#i've gotten. a little bit off topic
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reikunrei · 2 years ago
not me already having 17 pages of single-spaced notes on observations in ST and that’s only the first 2 seasons.... holy fuckass
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yuvany · 6 months ago
𝐄𝐍𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄𝐍 confessing their love because you don't realise that they love you.
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OT7 ENHYPEN x female reader . . . CONTENT/ WARNING(S) : fluff + friends to lvrs + kissing in a few + little long + not proofread . . WORD COUNT : 1168. CHECK BOX !!
yu-note : side-tracked on some, and got off topic, but I hope you enjoy this ! - REQUEST FOUND HERE !!
( REBLOGS + FEEDBACK always appreciated !! )
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"I've always loved you, Y/n!" He says, his voice sounding desperate like he's been holding it in for so long. You try to reply, but he interrupts, "I don't know how I should tell you this, but I've been asking your friends for help and I've done what they said, but it still doesn't work." You place a palm on his shoulder to calm him down. "Heeseung, I see you as a close friend, and I never really wanted to make it awkward." Heeseung approaches you, his eyes meeting yours again. "So, do you like me too?" He asks, his tone seeking for your assurance with eyes seeming more desperate than his words. You hum, and see how his eyebrows loosen upon hearing your answer. "I in fact do." You say, trailing your fingers up the contours of his face, locking eyes with him and leaning in for a kiss.
It was valentines day, and Jay had planned every detail on a microscopic level for it to be perfect. In the morning, he went and bought a bouquet of roses, then he picked up the teddy bear before he went to see you. His heart began to race, and in his mind, he thought he would get a heart attack. At the junction of the roads you see him sitting on a bench. "Jay? Who are these gifts for? Is it for Soha?" You ask, and he shakes his head. You throw in more guesses, but get it wrong. "Y/n." He interrupts. "These are for you" You are shook by this. "Wait, are you for real?" Jay nods his head, and hands you the bouquet first. "Yeah, I don't know how you didn't catch up on all of my hint up until now." He rants "Jay, I actually always liked you too, but I didn't wanna get ahead of myself here!" You smile, and you see his tense expression relax. "Really?" "Really."
You and him went to see a movie, a movie that Jake had chosen. Jake insisted that he carries the bowls of popcorn even though you offered to help. "What movie are we seeing?" You ask your friend after finding your seats. "It'll be a surprise." He says, his usual smile painting his face. After a couple of minutes into the movie, you figure out that it's a romance movie upon seeing the main characters kiss. "Didn't realise you could bring friends to watch a romance movie." You joke, and Jake chuckles a bit. "Now you know what movie to bring your future girlfriend to." Jake is silent, getting impatient now. "Will you be my 'future' girlfriend?" It takes a moment for you to realise what he said as you see him get closer. "Me?" His hand holds onto yours as he nods. "Of course." You say and close the distance between you two to peck his lips.
While you and Sunghoon are walking together, he asks if you've gotten any love letters. "I have, but they're never from the right person." You sigh, and he nods along. "What do you mean?" You explain how the only love letters you get are from people you don't know and that it's all so vague, and also how you wish people gave you hints that they liked you if they were to send you a letter. As Sunghoon listens closely to your rant, he realised that he has been hinting his love for you, but yet you don't realise. "Y/n, I have something to confess." He says, and you nod your head. "I've wanted to say this for a while, but I thought you'd catch on all the hints I've dropped that I like you, but it hurts hearing you speak so casually about them. So here it is; I love you." You are stunned by this confession, and say, "I have noticed, but I always thought they were on accident. It lightens my heart that you love me, because I like you too."
Isn't one to easily get worked up and frustrated, but when he sees you getting more distant and avoidant, he starts to state questions in his head. First, he goes over to ask your friends, but they say that they have no idea why that is. Had he done something? He spots you turning a corner and rushes over to you with quick strides. You see him, but it is too late to turn around and escape becuase you two already made eye contact. "Y/n!" He calls out. "Sunoo..." You drag out with a forced smile. "Have I done something? Why are you ignoring me?" He asks, leaving no room for greetings. "I'm not-" "Yes, you are!" He sighs, and you copy. "I heard you talking about a girl, and I guessedd it was her from class ( ), and I know she likes you too, so I didn't want to come in between you two." You see Sunoo giggle, his demeanor turning around. "You're so silly. That girl I was talking about is you!" You flush at how ridiculous your assumtion was.
He takes you to a cafe, offering to buy you something warm in contrast to the weather. Jungwon guides you over to a table before he walks up to the register, asking for a latte, and requesting a heart design on it with your initial on it. He really hoped you'd get the hint, knowing that he'd explode if he didn't confess. When it arrives, you arch an eyebrow. "Did yoy add my initial?" you ask while inspecting the drink. Jungwon nods, and you shrug it off, not paying it any mind. "You know, this might be a hint..." He coos. "Like what?" "Maybe that I like you?" he says, dragging out each syllable. You look up at him confused, seeing his eyebrows knitted in worry. "I hope you don't that this the wrong way." Jungwon adds in a hurry. You playfully scoffs, "of course not."
"I am better than him, I'm sure you know that." Riki announces, catching you off-guard by the sudden switch in tone. "What are you saying, Riki?" You look up at him confused from the couch. "Were you peeking at my phone?" You ask, conneccting the dots. "Yeah? But why are you trying to get together with someone else when I'm right here?" He asks, his words coming out like a cannon was fired. "Not quite sure by what you mean." You say, and Riki tilts his head as well as raising an eyebrow. "I see your phone still. Who even is he? He looks short." Riki points at you phone screen as he commenst nastily. "It's not even for me. My friend sent me this, but to answer your question, I'm certain you're better than him." It's quiet, and Riki hides his face in his hoodie after being embarrased. "No need to be shy now. I liked the bold Riki." You say.
TAGLIST : @dollyhoon @itjengirl @saeivra @orimuraa
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 months ago
Injured (Alexia's Version) VI
Alexia Putellas x Teen!Reader
Summary: Alexia tries to talk to you
TW: discussions of eating disorder
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It's reminiscent of that night all those years ago when Alexia came home and was shoved against her own wall by her sister.
It's funny how history repeats itself.
Alexia, back to the wall and unable to understand why and Alba, absolutely furious, being the one to hold her there.
"Alba?" Olga shrieks, standing up from her spot on the sofa.
Alba had one of the spare keys but usually, she didn't use it. Today she had though, bursting through the door like a woman on a mission and shoving Alexia up against the wall.
Jaume never saw the first time but he's heard about it. He couldn't have lived so long in this family without finding out about what happened when he was a baby. But, still, this is the first time he's seen Tia Alba angry at Mami and he watches with wide eyes from the top of the stairs.
"She's skin and bones!" Tia Alba hisses," I watched her today! She could barely stand up!"
"I know."
"And she...Wait, what?"
"I know, Alba." Alexia is calm even though her sister still has a tight grip on her shoulders, pinning her to the wall. "We know. We're trying to work out how to help."
Alba lets go of her, stepping away. "You know?"
Alexia nods. "We know. We're just trying to work out how. She always finishes dinner."
Guilt settles low in Jaume's gut as Mami, Mama and Tia Alba start discussing your eating habits.
You'd always been a bit peckish. You were never much of a big eater.
Jaume was the opposite. He was a growing boy. He ate a lot, especially on days with football training. He hadn't thought much of you offering your food to him, grateful that he wouldn't have to rifle through the fridge when Mami and Mama left the kitchen.
The topic of dinner comes up again and Jaume lingers on the bottom step, threading his fingers together anxiously.
The three women fall silent as he steps into the light.
"What is it, Jaume?" Olga asks.
"Mama," He says, throat bobbing and tears welling in his eyes," I didn't...She never...I didn't know, Mama."
"Didn't know what? What is it?"
Alexia has always been his idol. She's a legend at Barcelona, captain of the club, captain of the country. Her trophies seemed endless and so did her awards. She was a World Cup winner. One of the greatest to ever play the game.
He wanted to be like her.
Her approval meant everything to him.
"Jaume," Alexia says," What is it? About Bambi? Tell us."
"I've been eating her dinner," He admits," When you and Mama turn your backs. She gives it to me."
Tia Alba noisily blows out air, hands cradling her head and Jaume can see the heartbreak on absolutely everyone's faces.
"Thank you for telling us," Alexia says," You're a good boy, Jaume."
Jaume's throat still feels tight though and guilt still swirls in his belly. "Is she...Is she going to be okay?"
No one answers.
It's a delicate situation to work around.
Alba drops hints during your weekly lunch. Olga keeps an eye on your snack breaks after school. Alexia tries to heap more food onto your plate.
You don't notice anything wrong though, apart from the fact that Jaume is suddenly not hungry anymore. He doesn't want your leftovers.
Alexia's the one to confront you, slipping into your room as you finish up some homework.
"Hey," She says.
"Hey." You finish off your last sentence before spinning around in your chair. "What's up?"
Your room has changed since you were little.
Most of your train tracks and little sets are packed away in the attic but your favourite models still litter your shelves. Your bed has gotten bigger and the bookshelf that used to be covered in children's stories is now full of textbooks and little dancing knickknacks like dead pointe shoes or worn-through ballet flats.
A desk has been moved in for you to complete your school work and your closet is now full of clothes you wanted to buy rather than what Alexia used to want you in.
Gone is the little girl with full, round baby cheeks and in her place is a teenager who's lost weight at an alarming rate.
Alexia can hardly believe it.
"I bought us ice cream."
She waves the tub teasingly at you and you pull a face.
"Sorry, Mami," You say," But I'm not hungry right now."
You spin your chair back to your desk.
Alexia spins it back.
You huff.
"Even just a little bit?" She asks," I can't finish this all by myself."
"Jaume's always hungry. Eat with him."
Something prickles down your spine.
Mami is acting weird like she knows something about you that you don't want her to know.
You stare across at her from the bank of a river. You're on one side. She's on the other. The river rushes between you, a gaping chasm that's getting more and more dangerous as it splashes at the banks.
"I can't eat with you?"
She's pushing now and you snap.
"Why does it matter? I'm not hungry! Drop it!"
Alexia's façade drops as well.
"You've not been eating," She says bluntly.
The water laps more furiously at the banks of the river, rushing towards to a waterfall. Alexia looks at you from across the bank. You stare back at her unblinking.
"Yes..." You say, frozen in place," Yes, I have. What are you talking about?"
"Are you an athlete?"
"Do you consider yourself an athlete?"
You scoff, standing up. Your stomach swirls as blood rushes to your head. You feel a little woozy and light-headed but you force your way through it.
"Is this your way of saying that dance isn't active enough for you? Yes! Yes, I consider myself an athlete."
"Then why aren't you fuelling yourself like one?"
Alexia's being gentle about this, trying to coax you out of the corner you've found yourself trapped in. She should have been more subtle though, she realises with a jolt, because you're seconds away from bolting.
She reaches out for you across the bank, a simple hand.
You want to take it. You want her to throw a rope across for you. Something for you to hold and clutch as you swim over to her, to safety.
But you just can't.
Safety means questions and you don't want to answer her questions. You're sure she'll hate you for what she unearths. You're sure she'll look at you and not see her daughter looking back.
If you can't be perfect for her, if you can't be perfect for yourself then you're not worth anything to her.
Jaume has common interests with Mami. He plays football like she did. He plays well like she did. He's going to be world-class like she was.
You have little in common with Alexia but it doesn't make her love you any less. She adores you. She'd drop everything to make sure you're alright.
She doesn't care if you're not perfect. She doesn't care if you decide to quit ballet altogether. She just wants you to be alright.
But you just don't believe that.
You need perfection in yourself. You assume Alexia needs perfection from you as well.
She's staring across the bank from you, arm still out.
You reach for it but the river has gotten more aggressive. The mud on the bank is slippery.
You go straight in.
You try to inflate your lungs but all you can do is breathe in icy cold water as you're battered against the rocks.
You look at Alexia, still holding a tub of ice cream.
She looks at you.
You bolt.
Out of your room. Down the stairs. Out the door and down the street.
Alexia would run after you but she knows. She knows you so well. You'll just run from her and you're much fitter than she is right now. You'd get away quickly.
If she lets you go now then she'll at least know where you're going.
If she runs after you then you could go anywhere.
You're scared. Alexia has scared you.
It's a difficult conversation to have so Alexia lets you run. You need time to calm down, to prepare for this.
She's not happy. She can't be happy when you are starving yourself for reasons still unknown but she can be content with her decision to let you go for now.
You'll have run to somewhere you feel safe.
Alexia can be content.
Or, she's content for a few hours until she gets that call.
"Is this Alexia Putellas?"
"Hi, I'm just calling because you're put down at y/n's emergency contact? I'm afraid she's passed out in one of the practice rooms."
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mimicmimikyuwrites · 8 months ago
Who You Belong To - Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) x Fem!Reader SMUT
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Summary: You and your professor share what could barely be called a relationship, but what's there is tricky and difficult to put a positive label on. When a fellow classmate successfully asks you on a date, Dr. Crane decides to make one thing clear: who you belong to.
Contents/Possible Warnings: Age Gap (Reader is in her early 20's, Crane's in his mid 30's), inclusion of original male character, student-professor relationship, unprotected sex, P in V sex, toxic relationship (?), creampie, semi-clothed sex, mentions of masturbation, degradation, semi-public sex (they fuck in an office), SMUT, MDNI
Other Notes: You can read part two here.
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Some people say there's over four hundred estimated phobias, others say that number can be even higher at five hundred; no matter the number, you were sure Dr. Jonathan Crane knew every single one of them by heart. Your slightly off-putting psychology professor with a passion for fear and its workings shared a relationship with you that had breeched its professional expectations long ago. You couldn't tell what he was to you, exactly, but it certainly wasn't just your professor, not when he had been inside of you more times than either of you could count.
It wasn't uncommon for him to ask you to stay after class, leading into an invitation to his office before you found yourself bent over an expensive, wooden desk that had already been cleared off in expectation of you being pressed to it while you took him. Sometimes if he wanted to strike a bit of fear of getting caught into you, he'd fuck you right in the lecture hall, always letting you know how terrifying the consequences would be if someone else did something as simple as come back for a forgotten pen.
You may have been his favorite teacher's pet, but you were sure there were others. Jonathan was an attractive man who taught an already difficult class, it'd be no surprise to you if he had other women lined up for a chance to recieve a better grade from him in exchange for a little "extra- credit" assignment, as much as you hated to admit it to yourself. He was never yours to begin with.
"Care to tell me why you're staring down at your closed text book instead of listening to my lesson?" Your professor questioned, breaking you out of your thoughts. Shit, how had you gotten so immersed in your little daydream that you had forgotten you were in class? You could feel the sympathetic stares of your peers burning into you as Crane loomed over you, a gleam of mischievous satisfaction in his blue eyes. You didn't respond.
"Stay after class," He said plainly, heading back to the front of the room. He'd still ask you to stay back regardless of how things went, the little show he had made out of you was his way of toying with you in just the way he liked. It was more of a tease at this point, you weren't scared, not of him. Still, you shrunk back into your seat in faux embarrassment to entertain him.
"To those who were paying attention, unlike a certain someone," he paused, gaze drifting over to you as he quickly took in the sight of what you were wearing.
While it was nothing out of the ordinary for you, you did choose to wear a skirt today, a favorite of his to see on you. How easy would it be for him to pull it up, bunching the fabric over your hips so be could get acess to what he was really after? He also took note of your gloss-covered lips, mind drifting onto how great they'd look wrapped around his cock or wide open as you moaned for him. He shifted, moving to be further behind his desk as he felt his pants tighten. He would wreck you after everyone was gone.
"You have a test on the topic of agoraphobia this upcoming Monday; today is Friday, which means you have the weekend to review the notes, which I hope you've been taking, for your own sake." He continued. "You're all free to go, except who I've already asked to stay." He really wouldn't stop rubbing that in, would he? Maybe he was trying to rile you up to make your usual "meeting" more exciting today.
As your classmates rose, you stayed seated, putting your stuff into your bag as you did. It was all routine, except for the man who had approached you before making his way out. He stood over you with a friendly smile, one that you had to admit made him look handsome. He didn't look too different from Dr. Crane in terms of basic features; dark hair and cornflower blue eyes. He was your type on the level of looks.
"Hey, I'm Ryan," He introduced himself, friendly smile remaining on his face. "I heard that you're pretty good in this class, making straight A's. I was wondering if you could help me study this weekend if you're free? Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee, too?" You looked over to where Dr. Crane was standing, the man in question observing your interaction from his desk, making it subtle by acting like he was sorting through papers.
You and your professor weren't exclusive, and if he had others lined up and waiting for him, then you could, too; it'd only be fair. Your classmate wanted to study and get coffee? He'd get what he wanted and more. "Sure! I'm free tommorrow at twelve if that works out for you," You finally replied, smiling up at Ryan. You had just met the guy and he was already doing something that Crane never did: asking you out on a date.
Ryan grinned, grabbing a notebook out of his bag and ripping out a piece of paper, writing his number on it before handing it to you. "I'll see you then!" He exclaimed happily before waving goodbye and leaving. After he had left, you stood up, pulling your bag over your shoulder before you made your way to where Jonathan was at the front of the lecture hall. He did ask you to stay after class.
"Throw it away," Crane stated plainly, moving the small, paper-filled trashcan that was under his desk to be in front of you. You looked down, not realizing you still had the slip of paper with Ryan's number on it in your hand.
"Do you even know what it is?" You retorted, shoving the paper into your bag.
"He gave you his number. You don't need the number of someone you turned down," He responded, moving the trashcan even closer to you. "Throw it away." He repeated.
"Except I didn't turn him down." You replied, watching his brows furrow in a mix of confusion, and then annoyance once your words sunk in. "We're not exclusive, you and I, are we?" Part of you hoped he'd prove you wrong, telling you that he was yours and you were his, while another part of you wanted to tell him 'fuck you" to his face. How many simultaneously lucky and unlucky women did he have waiting for him? Many, you were sure of it.
"I'm sure you have someone else in another one of your classes that you can spend your evening with, Dr. Crane." You smiled, trying to ignore the growing pain in your heart. "If you can have others, then it's only fair that I can as well."
"What makes you think that I have others?" He inquired, looking up at you with curious, blue eyes. "Do you think I'm the type of man to give out straight A's in my class in exchange for a fling or two? I don't even up your grades, darling." He chuckled lightly.
You rolled your eyes. He had to be lying to you... right? Were you really the only one and he just didn't see you as more than someone to have sex with? You didn't know what idea hurt you more, but the end result was the same: you meant little to him, and your body was all he wanted.
"I'll see you on Monday, professor." You mumbled out, feeling defeated. You already knew why he had asked you to stay after class, but the thought of him touching you while he wanted nothing more than just sex sickened you. What did you expect? That's all things had ever been. You shouldn't have caught feelings.
He watched you leave, letting out a long sigh once you were gone. You had always been a pain in his ass, but not one he'd ever get rid of.
