#icona del West
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Buffalo Bill: Il leggendario volto del selvaggio West. Un’icona americana tra spettacolo e avventura.
Buffalo Bill, nome d’arte di William Frederick Cody (1846-1917), è una figura leggendaria nella storia americana.
Buffalo Bill, nome d’arte di William Frederick Cody (1846-1917), è una figura leggendaria nella storia americana. Conosciuto come esploratore, cacciatore di bisonti e showman, divenne un simbolo del Selvaggio West, incarnando lo spirito avventuroso e pionieristico degli Stati Uniti del XIX secolo. La vita di William Cody: un’avventura straordinaria. Buffalo Bill nacque a Le Claire, nell’Iowa, e…
#Alessandria today#avventura americana#avventura western#bisonti#bisonti americani#Buffalo Bill#Calamity Jane#cavalcate western#cinema western#Cowboy#Cultura americana#cultura del West#Cultura Popolare#eredità di Buffalo Bill. SEO Title: Buffalo Bill: l’icona del Selvaggio West tra spettacolo e leggenda. SEO Description: Scopri la vita stra#esploratore#esplorazione e avventura#Google News#icona del West#immagine romantica del West#italianewsmedia.com#l’uomo che ha portato il fascino del Selvaggio West nel mondo con il suo leggendario Wild West Show.#leggenda del West#mito americano#musei western#Personaggi storici#Pier Carlo Lava#pioniere americano#Pony Express#regina Vittoria#selvaggio West
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" Nel novembre 1972, Oriana Fallaci riuscì a intervistare Henry Kissinger, che gestiva i destini dell’America in Vietnam. Kissinger si dipinse come «il cowboy che guida la carovana, che entra tutto solo nella città. Come nei western». «Agli americani ciò piace immensamente» aggiunse. Il paragone era ciò che la Fallaci aspettava per trovare una conferma al ritratto di uomo vanitoso che s’era fatto dell’allora potentissimo assistente agli affari esteri di Nixon. Così lei, insistendo sull’argomento, nella domanda successiva completò astutamente l’identikit, accostando Kissinger all’attore Henry Fonda, icona dell’eroe disarmato pronto a menar botte per onesti ideali. E lui lusingato riprese: «Esser solo ha sempre fatto parte del mio stile».
Un’apoteosi. Pubblicata su «L’Europeo», e poi ripresa per intero da numerosi giornali americani, l’intervista creò a Washington un putiferio. Kissinger, che dopo il successo della «diplomazia del ping-pong» con la Cina godeva di una stampa generosa, fu definito un presuntuoso pronto a oscurare Nixon. E la satira dell’uomo con cappellaccio e speroni invase i giornali. Finì per smentire quelle dichiarazioni che gli procurarono un paio di settimane di gelo nei rapporti col presidente: «Non mi sono paragonato a un cowboy solitario, Miss Fallaci ha distorto il mio pensiero: come ho fatto ad accettare quell’intervista, non lo so. È stata la cosa più stupida della mia vita!». La reazione di Oriana fu in tipico Fallaci style. Mandò a Kissinger un lunghissimo e furente telegramma in cui considerava la smentita un insulto alla sua onestà e alla sua professionalità. «Chiunque può ascoltare la registrazione dell’incontro!». La lite è rimasta come uno degli episodi più gustosi nella letteratura delle interviste che la Fallaci ha fatto ai potenti della Terra. Al pari del clamoroso gesto davanti a Khomeini, quando, per reazione al giudizio che l’imam aveva delle donne, si levò il chador. Chi aveva ragione tra Oriana e il cowboy Kissinger? A un anno dalla morte [di Oriana Fallaci], il «Corriere della Sera» ha ritrovato il nastro dell’intervista. Lo custodisce François Pelou, il giornalista della France Presse che fu legato sentimentalmente a Oriana in quegli anni. Il verdetto del dialogo dà sostanzialmente ragione alla Fallaci. Le parole di Kissinger sono più scarne di quanto fu pubblicato da «L’Europeo» e successivamente nel libro Intervista con la storia. Inoltre il politico americano non pronuncia la parola “cowboy”. Ma si definisce effettivamente il condottiero solitario nel Far West: il nocciolo c’è. "
Brano tratto dall'articolo di Alessandro Cannavò «Fallaci contro Kissinger: aveva ragione lei» pubblicato sul «Corriere della Sera» il 10 settembre 2007, ad un anno dalla morte della giornalista.
#Henry Kissinger#Heinz Alfred Kissinger#guerrafondai#citazioni#Oriana Fallaci#giornalismo#giornalisti#Alessandro Cannavò#Corriere della Sera#Storia del '900#XX secolo#Richard Nixon#guerra del Vietnam#crimini contro l'umanità#sionismo#sionisti#relazioni internazionali#Medio Oriente#Palestina#Palestinesi#prepotenza#vietnamizzazione#guerra fredda#anni settanta#tracotanza#imperialismo americano#Stati Uniti d'America#verità#USA#testimonianze
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Addio a Timothy West, icona del teatro inglese: l’attore si è spento a 90 anni
[[{“value”:” Si è spento a 90 anni Timothy West, attore inglese di straordinario talento, amato dal pubblico per… L’articolo Addio a Timothy West, icona del teatro inglese: l’attore si è spento a 90 anni proviene da Notizie 24 ore. “}]] Read More [[{“value”:”Si è spento a 90 anni Timothy West, attore inglese di straordinario talento, amato dal pubblico per… L’articolo Addio a Timothy West,…
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Fear of Mu21c - the top 261
This is the conclusion to #FearOfMu21c, a crowdsourced attempt to find the most popular singles of the 21st century. An index post explains further.
108 people put in their lists of singles, awarding 10 points to all of them, 11 points to the top five, and 12 points to the favourite. Contest runner Arron has wrangled these together, broken ties, and compiled a full chart. It's below the cut.
Hear it all! Spotify playlists of the top 250 in chronological order by release date... and the top 50 in countdown order
266 pts 1 - 1 thing - Amerie
223 pts 2 - Paper planes - MIA
215 pts 3 - Hey ya! - Outkast
212 pts 4 - Can't get you out of my head - Kylie Minogue
198 pts 5 - Biology - Girls Aloud
194 pts 6 - Crazy in love - Beyoncé ft Jay-Z
188 pts 7 - 212 - Azealia Banks ft Lazy Jay
186 pts 8 - Dancing on my own - Robyn
176 pts 9 - Back to black - Amy Winehouse
175 pts 10 - Umbrella - Rhianna ft Jay-Z 11 - Freak like me - Sugababes
154 pts 12 - Video games - Lana Del Rey
150 pts [inc 10 in bonuses] 13 - BOB (Bombs over Baghdad) - Outkast
143 pts 14 - Get ur freak on - Missy Elliott 15 - Overload - Sugababes
142 pts 16 - Take me out - Franz Ferdinand
137 pts 17 - Hurt - Johnny Cash 18 - Bad romance - Lady Gaga
133 pts 19 - All my friends - LCD Soundsystem
132 pts 20 - Feel good inc - Gorillaz
131 pts 21 - Since I met you - The Avalanches 22 - The fear - Lily Allen
124 pts 23 - Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 24 - We live here - Bob Vylan
121 pts 25 - I bet you look good on the dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys
120 pts 26 - Toxic - Britney Spears
114 pts 27 - One more time - Daft Punk
113 pts 28 - Mr brightside - The Killers 29 - Destroy everything you touch - Ladytron
112 pts 30 - Time to pretend - MGMT 31 - Do you realize?? - The Flaming Lips
110 pts 32 - Stan - Eminem 33 - Call me maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
106 pts 34 - Crystal - New Order
105 pts 35 - Christine / Tilted - Christine and the Queens
102 pts 36 - Pure shores - All Saints
101 pts 37 - Roscoe - Midlake 38 - Tightrope - Janelle Monaé
100 pts 39 - Blank space - Taylor Swift 40 - Chaise longue - Wet Leg 41 - Song 4 Mutya (out of control) - Groove Armada
94 pts 42 - With every heartbeat - Robyn
93 pts 43 - Fell in love with a girl - The White Stripes
92 pts 44 - Make me feel - Janelle Monáe 45 - Crazy - Gnarls Barkley 46 - Witness (1 hope) - Roots Manuva
91 pts 47 - Ms Jackson - Outkast 48 - Theme from sparta f c #2 - The Fall
90 pts 49 - My girls - Animal Collective 50 - Chewing gum - Annie 51 - Milkshake - Kelis
83 pts 52 - Archie, marry me - Alvvays 53 - Blackstar - David Bowie
82 pts 54 - Bad guy - Billie Eilish 55 - Where are we now? - David Bowie 56 - Seven nation army - The White Stripes 57 - King kunta - Kendrick Lamar 58 - Wildfires - Sault
81 pts 59 - Blinding lights - The Weekend 60 - The rat - The Walkmen
80 pts 61 - Green light - Lorde 62 - Somebody that I used to know - Gotye ft Kimbra 63 - Galvanize - The Chemical Brothers ft Q-Tip 64 - Pagan poetry - Björk 65 - This hell - Ria Lina 66 - I don't feel like dancing - Scissor Sisters 67 - Blind - Hercules and Love Affair
73 pts 68 - Alright - Kendrick Lamar
72 pts 69 - You want it darker - Leonard Cohen 70 - Heartbeats - The Knife 71 - Seasons (waiting on you) - Future Islands 72 - Losing my edge - LCD Soundsystem
71 pts 73 - Uptown funk - Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars 74 - You are the generation that bought more shoes and you get what you deserve - Johnny Boy 75 - Sunrise - Pulp 76 - I love it - Icona Pop ft Charli XCX
70 pts 77 - American boy - Estelle ft Kayne West 78 - Out of time - Blur 79 - Boys in the better land - Fontaines Dc 80 - Portions for foxes - Rilo Kiley 81 - Work it - Missy Elliott
66 pts 82 - Come on, let's go - Broadcast
64 pts 83 - Everything is embarrassing - Sky Ferreira
62 pts 84 - House of jealous lovers - The Rapture 85 - The look - Metronomy
61 pts 86 - No one knows - Queens of the Stone Age 87 - Get lucky - Daft Punk ft Pharell Williams and Nile Rodgers 88 - Royals - Lorde 89 - Burn the witch - Radiohead 90 - The show - Girls Aloud 91 - Hung up - Madonna 92 - Bulletproof - La Roux 93 - Standing in the way of control - The Gossip 94 - Silent shout - The Knife
60 pts 95 - Last nite - The Strokes 96 - Wolf like me - TV on the Radio 97 - Dog days are over - Florence and the Machine 98 - Family affair - Mary J Blige 99 - Cranes in the sky - Solange 100 - Strict machine - Goldfrapp 101 - Rolling in the deep - Adele 102 - Zero - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 103 - Slow - Kylie Minogue 104 - The mother we share - Chvrches 105 - Say it right - Nelly Furtado 106 - Digital love - Daft Punk 107 - Someone great - LCD Soundsystem 108 - That's not my name / Great DJ - The Ting Tings 109 - Hope there's someone - Antony and the Johnsons 110 - Wet dream - Wet Leg
54 pts 111 - I know a place - Muna
53 pts 112 - French navy - Camera Obscura 113 - I do this all the time - Self Esteem
52 pts 114 - Harder than you think - Public Enemy 115 - King of the mountain - Kate Bush 116 - There there - Radiohead 117 - Anti-hero - Taylor Swift 118 - Good fortune - P J Harvey 119 - The wire - Haim 120 - Int'l players anthem (I choose you) - UGK ft Outkast
51 pts 121 - There goes the fear - Doves 122 - Up with people - Lambchop 123 - The words that maketh murder - P J Harvey 124 - Emerge - Fischerspooner 125 - Shake it off - Taylor Swift 126 - Empire state of mind - Jay-Z ft Alicia Keys 127 - Two months off - Underworld 128 - One day like this - Elbow 129 - You ain't the problem - Michael Kiwanuka 130 - Love is a losing game - Amy Winehouse 131 - Mariners apartment complex - Lana Del Rey 132 - Myth - Beach House 133 - This is america - Childish Gambino 134 - Some girls - Rachel Stevens 135 - Lloyd I'm ready to be heartbroken - Camera Obscura 136 - Move your feet - Junior Senior 137 - Husbands - Savages
50 pts 138 - We found love - Rihanna ft Calvin Harris 139 - Damn, dis-moi (girlfriend) - Christine and the Queens ft Dâm-Funk 140 - Groovejet (if this ain't love) - Spiller ft Sophie Ellis Bextor 141 - Chandelier - Sia 142 - Levitating - Dua Lipa 143 - Don't start now - Dua Lipa 144 - Go! - Public Service Broadcasting 145 - About you now - Sugababes 146 - Since u been gone - Kelly Clarkson 147 - Heads will roll - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 148 - Slow life - Super Furry Animals 149 - Bootylicious - Destiny's Child 150 - This is the life - Amy MacDonald 151 - Welcome to the black parade - My Chemical Romance 152 - Pretty pimpin - Kurt Vile 153 - Go - The Chemical Brothers ft Q-Tip 154 - Days like these - Low 155 - Party hard - Andrew Wk 156 - The turning of our bones - Arab Strap 157 - Bohemian like you - Dandy Warhols 158 - Pumped up kicks - Foster the People 159 - We the people… - A Tribe Called Quest 160 - Take me to church - Hozier 161 - Williams' blood - Grace Jones 162 - Geraldine - Glasvegas
44 pts 163 - The girl and the robot - Röyksopp ft Robyn
43 pts 164 - Remember where you are - Jessie Ware 165 - Chaeri - Magdalena Bay
42 pts 166 - Evil - Interpol 167 - Hoppipolla - Sigur Rós 168 - Reflektor - Arcade Fire ft David Bowie 169 - Neighbourhood #2 (Laika) - Arcade Fire 170 - Midnight city - M83 171 - Coles corner - Richard Hawley 172 - Miami - Baxter Drury 173 - Heartbeat - Annie 174 - The modern age ep - The Strokes 175 - Lose yourself - Eminem 176 - Call the shots - Girls Aloud 177 - PDA - Interpol 178 - Loud places - Jamie xx ft Romy 179 - Don't shut me down - ABBA
41 pts 180 - Oblivion - Grimes 181 - Bloodbuzz Ohio - The National 182 - Düsseldorf - Teleman 183 - Such Great Heights - The Postal Service 184 - Precious - Depeche Mode 185 - I'm a cuckoo - Belle & Sebastian 186 - Somewhere only we know - Keane 187 - The rip - Portishead 188 - New rules - Dua Lipa 189 - Bring me to life - Evanescence 190 - Hard to explain - The Strokes 191 - Someone like you - Adele 192 - Star roving - Slowdive 193 - Lonely boy - The Black Keys 194 - Obstacle 1 - Interpol 195 - Not in love - Crystal Castles ft Robert Smith 196 - In for the kill - La Roux 197 - Queen of hearts - Fucked Up 198 - Stuck between stations - The Hold Steady 199 - Burn baby burn - Ash
40 pts 200 - Push the button - Sugababes 201 - Try again - Aaliyah 202 - Danny Nedelko - Idles 203 - Close your eyes (and count to fuck) - Run the Jewels ft Zack de la Rocha 204 - More than a woman - Aaliyah 205 - Feel good hit of the summer - Queens of the Stone Age 206 - Pyramid song - Radiohead 207 - Head home - Midlake 208 - Telephone - Lady Gaga ft Beyoncé 209 - Like I used to - Sharon van Etten and Angel Olsen 210 - Over and over - Hot Chip 211 - Into you - Ariana Grande 212 - Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo 213 - Archangel - Burial 214 - Emmylou - First Aid Kit 215 - Motion sickness - Phoebe Bridgers 216 - 99 problems - Jay-Z 217 - Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz 218 - Sea within a sea - The Horrors 219 - 1901 - Phoenix 220 - I follow rivers - Lykke Li 221 - Whenever wherever - Shakira 222 - Fake empire - The National 223 - Sprawl II (mountains beyond mountains) - Arcade Fire 224 - Frontier psychiatrist - The Avalanches 225 - Danger! high voltage - Electric Six 226 - Ladyflash - The Go! Team 227 - Katy on a mission - Katy B 228 - GMF - John Grant with Sinéad O'Connor 229 - Kids - MGMT 230 - You know I'm no good - Amy Winehouse 231 - I luv u - Dizzee Rascal 232 - Beautiful day - U2 233 - Mykonos - Fleet Foxes 234 - Lazy - X-press 2 ft David Byrne 235 - Club foot - Kasabian 236 - Fallin' - Alicia Keys 237 - Greatest hits - Jockstrap 238 - Remedy - Little Boots 239 - I believe in a thing called love - The Darkness 240 - Lies - Chvrches 241 - Leave the door open - Silk Sonic 242 - Reagan - Killer Mike 243 - Shut up kiss me - Angel Olsen 244 - Round and round / Mistaken wedding - Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti 245 - Glue - Bicep 246 - Black magic - Little Mix 247 - Hade - Charisma.com 248 - My heart is a drummer - Allo Darlin' 249 - One-armed scissor - At The Drive In 250 - Feel it still - Portugal, The Man 251 - Kryptonite - Three Doors Down
34 pts 252 - Irish blood english heart - Morrissey
33 pts 253 - Whole again - Atomic Kitten 254 - Feel you - Julia Holter
32 pts 255 - It's a hit - Rilo Kiley 256 - Papillion - Editors 257 - Summertime sadness - Lana Del Rey 258 - Everybody's changing - Keane
31 pts 259 - The middle - Jimmy Eat World 260 - Somebody told me - The Killers 261 - Editors - Munich
Performers getting at least 250 points in total were:
JAY-Z 552 pts/4 in the chart
ROBYN 465/3
M.I.A. 333/1
AMERIE 286/1
(Yes, this includes nominations that didn't make the published chart.)
