#i'm still trying to find the style/look for the comic
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tenebraevesper · 1 day ago
Sonic the Hedgehog's 900th Adventure (Part 1)
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We are finally here! The 900th Adventure one-shot!
I will have to split this story up into two parts, mainly because of the sheer number of pages and Tumblr refusing to allow more than 30 images. Could I just skip some pages? Sure, but where's the fun in that?
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In any case, as stated above, this special issue is a way of celebrating Sonic's long history in the comics, involving all the stuff from Archie Sonic, Sonic the Comic (Fleetway) and IDW Sonic. To note, this story has been worked on my many writers and artists, all of which were trying to deliver a fun and colourful tale of Sonic going an adventure to save the world once more and, personally, I believe they delivered in that aspect. Is it anything groundbreaking? Not really, but this is a one-shot story written purely for our enjoyment, so let's dive in!
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We kick off with Sonic and Tails reminiscing about their past adventures, with this first part of the story being written by Ian Flynn. I will mention which writer wrote which part, simply to showcase whether there were any differences between their writing.
In Ian's case, he has Tails talk about their battle against Neo Metal Sonic on Angel Island, which happened back in Issue #9-#12. Sonic responds how that was a group effort, with Tails snarking since when he was so modest. Sonic just responds that he was giving credit where it's due.
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The two keep on getting close to breaking the 4th Wall by talking about how many adventures they have experienced, with Tails even doing the research and the result being 889, although by the time I'm writing this, it's over 900 (insert DBZ Vegeta joke here).
Sonic then references the whole Metal Virus fiasco, noting how his friends gathered the Chaos Emeralds and how Silver did a lot of heavy lifting, although Sonic did supercharge the Warp Topaz and... speak of the Devil, it's back!
Okay, I will take a moment to explain the deal with the Warp Topaz. Correct me on that, but I have read somewhere that Ian Flynn wanted to get rid off it back during the Metal Virus Saga, but the higher-ups said to keep it for any future stories. I believe that this is why it was brought back now.
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Tails runs a diagnostic on it and finds out that it's highly unstable. Going by Sonic's scale, they are somewhere at ''panicked screaming'' when it comes to how dangerous the situation is, with Tails just giving him an annoyed look to take this situation seriously.
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Tails gives him a more detailed explanation, saying how the Warp Topaz had the potential destabilize the planet's core or wipe out an entire city. In other words, we might as well have another Sonic Prime-style Paradox Prism situation at our hands.
Tails adds how, in order to neutralize it, they have to find where Dr. Starline had found it. Sonic figures this shouldn't be too difficult, but Tails is worried that if he takes on too much energy as his normal self, he might not come back...
I was joking about this being Sonic Prime!
Of course, Sonic remains calm and relaxed, noting how he'll run, while Tails watches his back. It would be the same as always, with Tails agreeing.
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Tails checks to make sure he still has the wrist-comm on, and after confirming it, Sonic rubs his hands and grabs the Warp Topaz, getting immediately warped away. He is fine tho, much to Tails' relief.
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He finds himself in Green Hill, agreeing with Tails that they'll try to see if anyone's around so they can help him from being overexposed to the energy, with Sonic adding how there is no more infections, corruptions, warpings or any other nonsense:
''We're going for win NINE HUNDRED!''
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This part of the story is written by Evan Stanley, and we see Sonic as he dashes through Green Hill, checking on Tails, or Minty Fresh as he calls him (I can feel Tails rolling his eyes at this).
Tails responds how he expects some erratic spatial distortion, maybe localized importation of physical matter from concentrated areas... with Sonic having no clue what he's talking about. So Tails responds with: ''Portals. Lots of 'em.''
Cue Sonic almost jumping into one, only for the Warp Topaz to berserk.
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He ends up avoiding a bunch of stuff emerging from more Warp Topaz portals, until he runs into that orca from Sonic Adventure.
Seriously, what do orcas have against Sonic? X3
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Fortunately, he gets saved by Amy, and in turn, Amy gets saved by Sonic just as the orca crashes down into the water.
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The two hold onto the orca, trying to figure out what to do next. Amy has been called by Tails, with Sonic showing her the unstable Warp Topaz and explains his plan to her. Amy agrees with it, but she is worried about the orca, since this place isn't its natural habitat. Nevertheless, she has a plan, with Sonic not looking to happy when he gets forced to run across water as the orca chases him.
Hey, at least Amy promised that she'll bake him a batch of cookies once they're done.
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They lure the orca towards a portal, getting it to jump back home, while Amy hits the Warp Topaz as far away from Sonic as possible to stabilize it.
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Both nail the landing, with Sonic drying himself and Amy hugging and wishing Sonic good luck as he continues dealing with the Warp Topaz. Amy waves as he leaves, only to realize that she has no clue how to get home.
Eh, I'm sure you'll figure it out, Amy.
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The next part of the story is written by Nigel Kitching, and oh, boy, if you're British, this should sound familiar. If not, then let me explain - Nigel Kitching is most famous for his work on Sonic the Comic, aka the UK equivalent of Archie Sonic, albeit written to be more in line with the games, unlike Archie Sonic, which was based on Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic SatAM. It's really great they got him to write part of this one shot.
In this part, we see Sonic running through a desert towards Knuckles, who left Angel Island to help with this crisis. Unfortunately, before they could even get close to each other to hand over the Warp Topaz, it activates and Sonic vanishes, leaving a stunned Knuckles behind.