Saturday at Twelve left just as quickly as it had come, and before you knew it, not only had you had your date, but you were also back in your Psychology class on Monday, a test on agoraphobia in front of you. Being nearly sixty questions long, it was intimidating to look at, even more so when the majority of questions were statistic-based. You were far from worried, however, having studied the topic extensively over the past few weeks.
Any confidence you had left you once you received your score later that same class period. You had failed by a large margin, the bright red ink in the corner shamefully exclaiming '34%' seeming to mock you as you stared back at it. You had yet to fail any assignment in your Psychology course, let alone one on such a common fear as agoraphobia. Your professor did this on purpose.
"Yes? Can I help you?" Crane asked, not bothering to look up as he shuffled through a stack of papers on his desk. You placed your failed test in front of the man, an angry frown on your face as you did so.
"Did you intentionally fail me because I went out on a date this weekend, you prick?!" He finally glanced up at you, his neutral expression not faltering a bit despite your obvious discontent. Then, he stood up, making his way over to his office door in the corner of the room.
"Come on, let's take this to my office so you can shout at me without embarrassing yourself as easily." The condescension in his voice only served to upset you further, much to his sadistic delight. You were the first one inside, Jonathan making sure to lock the door behind you. Before you could even open up your mouth to yell at him once more, he spoke.
"Did it feel good?" He asked nonchalantly, catching you off guard.
"What? What are you—"
"Did it feel good when he fucked you?" He finished, watching calmly as your eyes widened in shock. "You have a hickey on your neck under all that makeup you used to try and hide it. You've done the same to the ones I've given you in the past. It's just barely noticeable."
He stepped forward, closing in on you like a hungry animal would their prey, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. "Did it feel good? Did he manage to fuck you better than I ever could?" His arm wrapped around you, a hand placing itself on the small of your back as he leaned into you. "Or did he leave you wanting more? Did you go home and grab that vibrator of yours, just wishing it was me that had been the one with you while you were forced to make yourself cum, because he couldn't?"
He moved, lifting you up so he could sit you on the desk. Of course, like always, it was cleared off ahead of time in anticipation of your visit.
"Maybe I need to show you who you belong to, hmm?" His hands moved down under your skirt, one resting on your inner thigh while the other gave an experimental touch to your clothed sex. You were already wet, your arousal felt through the thin cotton of your panties. "Soaking already, my dear? He must've left you worse off than I imagined." Jonathan purred.
"H-He barely touched me," You stuttered out, feeling Crane tug your underwear to the side, his deft fingers finding your clit. "All we did was make out." You let out a soft moan as he began slowly rubbing at the sensitive bud.
"I don't believe you." His hands left you, beginning to undo his belt. The prominent tent in his black slacks let you know just what was in store for you; he was starving for you. "Not when you admitted you let him touch what's mine." He continued, motioning for you to take your soaked panties off.
"What's yours?" You breathed out, slipping off the clothing in question, letting it fall to the ground below.
"You need to know who you belong to." He stated, pulling his cock out; hard and leaking pre-cum at the tip. Your pussy grew even wetter at the sight. You spread your legs on instinct as he came in closer, putting himself in between them, a hand resting on your hip while the other lined himself up with your eager cunt, the head of his cock teasing your entrance.
"Who do you belong to?" He asked staring into your eyes with his half-lidded, sultry ones swimming with lust and need. "Answer me correctly and I'll be nice and give you what you want."
"You. I belong to you. Dr. Jonathan Cra— oh, fuck!" You gasped out, feeling him thrust into you without warning. He set a quick, almost animalistic pace, wasting no time; not when he needed you so much. Every drag of his thick cock inside of your desperate cunt sent pleasure coursing through you.
"I bet he didn't fuck you as good as this," he groaned, a tight grip on your hips as he slammed into you, the lewd sounds of your shared pleasure filling the small space of his office. It had only been a few days since he had last fucked you, but with the way you were already trembling beneath him it felt like it had been months.
"You're the best I've —Oh!— ever had!" You managed to get out between your moans. It was true, too. Out of every man you'd ever been with, no man had made you feel as good as Jonathan did. "Harder– baby, please!" You begged, gripping the edge of the desk like your life depended on it.
"Look at you, begging like a slut," He growled, pounding into you even harder. "That's okay, darling. You're my little slut. Mine to fuck. Mine to ruin." He let out a loud groan as your pussy clamped down on him at the sound of his words. "Oh? Does that turn you on? The thought of me ruining you? Trust me, you're not going to want a single person other than me after I'm done with you, darling." You pulled him down, dragging him into a messy, open-mouthed kiss. Your tongue moved against his, just like you were made for each other.
"I love you," you whimpered out, feeling him nip at your neck. "Please— I want to be all yours. Only yours." You pleaded, your mind too clouded with the intense pleasure rocking through your body to fully process the potential impact of what you had just confessed.
"You already are." He responded, hips snapping against yours as he lost his rhythm. "I love you, too. I don't care what trouble I'll get into for what we've done. I don't care if I lose my job, as long as you're with me at the end of it all."
That sent you over the edge, along with the tip of his cock grazing your sweet spot. You came around him, your orgasm crashing over you as your legs shook with the force of it all. He spilled into you not long after, thick, warm cum shooting deep inside you and leaking out to drip down your thighs as he let out a long, loud groan of ecstasy.
You slumped back against the desk, feeling the cold wood against your warm, hot skin. Jonathan buried his head into the crook of your neck, pressing soft, chaste kisses to it as you both came down from your orgasmic highs. You stayed like that for a long moment until both of you calmed down, a blissful exhaustion filling you.
"There's a new restaurant that opened up in the town center," he smiled, caressing your cheek. "I hear it has some of the best Chicken Alfredo the city has to offer. Good wine, too."
You chuckled tiredly, not catching on to his offer. "You fucked me silly just so you could tell me about some Italian place?"
"I'm sure it's a better first date than whatever that guy got you," He said, letting out a chuckle of his own. "I'm free later tonight if that's not too short notice."
Your eyes shot open as the realization set in. "Wait— You're asking me out? What if someone from the University sees us, Jonathan? You could get—" He cut you off with a short, sweet kiss.
"Arkham always needs new doctors, darling. There's never a shortage of the need for psychiatrists. I'm tired of grading papers, anyway." He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. "You heard what I said earlier, didn't you? I love you. You belong to me."
You had finally learned who you belonged to, and you couldn't have been happier.
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ozzgin · 1 year ago
Sorry to bother you, but the bodyguard post you did was just 🤤🥰😍 and I can't stop thinking about it day later
Have you ever seen Oshi no Ko? I'd love to see Bodyguard react to someone trying to do something similar as what happened to Ai.
Fans get wind their beloved idol might have feeling for her staff, so a crazed fan tracks down her private address. He plans to get revenge for "His idol cheating on him" but doesn't know there is a guard dog inside ready to bite any threat to his precious charge.
Sorry to keep ragging on about the topic, I just adore you work enough that it lives in my head rent free.
Happy holidays
I sadly haven't seen Oshi no Ko, but your description sounds very interesting. Thank you for the idea! I've combined it with your previous suggestion, I think they work together really well. Happy Holidays to you, too! :)
Yandere!Bodyguard x Idol!Reader (II)
Your new manager has sent you home for the holidays after persistent rumors surrounding you and your bodyguard. And, as luck would have it, the fan responsible for the accusations successfully sneaks his way in. Sadly for him, you’ve never left the watchful gaze of your loyal, mean dog.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
content: female reader, violence, threats, mentions of stalking
(Cover from the manga “A girl and her guard dog”)
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"Enjoy your holidays!" 
The driver cheerfully bids you goodbye and speeds away, leaving you behind the imposing gate. You drag your luggage inside and nonchalantly toss it with an annoyed huff.
What now? You're all alone in a hollow mansion. 
Early December you begun receiving worrying letters from a fan, making wild claims about you and your bodyguard. Naturally, you laughed it off. Your bodyguard found them equally amusing. So much, that he'd ask you to read them out loud as you rode him. "I w-won't stand for it. You know we ha-ave something special going on, (Y/N)-chan." You barely managed to form coherent sentences, feverishly clinging to the large man underneath you. "You heard the guy. Better be on your best behavior", he'd add with a chuckle, wiping the drool from your mouth. 
The new manager, however, wasn't as relaxed about it. He couldn't risk tarnishing the reputation of his beloved cash cow, so he suggested you take a break from personal assistants until the rumors tone down. If you remained within your expensively secured house, you wouldn't need any guarding. So, he caringly prescribed a dose of homely isolation for the upcoming holidays. 
"Don't be so dramatic", he said, "Jesus spent 40 days in the desert by himself. And he didn't have your indoor cinema or jacuzzi bathtub."
"Yeah, but he had the Devil to tempt him. Where's my bad guy?" You whined as a retort. 
You let out another groan and throw yourself on the couch, fiddling with the remote. Kind of them to decorate everything for Christmas, you think as you eye the gigantic kitsch of a tree slapped in the middle of the living room. 
Fuck. What an absolute waste of time. All because of one crazy fan. You almost wish he'd show his stupid face so your bodyguard could pummel it to bits and crumbles. You wonder what he's doing by himself. Is he going to be assigned to another idol? Probably not, two weeks is too short of a time for anything. You check your phone.
Suddenly, the screen lights up. A text notification. 
Heh. It's almost as if he can read your mind. You smile to yourself and type your response, stretching onto the sofa. Your little back and forth messaging goes on until you look up and notice the room has gotten darker. Already evening. You can hear your stomach growl, so you get up and drag your feet towards the kitchen, searching for takeaway fliers. If you're going to be under house arrest, the least you can afford is junk food. 
Once you place your decadent order, you hop onto the counter and idly dangle your legs in anticipation. Your favorite off-duty guard dog has abruptly told you he needs to go and is now offline. "Something came up". What could possibly require his immediate attention? A mistress? You giggle at the idea. In all your time spent together, you haven't seen him glance at a single woman. If he must, he will engage with other people using one-word replies, visibly uninterested. You never considered him much of a talker, but his behavior with anyone else, in comparison, is downright hostile. 
There's a rustling sound and you jolt. Was the food delivered already? It hasn't been that long. You jump off the marble countertop and freeze in place once you see the man standing in the doorway. His face is concealed with a medical mask and he's audibly panting, the hot air fogging up his glasses. You notice the knife in his hand.
"How rude of you to cheat on me so shamelessly, (Y/N) dear."
Huh? Your eyes widen in realization. Was this the crazed fan bombarding you with threatening letters? Your features twist in utter disgust, still transfixed on the weapon within his grip. 
This little shit. Not only does he break into your home, but he decides to intimidate you with a department store kitchen utensil. Is that all you're worth? Is that any way to greet one of the top idols in this country?
You angrily pull the nearby drawer open and grab a long, sharp blade. The man tenses up and steps forward, but you stop him in his tracks, throwing the item at his feet. He stares at you, bewildered. 
"It's a Yoshihiro Sashimi knife. More than your monthly income, most likely." You state as you leer down at him, grimace plastered on your face. "Pick it up like the animal you are."
He cannot move. Is this his beloved (Y/N)? Her pretty, innocent smile and sparkling eyes have been replaced by this hateful scowl. He feels like a cockroach about to be stepped on, a mere vermin invading her personal space. This can't be right. It's him that should be upset, he's the betrayed party. When has she gotten so...Ah. This must be the work of that bodyguard. He's always known. The way he looks at her, with a predatory glint as if marking his territory. He should've noticed earlier. Poor, sweet (Y/N), at the hands of a brute. Tears form in his eyes and he opens his mouth to speak up, but a burning blow assaults his back and everything goes black. 
Your bodyguard casually walks in and lifts the intruder up by the nape of his neck. 
"Are you okay? Did he touch you?"
You blush and wipe your eyelashes dramatically, releasing a gentle sob from your puckered lips.
"Touch? He almost killed me! I was so scared...I thought I was done for."
He frowns at your words.
"I'll take care of it."
You can feel the familiar knot forming in your stomach. As he drags the body out of the kitchen, you follow behind enthusiastically. 
"Do it in the living room!" You almost squeal.
"Are you sure? It will get messy. I'm not letting this one walk out." He warns you with a worried expression. 
"Yes, yes!" you nod, all bubbly. "Right here, next to the Christmas tree."
Once the gory spectacle is over, the bodyguard sprawls onto the sofa, exhausted. He exhales loudly and runs a hand through his hair. You are about to join him, when a thought crosses your mind. 
"Now that I think about it, how did you know I was about to be attacked? That was some really extraordinary timing."
Out of reflex, he palms his pocket to check if his phone is still within his possession. Thankfully he hasn't left it in plain sight. You squint suspiciously. 
"Are you spying on me or something?"
He remains quiet for a few moments and eventually lowers his head apologetically, avoiding eye contact.
"Forgive me, Miss."
When he glances up again, your small figure is looming over him.
"Wow, what a pervert you are." You push his chin up with your dainty fingers. "How will you make it up to me for such nasty habit~?"
"Is there anything you want me to do?"
"Good boy."
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animeyanderelover · 9 months ago
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Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional thoughts, clinginess, stalking, manipulation, male reader
Tags: @jamayah @chxxz @leveyani @cynniical @shenryu-sama
Zoldyck family with Gojo-like older twin of Illumi
Zeno Zoldyck
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🐲​You'd think that as one of the oldest members of the Zoldyck family, Zeno would act his role as the strict grandfather and drill into you every lesson you need to know as the future head of the family. Instead he has taken the complete opposite role and has settled into being the chill granddad for it is his son's role to lecture you in everything you need to know, not his. Most of the time he spends with you is more comparable to him just hanging out with you, unless he notices that you are slacking off in which case he will show you why despite his age he is still a feared assassin in the world. There are constant jokes thrown back and forth between you two as both of you try to see who can deliver verbally the bigger blow whilst both of you take it without a single grain of salt. Even during missions both of you have together, you tend to see who has the better one-liners all whilst being completely indifferent to the screaming and terrified targets. Silva has voiced his disdain as he thinks that Zeno is being too soft yet Zeno has always stood up. He's a proud grandfather so just let him do what he wants to do with his favorite grandchild. After all your very first word ever was "grandpa", how could he not love you?
Silva Zoldyck
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🐺​For all the respect he holds for his own father, the old man is giving him a headache with the way he treats you, his heir. Silva claims most of your time, either training you or teaching you everything you need to know as the next head of the clan. You are his entire pride and he has high expectations for you which he is confident you will live up to. There is especially much time poured into helping you honing your special Nen-abilities of the Infinity and your Six Eyes, skills which he is proud that you have gotten as it only further solidifies you as one of the strongest members of the family. He's aware of the fact that you favor your grandfather though and he knows that Zeno often sneaks away with you because he wants to spend time with you and the GIF I've used is probably the exact same expression he gives the two of you when he catches you. Is he perhaps a tad bit jealous that you favor your grandfather over your own dad? Perhaps, he is rather possessive after all but he would never admit that though his suffocating aura is already indicator enough of his feelings. He's most likely never gotten fully over it that your first word wasn't "dada" and Zeno has never let him forget it either.
Kikyo Zoldyck
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🔺​Kikyo has a terrible streak of jealousy and that isn't made better by the fact that Silva and Zeno steal so much of your time for themselves. As a result she is all the more smothering and clingy the moment you are by yourself as she seems to wait for you to be alone like a starved predator and pounces on you the moment neither of the two men are around. This woman is always complimenting you for everything. For your talents, your strength, your caring personality, your looks and whatever else you can think of. There is a tinge of bittersweet melancholy though as she sometimes mourns the time where you were chubby and small and came always stumbling towards her with a happy look on your face. Her little bird has left the nest far too quickly and has grown so independent.... Your kind and caring personality can be easily a trigger of her jealousy though whenever you pay attention to one of your siblings or can't spend time with her since you have promised someone else already that you'd be with them. She always makes a huge clamour whenever the topic of potential partners is involved as no one in her eyes could be worthy of her beautiful baby boy.
Illumi Zoldyck
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🤎​For as long as Illumi can remember, you two have always been together. You complete him, he completes you. After all both of you have been sharing the same womb, have shared everything since the very moment the two of you were conceived. It is this mindset that has always pushed Illumi to be surprisingly clingy, your silent shadow that has been trailing behind you ever since the two of you could crawl. From all of his siblings he has always thought that he deserves you the most, perhaps even more than the entirety of the Zoldyck family as the both of you share a special connection as twins. He's casually thrown needles into people's heads when they so much as dared to question whether the two of you are really twins as your appearances are like night and day, silently enraged whenever someone would do as much as doubt just how close the two of you are. He's the one seeking you out even quicker than Kikyo when neither Silva nor Zeno are in sight and likes to whisk you somewhere where he can have the time with you he thinks he deserves more than anyone else. He's tried to scare some of his other siblings away whenever he thought that they were stealing you away from him.
Milluki Zoldyck
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💻​Going back to Illumi bullying his siblings whenever they also try to get your time, poor Milluki is the one who gets the most of it, though Milluki has used this fact often to play the victim card to try to coax you into spending more time with him. Activities with Milluki contain munching on snacks whilst playing some video games or watching some Anime and with passing years this guy has installed an entire security system to make sure that no one disturbs him when he has you, his older brother with him in the room. The ony time where he has gotten too scared and let someone in his room is when either Zeno or Silva knock on his door as he knows fully well that they'll break it if he doesn't open it within 3 seconds. Whenever he has managed to make you promise to spend an evening with you, he buys tons of your favorite snacks and prepares your favorite movies, games and series so that everything is to your liking and so that he can hopefully become your favorite sibling. He's even made a phone specifically for you and gifted it to you on your birthday. There are a lot of special apps and features included on the phone, one of them being a very secretive tracker which allows him to always know your location.
Killua Zoldyck
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🪀​Killua has been clinging to you since he was a toddler and that hasn't changed much over the years. Seemingly adapting to the strategies of Zeno, Killua is always sneaky when he seeks you out and beckons you to follow him and spend time with him. He's probably one of the few who is willing to share his time with you together with some of his other siblings which is pretty much only Alluka. You've always indulged him though, knowing that there was a certain pressure on him due to his white hair and blue eyes as well. Killua has taken some pride in his appearance though, mainly because people not associated with his family always instantly acknowledged him as your younger brother whilst such recognition wasn't as granted with people like Illumi or Milluki which causes him to act somewhat smug in such given situations. Both of you have a sweet tooth and whenever one of you is on a mission, it has become a sacred ritual that the person buys something sweet before heading home again to share it with the other. The poor boy was heartbroken when you couldn't come with him when he took his Hunter Exam, though you strongly spoke up for him when people like Kikyo were hesitant to let him go.
Alluka Zoldyck
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💝​Whereas almost the entire rest of the family has always shunned Alluka, Killua and you were the only ones willingly spending time with her and playing with her. As a result Alluka as well as Nanika genuinely view the two of you as the only people both of them need and really love and Nanika especially grants the both of you free wishes. Okay, maybe not always free. At times there are demands for you such as wanting a piggyback from you, wanting a kiss on the cheek or wanting to be lifted up and spun around by you. Whenever you hear such words coming out of Alluka's mouth you instantly know that both of them want your affection and attention in that moment and you have never been able to deny them their requests, even if you have never used the wishes you were granted in return for something sinister. The room Alluka is kept in is filled with plushies and prettily designed because you demanded it to be that way and whenever Alluka or Nanika want the walls to be painted a different colour or desire a new plushie, you always take it upon yourself to fulfill them their wish and Killua gives you a helping hand for the majority of the time.
