#I just miss having the freedom to flirt around
I wonder what it is about breaking up with someone and starting new that I find so upsetting. I realize that people also find break ups heartbreaking, but I know I take it to an extreme. I've never liked the idea of having different partners throughout my life. The idea of having an ex has always been something I hated. The type of breakup didn't matter to me. That is to say whether we ended on good or bad terms didn't make the idea of ending a relationship better to me. I'm not trying to be pretentious about it, I'm just being fr about a sentiment I've held for as long as I can remember. I've never been the type of person who enjoyed the idea of hook ups or casual dating. For better or worse, I've always held the belief that romantic relationships should be all in and serious from the beginning.
I think this feeling is definitely exacerbated by the fact that I've been passed up for another person before so I know what it's like to have someone "move on" from you, and it genuinely sucks like all fucking hell lmao. So the idea of "moving on" and being with someone else has been incredibly tarnished for me.
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amourane · 4 months
flustered and blushing
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pairing: theodore nott x fem!reader
genre: fluff so much fluff that it's insane
w/c: 1.7k
summary: in which you're a flustered mess around theo nott and he absolutely adores it.
warnings: none!
a/n: *screams* i just combust every time i write for theo but this piece especially has me just screaming at the cuteness!!!
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Everyone who went to Hogwarts knew who Theodore Nott was. It wasn’t hard to miss the dark chestnut hair that would fall in his eyes and the charming smirk that he always wore. Theodore Nott was gorgeous and he knew it. His popularity often led to him being the topic of most conversations and a receiver of many love confessions. Girls would flock to him and try their best to twirl their hair and flirt with the Slytherin but all they were met with was indifference. 
Theodore Nott would tune out their obnoxious laughter and shrill squeals. He would stare blankly at them, reject their advances without a care in the world. Word got around that the infamous Theodore Nott was seemingly unreachable. His unattainability only made him that much more interesting to everyone else.
You were blessed, as some would say, to sit next to Theo during Charms. Flitwick had randomly assigned the seating at the start of the year and you got stuck with Theodore Nott. He wasn’t bad at the subject by any means it just got a bit overwhelming with all the stares and whispers that were directed at your partner. You weren’t one for attention or drama, always preferring to hide in the shadows and not be seen. Sitting next to Theo didn’t exactly grant you that freedom.
Theodore Nott was handsome. So so so handsome. You couldn’t deny your attraction and as much as you tried to push it down you often found yourself staring. The slope of his nose and the angled jaw. His eyes that pulled your attention away from anything else. You would watch as he scrawled his notes onto the parchment. His quill would glide effortlessly without hesitation and you often would forget to take your own notes. You couldn’t help but feel your heart pound whenever he spoke to you or whenever he would offer you even the tiniest smile.
“Hey Y/n you free after dinner tonight?”
The boy beside you drawled with his chin in his hands. He looked at you expectedly and you blinked at him confused. 
“Were you not listening? We have an assignment together, I was asking if you were free so we could get started.” He smirked as if he knew you had been watching him all this time. You felt your cheeks heat up and you spluttered for words. Theo chuckled as he shoved his things into his bag, still waiting for your answer.
“Yeah I’m free tonight.” You mumbled, refusing to look at him. You felt your heart race and you gulped. “Wait where are we meeting up?” 
It was then that you realised looking up was a huge mistake because Theo’s face is mere inches away from yours and you felt yourself flush scarlet at the proximity. You blink like a deer caught in headlights trying to calm your own rapidly beating heart. Theo grinned. He tilted his head to the side as if he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Words died on your tongue and your eyes locked with his and you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach. 
It was all too much. Way too much.
You cleared your throat, backing away in your seat as far as you could. Theo bit back another smile as he finally leaned back into his seat again. You felt lightheaded from what had just happened and you looked over at the Slytherin only to find him already staring at you causing your eyes to bulge out of their sockets and for you to turn away quickly.
“W-Where did you say?”
“The library of course, I’d bring you to my dorm but don’t you think it’s a bit too soon for that principessa?”
Even if you couldn’t see Theo Nott you definitely could imagine his trademark smirk that would spread across his face whenever he was feeling smug with himself. His words registered in your mind finally and you let out a squeak at the implication before quickly throwing your stuff in your bag and saying a goodbye.
You darted down the hallway, desperate to get away from your seatmate and to your dorm. Theodore Nott had always been like this with you. All smiles and suggestive comments. Your heart couldn’t take his charming grin and angelic laugh. Ever since you had quietly greeted him back in September he had stuck by you and you really didn’t know why. You weren’t popular by any means and you had no pureblood connection that would be of any use so you weren’t sure why Theodore Nott had taken such an interest in you.
His words filled your head once more and you felt your whole body heat up at the memory. You flopped down onto your bed, groaning into the pillow as you tried your hardest to calm yourself down. You just knew tonight was going to be so much worse.
“-and I was thinking that we could also talk about non verbal spells since- are you listening to me Y/n?”
You snapped out of your thoughts only to see Theo’s brows furrowed and his lips pulled into a frown. The library was fairly quiet and the two of you had picked a secluded corner to ensure no one would disturb the two of you. Your eyes drifted to the textbook in front of the two of you and you blinked blankly towards your partner.
“Sorry I wasn’t paying attention, what were you saying about non verbal spells?” 
Theo smiled and you felt your heart flutter at the sight. His eyes seemed to twinkle more in the warm lighting and you told yourself that you needed to stop having these ridiculous thoughts. Everyone knew that Theodore Nott had no interest in dating anyone much less you.
“You seem to be daydreaming a lot today Y/n, I’m honestly hurt that you haven’t been paying attention to what I’ve been saying.” Theo pouted but you could see the mirth that spread across his face. He leaned towards you and your eyes widened. “What’s got you so distracted today hm?”
He was so close to you. Too close even. You could smell the familiar citrusy scent that he always wore. It felt warm, you didn’t know if that was possible, but he smelt like what you imagined home would be. The slightly sweet but earthy scent invaded your senses and you felt your brain melt.
Your eyes search his face. The sharp cheekbones and jawline contrasted with the smooth curve of his lips. His dark tousled hair that you couldn’t help but imagine running your fingers through his curls. His long eyelashes framed his beautiful grey eyes. The soft glow of the lamp highlights his complexion and you continue to stare, completely mesmerised.
“Nothing…I just have a lot on my mind.” You replied awkwardly, hoping that he didn’t sense that you were lying.
“Hmm…well I’m always here to talk.” Theo folded his arms as he leant onto the wooden desk in front of the both of you. He buried his head into his arms before turning to the side to look at you, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. “But I guess we’d just be talking about me, wouldn’t we?”
Immediately you burst into flames and you tried to stutter out an excuse. You knew he had noticed your staring. There were only so many times you could get away with not paying attention in class. Then again, it was still mortifying to get caught.
A group of girls decided that that was the perfect time to walk past the two of you and you froze as they saw you and Theo together. They looked at you and then the Slytherin beside you. Your jaw hung open, gaping like a fish, unable to comprehend the multitude of events that were thrown at you. The girls mirrored your expression before scurrying off whispering loudly.
“Are they dating?”
“No way I didn’t actually think he was capable of liking someone.”
“Who is she anyway? I’ve never seen her around.”
You felt your heart race and you deflated in your chair, head in your hands. This was not meant to happen. You felt a tap on your shoulder and you looked up to see Theo. His smile wasn’t on his face anymore, now replaced with a worried look.
“Are you okay?”
“What? Of course not!” You cried out softly. “Everyone’s going to think I’m your girlfriend and it’s going to spread across the whole of Hogwarts by tomorrow morning. And and…” You groaned, putting your head back into your hands, too overwhelmed by everything that was happening. 
Silence spread across the two of you.
“Would that be so bad?” Theo’s voice broke the quiet. You looked up, startled by his words. “Dating me, that is.”
“T-That’s not what I meant-” You stammered, scrambling for an apology, but Theo interrupted you.
“I don’t smile and flirt with just anyone you know. You’re special to me Y/n. I like you, a lot.” 
He was looking at you now, his eyes filled with a warmth you had mistaken for amusement. His gaze was soft and filled with affection, a small smile playing on his lips. Your cheeks heated up at his unexpected confession. Your heart pounded, and you gripped your fingers, searching for the right words to say.
“Do you like me too?”
Try as you might you couldn’t find any words to express your emotions or your feelings towards Theodore Nott. All you could muster was a nod as an answer to his question. Theo laughed as he reached for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. He tugged you closer to him and once again you were face to face with Theodore Nott.
“I want to hear you say it principessa. Tell me how much you fancy me.” 
He was doing it on purpose. He knew exactly what to do and what to say to get you completely flustered and a blushing mess for him. And you would be a fool to say it wasn’t working.
“Theo I...” You whispered finally finding your own voice. “I really like you Theodore Nott, I really really like you.”
A bright beam graced Theo’s face and he pressed his forehead against yours, hugging your body close to his. You wrapped your arms around his waist, melting into his touch. Theo pulled back as he placed a kiss on your cheek. You blinked before you felt yourself heat up at his affectionate action. You buried your face in his chest, embarrassed at your flustered state.
“You’re so adorable.” Theo chuckled as he embraced you tightly. “I really really like you too Y/n L/n.”
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winterspellsfrozenkit · 8 months
Maomao's Dislike of Jinshi
So I've been watching Apothecary Diaries and I think people are missing out on the root cause of why Maomao doesn't like Jinshi's interactions with her. It's not because he's too pretty, of high standing, or because she thinks he's annoying/etc., as they're just parts that make up the actual root cause. It's because she knows he's being fake.
Jinshi, because of who he is, where he lives, and how he was raised, covers up his true intentions almost constantly. That was how he trapped Maomao and singled her out as the one who warned Concubine Gyokuyou, after all. The premise to get all the servants in the room, the note telling her to stay put, and making her come with him without telling her where they were going? He let her worry that she was in trouble, so to keep her off-balance when he introduced her to Gyokuyou and also had kept her note to keep her pinned in a corner so she would have to comply with what he and Gyokuyou wanted.
Maomao prefers working with honest people. It's why she never wanted to ascend into the ranks where court politics were a constant presence, because in court politics, you have to assume most people are lying to you on some level. That's why she likes Gyokuyou; Gyokuyou has a similar mentality about the importance of honesty in the people around her and she reciprocates that honesty with the select people she lets her walls down around. When Jinshi is flirting or being super sweet to someone, Maomao knows he's often not being sincere, so when he flirts or acts all sweet with her, she's not going to believe in the sincerity of it because it's dangerous for her if he's not being sincere.
In Maomao's world, a man who makes false promises will not have severe consequences for his actions, unlike the women who fall for them. Growing up where she did and doing the work she did, Maomao knows exactly what kind of damage someone else's lies can bring to someone else who got caught in them. Maomao is not blind to the ugly truths of the world around her, unlike many her age, so interacting with Jinshi, someone who is usually some level of false in almost every encounter with her, is frustrating to her and he won't leave her alone. Lies are a form of poison themselves as they deteriorate a person's life and relationships and if not caught, can lead someone to their death or a fate akin to death, but unlike physical toxins, Maomao can't fix any damage from that kind of societal poison. As someone who wants a lowkey and unremarkable life because it's more peaceful, Jinshi could damage her goals with his falsehoods if she falls for any of them.
And we see that when Jinshi is actually honest about himself and his feelings with her, she treats him better. When he gives her his hairpin, when he's hugging her and crying because of what happened with Ah-Duo, and when he's at the Verdigris House, drowning his sorrows over letting Maomao go from the Rear Palace, Maomao is kinder to him and doesn't look at him with the immediate disdain and suspicion she often throws his way. Maomao even states she prefers the Jinshi, who is more childlike and bratty, which is something we see Gaoshun constantly discourage when Jinshi has those moments where his mask breaks. But in those moments, he's being honest.
