planned.
Pairing: Post Azkaban Sirius Black x FemReader
Warnings: SMUT, a little bit rough? Idk if there’s enough to warrant another warning. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it). Language!
Word Count: 1261
A/N: It’s finally smutty! 😂 God, I love Sirius so much... and I can only hope I did him justice. Do we end this here or keep putting him in challenging situations? 😂 -S
“You have something that belongs to me.” (Y/N) shot the man a wink as soon as she knew the two were once again alone.
“That was cheeky.” Sirius scolded with a smirk. There was no hiding the amusement on his face, not that he had really been trying. There was no one around now, no reason to keep his hands or desire to himself.
(Y/N) found herself practically throwing herself into his arms. It was a bit more graceful, but no less forward. She looked up at him and batted her eyelashes, “Oh no... am I in trouble?”
Sirius probably could’ve come up with something else to tease her with, but it seemed like just as much of a punishment to him at this point. Not to mention there would be other ways to exact revenge later...
(Y/N) knew what was coming, but to be honest she wasn’t one hundred percent prepared for it. When Sirius kissed her, she felt as if she was going to float right off of the ground and into the starry night sky. If he’d really been out of practice for so long he showed no diminishment in skill and she did her best to keep up with him.
If it hadn’t been for the unfortunate necessity of air, Sirius wasn’t sure he’d ever pull away. He left her breathless and dazed, and honestly he found it rather attractive the effect he had on the young woman. After taking a deep breath he went back in, his lips capturing the skin on her neck again and continued what he’d started in the kitchen earlier. This go around however he no longer felt it necessary to limit the marks he left on her skin to places that would be cover by clothing. No, if she wanted to be punished so bad then all of her was fair game in Sirius’ eyes.
“Is this what you were hoping for when you were teasing me earlier?” Sirius growled against her skin and when she went to speak he just bit down on the flesh causing whatever words she would’ve come up with to turn into a low moan. “Or were you hoping that I’d drag you upstairs to bed and fuck you like you’ve been practically begging me to?”
“Mmhmm. Take me to bed please.” (Y/N) pleaded and pouted when he pulled away and crossed his arms.
“I’m sorry, love. Only good girls get rewarded. You, however, have been a bad girl... do you know what bad girls get?”
(Y/N) shook her head meekly, suddenly shy.
“They get fucked on the living room floor like sluts.” Sirius couldn’t keep the grin off of his face when he saw her shudder at his words. “Be a good girl now and take off those clothes for me.”
(Y/N)’s body was acting on pure instinct and she eagerly obliged his request. She wasn’t unfamiliar with sex, this wasn’t her first go around, but THIS was something completely new. She’d never had someone who knew exactly what to say to get her heart pounding out of her chest and her legs shaking with excitement. She felt like her entire body was on fire as he watched her peel off her clothes (minus a pair of underwear she happened to already be missing).
If Sirius had more patience he probably could’ve sat back and watched a bit more. He was definitely enjoying the view, but patience was a virtue that he rarely possessed. Sirius shrugged off his coat, but couldn’t find himself caring enough to rid himself of anymore of his own clothes before he found himself being pulled back in by some magnetic force that had to be in play. (Y/N) didn’t care one bit about what it was, she was just happy that he was touching her again.
His hands roamed her body which was now completely exposed to him, and she practically melted into his touch. She couldn’t help but be so in tune with what was going on, even with her head feeling dizzy (but not in a bad way, it was more the type that happened after a few glasses of fire whiskey). The callouses on his hands was quite a different sensation on her body and it sent her into a frenzy.
She might’ve been embarrassed after the fact, but in the moment she had no shame. Moaning and whimpering into his kisses whenever his fingers brushed against her breasts or when his other hands traveled further south leaving a trail of goosebumps along it’s path. Sirius wanted to take his time, turn her into a puddle in his hands, but he was struggling himself. So when her moans turned into a desperate plea he gave it with little to no hesitation. “Get on your hands and knees.”
(Y/N) sank to the floor immediately, and a mixture of pure excitement and need coursed through her veins when she heard him behind her unbuckling his pants. Once Sirius’ erection was free, he began to rub the tip across her slit, partially for lubrication and partly to continue to tease her.