Kalluto Zoldyck
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🏮���Kallluto has arguably got the worst luck as he is the youngest member of the family and often is brushed over by all of his other siblings who deem that he should wait for his turn. The poor boy is a professional stalker even from a young age as he has spend countless hours watching other members of the family having fun with you all whilst he is deprived of it. He plays the even bigger victim card than Milluki for such reasons in the very moment you call out to him and spend time with him. Whenever you two walk around, he either clings to the sleeves of your clothes or even manages to hold your hand, his head constantly tilted so that he can look at you with sparkling eyes. The insecurities he sometimes feels as a result of being somewhat overlooked as the entire household revolves around you is something he learns to use effectively as an advantage when he wants to steal your attention away from someone else because he knows you'll crouch down and ask him if everything is alright the moment he starts fidgeting around with his fingers and makes himself small. As you are the person he idolises and looks up to, he ends up adapting your likes and dislikes all to feel closer to you.
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acotarxreader · 10 months ago
Azriel X Reader
Synopsis: For months Azriel had gotten to know you through the intelligence letters you penned from the Autumn Court but finally meeting reveals your twisted reality.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, descriptions of injury as a result of domestic violence.
A/N: I hope you guys like this fic, I enjoyed writing it despite the nature of the beast. Please proceed with caution or not at all if you believe the themes in this lil guy to be upsetting.
P.S this got equal votes with the silly one in the poll but I'm listening to Evermore rn so ye're getting the angsty one hehe
Azriel’s grin dashed across his face like a Cheshire cat as he tried and failed to tuck it away in the presence of his friends. He read through the words over and over again, a lighthearted quiet laugh leaving him. 
“What do you have there Az?”
“Nothing” he replied too quickly to Mor thrown across the sofa of the Town House, her eyebrow raising as he began to carefully fold it back away. 
“They’re his love letters” Cassian cooed from the hallway, shaking off his jacket as the Spymaster tried to do the same to the maroon growing in his cheeks. 
“Leave it Cass” the letter found safety within Azriel's jacket pocket again, usually these would be disposed of after reading but Azriel knew he’d need the comfort of your words again after this trip. 
“I think it's cute”
“It's not cute Feyre, it's intel” 
“Intel? Is that what you single people call it these days” Cassian smirked, finding his place next to Nesta on the couch, arm thrown over the back of the seat behind her. Azriel fought the way the word single made his heart twinge even if it was said in jest.
“It's none of your business is what it is, where's Rhys, we'll be late” Azriel tried his best to change the topic but it became like a cat playing with a mouse.
“You should see him when they arrive Mor, he blushes so much you'd swear he was from Dawn” 
“I do not blush!” A playful couch cushion met Cassian's laughing face, the group joining in, a smile escaped Azriel to his own annoyance.
“Tell us Az, do you have as much correspondence with your other insiders?”
“Liar” Mor laughed, the sound of Rhysand landing in the garden echoing through the joyous house. 
“You write her more than anyone, your face betrays you when you're writing”
“It does n-”
“Who’s face betrays them?” Rhysand flexed his wings gently after the long flight before planting a kiss on the top of Feyre's head and joining his family gathered in the living room. The group looked in unison towards Azriel, all grinning widely. 
“Ah, Az’ little love affair”
“It's not a love affair! I've never even met her, she writes me intel and I writ-”
“-That you love her on bathroom stall doors” The group laughed at Mor's quip as the group stood to leave Velaris for another laborious visit to the Autumn Court. 
“I don’t-I don’t love her”
“Sur Az, maybe try telling your face that” Cassian called back to him as he draped his coat across his broad shoulders once again. 
The meeting with the Autumn Court had its usual turbulence but thanks to the information you had provided, no major surprises were brought before the Inner Circle. Azriel watched from his usual perch in the corner of the meeting room, Rhysand and Beron engaged in their typical vitriol. The Spymaster's gaze landed on Beron’s particularly brutish General as he stood to the side of his High Lord. 
“Kelvin, show our dear guests their way out, we've reached an impasse” Beron bit out to the tower of a male who stood obligingly, the negotiations reaching their usual stalemate. 
“Your High Lord seemed especially prepared for this meeting, Shadowsinger” Kelvin whispered to Azriel as the group made their way to the exit of Forest House. 
“That’s his job”
“Even still, interesting how there seemed to be a prepared argument for every notion that was put before him, I would hate to hear that people aren’t playing by the rules” Azriel didn’t let any part of the thinly veiled threat rattle him, only a scoff left him, brushing off the accusation. 
The group ducked out into the Summer air through a large door they were directed to, Kelvin stopping Azriel to continue their conversation just before the threshold. Azriels hand went into his trouser pocket in a practised nonchalant movement, his jacket draping over his scarred hand. A shadow leapt to the ground of the now empty hallway before Azriel even noticed, his beloved slip of paper meeting the ground with softness. Kelvin was quicker to retrieve than the shadows were to conceal, a rookie mistake Azriel cursed himself for mentally. 
“Hmm, your correspondence Shadowsinger” The paper sat slotted between the General's first and middle finger towards Azriel, he moved to take it back, much too quickly, it being pulled back from his grasp again.
“Hm, eager to retrieve?”
“It’s nothing” Azriel lied through his teeth, wondering how much damage to diplomacy would be caused by slaughtering Kelvin where he stood. Kelvin splayed his two fingers slightly, pulling the folded paper apart to reveal a small sliver of your penmanship, his face hardening instantly as a shadow shot to snatch the paper back. Azriel was just glad that that particular letter had been personal and not vital intel, no major security threat in its exposure could be achieved. 
“Right well, enjoy your night” Kelvin's abrupt, frosty end to the conversation was not lost on Azriel as he watched the giant male seemingly stomp down the stone corridor. 
“C’mon Az, it's time to go” Cassian's voice tore Azriels eyes from Kelvin's back.
Further meetings between the Courts were relatively uneventful, Kelvin kept his distance from the group and made himself unavailable for meetings with any of the inner circle. Azriel had contacted all the Autumn Court spies he had to ensure they stayed on alert, all had replied except for you. Every night Azriel would wait for the note he’d sent down the line to you to reappear, but it never did. After a month of radio silence, Azriel had become increasingly irritable and restless in his work, had even tried to contact the Fae who had initially put you in touch, but nothing came of that lead. He paced his small living quarters in the residence the Night Court used in the Autumn Court, unable to take his mind away from the imaginary scenarios in his head. 
“Az, you’re going to put a hole in the floor” Cassian stepped squarely into his brother's path, his arms catching hold of the paling Illyrian's shoulders. 
“We have to get downstairs, the ball is starting and if you’re not there, Beron will think you’re off snooping and get spooked” Azriel shook his head in agreement to the logic, moving from Cassian's grasp to fix his suit jacket. 
The two entered the already bustling ballroom with the coordinated power that comes with centuries of familiarity. The Autumn Court guests meshed in with the Court of Nightmares guests Rhysand had invited, this attempt at building bridges seeming to work, as long as the alcohol was freely flowing. 
An hour or so later, Azriel had managed to escape a particularly persistent fae in favour of a darkened corner of the space. His eyes traced over the various members of the gathering, all deeply swirled in an alcohol-induced truce. He watched the tower he knew to be Kelvin tip his head back in laughter at some comment one of his lackeys had made. His gaze was pulled back to the General with the sudden appearance of a much smaller fae at his side, a smile that didn’t meet her eyes gracing her face. Azriel’s shadows instinctively shot with quiet excellence to wrap softly around your ankles beneath your dress. You cautiously tore your attention from the conversation, locking eyes with the Spymaster across the dance floor. The colour drained from your face and almost as quickly reappeared, you just gave the smallest of nods towards the Illyrian. Azriel’s thoughts went wild at the sight of you, feeling every cell in his body confirm to him that you were who he’d spent all his time thinking about these days. He moved a step forward in your direction, your head ever so slightly shaking no to the movement. Azriel felt his nerves scream at him to walk towards you, fighting some level of primal instinct as he stayed fixed on the spot. 
“Drink Shadowsinger?” Eris’ voice caused his head to snap in the direction of the source. 
“Not poisoned is it?” Azriel took the flute of shimmering gold, some of his shadows returning to glass, swirling around it before confirming to him it was safe. 
“One day you’ll trust me”
“Maybe it’ll be the day you keel over and die” Eris laughed at the sarcasm before noticing Azriel’s eyes land back on you. 
“Ah, YN” Azriel’s head darted back to the eldest son of Autumn, his somewhat amused words confirming your identity to what his instincts had already told him. The female he had spent months learning so much about but never dreamed of meeting was stood in the flesh mere metres away and you seemed to want to keep it that way. 
“You know her?”
“In a social sense, she is Kelvin’s wife-” he took a deep drink from his glass, seemingly drowning a comment in the liquid. Wife. You were married. Azriel fought to keep upright, you had never mentioned anything about being involved with anyone, how could you be married to someone else, you both had shared such love through your correspondence, all for it to be a lie, Azriel thought. It became clear then how you had such unbridled access to the workings and plans of the Autumn Court, that you were married to the male who made them. 
“-She hasn’t been around much lately-” Eris continued “-she tends to avoid these kinds of gatherings, he must have let her out to play”
“Let her?” Eris necked the remainder of his drink, depositing the glassware on the tray of a passing server. 
“This isn’t the Night Court Shadowsinger, Kelvin belongs to a very relic-like line of thought, she belongs to him, he controls the reins and she has to go along for the ride. He probably has something to gain from her presence here” Azriel’s heat boiled in his veins, threatening to come out as steam from his ears. Eris rolled his eyes at Azriel’s silence, growing bored of the interaction and heading to find someone else to play with.
You stood at the edge of the circle of large males, seemingly enjoying the conversation alongside your husband. Azriel noticed the way your long dress clung to your bones, sleeves as long as your arms with a neckline that practically touched your ears, an odd choice for the Summer, even in the Autumn Court Azriel thought. You dipped your head slightly as Azriel watched you make your exit from the group, Kelvin’s eyes heating your back until you entered an adjacent hallway. Before Kelvin would notice, Azriel dissolved into the shadowy corner, his shadows eager to reunite with you. 
“Just a moment” you called back to the soft tapping on the bathroom door. You supported your weight on the counter of the sink, glaring into your own reflection as you tilted your head side to side to inspect the coverage of the make-up you had applied over any traces of betrayal. Your attention was taken from the mirror as a shadow slipped beneath the entrance, you watched it approach you with such gentle caution until you moved to unlock the door with a shaking hand. Hazel eyes looked deeply into yours, afraid to blink in case it was all a dream. 
“Hello stranger” You couldn’t find a reply to him, only reaching for his shirt and hauling him into the bathroom. 
“Are you fucking crazy?! Did anyone see you!?” You rattled out, pacing up and down the small space, Azriels shadows wrapping around you. You looked down at them with a loving smile, a sense of familiarity between you and them.
“No, no one saw me, I-I can’t believe you’re here and…and you’re married!” you stopped dead in your tracks at Azriel’s slightly raised tone. You dragged a hand down your face, trying to pull some control back to the tiled space. 
“I-I didn’t think it was relevant”
“Not relevant!?” Azriel rasped out, his hands partially flailing out in exasperation, and your eyes clung to their movement. 
“It-its a need-to-know basis”
“I would think I would be a part of that, fuck it we told each other practically everything else about one another!” His volume grew moderately, heat rising at the back of your neck.
“Don’t be mad at me Azriel, please” A shiver shot down his spine at the sound of his name on your lips, any semblance of annoyance fleeing the scene. 
“I’m not, I’m just glad that you’re okay, the radio silence frightened me” he closed the distance between you, the smell of mist and mint flowing around you as his hands laced into yours. 
“Azriel, I’m-I’m married”
“Happily?” he laughed out, it dying in the air with your lack of reply, worry starting to transverse his face.
“YN!” Kelvin’s voice accompanied by heavy pounding against the solid oak door, your whole body flinching at the interruption. 
“Coming!” you called back, the rattle in your voice cutting into Azriel’s ears, your hands pulled from his soft hold. 
“Azriel please go”
“YN, I don’t like this” his hushed tone matching yours, Kelvin's footsteps haunting the hallway. 
“Azriel, please just go”
“I’ll go if you promise to meet me later”
“YN! Come on!” the pounding on the door returning, the handle vibrating much like your bones. 
“Fine, fine, I promise, go” you rushed over to the door, your hand landing on the handle tremulously and after whispering where to meet you later, Azriel reluctantly dissolved into shadow once again. 
Azriel reentered the party like a bull in a china shop, unable to refocus after your encounter, he waited for you and your husband to reappear, but you didn’t, the party swirling around him. He counted the minutes down until the party had come to a natural stopping point and he could escape to meet you in the wooded area behind your house, allowing conversations to ebb and flow around him. 
Finally, he could make his excuses to head to bed, spending all of a minute changing into his training clothing for easier agility. He snuck through the shadows of Forest House as though made of their atoms, moving with precision through passageways until he found his way to the city, slinking through the dwindling crowd with ease. 
Azriel waited in the wooded area for nearly an hour, his shadows casing the vast forest for your presence with nothing to show for it. He decided to take things into his own hands as the depths of nights swaddled him. He moved closer to the two-storey property, the glow of the kitchen light filling the small patio beneath a colossal oak tree.
Azriel could make out the outline of Kelvin and a few others from the party, clearly having decided to continue the revelry in his home. Music flowed out through the opened window, his shadows sneaking through the cracks to scope out the ground floor, returning to Azriel with no knowledge of your presence in the private party. Azriels eyes landed on the flicker of a candle from the upstairs of the property, his shadows beginning to leap around him. Scaling the large tree was an easy feat for the skilled Illyrian and soon he was level to the window. 
The blood drained entirely from the Shadowsingers face at the scene through the window. You sat in a ball, knees split open and huddled into your chest, the dress that shielded you earlier now in tatters around your ankles leaving the cruel water colouring decorating your body on full display. The beautiful colours of Autumn coated your flesh in their brutality as crimson flowed from a gash, tinging your hair. 
Downstairs Azriel could hear booming laughter from the group, fresh new thoughts of slaughter entering his mind.  A shadow faintly tipped against the window, the sound rocketing through every cell of your body as you jolted with the fright. Your tear-stained eyes landed on the Night Court’s Spymaster who clung to the trunk of the tree outside your chamber. Your tremoring muscles lifted you from the splitting wood, over a shattered lamp covered in your blood. You delicately pushed into the hinges of the window until it gave in under your weak strength, the Summer air rushing in to meet you. Azriel skirted across the limb of the tree to slip into the space, your eyes fixated on the wood as he landed nimbly. 
“Y-YN?” he approached you like a wild deer stuck in a bear trap, afraid speed would cause you to bolt and lead to further injury.
“I-I’m so-rry I didn’t-didn’t come meet y-you” you managed through your quivering throat, the taste of blood and bile poisoning the words. Azriel gave you a small hush, his shadows surveying every stretch of your skin they could.
“We need to get you out of here” he spoke so quietly you almost missed it in the drumming of your ears.
“I-I can’t go with you”
“YN, theres-theres so much blood in your hair” his hand calmly raised to brush the maroon matting away from your face, the source at the crown of your head gleaming in the moonlight. 
“He-I shouldn’t have been so-so long away from him ear-earlier” You fought every urge to lean into Azriel’s touch, an unfamiliar sense of trust towards a male's hand growing in you. 
“Fuck that” Was all Azriel could think to say, moving quickly and quietly away from you again. His shadows wrapped around you to support you as you stood watching the fleet-footed Illyrian grab some things from around the room, the sound of the brutish males merrymaking downstairs covering his movements. 
“YN, you’re coming with me” some of his shadows returned to his ears in almost an excited fashion.
“Good idea” he replied to them as they darted out the window again, your heartbroken eyes began to swell with tears of pain and anguish.
“Will you be warm enough in this?” He pulled a thick coat from the splintering wardrobe, Azriel getting the feeling it had been a heavy feature of your battlefield, wishing the thought away.
“Azriel, I-I can’t go, I’m his”
“No-” he turned to face you as he spoke, seriousness coating the entire word as he held out the coat to you again “-You belong to no one other than yourself YN”
“Azriel, that’s not how that-that works here”
“Well it is now” He sheathed your mottled skin, the thick fabric, its weight causing your exhausted legs to buckle slightly, Azriel’s arm instinctively wrapping around your chest to support you from the side. You sucked air sharply through your teeth, Azriel releasing you again.
“Sorry YN, I didn’t mean to hurt you” his eyes searched yours frantically as you folded your arms across yourself, your hand tracing the growing deep magenta along your ribcage.
“It's ok-okay Azriel” he turned back to the small satchel he had begun to fill, slipping it over his shoulders. He moved back to the climb to the reach of the tree, arm outstretched inviting you to take hold of him. 
“YN, either you come with me or we both stay” his soft but firm voice had you rocking from foot to foot trying to decide what to do, caught between your potential future and your definitive present.
You looked towards the destroyed room in front of you and back again at the Illyrian offering you the answer to your prayers. You exhaled as deep as your chest would allow you to, moving closer to the window, the sound of crunching ceramic beneath your feet the only sound in the room. The only sound in the room. The only sound in the room. 
The door swung screeching on its rusting hinges as the General of the Autumn Court crashed into the room in a drunk swirl of rage, amplified by the sight of his wife’s rescue. Azriel leapt from his perch to block you as a blood-curdling scream left you, instinctively hitting the ground for cover. Before Kelvin could reach for you, Truth-Teller found its home in the thigh of the male, his blood springing free from his network of vessels, reaching and mixing with your own on the floor. The giant hit the flooring with an almost deafening thud, writhing in pain, alcohol stealing any chance of a coordinated retaliation. Azriel retrieved the knife, hovering over his new greatest enemy. 
“You will suffer a thousand deaths for this, but not right now, not when it would be merciful” Venom dripped from his bone-chilling tone, a cadence you knew would never be directed at you. Shadows once again filled the room, scraps of paper in their grasp covered the space as Azriel crossed back towards you, pulling you back to your feet and into his arms. Swarms of multiplying shadow cascaded and concealed you both until they dissolved, leaving the two of you in the warmth of a small living area. 
“Now, home again” Azriel breathed out in relief, you found a small smile grow, mirroring his ease as he pulled you to his side and over to a plush loveseat. 
“Azriel I-I can’t believe what-what just happened”
“And I can’t believe I had enough restraint not to murder him where he stood, but Rhysand hates paperwork and besides, I have bigger plans for him” Shadows nipped the side of his shoulder playfully as he retrieved a cup of floral tea from the kitchenette in his small studio apartment.
“Fine, we have plans for him, so praise starved my little friends. Go fetch Madja for me sweeties” he played back to them as they darted off happily. 
“And what exactly have you all planned?”