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Sonic suddenly ends up in a laboratory managed by Metal Sonic, having been weakened by the Warp Topaz' energy. You know, thinking back to how Dr. Starline described the dangers of the Warp Topaz, now we see why it is a bad idea to overcharge it.
Not that Metal Sonic cares, as he reaches for it.
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Sonic pleads for Metal Sonic to give it back so he can dispose of it safely, with Metal Sonic glancing at the Warp Topaz, then back at Sonic.
Before I continue, may I add that the art is just gorgeous here? *checks artists* Okay, so this was the work of Mauro Fonesca, Rik Mack and Reggie Graham. You guys did a great job! I really love what you did with Metal Sonic.
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Metal Sonic refuses to listen to Sonic, bitch-slapping him in the face and knocking him back while Tails is screaming in the background, not knowing what's going on. Sonic and Metal Sonic fight, with Sonic refusing to give up no matter how badly he gets beaten.
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Despite feeling weakness moments ago, Sonic manages to recover, explaining to Tails that, since he couldn't hand the Warp Topaz over to Knuckles, Metal Sonic was the next best thing. He's back in the game, running circles around Metal Sonic as he explains to Tails how he couldn't just hand the Warp Topaz over to Metal Sonic since he'd suspect something's up.
Cue the Warp Topaz creating another portal, with both vanishing in it.
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Sonic manages to grab the Warp Topaz, while Metal Sonic's arm went kaput from the sheer energy the gem released, and the two end up back in the desert in front of Knuckles. Tails notes how Sonic has found a way to control the Warp Topaz, with Sonic then telling Metal Sonic to better go back to Eggman, because, let's be real, he is in no fighting condition.
Knuckles then happily asks Sonic to hand over the Warp Topaz so he can take part in saving the world, but Sonic refuses, leaving Knuckles pissed off for being called over for no reason.
Tails scolds Sonic, telling him to explain to Knuckles what happened and Sonic promises he'll do it... eventually.
He's never going to do it.
In any case, I'll stop Part 1 of the story here. We still got more to see, but again, Tumblr's image count works against me.
See ya in Part 2!
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#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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13mary-gold · 2 months ago
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Part 1 | Part 4 < Part 5 > Part 6
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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Detectives at the Disco (Elysium)
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thenixkat · 10 months ago
Oh no, I am most certainly not reading the new 52 run for Jaime. Everything I've seen and heard about it sounds like straight ass and edge and I actually like myself.
True I'm having a terrible time with Jaime's Rebirth runs cause it's all just kinda bad as far as I'm concerned compared to how well done the 2006 run was. And there's so many decisions that come off as bad or poorly thought out. But at least it's not 'what if we rehashed this entirely but several times worse just because we're edgy now'.
Like the Graduation Day/Scarab War stuff feels like a first draft that could have used a second and third draft b4 going to print what with the 'yer retreading territory that was already done pretty solid in a way that feels vaguely insulting' vibes. And I didn't like the art style what with the weird shit it was doing with people's mouths/expressions and how distractingly shiny it was trying to be.
Also, I'm currently like 12 issues deep into the 2016 run for Jaime and it's really bad. Like? The art? Shit tier. Whitewashing half these people, many don't look like the people they're supposed to be, and somehow the worst attempt at drawing a person with freckles I've ever seen. The writing? Ass tier. Like damn yall did Dan dirty. Dirty dirty, good lords, giving the vibes of gotta rush through these fuckers to get to the version of the Blue Beetle we wanna work with in a way that feels disrespectful to ALL of the Blue Beetles. And the whole 'let's retcon Khaji Da back to being magic even tho there's two previous runs of it being alien tech oh wait oops we wanna do a Reach storyline so we'll retcon it back to being alien tech later' is... certainly something.
I know that when I pick up a Blue Beetle book I wanna see fuckin Dr. Fate (I don't, I don't care for Dr. Fate's whole thing of enslaving its host for the greater good and no one freeing poor Mr. Nelson gods damn that's horrifying how many heroes are ok with that) and an Atleantian and magic shit for like 8 issues without any of Jaime's rogue gallery showing up other than a bastard version of the Posse that feels like canon fodder based on their designs alone. (/sarcasm)
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factual-fantasy · 1 month ago
Back in 2020 when I first got into Transformers: Prime, I had this thing where I drew the transformers as animal crossing villagers.
This was because I was also into AC:NH at the time and bots were realllllly hard to draw. Drawing AC style characters was a piece of cake though. So the crossover was born! XD
A few years later and I'm being dragged into the fandom again 💀 I think my art skills have greatly improved since then and I'm a lot more confident in my ability to draw bots! So I thought hey! Why not go back to one of my AC comic thingies and try to draw them as ACTUAL transformers? :00 This was the result!
