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mod-jazzy · 14 hours ago
(( oh god above they changed the mobile hot bar ohhhHgGggGGGGG ))
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mod-jazzy · 3 days ago
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(( Scrapped Concept / Ideas and Crap )) (( A epic series where I randomly show or talk about random scrapped ideas or just concepts for AskBlogs that I just.. don't do or use. it's not a series im just talkin' out my ass ANYWAYS Scrapped Silly Stupid Blog Concept: A blog starring a child absol who is convinced they are the Grim Reaper. The absol is just a child, but due to being a absol (a sign of disaster) they are constantly avoided by everyone/are afraid of them. As well as having a rather large scythe on their head. Upon randomly overhearing a tale of the grim reaper, the absol comes to the logical conclusion... they must be the grim reaper. So the child happily runs around and offers to take people's souls or stares too long at people in hopes they can do their job. They are currently at the awkward stage of Absol development where their horn and legs are bigger than they need to be. So it's a weird gangly child stomping around
A bit of a stupid blog concept but HEY I am the GOD of stupid things okay. Obviously the design is just a concept I slapped colors on there randomly, not sure if I would actually keep this design/concept for anything... BUT I thought it was funny/silly enough to share. I CONSTANTLY get random askblog ideas and they are always trapped in my head, so it felt nice to spew out something random that came into my head today while eatin a chicken sandwich lmao ))
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mod-jazzy · 3 days ago
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(( Hey hey hey! Some reverse fan art for @two-blue-mews since they drew my soggy lil man Eden!! Revenge fan art? Call that Art Fight bby /silly joke ANYWAYS thank you again for drawing my lil soggy man, hope this Bleu looks alrighty! ))
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mod-jazzy · 3 days ago
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You see a pretty annoyed pokemon looking down at you.
What will you do?
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mod-jazzy · 4 days ago
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(( Officially done with work 4 the time being! Get to focus on my health, family and building up my family! So unfortunately that might mean I am back on the dash more, unfortunate. Already dancing on your feed as we speak I'm doin a lil jiggy on your dash and there is nothing you can do about it ))
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mod-jazzy · 6 days ago
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(( Hey wow it’s That Guy on Your Feed
Anyways so! Today is my last day of work for now until further notice (as I mentioned previously) so uhhh
I kinda want to be active again where able so uhhhh thought it would be a silly fun thing to doodle some PokeAsk People’s OCs. And today I feel Gender so that’ll be the “theme” because working with “themes” helps me stay focused BabyGirl shhh it’s okay
If you have a Trans OC on your blog, feel free to tell me and I might do a lil doodle of them!!
If you want to anyways, no pressure /kicks dirt shyly ))
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mod-jazzy · 9 days ago
Just wanted to pop by and say I hope things have been going well for you life-wise recently! Always a pleasure to see you posting no matter what it is
(( thank you for the kind words/checking in on me!!! The Kind Noble…
As for me things are… they will get better at least! I’m a bit nervous/apprehensive about not working but other than that, just getting through my final work week
Then I’ll be free, a free person. Free to draw little things on my computer when I want.
I’ve even started cooking again, which is big for me. Was going to go to culinary college when I was younger but alas, work. So it’s been really nice cooking again!!
Hopefully I’ll be able to post more again soon, just in general…. It’s been so long since I’ve had a proper chance to like… just exist and be creative? I gotta million things buzzing in my head and soon I will have time to do them…
ANYWAYS SORRY FOR YAP OF 87 /does a little dance/
Hopefully will be “back” soon…
Been eyeballing all your blog posts lately and nodding like “yeah… yeah baby that’s… that’s what askblogging is about baby”
and SO excited to see more of the couple you are currently working with heehoo
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mod-jazzy · 10 days ago
(( I have nothing insightful to post for munday,
However. A “update” of sorts? For anyone who glances to see.
After the 7th of this month I will be ✨unemployed✨
This is willingly btw I didn’t get fired or anything of that sort
As my family, fiancé and I agree that I need… to try something else for a bit. Either it being taking a break or Become HouseWife™️, or maybe even eventually getting a new part time job, who knows!