#FearOfMu21c was part of "Music Twttr", an accumulation of mostly-British mostly-middle-aged mostly-male posters. It reflects a particular cultural bias: primarily The Sort Of Tune They'll Play on BBC 6 Music. Almost nothing not in English, very little folk and country and roots music.
I ended up with 17 votes counting to the top 261, 16 to the top 250. This is as much as would be expected by sheer chance.
#fear of mu21c#fearofmu21c#Fear Of Mu21c#Fear Of Music#pop music#21st century#the only chart that counts
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Debate your mother
1. Uffie- pop the Glock
2. Nicki Minaj - super bass
3. Jeremih - oui
4. Laurel Halo - years
5. Kelela - rewind
6. Sunny Sweeney - from a table away
7. Miley Cyrus - space boots
8. Black eyed peas - meet me halfway
9. Hyuna- bubble pop
10. Winter Gordon - dirty talk
11. Lady antebellum - need you now
12. Shady - Go in
13. Taylor Swift - the archer
14. Ciara - ride
15. Fifth harmony - work from home
16. Nav- myself
17. Xxyyxx - about you
18. Travis Scott - sicko mode
19. Yung lean - ginseng strip 2002
20. Brianna Perry - Marilyn Monroe
21. Katy b - Katy ona. Mission
22. Maggie Rogers - on + off
23. Saweetie - my type
24. Picture plane - goth star
25. Charli XCX - Gone
26. Lorde - Ribs
27. Juice Wrld - lucid dreams
28. Lady Gaga - Judas
29. Selena Gomez - bad liar
30. Rick Ross - BMF
31. Migos - motorsport
32. Best coast - boyfriend
33. Clairo - bags
34. Anna Meredith - nautilus
35. DVSN - too deep
36. Teen suicide - salvia Plath
37. Skrillex - bangarang
38. IloveFriday - Mia khalifa
39. Young MA - ooouu
40. 21 savage - ocean drive
41. FEMM - fuck boys get money
42. Kreayshawn - Gucci Gucci
43. Jazmine Sullivan - mascara
44. Becky G - shower
45. Troye Sivan - bloom
46. SZA - drew veeeymore
47. Yves rumor - licking an orchid
48. Hyetal- Phoenix
49. DJ Dodger stadium - love songs
50. SIA - Chandelier
51. Nadia Oh - taking over the dance floor
52. Jennifer Lopez - on the floor
53. Rebecca black - Friday
54. Gil Scott heron - New York is killing me
55. Grimes - oblivion
56. Beyonce - formation
57. The knife - full of fire
58. NERO - promises
59. Nicki Minaj - starships
60. M.I.A. - xxxo
61. Kero kero bonito - only acting
62. Xxxtentacion - look at me!
63. Tove Lo - habits stay high
64. oOoOO - hearts
65. Rihanna - love on the brain
66. Jam city - the courts
67. Taylor Swift - we are never ever getting back together
68. Salem - king night
69. Azealia banks - Anna wintour
70. Lana Del Rey - the greatest
71. Maren Morris- 80s Mercedes
72. AG Cook - keri baby
73. The Dream - Yamaha
74. Travis Scott - antidote
75. Bladee - be nice 2 me
76. Icona pop - I love it
77. Ciara - bodyparty
78. Sky Ferreira- everything is embarrassing
79. Charli XCX - vroom vroom
80. Dej Loaf - try me
81. April - oh! My mistake
82. Drake - hotline bling
83. Yemi alade - Johnny
84. Madonna - god control
85. Playboi Carti - lean 4 real
86. Nicki Minaj - black barbies
87. Kane brown - heaven
88. George clanton- slide
89. Elle king - exes and ohs
90. Selena Gomez - good for you
91. Cigarettes after sex - each time you fal in love
92. Moses sumney- don’t bother calling
93. Waka flocka flame - hard in da paint
94. LOONA - girl front
95. Weyes blood - andromeda
96. Purity ring - fineshrine
97. Ariana gende - thank y next
98. Lady Gaga - do what u want
99. Ski mask the slump god - faucet failure
100. Marina - how to be a heartbreaker
101. Ellie Goulding - love me like you do
102. Hatchie- sugar and spice
103. Spooky black - without u
104. Loreen - euphoria
105. Ella Mai - boo’d up
106. Rina sawayama - alterlife
107. Sofi de la torre- vermilion
108. Billie Eilish - bury a friend
109. Rihanna - what’s my name
110. Chelley - took the night
111. Noah Cyrus - make me cry
112. Crim3s - stay ugly
113. Kacey Musgraves - merry go round
114. Rosalia - malamente
115. Nicki Minaj - chun li
116. Drake - crew love
117. Anhoni- drone bomb me
118. Britney Spears - til the world ends
119. Didddy dirty money - ass on the floor
120. Lana Del Rey - video games
121. Daphne and Celeste - BB
122. City Girls - act up
123. SOPHIE - bipp
124. Moses sumney- quarrel
125. Lil uzi Vert - xo your life
126. Wonder girls - I feel you
127. Kyary pamyu pamyu- ponponpon
128. Taylor Swift - look what you made me do
129. Lorde - royals
130. Cupcakke - cpr
131. White ring - IxC999
132. Jai Paul - str8 outta Mumbai
133. Tay K - the race
134. Flo milli - beef flomix
135. Katie got bandz - I need a hitta
136. Jhene aiko- sativa
137. Fever Ray - to the moon and back
138. The internet- girl
139. Susanne sunddor - delirious
140. Future - codeine crazy
141. JLin - erotic heat
143. Mariah Carey A no no
144. Dua lipa - don’t start now
145. Paramore - hard times
146. Azealia banks - heavy metal and reflective
147. Kesha - tik tok
148. One direction - kiss you
149. Kelis - acapella
150. Azealia banks - 212
151. Future - mask off
152. Demi Lovato - cool does the summer
153. 100 gecs - money machine
154. Chief keef - love Sosa
155. Lana Del Rey - high by the beach
156. Post Malone - better now
157. Lim kim - awoo
158. Nicole Dolangangrr - chapel
159. Let’s eat grandma - falling into me
160. Miley Cyrus - we can’t stop
161. Charli XCX - track 10
162. Cardi b - bodakyellow
163. Leikeli47 - attitude
164. K Michelle - VSOP
165. Sevyn streetwr - it won’t stop
166. The band Perry - if i die young
167. Usher - climax
168. Trippie Red - love scars
169. Lady Gaga - bnorm this way
170. Lana Del Rey - Venice. Bitch
171. Kelly Rowland - motivation
172. Yung lean - Kyoto
173. BANKS - Gemini feed
174. Hudson Mohawke - fuse
175. F(x) - 4 walls
176. Rihanna - kiss it better
177. ASAP Ferg - Shaba
178. Sophia Grace - Best friends
179. Kim Petras - heart to break
180. Sleigh bells - tell em
181. Sandy Alex g - Bobby
182. Florrie- I took a little something
183. The 1975 - love it if we made it
184. Nicki Minaj - your love
185. Mitski - your best American girl
186. Carly Rae Jepsen - run away with me
187. Robyn - honey
188. Jade bird - lottery
189. Rosalia - con Altura
190. Kanye west - black skinhead
191. Solange - cranes in the sky
192. Lil Peep - kiss
193. Fka twigs - two weeks
194. Ty dolla sign - paranoid
195. St Vincent - masseduction
196. Bad bunny - caro
197. Drake - in my feelings
198. Kanye west - father stretch my hands
199. Bhad Bhabie- hi bich
200. Caroline polachek - Door
55 notes
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200 Best Songs of the 2010s
200. Neon Indian – “Annie”
199. Hop Along – “Somewhere A Judge”
198. Empress Of – “Standard”
197. Mitski – “Townie”
196. The 1975 – “It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)”
195. Jessica Mauboy (feat. Ludacris) – “Saturday Night”
194. Sheer Mag – “Worth The Tears”
193. The Range – “Florida”
192. Tove Lo – “Disco Tits”
191. Jamie xx (feat. Young Thug & Popcaan) – “I Know There’s Gonna Be (Good Times)
190. Florence + The Machine – “Queen Of Peace”
189. School ’94 – “Common Sense”
188. Majical Cloudz – “Heavy”
187. Years & Years – “All For You”
186. Sleigh Bells – “Sugarcane”
185. Britney Spears – “Man On The Moon”
184. Miike Snow – “Bavarian #1 (Say You Will)”
183. Justin Timberlake – “Mirrors”
182. Taylor Swift – “Cruel Summer”
181. Animal Collective – “FloriDada”
180. easyFun – “Blink”
179. Kacey Musgraves – “Dime Store Cowgirl”
178. Lykke Li – “Gunshot”
177. Lana Del Rey – “Ride”
176. Elliphant – “Not Ready”
175. Phoenix – “Chloroform”
174. Kim Petras – “Hillside Boys”
173. Natalia Kills – “Free”
172. Chelsea Wolfe – “After The Fall”
171. Sky Ferreira – “One”
170. Charli XCX – “You (Ha Ha Ha)”
169. CHAI – “Feel The Beat”
168. Lim Kim – “Awoo”
167. Justin Bieber – “Sorry”
166. Liz – “When I Rule The World”
165. Normani – “Motivation”
164. Teyana Taylor – “WTP”
163. Mac DeMarco – “Passing Out Pieces”
162. Sam Smith – “I’m Not The Only One”
161. Icona Pop – “Light Me Up”
160. Jessie J – “Domino”
159. Phantogram – “Don’t Move”
158. Miguel – “Adorn”
157. Susanne Sundfør – “White Foxes”
156. Kero Kero Bonito – “Picture This”
155. Crystal Castles – “Celestica”
154. Alexis Jordan – “Happiness”
153. Sharon Van Etten – “Your Love Is Killing Me”
152. Solange – “Losing You”
151. Washed Out – “All I Know”
150. Caribou – “Odessa”
149. Beyoncé – “XO”
148. Georgia – “About Work The Dancefloor”
147. Jamila Woods – “Blk Girl Soldier”
146. Empress Of – “When I’m With Him”
145. A$AP Rocky (feat. Skrillex) – “Wild For The Night”
144. Dreamtrak – “Odyssey, Pt. 2 (A. G. Cook Remix)”
143. SBTRKT (feat. Little Dragon) – “Wildfire”
142. Avril Lavigne – “What The Hell”
141. Cults – “Oh My God”
140. Alvvays – “Archie, Marry Me”
139. Kacey Musgraves – “Slow Burn”
138. James Blake (feat. Bon Iver) – “I Need A Forest Fire”
137. Charli XCX (feat. MØ) – “3AM (Pull Up)”
136. Sir Babygirl – “Pink Lite”
135. CEO – “Illuminata”
134. Katy Perry – “Teenage Dream”
133. Japanese Breakfast – “Rugged Country”
132. Carly Rae Jepsen – “Cut To The Feeling”
131. SOPHIE – “Bipp”
130. Charli XCX – “Vroom Vroom”
129. Katy Perry – “Wide Awake”
128. A. G. Cook (feat. Hannah Diamond) – “Keri Baby”
127. Julianna Barwick – “Vow”
126. Sleigh Bells – “Comeback Kid”
125. Hatchie – “Sleep”
124. Ke$ha – “Die Young”
123. Blanck Mass – “Please”
122. B.o.B (feat. Hayley Williams) – “Airplanes”
121. The Wonder Years – “Passing Through A Screen Door”
120. Sevdaliza – “Hubris”
119. Tobias Jesso Jr. – “How Could You Babe”
118. Kanye West (feat. Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj & Bon Iver) – “Monster”
117. Joanna Newsom – “Anecdotes”
116. Purity Ring – “Stranger Than Earth”
115. Vampire Weekend – “Unbearably White”
114. Local Natives – “Heavy Feet”
113. Last Dinosaurs – “Andy”
112. fun. – “Some Nights”
111. Danny Brown – “Ain’t It Funny”
110. Neon Indian – “Polish Girl”
109. Regina Spektor – “The Light”
108. Rhye – “Open”
107. Lana Del Rey – “Brooklyn Baby”
106. hellogoodbye – “Finding Something To Do”
105. Bruno Mars – “Just The Way You Are”
104. Bon Iver – “Holocene”
103. CHVRCHES – “Clearest Blue”
102. Mount Eerie – “Seaweed”
101. Fiona Apple – “Werewolf”
100. Edward Maya (feat. Vika Jigulina) – “Stereo Love”
99. How To Dress Well – “Words I Don’t Remember”
98. AlunaGeorge – “Your Drums, Your Love”
97. LIGHTS – “Banner”
96. Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros – “Home”
