#idk how adults aren’t pissed
allofuswantgwinam · 5 months
and I’m not tryin to be like a Debby downer when i complain about things 😭😭 it’s good to be positive and stuff but like shit is not right. In my state they’re trying to pass a law to not guarantee lunches for workers, plus so many other things in the world. Ya girl is not havin a good time and I don’t understand how everyone is just like complying.. I want out of this shit foreal. This is not living. I feel trapped in a world that I don’t want to be in
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apocalypse-shuffle · 1 month
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What some of The BAU Members Would Smell Like
scent Headcanons
SFW, canon typical content — no reader-insert
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• These headcanons are for when they aren’t in the field because being identifiable by scent when you’re trying to sneak up on an unsub is a bad thing and none of these guys (except for maybe JJ and Jordan when they first transition from liaison to field agent) would sabotage themselves like that.
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Smells like expensive ass cologne, okay? He invested in smelling right, partly because of his father impressing upon him the importance of smelling “respectable” and nice and partly because he wanted to feel himself and attract more women.
The cologne isn’t too strong (won’t burn anyone’s noses or anything because it’s not basically just scented alcohol) but it is aromatic and it does linger whenever he leaves a room.
Everybody always finds themselves subconsciously breathing it in a little extra when he’s around, and Penelope comments on his “good smelling cologne” every time she smells him wearing it and will just straight up smell him while Derek laughs and plays along by opening himself up to be smelled; Emily also definitely teases him about her having been able to smell him coming before Penelope cuts in like: “and every second was glorious.”
I think his scent should have some sweetness to it, like it’s masculine or whatever but it also cuts his edge which is part of the reason he likes it so much. Like sweet almond or something, idk.
Derek’s natural scent is also grand and Savannah is in love with it about as much as she is with him in general. When he was in the hospital she would press kisses to his forehead or hairline and then just take a moment to breathe him in.
Fran used to cry from how much his and his sisters’ naturally smelled like their father.
I think it’s be cute, too, if the cologne he uses as an adult is as similar a scent as he can find to the cologne his father would wear. Like, Derek latched onto the scent of his father after his death because he missed him so much and eventually asked his mother if he could wear his father’s cologne and Fran fully let him after saving some of it for herself. The cologne won’t last forever but for the immediate further they could both at least keep him close like that.
Some of the most unprompted hugs he’d get from his sisters would be when he was wearing their father’s cologne. Desiree would tease him about thinking he was big and bad with Pop’s cologne on right after the hug, and shove at him some before they’d devolve into a match. The first time she smelled her father’s cologne on him she got so mad he had the audacity that the two fought though, only reconciling after Fran put them on “house arrest” and forced them to talk it out.
Sarah would just smile at him and remind him not to let his head get too big while he was out running the streets but (even if the first couple of times she caught scent of him she cried) she starts appreciating the association with Hank’s usual scent with her little brother even when he was pissing her off.
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Smells sweet but what kind of sweet depends on her exact mood and/or the color of her outfit.
During her angsty teen/Black Queen days she smelt more like rose incense that gave her a smokey, muskier and feminine smell.
It takes her a while after she’s caught by the FBI and after her breakup with Shane for Penelope to be okay with wearing scents with rose in them at all because of the lingering negativity from her relationship and her depression at the time that she associated with the flower (and the occasional scent of black cherry too).
Even after joining the BAU she still occasionally smells like sage after particularly gory or sadistic cases that make her feel icky because she cleanses her space.
Reid figures out that’s why on his own eventually, Penelope tells JJ about it while working on a case by mentioning that she’s basically gonna have to fumigate her office after watching the videos she’d uncovered, and when she first joined the team Emily had tentatively placed an small ornate pot of culinary sage in front of Penelope as a bit of a peace offering after so frequently smelling it on her. She hadn’t realized exactly why the analyst used sage but Penelope couldn’t find it in herself to correct her and she used that sage in her teas for months afterwards.
The first time she ever burned sage after her worst case with the team at the time Derek had walked into her “bat-cave” to tell her goodbye, cracked a joke about her burning down the place before she explained her reasoning to him, and then he’d just stayed back to keep her company and walked her to her car when she was finished and packed up. From then on any time he smells sage on her or lingering in her space he makes sure to check up on her extra vigorously and softly urge her into venting and letting go before she combusts. He doesn’t always say the best thing but she appreciates him seeking her out anyway.
Penelope (similar to her glasses) doesn’t just have one singular scent. She has a good couple of perfumes that she rotates around and bases whether she’ll wear one based on the color of her outfit that she’s wearing or based on what type of vibe she’s going for with an outfit. Usually floral, bakery, fruity (especially raspberry) type scents that compliment her brightness without being too overwhelming.
Derek teases her about it once she tells him how she picks out her scents. He makes some crack about missing the scent she wore the day before and she’s like “too bad” then explains her process to him.
Luke probably picks up on how she chooses scents and pats himself heavy on the back when she reluctantly confirms his suspicions.
If Penelope wakes up late and has to rush into work, forgetting her perfume, she usually goes to Tara for some because everyone knows how potent but neutral her scent is and Penelope needs something that can go with any outfit or vibe she’s going for.
Her scent picking process is determined by stuff like: summer, winter, spring, or fall scent notes; what color is she wearing; dress or skirt? Shit like that. She’s of a particular type, yk?
She is a creature of habit when it comes to her scent routine but loves it when her romantic partners or friends ask her whether it’s a pink day or a blue day (for example) and then go pick out the corresponding perfumes for her by color.
Penelope also loves it whenever her partner smells like her. She was not expecting to get as giddy as she did when she’d catch a whiff of her perfume on someone else because it showed that they really did hang out with her often.
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*will forever stay salty about the fact that Jordan never got a shot in the title sequence even if I know why, but anyway*
She has a very mild but spicy scent. It’s like ginger and you get a waft of it every time she brushes her hair over her shoulder even though you likely hadn’t noticed the scent before then.
