#idk i've been in my feels about this lately
naomistares · 3 days
since your art style has changed (and i love how expressive and mischievous? it feels now, idk if that makes sense but i admire the heck out of your growth) what does your process look like now? do you use the same brushes as before? do you want to talk about what you love about your work now? i saw your tag about tlt redraws now that you like your art and it made me curious. anyway love your art so much, nori!
hi!! thank you so much for this very cool question!! i guess before i just drew without much putting any thought to like... anything at all haha, only when i started doing comics was when i actively tried to make myself enjoy the process more.
i just thought about what I hated and tried to change it and just do a lot more art studies in my own time and try to really think about everything... like composition ! and like with colors, i didn't like how i only used to use desaturated tones, when i enjoyed more colors in other art i see.
or with poses, i didn't like how everything i drew felt very static to me, it still does but i'm getting better!! so i've studied dynamic-ness and whatnot.
i didn't like how "realistic" i would naturally go with proportions while drawing when my personal taste enjoyed more cartoon-ish and whimsical proportions, so i tried to be a little bit more loose with that but i'm not all there yet. for example, when i do some reference studies in my own time i find myself copying it 1:1 as it is, so now i try to incorporate it into a specific style without just copying it, it doesn't feel like i benefited otherwise!
i'm also trying to currently improve my lineart, i'm finding it much more enjoyable to draw with a thin brush! my lines were often thick and bulky and not super clean.
and yes!! i used to be loyal to like one or two brushes but i'm just trying new things constantly and it definitely affects the general vibe of the drawing, i've been obsessed with pencil brushes but i'm retiring it for a bit for a more jagged brush that i'm obsessed with now lol (still haven't posted anything with that, (working on it) but it totally changed the vibe.)
i feel like i often know when something looks right but i struggle on how to get there at times, but lately i've been seeing more right than wrong and just generally enjoying drawing.... drawing is my favorite thing.... i clocked in 9 hours yesterday on procreate.
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All I've been craving lately is a deep and meaningful connection with a person I can call a really good friend.
I have my wonderful husband, of course.
I know I have a couple amazing online friends I've known for many years, but have yet to meet them in person (mostly due to the miles and travel money, or lack thereof lol).
I know I have the few lovely mutuals on tumblr/discord that I speak to somewhat regualrly.
And yet, a part of me remains empty...
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fisheito · 4 months
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everyone gets a turn in the ridiculous skintight edmondsuit. or at least, .everyone SHOULD
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
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stranger things: the game
nancy and barb gameplay
(or, the one where i have too much fun yet again with this concept)
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cuchufletapl · 3 months
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For Edling Week 2024. Day 1: arrival / kiss / spark / dawn
That time when you go meet the people that you allied yourself with to capture a homunculus and you get caught off guard by how soft the usually contentious alchemist boy looks when he's just awoken.
(Image description in ALT)
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beeholyshit · 9 months
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My little bebes ❤️
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beybuniki · 4 months
the todoroki piece will be up for tonight probably but i'll close my inprnt shop skdjns
long story short, I neither have the desire nor time to turn my art into a business/officially become a freelancer (yes it is that strict and i'm scared sorry sdjbcd,j) however small it might be. for some reason my platform has grown a lot and the more i try to offer to u guys, the more difficult it gets to separate personal/private and online and that is my nightmare, i want to keep my anonymity lmao, like this is just a silly hobby to me and i've been spending way too much time on my fanart endeavors when i have so many other things to do this year. I could go on and on but yeah, I'd like to go back to just posting art for free & do art trades/occasional kofi stuff SORRY
tysm for being so willing to financially support me, it genuinely makes me so happy to see so many people happily support artists <3
if you want my art on your walls you can print it yourself i don't think i'd mind that lol...
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strqyr · 1 month
i feel like what rwby is really missing out on in regards to ruby's message to the world is that it didn't really matter that the message was from ruby; that during her travels she didn't meet and help people—like even just one would do—who would see her message and be inspired to help in turn, because that's that girl who chose to help them for no other reason that she could.
to give few examples, i'm going to use known characters imagined in different roles:
think of pyrrha, a rising star in tournament fighting whose life is controlled by managers and sponsors, who wants more from her life, who wants to actually be a huntress and help people, but can't because fighting grimm is considered "too risky" for her career—and then, by happenstance, she meets ruby, who's on her way to deal with some small grimm problem, giving pyrrha the opportunity to sneak out and join her. and she does, gets a taste of a life she wants but seemingly can't have; it's not enough for her to make a change immediately, but it's a spark, one that becomes a flame once the message from ruby is out and pyrrha heads out to vacuo, her management and sponsors be damned.
or think of nora and ren, two orphans living in a small town under a tutelage of a huntsman... who, by the time ruby arrives, has gone missing after tracking a pack of grimm. they all know what that likely means, and ruby agrees to help them in whatever way she can, to get closure, tracking the grimm (taking it as potential practice for her silver eyes, too) and protecting the town until the threat has been dealt with, alongside nora & ren. and then she's off again, towards mistral, but she's made a difference and once her message is live, nora and ren answer the call.
like. . . it works as it is now, i guess, but it lacks that personal touch; that for some of the people who answered the call, it mattered that it was ruby making it, that it was her who inspired them to go on their own journey away from home.
one small kindness in one small moment, or something like that.
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I wonder what it is about breaking up with someone and starting new that I find so upsetting. I realize that people also find break ups heartbreaking, but I know I take it to an extreme. I've never liked the idea of having different partners throughout my life. The idea of having an ex has always been something I hated. The type of breakup didn't matter to me. That is to say whether we ended on good or bad terms didn't make the idea of ending a relationship better to me. I'm not trying to be pretentious about it, I'm just being fr about a sentiment I've held for as long as I can remember. I've never been the type of person who enjoyed the idea of hook ups or casual dating. For better or worse, I've always held the belief that romantic relationships should be all in and serious from the beginning.
