#idee stupide
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5oliloquio · 9 months ago
E se per ogni uomo esistono sette ragazze
Guarda, me le son giocate incontrandole tutte pazze
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hopelessheav · 1 year ago
se c’ho la faccia stanca è perché l’incubo continua, impazzirei se tutto riniziasse domattina
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have-you-seen-my-sanity · 8 months ago
I was wondering how would the Professor Grant roleplay go between Steven and the reader
Maybe some spanking because the reader failing in his class 😈
I love your writings btw ❤
Anony, my heart is melting!❤️🥹
Your wish is my command!
Note: I'm so goddamn sorry for the (far too) late post, work was getting in the way :(
A+ is the way it's supposed to be
Steven Grant x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut, soft dom!Steven, p in v, spanking, riding. (Lmk if I forgot some)
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You and Steven decided to do a little 'Professor Grant' roleplay at your place.
Your Professor, Mr. Grant scheduled a personal tutoring to boost your grades up. It's already afternoon, Mr. Grant would be there soon, so you cleaned up and got your stuff for the tutoring ready. Mr. Grant had given you 'homework' to get ready. Of course you were studying a little bit. But right after that you got a little lazy and decided to get the rest, or atleast some of it from replaying Assassin's Creed Origins. After all, aquiring information from playing games is far more interesting than doing it by studying, right? So you thought...
20 minutes later your doorbell rang. You straightened your clothes and headed for the door before opening, revealing ideed Mr. Grant, wearing his typical blueish jacket and vintage shirt.
"Hello. Are you prepared for our tutoring?" He greeted with a sweet smile.
You stepped aside to let him enter, "Yes, I...I did." You nodded with a slight nervousness in your tone.
Steven went to your living room, sitting down on the couch and got his bag ready. Meanwhile you got him a glass of water before joining him, sitting down next to him on the couch.
"So? Are you ready? I will ask you some questions first." He informed.
He waited for you to agree before continuing. "First question, who was the first Egyptian god?"
You paused, brows furrowing a bit as you thought about the answer. A moment after, you looked up at Steven, "A-Anubis?" you tried your luck.
Steven shook his head and gave a weak smile, "Wrong. It was Atum. Next question: Who built the Pyramids?"
Please don't say aliens, please don't say aliens...
"Humans- I mean the Egyptians." You stuttered slightly.
Steven smiled, clapping his hands together, "See? I knew you could do it! But that was an easy one."
Steven opened his bag, pulling out some exams he made, handing them to you. "I give you thirty minutes to finish. And since you must have done your homework, you'll answer atleast most of them correctly, yeah?"
The exams were kind of hard for you mostly, given how you didn't study and prepared yourself. What was the name of the bird like god again? Horus?
Which god punishes people before they even get the chance to do something bad? Must have been Osiris, right? Right?!
What animal is Ammit again??
The amount of blackouts you had was high, you were playing around with the pen in your hand, biting your lip nervously.
Soon enough your time was up and Steven collected it for a look over. You stood infront of him, nervously playing with your hands knowing you did miserably. Steven, who sat on your couch looked up at you, gently taking off his glasses, setting it down.
"Did you do your homework?" He asked calmy with the slightest hint of disappointment in his voice.
"I was trying to help myself..." You gulped.
"Help yourself? Ohh, did you play that stupid video game where you run around in Egypt as an Assassin?" Came his reply.
"Yes." You nodded embarrassed.
Steven sighed, "Y'see, as your Professor it is my job to ensure you do well. I gave you all the necessary information you needed." Steven placed a hand on your shoulder, "But if you refuse to do what you're told, I am allowed to punish you. Normally I'd give you a second chance but..." he sighed dramatically, "seeing your latest results, I'm afraid I have no other option as to punish you." Steven gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze, before his hand travelled down your back, stopping just above your butt.
"How 'bout a little spanking?" He asked softly, his hand going to your butt now to give it a squeeze. "Bend over my knee, please."
You obeyed, planting yourself on your stomach on his knees as Steven pulled your pants down just enough to reveal your panties.
"But please be gentle." You asked.
"The punishment will be reflected on your lazieness." Steven answered, smacking your ass gently. Then after a moment of silence, another spank came, this time harder, making you moan in surprise.