For the position of Maomao's love interest, Jinshi's already got one foot ahead of any other guy around Maomao, as he is willing to let Maomao have more freedom in her special interests and gives her things and access to areas that play into her interests, like her dad does, which is more than most men in her society would ever allow. The only reason he actively goes against her toying with poison is he knows exactly what she's going to do with the poisons. But his main hinderance to getting Maomao to like him back is the training of being two-faced that's been ingrained into him for his survival in court. If he was more honest with her, rather than hiding himself under the veneer of a pretty man who is sweet, gets along with everyone, and keeps his knowledge close to the chest, he'd do so much better in earning Maomao's respect and affection.
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forellasket · 4 months
hi!! what about like a body swap w the jjk guys wouldnt that be fun. like a curse with a weird technique got to us and blah blah (you can wrote whoeverr but megumi would be nice <3)
JJK Boys React to:
Body Swap CT!!
ok first off i just wanna say that he would need a factory reset after realizing what happened
megumi would look at you, then down at himself, then back at you about a thousand times
it feels weird being in someone else’s skin, he would try not to let it show how uncomfortable he would feel
he really doesn’t know what to do with himself. it’s not even a matter of trying to respect your body since it’s his for the time being
he just loathes the feeling of invading it
that is…
until he notices that his— no, your body gets all hot and fluttery when he’s around you
it’s strange. why is he getting flustered by his own face? it’ll eventually click that it’s just your body’s instinct to get nervous around him
now he can only stand there and wonder what his body is doing to you
oh boy.
my only words of wisdom in this situation are good luck.
right off the bat when he realizes he’s not in his own body anymore, he loses his shit
if you’re a woman, he 100% feels the need to touch his chest. having boobs is crazy
he’s known for being a reckless dude so when he’s running around in your body, expect to have several unknown bruises
i feel like he’d try to do shit he normally does and forget that he doesn’t have his usual heightened abilities and then whine when he hurts himself, or technically you
he’ll apologize profusely for the damage done, and start going on and on about how you can beat him up when you guys switch back
he’ll just flirt with you/himself the whole time. that’s it. he’ll compliment your beautiful new blue eyes or how tall you’ve become over night.
he’s makes those “looking in a mirror” jokes and thinks he’s the funniest person alive.
spoiler alert; he isn’t.
this time it’s your turn to fuck up
he literally speaks in ingredients, and you don’t.
straight off the bat you start freaking out and talking like you usually do and the poor people around you suffer for it
also inumaki, his throat is gonna hurt REAL bad
but now he’s embracing his inner american with the freedom of speech!! 🦅🇺🇸🔥
he abuses the fact that he can talk normally for once without drawbacks and he YAPS
all day
to anyone willing to listen
that’s not to say he isn’t still quiet though, you’ll strain yourself trying to hear him
he gets real sad when you guys swap back
oh he’s so respectful about it.
keeps reassuring you all day that everything will be fine— although it’s a little awkward trying to comfort himself…
he’s definitely stiff as hell with everything he does, similar to megumi
bro goes into robot mode, and is so uncomfortable
literally doesn’t know how to take care of your body because anything and everything feels illegal
he can’t eat or drink because then he’ll have to go to the bathroom, and that’s an invasion of privacy
but he can’t let your body starve so then what
the man is stressed
he spends a lot of time silently panicking and trying to swap yall back
here lies nanami kento R.I.P 🪦
this one is solely for shits and giggles.
if you’re not a tall woman with a big ass, he spends the whole time complaining. that’s it pt. 2
i’m so deadass he whines the whole time about how he misses his body and that this sucks and he’d much prefer he’d gotten to swap with takada
and blah blah blah
he’s so nervous
it feels wrong
he’s not worried about his body, just yours
he’s not worried about how he feels, just how you feel
he’s trying to make sure you’re okay, but it’s weird talking to you when you’re wearing his face
and vice versa
you can’t really feel comforted when you’re looking down at yourself having a panic attack
you two feed on each other’s nervous energies and eventually descend into madness
i feel bad for everyone who has to take care of you during this
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jazzythursday · 1 year
Wylan leaves in the morning.
He doesn’t plan to, not exactly, but he definitely doesn’t plan on staying, either.
Wylan is no stranger to one night stands. He can’t say he gets around very frequently, but enough to know the general plot of how they're supposed to go.
Flirt, drink, fuck, leave. The order isn’t necessarily set in stone, but the list ends the same every time.
He has a good time, for the most part, and it’s always a welcome break from the awful chemical smell burned into the Tannery or the staleness of the empty rooms in cheap boarding houses (when he can afford them) that Wylan is used to. Wylan likes the freedom that comes with it, too. It’s liberating to go where he wants and do what he pleases; to not worry about who he’s seen with or sleeps with or what they might think of him after. And he likes feeling wanted, for a little while. He likes being reminded that he exists.
So Wylan does not make a habit of falling asleep with the people who take him to bed.
He doesn’t even remember falling asleep, really.
He doesn't remember, and yet, Wylan wakes up with his head pillowed on Jesper’s chest. With Jesper’s arm draped over him. His breath is warm where it ghosts over the top of his hair, and if Wylan glances up he can see the way Jesper’s mouth— those lips— fall open in sleep.
It’s the best morning he’s had in months, possibly. Certainly the most comfortable.
He knows it can’t last.
Wylan looks at Jesper, still sleeping peacefully next to him, and he panics.
He’d woken up in Jesper Fahey’s arms.
He’d slept with Jesper Fahey.
Jesper has a reputation, and Wylan knows it, even new to the Barrel as he is. He’d heard about Dirtyhand’s second and resident sharpshooter plenty— Can’t resist a gamble, never misses a shot, and not just with bullets. Jesper Fahey is an excellent marksman, they say, with terrible luck with the cards, and a soft spot for pretty girls and even prettier boys.
Jesper’s played the field— multiple fields— went on a seismic world tour of fields.
Wylan is very good at not being noticed. He’s also very good at listening. People tend to look past him, they never pay any mind to the too skinny boy with the wild hair and the hunched shoulders and the grime that never seems to wash off completely after his long shifts at the Tannery. Wylan knows this, knows he’s very adept at being able to disappear, when he needs to.
So by the time Wylan actually meets Jesper, he’s well aware of his place in Ketterdam’s booming rumor mill. Jesper has many, and Wylan thinks by now he may have heard them all.
And yet, none of them do a thing to prepare him for Jesper.
They’d met in a tavern.
Wylan had been nursing his drink for the better half of an hour, trying to come up with reasons not to go back to the sad cot he had waiting for him in a rented room, with the only window overlooking the brick wall of a dark alley.
So far, he’d only come up with the one.
Wylan had seen the tall Zemeni man from across the room and hadn’t stopped looking since. He was flirting with a girl at the bar, twirling one of his guns in one hand demonstratively with a drink in the other. The girl— a curly haired blond— was giggling, hand pressed to her mouth with eyes that had very clear and direct intentions.
Wylan had almost resolved himself to a night of wasting the few kruge at his disposal with little to show for it, when the man had looked up and caught him staring. The man had smiled, twirling his gun with an extra flourish and then tipped his hat. Wylan smiled back, and gave a little wave. Embarrassing, He’d thought, stop it, he’s already with someone else anyway. He’d looked down, and stared at the near empty contents of his drink until someone sat down next to him and said, in a voice like apple butter and sweet syrup, “Can I get you another of those?”
Then Wylan had looked up into the eyes of the handsomest man he’d ever seen, and thought, he has the most perfect lips.
Out loud, he’d said, “I, uh, well—” His mouth was wide open, he’d realised, and shut it quickly. Again, the man had smiled. Again, Wylan had smiled back. “Yes, please.”
And that's how he’d met Jesper.
Afterwards, they’d stumbled through the streets— I know a place, Jesper said, If you want to take this somewhere more private— until they’d passed a corner where a vendor was selling traditional Kerch sweets out of a cart.
“Stroopwafels!” Jesper had stopped. “I love stroopwafels!”
Wylan was tugging him toward the cart without really making a conscious decision to move, and Jesper had laughed, surprised and delighted.
Wylan bought them both stroopwafels and handed Jesper his with a shy smile and a shrug. “For the drink.”
Jesper looked at him consideringly, head caulked to the side, and Wylan felt himself blushing in the low light of the lamps. “You’re sweet,” he’d said eventually.
“Is that bad?” Wylan had asked, sheepish. Jesper was already shaking his head.
“It’s good. Just not that many sweet things to be had in the Barrel. It’s refreshing.” He’d bit off a piece of one of the waffles and smiled. “These are sweet too,”— he’d leaned in, smile still earnest but with something decidedly different underneath— “I like sweet.”
Jesper had not touched him like he’d been expecting to be touched. Jesper made no assumptions; he’d asked, about everything, in a way that was near gentlemanly if it wasn’t for the fact that he radiated trouble through his pores. Jesper was— not quite gentle, because Wylan had expected hot and heady and everything deep, and Jesper was all of that and more— but he wasn’t rough. He didn’t bruise, not if Wylan didn’t say yes first, and afterwards he’d laid back down and settled Wylan into his arms in a way that he had no real way of protesting— didn’t want to protest, anyway— and kissed him.
It was that that had scared Wylan the most, he thinks. Because Wylan is rarely kissed for the express purpose of it. It was always the promise of more— the rush of what was to come. But people do not generally tend to kiss Wylan for the sake of kissing Wylan. It’s different. Jesper is different, and Wylan can’t afford to be stupid enough to do something like get attached. Can’t afford much at all— really.
But Jesper had kissed him, pleased and lazy and warm, and at some indeterminate time later they had both apparently fallen asleep.
And it was nice.
It was too nice. It hurt with how nice it was.
Wylan peels himself slowly out of Jesper’s arms, careful not to wake him, and decides then that he cannot stand to be here any longer.
Jesper Fahey is not what he’d expected, he’s better.
Jesper Fahey is lovely, and beautiful, and kinder to him than anyone has been to Wylan for almost as long as he can remember.
Jesper Fahey is more than he could have ever hoped for, and he isn’t going to stick around for someone like Wylan.
So Wylan leaves, and he doesn’t look behind him as he closes the door.
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mountainsandmayhem · 5 months
Aisle Amore
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x Female Reader Summary: You truly never know who you might meet in the grocery store. CW: no smut, all fluff. Flirting, mention of divorce, talks of food, more adorable flirting. Word Count: 3.4k AN: I've gone soft!! I couldn't stop thinking about how the couple in Wonderful Tonight and Netflix & Chill met and even though no one asked, this is exactly how they met. I worked in a grocery store for almost 15 years and I can tell you right now that I would to SPRINTING to the pasta aisle. Special thank you to @mermaidgirl30 for beta reading and both her and @littlevenicebitch69 for helping me come up with a title. Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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To you, there’s nothing worse than asking for help. You’ve been fiercely independent your entire life, and these snapped ligaments have been testing you. Your friends say they don’t mind helping, but YOU mind them helping. The pain in your ankle has finally subsided enough that you can put a little weight on it and only use one crutch.
You shut your laptop at 6 pm, change into something that isn’t pyjama pants and begrudgingly put on a bra. The first stop on your newly found freedom tour is the grocery store. Thirteen year old you would be appalled at how excited you are over this. You jot down all the ingredients you’ll need to make homemade pasta, marinara sauce and meatballs. 
Living in downtown DC has lots of perks, one of them being you can walk to the grocery store that’s just around the block. After gingerly testing your ankles a few times you decide you can walk there. Your dad’s voice echoes through your head, “This family doesn’t cry, take care of yourself, don’t depend on anyone but you”. 
The walk there is easy, it feels good to be out in the summer evening sun, soaking in the vitamin D that you’ve been missing out on the last few weeks. You grab one of those small baskets with wheels and head into the store. It might be dramatic, but it’s been almost three weeks since you’ve been out on your own and you feel that same hyped elation you had at 16 when you got your license and your parents allowed you to go out on your own the first time. Except at 16 you picked up your friends and went to the record store, you were much cooler in your youth. 
“Stick to the list,” you say to yourself, realizing you’re slowly becoming just like your mother. That’s fucking depressing. 
The first items are olive oil and flour, you crutch along, the sounds of metal clicking and the rubber bottom squeaking following you as you move along the shiny white tile floor. A song you vaguely remember hearing during your childhood plays overhead, Eric Clapton singing about a woman looking lovely. The bakery must have fresh bread, and the delicious scent of it makes your mouth water. 
