#idk if it's cause i'm older now or if because i was fighting in the BELLARKE TRENCHES in 2014-2017 and every press release with
jonsaslove · 3 months
Idk if this is just a me thing or what but i can seriously not remember the last time i watched or read an actor's interview about the show/movie they were on, I simply do not care to hear about their interpretation of things. I will come to my own conclusions and nothing anyone involved with the creation of the media can say will hurt me lol.
I think most people would benefit from this advice.
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storywriter007 · 17 days
hiii can i request a percy x reader fic where the get into an argument over something and you can decide if its hurt/comfort or js hurt lol
Growing Up - Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader
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author's note: thank you for allowing angst because i'm always dying to write something sad. thank you for the request!!
warnings: hurt feelings, idk it's sad that's my warning
genre: angst
word count: 1.5k
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
send me requests here! (these are my guidelines)
y/n looked at her boyfriend longingly from across the campfire. odd, wasn't it? a couple not sitting next to each-other at the campfire? but, this had become the normal in their relationship. so far, but so close at the same time.
she watched as he laughed and intently listened to the beautiful curly-haired blonde next to him. she watched as he put his arm around her, playfully, of course. she watched as they argued like an old married couple. she just watched, because for some reason, she couldn't move.
it had happened every campfire for a year now. at first it was every friday, then every other day, then it just became everyday. and every time, she stayed glued in her spot, watching them from afar through the flames.
she never understood where the distance between them had come from. they'd been best friends ever since he'd gotten to camp. y/n felt a faint smile on her lips as she recalled their younger days. the days where they caused a water-balloon fight so intense, both of them spent the whole night cleaning up their mess. they laughed and inevitably, threw more water-balloons. the days where she and percy would "sneak out" of their cabins, but really, they were just stargazing by the lake. the days where they would climb trees all day long and try to find spots to build secret hide outs. the days where they were partners in crime, attached at the hip, ready to die and kill for each-other. when they were them.
what had happened? annabeth and percy had never really gotten along; the whole camp thought they hated each-other at one point. they were always arguing and bickering. annabeth was always a little standoffish, no matter how much percy and y/n tried to befriend her. when three of them went on a quest, it was clear percy and y/n had the better chemistry. they thought as one, acted as one, and were one. y/n had always tried to include annabeth, but she was stubborn, she was young.
had they just grown up? is this what age did to people? percy was her best friend, she felt like she could tell him anything, and now, she felt like everything had changed.
lost in her thoughts, y/n didn't realize when the campfire had ended and when everyone began walking back to their cabins (or around camp). it was almost curfew.
"y/n." percy's voice called out.
"coming." she said, getting up, and joining percy as he walked annabeth back to her cabin.
to be honest, y/n felt like she was interrupting something. like she was third-wheeling. percy hugged annabeth goodnight, and that's when y/n couldn't do it anymore. she couldn't stand how he gently placed his arms around her and held her tight. she couldn't stand how they both smiled. she couldn't stand how he had lifted an inch off the ground. they said their goodbyes, and y/n said goodnight, before continuing to walk. this time, ahead of percy instead of next to him.
she felt the tears well up as she remembered the days from when they were eleven. how they stood up for one-another to older, meaner campers. how they made friendship bracelets for each-other. y/n looked down at her wrist, knowing she still wore the bracelets they made six years ago. how they would on purposely get in trouble to get kitchen duty, and then make blue food. how she desperately wanted to be a kid again.
she felt a grip on her arm, suddenly forcing her to turn around.
"why are you walking away from me?" percy asked, looking at her.
the moonlight illuminated half of his face, and shone some dim light on the other half.
"i'm tired, i want to go to bed." she said briefly.
"you always do this after the fire." he said, aggravated. "you always keep silent, walk away, and when i ask you why, you're 'tired.'"
"i'll do better." she said quietly, wanting to leave his grip so she could go back to her bed and cry.
"it's a great night, 'till i'm walking back with you." he said, through gritted teeth.
"then don't walk back with me anymore." she whispered, wondering how much he really meant that sentence. "you don't have to."
"yeah." he scoffed. "what's your problem?"
"nothing." she said, still wondering if he really was going to completely abandon her during bonfires. "nothing, i just don't want you to do something you don't want to."
"y/n!" he exclaimed, annoyance visible on his face. "you always do this, you're always ready to ruin a good night."
she looked into his sea green eyes.
"it's you." she sighed.
"what did i do?" he chuckled.
"you always sit with annabeth. every night." she admitted. "and i know she told you she felt like she had no one to sit with, but i invited her to sit with us. but you just took the first chance you got to not sit with me."
"that's not true-"
"you don't even ask me how my day went or anything. you don't even say hi to me, not a kiss, not a wave, not an eyebrow raise, nothing. you ignore me until annabeth's back at her cabin." she said, feeling everything spill out like a waterfall. "you don't care about me when she's with you. and then you wonder why i don't want to talk to you? it's because i feel like i can't. how can i? when my boyfriend is acting like someone else's husband. and the way you hug her, it's like two long-lost lovers that have reunited after four world wars-"
"what? you want me to stop sitting with her? and lose a friend, are you out of your mind?" he asked.
"this is why i can't talk to you." she said, turning away.
he pulled her back, pinning her up against the cold exterior wall of cabin three.
"yeah, well then, what do you want me to do?" he asked angrily.
"to sit with me. to talk to me. to hug me." she pleaded. "to treat me like your girlfriend, who's been your best friend for six years, instead of the next best thing."
"i never thought you to be the jealous type."
"well i am!" she confessed. "i don't get it percy, you and annabeth have never gotten along the way you and i do. i mean we were partners in crime, we did everything together. we used to get in trouble together to get chores together so we could get into more trouble. we used to make friendship bracelets for-" she paused, looking at his wrist.
the bracelets weren't there. that's when it hit her.
their friendship wasn't there.
they weren't there.
whatever had happened between the two of them was a tale of the past, because they aren't who they used to be. something had changed, because while y/n thought of him the same way, he didn't. and it was clear now. he doesn't think of her as his best friend, he thinks of her as his second best-friend. he doesn't think of her as his "partner in crime," he thinks of her as his crime. he doesn't think of her, he thinks of her. he thinks of annabeth. annabeth was now who she used to be for him.
it made sense now. all the nights she watched them from across the dancing flames. all the days she watched them sneak off to the lake or the forest. all they days he walked her back to her cabin. it made so much sense. he had grown out of y/n, and grown into annabeth.
he noticed her silence and the hurtful stare on his wrist.
"i kept mine." she said, her voice breaking as she lifted her wrist to show him. "i kept them."
"we're not who we used be." she said, a tear grazing her cheek. "you've grown out of me."
"don't be like that, you know that's not true." he said, reaching his arm out but she was quick to back away.
"my best friend for six years, my first real friend at camp, my boyfriend, my partner in crime, the one person i trust, the one person i love has moved on from me. and i don't know why."
she had to leave. she had to go before she exploded with gut-wrenching tears in front of him.
"y/n." he called out once again.
her fingers were lightly pressed on her mouth, blocking the violent sobs that were begging to be released.
"please don't follow me." she said, with the few pieces of composure she had in her. "goodbye, percy."
percy stood there, watching her as she left. she trailed into the dark woods and found a tall, beautiful tree. she climbed up to one of the medium-sized branches. they used to climb trees together all the time. they used to.
she held her hand over her mouth as she hysterically wept over the death of a companion who hadn't died.
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extasiswings · 5 months
Okay, SO! In the category of "I think it's possible that Eddie has a brain tumor/is sick in some way":
Eddie is acting weird. Eddie has been acting weird from the beginning of the season, and I know there has been discourse about "it's just that we haven't seen him so happy before" but I respectfully submit that multiple things can be true at the same time. Eddie can be happy AND it can be out of character for him to impulsively drop everything to take a helicopter ride with his new friend he met two seconds ago to see a fight in Vegas (the last time we saw Eddie be truly impulsive I'd argue was S3, buying a truck while in the midst of a serious crisis). Eddie can be happy AND it can be out of character for him to ask his girlfriend of five minutes to move in (and I recognize that we were given an explanation from Eddie in the episode, but Eddie is an unreliable narrator and his explanation also doesn't totally square with what we've seen previously - him rushing introducing her to Christopher tracks, him jumping into moving her into his house without knowing basic information about her life does not).
Then there are the Eddie-coded calls. The guy with the alien hand who is all about rigid self control and being the master of yourself - his body turning against him not because the control failed but because of a blood clot in his brain. And now the guy with encephalitis (the same condition that ultimately caused Chim to hallucinate dead people), who has amnesia and has forgotten the marriage that ended in divorce but recalls the happy time before that when his wife was just his fiancee, the guy who was experiencing chest pains that he thought was a heart attack only for Chim to say he was having a panic attack. They had Eddie be so open about his own experiences with panic attacks and coping mechanisms in 7x01 for a reason - he's genuinely doing better with his own mental health and isn't ashamed or afraid of talking about his mental health struggles. But looking at these two calls, the underlying reason for the call (alien hand, amnesiac/presumed stalker in vent) theoretically could have had mental health explanations, but instead both resulted from physical ailments in the brain. [Tangent: I also think there's something really interesting in the potential callback to S5 and the way Eddie and Maddie were sort of mirrors - Eddie with a seemingly physical problem that was caused by a mental health issue, Maddie with a seemingly mental health issue that turned out to at least in part be the result of a physical problem]
Then there is whatever they're doing with ghosts. Shannon's ghost has lingered over the narrative and was actively put on screen in 7x01. For Chim in 7x06, the ghosts were hallucinations because there was something wrong with his brain. For Bobby, I'm guessing his arc with the burn unit nurse from his past will be more of a metaphorical haunting, bringing up any number of old ghosts (but I'm also going to guess his wife will be one). For Eddie...unclear. Ryan was filming with Devin (ostensibly for 7x09 but if they're doing anything with Shanon's ghost I'd be shocked if it wasn't introduced in 7x07, "Ghost of a Second Chance"), but she didn't exactly look like Shannon. Is she supposed to be Shannon? A dream or hallucination of a different or older her? Is she a real woman who just happens to look like her? If Eddie is hallucinating, then something is clearly very wrong. If it's a random woman and he's, idk, pursuing her in some way because he's drawn to her/the fact that she looks like his dead wife, that's still another point in the "Eddie is acting weird" column (because Eddie is a bad boyfriend and wasn't the greatest husband, but what he has never been is a cheater, even when he and Shannon were separated).
And then of course there's the will of it all. The will that Buck and Eddie haven't talked about since the shooting. Now, it's no secret I love the potential of a trapped dads experience circling back to the will, but I also think there is an argument to be made for a callback to "You're the guy who likes to fix things, maybe this isn't something you can fix." Because usually, when Eddie is in danger, Buck can do something about it, take some actionable step even if a futile one - he can dig through mud, he can drag Eddie's body out of the line of fire and into an ambulance and keep him alive. And for someone who, I would guess, still thinks of himself and the will as a backup plan/contingency, who if put in a trapped dads situation may not be able to stop himself from trying to save Eddie or, if necessary, sacrificing himself to do so, because in his mind, Eddie is Christopher's dad/who Christopher needs most, it is deeply compelling to imagine what happens if Eddie is in danger from something Buck can't fix, can't fight, can't save him from. And Eddie being sick in some capacity does that.