Steven noticed and smiled down at you, "Did you just moan?" Steven squeezed your ass again, causing you to squirm slightly.
Steven leaned down closer to you, "Don't tell me you actually like getting your ass spanked by your Professor."
Another spank, another moan-like gasp from you.
"Oh-ho, you're quite naughty, ain't ya' darling? A lazy student likes getting her naughty butt spanked by her Professor." Steven gave your buttcheek a soft pinch, making you squirm again.
Then his hand came down again, already causing his red handprint to show. This time the spank caused you to accidentally grind your hips against his thigh. In response, Steven rubbed his hand aginst the red handprint on your skin to soothe it.
"Aww, darlin' did you like that?" Steven teased, his hand suddenly going down to rub your core through your panties, already finding them wet.
"Mr. Gr--" You gasped.
"Gotta admit, seeing how you respond to this is quite arousing to say the least." Steven kept rubbing, feeling how you got wetter by every second. Steven then proceeded to slide your pants down your legs and tossing them away.
"God, you're such a naughty girl." Steven pulled your panties down, exposing your lower half to him. But then he removed his hand, making you mewl at the loss.
"I'm sorry Mr. Grant." You pouted, turning your head to look up at him.
Steven sneered, "You're sorry? Alright fine, if you promise to take your time to study from now on I will continue, you hear me?"
You nodded eagerly, "Yes sir."
"Good. Now get up and on my lap." He beckoned with his finger.
You wasted no time, getting up and straddling him.
"There's my good girl." He leaned in and kissed your forehead. Then Steven undid his pants, pulling his hard cock out. "And now ride me, show me you're not lazy."
You raised, planting your wet hole on his thick cock before slowly lowering, letting out soft moans along the way until he was sheathed inside you.
"Yeah that's it." Steven sighed in pleasure.
Steven moved his hands on your ass, squeezing them firmly as you started riding him. Your moans making his hips move.
"I thought you wanted me to do all the work." You teased.
Steven chuckled, his hips stopping "Watch it before I will make you really do all the work." He scolded teasingly.
His hips started moving upwards again, meeting yours. You threw your head back as the pace increased. Steven's grunts were easily overtoned by your needy moans. Steven felt you being so slippery down there.
"I'm starting to think you love your Professor's cock, hm?" He panted, his pace never decreasing.
"Yes." You whined, feeling your orgasm built up.
Steven felt you tightening around him, his thrusts becoming harder.
A few moments after, you couldn't handle it any longer, clamping down on him, squeezing his cock for all it's worth with a loud moan following. Steven came seconds after you, filling you up with his warm cum.
You both just sat there for a moment to catch your breaths, your head resting on his shoulder.
"That was quite intense, love." Steven broke the silence.
You giggled, "Hell yeah." You then lifted yourself off his lap to sit beside him on the couch while Steven put his now soft cock back inside his pants.
"But you should really consider becoming a Professor." You nudged him playfully.
Steven gave you a dirty look, "Don't give me ideas." He teased.
"Okay forget it, Jake and Marc would probably burn down the place after they get a headache from all the study stuff." You laughed.
Steven laughed too, "You're not wrong."
Steven spent the rest of the evening at your place, giving you tips on how to improve and tricks for best study techniques.
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bonnieeldritch · 2 months ago
Wir hatten ja schon viel 'Fake' hier ...