As you turn down the pasta aisle, you brush past a man in a suit who’s looking at the canned pasta sauces, poor sap, and stop about ten feet away from him. The small bag of flour you need is on an easily accessible shelf but of course, there’s only one left and it’s all the way at the back. 
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Marcus holds up a jar of canned marinara, silently humming along to Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton. He swears he hears his grandmother on his mother’s side rolling in her grave. She wasn’t Italian, but owned a restaurant and was definitely looking down at him ashamed that he was BUYING something she taught him to make.
Sorry grams, he thinks, just as someone hobbles past him, vanilla wafting behind her, temporarily replacing the scent of the fresh bread he’s also going to pick up. His grandmother might come back just to slap him for this dinner tonight. Granted, he did just return from seeing his ex and her new boyfriend so maybe she’d take pity on him. Bake him those gooey chocolate chip cookies he loved so much. 
As he turns to head toward the pasta he sees a woman who quite frankly takes his breath away. She’s so beautiful that he almost can’t take her all in at once. Her bare legs are toned and tanned, wrapped in long black biker shorts, paired with a plain grey t-shirt and unzipped black hoodie. One high top converse laced up on one foot, the other in an uncomfortable looking boot. Her hair is in a low messy bun with almost too perfectly placed pieces along her neck and face. She seems to invade every ounce of him, until all he can see is her and all he can smell is warm vanilla. His mouth goes dry, and his heartbeat fills his ears. 
This next bit happens so quickly that he doesn’t have time to even think about it. But you would later describe it as not one of your finest moments, and he would describe it as the moment that changed his life. 
He watches as you reach above your head, raising up on the tippy toe of your good foot. As you lean forward, your hollow aluminum crutch slips out from underneath you and falls to the ground. An echoing tinny bang startles you and you stumble, putting too much pressure on your broken foot. The sweetest sounding “Ouch! Motherfucker,” leaves your pouty pink lips as Marcus rushes to catch you. 
“Whoa,” he says as he reaches out to steady you, one hand wrapping around your hip, the other cupping your elbow, helping you off your injured leg. “Are you ok?” 
Your cheeks flush as you look up at him. “Sorry, thank you.” 
Your bright blue eyes wash over him, and something tugs behind his heart. Eric Clapton singing "Oh my darling, you are wonderful tonight" as he stands there temporarily stunned, unsure of where he is or what is name is. It's just you.
It doesn’t make any sense, you could be married for all he knows, but something about you draws him in. He didn’t think he’d feel this way again for a very long time, but he needs to find a way to keep talking to you. 
“Let me get that for you,” he says, his hand moving from your elbow, reaching up and easily plucking the flour off the shelf. 
“Thanks, I could have gotten it.” You say and he fights to stop from laughing. He can tell that you’re not someone who asks for help. No, you’re independent and strong willed. And fuck if that doesn’t just make that tug behind his heart pull that much harder. 
“I know you can, you just scared me.” He looks down at you softly as you stare up at him. 
He’s suddenly very aware that he still has one hand on your hip. Your shirt had ridden up as you wobbled, and the skin of your hip is soft and warm against his palm. He finds himself wondering if the rest of you is just as comforting. Just as an inviting. The light scent of your vanilla perfume fills the small space between the two of you. 
“Look,” he says, finding it inside himself to peel his hand off you now that you’re steady, placing your flour in your basket and bending to grab your crutch. “My grandma is already cursing me from heaven for buying canned sauce and boxed pasta. Can you please let me help you?” 
You open your mouth and then close it, almost like you’re trying to come up with a reason to not let him, so he quickly adds, “For my sake.” 
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You laugh through your nose, shaking your head and taking your crutch from this incredibly handsome stranger. 
Please don’t be married. Or a total creep. 
“Smooth,” you say teasingly. 
He tugs at his white button up shirt collar. “Is it hot in here?" He fakes a dramatic cough, "I swear - she’s watching me.” 
You look up at the white painted ceiling of the grocery store. “OK, grandma. Chill. I’ll let him help me.” 
When you look back at him he’s smiling from ear to ear, and if you thought he was handsome before; well, fuck, there’s not even a word to describe how unbelievably charming he looks right now. 
He looks down at your basket before saying, “Do you have a big list?” 
“Umm,” you say holding out the special lined paper you have to make grocery lists. “I have a few things, ya.” 
His thick fingers brush lightly against yours as he takes the list. You can’t help but notice that he’s not wearing a wedding ring, score, his nails are trimmed short and his cuticles are nicely manicured. You assume he must have some sort of fancy office job, like a lawyer or an accountant. He seems to radiate stability and you didn't realize you could be so aroused by fingers.
“Are you making pasta? And sauce?” He asks as his brown doe eyes scan your list. 
“I am,” you say proudly. You might not be a world famous chef, but you take pride in your cooking abilities. 
He smiles back at you again. “Stay here,” he says softly, “I’m gonna grab a cart.” 
As he turns to walk away, taking your basket and his sauce with him, you notice the way his grey suit jacket clings to his broad shoulders. Accountant by day, muscle model by night? Muscle model? Great, he’s broken your brain. 
It doesn’t take long before you hear the distinct rumbling of the plastic wheels of a shopping cart heading your way. Just as your handsome stranger comes back into the aisle “At Last” by Etta James starts to play. 
“I’m Marcus, by the way,” he says, grabbing a box of pasta on the shelf and sitting it next to his sauce in the top part of the cart. 
You say your name and notice the tiniest glint in his eye as the sound of it wraps around him. “Well then, we’d better get going on this list.” 
He moves slowly, allowing you to set the walking pace. He’s taken your list and the entire thing feels almost too domestic, like you can envision yourself doing this every weekend with him for the rest of your lives. Maybe there would even be a kid in that little part where he puts his boxed pasta and canned sauce. 
“Alright, so we covered names and who grew up where. So, what do you do for a living?” You ask, snatching a bottle of olive oil off the shelf. 
“I - uh - I work in law enforcement,” he says. 
You look at him, then his tie, then back at him. With a hint of amusement in your voice you say, “Pretty fancy dress code. What are you? Like FBI or something.” 
“Yes, actually. And now that you know that, I miiiight have to kill you.” 
You laugh, “Sure know how to put a girl at ease, Agent Pike.” 
The way you say agent, all teasing and flirty, goes straight to his cock. He’s been called Agent Pike thousands of times over his career but it’s never sent a shiver down his body like that before. 
He runs a hand over his patchy scruff. “I’m kidding. About the killing part, not the FBI part.” 
“Thanks for clarifying,” you laugh.
Whitney Houston’s voice floats across the store, singing about dancing with someone who loves her. 
Neither of you is particularly paying attention to your list or what aisle you’re in. You snake up and down each aisle, both of you occasionally grabbing something you need. 
“What about you?” He asks. Something about the way he asks a question seems different. It’s like when Marcus asks something he’s genuinely asking, not just trying to force conversation. With every answer you give his eyes focus on yours, he nods and seems curious and excited to hear what you have to say. 
The bar is truly in hell if I’m turned on by a man who’s just treating me like a human. 
“I run a small online store for my, umm, for my designs.” This part is always awkward, men change how they treat you once they find out what you do for a living. You avoid his eyes, he’s so goddamn handsome and you’re already disappointed that he’ll soon give you an ick with how he’ll respond to your career, how all men respond. 
“Your designs? Are you an artist?” His eyes light up and he stands a little taller when he asks, he must love art. He’s going to be thrilled to find out your best friend owns a gallery, and probably even more thrilled when he learns you hurt your ankle falling off a step ladder she had you posing on as she painted you, and yes, you were completely nude. 
“No,” you laugh. “I design clothing. Sort of.” You continue avoiding his eyes and chew on the inside of your cheek as you grab some dried oregano and place it in the basket. 
“Hey,” he says softly, stopping by the spices, “You don’t have to tell me something you don’t want me to know.” 
“It’s not that. It’s just,” you stop, glancing up at his warm chocolate brown eyes. His Adam’s Apple bobs as he swallows, and you have the sudden urge to sink your teeth into his neck. “Men just usually treat me differently once they know.” 
He narrows his eyes at you and his lips curl into a tight lipped and curious smile. “That’s clickbait. Now you have to tell me.” 
“Or you’ll kill me?” You laugh. 
“Yes, FBI remember,” he says sarcastically. 
You take a deep breath through your nose before you begin. “Ok, I design and sell lingerie.” You try to sound as casual as possible, smiling sweetly at him before you start walking again. 
Marcus doesn’t follow along so you look over your shoulder at him. Is he blushing? 
“Well,” he says, clearing his throat and avoiding your eyes. “I don’t see how that would make someone treat you differently.” 
“Then why are you blushing, Pike?” You flutter your lashes at him as he catches up to you in the aisle. 
The pink of his cheeks deepened, “I’m not blushing. Pretty sure I got a sunburn when I grabbed the cart.” 
“Ah, yes. I’ve heard that being indoors during sunset is a very dangerous UV time.” You joke. 
He laughs, “You’d be shocked how many people don’t believe it.” 
You both laugh as you head towards the produce department for your tomatoes and onions. Elvis’s ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ comes over the speakers, and even though other people are shopping, it feels like it’s being targeted at just the two of you. You pluck a few tomatoes from the shelf and he opens the little plastic bag for you to place them in. 
He takes a breath to start speaking and you brace yourself for the inevitable. All men do it. They all either ask what your company is called so they can look up your Instagram later or they’re bold and flat out ask you to model some of your designs for them. 
“Where’d you learn to make pasta?” He asks, his voice quivering at the closeness of your body to his. 
“Umm, I sort of did an Eat, Pray, Love thing recently.” You say quietly, smiling up at him. It’s the tiniest movement, but you swear his eyes flick to your lips as your hand brushes against his while you reach into the bag. Your heart is pounding behind your ribs, it’s almost unfair how handsome he looks under these fluorescent lights. 
“Oh? Like you went to Italy?” His voice is low and nervous as he watches you picking up tomatoes, squeezing them gently and smelling them. Carefully choosing the best ones. 
“Yes. Without spilling my whole life story, I got married young and then divorced a few years ago. I just kind of needed a hard reset on myself.” You drop two more tomatoes in the bag and then side step, or more more like side hobble, to the onions. 
“Huh,” he says, “I can honestly say that I know exactly what you mean by that.” 
You both smile at each other, you swear you can see his pulse flutter in his neck before he says, “Unfortunately, I think we have everything on your list,” he finishes off his sentence by saying your name and it sends an explosion of butterflies in your lower belly. You don’t know if you’ve ever met someone who makes you feel like you have somehow known them for your whole life but is also brand new. 
“Sorry. You probably have places to be and I’m -“ Your voice trails off when he slowly steps even further into your space. 
“That’s not what I meant,” he says softly, his fingertips brushing against yours causing a buzzing up your arm. Just then ‘I knew I loved you’ by Savage Garden rains down from the speakers. Marcus laughs gently and continues, “Is it just me or has the music been interesting in here tonight?” 
You move your pointer finger just a hair so it brushes against his, “ya, sounds like the crab from The Little Mermaid is in charge.”
A laugh from his stomach passes his lips, it’s joyous and melodic and even though you’ve just met him, you want to make him laugh like that for the rest of your life. He’s smiling so big that you can see all his straight white teeth. His head tips forward slightly and the skin around his eyes crinkles. You’re both so close, he smells like mint and a new book and everything around you seems to fall away, blurring around the edges. It’s overwhelming. Dizzying even. He’s the one. You can’t explain it, but you were meant to be in this grocery, with this annoying boot and crutch. 
“That’s not quite the comparison I would have used, but yes.” His eyes dance around yours, still laced with amusement and happiness. “Is he a crab or lobster?” 
“I think he’s a crab,” you say, pulling your hand back from his to stop yourself from leaping off that cliff and into his arms.
“I think he’s a lobster,” he counters, stepping back but never breaking the connection of his eyes with yours. 
As you head towards the checkout you glance towards the shopping cart nervously, remembering that you walked here. 
Both of you pay for your groceries in a comfortable silence and he scolds you teasingly for trying to grab your bags. “Grandma is still watching.” 
