#idk if i'd call it a crush tho
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wish-i-were-heather · 5 months ago
ok i think one of my friends might be kinda cute
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jeanralphiosbf · 2 months ago
lore dump!!!
ship: jr² (jean-ralphio x jerome-reyes aka meee)
source: parks and recreation
words: 3k so far but this is still a wip so ,,
2x13 the set up- we meet when he visits the office to apply to be ron's assistant. after ron declines, jean hangs around tom/leslie's office a bit bc he's bored or whatever. i go in to get smth from leslie's part of the office and tom introduces us n we meet 🤝🤝 he's prob instantly intrigued by me bc i look #cool with my dyed hair. and i think he's Just Some Guy DKSNHS. heprobably thinks i'm cute or whateverrrr 🙄🙄
between 2x13 to 2x23 at least two months pass during these episodes so we'd get closer and become friends,,, jean sometimes stopping by initially to see tom and asking if i'm around :3c #eventually we start hanging out a bit outside of.. city hall lol. if i'm at the mall, i'd stop by lady footlocker to see him and annoy him for a bit ^__^ . for the telethon episode, he'd stay up and watch it to support (also partly bc i'm involved w it) and he'd call multiple times to donate and then stays on the line for like 15 minutes so he can talk to me lol
2x23 the master plan - i volunteer to help tom and donna set up april's birthday party at the snakehole lounge. yk jean doesn't rly help w anything wGKSN but he def hangs around me (follows me like a puppy lol) and talks to me (annoys me). during this ep jean's constantly flirting with april (which she only lets slide bc she wants to make andy jealous) but he's not even into her. he's already harboring a crush for me but he feels he might not have a shot with me (there's prob instances where he tries to flirt with me but i'm not picking up on the signals [#autism] and i think he's just joking so i jst awkwardly laugh along and don't think twice abt it. so he thinks i wouldn't be interested-) SO he flirts w her to keep his mind off me idk whateverrr. i find them being together odd but i just shrug it off like Ok. that's a thing i guess. anyways hbd april <3 fsNHS. anywaysanyways whenever he's away from her he's trying to find me (i am easy to find. partly bc dyed hair also i would just be by the bar or hanging awkwardly around ppl i know like a lost child) so we can hang out more. uhmm yeah.
3x7 harvest festival - s3 kicks off close friends era :3c i help set up the harvest festival (naturally), and jean visits once it's all up and running. 40% he comes bc it seems fun then 60% bc he wants to see me (and annoy me) hehe. we're def playing all the games there and having competition's on who's better (anytime i lose i say it's rigged and he laughs) and after i lose a couple times he feels bad and gives me some teddy bear he won to make up for it. we're absolutely going thru that corn maze, i manage to navigate thru it pretty well meanwhile he's of no help (of course) and he just watches me lol. we go on that ferris wheel (i'm internally dying bc hhh close contact makes me crazey so i keep a respectable distance but he loves being close to anyone and doesn't know what personal space is so he unintentionally scoots closer and maybe our knees brush and our shoes touch. but it's whateverr) and when we get to the top he tries to take a picture of the view and succeeds and then he tries to take a selfie of us and nearly drops his phone (i of course laugh at him)
3x9 andy & april's wedding - uhm not much to say here for this ep. jean visits andy n aprils wedding to help tom make a best man speech and they prob consult me on it and i'm just like 'oh wow that's Awful. Please use it' fSHNK and then we're all bummed when tom doesn't get time to say his speech. wish i had more to say for this ep uhh me and him just hang in the kitchen watching the wedding c: when mouse rat starts performing and everyone starts coupling up and dancing he prob drags me to dance with him (i'm the closest person to him it doesn't mean anything) (also he still does this even tho i'm like umm actually lets Not do that 😀-) (i overthink it and get confused bc some ppl are dancing slowly so i'm just . ??? and place my hands on his shoulders and he laughs and is like nooo no not that kind of dancing and i want to explode but he finds it cute)
3x13 the fight (my 2nd fav ep wooo) - i'm sitting w tom at a table and jean comes over to chat. during this ep jean constantly makes raps with ppl's names but just can't end them on a rhyme, so. Obviously. he tries to make one out of my name. he fails miserably and i'm like "....well i do have two first names, so you can try one with 'reyes'. ykno, maybe you can redeem yourself" and he does and fails again and me and tom are like "that's worse... How is that Worse" WKEHSJG. i feel like at some point i'd just be vibing by myself at a booth and he comes over n talks to me. everyone in this ep is so Out There (mainly cus they're drunk lol) and i'm just very To Myself (just in general but esp so at a club. which is not my normal environment-) and he tries to get me to have fun/be outgoing. 100% he drags me to the dancefloor (despite me saying i do not want to do that. also he clarifies he doesn't mean dance as in slow dance and he makes fun of me for trying to slow dance with him that one time but if i wanted to slow dance with him he'd be honored to do so and i'm just like '���😐🙄🙄 Can you Shut Up. i hate you' but he just finds it funny. he looves annoying me) . also i just realized i would have to not only deal w everyone being drunk (i'm the only sober one along w chris and donna) but i'd have to deal w jean being drunk.. and he's a sad drunk (or at least with snakejuice he is)... g-dwjgsdhj. i'm just sitting at the bar on my phone and he comes up like 'heyyy *insert stupid nickname he makes up for me here* my man hows it going' and we chat which quickly turns into him just randomly discussing abt his parents unhappy marriage and how he's secretly insecure and feels so lonely etc KWGNSJD and then i'm just stuck with him. i'm Uncomfortalbe With Emotions so it's awkward for me but i do comfort him. maybe a timid hand on his back as a sign of support. idk if he'd even remember it bc of how drunk he is but if he does he'd appreciate it. i'd tell donna (who drives everyone who's drunk home) to text me when she gets him home and the next day i'd text him saying i hope he's feeling better. or whatever. omg idc
3x16 li'l sebastian - so during this ep jean tries to convince tom to join him and create entertainment 720 (multimedia conglomerate... they literally do the same stuff as waystar royco, but they don't Actually do it cus they're so bad at their jobs lmao), while also working on the memorial for li'l sebastian together. i would be helping them w the video presentation that happens later that night (i'd also help with smaller stuff for preparing the memorial). tom is off discussing plans with someone else and while jean and i work he talks abt entertainment 720, and how they'd need video editors and suggests i could work w them. i say i'm totally down for it and that it sounds fun and at the end of the episode when they create the company i work there with/for them :3
entertainment 720 time !!!! lowkey best era bc it starts best friendism + mutual pining (i finally like him lol) + has all my frens yay
it's brought up in a later episode but canonically happened during the opening day/night of their company, so i'll put this early. they throw a party for opening and during it, jean dances too hard with tessa (their receptionist. i have one-sided beef with her but that's not important here) and literally breaks a rib 😭 ,, me him and tom would leave for an ER trip and eventually tom would head back to the office, but i'd stay with jean. he's very adamant abt wanting me to head back and keep the party going ~in his honor~ but i'm like 🤨 No you Idiot i'm staying here. and i do. i think down the line, since the rib didn't heal properly on it's own, he'd get surgery (and i imagine lu [his dad], who's already a doctor, would find the best of the best for him lol). ofc i'd be there for him and help him during recovery n whatnot,,
i already mentioned what the company does a little bit, but basically they create/produce media. except tom and jean are incapable of running a business so they.. immediately kill it within two - maybe three ish months and go bankrupt wHKSNH. anyways, majority of their workload is doing like.. animal memorial videos. tom Actually knows how to edit and he's capable of Working- whereas canonically jean doesn't know a single thing abt editing. which is where i'd come in and give him a 101 on premiere. he absolutely is notttt paying attention, instead just looking at me (like that simmosa scene from superstore) and looking away whenever i glance at him. i set a project up together to show him everything and i let him try it out and he deletes shit on purpose to get on my nerves n whatnot lmao (<- likely end credits scene).
i stay after work a Lotttt. i'm a perfectionist and as soon as i finish one commission i start another (i'll have less to do the next day ok it makes sense <3). anytime i work late, he stays behind bc he doesn't want me to be alone. he also insists on driving me home instead of letting me take an uber ("it's safer!!"). the office is filled with tons of games bc no one there does any work lol- there's sections for golfing, video games/an xbox, pool, etc etc. when it's like 11pm and we're still at the office and he notices i've not taken a break for a while he would literally drag my chair away from my desk so i can either get some rest n take a nap on one of the 800 chairs/couches they have for whatever reason or he drags me to play one of the 30 games the office has with him. we'd play pool where we're both pretty bad at it lol like at best our high scores are 2-3 (either way)- i'm rusty and don't play it often so i'd maybe be struggling trying to remember how to Play The Game but he's like Hey dw i can teach you 😁 and gets behind me and puts his hands on mine and helps me with positioning the first shot while explaining the rules (we prob make up our own rules tho bc. of course) (he absolutely does this to flirt [but i don't catch on]. which frankly he shouldn't be doing since he's my boss wHKSKN he's soo lucky they don't have hr).