“Well, Beron is suspicious the Court has a leak and with some careful…editing, now he’ll find his leak” he passed the cup down to you, covering your legs in a throw blanket.
“You had the shadows plant letters in the house for Beron to find?”
“Well, in the morning we’ll send Eris word that you found the letters and he attacked you for trying to tell the truth” he slotted into the seat next to you, a damp cloth in hand to run along your tangled hair, freeing up the clumps of blood. 
“And when they ask why I’m here?”
“Eris will award you with an emissary to the Night Court position, so loyal to the Autumn Court, the perfect fae to keep an eye on us” You found a slight laugh leave you, the sound bringing a grin to Azriel’s face. The sound of light tapping on the front door accompanied by Azriels returning shadows signalled Madjas arrival.
You awoke the next morning to the plush fabric of Azriel’s king size bed, the fabric swaddling your freshly stitched skin. You reluctantly opened your eyes, afraid you had dreamed the past twenty-four hours as you forced yourself upright in the bed. You looked around the cosy well-loved space, hints of Azriel everywhere, except for the Illyrian himself. He had left his makeshift bed on his couch early in the morning, eager to begin his ruse. 
You crossed the room to the small kitchenette on your world-weary legs, a tray sat gleaming on the counter with fresh scones and the fixings to make the floral tea you loved last night. A smile grew as you heated water on the stove for the tea. 
While the water rolled to a boil, you wandered around the space, taking in the world that Azriel had let you into in his letters, still in disbelief, that this had all happened. Your hand crossed over the bag on his desk, the random assortment of wares Azriel had packed making you laugh slightly. The water hissing as it boiled over the rim of the saucepan had you rushing over to it, bumping into a tall tower of boxes as you reached for the stove. You jumped at the sound of crashing files from behind you, scrunching your face before reluctantly turning to the mess you had made. You cursed aloud, kneeling to collect the reams of paper as Azriel knocked before entering his own home. 
“Hey YN, all don- what’s going on here?” He laughed before panic started to dash across his face, rushing to conceal the content of the parchments. 
“Azriel…are these….are these my notes to you?” you held a small collection in your hands, Azriel reaching to snatch them from you in a protective manner.
“Don’t…don’t tell Rhys I’ve kept them” he said with almost shame, crouched across from you as he carefully folded the paper. 
“Wh-why did you keep them?”
“Because they’re you YN” he looked from the penmanship to the female who gifted him the words that kept him company for months. You leaned off the backs of your legs to reach across the piles of history between you both until you met Azriel’s mouth with yours. He leaned further into the kiss, the two of you still kneeling in the nest of paper. His hands traced gently across your waist as yours wrapped around his shoulders, your inner gravities pulling one another together with tender force. Scarred hands ran up the length of your back, meeting equal chasms and fissures, both of your marred stretches of skin feeling whole again. The feelings of true safety and security flowed between you both coupled with the energy of shadow and fire finding home in one another. It felt as time no longer existed, never-ending and final, like nothing beyond the pools of paper mattered. You separated as the need for air sailed towards critical, your hands slid down his chest as his slipped around the nape of your neck, you both leaning in to rest your foreheads together, careful to not reopen your wound. 
“YN, you’re my…”
“Mate” your glowing soft eyes landed on his smiling hazel as they seemingly sparkled. 
“I was going to say my everything but I believe those are both the same from here on in”  
Whatcha think friends??
The lovelies: @milswrites @sarawritestories
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chrissv4mp · 10 months ago
silly me to fall in love with you , CHRIS S.
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summary: love is a scary, annoying thing // you're chris's first love, and he can't believe he's gotten so lucky.
pairing: chris sturniolo × fem!reader
warnings/topics: probably a little vulgar language, mainly fluff, pet names, etc.
a/n: this is probably really bad, so bear w me😖🙏 also this is super short so....💔💔💔
wc: 1.7k
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"i've been loved before, but right now in this moment..
...i feel more and more like i was made for you."
the breeze was gentle, the fire in front of you masking the slight cold that passed by. chris's blue fresh love hoodie fitting a size bigger than your own.
chris couldn't help stare from behind you, a smile plastered on his face that he felt would never leave. he still can't believe that you're actually real.
if his past self saw him now, younger chris would definitely try to convince himself that he didn't want to want you.
a deep blush crept onto his face as he continued his walk back from the cabin, arms filled with a box of graham crackers, a bag of marshmallows, and some skewers.
he caught a glimpse of your soft smile as he moved to set the things down on the small metal table beside your two bodies.
"hey," you whispered as if you spoke any louder you would disturb the peaceful environment.
chris turned his body from facing the table to facing you, his neon orange shirt capturing your attention before his own gaze brought you back.
the smile from earlier was still there, and now he was sure it would never go away. he still couldn't believe that any of this was real life.
"hi." he muttered, his voice sweet and matching the volume of your own.
your hands cupped his face gently, scooting closer on the bench to lean down and peck his soft, pink lips.
his hands found their way to your waist, head going to rest on your shoulder as he hugged your body closer to his.
he wanted to stay in this moment forever, just the two of you out in the forest, alone and safe from any harmful comments on the internet or even in real life.
this was everything he wanted right now in this moment.
he dreamed of this moment, and he wasn't afraid to admit it. there were other things he dreamed of, too, but those could stay in his mind a little longer.
as his head came back up to face you, you finally noticed the dark spots under his eyes, "chris, have you been sleeping?"
the brunette shrugged, a dopey smile on his face, "i mean i haven't slept since sunday, but it's alright. i was calling you, and you know i love the sound of your voice."
a small frown washed over your face as you tilted your head, thumb caressing chris's cheeks affectionately.
"you need sleep, chris." you said, guilt clearly shown in your gaze.
he bit down on his lip, his hand moving to rest on yours that was on his cheek, "hey, don't give me that look, baby,"
"my sleepless nights are better with you than those nights could ever be alone." a small smile played on your face at his comment.
your lips found his again, this time entwining in a more passionate and loving way. you were convinced he would do anything for you.
"i love you." you whispered against his lips, and chris just sighed as he kissed you again.
you wouldn't call him out on it. he'd always tell you he has commitment issues, and that if you didn't want to be with him anymore, it would be fine.
chris pulled away first, eyes finding yours again as he ran his thumb over your thigh lovingly.
his lips parted to speak, but you quickly cut him off, "it's okay. you don't have to say sorry chris, it's alright. don't say anything until you're ready,"
"i'll wait for you. always." chris squeezed your thigh gently as his smile came back.
he nodded subtly, blue eyes staying on yours as he took in your presence.
chris knew you were the one. you had to be, or else all this time you two spent building this—whatever it was—would've been for nothing.
"thank you, y/n." his face flushed just at the sound of your name, and your smile widened.
you just hummed, eyes trailing away from his own as he went to hide in the crook of your neck again.
you sat cross-legged on your brother's bed, attention focused solely on the view of the neighborhood outside his window.
nolan sat on his gaming chair, legs resting on the edge of the mattress as his eyes flicked between you and the black sheets.
"you wanna talk?" you laughed at his unexpected question, causing his own laughter to fall from his lips.
after a few moments of soft laughs, you both settled down and set your gaze on one another. his question was genuine, so you answered.
you gave him a small nod before your lips parted, crossing your arms over your chest, "i haven't slept in a week or two,"
nolan hummed, encouraging you to continue. you knew he wouldn't ever spill your secrets, they would always stay behind his closed door.
a look of concern flashed over his face for just a moment before it faded to a more subtle look, knowing that you hated when people tried to push on the topic.
"and there's so many possible reasons why, i just don't know which one it is, nol." you sighed, head falling back against his headboard.
he fixed his position in the chair, sitting up straight, "well, list them."
you bit down on your lip, fingers picking at the small hairs on your arm, "work, homework, stress. love."
as soon as the word rolled off your tongue, nolan spoke, "ding, ding, ding! it's definitely love."
your eyebrow raised as you looked at him from across the bed, "and how do you know that?"
he huffed in an exaggerated manner, and you just rolled your eyes and laughed at his actions, "how do you not know that?"
"come on, you've been talking about chris for so fucking long, y/n." he says, crossing his legs over one another on the mattress.
he was right, you couldn't keep your mouth shut about the boy. but who could blame you? he was the best guy in the world, always giving you little gifts and sending you loving texts.
chris was sweet, his personality being one of his best qualities.
"i think i might have fallen in love...
...what am i to do?"
nick was leaned against the kitchen counter, arms crossed as he listened to his brothers question.
he shrugged "show the girl that you're in love with her."
chris groaned, stomping his feet on the hardwood floor like a child as he threw his head back, "you're not helping."
nick rolled his eyes, sighing before he spoke again, "chris, love is more than just a thing you say. love is friendship, family... fuck, even hate is a form of love, or at least an imitation of it."
"you don't have to tell her that you love her until you're ready, chris. but in the meantime, you could at least show her." nick explained, "open doors for her, give her compliments. do things with her that she enjoys, try to learn stuff you know she fucks with."
chris chuckled at his brothers use of words, moving to sit atop of the counter as his legs dangled off the edge.
"she likes to paint.." the brunette muttered, and nick snapped.
chris's head instantly went up to look at his older brother, "then take her to art lessons, make it a routine that you go together each week."
the sound of footsteps caught both brothers attention, heads turning in the direction of the noise. matt stepped from down the hall, stopping as he saw his brothers.
"what's this? what, are you doing some intervention?" matt asked, confusion clear on his face as he stood at the other end of the island.
chris laughed, looking over at nick who just cracked a smile.
"chris is having a small emotional crisis, and he's come to me for help." nick says, and matt takes a seat.
"is it because of y/n? kid, anyone that has seen the way she looks at you would say the same thing i'm about to say," matt laughs, "she's head over heels for you, and you're the exact same for her."
chris huffed, running a hand through his messy hair as his thoughts traveled elsewhere. he would definitely need a haircut soon.
"that's exactly what i have been saying, matt!" nick exclaims, "thank you."
matt nods, a smirk on his face as he stretches his arms above his head.
chris jumps off the counter, going to take a seat opposite of his older brother on the island.
"it may seem simple for you guys since you've never been in a relationship, but it's really not. you guys don't get it." chris whined, dragging his hands down his face.
matt and nick share a look before the younger speaks, "then go to someone who does."
nick hums in agreement, "yeah. maybe go to the person you're having these feelings for. she's had partners before, she's had experience with those feelings."
matt puts up a finger just as chris opens his mouth to speak, and chris groans as he continues to listen to the boy beside him.
"she'll listen to you, chris. you always tell us how understanding and caring she is of your emotions, i think she's the perfect person to go to." nick says softly, moving from his spot against the counter and walking behind chris.
the older boy puts a hand on his brothers shoulder, rubbing it in an effort to comfort chris.
chris just stays silent, mind swarming with all of his thoughts and the ones that his brothers just shared.
matt and nick watch over chris intently, staying silent to give him a moment to process.
"okay," the response finally leaves his lips, and even if it's just one word, nick and matt know that chris will listen to them.
he removes his hands from his face, looking at nick before his gaze moves to matt, "thank you guys."
they both nod, smiles forming on their faces.
"we love you," matt says, his gaze soft.
chris smiles, "i love you guys, too."
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tags: @cindylcuwho @adirtylittleheart
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mall0ww · 11 months ago
Wife reader literally tries sprinting out of the bed before Ghost can grab her, just before she escapes he's grabbing her by the waist."where do you think you're running off to" vibes 🤤😩I just need giggly happy simon man . 😪 😔
Simon " Ghost " Riley x Wife! Reader
Kind of a continuation from this :)
Thank you for the ask, anon! Simon and his lil wife here got me all giggly and I'm happy to write more about them 😌
- - -
You really thought you could fool the Simon Riley like that?
Look, another day had passed in which your dear husband had gotten away from the consequences just like that.
The day before, your coworker's already gave you disapproving looks- not that it had been the first time they did that-, but it grew more frequent, with you always running late to work. No one has said a word about it, yet you feared the worst. Even though you're not the only one that is too late more often than not. The other person was a mother of a little child, she had valid reasons for being too late, though.
But you?
What would you say to your boss? " Hey, sorry I'm late again because my husband didn't wanted me to leave the bed " or what?
So, you chose a different approach today.
You didn't move yet. Seemingly Simon was asleep, with how loosely his arm was wrapped around you this time around.
And even though you would've liked to stay in bed, you know you couldn't.
So you decided to be extra sneaky today.
Giving yourself a shove, you quickly rolled (not so elegantly) out of your husband's arm, out of his reach.
Atleaet that's what you thought.
A small sigh left your lips, your back still to him, as you realized you could finally start your day norma-
Your little train of thoughts got interrupted as you heard the rustling of the bedsheet. So you quickly tried to put more distance between the two of you.
Of course though, you didn't manage to react quickly enough.
So, once more, his arm wrapped itself around your waist, his muscles flexing just the slightest bit as he pressed you against his chest.
Oh what a familiar position. With your eyes facing your taunting little clock once more. Just like the days before.
You groaned quietly, but Simon was quick enough to shush you again.
" Babe, I really need to get ready for work... Don't wanna have any more unnecessary problems there. "
Your voice was a whisper, words mumbled as you unwillingly felt your body succumb to your husband's warmth and comfort, reacting this relaxed once more.
" y'don't need to worry, lovie. I've already discussed tha' topic with your boss. "
... What?
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s1m0nth3swag · 4 months ago
Could you write “How would Viktor does when reader has depression”.
Of course! Thanks for the ask pookie :)
These r a little short because I am still ill (and my head is literally killing me as I type this) but Viktor is more important than getting well!! (Also bawling my eyes out after act 3, even though I'd still love Viktor nonetheless, machine or not, he's getting it)
WARNINGS/ CONTENT INFO: Mentions of Depression (obviously), GN!Reader, sweet Fluff, Viktor has no clue what he's doing in all honesty, he tries (and succeeds) to be sweet
2 Stories - One more casual/not yet dating and the other is established relationship
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You've been off lately, Viktor had noticed. Isolating yourself bit by bit, looking more tired and overall acting just weird. You've had your phases before, but this one was too long. It wasn't like you at all. You've barely even spoken to him or Jayce, when usually you'd yap both their ears off about whatever topic you had learned about the previous night. Now, the lab was silent. Jayce was away on some Council party, and god knows Viktor would never start a conversation on his own while working. Though, he couldn't focus tonight. He mindlessly tinkered with small parts that laid around his desk, his thoughts clouded with the question of what was bothering you. Whatever it was, it bothered him as well. He'd never say, but he missed the cheery and chipper way you'd usually be.
"Are you... alright?" He questions after a while, clearing his throat slightly. This was already too awkward for him, but he did care. Totally just because the atmosphere of the lab would suffer if you weren't your usual self. He noticed the way you shifted uncomfortably as he glanced over to where you were sitting, like you were pondering how to answer. He wondered why you'd need so long to think of an answer, as if you couldn't tell him the truth. "I'm fine. Just a little tired, I just haven't been sleeping well." You answer, a soft, akward chuckle slipping from your lips. Viktor doesn't like that answer. You're different from how you are when you're just tired - not that he actually paid attention to that, but you weren't on your fifth cup of coffee yet. Actually, you hadn't had coffee at all today, another unusual happening. He sighs softly, and you immediatly know that he's gotten into questioning mode - he was a scientist after all. He really couldn't help it. "You can talk to me, you know? We don't have to be lab partners and nothing else, we can be friends." He speaks, his voice softer than before. "What's bothering you, hm?" Viktor adds, turning his chair around to look at you properly. It's your turn to sigh, letting your head hang slightly. "I've just been... feeling off. Like, actually tired but in a mental way? I don't know how to explain." You mutter, awkwardly averting your gaze from him. "We should take a day off, then. Do whatever you want instead of working." Viktor answers casually. "I don't want to miss important stuff in the lab Viktor, I can't take a day off." You throw back at him. He huffs, a slight chuckle filling the room. "Not you. Us. Maybe all three, if Jayce is willing." He clarifies, already noting it down in his notebook to make sure that day off actually happens.
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Viktor noticed the moment he woke up next to you. You'd fallen into another slump. He could tell just by the way you didn't just not want to get up - it was a physical challenge for you. He's seen you like this before, though usually it didn't last too long, at least not that he's noticed, maybe only a day or two at most. But by now, it's been almost a week, and you haven't spoken to him about it. You've been more abrasive, have started caring less about your personal hygiene, and while Viktor doesn't mind, he always hated when you didn't take proper care of yourself. He wanted you to feel good, not fall into a depressive hole. He offered to take a shower or bath with you, to make a game out of brushing your teeth, but you had shut everything down. It wasn't because you didn't think the ideas were sweet, but more because you didn't think you even deserved that much effort. Viktor had to helplessly watch you get worse, and he couldn't even do anything to properly help. It was absolute hell to him.
He'd had enough, wanted to be mad at you, even, but he couldn't blame you for it. He could, however, force you to stay cuddled up in bed with him. You liked staying in bed anyway, and cuddling with him was always one of your favourites. So, here you two were, snuggled into the covers of Viktors way too confortable bed. "You know that I love you, right?" Viktor mumbled, his accent more heavy with sleep. He didn't say it enough, at least that's what he thought. "I do know..." you answered, just as sleepily. "I know you can't control this.. but let me help you, please? I know it's hard, trust me I do, but I hate having to watch from the sidelines as you get worse..." He sighs, pressing a kiss against your forehead. "Let me just be there for you, yeah, my dear?" Viktor adds, pulling away slightly to look at you. "Alright.. I'll... I'll try, I promise." You answer, scooting back towards him so you could press your face into the crook of his neck, basking in his warmth for a little longer.