Focus on myself and getting the proper help and rest I need, etc etc. All that personal mumbo jumbo that I shan’t bother y’all with
So what does this mean?:
Means I’ll have more time to draw and do things.
How does this effect you, person who for some reason still follows me?:
I can prolly actually do blog stuff again and not exist as a mere concept of the past.
So overall…
I will exist in your peripheral vision once more, soon. After the 7th. How unfortunate for you ))
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mod-jazzy · 17 days ago
How are you doing?
(( im… certainly alive!!
Things have been far from great IRL recently, but hey still here I suppose
So I’ve been really throwin myself into my Jarble story to say sane. Really tweakin story things and lore… completing designs that have been on the back burner. Etc etc. just really diving into it and whatnot.
Not much else honestly? Without diving into too much personal garbo
Sometimes to stay sane you gotta hallucinate a storyline in your head /silly ))
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mod-jazzy · 17 days ago
Is jarble a tv show or something
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mod-jazzy · 17 days ago
(( Pops in briefly
I’ve been Consumed by Jarble and it took me out for a spell (still is consuming me)
All I have to offer is one (1) ☝️messily done plot update for Ask-Eden
> Link to Post <
(And by messy I mean MESSY)
Farefell 4 now, I say eerily as I vanish once again into the mist ))
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mod-jazzy · 23 days ago
(( sometimes this still gets notes on it.
Still surprised to see my shitdumb doodle of bittersweet feelings “resonated” with others ))
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It's been years but I still hope that you're okay.
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mod-jazzy · 1 month ago
Yesterday was 8 years but I forgot
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mod-jazzy · 1 month ago
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heya i'm virus! let's cut to how i'm struggling, jobless, already on food stamps and can't pay my rent. i do a lot of different commissions and also have adopts, though admittedly they might be slightly backlogged as i try and get everything together
rn im at around 250~/700 of my goal
check out my kofi of infectois if you want to support me! otherwise, boosts are SUPER appreciated
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mod-jazzy · 1 month ago
Ask Karma
Okay so since we're dispensing advice into the community for our newer members, I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring with an ask blog etiquette item that I think people have somewhat neglected recently: ask karma.
Ask karma is the practice of sending asks back to people who have sent you one. When someone sends you an ask, it is generally expected that you will send one back in return. It is to your mutual benefit to do this since now not only do both of you have asks in your inbox to work with, but it also exposes your blogs to each others' followers and can potentially gain you new readers.
Ask Calls are a Two-Way Street
Generally speaking, when someone makes an ask call, you should view it as a quid pro quo situation. Unless the person explicitly states in the post otherwise, they usually wants asks back in return for the ones they're sending out. While this is not always the case, like with me where I have way too many asks already and don't need more, more often than not, this is the expectation and it's bad form to not do so.
It's the equivalent of borrowing someone's pencil in school and never giving it back. At the end of the day, it's not super consequential, but the person whose pencil you just took isn't going to be super happy that they gave that to you and got nothing in return. You feel me?
This is especially true for written blogs, who I have noticed tend to get hit by this the most. Written blogs can get through their posts a lot faster than most art blogs and therefore need asks more often. But they also tend to get a lot fewer asks!
I experienced it myself during the PokeAskMagi event where I sent out around 20 asks from @askthewhiterocket and got back 7 in total for the entire event. By comparison, Shaymin Cafe also sent out around 20 asks and got approximately 12 in return. Not a lot more but it's still a better ROI especially consider Shaymin Cafe was the far less active of the two blogs during the event.
Everyone who sent an ask to Ask the White Rocket also sent one to Shaymin Cafe, despite the majority of the blogs I interacted with getting asks from BOTH of my blogs. In addition, during my final ask call for Ask the White Rocket, I got 1 ask in return for like 5 sent out, even after explicitly stating that the inbox was empty and I wanted asks.