i know for a fact they have a x box too we'd aaabsolutely play that during late nights at the office. they'd probably have gta n stuff on there but i Knowww they'd have the Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City games i feel it in my bones (i only say these two bc this season takes place in 2011-2012 and those are the only ones released of the franchise). he/tom prob got them bc they see batman and go 'oh yeah he's pretty cool'… they've probably played like 40 minutes at best bc they're not that good at fighting lol. we turn the system on one day and i scroll thru the library and get jsjldjnsg!!!! over seeing them in there and he's Intrigued and we talk abt it a lil bit and decide to play the games (i play and he commentates) and now that's like a thing we progress on anytime we're the only ones at the office and he Actually gets invested in it. he asks tons of questions abt all the characters n stuff and lets me infodump and finds it cute ghhhhhhh (also mayhaps feels a Lil bit jealous whenever i'm running around in-game to get all of the riddler trophies and infodumping abt eddie and giggling anytime he talks in-game bc i love him and he's my fav hehe)
wait sorta same vein but he'd also see me and ben talking during lunch breaks or smth abt dc or star wars (our shared special interests) and having lengthy discussions abt it and jean notices and also mayyybe feels a bit jealous over that too. so later he googles like Less Know DC Facts n stuff and next time he sees me he Casually drops them in conversation to try to impress me 😭 (he gets some of them wrong tho and i have to kindly be like '…….ok i hate to do this but actually-')
4x6 end of the world (aka my fav ep hehe) - this is the ep where Unfortunately e720 dies wHKSNG, bUT on the bright side it is also the ep where we become canon <3
i'm helping them clean out the office near the beginning of the episode (i mean they have movers taking everything out but i'd help yk). we all have drinks to celebrate :> i bring some little treats as a celebratory thing as well and we practically have our own chantony spaceforce moment (i can't find gifs of it so just watch the intro to that edit sorry 😭 altho i'll say that whole edit Is uscore)
during the planning of the party, they hire a marching band to do a drumline at some point. tom and jean get marching outfits but for whatever reason they're not matching, tom's is blue/yellow while jean's is black/pink (and i believe the band's is black/red). jean's excited to show me his outfit, since black/pink are (2/3rds of) my favorite colors and also the colors of my hair. i find it a sweet lil coincidence and don't think twice on it (he's probably trying to impress me or smth or hint that he likes me but i am #oblivious), but it's nice yk :3
me, jean, tom and donna are hanging out and discussing the party. during this, lucy (tom's ex) shows up bc jean texted her early to come visit, and she and tom reconcile/hang out for the rest of the party. i leave the group for a bit to chill out in the pirate ship bouncy castle by myself (i could probably go into 3 out of the 4 vip rooms they have, but eh). after seeing tom/lucy hit it off again, jean decides he wants to confess to me before the night's over. he eventually finds me and we just sit together talking. i go on a tangent about thanking him and tom for this opportunity and how fun it was to work w them (even tho they barely worked lmao) and to get closer w them and blah blah blah. he's quiet during this but it's not like a bad quiet, like he's just rly listening. when i finally shut up he agrees w like everything i said and just adds onto it. he says he really enjoyed my company and i'm like 'yeah :> same here' and there's just a silence (tension? 🤔) for a min while we just sit together skhDNG,, i start to talk abt smth and he just. kisses me. and i'm frozen wsDKH he thinks my reaction is negative so he starts to apologize so i'm like ??!?!?! i'm trying to talk but i can't get the words out (i am v awkward lol) but eventually i do and i'm like "!???! UhhhH NO NEEd to apologizE!! i mean i uhh i like you. too. so. yeah. There..?!? i mean.. If that kiss meant you like me?? which i hope it does? i mean it'd be kinda weird to do that if you Didn't like me??? do you?-" and i just keep going i'm basically a flustered mess and he laughs and finds it cute and he has to cut me off like 'Yes! i like you! for a while now-' and we talk and we start dating yayyy,, (ermmmmmm afterwards he asks if he can kiss me again bc that first kiss wasn't a ~real~ kiss and i can't even speak at that point i just nod. i'm like a scared chihuahua. anyways Umm we #kiss and it's maybe a tad awkward or i'm apologizing profusely bc i'm a dweeb who hasn't experienced physical affection idk what to do i'm just doing what i see in movies and he finds it cute and says it's fine and basically gives me a 101 on kissing and we're all giggly and smiley and can't keep it together bc we feel so happy ,,, also i realize how silly it is to be making out in a bouncy castle when literally anyone can just jump right in or even look inside bc it has windows lmaoo😭😭 i mean i doubt anyone there would gaf. anyways after we eventually decide to go back to a crowd of people and our friends, we'd have to keep a distance bc we're keeping it a secret. also my mom would be there too and i wouldn't want her noticing/finding out bc leslie doesn't like jean 😭)
the party continues into the morning/it seems early afternoon (since it's said they absolutely have to be out the building by 12pm that day), and everyone eventually leaves. i suggest to jean that we hit up jj's diner for some breakfast and we go do that :3c when no one's within ear shot he jokes about this being our first date and i roll my eyes hehe
ummmm during the rest of s4 we're secretly dating. i do have some lore for some eps post-getting-together but iiii don't feel like properly writing them down so. another day <3
i don't know Where but somewhere in season 5 we become public. no one is surprised wKHDNS except like.. ann and leslie. they're surprised for sure. esp leslie like it takes a whileeee for them to warm up to us together wlgdjhn
7x11 two funerals - ik this is like. a huge jump episode wise lol but i'll get around to writing lore for previous episodes at another point. anyways, s7 starts with a time jump, it's now 2017. which means in-universe, we've been together forrr six to seven ish years. during this ep tom's trying to figure out how to propose to lucy who's visiting pawnee again, and one of his ideas is to make a lil action movie short. he goes to a jewelry shop and shoots it. tom, leslie and jean are all in it while i'm the cameraman. during it tom's like.. this hero and jean's some villain and he has henchmen lol and they all fight. during it jean gets injured and gets.. slammed through a glass container with jewelry in it and hurts his back 😭 the afterward's not shown but i'd make sure he's alright and soothe him 3:
later during the ep tom decides to propose to lucy at the snakehole lounge, and jean and leslie are there trying to hype him up. i'm not in this scene but it's still important lore wise- jean and leslie watch the proposal from afar and talk abt how sweet it was. at this point, since we've been together for so long, jean's been thinking about getting me a promise ring. he tells leslie about it, thinking this is the best moment to bring it up. their relationship togethers been rocky since at first she really couldn't stand him lol but she grew to like him and think he's good for me. jean basically gushes abt me and it's rly sweet. he prob shows leslie the various rings he was thinking abt hehe (he settles on matching ones like these. i have the black one and he has the silver one :3c)
that's all i've got for now :D
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laylawatermelon · 1 year ago
The K-Drama Of It All
Hello! My hyper fixation has (very unhealthily) latched onto this show so I'm gonna be analyzing.
First of all, I am a veteran in these spaces.
Very shy in real life I am an avid observer in all my fandoms but TRUST I know what's up at all times because of it.
This first analysis will be of the phenomenon of how they playing in my face with the classic K-Drama tropes and cinematic choices.
Let us begin.
Now we all agree that The Bear is a cinematic masterpiece right? Right.
I have been consuming media across all mediums since I was a kid.
I quite literally spent most of my life watching behind the scenes, in front of the scenes, and in between the scenes.
I'm also an aspiring filmmaker and screenwriter. As such I analyze stuff I like more.
I try to understand why they are the way they are.
Now that we got all the fluff out of the way let's get down to the nitty gritty.
*stands on soapbox*
Page 1 of 10000 ehem
In this this essay I will -!
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Fr tho. Let's look at this from a K-Drama perspective.
I've spent about 10-12/13 years watching them. And luckily got into it during the golden era.
I literally watched She Was Pretty air (among others). Ex, Strong Woman, Descendants of the Sun (never watched; controversy+ bad attention span), School 2013.
So you know I'm (somewhat) of an og.
I'm those shows it's very formulaic.
This can extend to other Asian dramas but I'm going to try to stick to K-Dramas.
For example, the 10 ep rule. Must have a kiss or kiss in that episode. (Before is fine)
Now they're getting a little willy nilly and getting down in the first EP but I can argue they was down bad back then as well. Just more angsty longing looks.
(which tbf Sydcarm does all the time but it's 99% Carm though)
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In KDramas there's something common in the cinematography that I'd call the halo of light. Almost all the time there are some form of beauty shots with them beautifully lit where they're together, the way they look at each other etc.
Which ironically they do with these two a lot on the show.
I know the show is gorgeous but you can't just explain away some of the choices.
I have watched and read a lot of discussions so this will be influenced by a lot of people. I will mention when I got the help from (if i can find it).
Now I just want to say I think this.
These following trope have been here since the dawn of K-Drama time.
Enjoy my infodump.
Firstly let's discuss this here:
1. The Meet Cute/Halo Effect
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We've all been screaming to the void about the classic meet cute that happens with Carmy's life and him being constantly bombarded with noise and chaos.