Anyway...I just think it would be Neat.
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restinslices · 4 months
Everything pt4 (FINALE)
PJO Show Ares x Child!Reader (no gender specified)
Word count: 6772
Summary: It’s been years since you’ve spoken with your father, but with Kronos’ armies marching and the final battle approaching, you have one question on your mind. If you survived this, would it be too late to mend what was broken? Unbeknownst to you, Ares is wondering the same thing. Warnings: Spoilers for The Last Olympian (not too big though), giving Hestia a power idk if she has for the plot, angst, OOC Ares but y’all know this already
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You know what sucks more than daddy issues?
The world ending. 
Both are seriously draining but the world ending? It was a real bummer. Not only was it a bummer, but it was incredibly confusing. You expected to be actively in battle right now, not being made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich by Luke's mom. 
As shady as it sounded, you couldn't understand for the life of you how Hermes had fallen in love with her. She looked as if she had been electrocuted multiple times and the smile she wore reminded you of something you'd see in a horror movie. Looks aside, sandwiches and cookies were rotting in her house and it smelled like something had died. You couldn't see Hermes being here. 
“Ms. Castellan” you began as nicely as possible. “I'm not Luke. My friends aren't either. This is Percy, Nico and I'm Y/N. We're…” the people that want Luke dead. No. You couldn't say that. “We're friends of Luke. That's all”. She seemed to understand what you said, even if her eyes told a different story. 
“Friends… Friends? Friends with my precious boy…” you almost scoffed. “I'm so glad he has friends. I've always wanted to meet his friends”. She spoke like she was in a dream state and her eyes stayed on you, not blinking once. “You've come for a sleepover? I'd have to talk to your parents first. I need to know if you have allergies! Then your parents and I can also be friends and spend time together! I'm sure I'd like them”. 
You forced yourself to keep smiling at her, even if she unknowingly brought up something you were trying desperately not to think about. In 2007 you and your father Ares came to an agreement that it'd be best if you never saw each other again. The year was 2009 and you were still keeping up your side of the deal. You didn't burn offerings for him, you didn't go see him for that field trip, you haven't even uttered his name since then. When you heard about the gods fighting Typhon, you tried not to think about him getting hurt. 
You were the one that proposed the deal, yet you immediately regretted it. A part of you thought “good job! You're keeping your peace! Your relationship would've never gotten better anyway!”. The largest part of you kept thinking “but what if you were wrong? What if he changed?”. 
You shook your head. Curse your stupid loyalty. You could've turned Nico and Percy down, but Percy pleaded with you to come with him. The last time you become someone's adoptive older sibling… 
“Nah, you wouldn't like my dad Ms. Castellan. He's a real hardhead”. She chuckled, which looked insanely creepy because she still hadn't blinked. 
“Men tend to be. I'm sure he's still very lovely”. Yeah, if you enjoyed headaches. 
Nico took over the conversation and thankfully your familial issues were no longer a topic. Thankfully should be in quotations though, because the conversation quickly turned depressing. May Castellan spoke like she was floating and talked about her son and Hermes as if the last couple of years hadn't happened at all. In your heart, you knew that she either didn't know, or she forgot. You didn't know what happened to her and why she looked like she took a tumble in Wonderland and never escaped, but whatever happened caused her to never see reality the same. You pitied her. Poor woman. Forever making sandwiches for a boy that had grown into a man. An angel that snipped his own wings. 
Suddenly she stopped and screamed. You all jumped up and you pushed the two boys behind you. You doubted May Castellan would try to fight any of you, but you wouldn't take that chance. 
A glowing green filled her vision and she rasped “My child! Must protect him! Hermes! Help! Not my child! Not his fate! No!”. She grabbed at your shoulders and continued screaming about fates and you pushed her off. 
“Guys! Let's get out of here!” You yelled to the boys behind you. 
You were prepared to run out of there, but May collapsed and Percy ran to catch her before she could hit the floor. 
As quickly as she was screaming about fate and her eyes were glowing, it all stopped. She went back to her version of normal. 
“Normal” was a word that really sucked as a demigod because your version of normal would never be what you wanted. What you wished was normal for you was going to school, complaining about teachers, listening to music and playing video games. Your normal was fighting monsters, training, keeping the world from ending and nightmares. When other people's lives diverged from the norm, it was probably something small, like dyeing their hair a neon color. Your version of “well this doesn't always happen” was sitting across from Hestia and listening to her do that thing gods do, where they give you advice in riddles. 
The conversation was mainly on Percy, until it wasn’t anymore. Hestia looked over at you and you couldn’t help but feel small under her gaze (which was comical considering she looked like an 8 year old girl), like she was peering deep into your soul in search of something. 
In any other circumstance, you would’ve stayed silent. You didn’t have time for more mysteries right now, so you cleared your throat and said “my lady, is there something you want to say?”. 
“I just wonder…”
”Wonder? About what? Please, I wanna hear it” 
“I wonder whose side you’re on”. 
Your brows furrowed. “The gods obviously”.
”Is it obvious though?”. You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. Making an enemy out of Hestia wasn’t on your to do list.
”My lady, may I speak bluntly?”. She nodded. You really wished she didn’t choose the form of a child so you wouldn’t feel so silly. “The world is ending and there’s still so much I haven’t done. I’m stressed out, wondering if I’ll survive the battle-” if your father would care if you didn’t, “-if our efforts will be enough, how many mortals will die, if the gods survive their battle with Typhon. Please don’t add ‘not understanding a riddle’ to my stress. Whatever you’re thinking, just say it”. You could feel Nico shooting you a ‘are you crazy?’ look. How else were you supposed to say it? You thought you were being extremely kind and respectful. The alternative was “English please”.
Hestia looked you over as she thought. “I’ve heard about your conversations with your father”. Yeah sure, let’s bring that up again. Perfect!
You shifted uneasily, not wanting to talk about this anymore. Hestia either didn’t notice or didn’t care. “I wonder why you didn’t side with Kronos”.
You couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes this time. Did she truly think so little of you? “Why would I side with him?”.
”Many of the demigods on his side feel neglected. No doubt you do as well. I wonder what’s the difference between you and them” 
“Brains” you answered. “We all have parental issues. You don’t side with a guy like Kronos”
”You think little of those demigods? Think yourself above them?” 
“You know what I did when I was angry with Ares?” His name felt strange on your tongue. It’d been so long since you said his name. “I gave myself terrible bangs and wore all black. I stared outside car windows, listened to sad music and imagined myself in a music video. I wrote in a diary that said ‘do not touch or I’ll kill you!’, all in uppercase letters. I didn’t side with a crazy Titan that wants to destroy the world as we know it. Seems a bit extreme, don’t you think?”. She nodded.
“My lady I mean this with respect and love in my heart; what is the point of this conversation?”.
She poked at the fire a bit before answering. “This battle will be a hard one. Perhaps I am buying time and trying to memorize your face in case something goes wrong”. Gee, thanks for all the hope lady.
”If something goes wrong for me, I at least hope everyone else gets a happy ending”
”Your death does not frighten you?” She asked with a raised brow.
”Of course it does” you answered truthfully. “But I can’t let fear stop me from doing what I know is right. You’re the goddess of the home, so you should understand when I say I fight for my home. I don’t think home is just a place though. Home can be people. Percy, Annabeth, 
Grover, Nico…” you swallowed, “… my dad. They’re my home. I won’t let my home be hurt without a fight. I’m willing to fight, kill, and die for my home. That’s how much home means to me”.
She smiled. “Spoken like a true child of Ares”. You wish she’d just tell you why she was hassling you in simple words. “But homes can be hectic-“
”My relationship with Ares is hectic but it doesn’t matter”
”You have hope”
”Sounds more like a statement than a question” you mumbled.
You looked at the fire, not wanting to look at (what appeared to be) the child on your ass.
When looking at the flames, for whatever reason you thought of home.
Images flashed in your mind. Images of camp, of laughing campers, of you and Percy giving Sally multiple heart attacks.
Of you and Annabeth debating, you and Grover planting flowers, you and Clarisse training together.
Images of your life flashed quickly, yet it all made sense. You could see everything as if you were there again.
Then the images slowed.
You felt Ares arms as he caught you when you fell from multiple floors up in the mall.
You could smell burgers and fries in the diner and saw him sitting across from you.
You could hear the two of you arguing and your ears started to burn with rage when you suddenly felt his warm embrace. You leaned into him and sighed, feeling his beard against the top of your head. You probably looked ridiculous to everyone else in the diner, but you didn’t care. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt his warmth and you knew you never would again. 
“I love you dad” you said.
You couldn’t believe what you heard next. He said “I love you too” and he genuinely sounded like he meant it. At the time, you thought there was no possible way he could’ve been being genuine.
“He’s gotten good at lying” you thought. “That’s all. He doesn’t care. You’re making things up”.
But what if you were wrong? What if there was a chance?
”I have to have hope” you said out loud. You were too busy looking at memories in the fire and missed Hestia’s satisfied smile. 
If you were still alive by the end of the war, you knew you’d have to break your end of the agreement.
You knew you had to go home.
Everyone knew war was coming.
The hope for everyone else was that Kronos would never get strong enough to challenge the gods. Hope wasn’t something you could depend on though. You had to actually work, and apparently the gods hadn't done enough. 
All the gods, besides one, was nervous. Of course Ares was more excited than nervous, like a child in a candy store. If he had the power to control time, he’d speed this whole thing up so he could be in battle already. The anticipation was killing him.
It was so grim and depressing in Olympus. Everyone was on edge and acting as if this would be their last time seeing each other. Complete and utter bullshit. They were the 12 Olympians for fucks sake! Anyone else there was there for a reason. They’d beat Kronos and his army, then drink to their victory and hug their children.
Hug their children? 
“Stop”, he thought. “Not that shit again”.
He didn’t wanna think about children.
He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance and made his way to a nearby fireplace.
”Ares” Hestia greeted without having to look at him.
“Hestia” he greeted back and sat down next to her on the ground. “Poking at the fire again?”
“What else is there to do?”
“You could be preparing for the battle”. She made a noise of disapproval, 
“You know I'm not one for fighting. I am where home is”. He couldn't say he understood it, but whatever kept her happy. Ares wasn't fond of all the gods, but he liked Hestia. She stayed to herself and overall was friendly with everyone. She didn't blab her mouth or make jokes about him and Aphrodite being caught by Hephaestus. She was a breath of fresh air honestly. 
Hestia looked over at him and cocked her head to the side. “No” he said before she could get anything out, “don't start asking me questions about feelings and try to dissect me”. Hestia was nice and all, but she always noticed when someone was off, and even if they weren't she'd find a way to make a conversation more deep than it needed to be. 
“Ares, the battle ahead will be a difficult one. There's a possibility that you could be destroyed or that your children-”
“Don't”. His voice came out harsh and he shot her a warning look. Unfortunately for him, Hestia was never intimidated by that. 