It’s understated because she sprayed it for herself mostly, but once other people smell it it’s definitely a scent that they start searching out even though they’re probably unaware of the original and frustratingly can’t seem to catch a whiff of it again.
I’d imagine that people could smell the warmth and subtle product from her heat protection spray in Jordan’s hair from her blowing out her natural hair if they were close enough to her.
I think otherwise she’d use largelly scentless lotion, creams, soaps and gels just because it’s more convenient for her.
I like the scent of ginger for her because it’s sharp and peppery but also a very warm and sweet scent as well. I think that fits because of how hard it is for her to get comfortable with the team, how she rankles against feeling incompetent, but how ultimately it’s her caring so much that causes her to but heads and why she left the BAU because she couldn’t take all the constant negativity and stress.
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Doesn’t spray on perfume; absolutely uses perfume oil.
She would’ve picked up on using oils when she was a teen while moving countries and going from base to base after being stationed in a middle eastern country.
Typically smells like vanilla; not overly sweet but still notable if someone is close to her, and shea butter.
Whenever she moves her arms, brushes past someone, or stands up, her scent reignites(?) and you’re reminded of just how nice she smells.
Can usually smell the oils she uses to moisturize her natural hair, add shine to her wigs or sew-ins, and keep her scalp healthy when she has in braids as well. Coconut or argan oils most often.
Emily and Rossi probably notice when she’s wearing a scent the most; Dave commenting on the subtle scent of vanilla indicating that Tara beat him to work, and Emily would tease her about how she must’ve been feeling extra good that day.
When they were split up Rebecca would catch the faintest whiff of vanilla and brace herself, whether she’d end up running into Tara or not. When they’re good, however, Rebecca has a habit of lifting Tara's wrist up to smell then pressing a kiss just below where the oil was applied before intertwining her fingers with Tara’s. It’s a quick gesture but it makes Rebecca feel horribly giddy and Tara always looks down at her like she brought oxygen to earth so it works out.
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Before he met Kristy he wore a stronger cologne, nothing too expensive but certainly masculine. He also saturated himself in it like crazy.
After meeting Kristy he backs off on the over spritzing and switches to a less “harsh” cologne that she thinks suits him best after she takes him out shopping for “his scent”.
She definitely had to pester him and push him towards leaving that comfort zone for a good bit before he agreed to take time out to change it.
His cologne has a citrusy undertone (like blood oranges) and then a fresh scent like Aloe Vera that carries the citrus without making the scent overwhelming. It’s light and Simmons actually likes not feeling so heavy when he’s wearing cologne. Plus Kirsty loves it and it’s not too harsh on tiny kid noses so it’s a win win all around.
Quite frankly when he doesn’t smell like oranges at home his kids are very confused.
Luke probably comments distractedly about him smelling a bit like a creamsicle the first time they hang out casually.
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Smells like paper (typically book paper, but sometimes he also smells just like warm printer paper).
I think he’d wear a scent mostly when he’s either going to see his mother or has been thinking about her because she would’ve impressed upon him the importance of being a nice smelling young man. She’d emphasize lighter, flowery scents for Reid however, not at all caring about setting him up to lean into societal expectations for how men “should” smell. Diana just wanted to teach him how different flowers and their scents would positively impact his impressions on others and help him feel better in scent therapy terms.
Diana would shove sprigs of lavender in his breast pockets in order to help ground and calm him and as an adult Reid would make his own lavender oil to use whenever he felt he needed that grounding or wanted to feel more connected to his mother.
Otherwise (even when going out) he typically won’t wear a scent at all, and he’s fairly impartial towards cologne.
Mostly Reid just smells like the unscented soaps and aftershave and shampoo that he uses. A clinical scent that’s “clean” in a different way to how Jordan or even Tara smells. Sterile even, but incredibly subtle.
I could see him smelling kind of cinnamon-esq too. Warm and a bit spicy just feels right for Spencer. Maybe he’d start leaning towards that scent later on in the show’s seasons.
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed! And that none of my headcanons were too out of left field!
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it!
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Hello neighbor!!!!
Welcome to my blog. What's up. How's it going.
I'm Rose, she/her, 34
I am an old married lady with kids
💖💜💙 bi/pansexual but women have my heart
I'm super friendly and dtf as in "down to flirt" and "down to make friends" but given my life situation probably not "down to fuck"
(But I'm still incorrigably horny on main and will be till I die)
Lots of personal posting, LOTS of sexual content, some scattered fandom stuff, occasional religion posting. Disgustingly earnest, unabashedly cringe.
This blog is not family friendly, so 21+ pls
If you're also old and into Dragon Age, my DA fandom blog is @theheartofhawke
I block liberally and with no ill will so don't take it personally if
🌸 You're hella young (18-20yo I know you're adults and can do what you want but this blog is not for you)
🌸 You don't list an age in your bio
🌸 You follow me from a fundraising blog (I'm more than happy to signal boost, no need to follow me)
🌸 You're into kinks that aren't my cup of tea (inc, hard cnc, scat/piss, ageplay, maledom)
🌸 You don't tag the rough stuff
🌸 You've got an "edgy" sense of humor
🌸 We just don't vibe
Absolutely do take it personally if
💀 You're a rad, a trad, a transphobe, a racist, a misogynist, someone who thinks they aren’t a misogynist but is vile to trans women (ie a misogynist), a prick about bisexuals, or someone who wants to get mad at me about my religion. Nazi pigs fuck off.
💀 You don't respect my boundaries or take uninvited liberties in my DMs. Do not try to sext me unless we’ve had flirty interaction, and even then it’s nice to ask.
🧦 honestly new cishet men are on thin ice right now— I really want to be friends, but you lads have got to behave yourselves or you’re catching a block. Idk why I made dirty socks your emoji but that’s how I feel about you rn
Again, welcome, and have an excellent day 🌈
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brunhielda · 2 months
It is weird, after you have learned something about yourself and/or the world, to come back to a favorite book and see it in an entirely different light.