95. Kendrick Lamar – “The Blacker The Berry”
94. Starfucker – “The White Of Noon”
93. Everything Everything – “Regret”
92. Two Door Cinema Club – “Undercover Martyn”
91. Bombay Bicycle Club – “Shuffle”
90. Marina & The Diamonds – “Oh No!”
89. Ed Sheeran – “Castle On The Hill”
88. Lykke Li – “Sadness Is A Blessing”
87. Julia Holter – “Feel You”
86. Real Estate – “Talking Backwards”
85. Tame Impala – “‘Cause I’m A Man”
84. Passion Pit – “Constant Conversations”
83. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu – “PONPONPON”
82. Adele – “Someone Like You”
81. Calvin Harris – “Feel So Close”
80. You, Me, And Everyone We Know – “The Puzzle”
79. Waxahatchee – “8 Ball”
78. Grimes – “Artangels”
77. Florist – “Glowing Brightly”
76. Perfume Genius – “Mr. Peterson”
75. Sky Ferreira – “Werewolf (I Like You)”
74. Big Thief – “Forgotten Eyes”
73. Christine And The Queens – “iT”
72. Drake (feat. Rihanna) – “Take Care”
71. Autre Ne Veut – “Play By Play”
70. James Blake – “Retrograde”
69. Mitski – “Geyser”
68. Perfume Genius – “Hood”
67. Weyes Blood – “Movies”
66. Vanessa Carlton – “London”
65. Waxahatchee – “Air”
64. Crystal Castles – “Affection”
63. Charli XCX – “Boom Clap”
62. Bombay Bicycle Club – “Home By Now”
61. Vampire Weekend – “White Sky”
60. Big Thief – “Mythological Beauty”
59. Ariana Grande (feat. Zedd) – “Break Free”
58. Marina & The Diamonds – “Froot”
57. Kendrick Lamar – “Swimming Pools (Drank)”
56. Mayday Parade – “Stay”
55. Cee-Lo – “Fuck You”
54. Marina & The Diamonds – “Primadonna”
53. Sigur Rós – “Ísjaki”
52. Beach House – “Woo”
51. SZA – “Garden (Say It Like That)”
50. Wynter Gordon – “Dirty Talk”
49. Alt-J – “Breezeblocks”
48. Carly Rae Jepsen – “Want You In My Room”
47. Sky Ferreira – “Everything Is Embarrassing”
46. Ball Park Music – “It’s Nice To Be Alive”
45. Hundred Waters – “Wave To Anchor”
44. Florence + The Machine – “Never Let Me Go”
43. FKA twigs – “Cellophane”
42. Youth Lagoon – “Mute”
41. Ariana Grande – “Into You”
40. Of Monsters And Men – “Mountain Sound”
39. Björk – “Stonemilker”
38. Paramore – “Still Into You”
37. Future Islands – “Seasons (Waiting On You)”
36. Solange – “Cranes In The Sky”
35. Lorde – “Perfect Places”
34. Ball Park Music – “Coming Down”
33. Rihanna (feat. Drake) – “What’s My Name”
32. Perfume Genius – “Slip Away”
31. CHVRCHES – “The Mother We Share”
30. SOPHIE – “Immaterial”
29. Vampire Weekend – “Hannah Hunt”
28. Sufjan Stevens – “John My Beloved”
27. A.A.L (Against All Logic) – “I Never Dream”
26. Deakin – “Good House”
25. Beach House – “Silver Soul”
24. ANOHNI – “Drone Bomb Me”
23. M83 – “Midnight City”
22. Sampha – “(No One Knows Me) Like The Piano”
21. Lorde – “A World Alone”
20. Beach House – “Myth”
19. Sabrina Claudio – “Wanna Know”
18. Grimes – “Genesis”
17. Purity Ring – “Fineshrine”
16. The Wonder Years – “And Now I’m Nothing”
15. Beach House – “Sparks”
14. Hatchie – “Without A Blush”
13. Robyn – “Dancing On My Own”
12. Rihanna (feat. Calvin Harris) – “We Found Love”
11. Alvvays – “In Undertow”
10. Nicki Minaj – “Super Bass”
9. Frank Ocean – “Thinkin Bout You”
8. Beyoncé – “Countdown”
7. Lana Del Rey – “Born To Die”
6. Deerhunter – “Helicopter”
5. Azealia Banks (feat. Lazy Jay) – “212”
4. Carly Rae Jepsen – “Run Away With Me”
3. FKA twigs – “Two Weeks”
2. Sky Ferreira – “I Blame Myself”
1. Mitski – “Your Best American Girl”
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Adore You - Harry Styles (2019) // you’re wonder, under summer sky // All About That Bass – Meghan Trainor (2014) // every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top // Alone Again – Betty Who (2014) // when it rains it pours and you drown me out // Anything Could Happen – Ellie Goulding (2012) // letting darkness grow, as if we need it's palette and we need it's color // Bad Girls - M.I.A. (2012) // leaving boys behind ‘cause it’s illegal just to kill // Bitch Better Have My Money - Rihanna (2015) // your wife in the backseat of my brand new foreign car // Blank Space – Taylor Swift (2014) // darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream // Bloodbuzz Ohio – The National (2010) // I was carried to Ohio in a swarm of bees // Bo$$ – Fifth Harmony (2014) // boss. Michelle Obama. purse so heavy gettin' Oprah dollas // Boy Problems - Carly Rae Jepsen (2015) // I think I broke up with my boyfriend today and I don't really care // Boys - Charli XCX (2017) // I wish I had a better excuse like I had to trash the hotel lobby // Butterflies - Kacey Musgraves (2018) // I was hiding in doubt till you brought me out of my chrysalis // Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae Jepsen (2011) // before you came into my life I missed you so bad // Call Your Girlfriend – Robyn (2010) // don't you tell her how I give you something that you never even knew you missed // Canyon Moon - Harry Styles (2019) // doors yellow, broken, blue // Chandelier – Sia (2014) // I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry // Cherry - Harry Styles (2019) // I confess I can tell that you are at your best, I'm selfish so I'm hating it // Circles - Post Malone (2019) // we couldn't turn around, 'til we were upside down // C’mon - Panic! At the Disco and Fun. (2011) // feels like I am falling down a rabbit hole, falling for forever, wonderfully wandering alone // C’Mon – Kesha (2012) // feeling like a saber-tooth tiger sipping on a warm budweiser // Cruise (Remix) - Florida Georgia Line ft. Nelly (2012) // she was sippin' on southern and singin' Marshall Tucker, we were falling in love in the sweet heart of summer // Daddy Lessons - Beyonce ft. Dixie Chicks (2017) // it’s your song // Dark Fantasy – Kanye West (2010) // too many Urkels on your team, that's why your wins low // Death of a Bachelor - Panic! At the Disco (2016) // the lace in your dress tingles my neck, how do I live? // Demons- Sleigh Bells (2012) // They're gonna stand em up six by six by six // Diane - Cam (2017) // And all those nights that he's given to me I wish that I could give them back to you // Diane Young – Vampire Weekend (2013) // you torched a Saab like a pile of leaves // Downtown - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Eric Nally, Melle Mel, Grandmaster Caz, Kool Moe Dee (2016) // neighbors yelling at me like, you need to slow down going thirty-eight, Dan, chill the fuck out, mow your damn lawn and sit the hell down // End of the Day - One Direction (2015)// I told her that I loved her, just not sure if she heard. the roof was pretty windy and she didn't say a word, party died downstairs, had nothing left to do just me, her and the moon // Fireproof – One Direction (2015) // riding on the wind and I won't give up // ***Flawless – Beyonce ft. Nicki Minaj (2013) // mayday, mayday, earth to bitches // Follow Your Arrow - Kacey Musgraves (2013) // if you save yourself for marriage, you're a bore. if you don't save yourself for marriage, you're a whore-able person // Formation - Beyonce (2016) // always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper // Forrest Gump – Frank Ocean (2012) // my fingertips and my lips, they burn from the cigarettes // Freaks and Geeks – Childish Gambino (2011) // I have worked all winter, I will not fail summer, in the back of the bush, like Gavin Rossdale's drummer // Gay Pirates - Cosmo Jarvis (2011) // and I hope they didn't tie up your hands as tight as mine. I'll see you on the bed of this blue ocean, babe, sometime // Get Lucky – Daft Punk ft. Pharrell Williams (2013) // the present has no ribbon, your gift keeps on giving // Glory - Bastille (2016) // and then you put your hand in mine and pulled me back from things divine, stop looking up for heaven, waiting to be buried // Good Grief - Bastille (2016) // caught off guard by your favourite song, I'll be dancing at a funeral, dancing at a funeral // Green Light - Lorde (2017) // I whisper things, the city sings them back to you // Grown - Little Mix (2015) // no regrets, it's a lesson learned 'cause what you think ain't my concern // Hayloft - Nickel Creek (2014) // young lovers with their legs tied up in knots // Holocene – Bon Iver (2011) // and at once I knew I was not magnificent // I Believe - Original Broadway Cast (2011) // and I believe that the Garden of Eden was in Jackson County, Missouri // I Like It - Cardi B, Bad Bunny, and J Balvin (2018) // I like those Balenciagas, the ones that look like socks // I Love It – Icona Pop ft. Charli XCX (2012) // you're from the '70s, but I'm a '90s bitch // Judas – Lady Gaga (2011) // I'm just a holy fool, oh baby he's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby // Juice - Lizzo (2019) // I be drippin' so much sauce got a bitch lookin' like RAGÚ // Just Hold On - Steve Aoki ft. Louis Tomlinson (2016) // feels like you're standing on the edge looking at the stars and wishing you were them // Laura Palmer – Bastille (2013) // what a year and what a night, what terrifying final sights put out your beating heart // Lemonworld – The National (2010) // I gave my heart to the Army, the only sentimental thing I could think of // Love on Top – Beyonce (2011) // I can see the stars all the way from here, can't you see the glow on the window pane // Make Me Feel - Janelle Monáe (2018) // it's like I'm powerful with a little bit of tender, an emotional, sexual bender // Making the Most of the Night - Carly Rae Jepsen (2015) // baby I'm speeding and red lights, I'll run // Meet Me in the Hallway - Harry Styles (2017) // just let me know I'll be on the floor, on the floor // Menswear – The 1975 (2013) // well, who's this? going for the kiss, I'm probably gonna yosh in your mouth // Mirrors – Justin Timberlake (2013) // if you ever feel alone and the glare makes me hard to find, just know that I'm always parallel on the other side // Monster – Kanye West ft. Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj, and Bon Iver (2010) // you could be the king but watch the queen conquer // The Mother We Share - Chvrches (2012) // I'm in misery but you can't see, as old as your omens // My Church - Maren Morris (2016) // I just keep the wheels rolling, radio scrolling 'til my sins wash away // N****s in Paris - Jay-Z and Kanye West (2011) // Prince William's ain't do it right if you ask me 'cause I was him, I would have married Kate and Ashley // Oh, What a World - Kacey Musgraves (2018) // did I know you once in another life? are we here just once or a billion times? // Old Town Road (Remix) - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus (2019) // cowboy hat from Gucci, Wrangler on my booty // Otis – Jay-Z and Kanye West (2011) // luxury rap, the Hermes of verses, sophisticated ignorance, write my curses in cursive // Pineapple Girl - Mister Heavenly (2011) // I am besieged by the vagaries of power. I'm all alone and lonely in this tower // Primadonna – Marina and the Diamonds (2012) // I know I've got a big ego, I really don't know why it's such a big deal though // Pumped Up Kicks – Foster the People (2010) // he's got a rolled cigarette, hanging out his mouth he's a cowboy kid // Radio - Lana Del Rey (2012) // pick me up and take me like a vitamin 'cause my body's sweet like sugar venom // Raising Hell - Kesha ft. Big Freedia (2019) // hungover, heart of gold, holy mess. doin' my best, bitch, I'm blessed // Rivers and Roads - The Head and the Heart (2011) // been talking 'bout the way things change // Royals - Lorde (2013) // we don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair // S.O.B. - Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats (2015) // I'm going to cover myself with the ashes of you and nobody's gonna give a damn // Satisfied - Original Broadway Cast (2015) // it's a dream and it's a bit of a dance, a bit of a posture, it's a bit of a stance. He's a bit of a flirt, but I'm 'a give it a chance. I asked about his fam'ly, did you see his answer? his hands started fidgeting, he looked askance? he's penniless, he's flying by the seat of his pants // Sex – The 1975 (2013) // and she said use your hands and my spare time, we've got one thing in common it's this tongue of mine // Shake It Out – Florence + the Machine (2011) // our love is pastured such a mournful sound, tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground// Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon (2014) // my discotheque Juliet teenage dream // Silly Love Songs - Darren Criss (2011) // how can I tell you about my loved one // Some Nights - Fun. (2012) // this is not one for the folks at home, I'm sorry to leave, mom, I had to go. who the fuck wants to die alone all dried up in the desert sun? // Someone Like You – Adele (2011) // we were born and raised in a summer haze, bound by the surprise of our glory days // Sorry - Justin Bieber (2015) // *dolphin noises* // Spaceship - Kesha (2017) // I knew from the start I don't belong in these parts. there's too much hate, there's too much hurt for this heart // Stars - Fun. (2012) // some nights I rule the world with bar lights and pretty girls, but most nights I stay straight and think about my mom // Stitches - Shawn Mendes (2015) // needle and the thread gotta get you out of my head // Sunflower, Vol. 6 - Harry Styles (2019) // *gasp* your flowers just died, plant new seeds in the melody // Super Bass - Nicki Minaj (2010) // and he ill, he real, he might gotta deal. he pop bottles and he got the right kind of build. he cold, he dope, he might sell coke. he always in the air, but he never fly coach // Take Me to Church - Hozier (2013) // I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies. I'll tell you my sins, and you can sharpen your knife // Thank u, Next - Ariana Grande (2018) // she taught me love, she taught me patience, how she handles pain // The Pachanelly Canon - Gentleman’s Rule (2012) // I'm getting pages out of New Jersey, from Courtney B telling me about a party up in NYC. can I make it? damn right I be on the next flight. payin cash. first class. sittin' next to Vanna White // The Wire - Haim (2013) // I just know, I know, I know, I know that you're gonna be okay anyway // Theme From “Cheers” - Titus Andronicus (2010)// I'm sick and tired of everyone in this town being so goddamn uptight, but don't you worry, I'll do all the talking when they turn on the flashing lights // Thieves – She & Him (2010) // I'm not a prophet, old love is in me. new love just seeps right in and makes me guilty // This is America - Childish Gambino (2018) // tell somebody, you go tell somebody. grandma told me, get your money, black man // Trouble - Neon Jungle (2013) // lights up let's have a toke, pour more whiskey in my coke .. Truth Hurts - Lizzo (2017) // you coulda had a bad bitch, non-committal // Uma Thurman - Fall Out Boy (2015) // and I slept in last night's clothes and tomorrow’s dreams, but they are not quite what they seem // Wetsuit – The Vaccines (2011) // with a cool, cool breeze and dirty knees, I rest on childhood memories // What a Feeling - One Direction (2015) // when the air ran out and we both started running wild, the sky fell down // Wilson - Fall Out Boy (2018) // I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color // Wolves - One Direction (2015) // I feel the waves getting started, it's a rush inside I can't control // You Need Me, I Don’t Need You - Ed Sheeran (2011) // melody music maker, reading all the papers, they say I'm up and coming like I'm fucking in an elevator // You’re in Love With a Psycho - Kasabian (2017) // I'm like the taste of macaroni on a seafood stick
Songs that would have made the list were they on Spotify: We Can’t Stop - Bastille // I Love Clothes (Deadbeat Summer) - Childish Gambino // G.O.O.D. Friday - Kanye West ft. Common, Pusha T, Kid Cudi, Big Sean & Charlie Wilson // Driving in Cars with Boys - Lana Del Rey // Blurred Lines - Vampire Weekend // a number of mashups (Office Musik, What Makes You Da One, Live While We Die Young, Brush Your Bittersweet Shoulders Off, We Are Complicated)
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𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈, 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒅, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔, 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 ( +𝐭𝐰𝐨 ) 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
here’s to never growing up / avril lavigne, last friday night ( t.g.i.f ) / katy perry, this is what you came for / calvin harris ft rihanna, teenage dream / katy perry, i feel it coming / the weeknd ft daft punk, redbone / childish gambino, swimming pools ( drank ) / kendrick lamar, stressed out / twenty one pilots, here / alessia cara, i love it / icona pop ft charli xcx, don’t trust me / 3oh!3 ft katy perry, cheap thrills / sia ft sean paul, counting stars / one republic, latch / disclosure ft sam smith, feeling myself / nicki minaj ft beyoncé, talking body / tove lo, team / lorde, sweater weather / the neighborhood, closer / the chainsmokers ft halsey, hold on, we’re going home / drake, all the stars / kendrick lamar ft sza, 2on / tinashe & schoolboy q, right hand / drake, all my hips / snakehips ft tinashe & chance the rapper / cheers ( drink to that ) / rihanna, party / beyoncé ft j.cole, finesse ( remix ) / bruno mars ft cardi b, eastside / benny blanco, halsey & khalid, young dumb and broke / khalid, young, wild and free / snoop dogg & wiz khalifa ft bruno mars, die young / ke$ha, can’t feel my face / the weeknd, rather be / clean bandit ft jess glynne, live your life / t.i. ft rihanna, run this town / jay-z ft rihanna & kayne west, young and beautiful / lana del ray, good girls go bad / cobra starship ft leighton meester.
#— ✧ * • [ ゜☆。playlist. ]#— ✧ * • [ ゜☆。ft. vanessa. ]#— ✧ * • [ ゜☆。ft. dallas. ]#— ✧ * • [ ゜☆。ft. tori. ]#— ✧ * • [ ゜☆。ft. lia. ]#— ✧ * • [ ゜☆。ft. luke. ]#thevmontgomery#dallas-michael#toriscnta#rosenburg-lia#lukebaker
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Storia Di Musica #101 - The Allman Brothers Band, At Fillmore East (Deluxe Edition), 2003
Greg e Duane Allman hanno sempre raccontato la stessa storia riguardo la personale folgorazione musicale: erano nel 1959 a Nashville ad un concerto dove si esibivano Wilson Pickett e James Brown e lo sguardo d’intesa tra i due fratelli voleva dire solo una cosa: facciamolo anche noi. I due iniziarono a studiare la musica, ad imparare a suonare meglio la chitarra e i primi esperimenti come duo avvennero sotto il nome Allman Joys, con cui incisero anche un disco, Hour Glass, di inesistente successo. La Liberty, la casa discografica che produsse il disco, era molto interessata alle doti canore di Greg, meno a quelle di Duane, che sconsolato iniziò a girare per i primi festival musicali del loro stato, la Georgia. Incontra Dickie Betts, leader degli Oakleys, che suona la chitarra, poi Jai “Jaimoe” Johanson che suona le percussioni, Berry Oakley al basso, che suonava con Betts e Butch Trucks alla batteria. Leggenda vuole che in un garage di uno di loro iniziarono a suonare i blues di Muddy Waters così bene e forte che tutto il vicinato accorse curioso ad ascoltarli e applaudirli. Duane a questo punto chiama Greg e il nucleo storico della Allman Brothers Band è pronto. La musica calda, torrida, che riprende i classici del blues, del soul ma li ripropone in cavalcate sonore epiche, con muri di suono chitarrosi e fantastici e improvvisazioni strumentali prese direttamente dal free jazz verrà chiamato Southern Rock: fiero, umido, potente e un po’ pazzo come il carattere di quelli del Sud degli Stati Uniti. L’esordio discografico è l’omonimo The Allman Brothers Band (1969) che ha già i primi due classici nella ripresa di Trouble No More di Waters e il primo pezzo leggenda, Whipping Post. Ma le vendite sono poco soddisfacenti. La band però inizia un grande tour negli Stati Uniti e dal vivo esprime tutta la sua potenza sonora. Che non passò inosservata: Eric Clapton affascinato dalla maestria di Duane gli chiederà di unirsi ai Derek And The Dominoes, e la magica chitarra di Duane è presente in quel capolavoro che è Layla. Nei ritagli di tempi tra le date registrano Idlewild South, che regala altre due canzoni leggenda come Midnight Rider e In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed. Le vendite vanno un po’ meglio, la band decide di mettere tutte le forze in campo nei concerti: ne faranno quasi 300 nel 1970 e altrettanti nel 1971, dove suoneranno davanti a 100.000 spettatori al Festival Rock di Atlanta. Il ritmo forsennato dei concerti era legato all’abuso di droghe pesanti e a critici problemi finanziari, tanto è che il loro manager, Twiggs Lyndon, accoltellò a morte un proprietario di club che non voleva pagarli. Bill Graham, il leggendario proprietario dei teatri Fillmore, il West a San Francisco e l’East a New York li invita per due serate nella grande mela a Marzo del 1971, il 12 e il 13, dove la band dividerà il palco con Johnny Winter e i Blood, Sweat & Tears. I fratelli Allman decisero di registrare quelle serate. Che da allora sono considerate uno dei concerti più belli e spettacolari di tutti i tempi. La line up storica viene presentata con un semplice “Ok, The Allman Brothers Band” da Michael Ahern, l’annunciatore degli show del Fillmore. Secondo un grande critico musicale, Randy Poe, poi biografo della band, “quello fu l’unico momento non spettacolare della serata”. Il concerto esprime al massimo il loro suono infuocato, perfetto mix di stili e eclettismo, negli anni della sperimentazione dei generi e di quello che sarà di lì a poco la fusion. Nella edizione ufficiale del 1971 era su doppio LP ma raccoglieva solo 7 pezzi: altre registrazioni verranno pubblicate nel successivo e splendido Eat A Peach (1972). Nel 2003 (in colpevole ritardo) verrà finalmente pubblicato l’intero concerto così come pensato dalla band e dal produttore Tom Dowd in 2 cd, definito edizione deluxe: si apre con il blues a tutto volume di Statesboro Blues (di Blind Willie McTell) con la slide di Duane a giganteggiare, poi Trouble No More, fantastica, che si lega a Don’t Keep me Wonderin’, di Greg Allman e Done Somebody Wrong di Elmore James. Poi arriva il primo colpo da KO: la torrida e languida versione di Stormy Monday, classico di T-Bone Walker, è la prima perla del suono Allman Bros, il primo capolavoro del disco. Dopo One Way Out (altro prestito da Elmore James) arriva una dei brani più belli di sempre: scritta da Dickie Betts, e forse dedicata ad una sua amante di origine italiana, In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed fu scritta da Betts nel cimitero di Rose Hill a Macon, dove la band spesso andava per cercare tranquillità nel parco interno del cimitero: sul prato preferito da Betts c’era un lapide di tale Elizabeth Reed Napier che diventerà uno dei nomi più leggendari delle canzoni del rock (a sua insaputa): gli oltre 13 minuti del brano strumentale lasciano l’impronta più forte e potente delle loro abilità, del loro gusto e della potenza suggestiva del loro suono. Ma non finisce qui: in scaletta una versione formidabile di Midnight Rider e una fantascientifica da 19 minuti di You Don’t Love Me di Willie Cobbs. Il secondo cd ha solo 4 pezzi, ma bastano per un viaggio ai limiti dell’universo del suono: si parte con la versione definitiva di Hot ‘Lanta, strumentale che apparirà solo nei loro live e mai registrata in studio, passa attraverso i 22 minuti di Whipping Post, che contiene i germogli di tutti gli stili musicali futuri (devastante, magica ed imperdibile e che stupirà così tanto Frank Zappa che dedicherà un brano a Duane, For Duane, in omaggio alla sua magia di chitarrista), sale sulla cime da 33 minuti di Mountain Jam, che è un universo a parte, e finisce con la partecipazione di Elvin Bishop in Drunk Hearted Boy. La confezione del viaggio intergalattico ha un’ultima storiella da raccontare: Duane era scontento di come la Atlantic concepiva le copertine dei dischi, e quindi impose un loro fotografo, Jim Marshall, che una mattina organizzò il set a Macon, utilizzando le casse degli strumenti della band a cui appose la scritta At Fillmore East. La band aveva poca voglia di posare per foto la mattina presto, ma mentre erano in corso le prove lo spacciatore di Duane arrivò sul set, fece uno strano segno al chitarrista, che si alzò, prese la dose, e si sedette mettendosi in posa, scatenando le risate degli altri che furono immortalate in una delle copertine icona del rock, frutto della musica struggente, poliedrica e magica di un gruppo di ragazzi del Sud degli Stati Uniti.
