#Genshin impact community
2laffy2 · 1 month
Me watching the genshin impact drama going on be like:
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In memory of the victims
Tw: SFW, can be read as gender neutral tho written with a fem reader in mind, fluff, slight angst at the end, implied abuse (not by the wanderer or the reader).
Pairing: Wanderer x Reader
!In relation to the Genshin community incident in China!
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"I'm boooored" you whine, probably for the hundredth time now, as you continue lying on the sofa, one foot dangling over the side, kicking the air.
Nahida and the Traveler were off doing something about fungi and a dragon..? (They didn't really explain.) And left you and the Wanderer to hold fort in the Sanctuary of Surasthana.
The wanderer sighs, and scowls back at you from his spot on the desk, still writing whatever Vahumana essay he was working on this time. But instead of another annoyed response, he decides to simply turn around and ignore you completely.
You gasp internally. He's ignoring me now?! Oh no no no!
Pushing yourself up and walking towards him you say "Hey! That was rude!" You pout.
No response. You get to his side and stare at him, yet he doesn't even bat an eye in your direction. You lean even closer and poke his cheek, "Is my cute Scarameow being fussy again?" You ask cheekily. This time, the response is immediate. He drops his pen and turns around to properly glare at you. "I told you not to call me that." He says scowling. You don't answer, simply preserve eye contact and give him your bestest pout.
By the thirty seconds mark, he breaks; "Ugh fine, quit the stupid puppy dog eyes they don't even look cute." He says, like a liar.
You keep going, "Oh no I made Scarameow angwy," he gives you his flattest stare, "I know how to make it up to you! Should I get my cutie patootie some fishies?" You poke at his cheek some more.
He rolls his eyes "You just want to feed me fish because I look like a cat to you." You look like a kitty to everyone pookie you think but you don't say it, instead you answer "Did I mention I would cook it myself for you?"
Suddenly, his books were closed, papers back in their respective folders and he himself was dragging you towards the exit to the Sanctuary of Surasthana. "Let's hurry," he says, "you need fresh fish right? We can get some from the Grand Bazaar."
You giggle as you notice his ears had taken a purple hue "Slow down! The fishies aren't gonna swim away!"
Walking back from the Bazaar hand in hand, you consider the steps to creating your grilled fish dish when suddenly, you hear a little meow.
...Your head immediately whips towards the Wanderer's direction.
He doesn't even bother looking back at you and simply says "You remember I'm not actually a cat right?"
"Ah- y-yeah." You look away sheepishly. He sighs but doesn't seem all that surprised or bothered.
The two of you continue on your way home, then get started on the cooking as soon as you get there. He takes over the salad and rice saying something about yours never coming out "just right", but you knew that was nonsense, he just wanted to help.
Just as you're done cleaning the raw fishes and about to start grilling them, you hear the same meow sound from before. You and Wanderer halt and share a look.
"Do you think the poor thing followed us from outside and got stuck in here?" You say, already placing the fishes inside the cryo box for now.
"Let's search for it." Wanderer says, moving out of the kitchen area as you followed after him.
The two of you split up, looking through the entire sanctuary trying to find the little fur ball to no avail. You even decide to check the outside area but still find nothing.
You were starting to get really worried. "We looked everywhere... are there secret passages we don't know about?"
Wherever this kitty was stuck was so well hidden that if you didn't find it in the daylight you doubted you could at night.
Wanderer thought for a moment "There's still one place we haven't checked." He looked up, "I'll fly up to the roof and take a good look around, I could also check the tree branches in the surrounding area..." He glanced at you "I could carry you up with me-" You quickly interrupt him "We both know I'd just slow you down," you waved him off " you go, I'll just uhh... Go back down the stairs and check carefully again." You doubted you'd find anything down there, but you knew Wanderer only offered to take you up with him as a kind gesture, you wouldn't be much help up there without the ability to fly freely.
He nodded, seemingly understanding you wordlessly, and with nothing more to say, flew directly up.
You started descending the outer stairs of the sanctuary and, sure enough, there was no more mewling to hear. You'd made it all the way down when you spotted an older lady feeding some birds at the base of the Divine Tree.
"Hello ma'am," you call out politely. It was a long shot but it wasn't like you had anything better to do while you waited, so you approach her. "Have you seen any cats running around here by any chance? Maybe following anyone going up The Divine tree?"
"Oh dear have you lost your pet young one?" The old lady asked worriedly "No I'm afraid I haven't seen anything like that... And trust me I would notice," she motioned towards the pigeons she was feeding, "all of these little fellas would have scattered quickly enough if any cat came milling about."