For example: How many kids books had autistic main characters?
I mean, Amelia Bedelia is obvious. Others have already pointed that out. That woman is not quite functioning in her society, but is getting by just well enough to continue to be paid for her work. 😂
But today I found Cimorene of “The Enchanted Forest Chronicles.”
First- you should read these. They are a funny take on “fairy tale tropes,” and despite being what I would call middle grade reading level, they are well written and interesting enough that my entire family (all now adults) keep a copy of the series on our shelves to reread whenever.
But also- this girl looked at Princess etiquette, said “well that looks boring” and learned sword fighting and magic instead. Anytime someone says “But it isn’t DONE,” she argues, “but… I am a Princess. And I do it. So clearly, it is?”
She keeps finding “logical solutions” to her problems, then getting fed up that everyone is confused by her because they aren’t the “socially acceptable” solutions.
The girl WANTS to spend her days organizing a library, organizing a dragon hoard, cleaning swords until they are shiny, and finding new recipes to try in the kitchen. 😂 At one point, someone pisses her off, and she polishes swords until she feels better.
She is always very careful to be “polite” and to learn all the rules of being polite wherever she goes because she doesn’t wish to offend anyone or hurt their feelings, and so in quick order knows more about Dragon society than princesses who have been there for months. She makes friends more easily if they work on a project together rather than just conversation, and honestly seems to hate small talk.
Idk, it is possible I am projecting (not diagnosed, but fairly convinced) but the way she interacts with the rest of the people around her is reading “high functioning autism” to me, or at the very least something neurospicy. She doesn’t seem to have the forgetfulness of ADHD. She REALLY enjoys organization.
Anyone have any other neurospicy main characters they have noticed? We should start a list. 🤩📝
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pub-lius · 2 years
Tell me your favorite fact about John Laurens and another fun fact about anyone of your choosing. <3 /p
oh man my FAVORITE?? hm. im pretty sure any of my favorite facts aren’t necessarily FUN but i will tell you my favorite laurens story since i think everyone should know about it
so towards the end of the war (1780 or something i can’t remember dates) he was chosen to serve a diplomatic role in france (again i forgot what it was) but his mission was pretty much just to get uniforms and more troops sent from france to the US. during this time he kinda had beef with benjamin franklin bc franklin’s whole thing was very gentle diplomacy since yk he’s working with aristocrats.
laurens, however, was an asshole. he kept causing problems and not doing things the way franklin wanted him to and this kept developing as he got more and more pissed with the french. eventually, some dumbass got him an appointment to present his petition to the king and his ministers. usual protocol was that you walk in, bow to the king, and present your papers to one of the ministers, and leave.
laurens didn’t want to do that. he presented his case DIRECTLY to the king, and- allegedly- drew his sword and said something along the lines of “if you don’t help us now, we’ll go to war later”. king louis was like 😀 like mf wasnt even mad he was just shocked. so he just. handed the papers off to one of the ministers and went about his day, while laurens stormed off and threw a hissy fit. he technically got his requests approved, but he didn’t organize it properly and left it in the hands of an incompetent person so it was a fucking mess. he didn’t want the job so like that was to be expected.
okay, as for the other fun fact, im going to retell a story about hamilton that one of my instagram mutuals told me, so i dont have sources for this one but i think its funny
so hamilton had a friend staying over at his house bc he started feeling sick after dinner and so he yk just stayed the night bc he didn’t wanna make the ride home. so he was sleeping in one of hamilton’s bedrooms and then like hamilton walks in, TUCKS HIM IN, and is like “gn little judge [the friend was a judge] what would we do without you 🥰” and just left him baffled
idk how true this is at all but i think the idea that hamilton’s sense of humor was talking to young children like adults (thats from a letter) and talking to adults like children. if anyone knows about that story, pls reblog with the dudes name if you have it bc idk it 😭
anyway ty for the ask!!! i enjoyed it :)
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sword-is-bored · 1 year
A Change in Jobs
Link x Reader
(This is a concept for a new story I want to write? Idk)
“A Fathers Love” the prequel to this :)
Skyward Sword!
“Are you sure you’ll be okay helping me? I don’t want to put you in danger.” Link’s voice was weak as (Y/n) carried him. His arm was wrapped around their shoulder, their other arm holding him upright as they walked. Faron Woods had very few places for them to hide from the wrath of Ghirahim. Blood dripped down his side, and his face was messed up too. He was limping, one of Ghirahim’s daggers sticking out of his leg. (Y/n) dragged him to the Sealed Temple and set him down. “Even if I do get in trouble…” They said, propping him up. “I owe you the favor. You saved me. Besides, I’m more familiar with being in danger. I can handle it.” (Y/n)’s hand wrapped around the dagger in Link’s leg. They pulled, a cry escaping his mouth. (Y/n)‘s hand immediately pressed into the wound, applying pressure. Link hissed, his own hand coming to press the wound as well. “Good, keep your hand there.” (Y/n) said and tore off a strip of their shirt. They wrapped it around Link, keeping it tight but loose enough for circulation. Link released his leg and felt the ache begin to soothe. (Y/n) continued their work on patching Link up.
For a moment he didn’t see Ghirahim’s underling. He didn’t see the person who’d been tormenting him alongside the demon king. He saw the young adult who looked at scared as he was. The painted diamonds on their face to impress their demon lord. They worked hard to patch Link up, and even got him out of the fight. “Father! Stop!” Their voice had rang clear through the room, and Ghirahim was towering over Link. He did stop. His eyes flickered, and for a moment the red within them vanished. A soft blue hue hiding behind those eyes. (Y/n) had grabbed Link and dragged him out of the room as Ghirahim stared.