“They can die. Do you think they're keeping their feelings bottled? I doubt it. I hear them whisper their fears around the campfire at camp. They're terrified Ares.”
“How many are terrified?”
“All of them”. 
He wished he didn't ask. He should've stayed curious. 
Hestia was right. Any of his children could die. Maybe all of them. They all probably whispered to each other in their cabin, trying to comfort each other, and what was he doing? Sitting in Olympus. 
He hated that he cared. Ever since his last talk with a particular child, he had been trying to build those walls back up and go back to being his “normal” self. Unfortunately, those cracks seemed to remain and refused to go away. He tried to seal them, but even something as small as a talk with Hestia revealed those cracks again. “They'll be ok” he said although he knew the truth. The truth was that he had no idea what would happen. 
“I could deliver a message to them if you'd like”
“There's nothing I can think to say to them”
“Then perhaps you could say something to me. Whatever is on your mind, you can speak and I will listen”. 
Ares didn't wanna look at her so instead he looked at the fire in an attempt to ignore her. That proved to be an error when his nose filled with the familiar smell of rain and his ears filled his child's voice. 
“To me… to me you were everything. You are everything. “. Your tears mixed in with the rain and you wore a deep frown full of a child's repeated crushed dreams. His heart squeezed tightly for the first time in a while and he hated it. That's when it all started. 
Other memories flashed. Memories of him and the other Olympians fighting wars, sometimes with each other. 
He saw a time before strict rules and before he vowed to keep himself distant from his children. A time when he mourned them fully and intensely when their final breath passed their lips and their bodies became limp. 
He saw the time now and while it was full of distance and misery, he saw his other children. He saw them visiting him and talking about things he didn't care about but listened to anyway. Saw their sad faces and hung heads when they had to leave. 
It all went back to you though. 
“You want more from the child of Ares?!” You had puffed your chest when you said his name and held your sword tighter. “I have plenty to give!”. 
He heard your back and forth snarky comments to each other before the smell of food filled his nose and the conversation went from humorous to angry then sad. 
“I don't matter to you. Just admit it so we can move on”. You were so wrong but you said the words with such conviction. You genuinely thought you were right. Was that truly how neglectful he had become? All his children had become strangers and he couldn't blame anyone but himself. 
“Seeing you at all, it gives me hope” Was hope so bad to have though?
“You want this?”
“No” you said immediately. He remembers how he was surprised you had been that honest with him. He thought you'd make up a lie and pretend to be extremely confident, but your voice cracked and this time there was no rain to hide your tears. If earlier you wore a frown of repeated crushed dreams, that day your eyes filled with a child's final dream crushed. 
But then he felt the both of you hug and he couldn't help but think to himself “Does the dream have to be crushed? Does hope have to be lost?”. 
The fire continued to show him more memories of his children before it went back to you purposefully ignoring him. He had to admit that seeing you spend time with Hermes instead of him made his brows lower in frustration. But he agreed to a deal. 
“Ares?” Hestia questioned. Ares kept staring at the fire and hoped the images would return, but they slowly faded away. She said his name again. She had saw what he saw and felt the way his heart cried. It was a feeling she never wanted to experience again. 
He agreed to that deal… but what would happen to him if he broke it? Nothing that hasn't happened before. How could he see all of that and still want to keep his side of the deal?
“I think…” he whispered “I think I miss my children…”. 
His children. His family. His home. He had to believe that hope was possible. 
He'd fight with his all while keeping everyone in the back of his mind. He knew he'd have to break his end of the deal. 
He knew he had to go home.
If someone were to ask how you felt in this exact moment, it'd be irritation. Because of some stupid disagreement between the Ares kids and the Apollo kids, Clarisse ordered that none of Ares' children were to attend the battle. When you reminded Clarisse that this battle was bigger than some stupid argument over a chariot and that campers have already died and more will, she simply puffed her chest and went on about how she's tired of Ares getting disrespected. Sure, ok. Maybe you got a point Clarisse. Couldn't this wait until after though?
You shared some harsh words, half of them being curse words, and joined the battle with everyone else. 
Manhattan as a whole was trapped in a deep sleep, yet somehow they seemed like the lucky ones. Sure, maybe a monster would step on them but at least they'd die in their sleep. If you died you'd be fully conscious and you knew it'd hurt. 
Only a fool feels no fear. A bigger fool lets fear paralyze them. You did your best to let your fear move you through your enemies and you cut and hacked at them, leaving a trail of dust in your wake. You tried at first to ignore how many old campers you were killing, but it was hard to when your sword was soaked and you stared in the eyes of people you used to call friends before you took their life. It didn't feel good but it was either you or them. None of them held their punches and those same kids came in camp and killed campers, so you wouldn't hold your punches either. 
A squeal filled your ears and you winced as you looked up. The fighting stopped and you understood why when you saw a huge flying pig heading straight towards everyone. You scoffed and wanted to make some sort of joke, but figured now wasn't the time. 
“As far as I know, no hero has ever beaten it” you heard Annabeth say when you got closer to her and Percy. Your heart beat in a skittish panic but you forced yourself to hold your sword firmly and say the words “we will” as serious and brave as you could muster. 
Percy had some idea and while you were told to keep the enemies back, your eyes landed on a white Pegasus and you knew you couldn't. 
“Hey Annabeth” you grabbed her arm, making sure not to grab too tight because of her previous wound. 
“Yeah?” she asked. Annabeth looked terrible. She was covered in dirt, dust, blood, and her hair was so out of place that you thought May Castellan would take kindly to her. You didn't know how you looked but you knew that all of you would need showers if you survived. 
“I love you too”
No. When you survived. 
“I'm gonna try and help Percy. Stay here. I'll come back. I promise”. Before she could ask you what you meant or remind you that you couldn't promise such a thing, you ran off to the Pegasus. 
“Hey buddy” you waved and forced a smile. You knew Percy could understand them and vice versa, but you couldn't understand them and you didn't know if that could understand you. “Me” you pointed at yourself, “friendly” you raised a thumbs up. You pet its head and it didn't bite you, so you assumed it understood. 
“Me” you pointed at yourself. “You” you pointed at the Pegasus. “Follow Percy and pig” you pointed at Percy and the pig, who were quickly vanishing from view. It nodded its head and after a sigh of relief, you got on its back. 
If it wasn't for the war and death, you'd say you were really enjoying this. How many people could say they had done something like this? Not many, that's for sure. 
“Hey Sharkboy!” You yelled when you were within shouting distance. Percy thankfully was no longer hanging by a rope, but was on Blackjack. You didn't know if Blackjack recognized you as the one always giving him donuts, but he made a pleased sound when he saw you. “Uh, is this a part of your plan?” You motioned to the statue that took his place attached to the rope. “It's a pretty shit one”. 
The boy rolled his eyes and huffed at you. Whether it was because of the nickname or insulting his plan, you didn't know. It made you smile either way. “I gotta get close to it! I can activate the statue to fight the pig!”. 
Flying pigs, fighting statues, just another day as a demigod. You rubbed in between your brows to stop the migraine that was forming. How hadn't you gone insane yet?
“It sounds crazy but-” Percy kept talking but you stopped listening. You looked behind you at the battle and like a fool, you froze. 
Manhattan was a war zone. This you knew. Seeing it up high like you were a god though made it all seem so much worse. You could see family being forced to fight each other. You could hear screams and pleads and crying. You could see kids trying to dodge being stepped on. You saw so many people not being allowed to mourn. You saw death. You saw it everywhere. 
Then your shock and fear turned to anger. These were your friends and family killing each other! Sure, they were still responsible for their actions, but there wouldn't be any actions for them to take if Kronos hadn't got in the way. He used these people and he didn't care how many died. He just wanted his throne. Annabeth could die. Grover could die. Percy could die. 
Your father could be destroyed. 
You didn't know how you looked, but you must've looked terrifying because Percy “talks back to everyone” Jackson looked at you the way you expected him to look at the gods; with edge. 
You pet the animal under you neck and pointed at the pig “closer!” You ordered. It obeyed. It beat its wings harder and you passed Blackjack and Percy with ease. The closer you got, the more you could smell its stench. Under normal circumstances you'd pinch your nose and walk the opposite way, but this time you kept going straight towards it. 
The animal under you whined and you assumed that meant it was having a hard time keeping up. Your eyes fell to the rope and you knew what you had to do. 
Your sword morphed back into a necklace when you brought it close to you and after so much practice, clasping it wasn't a problem for you anymore. 
“Good boy or girl. I'll get you some snacks when this is all over. You like donuts?” it made a pleased sound and you pet its neck. 
You moved so that instead of straddling the animal, your legs were hanging over one side. 
“Don't let me die” you whispered to no one in particular then you pushed yourself off. 
A mixture of luck and skill prevented you from becoming a mark on the concrete. 
The rope burned your bare hands but you held on anyway. You managed to grab on above the statue and started climbing upwards, using the beating in your chest to motivate you not to fall and die. The white Pegasus stayed beside you as you forced yourself up the rope and you gripped the pig's fur to pull yourself all the way up. Now, pigs don't have tons of fur, but a giant pig had plenty enough to grab onto. 
The wind blew through your hair so harshly that you were surprised it didn't snatch it all off. The pig was flying at an intense speed with its only goal being to destroy everything you loved. 
You pulled your necklace off and it turned back into the double edged sword your father gifted you so many years ago. 
It was only now that you realized something. 
When you killed this thing, it'd disintegrate. You wouldn't. In the mall you were high up but you were only up a couple floors. Now you were definitely above the mall and many other buildings. The white Pegasus was no longer keeping up with you and when you looked behind you, Percy and Blackjack were still a while away. 
Percy connected the dots a lot faster than you did and you saw his lips move and Blackjack's wings flap faster. 
What do you say when you know you're gonna die? Damn. You didn't have time to prepare and you didn't have time for a speech. 
You felt like you were looking back at the flames. At home. At hope. You were supposed to return home after the battle and things would be okay again. But in the same breath, this is why you were fighting. You were fighting for your home and so the people you love could live as peacefully as they could. 
The sword felt heavier in your hand. You smiled to yourself. You still had a piece of home with you and you'd use it to better the lives of the other people you call home. 
You screamed as loud as you could in hopes Percy would hear you. “IF EVERYTHING GOES OKAY, TELL MY DAD THAT…” tell him what? You had so much to say. What could wrap everything you wanted to say together?
Blackjack's wings beat harder, yet he was still far. Percy wore a look of determination and you laughed. You couldn't believe he was still the young scared boy that arrived at camp when he was 12. 
“I LOVE YOU GUYS TOO!”. You smiled at him to leave him with something nice to remember. “THIS WAS FUN!”. 
You turned away from him and with as much strength as you could muster you plunged the sword through the pig’s skin. 
You felt its body crumble away and then you felt yourself slipping through the air. 
As one could assume, war was Ares' element and where he felt the most comfortable. There wasn't much to say about the battle. Sure, it was a battle for humanity but honestly? Ares wasn't that worried. Call it an inflated sense of self. Was it really that though when you could back up how high you thought of yourself?