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I couldn't help but laugh when I got to that last panel. I forgot I had originally made Ratchet a Rooster XDD It took me a long time to decide what animal he should be. First a Rooster, then a goat, then a sheep, then back to goat, then lastly I settled on a grumpy owl XDDD
The bots are still hard to draw, but I've learned to just trust the process and not take the anatomy too seriously. It doesn't really matter if they couldn't really bend like that or that body part is kind'a the wrong shape. As long as the pose looks decent it'll be ok XD
I'm considering going back and finding more of those AC comics and redrawing them, I never ended up posting 90% of them.. But then again the transformers take soooooo looonnnggg to draw😫
Idk, I guess I'll see how feel tomorrow 😅
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rhiangalaxy · 11 days ago
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Is it kindness to lie? (IAC Pt.9) ((First/Prev/Masterpost))
[ID: A Scum Villain Comic. First panel has a sideview of chibi!Plant!Yuan who is nervously wringing his shaking hands together with a worried expression as his demonic butterfly flutters concerned behind him. It next shows Chibi!SY perking up and turning with his arms slightly raised as if noticing someone and saying with a tired smile "A-Die! You're back! I was so worried-" It then shows Shen Jiu!Shen Qingqiu with a slightly guilty but down trodden expression as he avoids SY's eyes.
Panel two is drawn fully in chibi style. It shows SY's expression falling slightly taking on a more concerned look as he continues "A-Die? What's wrong? Where's Binghe?" Still looking away with an expression as if he's struggling to find what to say, SQQ responds "... He's gone." SQQ then continues whilst looking towards SY with an apologetic expression "He was slain in battle. ... I'm sorry."
Panel three shows SY with a horrified expression his shaky hands raised up as if going to cover his mouth, his whole body is shaking and his demonic butterfly flutters anxiously. SY mutters "no no no....no that can't be... He can't be-" It then shows SY launching himself at SQQ to hug him tightly for comfort as he sobs, his demonic butterfly trying to comfort him by resting on his head. SQQ looks down at him guiltily, as he wraps his arms around him and the other hand reaching up to find it's way onto SY's head. End ID]
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abby-howard · 8 months ago
I'm going to be asking a lot of artists I follow this question, but how did you develop your style? It SEEMS like most people find their style and stick with it forever, just making improvements and iterations. I tend to work in a lot of different styles because I enjoy doing that, though I know there are things I gravitate towards as well. But I wonder what your journey was and how you got feedback and improved while staying true to what you enjoyed?
Hi there!
I definitely wouldn't say that I've found my style and stuck with it forever-- I feel like each of my projects has asked for a certain kind of art, and has presented new challenges that push me in new directions.
Some of that comes from seeing someone else's work and having something click into place that might fix errors/faults in my own, and then I might try to incorporate that, such as bigger outlines on my characters to help distinguish them from the background, or maybe a way someone else simplifies eyes that can help make mine look less weird.
When I first started drawing, I can see where I encountered certain influences because my sketchbooks suddenly switch to incorporating some new stylistic element that I liked from whatever I was reading/watching at the time. But it was never QUITE right, it was never just copying, there was always something ~wrong~ with it. And that wrongness was my style! As much as I hated it, that was what distinguished my art from being just a copy of someone else's. I hate it less now, and understand that other people see something there that maybe I don't, because it's just what happens when I filter other people's work through my head. My soul, if you will.
There are definitely through-lines with my work, driven by what I like drawing and what comes easily to me-- hatching is almost always a major component, and I like making expressive characters. Here's some of my earliest available stuff, from my old webcomic:
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Then not long after that, I started The Last Halloween, which pushed me to challenge myself in both layout and style:
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And here's the same comic, years later:
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And here's a series I did for kids, where I had to use full color and lay off on the hatching, as well as learn how to reconstruct animals that we have no photo references for, which is definitely a place where style comes majorly into play, whether I wanted it to or not:
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Then there was the horror book I did, where I tried to push my work to be less cartoony overall, and to work very hard on improving my hatching:
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Then I started work on Scarlet Hollow, where I incorporated a limited/muted palette and had to once again push myself to make less-cartoony art, as well as learn more consistency so I could draw sprite sets. This was a big challenge for me, and has helped me grow as an artist so much!
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And most recently, I wrapped up work on Slay the Princess, which required that I go back in the cartoony direction, but in a very different way than I was used to. This took a lot of sketching to figure out, and there's still a decent amount of artistic stumbling in Chapter 1 while I settled into it.
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She's drawing on anime/Disney influence, but each Princess required a bit of stylistic variability. Some are more anime, while some are more realistic than even the Scarlet Hollow characters.
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So I wouldn't worry too much, honestly! A person's style is often something that reveals itself over the course of their career, rather than something they choose and then try to stick to forever.
Even if you don't think you have a style, you do. It might vary a lot piece by piece, especially if you're trying to closely imitate another person's art, but the more work you do, the more you'll figure out your own strengths and interests!
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gastersreturn · 5 months ago
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Some thoughts :
[ God ! I did it ! I'm super late but I made those pages ! I like them honestly, I'm still trying things here and there but in the end it doesn't look bad. (Don't be surprised if the rendering style change a little in the next pages, It will still keep a unified style but I want to keep trying new things with this comic since Gaster's Return is my first comic project ever).