For months (Y/n) had been threatening to kill him all the same. Laughing at his pain, cheering on Ghirahim. (Y/n) pulled up Link’s shirt to reveal another wound. They began to apply a makeshift bandage as well. Link had watched as Ghirahim threw them in the way of a monster. One of his own monsters. (Y/n) had begged and pleaded for Ghirahim to save them, but he vanished. Leaving (Y/n) to die. Link had recognized this and saved (Y/n). Their face reflected the confusion and horror they were facing, but seemed grateful. They left to find Ghirahim as well. Link noticed they seemed more distant to the demon lord and well… now it made sense. (Y/n) was trying to repay him in some way.
(Y/n) looked up and sighed, pressing a hand to Link’s face. “Not much I can do about that. I’m sorry.” They said, sitting back. “It’s alright. I feel a lot better. Thank you.” Link said, pushing himself to stand. (Y/n) watched and stood as well, awkwardly looking into Faron Woods. “I should leave now.” Link said, shuffling to the door of the Sealed Temple. (Y/n) nodded and watched him carefully. Link realized something. “Aren’t you going back to Ghirahim?” (Y/n) bit their lip and turned back to the woods. “Maybe. I don’t know.” They said quietly. “To tell you the truth… I’m worried. He’s not the same man I grew up with. I’m concerned he’ll hurt me if I go back after what I’ve done.”
Link was confused. “Not the same man?” (Y/n) nodded. “He used to be a lot more kind. When the ground started shaking his skin and hair changed. He changed. From my father Ghirahim to… a Demon Lord. He’s never touched me before, but I know helping you survive will royally piss him off. I don’t think he’ll hold back. I don’t know where I’m supposed to go.” Link could feel the hope of escape radiating off of them. They were nervous about seeing Ghirahim again. “Would you like to come with me?” He offered. “There’s a safe place for you in Skyloft, and if you’d like to continue searching for my friend with me I know you’re skilled. And you have inside information about how Ghirahim and his army works. You can finally be yourself.”
(Y/n)’s harsh demeanor seemed to crack. Link saw a child underneath the walls they had built up. Their eyes widened and their shoulders relaxed. Their once stiff and tall stature shrunk in on itself. “I don’t know how I can repay you. I’ve been terrible the entire time, and you’ve been nothing but kind.” They said quietly. “Think of it as… a change in pace. A change in employment. Work for good instead of evil.” Link held out his hand. They took it and looked into his eyes. A smile crossed their face, lighting up their entire body. Link felt a blush creep on his face, a feeling within him wanted to see this smile more. “Alright, yeah. That makes sense. I’ll help.”
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takemetoyourl3ader · 24 days
I love being nice like it makes me so happy to make someone smile or when I ask someone about their interests and tell them how cool that is even if I don’t care because it makes people smile. I don’t understand how some people have the capacity to be rude. I hate mean people so much nothing makes me more hurt and angry than when someone is mean for no reason I went to target and some grown ass woman who I’ve never seen or met before gave me most nefarious stink eye I have ever received in my life like what did I even do bro im just a kid and you’re at least forty why are you acting like a high school bully? and then I was looking at the frozen aisle with my sister and some other lady looked me up and down like I was offending her? and then did it again as if I didn’t see her the first time? I don’t understand people, like why do you feel the need to do that when I’m just trying to exist and it’s not just to me it’s everyone. It makes me so angry seeing people take pictures of alternative folks and post them online like first of all they aren’t doing anything to hurt you and just because they dress differently does not give you the right to photograph them WITHOUT CONSENT OR KNOWLEDGE and then POST THEM ON THE INTERNET WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT OR KNOWLEDGE just for laughs. like it’s just flat out creepy and weird and nobody thinks that you’re “cool” or whatever and it just makes you look like a stuck up ass hole. even my mom is like this I don’t get her problem I told her that I wanted to get tattoos and piercings when I was older (as in a legal adult) and she said she would disown me if I got them? what the actual fuck. she also dislikes metalheads for some reason. i think maybe it’s because she grew up and still is very catholic so maybe she thinks they’re satan worshippers or something but cmon bro just let them exist? like she’s always complaining about her liberal boss and how he’s always starting debates over random political stuff and getting offended when someone disagrees but she’s literally the exact same? and she absolutely despises curse words (despite her using them occasionally) and saying it’s sinful like she literally cried and got mad at me when I used to be a 6arelyhuman fan which I get that you don’t want your kid listening to weird stuff but bro she’s always saying to me and everyone who will listen how me and my sister are the nicest, politest, smartest, neatest kids in the world so why is she so pissed about what kind of music I like? like it’s come to the point where im actually afraid of her and Im scared to talk to her. these are the kinds of people I absolutely hate with every fiber of my being and will hate until my dying breath
but maybe im the crazy one idk…
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
Idk if in HIPS you're going to introduce Alyn and Addam
Corlys:😥😢 Merlyn king protect me how tf am I going to gaslight my wife saying that they where Laenor's.
*Lucerys and Osferth are are thrown into the middle of the court*
Corlys: my prayers were answered it's just luke and osferth, close enough Rhaenys,close enough...wait a minute....LUKE AND OSFERTH 😦😦😦
Or the whole court doing that humiliation and the dragon seeds like...You are aware that there are four seeds here, right? There are four dragon riders in this enclosure...We pilot adult dragons....
Obsessed with the image of an almost 80yr Corlys who doesn’t realize Luke and Osferth aren’t supposed to be in the middle of the crown room for a good ten minutes while everyone else is pissing themselves in confusion. Just straight up vibing because Rhaenys didn’t find his actual mistress and side babies until he remembers that his grandson is meant to be dead and his great-grandson isn’t even supposed to exist.
His facial expression just slowly morphs from one to the other until it all kicks in like “😨😰😯😮‍💨😧🫨”
The entire court is bastard shaming and the dragon seeds are like “I thought y’all were progressive 🤨”
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shouta-aizawow · 2 years
[for the ask game]
HI HI :D idk if you’re ok with me saying your name so I won’t, but thanks for the ask!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Bakugou is Not CisHet has to be the biggest one. That boy is queer I tell you!!!!