The two of you head for the exit. “Did you park somewhere?” 
“No. I can take them from here,” you’re not going to let this man drive you somewhere or walk you home. That’s ridiculous. You are strong and you’ve already impeded his life enough. 
He lifts his eyebrow suspiciously and turns just a touch so you can’t reach your bags. “You walked here, didn’t you?” 
“It’s really fine, Marcus. It’s not far. Thank you for your help. You didn’t need to do that.” 
“I have an apartment that way,” he says, nodding his head in the same direction you need to go.
“Oh that’s very forward of you, but I know better than to go to a secondary location with a stranger.” And he does it again, that beautiful, happy laugh. “I’m in the same direction.” 
You walk down the quiet street. People always say they wouldn’t want to live downtown because it’s too noisy, but truthfully, after the work crowd disperses for the evening and the dinner rush parts, it’s quite peaceful. 
“How sure are you that he’s a lobster? Willing to make a bet?” 
He looks over at you cautiously. “Alright. I’ll play along. I’m 100% sure he’s a lobster. What’s the bet?” 
“Wow. Marcus Pike, does the FBI know you’re such a risk taker?” 
He says your last name and follows it with, “Quit stalling, what’s the bet.” 
“Ok ok. Once I’m off all the painkillers. If he’s a crab, I make you REAL pasta. If he’s a lobster, you take me out for real pasta.” 
You both stop at the same time in front of the same building, “This is me. So is it a bet?”
Marcus pulls a key fob out of his pocket, “This is also me. And yes, we have a bet.” 
You cross the lobby together, you select your floors and exchange phone numbers on the way up and then he finally gives you your bags. 
“Thank you,” you say, smiling at him sweetly as the elevator approaches your floor. “I appreciate you using your grandma to help me.” 
He covers his heart with his hand. “I would never!” 
As the elevator comes to a halt he glances up at you sheepishly and your heart almost breaks open right then and there at how devastatingly handsome and heart meltingly adorable he is all at the same time. 
You smile like a damn fool the moment you’re out of that elevator. Of all the ways you thought your night was going to go, it did not involve a very charming stranger making you all nervous and delusional. 
The second you get inside your apartment you fight the urge to prove yourself right and cash in on our dinner, but you already miss him, so you text him. 
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Tag list:
@corazondebeskar @hiddenbabynyc @rainstorms-library @smutsmutslut  @sullyrocky44 
@keylimebeag @pimosworld @casa-boiardi @pedritoferg @paleidiot
@lorilane33 @pansexual-potatoes @jessthebaker @jasminedragoon @koshkaj-blog
@pedroswife69 @strawberri-blonde  @none-of-this-makes-any-sense @iloveenya
@javierpena-inatacvest @blazeflays @akah565 @pinkiec6-rubi @pedroshotwifey
@iluvurfather @ashleyfilm @mermaidgirl30 @untamedheart81 @littlevenicebitch69
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poebot · 9 months
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“Toxic” Ellabs / F!Reader Part 1 | Part 2
summary: Ellie, your on-again off-again girlfriend, can’t seem to leave you alone. Abby is tired of watching you get hurt.
tags/warnings: this is mostly sfw! mentions of alcohol, ellie gets a lil handsy but that’s about it lmao
a/n: i go feral for the idea of hot women fighting over me so take this. on a more civilised note lemme know if you wanna see this continued in a part 2! apologies for any spelling mistakes ^_^
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Your relationship with Ellie wasn’t what most would describe as healthy. You shared a bad habit of repeatedly breaking up and getting together again, always weak to her grand gestures and ‘I miss you’ texts. It was an endless cycle that neither of you seemed interested in breaking, but you had promised Abby and Dina that this time, this was it. You were done with her. Done with the constant flirting with other girls, with the endless arguments over her jealously problems, with the mess she’d leave your apartment in. You were done with it all.
Tonight was supposed to exemplify that; a trip to the club with your closest friends to celebrate your newfound freedom. You had put on your skimpiest dress (10/10 from Dina. Abby offered an approving thumbs up with minimal eye contact.) and had styled your hair and makeup just the way you liked it. Tonight was about forgetting about Ellie. And maybe finding someone cute to smash faces with, also in an effort to forget Ellie.
After one too many shots, you found yourself abandoning the group to go dance. You tried to coax the girls to join you, but Dina insisted they’d stay put and keep an eye out for you. They watched from a distance as your hands caressed your body, your tight dress clinging to your curves just right.
“She’s going to be the death of me.” Abby groaned, turning to face the bar. Being hopelessly in love with one of your best friends sucked, but it sucked even worse when said best friend was pining after a girl who didn’t treat her right. Every time you’d call her crying about Ellie, she had to physically fight the urge to shake you. To tell you that she was right here and would never make you feel this way. She hated Ellie Williams with everything in her. Dina pouted, rubbing Abby’s arm reassuringly and pushed a glass of whiskey into her hands.
Your eyes were closed tightly, enjoying the fuzzy feeling of being tipsy when you felt a pair of large hands snake their way around your waist. You didn’t even have to open them to know who was behind you. Her clothes smelled of cigarettes and the same musky cologne that she always wore on nights out, and she pressed her lips against your ear as you continued to sway.
“Hey, baby. You look good.” Her voice was raspy and quiet under the noise of the bustling club, but she was pressed so close that you could hear her every inhale and exhale. You turned to face her, your eyebrows furrowed. “I thought I told you to leave me the fuck alone.” Ellie chuckled at your attitude, seemingly unconvinced.
“You say that every other week. Cmon… I seriously can’t change your mind?” Her roaming hands continued to reach lower past your hips, moving dangerously close to the curve of your ass. The flesh dimpled in her hands and you heard her let out a sigh. You hummed, pushing against her chest weakly as you felt warm heat flood your stomach. It was increasingly hard to resist her, from the alcohol thrumming through your blood stream to the tender way her body pressed against yours. She smelled so fucking good, you missed her so fucking bad, and before the rational part of your brain could think you were pressing your face into her neck, senses thrilled at being surrounded by her familiar scent and touch.
“Thought so.” Ellie smiled, moving your face from the junction of her neck to hold your chin up to look at her. “God. You look fucking amazing.”
“Uh oh… Ellie’s on the hunt.” Dina chuckles, taking a sip from her cranberry vodka. She had spotted the girl almost half an hour earlier, sitting in a corner nursing a beer while she scoped out the crowd. In an effort to not spoil the night, she chose not to mention it to her friends. Atleast that’s what she told herself, ignoring the nagging thought in her head that this should make for good entertainment. Maybe Abby would finally make a goddamn move.
“What are you talking about?” Abby turned to look in the direction she was facing, and in an instant her smile dropped from her face at the sight of you enveloped in Ellie’s arms, her hands around your waist as she hugged you from behind. you seemed to be in a hushed discussion and your expression looked annoyed, but you made no effort to escape her as she started to sway with you to the music, her hips flush with your ass.
“You owe me like twenty bucks. I told you it would be less than two weeks.” Dina watched Abby over the rim of her glass, her lips slightly upturned in amusement. The girl was completely fucking hopeless. Her crush on you couldn’t be more clear, but your head was too far in the clouds to even notice. She punched Abby lightly in the arm, making her flinch. “Ow..” She murmured under her breath, as though her biceps weren’t crafted from stone.
“Dude. Stare any harder and they might combust.” Abby ran a calloused hand through her long hair, a nervous habit she had picked up whenever it wasn’t braided back. You convinced her to wear it this way tonight, telling her how pretty she looks with it down. Fuck, this sucks.
Abby stole another glance at the couple just as Ellie’s eyes met hers, and she planted a chaste kiss against your throat, holding the tense eye contact. Like a threat.
Fuck it. That was her last straw.
She grabbed her half full glass of whiskey and downed it, turning to Dina, her eyes blazing. “I’m going over there. She’s drunk, can hardly think straight. Shits’ not right.”
“Hey.” Dina grabbed Abby by her collar, yanking her back before she could storm off. “Go do what you gotta do. But if you get us kicked out of here, I’m beating your ass.”
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weepingchronicles · 6 months
yan!azula (atla) getting back reader 🙏🏻 (headcanons, or one shot please!)
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yandere azula x airbender reader (part 2) platonic or romantic tw/cw: yandere, choking, death threats, verbal abuse, possessive behavior a/n: erm guys.. it's getting kinda scary  😰 😰 (part 1)
being with aang and the others was unlike anything you've ever experienced.
when you first met everyone you were scared- but they all welcomed you with open arms. katara emphasized with you, having her mother also die at the hands of the fire nation. sokka tried to flirt with you, which you were oblivious to, until aang and katara told him to knock it off. after that, you became like katara to him, like a younger sibling who'd he protect.
you were so naive to the world, never stepping foot outside of the fire nation before.
when aang had told you his story, how he was in a iceberg for 100 years and was the avatar, but more importantly one of the last airbenders- you could hardly believe it.
the more the gang told you their stories, the clear it became that the fire nation had took away your parents, your culture and your freedom. you knew azula was evil, but you still believed you had no other choice but follow her.
you told aang that you had no airbending ability, you thought you'd be discarded away, just for being useless
but aang did no such thing, just offering a smile and saying he's just glad he has someone from home.
and you did feel at home.
You woke up to shaking, and your eyes immediately lit up. For a minute, you were back in the palace. Azula waking you up so she could sleep beside you. It was when we were in our younger years and Azula would wake you up at odd hours of night, slipping with you under your blanket. You assumed it was because she had nightmares, you did too, but you never dared ask her about it, fearing you'd end up with a scar like Zuko's.
You woke up from your flashbacks and took in to the actual scene in front of you. It's Aang.
"What's wrong?" "It's someone. They're following, come on, we need to get onto Appa."
You all pack your sleeping bags and ride on Appa. It's still the middle of the night, and the cooling wind blowing past your hair is not making your exhaustion any better.
Finally you all spot a place to settle down, it's in a middle of a forest which will be hard for anyone to navigate through
You lay out your tents and sleeping bags again to finally rest. You find yourself somewhat missing Azula, when she would be nice for once and fall asleep beside each other until morning. You push back those thoughts, remembering how she treated you. If she really cared she'd let you go and be happy.
With all these thoughts swirling in your head, you don't notice yourself start falling asleep.
You feel a hand on your mouth causing you to snap your eyes open. There she is, Azula. It's only been a week and she's already found you. Your eyes look to where the rest of the gang were sleeping but instead they're gone!
"Aw, don't look so surprised. You really thought I wouldn't go looking for my favorite pet?" The nickname made you cringe and Azula removes her hand from over your mouth, but both her knees restrain your arms to the ground.
"Where's Aang, Katara and Sokka!?" You spit out, but you instantly regret when you see Azula's sly smirk turn to an expression of jealous rage.
"Really? I could kill you right now but you're more worried about your friends!?" Before you could reply, her hand slapped over your neck, squeezing around your throat. Perfect manicured nails dug into your flesh, practically leaching the breath you had left in your lungs out of you. Azula's eyes leaked of fiery rage, pure fuel and the truth is you've never seen her like this. She's dangerous, more dangerous than ever before but she is not as calculated. You knew that Mai and Ty Lee couldn't defeat the Avatar on their own so she must know that, but instead she came for you.
Still, your heart ached for your friends, the only true ones you've made all your life. You yourself felt a fire deep inside you, not as fiery as Azula's, but it was ignited when you first met Aang.
"Please.. don't hurt them." was all you could manage out before you start turning purple. Azula's face turned shocked, like she couldn't believe you care more about your friends than her. She dropped her claw-like grip on your throat, you let out a gasp of air before rolling to your side and coughing.
While you were coughing, Azula let go of your arms and stood. "(Y/N), they don't truly care for you. At least not like I do, look at what I have done for you! You really think a pesky water tribe girl, a non-bender and a 12 year old Avatar really care for you? Tell me, do you really think the Avatar would save you if you weren't from the Air Nation?"
You were on your side, refusing Azula to see your face. Was she right? It's true that Aang came for me because we are both air but Aang is a good person! He would definitely rescue me even if I were someone else.. right?