This situation must be really stressful for Alphys. Just the fact of finding a stranger in your stuff is already disturbing enough, but she also feel a bit responsible of what happened. This mess happened with a machine SHE made after all, and after the bad experience of hurting other people with her stuff, it definitely doesn't bring back good memories
But no problem ! Undyne is here to console her !...In her own way x)
(Also, did you noticed the little Flowey in the background, yeah he's here, of course he is, he's an expert in stalking people)
Also, I don't know what schedule to put anymore :/. What I'm doing for now is working one week on GASTER'S RETURN and the other week on UNDER THE STARS, so I suppose it would be 4 to 5 pages every two weeks if I manage to do that ? I'll try to keep making them at a good rate though, as much as I can]
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paperbackpanic · 1 month ago
Hiii, if you’re still open to requests, may I suggest either Tim/masky or EJ (or anyone you prefer really) with a super femme S/O who’s just really crass. Like they love all things cute and pink but they’ll take every opportunity to say the most outrageous thing they can think of
EJ and Masky with a hyper fem s/o who says outrageous stuff
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A/n: hii!! Omg I loved this request specially because I'm kinda like that? I mean my mouth sometimes runs faster than my mind and I end up saying outrageous things but it is not, like, on purpose most of the time and I really like dressing super fem! I also really love writing for EJ and Masky :D. Sorry for the long rant I'm kinda lonely and need to run my "mouth" out a bit, anyway I hope you enjoy!!
A bit of a content warning for NSFW and generally gross topics but nothing too explicit.
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Eyeless Jack
🎀 honestly you too contrast so much is kinda comical. EJ is the dark serious silent type and you are a cute and pink agent of chaos who honestly can talk a lot, specially considering you take every opportunity to say absurds.
🎀 Is pretty hard to surprise/get him off guard but when he first meet you he was pretty surprised, he thought you would be the shy "feminine energy" super polite girl you being really crass caught him a lil bit off guard
🎀 He isn't bothered by the things you say, he honestly find the fact that you're crass quite interesting
🎀 Yap sessions Yap sessions!! You'll let all of your wildest thoughts run out of your mouth and EJ will sit and listen. He won't judge but sometimes a thing you said will generate a long philosophical discussion about why you think that and he usually says something like "you do/say that just because you like to go against the norm or is it something deeper?" to start it off
🎀 You asked him once if his semen could be dyed with food dye BEFORE it came out of his body. It technically can? But like only because you can "tint" the urethra a bit with the dye but it involves a catheter and he's not going to put one in his dick because you want to see how much food dye would take to make his cum neon green. No matter how much you tried to convince him he won't budge ☹️☹️
🎀 You know that scene in some random old movie that I don't know the name with Marilyn Monroe that goes something like that:
"I know more than 200 ways to kill a man"
"You could glue a jar filled with rats to someone's face and then light a torch on the bottom so it would start to heat up and the rats would try to run away by chewing the person face off ☺️"
That's you two.
🎀 The only time when he will ask you to shut up and be polite is when you need it for your safety. I mean not everyone likes crassness and the most violent creepypastas would kill you without a second thought if you irritate them too much so he'll make sure you know beforehand when it's dangerous for you to be your true self
🎀 As I said in previous headcanons Jack doesn't really see stuff so he doesn't have a solid opinion on your style of clothing, he likes the texture of it though. Ruffles are great to run his hands through
🎀 Over time he just kinda stopped listening your crassness like, not in the literal sense but sometimes people around him point out and he's just "oh I didn't notice" he just filtered out that what you were saying was crass and just registered "my s/o is talking"
🎀 Overall a pretty good relationship, you two balance each other very well
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🎀 He doesn't really like people who are crass or being crass himself. He's too old for that, but he will put up with you out of love.
🎀 Overtime he grew used to how you are, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't look at you like you're insane when you say something particularly out of pocket. Like creeps usually do stuff that's not really polite or demure but they don't typically say stuff out loud (or at least they shouldn't)
🎀 Your cute style is really a pro in his list on why he put up with your bullshit. It might not look like it but he has a soft spot for cute things
🎀 yapping with him might be a little difficult, he will listen to you of course he's not a bad boyfriend but he will shut you down pretty quickly if you're trying to convince him of doing some weird experiment or saying something particularly absurd.
🎀 He will use stuffed animals, cute clothes, nice dinner dates etc. to bribe you to be at least less crass when the situation call for it. You will shut up and be polite and not crass if he just asks nicely but you can't help but exploit him a little on this aspect and I can't blame you
🎀 if you ask him, he will gladly give you some lessons on good manners. He likes you however you are but this is something he thinks you can work on...
🎀 shuts you up with kisses. I will not elaborate
🎀 He has a secret ranking of most outrageous stuff you said to him/near him is only 5 itens long but he likes looking at it from time to time when he's missing you.
🎀 Assuming the Creeps exist in the same universe as us and not in a separate one: you told him about Twink Masky. He did not like it. It was funny
🎀 Despite everything he loves your personality, even if your crassness can be considered a "flaw"
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kyri45 · 4 months ago
✨ShadowPeach Bio Parents Bio AU Q&A! 17/11✨
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Welcome to the Q&A! A space where I can answer related or similar question about the Shadowpeach Bio Parents AU! If you submitted your ask anonimously, then you’ll have to check the whole post if it’s answered here, if it’s not, worry not! Your asks might have been used for a future comic or just in the queue~
Anonimo ha chiesto: (Baby Mk trying to wake up macaque) Macaque: Wukong your son's awake Wukong: Before sunrise he's your son. Lol lion King reference
Aaaaaaahhh I love it! I was thinking the same!
Anonimo ha chiesto: I wonder if MK is experiencing any other Yaoguai urges? Besides his crush instincts and fun Monkey habits and behaviors.
mmmmm I think he mostly sometimes starts a tantrum in monkey style, where he starts to move a lot and jumps around
Anonimo ha chiesto: So like do macaque and wukong have rings or anything like now I think it would be cute if they renewed their vow.