Stylistically this wouldn't be a typical formula for K-Dramas as it leans more into Kmovie style (which valid The Bear was originally a movie) I think it's as textbook as it comes.
Now the original script (which I have read) had a story of different tone. Very Chicago and chaotic but still...
In this iteration of the script idk what the actors were on but JAW looked at the script and chemistry test and was like hmm yes.
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A dramatic romcom. I see.
For her she's an ambitious woman who has (maybe a tiny crush) admiration for him cause like he's literally who she wants to be.
Young, talented and successful. He's made a name in their industry so of course she wants to work under him.
But he he's playing the male lead in an early K-Drama with the classic *she enters* and it's like the second coming out Christ being lit from behind her.
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The classic 'I can't believe I never noticed how beautiful she is' in all dramas (and romcoms honestly).
You can also compare it to the corny slightly funny moments in slow motion when they miss each other/do the angsty look.
Like this.
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Good old kdrama tropes.
What's interesting is that in their scene they do the opposite of what a K-Drama would usually do. They cut the music and let it become calm.
You get to breathe and relax and so does he. He feels at peace.
In K-Dramas, osts are a kind of a life line so they would most likely blare it when he has that realization.
And then at every other romantic moment after.
Another way that it could be is by using very like calm music (still the ost but still).
They do use this with having mostly romantic music in their scenes but it's usually quiet and a bit hard to hear or understand (unless you're analyzing like many of the wonderful people on this app).
Now you can argue her warm lighting in each scene from the finale and introduction represents his hope/life/good change being given back to him in the form of her (but if that's not the most romantic thing I ever heard).
Now for the flashback in the panic attack scene you could argue the blue tone he sees her in, as it usually represents some kind of sadness/distance/professionalism in this show, it can also represent his piercing blue eyes remembering her in the only shade they know how.
Good God that color grading is nuts. His eyes *ARE* the color Blue.
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Now I want to talk a bit more about shot composition, color grading and color choices.
In a few interviews I've seen and read the editors, directors and others were quite serious about the shots and music they used were very much on purpose.
I mean come on.
Also Announcement from a novel/screenwriter:
The most telling scenes is the beginning of omlette and the end of the episode before it.
The director had chose to show her tattoo that represents loss in a deep blue lighting which was actually in a similar lighting that Carmy and Claire were bathed in afterwards.
The quora search says it means pain, heartbreak, and emotional turmoil.
It also lines up with the rest of the shots with him preparing dinner with Claire and her being alone.
I believe this kind of represents the emotional cheating (?) going on between them as he practically abandoned her (and their child, The Bear).
(which is a wild choice for platonic coworkers)
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As I've said before blue lighting is usually representative of sadness, coldness etc.
In the scene personally even without connecting it to shipping or everything the message came clear to me.
He was quite literally being suffocated as in the last scene her body was on his as he stared in the distance blankly.
Honestly that shot was kind of heartbreaking because it feels like coercion in a warped way.
He feels like he should be happy, he should participate in these acts, he should be doing well.
He's fulfilling his family's wish.
So why isn't he happy?
That's my writer kicking in but that's what I got from it.
🥲 (gimme a sec i gotta cry)
But the same blue tone was used in his panic attack as the camera zoomed in.
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Now the ironic part was that they used warm lighting for the scenes with Claire, but it's not that unusual.
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Warm lighting has always been used to also represent a time period in the past in addition to good/warm times.
What's ironic is what's literally colored in what should represent good times isn't working.
He's remembering his family in those same tones. The past isn't helping.
But the future does.
Enter Sydney in blue.
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Now blue usually represents sadness (or calm) but it's also used in futuristic scenes.
*They benefit from the cold clinical look i guess🤷🏾‍♀️*
Then he becomes calm.
I can also say that their kitchen scenes in early season 2 are blue coded but it has a calm feeling not a distant feeling. It ironically feel warm and calming despite the cool tone.
This appears in a couple other scenes in the show when he's showing her the work done in the early season.
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But color wise it's usually warm tones with them as the color kind of transitions in that scene. It's half half.
His view is warm because he thinks she's good with what he did and hers is cold because he ditched her so yeah.
Now shot wise let's discuss because it's a bit obvious.
The staff head mentioned loving close ups to show the characters emotion but also to convey a sense of what's not being said.
An example of his uncertainty with Claire is the car scene. In most of his shots it's extremely close to her and gives off an awkward vibe.
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But when you go to her perspective, she's more open and his shots show background and more of his character, also reflecting their relationship with each other,
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This persists with the kitchen scene as well.
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When I rewatch it it has that same quality. It's a bit more pulled out (obviously as they literally spent the night together so anyone would feel closer) but there's still an awkward/dreamlike feel like when its on her like she's not quite based in reality.
Or in Carmy's self sabotaging view, too good to be true.
In comparison to Sydney, the shots with her are almost always wide and open.
We see it with them as early in season one with the outside scene where he's staring her down and gets her to open up.
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You can argue that almost all of their shots are as equals, or in the same frame with an openness that have/represents when they're communicating with each other. (I'm def writing about their communication)
Sydney's character is ironically what a male lead would be like and Carmy would be more of the female archetype.
Which I really appreciate now that I think about it.
The male lead is usually very successful/good at what they do, hesitant to share but when they do you feel it and know it's sincere. They're usually more bumbly with expressing when they're emotional but when they do its like a huge release. And when they love it's very obvious and excessive at times.
In comparison, Carmy is very expressive, sensitive and aware. He's devoted (Claire sorry but you don't quite count) to things he's passionate about, willing to communicate and has traits of sensitivity.
His eyes and body tells what he's feeling almost immediately. (Also JAW is just an incredible actor)
In Kdrama land their roles would be switched. Hell I can argue some American dramas as well.
Back on topic though.
The Halo Effect is there. Like all the time.
To my next point-
2. The She Looks Away, I Look At Her
Now you may argue this is very Disney Rapunzel, all that coded.
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You will also be correct.
I am a Disney (more Nick honestly) kid.
This too applies to the K-Drama world nay I would say it originated there (it did not).
Do you know how many shows I can name where the male lead is just hopelessly in awe as he stared at the female lead because she just insulted him and he wants to tell her he loves her in every way.
Ring ring.
I heard The Bear calling. Yeah imma need you to clock out on this gaslighting.
time to fangirl
Look at the gif sets!
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But honestly, it's a common way to show that the character cares and wants a person without outright saying it.
You understand the vibes almost instantly.
He likes her. He wants more.
She likes him. She wants more.
3. Matching Clothes
This one is a simple one but we all know how common it is in K-Dramas to have a matching something.
A good example of a recent show is Extraordinary Attorney Woo, and how they almost always matched even if he was in casual clothing and she was in office clothes.
You're supposed to get a telepathy feel from them. Like they're on the same wavelength.
In ships/shows they usually subconsciously brainwash you into details of a relationship by having them wear or have something that reminds you of them.
In wardrobe, clothing is meticulously planned to match characters financial situation and express their personality. The clothes tell the story.
And the story usually is we go together. Real bad.
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So yeah, sure in this scene/episode they were more in tune and tandem and as time went on they became more disjointed.
Granted they do work in a place with uniforms but I digress.
And lastly my third point part II-
Same But Different
If this were a kdrama there'd be like 0.00% chance that they WOULDN'T happen.
First they're the main leads so duh, and second the way that they parallel each other is insane.
There are many edits and examples of them directly mirroring each other in certain situations.
Scrubbing the floors when feeling lonely seemingly in the exact same spot, stressing in the freezer, saying stuff at the same time and their weird telepathy and answering each other's - sandwiches (that's what I was gonna say).
And if any of you say work wife I will rage cause let me catch my man laying under a table like that!!!
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But for real, yes there's intimacy and friendship and all that but I ain't everr look at my friends of either gender like that.
If did I probably had feelings and just kept em in. And did the Carmy puppy eyes (TM).
And yes we are aware Carmy is emotionally constipated like a coke bottle filled with mentos with a tight cap on and his lack of a social life coupled with his (many) different mental illnesses/difficulties.
So he probably doesn't even recognize or even want to recognize them as such and honestly as a 4 lifer
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I'm really sad but I don't think he'll confess in the next season.
I'm making a post about it but I'm also uncertain about it lasting more than three seasons as thematically and the way it was intended to be a movie I feel kind of uncertain.
It can extend to 4 but it was intended and the way it's narratively been flowing its exactly like a 3 act structure just spread out (like butter).
The next season is after the dark of night aka main character loses everything.
This season was fun and games - quite literally him having amusement and such. (Training Arc!!) It ended with his demise I'd say.
Now there's no where to go but up.
I'm not saying that it's impossible, but a 4th season would likely be more aimed toward getting a star or maintaining a star etc and family ties and such.
That'd be most likely when, if any, outwardly romantic contact should happen.
But they might surprise me.
Butt honestly in KDrama land there's no way the set up isn't romantic even if it was just a chef or professional focused show.
I'd say it'd be standard honestly for ones focused on career with a dash of romance.
