#i'm still not tagging jesus or the bible or any of that
Round 2, Match 3
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Jedediah and Octavius (Night at the Museum)
Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Judas Iscariot (Various)
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macabr3-barbi3 · 3 months
*gets on knees* hello,,,,, I am,, muy hungr y.......... priest vox one-shot PLEAAAAASE.. perhaps Vox has taken a more Catholic turn with Voxtech to capitalise on the fact that being redeemed has suddenly become extremely popular since the Hazbin Hotel was rebuilt ('TRUST US! with YOUR redemption'), he doesn't ACTUALLY believe in any of it of course but anything for a buck. Idk how reader would end up there LOL but I can't stop thinking about him using the most dirty religious euphemisms AND MAYBE USING A ROSARY TO BIND READER'S(OR HIS IF UR FEELING REAL FREAKY) WRISTS RUFF RUFF BARK BARK BARK I'm totally normal (I'm losing my mind)
disclaimer that I am not religious, I took most of these bible verses and things at face value- Vox doesn't care about using them correctly why should I LMAO
going to Hell for this one lads anyone wanna carpool?
Tags: blasphemy, priest kink, fucking in a church, improper use of rosary beads, confession that is not up to code, exhibitionism? if you squint? improper use of bible verses
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When you arrive in Hell as the result of a car accident, the first thing you see is a billboard- there’s a television on it, of all things, one with a face that wore a confident smirk under eyes that seemed to promise something. What exactly it was, you couldn’t tell, but the bright, flashing words next to him caught your attention, like you were sure they were supposed to: “VoxTek presents VeeLigion- TRUST US! With YOUR Redemption!”
You spend a couple days trying to get your bearings, and you determine that Hell fucking sucks- before falling you had been stabbed a grand total of zero times, and within 24 hours you’d had a knife in you twice. Which, TV did a terrible job at depicting stabbings; it wasn’t a soft gasp and a betrayed glance at the person holding the knife, it was a burning flash of pain and a scream that echoed in your head even after you stopped, even after the wound miraculously healed and left you with holes in your clothing that exposed unblemished skin.
TV also painted a pretty inaccurate portrait of Hell as a whole. Sure, you’d been stabbed a couple times but it wasn’t all fire and brimstone- everyone else mostly left you alone, a fox-faced woman had given you a bandage and a half eaten sandwich while you sat bleeding in an alley outside, there were bakeries and regular storefronts, and maybe a few more sex shops than you had been anticipating. But it was a whole society like it was when you were alive, albeit with maybe less rules and consequences.
You see more advertisements from the guy with the television head (Vox, you had picked up from the newspapers and magazines that littered the sidewalks), promises of salvation to be found in his newly built church in Pentagram City, redemption at a low cost. You had seen other ads, from a place called the Hazbin Hotel, but regardless of how different Hell was from what you had imagined, you still figured that the Devil was bad- his daughter couldn’t have been much better. And the Princess of Hell just didn’t catch your attention like Vox had; come on, his head was a television, what choice did you have but to look at him?
And it was no real surprise that you had ended up here, despite the years of Catholic school and nuns striking the fear of God into you when your parents had decided that you were too much trouble as a teen and shipped you off for a few years. You had done your time, did the prayers and shit with your skirt just an inch or two above the regulated length, and as soon as you had the chance you were out of there, back to the fun life you had enjoyed before…
Even if you did now have the voice of Sister Lucy in your head when you went down on someone, telling you that idle hands- and probably lips- should only be used in service of the Lord.
But Jesus, was some premarital sex really enough to damn you to this shithole? The more you thought about it, the more you wanted to find your way to the center of the city to find that Church. Maybe the whole redemption thing was bullshit, but also maybe since it was a church they could give you shelter. A place to hide from the chaos on the streets while you figured out what the fuck you were going to do. You didn’t think you needed food to survive, really, but you would do almost anything for a hot meal in your mouth just for the comfort of it.