As corny as it sounded, the war in his mind was much more intense. As he fought, his mind kept slipping back to what he saw in the flames. His family. His children. His home. His hope. The reason he fought. Sure he liked a good fight but he fought this giant monster with the other Olympians for his family. 
Ares is a proud man, so naturally he had faith that his children would survive the battle, but an ego could only get you so far. He knew the truth. He knew that any of his children could be crushed at any second, or squeezed to death, or stabbed, or eaten, or whatever Kronos and his army had planned. He knew that he could return to whatever was left of Olympus and he could mourn children that he had forced to become strangers. He wanted to be better. He had to be. He just needed time and that meant he needed his children alive. Especially the one that started this. 
Besides the diner, Ares had only held you once. He didn't think he'd remember it well yet somehow he could smell the cookies your mother had baked and he could remember exactly how the furniture was. He could see blinds covering the windows and the white walls lined with family photos and art pieces. He could see the black couch that sat across from the TV which sat on a table. 
And he could feel your mother place you in his arms. 
“This is your child” she had said. He looked over at her and she smiled down at you with a sense of joy and pride, which was much different to how he saw her look at you recently, with hate and contempt. 
You were so small then. Only months old, still exploring the world and having no idea how life would beat you down. You cooed as you looked up at him and shifted in his arms. He wondered if somehow you knew he was your father and that he was no threat to you. 
So small. So curious. So innocent. Now you were a warrior seasoned by the battles you had been fighting since you were a small child. 
He kept thinking about what would happen next the entire time. He knew he'd have to break his end of the agreement, but it was up to you and any of his other children to accept him turning a new page. It absolutely did NOT frighten him more than the Titan he was battling. Absolutely not. 
As Ares suspected, the Olympians and their children won the war. Kronos was gone and his armies were slaughtered. That was the best part. He didn't get the chance to have a good look at the battle, but seeing the damage the demigods caused made him proud. He hadn't seen you though, which was something he noted. 
The worst part was looking at Percy Jackson's face. Sure, he started the fight but that didn't matter! When Ares said “enemy for life” he meant it! The fact that he had to listen to Percy be praised and he couldn't beat on him right then and there made him tap his finger against the arm of his chair in discontent. 
“Lord Ares” Percy said and he could tell he hated saying the “Lord” part. It made him grin. 
Percy's fist balled and Ares continued smirking. 
“I have a message from your child”. 
His smirk fell when he heard your name. A message? Did that mean… 
“They said that they missed you and loved you. They were… They…” he paused and Ares leaned forward. “They were in trouble and out of everything they could've said, they said that. They’re-” 
Ares didn't let him finish. He jumped out his chair and his feet thundered against the ground as he sped walked to the elevator. 
This couldn't be. That boy was wrong. His child was fine! He wanted to be better for them and now…?
No. No no no no! This couldn't be! He pressed the floor button repeatedly hoping that the elevator would move faster, even if he knew that's not how elevators worked. 
He lied to you once and said that gods didn't feel fear. How wrong he was. His whole body felt warm and if he wasn't pressing the button then he was tapping his fingers against his legs and if he wasn't doing that then he was pacing and if he wasn't doing that then he was imagining your limp body covered in blood. Was it at least quick?
“I love you dad”
Not his baby… 
After what felt like hours the elevator dinged and the doors opened. 
He stepped into the hall of the building. 
Turns out you should give Blackjack a lot more credit. 
You closed your eyes and hoped that the fall wouldn't hurt as much as you suspected it would and then suddenly your crotch hit something hard. 
“Fuck!” You exclaimed. Your eyes flew open and that's when you realized Blackjack actually managed to catch you. Percy let out a breath you suspected he was holding the whole time. 
“You don't ever do that again!” he scolded. Ironic coming from the guy who always did stupid things. 
“I hope I won't have to”. He rolled his eyes and looked back ahead of him. 
“I just knew you were gonna do something stupid. I just couldn't tell what it was at first. And don't you ever look at me like that again”
“Like what?”
“Like you want to kill something”. Once again, ironic. Percy had that same look on his face more times than you could count, but instead of arguing you kept a hand on his shoulder and said “sure Sharkboy”. 
You tried to tune out the rest of the battle to keep yourself sane. One moment you and Percy joined everyone else, then Percy and Annabeth went to Olympus and now you were sitting in the Empire State building completely exhausted. You were slumped in a chair, covered in dirt and grime when the Stoll brothers came over. 
“Guess what we have” Connor said in a sing song voice and raised his brows.
“An Advil?”. The two laughed like what you said was funny. It wasn't funny to you. Your head was killing you. 
“Even better” Travis said. “Boom!”. You hadn't noticed the bag he had on him somehow, and when he opened it your eyes were filled with candy. You looked back up at their faces, both with an ear to ear smile. 
“I thought Percy said not to snatch anything when everyone was asleep”. 
“We didn't! How could you say something like that?” The two looked at each other with faux innocence but their devious smiles betrayed them. Whatever. You were too tired to scold them and it wasn't your business that got ransacked. 
“Listen, we'd typically charge for these but since you killed that pig, you can get something for free”
You raised a brow at them and looked at them disinterested. “Or I could report you and make you take all that back”
“You won't” Travis challenged. 
Little shit was right. 
You looked in the bag for what you wanted and chuckled when you saw it. 
When you and Ares talked in the rain that night, you debated on burning a fruit roll up as an offering. You decided that was a shit offering and didn't do it, but your father saw you in the rain and came over anyway. 
Now that same flavor of fruit roll up was sitting at the top of all of that candy. 
You took it and thanked the two. They were on their way after, probably about to scam some poor kid by overcharging it. They never tried that with you or any of the other older kids. 
You pocketed the candy and used your sword to help you stand. You were exhausted. Your shoulders sagged, your back ached and you smelled like everything unfortunate in the world. You needed a shower and new clothes desperately. 
You began walking then a ding filled your ears and out of curiosity you turned from the door and looked over. 
It was him. 
By the way his eyes softened you could tell he saw you. You were done lying to yourself and convincing yourself he didn't care. You knew you saw relief in his eyes. 
Maybe Ares should've listened to what else Percy was gonna say. Maybe he was gonna say “they're fine but you should really talk to them”. Something like that. 
Ares had seen you tear up multiple times. In sadness, in anger, in betrayal. This time though? You didn't look hurt. You looked relieved. You looked like how he felt. You looked like a huge pain had been lifted off your shoulders. If before you looked like a child whose dreams were crushed, now you looked like an adult who realized there was nothing crushed that couldn't be fixed. 
You had grown up more since he last saw you. He didn't wanna miss any more years. 
“And I hope the idea of me calling you Ares instead of dad terrifies you” 
The words rang in his ears. You were right. It terrified him. It paralyzed him. He had one question on his mind. 
What would you call him?
The two of you stood facing each other for seconds but it felt longer. Both your minds were racing. You were both thinking of the past, the fact that both of you were okay, and wondering what the future would be.
You felt like a kid again. You just stared at him with so many emotions coursing through you. The main ones being joy and relief. 
Without thinking, you threw your sword to the side and ran at him. “Daddy!” You shouted with the inner voice of a child who was finally getting everything they wanted. You jumped into his arms and he caught you. His grasp was firm and he kept you close. 
You both closed your eyes and focused on each other's warm embrace. You were both okay. You were both home. Neither of you held your tears and vulnerabilities from each other. 
“I heard you were missing me” he said. You knew it was a joke but you couldn't laugh. You nodded into his shoulder. 
“I did”. 
“I missed you too” he admitted. It felt so good to finally admit. 
It felt so good to finally hear. He missed you. He cared for you. He loved you. He was holding you. 
“I don't like our agreement anymore” you mumbled. “You gonna rearrange my fingers or-”
“No” he answered firmly. He set you down and his hands held your face. “No” he said again. 
“Not gonna turn me into an ant either?” You joked. He smiled at you and pulled you into another hug.
“I love you dad”
“I love you too”. 
Ares did something he hadn't done in a while and he kissed the top of your head like he saw other fathers do. It surprised him how much happiness it filled him with. You on the other hand thought this would only happen in dreams. You were so glad you were wrong. 
Then he did something else he hadn't done in a while. 
He apologized. 
“I'm sorry”
“I know” you answered simply.
“I'm gonna be better”. 
You smiled and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to melt in his embrace. 
“I believe you”. 
You two managed to hold onto hope. What others would call delusional or stupid, you called a dream. You both managed to make that dream a reality. 
After years and years of complications, heartache and frustration, you two made it. 
You two made it home. 
If y’all sexualize the reader calling Ares “daddy” I swear I will rewrite this and have the reader die a terrible death. Do NOT-
Anyway y’all IT’S HERE! We finally made it to the end! Y’all feeling as proud and emotional as I do? Originally Everything wasn’t gonna be a series. I made pt1 and was like “yeah. A simple one shot” but people wanted more and it became a series. I got 2 abandoned series for different fandoms so it’s an accomplishment I finished this one. I don’t have any new series planned right now but I wanted to say thank you for the support Everything has gotten and the nice comments I’ve received. This was really fun. Until next time! (Also I told y’all they’d get a happy ending. I know some of y’all didn’t believe me)
Taglist: @kyuupidwrites @chadmeeksmartinswifey @lebguardians @beansficreblogs @itzjustj-1000 @white-wolf-buckaroo @elsisenta @leathesimp @marshymallo @stickyfictioninwriting @asexualaromosafezone @arialikestea @1mawh0re @samoanroyalty @wolfgirl294 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @ohlookitsasinglepoeceofpopcorn
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IWTV rant incoming, spoilers for both seasons, be forewarned!
I've been seeing far too much Louis hate online recently, and while I'm of the opinion that none of these vamps are completely innocent by nature, I can't help but notice the disproportionate hate on my boy.
Honestly, it feels a little like fandom racism. And I think AMC IWTV fans have convinced themselves that they're beyond such things because of Jacob and Assad, but idk, everyone turning on the Black one at once seems... yucky?
First, I've seen a lot of "Louis is an abuser". Which... is a wild take on a show where most of the main characters hurt everyone around them?
I think some of it is coming from those who saw the episode in season 2 in which it is revealed that the big fight that Louis and Lestat had in S1 was more even than just Lestat beating up Louis, but y'all... we're not supposed to take S1 as a complete fabrication. A lot of y'all keep saying "oh, we haven't met the real Lestat." Sure, not in person and not from his POV until that ending, but we're not supposed to take it as Louis just lying outright. In the series, different from the books, OUR Louis calls Daniel back in 2022 to give him a more accurate version of the story. In the 1970s, he was just trash-talking Lestat. In 2022, he is remembering Lestat fondly while also remembering all the pain Lestat caused him. He only learns at the end of the season that Armand manipulated some of his memories. And only SOME. We're not supposed to think Armand made Louis misremember everything he and Lestat ever did together. So, we can take S1 as a version of the truth, even if it has some holes or misremembered parts... and in S1, Lestat is a scary guy. When Louis fought him, he was fighting a scary monster. You can't talk about it like he was a human man fighting his human partner because he got a little angry. He was a vampire fighting an even stronger vampire who, as far as Louis knew, was capable of awful things. And Lestat stalked Louis when he was still a human, fed on him without consent, killed the priests Louis turned to in fear... none of that was healthy courtship of a lover. To then turn around and call LOUIS the abuser? That's nuts.