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mj0702 · 1 year ago
The other Bronze – pt.7.2
For all that patiently waiting readers (including @samkerrworshipper and @valewosomtb)
“Are you good to stand on your own for a second little Bronze? I need to see what the shower temperature is – I don't want to freeze you or cook you.. Alexia wouldn't let me hear the end of it” Jenni asked you gently letting go of your waist slowly
“Yep... me good...” you slurred but took the opportunity to swayed away from her just to have Jenni grab your waist tighter again
“I can see that... come on little Bronze – we'll just bite the bullet and hope the temperature is okay” the dark haired spaniard sighed pushing you forward under the shower
“No no no no no...” you squeaked as the football player effortlessly pushed you forward
“Sí... don't worry little One... I've got you” she said soothingly as she held you upright
“Ugh... I don't like it...” you pouted
“You didn't like the sand either...” Jenni chuckled as she got you out of the shower again “See... that wasn't so bad now, was it... all clean and sand free”
“Sexy spaniard?” you asked a little shivering since the water was a tad too cold
“I'm not sure if I should support this or if I should yell at you” the dark haired woman mumbled just loud enough for you to hear
“Why would you yell at me?” you asked confused
“It's okay....what do you need little One?” Jenni sighed seeing there was no use in argue with you
“Do you have a phone?” you slurred grinning widely
“I... do have a phone” Jenni answered carefully not knowing where this conversation is heading
“I have a phone too” you smiled proudly “It's blue... I like blue”
“That's... nice” the dark haired woman nodded slowly “maldición... I have to speak to Ona about these meds... this can't be healthy”
“Sexy spaniard...” you whispered like you had something important to say
“Yes little One?” Jenni answered just as secretive deciding playing along would be the easiest way to handle you – just like Alexia told her
“My phone has it's own number” you whispered slurring a little bit
“Really?? That's... cool... “ the spaniard said bewildered not knowing how to react accordingly
“Bet yours doesn't have a number” you huffed internally congratulating yourself for pulling THAT off
“I'm sorry to disappoint you little One... but my phone does have a number” Jenni smiled reluctant
“Noooooo” you whined “Your phone can't have a number”
“Oh really.... and why's that now?” the black haired woman smiled now amused
“Because my phone has a number” you pouted
“Every phone has a number little One” Jenni chuckled
“Prove it” you crossed your arms in front of your chest trying to look “intimidating” while internally grinning thinking “Gotcha”
“I don't have my phone on me little One... it's with Alexia at the moment” Jenni answered carefully trying not to upset you
“Why?” you looked at her confused groaning on the inside
“It would have gotten wet if I had it on me” the dark haired explained
“That would have made two of us” you mumbled
“Disculpe?” Jenni asked shocked
“Huh?” you asked back confused
“What did you just said?” Jenni asked and you decided to shift a gear down
“I want two” you said slowly like you were speaking to child
“Two what?” the dark haired looked so SO confused
“Scoops... the colorbook spaniard owes me ice cream – she made me drop mine” you slurred again changing the topic once again
“Okay... yes... okay... how did Alexia managed to get through yesterday I do wonder” Jenni sighed deeply massaging her temples
“Who's Alexia? Is she your girlfriend?” you slurred grinning wriggling your eyebrows
“Definitely not my girlfriend... she's a good friend... you call her pretty spaniard” Jenni snorted as you asked if Alexia was her girlfriend
“Uh.... you know the pretty spaniard?” you asked happily
“I do... and we probably should get back to her...” Jenni smiled
“Yeah... you don't want to make her angry... do you know she makes the colorbook run laps? Like... a lot of laps...” you started to talk while Jenni pulled you into her side once again starting to get you back to Alexia and Keira
As you passed your sister your eyes met and you simply winked at her which caused Lucy to choke (again) and coughing hard
“Lucy!!” you yelled happily as you pushed away from Jenni stumbling towards your sister pushing Ona out of the way to fall around your sisters neck hugging her tightly
“Your Cupra is mine” you whispered in her ear grinning as she pretended to catch you
“No way you got that number” Lucy gritted through her teeth putting on a smile for everyone around
“I am just that good” you grinned against her neck as you keep hugging her
“Fuck” your sister sighed under her breath “please don't destroy my car”
“Luuuucccyyyy” you whined as you could feel some pair of eyes on you
“Whaaaaaat” your sister mocked you
“You're not nice...” you whined before turning around “friendly spaniard... you tell her”
Ona looked like a deer caught in the headlight not knowing what to say or do
“Okay little One... come here... Alexia is waiting and if I come back without you I have to run laps” Jenni interrupted your interaction with your sister
“Go on Bubs... go with Jenni...” Lucy slightly pushed you which caused you to stumble (this time for real) and falling into Jennis arms
“Careful there little One” the dark haired woman chuckled as she easily catches you
“She pushed me” you whined
“I saw... I'll make sure she gets punished for it, okay... but now lets go and let your sister enjoy her day off” Jenni said understanding as she pulled you along
“Behave devils spawn” Lucy yelled after you and you just flipped her off
“I was about to come looking myself where you were” Alexia said as soon as the two of you were in earshot
“Yeah sorry... she gets distracted easily” Jenni chuckled as you poked a seashell with your toe
“Don't I know it... I spent the better half of my rehab session yesterday telling her not to touch anything” Alexia huffed but smiled noneless at your innocence
“Yeah... I just had a conversation about phone numbers... and how she wants two scoops of ice cream” the dark haired shrugged her shoulders before addressing you “you want to sit down little One?”
“Phone numbers?” the blonde one asked confused “told you you won't make it long without giving her a nickname... she's just too precious in her own way”
At the words “phone numbers” your head snapped up and you grinned loopy at Alexia
“Did you know every phone has a number, pretty spaniard... the sexy one said so... but I think she just said that to shut me up... she didn't prove it” you slurred
“Ah...” was all Alexia said as she was thrown off completely while looking at Jenni with a “What the fuck”-look on her face
“See” Jenni grinned widely “that's what I'm talking about” as she grabbed her phone showing you her number “See little One... every phone has a number”
“Bet that's not your phones number... that's probably just some random numbers” you mused concentrated already saved the phone number in your head – perks of having a good memory
“How should I prove to you that this IS my phones number?” the black haired woman asked even more confused
“Just call her... or let her call herself from your phone” Alexia said nonchalantly
“Do you know your phones number little One?” Jenni asked really wanting to end this topic but also knowing that you wouldn't let it go until she “proved” to you that this was in fact her number
“No” you pouted sadly (of course you knew – but you were “high”) “But Kei knows... Kei knows EVERYTHING”
“Keira!” Alexia yelled over to your fellow Englishwoman
“Que?” the blonde yelled back not even bothering sitting up having watched the whole interaction
“You know the number of the Cariño over here?” the spaniard asked Keira
��Of course... she has the same number since she was 12 and Lucy bought her her first mobile phone +44-8395-533-104... why?” Keira answered rattling down your number
“Slower please....” Jenni said as she punched the numbers into her phone
Keira repeated your number slower as you plopped down into the sand next to Alexia leaning your head on her shoulder
“What's going on, Cariño” the blonde asked softly as she took your bad wrist in her hands massaging it carefully
“Thank you for being so pretty” you sighed out pretending to fall asleep on her shoulder
Alexia chuckled lowly but shrugged the shoulder your head occupied “waking you up”
“Non of that... you of all people shouldn't fall asleep in the sun – you want to go over to Keira?” she asked you softly as you nodded and grunted in agreement
“Keira... pick your child up” Alexia yelled again but smiled over to the Englishwoman
“MY child?? If she was mine she wouldn't be here right now, she would be home asleep... she's high as fuck, she isn't used to the barcalonean sun AND the responsible adult is drinking sangria at the beach bar feeling up her girlfriend” Keira answered as she pushed herself up on her elbows raising an eyebrow
Her comment made you eyes pop open as your head flew in the direction of your sister seeing that Keira was right and Lucy indeed was feeling up Ona even tho it was very subtle. You immediately started to heave and Alexia really thought you needed to vomit jumping into action trying to get you some shade by throwing a towel over your head which caused Keira to burst out laughing as she made her way over to you
“Come on Bitsy... some shade will do you some good” she gently said as she pulled you up
“She scarred me again... and the whole public” you whine from underneath your (Alexias) towel
“I know...” the blond Englishwoman said sympathically “... and your phone rang”
You smirked victorious under your towel but threw a “Georgia?” in to keep the charade up
“No... a spanish number” Keira said softly
“I don't know anyone in Spain” you said confuses as you felt Keira sitting you down in the shade of her beach umbrella
“Did you really pulled all that off for Jenni Hermosos number?” Keira whispered and pushed a water bottle into your hand
“Hell yeah” you grinned back the towel now around your neck
“Why for good heavens” the blonde asked outraged
“Lucy said if I can get her number in my current not state she'll let me drive her Cupra in the Camp Nope parking lot” you put your head on your knees but Keira could hear your smirk
“She doesn't know what Millie, Rachel and Jill got you for your birthday, does she?” now Keira was smirking as well knowing fully well what the three Lionesses got you since she was asked if she wants to chip in
“Hell to the no” you smirked you head laying on your knees pretending to keep deep calming breaths
“She's in for a lovely surprise then... but in all seriousness now Bitsy... are you feeling okay?” Keira smiled but you could tell she cares
“Yeah...” you lifted your head slightly to shoot her a small smile
“No dizziness or lightheaded?” the blonde checked again
“No... but the water was nice... thank you” you answered honestly
“No problem Bitsy... for how long do you plan on keeping this going?” Keira asked as she got comfortable on her towel again
“At least till Mapí bought me my ice cream” you grinned
“Then lay down... Alexia is still watching you... you really wormed your way into her heart” Keira closed her eyes relaxing
“But laying down is boring” you huffed
“Laying down is relaxing... which I try to do – relax... so relax too” the blonde told you and you knew it wasn't an offer
You shuffled forward to the edge of your towel thinking about how you could get away from Keira to investigate what Mapí and her friends were doing as you heard a throat clearing behind you. You huffed annoyed but shuffled back until you were at the same height as Keiras shoulders as she smiled slightly
“Thank you” she said sweetly her eyes still closed
“Sometimes it's really annoying you know... I don't even know how you do it – your eyes are closed” you grumbled
“Call it motherly instinct” the Englishwoman grinned not even bothering to open her eyes and yet she knew exactly that you pulled a face “... or call it Bronze proved”
“You suck” you huffed again
“Whatever makes you feel better Bitsy... and now be good and let me relax – please” the blonde smirked before sighing out deeply
After about five minutes you noticed Keiras breathing evening out and you tried to carefully bolt again only to be hold back by a warned “Bitsy” and you swore under your breath. Your mood increase significantly as you saw Mapí making her way over, Patri and Pina hot on her heels. She stopped right in front of Keira and you her hands folded behind her back a ashamed look on her face as she cleared her throat repeatedly. With an annoyed sigh Keira opened one eye looking expectantly at Mapí
“Qué??” she asked irritated
“Can Baby Bronze come and play with us? Ingrid said she'll watch that nothing happens” Mapí looked like a 10 year old who’s scared of her best friends mom which made you chuckle knowing first hand that Keira can in fact get very scary
“No” was the short answers before the blonde closed her eyes again
“Keira por favor” Mapí started to beg “We promise we look after her”
“That's nice... and who's looking after you?” Keira asked slowly giving up on her plan of an afternoon with just relaxing sleep
“Ingrid” the blonde spaniard answered quickly as Keira raised an eyebrow looking at the Norwegian
“Pleeeaaaase Kei” you begged lulling the plead “so boring here”
“María León... if you bring her back with just a hair out of place I WILL have your ass” Keira pointed threatening at Mapí nodding her head towards you as a sign for you that you can go
You quickly scrambled away holding on to Mapí for leverage as she grabbed you securely around your waist “dragging” you away
“I love you colorbook spaniard” you slurred happily “Thank you for saving me from the boring death”
“Ningún problema niñita” Mapí whispered grinning
“Ninja what?” you slurred looking at her confused
“No problem” the blonde repeated in english as she dragged you past her girlfriend who slept soundly in the beautiful afternoon sun in Barcelona
“You said she'll look after us” you stumbled next to Maps who just shushed you while Pina and Patri chuckled quietly
“The mean Englishwoman would have never let you go if she'd known Ingrid was sleeping” Mapí grinned
“I like you colorbook spaniard” you grinned “You're cool”
“Told you I'm her favorite” the blonde grinned to her young teammates
“We want a spaniard name too” Patri said in her broken english making you stop dead in your tracks
“And you are who?” you asked confused looking at Mapí for explanation
“This is Patri...” the blonde pulled the bigger one closer and continued “.. and this is Pina”
“You look scaring” you mumbled pushing yourself more into Mapí looking at Patri
“I'm very nice, I promise” Patri said quickly smiling at you and Pina nodded behind her
“Which one were you?” you asked again smiling internally at their falling faces
“Patri... Patricia Guijarro... Patri” the taller one said her look at you with hopes in her eyes as you started to giggle
“Bond... James Bond... Bond” you giggled at your own joke
“Come on Baby Bronze... I wanted to show you something” Mapí interrupted your giggling as she pulled you along past your slightly tipsy sister (she really was just slightly tipsy since she had training the next day) who didn't said anything thinking if Keira let you go it would be okay for you to hang out with the “Trio of Trouble” as the older Barca player named them.
“Have you ever rode a jet ski niñita?” Mapí smirked mischievously
“Uh jet ski” Pina clapped her hands happily
“Jet what?” you asked confused even if you knew fully well what jet skies are
“It's like a motorcycle – just for the water....” Pina explained smiling excitedly
“Water?” you smiled happy
“Yeah... driving motorbike on water... it's so much fun” Patri said her grin widen
“I want that” you couldn't stop grinning swaying as Mapí shortly let go of your waist
“Do we really think that's a good idea? If she dies we're dead” Pina now asked a little concerned as she saw your swaying form
“Why would she die? You can swim, right?” the blonde spaniard asked you
“I can... Jordan Nobbs can't... 31% of english people can't swim... that's why we live on an Isle – so we don't flee and succeed in world domination” you slurred smirking
“Oooookay...” Patri said only understanding half of what you said “... maybe she shouldn't ride on her own...”
“Meeh... she'll be fine” Mapí waved off as she strapped a life jacket around you “See... I make sure she's save”
You quickly got a run down of how everything works by the guy who's renting out the jet skies and after taking some pictures with the three Barca girls he send you happily on your way. You climbed on your own jet ski needing a minute to get used to the feeling of the heavy vehicle under you but a encouraging smile from Mapí and with Patri and Pina flanking you you carefully started the engine and slowly drove out of the small bay into the open sea. You quickly found acceleration and off you went once you were steady enough with the balance. Mapí, Pina and Patri laughed loudly as they followed you cheering you on while you got more and more fun out of it cutting turns and even starting a game of tag with the three other women. Unknowns to the four of you half the beach was in distress as Keira decided to go over to Ingrid after she couldn't locate you and the other three women just to find Ingrid fast asleep. It was a no brainer that Keira cursed first at Mapí then at herself for not double checking with the Norwegian. So of course hearing Keira of all people swear loudly peaked the interest of several older players such as Alexia, Jenni, Ingrid, Marta, Ona and last but not least Lucy.
“What happened?” Lucy asked her fellow english teammate as she saw Keira in pure distress
“They are gone” the blonde answered through gritted teeth
“Who?” your sister asked again confused
“y/n and the trio of trouble... Mapí came over asked if y/n could come play with them and that Ingrid would have an eye on them... now they're gone” Keira explained quickly looking around the beach
“I'm sorry... I really had no idea” Ingrid apologized over and over again
“No one is blaming you, Ings... It's my own fault” Keira reassured the Norwegian smiling slightly “I should have double checked”
“I'm going to let them run laps until they can't walk for a week” Alexia seethed as Jenni chuckled beside her
“What's so funny, Hermoso??” the blonde snapped at Jenni
“Nothing Capi... just the fact that you actually need to find them first” the black haired spaniard grinned having spotted you a little over two miles out in the open sea
“I'm pretty sure I have the dino-harness laying around somewhere” your sister mumbled trying to find just a small trace of you
Jenni loudly cleared her throat getting everyones attention
“What??” Alexia growled at the black haired one
“This sexy spaniard found your missing children” Jenni grinned pointing at herself proudly
“Oh really” her blonde companion said sarcastically “Please do enlighten us”
Jenni just pointed out to the sea where you just jumped over a small wave that was created by Pinas jet ski
“I... I... I... I can't believe what I'm seeing” Alexia stuttered out as she watched in horror (like everyone else except for Jenni who can't contain her grin) as you cut a corner dangerously close to Patri
Ingrid was the first who recovered from the initial shock springing into action by whistling loudly knowing Mapí would hear it loud and clear. Just as she thought she saw the head of her girlfriend snap into the direction of the beach and even with the distance she could see how Mapís face turned white like a wall.
“We're in trouble” Mapí said out on the open sea as you and the other two spaniards stopped next to her “they discovered sooner than I thought that we were gone...”
“We... could just stay here?” Patri shrugged her shoulders “... there’s enough to eat” she said looking down into the deep water
You couldn't contain your loud laughter which carried all the way to the beach where it got reconized by Lucy and Keira immediately
“I swear Ingrid if my sister gets eaten by a shark I'll break your girlfriends legs” Lucy threatened the poor Norwegian
“You'd have to get in line for that” the normally so contained Scandinavian grumbled back “I can tell you who will sleep on the couch for the foreseeable future”
“Lucy... do you hear that?” Keira suddenly said shutting her ex up successfully
“What?” your sister asked confused
“She's laughing... Bitsy is laughing... a REAL laugh...” the blonde said looking back out to find you having your head thrown back laughing wholeheartly “I haven't heard that for a long time”
“You're right... I think the last time I heard a laugh like that was when she was... 11? 12?” Lucy said stunned
“As much as it pains me to say... but Alexia” Keira turned towards her captain and friend
“Sí?” the Catalonian woman asked raising an eyebrow
“No punishment for the trio of trouble... you can't punish them for making her laugh like this... please” the blonde Englishwoman pleaded with her captain
“I can't let them get away with something like this” Alexia got a little fed up
“Just this once... Please capi” now your sister spoke up as well “I swear they did more for y/n than Keira, me or anyone in the last five years... I haven't heard her laugh like this since...” your sister stopped herself from spilling details of your injuries knowing your very insecure about them
“Since her injury?” Alexia checked if she understood it right
“Yeah... how did you know?” Lucy asked after nodding
“Please... I'm just coming back from an ACL... I recognize an ACL scar if I see one” the blonde rolled her eyes “But... left AND right?”
“Once left, twice right.... she hasn't be the same since... she pretends but she's not the same...” Keira answered instead of Lucy who keeps an eye on you
“Care to explain” Jenni now speaks up getting interested
“Not a lot to explain... she won't talk to anyone about it... we tried to get her to talk to us.. or to a therapist since we thought it might be easier for her to speak to a stranger but no... she just wouldn't open up... she just pretends to be happy and everything is fine but if you knew her from when she was younger she's a completely different person” Keira said her voice a slight sad undertone
“Should we try? We're not strangers but also not close enough for her to consider us family” Jenni offered
“No... it won't be no use... Luce and I accepted a long time ago that if she wants to talk she'll find the right person and just starts talking... maybe that's one of us maybe that's someone completely random... as long as she talks to someone” the blonde Englishwoman said shooting Jenni a thankful smile for her offer
“Okay... but here's the question... how will we get them back here... on safe land?” Ona asked a little concerned for your safety
“Oh let me help you with that” Ingrid smirked whistling again even louder knowing her girlfriend will get the warning
“That was Ingrids last warning whistle” Mapí shivered on her jet ski knowing if they won't go back to the beach now they would all be one head shorter once her girlfriend will get a hand on them
“Your girlfriend has a last warning whistle?” you raised a brow at the blonde spaniard
“Yeah... when she whistles like that... it means last warning or serious trouble” the blonde said
“Why does she have something like this?” you ask getting even more confused
“I may or may not cause trouble sometimes...” she grinned at you sheepishly
“... so... we go back?” you asked looking at your three new friends
“Yeah we better... when Ingrid is mad it's nearly as bad as when Alexia is mad” Pina said in a small voice
“Then let's do it with style since they won't let us get away together ever again” you shrugged your shoulders smiling
The other three grinned back at you before following you back to the beach as you pushed the jet ski to it's limits
You let your jet ski skillfully slide onto the sand back on the beach looking around confused as the other three followed your lead
“What's wrong, niñita?” Mapí asked happily as she got of her vehicle
“I just wondered... I expected a angry mop with pitchforks and torches” you raised an eyebrow looking around to find your sister and her girlfriend still at the booth sipping on her Sangria “Maybe I'm just paranoid” you shrugged your shoulders
The four of went inside the little shop that rented out the jet skis giving back your life jackets and the three players were nice enough to take some pictures with the staff which you happily took since you didn't want to appear on any of them anyway. All of you said your goodbyes and stepped back out in the sunshine. A little nagging feeling in the back of your head didn't let you get any peace. You realized a split second too late that you stepped right into Keiras trap which caused you to stop walking as Mapí, Patri and Pina walked straight into to
“TRAP” you screeched trying to push back against Mapí but it was too late.
