#idc why y'all are saying he's ugly
eashgirl · 27 days
I'm not going to lie, I actually love the idea that adult Foop/Irep has a punk boy esque fashion sense,looking back even as a kid he mentioned it once or twice how he loved bad boys (take that as you will),so his new outfit was definitely the way I envisioned his adult design to be like,yes even the square head,it did take a bit getting used to but he's adorable,plus it's a great contrast to Peri who dresses like a diligant rule abiding citizen ready for work then there's Irep looking like that
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If Peri can grow up to the new Tumblr sexyman then Irep is loser bbg material
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No one ever call him ugly ever again, he's so cute ,an evil little gremlin having the time of his life being better than Peri for once at something he looks so happy🥺
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lovemyromance · 1 month
Bro the thing is - I'm not even anti-Elucien.
If SJM were to do a full 180 and suddenly ACOTAR 5 is all about how Lucien comes to Velaris and actually spends time with Elain and Elain starts to slowly fall for him and they have whatever XYZ cute moments - I'd be down!
I'd read that book. I have no shame in admitting it. Smash.
If SJM were to suddenly write Elucien giving each other the time of day and finding whatever "healing" in each other - cool- that's fine - smash.
But what we have been shown of their relationship thus far in the books - I legitimately cannot ship that. There is nothing for me to root for?
"But they're fated mates"
Yeah that means jack shit to me because I'm a human woman. Why would I put value in a fictional concept over love - a very real and human concept.
Elain & Lucien - as they have been written right now - literally do not have a relationship?? Let alone a romantic one I want to root for. They ignore each other. Live apart from each other all year - seemingly without issue. Elain doesnt even want to be in the same room as him. She shrinks away from him. She has a wary look in her eyes when she looks at him. She makes sure she never sits next to to him. She doesn't use any of his gifts.
So just tell me - what am I rooting for? What about their current relationship is supposed to be worth my interest? Why would I want them together if they're like THAT? That's not a romance - that's not even acquaintances. That's a pass from me.
On top of all that, we have the introduction of a male Elain actually seems to want. They have had build up - far more than Elucien has. Azriel is constantly written on the page with Elain and vice versa. Whether it's when his shadows light up at her smile or when Elain's potato steam rises like Azriel's shadows. Like why did SJM even write that about potatoes? Nobody has EVER looked at the steam from potatoes and thought "wow it looks like shadows 🤩"
They've been explicitly tied together on page countless times, far more than Elucien has even though they're "fated mates".
Not tied together through fan-theories of cloaks and sunlight and flowers and ugly black dresses.
Canonically, Elain & Azriel's is the only romantic relationship on the page.
So everything Eluciens are rooting for - is just the hope that "one day" Elain will get over it and suddenly she and Lucien will be together. Suddenly, Lucien & Elain will have feelings for each other and be in love blah blah.
That's what bothers me. Elucien is currently not together, not interested in each other, not even around each other in any proximity.
All this debate is about current state Elriel vs pre-successful Elucien??
It's giving ... that one Jason Mendoza line in the Good Place where he says "I'm not a failed DJ... I'm pre-successful."
"It's not a dead ship - it's pre-successful!"
It's like.. let's ignore what is actually written in the text ... so we can argue about how they're not gonna work out bc XYZ reason... even though the other pairing isn't even talking to each other right now.
"All this is buildup for Elucien" how are y'all saying that if we don't have the next book yet? 😭😭 Can I then say... well your buildup is just buildup for Ultimate Elriel Engame?? Uno +4? Reverse reverse? Where does it end?
Build up - as the name implies - has to BUILD UP TO SOMETHING. How y'all saying "Elain and Lucien ignoring each other is buildup for Elucien" if there is no Elucien in sight??
I'm telling you rn - once there is an Elucien in sight - on the page - smash, idc.
But until then - I have literally no reason to doubt Elriel? So why would I consider Elucien an endgame ship if there is no endgame in sight for them on the page?
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This is why you can't have a discussion nowadays. People's narrative being "My opinion is the only opinion, Idc what you say you are wrong."
Bitch Honey, if you can't deal with someone else's opinion, maybe don't post shit in the internet for everyone to see.
You can't put up with morally dark characters who are actually morally dark and not trying to justify their actions.
Besides, the worst thing we actively see Eris do in all of the books is saying that Morrigan dresses like a slut and calling Cassian some slurs. Plus we know that he left Morrigan at the border without touching her (what was he supposed to do, take her to Beron? Srsly, use your brains people. Please.)
None of these things were nice.
But how does this in any way compare to slaughtering a whole village of people for revenge (Cassian)?
Or better yet, to leave a head on a spike in the garden of someone else for shits and giggles, be a ruler for centuries and yet not manage to stop women in your territory from being mutiliated, even though you call yourself the "most powerful High Lord to ever rule" or some shit. Or SA your apparent future wife, also just for fun because he could have left Feyre in the cell in acotar and no one would have given two shits except for Tamlin and Lucien who would have been worried for her. Stealing millenia old artifacts. Threatening to kill everyone who doesn't share your opinion, constantly and therefore jeopardizing an alliance against the main enemy. Keeping mass destruction weapons in your posession without telling anyone outside of your "family" about it. Misusing your wife and mate as a breeder and not even informing her about the fact that she will likely die in childbirth, instead leaving your sister in law to sacrifice the brunt of her own magic to safe her sister. Belittling a man dealing with heavy depression and PTSD for really no apparent reason other than your own petiness, telling him he should kill himself when he's at his lowest AFTER he saved your mates life, your life and essentially turned the tide in a war. And I could go on.
How are the narrative and part of the fandom able to find excuses for Rhysand's fucked up behaviour over and over and paint him the misunderstood hero, but Eris is evil incarnate because he did what again? Left Morrigan at the border, most likely knowing she would be found and taken care of (at the ripe age of...very much younger than her, too, mathematics say) and called Cassian a brute.
"Good to know that after five hundred years, you still dress like a slut." -Eris in acowar to Morrigan. This is him saying she dresses like a slut. Not calling her one.
I'm not trying to make excuses for Eris here. He's an asshole, I'm aware of it, and the absolute majority of his stans are aware of it. But that's about it. So if you make some post about "abusive men", and include Tamlin and Eris, then reflect on what fucked up shit your favs did. Because if saying someone dresses like a slut and leaving her lying around injured but untouched by you (when you have no responsibility for her state at all) is horrible and abusive, I'd like to know what you would call all the shit Rhysand pulled.
On the other hand, I'd like to say something about Neris shippers being racist, because I don't see how? I could honestly care less for how Cassian looks or his ethnicity, this is about him having literally no backbone and treating Nesta like shit throughout acosf when she was clearly not in a good place, mentally. If y'all wanna be degraded for having ugly trauma I can't help you. I liked Nessian in acowar, they had potential. But acosf? Nah.
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman groupchat (everyone's alive so everyone is here, it's also extremely long)
Warnings: swearing, suggestive! chaos, kinda offensive (no offensive terms used)
Desc: this is how they joined toman btw wakui texted me and said this
Takemitchy: ok everyone's here now
Mikey: yeah we added everyone
Mikey: me and Mitchy made a groupchat that'll have all of us here so that we can all be friends. you cannot leave🙂
Izana: i want to call you a homophobic slur
Ran: unprovoked?
Baji: with Takemitchy and Mikey, it's always provoked
Rindou: aren't there actual gay people that you'll offend tho. i won't let the gays be offended by this
Rindou: Takashi don't worry i'll protect you bro
Mitsuya: great
Hakkai: leave him alone Ran😐
Ran: i didn't even do anything Hakkai leave me alone 😭
Takemitchy: only peace and love here guys
Smiley: bull fucking shit
Smiley: i will cause problems intentionally you fucknut
Angry: Smiley😡
Mochi: this isn't gonna work but okay
Smiley: shave off your eyebrows and start again
Mochi: they'll just grow back the same, motherfucker😐
Smiley: you didn't do that to look cool??
Mochi: no
Smiley: what side did you get them from?
Mochi: my moms?
