#i'm writing fanfiction AS WE SPEAK
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thisfairytalegonebad · 27 days ago
finally finished watching house after weeks of stalling now
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orchideous-nox · 9 months ago
demon barty telling human evan that he's more beautiful than any angel
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 30 days ago
Typically, families are supposed to pass down things of value to their children... Culture, wisdom, religion. Odile has to make do with a scattered collection of mementos, and a name that doesn't fit in a Ka Buan's mouth. That's fine. She'll find the rest herself. How many surprises could Vaugarde possibly hold? (Far more than she was bargaining for, that's for damn sure...)
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hikarry · 5 months ago
"You have no idea," Crowley whispers, leaning in closer still, his lips hovering just above the angel's. "Once I have you all to myself, I'll show you such sinful things, you'll forget you were ever an angel…"
I am sick, I am depressed and my adhd is acting up, therefore all claims that I might be projecting onto Crowley are all irrelevant
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wreckedhoney · 1 year ago
have u guys fcking seen this ?
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hELLO ?? ?
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ihamtmus · 2 months ago
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it's easy to enjoy a fanfic without saying anything but it's also really simple to say something and make the author's entire day and also gain someone that would die and kill for you
in other words, if you come back to reread a fic (even a very old one), TELL THE AUTHOR! they're gonna be so so happy i promise you
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wignalluvion · 2 months ago
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“That temper of yours is naught but a pathetic Halcon Gardinas cast around your heart,” Wignall says, his skin almost glowing in the pale moonlight. “And there won't always be someone willing to get burned.”
With that, he turns on his heel and leaves, not even slamming the door behind himself like Sion would have.
A snippet from one of my older wistoria brainrots in case anyone feels like checking it out :]
Can be read here
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sophiethewitch1 · 1 year ago
🫶 thanks for responding back! i appreciate all the hard work you’ve planned out for us 🎉 i can’t wait to see more of the darker themes fleshed out at the end of the first part, i will be waiting patiently LOL 👍 in terms of yandere, how bad do you think it will be? what do you have planned in that department?
also i hope you get better soon 😅 please take breaks and certainly take your time!
well ive said that its very mild on the yandere side even later on in the slowburn. its barely yandere more, like... obsession??... at least for the first while. the yandere part is more just there as a warning because I don't want to shock people with the small bit of dark content there will be. i really don't like yanderes that hurt reader (they just don't make sense to me. yandere to me is about having too much love, and you wouldn't hurt someone you loved??) and like,,,, spoiler cut here but like, these are all things that are in the tags/warnings/just information around
i need happy endings. i cant handle even the slightest bit bitter ending it hurts me physically. i am writing a happy ending. it will take grovelling, compromise, and probably fixing the universe but idc. i will uncritically romanticise toxic relationships. i can fix him he can fix me we will fix ourselves for each other. THATS ROMANCE BABEY!!! ITS BEING YOUR BEST SELF BECAUSE YOU LOVE SOMEONE!!! AND YANDERE IS ABOUT LOVE. ITS ABOUT LOVE!!!! ALWAYS LVOE!!!!
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hideyseek · 1 year ago
11 & 23 for the ask game!
thanks for the ask!!
from the love your fandom asks!
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
omg, writer, and yes, most things i write i'm decently proud of at the end (or i wouldn't post them). but i was just looking back over the fic i cross-posted from my fanfiction.net account. and at one point, i rewrote the lyrics of "black velvet band" to be about the life of the gruff mentor guy from ranger's apprentice, wrapped some fic around it, and posted that as my brother. i have a distinct memory of sitting at the coffee table at my grandma's house working lyrics out on a notepad, ahaha. anyway. some pretty great turns of phrase in those lyrics from tween!hidey that i'm kind of shocked to find still hold up.
(at the time i was simultaneously reading a ton of ranger's apprentice and listening to a bunch of irish folk songs from a cd my parents got from the farmer's market that i was obsessed with.)
23. the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
well i think i simply must say bucchigiri?! thanks to crab and ki, i don't know what's happening over there but y'all seem to be having a great time, or mayb my condolences. that blue-haired glasses guy ... he intrigues me. though, i did receive a very impassioned description of tgcf from rnack earlier this week that is a close second.
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thelovelybitten · 1 year ago
good news: i got a 95 on the assignment
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innerstrawberrypolice · 1 year ago
1,606 words into my fic, and it's just exposition. God help me, God help us all, actually.
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rapha-reads · 8 months ago
You know the one and only problem with reading Loustat fics? You guys make them speak French sometimes and from this two problems arise:
1. The author is not a native French speaker (not necessarily France French, the francophonie is big and there are so many different French existing), and uses translation tools to go from English to French. Hence, a mixing of "vous" and "tu" ("S'il vous plaît, tu m'énerves" - either it's "vous" or it's "tu" but not both), and a constant registre shift (extremely grammatically correct 18th century sounding French mixed up in the same sentence with 21st century banlieue slang - very jarring). Like, pretty sure Lestat would never say anything like "ferme ta gueule" ("shut the fuck up"); too vulgar and too 21st century. He'd say "boucle-la", I feel. Things like that, that wouldn't be noticeable to an English-only reading crowds, but that are making any French-native wince and cringe.