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Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 17 al 23 Gennaio 2019 ǁ stagione 16 ǁ
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, l'anno è cominciato carico di mille appuntamenti, speriamo che questo sia un anno molto frizzante, per tutti quanti. CHECcO & LoRIS «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti» ► Made In PoP segnala ◄ Ω SABATO 19 Gennaio 2019 Ω VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 94 ROSÀ (Vi) festa sixties & seventies celebration con il grandioso live di ARIANNA ANTINORI rock blues e una strizzata d'occhio al mito di Janis JOPLIN nell'anniversario della sua nascita. afterparty con i djset di ANGIE Blue Eyes, LEO Faq e CHECcO MERDeZ tra rock, beat, psychedelia, glam, garage, soul e funk. https://www.facebook.com/events/2399237673451576/ ► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 17 Gennaio ᴥ HOPS Birreria vicolo Castello 7 ROVIGO serata folk in acustico con i SEMENZA, La BOTTEGA del COMPENSATO e Michele CARANDINA & Arianna D'ALBENZI. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA serata jazzy con il Frank MARTINO DISORGAN Trio. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) in rampa di lancio verso il minitour teutonico, suonerannole band punkrock The CHROMOSOMES e The LIVERMORES. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) habituè del palco del Jack, con il loro corposo rock blues saranno qua i BLACK MAMA. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastrengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) twist'n'roll e sound retrò per LORD BYRON & le sue Amiche Ruspe. ► VENERDÌ 18 Gennaio ᴥ FISHMARKET Club via Frà Paolo Sarpi 37 PADOVA Iguana Eventi ospita la prima data del bravo cantautore ALESSANDRO RAGAZZO accompagnato da una band, a seguire djset ORDINARY NOISE & CASTE. ᴥ SUONI in PESCHIERA via Barchessa 30 LIMENA (Pd) ore 21:30 Porto Vecchio festival organizza in barchessa una serata con il concerto per LE ZAMPE DI ZOE duo cantautorale mantovano + djset Omino Bianco. ᴥ BISTROCK via Rometta 13/L San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) icona alternative rock degli anni novanta con i suoi Malfunk, ora apprezzato cantautore solista, qui stasera MARCO COCCI. ᴥ Cso PEDRO via Ticino 5 PADOVA in viaggio verso il Padova Pride 2019 saranno qui in concerto il duo IO & LA TIGRE indie-alternative. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA in collaborazione con PULSE sarà ospite JOSEF VAN WISSEM liutista avant-garde olandese. ᴥ HALL via Nona Strada 11b PADOVA Veneto Contemporaneo celebra il ventennale della scomparsa di Faber De Andrè con gli artisti Ricky BIZZARRO, Ulisse SCHIAVO, Marco IACAMPO, Erica BOSCHIERO, Folake OLADUN e altri ancora. ᴥ AI DARDI via Badaloni 27 ROVIGO accattivante rock jazz e world music per Daniele GOTTARDO & the NUTS. ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) serata LIZARD Records con presentazione del nuovo album per I PARAFULMINI alternative & prog rock da Pisa, in partura il progetto L'UNIVERSO guidato da Adriano Barbiero. ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO ospite per la prima volta in Italia il polistrumentista FRANKY SELECTOR e la sua band (Canada). ᴥ Osteria da TOCCHETTO via Risorgimento 27 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) Bassano Hardcore stasera propone in apertura GORE NASH grindcore e a seguire NEBULOSA progetto solista del chitarrista di Anna Von Hausswolff. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) heavy rock stasera per due local band, MADDOX e BLARING SILENCE. ᴥ HOCH HOLLE via S.Andrea PADERNO del Grappa (Tv) questa sera il fusion funk degli ENDLESS SEASON. ᴥ La STAZIONETTA borgo Pieve 109 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) sonorità pop-rock con cantato in italiano per i padovani BARUFFA. ᴥ MORION Laboratorio Occupato salizada S.Francesco de la Vigna VENEZIA saliranno sul palco GmG & the Beta Project a seguire LeCRI djset. ᴥ AL BARCO via Basilio Dalla Scola 255 VICENZA dalle 19 aperitivo alla Cooperativa Insieme con il concerto alcolico e bucolico dell' OSTERIA POPOLARE BERICA folk nostrano. ᴥ VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 92 ROSÀ (Vi) Festival per la DISCHI SOVIET Studio, suoneranno in questo bel happening ALCESTI + BOB BALERA + LIMONE + grandi ospiti A TOYS ORCHESTRA + djset s-coppia-ettante GAS & ALE. ᴥ ALLA CRICCA Birreria piazza Redentore DUEVILLE (Vi) si esibiranno qui le scatenate BLUE RIMMEL rock alt-pop. ᴥ LUCA's Bar via Jolanda 122 STROPPARI di Tezze sul Brenta (Vi) serata rockabilly & psychosis con il one/man/band LOW RANGER & his Dead Horse. ᴥ Osteria RIVE Jazz Club via Rive 14 CARTIGLIANO (Vi) blues noir d'autore per i milanesi GUIGNOL. ᴥ BOCCIODROMO via A.Rossi 198 VICENZA suoneranno qui I SORDI demente duo non demenziale. ᴥ CICLONE Cafè viale Martiri Libertà 20 CASALEONE (Vr) in acustico l'aostano Simone LEON PERRON, poprock, che propone il suo nuovo disco. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) rock strumentale e cinematico per gli APTA ZOOTA. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA con il suo carico di suggestioni musicali, blues e grinta, qui SIMONA NORATO cantautrice. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA dritti allo stomaco tra violenza pura e tecnica sopraffina il combo OTTONE PESANTE, ad aprire la serata O'CIUCCIARIELLO gipsy folk-core. ► SABATO 19 Gennaio ᴥ MARZOLO OCCUPATA via Marzolo 4 PADOVA dalle 20 grande evento punk in collaborazione con GRIND HOUSE, suoneranno qui le leggende streetpuk The CASUALTIES, in apertura CALL the COPS (Bo) LATEBRA (Tn) e CHARGED ATTACK (Pd) posti limitati, meglio prevedita. ᴥ AL BUSCAGLIONE via Marsala 50 PADOVA turbofolk armato di fisarmonica e qualche altro strumento per il gipsy COSTEL. ᴥ BAHNOHF Live via Sant'Antonio 34 MONTAGNANA (Pd) dalle 21 festa per la presentazione disco "The Abyss" per i locals NEITHER metalcore, a dar man forte anche DAMN CITY rap-HC/Bo, KRASHAH alt-metal/Vr, RECURRENT PAIN HC/Austria + djset per le due SCARLET BRIGADE. ᴥ GEKYGIO via Albarese 1 TREMIGNON di Piazzola sul Brenta (Pd) potente rock alternative per il trio RED MALDERA capitanato dal grande Carlo De Bei. ᴥ HALL via Nona Strada 11b PADOVA live per gli storici combact folk MODENA CITY RAMBLERS, a seguire gipsy balkan night. ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciao 4 TREVISO una band culto della scena rockabilly & psychosis, i gallesi DEMENTED ARE GO infiammeranno il palco del Nasty, cazzo, in apertura gli italici EVIL DEVIL. ᴥ BRITANNIA Pub via Crico 29 FOSSALUNGA di Vedelago (Tv) doppio concerto per i progetti solisti degli ottimi cantautori LO STRANO FRUTTO (Teno già Muleta/iMelt) e PINO NUVOLA (Stefano giò Ishaq), inoltre degustazione da vari birrifici italiani. ᴥ CATEN Pub via San Pio X 208 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) folk rock per MATT & his DRIFTERS, nell'occasione presentazione nuovo video in uscita per Sorry Mom. ᴥ MATTOROSSO via Piave 108 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) cantautorato folk pop che sa di west coast per l'eclettico DAMIEN McFLY e la sua band. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) cazzuttissimo hardrock per la festa di compleanno del dj Saint Kate, suoneranno i JOKERHEAD e superfast The BROKENDOLLS. ᴥ RADIO GOLDEN Bar piazza San Martino 13 CONEGLIANO (Tv) stasera qui il rock dei QUARTO PROFILO, con la guest del grande musicista Carlo COLOMBO. ᴥ ANDA VENICE via Ortigara 10 MESTRE dalle 21 concerto acustico in questo nuovo spazio artistico, all'interno di una struttura ricettiva come un ostello, per la band VERTIGINE dei GIGANTI rock/Ve. ᴥ Cso RIVOLTA via Fratelli Bandiera 45 MARGHERA (Ve) serata di presentazione Ep per i BULL BRIGADE streetpunk (To) e per i DSA COMMANDO (Sv), in apertura 360FILP locals HC-sk8-punk. ᴥ Bar ASTRA contrà Barche 14 VICENZA aperitivo lungo suffragato dal live del FRANK MARTINO DISORGAN Trio. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) in collaborazione con Bside Modern trash serata punkrock con i toscani The DIRTIEST (Slovenly records)e i modenesi The INNOCENT + djset Ale Riptapes. ᴥ TABOO food & drink corso Italia 9e VALDAGNO (Vi) Giardinetto concerti organizza questa serata, dalle 20 suoneranno SAM (acoustic emo) STRANGER (fake emo) e JUNKSTREET (alternative). ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) grande evento per gli amanti della musica prog, saranno ospiti i GOBLIN del maestro Claudio Simonetti. ᴥ FABEMOLLE borgo Madonna di Pol PASTRENGO (Vr) serata di musica emergente con le band STOLEN DREAM alternative metal e i milanesi RHUM ON THE ROCKS poprock. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) musica gitana per il polistrumentista bologneseEusebio MARTINELLI e la dua GIPSY Orkestar. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA in versione trio elettroacustico ci sarà la CHIARA GIACOBBE CHAMBER FOLK Band. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA jot jazz ragtime e balla sfrenati per The HOT STUFF il progetto ballerino di Michele Bombatomica. ► DOMENICA 20 Gennaio ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO di S.Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) dalle 17:00 aperitivi e dischi nuovi, suoneranno i nuovi dischi due ottime band HOW PIANO psych/rock e GRAPPA psych/funk. ᴥ Cantina IO MAZZUCATO via San Gaetano 21 BREGANZE (Vi) dalle 17:30 tra degustazioni di torcolato il concerto dei VERONIKA? capitanati dal Pet, alt-rock. ᴥ RED ZONE Art Bar piazza della Pieve 15 S.GIORGIO di Sant'Ambrogio Valpolicella (Vr) dalle 17:30 aperitivo cantautorale con il grande CASO (Bg), che presenterà le canzoni del nuovo disco, e FRANEK WINDY cantautorato punk (Bo). ᴥ COLOR Cafè via SS. Trinità 8 BASSANO del Grappa (Vi) aperitivo per festeggiare i tre anni di attività dell'agenzia sociale FOR ACTION, a celebrare la festa lo showcase del bravissimo PHILL REYNOLDS cantautore folk/blues. ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) si esibirà, all'aperitivo, con il suo progetto AMA di sperimentazione indietronica il Captain MANTell polistrumentista e produttore. ᴥ GOTO STORTO via Villanova 8a TREBASELEGHE (Pd) aperitivo stoner'n'funk con l'accoppiata di band ACAJOU e UBRIS. ᴥ CATAI ponte San Leonardo 1 PADOVA dalle 20 aperitivo accompagnato dalla voce e chitarra di MUTE SWIMMER ovvero il romantico e ironico Guy Dale dal Nord Inghilterra via Berlino ᴥ BOCCIODROMO via A.Rossi 198 VICENZA dalle 21 ultima data del tour italiano di presentazione nuovo disco per i torinesi NOISE TRAIL IMMERSION grindcore/death metal. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA tra jazz e ritmi latini si esibirà il Sabrina GAGLIANO Trio. ► LUNEDÌ 21 Gennaio ᴥ URBAN CENTER via Roma 26 THIENE (Vi) ore 20:30 all'interno della rassegna "SAFARI" organizzata dal Progetto Giovani Thiene presentazione del libro "IL TEMPO BRUCIA LE TAPPE" con l'autore Massimo Fagarazzi, che racconterà la scena alternative vicentina degli anni novanta. ► MARTEDÌ 22 Gennaio ᴥ il martedì dedicatelo alla cultura personale, per migliorarsi, un po'. ► MERCOLEDÌ 23 Gennaio ᴥ SHERWOOD OPEN LIVE vicolo Ponte Corvo PADOVA sarà ospite in questa serata l'italo-somalo SAMMY OSMAN neo-folk . • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/ • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/ • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/ • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/

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Somewhere between Britney and Billie Eilish, liberated by social media and their direct relationship with fans, millennial and Gen Z women claimed the right to be complicated pop auteursRead all of the essays in the decade retrospective
📷 Laura Snapes Mon 25 Nov 2019 13.12 GMT 174
While Billie Eilish has reinvented pop with her hushed SoundCloud rap menace, creepy ASMR intimacy and chipper show tune melodies, there’s also something reassuringly comforting about her: as a teenage pop star, she has fulfilled her proper duty by confusing the hell out of adults. It’s largely down to her aesthetic: a funhouse Fred Durst; a one-woman model for the combined wares of Camden Market. Critics have tried to make sense of it, but when editorials praised Eilish’s “total lack of sexualisation”, she denounced them for “slut-shaming” her peers. “I don’t like that there’s this weird new world of supporting me by shaming people that may not want to dress like me.”To Gen Z’s Eilish, not yet 18, it is a weird new world. She and her millennial peers have grown up in a decade in which pop’s good girl/bad girl binary has collapsed into the moral void that once upheld it, resulting in a generation of young female stars savvy to how the expectation to be “respectable” and conform to adult ideas of how a role model for young fans should act – by an industry not known for its moral backbone – is a con. “It’s a lot harder to treat women the way they were treated in the 90s now, because you can get called out so easily on social media,” Fiona Apple – who knows about the simultaneous sexualisation and dismissal of young female musicians – said recently. “If somebody does something shitty nowadays, a 17-year-old singer can get on their social media and say, ‘Look what this fucker did! It’s fucked up.’”📷 Lunatics conquering the asylum ... the Spice Girls. Photograph: Tim Roney/Getty ImagesFemale musicians have been subject to conflicting moral standards for longer than Eilish has been alive. Madonna, Janet Jackson and TLC knew them well – but the concept of the pop “role model”, expected to set an example to kids, solidified when the Spice Girls became the first female act to be marketed at children. In the 70s and 80s, idols such as David Cassidy primed girls for a monogamous future. By comparison, the Spice Girls were lunatics conquering the asylum. But, given their fans’ youth – and the sponsors that used the band to reach them – they also had a duty of responsibility. Their real lives – the all-nighters and eating disorders – were hidden so effectively that Eilish, born in 2001, thought the band was made up, actors playing the roles of the group in Spiceworld: The Movie.In the late 90s, kid-pop became an industry unto itself: Smash Hits and Top of the Pops magazine pitched younger; CD:UK and America’s TRL aimed at Saturday-morning and after-school audiences; Simons Fuller and Cowell built empires. The scrappy Spice Girls preceded the cyborgian Britney, who was a far sleeker enterprise – until she wasn’t. She was pitched as a virgin: cruel branding that invited media prurience and set a time bomb counting down towards her inevitable downfall. Britney’s 2007 breakdown revealed the cost of living as a virtuous cypher and being expected to repress her womanhood to sell to American prudes. Her shaved head and aborted stints in rehab prompted industry handwringing, and so an illusion of the music business offering greater freedom and care for pop’s girls emerged in her wake. Advertisement Major labels abandoned the traditional two-albums-in bad-girl turn (a la Christina Aguilera’s Stripped). Social media-born artists such as Lily Allen and Kate Nash were swept into the system and framed as the gobby antithesis to their manicured pop peers – until their resistance to exactly the same kind of manipulation saw them cast aside. And if Kesha, Lady Gaga or Amy Winehouse burned out, their visible excesses would distract from any behind-the-scenes exploitation, inviting spectators to imagine that they brought it on themselves.📷 Reclaiming the hard-partying values of rock’s men ... Kesha. Photograph: PictureGroup / Rex FeaturesAt the dawn of the 2010s, social media surpassed its teen origins to become an adult concern, and an earnest fourth wave of activists brought feminism back to the mainstream. Like a rescued hatchling, it was in a
pathetic state to begin with – dominated by white voices that tediously wondered whether anything a woman did was automatically feminist. Is brushing your teeth with Jack Daniel’s feminist? Are meat dresses feminist? Is drunkenly stumbling through Camden feminist? Are butt implants feminist?Pop culture became the natural test site for these ideas – especially music, where a new wave of artists challenged this nascent, often misguided idealism. Kesha reclaimed the hard-partying values of rock’s men to embody a generation’s despair at seeing their futures obliterated by the recession. Lady Gaga questioned gender itself, as one writer in this paper put it, “re-queering a mainstream that had fallen back into heteronormative mundanity”. In a career-making verse on Kanye West’s Monster, Nicki Minaj annihilated her male peers and gloried in her sexualisation. MIA, infuriated by America’s hypocritical propriety, flipped off the Super Bowl and proved her point by incurring a $16.5m fine.📷 Infuriated by hypocritical propriety ... MIA gives America the middle finger during her Super Bowl performance in 2012. Photograph: Christopher Polk/Getty Images Advertisement As a former Disney star, Miley Cyrus stepped the furthest out of bounds. In 2008, aged 15, she had posed in a sheet for Vanity Fair. “MILEY’S SHAME,” screamed the New York Post. She apologised to her fans, “who I care so deeply about”. But in 2013, she torched her child-star image by writhing in her knickers on a wrecking ball, twerking against Robin Thicke, being flagrant about her drug use, appropriating African American culture while perpetuating racist stereotypes.Cyrus’s 2013 transformation bore the hallmarks of a breakdown – especially witnessed two years after the death of Amy Winehouse, who was then perceived as a victim of her own self-destruction. But Cyrus was largely intentional about her work (if, then, ignorant of her racism). She had waited until she was no longer employed by Disney to express herself. Earlier in her career, she said, she struggled to watch her peers. “I was so jealous of what everyone else got to do, because I didn’t get to truly be myself yet.” Despite apparently smoking massive amounts of weed herself, she didn’t want to tell kids to copy her. But she knew the power she offered her peers such as Ariana Grande, who that year left Nickelodeon to release her debut album. “I’m like, ‘Walk out with me right now and get this picture, and this will be the best thing that happens to you, because just you associating with me makes you a little less sweet.’”Pop did get a little less sweet. Sia and Tove Lo sang brazenly about using drugs to mask pain. Icona Pop’s I Love It reigned (“I crashed my car into a bridge / I watched and let it burn”) thanks to its inclusion on the soundtrack of Lena Dunham’s Girls. With its aimless characters and their ugly behaviour, the show mirrored pop’s retreat from aspirational sheen, and the culture’s growing obsession with “messy” women and “strong female characters”: flawed attempts to create new archetypes that rejected the expectation of girls behaving nicely.📷 An explicit rejection of role-model status ... Beyoncé performs at the Super Bowl in 2013. Photograph: Ezra Shaw/Getty ImagesA new cohort of young female and non-binary critics shifted the discussion around music: in 2015, when the documentary Amy was released, they questioned how Winehouse was perceived in death compared to Kurt Cobain. They also pushed aside the virgin/whore rivalries of old. In an earlier era, Beyoncé and Lana Del Rey might have been fashioned into nemeses, one sexualised and powerful, the other gothic and demure. Instead, their respective mid-decade self-mythologising showed that female musicians could be pop’s auteurs, not just the men in the wings. Advertisement Beyoncé’s self-titled 2013 album was an explicit rejection of her role-model status. She was 15 when Destiny’s Child released their debut album. “But now I’m in my 30s and those children that grew up listening to me have grown up,” she said in a behind-the-scenes video.