Mochi: why does this matter
Smiley: she must be ugly as shit, damn
Senju: naur 💀
Mochi: i'm going to be violent with you
Smiley: come at me bro
Smiley: nvm you're 6'5 and built like a gorilla
Smiley: i'll accept my loss here
Mikey: i get so happy when i see you all like this
Baji: man stfu you always saying some weird shit
Baji: you and Takemitchy are weird and i'm on to you
Baji: always talking about how "the fruit of our labour has finally flourished"
Baji: weird
Mikey: i never said that wtf😭
Kakucho: Takemitchy did, he says it a lot
Takemitchy: uh do i? it's a lyric from a song that's stuck in my head lmao
Kakucho: you always say it while crying and looking at all of us you weirdo
Izana: this is why people used to be hanged for being gay
Mikey: can u leave him alone
Izana: i don't have to listen to you, i'm older
Mikey: ok, no pupils head ass
Izana: ok, no bitches head ass
Emma: stop fighting, I'll tell Shini-nii☹️
Izana: you're such a pick me Emma oh my god
Emma: i'm not, i only needed one man to pick me😚
Draken: 🙂
Emma: 😕
Draken: ...
Emma: 😒
Draken: 😑
Draken: fine
Draken: i love you Emma, my beautiful girlfriend and future wife❤
Emma: i love you too Kennyy omg😭❤❤❤
Senju: you just forced him to say that why r u so happy 💀
Yuzuha: why am i here
Takemitchy: we need a few responsible people who r scary
Yuzuha: but...nvm
Draken: why do you have fangirls following you
Yuzuha: idk i'm just pretty great
Draken: fair
Chifuyu: i wish i had fangirls
Kazutora: you're ugly
Chifuyu: 😐
Baji: if y'all start again i'll ram a cactus down your throats
Baji: Kazutora's troubled, stop provoking him. you make eye contact for too long
Baji: you know that agitates him
Kazutora: 😋
Mikey: why r u talking about him like he's a creature or smth
Baji: to some extent he is
Kazutora: hey
Chifuyu: but Baji-san he's doing this on purpose this is so unfair 😭
Draken: Kazutora stop using the mentally ill card
Kazutora: fine, jeez😒
Senju: it's great to have friends tbh
Sanzu: don't say that, it's embarassing
Shion: i still don't believe Sanzu's a dude
Shion: he's too pretty and petite like a girl idc
Shion: like you'll have to take your dick out and show it to me for me to believe me you
Rindou: yo?
Baji: 🤨
Mikey: dude...
Hakkai: can you ever behave
Chifuyu: c'mon man
Smiley: fucking Shion man
Izana: why did you speak
Shion: aren't we all equal here
Izana: who told you that
Shion: your brother, sir
Mucho: Shion stop talking
Shion: y'all switch up rq huh😒
Rindou: everyone shut up and pay attention to me
Mitsuya: i mean this genuinly, i hate it here
Rindou: you're a hater
Mitsuya: that's what i just-
Mitsuya: 😊
Rindou: ok now that Mitsuya's done whining i need help with my stage name
Angry: for what bestie
Rindou: DJing
Hakkai: i thought i was bestie but okay 😒
Angry: you're both bestie
Rindou: i thought I was bae tho lol
Angry: um 🙁
Rindou: i was joking you're ugly
Rindou: this is why your brother has bitches and you don't
Angry: why'd u get so triggered
Angry: and we have the same face😐
Rindou: it's different
Ran: shhhhh this is getting nowhere
Rindou: but my stage name
Smiley: stfu Ran you're a homosexual
Izana: i knew it 😟
Chifuyu: it's always violence with y'all damn
Kakucho: i thought Ran was popular with the ladies
Angry: so which is it Ran? homo or hetero
Kazutora: 💀
Ran: whatever i feel that day
Ran: a hole is a hole after all
Mucho: can you not
Sanzu: 🤢
Rindou: he's lying to you he has no bitches
Rindou: all he does is sleep and do his hair
Ran: i never claimed to have bitches all i did was say i don't have a preference when it comes to gender or sex
Ran: why do people attack me for no reason i'm just sitting here being pretty
Mikey: two flamboyant bisexuals
Mikey: silly Koko and silly Ran
Koko: pls don't say that
Mikey: that you're silly?
Koko: uh, yes
Mikey: ok silly goose
Koko: 😐
Baji: i hate you all and wish i wish i was dead
Baji: i would rather stab myself to death than be here
Mikey: don't fucking say that Keisuke😐
Mikey: i don't find you funny
Mikey: why would you say that
Baji: damn chill what's wrong with you
Takemitchy: we shouldn't joke about death😐
Takemitchy: and let's remember that suicide isn't the only option
Takemitchy: there's always help❤👊
Inupi: suspicious
Senju: shut up pretty boy
Senju: you're absolutely gorgeous
Senju: that didn't come out the way i wanted it to
Inupi: ?
Sanzu: how did you want it to come out???
Kazutora: i mean he's not wrong he's so beautiful
Kazutora: not in a gay way tho like it just is what it is
Inupi: ...thank you, i guess
Kazutora: i wanna fuck him
Kazutora: idk what happened there, my bad
Chifuyu: chill out
Kazutora: you have a tiny dick
Chifuyu: 😐
Baji: Kazutora c'mon man
Baji: i'm starting to think you're the problem
Kazutora: i'm just flirting
Kazutora: in a homie typa way if ykwim
Baji: i do not
Hanma: good morning my cockroaches
Smiley: fuck you
Hanma: it's a bdsm today💘
Hanma: we should go out and have a beach day and catch jellyfish so that they can sting us and we can pee on each other to stop the pain
Hanma: who ever gets peed on first loses haha
Mitsuya: who even let you in here
Smiley: you gotta go to jail for that
Smiley: he can't keep getting away with this
Draken: wait what did he mean when he said it's a bdsm day am i the only one who's concerned
Kisaki: he thinks it means beautiful day sunny morning
Draken: oh...ok
Mikey: ain't no way
Kazutora: i'll send you a link Hanma dw bro I got you
Kisaki: don't we're in public
Hanma: ohoho this is inhumane why are they doing that🤠
Kisaki: curse you, Kazutora
Kazutora: don't kink shame
Baji: please stop watching graphic porn
Kazutora: no one wants to have sex with me what else should i do
Chifuyu: it's cause of the way you act
Kazutora: let's go outside real quick
Chifuyu: i'm sick of you let's go
Emma: they are going to kiss
Senju: it's giving enemies to loves slow burn
Baji: it's all coming together
Smiley: stop normalizing gay people🙏
Mikey: homophobes get fired from Toman
Smiley: fine
Smiley: slay or whatever the fuck ❤🧡💛💚💜👁👅👁🏳️‍🌈
Yuzuha: feels like a hatecrime tbh
Yuzuha: anyway me and Hakkai r getting on the plane so our phones r gonna be off
Hakkai: see you soon Taka-chan 😊
Mitsuya: yeah stay safe🧡
Angry: what about the rest of us 🙁
Draken: kys Shiba's
Hakkai: huh???
Yuzuha: what'd we do even
Mitsuya: Draken? why'd u say that
Draken: what did I say??
Mikey: kys=kill yourself
Draken: no???