And 2. Love declarations and sex talks in French. Oh, boy. I don't know how all of you English-native read smut or romance in your own tongue. It is so, so intense and intimate, extremely intimate in a sort of intrusive manner, to read love words and/or dirty talk in French. It's not that I don't read in French, obviously not, but there's something about fanfiction in your own language that makes you feel exposed, I feel. Also, petnames. We need to have an entire conversation about petnames.
Anyway. Currently accepting Loustat fic recs, books canon compliant up to the Prince Lestat trilogy that I haven't read yet. Especially post-Merrick fics. I know the fandom went underground thanks to AR's stance on fanfic, but I am very amazed at the lack of VC fics on AO3. Either the old forums haven't made their way to AO3 yet, or everyone buried their fics so deeply they don't even exist digitally.
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polarisbibliotheque · 2 years ago
Invitation to Writers!!
Hey you! Yeah, YOU, random writer reading this! Even if you haven't ever written or have been brainstorming something but never wrote a word of it! Time to get projects out of the mind and into paper!
(I don't care if you write fanfic, or novels, original work, brainstorms, I'M STILL TALKING TO YOU ^^)
Last year, I participated on NaNoWriMo - basically a platform where you add other writers, set a goal of how many words you wanna write in a month, and everyone can support each other and see how much progress you're doing! - and managed to write 100 pages of the book I've been brainstorming!
They're having NaNoWriMo Camp now in July, and I'm going to participate again! I want to finish my book this year still, so I'm trying to fit writing at least a bit every day until it's done - and having some people around in NaNoWriMo kinda helped me a lot!
I'm pretty much a lonely writer, I don't have anyone to talk about the stories I'm developing or sharing my goals and accomplishments - aside from my mom, but I don't tell her MUCH in detail, so yeah - and I remember having a small group of people updating their goals kept me motivated enough to write said 100 pages in a month.
So, if you think this is interesting, and you want to write more in July, you can set a goal as small as 100 words and get to work there! I'm gonna leave my link on NaNoWriMo so you can friend me and perhaps we can keep each other motivated during our writing processess!
And again, if you want to write a small 2 pages scene, or a whole 500 pages original fantasy RPG worthy story, or some fanfiction imagines, it's all valid!!
Feel free to add me, and I hope we can all finish our writing projects!
(You just click the link above to find me, or this one: polarisdelphi NaNoWriMo profile)
Hope to see you there!!
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fortjester · 2 years ago
yeah fuck it, if tazmuir can randomly insert shakespeare quotes into her work, so can i
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tjerra14 · 8 months ago
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throwback to the time I got drunk and wrote from a tree's perspective
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aucoba · 1 year ago
Fan fic aziracro
It has been a year, Crowley misses most of the class he said he was gonna teach. Don't get him wrong, he does go to the facility, hosts the classes and welcomes the students. He simply sleeps through most of the lessons.
At first, the young learners were too stunned to protest. One or two did abandon the course but the rest - the majority - saw in it a great gain. They got to work on what they wished to work on, had shelter and sometimes did talk about the subject their slacking professor was supposed to educate them about.
After three months, they had gotten so well organised with this course they even decided on making up their own tests and assess one an other collectively. Unfortunately, as any new good idea does, this one failed when put in practice. Too many people disagreed, too many wanted to pass this class more than they wanted to learn and grow. And that's when Pr. Crowley woke up.
He wasn't happy about it, but even when he was sleeping he did not seem to be happy about it.
Azi is in a difficult situation that he created : he is stressed out because of the rebellion and goes to see Crowley. When he sees him, he softens immediately feeling... Like he did before the divorce.
Crowley straightens up / students ask if something is wrong / with the face of someone who noticed something wrong, he answers "something's right...
Then he sees azi
Everybody OUT
(who's that? Oh definitely husband they had a querel with
Azi : Istartedarebellion...
azi : I started a rebellion! Listen Crowley, I... I am sorry. You were right. I thought I could make things better by going back to heaven, I thought if I was in charge I'd have enough power to do what we always wanted to do : make te world a better... More tolerable place. I thought I could keep it safe... I thought I'd keep you safe.
And I didn't tell you that, you told me how you felt and I didn't answer 'cause to me we had always been... You had always make me feel... Ineffable.
Silence of heart
Azi : so... I' m ready to do whatever it takes to get your forgiveness, you were right and I was wrong. Terribly terribly wrong
C : oh angel, if you starting a rebellion in heaven for the sake of... This..., is wrong? Then I don't want to be right.
Pew pew they save the world
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