Uhhhh I don’t see him being romantically attracted to women at all as well. Like, maybe sexually ig but not romantically. He’s not into the girls in his class at all. I accept MomoBaku hesitantly, but I think his “crushes” on women are largely just celebrity crushes (like on pro heroes)
Also I refuse to believe he will grow up to be some sort of tank like endeavor. Absolutely not. He will be lithe. There’s no way he’d be able to do all those arial maneuvers otherwise
He’ll be the number one hero idc idc (unless he decides he doesn’t want to be. If he wants to be he will be one)
He’s good at stealth. Not even a headcanon, but he is quiet when people aren’t provoking him, and he’s extremely level headed in a fight even when he’s pissed off.
He’s not gonna be super tall as an adult. Look at his parents, that boy is not growing more than 6’ (tbh I can accept it but only if his partner(s) are taller than him) He gives “I got my growth spurt in middle/high school school” energy. If he has a growth spurt, I think he’d be really awkward in his body for a while until he grows more confident and has a high self esteem.
Mitsuki and Masaru are bad parents. It’s not “””confirmed””” but based on canon it’s clear that they aren’t, even if they love Katsuki.
He has PTSD, he’s neurodivergent, he’s insecure, has a superiority/inferiority complex, he has depression and anxiety
Bakugou pushes everyone to be better. His friends stick with him because they like him, not just bc he cooks for and tutors them, and he pushes them to improve and expect the best of themselves
Although Deku was Shouto’s first friend, he considers Bakugou his closest or best friend. The Remedial Squad is a healthier friendship for Shouto than the Deku Squad (I’d argue that they’re also healthier for Bakugou than Sero and Mina)
Disclaimer: Bakugou is not a toxic friend to Shouto. I think now Bakugou considers Shouto his friend and respects him based on his words in the manga, but before that, Bakugou has stated numerous times that they were not friends. He can’t be a “bad friend” if he doesn’t even consider them friends, and Shouto can believe they’re close friends (I think they’re close) even if Bakugou doesn’t think they’re friends. That doesn’t make Bakugou a bad person
If he‘d okay with sex, he is not a top or at least not a top-leaning switch IDC WHAT YOU SAY HIS NAME COMES LAST IN A SHIP
Kaminari isn’t some twig I will not stand for it. (Also the way he’s portrayed in fanon a lot of the time is a squick of mine) He may not be as muscular as some of others, but he has muscle and I think when he gets older, he’d either have the body type of Hawks or more buff
He’s an awesome friend to Bakugou idc idc idc he knows boundaries and doesn’t do things he knows Bakugou won’t like. At the beginning he may not have liked him, but he likes him now
Kirishima will be tall. Very tall. Tbh I think all the boys in 1-A would be pretty tall (mineta doesn’t exist)
He’s definitely mixed
He’s emotionally mature and would speak up if he has a problem. He wouldn’t just let if fester
He’s occasionally insecure like the average person, but he’s not depressed (he’d probably have PTSD based on this year alone, but at least beforehand I don’t think he was depressed) and definitely not suicidal
He doesn’t want to “fix” Bakugou at all. He became friends with Bakugou because he knew that that was how he was. Of course he wants to push Bakugou to be better, but he doesn’t think he needs to be fixed. Speaking of Bakugou, Bakugou doesn’t make him feel insecure in the slightest. He makes him feel stronger
He’s gonna be a tall tank like All Might (maybe not as tall but yknow what I mean). I guess I could accept if he’s short, but he will be buff
If he didn’t have OFA, then I think he’d be shorter and definitely have no muscle like his middle school days. Probably more on the lanky side, maybe awkwardly so, but maybe he grows into it
Deku isn’t a good friend to Todoroki
He’s lowkey but not lowkey an abuse apologist (Endeavor, Overhaul, I’d even argue with Kota’s parents although I don’t think they were abusive. He handled Kota’s grieving in an absolutely awful way.) I think this is Hori’s mentality being portrayed through Deku, but
He’s an unreliable narrator
He doesn’t respect boundaries, least of all the boundaries of Bakugou (again, not really a headcanon just based off of all the times Bakugou as verbally and no verbally expressed discomfort with Deku’s knowledge of him and actions yet Deku keeps pushing)
Aizawa is not straight
Present Mic is not straight
All Might is an awful awful awful mentor and teacher
Midnight shouldn’t be a teacher of kids. She’s,,, ick
Nedzu is 0/10 and shouldn’t be a principal when he hates humans (if he’s a good… person… in fics that’s fine, but I definitely don’t think he is in canon)
Mina is black
Miruko is black
Rock Lock speaks only facts. He’s always right
Inko is not a bad parent in the slightest. She’s may not be absolutely perfect, but she’s a good mom
I probably have more, but this is all I have at the moment. If I have more, I’d probably reblog this post with them 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
I like how I managed to squeeze in Bakugou in nearly every category. Go me!!! 🕺🕺🕺🕺💃💃💃💃💃💃
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youcancallmenoob · 2 years
More of the pig man toughts.
SO I like like him alot. Idk how long this will last so ima try to throw up everything i have now. IF U READ AND LIKE THE MAN/HAVE OWN STUFF MESSAGE ME I WANNA FKING ARF ARF ABOUT THIS MAN.
There is self insert me. A furry who likes wearing tail and ears outside sometimes (i do. for real) Get mistaken as a mutant and mr MEATYMEATMAN kidnaps you to try to harvest your power. Realizes I’m just a fucking furry so pissed there is no power to leash. BUT he likes ppl and when people recognize him! AND I DO! TOP CHEFF RUBERT HOLY SHIT! 
End up staying around the little kitchen he had build in the subway! Wanting to stay. He is confused by this but lets you. It feels good to have someone “normal” to talk to !