And then there's Armand.
Armand is capable of great physical violence without even lifting a finger. You cannot look at me in the face and tell me that Louis slamming him into a wall was *abuse* after finding out that Armand mindfucked him for 70 years. After y'all saw what Armand did to Daniel. After Armand plotted Louis' death while manipulating Louis into thinking he was loved.
"Louis is an abuser" is a wild take after watching both of those seasons. Louis isn't an innocent princess, either, but compared to the two older vampires, he is the main victim of the story. Both Lestat and Armand emotionally abused him, manipulated him, and physically hurt him, and after all of it, he just ends up alone.
Now, believe me, I love Armand and Lestat. I think they're wonderfully awful people, and so much fun to watch, so fun to love, so fun to hate. But I think so many people left season 2 on their sides completely, just because Louis stood up for himself AND admitted that he was wrong about a lot of what he thought he remembered. And in all honesty, I think a lot of y'all like Sam and Assad because they're hot and... Jacob, while hot, is still Black. With Assad, you can give yourselves the benefit of the doubt because he's still a person of color, but he's a non-black person of color...
And Black people are not afforded softness or innocence, the way non-black people are. So, Louis doing something that's not good makes him not good, even if it's in the context of being a vampire. But Lestat and Armand get "brat prince" and "baby girl" even when they're cruel.
And also, it's not great to put the "abuser" label on someone standing up to their abuser. I dunno. Feels kinda yucky, in that sense, too.
Personally, I try to keep these people's vampire incarnations out of human morality, because being a vampire is inherently immoral because you need to kill to stay alive. So, like, when they physically fight, I can excuse it because they know they can't actually do much harm for the most part, because vampires heal fast and can't be easily hurt. But when... idk, you drop your fledgling from an extreme height, or cut someone's ankles and have them buried in rocks and locked away in a mausoleum... that's actually trying to hurt them (as Lestat admitted.)
And Louis' attempt to kill Lestat was because he and Claudia feared him. None of them disagree with that fact.
Anyway, have the same grace for the Black man that you do for your brat prince. Idk why y'all are trying to make Louis the bad guy. He never even asked to be a vampire. Lestat just wanted to keep him.
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megbanned · 6 months
I got a qeustion!
So pretty sure your mascot is- MB right? Well I’m curious…
Do they have any character lore or a story? Or just serve as a persona?
I think they look pretty adorable ✨
Was just curious since idk if they have any funky powers, but one of your posts has fire around them? Soooo-
MB it's my sona and OC, both things I think XD
And yes, they have Lore!
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This is a general reference of how they looks-
MB goes for They/Them in case you get a bit confused-
But for the lore: Right now I'm inspired to write, so expect a LOT of text, some things could be misspelled since I use Google Translate to write-
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This image explains it more x'D
Basically it is a subtype of Worker Drone that works Underground at high temperatures where humans and normal worker drones may not be able to withstand that much heat.
They have shiny parts that allow them to light the way, such as their horns and tails. These parts appear to be made of lava, but it is another equally hot material that in turn helps them create mining tools.
This information is new and I did not explain it before: instead of having normal WD feet, they have paws, this in a way helps to feel the vibrations of the ground, as well as feeling that someone is nearby or that the cave where they are possibly about to collapse.
The hotter it is, the more efficient they are, however you should not let them consume each other or things will happen-
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BUT Now that the planet froze What is MB's role? Survive
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Due to the explosion caused by humans, the artificial heat that the MB colony maintained began to run out and they had no idea how to fix what gave them life, where could they get more heat? They need to consume that to live… They are made of heat, aren't they? They attacked each other until little by little there was no one left.
MB had to grow up during these conflicts and fights over the heat, he had never known what was above them even though some left the colony and did not return (they did not return since the Dissasembly drone killed them, curiously the DD did not come down to the colony since entering the caves was dangerous if you didn't know where to go, so the DDs who entered also died of overheating from not eating)
Due to certain decisions, 4 UWD (Underground Worker Drone) killed the few that remained of the colony, there was no more heat, there was nothing more to consume, MB fled the colony before they killed them, which meant that he had to go up to the surface, it took them a while to get there due to the different caves, MB met 2 other UWDs but no good things happened, when MB finally reached the surface it was not as they imagined it, it was even more spacious, and a great light covered everything, MB had seen the sun for the first time, something they had only heard from stories from other older UWDs, it didn't provide him with as much heat because of the cold snow but it was better than being down and dying.
While MB walked through this spacious place they couldn't help but see parts of other UWDs on the ground, as if something or someone had torn them apart. This terrified them, believing that the surface would be just as brutal as underground, but still decided to investigate, finding traces who were guiding to a camp seeing bodies of… Worker drones???, it was the first time MB had seen the body of a Worker drone, MB had only heard about them again because of what they told them, with the hope that they could help him to look for a warm area, MB was looking for them in that camp, but only saw abandonment and destruction, until saw the tracks left by the tires of a certain machine, a type of transport was what MB thought of, so they followed these tracks, it was a long road and the sun was beginning to set and their internal heat was not going to help for a long time, at one point and near a certain place MB ended up getting cold and collapsing because of it.
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They found MB's body, they didn't know what type of Drone it was due to its appearance, but its visor showed the image "Low Temp", so they looked for something that could provide heat and a heater could help with that, for now.
Andddd this is a mexican drone- If MB were on the show, would speak completely in Spanish just like Doll speaks Russian.
SOOO this is what I have for now of MB Lore XD
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The inspiration for some of the UWD lore was the Naica crystal caves located in a part of my country. sooo probably I will draw something about it later
and MB original design was this one
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I later wanted to convert it into a Worker Drone and ended up creating a whole subtype of WD and the lore that I wrote previously.
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joliettes · 18 days
tess servopoulos x reader (wc: 1.5k)
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you and tess plan on making a vase together, turns out she has other plans for you.
Warnings: older!tess??, a few pet names, 18+, edging, cum eating, aftercare, pure smut no plot..mdni!!!
A/N: i literally suck at writing warnings idk, have fun reading tho teehee luv uuu
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living in Jackson with Tess and the rest of your chosen family sounded like a dream that might never happen. for you didn’t even know that you’ll live through the apocalypse and meet maria on a random day after years of wandering around with your family and losing them one after the other.
Tess took a liking to you after she saw you teaching the kids the numbers on a random day, from then on there, there wasn’t a place you’ve been to where you didn’t see her. It was very obvious with how she gazed at you with longing while handing you pieces of pottery she’s made despite not knowing each other, you had to give it to her she was very stubborn lowkey.
The light rain thudded against the big windows of the dimly lit house you were in with sandalwood candles here and there. It was such a cozy day but now you’re shivering from the cold. You don't necessarily feel bad for your choice of clothing since you looked nice.
“Come here baby” tapping her thigh is tess, sitting in front of the pottery wheel with everything set up on the small wheeled table for you and her to start working. You see, Tess was given a pretty spacious house of which later on she turned one of the rooms into a pottery studio for whoever wanted to learn, she loved doing it. Claimed it gave her some peace of mind when she wasn’t fighting for her life out there when she goes on patrol, and you wholeheartedly supported that because you’ll never miss out on seeing her sitting right there immersed into the act itself with knitted brows, the rolled up cuffs of her plaid button up and a wife beater underneath you could see her veins, and her long clay stained fingers.
she’s looking so good you wanted to jump her bones so badly it hurt. You and her made it a ritual to make pottery, the quiet serenity was everything to the both of you after not seeing each other for days on end. She does see you before heading out but it's another thing to have her scent sticking to you, and her hands all over you whenever she can.
Walking up to her u stand in front of her manspreading to accommodate where you’ll sit in her lap. You catch her checking you out so casually making your face heat up “what?”
“Oh nothing i'm just admiring my favorite piece of art, now sit down”
“Yes ma’am” turning around and taking a seat in her lap you feel her arms come around your shoulders
“so what are we thinkin’ of making today?”
“hmm whatever you want to make” her voice muffled into your neck while she sniffs all over you like a hungry dog. it’s no surprise cause that’s how tess was behind closed doors, she nearly drools over you, but in front of other people, she’d become a tad bit stoic and will keep a hand on your lower back nothing more nothing less.
“ooh maybe we could make a vase for the blue hydrangeas you brought” glancing at her behind your back just to find her looking at your lips and licking hers instantly making heat rise up your cheeks.
“Or we could go to bed early?” you knew that look she was giving you so well but you also got a way with making her reach that losing point where she’ll pick you up and have her way with you.
You look at her pouting “But you promised me last time we’ll make one together”
fair to say y’all were in bed before even getting started with the vase you eagerly wanted, Tessa's room was very spacious and filled with a good ambience and of course her in the middle of the bed, naked as a sight for sore eyes.
“you’re wearing too much right now”
“mhm you’re hot too” smirking at her from in between her legs you start to striptease her by unclasping your overalls and letting them drop to the floor, taking off your shirt slowly ending up in your underwear only, she sits up and wraps her arms around your waist.
“I'd like to try something new with you, if you’d like?”she looks at you from under her lashes awaiting your consent.
“anything you want” you whisper back.
getting up from the bed she walks to her backpack searching for something and comes back with something tiny in her hand making your eyes widen “o-oh my god tess when did u find this?”
she shrugs “last week when i was on patrol i found a tiny shop y’ know” there’s a tiny vibrator shaped like a bullet and a proud smirk blasted all over her lips “and it only needs batteries which luckily we have acquired a good amount of”
It’s the fact that you haven't used a vibrator on yourself or had anyone use anything on you like ever, your knowledge about vibrators and other “pleasuring objects” came from this one friend you made after reaching jackson telling you about how she found a booklet filled with each one and it’s uses.
“lay down f' me” she gives you a knowing look
“yes ma’am” doing exactly as she said you lay down on the bed, she comes towards you and gives you a hasty kiss before going on all fours on top of your body kissing down your neck, chest and taking a nipple into her mouth, sucking on it with vigor while she whines against you making the feeling instantly reach your core.
“ooh tess please”
letting go with a pop she continues kissing down your stomach.
“tell me”
“I need you to take 'em off please” pouting can’t get you much but it definitely made Tess yank down your panties as fast as she could, kissing all over your mound but not really giving you what you need. getting fed up you, close your thighs around her head prompting her to give you a harsh slap on your outer thigh making you yelp “stay still or you’ll get none”.
“it’s not my fault you’re literally edging me”
“You shouldn’t complain while I'm between your legs” she wraps both of her arms around your midsection not waiting for your response before sucking your clit into her mouth, whining against you sending jolts through your whole body that leaves you trying to breathe deeply and fail. Grasping the sheets at the good burn shes inflicting with how she flicks her tongue at your clit “ungh-oh my god pleaseee”
Tess brings the vibrator against your clit after turning it on, the faint whirring sound filling the room sending jolts through your entire body. She rests her cheek on your inner thigh with her fingers still holding the vibrator, rubbing it in slow strokes on the lowest setting while looking longingly at your pussy “look at how beautiful it is, this is your lucky day” she whispers.