I think I need to go study traditional chinese weddings traditions
l@ovingshadowpeaches ha chiesto: Ohhh my gosh i finally have the balls to send you this ask!! I adore your shadowpeach bio parents AU SO SO SO MUCH, your art style is so satisfying and mesmerising to look at, the plot is chefs kiss and I hope you know I LOVE all the soysauce duo content i am being fed and our Macaque introject adores it because the MK he knows is his son and your comic makes him feel a lot more valid and closer to his boy, your comic is so comforting to both him and me. I can't wait to see how it all plays out and I can't express enough how much we love love this comic!! All the love!!! GAH!!!
awww tysm for your ask!!!! :')
Anonimo ha chiesto: I think that is hilarious that macaque yoinked the great sage. Also other demons jealous Mac?!?! I need more jealous mac. I can only imagine it went like, Here is a basket of delicious peaches for your enjoyment. Excuse me while I go beat the shit out this demon for trying to take you away (Not that they could even if they got past Macaque).
hehe meanwhile Wukong's ego grows tenfold
Anonimo ha chiesto: SHADOWPEACH BIO PARENT AU The last question had me saying: what was Pigsy's and Tang's reaction to Mk's l̶o̶v̶e̶r̶ crush on Red Son? And also the court napping thing?
I think at first they didn't believe it, then they realized what happened, and didn't know wheter being shocked or not since they should have absolutely saw it coming.
@vex--lynn ha chiesto: Do you find it crazy how much you've affected the Fandom, like you've taken it by storm! It's kinda like when "Garden across our collarbone" took over the Fandom. In the end, we're left crying happy tears. I'm so happy to have found this comic while it was still being made cause I feel like I'm part of the adventure of these crazy monkies! I wish you nothing but the best for you!! <3
BRO u CAN'T JUST PULL OUT THAT NAME AND MINE IN THE SAME CONTEXT. That fic is like an atomic bomb I'm just a humble artist drawing gay monkies.
Anonimo ha chiesto: I just want you to know that your LMK comic is getting me through a really hard time in my life right now. It really helps to have something to smile about and look forward to. Thank you so much for all the recent fluff. It brings me a lot of joy. 💕 Awwww tysm!!
Aww that's so nice to hear!
Anonimo ha chiesto: Okay since mac has 6 sensitive ears... wouldn't be sometimes hard for him...? l mean what if there was very strong noises like fireworks or smt around!? U know what is the best solution for this!! Mac lying down between wukong's arms and put his head on chest and listen to his heartbeat!!! This will absolutely will calm him down right? I WANNA SEE THIS IN YOUR COMICS PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAASS
askjcbaicbasc that's sooooo cute! Maybe, perhaps, in the future, who knows....
Anonimo ha chiesto: Is it slowly building back up to shadowpeach getting back together or? 🤔 idk their relationship status rn
situationship so bad these 2 are sleeping together and have a kid but still are allergic to flirt like normal people.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Got a question about Sun Wukong being trans. I know he probably uses glamour to hide his ✨✨boobies✨✨. But like, is he also using tape or are they kinda just... Out Cause now I'm thinking about the times we've seen him shirtless so like... ???
before he learned to shapeshift he mostly used bandages since that's all he could do at the time. Now MK is teaching him what binders are and he couldn't be more grateful.
@ayrza ha chiesto: I know you may not share it, or even read it, but I need to get it out of me. Do you realize that MK has only had father figures and no mother figures? Which means that the simple word "MAMA" carries too much sentimental weight and that's... 🥹 THIS COULD NOT BE MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN YOU ALREADY MADE IT!!! MY BABY SAID MAMA!!!! 😭✨💖
@s-p-r-i-n-g-t-i-m-e ha chiesto: question: what does MK call Pigsy and Tang? Anonimo ha chiesto: I love the new post i am crying 😢 😭 But I do have a question is mac mama and wukong Baba, or is wukong Mama and mac baba this is an important question I have for you???
Pigsy is "Dad" and Tang is "Papa". Mac is "Mama" and Wukong is "Baba"
Anonimo ha chiesto: I’ve seen many many drawings and intereptations of Mac being all piecered, especially on his ears cause if you have six, you gotta use em. Does macaque have any piercings in your au or is his ears too sensitive for that in your mind? Does he like to fidigit with them or any body else?
mmmm he can perfectly have it. I think he would have a few, but only rings and like each of them is far from the others in the lobe area because I can imagine someone with sensitive Hearing wouldn't like to hear the sounds of metal or earrings tingeling every time he moves around.
@alchemical-spill-on-aisle-three ha chiesto: In your shadowpeach comic, is Mei going to help MK with his crush? I just think it would be really funny if they got into hijinks while trying to get MK and Redson together lol
Mei is the one who organized their sparring meetings in the first place. She was Spicynoodle number 1 fan since the beginning.
@straightally2001 ha chiesto: Hmm... if Kai is gonna be MK and Red Son's son does that mean that Nya is gonna be Mei's daughter?
Omg yes. But guys don't tempt me or I might make a "Spicynoodle 50 years later/ninjago crossover" comic the size of the shadowpeach one if we go down this path
Anonimo ha chiesto: If mk is a trans does he still get period?
Anonimo ha chiesto: what is MK’s favorite thing about red boy?
The fact that he tries to hide his emotions but his fire powers reflects them out of his control. MK thinks it's very cute.