You felt Azula's hand cup your cheek and turn your gaze towards her. Her eyes now are half-lidded and the fire was just warmth now.
"(Y/N), please, come home now and we can forget about this. This is silly." She tucked a piece of hair away from your face, which would have been loving but all it made you feel was owned. Like you were a pet, something to leash and expect obedience from. You wanted to show her you were nothing like her, and she did not own you.
Without even thinking you smack her hand away, a surge of strength powering you as you stand up. You moved to shove away Azula but as you did so, a gust of wind flew her back more than 8 feet away from you.
You look down at your hands and back at Azula wobblily getting up, pure shock but also confusion on her face.
You turn around, hearing a familiar girls voice calling you.
"Katara!" You yell, running back to her. "Come on, we have to go! This girl somehow took away my bending." The girl Katara was saying about sounded Ty Lee but you knew you had to get out before Azula fully recovers. You finally made it back with the others and flew away safely on Appa. You look down as fly away, Azula's form getting smaller and smaller by distance. Aang speaks, finally pulling you you of your daze.
"(Y/N), are you okay? How did you manage to fight off Azula?"
"I.. I don't know." The group looks at you with confusion but you're more confused than they are.
You were safe from Azula for now but you knew she'd be back for the Avatar, especially now since he wasn't the only Airbender..
And that's a wrap! Sorry it took so long, I got really busy and I couldn't figure out an ending I liked. Comment or request whether you'd like reader to fully escape Azula or not, or something completely different!
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lovezbrownies · 8 months
Yandere! Chief of Police Relationship Headcanons!!
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Character: Grim Ludenhart, 32, Male. 199cm/6'5 ft.
A/n: I had some free time so i whipped this up :3 I'm sorry I yapped and waffled on this one this is so long and descriptive for no reason and no amount of editing will stop this ;;
Content Warning: Obsession, Possessive behaviour, Mentions of violence, Murder, Clingy and needy behaviour, jealousy, unwanted flirting (not from Grim), a lot of impregnation talk but still gn, Grim wants to be a dad so bad, non-consensual drugging, mentions of child abuse and neglect.
Word count: 2439 Words
╰┈➤Life with Grim Ludenhart is absolutely perfect! I mean the metallic smell of blood when Grim comes back home is a bit annoying but he is Chief of Police for a reason right? You’ll just have to help him wash out the smell in the shower, you two can bond and get closer! And have some fun in bed. ;).
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤Grim is extremely attached to you, he loves to cuddle up to you when you’re near, hug you when you’re standing, and latching onto you when you’re walking. This man is so damn clingy you sometimes forget he’s even 32 years old! Not like you’d complain, Grim’s skin was so incredibly soft and smooth it felt amazing when you placed your head on his arm, rubbing your face on whatever exposed skin he has, which usually made you extremely sleepy.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤Grim is a very needy man, so when you do move in with him (after he begged you for weeks) he begs you again to quit your job, he can pay for everything anyways so what do you need the job for? If you want to go out you still have the freedom to but you’re only allowed to go around the neighborhood and the nearby market. Anything outside of those two you’d just have to put up with it until the weekend where the both of you go out to wherever. Also while Grim is okay with you going out he still expects you home by the time he’s finished work, if you aren’t he will immediately declare you missing and have a whole team of people looking for you, so best be home by 7 pm dear!
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤Not a lot of people know about you at first, Grim kept his mouth shut until he finally put a ring on your finger, he didn’t want to yap on about his beautiful partner and then have them get stolen from him no that wouldn’t do at all! Speaking of your relationship being announced, when Grim finally announced his engagement to some rando from a nasty downtown area most of the court was in shock, the man who rejected every nobleperson’s proposal is now engaged to… some bar server..? Some thought it was a practical joke, but most believed that you either lied to him, charmed him, or somehow manipulated him.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤Grim liked being dramatic so in result the wedding was very grand, with so many different people invited, from his “friends” to his buddies no one was excluded, and thankfully most of everyone was there to witness the union of your love to Grim. Everyone watched on as the man known to be stiff and stoic looked so relaxed and deeply in love. After the ceremony came the reception, and you two spent most of it gossiping about some of the people invited, especially the people Grim hates. You had already met Grim’s family, obviously all of them were accepting of you, especially Grim’s moms!
 '*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤Meeting Gen, Grim’s scary younger sister, was frightening for you, she was known for being ruthless when it comes to punishments of criminals or deserters of the military, so when you shakily introduced yourself to the big scary chief while she was all smiles and “I’m so glad Grimy has someone now! And–” She won’t stop yapping, Gen and her mama will talk your ear off about Grim, completely talking smack about him and telling you the most embarrassing tales while Grim was helping his mom cook in the kitchen. All in all a very cute and loving family, the Ludenhart mamas obviously love each other so much, seemingly never being able to keep their hands off each other, Grim and Gen’s were bickering the entire time but in a fun way, you felt happy in this arrangement, they were all so adorable and being part of their family felt like being truly loved!
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤Back to our golden boy, Grim, he is fiercely protective, while yes he has an arm around you because he’s clingy but it’s also because he hates the thought that someone might think you’re available. Grim will never forget the time you came to the palace to pick him up as a surprise, and while you were waiting at the reception room of the palace some guard decided to take his chance and started flirting with you, in various different ways, even when you’d ignore him he kept yapping on and on! You tried your best not to give him the time of day. And thankfully you didn’t have t0 put up with the harassment any longer.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤Grim came up behind the lowly guard, he was angry. “Do you know who you’re talking to, boy.” Grim’s voice echoed through the room, the room was quite now, everyone looking at the scene unfolding in front of them. The guard looked back, as he realized his chief was speaking to him directly, the boy bowed and stood straight saluting to his superior officer, “Sir!” Grim scoffed, he didn’t want to do this here, no, not with all these people around him, watching him hold his anger back from absolutely ripping a new one into this fucking idiot in front of him. So Grim decided to just push the guard aside and wrap his arm around your shoulder, taking you along with him to his car, where he proceeded to lecture you about your safety.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤The next day the guard was nowhere to be seen, apparently being reported missing by his concerned father. A few weeks pass and the boy’s mangled, disfigured rotten body had been discovered by the search team that was conveniently too busy to search until then. If Grim could he would’ve assigned the homicide case off to the most incompetent officer, however he couldn’t meddle without being seen as suspicious, but it’s not like anyone would find out it was Grim that had fun shredding the boy to smithereens, he made sure not to leave any incriminating evidence of course!
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤Although Grim is more of a mild soft yandere he is still brutal to his victims, he is now a serial killer, with an M.O, that being that he always left two letters on every body he has mangled. G and Y, the first letter of his name and yours. He thought it was romantic what could he say! He also likes to use this new serial killer to his advantage, always telling you to never leave the house without him because heaven knows what would happen if he wasn’t there! He has trained for years, he is built like a monster, and knows multiple ways to incapacitate a person so you don’t even need to worry about safety when he’s right there!
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤Speaking of your home life, Grim wants to be a father so badly. He’s always wanted kids but didn’t find anyone to give him kids until he found you, a while after your wedding he asked if you wanted kids yet, and depending on your answer he will wait until you are ready or get started literally RIGHT AWAY. This man is so infatuated with you he’s gonna get hard in seconds if you show that you’re willing to have fun with him in the bedroom. Grim experiments a lot while you guys are trying, every single time he hopes one of the kinks or positions you guys tried will take.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤I want to expand more on the ‘potion’ I mentioned in a comic I made with Gen, this potion should always be mixed in with a drink or some food to help it get digested better, but if two people have the same genitalia they’d both consume this potion, have whatever fun they want and like normal impregnation, the person who’s getting pounded gets pregnant. When it comes to afabs a special type of dildo is needed, essentially stores all of the dom’s cum and everytime the sub cums the dildo does so too, dispensing all it collected and you might have the chance to get pregnant!
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╰┈➤Moving on, you two try as much as you can, and everytime you leave the bathroom with a negative on the pregnancy test the more dejected and hopeless Grim gets. As it turns out, Grim is infertile, he was inconsolable for days, and for the first time ever he had taken a day off work just to stay home with you and be comforted. His very dream was having kids of his own and now, what is the point of it all if he couldn’t even provide kids for you. Although it thoroughly broke Grim you can help him move on with lots of comfort and physical affection, he needs you and your affection during all of this.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤When Grim moves on a few weeks later he still tries, let me be honest he is still a bit in denial so when he’s cooking he’d add pregnancy supplements and all that, hoping to increase his chances of impregnating you someway. This goes on for months, it has become a routine for him, wake up, taking supplements, cook breakfast put supplements, take supplements at lunch at work and so on. This continues even after you finally convince him to adopt instead, and you’ve met multiple kids and orphanages and none of them felt like the right fit for you two. You had stopped suggesting orphanages when the constant attempts turned to failure started affecting Grim again, little did you know that fate had other plans for you two.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤Someone was at the door and acting quite childish, holding down on the doorbell as you and your maid raced to the door, you hurried faster as you kept hearing the aggravating sounds of the doorbell ringing. Yanking the door open you weren’t met with a bunch of annoying teenagers running away but with two little kids, no adults in sight as well. “Mama and Papa didn’t come back, and the food finished, can we have some?” The older of the two asked, looking up innocently at you, acting as if this isn’t anything out of the ordinary to ask of other people.
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╰┈➤You stood motionless, baffled by the appearance of two kids you’ve never seen before, “I- What? Where are your parents?” The older one explained, their parents had left two weeks ago, with food stocked up they told their kids that they were going to visit someone and come back the next day, and yet as the days pass into weeks and the food decreased the kids decided to go and try to find a house nearby, but that also proved difficult as they lived in a tiny cottage in the forest, the same forest behind your own home. A mansion bought in expectation of many little ones walking around, and yet it stands still with no children, yet. You and the maid were still baffled, mouths agape you took the kids in and fed them. 
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╰┈➤As you fed them some hot leftovers you finally noticed all the nasty dirt and grime that was all over them, probably from all the bushes and shrubbery they had to pass by to get here. Once they finally finished their food you picked up the younger one and told the maid to wash off the older one. You should also probably learn their names, but baby steps! You try to start a conversation with the youngest one but they stayed silent the entire time, so you thought better to leave them be. You assume the kid’s too young to bathe themselves, they looked about 5 years old and even slightly malnourished, so you took it upon yourself to draw a bubble bath and bathe the young one yourself.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤It’s been a few hours since the two kids have come to your home, you’re sat in the living room with your maid, Adelaide, and the two kids. The eldest, his name being Red, was seated on the floor and watching whatever cartoon was playing on the Tv while the youngest, their name being Siolis, was fast asleep next to Red, a two pillows and a big fluffy blanket around them. These two kids were so adorable and respectful, it almost made you sad knowing you’d have to let go of them when you do find their parents. 
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤And then the sounds of a car pulling up to the house made you jump. “Ah, Grim is early, wait here Adelaide tend to the kids please.” You got up as quickly as you could, you wanted to meet Grim at the door and explain everything to him in case he gets upset. You opened the front door just as your husband grabbed at the door handle, his face twisted from surprise to pure joy at the sight of your perfect face. ”Ah, sweetheart! You missed me that much didn’t you? Oh, so did I! Come now we-” You cut him off by grabbing his cheek, softly making him meet your eyes face to face. “Grim, honey, uh, come with me to the guest room will you?” Grim smirked, ah yes his charm never fails to enchant you!
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤As you explain what happened Grim’s face gets all serious, he tells you that although we couldn’t keep them we should take care of them until he can find the parents, he would send out a missing persons report and hopefully they’ll find their parents safe and sound. But that never happened, as it turns out the two had died in their friend’s house, the house had lit aflame due to a gas leak. You and Grim stayed up a little later than night discussing if you two should foster the kids until they found a home or give them up to the government. And at the end of it you chose neither, instead you adopted both of them! 
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤What weirded you out was how the kids didn’t seem affected by the news at all. So when you finally asked Red why, he had told you that their parents hated the both of them, neglecting them and when Siolis was young wouldn’t even care for them at all, leaving it all onto 5 year old Red to care for them. A lot of their parents’ actions caused Siolis to go completely non-verbal, something you’re hoping would soon be resolved and they can speak to you. 