(i keep messing up you and I but that all is same person now based on me just try to keep up)
There is a slow bond growing (and a crush).
He takes longish time accepting that someone might like him in his mutant form... BUT LOVE BLOSSOMS IN THE END!
i don’t have details on these ideas yet :C
Then there is a fight with the turtles at your little hideout! They think you are a victim and take you with them without any questions. Small screaming and drama there Rupert trying to get you back but nope you are yeeted out. No problem right? You can just go back? Turtles take you with them in hopes you know Ruperts plans! YOU ARE PISSED! I AM NOT TELLING YOU! TAKE ME BACK TO HIM! turtles are confused. You wanna go back?? YESSS!!
Maybe Meat Sweats is pairing with the Hipno hypno dud? And you indeed are hypnotised? They keep you in to find a “cure”. All you can do is sit there and wait. Think of a plan to run but you aren’t really a plan gal/dud so you are pretty much stuck. 
Meat sweats comes in try to just beg you back! The turtles are fucking confused but end up seeing that this truly is just relationship between two consenting adults. and they are indeed the bad guys for kidnapping you.
HE BREAKS IN THE LAIR WITH HELP OF SOME OTHER MUTANT. Turtles are sure its a personal attack and fight! but then it comes clear Sweats is there for you! and this is indeed a saving mission! Same out come turtles feeling like shit about all of it.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 1 year
Ranting abt how my childhood is being MASSACRED
Man I hate how the live action films always butcher Transformers 😭like plz Optimus IS NOT a bloodthirsty bitch they don’t explore the characters outside of combat, that is reserved only for the human character. HUMANS in a series named after THE ROBOTS.
Idk it just pisses me off like why do the animated shows do more for the character than the live action movies? Like stop trying to force Transformers live action bruh I know that CG is expensive just animate all of it. It’s about the TRANSFORMERS my god.
Transformers gotta start taking more notes from the comics bc some of that shit is GOOD and I know everyone back in what, 2013 ish would have killed for a More Than Meets the Eye animated series. Listen, some things just work better in animation, giant robots that turn into cars happens to be one of those things.
Also I would just fucking explode from happiness if Transformers got some of that 2D/3D spiderverse-esque animation treatment a lot of recent animated movies have been getting. It’s soooo fitting because you know, Transformers is mostly comics at this point.
Listen, I just KNOW that Transformers has the potential to do so good in the modern age if the right people just handled it. The beauty of these non human creatures being so painfully human is exactly the sort of thing I think people would go crazy over nowadays.
I kinda like Earthspark, it’s a very interesting and new take on the series with the war having ended and shit, but I feel like it’s being held back by the restrictions of being a “kid’s show” and it’s kinda sad. A lot of cartoons and “kid’s shows” were beloved and enjoyed by adults.
I just wish that the Transformers brand just wasn’t super concerned with appealing to kids because listen, you’re DYING you have to understand that your viewers have grown. Almost no kids these days like Transformers. That doesn’t mean make more Michael Bay movies (it means anything but that) it just means maybe be a little more mature.
Like I said I think Transformers is just one of those cases where it can’t really help it like it just has to be animated in order to focus on more on the actual Transformers than the humans. (case and point Cyberverse) They should have the spotlight instead of the humans so there’s really no need for live action imo. I also think animation would be the safest so that you aren’t cashing out all this damn money for CGI and explosions. Animation is not just for kids, we have gone over this please I think a more mature animated Transformers series would go over well with the fans who let’s be honest, are for the most part in college by now. Even when I was a kid most kids didn’t like Transformers anymore.
Anyways this has been my delusions it is 1:45 am I should sleep soon
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fuck antinatalism.
• let’s take a look at the term: “i didn’t consent to being born.” consent implies a state of existence where action can be taken.
i.e, i [a living adult] consent to sex [an action between living adults], i [a living adult] don’t consent to sex [witholding an action between living adults]
i [a living adult] consent to this medical procedure [activity required for a living person] i don’t consent to this medical procedure [activity required for a living person].
i consent to this relationship, i don’t consent to this relationship.
the term “consent” only applies to a decision made by an adult in a state of being, or withholding a state of being after existing in a state of being.
friendly reminder that consent can only be given by an ADULT. children cannot consent.
even in cases of MAID (medical assistance in dying), the LIVING individual must consent to die first. consent always implies there must FIRST be a state of being where one can make an educated decision before making said choice.
- addendum: whether or not you believe in fetal personhood (im not going into a prolife/prochoice debate right now), these two fronts can agree that antinatalism is stupid.
• prochoicers: a fetus cannot consent because a fetus is not a person, and therefore doesn’t exist as a person yet.
• prolifers: a fetus cannot consent because that is a child and children cannot consent.
do you see where i’m going with this. antinatalism implies that a fetus can consent to existence, since the term “consent” can only be used for an adult in a state of being agreeing to change their state-of-beingness. so either way, antinatalists are saying that
A) a fetus is alive and can consent —> prochoicers disagree
B) consent is applicable to children as well —> prochoicers and prolifers disagree
C) the term “consent” which applies to people already in a state of being now applies to an embryo —> prolife and prochoice disagreement
it’s not every day when your ideology is so off the charts batshit bonkers that two opposing ends of the spectrum will simultaneously disagree with it (prochoicers and prolifers), albeit for different reasons.