“Hm?” craning your neck to look at her just to see that she’s not even speaking to you, you whine at the feeling of her upping the speed and rubbing it harder making your stomach convulse, you feel her gather your wetness before inserting her long middle finger in deep thrusts “oh- tess this is too much”
“I know babe and you’ll take it f’ me” she thrusts another finger whilst her other hand is still busy with holding the vibrator.
your thighs start shaking violently and against your thrusts for tess to ease up on you she takes the vibrator off of your clit making you whine at the burn subsiding just for her to suck your clit into her mouth as hard as possible.
everything starts blurring and your brain turns into mush while you cum against her tongue, wrapping her arms around your midsection she’s lapping it all up, cleaning you up while at it.
“you did so good f’ me hun” lips wet with your arousal she comes up to kiss your lips, wrapping your arms around her shoulders you deepened the kiss opening your mouth for her, tasting yourself against her tongue, she holds the back of your neck almost suffocating you by her kiss.
letting go. the both of you gasping for air “stay here I'll bring you some water” she pecks your lips one more time before walking out of the room naked, coming back in with a glass full of water she hands it to you silently nods once at you to drink up and you do just that.
“Can we cuddle? i can’t get up right now”
“yeah of course but you’ll still need to get up so i can get you washed up” she scoots beside you on the bed wrapping her arms around you while you nuzzle your head against her neck.
and there's no better place you'd rather exist in other then between her arms.
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© 2024 joliettes
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nightviator · 2 months
So I was watching s1 e7 of the umberlla academy again (my fav ep ever, and I've watched it so many times and will never stop yapping abt it) when I noticed something.
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Here. If you look closely, you can assume Five was sitting in the front seat and Allison was in the back seat.
And this is like a really normal thing, no hidden meaning and stuff, but im not normal about tua. About anything related to it.
When i noticed this i really really could just see Five telling that he is the oldest one and should sit there (or not saying it and just going in it), Diego getting kinda angry and Allison saying nah. It's fine. Nevermind.
And well look. Why is this important to me?! Let me explain!
I've read many (and by that I mean a LOT) fanfics about Five getting hurt or any kind of his angst and Diego being there for him. I really love these 2 together.
So when I see Diego just getting angry of Five (ALSO LATER HE WAS NOT AS EMOTIONAL AS I COULD REMEMBER IN FIVE BEING HURT SCENE AND THIS REALLY WAS A BIG SHOCK) and Allison telling to let it go.. idk. I may be crazy but I felt a bit guilty for never thinking about her as a really good sister to him. Because she, a famous actor who definitely cares about herself and her place, just let her brother be happy without more fights. And Five was bleeding and in pain at that time so I'm sure this lack of tension made him at least a bit happier, yk. And this is a so "older sister" coded thing so maybe she felt it.
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Also she was so worried about him here (the same episode), which I may talk more about it later cause I have a lot to say.
But here when watching this for 1939392929th time, it was like Allison was already feeling like a big sister, and when he was injured her protective motherly feeling wakened up even more. She really was trying to help five (in a way I've seen in fanfics. Actually less than that, but better than nothing.)
Now, because of that, I feel guilty for not liking Alison that much. I am going to give her more love from now.
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alcalystrasz · 5 months
This, is what I think is going to happen for BYLER in season 5:
1. They will get multiple heart-to-heart/intimate scenes together. As we already saw in season 4, they got 3 in total: the first on at Will's house, after El shmacked Angela's face, the second one on the car in the desert, after burying the Hero Unknown Agent Man's body, the third one in the van when Will opens to him. In season 3, we didn't get any, but in season 2 we had 2: the first one when Mike reassures Will about the Mind Flayer and they touch hands *so cute*, and the second one when Mike tells about the first time they met. So if we're being reasonable, it could be 4, I think we'll have 4 scenes in total.
Let me explain that... I see the first one being about Max and Lucas' mental state. It could be at the hospital, or at school, or at Mike's house. The second one could be some sort of fight. I remember one of the co-writers saying there will be an other rain fight. I don't really know if it will happen cause he confirmed it a long time ago but let's say it is. So an other rain fight, at Mike's house, but maybe this time it could hint Mike's sexuality instead of Will's like in S3. The third one could be where they try to reassure each other that it's okay they will win right after Vecna's back, more likely at Mike's house or someplace other. The fourth one could be in the Upside Down, because may I remember you that Mike never went in the Upside Down? That's what we call a first time, right Mike! So Mike and Will in the Upside Down could talk about everything they've been through and Mike could finally kiss Will and tell him how much he loves him.
For a final scene, a fifth but not really fifth, it could be when everything's over. They go to some sort of High School Ball to celebrate their final year and I see them finally breaking the "I'm scared" barrier and go in the middle of the dance floor and dance together like no one else is there with a Time After Time song playing on the background.
2. Their first kiss will be awkward from both their POV. What I mean is that when they kiss for like, what, 3 seconds, Will pushes Mike gently and Mike removes himself gently and they look at each other like they did something bad. Will stutters trying to say something but nothing comes out of his mouth. Mike could say something like "Oh, I'm sorry I- I didn't..." but Will could interrupt him like 'bitch wdym you're sorry' he could kiss him back but it is after the kiss Mike will admit he never liked El romantically. Buy yeah, awkward kiss, just like Rockie's one could be actually. Mostly cause they're older so it doubles the awkwardness.
3. Jonathan gets some hate towards Mike. I can literally imagine Jonathan always being mad, upset and distant towards Mike because he can't see his brother likes him. It'd be too funny I'm sorry ;-;
4. Will gets hurt by Vecna and Mike stays next to him at the hospital. It could be the opposite actually, Mike in the bed, but I prefer Will cause he's used to it now- I can see them being close and Mike being super worried but it doesn't count as a intimate scene because Jonathan, Joyce and Hopper are close.
5. Will shirtless makes Mike blush. Let me explain, LET ME. We saw in S5 BTS they swapped clothes for some stuff. Like, we saw Will has Mike's clothes on, logic, he left everything in California and they do the same cloth size (almost). So if we consider the fact that Mike lends his clothes to Will, we can totally imagine at one point Will, coming in Mike's room asking for a shirt because he doesn't have anymore. Mike brings him one and he says thanks, then he removes his clothes, his back facing Mike's face and he gets like flustrated it'd be HILARIOUSLY CUTE. He could stare through a mirror maybe, idk but that sounds nice right?
6. Mike will get hurt in the Upside Down. Of course he has to, he hasn't been hurt in the whole show, BRO'S FINE. So he gets hurt and Will of course would help him, they could rest a little and talk two times, one "normal" hinting a future kiss and the second time they kiss.
An upside down kiss. What a funny name. It isn't a Spider-Man kiss though (should be).
I think that's it, I'll reblog my post if I find anything else.
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skullcfusher · 5 months
When u tlked about the toby n kate HCs u gave us Kate angst HCs do u have any toby angst HCS I'm obsessed w sibling relationship kate toby its the best 100 percent
Ok I tried typing out a huge thing but it's not letting me post that SOOO you're getting the short version, if anyone is interested in a long version dm me or smth idk BUT here they are
Toby struggles like crazy with masculinity, vulnerability and authority figures, between his father smacking him around and verbally abusing him, the bullies not only at school when he was there but actually trailing to his neighborhood and any time they could find him and all of the neighbors and older folk who saw what was happening but stayed silent, he felt crazy weak, especially when most of the things Frank said to him were always related to him not being man enough in some way, and it didn't help that Toby was a scrawny boy because food was hard to come by, it's not like he was starving by any means but they were kinda just getting by. This follows into his proxy life, always having to be stronger than everyone else in the room, killing people in horrific ways to show his strength and pushing himself to an extent to show that no one should fuck with him. Toby was born into a dog eat dog world but now the point he's at, all of the other dogs aren't hungry but he's still eating even if he's full. No one is trying to hurt him, don't get me wrong not a whole lot of creeps like him all that much but no one is looking to hurt him, but he can't fathom that. He has to fight, no matter how tired he is of fighting, he just doesn't recognize a world outside of that and it scares him. The only being he can't fight is slender, he's horrified of slender because slender has the capability to make that boy feel pain, not in the sense he can just flip the switch and he feels everything now but he can give Toby the most earth shattering, mouth frothing, skin peeling headaches. It's not just some small shit, Toby's feeling throat curdling pain for the first time, if feels like he's burying his own axe into his head. Punishment is bad for all proxies, but this shit is really new to Toby, Tim and Brian usually have to leave when Toby goes under cause they can't stand to hear him when he screams and thrashes he doesn't just fall to the ground and scream either he bites and rips his skin off and throws shit and gets fuckin crazy, Kate tries to stay and comfort but Toby pushes her away, he can't let her take care of him like that he's supposed to be able to handle it how can he not be able to handle something the rest can
Ok that's all for now I think, just cause I'm trying to make it short but if u want more or have any questions or even requests for other creeps I'm SOOOO OPEN I love answering shit
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blacklegsanjiii · 7 months
Hey heyy, i read a small au idea somewhere (i think over on twitter? I realy dont remember) where the idea was that because of germas modifications, the vinsmoke siblings, sanji included, grew way faster than is normal
So this causes a 15 year old sanji to appear 19 and 2 years later appewr 21 when hes really 17... You get where im going with this?
So what if with this in mind the crew just thinks hes 19 and later 21 bc he looks abt the same age as zoro but then WCI happens and they basicly find out this this boy is only a lil bit older then Chopper
And i fee like they wouldn't treat him a whole lot differently, still trust him the same, still think hes insanely capable and one of the strongest of the crew. But i do feel like it would have SOME effect ya know?
Idk i thought it was an interesting idea and wanted to know if your thoughts on it :D
God that hurts when you think about it? Like Sanji was so much younger when he went through those things. What a good AU though. Like he was six when he was on the rock with Zeff which means he's just....so fucked up.
Like and he had to have told Zeff and them while working so they're looking at this kid, who appears to be thirteen but is actually nine. They don't treat him any different, still teach him about cooking and fighting and he still gets all the threats. He's not as girl crazy though just because he's so young.
Sanji doesn't realize how old the crew thinks he is, he's fifteen and on an adventure to find the All Blue! They're going to save Nami! He shows up to Kamabakka at fifteen which makes the Okama suddenly sit him down for so many talks what the fuck did the chef tell you jesus christ as he trains.
It all comes to a head when they get to Wano because Judge and everyone was talking about a year difference between Sanji and Pudding. Zoro says it's weird 'cause the Cook is only a few months older than him and they all know Zoro is twenty one but Sanji just has a moment and realizes 'right, modifications'.
"I'm seventeen." Sanji says.
"Haha, you're funny!" Luffy laughs.
"No, really. I'm seventeen. I look older because of the modifications my family did, those were really the only ones that took." Sanji explains.