"Oh, I see." You said. Now you should go back up and see if Wanderer found anything, hopefully the kind old lady doesn't start telling you a story or anything of the sort because you really should get goi- "Actually, " the old lady says solemnly, interrupting your thoughts, "that does remind me of a sad little tale I heard from the locals."
You find Wanderer where you last saw him, near the entrance of the Sanctuary of Surasthana, waiting for you.
As you approach, he tells you he found nothing, that he'd tried again and again to follow the source of the mewling, but the area was clear. "I could look for Nahida," he suggested "maybe you're right and there really are some secret passage ways, she could tell us how to access them." He belatedly notices the paper bag you were carrying.
You sigh. You don't know how much longer you can hold in the excess emotions but you do your best. Now is not the time. "Don't bother..." You say very quietly, almost whispering. "I... I figured out what's going on." You say, thinking back to the old lady's words.
You start walking back towards the sanctuary, not checking to see if he follows you. He does anyway. "Oh? Well spill it out then."
You stay silent, resolutely walking forward without looking at him.
"The suspense is killing me." He dead pans.
When you don't bother bickering back, he starts getting actually worried. "Hey... Are you ok? Did I miss something?"
You push open the sanctuary's door, still not looking at him and say: "Help me prepare the fish... I need some time to process something."
He freezes in place, eyes wide "Did- did I do something wrong- did I-" You hug him tight, with a shaky breath. "Listen to me. You did nothing wrong. Not this time." That seems to calm him enough, and he pulls back a little, staring at your face. You don't know what expression you're making right now, but he seems to steel himself and say "... Let's prepare the fish then."
The two of you work fast in a tense silence. After plating both of your meals and saving two plates for Nahida and the Traveler, you get started on your new main task.
You slice some thick pieces of fish and arrange them into a small plate. You then pour some fresh milk into a small bowl and hand both to Wanderer who looks quite lost but is following your lead without question.
You grab the brown paper bag and empty it, revealing a small gardening shovel and a wooden plank on which you quickly scribble something, then you lead him out of the sanctuary, towards a secluded spot in the courtyard and immediately get to work.
He watches as you dig with the small gardening tool, securing the wooden plank in a tight horizontal hole, and sees what was written on it's surface...
Once you're done, without prompting, Wanderer places the small offerings in front of the makeshift grave titled "Here lies the spirit of a victim, may it find peace" It's all symbolism really, but you're hoping it helps.
"...So are you going to explain what we're-"
You hold his hand and squeeze " Shh, listen."
He does, he listens intently but hear's nothing. The sanctuary's small courtyard is quiet now.
"...it stopped. It was never really here though was it." It doesn't sound like a question.
You finally release your hold on your feelings, your eyes tearing up, your body shuddering slightly, and you squeeze Wanderer's hand some more. The two of you stand there, hand in hand, staring at the grave.
"It was before Nahida took back her rightful place." You croak out. "The mahamatra never found him, they just had a few vague witness descriptions of a guy coming around these parts and grabbing the stray cats... He seemed suspicious enough that someone even tried to chase him down once." It's like your feelings gain momentum, your crying turns into sobbing, your shaking gradually intensifies. You feel his hand release yours only for his arms to wrap around your shoulders, you look away from the grave and hide your face in his neck.
You completely miss his murderous expression.
It was obviously not directed at you, and while he was still looking at the little grave, it wasn't directed at the poor dead thing either.
He was not going to let this go. He was going to find the person responsible and. They. Would. Pay.
That he swore.
A/N: Some ... People in the genshin cn community, apparently felt so "disrespected" by a fictional character that they deemed "too rude", so they decided to dox and stalk Mihoyo employees, create forums to bash on Scaramouche/Wanderer and his writers and designers, bullied his fans, tried to pressure Mihoyo into deleting him from the game, sent his design images to some chinese authority figures as if he were a "threat to the nation", and, the cherry on top of this disgusting cake, unalived their own cats because they looked like scarameow.
Please share this information, it's what we can do to help our sisters and brothers who have to live in the same country as these freaks.