ALSO the guy who popularized the ideology was an upper-class white south african man. put those pieces together. (silly goofy apartheid moment 🤪)
Also this same guy described shitting and pissing and eating as “suffering” so that’s pretty telling of how privileged this guy is 💀
not to mention that primarily white ecofascists love using antinatalism to get rid of the poor, the disability community, and POC.
procreating isn’t some inherent irredeemable evil, it’s the singlehandedly most morally neutral thing about human existence.
maybe instead of getting rid of humanity to solve the problem of suffering. we should like. idk. get rid of corporations and monopolies and hypercapitalism, work towards saving the environment, enrich our communities through local activism and grassroots movements. it’s about time that we treated boundless optimism & unfettered joy as a staunch act of resistance in the face of a cruel world. instead of. you know. deciding that some lives aren’t worth saving because “oh but they’ll suffer.”
on a personal note. my life shouldn’t be snuffed out just because i suffer from ocd. my ocd causes a great deal of mental suffering in my life. yet despite that, my life is still worth living. i would rather live with the fucked up intrusive thoughts and learn how to ignore them, rather than not exist at all.
we are responsible for saving us from extinction. we save us.
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aizenat · 3 months
I really really REALLY hate all the commentary about Biden’s age, especially when his opponent is only three years younger and no one does this shit to him. Biden has always had a stutter and of course it will get worse as he ages. It’s not at all a commentary on his mental capacity if he struggles to articulate him. Plenty of intelligent people aren’t great at public speaking.
But the real issue I have with it is the general disdain I hear younger generations when talking about age. Obviously there is an issue with the average age of politicians being older, though that is the fault of younger generations being so disengaged from politics. Idk who gets offended by me saying it but how many young people showed up to the primaries this year? How many showed up four years ago when democrats were deciding their nominee? Yall can’t not engage in politics except for the presidential election and then bitch about the candidates when you didn’t do anything to try to get someone else nominated.
But that aside, god willing, we will all be that old one day. And if there is one thing I have come to understand about old people is that after a lifetime of working and toiling and raising up younger generations and teaching them how to be productive adults and all, the last thing they appreciate is those same children turning around and mocking, infantilizing, and deriding them. And I don’t blame them! The same children they raised/helped raise will one day be responsible for caring for them in their older age. You can’t live alone, you’re on tons of medications, and your independence is slowly but surely stripped from you. And suddenly everyone is speaking loudly and slowly to you like you’re a child or mentally slow, and after going your whole life being treated with common respect (for the most part), I can imagine how frustrating and infuriating it is.
And when we get there, yall are fucking lying to yourselves if you think you’re not going to fight that. Like you’ll go into that retirement home your kids or grandkids try to stick you in without a fight. Like you’ll be able to recognize that your mind is going, or that you’ll humbly allow your family to put you in a home or set up a home nurse and you’ll be content with that. But you won’t. You’ll be pissed about your family handling you like a child, irritated when they limit and restrict you, and offended by the infantilizing. It reminds me of that tik tok of the old man showing himself chilling drinking coffee at a cafe alone only for him to look up and see young people filming him so they can upload it with sad music about how lonely he must be. Like he’s chilling and you’re projecting all this misery and loneliness because yall don’t know how to give old people respect. Yall either hate them or treat them like cute babies, surprised to see some bounce to a modern hip hop beat like these old people weren’t head banging to 60s and 70s glam rock or kicking it down the soul train line to some disco (much to their parents’ chagrin, as if they weren’t making their own parents clutch their pearls at all the godless jazz and rnb and doowop they were Lindy hopping to) back in their youth.
Every old person was once young. And barring a tragedy, we will all grow old. And yall treat old people in a way that I know if in 50 years if someone said that shit about you, you’d be raging. Hell, once millennials are that old, you KNOW we’ll be crying about elderly discrimination and abuse when someone is like “we should put a cap on who can serve for president/as a politician” as if 1) old people don’t also have the right (and a need, considering how republicans are constantly trying to gut social security) to be represented in government and 2) as if they weren’t in their 30s calling for that same cap. My department at work is all millennials, and when they get to talking about Biden and ages and how there should be a cap, I always think “let’s see how yall feel about that in fifty years when gen z and alpha are saying that about us.” And considering all the meltdowns we see from millennials whenever younger generations comment on anything related to us (the side part and skinny jeans being uncool meltdowns, the “gen z is trying to cancel Eminem” recent blowup, the “gen z is aging like milk while millennials look so young lawl” bs, etc), yall KNOW that we are not going to take that lying down.
It’s like that post that points out that we ALL will be disabled in some way as we age at some point. Losing hearing or sight, losing memories or mental faculties, or any other physical disabilities we could develop; but it will likely happen to all of us somehow. My grandmother is 85 (turning 86 this fall) and just got put on oxygen. So now even when she leaves the house to go shopping, she has to carry an oxygen tank to help breathe. My great aunt was also on oxygen at that age. My great grandmother was invalid the last 5-8 ish years of her life. I watched my grandfather slowly die of Parkinson’s for over a decade. He was also invalid the last couple of years of his life.
Old people lived long lives and went through a lot. The least we can afford them is a little respect and dignity in their older years.
I think Biden grossly underestimated how his age will impact him. Late 70s-90s are wild because you will have two old people at very different stages in terms of health. Carol Burnett is older than my grandmother and was out and about last week for her Hollywood star ceremony thing. And she looks good. Obviously the wig and years of Botox helped, but she was up and about with Dick Van Dyke (WHO IS 98!!!!!) and they both were upright and looked very energetic for a couple of people in their 90s. Dick Van Dyke uploaded a video a couple of months ago shitting on trump and the Supreme Court, and if you listen to him talk, he’s clear headed and obviously lucid! My grandfather was barely coherent by his 80s, and this man pushing 100, LITERALLY 100, is very clear headed and able to articulate himself well.
Age isn’t the problem, not inherently, and yall need to stop with this narrative it is. Jon Stewart and Seth Meyers making their “Biden is old” jokes as if they aren’t just 20-30 years away from being there themselves. As if they won’t blink and an entirely new generation of late night hosts in the like of Pete Davidson will be making fun of how old and lost and silly they are. And no one will look at their clips of them mocking Biden with irony; millennials will do it to Gen x, then bitch when Gen z does it to us, who will bitch when Gen alpha does it to them, and so on and so forth. No one learning that we all age, as is life, so let’s not mock those lucky enough to age and actually try to learn what we can from older generations before they’re gone.