“Sirius...” The woman whined and he didn’t think twice about giving her what she wanted. A string of curses mixed with a low moan escaped both of their mouths as Sirius sheathed himself inside of the woman.
Merlin, Sirius was amazed and slightly disgusted with his long he’d been playing this game with (Y/N). If he’d been able to remember how amazing it would feel to be buried deep within her, he doubted he would’ve been able to hold out as long as he did. Truthfully he wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to keep this up.
Sirius began thrusting into her, and he was completely intoxicated by the feel of her and the sounds she made intertwined with the sound of his skin slapping against hers. He reached behind her and grabbed a handful of her hair, he hadn’t really planned on pulling, more as using it as leverage to keep her up straight, and he had briefly been worried about being too rough with her. But whoever she let out a pleased gasp, Sirius knew his worry could be put to ease. Using his other hand he reached around and began to work on unraveling her.
(Y/N) found it increasingly difficult not to loose her mind and when he started to rub her clit too she just didn’t know if the task was possibly. It was a relief to Sirius how little time it took to have her convulsing in his arms. He could tell that she’d succumbed to her orgasm and feeling her ride it out on his cock brought his closer to his own. His thrusts became a little tougher and a bit more sporadic, and he left his grip on her hair so that he could grab her hips. The action steadied him enough that he could continue pumping into her until he could no longer contain himself.
The dog in (Y/N)’s mind slowly started to clear whenever she heard a loud grunt and felt Sirius’ hips start to still. Sirius took a moment, then shrugged his trousers back up. (Y/N) didn’t take the same initiative to redress herself, instead she just collapsed with a chuckle, “I’m not moving until tomorrow.”
Sirius laughed, and scooped the woman into his arms. He could hardly justify leaving her in the floor after all that, not that he would’ve regardless. “So dramatic.” He teased.
“Have I been a good enough girl for you to take me to bed now?”
Taglist: @iamabeautifulperson18 @acciovisio @rexorangecouny @kissyourdemons @santavhoney @thoseofgreatambition
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elizabeatrice · 5 years ago
Episode 12 - The Little Mermaid
Let’s Talk About JSHK Anime #3
Warning: Manga spoilers for The Little Mermaid arc, The Clock Keeper arc, and chapter 64!!! (just a bit, skip point no. 5, 6, and 10 if you don’t want to get spoiled) Also … this ended up way longer than I intended.
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Well that was one heck of a feels trip. It’s probably my new favorite episode, just because everyone is here being wholesome lmao.
This is mostly hananene meta I ain’t even gonna lie.
Before we begin, shout out to Black Canyon, our newest anime cutie pie. Just look at him, folks. Just chilling with his sunflower seed.
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He has no idea the kind of life his owner leads.
I said before that the best part of episode 12 is how it made Daydream worse, so now I’m gonna ramble about it.
“Maybe different species can’t understand each other after all.”
“Maybe it would be better if I were an apparition too.”
This is my favorite part of the episode. And no, not in the sense that I want Nene to die just so that she and Hanako can be together. But because of how Lerche actually explored deeper what was said only once in the manga.
Well, both in the manga and anime Nene ended up accepting the mermaid’s blood because of her desire to be popular, but the anime decided to revisit what she said earlier in the episode.
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Not only did that make her decision kinda less selfish, it’s also just … sad. Thinking that your friend, someone you really cared about, doesn’t trust you enough to tell you things about themselves, to the point where you’re willing to go to such lengths as turning into an apparition just to understand them.
And if you think about it, isn’t this part of her true wish? To have her feelings be reciprocated? Man I just realized that as I wrote this and I am mindblown.
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She thought she finally got her wish with Hanako. I mean, he said it himself in the first ep (”You wanted someone, anyone, to return your feelings, right? And as far as you’re concerned, sharing a bond with someone is the same thing, right?”). So it must’ve hit her really hard when she thought he didn’t trust her. Especially with all the wrong ideas the fishes were feeding her mind.
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Then we got this little flashback. At first I was like, “Girl, you really be thinking that he doesn’t care about you while recalling the moment he apologized to you and hugged you? Are you insane?”