Draken: kys=keep yourself safe
Mikey: who told him that
Smiley: 😁
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Y'know what i love making lists apperantly so here's one clearing up the misconceptions re Pjo characters and lgbt stuff/gender
Percy is NOT masculine in any way PLEASE at least not in a white way(afropunk),literally every transfem in the fandom i've met which have been a loooooot think she's an egg and a very femme one specifically.They're the ones who use Percy's actual personality and story too so they're right and they should say it
Idc about your opinion on Percabeth,Annabeth is a wlw and it dosen't need to involve Percy in any way,especially if you make jokes about her being a girl like she's actually a binary guy(if you do chances are you've never had a girlfriend)
Thalia's not a pick me,she's a 90s/2000s girl raised who's mentally and physically 15.Also has as much tgirl swag as Percy does and is probs a lesbian(Goth transbian swag specifically and all That with Reyna)
Piper is even LESS of a pick me,it's right there in the text that femininity was ruined for Piper because of racist white girl bullies and didn't have native girl friends to help her reclaim it and Rick's a pussy for not making her a brown butch queen.Do not buy into the propaganda,it's made by trans girlypop Percy haters so they're overcompensating
Nico is nobody's [insert sexual word here],he's 15 and a touchestarved trauma gay who's scared to ask for affection.Also Percy's not his type personality wise,not physical apperance wise and this is what was said in the scene that launched the trope of Percy sexually harrasing him as 'comedy' by people who've never had boyfriends and also why they think Jason and Nico were queerbait
Speaking of Jason,pretty much any orientation makes perfect sense but he's definitely a tboy,Percy literally said he looks like Superman and he was raised by a wolfwoman
Leo is not ugly or an incel,people are just racist.Also he's the other side of Percy's coin Luke stans think he is
Luke's not gay-coded and i'd argue he comes off as a chaser more than anything consider all That with Percy,Annabeth,Thalia AND Silena who's a parallel to Patrochilles with Clarisse
Butch lesbian Clarisse is not stereotyping but playing off lesbian history amd reclamation because Rick highkey made her a caricature of fat butch lesbians
Fr*zel bad,Hazel's a lesbian who's never had a good dynamic with a guy that way
Also Frank is transmasc.His arc is about being emasculated for both being chinese-canadian and his personality on it's own but reclaiming manhood for himself and Mars' blessing is straight up called testosterone in the narration
Y'all can forget about Percy fucking those old men cause she described finding old dudes not handsome at least twice lol(and one of them was Luke LOL).She's 18 and as a 23 year old who wouldn't date an old person either cause like her i pull age appropriate people instead of being desperate
And not technically Pjo but Alex is textually a transfem who hates being theythemed.Rick's intentions are irrelevant,that's a common irl transfem thing and to erase that is transmisogyny
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alliumbunny · 10 months
If I know anything it's that 2012 tmnt is both my least favorite show ever and also my second favorite show. ever.
so I watched like 4-5 more episodes of tmnt (left off at the season 3 time travel episode, y'know.. with renet aaaaaaa)
um so. I don't like renet.
not really the character itself, but like, how they, depict her. 1. her outfit, idk what it is, but i can't help but think it's fucking ugly. I kinda understand how hard it is to make 3d models of humans but omg you've done semi-good outfits before, casey has a pretty good outfit i'd say, i think, i don't look at him much, april's outfit is... okay... at least... kinda good at most, I think it can be turned into something really good with just alittle bit of change in it, but it's okay. like renet tho, idc how future she is, her outfit, ugly as sin, omg. please omg why. anyways um
2. I fucking hate, the mikey and renet romance, it feels so so so so so so so, how many so's can I put... so so so So, weird. Renet says a line, after mikey implies a first "date" that, isn't he alittle OLD for her, She hasn't even been born yet, and WOW, good point, I was mostly looking at the fact that renet looks like a fully grown adult, like 21 at least, 25 at most, I do not see that women as a teen, she acts like a teen at times, but every time I look at her and her character and what I know about her, it gets more and more unlikely for me to think she's even close to being a teen. and since Mikey is canonly at least 15 and at most 16 at this time(He's 15 in the start of season 3 but leo says that they go at least 16 years in the future so idk if there's a year inbetween tang shen dying and splinter buying(lol) the turtles, that probably is it but incase it isn't, y'know, idk) I personally think their "15" still(although depending on how many months he spent in Dimension X and how many months ago their birthday is, he might genuinely be 16 in canon, but we will never know) from how the show puts it but u can think what u want, either way, still a minor, still weird to me, I just can't get renet being an adult out of my head now that i've seen her in the show. I also just don't like how mikey acts with her tho, All the brothers are slightly similar when it comes to romance, aka... they can be kinda.. creeps, in a way. i don't like how renet kisses mikey(i think on the forehead or cheek, but I skipped that part, ngl) because they have JUST met, not kidding, they have JUST MET. another thing i hate. I hate that they JUST MET and yet they are inlove, i don't like it... i understand the love at first sight trope, it's in like half of the other romances in this show, i just fucking hate it, :) There's probably SO MUCH MORE, I fucking hate this romance aaaaa
3. I don't think there is a three, other then then those two, i think the character is kinda under welling and could've been done better, but they are pretty cool in concept, I will continue hating the writing and design of this character and will probably like them more in the fanfiction side of things. yippee.
I have to remind y'all that this is all my opinion and you should watch the show or at least those episodes before you, yourself, decide to hate renet aswell. I look into this show, WAY too much. If you like Renet, that is totally fine and very valid, you could've taken her character a completely different way than me and that is completely fine. I see nothing wrong with liking the character or the romance/love story between her and mikey, I just personally see it as a really weird choice. that doesn't mean you will see it the same way, and that is completely okay. people see things differently all the time and this is definitely going to be one of them. There's gonna be people who love renet, i'm just not one of them. Tho i wish i could like her ngl.
in the end, umm... i wanted to rant about another tmnt thing, and I did. i wrote way to much, I'm sorry if you actually read all of it, my thoughts run wild, and I am too lazy to fix any spelling mistakes </3
I will continue to ramble about tmnt another day, today, i am done watching tmnt, i got through a tiny amount a episodes and i am mentally exhausted <3
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nayruwu · 2 years
8! chapter thirteen by now.
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i wanna know more about how exactly mika came to think this way. we know he was shown human experimentation and told about the hyakuya orphanage, but i'm not sure why he would distrust yuu's friends so deeply, when they're just children caught up in it all too.
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i much prefer asuramaru's weird substance over the actual more hair looking hair he's got later. it looks less human (also his outfit in general just. mwah.)
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alright those angels in the anime looked a lot weirder and more spacey than whatever this little darling is :'D but the wings are so fluffy! and the light coming through the clouds was drawn very nicely.
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are y'all actually great actors or was the ferid-guren alliance just not properly planned at this point? i mean, only crowley was hearing them and he's gonna know everything sooner or later anyway :'D
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"y-y-you mean h-hug him!?!? b-but- i'm a girl! and h-he's a- a boy! 😳😳😳"
guren having flashbacks to when shinya was chained to him for hours to bring him back
(and WHAT is that pose. how is her spine intact)
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BYAKKO SO PRETTY (and the shading of the metal...💕)
"uh, partner-in-crime, my actual partner that you are helping me save is about to kill you please kindly step aside"
okay, so apparently byakkomaru is strong enough to kill a progenitor with just one attack. the problem's just that the plot is preventing shinya from hitting a single target which is actually SO contradictory from what we learn in catastrophe and really if you have to bend a character to the plot to fit them in you just shouldn't bring them in at all and- sorry i'll stop.
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the crusty clone men are back. yay
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1. god he looks ugly in this page. usually i just don't pay attention to that but holy shit (his uniform looks cool though, those sleeves!!)
2. he was literally the one to go "idc about those old tales that tore the families apart you're strong so come be my subordinate" but here he was introduced saying "you're trash and meaningless". but well, he introduced his brother in a similar and contradictory way so it's no surprise i guess
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i love kimizuki so much. i just know he can repair a washing machine
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actually you lost her to a six-winged chicken
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lunarfly · 4 years
Defending Harmione against some arguments Romione shippers use:
1. "Harry found Hermione boring."
Ok, I see where this is coming from. There is a scene in GoF where Harry thinks that Hermione isn't the same as Ron, and that having Hermione as his best friend would mean much more studying and much less having fun. But that doesn't mean he thought Hermione was boring, he just found studying and hanging out in the library boring, and since Hermione spent most of her time studying in the library, Harry didn't have as much fun. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE Romione but I hate it when Romione shippers use that scene as an argument against Harmione, because Ron found it just as (if not more) boring to study at the library as Harry did! So it's completely unfair.
2. "Harry found Hermione unattractive."