Anonimo ha chiesto: So, are you ever going to make a sick episode for the bio dads? I am asking because I am sick, and it would be interesting to see what they are like when sick.
nope sorry. donesn't fit in the current schedule. But MK will go at the hospital at some point if that's of any reassuring.
@sokda-lal-ashes ha chiesto: Do you have why doodles that aren't exactly in the stories but that fits your bio parents au? I love your art so much!! Especially your redson design!!!
Yes but they are spoilers. Sorryyy
Anonimo ha chiesto: Wukong: hay don't forget to eat breakfast. Macaque: what are you talking about I just ate Wukong: you had espresso & anit depressants that is not a meal. Macaque (repeats mocking Wukong) I don't need your judgement I feel like the whole being revived thinks makes macaque sometimes not realize he's hungry or thirsty
ahah how much I relate (I don't take antidepressant but a lot of magnesium bc of mood swings)
@astro-lmk-enjoyer ha chiesto: Wait… if macaque gets his power from a lunar eclipse, does that mean that wukong gets his power from a solar eclipse? Bye <3
Anonimo ha chiesto: Oh so I just had a thought! Since the light hair streaks are being caused by a lunar eclipse because Macaque draws his powers from the moon, is the opposite true for Wukong? Are any of his powers from the sun and would something happen if there was a solar eclipse? Love all the world building in your comics its all so good!!!
mmm I don't think that's how it works.
Anonimo ha chiesto: wait, so since the brotherhood knew about Macaque courtnapping Wukong, did they ever have to witness the monstrosity of cuddles and affection you describe Shadowpeach when they’re together? I could only imagine the awkwardness. Or many they’re totally cool with them being open with each other right in front of them. I know th3 brotherhood won’t show up in your comic as you’ve said before but a fan can only dream.
Oh yeah. O yeah they did.
@shamelesschopshopwasteland ha chiesto: How are Macaque and Wukong? Do they spend time with each other outside of sleeping? (Also I love you AU!!! <3)
Macaque still works from time to time to the Dojo in weekdays, and also likes his alone time, but has been spendind more time with Wukong to help the other monkeys and telling stories about what happened in all those years they missed when they were still enemies.
Anonimo ha chiesto: (I LOVE YOUR ART SM IFDJKEWVJHA, make sure to take breaks!!) Considering Macaque doesn't like the cold. (I love that HC so much, especially because I like to HC that he's freezing 24/7 can only warm up with hot springs and touch but not actual heat/the sun) How would Macaque react in a snowstorm/winter. Would he just bundle up a lot or lock himself in a room or something similar?
3 layers of jackets and self-heating socks when he's going around, otherwise Hot springs every evening.
Anonimo ha chiesto: what other nicknames/pet names does SWK and Macaque have for one another beside peaches and plum?
mmm I think Sun and Moon
@patienceandpokemon ha chiesto: Okay, rip my heart out with happiness in P7 of Monkie trio with the moonlight reveal why don't you?! THANK YOU! But in seriousness, in the latest bit . . Are Mac and MK recharging their shadow powers under the moonlight? Is that why Mac never really attacked in season 1-3 in your AU of LMK, unless there had been a full moon prior? Or am I snowballing into unrelated territory? Anywho, love the comic! He's so fucking fluffy and white like a pearl! And MK, baby fluff!!!!!
Wait he actually did it in the series?? I never noticed!
Anonimo ha chiesto: Soooooo we know Macaque did the courtnapping for shadowpeach so who did the courtnapping for the demon bull family? PIF or DBK👀
I think PIF did?
@boonalina ha chiesto: Question: In your AU, when exactly did Mac and PIF become sworn siblings? Cuz we know Wuk and Mac were sworn bros with DBK, and then DBK "betrayed" them by getting together with PIF. So when exactly would Mac have become sworn siblings with her? Was it like during the time Wukong was under the mountain or smth? Cuz it does seem like Mac drifted apart from the Brotherhood when Wukong was imprisoned.
this is a fandom headcanon, but I believe it was a little after Wukong was imprisoned, and a little after Macaque was revived
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fraternum-momentum · 4 months ago
(if this was already asked im so sorry! i cant with tumblrs search thingy) hii!!! i havent drawn in ""my style"" in years, but your art has inspired me to try again. do you have any tips on how to develop it and become more consistent? much love and thanks <3333
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hello !!! dw i don't think this has been asked beforee so ur good :3
imo you can't really brute force developing your own style. i think it slowly develops over time the more media you consume and get inspired by ! (i mean, i'm still trying to find my style so yk,,)
in my case, i tend to gravitate towards more semi-realistic styles, so i would need to develop my fundamentals (gestures, anatomy, line of action, etc, etc..) first as a base point. i would say learning your fundamentals is important even if you want your style to be super cartoony bc it really does help when it comes to deciding which parts you want to exaggerate and stylize and stuff. (it may be boring for some people but i promise u it rlly does help a lot !!!)
btw ur anatomy doesn't have to be perfect on the get go when u want to try stylizing 😭 shit even my anatomy was p bad before i started drawing in my 'style' so dont be discouraged !