... Fake Fanfics, Fake MMFFs, Fake Prosa. Und mein Herzelein dachte sich: wieso keine Fake OCs? Wir hatten ja schon oft die Frage, ob wir an einem OC arbeiten, gerne was bestimmtes schreiben wollen würde, aber ich leg noch ne Schippe drauf. Denn ich habe OC Ideen (Mehrzahl 🥲), von denen ich befürchte, dass für sie einfach nie die richtige Story kommen wird. Und deren Story zu schreiben einfach nicht das ist, was ich für mich selbst als Prosa schreiben würde. Umso mehr freu ich mich jetzt, euch damit belästigen zu können. :D Dieser schmucke Gentleman hat keinen festen Namen, nur eine Menge Vibes:
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"Golden Retriever P.I. serving Himbo" sagt ja auch eigentlich schon viel aus, oder? Treudoof, anhänglich, energetisch und strebsam, vertrauenserweckend in seiner freundlichen Art und seinem Charme. Leute unterschätzen ihn - zurecht, denn neben dem gut aussehen und charmant auftreten, wirkt er manchmal ziemlich hohl. Da wär ich auch nicht misstrauisch, außer wieso so jemand eine P.I. Lizenz hat. Stellt er sich blöd? Ist er wirklich nicht so helle und hat einfach Glück in seinem Beruf? 😂 Tja, das ein Mysterium, dass P.I. und ich noch nicht gelöst haben. (but no, really, he's smart but so so stupid, das passt echt gut lol) Und ansonsten? Der gute P.I. ist Cis, Hetero und ein White Male in den 30ern bis 40ern. Gasp, Ekel, Horror. 😰 But fear not, er ist weder reich noch diskriminierend. Sein Herz trägt er auf jeden Fall am rechten Fleck. Er mag nur einfach Bros nicht als Bromance, geschweige denn als wahre Beziehung. Und er liebt of-fucking-course Frauen, was ich ihm nicht verübeln kann. Denen kann er den ganzen Tag schmachtend zuschauen, wie sie ihn böse anfunkeln, weil er echt arbeiten sollte. Hach ja. Entgegen der wilden Behauptung, dass P.I. strunzdumm sei, kann sein Gedächtnis echt aufwarten. Er vergisst nie einen ungelösten Fall und ist immer auf der Hut, doch noch neue Hinweise zu entdecken. So natürlich auch bei dem einen Fall™, wegen dem er überhaupt Private Investigator geworden ist. Was er davor gemacht hat? Keine Idee, aber dann passierte der eine Fall™ und zog ihn ins Milieu, zwang ihn zum Ermitteln und letztlich auch zum Scheitern. P.I. wird von den Geschehnissen geradezu heimgesucht und jeden Tag ist aufs neue aufmerksam, ob sich nicht doch noch eine neue Spur ergibt. Ich hab keine Idee was der eine Fall™ wirklich war, aber mir schwebt etwas in Richtung beste Freundin aus Kindheitstagen verschwunden vor. Das zeichnet jetzt vielleicht alles zusammen das Bild eines seichten Romantic Interest, deswegen leg ich schnell hinterher: P.I. ist ein Fan von stumpfer Gewalt! Er freut sich sehr über alles, was er kaputt machen darf, und er hat kein Problem damit, sich räudig zu prügeln und dabei einzustecken. 😆 #Mann oder so.
Ich glaube, die Inspiration zu P.I. ist wirklich nicht schwer zu erkennen, wenn man das Source Material denn kennt. 🤣 Ist er ein Yassified Thomas Magnum? Vielleicht. Aber er hat auch mindestens genauso viele Einstiche von Jessica Fletcher und Frank Columbo bekommen. Ich bin einfach im Herzen in diesen Serien (und klatsch die Leute mit ihrer diskriminierenden 80er Jahre Ansicht weg), und wann immer ich diese drei oder ähnliche Vintage Krimi-Serien gucke, fügt sich ein kleines Stückchen mehr von diesem OC ins große Ganze ein. 😄 Irgendwann wird P.I. fertig sein und wer weiß, vielleicht ist bis dahin ja auch eine Mitmachgeschichte oder eine Mitmachfanfiktion da, die ihn aufnehmen könnte.
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yomersapiens · 27 days ago
Lo zucchero a velo da naso e le sue conseguenze
Le notti sono più buie del solito e siamo onesti, non faccio altro che aspettare che il sole tramonti per potermi nascondere nel buio dell'inverno, al riparo, nella totale assenza di luce tipica del clima viennese. È una conseguenza della condizione dei miei occhi, l'ho detto ieri alla nuova psicologa. Mi nascondo nell'oscurità perché la luce rovina la realtà, facendomi vedere quanto tutto sia compromesso. Poi modifico la realtà con idee stupide, disegni nel cranio, che mi aiutano a sopportare tutto e faccio lo stesso con le parole, quando racconto come sto, quando faccio battute, quando mi dipingo come una persona forte, solitaria, sicura di sé. È tutto un nascondersi e modificare. Evitare di confrontarsi con la "vera" realtà. Quello che davvero penso di me e le versioni di me che detengono le altre persone e che sono tutte modificate per non poter essere ricondotte a ciò che giace sotto le coperte e che non ha voglia di parlare con nessuno, o di farsi conoscere.