Ex. Miss Hammurabi (best example)
The Good Doctor (Japanese Version)
There's probably more but I exclusively watch romance so 🤷🏾‍♀️.
In Conclusion,
Yes. They are end game.
I also wanna say how odd it is that this ship is attacked by fans of the show and non fans alike because I've literally grew up in the age of Rise of The Brave Tangled Guardians.
There's nothing more random than that time period.
They all dated each other!
Like my guy there's a Tony the Tiger x Grinch fic and don't even get me started on the Onceler selfcest as different flavors of himself (/j i love stuff like this)!
My point is it's not that unusual for the two leads to be shipped. Same gender or not.
I also have years of teenage brain rot developed from eating movies for breakfast so I know more than you! (/hj) I'm obviously right!
I will be discussing some more of this in length at a later date.
But I rest my case.
I will retreat into my cave until next time.
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deepdeanvsweston · 9 months ago
sooo in your mmu shipping chart you said you liked hazel x george as a ship and..
when i was first reading the mmu series ( mam in particular ) i remember thinking how hazel x george could be a thing and being kind of disappointed that they werent ( still love halexander tho )
and i have some ✨q u e s t i o n s✨ :
when did you start shipping them?
favourite ship-worthy moment?
any other random info you have - i have to know!!
Hi!!! Hello!!! That is so cool @detectivesocietyfan!!! You will not believe how relieved I am to hear about another Hazel/George shipper!!! Lavinia/Daisy has been called weird before so I thought I was possibly going to get ripped to shreds for this ship 😭😭😭
I'm afraid I can't remember when I started shipping them but I do know why I do!!! I've never really enjoyed Halexander as a ship, I personally didn't like how nervous she was around him. Ik you do tend to get nervous with a crush, but it seemed to turn to anxiety at some points, and like she couldn't quite be herself with him. And also I didn't like that bit at the end of MAM where he was like "Hazel we're just mates right it's not Like That" because even if Hazel didn't like him, I don't like how Alex was trying to convince himself of his feelings by involving others? Idk how to explain it better, but I hope that makes sense!
(Also because of that moment I hc Alex as aromantic! To me, he seems very panicky at the prospect and I know it's intended to be about him not being able to admit his feelings, but my 'alex is aro' ship had already sailed at this point)
I was once upon a time a Haisy shipper, but imo they wanted different things from specifically a romantic relationship (those 2 are QPR to the max though!!!)
My favourite ship-worthy moment is also why I started shipping them! (Pretty much all of my favourite ships are made up of the smallest blink and you miss it moments). I'm afraid I don't have the book on me but in The Case Of The Missing Treasure there's a moment where they're solving codes together and Daisy (as the narrator) says something along the lines of 'they glowed happily at each other' like HELLO? DAISY WELLS said they GLOWED. This pretty much cemented it for me.
Any other info I have is that George is ABSOLUTELY a romantic. He writes the love letters, he buys the flowers, he is a True Gentleman and you cannot change my mind!!! And Hazel DESERVES this. She just seems a lot more confident around George. (and I ofc realise that what you are meant to draw from this is Alex is the butterflies in the stomach one and not George, but idc!!!)
and HOW can I forget "Who am I showing off to? Hazel's cleverer than I am." (Do excuse if I've got the line slightly wrong!!!)
Also just them in The Body In The Blitz 🥹🥹🥹
This turned into an essay but that's ok!!! I love Hazel/George!!! If you ever wanted to talk more, you are absolutely welcome to dm me!!! I'd love to know your favourite ship-worthy moment of them!!!
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toestalucia · 6 months ago
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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what’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
im easy...........and like too much.......personally ! i prefer akira with the older wizards, ive talked about being in those ship tags ummmm a lot<3 i cant narrow it down further......the twins are an exception but ive been over that in the past. atm i like emu with mafuyu, rui, nene & akito a lot :D theres def more (like honami i think would be cute! and i do like her with tsukasa too, but emu tsukasa besties....), but im like twice her age so i think about that stuff so rarely LOLLLL i thought hard about the rest of my muses but.......?????????? eight/machina....perhaps...........sofia/forte.......yeong/tara......(cagli teehee)
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
i lov drama. with gran it comes natural cuz welcome to ur 'assuming things w/out asking' and 'thinks way too much into the future where they dont want to settle down' captain. i think akiras the most tender of all of them? and most likely to actually bring up issues? sofia is fun because i think about the event where she Doesnt speak in opposites and micah ends up rly confused........being accepted with her weird speech patterns..... natsume too, either staying at the accepting his weird behavior (jumping, scared expression, running) or having the 'i can see youkai' convo....yknow.....its good...i know tanuma alrdy had a convo like that (UNREAL CONVO i miss it) but yknow. Overall ! anything. mostly. theres some 'ohhh angst' topics im not interested in, so i think most stuff stay on the more lighthearted/loving side tho
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
feel like a fraud everytime i say that i personally wont write akira with some of the 20yo's cuz im always close to deciding to make akira closer to 30. and then i say i like akira with figaro & oz......the ancient ppl......
are you selective when shipping?
rather than selective i just dont ask ppl........and i have no interest in making relationship calls nor liking them........i want to see where the writing goes first cuz i knoowwww i sometimes say gran would say x but then i write it and y happens yknow LOLLLLLL i'd be open to jumping into stuff on discord or something tho i think ? i think i could jump into romance stuff no problemo then cuz it'd feel slightly separated from here...?! cuz idk but theres something when i open this blog that i......its a very slowburn......if ure willing to spend some months writing so gran can become more accepting of the idea then its go go go. does this make sense. well either way im not sure tbh. grans a bit added difficulty too considering how i deal with their age LOLLL since cygames is pushing 15yo still. which gives me a headache seeing how the summer events etc are explicitly yearly.....i cannot write act3 gran as a teen, not when theres a political engagement with alliah like cmon....i refuse..........but since ure following this blog uve alrdy read this stuff in my rules/about LOL
either way akiras easier with romance. i just dont approach ppl about it. whenever i make that farmsim blog i wanna be more casual with this stuff tbh...T_^ for funsies............write some yearning...
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
not far at all. LMFAOOOOOOOO i use that tag very liberally. its unlikely im writing that stuff anyway....
does one have to ask to ship with you?
:DDDDDDDDDD if i ask u we've probably written for years & years && its starting to reach crush-territory anyway (hello kaitlyn) but man idk what it is....romance is just difficult to write on tomblr rn for me...gran does not make this easier. the issues r endless. can i offer u akira.
how often do you like to ship?
(person whos always in ship tags) (smiley face) (smiley face) (smiley face) can u get into mhyk for akira....or farmsims....................ill ship everything in there.....
are you multiship?
YAAAAAA the idea of having 1 ship on my blog doesnt excite me. even tho i dont write romance atm. LMFAOABKAJD
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
do u wanna hear about the akifi doujins ive read. or the akifau art where faust puts a flowercrown on akiras head.
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
THIS IS HOW DIANTHA/CLARISSE CAN STILL WIN. i am also a sabrina/leona fan. 'did they interact' no but they should. ppl who lost their husband(s). ppl who both should be AT THE CLUB. me/canaria. me/crystal
finally, how does one ship with you?
u like my posts & listen to my ramblings and i twirl my hair and send u more asks and then it just happens. foolproof.
tagged by: @convxction faty my beloved my everything u should do it for ur multi too.... tagging: @shiningstages kait i think u should do this for ur multi and ramble............
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sugar-omi · 2 years ago
what are your general thoughts on step 3 baxter bc i was replaying OL1 and i trying hard not to cackle at the fact baxter is 19 years old in like 2016. bc all i can hear is halsey, p!atd, arctic monkeys when i look at him; it's giving tumblr, hot topic, that specific period of alt fashion. like he looks like a k-pop idol, but has a weirdly deep voice and overly formal way of speaking. like that is a rich sheltered gayboy emo nerd, not a suave daddy dom. his ass is grass and mc is gonna mow it. i'm saying i find his whole aesthetic ridiculous even tho i do have a soft spot for his fear of emotional vulnerability.
honestly the only reason i don't clown him is bc I think him being older is 🥵🫣 but yeah I had to laugh when they called me Pepe le pew and Victorian emo man
I was literally getting ready to go out the one day after playing the dlc, and was trying not to fuck up my eyeliner from laughing bc pepe le pew is abnormally funny n idek what or who that is
take em off
OH NO WHAT DO YOU THINK HIS UNDERWEAR LOOKED LIKE.... ik in step 4 he had fall leaves on his butt but what abt step 3.... im afraid 😟
okay I totally almost forgot your question, thank god I read things like 5 times before I'm sure I'm not missing smth but general thoughts....
well first thoughts was "who tf is this flirting w my man🤨"
now it's "who let this vampire out the house" bc baxter is so pale... pls I feel like if I put a firefly on him he'd burn like?!)!&*!^!??
final thought: "are you still looking to be sandwiched" bc poly cove/baxter/mc sounds PERFECT for all my issues (will never recover from the dialogue being different if you have cove at fond or crush when you start dating baxter.....)