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@/atie1225 @/jasminjaegerart @/quietgom @/AmiThompson_h
ok when it comes to stylizing what i find helpful is copying certain aspects of an art style i like. ur not stealing their whole thing btw !! but u should try to analyze what parts of someone's style that you like !
like for example, i like how Alfons Mucha does hair, so i implement it in how i draw. i remember i liked how Ken Wakui does noses bc its simple enough, so that's what i currently do, i liked the nose bridge lines thing from mha and jjba so i added it to my drawings, and so on and so forth
obv these arent all my influences, there's probably thousands of artists i like, shows i've watched, comics and manga i've read that influenced me etc etc and our art styles are just a mish mash of all of that ! it's actually super cool to see how different people draw depending on what influenced them so ykkk
as for consistency don't be afraid to use your own art as references ! shit even i have a couple of my drawings in my inspo board because of how much i like them and sometimes i would look over and try to remember how i did those LMFAO
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but idkkk i don't think you have to strictly adhere to your style. imo experimenting is good and seeing how it changes over time is super cool ! so you shouldn't stress urself out about that :3 eventually you'll develop the habit of sticking to your style, it just takes a bit of time !!
i think that's all, i hope this helps :3
heres the drawing by itself bc i kinda like it
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ablobwhowrites · 1 month ago
Hello, I've been a fan of your yandere ramblings, especially the sonic ones since no one does those really on this.
So I came with my own little ramblings for a human y/n that gets sucked into mobias (basically a reverse sonic X)
First of all, y/n is always staying at someone's house in a rotation (from cream and vanilla to tails to Amy, etc), and isn't allowed to sleep on their own without some mobian cuddling them.
Also y/n pulls a generations and meets different eras of the sonic cast, first meeting classic sonic, tails, knuckles, Amy, robotnik and metal sonic. And robotnik just being intrigued by this other human, and has metal kidnap them (who grows obsessed, yandere robot go brr).
And after a lot of classic obsession and shenanigans, y/n is transported to the mid modern era (sonic adventure and advanced series), and meets new characters like cream, big and chaos.
Cream is the only normal one (still is clingy), and tails is slightly more obsessive (still normal tho), and chaos just plays hot potato of constantly nabbing y/n during adventure 1.
Then onto generations itself and the time monster decides to also nab y/n because Eggman told them to (definitely not because it finds this human adorable).
Also fleetway sonic and scourge being the clingiest and jealous hedgehogs ever.
Omega also likes to just hold y/n randomly, like he does with cream and cheese in the comics
(tails and cream and chao's are strictly platonic yanderes for any yandere sonic stuff I do and may add to the platonic only if needed)
I do imagine they have their are scared as all hell but for classic sonic I do imagine he is shorter kinda how it is in other modern games and just imagining y/n in changing styles everytime they are put into a new sonic generation just to fit into the era. And is the classic era kinda wearing something like eggmans fit but modified to be their own and kinda fitting the hero style but they do try to take their gloves off but it's a struggle. And just imagining classic knuckles keeping y/n near the master emerald as that way he can protect two things at once. Tails is kinda like a that little brother who always wants to show you stuff even if your already doing something. Like tails will come to y/n and holds up his newest invention and y/n is like "oh cool. But tails I'm really busy right now t-" and tails is like "hold on let me show you want it does" and ends up destroying the only portal way home for y/n.
I do imagine just y/n at classic Amy's place and is just like "I wonder if I can make a run for it to see what would happen." But mostly just waiting for the right moment to run like when classic eggman and sonic were fighting and ended up tripping into a open portal somehow and now are in the mid modern era and I like to think their outfits changes to corespondents with the sonic era they are in. And imagining with some cross over games may or may not become obsessed with y/n like the sonic characters are and it's hell for y/n cause like bro has to deal with this now.
Plus imagining omega just being a kinda bodyguard for y/n is nice. They don't know omega is obsessed to buy keeps it more professional and so is shadow because he grows more insistent that he go everywhere with y/n to keep them safe even if not endanger, he still goes just to be sure nothing happens and then rouge is like "oh the master emerald and y/n! What a package deal!" and steals both but if she cannot get the emerald, she goes for the better option and y/n having to cling into rouge because like they do not wanna fall from how high she flys cause like bro you wouldn't be scared just looking down to see how far from the ground you are from?
Plus imagining y/n having a bunch of chao's walking behind y/n like ducklings because I say so and y/n wanting to take one because it decided to sleep on y/n's lap but they can't take them out of the chao garden. I love chao's they are so silly.
Also metal sonic after he sees y/n standing minding their own business:
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Metal sonic and y/n are bascially that scene with miles running away and Miguel chasing him. And imagining that metal sonic dragging y/n back to eggmans base by the ankle because like I know if metal sonic held hands with y/n, he ain't never letting go of y/n's hand
(that's it's for my yapping for rn, but anyways if you guys like this y/n or idea please don't feel shy and request your ideas or y/n ideas. But for now please stay safe and drink water!)
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urlocalbitchboy · 10 months ago
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Fillin' a page full of mordecais 😸
This is about 1/3 of the canvas, still got lots of space to go. I'm trying to find a style in between the comic and the pilot, so hopefully, I can make him look more consistent ☺️
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human-rocket · 2 months ago
Hi ✨ I was wondering if you'd have some tips/advices to share for someone who'd like to start drawing comics ? About storyboarding, composition or everything you think could be useful for a start ?
I'm absolutely in love with your comics so I figured you'd be the best to ask 💕
Ahh thank you @paracosm-draw! I’d be happy to share a few tips and resources with you 😁
1. Start Small
I would start with short comics (4-6 panels). Comics notoriously take a long time, so starting out with a long form story will quickly burn you out if you haven’t found your own shortcuts/established an efficient process yet. The more you practice the faster you’ll get!