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
╰┈➤And so concludes the story of your life, surrounded by an amazing adorable loving family, a husband that would risk it all for you, and a life forever perfect. You can always sleep in peace knowing Grim will be there to protect you.
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angelyuji · 7 months
yandere superman headcanons
tw kidnapping, "nice" guys/incel behavior (kinda), isolation as punishment, manipulation, yandere stuff... the usual
yandere clark kent x gn!reader
diana prince is next guys I LOVE WOMEN!!! lemme know abt any tags i miss or just any other superman thoughts (yandere or not) cuz i love superman a lot
hes so big and buff and strong
ive been obsessed with superman and lois recently and i thought to myself “i need him so bad id do unspeakable things”
ALSOOOOOO have u guys seen the new superman??? ohmygodddd HELLOOO SAILOR
anyway here we go :)
sweetest kindest angel alive… at first glance
actual clark is genuinely the best sweetest guy in the world and i don’t think that would technically change but if anything he’d start buying into the incel/nice guy pills and that’s what would warp him
he’s literally sooo sweet to you (i cant get over how much a of cutie pie clark kent is)
ok pause lemme start from the beginning
when he first met you, he was e n a m o u r e d like he thinks youre the most beautiful person in the world type stuff
at first, the relationship is normal, you guys are friends, study buddies, coworkers, yk normal shit
he’s still super in love but hes kinda aware that its one-sided and he can’t make you like him
you guys are super close friends tho
but as his crush progresses, he starts to consult more than his friends and normal relationship advice, he starts to consult incel chatrooms and subreddits
he wants to go further than friendship with you, but all the guys in these chatrooms are telling him awful things abt u. for example:
‘hi! requesting help for getting out of the friendzone with my friend’ i’ve been friends with them for a long time, but i see them as more than a friend. ive had to watch as they date all these awful people and i just want them to see me more than a friend. any advice is appreciated!
– dude these ungrateful bitches are never gonna see u
– people like them never see the good guy until its too late
– u just gotta make them like u, nobody understands the nice guy until u make them
– all of these responses are so weird, just be normal and flirt a little!
ur stupid fuckign idiot nice guys don’t get a chance till u make them give u chance
women are so fucking stupid
reading all these “helpful” comments really warped his mindset
he went from innocent farm boy to incel misogynist becuz
they have to be right! like why else have u not given him the time of day as more than a friend
so soon, ur gonna notice these changes
he went from being supportive bestie to making snide comments, putting you down, making moves on you that you clearly don’t want
ur hurt, heartbroken, your friend became something unrecognizable
u’ll ask for some distance, just to think abt if u want to continue the friendship and clark will realize that he can’t make you like him from just this
so you’re gonna go home, take a nap, and next thing you know you’re getting snatched from bed by freaking superman
he genuinely believes he’s done the right thing
he’ll bring u to the fortress first. he has everything set up already, so u wont freeze or starve to death
i wont bore with the details but he would NEVER lay a hand on u
that’s NOT my superman
its more like
“i need you to eat something.” clark begs you, his eyes filled with worry. he had crouched down next to where you sat. clark had given you free-reign around his fortress, but you chose to sit in the corner near the entrance.
“fuck you.” you turn away from him, anger dripping from your voice. you haven’t eaten since he brought you to his ice castle, but you can’t remember how long ago that was. you missed home, your friends, your family. you missed freedom. you hear clark sigh.
“you’re gonna get sick if you keep going like this, (y/n).” his hand touches your face and you slap his hand away. you know there was no way you could hurt superman, but he holds his hand looking hurt, and you feel a twinge of guilt. he holds out a bag from Big Belly Burgers and places it next to you.
you scooch back, your back hitting the wall, not willing to back down. “i’ll eat if you let me go.” you feel like a child throwing a tantrum, but you would do anything to go home.
you see him rub his forehead in frustration, “this isn’t working.” he mutters to himself. you don’t say anything, wanting to see what he would do. instead of trying to fight you again, clark picks up the bag. “i’ll come back when you’re ready.” he says.
“come back? what are you talking ab-” in one blast of air, clark was gone and you were alone.
days had gone by, you felt like you were going crazy from the solitude and the hunger. thankfully, clark had left mountains of water bottles for you, so you tried to fill up with those. it wasn’t enough, you had started to miss your kidnapper’s company after many conversations with yourself. all you could do was sleep or stare at the wall, blankly. after a week, you couldn’t take the isolation. “clark?” you call out, weakly. not a moment passes before he appeared before you.
his eyes were filled with pity and worry, “are you ready, sweetheart?” his hands cup your face and you lean into the warmth, nodding.
he could never hurt you. that entire week away was killing him, but the commenters were right. you just needed to know that he was all you needed.
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babyleostuff · 1 year
hii ! i absolutely adore your svt as your boyfriends series and i was wondering if you could do chan's version? tysm, hope you're having a good day 🫧🤎
so happy you enjoy the series love! here is your Chan request <3
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𓆩♡𓆪 he is so so cuddly, i’m going to cry 
𓆩♡𓆪 always had his hand on you when you’re in big crowds 
𓆩♡𓆪 because he doesn’t want to lose you :(((
𓆩♡𓆪 and is afraid that something might happen to you :(((
𓆩♡𓆪 he loves having you wrapped up in his arms, with your head resting on his shoulder
𓆩♡𓆪 not only does he gets to hug you, but also place gentle kisses on your forehead and cheeks 
𓆩♡𓆪 definitely cuddles with you before sleep and while watching movies 
𓆩♡𓆪 gets so happy (and shy) whenever you praise him
𓆩♡𓆪 because usually he thinks that he can do an even better job at certain dance steps or vocal parts 
𓆩♡𓆪 but you are there right by his side, to cheer on him and tell him what an amazing job he does 
𓆩♡𓆪 he loves spending late nights at the dance studio 
𓆩♡𓆪 when you two are left alone for yourselves and can finally get a bit of freedom from other people 
𓆩♡𓆪 he thrives off of your compliments about his dancing, but also loves to drag you to the middle of the dance floor to teach you some moves (even if you can’t dance, he looks at you like you’re his entire world)
𓆩♡𓆪 because you are 
𓆩♡𓆪 he just looks so stupidly in love with you, with a huge grin on his face and constant giggles leaving his mouth 
𓆩♡𓆪 but he wouldn’t have it any other way 
𓆩♡𓆪 Chan gets jealous quite easily 
𓆩♡𓆪 not because he is possessive or toxic in any way 
𓆩♡𓆪 but he is afraid that someone might steal you from him
𓆩♡𓆪 no matter how confident and cocky he is on stage (especially when dancing), he is rather insecure about himself 
𓆩♡𓆪 it doesn't surprise him when people flirt with you, well, because look at you, IT'S YOU
𓆩♡𓆪 he just kinds of sulks, but doesn’t approach you, not wanting to come off as clingy or overbearing 
𓆩♡𓆪 but you are quick to comfort him and tell him that no other person in this world can take you away from him
𓆩♡𓆪 because you are just as in love with him as he is with you 
𓆩♡𓆪 he ADORES taking care of you, in any shape or form 
𓆩♡𓆪 even though he usually gets treated as the youngest, he has an urge to take care of people around him
𓆩♡𓆪 and as you are one of the most important people in his life, he makes it his life goal and mission to take a great care of you 
𓆩♡𓆪 he helps you, even if you didn't ask him
𓆩♡𓆪 if you’re sick, there is no way you’re getting out of your bed 
𓆩♡𓆪 when you’re on your period, he is already on his way to the nearest convenience store to buy you pads and your favourite chocolate 
𓆩♡𓆪 will never let you go home alone at night, he will always pick you up (except for when he’s away of course)
𓆩♡𓆪 and if you don’t call him to pick you up, he’s either having an heart attack, because he’s scared that something might happen to you or is sulking
𓆩♡𓆪 but at the same time, no matter how much he enjoys looking out for you 
𓆩♡𓆪 he is so grateful that you take care of him as well
𓆩♡𓆪 because he has a habit of overworking himself and before you, he had no one there for him (except for the boys, of course) 
𓆩♡𓆪 but you are literally everything he could have ever asked for, and more 
𓆩♡𓆪 loves taking candid photos of you and using them as his wallpaper 
𓆩♡𓆪 especially when he’s on tour, because he misses you so much 
𓆩♡𓆪 you definitely have at least one small matching item 
𓆩♡𓆪 because it reminds you of each other when you’re apart 
𓆩♡𓆪 loves when you share your interests and hobbies with you
𓆩♡𓆪 whenever he has free time, he likes to incorporate both his and your’s passions into date nights 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’re each other's safe places
your messages <3
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vigilskeep · 10 days
Wait what’s the dynamic of Alistair and Minerva? Could’ve been lovers but worse actually ? Or something else?
well that really is the question all of ferelden asks itself daily
what alistair and minerva endure together makes them truly inseparably close during most of dao, that kind of forged-under-fire bond. minerva has so much faith in alistair’s protection and loyalty that he’s the only person she really feels safe being publicly affectionate with, and alistair trusted her, thought the world of her as his leader, and followed her anywhere. but the friendship messily explodes when minerva’s political agenda leads her to spare loghain at the landsmeet. which is what i refer to as their platonic divorce
they love each other a lot, and no matter what point the relationship is at, harm to the other would be unbearable to them both. but there were always fault lines in the relationship liable to at some point erupt, major ones including: a) alistair’s history with the templars and certain mindsets he was taught, vs minerva’s lifelong trauma with them that she only during dao even begins to come to terms with. b) minerva does not have the sense of honour or justice alistair assumes is universal among those he considers good, which leads him to wrongfully assume she would draw his same line with loghain without it having to be discussed, and to no longer be able to categorise her as “good” when she suddenly fails his standard. c) she is a manipulative political person who, due to circle mage backstory horrors and growing up as a first enchanter in the making, simply has never been taught and does not believe that individuals getting the lives they want is realistic or necessary or even a requirement of doing right by them. she pushes alistair to take the throne and marry anora to serve her own big-picture goals. he does not have the necessary courage/confidence to stand up for the life he wants, while she fatally simply assumes that he would refuse if it really mattered enough to him (which she literally would have adjusted her plans for with minimal complaining! because she loves him! but because he’s alistair, and also because he loves her, of course he’d never refuse outright what she said was so important. maddening.)
alistair considers loghain to have massacred the only true family he ever had, and minerva not only turns around and spares him but gives him a place in that very family like it’s nothing. alistair abandons minerva at the most public moment, and when she and the world perhaps need him most, in the final battle against the archdemon, he isn’t there. neither of them are really built to be able to overlook what each other did. but the love is still there, as i like to say
post-dao they have a weird painful dynamic in which king alistair continues to give her the cold shoulder while doggedly pursuing the freedom for mages she asked for as her boon from the crown, and minerva, loyal to him to the death, refuses to let slip a scrap of emotion or remorse in his direction because she cannot bear any further damage to her pride. they work together constantly but usually at the distance between denerim and amaranthine rather than seeing each other in person. they’re both very angry, they both miss each other all the time. i like to think that over the years the latter eventually wins out but maybe that’s wishful thinking
because their relationship has the appropriate plot relevance and intensity—friendship always seems too weak a word, and comparisons to siblings useful but not quite right—i do have aus where they are romantic, but i don’t consider those to be “canon”. alistair did flirt once or twice in her playthrough which probably muddies the waters of his feelings a little bit but i don’t think even he took that particularly seriously, he’s just 19-20 and she’s extremely pretty and extremely right there. alistair isn’t really minerva’s type she goes for scoundrels
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hypnos333 · 8 months
Hi! How are you? Hopefully good! I saw that requests are open (for hazbin hotel/helluva at least) and I wanted to send one in if that’s cool with you! Here I go!
Could I request Alastor and Vox (separately) with a GN! Reader who’s like Jeongmin Choi from Dreaming Freedom? I don’t really wanna explain her entire personality so I just added a link so it’s easier that way!