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avonsdrabbles · 3 months
I know you're a teacher, idk if you ever went to school yourself or if you were homeschooled but if you did go to school, have there been any major differences between when you were in 6th grade vs now as a teacher? I'm leaving this vague on purpose but I guess I mean stuff like, how technology is handled, if curriculums have changed a lot, if there's new knowledge/training on how to manage the kids, etc.
So… this is a bit tough but I’ll try my best!
Under the cut since this is likely going to get long.
So, first off, it’s best to say that I have dissociative identity disorder. Some folks following me know that, some don’t, hurrah. Because of this, I really struggle to remember my childhood, 6th grade included (which, yes, I did go to public school). Here’s what I can recall though, in response to your questions:
It’s a lot different.
For one thing, I am now approaching things from the perspective of an adult. The curriculum I had as a kid, the rules I had to follow, the everything — all of it was from teachers who were underpaid and dealing with a LOT of bullshit. We didn’t make their jobs any easier. In retrospect, a lot feels different now being able to look at it as a teacher.
Tech was handled very differently. Now, the expectation is that students have tech on them at all times, as opposed to someone having a phone being a big deal. Typically, it was handheld games being confiscated; hardly anyone had a phone until around 7th or 8th grade. This was back in the days when having a phone… at all! Was considered cool. There’s also the fact that tech was actually taken straight out of the hands of kids! We can’t do that anymore. If a student is on their phone, we have to request they give it to us — we’re not actually allowed to take it ourselves. There’s also rules upon rules upon rules on how kids have to get their phones back, as opposed to the loosey goosey rules there were back in the day.
Curriculum is where my brain is more shot. I really don’t remember a lot of what I learned in 6th grade. I do know we did just about every assignment on paper, though. Probably the BIGGEST change (and this isn’t universal but more and more schools are doing this now) is the grade minimum cap. We aren’t allowed to give kids zeros anymore!! We have a minimum of 50%. This way, kids are able to come back from a missing assignment - which allows us to give less work and focus on the actual. Yknow. Learning. It’s one of my favorite parts of modern teaching.
There is a LOT of new learning on how to handle kids — to the point that older teachers constantly bitch and moan about it. The 50% cap pissed so many people off lol. But there’s also so much social-emotional learning and growth mindset and all sorts of other things we learn about, as teachers, to help us teach kids. It’s constant! We learn more and more each day.
That isn’t to say everything is better now. Just different. For instance, I know I had a typing class as a kid, and that’s just… not a thing anymore. There’s this assumption that tech is so prevalent that kids just know how to type, but god it’s bad. I actually challenge my kids to beat my typing speed each year to try to encourage them to learn.
I hope that answers your question! I’m sick rn and I’m barely aware lol.
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kassiedaniele · 6 months
Odd little thing to bring up, ik, but why do ppl get so obsessed w/ trying to make you out to be the villain when you—quite literally—didn’t do a damn thing
Like why am I hearing from a certain someone that old drama is resurfacing bc..? Like, tell me, what interesting thing did I do this time? lmao
Anywho, idk who tf did what they did girl but it’s been 3 to 4 yrs 😭 I’m not the only person you’ve tried shit w/, I can grantee that given all the ppl that have tried talking to me abt you (not enough to piss me off, it’s just funny)
Which btw, you—or whoever—have gotta stop telling others abt me or some shit bc idk how they know what happened but it certainly isn’t the right version lmao
& what’s this abt wanting to fight me, again? Or am I mishearing that? Last time you (supposedly) tried doing anything to me it was a failed attempt at getting your besties little sister to push me up the stairs LMAO
“Accidents happen” like cmon 😭
Also, you’re notorious for not being a fighter, either, otherwise you would’ve actually done something 🤷🏻‍♀️ you are, however, known for one (1) blitz attack slap fight…which isn’t something you wanna be known for lol
& I can promise you trying to get me jumped or some shit isn’t gonna work. I will shoot whoever actually tries that shit…given it would be in self-defense & I am no fighter either
Like we are in America 😭 act like it
Plus, we are adults! You aren’t just gonna go “she started it!!” & get away w/ assault & battery lol or attempted assault
Think w/ your brain & stop talking out your ass, it’s embarrassing
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lilgynt · 3 years
Tumblr media
everyday of my life i’m like how does this keep happening
#personal#EVERY TIME my moms is mean or some shit to me i’m like#hm. i will not be emotionally open bc she literally just keeps abusing me and when she doesn’t she’s just. taking her issues out on me#or my own issues clash with hers etc etc#anyway i’m like 🤨 enough the wall up is up baby#then we have a decent conversation or start joking and having fun and i’m like#i lied!!!! the walls never existed!!!!! why am i hurt now#no but explain why of all her shit i’m actually genuinely sad bc she called me selfish for liking my short hair#like i know she’ll never understand this i get it i get it#but like. she genuinely thinks every choice i make is only with the thought that i want to hurt her or piss her off#like i hate that i feel like i was born for her! like i’m HERS#stepping away feels impossible and what should be normal choices feel like a herculean effort#and everyone’s like just don’t or leave or your an adult and they’re right but like fuck man!#literally i’m like wow i have my own intrests and Preferences. i could rebel against god himself#man. now i’m just upset. n thinking about like driving and college and just generally idk#i’m crazy i’m autistic and both these facts aren’t the most fun#that came out of left field but i was having an off day before my mom but it was FINE but now i’m like :(#im just gonna clean and thank fuck i’ve finally been able to clean my sheets#ugh shes like you might as well shave ur head maam if you weren’t gonna have a mental break bc of it i would!!!!!!!!!#i took a selfie for my friends and it just makes me angry how much of her mental health hinges on my hair and how fuckable i am#i’m gonna invent time travel just so someone can rail her so i wouldn’t have been abused >:(
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