I think this feeling is definitely exacerbated by the fact that I've been passed up for another person before so I know what it's like to have someone "move on" from you, and it genuinely sucks like all fucking hell lmao. So the idea of "moving on" and being with someone else has been incredibly tarnished for me.
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mylittleredgirl · 2 months
great news for the impostor syndrome crowd by the way: "fooling people into thinking you're good at something" is actually an extremely important skill on its own. like not just as a career advancement tool, the appearance of competence is beneficial for how you perform most jobs and other roles that you think you're not really qualified for. so either way you're doing something really really well and should think about counting it as part of your success and not a demerit against it.
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mod-jazzy · 6 months
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Jazzy Doodle
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hecatesbroom · 3 months
did I finally manage to write a brand new fic? I sure did!! with many, many thanks to the lovely @eeblouissant for inspiring me with these beautiful drawings of Blanche dipping Dorothy (and the incredibly sweet follow-up with Rose playing the piano, after our chat about this scene!!) I hope I managed to do it justice ;)
When Dorothy mentions she’s never been dipped before, Blanche and Rose decide to take matters in their own hands.
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fabdante · 1 year
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anyway, given twitters continued implosion, i figured now was a good a time as any to share this so that you can read an unlimited amount. i want the reboot fandom to have this thread i saw one time on there that i’ve kept for morale
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dont-offend-the-bees · 11 months
I would like to go on record to say that even though I don't agree with Izzy's death or the manner of it, I will not be reblogging posts about it that refer to it as bury your gays on principle. I am sick of the misuse of that term. It is not fucking bury your gays if he was one gay of an entire cast of gays who are still alive and kicking and being gay together. There's other more pressing reasons to be mad about that death; you could comment, perhaps, on how he was the most physically disabled of the crew, or the gay with no textual (current) romantic attachments and therefore 'expendable', or the most suicidal apart from Ed and how it leaves a bad taste in the mouth to see him succumbing peacefully to death (hello spn finale war flashbacks). There is no need to further dilute a once-useful term.
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pardonmydelays · 2 months
a little reminder for everyone: fandoms can be dangerously toxic sometimes and if you ever feel like being in this environment affects your mental health, it's totally ok to step back
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pynkhues · 7 days
It is interesting with Antoinette. I could see it being that Lestat genuinely had affection for her, even if he would certainly have killed her had Louis personally asked him to -- or it could be that she was just familiar, and he wanted the closest thing to intimacy he could get, so someone who knew him was better than someone who didn't. And the whole possibility that she reminded him of Gabrielle in some ways...
Yeah, I totally agree, anon.
I actually unfortunately suspect that Antoinette isn't a character the show will really come back to, and I think I'm one of three people that cares about that, haha, but where I tend to land on her relationship with Lestat is the fact that neither Lestat nor Louis actually have any friends.
That's not to say that I think Lestat and Antoinette were just friends, I don't, they obviously fucked a lot (which like, also comes down to the fact that Lestat doesn't know how to have friends he doesn't fuck, haha), but I do think the reality is that Lestat and Louis have very different racial and cultural contexts, hobbies and areas of interest which aren't things they can easily share with each other, especially not in early-1900s America, and I think that's a bigger factor in their relationship breakdown than either will admit to.
It's why Louis' able to reconnect with Jonah so quickly - they might be leading different lives, but they have more overlapping factors than they don't, whereas he and Lestat have less than they do - and for Lestat as a white theatre kid, he needs to be around other performers. I think with Antoinette, she's obviously a talented vocalist and an ambitious artist, and I can see that genuinely just being company that Lestat wants to be close with. They probably talk shit about crap theatre they've seen and do vocal runs together and fuck, and honestly for a part of Lestat, that would lowkey be a dream relationship, haha. Do I think they have a deep emotional connection? No, but given even Louis' willing to admit she's talented, and his own complex relationship with not succeeding as an artist, I wonder how much that factors in to his portrayal of her and his insecurities around their relationship (to say nothing of the fact that she's both white and a woman).
This feels like it's going on a hundred tangents, haha, but my point is maybe they'd step out on each other less or descend into unforessen levels of chaos and destruction if they both had a few friends they could talk about their identities and niche interests with!!
#this is not actually related to your ask but i've been thinking a bit about different family make ups lately#and while i was hungover this morning after yoga and getting breakfast with my mum#i told her about how one of our production coordinators at work - let's call her A - had a baby last year with her wife#and they had a very good friend who's gay who became their sperm donor#and he's like#LOVING being fun uncle and A and i were talking about it the other day at work because she was genuinely shocked because he's#been very open about how much he does not want kids of his own and it caused a lot of hesitancy with her and her wife taking him up on offe#but how much he's stepped up#she said he's been amazing#and he's been so helpful and supportive and done so much running around for them when they've been knocked sideways with having a newborn#and he loves being with his little niece who's actually his biological daughter and getting to give her back#and A was like we were close before but now he's my daughter's uncle and now he truly feels like my brother#and A and her partner and him are already talking about having another baby in the next year or so#idk why your ask made me remember this#maybe i was just thinking about it still after talking to mum about it over breakfast#but idk maybe it comes back to this whole idea that queer family units are inherently unconventional in our current structure#and applying conventional tropes to them doesn't work#which again has nothing to do with your ask haha just something i'm thinking about#lestat asks#iwtv asks
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