Firstly, people's looks and attractiveness don't determine whether you like the person or not, you don't have to think the person is stunning to fall in love with them. Secondly, Harry didn't find her unattractive, he literally says he doesn't think she's ugly. And when Hermione was at the ball, Harry found her so pretty that his jaw dropped. He didn't expect her to look that pretty, and that's a bit sad, but once he did realize it was her, his opinion on her looks kinda changed and he started to see her as an actually beautiful girl ever since.
3. "Harry is too short-tempered for Hermione."
I've seen some Romione shippers say this, and I've been shocked every time I have. In OoTP, when Harry was having a hard time, was getting upset about everything and was yelling constantly, Hermione was the one person to handle it well and calm him down. She was the one to deal with him, she was the one who understood him best, knew exactly how he was feeling. If you don't remember, you can reread OoTP, and pay more attention to those moments, it will be clear afterwards. *Quick note though, Luna was the second person who understood Harry well, and Harry didn't have trouble talking to her, which is why I admire their pure friendship. 🥺
4. "Harry and Hermione barely even talked when Ron wasn't around."
No, that's not true. The thing is, Harry spent more time with Ron, obviously, because he shared a room with him, took the same classes with him and etcetera, and he was more similar to Ron as well, so it would have been easier to talk to him about things like Quidditch and studying. But when he was with Hermione, most of the time Ron was there too, and they discussed the most important things together, they wouldn't talk about their plans without Ron, they always included each other(🥺🥺🥺). And just like that, he barely had any time without Hermione. But when he did, (ex. GoF) he DOES talked to her about anything, and Hermione had no problem understanding him. If you've noticed (reread OoTP if you haven't), whenever Harry had a problem, he always went up to Hermione to get advice. And so many Romione shippers also use the scene from The Deathly Hallows against Harmione, when they're so shocked about Ron leaving them that they can't do anything alone and don't talk. They say it's because Harry and Hermione can't get along, and they need Ron to do something together, but that's not true at all. Actually, Harry was always the bridge to Hermione and Ron, but, forgetting about that, when Ron left them, they were so sad and miserable, that they lost all confidence, sadness took over them, and Harry didn't know what to say to Hermione, as he was very bad at comforting people, but you can tell he was paying lots of attention to her. That's why they didn't talk or interact much. And if you remember, right before Ron left, there's a paragraph talking about how Harry and Hermione were the only ones talking and Ron was sitting in the background, complaining about food. Please get the facts right before you say something. <3
5. "Their relationship would be so boring."
Ok, I don't fully understand what you mean by this. If you mean it would be boring for the audience, then you're not a real fan of Hermione. If you'd rather read about her crying over Ron for your own entertainment than have her happy but "boring", you can't call yourself a real fan of her, sorry, I don't make the rules.
But, if you mean that Harry and Hermione would be bored in the relationship, then let me say something against that. If you think they wouldn't be able to have a conversation with each other, then you need to reread my point number 4. If you're saying they wouldn't be able to interact and have fun together, then you're straight up lying. They've spent their entire lives together, they grew up together, went through all of the adventures together (including Ron too of course, but Hermione was also there when Ron wasn't, but I can't blame Ron), they've literally lived together so idk how you'd expect them to be bored. If there's something Ron and Hermione could do to have fun and not be "bored" that Harry and Hermione couldn't, name it, because I'm really curious. Yes, Ron was very funny, he has made Harry and Hermione laugh a few times throughout the series (and I love him for that), but jokes aren't all it takes to keep a strong relationship.
That is all I'm going to cover for today, there's so many more reasonable arguments against them that I'll fight against in the future, but, for now, that's it. I mostly see Romione or Dr*rry shippers say these, but others say them as well. As for Drarry, it's pure toxicity, basically the LGBT version of Dr*mione. As for Romione, it's an amazing ship. I love it so much, I'll defend Ron over Draco and I won't accept Ron bashing for anything, not even for Harmione. He deserves better than Draco stans coming at him for nothing. Romione is pure, Ron would do anything for Hermione, and vice versa. And the same things happen with Harry & Hermione. That's why these ships are so similar and I love them both very very very much. <3
Also, I'm putting this post under the Romione tag because I have also defended Ron in this, and I truly love Romione, so please don't be offended by that. 🥺 As for the Dramione/Drarry tag, y'all can be offended as much as you want. IDC.
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bebekyoda · 4 years
Ragnarok (Netflix) : A Summary/Review of season 1
Okay so 5th season of Skam looks pretty dope, its Magnus Fossbakken y'all
they have THREE Skam actors and im here for it
apparently Vidar is a psychopath who has serious anger issues and can NOT keep his damn clothes on
what the fuck was that first episode eye--
Isolde didn't deserve this mistreatment
Fjor is hot.. until he wears that ugly ass jumpsuit
also he peed on Isolde's memorial so he can fuck off
he starts to grow in me like "oh so he's a good boi" but then i have flashbacks to the pee pee thing
i can only forgive him if he betrays that creep and psychos of a fAMiLy
at first i disliked Laurits but what he did at the 6th episode... we stan
im pretty sure he's Loki lmao
he's gonna be an emo icon i can feel it
also when he wore his mother's shirt.. y e s
i HATE Saxa oh my god that bitch needs to go
she's just like Vidar but has more sense
I'd like it if Fjor killed her.. please..
i don't like Turid she never listens to her children and is always thinking about herself
i don't support Gry being in a relationship with Fjor he deadass tried to kill her lmao GO KILL SAXA INSTEAD YOU DUMB FUCK
also even Fjor and Laurtis have more attraction to each other lol
honestly Ran could cut me with her cheekbones and jawline
there's no sexual or emotional tension between Isolde's dad and Turid whatsoever wtf Laurits
the dance scene.. was kinda wtf but also.. hot?? idk the way Laurits just joined Fjor and Saxa and danced like he's been practicing a choreo with them made me come up with some theories
and this theory definitely has a thing with Turid and Vidar's past
also that theory is one of the reasons why i think Laurits is probably Loki
i love the atmosphere very much it's dark and rainy
also the soundtrack.. they have M83 which is awesome
i love how it started out with Magne being dyslexic like how Rick Riordan wrote in his series, i loved reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians so i had a little nostalgia lol
the way they are defending the environment, trying to get attention to that subject is just beautiful, it's not all about the Norse mythology
also why tf they keep calling Magne fat, he's not fat
i saw someone saying "so this is the Thor we get ew" FUCK OFF
im sorry Chris Hemsworth is not here
idc what y'all say mister David Alexander Sjøholt Stakston is beautiful --talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
but his reflection on the mirror as Thor.. couldn't they at least find a wig???
he deserves better treatment i hate that the other kids are excluding him
i also hope Gry and him will be just friends i just can't picture them in a romantic relationship
omg i really like Iman bc she's befriending Magne uwu
i kinda feel like she knows.. you know?
i gotta admit the first scene was kinda cringy but okay lol
but that old lady.. damn.. creepy af
6 episodes was too short for me i need more
and i have some theories soo
thank god there's gonna be a season two
not gonna lie the whole thing feels like it's low budget but they did good on using their budget
and the whole season felt like a REALLY long pilot episode
but yea i love it i highly recommend it
btw it is slightly violent
also it's aesthetically pleasing like even if you don't like the plot you could just watch for that
k that's it i guess
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minhothebunny · 3 years
Detective Lee - Chapter Eight
(A/N: I've realized that when the pov is in the third pov, I say "she" or "her" instead of "you". For this chapter, I'll be using "you" and "your" instead, and I'd appreciate it if you tell me which you prefer!)
Ever since Felix's first time at the boba café, he's been coming in to talk to you a lot. He even asked when your working hours are, and you found that he's only ever been showing up on your workdays. At first, you didn't believe this and came to Yuta for confirmation where he told you that "he's never gotten an Australian customer".
Over the days, you and Felix have been getting much closer. You felt that it was too good to be true: a hot Aussie wanting to be around you and even walking you home every day. He did everything Eunwoo did: helps you clean, offers to take over when you're overwhelmed with too many customers, and even walks you home. For some reason, you've been a lot more comfortable around Felix than you have been around Eunwoo. You're not too sure why. Maybe it's their vibes?