But after some thinking of my own, it occurred to me. Maybe she was too used to having her feelings not reciprocated, she couldn’t believe it when someone finally did. Not to mention Hanako did kinda trick her with his fake confession a while back (heh, he’s not the only one with trust issues, eh?). And that just made the entire thing even sadder.
So when Nene said, “But I thought, if I were an apparition like you, I could get closer to you. Then, maybe I’d be able to understand you, Hanako-kun. Although I know I probably don’t mean anything to you.”
That was a harsh wake up call for Hanako.
(Btw even more full circle, Hanako brought up Nene’s wish to become human again in the first episode. Nice.)
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So. We got one daikon girl who’s afraid of not having her feelings reciprocated, and one ghost boy who’s afraid that daikon girl wouldn’t be his friend anymore if she knew about his past.
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While in actuality, said daikon girl already decided she wanted to and would be his friend no matter what, and ghost boy had grown to care about her more than he thought he would.
He heard what she said to Tsuchigomori. He knew all about regret, too.  I mean, honestly, I think if she had said no, he’d let her walk away right then and there, no questions asked. But she didn’t.
Nene’s wish finally came true here. And the best part? It wasn’t the work of magic or curses. Just Hanako finally shoving his fear aside, offering himself as he was, and letting her decide.
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And she still chose to be with him.
Heh. Lemme just. Sob for a bit.
Is my hananene trash brain reading too much into this? Idk. Maybe.
So props to the production team for managing to add even more weight to this arc. Which, they had to, since it’s the season finale and all. But I love what they did!
Onto my commentaries!
1. The KouNene
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Good shit. She was worried about him but he didn’t want her to worry so he just smiled it off? These two are precious. Thought they were gonna interact. Sadly not. Buuuut! (see point 12)
2. Hanako’s classroom visit
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He. Is. So. Adorable. Someone please take his babey license away he’s too dangerous.
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Hanako’s classroom visit is like my absolute favorite clingy Hanako moment, so I’m really happy I get to see it this season. Ugh. My kokoro. Hugging her from behind, that semi confession vibe … Smooth mf.
The Mokke brushing Nene’s hair!!! The radish hairdo tho lmao.
On a sidenote, as a history nerd I appreciate that they’re actually putting lessons in the background. And the teacher talked about Apollo 11 again??? While my boy was in the room? That ish both hurt and pleased me.
3. The Clock Keeper rumor drop
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Heeeeeehhhhh? What’s thiiiiiissss?
4. This freaking thing
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*flips table* Darn production team been knew I’m hananene trash how dare they do this to me.
And lookie here there’s Kodama chilling.
5. Fishies! (!!!manga spoiler for The Little Mermaid arc!!!)
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Pufferfish didn’t die. Well, good for him. Also I can’t believe they just call the other fish ‘yeah yeah’ lmao what the freak. Has it always been like that in the manga?
6. AOI AND AKANE (!!!spoilers for chapter 64!!!)
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I swear I did not intend this numbering coincidence.
*claps* Boi. Nene asking Aoi about cutting ties with someone she’s interested in? And then Akane just swooped in and say he’d rather cut his head off than cut ties with Aoi? What about getting impaled, huh, boy? Would that do?
The not-so-subtle call out to these two pairs’ parallel? BOI.
7. Nene and Yako
These two just chilling together having girl talk, and Yako let Nene pet her? That’s some adorable shit right there. Admit it Yako you like her.
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Yako also be really hitting home with what she said. It was extra heavy coming from her, considering what happened to her and Misaki. Boiiiiii.
8. Tsuchigomori
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Oh my God, his laughter. Just … oh my God.
Tsuchigomori in dad mode is always one of the highlights of the episode/chapter.
By the way, in this scene according to the sub, Nene asked Tsuchigomori who Tsukasa is. But she knew who he is already. Is it possible that the sub misinterpreted it? ‘Cause I think what she actually meant was, “What happened to him and Tsukasa-kun in the past?”
If someone who speaks Japanese could share their wisdom, please do!
9. The 5 pm bell and twilight
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Look how pretty they are!!!
Lo and behold, another important hananene interaction while the 5 pm bell plays in the background. Also, twilight? Y’all giving me Kimi no Na wa flashbacks.