Le ho detto che mi manca scrivere e che sto cercando di non farlo perché ho paura di fare male, non solo a me stesso, ma anche al buio.
Delle volte, tipo oggi, vorrei essere come il francese che becco al bar una volta ogni due giorni e che si siede vicino a me e prova a parlarmi ma non capisco niente. Lui arriva presto e ordina sempre una birra media. Oggi gli ho chiesto se questa fosse la sua colazione e lui ha detto di sì. O credo fosse un sì, chi cazzo li capisce i francesi quando parlano. Lavora tutta la notte, sta in piedi su impalcature a non so quanti metri da terra a montare enormi cartelloni pubblicitari o segnaletiche, sfidando il vento incontrollabile di queste zone. Avrà una cinquantina di anni portati decentemente, se calcoliamo le birre a colazione e il costante consumo di cocaina nel bagno del bar. Io lo so che non ha la vescica debole come me. So cosa va a fare.
Vorrei essere come lui perché delle volte, tipo oggi, iniziare a bere di prima mattina sembra davvero l'unica soluzione e invece cosa faccio? Tolgo lo zucchero dalla colazione per provare a essere più sano. Ma sarò demente. Davvero sono arrivato a quel punto della vita dove provo a migliorare? A questa età? In questa economia? Con questo governo? A chi cavolo verrebbe voglia di provare a fare meglio? Solo a un idiota.
Ed ecco che allora tolgo lo zucchero. Annuso la birra del francese. Torno in terapia per parlare di quello che pensavo d'aver risolto e che invece non era risolto manco per un cazzo. Questi anni di attesa però, tra un percorso e l'altro, mi sono serviti per identificare il vero nemico. Non è il governo o l'economia mondiale purtroppo. Nemmeno lo zucchero o il francese con il suo zucchero a velo da naso. Il problema sono tutte le versioni di me che tengo in piedi con immenso dispendio di energie per evitare di svegliare quella che vive nel buio e vorrebbe solo dormire per sempre. Quella più debole e che ho cercato di proteggere da tutto, rendendola piatta e inerme come un materasso e a cui concedo di fare innumerevoli schizzi per rallegrarsi.
Siamo sempre troppo duri con noi stessi e per fortuna io ho una dozzina di versioni diverse di me stesso qua dentro e almeno sette fanno un buon lavoro e le sostengo, sono le restanti cinque che insomma, potrebbero fare di meglio, ma gli concedo di esistere per bilanciare. Se tutto andasse bene, tutto fosse correttamente funzionante, poi come cavolo giustificherei i fallimenti? Io devo avere delle falle nel sistema. Servono della capre respiratorie (si scrive così vero?). Qualcuno a cui dare la colpa. Altrimeni finisco a prendermela con lo zucchero e sappiamo che in uno scontro alla pari vincerebbe lui, mica io. Si può fare una torta senza Matteo ma una torta senza zucchero dai, fa schifo.
Ho chiesto scusa alla psicologa per aver parlato tutto il tempo di me senza nemmeno chiederle come stava. Le ho detto che capiterà spesso, di scusarmi e di sentirmi in colpa senza nessun motivo. Ha detto che avremo modo di parlare anche di questo.
È un piccolo passo ma avere un posto dove aprirmi (oltre a Tumblr ovviamente, che ha sempre funzionato meglio della terapia) mi ha fatto sentire meglio. Ora vediamo se sarà fattibile rimuovere una alla volta una di queste coperte che mi ricopre e che rende inespugnabile il fortino che ho costruito. Anche perché qua sotto ho decorato le pareti con pitture rupestri di decente fattura che mi piacerebbe mostrare, quando sarà il momento giusto. Adesso no.
Adesso devo trovare idee per colazioni alternative senza zucchero e spiegare al francese che nel mio naso io ci infilo le dita non il suo zucchero a velo che disturberebbe solo il mio desiderio di calma e pace e piutture rupestri.
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firequeenofficial · 4 months ago
Trick or treat!
