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cashmoneyyysstuff · 11 months ago
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you wonder how todoroki shoto is doing.
you remember him being the boy that sat a row away from you in class. he always kept to himself, never raising his hand to answer questions but always able to answer when he was called on. also, he was endeavor's son.
even if most of the parents at your private school where big shot's, apparently endeavor was in a league of his own. and so was his son, apparently.
nobody even dared talking to the todoroki son, and neither did you, but you liked looking at him. he's always so meticulous and calm as opposed to your rowdier louder classmate's. despite his quieter presence he always seemed to stand out to you. his bag is big enough to carry everything he needs without having to shove anything inside or leaving it half opened. he wipes his mouth with a tissue after he's done eating his lunch alone and his handwriting is pretty. his lashes are long and he's pretty.
you remember being partnered up with him for a class project once. he'd immediately cut to the chase and split the work for the both of you, clearly not humoring your attempts of starting conversation.
slowly though, you start getting him to stay behind to talk to you a little longer after the bell rings until he invites you to get your work done in the library, just to get your work done. until you ask him about his favorite colour and he doesn't know, so he asks you yours. and then you ask him about his favorite ice cream flavour, he says he doesn't have sweets a lot and he asks you yours. and you keep talking and he keeps listening and asking. you ask him if it doesn't bother him that you're talking so much but he says he doesn't mind.
you liked spending time at the library talking with shoto and you think he enjoyed listening to you. you liked riding your bike home with him while he walked next you, before he agreed to ride on it with you sometimes, but one time you both fell off and you hurt your knee, and he promised to never get on again if it meant you getting hurt while carrying you on his back. you remember him smelling really nice and you tightening your arms around his neck and nuzzling into him, and his grip on you tightening as well.
you liked holding his left hand when it got cold out even though he didn't like it much, but he'd do it for you. you liked it when you got to switch seats and sit next to him and you think he liked sitting next to you. you didn't see shouto smile often, but he did when he was with you and you liked that. and you think he liked that too.
you think so at least. you hope so, because when break was over he was gone.
you'd heard he got pulled out of school, some other people just said he'd switched, to go to a better cooler private school. you hated it when people said that because the shoto you knew wasn't like that. he knew people talked about him and he hated being associated with his father. he likes the caramel you sneak in for him at school and you like the way his eyes light up when he guesses the flavour of fruit candies you make him taste. the shoto you know that ties your shoes for you and shares his umbrella with you, the one who half heartedly stomps into wet puddles with you, the one with the pretty lashes and pretty smile and pretty handwriting isn't like that.
and you wished you could've asked him where he went, and why he went and took his warmth for snowy winter days with him, but you couldn't because he didn't have a phone and neither did you. you weren't old enough for one yet and you'd told him that as soon as you'd turn thirteen he'd be the first contact in your phone and he'd smiled.
you couldn't do that anymore. and you wonder how he's doing four years later.
you don't very much, but you think about him sometimes when his soft hair and pretty eyes cross your mind. he never cared for his looks much even after being voted the most handsome boy by the girls in class.
"i didn't know people thought i was..handsome." he ponders, scratching at the corner of his paper with his pencil. you kick your legs in the air where you're sitting next to him, you pout.
"why not ?"
"because..my scar.." he trails off, he keeps erasing at a spot he'd already wiped the pencil lead off of. you lean in so you get into his field of vision and he leans back a bit with widened eyes before leaning in towards you again, you're forwardness always took him by surprise.
"nuh-uhn, the others say it makes you look even more handsome !" you reassure and he blinks.
"do you think i'm handsome ?" he asks, tilting his head cutely. you splutter and feel your face heat up.
"e-everyone does.."
"do you ?" he leans closer.
you gulp, gripping your chair you turn your head away from his to the side and nod. you get the courage to peek up at him and you're surprised to see a smile pulling at his lips and a light tint of pink on his face.
"that's good." is all he says, but you feel so much warmth swarming through you, and you think he does, too.
so you wonder where he is and you wonder how he's doing. you wonder if he has any new friends or if his most handsome boy award got him a girlfriend. you wonder if he truly felt the same way you did way back then and if he liked holding your hand just as much is you did his because it was warm but also because it was his. and you wonder if he thinks about you.
except you don't have to wonder anymore. because on your first day at your new school, he walks into class. his eyes widen when he locks eyes with you and you recognize him, and you think he does too.
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lime-ether · 7 months ago
Hey, i know who you are
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Yeah i know too
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 4 months ago
The full page! ;3
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mitnnvy · 5 months ago
What is this gay people?? JACOB
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cloudyk1ttens · 18 days ago
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I love attention!;3
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lifelyne · 7 months ago
Bad plushies
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Ans stars plushies
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bunnyreal · 7 months ago
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sweeetchai · 1 month ago
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cr4zyoosh · 8 months ago
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Started Marble Hornets, nearly to the end of it…
& I told myself to NOT like anyone from it & now I’m OBSESSED (in a healthy way😭) with Masky aka Tim. He’s so damn fine for no reason he just sits there looking pretty & he deserved so much better!
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rxnrxmantic · 1 month ago
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hello this is my headcanon ahzjabsj
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byegottago · 2 months ago
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mama a preppie behind u
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mitnnvy · 4 months ago
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Hey!! It's my birthday! YES!! I wanted to thank you so much, my pookies, for liking me!!! and I really love them!!! I didn't know my account would stay alive until my birthday!!! (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ I luv you GUYS! Have a good day!
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2laffy2 · 6 months ago
Me watching the genshin impact drama going on be like:
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zombiebunnyzz13 · 1 month ago
Scene/ emo ALT MOOTIES >__<<
Since i'm new here i dont really have a whole lot of mooties @__@ and i no longer have the same bravery 2 speak 2 all those cool scene / emo ppl! so if any scene/emo alt person would like 2 be mooties plz let me know!! >__<
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lifelyne · 5 months ago
me(ugly) vs my art(cute)
thats not my best photo sowwy :p
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s1ckstvr0s · 1 year ago
Real footage of Fyodor being delighted after he finally finished his 100k ao3 fic.
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