The responsibility she felt to them “stifled” her. “I felt like ... I could not express everything … I feel like I’ve earned the right to be me and express any and every side of myself.”It was the first of her albums to reveal the breadth of her inner life – the coexisting kinks, triumphs and insecurities, showing the complexity of black womanhood. The critic Soraya Nadia McDonald wrote: “Mixed in with songs about insecurity, grief, protest and the love she has for her child, Beyoncé manages to present her sexuality as a normal part of her life that deserves celebration.” “It doesn’t make you a bad mother. It doesn’t make black people look bad, and it doesn’t make you a bad feminist, either.” When Beyoncé emblazoned “FEMINIST” on stage at the 2014 MTV VMAs, she helped reclaim the word from middle-class white discourse.Like Beyoncé, Del Rey countered the idea that female pop stars were major-label puppets. She had struggled to make it as an indie artist but found a home at Polydor – a detail that caused detractors to question her authenticity. Her shaky debut SNL performance revealed the flaw in their thinking: if she was manufactured, wouldn’t she have been better drilled? Her project was potent, but startlingly unrefined. More intriguingly, she opposed fast-calcifying ideas about how feminist art should look: Del Rey’s lyrics revelled in submission and violence, in thrall to bad guys and glamour. It wasn’t feminist to want these things; but nor was it feminist to insist on the suppression of desire in the name of shiny empowerment.📷 Exposing industry machinations ... Azealia Banks at the Reading festival in 2013. Photograph: Simone Joyner/Getty Images Advertisement Del Rey’s lusts and designs were her own – pure female gaze – a hallmark of the defiant female pop stars to come. Rihanna said she was “completely not” a role model, a point driven home by the viscerally violent video for Bitch Better Have My Money. Lauren Mayberry of Scottish trio Chvrches refused to be singled out from her male bandmates and wrote searingly about the misogyny she faced online. Janelle Monáe and Solange rubbished the idea that R&B was the only lane open to young black women.They started revealing their business conflicts. In 2013, 21-year-old Sky Ferreira finally released her debut, six years after signing a $1m record deal. She was transparent about her paradoxical treatment: “They worked me to death, but when I wanted to input anything, it was like, ‘You’re a child, you don’t know what you’re talking about.’” When Capitol pulled funding for the album, she financed its completion: it was widely named an album of the year. Facing similar frustrations, rapper Angel Haze leaked her 2013 album, Dirty Gold, and Azealia Banks wasted no opportunity to expose industry machinations.The rise of Tumblr and SoundCloud put young artists in control of their own artistic identities, forging authentic fan relationships that labels couldn’t afford to mess with. Lorde was signed age 12, but her manager knew he had to follow her lead because she knew her audience better than he did. Halsey was already Tumblr-famous for her covers, hair colours and candour about her bisexuality and bipolar diagnosis when she posted her first original song in 2014. It received so much attention that the 19-year-old – who described herself as an “inconvenient woman” for everything she represented – signed to major label Astralwerks the following evening.A new type of fan arrived with them. The illusion of intimacy led to greater emotional investment – and with it, an expectation of accountability. Social media was being used to arbitrate social justice issues, giving long overdue platforms to marginalised voices, and establishing far more complex moral standards for pop stars than the executives who shilled Britney’s virginity could ever have imagined. In 2013, Your Fav Is Problematic began to highlight stars’ missteps: among Halsey’s 11 infractions were “sexualising Japanese culture” and allegedly falsifying her story about being “homeless”.Musicians, particularly of an
older guard, were unprepared. Lily Allen’s comeback single Hard Out Here, released in late 2013, satirised the impossible aesthetic standards expected of female musicians – a bold message undermined by the racist stereotypes she invoked to make her point: “Don’t need to shake my arse for you ’cause I’ve got a brain,” she sang, while black and Asian leotard-clad dancers twerked around her in the video. The backlash was swift. There was the sense of a balance tipping.📷 Refused to let terrorists suppress girls’ joy ... Ariana Grande at One Love Manchester, 4 June 2017. Photograph: Kevin Mazur/One Love Manchester/Getty Images Advertisement Over the decade, female pop stars steadily self-determined beyond the old limited archetypes. But the most dramatic identity shifts were still a product of adversity, women battling for control.In 2015, Ariana Grande provoked mild outcry when she got caught licking a doughnut she hadn’t paid for and declaring: “I hate America.” Two years later, a suicide bomber attacked her concert at Manchester Arena, leaving 22 dead. She went home to Florida in the aftermath, then returned to stage benefit concert One Love Manchester. A victim’s mother asked Grande to perform her raunchiest hits after the Daily Mail implied that the bomber had targeted the concert because of her sexualised aesthetic. So she did. By prioritising her mental health and refusing to let terrorists suppress girls’ joy and sexuality, she set a powerful example for fans that ran counter to the moralising of commentators such as Piers Morgan.Grande appeared to emerge from this tragedy – and the death of ex-boyfriend Mac Miller – with a renewed sense of what was important, and what really was not. Her next album, Sweetener, defiantly reclaimed happiness from trauma; she swiftly released another, Thank U, Next, abandoning traditional pop release patterns to work with a rapper’s spontaneity. “I just want to fucking talk to my fans and sing and write music and drop it the way these boys do,” she said.Kesha had helped instigate this decade of greater freedom for female musicians – or so it seemed until October 2014, when she sued producer Dr Luke, making allegations including sexual assault. (In spring 2016, a judge dismissed the case; Luke denies all allegations and is suing Kesha for defamation.) She claimed she was told she had to be “fun”, an image that Luke’s label intended to capitalise on, revealing how revelry could be just as confining as its prim counterpart. In 2017, she released Rainbow, her first album in five years. Addressing her trauma, it got the best reviews of her career – a response that also seemed to reveal something about the most digestible way for a female artist to exist. But her forthcoming album, High Road, pointedly returns to the recklessness of her first two records. “I don’t feel as if I’m beholden to be a tragedy just because I’ve gone through something that was tragic,” she said.Taylor Swift’s refusal to endorse a candidate in the 2016 election, and the fallout from a spat with Kanye West, saw her shred her image of nice-girl relatability with her 2017 heel-turn, Reputation. But she rebelled more meaningfully when she leveraged her profile to expose the music industry, alerting the public to otherwise opaque matters of ownership and compensation. She joined independent labels in the fight to make Apple Music pay artists for the free trial period it offered consumers. Earlier this year, she despaired at her former label, Big Machine, being bought – and the master recordings to her first six albums with it – by nemesis Scooter Braun, an option she claimed she was denied. Now signed to Universal, and the owner of her masters going forward, she hoped young musicians might learn from her “about how to better protect themselves in a negotiation”, she wrote. “You deserve to own the art you make.” Advertisement Swift’s formative politesse came from country music, an industry that emphasises deference to power and traditional gender roles. In 2015, consultant Keith Hill – using a bizarre metaphor about
salad – admitted that radio sidelined female musicians: they were then subject to endless questions about tomatogate, as if they had the power to fix it. But that blatant industry disregard freed female country artists to shuck off obligation and make whatever music they wanted. In recent years, Miranda Lambert, Ashley McBryde, Brandy Clark, Kacey Musgraves, Ashley Monroe, Maren Morris, Brandi Carlile and Margo Price have all creatively outstripped their male peers.📷 ‘Just me existing is revolutionary’ ... Lizzo. Photograph: Owen Sweeney/Invision/APTheir situation resonates beyond country: greater personal freedoms for female musicians haven’t equated to greater commercial success. Just because a wave of female pop acts have refused old industry ideals, that doesn’t mean control is consigned to the past. There will be young women enduring coercive music industry situations right now – whether manipulation or more serious abuse. Some may never meet those impossible standards, and fail to launch. Others may quietly endure years of repression before potentially finding their voice. There are high-profile female pop acts working today who control their work yet are still subject to grinding suggestions that they change to meet market demands, and noisy women from this decade who have been sidelined. The tropes of the self-actualised female pop star are so established that labels know how to reverse engineer “real” pop girls beholden to a script.But the emergence of a more holistic female star will make it harder for labels to shill substitutes. Their emotional openness has destroyed the stigma around mental health that was used to diminish female musicians as “mad” divas. Charli XCX said she would never have betrayed her vulnerabilities when she was starting out in her teens. “If I’m emotionally vulnerable,” she thought, “people won’t take me seriously … Now I just don’t care.” Robyn spent eight years following up her most successful record because she needed time to grieve and unpick the impact of her own teen stardom. Britney – who in 1999 told Rolling Stone, “I have no feelings at all” – this year cancelled her Las Vegas residency to prioritise her mental health. 📷 More to the floor: the decade the dancefloor was decolonised Read more Advertisement They’ve relentlessly countered the male gaze. Chris refused to simplify queerness for the mainstream; Kim Petras stood for “trans joy”; Rihanna challenged the idea of skinny as aspirational by creating inclusive fashion lines and candidly discussing her own shape. “Just me existing is revolutionary”, Lizzo has said, while Cardi B refused to let anyone use her past as a stripper undermine her legitimacy as a powerful political voice.Where unthinking messiness was valorised at the start of the decade, now imperfection only gets a pass as long as nobody else is getting hurt. This summer, Miley, now 26, apologised for the racial insensitivity of her Wrecking Ball era. Soon after, she posted striking tweets in response to rumours of her cheating on her husband. She admitted to having been hedonistic and unprofessional in her youth. But she swore she hadn’t cheated in her marriage. “I’ve grown up in front of you, but the bottom line is, I HAVE GROWN UP,” she wrote. (To a degree – not long after, she found herself called out again when she implied that queerness is a choice.)In their fallibility and resistance to commodification, the women who have defined this decade in pop look a lot more like role models than the corporate innocents sold to girls in the early millennium. They’re still learning, working with what they’ve got rather than submitting to what they’re told. “I don’t know what it feels like not to be a teenager,” Billie Eilish said recently. “But kids know more than adults.” … as you’re joining us today from South Africa, we have a small favour to ask. Tens of millions have placed their trust in the Guardian’s high-impact journalism since we started publishing 200 years ago, turning to us in moments of crisis, uncertainty, solidarity and hope. More than 1.5
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Favorite Artists
Since this is a music blog, I think it would be wise to tell you all about what I like to listen to, yes?