"Wait, what? But physically you're twenty one?" Chopper asks.
"Yeah, I look twenty one but I'm not." Sanji says and then lists off his birthday and everyone is staring at him because he's barely older than Chopper and they just now realized that the flaming, sky walking, third man of the monster trio is a fucking child.
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ellieslittleburrow · 10 months
Warnings : uuuuuuuum angst? Grr scary brother
A/N: sorry for the delay lol. I had to copy and paste every single line from my other account so if something's out of place im soorry hahahah ❤️
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God damn you st-
Maybe if i went slower
"God da-"
"Young lady."
Your eyes flew up as your lips parted in a little gasp. Before you stood a large figure. Broad shoulders and a threatening stance, it towered over you, causing you to freeze in place.
Tiny splinters dug into your frozen fingers as you gripped the stair handle, tightening your hold the more Sherlock kept silent.
I mean, is he going to keep standing there until the sun sets and the birds start churping?
Your older brother stepped aside, motioning for you to step inside. And you complied, slowly and hesitantingly.
"Youngsters ought not to be wandering about late at night, particularily when expressly told ,on multiple counts, not to slip out." Sherlock patienly waited for you, taking after you the moment you passed by him.
You felt smaller with a much bigger shadow than you. But you kept your posture straight, anyways.
Your head was feeling too heavy for your liking and you just wanted to sleep.
"I'm sorry, Sherlock, is there any way we could do this tomorrow morning? Now's not the time for a lecture." The words came in a gruff tone. And as if you weren't already in enough trouble with the man, you just headed for the room you and sister Enola shared.
"Sure...Tomorrow." Sherlock's voice sounded." Good night, little one."
"And don't think i didn't see those marks on your neck"
"We'll discuss it tomorrow."
It's tomorrow.
A pain is etching from your temple down to the hollow part that sits under your cheek.
Flashes of your....eventful evening storm in from your subconscious and a long sigh escapes your lips.
" Finally awake."
AH. You shriek, your body jerking to the uncomfortably close voice over you. Rolling around halfway, you jump backwards, shrieking at the two people standing over you.
What the hell?
Sherlock and Enola were standing at your bed, both leaning down to examine you like you're a cadaver they were just about to start inspecting.
But you weren't. So why the fu-"
"How did you get that, y/n?" The investigator's eyes dart from your own eyes to your cheek, and you unconsciously cover the said thing with your hand.
Uh....you were't sure whether to lie or not. Whether to tell the whole truth or just half of it.
"Uhhh..." A long sigh escaped your lips without your accordance as you hadn't already decided on which story to tell yet. "Uh..." You stuttered again, flustered.
You shrink in your bed, melting into the sheets as you leaned away from the figure that lowered it's upper body over yours.
"Little one, your answer better be the right one."
Sherlock's eyes calculatedly pursuited yours until they locked.
Dark and threatening, they glared into your soul. Shit. How can someone regret their decision the second they made it?
"I....I fell down the bar stairs."
Fuck. How can someone regret their decision the second they made it?
Sherlock straightens his back. "Really?"
"Y...yeah. you c-c-an ask the men th-there if you want." You got out of bed, the opposite side of where your siblings were standing.
"I was walking....I might've had a drink or two." Maybe admitting to another forbidden punishable act will help you elude the real thing? "And as i was walking down, my ankle twisted and i found myself flying down the stairs."
You brushed past both of them, heading for the door. Nice lie! If they were to go ask the men there, nobody would be able to say a single word, because all of them would have been too drunk to even know their own names.
You'd highfive yourself but-
"Alright then, show me the other bruises."
You were glad your back was facing them, as your eyes widened in surprise. Fuck! You didn't think of that. "The ones on your hands and knees, probably, as well as your hip." Triumph laced Sherlock's voice. You internally damned him to an afterlife in hell.
"What...other bruises?"
"Well of course i can't do that!" You spin around, disdain etched across your face. You scoff.
"I can't undress myself in front of y-"
Haha! Enola. You almost forgot about h-
"He'll leave the room."
You snort a provocative chuckle "You really believe i think of you any differently, Enola?"
"I'm sure he trusts my decision making by now." Your sister lifted a triumphant brow.
Enola's eyebrows relax as annoyance etches across her face. She sighs and happiness internally floods your body. Looks like you were close to win the battle. With her.
"How's this?" Anger embodies Sherlock.
Definitely only with her.
"Lie and i will make sure you...never do that again."
Sherlock started walking towards you.
"But then again, i would like for you to spare us the anticipation, i already know you're lying. Because your-"
"Because my toes seem strange and i breathed in instead of out?"
"Because your friend came running here and said you were getting yourself in really bad trouble. And that it was only a matter of time before somebody got badly hurt."
Oh..of course she did...
"Listen, y/n, we understand that you're afraid of our reactions." Enola started, crossing her arms over her chest. "But you can't hide those things from us, we're your siblings."
Adorable-not good enough, though. Not to insult Enola's attemps and efforts, but you'd never do that just because you're siblin-"That's Enola."
"On my part, if i ever find out you're lying to me about something like this, i will make your life a living hell, little girl. And trust my words, i will make sure of it."
Your head spun towards Sherlock, a bit surprised and...scared as darkness suddenly swamped his voice.
You would've rolled your eyes at him but you were already in enough trouble. You wouldn't want to bury yourself in it, would you?
"I'm sorry." The lie slipped out of your lips like butter. You're not sorry. You don't care. In fact, you're not done with those stupid bastards. And you're not one to let go easily.
Thankfully, they weren't going to know since your face was already bruised. Or are they?
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tell me all of your ace attorney headcanons
to make it easier, maybe for maya fey specifically! I feel like you probably have a lot of thoughts on her
HI sorry for ignoring this ask for 12 days im gonna do it now (very very long post like holy shit how did i even type this much)
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okay so for maya i have. a lot of hcs. basic stuff first she it trans (she/her), lesbian, poly, fat, and mixed black+japanese. actually there's a bit more to the fat headcanon cause i think she gains weight as she gets older, sort of as a "weight gain to represent healing" type of thing. i think around aa1 timeframe she's closer to her canon design but as she reaches more into adulthood she gains weight over time and is happier that way (part of this is because gaining weight is usually a good thing for transfems on estrogen)
okay anyways here's the part where i rant about trans maya stuff. actually i should probably talk about trans mia first cause theyre both trans in my hc and her transition actually plays an important part in maya's experience. basically mia was the first trans kurain spirit medium, before her it wasnt known that a trans woman could be a medium, but that all changed after mia realized she was a girl. for a while (months? years? not sure) mia thought that she would never be able to channel and just accepted the fact that she could be a woman but she wouldnt be able to channel, but eventually eh found that her realization of being a girl actually awakened significant spiritual power within her.
so anyways, onto maya, similar to mia she realized she was a girl when she was young, some time after misty left but while mia was still around. when mia came out, misty was very accepting in letting her transition, but with them under morgan's care they were both worried things wouldnt go as well. fortunately, mia would not let anything stop her sister from transitioning. i'm not completely sure if i think morgan would try to stop maya from transitioning or not (like yeah she's evil but idk if i see her as transphobic lol???) but if she did try to stop her mia would fight back no matter what.
anyways, maya transitions, but unfortunately things end up harder for her than mia, as maya isn't able to channel spirits. while she shows some signs of having spiritual powers, she's not anywhere close to as powerful as mia or any of the cis mediums in the family. this is deeply painful for maya and becomes a horrible source of dysphoria. how she sees it, if she can't channel spirits, she'll never really be a woman. in reality, this dysphoria is entirely false, plenty of cis women in the fey clan don't have spiritual powers (even morgan!). mia comforts her by telling her this, that she will always be a girl even if she can't channel spirits. this helps maya a lot, but it still isn't enough to fully rid her of her irrational dysphoria. it's all very hard for her, and i think morgan would definitely make everything worse for her, likely reminding her of her inability to channel for no reason other than to hurt her and make her feel inferior. but mia's positive influence helps her make it through everything, even if she does struggle a lot.
anyways, aa1 happens, and she's finally preformed her first channeling. but there's still a ton of doubt in her mind. despite now knowing she CAN channel, she's still struggling with this same dysphoria. probably thinking along the lines of. 'the only was i can channel is if i'm an urgent situation. If i was a real woman, i could channel at any moment, but i can't. I'm still just a man and nothing more." this all culminates with her inferiority complex in Turnabout Goodbyes. I actually really like reading into Maya's struggle in turnabout goodbyes as a representation of dysphoria, because the way she's hurt by not being able to channel mia is heartbreaking. hell, she literally says some genuinely suicidal things after the taser scene.
ultimately, I think maya finally begins to move past this dysphoria not because she learns to channel better, but because she finally, fully accepts mia's words to her, and i think Phoenix is really the person to finally help her out of it. sometime after turnabout goodbyes, maya opens up to phoenix about how hard this all is to her. tells him about how hard it is to feel like her womanhood is entirely dependent on a skill she struggles to grasp. phoenix would choose this as the time to finally come out to her that he too is trans, and would try his best to comfort maya, telling her how he's always seen her as a girl, how she should never doubt who she is just because she's not as skilled as her sister or mother. i think phoenix would feel some sense of guilt at this point, as he would feel like he played a part in maya's dysphoria since he was always hoping maya could channel mia again. with this, he would feel very motivated to help her through everything, both because of this guilt and just because he's now very committed to protecting maya. this of course wouldn't immediately fix everything for maya, but phoenix's continued support as they spend their days together would end up pushing her into learning to finally accept everything. over time, she's finally able to accept that no matter how strong or weak her spiritual abilities are, she'll always be a girl no matter what. of course, eventually she does become a very successful medium, but that takes much more time, and gradually freeing herself from her painful dysphoria helps her make it there.
okay wow i typed a lot what the fuck i was gonna write some stuff about other characters but this post is so long uhhhhhh apollo athena juniper trucy ema katherine sebastian adrian jinxie penny and a bunch of other ones i forgot to mention are trans women lol
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AITA for "causing a stain on a marriage" and ruining a honeymoon?
Hey everyone! This is a separate AITA issue, but also technically an update idk if that's allowed.
I'm the one who asked AITA for telling my hairdresser the truth.
I (25f) had a friend D (31m). He married an 18f recently. I do want to clarify something I said in the last post because I saw in responses I didn't write it out clearly. I do NOT approve of minors dating adults. I do NOT approve of 18-21 year olds dating people way older then them. If I, a 25 year old, wanted to date someone older with that same age gap, that would be fine. That's what I meant when I said I typically didn't have an issue with age gaps, but I realized I didn't write that well.
Anyways onto the reason I sent this in:
I saw D in person. Him and his...wife... have been married for a bit now. Anyways, I was trying to avoid him. He knew. Because he called me later that day and asked me why.