A ding from your phone shook you out of your thoughts. (A/N: Lix🐥 is what you have him as, and queen😪✊ is what he has you as.)
lix🐥 oi, you awake? Read at 8:39 pm.
queen😪✊ yup
lix🐥 you better be because I'm taking you on a ramen date :P
Your heart raced at the word date and your cheeks heated up. Clearing your throat, you managed to type a quick reply.
queen😪✊ a d-date?
lix🐥 you stutter over text? idk whether to thinks that's cute or cringy-
queen😪✊ um
lix🐥 but it's you we're talking about, so it's definitely adorable ;) (A/N: ew bye I cringed)
Your eyes widened at the flirty comment. Before you could reply, though, Felix sent another text.
lix🐥 you better be ready right now
queen😪✊ right now? why now
Before you could wait for Felix to reply, you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Ahh!" You turned around to see Felix laughing.
"Felix! That's not funny! I almost got a heart attack!" He didn't reply, now on the floor with tears in his eyes.
"How did you even get in here? I didn't give you a key!"
"I didn't need one; your front door was unlocked. You know, you should start locking your front door. What if you get kidnapped, and I'm not there to save you?"
"You wouldn't be able to come in and save me if the door is locked," you deadpanned.
"I'll bust the door down with my guns."
Your eyes widened comically, "You have guns on you?"
"Mhm, every day. You wanna see them?"
Before you could say no, Felix took off his jacket, flexing his arms.
"You see these guns? Could fight five motherfuckers at once."
You facepalmed, "Guns? I don't see any guns. Besides, you wouldn't even be able to kill a spider if I asked you to."
"Hey! Are you trying to get me killed? I can kill any bug, but a spider? You've lost your mind. It'll fucking eat me." (A/N: Idc what y'all say, spiders are terrifying. Yeah, they're smaller than me but so are piranhas and other ugly bitches.)
You rolled your eyes, going into the bathroom to get changed while Felix sat on a chair near your bed. Quickly getting out, you walked towards your vanity to put on some makeup and do your hair. Right as you were about to pick up your makeup brush, Felix came up behind you, slowly back hugging you and taking the brush out of your hand.
"Nope, none of that. You're not about to cake your face; you're already gorgeous."
You blushed, looking down. Felix put his hand on your jaw, making you look up at your reflection. "You're stunning. I don't ever want to see you putting on makeup when you're going out with me. A date is about me seeing you, not the makeup. You honestly don't need it."
You were touched by his words. They seemed so genuine, and the close proximity between you two made you weak in the knees. You looked into Felix's eyes through the mirror to see his soft, loving gaze staring right back. You sat in the comfortable silence until, "Felix?" He hummed in response, not taking his eyes off you. "Can I at least put on some lip gloss?"
Laughing, he slowly let go of you. For a second, you felt sad when the warmth that was once protecting you faded away. That was until Felix turned you around, your chests pressed together. Putting his thumb and index finger underneath your chin, he lifted your face to look at him. He was so close to you you thought he was going to kiss you. Felix brought his face closer to yours, and you closed your eyes, feeling something soft against your lips. Your brows furrowed in confusion: these weren't Felix's lips. You opened your eyes to find that Felix was putting your lip gloss on for you, and you internally cursed, looking away. (A/N:🤡)
Felix chuckled, twisting the cap of the tube, "You're blushing. What did you think was going to happen," he teased.
"N-nothing," you said, still looking away.
Smiling, Felix placed both his hands on either side of your face and leaned in, pressing a quick, soft kiss to your forehead. Your eyes widened in shock, your feet stuck in place. Felix then pulled away and held your hand. "Come on! Are you just gonna stand there, or will you get moving?" You didn't reply, instead moving your head slowly to meet his eyes.
Felix giggled, dragging you out the front door and into the nearest convenience store where you ate to your heart's content, not worried about how much you were eating in front of him. _________________________ Looks like we've got a flirt on our hands ;) Writing texting scenarios are so tedious plz😭✋ somebody remind me that this is a Minho ff before I make them fuck-
Would you prefer for me to continue using "you" and "your" or do you want me to go back to "her" and "she"? All my readers so far are female, but what about enbys- if you are an enby, please comment, and I'll edit everything to be gender-neutral!
What do you guys think so far? Do you prefer Eunwoo or Felix?
This chapter was on the longer side so thank you to those that read through it all! I hope you guys like it. If you do, please vote and comment. Thank you for reading! -Nina <3
Edit: smh you were supposed to get this 6 hours ago but my dumbass brother kicked the internet router🙄
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samswinchesters · 3 years
bruhl anon: okcupid is what i’m using 😭 i have better luck with tinder but the men there are too hot. idk why but on okcupid they’re uglier and i get more people who want a third and it’s a super hot girl and her boyfriend looks like a foot. also my cousin is not the first one to get the lazer hair gone wrong. it’s apparently multiple people. there’s a married couple i’m sure hit like on me since they won’t go away when i close app but it’s two men. they’re okay looking but one guy needs a better hairstyle because what he’s got ain’t working for him.
okcupid, my silly little beloved... okay, i haven't been on tinder in a hot minute pero the tinder around my area SUCKS. nothing but duds, literally every time i go on vacation i redownload these dating apps to remind myself that there are indeed better fish in the sea. stopppp couples who have a joint acct to look for thirds are saurrr ugly idc if y'all are both hot, that shit is super tacky lmaoooo BUT i would be flattered if they asked ngl. SJDKASJLDSAJLK maybe we should offer up our services as dating app experts so people can get better matches. the way i can critique a dating profile and be like "you should say this instead of that" or "you should use this kind of photo than the one you have as your profile pic" ....i'd charge by the minute
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You know I've been on earth almost 30 years. I've been in bad situations, I'm still living life and experiencing life. When people say things like, " nobody set him up he set himself up. I guess pop smoke killer a legend." I don't know if that's a remark of saying something else or what reason.. His music is never going to fade and his presence of Pop Smoke being with us this short of amount of time. This doesn't do too much Pop but I know you will appreciate every little thing said about you. I know your listening now... I always feel your energy.
You're one in a million. Your one of a kind. I was so proud of you and so happy that you're here with us. There's more to this and it's more than you ever know, you was already loved. Who's that handsome young man right there? That's the King of New York. The face of everything. How you had your future plan in life it was so huge. Jealousy exists tho.. Hate is a very very strong word but that's not what god says in the bible. Yeah, you had the whole scene on lock. You had so many fans that genuinely fell in love with you.. I found out about you in the late May of 2020. I heard Dior Dior everywhere. I noticed LV on him and shades on his face. When I read about what happen to Big W💫💫 I said, another one left us too soon. I was sad. I was upset at that point. And I thought to myself like, what made him shoot a video in California? Why LA? At first I thought like, damn. Him, slippin?? Nah. He was set up... Why only him got murdered? And why wasn't the front door locked from the start? I'd say he got too comfortable, so who made the robbery call since he was in the shower? At 4:30am? In the AM!!? I never trusted his girl, Yummy yellow. Everybody in the gang crew, his girl everybody had something to do with it. I don't trust none of them. If they were smart enough I woulda took everybody in and charged some of them for murder and accessories. I'd charge the gunmen premeditated murder and a death sentence. Took his Rolex and chain. Sold his Rolex for $2,000. What did he die for? It was all jealousy and they hated him. Some people say this is personal and I also agree with that. You've taken away his talents. You've taken away the most talented entertaining young man to come and perform the most hottest drill beats. You've taken away what we can't see and ever see move a milestone of his career growing..... All because for money. And Jewelry. I can't phantom that he's gone so soon, why would you murder Somebody for a damn Rolex and Chain? Just why?? 'Be your own Boss. Don't let nobody run your own business and system.'