2. Thumbnails
This is the most important stage in the process. I always start here to establish layout, action, and pacing. You want these to be quick and loose so you can freely discard anything that’s not working.
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✨TIP✨ After you finish thumbnails, add the text before you start sketching. Often you’ll find you actually need more room for your dialogue than you thought and will need to adjust the composition further. This will save you time!
3. Text
Don’t get too fancy with fonts when starting out. One font for dialogue that has a bold and italic style is all you need. (And maybe a different font for sound FX) Too many fonts can be very distracting for readers!
4. Layout
Use the paneling and bubble placement to lead the eye in the right direction. Reading panels/dialogue in the wrong order will quickly take readers out of the story. Clarity is key!
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(image source: GlobalComix)
✨TIP✨ I like to use fairly simple grid layouts so when I do break from them it stands out. I save unique layouts for emotional beats, but be sure to still keep the eye moving in the right direction!
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5. Backgrounds
Try to have at least one establishing shot every time the setting changes. Doesn’t need to be super detailed, but avoid having characters sitting in a blank void for too long.
6. Reference
I’m sure you’re already familiar with using references for poses, but start saving images that you could use as reference for framing. I like looking to film/animation for this.
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7. Beta/Test Readers
Fresh eyes can tell right away if something is confusing or unclear. I send my beta a tight sketch before I start inking. That way it’s easier to change things if they point anything out.
8. Resources
Making Comics by Scott McCloud is a great comics 101 book and super thorough. I also love the podcast Screen Tones. They discuss all aspects of making webcomics!
I hope some of this was helpful! Happy comic making! ✨
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ihopesocomic · 1 month ago
Even though you stated in the previous ask that you're not trying to be realistic with IHS, as a biology student: I still find the lions more convincing than those featured in other media. Sure, they have societies and philosophy but it's not so forced that it distracts from the fact that these are lions and not "fantasy lions". This isn't even going into how you still know how lions look and behave and you incorporate this knowledge into things like their fighting styles, for example. Good job!
Oh hey, thank you so much!
To be honest, I wasn't super duper into lions until My Pride came about and even then I was still more of a wolf fan. I grew up reading wolf comics on DeviantART and to this day, that's still my personal preference.
Yes, I know: your favourite lion comic co-creator is actually a canine fan. Shock. Horror. TWIST
But I decided to read into lions purely because if you're gonna write about something, you have to have a respect for the subject. And they are honestly a fascinating and wondering critter. I love their family dynamics, the fact that they're the only big cat (if you wanna get technical and exclude cheetahs, since I recently learned they don't count) to live in groups and just how they look in general.
I also like disproving the stereotypes I had about them before looking into them. Like how the mane is actually not a good indicator to gender because it varies across genders. As we know, some females grow manes and some male lions remain maneless.
The science behind it doesn't really matter to me, I just think showing lions of various gender identities with various mane styles and lengths or lack thereof is a neat design trait to play with and I'm glad we've developed a variety over the years. Disagree? Well, somebody sure sounds like they don't like fun. lol But we've never been about sticking to realism because we feel that's too limiting and it's not really the kind of story we wanted to pursue anyway. Just like realism isn't the ultimate art style, a story not being realistic doesn't make it any less of a story. I'm glad we have a reader base that can appreciate that. <33 - RJ
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ask-obt · 2 months ago
Hai, so I've been working on, as weird/cringe as this might sound, a OC for On Borrowed Time, and was wondering, is there any particular rhyme or reason behind how OBT characters look
On the same topic, do the names have proper meaning behind them, like Dielle, Malachi, any particular reason that's the name you landed apon, or was it random chance?
Thank you, a random Vulpix
// Aw, not weird and cringe at all! I find it very flattering. The design philosophy of OBT characters has morphed over time as my own artistic preferences have changed- early designs for the comic favored features that I personally enjoyed (fluffy mammals, spiky dragon-y reptiles, white scleras and human-ish eyes). You can see this in Rune and Dielle, for example!
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As I've continued my journey through art though, I've found I appreciate a lot of the canon designs of pokemon. When new characters are introduced, you may find that they stick closer to their canon designs, since I now have an easy time drawing them.
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As a little drawing exercise, I even drew Rune and Dielle in a style closer to canon recently!
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And honestly... I kinda prefer it! But their designs in the comic are pretty cemented at this point, and I still enjoy them even if they aren't 100% my preference anymore.
The other part of OBT's designs are that they have a notable feature- which will usually be either clothing or hybridization. Again, Dielle is an example of the latter (hence why her outfits are pretty sparse), and my general idea is to not clutter designs with too many elements that the species of the pokemon is completely unrecognizable. This is also why OBT doesn't (often) accept true fusion cameos- as far as OBT's worldbuilding is concerned, actual 50/50 hybrids are pretty much unheard of! Every pokemon has a base species they belong to, though they can have traits of another parent species.
Going back to the former point with clothing, look no further than our resident duck!
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Who was recently joined by Mr. Wizard over there,
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Where the standout part of their design is the cool clothes they wear. In general I've also been trying to make more of an effort to have more purebred designs show up in OBT, though mileage varies there haha.
As for names, they're mostly selected just based on if they sound nice for the character in question! I'll occasionally look up name meanings as a sort of tiebreaker, but mostly I go off of the list I talked about in this ask here when I'm in need of a name!
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