“Twilight, when it’s neither day or night. When the world blurs and one might encounter something not human.”
Huh … kinda fits the ‘boundary’ concept but it still hurt.
Anyway they still had Hanako tell her what she already knew. And I did say in my ‘Walking Blind’ post that it’d be redundant. But since the episode kinda emphasized Nene’s desire to understand Hanako, having him actually tell her himself, even though she already knew it, was a big deal. It’s not about what she knows, it’s about him opening up to her. So I’m super cool with it.
10. The Broadcasting Club (!!!spoilers for The Clock Keeper arc!!!)
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I love how Natsuhiko and Sakura are actually decent people. When he told Mitsuba that he was free to choose to stay with them or not? That’s solid, man. Though, of course, Tsukasa might not be as kind.
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Speaking of, I know it couldn’t be anything else, but I’m still not sure if Tsukasa’s drawing was confirmation for season 2. Don’t wanna get my hopes up. Imma just enjoy what I currently have.
Kinda curious, though. Because Clock Keeper wasn’t Tsukasa’s doing. Maybe he was the one who released Mirai? But tbh I’d prefer if it wasn’t so. Because having more cases of supernaturals going loco without it being one of Tsukasa’s games is interesting, and kinda underlines the need of The Seven Wonders to keep supernaturals in check.
11. Kodama just chilling
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12. The Adventures of Minamoto and the Summer Vegetables
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You go, Kou! I’m rooting for you oh my God you’re so precious.
And look at that ikemen smile! Him supporting Kou is just top notch sweet y’all I can’t-
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Ngl this was the biggest surprise of the episode. Teru finding out that summer vegetables = Nene? Broooooo. Interesting. I don’t think this little addition warrants any changes to their future interaction, so it should be safe. Clever replacement, too, those veggies.
It’s so sweet that Nene delivered those veggies to Kou! Just imagine the Minamoto family having veggies for dinner. Awww.
(Also, Nene wrote her name in hiragana instead of kanji. Is that a reference to how bad Kou is with kanji? Lol, so sweet)
13. The Coda!!!
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Look at him. Just look at him. Look how lovesick he is y’all I can’t-
All in all, I love this episode. Sorry for how long this post is. I’m just dealing with so many feels right now. Gaaahhhhh.
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annikasafternoonread · 4 years ago
So. That’s The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. Thoughts. I have them. This is going to be a long one, folks, so buckle in.
I guess my overall report would be... better than expected. That might sound like faint praise, but I had serious reservations coming into this book. I think a lot of people were concerned when it was first announced. And I certainly think those reactions were warranted and valid and I don’t regret them -- this book could have been a mess. 
It wasn’t. It didn’t try to rehabilitate Snow, didn’t try to make him relatable or sympathetic or misunderstood or a victim. It didn’t do any of that. Snow was a privileged, bigoted, ignorant, self-centered asshole with a superiority complex the size of a planet. Collins got that much right at least. We can see some of the forces that conspired to make him that way, but they don’t make him any less of a terrible person who did terrible things for terrible reasons.
But. That kind of character... is not the most fun to read, honestly. I don’t love spending this much time reading a book that just makes me angry. I don’t love spending this much time with a person I hate. I think I’m glad I read it, to know more what it was and to gain some interesting context about the world, but I don’t think I’d read it again. And I don’t know that I’d recommend it. If I did, it would come with some heavy caveats on there. 
So that’s my overall impression: better than expected, worth reading once and no more. On to some more specific hot takes.
So first off, Lucy Gray. I love her in a lot of ways, but she also confused me and I was a little disappointed by other aspects. She’s fun and talented and sweet, but girl what the fuck do you see in Snow he’s a shithead I mean less of a shithead to you, at least compared to the rest of the Capitol, and he did sort of save her life so like Florence Nightingale Syndrome or whatever, but ugh. Gross. I really really really wanted her to be playing him. And I’m not entirely sure she’s not.