also I'd like to eat him, did I say that alrdy? well I'd like to shrink him n nibble on him
knowing he's going to break my heart...... pls... 5 moments wasn't enough imma need reimbursement for this heartache
I wanna sneak into his condo and lay in bed w him and make him laugh until he falls asleep n then I wanna wake him up w breakfast and then I wanna go on a lil stargazing date n walk along the edge of the water, the water only touching his feet when the wave goes up shore
n I wanna find all his lil freckles and moles n count them n be all close n tell him he's pretty like the moon and I wanna put on some song idk the lyrics to bc it's some Spanish love song or smth and make him dance w me even tho the most I can do is spin I a circle and circle literally one hip
and I wanna take him on a long drive w his dumb metal music blasting n make him yell it out w me and I wanna feed him his dumb fries w pie or whatever it was and I wanna make him lay in the grass w me and I wanna go build a dumb sandcastle and get him a silly lil toy that's prbly meant for kids n giggle abt it for a stupid amount of time and when we get home laugh abt it some more and i wanna play my dumb instrument and sing him a dumb song n AKAJHAGA I JUST WANT A FUCKJNG COMING OF AGE MOVIE W HIM I AM JAGADFALAH LOSING MY SHIT
I'm normal 🧍 ... I like this man a Regular amount
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blackenedbleeding · 2 months ago
So im happy with the fact that im nonbinary (in regards to gender I've been embracing femininity as well as how I've been masculine so it's kinda a mix of both now) but now I'm requestioning my sexuality
I've always liked girls much more than I've liked boys but I've just called myself bi cuz I did like the idea of a boyfriend, but I like the idea of a girlfriend WAYYYYYY way more. I mean I have a crush on a boy rn (it might not even be a crush, I might just be liking the IDEA of him and/or liking the idea of being with someone)
I'm definitely considering the fact that I might only like girls but im not sure if I want to use the term lesbian or sapphic or anything like that cuz i dont identify as a girl and i know that you don't have to identify as female to be lesbian but it still makes me a little uncomfy?
Despite not identifying as a girl I still prefer more feminine things than masculine in a lot of things, like I enjoy "girly" scents and routines and I love jewelry and makeup (I only really do eyeliner tho) but the only thing I really dislike is dresses and skirts and the color pink, but the only masc stereotype traits I like are like suits and baggy clothes, I hate masculine smells and I hate the idea of facial hair
I guess I like more stereotypically feminine things than masculine, and with pronouns I honestly don't feel any different if someone calls me "she" or if someone calls me "he" or they or anything else.
With this whole thing, i think i might end up just identifying as a lesbian for now cuz ofc if there's something better I can look into it, but I think that label works? Idk if anyone else has other ideas I'd appreciate that😭😭😭
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samsblades · 2 months ago
TRANSFEM SAM THOUGHTS UPON YE!!! You going bra shopping with her even tho she hasn't gotten top surgery yet. You teaching her about sizes and demonstrating how they'd feel with some oranges you'd brought so she can get a proper idea of what it'd be like- so it'd be easier for her to choose what size she'd like. You, kissing her neck and calling her your little good girl a few weeks after that day when she bought some lingere and she looks sooo pretty with her cock filling up in those cute lacy panties. Cue her revealing to transmasc you that she picked out a strap on dildo for you to use- one a size she think would suit you <33 Her getting all flustered with your excitement to seeing her in lingere and responds by peppering kisses along your top surgery scars. Then you have cute n a little bit savage sex cause she's a biter at the end of the day. (Btw, what do u think of chastity cages? Cause I have some thoughts ab transfem Sam wearing one sometimes but idk 🤷‍♀️)
OH OH AND AND Imagine on a diff note- you and Sam go on a hunt together after a witch. Which turns out was a minor slip up on her part when they accidentally turned someone into a frog (he was a dick) and when he turned back he made a big fuss and it ended up in the papers so u and Sam went to check it out. Turns out this witch deals with trans people and gives them their dream body (really just a gender swap) in return for a favour (whatever they need. Usually groceries or someone to pay their mortage cause they don't like to leave their home n money is tough to earn.) So when Sam and reader confront the witch, the witch is like "Yall are so mean about this- he deserved it and I do what's good for the people who come to me willingly." Cue a bit of ignorant Sam being like "are you sure about that? Do they get to turn back?" Blah blah blah all that shit and readers tryna shut him up cause he's being a dick and the witch decides to curse them both, treating them a lesson not to mess with them and to get a feel of what it's like being in a body you hate, by swapping both their genders with a curse that only lasts for a month. The witch books it obvi and reader and Sam are left in their home in very very different bodies than when you first entered. Reader is all tall and buff, actually getting to look down at Sam now. He looks really different too. A little shorter than he was before but still tall for a woman. His hair is longer and he's got some softer features- that goes completely without mentioning his huge tits now (I headcannon he's a D) and his clothes are all big on him now. It's embarrassing. The two flounder around in panic (mainly Sam while reader sorta just flexes in the mirror occasionally.) They end up swapping clothes but end up having to go buy Sam and reader undergarments cause it's weird wearing someone's undies and Sam's tits r a lil bit too big for readers bra. I'd honestly love to see this get turned into a fic series or sm where they have to learn to handle their new bodies now (don't get me started on the cycle Sam goes thru ugh and reader getting to help out?!?! Not to mention he's sooo pretty now.) And how to handle the constant misgendering that occurs. Sam hates it but tries not to resent others because he can't blame them for how he looks but its a bunch of dysmorphia and comfort and maybe just maybe Sam teaching reader how to jerk off cause they get blue balls accidentally and reader doing the same for Sam cause he's ovulating and has had the biggest crush on reader since forever <3
Hope u like these thoughts pookie <3
WHOO you know i love your thoughts pookie, muah!! <33
i'm actually. going fucking feral thanks!!! she deserves bra shopping even no matter what.. maybe she has the cutest little boobs from estrogen <33 kissing her and praising her when she shows you the lingerie she got.. or maybe you picked it out for her and you go a little extra feral bc you're seeing her in the bra and panties that you chose... maybe just maybe you're a little possessive <3 god, sammy's girlcock straining against her panties is something i admit to thinking about a lot :D
and RAGHHH extra feral at the part about her getting a strap for you i'm @_@ going insane... like damn. she really picks out the perfect size for you too. god this is so hot i'm foaming out the mouth i need to fuck her :D um yes crazy biting sex with her most certainly ensues <3 as for chastity cages i've never really though about them much at all tbh, not my thing i think but i can definitely imagine that being incredibly hot with her ngl
this second concept is so interesting too omg
i mean :D i'd be living my best life personally HAHAHAH but the witch doesn't have to know that <33 poor sam though lmao. but uhhh super hot teaching each other how to get off in their new bodies :D
on another note i always think about tmasc reader and tfem sam (neither of whom have gotten any surgeries or started hormones yet) getting body swapped by a witch who thinks they're cursing them and they just. don't ever go through the work to break the spell because they prefer it that way LOL and that's like. definitely weird but i find it really hot for some reason :D maybe bc i think me and tfem sam would thrive in each other's bodies hehe <3
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I'm working on a request for Code Lyoko atm, but meanwhile, here are some headcanons!
Headcanons - Code Lyoko
Aelita Schaeffer
I headcanon that Aelita's music and dj mixing skills are rooted in her dad playing the piano and teaching her about music.
It also gives her trauma and nightmares, as we've all seen in the canon episodes tho..
And though she's smart and brainy, I don't see her going to read literature books or novels. Idk if that's just me.
I think she finds comfort in information rather than fiction, so maybe she would prefer non-fiction genres.
I also think that Aelita would like butterscotch ice cream. It's cute.
There are days where she has hallucinations and nightmares because of X.A.N.A and Franz Hopper and her past, and she would like nothing more than to listen to music while cuddling with Mister Puck and having butterscotch ice cream.
Also, much like Nicholas, a lot of people find Aelita cute. Adding to her popularity that rose from her DJ skills, she's sure to have a lot of people having crushes on her. But of course, she's only got eyes for Jeremie.
Remember that lookalike of Aelita who got only one episode on the show? Taelia? I headcanon that people in Kadic call them twins, and they eventually become good friends. I think Jim would get very confused and would put Aelita and Taelia in different classes for the sake of his own sanity.
Elizabeth "Sissi" Delmas
Sissi is a child of divorce (I think that's also canon).
I headcanon that her parents had a slightly significant age difference, because Principal Delmas looks vv old. Sissi's mom was four years younger than him -- I headcanon her to be a fashion designer, she was very impulsive and liked to live in the moment, but eventually, the love they had for each other fizzled out and they divorced.
I also think that maybe her mom wasn't what you would call "maternal". She knows this too, and accepted it when Sissi's dad contested for her during the divorce. It doesn't mean that her mom loves her less, though. She's just aware that her father could care for her daughter better than she could, and chooses to love Sissi in her own way.
I think it was mentioned somewhere in the website wiki that Sissi goes on shopping sprees with her mom, so that could be their love language. I also think that Sissi digs her mother's fashion style and did a little tweaks of that to turn it into her own.