To me, as he was getting powerful everyday as he was making his way to the top of the world, they was scared of him. Because he was also getting ripped and bigger too. If you coming to rob somebody why the first thing you do is shoot and kill somebody? They couldn't even fight man to man. They rather be trigger happy than fight. To me, he coulda gave up his chain if he wanted to. He showed what y'all did to Jesus. Look what you did to Pop? Look at him now? You put him away because of Jealousy. You killed him because of fame. Idc about the gang shit, idc about gang shit again YOU KILLED HIM FOR NOTHING. For how long I been listening to Pop he said in few of his tracks, "there's niggas that will shoot you for nothing!" That's some real life shit. He don't just rap about gang shit, he raps about different things. He may be an Active gang Member, he coulda went a different route to make make ends meet. But, that was for nothing. Yes everybody had everything to do with it. Don't trust nobody. Especially when you have your own career going. Pop may not be with us anymore but his energy is still flowing and he's always going to be the King of New York.
Rip and long live Pop Smoke. I will be seeing you One day Pop. This is fatal and a mistake. This is a real mistake, they should've went not you baby. Jealousy is very very very ugly. Especially when you was only doing you, its ashame they take you from us. We were just starting to see you shine, but shinier than ever. It'd be more beautiful if you kept doing the damn thing he wanted you more than you ever be dealing with right now. And you know. You became too powerful Pop. And they got scared. You woulda been so huge, so big. You became king of New York; the face of New York. I know for a fact I woulda ran into you some where in California or in New York one day.
I could show you real. Genuine. Loyalty. Trust and only that person, If I could be that close I'm strictly here for you. Times being with you could whoah and auhh me but I'm here for you... People do and get into things for the wrong reasons. You want a real everlasting and living relationship, take my hand and I can definitely show you. I can't stand lying and cheating on somebody I only see. I was in that cold draft before. He was only going with his locals he was comfortable who he goes with. I've been hurt before, 2 years of my life. I can show you better than I can tell you.
We miss you Pop Smoke. If I met you one day, I'd only call you Poppa or Pop Locsta. You should know your best friend that you by that to being yo lover. We woulda had fun. 🙏🙏💙💙💙💙💫💫💨💨💨💨🕊🍷💙🍷🕊🍷💙🍷🕊🍷💙🍷🕊🍷💙🍷🕊🍷🍷💙🍷💫🍷🗽
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Bonten groupchat (@sxgarcube-anon)
Warnings: descriptions of violence, descriptions of depression?, orphans, mentions of death and dying, severed fingers, swearing
Mikey: does anyone know where Sanzu is
Mikey: i haven't seen him in three days
Mikey: i'm starting to smell
Koko: ?
Koko: what does that have to do with Sanzu
Mikey: he needs to bathe me
Mikey: and it'd be nice to eat
Mikey: i can't get up, i'm tired, so i can't do it myself
Ran: and Sanzu does all these things for you?
Kakucho: Mikey you can call me when you need these things
Kakucho: i'm at the supermarket right now, what do you need?
Mikey: a will to live
Kaku: ...
Mikey: i ran out of deodarant
Mikey: get me ocean breeze
Rindou: guys do you know where Sanzu is?
Rindou: i told him he was ugly and i haven't seen him in a while
Rindou: do you think i actually hurt his feelings?
Rindou: not that i care or anything, but i've tried calling him 4 times now
Rindou: anyone checked his apartment?
Mikey: someone check his car, sometimes he just passes out there
Takeomi: i'll check both
Rindou: k
Sanzu: aww
Sanzu: you guys care about me
Rindou: nvm idc anymore
Sanzu: don't be alarmed guys
Sanzu: i was kidnapped
Sanzu: but i got out!!
Sanzu: however, they cut my pinkie finger so im gonna try and get that attached
Sanzu: and my stomach feels like it's inside out
Sanzu: i think my organs are bruised
Sanzu: this is the third time i've thrown up blood
Sanzu: anyway, what's up with you guys
Ran: ??
Sanzu: to make sure Mikey was okay, duh
Sanzu: Mikey are you okay
Mikey: no
Mikey: could've told me u were kidnapped
Sanzu: they tried to call you for ransom but you didn't answer lmao
Sanzu: not that there's anything wrong with that king🙇‍♂️
Mikey: i don't pick up numbers i don't know
Mikey: perhaps i should
Mikey: sorry
Sanzu: never apologize to me, you've done nothing wrong
Rindou: dude
Koko: go get ur pinkie attached
Ran: send a picture💖
Sanzu: k
Kaku: please don't
Ran: i saw you gut someone open last night☺
Kaku: intestines don't scare me as much as severed fingers do
Kaku: i just find it creepy
Ran: you're so strange Kaku
Koko: you saying that is...
Koko: nevemind
Ran: speak up Kokonoi 😙
Koko: you're weird tbh
Koko: and your brother too
Koko: thought i'd get used to it
Rindou: my motto is "never let them know your next move"
Koko: most of the time it's just embarrassing but ok
Rindou: you side characters wouldn't understand
Takeomi: win a fight first dumbass
Ran: get over that will you??
Ran: we were like, teens
Takeomi: you were adults
Ran: oh
Ran: Rindou back me up
Rindou: uhm
Rindou: lol Takeomi your sister died
Ran: too far
Koko: wow
Kaku: why though
Kaku: why do you think that's funny :/
Rindou: ur mom
Ran: Rin you can stop now
Kaku: cause i'm an orphan?? wow so funny and original ahaha
Rindou: ur dad
Ran: Rindou!! Stop!!
Sanzu: Rindou you're not eating
Sanzu: i don't think i used that right
Koko: huh?
Sanzu: he thought he ate
Sanzu: guess you can't use it in present tense
Mikey: fuck are you talking about
Sanzu: nvm
Rindou: i just ate breakfast?
Sanzu: NVM!
Sanzu: ur too stupid to get it
Rindou: u look like an unfinished barbie doll
Sanzu: unfinished???
Sanzu: what's that supposed to mean🤨
Ran: your fights amount to nothing
Ran: please stop <3
Mikey: yeah u guys end up using actual weapons for no reason so stfu
Rindou: y'all know he's rabid, i'm just tryna protect myself
Koko: and you're not??
Kaku: yeah Rindou you do kinda act like an animal
Sanzu: HAH
Sanzu: BIRTH
Sanzu: *bitch
Rindou: you can't even insult me properly 😐
Takeomi: can u please shut up
Sanzu: omfg just turn off your hearing aids
Takeomi: i'm not that old
Ran: 👴
*Takeomi has left the chat*
Rindou: treat your older brother with respect Haruchiyo
Sanzu: he's not my brother
Sanzu: don't include yourself in matters that have nothing to do with you bitch boy
Sanzu: i'll eat your fucking lungs
Rindou: you are the biggest cunt i have ever met!
Rindou: you are intolerable!
Rindou: how can you stand to look at yourself in the mirror and stand what you see???
Ran: you see what i was talking about 🙂
Sanzu: AND YOU????
Kaku: you're both hypocrites, please stop😐
Rindou: you have such a terrible personality LMAO
Rindou: no wonder Takeomi picked Senju
Sanzu: ...
Sanzu: wow
Sanzu: k
*Sanzu has left the chat*
Mikey: why would you say that to him
Ran: you always go too far Rindou💀
Ran: even Sanzu has feelings
Ran: probably
Koko: what's up with them though?? like as siblings what went wrong
Rindou: uh
Rindou: me n Haru do this all the time tho
Rindou: we're flirting
Ran: r u joking????
Kaku: you think that's what that is?
Rindou: IS IT NOT??
Rindou: k i gotta go
*Rindou has left the chat*
Ran: young love
Ran: i suppose
Mikey: i will slaughter you all
Kaku: why????
Ran: we didn't even do anything what😭
Mikey: Kaku where are you
Mikey: i managed to get in the bath
Mikey: the faucet's too far
Mikey: best i can do
Kaku: baby steps r important
Kaku: the fact that you got out of bed is really great!
Kaku: i'll be there in a few
Mikey: get Sanzu mochi
Mochi: huh
Mikey: the pink and green ones
Mikey: i think he's sad
Mikey: not you, Mochi
Mochi: k
Kaku: alright :}
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Y'all it's time for a motherfucking story time
So I've found that when I'm very angry it helps me to write out the story so that's what the fuck I'm gonna do
Y'all don't even understand how upset and angry and confused and genuinely dumbfounded by this situation that I am I could not stop thinking about this for the last two days
So my sister has a boyfriend for the story we'll call him Eric Harris
So on this particular Friday in July 2018 my mom drops me off at my sisters house on her way to work
I'm there to babysit my one year old niece and my two year old nephew and one year old niece
So my sister left for work before I got there so now it's just me, Eric, and the kids.