Pearl, Cleo, Gem, False and Stress often get together for drinks at the Kitty Cafe and rant about how stupid their Assigned Guys (Grian for Pearl, Joel for Gem, Iskall for False, Ren for Stress, Doc for Cleo) can be, and also to endlessly talk each other up. The Hermitgals gotta stick together, after all <3
(Bonus Avatar een want ek is 90% seker jy het geen idee oor wie ek praat nie, Katara en Suki kom gereeld by mekaar om te kla oor Aang en Sokka, en Katara moet die heel tyd vir Suki se hoe om met Sokka te deal)
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a-new-wish-6-3 · 7 months ago
The finale from a new wish was missing something.
It is understandeble that project hazel gets saved for the next season since the built up where dale actually invests into c,w is missing. The anti fairys are the perfect villain where some extra panic is missing because we know they will never actually succeed in ruling fairy world forever. So the writers introduced magic built up back as such a stakes riser. This is not working because:
1. We never saw anything that indicates death before so it is a obviouse a ratcon. Even other fairys who have no godkid never showed any built up before.
2. It makes no sense. Why would the anti fairys Kill their counterpart. Their are litterly the last enemys who would Profit from that. This makes the whole plan look stupid. And why is a built up even working if the magic is shut off from the fairys. You cant have both.
3. The faces are to stupid for such a dangerous Situation and takes away all suspence we built up. You are dying for gods sake dont make it a joke.
But what else do we expect from a blow up into confetty. It was never meant to be sirious so it is hard to show it in a diffrent light.
My Idee, simply switch into magic deplition.
The story is that hazel says, that it is stupid that all their magic only comes from the big wand considering that their are magic entitys. Wanda reviels that fairys contain some magic called live magic which is still active no Matter what. It makes Sure they stay young and immortal even if they lose their wish magic. Otherwise they would have died long ago if really all magic was gone. ( aged up, killed by something without immortality, etc this never happened in the old serie but in other shows so i was always wondering why this is the case here ) This is magic they have no excess too, only a few fairys called fea are born with extra large live magic and are able to use it. They built the fairy councel. Cosmo than says that the councel is chosen only because of that, since it means they have a better connection to magic so they should make the rules. But the councel isnt doing much with that extra magic, since if you can use your live magic you can also use up your live ( they could have helped before since they are stronger than normal fairys, but didnt because of the risk of dying by using that strenght ). This beeing the only way a fairy ( or only fea ) can die. The Lore beeing that we now know who the councel is, why they are here and why they havent done much.
Hazel asks if she can be a fea with c,w saying only really few fairys are ever born as fea and they cant change that.
Of curse in the end battle when fairys ( in Reserve magic ) fight against the powered up anti fairys it is revealed that peri is a fea. The possibility of peri dying stays but is not something the anti fairys planned on. It also gives up a better show with peri vs irep instead off a slow death. Even better the family could actually help out by conwincing every other fairy to give their reserved power to peri so he doesnt have to use his live magic anymore. ( reserve magic in a wand should be transferreble right ). Ending in a big last magic attack. After everything is over peri is announced to have to join the councel with the future problems beeing: can he stay a godfairy, stay with dev, what is his new job ( making and changing the rules ).
This is completly new. We never had such lore or the possibility of our wishes effecting someone who could than change a rule into something better, based on what he learned. Even the possibility of remembering your fairys and timmy could come back throw that. It is a true game changer and not a retcon thrown in with no long lasting story effect.
I would love seeing dev, hazel, cosmo and wanda making Probleme wishes with peri than deciding what the rules should look like. They are After all the perfect Combo for loopholes peri can fix. Peri also already called out that they should change some rules in a previouse episode.