After getting directions- and another fucking stab wound, where the fuck were people getting these knives?- you make your way to the VoxTek church, and here’s another point against the Hotel. The thing is massive and gorgeous, blue and white stained glass that covered the building reflecting the red of the pentagram in the sky, Vox’s likeness front and center above the intricately detailed doors. It’s pristine, and perfect, and you’re suddenly very self conscious about the state of yourself, covered in blood with clothes that are the wrong brand of ‘holey.’ But you’re already here and on the steps, so there’s not much else to do but climb them and reach for the doors.
A tablet pops in front of you, ‘AdamAI’ engraved across the top. “Welcome to the VeeLigion church,” the thing says, the voice bored and haughty. “Entry starts at $5.99.”
“You fucking charge just to come in?” Maybe you shouldn’t swear at what looks like some sort of angelic device but fuck, really?
“A small price to pay for salvation!” It says, and little wings flick out of the sides to flutter, like it was trying to distract you. “Come on, don’t you wanna go to Heaven? It fucking rocks up there- Hell is dirty and smelly and gross, and-”
“Yeah people just stab you like all the fucking time,” you mutter, “but I don’t have any money.”
“Plan B then- you can sign this screen right here-” Some sort of contract appears on the screen, the letters too small to read properly, with a line at the bottom. “And the matter of payment can be discussed at a later date, at the owner’s discretion.”
“That’s a little suspicious.”
“You could go get stabbed again,” it snarks, and a pen pops out of the top. “Or you could go to that shitty hotel that doesn’t know what the hell they’re doing, with Lucifer’s brat. Choice is yours.”
You have to admit that the pristine glow of the church seems more promising than what you had seen of the Hotel, so you sign the contract and the doors swing open without the creak of heavy wood- when you touch it on your way in you realize that it, too, is actually metal, manipulated to look like wood to sell the facade of the building. “Good luck,” the tablet chirps, followed by something that sounds suspiciously like “you’re going to need it” as the door slams shut behind you.
It’s eerily quiet inside the church, likely soundproofed since you can no longer hear anything that’s going on outside. There’s no one else inside, no priest or other sinners, the stage at the front of the chapel empty except for the obviously simulated sunlight that streams through the windows at the back. Despite the cash grab at the door, the place does feel divine. It’s quiet and peaceful, and beautiful beyond belief. You wander up to the front, looking around to see if there would be some sort of pastor or something to show you what, exactly, you were supposed to do- to give you answers, to show you some kind of mercy in this hellhole.
A door slams somewhere in the building, and gradually a voice gets louder as they approach the chapel. “-told you, Val, that the church was a waste of fuckin’ time,” they’re saying, “but did you listen? Of course not- you’re shoved so far up Angel’s twinky little ass lately it’s a wonder you have time to plan your fuckin’ ‘holy orgies’ or whatever the fuck you’re calling them-”
And there’s the television you had been seeing on the billboards and ads- Vox in the flesh, priest robes dripping off his frame, one of those little hats somehow attached to his flat head. Even with his eyebrows drawn down in irritation at whoever he was on the phone with, he still has an air of confidence and cockiness about him that you can admire- and you had seen some of the magazines declaring him the hottest in Hell, and know that he has clean lines of lean muscle hiding under those holy folds of fabric. He paces back and forth across the stage a few times, throwing insults and jabs into the phone in his hand, and then he looks up and finally notices you. 
“Oh fuck,” he says, eyes widening in surprise, and then- “not you, Valentino, Satan, fucking narcissist. Someone’s fucking here- yes, in the church- fuck it, no, I gotta deal with this.” And the phone is slipped into one of the pockets of the robe. His whole demeanor changes- his posture straightens, his eyes closing and his face rearranging into something softer, more peaceful as he looks down at you. 
“Welcome, lost lamb,” he says, and you could almost believe him if it weren’t for the glitch that crackles across his screen at the words. “How may I help to guide you today?”
“Um… I’m not totally sure,” you confess, and his eye twitches in irritation. “I saw some ads and I was curious about the idea of a church in Hell. If you can actually get redeemed here then, you know, I’d love to give it a try-“ 
You don’t even get to mention your almost ulterior motive before he fucking laughs at you, the sound echoing with the acoustics of the place. “Fuck, so you’re a real one then? Y’know how many people I’ve had sitting in these pews that don’t give two rats shit about redemption, just wanted to see the fancy new fucking building and watch one of the most powerful Overlords in Hell strut around in this stupid fucking thing?” He plucks at his robes, the fabric fluttering around his body. “And now I've got a real one. Imagine that. Okay!” 