I realize Shaymin Cafe is a popular blog and since I had two blogs, people probably ended up just sending an ask to the more popular blog of the two since Shaymes is a fun character and such. But the same thing happened last year when Shaymes wasn't even an active character and I was really only answering asks from Kyo's blog. To be quite frank, that's unfair to the written blogs, and unfair to me too.
It takes time to send asks. Ask hints make it easier, sure, but not everyone has them. Additionally, not all ask hints are incredibly straight forward. Some require you to read a bit in the blog's backlog if you aren't familiar with it to craft an ask that a person can work with (this is why I tend to link stuff with my ask hints). Some people might also want to double check the rules of a blog first or read up on the characters to ensure they're not sending a human character to a blog that doesn't allow them, or a Gengar to a character with trauma from ghost-types without expressed permission from the creator first. This goes doubly so when you're sending asks out from multiple blogs, like I was during the event.
That effort should not go unrewarded, so the least you can do is send an ask in return! It's just good manners.
This also goes for Munday asks
Admittedly, I am pretty bad about this myself, so we're going a little pot calling kettle black, BUT it's generally good form to also send Munday asks back to people who send them to you. Now if they're not open to Munday asks or w/e then no sweat it's fine, but let's be real, we all like to yap. We all like to talk about our characters. We all enjoy answering Munday asks, so spread the love and send asks back to people who send them to you.
Part of the reason I don't really make the effort to send out Munday asks much anymore and part of why I don't open for Munday as frequently either is candidly I got very tired of sending out like a dozen Munday asks to everyone I saw open for Mundays and then getting like... 2 in return. There were a couple weeks back in like July-August were I quite literally got 0 Munday asks, and it was incredibly disheartening. Like, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed coming up with questions for other people, but it was also a total downer to sit there the entire day waiting for asks to come in and then never getting any. Not even one asking how my day was or how my weekend went. Total and complete silence.
And sure, thinking of questions is hard, I get it! You wanna know my secret? When I was sending out Munday asks regularly, I googled first date questions or improv icebreakers. There's so many great questions to ask people from those. Sure, they can be be incredibly shallow and I'm sure any veteran ask blogger whose been at this a while has probably asked and answered whether they like coffee or tea better. But I'd rather answer that ask for like the fourth time than get nothing because then I'd at least get the opportunity to talk about my thoughts on both for a minute.
This also goes quadrupley so for the memes. There are times where I see people reblogging memes and going the whole day without any interaction because they're a smaller blog. And I'll admit, I straight up have sometimes gone on anon and sent them like three asks back to back because I didn't want them to feel like no one cared about them or their characters. They deserve to get a bunch of asks too, that's part of the fun!
And I think with memes the not sending asks in return is far less excusable because usually there's emojis or numbers that you can literally just copy and paste into the ask box. I cannot tell you how many times I saw blogs I'd never met before reblogging a meme post and it took me all of five minutes to go pick a random emoji and a name from their cast page and drop that into their inbox. It is quite literally that easy.
You should also, generally speaking, send an ask to the person you got the meme from too. Whether they were the one who created it or simply just brought it into popularity, sending them an ask for the meme is a nice way to say thank you for letting you use it too. It took time and effort to create and/or find that meme, and I guarantee you they did not do it simply because they wanted other people to use it on their own blogs. They did it so THEY could answer asks from it on their OWN blog. So give them the opportunity to!
The blog I want to send an ask to has (insert species of character) and my blog doesn't interact with that (or vice versa).
That's fine! You don't have to send an ask in character if you don't want to. Sure that's the norm, but if the casts of your blogs are incompatible for some reason, then by all means just don't send an in character ask.
The blog I want to send an ask to doesn't have readily available/up to date asks hints.
You have a couple options here. You can read back through the blog to see what has recently happened to get a feel for what might be a good ask. If you're lucky maybe they'll have a taglist somewhere that'll make backtracking easy. But if not, skimming is fine too. Otherwise, just directly DM the blog and ask them what kind of ask they want. I've done this several times and that can be a great way to get a blog exactly what ask their looking for.
The blog I want to send a Munday ask to is doing a meme I don't want to engage with.