As she says when talking about Billy Taupe being a possessive jealous asshole, flirting with people is part of the job description when you’re a performer and entertainer. It’s what she does. It’s what she’s always done. It’s what’s kept her alive for years, being charming and sweet and desirable and making people love her. And now in the Games, she’s relying on Snow to keep her alive. So the more he wants to keep her alive, the better. And if he’s in love with her, and thinks that she’s in love with him, then he’ll be very invested in keeping her alive. As Snow notes at the end, she killed quite a few people, in ways that could have been self-preservation or happenstance or mercy, but could also have been calculated as fuck. It’s hard to say.
I can’t tell you how much I hoped that she’d be cool towards him after the Games, that it would have been all for show and Snow would run back to the barracks with his tail between his legs. She didn’t, which is a big part of why I don’t think she was playing him. Her joy, her kisses, her invitations to spend time together, her song, it doesn’t seem like a lie. But on the other hand, maybe thumbing her nose at a Peacekeeper and Capitol high muckity-muck wouldn’t have been a smart move. Maybe having a Peacekeeper on your side, and someone with Capitol connections, would have been very handy. After all, he kept bringing them ice and baked goods and such. If they could keep him close, he might stand up for them if the Peacekeepers wanted to ban them (which they eventually did a few months later, so the Covey probably knew it was a possibility). He might or warn them if something bad was coming. 
The thing that swung me back to “maybe” is how fast she went from “let’s run away to the woods together and be free” to “I’m gonna sic a snake on this motherfucker.” Like, yes he deserved that, but he always deserved it. That’s a hell of a swing for a few hours. Was it just realizing he might have sold out Sejanus that swung her opinion? Was there something else instead or as well? Did that push her to make new connections, or finally tip over the pile of reservations she’d been ignoring? Maybe. But it just seems... like it might have been more than that. Like maybe she was planning to ditch him anyways, though I can’t imagine why. Idk, the theory doesn’t hold together terribly well, but neither does Lucy Gray’s infatuation with another shitty possessive abusive man. Or maybe that’s just patterns. 
The question of what happened to Lucy Gray honestly doesn’t interest me that much. I’m sure there’s plenty of speculation and opinions and headcanons about whether she returned to District 12 or escaped to the wilds or died there in the woods, but frankly I don’t care. Oh, I hope she lived, but it’s not relevant. There isn’t an answer, so I’m not terribly interested in figuring it out. 
What I do find interesting is Dean Highbottom. He’s a very ironic character, in my opinion. He tells us at the end that he thought up the Hunger Games in a class assignment “to create a punishment for one’s enemies so extreme that they would never be allowed to forget how they had wronged you.” He didn’t actually want the Hunger Games to be real or think they ever could be, and he felt terrible about even submitting the assignment (against his will). He turned to drugs when the proposal was brought forward and became real, because he was so horrified. He didn’t believe in that kind of vengeance, didn’t want to keep that hatred alive. He didn’t think that was what humanity was or should be. 
And yet. His response to Papa Snow’s betrayal in submitting an assignment about punishing innocent children for a crime they didn’t commit was to punish Snow for a crime he didn’t commit. So maybe he’s wrong about humans, or at least about himself. 
I don’t think Dr. Gaul is right about human nature being inherently evil and violent and selfish, though. Put us in the right circumstances and maybe, sure, but we don’t have to be in those circumstances. She’s so caught up in the eternal war, and obviously you can’t stop a war if you believe it’s still going. And maybe eventually if you’re not hardass there’ll be another one, but maybe there won’t! And goodness knows being hardass didn’t stop the next war! It’s impossible to say for sure that if the Capitol/all of Panem had been more fair and just and kind, the next war wouldn’t have been sooner, but it’s also impossible to say that it wouldn’t have been later, or never. That seems worth fighting for. Dr. Gaul terrifies me, obviously, but she also kind of just makes me sad. What a depressing worldview. She doesn’t see it that way, I’m sure, just sees it as a challenge and a game, but it is sad. 
The rest of my thoughts are less expansive, so let’s just bullet point them:
Propaganda works terrifyingly well. Be careful of your internalized biases and the messaging being fed to you.
The effects of pride and honour and position are wild. Snow was simultaneously crushed and elevated by them, as was Sejanus. 
Speaking of Sejanus, he deserved better. I love my son. 