I think that, Ulrich was her best friend before, and they bonded over having turbulent family situations. It was natural for her to catch feelings for someone who understood her, and hence she liked Ulrich. When Ulrich rejected her (multiple times), she was put off, but just didn't know how to handle their friendship from that point onward.
Sissi knows how to bandage wounds professionally (canon) and I think it was mentioned that she wanted to become a nurse. I definitely see that as a career for her, once she's matured and grown into her own self.
She's definitely a writer on the side. She would write under the pen name Sissi for sure.
I love Sissi a lot. She's so much more than what's shown on screen. I'd have loved to see her grow into the person she's actually meant to become, after some maturity and heart-to-hearts with Ulrich and her parents, too.
Jeremie Belpois
Jeremie needs naps.
A lot of naps. Poor guy.
Jeremie has definitely read classics. I also headcanon Yumi to like classics and literature, so I think both of them would bond a lot over this.
I also headcanon Jeremie to be comfortable with certain colors only – like, he wears blues and browns and some beige tones – and you wouldn't find colors like pink or yellow in his wardrobe.
Jeremie's cousin is said to look like him, right? And that guy – Patrick, I think – was a brunette and wore black rock aesthetic clothing. I think that both of them actually looked similar when they were kids, and Patrick must've changed his look at some point to have that poofy hair instead. This probably annoyed Jeremie, but now that they're on good terms, he probably teases Patrick about it a lot (and also has baby pictures to prove his point).
I can see how I turned this into Patrick headcanons. Sorry.
Jeremie likes long walks during the night. When he's not working on Lyoko related stuff, and when he's not able to sleep, he walks around at night.
His prized possession(s) is the set of polaroids that he took with Aelita on one of her first nights on Earth. He has them in a safe (and yes, he definitely has a safe that he hasn't told anyone about. Except Aelita.).
Laura Gauthier
Laura made some poor choices in Evolution, but hey, Sissi made poor choices in the original show too! People can always improve, and change.
Laura was brought up in a very strict household, where only the very best was expected from her.
That's why she desperately wanted to show her dad the laboratory at the old factory and say, "See? I'm a part of something big."
Laura has closeted lesbian energy. Evolution kinda made a big rivalry between Aelita and Laura for Jeremie, to see who was his better equal and all, but I think Laura didn't care about that and just liked getting Aelita riled up. I think Laura is more into girls, romantically speaking.
I headcanon that Laura buys clothes from Sissi's mom's fashion brand.
I can see her being a fan of "ceilings" by Lizzy McAlpine.
I think Laura has the potential to be even smarter than Jeremie, even better than him, too. But she lacks some of his empathy. It's not necessarily a bad thing -- just shows how people who are similar are also different.
Adding on to this, Laura might not be very in touch with her emotions, and might come off as unempathetic. She's just misunderstood, but she's not helping her own case.
Like with Sissi, I think she could be so much more, if she matures and grows into her truest self.
Odd Della Robbia
I know it's said that Samantha Knight is the person Odd really really loves, but I headcanon Odd to be a no-commitments soul. He enjoys PDA and dates, but he's probably the most comfortable when he's by himself.
He's a top-tier bisexual.
I headcanon that Odd is allergic to cats. His family definitely seems like the type to have cats at home and he's hated it because all he's done is sneeze.
He's the family favourite. I think this is canon too, which is why he was allowed to get Kiwi as a pet. His sisters probably hated that smh.
This might be a personal wish-fulfilment headcanon, but I think Odd didn't learn how to ride a bicycle. He learned the skateboard, but not the bicycle.
He also feels like the kind of person to hate long car rides? He doesn't like sitting in one place for hours.
Odd is really good at remembering birthdays, anniversaries, and special days. Considering how he had to remind Ulrich that Yumi's birthday had passed, this is probably a canon thing.
Ulrich Stern
Ulrich's a rich kid. Canon. He's known Sissi for ages. Canon.
I headcanon that Ulrich and Sissi were on good terms before both of them hit puberty and Sissi kept forcing herself onto him.
Ulrich's best friend was probably Sissi before everything went downhill between them. Then, Odd and the Lyoko warriors happened.
Martial arts are Ulrich's way of communicating with his inner self. Penchaksilat, karate... he's very self-disciplined.
I think that's why he is so attracted to Yumi in the first place. Her being his equal in terms of martial arts would have been very appealing to him.
With reference to Aelita, Ulrich gives big brother energy and Odd gives little brother energy.
Ulrich is probably the most protective of Aelita out of them all. Of course, Jeremie worships her, but Ulrich has the means to fight anyone who messes with his lil sis.
He played with a lot of samurai toys when he was younger.
Ulrich seems to be the type of guy to like haunted houses.
William Dunbar
William is definitely king of reading classics and books. He gives Yumi a book on poetry in Evolution, right? He loves romance novels and crime thrillers, and probably reads for an hour a day.
When you think about it, William and Ulrich are very similar. Both of them are only childs with wealthy backgrounds, but the difference lies in the fact that William is loved by his parents, while Ulrich's relationship with his own are strained.
William's favorite fruit is orange.
Lyoko gave him a lot of PTSD, but he loves the thrill, and he's still a very honorable man. That's why he comes back.
William and Aelita have an unusual friendship, I think. They can relate to being haunted by X.A.N.A. It's very unfortunate that they have limited interactions in the show and in Evolution too.
I can definitely see William going into the military or the CIA. He gives me those vibes.
ALSO, I think William would probably end up with someone who's way younger than him (maybe 3 years younger) – someone with a lot of vitality and optimism — and probably blonde.
(My OC for William is blonde, but this isn't about me—)
Yumi Ishiyama
Yumi was brought up in a very traditional household, as we know.
Yumi would be very into Asian literature and classics, as mentioned in Jeremie's section.
Yumi doesn't look like it to most people, but she's the most motherly out of all of them. She's a big sister, and she's had to raise Hiroki when her parents were fighting and they almost divorced and all.
I think Yumi's slightly spiritual too. Not to the extent where she fully believes in prayers and ancient rituals, but she understands the significance of her culture and respects them.
Yumi loves fireworks and shooting stars. I headcanon her as a bit of an astrology freak.
I also think that Yumi is bisexual? Or at least, she's always been curious about it.
I think she's had a curious phase about everything. But once she understands, she has the capacity to evaluate for herself and make right decisions.
A/N: These are just my personal headcanons. I can do more of these, and relationship headcanons or friendship headcanons too, if I get requests, or strokes of inspiration. I hope you like these!
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Are these just casual movie nights anymore?
Author Notes- so my friend on tiktok had done these 3 videos with her biases in each group and then what their booktok trope would be. And I told her I'd so write her these fanfics BASICALLY A YEAR AGO! AND NOW IM FINALLY PULLING THROUGH! I loved writing this tho. It made me giggle and kick my feet as I thought of the scenarios. Anyways Highway 1009 was what I was listening to on repeat... while writing this.
Pairings: Liliy & SKZ Hyunjin
Trope - Friends to Lovers
Story Tags & Disclaimers: Fluffy, Cute, Hasn't been edited or anything, it might be a little bad since I don't think I'm that good of a writer, English is my dominant language but not my first so I'm just BYElingual, Basically Idol x OC when really idol x bestie, idk what else to say... I hope yall enjoy
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For as long as they could remember, Liliy and Hyunjin always had movie nights once to twice a week since they were kids. It was always easy for them to do so when they lived right next door to each other.
Hyunjin always had a stash of Liliy’s favorite snacks in a locked box tucked away in the back of the pantry in his home, while Liliy would always have a duplicate of Hyunjin’s favorite hoodie and blanket stashed away in the small square ottoman that was always tucked in the corner of her family’s living room since no one in her family liked to use it due to its limited amount of storage space and they didn’t want to just get rid of it either. It cost good money for that little baby ottoman.
As the pair grew older, starting in middle school and continuing on, Liliy and Hyunjin started to celebrate a ‘friends’ Valentine’s Day together every year. They both weren’t really interested in casual dating like their peers.
This made many people suspicious of the true nature of their relationship but the pair always denied the dating allegations they received from both their mutual friends and classmates.
That brings us to today. Where our story takes place with a more grown Liliy and Hyunjin, now in university, living in the campus dorms.
On the opposite sides of campus from each other.
H: hey you still have time for our traditional singles valentine’s day?
L: of course, i wouldn’t miss it even if finals were around the corner
H: alright cool, give me a call when you get close to my dorm building and i’ll come out and walk you inside.
L: 👍🏼👌👍🏼
Hyunjin looked around the living room with a smile feeling accomplished and proud of the surprise that he planned with his roommates for Liliy. The boys helped him set up everything in the living room down to the sign.
They’ve been celebrating Valentine’s Day together every year since they were kids under the guise of being just friends but they just never wanted to admit the tension that would build up every year to themselves.
I know it’s pretty cliche right?
The pair had a secret crush on each other for YEARS and just kept denying it to themselves and everyone else around them, even their families.