Send them a normal question then! I guarantee you they wouldn't be opposed to answering something opposed to the meme, and even if they don't respond, they'll at least know you tried to return their ask.
The blog that sent me an ask said in their ask call they don't want asks in return.
No need to send one back then! If they said they don't want any, then they aren't expecting any in return. I do this all the time! Sometimes we just like sending out asks for fun and that's a-okay!
The blog I want to send an ask to has closed their inbox.
That's okay! In this instance, it is perfectly reasonable to not send an ask in return. If they've closed their inbox, they're likely not expecting asks back. So you're totally in the clear to not send one in return. No need to go crawling through their submission box to send one in (people actually don't usually like this). Just maybe keep an eye out in the future for if their inbox reopens!
Unless they like explicitly made a post asking for asks within like the last day. In that case please tell them because they probably forgot to open it again (happens more often than you think).
The blog I want to send an ask to doesn't have an organization system making their story, characters, hints, and other materials used in ask crafting difficult to find.
In that case, the burden lies with that blog, not you. Organization is EXTREMELY important. Skins covers this a bit in their ask blog advice post. Having easily accessible tag lists, ask hints, and casts pages can really help with getting asks sent your way. In the same way it isn't fair to someone to not send asks in return, it's equally unfair to make someone scroll through a bunch of meme reblogs just find materials to send an ask with.
The best you can do in this situation is message the blog to ask them for what they want. But if the materials to craft the ask aren't readily available to you, that is on them not you.
In short, please exercise Ask Karma. If someone sends you an ask, please send one back! Thank you!
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mod-jazzy · 2 months ago
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Welcome back everyone! We're very excited to be hosting this event again!
Please fill out this form to join! All posts will be tagged #secretluvdisc2025!
Important Dates:
♡ Applications Open: January 22nd, 2025 12 PM PST
♡ Applications Close: February 5th, 2025 11:59 PM PST
♡ Invites Send: February 6th, 2025
♡ Art Due Date: February 25th, 2025, 11:59 PM PST
♡ Art Post Date: February 26th, 2025
1) Please be nice. This event is meant to be fun! You don't have to be painting at the level of the Mona Lisa to join. If you have Pokemon OCs and you want to draw fun art as a gift for someone, join!
* Added note: your art piece does NOT have to be digital art! They can be self-made plushies, clay sculpts, colored pencil drawings, acrylic paintings, etc.
2) Please do not join if you don't feel you can complete your gift art in the allotted time (19 days, starting February 6th when invites go out).
3) Those who are bigoted, racist, LGBTQ+ phobic or similar are NOT welcome. This blog is one about love. We DO NOT welcome those who are hateful.
4) If something comes up and you need to drop out, that's ok! But please let us know with plenty of time (at LEAST 48 hours) so we can message a pinch hitter to help out!
5) Please don't submit nsfw art for art references or for your finished art piece. This is a family friendly event. You will be blacklisted from participating again should you violate this rule in any way.
*Gifts do not have to be Valentine's themed but it does make it more relatable to the event which is fun! It's up to you what you'd like to do for the art piece as long as you stay within reason.
Reminder: You do not have to be part of the Pokeask Community! As long as you have a Pokémon OC of some sort, you are welcome to join!
If you have any questions, please feel free to privately message us here or you can message @/duskffyart on discord!
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mod-jazzy · 3 months ago
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[ Ladybird used DRAGON PULSE ] The large beam shot upward towards Kappa, causing the druddigon to slide backwards from the attack. Her claws digging deep into the ground to prevent her from flying back from the force of it. It was unknown if she was aiming for any specific spot, she didn't attack often but still managed to put a lot of effort in... However it was unknown on where that wild uncontrollable beam would end up hitting at the rate it quickly shot out into the sky towards the Gmax'd pokemon in front of her. The druddigon's claws dug deeper into the ruined ground beneath her as she stared up sadly as she once again recalled her last conversation with the samurott "........Ladybird guesses it's a good thing your trainer got you all that space....." --- --- --- --- --- --- [ Attack submission for @ask-impatient-samurott ] [ link to what Ladybird is speaking/referencing ]
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