The fuck was up with Clemensia? They never really resolved that. Is she actually okay? Did her skin grow back? How the hell did that happen? Could she have turned into a snake? Why was she so cutting and mean and unlike herself? Was Gaul controlling her somehow? Why did they refuse to tell her parents anything? But also how could she manage to escape from her room to sneak in on Snow? What the fuck? 
I love the full circle of a Mockingjay bringing Snow up, as Lucy Gray’s voice and fame helped him to rise and bloom, to gain Dr. Gaul’s favor and the Plinths’ money, pulling him out of his , and then a Mockingjay tearing him down, when he crossed Katniss and put her family in danger and she decided he had to die. 
This was a fucking essay, which I feel a little bad about, but I had a lot of thoughts and feelings okay? XD For anyone who actually read this whole thing, you are a saint, you deserve several cookies, I don’t have a way to give you any so here is instead a picture of my kitten using TBOSAS as a pillow.
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Have a good day! See you soon for Mockingjay Part 2.
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aswellingstorm · 4 years ago
taylor swift x catradora playlist
in honor of evermore dropping tonight (midnight, EST) i humbly present the following by album break down of songs that miss swift wrote solely for catradora
taylor swift (2006)
tied together with a smile--the struggle adora faces being the hero/put on a pedestal from her horde days to becoming she ra
invisible--catra facing jealousy over adora’s new friendships
i’m only me when i’m with you--young catradora/growing up in the horde
fearless (2008)
forever & always-- broken promise. need i say more
white horse-- catra’s resentment for adora’s hero complex
breathe-- mutual catra & adora--struggling to cope with the other choosing the opposing side
you’re not sorry--adora coming to terms w post s3 catra & having to accept her former best friend has gone too far this time
change-- post s1 victory for adora
speak now (2010)
the story of us--princess prom catradora vibes
mean--unfortunately.........could see the best friend squad singing this therapeutically & adora thinking of catra
better than revenge-- ‘stealing other peoples toys on the playground won’t make you many friends//i’m just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honey’....jealous catra really comes thru here
innocent-- feel like this could be applied to adora but more specifically catra losing herself and her innocence in this war/getting caught in the cycle of abuse shadow weaver set her in at a young age
if this were a movie-- adora’s naïve hope that catra might make the right choice one day
haunted-- ‘all this time you and i have walked a fragile line, never thought i’d live to see it break’, easily fits into adora leaving the horde, but def has the angsty vibes for ‘save the cat’
back to december--regret. longing. wishing u could take something back but knowing you really cant
enchanted--ok hear me out. not necessarily a ‘meet cute’ for them, but could def see this song playing at a princess prom post s5 and being a cute look for them over all.
red (2012)
treacherous--post ‘save the cat’, catra learning redemption is....something she Wants
the last time--post-portal. def reminds me of the scene where catra saves glimmer and apologizes to adora
sad beautiful tragic-- break up sadness
the lucky one--more adora becoming she ra/learning the truth of mara
i almost do--catra & adora missing each other on opposite sides of the war
come back...be here--^^
state of grace--end of/post s5
1989 (2014)
out of the woods--i mean..........those ladies entered the whispering woods in s1 on a stolen skiff and did not leave until the end of the series
all you had to do was stay-- aside from the title... “let me remind you this was what you wanted // you ended it// you were all I wanted //but not like this”. def catra yearning
i wish you would--all of the lyrics. all of them
bad blood--warrants no explanation
this love-- “when you’re young, you just run// but you always come back to what you need”......................the defense rests
clean--s4 adora accepting and coming to terms w catra’s decision
wonderland-- really captures the betrayal/hurt of s1 catradora
you are in love-- adora POV// subtle moments leading up to realizing she loves catra
new romantics--”we need love, but all we want is danger//we team up then switch sides like a record changer”
catra’s personal memoir reputation (2017)
i did something bad--a title that could (unfortunately for everyone else) summarize a large majority of catra’s decisions. the song is very justified/righteous anger/revenge. basically a ‘fuck you, i know i’m bad’ & embracing that. reminds me of her kicking sw & hordaks ass (the rebellion could never) and her just...war criming it up in the crimson waste
Look What You Made Me Do-- void!catra void!catra void!catra void!catra void!catra void!catra--
getaway car--could see this from adora’s perspective to catra solely for the whole leaving/betrayal bit. but might be more fighting for double trouble & catra’s relationship
dancing with our hands tied-- i mean...lyrically. everything. but esp ‘I'd kiss you as the lights went out//swaying as the room burned down//I'd hold you as the water rushes in//If I could dance with you again”
dress-- “i dont want you like a best friend”. period. end of sentence. 