Pop: Bruno Mars, Michael Jackson, Rihanna, Janet Jackson, Ariana Grande, Zayn Malik, Kimbra, Beyonce, Adele, Wham/George Michael, Lana del Rey, Sia, Charli XCX, Culture Club, Cyndi Lauper, 80s Madonna, Maroon 5, Ace of Base, Natalia Kills, pre-Born This Way Lady Gaga, Robyn, Sam Smith, Gwen Stefani, P!nk pre-So What, Destiny’s Child, *NSYNC, Justin Timberlake before he became totally annoying, Nelly Furtado, Christina Aguilera pre-Bionic, Black Eyed Peas pre-Boom Boom Pow
R&B: Janelle Monae, Aaliyah, The Weeknd, SZA, PartyNextDoor, Majid Jordan, Syd/The Internet, Quadron, Little Dragon, Solange, D’Angelo, The Foreign Exchange, Ella Mai, Bryson Tiller, Brandy, TLC, SWV, Mary J. Blige, Jodeci, Boyz II Men, Bell Biv Devoe, Shai, Next, Frank Ocean, Miguel, Daniel Caesar, Kali Uchis, Steve Lacy, Tay Walker, Kelis, John Legend, Jazmine Sullivan, Lauryn Hill, Maxwell, Erykah Badu, Usher pre-2008, Alicia Keys pre-2011, pre-EDM Ne-Yo, Lloyd, Tony Toni Tone, Kelela, Kehlani, BJ The Chicago Kid, Jesse Boykins III, Ari Lennox, Kilo Kish, Anderson.Paak, Dawn Richard, En Vogue, 702, Robin Thicke pre-Blurred Lines
Funk/Soul: Prince, George Clinton, Bootsy Collins, Parliament, Funkadelic, Chaka Khan/Rufus, The Time, Rick James, Teena Marie, DeBarge, Sade, Amy Winehouse, Jamiroquai, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson, Donna Summer, Patti LaBelle, Earth, Wind & Fire, Zapp, The Gap Band, Curtis Mayfield, The Ohio Players, Alabama Shakes, Anita Baker, Sly & The Family Stone, The Isley Brothers, Kool & The Gang, Cameo, Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam, Slave, D-Train, Thundercat
Hip Hop: Chance The Rapper, Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Childish Gambino, Schoolboy Q, Jidenna, 2Pac, N.W.A., Public Enemy, Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg, Eazy-E, Bone Thugs & Harmony, Pharrell, Missy Elliott, Timbaland, Method Man, Ol’ Dirty Bastard, Phontigallo, Kanye West before he married Kim K, Lupe Fiasco before he fell off his rocker, De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, Outkast, Goodie Mob, The Fugees, Goldlink, Russ, The Pharcyde, Grandmaster Flash, Whodini, Dizzee Rascal, Vic Mensa, Hopsin, Dizzy Wright, Action Bronson, Lil’ Wayne pre-Carter III, Azealia Banks before she became a hot mess, Angel Haze, Jaden Smith, Wiz Khalifa before he went mainstream, Salt-n-Pepa, Queen Latifah
Dance/Electronic: Black Coffee, Kaytranada, Snakehips, Flying Lotus, Daft Punk, Calvin Harris, AlunaGeorge, Jesse Rose, A-Trak, Frankie Knuckles, Disclosure, Kerri Chandler, Jesse Saunders, Inner City, M.I.A., Crystal Waters, Felix Da Housecat, Icona Pop, Kiesza, Krewella, Justice, Haywyre, Televisor, Technotronic, Major Lazer, Kaskade, Danny Avila, Morgan Page, Fred V. & Grafix, Rudimental, deadmau5 before he sold out, SBTRKT, Flux Pavilion, Bjork, Gorillaz, Massive Attack, Tricky, Pet Shop Boys, Years and Years, Shamir
Rock: Queen, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, David Bowie, Nirvana, Linkin Park, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lenny Kravitz, The Ramones, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, early U2, The Police, Santana, Tame Impala, The xx, The Clash, Depeche Mode, Blondie, Eurythmics, Duran Duran, No Doubt, Tears For Fears, R.E.M., Psychedelic Furs, Alanis Morissette, early Beck, Florence + The Machine, Garbage, Imagine Dragons, Kate Bush, Ok Go, One Republic, Sugar Ray, Smash Mouth, The 1975, St. Vincent, MGMT, Santigold
Jazz: Esperanza Spalding, Brand New Heavies, Incognito, Najee, George Benson, Herbie Hancock, Billie Holiday, Nina Simone, Thelonius Monk, Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie
Latin/Caribbean: Selena, Romeo Santos, Aventura, Shakira, Enrique Iglesias, J. Lo pre-2005, Bob Marley, Pitbull before he sold out, Shaggy, early Sean Paul, Beenie Man, Jimmy Cliff, Ini Kamoze, Lady Saw, Mad Cobra, Sizzla, Wayne Wonder, Celia Cruz, Machito, Tito Puente, Sly and Robbie, Maxi Priest, Super Cat, Xtreme, Toby Love
Yes, as you all can see, I really do like a little bit of everything.
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Download MATTN - Tomorrowland 2019 (Weekend 1) (Boom, Belgium) for free now!
Artist: MATTN Show: MATTN – Tomorrowland 2019 (Weekend 1) (Boom, Belgium) Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Electronic
Discover more Tomorrowland 2019 live sets & radioshows here
MATTN – Tomorrowland 2019 (Weekend 1) (Boom, Belgium) Tracklist
01. MATTN & Klaas & Roland Clark – Children [SMASH THE HOUSE]
02. Jewelz & Sparks – Bring It Back (Afrojack X Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Edit) [WALL] w/ Icona Pop ft. Charli XCX – I Love It (SICK INDIVIDUALS Remix) [BIG BEAT]
03. Laidback Luke & Keanu Silva – Oh Yes (Rockin’ With The Best) (RetroVision Remix) [MIXMASH] w/ Major Lazer ft. Busy Signal & The Flexican & FS Green – Watch Out For This (Bumaye) (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Tomorrowland Remix) [MAD DECENT]
04. Cyndi Lauper – Girls Just Want To Have Fun (DJ Punish Remix) [SONY]
05. Usher vs. DJ KUBA & NEITAN – DJ Got Us Party On (Dillon James Mashup)
06. David Guetta & Nicky Romero – Ring The Alarm [PROTOCOL]
07. MATTN & Paris Hilton – Lone Wolves [SMASH THE HOUSE]
08. Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa – One Kiss (R3HAB Remix) [COLUMBIA] w/ Sebastian Ingrosso & Tommy Trash ft. John Martin – Reload [REFUNE]
09. Cash Cash ft. Jacquie Lee – Aftershock [BIG BEAT] w/ Kygo & Whitney Houston – Higher Love [RCA]
10. A$AP Ferg ft. A$AP Rocky & French Montana & Schoolboy Q & Trinidad James – Work (Remix) [A$AP] w/ Jewelz & Sparks – Hard [SPINNIN’]
11. Meduza ft. GOODBOYS – Piece Of Your Heart [VIRGIN] w/ Flaremode ft. Hard Lights – Another Level [DOORN]
12. MATTN – Jungle Fever [SMASH THE HOUSE]
13. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike ft. Wolfpack & Katy B – Find Tomorrow (Ocarina) [SMASH THE HOUSE] w/ David Guetta & Martin Garrix & Brooks vs. Pitbull & Ne-Yo & Afrojack & Nayer – Like I Do vs. Give Me Everything (Afrojack Edit) [WALL / WHAT A MUSIC]
14. Rune RK vs. Jack Ü ft. Bunji Garlin – Jungle Calabria (Cristian Marchi & Luis Rodriguez Private Bootleg) [ARTI FARTI APS / ATLANTIC]
15. Martin Garrix ft. Macklemore & Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy – Summer Days [EPIC AMSTERDAM]
16. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Quintino – Patser Bounce [SMASH THE HOUSE] w/ Hardwell & Quintino – Reckless [SPINNIN’]
17. Alice Deejay – Better Off Alone (ID Remix) [VIOLENT]
18. David Guetta ft. RAYE – Stay (Don’t Go Away) (David Guetta & R3HAB Remix) [PARLOPHONE]
19. Josh Le Tissier – Insomnia [DISTROKID]
20. Queen vs. Quintino & Curbi – We Will Rock You (Lennert Wolfs Get Down Edit)
21. DJ Snake ft. Cardi B, Selena Gomez & Ozuna – Taki Taki (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Quintino Remix) [GEFFEN]
22. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Nicky Romero – Everybody Clap [PROTOCOL]
23. Rudeejay & Da Brozz – Hey! [GENERATION SMASH]
24. John Newman vs. Martin Garrix & Brooks – Love Me Again Byte (Chunky Dip Edit)
25. Justice – D.A.N.C.E. (Yultron Remix) [ED BANGER] w/ Deorro – Offspring [DIM MAK]
26. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Ummet Ozcan – Narcotic [SMASH THE HOUSE]
27. Dzeko & Torres ft. Delaney Jane – L’amour Toujours (Tiësto Edit) [MUSICAL FREEDOM]
28. Kid Cudi ft. MGMT & Ratatat – Pursuit Of Happiness (Steve Aoki Remix) [REPUBLIC/GOOD MUSIC] w/ Ummet Ozcan – Raise Your Hands [SPINNIN’]
29. Robert Miles vs. David Guetta & Kelly Rowland vs. MATTN & Futuristic Polar Bears & Push & Klaas & Roland Clark & Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike – Children vs. When Love Takes Over vs. Universal Nation (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. David Guetta TwoIsOne Mashup)
30. 3 Are Legend & W&W – Khaleesi [ULTRA] w/ Marshmello ft. Bastille – Happier (Maurice West Bootleg) [ASTRALWERKS]
31. MATTN & Futuristic Polar Bears vs. Push & Klaas – Café Del Mar (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Klaas Vocal Mix) [SMASH THE HOUSE]
32. Quintino – Brasil Connect [SMASH THE HOUSE] w/ Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin – Don’t You Worry Child (Shaggy Soldiers Bootleg) [EMI UK]
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Listen or download MATTN - Tomorrowland 2019 (Weekend 1) (Boom, Belgium) for free now!
Artist: MATTN Show: MATTN – Tomorrowland 2019 (Weekend 1) (Boom, Belgium) Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Electronic
Discover more Tomorrowland 2019 live sets & radioshows here
MATTN – Tomorrowland 2019 (Weekend 1) (Boom, Belgium) Tracklist
01. MATTN & Klaas & Roland Clark – Children [SMASH THE HOUSE]
02. Jewelz & Sparks – Bring It Back (Afrojack X Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Edit) [WALL] w/ Icona Pop ft. Charli XCX – I Love It (SICK INDIVIDUALS Remix) [BIG BEAT]
03. Laidback Luke & Keanu Silva – Oh Yes (Rockin’ With The Best) (RetroVision Remix) [MIXMASH] w/ Major Lazer ft. Busy Signal & The Flexican & FS Green – Watch Out For This (Bumaye) (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Tomorrowland Remix) [MAD DECENT]
04. Cyndi Lauper – Girls Just Want To Have Fun (DJ Punish Remix) [SONY]
05. Usher vs. DJ KUBA & NEITAN – DJ Got Us Party On (Dillon James Mashup)
06. David Guetta & Nicky Romero – Ring The Alarm [PROTOCOL]
07. MATTN & Paris Hilton – Lone Wolves [SMASH THE HOUSE]
08. Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa – One Kiss (R3HAB Remix) [COLUMBIA] w/ Sebastian Ingrosso & Tommy Trash ft. John Martin – Reload [REFUNE]
09. Cash Cash ft. Jacquie Lee – Aftershock [BIG BEAT] w/ Kygo & Whitney Houston – Higher Love [RCA]
10. A$AP Ferg ft. A$AP Rocky & French Montana & Schoolboy Q & Trinidad James – Work (Remix) [A$AP] w/ Jewelz & Sparks – Hard [SPINNIN’]
11. Meduza ft. GOODBOYS – Piece Of Your Heart [VIRGIN] w/ Flaremode ft. Hard Lights – Another Level [DOORN]
12. MATTN – Jungle Fever [SMASH THE HOUSE]
13. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike ft. Wolfpack & Katy B – Find Tomorrow (Ocarina) [SMASH THE HOUSE] w/ David Guetta & Martin Garrix & Brooks vs. Pitbull & Ne-Yo & Afrojack & Nayer – Like I Do vs. Give Me Everything (Afrojack Edit) [WALL / WHAT A MUSIC]
14. Rune RK vs. Jack Ü ft. Bunji Garlin – Jungle Calabria (Cristian Marchi & Luis Rodriguez Private Bootleg) [ARTI FARTI APS / ATLANTIC]
15. Martin Garrix ft. Macklemore & Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy – Summer Days [EPIC AMSTERDAM]
16. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Quintino – Patser Bounce [SMASH THE HOUSE] w/ Hardwell & Quintino – Reckless [SPINNIN’]
17. Alice Deejay – Better Off Alone (ID Remix) [VIOLENT]
18. David Guetta ft. RAYE – Stay (Don’t Go Away) (David Guetta & R3HAB Remix) [PARLOPHONE]
19. Josh Le Tissier – Insomnia [DISTROKID]
20. Queen vs. Quintino & Curbi – We Will Rock You (Lennert Wolfs Get Down Edit)
21. DJ Snake ft. Cardi B, Selena Gomez & Ozuna – Taki Taki (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Quintino Remix) [GEFFEN]
22. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Nicky Romero – Everybody Clap [PROTOCOL]
23. Rudeejay & Da Brozz – Hey! [GENERATION SMASH]
24. John Newman vs. Martin Garrix & Brooks – Love Me Again Byte (Chunky Dip Edit)
25. Justice – D.A.N.C.E. (Yultron Remix) [ED BANGER] w/ Deorro – Offspring [DIM MAK]
26. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Ummet Ozcan – Narcotic [SMASH THE HOUSE]
27. Dzeko & Torres ft. Delaney Jane – L’amour Toujours (Tiësto Edit) [MUSICAL FREEDOM]
28. Kid Cudi ft. MGMT & Ratatat – Pursuit Of Happiness (Steve Aoki Remix) [REPUBLIC/GOOD MUSIC] w/ Ummet Ozcan – Raise Your Hands [SPINNIN’]
29. Robert Miles vs. David Guetta & Kelly Rowland vs. MATTN & Futuristic Polar Bears & Push & Klaas & Roland Clark & Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike – Children vs. When Love Takes Over vs. Universal Nation (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. David Guetta TwoIsOne Mashup)
30. 3 Are Legend & W&W – Khaleesi [ULTRA] w/ Marshmello ft. Bastille – Happier (Maurice West Bootleg) [ASTRALWERKS]
31. MATTN & Futuristic Polar Bears vs. Push & Klaas – Café Del Mar (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Klaas Vocal Mix) [SMASH THE HOUSE]
32. Quintino – Brasil Connect [SMASH THE HOUSE] w/ Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin – Don’t You Worry Child (Shaggy Soldiers Bootleg) [EMI UK]
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Emily Ratajkowski: la modella e attrice tanto odiata
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://wdonna.it/emily-ratajkowski-la-modella-e-attrice-tanto-odiata/110751?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=110751
Emily Ratajkowski: la modella e attrice tanto odiata

Emily Ratajkowski è una modella e attrice statunitense.