Thank you so much if you do this! Have a good day (:
A/N- I’m sorry I tried my best to fit the description of her
Freedom Dreaming
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Charlie first met you when you were quite new to Hell and ever since she found you, you became her most loyal friend. You are a girl with quite only a few words and glare at anybody 6 feet under whoever talks or laughs at Charlie’s ideas.
That’s when you met Alaster, he found you delightful and Charming in your own way.
You can make anything happen just by a dream, A dream into reality and that makes you dangerous. A target at hell that’s why he has his shadow following you around. The last time you went all berserk is when someone was flirting with Alastor so you used your own powers to kill the bitch.
You didn’t think Alastor would noticed but nope he did notice and he found it hot. So he decided to play around with you for a bit.
“Hello my dear! I was wondering if you have seen the new resident? What was her name? Ah yes Bonnie” He asked you making your eye twitch in annoyence making you wonder why he’s asking about her
“Sadly I haven’t seen her Alastor maybe she just left feeling pressured for doing so much for just redemption” You stated without looking from your book. He raised an eyebrow at you at your smart excuse before seeing your frustration making him smile even more.
“Ah I see, You seemed to know a lot more than your saying my dear” Alastor commented making you huff putting your book down.
“What’s the need of needing her now, Alastor?” You questioned before walking away but before you can do that he grabbed your hand pulling you back towards him.
“My dear, it was all jokes but I must say jealousy does suit you” He smirk making you roll your eyes in disbelief. “I do wonder what happened to Miss. Bonnie?” He asked making you finally give in as you pulled him down to kiss you.
but before he could react you pulled away “Are you done talking about the bitch now? I think she knew what she was doing when she was flirting with you” You said making him hide his blush at your bold statement and action.
“My dear we’re far from talking about her now, it’s just us now”
“Just us alone?”
“Of course My Dear, just us alone” He replied leaning down for another kiss.
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You glare at Valentino as he hid behind your Fiancé, Vox raised his eyebrows at you two before seeing you genuinely angry. “My Darling What has you so angry” He asked you making you continue to glare at Valentino.
“I saw him hitting Angel dust making him bruised” You huffed before finally lunging at Valentino making Vox hold you back as Valentino screeched in shock. “IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU BITCH” You yelled at him eyes pure black before Vox carried you out the house.
“My Darling no offense but please calm the hell down, you gonna make all hell scared of you” Vox stated calmly.
This reminds him of himself when he has tantrums way too much now he sees how you feel during those. You continued to scream curses at Valentino making sure he hears you loud and clear.
He moved you to both yours bedroom moving you to your bed, “Vox-“Shh baby let us just lay here for a second” He interrupts you making you huff in frustration. You wrapped your arms around his neck anyway ms as he hugged your waist.
“I’m not gonna forget what he did, I’m actually gonna kill him” You stated making him chuckle.
“I’m sure he deserves it anyways baby” He stated with you. Putting his hands under your shirt before rubbing your back making you even more calm than usual.
“Your trying to distract me” You stated knowing he is because everytime your mad at Valentino or Velvette he would do more physical touch either in public or not. You loved his touch maybe that’s why it was easy for you to calm down usual you’ll use your lucid dreaming by now.
“It’s work isn’t it?” He smirked making you blush before sighing still thinking about your friend making Vox frown.
“I’ll tell Valentino to not hit his clients but I can’t guarantee it my darling” Vox mumbled making you smile again. He noticed it making him glad you’re happy again.
“Really? Thank you so much baby!” You said excitedly kissing him all over his face making him love the attention and affection.
“I’ll do anything for you absolutely anything” He said before kissing your lips before pulling you closer.
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
I just discovered your blog from your fake dating story and I am in love with everything you have written! I would like to request one if you are open to writing it. Sebastian and f!mc’s relationship is at a standstill after a big fight. Rumors floating around the castle that they have broken up, a student who fancies MC takes his chance to flirt and ask MC on a date. MC hesitantly, like she’s unsure, claims she’s with Sebastian. He does not believe her, perhaps because MC does not believe it herself. Possessive!Sebastian appears.
AHHHH thank you so so much, you're wonderful anon! This was such a fun one to write---I really enjoy Possessive!Seb haha, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks so much for the request!
Sebastian Sallow x f!MC/Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Possessive!Seb, Andrew Larson being rude, making out lol
She and Sebastian had fought before, but never like that. 
What made it worse is she knew it was all her fault. It had started out like many of their disagreements—she had been late coming back from the Forbidden Forest, and was a bit banged up. Sebastian, as always, had waited up for her. He’d made a habit of doing that, always telling her he’d be unable to sleep until she was safe. Most of the time, she would let him worry over her for a few minutes, heal whatever wounds the Wiggenweld had missed, and then kiss goodnight. But that night, everything had been too much. 
She had failed to save the puffskeins she’d been fighting to save. A quick cast of Depulso had caught her just at the worst moment, sending her flying back into a cliffside. As she crumpled to the ground, the poachers had grabbed their loot and aparated away. So when Sebastian fussed over her—and that time she didn’t even have anything worthwhile to show for it—she snapped. 
How she wished she could take back the words she’d said to him. What she wouldn’t give for a time turner to slap some sense into her past self. She accused him of being too controlling, of telling her what she could and couldn’t do (that was completely false—he’d always let her go where and when she wanted, as long as he let her know). Then he fired back that perhaps he’d allowed her too much freedom, had she been hit so hard she’d lost her bloody mind? It only escalated from there. It ended with her storming out of the room, without even a hint of remorse. 
Oh, how she felt it now.
It hit her as she curled up in bed, staring up at the ceiling as her anger cooled. The tears flooded her alongside the regret. She had said some horrible things. What if he couldn’t forgive her? 
She didn’t sleep that night. Or the night after that. Or any for the several days that followed. 
Because when she had gone to apologize that morning, she… couldn’t. It wasn’t that she was stubborn or wanted him to say sorry first—it was fear that he wouldn’t accept her apology, that she had permanently ruined things between them. Maybe that fight would finally make him realize how much better he could do than her. 
So she didn’t approach him. And he didn’t approach her. For an agonizing week they went on in silence. She could swear she felt his eyes on the back of her head, but when she turned, he would be talking to someone else. For as much as she stared, longing to see that lop-sided smirk she knew so well, he didn’t turn her way. It was awful.
And now there were rumors—rumors that she didn’t know what to do with. People began to whisper that they’d broken up, that the Hero of Hogwarts was back on the market. It made her sick to her stomach. She didn’t want to be with anyone but Sebastian, and the thought of them not being together—well, it tore her apart. 
What made it even worse was Andrew Larson trying to take his chance with her. 
Throughout the week, he began to make sly remarks in class about how wonderfully she had performed the spells. He walked with her, even offering to carry her books, which she nearly scoffed at. Every time he said something like that, she couldn’t help but glance at Sebastian, seeing if it would garner any reaction from him. He never said anything or stepped in, but she could see the way his jaw tensed—it gave her a bit of hope that perhaps there was still something there for them. 
It all came to a head nine days after her and Sebastian had fought. She was in the courtyard, studying—normally she would have gone to the library, but Sebastian was usually there that time in the evening. She read through the pages of her textbook, trying her best to get lost in the pages. Evidently, it worked; she hadn’t heard Andrew Larson’s footsteps as he had approached her. 
The clearing of his throat startled her from her reading, and she looked up at him. There was a smile on his face–-one that filled her with much more dread than it should have. 
“Can I help you?” she asked.
“In a way, I suppose,” he said. 
She frowned. “Well then, what is it?” 
“I was wondering if you would join me on a trip to Hogsmeade tomorrow.” 
Her heart dropped. She hadn’t once played into his attempts at flirting—never showed any sign she felt that way towards him, yet he still had the gall to ask her out? 
She stood, starting to gather her things to get out of there as quickly as possible. “No, thank you, Andrew.” 
“And why not?”
“You know full well I—” her throat felt suddenly dry. Her voice came out weaker as she continued. “I’m… with Sebastian.”
Andrew let out a laugh, one that made her stomach churn. “Oh, please. You two haven’t even looked at each other in a week. It couldn’t be more clear you’ve gone your separate ways. I promise I’m an excellent candidate to get you back into dating.”
“We haven’t broken up,” she said. But it sounded like she was trying to reassure herself more than anything. “We just…” Just what, she thought. 
Andrew seemed to read her thoughts and made a strange attempt at a reassuring smile. “It’s alright. I promise I can help that little broken heart of yours.”
“You won’t be doing anything of the sort, Larson.” 
She whirled around toward the familiar voice. Her heart fluttered at the expression on his face. He wore a deep scowl, lip curled slightly from disgust. His eyes were dark and menacing. 
It was pretty hot.
His wand was clenched in his hand, and she couldn’t really find it in herself to tell him to calm down. 
Andrew didn’t seem nearly as phased as he should have been. She had seen looks like that cross Sebastian’s face before, and it never ended well for the person on the receiving end of his fury. Instead of running like a sensible man might do, Andrew stood his ground, arms crossed. “Oh really? And why is that, Sallow?”
“Because she’s mine.”
The way he practically growled the word sent shivers down her spine.
Andrew narrowed his eyes. “She didn’t seem too sure about that just a moment ago. Maybe she needs the chance to see what she’s missing out on.” 
And suddenly Sebastian’s dark and angry eyes were on her, and he was stepping closer, and some instinct in the back of her head warned her to run, but of course she won’t, not from Sebastian, never from Sebastian—and then his lips crashed into hers, his hands on either side of her face, and she felt like she would combust on the spot—
He’s kissed her before, too many times to count. There kisses stolen between classes, when he insisted he just could resist her lovely smile, kisses in private, where he let his lips linger and part until they were overtaken with laughs and smiles . Kisses that were passionate, hungry, leaving her aching with a strange need. None of them held a flame to this.
Her arms lift to wrap around the back of his neck, pulling herself closer to the heat of his mouth. One of his hands left her face to pull her hips to his, and he took advantage of the gasp that parted her lips, letting himself taste her even more deeply. 
It was ghastly. Indecent. Provocative. Heavenly.
She was barely aware of all the students that cleared themselves out of the courtyard (though not after a good moment of gawking at the sight). Andrew Larson stomped away among them. Finally, the pair broke apart, gasping desperately for the shared air between them. It was a good few minutes before either of them had the mind to talk. 
“I’m sorry,” Sebastian said. His voice was husky in a way that made her want to reclaim his lips, but she knew she could wait until they got some things settled. 
“You better not be referring to that kiss,” she breathed out. “Because that was… it was…”
He chuckled, placing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose, a stark contrast to their ministrations mere moments ago. “Oh believe me, I’m not sorry for that one bit. It seemed to get the message to Larson pretty well, too.” 
She blushed, the realization that they had more than just a handful of witnesses to that scene hitting her. But she shook the thought. “Then you better not be saying sorry for our stupid fight, either.”
Sebastian’s brows furrowed. “Am I not supposed to apologize for fighting?” 
“Not when you did nothing wrong,” she sighed, burying her head in the crook of his neck. “It was all my fault. I was frustrated and I took it out on you. I’m sorry.” 
“I still could have come to talk to you this whole time,” he said. “But I didn’t. Thought maybe you’d be better off without me.”
She nearly laughed at that. “That’s silly. I was thinking you were better off without me.” 
“Then maybe we can agree that both of those thoughts are ridiculous.” 
She pulled her face up to look at him. “I love you, Sebastian. And I promise if we ever fight again, I’m not going to be an idiot.”
“I’m not sure I can promise the same.”
She laughed, and he grinned at the sound. One week had been much too long without it. 
He bit his lip a bit. “I um… I’m sorry I sort of… lost control over Larson.” His gaze trailed away from hers. 
She blushed. “Don’t be. It was hot.”
His eyes widened as they met hers once again. “Hot?”
She gave a small nod. “Yes. What was it you said? I’m yours?”
His grip on her tightened as he grinned down at her. “And don’t you forget it.”
“I think I could use another reminder, if you don’t mind.”
He didn’t mind at all.