this is why we can’t have nice things--s1 promise feels. the lack of forgiveness, the shade. u know.
lover (2019)
cruel summer-- “i scream for whatever it’s worth, i love you--ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?” the heart. the longing. the ‘i dont want to keep secrets just to keep you’
the archer-- ‘who could ever leave me, but who could stay?’ + the rest of the song is v fitting for both catra/adora
afterglow--making up, admitting wrongs--catra perspective
miss americana & the heartbreak prince--idk just the narrative of the song reminds me of them
it’s nice to have a friend--whooooh boy this post is not about glimbow but this song works equally as well for them
daylight--enjoy the healing
lover--enjoy the healing pt 2
death by a thousand cuts-- warrants 0 explanation
folklore (2020)
the 1-- definitley adora POV, reminiscing on maybe what they could have been. maybe in a world where catra never redeemed herself or they never reunited and adora watched her friends pair up/get married/build lives w each other, she might realize there is a whole in her heart. a part that’s missing and cant be explained, but she feels it every time she looks at glimmer&bow. 
cardigan-- feels like catra writing a letter to adora. reflecting on the feelings of hurt and betrayal after time has passed and the anger fades
exile -- lowkey the premise of my fic but. ‘i’m not your problem anymore/ you were my crown/ now i’m in exile seeing you out’ catra was raised to feel like she was adora’s problem to fix. she feels cast aside by her for a majority of the series etc
my tears ricochet-- “i didn't have it in myself to go with grace//and you're the hero flying around saving face//and if I'm dead to you why are you at the wake?//cursing my name, wishing I stayed//look at how my tears ricochet” tswift explained this in the doc about how no one can hurt you like your best friend turned enemy. so i think in that sense this song works from adora’s perspective--but there’s so much bitterness and anger that i feel like it fits more from catra’s POV
seven-- “love you to the moon and to saturn//passed down like folksongs//the love lasts so long” i feel like this is so young/child adora and her feelings of protectiveness over catra. their bond through trauma and abuse
august--lmaoooooo i know. ok i KNOW what the deal is. i KNOW that cardigan, august and betty are a narrative story and really there are 3 POVs--james, betty & august. but i will do with that what i please. i just see catra’s pov from this song just as much as i see it for cardigan. her losing adora/feeling like adora doesn’t want her back or will choose other ppl over her. 
this is me trying--can fit adora’s need to be everything for everyone/fear of failure--leading to burn out. also works for what i assume how catra’s redemption arc continued post s5. progress isn’t linear and this can show both of them struggling to recover from abuse
invisible string--if u strip out the imagery of taylor and her mans then sure
mad woman--i MEAN...is this not catra’s villain origin story? so often she was just poked/kicked/provoked into continuing down the dark path. not always by adora but regardless.
epiphany-- ‘with you i serve, with you i fall down’ reminding me of them both fighting/practicing/training together pre-s1 as well as them finally teaming up
betty--betty betty betty. the worst thing these two have ever done is what they did to each other. i see it more catra to adora, but it can go either way. gotta admire catra’s range for fitting into the role of betty, august + james... who else is doing it quite like her?
peace-- adora to catra. she can never not be she ra. is that enough for catra?
hoax--def more of a catra POV
evermore (2020?)
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clonesandmoans · 5 years ago
Wrecker test Jedi like Mr Incredible yeet Elastigirl
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i wanna thank both of y’all for sending these in bc they gave me the first piece of clone inspo i’ve had in weeks and i really needed that. hopefully y’all won’t mind that this is more soft than comedic, maybe the 1k word count on this bad boy will make up for it. if it’s well-received, i might extend it on my personal? idk tho. but anywho, enjoy this fluff pile -jj
neither of you really intended for your relationship to go beyond what it was, what it always had been since you were folded into the ranks of the bad batch. the first instinct was to keep the clones at arm’s length, maintaining just enough friendliness to warrant trust on the battlefield but nothing more. growing attached wasn’t going to do anyone any good if you went and died on each other, but the longer you were both alive and around the other the harder it became to stomach it.