He claps his hands together and a small bench emerges from the floor in front of the stage as he drops to sit on the edge of it, legs hanging off so his feet touch the floor. “Fucking kneel, then,” he says, gesturing to the cushion, “Don’t these things usually start with confession? I don’t have all day if you have like, a million sins to confess.”
“Oh, right.” This part at least you knew, even if it usually took place in a booth and the other person couldn’t see you. You hadn’t really been planning on confessing when you got here, but at least it was an easy part.
You watch him patiently, waiting for the usual blessing, until he stares at you expectantly. “Well?”
Guess you were skipping that, then. “Um, okay. Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.” He waves a hand at you; a silent ‘get-on-with-it’ if you’ve ever seen one. “It’s been… ten years? Since my last confession-“
“No fucking wonder you ended up down here, doll,” he mutters, head tilted towards the ceiling and not even looking at you, “you were one of those ‘Easter and Christmas’ church-goers, huh? And you thought that would be enough.”
“Hey, fuck you,” you snap, flushing at how easy you were to pin down like that, and his head snaps back down to look at you, an eyebrow raised like he’s fucking bored. “Aren’t you supposed to be here to help?”
“Does it matter? Besides, I’m new to the job; sue me for a learning curve. Come on- what sins are you confessing?” His screen brightens suddenly, a grin directed at you that steals your breath. “Was it something fun? You kill someone?” His eyes go hooded, expression lascivious as he looks down at you. “Impure thoughts, maybe? Impure actions?” His gaze lingers on your skirt before he meets your eyes again.
Your face heats- you’re very aware, suddenly, of the position that you’re in- knelt on the floor in an empty church, the priest as far from saintly as one could get and hot as Hell even with his TV head, his knees spread apart where he sits on the edge of the stage and you essentially between them. Images race lightning quick through your head- pushing his robes up around his thighs, leaning forward with your tongue out to show him just how impure your actions could be-
A bell rings overhead and you’re reminded that you’re in a fucking Church, even if it is one in the center of Hell. You had come here for help, not sex. You shove the thoughts back. “Can you just- be a normal priest, please? With the bible verses and shit so I can feel like this wasn’t a total waste of whatever I signed before coming in here.”
He sighs but seems to acquiesce, placing his palms on the stage and leaning back. “That’s a yes if I’ve ever heard one! Give me one sec…” His screen changes, words and images flying across it at lightning speed while he taps his fingers on the floor under his hands, sometimes slowing on a particular passage, and it occurs to you what he’s doing- he’s searching the fucking internet for a bible passage.
“Ha! This should do-” His face comes back, expression serene, and he leans forward and places a finger under your chin to tilt your head up, closer to him now  than you would have expected. “I know how you feel, my child, tempted by the sins of the flesh,” he says in an exaggerated tone. “‘For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses.” He winks at you with that smirk of his back in place, “but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.’”
You blush but can’t turn away with his finger on you, keeping you tilted to face him. “‘Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.’ Is that what you’re here for, doll? Mercy?”
Your mouth runs dry, and you can see the way his eyes track the movement of your throat when you swallow. “Y-yes,” you stammer, and your voice is weaker than you would like, your eyes half-lidded as you look up at him. “Mercy-” 
“In your time of need,” he offers, and when you close your eyes you feel his thumb trace over your cheekbone, his hand warm against your skin. “What do you need? Cause I’ll tell you- all flushed and trembling and sweet on your knees here? I don’t think a bible verse is gonna cut it, babe.”
He almost slides off the stage, dropping to a crouch so he’s level with your face. “Sir-” you try, and his grin is wide and dangerous.