So we're all sitting in the living room. My niece starts crying so I pick her up and go to the kitchen (which is connected to the living room) and start to pour her some milk
Now I don't know if this fool has said something to me or asked me something and I didn't hear him or if he's just actually insane
Get ready for this and fucking brace yourselves
This fool says my name in a kind of demanding/angry type of tone so I kind of pause and am like ???
and he deadass starts going off on a fucking rant talking bout sum "when I speak to I expect a reply stop being disrespectful you're acting so childish stop ignoring me after everything I do for your sister I don't need everybody giving me shit all the time" like snapping and the whole time I'm just standing there like
Because I for real have no fucking clue as to what in the hell hes talking about... like...at all
I have no idea what to say I'm just mad confused and like caught off guard like I have no idea what the hell is going on
So I don't reply to his rant because A. what on god green earth do you want me to say to that and because B. he ain't give enough time to reply even if I wanted to before he gets up and like stomps outside (presumably to smoke a cigarette like the disgusting dirty cant breath tar soaked lunges having ass bitch that he is) and slams the door like a 13 year old that just got grounded
So I'm sitting here still trying to process what the hell just happened
Like y'all deadass nothing like this has ever happened to me before like no ones ever just randomly snapped at me for no reason with no prior argument no build up or nothing it's literally so crazy
I had no type of problem with him and I had no idea he had any problems with me
So I have no idea how long I was just sitting there with the kids completely fucking bewildered
So I'm thinking he's gonna come back inside and like apologize or something like a normal human being.... does he? Fuck no.
He comes back inside takes his shoes off and throws throws THROWS them at the wall and throws a glass mug in the sink and is like stomping around slamming doors just acting a whole fool
Now at this point I become a little nervous a little anxious because I'm like this fool is actually insane Idk how to deal with idk what to do idk if I should talk to him or not say nothing to him like I have no idea what to do because I'm like what is he gonna do would he try to swing on me or like take the kids or something wild and on top of all that I remember that this fool has a gun somewhere in the house and idk where it is
Anyway he goes in the bathroom and gets in the shower and is purposely playing his music extra loud like the walls are shaking and y'all know he's purposely playing petty songs talking bout some miss me with that draaaaaaaama
And I'm genuinely just at a loss like I have never been before with absolutely no clue what to do so I'm tryna go through my options
I see his keys on the wall in the kitchen and I'm like I could put the kids in his car and take off but bet he'll call the cops and say I stole his car and kidnapped his kids
So I'm like I could take the kids and walk a block to the dollar tree and just stay there till he's gone but he'd lock the door and I don't got a key
I'm like should I call my mom? My mom already don't like him and I know she'll come down here and beat somebody's ass. But I don't wanna worry her if it's not a big deal and she's at work she's all the way on the other side of town and if he hears me calling her it could make him even more mad
So I go to text my sister and right before I start typing a text she just texts me "sorry" so he called her
And I'm like okay i know what ima do the neighbors are always outside chilling so I put the kids shoes on and we go outside until he leaves
He comes outside and he holds the baby for a minute and tells my nephew bye he doesn't say anything to me and I keep my head down I don't even look at him
So I'm expecting that some point during the day or the next day I might get a text or something getting an apology Do I? No.
So during the day I'm still debating telling my mom but I'm like no I'll tell her on Sunday when I go home
So my sister gets home and she's like "what the asshole say to you?"
And. I just say he was mad that I was "ignoring" him and she's like "well just tell him hi when you see him and you can say it in a sarcastic tone or whatever idc"
And she basically tells me that he called her and told her what "happened" (I doubt he told her what actually happened i mean I really don't think he called and was like yeah I just randomly screamed and cussed at your sixteen year old sister even though I'm a grown ass man)
And basically she was like "okay🤷🏻‍♀️" and he was all "that's all your gonna day?" And she was all "she doesn't have to talk to you if she doesn't want to" and then
He was just all in his feeling cause none of the family likes him
And tbh I been nice af to this fool I haven't been ignoring I haven't been arguing with him none of that I've just been chilling doing me and if he got the vibe that I was purposely ignoring him or treating him some type of way then that's honestly him projecting his own insecurities
And if he felt i was giving off those type of vibes then there's ways to express that and deal with that besides raising your voice and cursing at a 16 year old in front of your two young children
I didn't even have no type of problem with him before this but I fucking do now and he did that to himself
I have never treated him any different than I treat anybody else and I did not deserve the to be talked to the way that I was talked to by him I had done nothing to him and he had absolutely no fucking reason to disrespect me or speak to me in the tone and at the volume that he did
Like bitch I'm sorry you (a grown ass man) is so fucking hurt by a 16 year old "ignoring" you like are you serious
He always all in his feelings that people don't like nobody fucks with him everybody's mean to him blah blah blah
The problem is not nobody else casting unfair judgement the problem is not nobody else's attitude the problem is not nobody else's inability to move on from past situations
Bitch you are the problem
The problem is you and your actions
You're the reason people don't like you
You're upset because you think I don't like you? So... you... scream and yell at me... to.... make me like you? What the hell kind of sense does that make?
I was really gonna just let it go but I can not stop thinking about the situation and how fucking angry it makes me
Because I literally didn't do anything
Now I can't wait to go home and tomorrow and tell my mom because she already doesn't like Eric and when she hears about this she's gonna be livid and I hope to fuck Eric gets what the fuck he's got coming to his ugly greasy white ass and I'm already know if my stepdad didn't just back surgery and allay he would beat the fuck outta Eric and I would record that shit and send it to his mom
I told my dad today and even my dad who doesn't give a fuck about nothing was like "excuse me what" and my step mom was like "you need to pull him aside and talk about that"
And that's another thing that just doesn't make any fucking sense like zero logic Eric is mad desperate to make my mom like him and then decided to yell at and cuss at her youngest child her baby like are you fucking dumb
All I know is this motherfucker is not invited to thanksgiving or Christmas no more
I don't even wanna see his ass on saint Patrick's Day bitch
I guess I'll update y'all once I tell my mom idk I'm just like so
Cause like I deadass didn't do anything
Like idk how to feel I’m mad confused
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aishiarmoore · 4 years
Sooo unimpressed & disgusted.
Back to the bullshit with the ranting and expressing my feelings. IDGAF about structure cuz it’s my blog. soooo suck it? haha. So basically I feel like i’m in such a funk... it’s weird as shit. 
I will say i have NO romantic interest in ANY person! (mind fucking blown). IDK people just really aren’t catching my eye or vibing how I want, however I will say @ the beginning of November I said i’d focus on myself. Which i’m a fucking liar. I decided to download tinder and hinge. I like hinge b/c I get the chance to know a little about a person w/o having to swipe right, however... the men aren’t that cute or they’re BORING AS FUCK.PEOPLE ARE DEAD ASS BORING!! Like no conversation. My thing is.. if you don’t wanna talk or converse, why’d you swipe to begin with?! That doesn’t make  sense and i’m tired of being the one to ask questions CONSISTENTLY to people and people not wanna know anything about me. like GO THE FUCK AWAY. GO HOME! 