You felt your ear getting gripped in a dead grip as you get pulled down a little bit and immediately you knew it was Keira. In the corner of your eye you could see Ingrid gripping Mapís neck tightly while Alexia had Pina and Patris ears in her grip.
“This time you definitely went overboard Bitsy” the Englishwoman growled at you and you knew you were in some serious trouble.
The other three of your companions already got yelled at in spanish by their captain still all held in place but Alexia handed Pina and Patri off to Marta.
“Damn... she seems arrogated” you looked at Alexia shocked as you could spot a vein popping on her neck
“With me” Keira just said as she pulled on your ear
“Ow ow ow ow ow...” you whined stumbling after the blonde
“Sit” the blonde said strictly as she pulled you past Lucy and Ona pointing to her towel
You knew better than to piss her off even more so you plopped down on the towel seeing your sister already approaching
“Did you hit your head?” Keira asked surprisingly very calmly
“Ehrm... no?” you shook your head confused
“Did you drink?” the blonde ignored your confused face
“No?” you answered carefully
“Do you do drugs?” the Englishwoman kept on asking question after question
“Again... no... nothing other than the painkillers Ona pulled off for me” you said not knowing what answer Keira was after
“Did you smoke weed?” Keira asked again too calm for your liking
“Tried it once... not for me” you answered truthfully
“Ah... there it is” you deadpanned before looking at her “I didn't knew... Mapí pulled me along, threw me in a life jacket and sat me on the machine of funnies”
“You are capable of saying no aren't you... you have a fucked up wrist, you are on painkillers that would probably send an elephant tumble over and you think it's a GRAND idea to jump on a jet ski doing hopps and flopps in the open sea... you aren't the best swimmer y/n..” Keira went full on mom rant on your ass – for her to call you your name... that was bad.
“That's what the life jacket is for” you defended yourself “so I wouldn't drown”
“DON'T you dare go all smartass on me... you are grounded” Keira put her foot down “And before you start to whine and throw a tantrum I'll let you have the afternoon here at the beach but after that your ass comes home with me and you'll stay in my eyesight all the damn time”
“That's not fair... Mapí is still allowed to play next game and tweedledee and tweedledumb are also not grounded... and... tweedledee I think even suggested we stay out there... but I said we should go back” you rambled trying to reason with the Englishwoman
“Look at me” Keira said softly waiting until you met her eye before continuing “Do I look like I care?”
You groaned defeated as you turned to your sister “Luuuuccyyyy” you whined
“Oh no... I learned pretty early NOT to get involved when Keira is pissed” she held up her hands in surrender
“You know Bitsy.. I can always send you home with Lucy” Keira smirked evilly
“No... no... I'm happy to be grounded at your place” you smiled fake your eyes wide in shock remembering what Keira told you early
“Mhm... thought so... now you go over to Alexia and apologize for causing trouble” the Englishwoman nodded
“But I for once didn't do anything” you whined
“You caused that woman nearly a heart attack” Keira shot back “Off you scramble...”
“But...” you started just to get interrupted by Kei
“Off” she said with insistence
You grumbled under your breath but pushed yourself off the ground walking over to Alexia who was on the phone. You waited patiently not wanting to interrupt the call until the blonde spaniard raised an eyebrow at you
“Sí?” she looked at you expectantly
“I came to apologize” you mumbled suddenly feeling shy
“Un momento” Alexia said holding up a finger telling you to wait before returning to her call
You started to kick the sand a little after about three minutes getting bored. After two more minutes you sighed loudly but got ignored by the Barca Captain. One more minute and you started to whine. With a huff Alexia turned to you
“Didn't I tell you to wait?” she asked sternly
“Waiting is boring” you whined
“You are 16 not 3” the blonde said severe “You wait”
You whined loudly and desperately now REALLY felling like a small kid.
“Why did that sound like a Bronze whine?” it suddenly spoke out of Alexias phone
“It was a Bronze...” the blonde spaniard looked confused at her phone “How did YOU hear that?”
There was a loud laugh from the phone and Alexia angled the phone so you could make out a friendly looking face with dark brown hair and a kind smile
“There... the small Bronze” Alexia said apparently showing her friend how she makes you wait till they're done with whatever they're discussing
“Hola BB” the other woman smiled
“Leila” you shrieked happily basically falling on top of Alexia trying to get to her phone.
You now laid half on top of the Barca captain smiling happily into the phone where you could see one of your closest friends – actually she was more of another sister to you – Leila Ouahabi.
“You causing havoc in Barcelona BB?” she asked laughing as she saw how Alexia tried to firstly push you off her and secondly getting her phone back
“Yes ma'am” you grinned proudly
“Good girl” Leila praised you her smirk radiant
“Leila!” Alexia scolded “Don't encourage her... she's worse enough without your praising her”
“Oh Capi... you've seen nothing yet...” the brown haired woman laughed amused
“I've seen enough” the blonde grumbled “Can I please have MY phone back?”
“I swear Lei... there wasn't even blood” you said honestly ignoring Alexia
“Good girl” Leila praised you again looking impressed
“Blood??” Alexia asked shocked and bewildered at the same time
“Mostly it's not mine” you hold your hands up in surrender
“Ay dios mio” the blonde sighed
“Who is this mio... you mention him a lot today?” you asked confused and Leila barked out a laugh
“It means “my God” BB... like... we would say “Jesus fuck”...” the brown haired spaniard explained laughing
“Ah... makes sense... somehow... I thought it was her brother or something” you shrugged your shoulders
“How do you two know each other anyway?” Alexia asked now realizing that she never introduced you
“She plays for City” you said in a “Duh” voice
“She's a Bronze” Leila said in the same voice
“Manchester is my Home base... of course I know all the players of both clubs... my sister played there... her girlfriend – past and present – played for Manchester, MY girlfriend played for city... Hempo, ChloChlo, Steph, Ellie and Lexi play for City... of course I know Leila... how do YOU know her” you looked at her incredulously
“She's spanish... I'm spanish... we both play football... take a guess how I know her” Alexia rolled her eyes
“One night stand?” you smiled innocently which caused Leila to burst out laughing again
“Alexia wishes” she pressed out laughing as she stroke away the tears that formed in her eyes from laughing
“¿disculpe?” the blonde exclaimed loudly
“Dislocate yourself” you huffed
“God BB... you really are something” Leila couldn't stop laughing even more so when you started to comment on the spanish language knowing you like to do that when you didn't know said language
“Okay that's enough... what did you want earlier?” Alexia interrupted your interaction with her teammate
“Oh yeah... sorry for causing trouble even if it wasn't my fault... it was the colorbook spaniard and tweedledee and tweedledumb” you shrugged your shoulders again
“Colorbook spaniard?” Leila looked confused
“Lucy overdosed me yesterday and apparently I handed out spaniard names like they were coupons” you rolled your eyes “Uh... you want a spaniard name too?”
“We'll talk about it when you're back home?” the brown haired woman asked and you nodded smiling “Then go on,... give me a... what was it?”
“A spaniard name... and I have the perfect one... with the drugged power invested in me from this day on you shall be named... gorgeous spaniard” you said festively
“I mean... I AM gorgeous...” Leila grinned “... but I still don't get it”
“Oh every important spaniard I met got a spaniard name... this one here has one too” you grinned cheekily at Alexia
“Really? Do tell Capi” Leila teased
“No” Alexia grumbled “Knowing you you will spread it through national team and I'll never get rid of it again... just like La Reina”
“YOU named her La Reina...??” you asked Leila shocked
“No... but I found it online and made sure every team member called her that” she grinned widely
“I don't see the issue here... pretty spaniard” you smirked wickedly
“Pretty spaniard?!” the brown haired woman picked up on your nickname for Alexia immediately as said woman just groaned and rolled her eyes
“She's pretty...” you looked at the blonde innocently
“Don't let your girlfriend hear that” Leila smirked
“Oh she knows... she actually congratulated me for coming up with such fitting spaniard names even when being high as a kite...” you nodded proudly
“You two are really made for each other” the brown haired woman chuckled
“Funny... Kei said exactly the same” you mused “But yeah... sorry for causing trouble which wasn't my fault” you directed to Alexia
“You still owe me Laps...” the blonde said “... you just added more to that”
“Waaaaaaaiiiit a second... I don't owe you laps” you exclaimed
“Oh but you do... did you forget what happened first time we met?” Alexia responded calmly
“Oh BB... did you hit on her? She doesn't like that” Leila threw in chuckling
“I didn't.... did I?” you questioned yourself thinking about your first meeting before repeating “No... no I didn't”
“You swear at a guy who was twice your size” the blonde rolled her eyes “Because you said something very very bad”
“Oh yeah... but you never mentioned laps... you let Mapí do laps.... and Lucy....” you said as a matter of fact
“I thought it was obvious” Alexia looked at you like you grew a second head
“Yeah no... I'm not really made for running anymore” you waved off as Leila snorted loudly “Hm??” you looked at her
“You ran pretty fast when you stole Jill Roords last waffle thingy...” Leila snorted
“Short sprints are okay... a million laps with la reina here up my ass – not so much... and this stroopwaffle was delicious” you said insistent
“She'll make you run those laps BB... I know her long enough...” Leila said honestly
“I mean... she can try” you shrugged your right shoulder
“She can hear you... both of you” Alexia raised an eyebrow challenging
“Love you pretty spaniard” you grinned at her
“Yep... same... pretty spaniard” the brown haired woman grinned as well
“Okay... you” the blonde looked at you “... back to Keira... and you” now she looked at her phone “... we see us at Camp... you better pack the comfortable cleats... you'll wear them a lot running laps for me”
“Love you gorgeous spaniard” you yelled out after you pushed yourself off Alexia into a standing position
“Love you BB... text me later” you heard Leilas voice as you started to return to Keira
“M back” you said carefully not knowing if she's still angry at you
“I can see that” the Englishwoman replied dryly
“Kei come on... I'm sorry... I really am... but it was so much fun” you begged and whined knowing your best shot would be a perfect placed whine
“Not this time y/n” Keira responded neutral
THIS was the moment you realized that you are in real deep shit. Keira nearly never used your real name – ever. So for her to call you your actual name was bad.
“Kei...” you whispered sadly
“Gosh y/n... I already saw you drowning... and I couldn't do anything” the blonde said desperately “You just can't pull shit like this”
Okay... Keira swearing was even worse than using your name
“I... I... I... I didn't think” you stuttered out taken aback
“That's the problem... you never think... I love you.. I do... I would give my life for you because you are so SO important to me y/n... but you need to start and USE that brilliant brain of yours” Keira said firmly
“I'm sorry” you mumbled hanging your head low feeling ashamed of yourself
“I know you are... but fuck Bitsy... I was so scared” she sighed as she saw how you beat yourself up for it “I don't know what Patri said that caused you to laugh – really laugh and I'll be forever grateful to her that she did it because I haven't heard that sound in over three years but you really can't just fuck off on a jet ski... you can't Bitsy... you never swam in the Sea... you could have...”
“Kei...” you said in a low voice and as you look up you could see tears in Keiras eyes
You didn't know what to do – Keira was always your rock. She held you when you cried, helped you when you needed help, advise you when you needed advise and now you caused her so much pain.
“Can... can I hug you?” you asked carefully not knowing if Keira would want it
“Come here Bitsy” she said calmly as she opened her arms
You quickly shuffled over to her and threw yourself into her arms
“I'm so sorry Kei... I promise I try to never do stupid things ever again” you mumbled against the blondes shoulder squeezing her as tight as you could
“We both know that's a lie” the Englishwoman chuckled and pressed a kiss to your forehead “Just try to be more careful Bitsy.. that would be enough for a start”
“I promise” you mumbled
“Good...” Keira sighed out “... you ready to go home?”
“Can we have shepherds pie?” you asked hopefully
“If you can forgo cheddar... it's basically impossible to get cheddar here...” the blonde smiled as you asked for your comfort food
“Eeh... as long there's cheese...” you shrugged your shoulders as you started to throw all of Keiras stuff into her bag
“Eager much Bitsy” Keira chuckled
“Yes... I'm hungry and I just saw my sister playing tonsil hockey with the friendly spaniard... we need to leave” you answered quickly and threw stuff quicker into the bag – sand included
“At least it's the friendly spaniard and not the pretty or sexy one, hm?” Keira smirked as you stopped your “packing” for a second before starting to dry heave
When you were done packing Keiras stuff (and half of the beach) you quickly pulled her up and started to flee the beach without looking back to afraid to see things you never EVER wanted to see – again.
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kigieri · 5 months ago
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The Danny Ric Series🍯🦡
Daniel Ricciardo × Reader
Trying to get pregnant can be a beautiful journey, full of delight and happiness, or it can be a sorrowful venture, full of despair and self-loathing, as it goes on and on and on.
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A/N: Welcome! I hope you enjoy The Danny Ric Series. It is dedicated to the wonderful man that brought so much joy to Formula One and its fans.
This is my longest fic to date, and I'm very proud of it! Getting pregnant can take a long time, sometimes up to, or over a decade. It's a journey that can look very different from person to person. I wanted to showcase this a little bit. I have no idea about IVF or adoption in Monaco or Australia, so I held the topic very brief.
This story on AO3.
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Standing in front of the bathroom cabinet, she looked at the multiple packages of pregnancy tests. Footsteps could be heard, before Daniel stepped into the room. He slipped his arms around her waist from behind her back, kissing her neck lightly. "So, do you want to take one?" She smiled. "I'm not pregnant yet." He nodded, searching for her eyes in their reflection. "Yes, but I know you want to take one and we better make sure. We'll have to try extra hard if you aren't." A light red flushed her face and she grabbed behind herself to pinch Daniel. "You're unbelievable!" Laughter filled the air between them.
She picked one up and opened it, taking the content out of the box before placing it on the rim of the sink. "Let's do it." Daniel took the test from her and took a step back, while she read over the instructions. "Just normal procedure." He looked at her, slightly confused. "Uhm... And what's normal procedure?" Her eyes found his as she turned and looked up. "You... you've never heard how to take a pregnancy test?" He shook his head. "Where should I have gotten that information? We were always careful, there was never a scare, so I've got no idea." She shook her head in disbelieve. "Men. This is just..." She waved the description around. "It's just something you know."
The Aussie shrugged his shoulders. "You pee on it, wait a bit and if it's two lines we weren't as careful as we thought, right?" She rolled her eyes. "That's about right." A big smile took over his face and he stepped towards her, pulling her towards himself by the waist. He kissed her briefly. "Just take one, okay? To mark the beginning of the journey?" She nodded and kissed him again. "Gladly."
Twenty minutes and a lot of banter later, they were looking at a negative test. Their breath slightly faster from a short make-out session. While she carefully put away the test and washed her hands, he could not look away. "I love you." She turned towards him, a towel in her hands to dry them off. "I love you too." His smile was intoxicating and, after she had hung up the towel, she walked over to him.
"I cannot wait to start a family with you." His words were breathy, genuine and filled with emotions. "We've waited long enough, haven't we?" Daniel nodded, taking her into his arms once more. "It was worth it. I want it. We're happy, married," his hand reached for hers to stroke over their wedding band, "and we're more than ready." Her head rested against his chest. He continued, "The moment I will hold our child in my arms will be the happiest of my life, right before meeting and marrying you."
Two months had passed since that first test, and her circle had continued. Her period came just as regularly as before. She was sitting on their hotel bed after a race. She had left before Daniel, he had still been in a meeting and wanted to sign a few autographs afterwards. Her hands were occupied with taking out her earrings, she had already taken off the slight make-up she had put on that morning.
A little while later, while slipping out of her blouse, she looked at a hickey Daniel had left a few nights prior. It fell just below her neckline, so she had not needed to cover it with foundation. Her thoughts drifted to the week ahead, while she grabbed her pajama and walked into the bathroom. They had told her parents that they were trying for a child. Some people might find it peculiar, since it was intimate information, but she thought it was wonderful to include their families. After the next race, they would return to Perth, and they planned to inform Daniel's family as well.
After a quick shower, she laid down in bed, opening her book and starting to read. She tried to stay awake, wanting to greet her lover when he returned from the circuit. She had just finished a chapter when the lock gave off a beeping noise. Daniel entered silently, and a smile spread over his face when he saw she was still awake. He walked in and placed his backpack and keycard on the table, before walking over to the bed and leaning down to give her a quick kiss. "It's late. You should have gone to bed." She reached her hand up to stroke over his beard. "I wanted to greet you and give you a chance to talk." He nodded while stepping back and beginning to strip. "Thank you." He motioned towards the bathroom. "I'll take a quick shower first." And with those words he was already inside and the door fell shut behind him.
The shower could be heard in the bedroom, and she waited for it to stop before standing up and taking a fresh pair of boxers out of the closet. She opened the door slowly, the steam escaping the room hitting her nonetheless. Daniel was drying himself off as she held out the clothing to him. He smiled at her and took it. "Thanks. Forgot those." A slightly amused sound left her mouth. "Wasn't the first time, won't be the last one." He shook his head. "Nah."
Silence fell between them as Daniel got ready, and she sat down on the side of the bathtub. After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Daniel's attention was caught by something on the little rack next to the toilet. "You got your period?" She nodded. "Yesterday evening. Didn't want to tell you before the race." He turned around. "No problem, you tell me whatever, whenever." A slight smile painted his lips. She stood up again. "Bed?" The Aussie nodded. "Let's go to bed. I'm dead on my feet."
They turned off the lights and slipped under the cover. Normally they slept without touching, they cuddled to fall asleep but turned away during the night, needing space to move. This night, however, Daniel's arm remained wrapped around her belly as they both dreamed about the small little family they were going to create.
Morning had creeped in some time ago, and they had enjoyed a quiet breakfast. The end of the season had come faster than either of them anticipated, but they were happy nonetheless. A little free time for themselves before it all began again. Daniel had started doing the dishes. He enjoyed the mundane tasks without pressure or an event in his neck.
The bathroom door had been closed for some time when he finally walked by it. He had wanted to check on her before going out to work on one of the dirt bikes that was making trouble. He knocked lightly, his knuckles barely hitting the wood. "Come in." Her voice was meek and brittle. The door creaked just a bit while he pushed it open, he wanted to fix that this break too. She was sitting on the closed toilet lid when he entered. Her vision was blurry when she looked up at him, her eyes tearful and puffy. Her cheeks were red, and her lower lip wobbled. She held out the pregnancy test silently, Daniel did not need to look at it to know the result.