Well- Hyunjin planned to change that forever. He wanted to make this night as memorable as possible for Liliy. He wanted this to be a joyful, one day nostalgic core memory for her. Something she can always fondly look back on as they’re growing old and gray together.
The boys were all out of the dorm suite and staying the night with their girlfriends tonight to give the pair privacy they need for something like this.
L: Jinnie Boy i am in viewing distance of your dorm building.
Hyunjin smiled at the text and took one last look around the living room before making his way to go and escort Princessa Liliy to hopefully a good night to remember forever.
Liliy eyed Hyunjin suspiciously as she was processing what he was requesting of her the moment they got to his floor. “Now, why do you want me to close my eyes before we go inside?”
“Don’t worry about it, when have I ever been unworthy of your trust?” he chuckled.
With that logic that she couldn’t deny, Liliy huffed in defeat and covered her eyes with both hands as she turned towards the front door. Hyunjin smiled and led the smaller girl inside the dorm suite making sure that she would not bump into anything.
Just as they made it to the living room Hyunjin leaned in close to Liliy tense, her heart racing a million miles per second. “Alright, you can open your eyes” he whispered as his lips ghosted over the shell of her ear.
With a small gulp, Liliy slowly lowered her hands and looked around the living room in shock. Hyunjin had set up a cozy romantic movie night picnic for the two of them. It was like something out of a romance book she had read and told him about.
“You put all of this together for me?”
Hyunjin’s heart swooned as he realized that she was getting a little emotional as she looked around the room slowly this time to take in each and every detail of the decorations, the cushions, and the picnic itself.
Before he knew it, his arms were securely wrapped around her waist, chin resting on her shoulder as he smiled, happy with her reaction.
“I hope it’s not too much, but I just- I wanted to be the one to end the friendship and take a leap in bringing our relationship to a different level”
Liliy leaned back into his embrace wiping away stray tears and giggled softly as she shook her head in disbelief. “You know it always baffled me on how you stayed single for all these years when you have treated me so well.”
“Well, I didn’t want anyone else and needed to make sure it was the right time before making this decision.” he responded as he kissed the top of her head.
“This is my official confession to you Liliy.” She pulled away from his embrace, turning to face him with a warm smile. She wanted to be as attentive as possible with the feeling that he has more to say.
“I have been falling for you more and more every day since we were in middle school. Now that we are where we are in life, I didn’t want to waste time by pretending like we aren’t anything more than just friends. I’ve finally admitted it to myself and now to you. I like you, I can feel that you like me too. So, will you officially be my girlfriend?”
She giggled as he got shy and looked down to his feet towards the end of his speech. Not sure if he was going to be rejected or not, Hyunjin kept his head tilted down.
“Yes Hyunjin, of course I will be your girlfriend”
His head shot up fast as he looked into her eyes to see if she was just joking around with him or if she was serious. With a cute little nose crinkle, she wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest. “It took you long enough to ask me, Jinnie Boy,” she teased.
Heat rose to Hyunjin’s cheeks as he wrapped his arms around Liliy in return and nuzzled her hair with a sigh of relief.
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tex-now · 8 months ago
Tsks with l/n ships feel kind of just strange to me bc they're sakis childhood friends so it feels like the relationship between them and tsks is kind of like distant sibling/cousin-ish at least to me so it's weird if it's romantic. I don't like it either
But the idea of shiho misinterpreting her crush on saki as smth for tsukasa and hating it is HILARIOUS ACTUALLY
Kohakasa and minokasa sound cute tho!!! The only 2 ppl besides toya who admire this man for some unknown reason. Kohane learning to be more confident from tsks! Minoru and fan festa like u said! It's wholesome. I can see it
Airikasa is hilarious to me bc imagine they're dating and he still calls her by her full name bc he cant stop 😭😭😭 insane comedic potential. Also they can rant about shizurui together /silly
Idk if I'd ship them all romantically but I can see where ure coming from and you're valid!
Oh thank fuck you don't hate me. THANK YOU FOR THE INPUT!!
Okay so. A lot of the rarer ships are a matter of "I like them either way." So for example airikasa and minokasa I love them in a shippy way but also platonically there is no real difference there to me. Like I LIKE the ship but more so in the sense that I like them interacting in any way rather than strictly seeing them romantically does that make sense. It's not like, say, nenekasa, where the relationship is different depending on what their bond is.
If nenekasa are friends they bicker and banter but have a mutual respect for each other and are close. If they're together, it's that plus even more affection and nene actually thinking tsukasa is... cute. And tsukasa being hopelessly in love with nene as well as more affectionate gestures like kissing, going on dates, shit like that.
While with airikasa, as friends they get along and bond over having similar relationships with their partners, and also bond over other shit. If they're dating, it's the same thing except they're holding hands.
So basically I use the term ship very loosely lmao
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fonulyn · 11 months ago
what sort if things do you want to talk abt with people/what would make you feel better?
I mean, in an actual utopia? :'D I'd love it if people were excited for what I'm working on. if they'd ask about the fics in progress, kick my butt when I can't get shit done, and push me into doing more. maybe even give feedback already during the process! i know it's too much to ask for, especially when so rarely even finished fics get excitement or feedback, but it's what a Dream World would look like lol.
ideally I'd love it if I had some friends who I could actually brainstorm with and talk about the stuff I'm stuck on or trying to otherwise flesh out. my dog does listen but rarely has any suggestions I can take :'D I know I got spoiled because earlier (like …two years ago lol) I had someone who was always excited to talk about the ideas and brainstorm with me, and who kicked my ass into gear if I was dragging my feet, and I got used to it and now that i'm supposed to just figure everything out alone I have zero motivation to actually do it. the kind of instant feedback I got then was the best motivator ever. now? eh.
and I'd love it if my feeble attempts at trying to talk about wips wasn't just brushed off. if i post on tumblr about something it's most of the time ignored. i've tried to talk to multiple people, and in return i get either the "you'll figure it out eventually" or a complete topic change immediately. no follow-up questions, no excitement, no nothing.
and I'd love it if people didn't go "oh I can help brainstorm that!" and then not even bother to read it. go "I'm gonna comment on that soon!" and never do it. empty promises do nothing but get hopes up and end up in crushing disappointment.
I know people are busy, people have their lives and shit happens but like. it's easy to not make promises you can't (or have no intention to) keep, imo.
and idk in the Olden Days I had multiple people to chat general fandom with, and it in turn sparked fic ideas, and excitement, but now that doesn't really exist either.
just to be clear I'm not expecting anyone to be at my beck and call 24/7 all the time :'D god no :'D but it's so friggin' disheartening when I get a new idea, am all excited about it, and then deflate when I know I don't really have anyone to hype me up about it. so then i won't do it. or then i write like two sentences a day maximum and never get shit done. and every damn day i'm getting closer to just quitting for good. i really really don't wanna abandon my to-write-list and leave shit unfinished but it's starting to look like the only viable option left.
idek. I'm tired. i know it's just a pipe dream and i'll just keep struggling until i fade away from fandom and no one notices lol but yeah.
(it is really nice to just chat about anything with people too, tho, so a shoutout to those who did reach out and who i've been occasionally chatting with :3 it is appreciated!)
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dovescheck · 2 years ago
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need to post on here more to not risk tumblr banishing me to the shadows ermm so here's this!!
i actually have a lot of reasoning behind a lot of these ships and why i prefer/dont prefer them etc. that'll be under the read more tab if u care!! im definitely looking into it too deep but thats the over-analyzing autistic in me, beware of rambling!
ok so first tackling the ships with the disassembly drones x worker drones. mainly because i do not wish to be harassed by unzi shippers who are pissed i dont like their ship i personally see the disassembly drones as being in their 20s, given they were at the mansion for a couple of years most likely and then sent to copper-9 for ~20 years ongoing.
i see all three as being 23-25!! J being the oldest and either V or N being the youngest, leaning V but idk havent made up my mind on my interpretation
i see the worker drones in school (uzi, thad, doll, lizzy, rebecca, etc.) as being 16-20, not counting only the cast listed. i see uzi as being 16-17 (no. not because shes short, she just gives off that impression to me given she calls herself a teen pretty clearly), thad and lizzy as being 17-19, doll as being 18, and rebecca as being 19.
because of this age gap between the drones, i personally do not feel comfortable shipping HEAVILY implied older adults (aka. not 18-21 year olds) with drones that are 6-8 years younger than them. now, for why i hate unzi in comparison to simply disliking nthad and vizzy, its because i tend to hate popular ships if they rub me the wrong way like unzi does. i see n and uzi as platonic (best) friends
now for the ships between disassembly drones, i headcanon n as being aroace!! partially stolen from someone on tiktok who headcanons n as forcing himself to love v because he convinced himself he needs a crush.
im not apposed to envy (NxV) though!! given its implied it may become canon, im open to it, and if their dynamic was healthier, i'd like it more probably. im pretty against NxJ though because... obvious reasons. would be a terrible relationship, and another reason,
i headcanon J as sapphic (wlw)!! i also think J and V would have a cute dynamic, which is why they're an OTP. i also think it'd be funny if they kissed and N went "oh shit how did i not know my co-workers were gay???" even though he'd be heartbroken, poor lil guy
worker drone ships!! i've liked dizzy (dollxlizzy) since the pilot and its grown on me more since then too seeing more of their dynamic, so obvious otp. i hate lizzyxthad because i headcanon them as being siblings. im neutral to uzixdoll because although while it would be a POTENTIALLY interesting ship, if it turns out uzi and doll are related, that would be erm.. REALLY WEIRD. so currently i am indifferent to it
i like the idea of uzixlizzy because i think popular kid x social outcast is a fun dynamic!! not my fav tho lolz., i also like uzixthad not only because its likely to become canon, but also because they've had cute interactions and would probably be a healthy relationship ^_^
and thennn im neutral/like a little lizzyxrebecca, they havent had many interactions so thats why im neutral to it.
again based off interactions, i like how khan and uzi's teacher interacted, their banter was funny in episode 2, more of a crackship than anything for me though!! and norixkhan is neutral because despite it being canon, im indifferent since we havent seen their relationship
ramble over RAAGH!! feel free 2 share ur shipping opinions to this post, ill read it, i prefer if unzi shippers stay away though because i do Not like the ship, and ive run into a LOT of strange unzi shippers. ty!!