Besides the shitty people on these dumb ass apps. Said persons decided to come back into my life. First off MF got invited to come over last week , yet it was “possibly,” which I then told person to LMK. I got nothing that entire weekend. Then all of a sudden this week decided to hit me up and be like “ why you didn’t tell me to come through.” like boy?! I said LMK. I’m not going to CHASE YOU! Especially when you don’t ~like~ me. Like that’s pointless and you’re a piece of shit. Thing is.. I genuinely like him and we’re soooo much alike, YET he can’t handle me and IDC. WELP... he messages me today and says that can “possibly” come over tomorrow, right? (we all on the same page rn, yeah?) So then I was like  sure. and then he sends me this message asking me for a favor...and i’m like nigga what.. he asked me for $200... BOY. YOU HAVE ME UNADDED ON INSTAGRAM & SNAPCHAT... and prob blocked me and have the audacity to ask for money. MIND YOU. manzzz is in the military. Like wtfuck. HOWEVERRR I am VERYYYYYY selfless and understanding that sometimes people go through things... so I offered $75. In the midst of all that, he basically was like yeah i’l come through and that he may forget to get the $$ back tome. Like boy. IRDC. I just rather him gone. my  thing is.. DO YOU NOT HAVE HOES THAT YOU TALK TO EVERYDAY? YET YOU ASKED ME... WHO DOESN’T LIVE BY U , WHO YOU DON’T SPEAK TO. Thats... what you call using someone. HOWEVER. KARMA is aback and will be back around. SO IDC. I’m just sooo fucking irritated by that.. Like.... this needed to be typed out. ANYWAY...
I’m alsoooo in my feels like I said and I think i’m bi-curious , y'all. LEGIT. Like I think I want to try things out with different (or one) woman. Never have, but I think it would be fun because we’d be similar and could prob read body language and cues better. However so unsure what’s my type  (in terms of women) but i have download the “HER” app and these girls are ugly and can’t take photos so idk wtf... lol. So I guess i’ll give updates on this bi-curious stage i’m in. I really don't know. 
Besides that, I kind of don’t want a person cuz they suck and don’t understand me and I DON’T WANNA EXPLAIN TO PEOPLE. Yikes.. I think I need a chill pill, or something. I’m just sooo? IDFK. Help me out, man... 
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chenlays · 7 years
I request a scenario where you, sam/foot/weeb, get to marry the love of ur life chenle
thank u for discussing this w me I’m gonna cry r u ready for this NOBODY ASKED BUT IM GIVING
• y'all know I love my bby chenle right ?? • ok so I’m on my phone doing this I’m h u Rt• but aNYWAYS • I would marry him like 59 times and ?? I’d still be happy that’s good• ok so just he’s rly cute and I’d buy lots of cats and just bury him in kitties and I would cry actual tears of joy that’s a pile of amazing• and ?? Like y Es I would totally be up 4 going out to get sweets at like 2am and just sitting out at night and eating them and talking about life• also oHMY g o d I love breakfast u know just pls I’ll make u breakfast every morning with ur fav even if I have to wake up at 4am or travel 5 miles by walking BYE • I’m probs the most annoying person ever and I’ll just literally shower him in love and just literally every 5 minutes ask him if he’s ok• also I am rly affectionate just l o v e me and keep me warm pls I’m cold all the time• I’m also that cliche bich that takes sweaters and hides them in a secret closet (´ー`)• this is fun• look chenle bby pls if ur ever sad I will cry too and just h u g the pain away and love u okay• also protec u with my life• I’ll buy cute lil cat pajamas for u bby I love u• I’m actually sobbing why did u sarcastically ask this radish• my dream is to actually live in Iceland but I will sacrifice for him• like sure we can live in china if u want idc• also I just wanna b a veterinarian • u know how many cute lil animals I’d have omGG• just havin like 28 parakeets and they’re all just o u t and he’s runnin n screaming everywhere SO CU TE• also stress• but I mean I love him with all my heart like,,,yes release the keets if it makes u happy• ice cream like once a week tho pls• I want that to be my religion• J U ST eatin ice cream n walkin around to look at stuff and just BUying everything • also pls,,,gimme ur nose it’s rly cute bby• u guys I’m tearing up the more I think about him the more love I feel• he just too cute• id probs pay him for a bunch of solos (╹◡╹)♡• wakin up to hear him screeching chewing gum I AM A L I VE• als o just constantly me having to stay away once a week to silently sob• y'all He is p e r fect • “uhm why do u have 600 pictures of an Asian guy with u all the time”• “yeah sorry gtg something came up”• OMG • I literally am so fascinated with spiders• and he’s scared of them aw babs that’s cute• if u see a tiny jumping spider to a huge as fuk tarantula gET ME!!!• the cutest thing ever would just be him SCREECHING because I’m holding a tiny lil spider in my hand just crawling everywhere • can I mention cats again• I am a strong believer in cats soothing your heart and protecting you from heart problems• literally I will spend 10mil to make a cat a service cat for him 🙃• like,,,,if ur scared here’s a cute kitty to purr n make u smile• also endless supply of love from me I’m full of it• I never stop feeling love this is a fact• I am also a good listener and 99.9% reliable with secrets• u ate marks fav cookie??? Don’t worry hun I’ll never tell• also I will literally b rich if I’m a veterinarian so I’m going to a new country every other month• forcibly pushin out that home• pls,,,come to Russia with me I can speak Russian bb • honestly when I’m 25 what can’t I do• I WANT GIANT PUPPERS OMG THEYRE LIKE THE SIZE OF ME NOW• c. Henle riding on a giant Caucasian ovcharka just scremaign and being happy that’s so fukin cu t e• literally take my s o u l I love u• this is re a l LY long I’ll edit it tomorrow I G• but also just I wanna pinch his cheeks and sMOOSH them together and make him happy that’s so wonderful • lele with smooshed cheeks ::))• also like 4993020 lil cheek smooches FUC• I shed a tear I would be so s h y tbh I don’t act like it• I’d probs be that person who has to ask for a hug• I see so many people talking about backhugs for chenle and I would love lt that’s so adorable• also I wanna be bigger than him • like taller ig ??• I like to be big spoon !! Fun fact • I like to snuggle up to ppl rather than snuggle into them• kitty cuddles aw• pls I like to play with hair and snuggle and just squeeze occasionally it’s so sweet• also literally a separate drawer for cat socks • probably just buying like 500 presents for Christmas just for him u know• also that birthday• pls lemme just drag u around lil cute shops and buy u literally anything u want• just luv me and hug me n hold my hand I will be 1056% content• oh I’m crying??? Didn’t notice I was too busy lookin at u smile• ommmmmm I would definitely go to roller coasters with him just for that cute squeal• not if he’s scared• I’ll protect u bby ily• I’ll protect from everything • I can’t fight tho I’ll learn for u• I actually have 37 wallets with just pics I show to people • I don’t like a lot of pda just hold m Y hand thx ❤️• literally I hope I have like 50 succulents just at my job • omg what if he sent cute lil notes in my pocket or food just to say “I hope ur day is amazing!! ily!!”• if that happened • “hey there did u know I am in love wit h zhong chenle”• radish I’ll b at ur house w hyuck a lot just to talk abt happiness• BOY DO I HAVE SOME SOFT STUFF FOR U• frick omg cuteness!!! sittin outside in the middle of fall with kitty print scarves and cute gloves and fluffy sweaters and just sitting in the dark and cuddling to stay warm • just out to look at the stars• silence is so beautiful and that silence is amazing • or “cloud” gazing• his imagination would be so adorable• comin home to literally 60 pillows in every room• “uh bb what’s this??”• “pls shush n stop being mEAN I didn’t know what to DO”• omgmgm im so sappy I’d send cute short letters to him all the time • if I got them back I’d s c r e a m• eating a samich or smth and reading it and just almost suffocating • also I’m sleepy af rn and it reminds me• I love laying on laps or having ppl laying on my lap so I can play with hair• pls let me nap on ur lap and just literally encase myself in my big af pink rainbow sweater  • it covers everything but my legs• I would be so warm w him I’m sobbing• huggin me while I’m nap on the lap• I am so soft for this• sending selcas every few hours just because• literally no I won’t send my ugly• but sweetie pls send all of urs I will s OB and frame literally all of them• more lap naps• just gimme hugs and lemme smooch ur nose and cry myself into a nap on ur lap  • I’m really tired • I can’t think anymore and I’m so soft right now• so here’s the hcs about the marriage id want with the bby I can’t have that nobody asked for•my e yes•ok sorry ily• i also love u radish sm❤️• n chenle babs, bby, sweetie, hun,,,I’m literally cryin for u 💚
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