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sir-klauz · 2 years
Welcome and support Jeht and Benbens eternal happiness in their new an glorious marriage
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beuhakkaka · 2 years
A puppets heart
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cyxnidx · 2 years
character: beidou
warnings: alcohol consumption, wlw/reader is female
summary: having drinks with beidou on Christmas and a very interesting surprise presents itself. <3
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“Y/N~,” Beidou called sweetly, hands resting upon your waist. “you look so..satisfying.” you and beidou were out around 12:15 at a nearby area she’d rent out every once in a while for a nice party, having the time of your life for Christmas. it was beidou’s second favorite holiday, apart from Halloween. she always loved the idea of having this beautiful party around 11:30 and staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning, celebrating a holiday of gift giving and snow. an honorable time to celebrate recent accomplishments as well. “thank you, beidou.” you replied, stroking her cheek gently, watching a smile rising. turning from you, she announced that it was time to exchange gifts. sitting back, she watched as her crew and a few close friends exchanged gifts with one another. remembering you’d gotten something for kazuha, you left the room for a brief moment. “so..when are you going to ask?” kazuha asked beidou once you left the room. “soon, kazuha. out of all times, can’t you be patient now?” she asked, taking a sip of her whisky. shrugging, kazuha turned to see you coming in with a box for him. he took it with great thanks and a hug, going to find an area to open it. “amazing, isn’t it?” you asked, looking at the woman in front of you admire everyone she cared so deeply for as they shared cheers and hugged so tightly. “it is,” she agreed, taking your hand and bringing you to the front of the room. “but i think it’d be a little better after this.” you looked at her confused as she set her cup down on a nearby table, gaining the attention of a few people at a time as she stuck her hand in her pocket to pull something out. “y/n,” she said, getting a bit more nervous as the room quieted down and slight whispers were heard. “will you marry me?”
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go back to Mainstream ?
check out the Schedule !
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ethiy · 1 year
I’m lazy and dumb, so I’m asking for Genshin team comps✨
Hello guys! I do love Genshin Impact and all of its characters! Ofc I really like the game, but I’m very bad at making team comps and very picky about the characters I want to play. So, there’s a little challenge and a big thank you ✨if someone does want to help me.
I have:
Albedo, Ayato, Bennett, Chongyun, Collei, Itto, Kaveh, Lisa, Mika, Nahida, Shenhe, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, and Wanderer.
Which comps can I do with only these characters? I don’t mind repeating anybody 😊 Just want to have some fun with characters I really care about.
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calx-morwyn · 2 years
Genshin Impact Piloting Service Now Open!
Hello Travelers!
Allow me to introduce myself. I’m wyn, and I have been playing Genshin Impact since 2020. Today, I open my piloting service to my fellow travelers who are too busy or burned-out to play the game, but don’t wanna miss out!
Here are my OFFERS as well as TERMS AND CONDITIONS, which may be updated in the future:
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You can place your orders by:
sending a private message here on Tumblr, Twitter, or Discord (wyn#4606);
filling out the order form.
You'll notice that there isn't a space in the form for your Genshin login credentials. This is for security reasons, and I made it so that I will have access to your information ONLY AFTER your order has been processed.
Remember to wait for CONFIRMATION of your order before paying. I have a "no refunds or cancellations once paid" policy. After placing your orders, we will proceed to payment processing through private message.
Access all the information about my piloting service in one place:
Tumblr: Genshin Piloting Service (view in browser: calx-morwyn.tumblr.com/genshinpilotingservice)
Carrd: wyn's service
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miguel-ohara-wifey · 1 year
Yo for the genshin community cause I’m genuinely curious, which five star do you think has the worst constellations?
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diana-3 · 2 years
Normally I keep out of drama, but as a mother I can't with this one.
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Came across this, and this jackass is apparently into the genshin impact and destiny community. He sees nothing wrong with what he says and has made multiple burn accounts to keep coming at the op on twit.
And those are just the three I've seen.
Who knows how many more he's got. But he believes he is owed things because he supports content creators as if that makes him a "close friend" and claims he's the nice guy (tm) whose been fucked over a million and a half times and is the victim here.
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Block him. Report him. Keep him from your community for the safety of those he'll try to take advantage of next, or who knows what length he'll go to.
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sleepygamerotaku · 1 year
pspsps genshin players :3
Happy 3rd Anniversary to Genshin Impact! I've sent out Blessings of Ingenuity. Click on the link to claim it~ First come, first served!
just wanted to share this link so uhm yea<33 feel free to reblog/comment with your own blessings or Teyvat travel memories
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makotoarashi · 1 year
GIRP community changes you
It pretty much changes you into a worse version of yourself and before you know it you hurt your online friends. This makes you want to start everything all over again with a new account and new identity!
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cor-lapis · 4 months
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If I had a nickel for every time a father in genshin was (suspected to be) involved in child human experimentation
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Links below cut:
Candace redesign: eternal-moss (tumblr)
Dehya redesign: ohhnorr (tumblr)
Cyno, Tighnari, and Collei: mine :)
Quest summary masterpost (needs updating)
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sir-klauz · 1 year
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Me when Lisa goes mommy dom on us
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beuhakkaka · 2 years
I love him your honor
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kazuhasproudwife · 2 years
Can someone like ask me to do stories?😭i literally don't know what to make that's why i ain't posting, i wanna post smth tho so pls ask i can write for genshin and obey me
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genshinresource · 9 months
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Genshin Impact CN | Clean Promotional Artwork for 2024 New Year Party
Download: Google Drive
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