He kneeled down in front of her, laying the test next to his legs on the ground. He also felt like crying, but right now he needed to be there for her. He cupped her face in his hands and brushed her tears away. "It will come. I hate it too, but it takes time. We've been trying for over half a year, but a lot of children have taken longer. It is normal." The nod she gave was barely noticeable. He leaned up a bit, and took her into his arms. "It will come. I know that, and you know that, and the waiting is painful... fuck." His own vision was turning blurry. "But that'll make it so much sweeter when they're here, okay?" She nodded into his neck, even though she was hardly convinced. His words filled her heart with warmth nonetheless.
Her arms encircled his shoulders. "I love you and I just want to be pregnant. Just have them here." Daniel nodded. "I understand." She stroked his neck and hairline. "I know it's hard for you too. You'll talk to me about it, right?" He nodded again. "I will. I promise. It's hard for me, too." A watery giggle left her mouth. "We'll do this together." He leaned back enough to look into her face. "It'll be really hard for you to get pregnant alone, I would think." A lough bubbled out of her, and Daniel released a breath he had been holding. There was much to be talked about, but she was smiling again.
A baby shower was not something she wished to attend at the moment, but she pushed her own feelings to the back of her head and tried to be as happy as possible for her friend. Both her and Daniel had been invited. He, however, had a race coming up and was already halfway around the globe.
The night before leaving, laying behind her, with one hand splayed across her stomach, he had whispered that she did not need to go. Not alone and not ever if she did not want to. She had shaken her head. Their journey may be harder, but she still wished to enjoy the happiness of others.
Now she was tying a small bow around the present. She had abstained from using wrapping paper or glitter, only a few stickers and a bow. The aftermath of today's party would be enough to clean up, even without all the presents that had to be opened.
She looked over at the magnetic board that they used instead of a pinboard. There, next to a neat and minimalistic invitation, hung the small ultrasound picture that had come with it. She had caught Daniel the evening it arrived, sitting at the dining table and staring at the little one. She had swallowed and walked by, not knowing how to approach him at that moment. After she had finished emptying the dishwasher, and before going to sleep, she had done the same. While looking at it she had cried, as silently as she could muster, but she was sure he had heard her anyway.
They had lain in bed that night, a space where a lot of their conversation about children now happened. He had spooned her once more, neither being able to look into the other's face. Daniel had started with small stories from his childhood, about his parents and siblings, and she had listened and shared her own stories. They might need longer, but they would get there. At least, she hoped so.
Going to the baby shower had been a good idea, it was a nice evening, with a lot of heartfelt stories and most of her friends in one place, which did not happen often. Coming back was hard, however.
She went through the next few days on autopilot, waiting for Daniel to return, but not entirely sure what she would tell him when he would. They could hardly try harder. There was little they could do but wait. Hope, month after month, that her period would stop. She wouldn't even say no to morning sickness, even though she was very sure she would regret that statement at one point or another.
When Daniel came home, she was vacuuming. He had told her when he would be arriving, but she had lost sight of the time, trying to occupy herself. They hugged and kissed, Daniel started talking about the weekend and what he had gotten up to, next to what she could see on the screen, and she talked about what she had done. She pulled up pictures from the baby shower and, since she had kept it secret from him until now, told him that it would be a boy. He was delighted by that.
They didn't talk about children that evening, or the day after, or the day after that. She simply did not know how to approach the topic, how to express her thoughts. She herself could hardly make sense of them.
In the end, it was Daniel that sat them down on the couch. He was very sure about what had been running through her mind since he came back. He didn't know what to say either, but he had another idea. One that wouldn't solve their problem, but one that would maybe help them be a bit more positive again.
"So, um. I was thinking of emptying the small room. Everything that's inside could be placed somewhere else. It's not that much, and then we'd have a blank space." Not knowing what she would think of it, he looked at her expectantly. He would suggest painting the room already, but collecting a few ideas and having the space free might help them get a bit of their excitement back. He hated the dread he sometimes felt, and he hated even more that he didn't know how she felt.
She took his hand and started playing with his fingers. She didn't look at him, that was another thing that had started recently, and he hated it but, once again, didn't know a solution too. "That's a very nice idea." Her voice was meek, the enthusiasm he had hoped for was not to be found. "But?" He turned his hand, squeezing hers. At that, she looked up at him. "I don't want to look at an empty room, not knowing when it will be filled." Her face had that apathetic look, the one he knew to associate with deep sadness coming from her.
"Okay, I understand that." He thought of something else, anything else, and remembered something Max had shown him a while ago. Kelly had created a Pinterest to redesign her daughter's room. Something like that may work.
"How about we start collecting ideas for the room? I know we both bookmark Instagram posts but something more specific. So that we'll really have a concept when it comes down to it. I know it'll take some time for you to decide on all the furniture." She smiled softly. He knew she liked it when he showed that he knew her. "I have already collected a few." He nodded, that was what he wanted to hear. "Then let's look over it together, let's really get into it, yes?" Her smile was contagious.
This would not solve the problem, but it would bring them together once more. It would bring them joy that they were, at this point, severely lacking. It would also simply give them more time. Something to fill the gap between now and that fateful day they were waiting for.
The doctor's appointment had been in her calendar for some time. She had laid it precisely so that Daniel could come with her. A bit of dread filled her when thinking about it, but also hope. This could help them, after almost three years of trying.
Daniel had bought her flowers this morning on his jog, promised her they would get pastries on the way back. No matter what the doctor was going to find today, she would have her partner by her side and he would stay.  No matter what outcome there'd be.
The conversation was nice, this was not her first appointment with this gynecologist and she trusted her. Most of the testing had been done in advance and, as they were going through every little thing that regarded her reproductive system, Daniel held her hand.
He had already been tested for everything under the sun that could pose a problem with his fertility, and Daniel's doctor had told them the same thing her doctor was telling them now. There was no problem. There was no reason that could be found as to why they shouldn't be able to naturally conceive.
They talked a bit more about different options before saying their goodbyes and leaving. The confirmation was a relief, and Daniel hugged her tight when they were standing alone in the corridor. They had both let themselves be checked out before starting to try for a baby in the first place, but this second search had been more thorough, had focused more on things that could cause fertility issues, and now they knew there were non.
After the promised breakfast and a quick stroll along the harbour they found themselves back in their apartment. Daniel had sat down on the couch, and she had found herself a place on his lap. She had laid her head in the crook of his neck.
They were both contemplating what this meant. They could have children together, it was simply taking a long time. So they'd continue as they had before, trying and waiting. A game they were both sick off.
"You know what Lando said the other day?" His voice was filled with humour, not as enthusiastic as normally, a little bit dry. She rolled her eyes. "Do I even want to know?" Daniel shrugged, turning his head to give her a kiss on the hairline. "'This would all be so much easier if you were teenagers.'" She sat back a bit to look at his face, an incredulous look on her face. "Seriously? That little fucker!" Her exclamation was one of disbelieve, but she fell into slight laughter afterwards. "If one of you would have been a teen parent, it would have been Lando!" Daniel smiled too, the topic would be one that they couldn't sweep under the rug, but for today they'd had enough serious conversations. "I don't know, Pierre is also a contender." They fell into laughter once more. As they continued to bicker, one thing was clear. They'd do it together.
They had started talking more about it once again. Determined that they would grow on this journey. Even if it was hard. Their chat was filled with pictures of negative pregnancy tests, since Daniel wanted to know about every single one she took. Most of the time, even when he was in a completely different timezone, he facetimed her so they could talk during the wait.
She was very sure she could, at this point, estimate the time it took for the test to show a result by heart. There had been a time when she hadn't even bought pregnancy tests anymore, discouraged by their year-long trial. The simple motion of taking one from time to time was, however, showing her that it was still part of their life and that it would happen someday.
On the magnetic board in the kitchen hung a leaflet. It was folded and consisted of a few pages of content.  It had hung there for quite some time. She had put it in her purse without much thinking, after seeing it laying on a side table at the doctors. There were descriptions in it of different ways of conception except the natural one, and a short introduction to the adoption process.
Daniel had asked her about it, and she had answered that she wanted to know the options they had. Now it was more of an eyesore to her. The options that were presented were valid and good ones, but not the ones she wished to take at this point in life. That's how she found herself walking over to it, in the middle of making dinner, and taking it down. She opened the bin and dropped it inside.
Later, after having had dinner, Daniel nodded towards the empty spot. "You took it down?" She nodded, laying down her cutlery. "I threw it out." He nodded in response, but his expression was questioning. "Why? It was a good pamphlet, I read through. I even, um, looked some of it up. Pretty informative and they presented different options." She leaned back, relaxing in her chair. Talking about it had become easier. "I know, I read it too. But it was not really what we were planing on, right? If we ever do consider it, we can get another one, but right now we're still trying... how did you say it? 'The old-fashioned way'!" Daniel smiled, bright and intoxicating. Once more, she thought about the love she harbored for him. "Yes, that's understandable."
He drank a bit and a comfortable silence settled over them, neither wanting to stand up just yet. "Would you consider other options?" His voice was low. She looked back at him, her gaze having drifted off to another point in the kitchen. "Yeah, we have talked about it before. We'd have to talk about it a lot more, of course, but I am open to something like IVF, or even adoption. I know that's a topic you have looked into a bit deeper." Daniel nodded and cleared his throat before he answered. "I think it's something important, and I would like to look into it even after you get pregnant." He searched for eye contact, gouging her reaction.
This was not a new conversation, something like this had come up multiple times before. The conversation had, however, never been this serious. They had talked about the process a bit and how they felt about it, but that he considered it this seriously was new to her. "Okay, I'm open to that. Do you want to talk more about it right now?" He drank some more water, apparently a bit nervous. "It's always something I have thought about. It is complicated and comes with more problems than I can probably think of, but every child deserves loving parents. They'd not be ours biologically, but I don't think that is the most important thing."
She thought about it for a few moments and nodded. "Yes. We'll have to talk about it a lot more, but I understand where you are coming from, and we want more than one child, so it is something to consider." Daniel smiled at her. "We don't have to plan it out now. We still have at least one child planned before that." He looked at her stomach before continuing, "There are seminars and stuff like that about it, so we could maybe look at that." She nodded once more. "I think that is a good idea."
Over the years they had been approached by different people with different attitudes. Sometimes it had been when they were together, but that had been more so in the beginning. The more time that passed without her getting pregnant, the more of their friends approached them individually.
When they had told their families, they had gotten a lot of heartfelt good wishes and a few snarky remarks from the younger members of the families. Daniel's mother had made a remark about becoming a grandmother in every second conversation for the remainder of the time they had spent there. His sister had talked about parenthood, the highs and lows of it. Painting a happy, but also quite difficult picture. They had, while talking about it after returning home, noticed that she had taken each of them aside to talk about the pregnancy and the first few months after it. She had told them about the hardships and that it could be a horrendous time. Giving both of them advice, catered to their role in it. They had both been quite touched by it and thanked her the next time she had called.
Sebastian had talked to Daniel during the phase where he was constantly worrying. She may not be pregnant, but he was already considering all the things he could do wrong as a new father. Seb, who had his own family, reassured him. He had told Daniel that he'd be a good father and that he would learn a lot. Parenting had aspects that were more natural than others, but as long as they'd do it as a couple, there shouldn't be anything important going wrong. After a few more frenzied interactions, he had cornered Daniel once more and had, as Lando would later call it, used 'dad jokes' to help. Which meant more reassurance, that a wrongly wrapped diaper would not make him a horrible father.
For her there had been a lot of advice regarding the pregnancy, some better than other, but all given with good intent. There came, however, a time when she was more than sick of hearing it. After one misguided comment from someone, she had, however, decided that any pregnancy advice was better than advice on how to conceive successfully.
There was a little confusion at the first race she visited after they decided they were ready to try. There had been quite a few people that had started conversations about pregnancy and children. She had not considered it public knowledge that they were trying for a child, but it seemed to be just that. After asking around a bit, she had found the source, and she couldn't even be mad about it. It seemed Daniel had talked so much about pregnancy and kids that it was just assumed that they were trying, and there had been a few incidents where people had discreetly asked him if she was indeed pregnant. Daniel was a bit embarrassed when she confronted him about it, but there was a bright smile on his face. He was not able to mask his excitement at the idea of being a parent with her.
The questions and the people giving advice had become less and less with time. When it came to the time when they really needed people to ask them how they were doing, there were few friends left that did.
She had been approached by one of her friends, concerned about her wellbeing, asking her how she was feeling about the prospect of pregnancy. After some reluctance, she had practically poured out her heart, which had been desperately needed. There had been people that had tried a lot longer than they had, but it did not make it easier. The pain was there, and even though Daniel was always at her side, sometimes the self-doubt simply wormed itself in. Was she the problem? Why couldn't her body do what she so desperately wanted from it?
Daniel's mental state at that time wasn't much better. Max took him aside at a race weekend and asked him about it, trying to help as best as he could. Daniel was not ready to talk about it, however. Deflecting and thanking him for the concern, but not opening up.
In the end, Blake was the person that came through to him. Not through one single conversation but through multiple small ones. He showed concern and support, through little gestures and conversations. It helped Daniel to realise that they had both been so absorbed in the grief of things that did not happen, that they had lost sight of the fact that they were in it together. That they had each other to lean on and that they needed to support each other.
They started to talk more again, they hadn't stopped, but there had been more silence and a lot of repetitive and meaningless conversations. The pregnancy wouldn't just happen, but there was more they could do, and so they started to work on it.
At the five-year mark of trying, they had decided to paint the walls of the nursery. Daniel had not removed his things yet, and it was still somewhere between an office and a storage room, but they had wanted to try out colours and motives so afterwards the walls were a bit mismatched and fun. When asked if the change in wallpaper meant anything, they shook their heads. There were hardships to be overcome, but life was good.
She was leaning against the doorframe of the living room. Daniel was sitting on the couch, his back turned towards her, and he was engrossed with his tablet. He hadn't noticed her presence yet. These little domestic moments filled her with a lot of happiness and a small smile formed on her face.
"Daniel?" Her voice was serious. He turned towards her. "Full first name. What can I do for you, love?" She smiled a bit more, loving the way he tried to immediately make her more comfortable with humour, without undermining whatever she was going to say. "My period's late. Like, late late." His face went through multiple emotions in the span of a moment, confusion, surprise, disbelief and delight. "Have you, you know?" He nodded in the direction of the bathroom. She shook her head, raising the pregnancy test in her hand. "I wanted you to be there. Just in case." There was a smile on her face, in anticipation for the thing they had waited almost six years for. The implication was double-edged nonetheless. In case she wasn't pregnant, so that she wouldn't be alone for another negative test.
Daniel smiled, reassuringly, and filled with more excitement than he had felt in a long time. "Let's go then." The way to the bathroom was the same she had taken often over the last few years, with a similar test in hand, but this time was different. There was a hope that hadn't been there before.
The procedure was the same as it had been the countless times before, but this time the waiting was different. They sat down on the edge of the bathtub, but after the first few minutes, she shook her head and stood up. She took a piece of toilet paper, dried off the test, and took Daniel's hand. Shortly afterwards they were sitting on their bed. He had his legs crossed, and she was leaning against him.
Daniel put an arm around her, stroking along hers. "It's gonna be positive. And if not, we're going to continue." She nodded, trying to calm herself down. If she had to pinpoint an emotion she was feeling right now, she would not be able to do it. There was too much going on in her head. She turned her head and looked at Daniel's profile. His gaze was focused on the test. "We'll have to decide on a name then, won't we?" His head turned towards her. "We already decided on that, and you know it." There was mock affront in his voice, and he put on an offended frown. She smiled and took his hand. "Yeah, I know."
The first few moments after Daniel's alarm went off neither of them moved, then he leaned forwards, picked up the test and held it out to her. Her hands were shaking lightly when she took it. Turning it around took more mental strength than she had ever thought possible for such a simple action.
Her vision was blurry, but the result was still visible to her. She looked at Daniel, but his face was already simply a blur, but he was also crying. She knew that. He took her into his arm, kissing the crown of her head before leaning down and placing his forehead against hers. "You're pregnant." His voice was shaky, and she knew that, if she would look at him, he would have the biggest smile on his face she had ever seen. "Yes, we're going to have a child." She looked down, looking at her stomach incredulously.
They simply sat together in silence, enjoying the feeling, the closeness and each other. There were doctor's appointments that needed to be made and a lot of things needed organising. This moment, however, was theirs to enjoy. Pregnancy would be no easy journey, it involved risks and challenges, as would parenthood, but they were in it together.
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@kigieri 2024. All rights reserved. Do not copy, steal, translate or repost any of my work.
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microwave-core · 3 months ago
Could you write a Rika (from pokemon S/V) with AFAB reader who has major anxiety and is super nervous because it's their first time having sex with Rika? Like reader's brain is noisy and won't hush up enough to relax. Whether Rika is using a strap-on or not is totally up to you. Comfort, fluff, smut (go as nsfw as you desire) and aftercare.
um this is from august. anyways.
This is more, like, broaching the topic of your first time. It's not my best work imo but I need to set this down before I keep fiddling with it. Also the keep reading break keeps moving stop that.
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So, we all know Rika fucks. Even though I've characterized her as someone who's secretly a disaster behind closed doors because fuck she loves her girlfriend, she's gotten plenty of action before getting with you.
To Rika, sex is just all about making each other feel good. She's had many partners before, a casual fling or two here and there. It's not a big deal to her, but she understands that not everyone feels that way. So when you draw boundries at touches that were too close and intimate for you to handle, she backs off, careful to not pressure you into anything you aren't alright with.
It starts with a simple make out session, her body practically glued ontop of your own on the couch. The proximity, her warmth, the tongue exploring your mouth, it's all so much, your head buzzing, above the clouds. You can't help but want it to continue forever. That is, until, you feel her hand, the one previously perched upon your hip, travel down, finding a new home on the waistband of your pants.
Rika pulls back the moment you pull your lips away from her own, face flushed, clearly nervous. It takes her a moment to realize that she took things a bit too far. She apologizes quickly, cupping your cheek gently, asking if you're alright with moving any further, and when you say no, that's that. She presses another kiss to your lips, this time chaste and quick, content to cuddle for the rest of the night (not before taking care of herself in the bathroom first).
She was dissapointed that things ended early, sure, but youre her girlfriend. Her sweet, lovable girlfriend. And the last thing she'd want to do is make you uncomfortable, push your boundries in a way you wouldn't enjoy. She gives you a bit of time, a few days or so, before bringing the topic up again, wanting to understand where you fall on all of this.
It's a simple question, really. "Why didn't you want to go any further?" No bitterness, no upset, just your girlfriend wanting to know where your boundries lie so she understands how to best navigate the intimate aspect of your relationship.
When you tell her you're a virgin, she really isn't surprised. Again, Rika's been with many people before, some who are wise beyond their years with experience and other's having none. Your shy touches whenever she was so close, the clumsiness in your actions and uncertainty of where to place your hands, it all was a give away, honestly. Not that she'd tell you, though. The last thing she wanted was to make you feel ashamed for something that really wasn't a big deal.