“Father,” he corrects you, and if you weren’t already on your knees you would have fallen to them. “And I believe you still have to confess before we can move on.” He reaches into the pocket of his robes and pulls out something long and dangling- a rosary, you realize, and you can’t stop the flash of heat that rips through you despite the blatant blasphemy of what was happening. “Give me your hands.” And you do, helpless to refuse as he winds the beads around your wrists with the cross dangling between your arms as he finishes. He stands then, using a hand on the beads to pull you from the cushion and guide you forward on your knees when he sits on the edge of the stage again. You’re properly between his legs now, the fabric of his robes almost touching your nose, and he’s holding your bound hands atop one of his knees. 
“This is just to keep you focused,” he says when he sees you watching where he has them restrained in one hand. His other hand pets across your head, a finger briefly touching one of the horns that you had grown upon arrival. “Now then- tell me of your temptations, little lamb, and I’ll give you absolution. I’ll give you the mercy you want.” When he meets your wide eyes again, he winks. “Maybe something else, too.”
“Fuck, I’m- God, okay. Okay. Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.” You take Vox’s silence as a sign to continue, his hand still gently brushing through your hair, the other keeping a tight grip on the rosary beads. “It’s been ten years since my last confession.”
“Go on, my child,” Vox says, and fuck, it feels wrong that the words of a priest- regardless of how legitimate he was- are making your core clench, a strong jolt of arousal bolting through your body. “What brings you to confession today?”
You try not to tremble as you continue. “I have… behaved immorally in the past. And even now I’m having impure thoughts,” you whisper, and you hear Vox suppress a groan in front of you. “I- I know the Bible says not to fall prey to temptation, but it’s so hard to resist. I can’t stop myself from thinking about it- about what I’ve done. And about you.”
The fingers in your hair are gone, grip tightening on the one holding the rosary. “This is troubling indeed,” he says, like you can’t hear the smirk in his voice. “Tell me what you’ve done- what you’ve thought about. What you want now. Be specific.” There’s a soft rustling of fabric before you, a whisper of air across your face as Vox moves. You make an inquisitive noise and he shushes you. “Keep your eyes closed, dear- imagine you confess to the Lord himself. Show him how earnest you are in your devotion.”
You let your face relax, brow going slack and keeping your face tipped up. You can see through your eyelids the shine of the sunlight through the windows, artificial but warming and holy nonetheless. And like this you ‘confess.’ “I’m thinking about you touching me- in s-sinful ways. Your hands on my skin the way that others have touched me. It feels good, I can’t help but want it…” You feel a little ridiculous even with the flush of your cheeks and the need overtaking your body.
“Fuck,” you hear Vox whisper, and there’s another faint sound of movement that you can’t place with your eyes closed. “How did these f-f̰̰̯͕͊̃̊͞͞͞i̧̻̻͉̜͑ͪ̾͟l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘t͖͖̠̬͛h̨͚͚͖ͯ̒̄͗͞y͙͙̪̰ͫ͌́ sinners touch you?” His voice seems to fail him at the thought, a crackle in his vocals that betrays how much he’s invested in the moment.
“Like a harlot,” you say, and you hear a full groan escape him, a tug to the rosary when he leans a bit down towards you. His face is closer now; you can feel his hot breath as it ghosts across your lips when you speak. “They touched my bare skin- sometimes I lie awake at night and trace the path their hands have taken over my body, over my breasts, between my legs. I’ve let them fuck me, bent over tables and spread across beds, and God, I want more.” You let your voice take on a pleading edge. “I want it to be you- please, won’t you help me?”
You let your eyes flutter open, and the sight before you steals your breathe- Vox’s eyes are trained on you, his mouth hanging open with his face screwed up in pleasure as he fists his cock inches from your face, his robes drawn up over his thighs to jerk himself off in time with your confession. When he notices you watching him he smiles, all teeth and dripping saliva, looking more and more like the agent of damnation that he is than the holy man he’s pretending to be. “F̼̼͓̙ͤ̋̅̚͞͞ḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧa͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎ṛ̣̬̫̍͌ͩ͟ n̫̫̘̗͕̲̲̎ͥo͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞t͖͖̠̬͛,” he growls, his vocals once again corrupted and fried when he speaks. “‘No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. G-G̯̯̩̙͆ͣ͟o͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞d̶̵̯̯̼̘ͨ̓ is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability-’” The last words are accompanied with a harder thrust of his hips, bringing him closer to the edge of the stage, the head of his prick nearly brushing your lips before its covered with his fingers as he continues to stroke. “‘But with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.’”