Nel corso degli ultimi anni è stata tanto discussa (e da alcuni odiata) per una serie di questioni sociali in cui ha deciso di imbattersi. Basti pensare alla lotta contro il femminismo e sulla sessualità, che a detta sua dovrebbe essere espressa liberamente da parte di ogni donna.
Ma se da una parte ha ricevuto una valanga di critiche, dall’altra risulta essere molto apprezzata per il suo spirito indipendente e combattivo. Sono tante le persone che la sostengono ed allo stesso tempo si ispirano a lei come vera e propria icona di bellezza.
Emily Ratajkowski biografia
Nata a Londra il 7 giugno del 1991, Emily O’Hara Ratajkowski ha 30 anni.
Figlia di un pittore e di un’insegnante di letteratura, la supermodella ha vissuto la sua infanzia nel Regno Unito e più precisamente nel quartiere di West Kensington. Sin da piccola mostrò la sua passione per la recitazione: infatti, ottenne una parte presso il Lyceum Theatre quando aveva soltanto tredici anni.
Non molto dopo però, rimase folgorata anche dal mondo della moda. Così, mentre iniziava a fare alcune audizioni per produzioni Disney, entrò in contatto con l’agenzia Ford Models. E mentre si appassionava sempre di più a questi due ambiti, la Ratajkowski frequentò il San Dieguito Academy, liceo situato a San Diego, negli USA.
Una volta ottenuto il diploma, Emily si iscrisse all’Università della California a Los Angeles. Tuttavia, riuscire a conciliare il suo lavoro con gli studi diventava sempre più difficile. Così, decise di abbandonarli, dedicandosi al 100% alla carriera come modella e attrice.
Da quel momento in poi iniziò a prendere parte a vari editoriali e campagne fotografiche per brand di un certo calibro. Ma il successo vero e proprio giunse nel 2013, anno in cui comparì in una serie di video musicali, quali:
Fast Car, di Taio Cruz
Love Somebody, dei Maroon 5
Blurred Lines, di Robert Thicke & Pharrel Williams
Quest’ultimo si rivelò un tormentone e la presenza della Ratajkowski non passò di certo inosservata. Grazie a Blurred Lines, divenne per molti un’icona sexy. Anche perché nella versione esplicita del video, Emily compariva in topless.
Emily Ratajkowski femminismo
Come vi abbiamo già detto in precedenza, Emily Ratajkowki è una donna che ama lottare per i suoi diritti.
Una delle lotte per le quali si è imbattuta maggiormente è quella contro il femminismo. Proprio in un post su Instagram scrisse così:
“Questa settimana, 25 vecchi bianchi hanno votato per vietare l’aborto in Alabama anche in caso di incesto e stupro. Questi uomini al potere stanno imponendo la loro volontà sui corpi delle donne per sostenere il patriarcato e per perpetuare il complesso carcerario industriale, togliendo alle donne di bassa estrazione economica il diritto di scegliere di non riprodursi. Inoltre, gli stati che stanno cercando di vietare l’aborto sono quelli con maggiore percentuale di donne nere residenti. Questa è una questione di classe economica e razza ed è un attacco diretto ai diritti fondamentali delle donne statunitensi, che sono protette dal Roe contro Wade. Il nostro corpo è una nostra scelta”.
Allo stesso tempo però, c’è chi l’ha aspramente criticata e definita incoerente. Il motivo risiederebbe proprio in Blurred Lines, definito da alcuni come canzone che incitasse allo stupro. Ma in varie interviste Emily ha prontamente specificato che ogni donna è libera di esprimere la propria sessualità, come più preferisce.
Emily Ratajkowski marito
Cosa sappiamo della vita privata di Emily Ratajkowski?
Per quanto riguarda la sfera sentimentale, la supermodella è sposata dal 2018 con Sebastian-Bear McClard.
I due hanno un figlio che si chiama Sylvester Apollo Bear. Anche riguardo la sua gravidanza ci furono una serie di rumors, inerenti al sesso del bambino. A tal proposito, lei disse per un’intervista a Vogue:
“Quando io e mio marito diciamo agli amici che sono incinta, la loro prima domanda dopo “Congratulazioni” è quasi sempre: “Sai cosa vuoi?”. Ci piace rispondere che non sapremo il sesso fino a quando nostro figlio non avrà 18 anni e che poi ce lo faranno sapere. Inoltre, io credo che la gravidanza sia innatamente solitaria. E’ un qualcosa che una donna fa da sola, all’interno del suo corpo, indipendentemente dalle circostanze. Nonostante abbia un partner amorevole e molte amiche pronte a condividere i dettagli grintosi delle loro gravidanze, alla fine sono solo con il mio corpo in questa esperienza”.
Insomma, anche per quanto riguarda la maternità, Emily sembrerebbe avere delle idee molto chiare. A soli 30 anni si può considerare senza ombra di dubbio molto più matura di tantissime coetanee, non credete?
Emily Ratajkowski Instagram
Dov’è possibile seguire tutte le novità sulla Ratajkowki?
Ovviamente sui social network! Ad esempio su Instagram ha un profilo con la bellezza di 27,2 milioni di followers e la potete trovare con il nickname @emrata.
Qui avrete modo di scovare tantissimi scatti della modella insieme al suo bambino ma anche in pose sexy, che non passano affatto inosservate ai fans più accaniti. Basta dare un’occhiata ai suoi post e vi ritroverete dinanzi a migliaia di likes e commenti, pieni di apprezzamenti sia da parte di uomini che di donne.
E non mancano di certo le stories, anche inerenti al lavoro. Proprio recentemente, ha annunciato il lancio del suo libro, intitolato “My body”, in cui parla del rapporto con il suo corpo e non solo.
Emily Ratajkowski film
L’amore bugiardo – Gone Girl (in lingua originale Gone Girl), con la regia di David Fincher (nel 2014)
Entourage, con la regia di Doug Ellin (nel 2015)
We Are Your Friends, con la regia di Max Joseph (nel 2015)
Cruise, con la regia di Robert Siegel (nel 2018)
In Darkness – Nell’oscurità (in lingua originale In Darkness), con la regia di Anthony Byrne (nel 2018)
Come ti divento bella! (in inglese I Feel Pretty), con la regia di Abby Kohn e Marc Silverstein (nel 2018)
Welcome Home – Uno sconosciuto in casa, con la regia di George Ratliff (nel 2018)
L’arte della truffa (in lingua originale Lying and Stealing), con la regia di Matt Aselton (nel 2019)
iCarly, serie tv (in onda dal 2009 al 2010)
The Spoils Before Dying, serie tv (andata in onda nel 2015)
Easy, serie tv (andata in onda nel 2016)
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2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
1. Blinding Lights - The Weeknd - 33 2. Numb - Elderbrook - 26 3. Voices - Hurts - 25 4. Toss A Coin To Your Witcher - Sonya Belousova - 21 5. Maldad - Steve Aoki - 19 6. Low (feat. T-Pain) - Flo Rida - 18 - All For Us - Labrinth - 18 Miss Decibel - Medina - 18 7. Call On Me - Radio Mix - Eric Prydz - 17 - Kiss the Ring - Jowst - 17 - On Fire - THE ROOP - 17 8. Bow Down - Homecoming Live - Beyoncé - 16 - Cola - CamelPhat - 16 - Bootylicious - Destiny's Child - 16 - Air Tonight (feat. Benjamin Hav) - 16 - Mi Gente - J Balvin - 16 - Sorry - Justin Bieber - 16 - Roses - Imanbek Remix - SAINt JHN - 16 9. De den - Kaliffa - 15 - Casanova (Bootycallers Remix) - Palm Trees - 15 - Everytime You Leave - Sonya Belousova - 15 10. Get Lucky (feat. Pharrell Williams & Nile Rodgers) - Daft Punk - 14 - Get Lost - Icona Pop - 14 - I Love It (& Lil Pump) - Kanye West - 14 - Old Town Road - Lil Nas X - 14 - QueLoQue - Major Lazer - 14 11. Summer - Calvin Harris - 13 - Soldi - Mahmood - 13 - Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke - 13 - Toss a Coin to Your Witcher - Samuel Kim - 13 - Shout - Tears for Fears - 13 - Brassed - Tom Thomson - 13 12. No Roots - Alice Merton - 12 - Taki Taki (with Selena Gomez, Ozuna & Cardi B) - DJ Snake - 12 - Bad - Don Diablo - 12 - Shape of You - Ed Sheeran - 12 - Why Do We Shake In The Cold? - Elderbrook - 12 - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythmics - 12 - Make Me Feel - Janelle Monáe - 12 - I'll Wait - Kygo - 12 - Välkommen In - LBSB - 12 - Make It Hot - Major Lazer - 12 - Fate Calls - Mikolai Stroinski - 12 - Geralt Of Rivia - Sonya Belousova - 12 - Happy Childhoods Make For Dull Company - Sonya Belousova - 12 - Yennefer of Vengerberg - Sonya Belousova - 12 13. Hey Brother - Avicii - 11 - Waiting For Love - Avicii - 11 - Wake Me Up - Avicii - 11 - How Deep Is Your Love - Calvin Harris - 11 - Old Friend - Elderbrook - 11 - Don't Be So Shy - Filatov & Karas Remix - Imany - 11 - Swalla (feat. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign) - Jason Derulo - 11 - Somebody to Love - Jefferson Airplane - 11 - Walk - Kwabs - 11 - Higher Love - Kygo - 11 - Tittut - LBSB - 11 - Drank & Drugs - Lil' Kleine - 11 - Macarena - Bayside Boys Remix - Los Del Rio - 11 - Kaer Morhen - Marcin Przybyłowicz - 11 - Silver for Monsters... - Percival - 11 - I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho) - Pitbull - 11 - Turn Me On (feat. Vula) - Riton - 11 - The Time of Axe and Sword Is Now - Sonya Belousova - 11 - Tomorrow I'll Leave Blaviken For Good - Sonya Belousova - 11 - Crank That (Soulja Boy) - Soulja Boy - 11 - I don't wanna talk about me - R3HAB Remix - Stereo Jane - 11 - #SELFIE - The Chainsmokers - 11 14. Du hast den schönsten Arsch der Welt - Alex C - 10 - Left Alone - Allan Rayman - 10 - Mean What I Mean - AlunaGeorge - 10 - How Do You Feel Right Now - Axwell /\ Ingrosso - 10 - Hold Up - Beyoncé - 10 - Run the World (Girls) - Beyoncé - 10 - Feel the Beat - Black Eyed Peas - 10 - Blame (feat. John Newman) - Calvin Harris - 10 - Under Control (feat. Hurts) - Calvin Harris - 10 - Think About Things - Daði Freyr - 10 - 5 Fine Frøkner - Gabrielle - 10 - Fy faen - Hkeem - 10 - Boyfriend - Hurts - 10 - Spotlights - Hurts - 10 - Bang Bang - Jessie J - 10 - Grab the Moment - Jowst - 10 - Such a Whore (Potato Remix) - Jvla - 10 - Fade - Kanye West - 10 - Like It Is - Kygo - 10 - Se Te Nota - Lele Pons - 10 - Boa Menina - Luísa Sonza - 10 - The Hunter's Path - Marcin Przybyłowicz - 10 - Animals - Martin Garrix - 10 - Lose Control - Meduza - 10 - Aen Seidhe - Mikolai Stroinski - 10 - Lie to Me - Mikolas Josef - 10 - ...Steel for Humans - Percival - 10 - The Nightingale - Percival - 10 - It's a Sin - Pet Shop Boys - 10 - Do It Again - Steve Aoki - 10 - Cobrastyle (feat. Mad Cobra) - Teddybears - 10 - Love My Way - The Psychedelic Furs - 10 - Samsara (feat. Emila) - Tungevaag - 10 15. Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer - 9 - All That She Wants - Ace of Base - 9 - Champagne - Adoo - 9 - Problem - Ariana Grande - 9 - Sun Is Shining - Axwell /\ Ingrosso - 9 - Rather Be (feat. Jess Glynne) - Clean Bandit - 9 - Don't Start Now - Dua Lipa - 9 - Shape of You (feat. Nyla & Kranium) - Major Lazer Remix - Ed Sheeran - 9 - Deep End - Fousheé - 9 - Shout - Grum - 9 - Know Your Worth - Khalid - 9 - Judas - Lady Gaga - 9 - Rhythm Inside - Loïc Nottet - 9 - Drown (feat. Clinton Kane) - Martin Garrix - 9 - Love Runs Out - OneRepublic - 9 - Main Titles - Ramin Djawadi - 9 - Don't Stop the Music - Rihanna - 9 - Pon de Replay - Rihanna - 9 - A Gift for the Princess - Sonya Belousova - 9 - The Last Rose Of Cintra - Sonya Belousova - 9 - Voyager - The Rumour Said Fire - 9
1. Jack Wall - 320 2. Ramin Djawadi - 317 3. Sonya Belousova - 294 4. Howard Shore - 281 5. Alexandre Desplat - 183 6. Mikolai Stroinski - 173 7. Hans Zimmer - 167 8. Marcin Przybyłowicz - 164 9. Clint Mansell - 145 10. Jesper Kyd - 145 11. Sam Hulick - 127 12. Lorne Balfe - 122 13. Elderbrook - 121 14. John Paesano - 104 15. Kygo - 101
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