So she waits. She tells you as such. She'll wait for you to feel ready before trying to press forward again, but she does let you know that she'll be treating you to the best night of your life if you came around to the idea.
She doesn't show you but honestly she's so fucking excited. Being your first time? Setting the standard for any of your future partners, should you have any past her? Corrupting you? It's kinda hot to her. She wouldn't bring up the last part, though. Rika Corruption kink is real to me, but she's not going to spring that on you. Your first time should be sweet and gentle, about you and your pleasure. So she'll reserve that idea for when she gets off on her own.
The day you tell her that you think youre ready, she is over the moon. It's a little sudden on your part. You had been thinking about it for days, and wanting nothing more than to feel her all over you, over the most intimate parts of you, but were just too anxious to actually make the push. What if it wasn't all that you thought it would be? What if you messed something up? What if you did something really gross and it turned Rika off so much that she didn't even want to touch you? But your want eventually outweighs your worries.
It's a stammered confession, holding her hand, playing with her fingers as you get the words out, embarrassment burning up your face, thoughts going a million miles per minute, but you try your best to focus on Rika, the way her face brightens up at your words, the way she grabs your hand and squeezes it tight, her lips pressing on your forehead, the reassureance in her voice as she tells you that tonight she'll take care of you. Pamper you like you deserve.
Maybe telling her in the morning was the wrong decision, because you go through the rest of the day completely distracted, overthinking and worrying about what will happen when you get home, yet still excited at the prospect, left pressing your thighs together while trying to get any meaningful work done.
You get home before her that night, as you typically will, trying to act normal. Make some dinner, get cleaned up, don't overthink ever little thing. Normal nightly activites. Your heart stammers in your chest as you move around your apartment, but practically stops when the front door creeks open, a call of "I'm home!" echoing through the halls. She finds you quickly, pulling you into her arms, kissing you gently, complaing about the work day. You mention dinner, her face brightens, quickly returning to the kitchen to eat. Your normal nightly routine.
Rika's demenour is normal, but youre fidgeting and anxious. Bouncing your leg as you eat, trying to ignore the heated pit in your stomach. You can't think straight, simply nodding and humming along as Rika talks. How can you focus on her words at a time like this? She notices, obviously. She knows you, although anyone could look at you and tell something was up just by looking at you.
You're snapped out of your thoughts when her hand touches your thigh, not heated, just gentle, enough to make you look at her in the eyes for the first time since this morning, worry evident on her face.
"Do you still want to go through with this?" It's soft and quiet, for your ears only. You can only nod, placing your hand on top of her own. You were ready for this, you were tired of running away from what you wanted from overly anxious thoughts. A smile works it's way back onto her face, soft on the surface, but laced with an unmistakble heat, quickly standing up, ready to wisk you away to the bedroom. As much as she'd like to take you, taste you, right then and there, she was going to give you a proper first time.
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silkythewriter · 1 year ago
Silky,dear... if you don't mind, could you please do a headcannon for Dee with strawberry s/o. She's so cheerful,kind and understanding ❤️ please. I love your blog,And I've admired you for a long time😭✨
❤︎︎“I love everybody because I love you”❤︎︎
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Warnings: might be a bit OOC! Haven’t written about him in awhile I apologize!
Fandom: metal family!
Author note: HIHI!!! OMG TYSM?! UR SO SWEET (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃AHH I LOVE THIS REQUEST TYSM!! please request again this was absolutely AWSOME to make
Summary: Your boyfriend Dee, was one hell of sight, but with you happily walking with a cheerful bounce with him you can imagine the stares you get for the contrast. One doll of a person and then the blond who almost looked straight out of the dead with his dark eyeshadow.
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! <3.❤️
“I love it when you look my way”
The contrast between you and him is like day and light, and when you both come strolling by weather that be passing by the local convent shop. Or making a quick stop to a store that’s peeked your interest, eyes were bound to wonder. The stares were noticeable, but you guys have gotten use to it, cause your love for him couldn’t be dented by a pair of curious eyes.
Your personality peeked his interest, I mean who could be this kind and caring??, no less to just some normal people who haven’t impacted you in any significant way. It just made him…confused? (-∀-💦)
The way your kind eyes stared at him Tugged at his heart in an alarming (at least to him) way! The blush that spreed across his face the first time you gave him a sliver of kindness was to much for him.
Your cheerfulness always brightened him up especially after tough interactions with glam. Railing up and you being the only one to comfort him back to his collected self. And even if he doesn’t vocalize it he is very much grateful <3.
You make it point to make him feel understand-ed and would never make him feel alienated by his interest un like some un kind people. You let him rant about his newly found obsession or just show off a new skill he learnt.
Even small things like you congratulating him on a good score he got, or maybe for remembering the smallest thing, even commenting on his intelligence. It’s not like his teachers, just thanking him for being the only knowledgeable student, but instead asking more questions to learn more about the topic, and really see how much he knows. And though he doesn’t like being bombarded questions he deems stupid, when it comes to you it makes him like seeing the shock and awed look you give him. Can you blame him? Not only is it adorable but he likes showing off in front of you.
He would rather be dead then admit this but he loves the way you smell like strawberry, he would take this to his grave before admitting this he finds it embarrassing ( =ω= )
Let’s you do his eye shadow only because of how delicate and caring you are with it, you always make sure to take your time so you don’t hurt him little moments like that is what he absolutely adores about you!
I feel like he gets easily flustered by physical touch so whenever your get happy just by seeing him and hug him you can look up and see him red as a strawberry (≧◡≦) ♡
Whenever he goes shopping in the off chance he has some money to spend after he’s done grabbing some clothing he always makes sure to drop by your favorite store. Weather that be a cute accessory story, or a small bakery you might have said you enjoyed, either way he always makes sure he has left over money. So whenever he has a bag filled of random darkly colored clothing only to walk into a store and buy you some pink clips for your hair you can imagine the cashiers surprise. Dee though a bit embarrassed doesn’t care much it’s worth seeing your bright smile at the small item.
Heavy absolutely ADORES you! Literally bouncing off the walls when you come walking in with his brother. He was at first taken a back from how much polar opposite’s you and Dee are but quickly got over it after realizing how sweet you are!.
Heavy definitely teases Dee jokingly before running off after Dee’s had enough you get to sit as you see them bicker you find it amusing but always make sure to help Dee calm down! ( ´͈ ◡ `͈ )
Secretly has the same perfume brand you use and sprays it on his bed or around his room at night because it reminds him of you and comforts him but I didn’t tell you that! (▰˘◡˘▰)💦
He gets jealous easily especially when everyone gets so quickly comfortable with you cause of your inviting personality, he dose poorly to hide this but also hates being called out for it especially by his brother.
But just by you hugging him and saying comforting words makes it all go away, you just know how to make him melt in the best possible way.
But with that all said you basically have him wrapped around your little finger. And though he hates to admit it, he wouldn’t have it any other way <3.
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AH WOW IM RLLY RUSTY (๑•́ω•̀๑)💦 I haven’t made head-canons in a hot minute, so I am so sorry if he’s OOC or their not the best, BUT THANK SM THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE ESPECIALLY FOR MY FIRST HEADCANONS IN AWHILE!! ٩(ᐛ)و
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moonswolfie · 9 months ago
Princess of the commoner cafe
Oikawa, Miya twins, Ushijima, Hinata, Akaashi x fem!reader
ohshc AU!!
I've been watching a bit of ouran high school host club lately (still havent gotten very far but i am HOOKEDDDDDD) and i'm sure others have written something like this before but i wanted to throw my own hat in the ring and write this delulu ass scenario
also i apologise PROFUSELY if anyone is ooc it has been a WHILE since my last haikyuu rewatch
(btw i am working on your request anon dont you worry ;) )
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Somehow, you managed to get into the prestigious Ouran Academy based on your academic success alone. Your parents were overjoyed to send you off, even if you felt embarrased about not even being able to afford the official school uniform. You stuck out like a sore thumb on your first day, that's for sure.
At first, you thought you wouldn't fit in with anyone here. Your hypothesis was mostly correct. Everyone in your class is always talking about their latest designer bag or bragging about their new lambo or bugatti. Needless to say, it's like they're speaking in a foreign language.
They quickly lost interest in you after you couldn't list your top ten designer brands (with reasons as to why you chose those specific ones!!!). Yeah, friends are kind of out of the picture.
So when your curiosity got the better of you one day and you visited the host club all the girls in your class keep squealing about you didn't expect things to develop like this.
"Are you gonna visit today too? Are you?!" Hinata, the boy from the other class attached himself to your arm and looked at you with sparkling eyes. "Of course I am." you smiled at him, a little giddy about returning to the club once more.
"We have a special theme today, just for you..." he told you that while wearing a mischevious grin but refused to elaborate. The boys at the club always go through great lengths to get you curious and draw you back into the club. Not just Hinata, all of them.
Let's just say you've become quite the sensation among the hosts of the Ouran High school host club. You aren't exactly sure how you managed to get yourself in this situation, but you aren't really complaining, either. You'd definitely take being adored by the 6 hotties of the school over being ignored by everyone for all your 3 years of high school.
All you did was visit the club a few times out of curiosity, far too afraid to actually openly interact with the hosts considering the crowd of girls always gathered around them. Not to mention you'd definitely get gawked at for your clothes, mannerisms and conversation topics (and not in a good way).
Akaashi was the first to take notice of you, and somehow that evolved into every other host becoming interested, too.
Anyways, Hinata seemed very satisfied with your promise to come visit once again and ran off, shouting that you have to promise to come visit him first.
Well, there's nothing to it but to do it, you suppose.
"Welcome, dear guests, to the host club!" all the guys greeted you and a group of other girls who also came as soon as they possibly could. They were practically pushing eachother in front of the door. Not that you can blame them.
As soon as you stepped into the room, you felt like you were standing at the local cafe located just around the corner from your house. It felt warm and homey. So this is what they went for this time. A strange choice, considering their usually extravagant themes.
"Heya, gir-" Atsumu's smug voice greeted you from behind and you turned around to see that he was about to envelop you in his arms. "Hey, ya lost the bet. I get her first." Osamu pulled Atsumu back by his barista apron before he could actually touch you. Atsumu grumbled something you couldn't quite hear, which you presume was some not so nice words directed towards his brother.
"Actually, I made a promise to Hinata that he'd be the first one I visit." you smiled at the twins apologetically. Neither of them seemed too pleased about the prospect of that, though. "Why? Ya like him more than us?" Atsumu placed his hands on his hips, glaring at you.
"Hahaha, a promise is a promise. I'll be back for you two right after, don't worry." you waved the twins off, winking. That seemed to soften their expressions a bit. But maybe it wasn't the smartest idea, looking back on it. They're definitely going to fight over which one of them you winked at later.
Hinata greeted you enthusiastically, looking overjoyed at seeing you. His cheeks blushed a nice pink color when he smiled at you. "Wait here, wait here." he held out an antique looking chair for you and you sat down behind one of the tables. Then he ran off somewhere.
You're always impressed by how lavishly they decorate their club. I guess being rich can really do wonders for club decor.
"Are you enjoying today's theme? I made sure to pick out some fitting decorations." Akaashi suddenly appeared behind you. You could have sworn you didn't hear his footsteps. Maybe you were just too absorbed in observing the theme, though. Haha, even all the hosts are dressed like baristas.
"Yeah..." you looked into Akaashi's eyes, admiring their color. You've always found him to have a calming presence, even if he can be mischevious at times. That just adds on to his personality, doesn't it? You think it's quite a shame that he isn't as popular as a certain someone in the club.
"It seems to me you're enjoying something other than the theme." you got snapped out of your thoughts by Akaashi's voice. Oops, you must have been staring at him again. You turned away, making a quick apology. You felt a little giddy all of a sudden.
"Oh, but when did I ever say I dislike the attention?" Akaashi gently grabbed your chin, turning your face back to him. Somehow, he seems more affectionate towards you than he does to the other girls who request him. Atleast you've never seen him grab other girls' chins. You were sure you probably looked awestruck in this moment.
"Hey! Stop hogging her to yourself!" Hinata was running back to the two of you, holding a fancy cup of (presumably) coffee. On his way to stop Akaashi from wooing you, he didn't notice a wire below his feet and he tripped over it.
...Which happened to spill hot coffee all over your shirt and shattered the cup to pieces. "Ugh... I'm okay, don't- AAAAH!" Hinata yelled upon seeing your shirt.
"I'll go get new clothes!" Akaashi seemed tense, quickly turning on his heels and running off.
Luckily, the coffee was cool enough to not give you burns. You aren't even worried about the shirt that much either, you've been on the fence about donating it anyways.
"Aaah, I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry." Hinata seemed almost dramatically apologetic, bowing down before you in apology over and over.
"What is going on over here?" you heard a smug voice that could belong to one person and one person only. The leader and self proclaimed king of the club, Oikawa, was now approaching the two of you. And he didn't seem very happy, mind you.
"Ah, Oikawa! It's, umm..." Hinata nervously whipped his head around to meet Oikawa's charming chocolate eyes.
"Hinata accidentally spilled coffee on me." Hinata looked at you sadly, like you just betrayed him. You gasped, realising you weren't supposed to reveal that unless you wanted Hinata to feel Oikawa's wrath. Normally he would just scold Hinata for his clumsiness, but when it comes to you specifically, he gets protective. Somehow, he even looks like a supermodel while wearing a barista uniform.
"He... Oh, that won't do. You should spend less time with clumsy good-for-nothings and spend more time with..." he tilted your chin towards him "...Me."
As much as you think Oikawa is an obnoxious jerk, he always manages to charm your negative feelings away when he does something like that. Gets you feeling all giddy like the main character of a badly written shojo anime.
"Uh-huh. Whatever you say, bro." you kept your face as cold as you possibly could in that situation. It seemed to you like the word "bro" was a direct stab to his heart, but he quickly recovered, putting on his best flirty face. "I will help you clean yourself up, my princess. We simply must get you out of that dreadful shirt." Oikawa shot poor Hinata a glare. You're definitely buying him "that one good commoner chocolate" (as Hinata likes to call it) later.
"Uh, Akaashi's already-"
"Now now now, what's goin' on here?" things are about to get a lot more complicated, you reckon. Because now the twins have showed up.
"We heard precious china shatterin' and wanted to see what caused it." Osamu added. A few girls were blushing a few meters behind the twins, probably too nervous to approach the two right now.
"Ya said you'd come visit us right after! And now yer here with this a-" Atsumu immediately stopped complaining when he saw your shirt. Both the twins shot poor poor Hinata a glare. (One "poor" for each twin.)
"See, I told ya I was a better fit for ya. I'd never spill coffee on ya." Osamu crossed his arms.
"What do ya mean "the better fit for ya"? Clearly, I'm the better one 'round here. And say the wink was meant for me while we're at it, won't ya?!" Atsumu's anger was now directed back at Osamu. (Akaashi would joke that it's back to where it's supposed to be.)
"I was kinda winking at-"
"Oh, please. Don't joke around with me. We all know I'm the best fit for her." Oikawa posed dramatically, which looked funny because of his not very prince-like outfit.
This always ends up happening. At this point you've given up on stopping it. The twins start bickering with Oikawa while girls on both sides squeal for them to calm down, tearfully inviting the boys back into their embraces.
You look behind you, where Ushijima is staring at you knowingly. You give him a relieved smile, knowing what's about to come. Whenever the other guys get into duels over who gets to recieve your attention, Ushijima is always there to pull you out of the situation.
The duels get so heated that you get to spend a few minutes alone with him before the others even notice you're gone. And so you follow the routine of letting him whisk you away to a lonely corner of the club room.
"Do you know why the theme is a commoner cafe?" he asks after a few moments of silence. He's looking at you with complete seriousness, but you don't miss the hint of a smile on his face. Enchanted by such a sight, you shake your head no dreamily.
"It was to impress you. Akaashi thought of the idea." Your eyes widened. Now you just feel giddy that Akaashi actually remembered that one time you told him you used to visit a cozy cafe close to your house with your parents growing up. It was all the way back when he first acknowledged your existence and decided to sit around with you for a few minutes, sipping tea from a cup that probably costs more than your phone.
"Oh... I like it. I really do." you smiled up at Ushijima. You could swear a bit of blush appeared on his cheeks. He silently put an arm around you, pulling you close to him. You like when he does that.
When all of the hosts are swooning over you like this while wearing barista uniforms, you feel like the princess of a commoner cafe.
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yumeka-sxf · 4 months ago
2-year anniversary post
My blog is now 2-years old~!
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After my last anniversary post, I had quite a list of projects planned; in addition to making posts for all the upcoming SxF content, like the movie, season 2, and the video game, I had other personal projects in mind as well. I wanted to start on my Japanese Linguistic Observations in Spy x Family series, which I was able to write five posts for as of now! (I've currently exhausted all the topics I wanted to discuss for that, but I may come up with more ideas later on). There was also the Spy x Family Character Tracker, which took me a while to get motivated to do, but once I did, I'm proud of how it turned out 😃 I also made a lot of scan posts this year too, like the workbooks and my series of miscellaneous collab scans.
But compared to my last anniversary, which was at a time when there was a lot of new SxF content on the horizon, we've been in a bit of a dry spell the past several months. Hype for the aforementioned movie, game, and anime season have died down, and merch and collabs have slowed as well, since there hasn't been new anime content to promote. But I consider it the calm before the storm, lol.
This is also why my posts have gotten a little less frequent lately - there hasn't been as much new SxF content in general besides the manga chapters, and as mentioned previously, I was able to check off the projects I had wanted to do. So as of now, I don't have much new content planned in the coming year besides continuing my Chronological Analysis on Twilight and Yor series when season 3 airs (still no release date yet, but I'm betting on spring of 2025). I'll also make posts for each anime episode like I did with season 2. And of course, I'll continue my manga chapter reviews, and make merch and scan posts when I can.
I've always tried to maintain a "quality over quantity," "only write when I have something to say," mentality for the blog. I don't want to force myself to write when I'm not motivated (this is also why I don't take part in community writing projects and the like). I also have other hobbies besides SxF, so I like to focus my limited free time on those when there isn't much going on in the SxF fandom. Occasionally I think to myself, "Hm, I haven't posted on Tumblr in a while," but if there isn't anything I feel like writing about at the time, it's better if I hold off rather than force myself to churn out something uninspiring.
But as I said, I feel like we're in a calm before the storm. Season 3 will already be exciting enough, but there's a good chance more content will follow. The next Jump Festa is scheduled for late December, and as usual, SxF will have a dedicated panel with the four Forger voice actors in attendance!
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The movie and season 2 were announced at this event in 2022, so there's a good chance we'll get more juicy announcements this year! Even if not another movie, I'd be happy with more artbooks, collabs, and other things down the line! There's also a good chance an idea for another SxF project will inspire me and I'll start working on that. Who knows. But I do know SxF is still a popular series with many more years of content to produce! And I look forward to seeing, and blogging about, it all 😁
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