crosshair was far easier to be around than most would usually think. his low standards for others leave plenty of room for him to be pleasantly surprised when things go alright, so the occasional happier lilt in his voice is genuine and you know it is.
wrecker, though? despite the fact he let himself be read like a holonovel, it was like attempting to read a language you didn’t know. you had no idea how to talk to someone that was so open and honest, utterly devoid of any motives other than what he tells you. it was always “this means that” and “up means down” because not many people would trust a jedi so openly with their true feelings so brazenly.
but wrecker did. the more time spent with the enthusiastic animal loving pyro had him pouring his soul out to you right on the floor of the marauder. it was getting hard to not give him something back because you feared that he gave too much that he’d soon have nothing left.
so you tried to push away everything you’d been taught since the crèche about emotions and vulnerability and started to give pieces of yourself to wrecker and the guys. it worked wonders on missions, made you even more efficient because there was never a doubt whether someone would do what they said they would, be where they said they would be.
this newfound trust — along with what had turned out to be a trap — prompted the first throwing. the five of you were surrounded and almost everyone wounded in some form or another & escaping to higher ground meant life or death. you figured the plan would be for you to use the force and move them before bringing yourself to safety, but wrecker had other ideas.
once hunter’s mapped out an escape route, wrecker snatches tech by his back plates and throws as hard as he can. you’d never seen this display of strength and are absolutely gobsmacked, but you have the sense to use the force to push him a little farther and soften the landing. he does the same for hunter and crosshair and soon it’s just you and him left.
soon he’s right beside you and starting to grab you by the modified armor you wore painted in the same slate grey as the boys, but you moved from his reach the moment you felt him come towards you.
“let me throw you! you need to get with the others!”
“no! you won’t have a way to get to us!”
“i’ve got you for that, don’t i?”
there was something in his force signature, the trust and adoration, and something you didn’t have the experience to identify rolling into you like the waves of kamino against tipoca city. it told you that he knew with every fiber of himself that you were gonna get him out of there once you were safely on the ridge.
when he goes to grab you again you shake your head, pointing to a small area of respite from the droid’s blaster fire. you’re there in seconds and you can tell he’s wondering what you’re about to do but isn’t questioning whatever you’re thinking of. your lightsaber is quickly put away as your hands reach for his, giving them a soft squeeze before moving them together. he gets the hint to lock his fingers and he realizes how exactly he’s going to launch you.
the blaster fire was now centered on your little respite and it would only be minutes before they had you on the ground before them if you didn’t get out now. “on the count of three!” he nods quickly. “one, two, THREE!”
he put most of his strength behind that launch and you felt like you were flying. you turned your body towards him, back to your destination, and wrapped the force around wrecker, bringing him into the air with you.
he didn’t struggle against the hold you had on him, seeming to take comfort in the presence instead of being worried like you imagined he’d be with his discomfort for high places. oddly enough, he seemed to enjoy it, especially after you brought him even to you with a wide grin.
later, when asked about this moment, soaring through the air with his jedi while escaping from a seppie ambush, he’ll say that the only reason he wasn’t afraid of falling was because he knew you would catch him. he could feel your presence around him the entire time and nothing in him doubted that he was safe with you.
your recounting of the events that took place on that backwater planet have you reminiscent of the way he threw you, how you felt so free when soaring towards the rendezvous. it was nothing you’d felt before, nothing you thought you’d feel again until the next inevitable launching.
but then you’re back to the marauder and he collects you into his arms, holding you there as if you would be snatched away if he didn’t barricade you between them. he sinks to his knees with you and lets everything he’s feeling right then be known — the fear of losing you to the swarm in those final moments, the elation of feeling your force presence cocooning him like a soft blanket because that meant he had succeeded in protecting you, what he now told you was love with no words to be found.
and for the first time, you open yourself up the same as he did for you. showing yourself to someone else didn’t hurt the way your master had insisted it would. to you, it felt as if you were making a home in the arms of this clone, this man, this hero. if given the choice, you swear that you’d choose those arms over any temple.
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