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l-incantatrice · 1 year ago
Dopo il fatto in Sicilia di quell’uomo che ha ucciso la moglie e due figli perché convinto che fossero schiavi del demonio,in diverse trasmissioni televisive hanno parlato di quante sette,religiose e non,ci sono in Italia. Gli esperti sostengono che quelli che vengono irretiti da queste sette e dai loro santoni sono persone fragili,confuse,che stanno attraversando un momento difficile e si sentono sole. Nella setta trovano una comunità che li accoglie e dá loro sostegno. Secondo me non è sufficiente questo,alla base c’è una grande ignoranza. Tutti più o meno abbiamo attraversato periodi di difficoltà e di solitudine,ma non siamo finiti vittime di qualche setta. Io ho ascoltato in televisione i discorsi di alcuni sedicenti santoni e se fossi stata in loro presenza sarei scoppiata a ridergli in faccia per le stronzate assurde che dicevano. Purtroppo la gente che dá loro credito è di un’ignoranza spaventosa. Ed è questo che mi lascia di stucco: che nel ventunesimo secolo,con internet,la globalizzazione,la circolazione delle idee e la scolarizzazione di massa,esistano ancora persone così stupide e ignoranti
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a-lonely-dunedain · 6 months ago
I got tagged by @the-journey-was-the-point for this headcanon game! basically you just plug an OC's name into this headcanon generator and see whether or not what it spits out fits your OC(s)
first up is Tossdir I guess
"Tossdir watches my little pony"
afuyfdgahsjdghjkahsd ok how did they know the last thing I drew was an mlp/lotr thing... anyway yeah sure why not. I think he would casually enjoy it. I feel like Ethedis would be a bigger mlp fan tho, so he probably watches it because of her (a bonding activity <3). his favorite pony is Rainbow Dash btw
"Tossdir can drive"
yes and no. in a modern setting I always envisioned him with a motorcycle, so he can drive that just fine, but DO NOT let this man behind the wheel of a car
"Tossdir got hit by a bus once"
next up Ethedis
"Ethedis's least favourite subject in school was Gym."
yes, accurate. her favorite subject was Everything But Gym. she's a nerd. a scholar with noodley scholar arms. while you studied the blade she... just studied I guess. there's a reason LMs don't get sword proficiency til like level 40 lmao
"Ethedis is a cry baby."
YOU DID NOT HAVE TO COME FOR HER LIKE THAT. she only cries for good reason! the epic line just.... gives a lot of good reasons to cry :(
"Ethedis nearly drowned in a river as a child."
she was just trying to talk to the fish ok??? leave her alone
Margim is up next!
"Margim steals other peoples clothes."
hmmm probably not. I think she's the kind of person who has like 2 outfits that she wears until they can't be worn anymore, she's just piratical like that (meaning she hasn't yet learned she's allowed to have/want more than the bare basics needed to survive)
"Margim bites their nails."
I mean she probably has some sort of nervous habits, but nothing quite as obvious as nail-biting. it's the sort of thing you wouldn't easily notice. like just getting even quieter than usual or suddenly being unable to maintain eye-contact. maybe she fidgets with her hand but only when it's in her pocket so you can't see.
"Margim is afraid to close their eyes in the shower."
yeah she probably would be a bit jumpy in a shower. not only is it loud but she's also unarmed! she might get soap in her eyes this way but it's better than being ambushed!
and let's do a few for Celeair
"Celeair tackles and wrestles people to show affection."
lmao I'd like to see him try. but no fr I don't think he would even if he could, he definitely likes physical affection, but in a more gentle way, like cuddles and hand-holding and tender forehead kisses
"Celeair is in your house"
well, I am currently rotating him in my mind, so does that count as being in my house? he's not in your house tho, person reading this.
"Celeair is smart but also very stupid."
truer words have never been spoken.
annnd let's do some of my less developed OCs for funsies!
"Elwar crashed a riding lawn mower into their fence."
yeah she probably would. she would try to hide it and pretend she didn't tho
"Ciriondil cries while watching disney movies."
Ciriondil doesn't strike me as a disney adult lmao, but more broadly speaking about animated family movies in general? depends on the movie but yeah I think he would, and he wouldn't be ashamed about it either!
"Lothrandon speaks only in meme refrences."
even in a modern setting I am 100% confident this man does not know enough memes to use them in casual conversation. but I do think he would be part of online communities for outdoor hobbyists (like fishing and wilderness camping fourms) and would understand/share boomer memes from those niece communities
"Nimelloth has a pet lizard"
I have just decided that this is true and his name is Lothrandon II. Lothrandon is not aware that his wife named a lizard after him.