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themanofyourdreams · 1 year ago
wow!! cool!!
Hi i'm Sage, I'm new to this app ig. I'm not going to say my age but I'm under 18.
_common.ace.markey.w_ on tiktok ("Ace Makey from the semi-hit series danganronpa; despair time!!" dude)
Transmasc- genderfluid?? I'd call it boyflux genderfluid. I'm aromantic for sure, and I may be omnisexual with a male preference?? idk.
I like drdt and ace markey mainly but i love a shit ton of things,
toilet bound hanako kun
crush crush/blush blush (yes the hent@i games)
saiki k
chainsaw man
demon slayer (i like it a little)
the apothecary diaries (REALLY underrated series. i love it. only on volume one tho)
And here's some of my favorite youtubers!!:
crackhead chronicles (!!)
melody nosurname
the click
one topic at a time
brad taste in music
spilling the milk
That's it I think. Follow me if you think i'm cool. or don't, idk.
K BYE!!1!1!11!11111111!!!!!!
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webslingingslasher · 1 year ago
j - it's me 💨!! i have some slight updates for you!! i have to fill you in but im crushy and giggly so this might not streamline well.
do you remember the boy i have a crush on that we were thinking liked me back?
i had my big scary exam. it was in an exam hall of 700 people. and GUESS WHAT. out of all 700 people, WE WERE SAT RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. like what are the chances. j i swear that was the man upstairs (amen) looking out for me, because everytime i got nervous during the exam, i'd just look at him and feel calm.
like what the hell.
our seats were assigned. i met up with him very briefly before the exam, literally just by the closest station and we walked to the exam hall together because i get lost easily and hes a weird walking satnav who thinks he's so mature bc he never gets lost. like ever. anyways! we were talking a bit, basically just bullying each other bc we have pre-school rizz where we flirt by bullying each other, except he's kinda stopped flirting with me which is sad. well i guess it's a good thing because he's yet to break up with the gf but he isn't hiding that he likes me. you needed to bring ID to the exam and I brought my passport instead of my licence. he said "you don't drive?" and then corrected himself before i could and he was like "well when you live in *town name* you don't have to drive ig" (bc i live in a part of ldn where nooooo one drives/ubers bc it takes 3x longer than getting the tube). but like???? he remembered where i lived and i don't even remember TELLING him. it was a quickkkkk tiny side comment in one of the convos we had weeks ago and i didnt even think he heard me. i was tipsy on our post-class drinks and murmuring and it didnt seem like anyone was listening but he was!!!
j i want him so much :( when is he gna break up with her. idk if u remember the details but he would carry an inhaler for me bc he knows i have asthma and ties my laces for me etc so i think he genuinely does like me and isn't just sleazy & looking for some random girl.
but even if he does break up w her for me, it's still kinda a red flag bc if he does it to her, he could do it to me. even tho he might genuinely like me? idk. he's stopped flirting but still asked me loads of questions and clearly cares so idk. i just blabbled a lot sorry omg <3<3<3 love to u my fav tumblr friend ever
also his hands are so cute and he wears glasses and he's kinda nerdy but somehow his girl is a bad bitch. idk how he pulled her except i do bc hes so pretty :') anyways.
his hands are soooo pretty j like his fingers are so long and his nails are soooooo clean. i like clean nails. v pretty. i think you'd approve. i sound demented. i think im falling in love. ok bye
💨 xx
no stop!!!!! i was thinking about this the other day and i was like 'where is she!!!' love the update, hate that he still has a gf. you need to be like 'have you heard this song by ariana grande? no? it's called break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored. it's so good, it's been stuck in my head for weeks.' ((obv im kidding)) but i mean... it's time we pull a miss ariana and steal the man!!!
he likes you and you like him. just be like 'why haven't you broken up w ur gf yet???' 😁😁😁😁
'hey, hey, you, you, i don't like your girlfriend! no way, no way, think you need a new one!' i could do this all day baby.
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ravenwitch45 · 2 years ago
Winx S1 Rambles
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Yep, I'm doing this again but with Season one this time cause it has been far too long since I've watched this era of the show plus @yantarnii promised some gold frames which should be fun. Now full disclosure I'm watching the 4kids dub as I've never watched this dub and I wanted to expirience it since some people seem to like it, so if I refer to a line that isn't in the dub your familar with, that's why. I'll only be doing the first episode for now, as a bit of a teaser till I can really get into it and such.
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Starting off with a positive of the dub, the intros got a cool song, while the CONSTANT "We are the winx" get's old the sequence referring to each girl is cool "Magical Flowers, Digital Powers, Rhythms and Tunes, The Sun and The Moon, Keep on searching far and wide for the Fire burning deep inside" I like stuff like that, though the lack of Aisha is already making itself known unfortunately. This is gonna be so weird. :(
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I know I'm not the only one to note this but Gardenia looks so much more unique in the first three seasons, a ton of warm greens and yellows, make it feel like, well a garden. It's cool.
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Okay three things here, Kiko looks completely fine despite being terrified seconds prior, and Bloom brings her suddenly complete apple with her despite biting into it instead of putting it in her now empty bike basket. Good to see inconsistency was pretty common already
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Not Stella making her debut by kicking a demon across a clearing, again OG Stella was so cool.
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Also is it just me or were the winx more powerful in their base forms then they are after Enchantix, Stella clears half a dozen monsters in one spell and I'd love to see Sirenix do that and such.
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Buff Kiko, that is all I will say.
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Bloom is both floating and on the ground at the same, it's hard to see with all the light but it's there.
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Bloom hitting the imp so hard it literally dissappears is hillarious but honestly this kinda makes me want the Winx to have some more physichal weaponry, it would avoid all the spamming of energy blasts we get in later seasons.
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Stella already has her scepter, Maybe a sword for Bloom, classic fairytale and all. Not sure if Flora or Aisha for a whip, both could work. Musa could have like one of those harp bows that she also plays for spells and stuff. No idea for Tecna though, maybe like an arm blade? Idk I'd love to hear any ideas you may have in replies tho.
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The lighting of this season is beautiful btw.
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Either Blooms hair is absolutely sopping wet or she needs to get a new robe, there are drops going through her hood.
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Oh right Mitzy. Who fun fact voices her, Icy, Musa AND Digit in season 2. Girl got range.
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Oh and then the Hunter Troll, with a... very uncomfortable looking design. Who approved this, I know he's a monster and all but he's somewhat humanoid so this design still makes me feel weird everytime he's on screen, just give him pants or overalls like Knut has.
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Is it gay to call the scantilly clad girl you met in the woods just yesterday amazing? Sorry but how Bloom is with Stella feels like a crush to me XP
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*Cue Mario 64 level enter sound* But seriously, Where did these kinda portals go? Like seriously just make sure every winx has a copy and the Omega Dimension incident would have been a slight hiccup rather then us thinking Tecna was full on dead! if you have portals in your universe, just use them smartly, please. Also Bloom isn't even looking at her XP
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I forgot how OG red fountaion looked, looks nice, fits in a lot better with the other schools.
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Brandon would scream, but he has no mouth, and neither does Sky I think. Also I will be saying there real names throughout this despite the whole ruse they have going on.
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Cloud Tower! Still the only school i'd probably attend. it's purple, how can i not love it.
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Cannot wait for these queens to be threatening again, also these outfits slay, even if I would never wear them.
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I did not appreciate Magic Winx my first go around, but it is gorgeous, still beats Sirenix, fight me.
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Again on the "The Winx and Specialists cannot keep track of anything useful" What happened to Riven's... rope? I don't know what to call it but I like it. Would have been handy if he kept it. Also Sky's sheild, maybe you wouldn't have gotten amnesia if you had a good way to block attacks princey.
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Not much to say, just thought this was pretty.
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And that's it for the moment. I'll get to the rest of season 1 when I feel like it but hope you enjoy this everybody.
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