I calmly told him we weren't friends and I felt weird. He asked me why snd I told him, I felt weird about his wife. I also told him I didn't appreciate him calling me names. He flat out asked me what names, I said the name back, and he said "I would never say that you must have misheard me". He kept getting louder and I know for a FACT I didn't mishear because I clarified "did you just call me ----" and he said YES
So I yelled at him "you're a manipulative asshole and a groomer" to which he went quiet. And then his wife spoke. Apparently I was on speaker the entire time. She said I was jealous and an asshole and hung up on me.
An hour later his mother called me and at least she told me I was on speaker. It was her, D, the wife, the wife's mother and maybe someone else those are the only ones who spoke. They all took turns expressing how hurt they felt and how I was putting a stain on their marriage and how I was ruining their honeymoon. I flat out said they aren't even on their honeymoon rn so that shouldn't matter.
I said, and I quote," You chose to call me. I tried to avoid you. I want nothing to do with you, as far as I'm concerned im done. I won't talk about you, dont talk about me." To which the hairdresser got brought up by D. She didn't name me, but she dropped him. D claimed I swayed her. I said "if your actions swayed her then that was on you". I then was getting yelled at by many and the mom again yelled at me and cursed at me and said Ime calling him a groomer (pls note I hadn't except for the phone call earlier that day) could have complications for him and I shouldn't be "a vindictive jealous bitch".
I replied "im not jealous, if I had wanted him I could have, but that just proves he is one" and hung up.
I didnt realize fully until my sister brought up what happened when I was 16, D had tried to date me. It was a short period and he had flirted with me and would constantly buy me stuff and then guilttrip me for it.
To be quite honest a lot happened between us but I had told him I never wanted to date him. He did hold my first kiss over my head, which I hadn't even wanted to kiss me he just did. To be honest, I never wanted to think about it and so I didn't. Cause from that point on he had always dated women his age or older.
I guess I was groomed too. I'm not even sure, because as some people noted it is a small community. You talk to one person and guaranteed they are related or friends with the person you are talking about. Everyone knows everyone. His mom had always told me that he had only developed a crush on me because of the closeness and I had accepted that. I hadn't seen anything wrong with it when i was 16, but it makes me grossed out now.
I went on a tangent sorry, but the mother has vagueposted about me and people are assuming me. A few coworkers are asking me about the situation and I've not said anything. But apparently D and his wife are fighting now and im being blamed. His entire family is sending me messages and I have these new accounts send me messages, idk if they are real or not. I've deleted most of my social media now, because everyone is telling me I was in the wrong for trying to tear them apart and that they should be a happy newlywed couple and instead I've ruined that.
TLDR: my exfriend (31m) married an 18f. I called him a manipulative asshole and a groomer. His entire family is coming at me now and sending me messages. Genuinely unsure how to feel because part of me feels bad that I hurt the girl, the other half is pissed everyone is defending him and doesn't care.
What are these acronyms?
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sunthyme · 8 months
Okay y'all made the mistake of encouraging me so here's my headcanons and some ocs for Heartslabyul!
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Sorry for how small it is but format-wise, I'll discuss the dorm leader, then canon characters in descending year order, then ocs in descending year order.
Also, decided to make the school co-ed because 🌸 girls pretty 🌸! And safer for Yuu. Additionally, as a general rule of thumb, if a character is the same gender as the og reference, I tend to make them transgender in some way.
♥️Riddle Rosehearts♥️
(she/her) Transfem - Panromantic and Demisexual
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- Firstly, transfem Riddle has my heart so there's that.
- I made her mixed, probably British and Chinese, though I'm open to suggestions cause these are pretty much first drafts.
- From the get-go I wanted her to have hella freckles, idk they're cute.
- Also toned down her og hair, too many damn gingers in this house lol. Gave her grey streaks from her stressful ass childhood.
Next up,
♣️Trey Clover♣️
(he/him) - Bisexual
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- I made him black. No particular reason other than his og skin was waaay to pale in contrast to his hair, in my opinion.
- The reason he and Riddle seem so close is 'cause he and Che'nya were the first to know Riddle was trans and he does his best to cover for her.
- Autistic, dental hygiene is a strange special interest but whatever floats his boat.
- Also, he still wears glasses, I was just lazy lol.
♦️Cater Diamond♦️
(he/they) Transmasc - Pansexual and Demiromantic
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- Stayed more or less the same. Gave some lighter blonde streaks for 🌟flavour🌟. You can decide whether those freckles are real or not.
- The first of the Depression Club(tm) characters because I love Cater angst. Wait til you find out my kin list omg.
- If we're talking my college AU, he'd be a cosmology or cosmetology major, whichever the makeup one is idk. He was taught by an older sister (who works at a tattoo shop/piercing parlour) how to do piercings and is the primary piercer on campus. He did Trey's probably Riddles, Adeuce's lip piercings and more characters that'll show up later.
- The one natural ginger left in Heartslabyul (I hunted them to near extinction lmao). Also, transmasc. I think his mom really wanted all girls and was not thrilled about him being trans. Anyways!~
Ah, now for
♥️Ace Trappola♥️
(he/him) - Bisexual
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- Made him half Hispanic, half Asian. No particular specifics (again, open to suggestions pls I love hearing others' headcanons). Also got some freckles, I fucking love birthmarks lmao.
- As mentioned, I'm on a crusade against the gingers /jk but I did give him dyed hair. He and Deuce dye their hair together, idk cute date idea tbh.
- Adeuce also got lip piercings together, even though Deuce tried to warn Ace that lip piercing aren't the best first ones, Ace insisted. Cue Deuce having to help take care of Ace's piercing cause he's a dumbass. Can you tell I love them? And their one collective braincell.
- Crippling ADHD, this bitch cannot sit still to focus on anything.
Speaking of Deuce,
♠️Deuce Spade♠️
(he/him) Transmasc - Gay
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- He's half-Filipino, half Vietnamese(? Not quite sure yet) and I gave him dyed hair too, obvi.
- Gave him his momma's blonde streaks and some scars from his delinquent day, plus some piercings.
- Couple moles for funsies, and made his eyes brown.
- He is soooo AuDHD, people can fight me on that. On god, he's my son. Also transmasc, his mom is an amazing ally (she's probably bi herself nvm).
Onto my ocs!
🔮Oki Chiang🔮
Third Year - (she/her) - Asexual Aromantic
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- So this is my girlie twisted from the Blue Caterpillar. She's not a smoker or anything but I think she's be a total incense and perfume and whatnot girl.
- Spiritualistic and whenever you walk into her room, it smells amazing. If you want a tarot reading, she's your girl.
- Oki's very reserved and tends to keep to herself, often reading or quietly sipping some tea with Riddle as they work.
- She's Taiwanese and also autistic. Her whole wardrobe is blue, so are most of her things and she love nice smells.
Next up is
🎀Luna Madden🎀
Second Year - (she/they/it/whatever, she doesn't care too much) - Bisexual Aromantic
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- You'll never guess who she's based on /j. My Mad Hatter character! I didn't have a particular ethnicity in mind for her but she takes heavy inspiration from Harujuku fashion.
- She and Cater have to work together to dye her hair every time it needs touch ups. It's a huge pain in the ass but she likes how it looks and Cater is fine helping.
- Has acne and uses those cute lil star and heart cut-out patches to cover it.
- She LOVES bright colours and has way too much fun prepping for the tea parties. Owns a ton of weird and neat lil earrings that she likes to mix and match.
- Also has ADHD. I feel like that's obvious lol.
Now for
⏳Bunnie Chrona⏳
First Year - (she/her) - Asexual Lesbian
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- Twisted from the White Rabbit, and a super creative name I know... I don't have a ton of explanation here other than I thought it would look neat.
- I was super close to giving her all white hair but I didn't want another character with dark skin and light hair (which will be relevant in later designs too) so I gave her a gradient. All natural, by the way.
- She's autistic too and gets extremely anxious whenever she's late or someone else is late (Adeuce constantly give her heart attacks because of this).
- She's also a part of the track and field club!
Last, but certainly not least
💥Ness Benoit💥
First Year - (she/they) Transfem - Bicurious?
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- Last girl and she's based on Lock from The Nightmare Before Christmas movie. Spoiler, she is one of three triples, I assigned them to different houses, and they have an older sister based on the Boogeyman.
- I thought it'd be cute to give her little devil horns as a hairstyle and I made her makeup the same as the og characters'.
- It's been a hot second since I've seen this movie so I can't remember much about the kiddos' characterisations but my dad said Lock was the brains of the of operation so she gets book smarts.
- Also, her name is a silly little joke on 'loch-ness' because I was too lazy to try and find something else.
Thank you so much if you read until the end, this was a massive post to make. I'll make my Savanaclaw one tomorrow, hopefully. If I remember lol.
Love you! 🩷🩷🩷
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playertwotails · 2 months
I have a very funny idea about Sonic that's gonna require me to go into a bit of a tangent on a funny personal story for it to make sense but stay with me. (I do not personally have any memory of this story but my mom likes to retell it sometimes cause it's funny)
So to the story time. When I was a toddler my parents were worried I might be mute or partially so because I would either not talk at all or just say one word and no complete sentences. This kept up until I was 2 years old and after taking me to specialists one finally realized there was nothing actually wrong with me but my older sibling was talking for me so I just didn't. (Sidenote, my older sibling is not much older than me, a bit over a year apart so it's all toddler v toddler at these ages, just saying this so no one thinks my sibling is like mean or something, they were about as much of a baby as I was )
Fast forward after the "diagnosis" and I'm still 2 not talking and up until this point my older sibling has been getting away with stuff cause I wouldn't talk.
Well one day our mom comes back to me crying and my sibling not saying what happened and our mom out of habit just starts asking me "Oh what happened?" She was not expecting a response but according to her I pointed to my sibling and said in a very clear sentence "They hit me with a broom!!" To which my sibling in the shock of the moment just said "THEY CAN TALK??!!"
(Apparently baby me had impeccable comedic timing on when to snitch on my sibling)
Moving on from personal story back to my obsession with the Sonic series. So I'm a big fan of mute/selectively mute younger Sonic, it's *chefs kiss* for me.
I had a funny scenario in mind where Sonic has been battling Eggman for a while and Eggman is well aware that Sonic does not talk. And Eggman has a new cannon fodder accomplice in what ever new scheme he's got cooking up for the week. And he tells this new meat shield not to bother really talking with Sonic cause he's not gonna say anything back.
Maybe this is sometime after Sonic got Tails and they were fighting Eggman and his new chump of the week. Eggman and Sonic are alone and Eggman starts ranting about how he was going to 100% betray his new sucker of a partner in like the next hour. Cause to Eggman, Sonic is pretty good sound board since he doesn't talk back so why not tell him his petty schemes.
Cue a bit later they're all back together all out brawl style and Tails gets hurt or captured or something just enough to piss off Sonic and immediately Sonic turns to the new Eggman stooge and just goes "Eggman said he's gonna betray you here in like 5 mins."
Eggman is too shocked to deny it, just immediately shouts "SINCE WHEN DO YOU TALK!!!????!!!"
Which not a great defense against the betrayal accusations and Eggman now has a new problem of fighting a, as of 5 seconds ago, new enemy.
Idk I was just thinking about the story my mom likes to tell again and brain rot connected the dots back to Sonic lol.
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