and oh gosh right I have to tag people now. uh I do not know who has been tagged already but here! @rohirric-hunter @aurore-parle-de-ses-idees @find-the-path @sweetearthandnorthernsky
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bluishfrog · 2 months ago
hullo have you read anxious people by Frederick Backman? I really like that book :)
I have not, but it sounds like a delightful read! Definitely putting it on my list
(Also the German title apparently is "Eine ganz dumme Idee" which means "A really stupid idea" which I personally think is absolutely awesome title)
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errantepagina69 · 10 months ago
Lorenzo Jovanotti (viva tutto)
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Sai Lorenzo, a me fa rabbia che l'immigrazione - come ahimè qualunque altra cosa qui - venga vista nell'ottica deformante degli schieramenti ideologici. Ma perchè non si può dire che è al tempo stesso una straordinaria opportunità e un grosso problema? È una straordinaria opportunità perché tutta quanta l'evoluzione si è compiuta e si compie sempre più - geneticamente, culturalmente, antropologicamente attraverso scambi, intrecci, coevoluzioni. Le comunità che si riproducono all'interno di se stesse sono le più stupide. È un grosso problema quando chi arriva qui - e chi qui c'è per nascita - si arrocca dentro le proprie identità tradizionali e rifiuta ogni espansione. Ecco perché il multiculturalismo non funziona: perché si limita a predicare tolleranza fra identità che rimangono ben distinte, ognuna attaccata alle sue radici. Mentre le proprie identità di appartenenza non dico di gettarle via, ma di viverle non come fissa dimora ma come punto di partenza. A me lo scontro di civilt�� sembra soprattutto questo, quello fra chi nel mondo connesso e globale si mette in gioco e pensa che il mutamento sia un'opportunità, e chi invece ancora di più la prospettiva di una espansione condivisa la percepisce come una minaccia e reagisce aggressivamente. Ogni anno faccio lezioni a cento studenti che vengono da trenta o quaranta posti diversi del pianeta -Corea, Portorico, Israele, Argentina, Russia - che per un anno sbarcano a Milano e progettano insieme, abitano insieme, vanno alle stesse feste, si scambiano linguaggi, esperienze, materiali, idee. Chiaro che sono giovani progettisti, e sono mediamente ricchi, dunque dell'immigrazione non hanno i disagi più pesanti. In ogni caso nessuno di loro si sente il rappresentante di una etnia, di una religione o di una cultura.
Prima uscita: Novembre 2010 Editore: ADD Editore Pagine: 479
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hungrynight · 9 months ago
Perché nella vita non mi sono dedicata al mio aspetto esteriore, ho una buona base, se mi fossi dedicata a ciò probabilmente ora non dovrei star studiando, ahhhhhh
Ps. Io non scrivo mai che sono ironica, ma in realtà lo sono, spero che quei 4 gatti che mi leggono non mi credano una rimbambita vanagloriosa. In questi post, semplicemente, rigetto tutte le mie idee stupide che affluiscono nella mia mente come un fiume in piena
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iamprchung · 1 year ago
Wow, I think I just discovered the word that describes a multitude of my writing ideas.
Schnapsidee Schnapsidee [ shnahp-see-dee ] is a German word that refers to an idea that seems genius at one moment but is actually really stupid when considered carefully. It could perfectly describe many social media posts… Schnapsidee combines the German words Schnaps (“alcoholic beverage”) and Idee (“idea”). So a Schnapsidee is literally an “alcohol idea” or an idea you have when you’ve been consuming one too many bottles of booze. If you have ever heard (or used) the phrase “hold my beer,” you probably know where this is going. Remember to drink responsibly at Oktoberfest!
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fiordilota · 1 year ago
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anaxiphilia · 1 year ago
“Troppe volte ho detto cose stupide, tu te le ricordi e non so più se mi ami o se mi odi. Quante porte ho chiuso, quanto conta quando mi hai davanti? Dove vai? Solamente idee strane, io e te su due strade come fossimo estranei, tu mi guardi e poi scappi. Io non ho più tempo e non corro e ti perdo e ti porto come il vuoto che ho dentro, qui.”
- Sorpresa, Nayt
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blackrosesnymph · 1 year ago
E pensare che vedo ora realizzate da altre persone tutte le idee e realizzati tutti i sogni che avevo a 13 anni, a quanto pare più che idee stupide e di poco valore e sogni irrealizzabili, avevo davanti vecchi rintronati e impauriti dalla vita a cui stupidamente ho dato ascolto, avendo io allo stesso tempo poca stima di me.
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