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cannibalizedlove · 4 months
Since ur wanting requests what if i requested one where its laurie laurence x cowboy! Reader where laurie laurence doesn't quite like guys and has the whole attitude where he's like "two men together r gross" Bc its the 1800s but the reader has this like very attractive southern accent and flirts with laurie so much to the point laurie just melts and falls in love? Could either be smut or fluff! (I came up with this idea from a southern show I was watching lol)
This is probably the cutest request because I love cowboys and Laurie, so I hope you enjoy as much as I did! I made this one a longer one, just because I love the idea so much and wanted to create more <3
Voice like whiskey.
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Information and warning — much longer fic than usual, slow burn, male reader, cowboy reader, internalized homophobia laurie, laurie being a little rude jerk, the march sisters are included, grinding, making out, alcohol, pure gayness.
You were the March sisters younger cousin, and had been popping in for holidays since you were a young child.
Even though you were never around except for birthdays and Christmas, you would always send your earnings home to the girls.
Marmee would always ask you to stay, how she had the extra room and how the girls would love to be with you — but you always had to decline, the dirt roads and cattle called for you. She always thought your work was admirable, so she never pushed.
Soon, Christmas had rolled around and it was time to go see your family. With your boots muddy, your hat containing your messy hair, and dirt on your face; you knocked on the door, greeted by the smile of sweet Amy.
“Oh my beloved, Y/N! You’re finally here for us!” The girl exclaimed, throwing her arms around you and hugging your chest.
“Amy! Oh how I’ve missed you, darlin’” You chuckled, ruffling her hair and embracing her tightly.
“Where’s the others, I have much stories to tell about the trails, damn horse ran off cause of a snake, funniest thing!” You shook your head, patting Amy on the back before looking around for the other sisters you desperately missed.
“Well, Meg is at the fabric store, sewing some dress for some stupid dance I wasn’t even invited to!!” Amy grumpily replied with her hands on her hips, rolling her eyes as she continued; “Beth’s upstairs reading her music, you know how she is.. Oh, and Jo’s out in backyard with Mr. Laurence.” Amy said his name in a singy-songy voice.
You looked at the young girl with confusion, shocked at the new name, had Jo fell for some man? Impossible you thought, she’d never settle down and throw away her freedom for some boy.
“Mr. Laurence? Who in the Lords name is that.” You asked, making your way to back door as you tracked mud throughout the house, something Marmee would scold you for later.
“Oh, hes a fine young gentleman, you’ll like him!” Amy giggled, sitting down in the living room as she watched the fires flames grow with amazement.
You made your way out back, watching as Jo— and who you assumed was Mr. Laurence — rough housed.
“So when are you plannin’ on greetin’ me, you rascal?” You called out to Jo, watching affectionately as she laughed and smiled playing with her friend.
“Y/N! My boy!” Jo announced, pushing Mr. Laurence off of her and into the cold grass.
She ran to you, wrapping you in her arms with a tight squeeze. “I’ve missed you dearly. I can’t wait to hear about the trail stories!”
The Laurence descent watched with a cocked eyebrow, dusting his fancy winter clothes off as he approached you.
“Hello. I’m Laurie.” The boy said flatly, he was a bit taller than you, pale, and overwhelmingly handsome.
“Why, I’m Y/N, nice to meet you. This your boyfriend Jo?” You teased, elbowing her shoulder with a grin, resulting in a slap on the chest and a groan from you.
Laurie didn’t know what he was feeling, your eyes had a fire he hadn’t seen before, your hat casted shadows on your face that perfectly carved it like a statue. Your voice was like whiskey, he thought, but Laurie was refusing the drink.
“Who’s this Jesse James rip off..” Laurie whispered to Jo, taking a dig at your stereotypical attire.
“Laurie, this is my cousin, he’ll be staying with us while the holidays are going on. Y/N, this is my neighbor, Mr. Laurie Laurence.” Jo explained in an announcing speech.
As the day wore on, you found yourself trying to talk to Laurie more and more, each time he’d blow you off. This caused a pang in your heart, but you knew your charm had never let you down.
During dinner you had taken a seat next to him, and spread your legs enough to make the two of yours knees touch. This connection made Laurie blush, but never once moved his knee; a good sign you believed.
You told the stories about the cattle running off, and how your horse got spooked by a rattle snake leaving you in the middle of the trail.
Some of them would earn an under the breath laugh from Laurie, but most would result in a scoff and eye roll.
This cat and mouse game only made you want him more.
The girls were in the living room, Marmee had went to bed early, and you two boys were in the kitchen. You poured yourself a glass of rum, and offered Laurie one in good manners.
“No thanks, Billy the Kid.” Laurie huffed, leaning up against the kitchen island, the opposite side of you. The whole night he had been taking jabs at your country twang, your dirty boots and roughed up clothes.
Each time you felt like dropping the whole thing more and more, hell it was the 1800’s, men weren’t allowed to be together. There wasn’t a point in the hopeless flirting, you knew it wouldn’t work, yet you craved for him to feel the same.
“Come on, lighten up, old boy.” You playfully hit his arm, leaning against the island, taking a sip of your alcohol.
“Stop flirting with me. I don’t swing that way.” Laurie spat, and you felt your heart drop.
You knew from the beginning, but hearing it out loud was a pain much worse than the idea of it.
Laurie watched as the color drained from your face, and felt an overwhelming sense of sadness.
Laurie was sure he was straight, he believed women were gorgeous and his grandfather always told him he was going to marry a woman.
Yet, all that was thrown out the window with you. You were so charming, and as much as he led on that he thought your outlaw attire was ridiculous, he thought your tight jeans with that belt were extremely tantalizing.
All you could reply with was a nod, you took your drink into the living room and joined the sisters in their activities.
It didn’t last long before you decided to wallow in your tears in the comfort of the Marches guest room.
You made your way up the stairs, entered the room and shut the door, quietly sobbing against it. You hated this, you wanted to be ‘normal’, you wanted to have a wife and live comfortably, but it just wasn’t in the cards for you.
You had stripped down to your boxers and dirt stained shirt, laying on the bed with your head in your hands, when a knock broke you out of your trance.
“Not in the mood, Amy.” You yelled out, just wanting to be left alone in your hour of rejection.
“It’s Laurie.” A beautiful voice from the other side of the door called.
‘Is he really here just to make you feel worse?’ You thought. How stuck up could one man be! You were expecting more insults to be spat out by him as you opened the door.
“What can I do for you.” You asked coldly, only to look up and see tears in the taller males eyes.
He let himself in, sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands awkwardly rubbing against his knees.
“I’m sorry for how I’ve acted. I’m.. embarrassed of the truth I guess.” Laurie said quietly, like he was ashamed to even speak privately about it.
“Embarrassed about what, Laur?” You sat next to him, his eyes tightly screwing shut as he smelt your attracting musk.
“You can tell me, if its about ear-“ You were completely cut off, Laurie grabbed your face, smashing your lips into yours and pulling you closer.
He greedily grabbed for all of you, he needed you like you were his oxygen source. He crawled ontop of you, sitting on your lap and licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance, when you graciously accepted his request, he dug in like a starving man.
Your tongues fought for dominance but ultimately, you won. Needy moans escaped from his pretty lips, and he grinded down on your growing bulge.
His entire body was heating up, his mind was melted, all he knew was your mouth and he was obsessed with it. Laurie didn’t know if it was the rum, or your taste, but he was completely drunk off of it.
When you pulled away slightly for a moment to catch your breath, Laurie backed away, his face a shade of bright red that you could see even though the dimly lit room.
“I thought you didn’t.. swing that way.” You asked in shallow breaths, touching your lips in a complete state of shock.
“I don’t know. I just know I want you. I’ve never felt this way before.” He said, hiding his face in his hands, afraid of ruining everything.
“That’s okay, Laurie-Darlin’. We’ll figure it out together.” You held his face in your calloused hand, keeping his eyes on you.
“Just come here, country boy.” He pressed his lips against yours once again, a softer more gentle approach than before.
Your voice was like whiskey, and he was finally accepting the drink.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 8 months
Happily Unrequited
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tags: gn!reader
a/n: first writing-related post for 2024 and this idea hasn't left me alone for the past couple of days. so i figured why not make a hc post for it
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"it's okay i wasn't shooting my shot or anything. i already know you don't feel the same way, i definitely am not saying anything because i thought i was seeing signs you liked me back or anything like that. i just wanted you to know. just act the same as you usually do."
your feelings aren't requited but you're surprisingly okay with that. the real question is whether or not they are as okay with as you are.
avoids you
MEGUMI tries to treat you as normal but it starts getting into his head all the signs he's missed. it becomes blatantly obvious now that you've pointed it out. you're not flirting with him or making any moves on him, no. but now megumi hears the affectionate lilt in your tone. he sees the adoration in your eyes. it's all directed at him and he doesn't really know how to process that and still act the same. he asks you once why you wanted to tell him how you felt when he didn't feel the same way. you simply tell him "i just wanted you to know you're loved." when megumi draws back, you decide to give him space for a while to process everything. surprisingly irritated by how easily you give it to him but megumi reminds himself he placed the distance between you both first.
NOBARA you're acting normal and it's unfair. she doesn't understand how you're able to drop such a big thing on her and then continue on your merry way like it's nothing. you have to be testing her. in her mind, it becomes a competition of sorts to act more nonchalant about your confession. apparently, the best way for her to do that is by avoiding you. her friends tell her she's losing in a battle that you don't even know you're fighting. nobara doesn't want to admit herself that she is more bothered by this sudden revelation than she says she is. is doubly upset if you don't try and reach out when she avoids you and that causes her to storm over to you one day on campus about it. "i just thought you needed space so i didn't want to bother you." why is she the one loosing the idgaf war?
YUUJI takes everything in stride. you're still one of yuuji's closest friends and that's what truly matters here. his love for you may be different than your love for him, but at the end of the day you both want to be in each other's life still. that's what truly counts here. very little, if anything, changes in your dynamic with yuuji. you still sleepover at each other's place, you still window shop at the mall and enable each other's dumb impulse purchases and you still text each other in class about the newest chapter of a manga you're both reading. the continued normalcy makes you feel warm and satisfied. does feel overly conscious about talking about people he is into though now that he knows how you feel for him. it's somewhat dampened by how you talk about your class and celebrity crushes around him like normal. he guesses you got over him relatively quickly then.
KENTO cool as a cucumber, he accepts your feelings in stride just as you. asks if you need space for a while but you grin and say you're fine. you confessed for the freedom and closure having made peace with everything ages ago before you said anything. "just know your loved, ken," you told him life goes on from there and you continue on your daily habits. unconsciously enjoys all the little things. he wonders occasionally how much of the minute details you remember about him are due to your affections. how you remember the exact pastries he likes. how if they stop selling at his favorite bakeries, you somehow find them somewhere else. how you always supply him with a warm cup of coffee from his cafe when he's feeling down. how on his most tired of days you supply his eyes with a nice compress from a soaked towelette. kento wonders if it is wrong for him to think it is nice to be taken care of like this even if he doesn't return your feelings.
not as normal as they expected themselves to be
YUUTA all yuuta wants is for you to be comfortable. maybe you were lying when you said you were fine. maybe you were just trying to be conscious of his feelings when you said he could act as he normally does with you. all these thoughts swirl in his head and he feels guilty when his guilt was the last thing you wanted. you're the one who was rejected, why are you the one bending over backwards for his sake? would probably try avoiding you if you didn't flick his forehead and tell him he should stop overthinking everything. also, you're pretty sure that pretty maki girl likes him. you encourage him to shoot his shot while she's still single.
SATORU normal on the outside, contemplative on the inside. because of this, satoru interacts the most with the fact you're in love with him. he asks the why, when, where as to why you fell in love with him, when you realized it, where did this all start. he doesn't ask to be cruel, satoru just genuinely wants to know. is relieved at the end of the day his lack of feeling the same way changes your friendship. he enjoys having you in his life as a friend. it catches him off guard one day when spur of the moment jealousy takes root in him when he sees you laughing your head off with someone he doesn't know. because you aren't just laughing. you're clutching your stomach, hunched over wheezing at whatever that goon just said. his eyes says you and rando are just friends. the rest of him says otherwise. "i'm the one you're in love with, right?" slips out of his mouth before he can help himself.
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