You know what he’s going for, but… “I think in this instance, ‘enduring it’ would mean not giving in to the temptation,” you murmur, and you let your tongue ghost over his hand when it gets within reach, just able to taste the saltiness of his precum on his fingers. “But I think I’m weak to it, Father- would you forgive me if I can’t resist?”
Static flashes across his screen for a moment. “Fuck,” he pants when he sees that you’ve kept your tongue extended, waiting for him. He loses the haughty, holy edge to his voice as his fingers tighten their grip, less of a stroke now to let the head of his dick tap against your tongue a couple times. “Can’t fuckin’ think straight like this, Satan- how am I supposed to keep this shit up when you look at me like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like a devout whore praying for a cock in your throat,” he snarls, and releases the hand keeping hold on the rosary to cup your face. You waste no time in bringing your bound hands up under your skirt, shoving your panties to the side with trembling fingers to rub at your clit. The angle is all wrong, but any friction is good friction at this point, and Vox laughs breathlessly at the desperate way that you rock against your hands with your head held in his. “I might not be God but I can answer that fuckin’ prayer if you want.”
The way you shift to get a better angle to slide a finger into yourself brings you closer, your head resting more heavily in his palm, and you can’t resist giving him a wink- “Promise you’ll give me my absolution after?” You let your mouth fall slack, and groan around the length of him as he pushes past your lips, both of his hands abandoning their respective tasks to tangle in the strands of your hair and keep you still.
“I’ll give it to you, doll, I’ll fuckin’ give you a͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘ o͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞f̰̰̯͕͊̃̊͞͞͞ i̧̻̻͉̜͑ͪ̾͟t͖͖̠̬͛.” He guides himself in further, deeper, until the head of his dick is just bumping against the back of your throat, whorish whines escaping the scant space between your lips when he starts to buck his hips, sucking to the best of your ability while you ride your own fingers and try to work your tongue against the solid erection that’s taken up a temporary residence in your mouth. His hands fist in your hair and tug you closer, your nose bumping the sharp lines of his abdomen and the solid weight of his balls resting against your chin with every jerk forward. A particularly hard thrust has your gag reflex triggering, the channel of your throat convulsing and fluttering around the head of his cock while his head throws back with a moan.
Tears prick at your eyes- your orgasm is a distant, intangible thing, the pleasure from your fingers sweet but not even close to what you needed, whimpering and drooling around Vox’s cock in a way that echoed around the beautiful chapel. When you look up at him his eyes are wide and frantic, harsh moans falling from his mouth and rumbling through his body so you could feel it against your nose pressed into his pelvis the way you are. 
A hand slides forward to brush at your tears, a smile more befitting the devil than any kind of priest taking up Vox’s screen, red lines of what could be drool dripping off the sides. “Fuck, gonna cum- you want it, angel? Your a͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎b͔͔̳͈̊̆ͥ͂͜͝s̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅo͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘ụ̴̴̾̀͟͡t͖͖̠̬͛i̧̻̻͉̜͑ͪ̾͟o͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞n̫̫̘̗͕̲̲̎ͥ?” You can’t speak with his cock filling your mouth so fully, so you nod the best you can and grind your hips down onto your fingers, still bound together with the rosary. He chuckles low, once again keeping your head still so he can pound into the wet heat you’ve provided to him, the muscles of your throat clenching down every time he pushes far enough back. “‘Repent and be baptized, e-every one of you-’” he starts, the silky skin of his erection sliding pleasantly over your tongue a final time, then he stills. His cock twitches, and there’s a jet of hot, bitter liquid spilling across your tongue before he pulls out completely. “‘In the name of J̸̡̡̟͑ͭ̄͘ḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧs̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅụ̴̴̾̀͟͡s̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅ Ch̨͚͚͖ͯ̒̄͗͞ṛ̣̬̫̍͌ͩ͟i̧̻̻͉̜͑ͪ̾͟s̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅt͖͖̠̬͛, for the forgiveness of your sins.’” There’s another pulse of cum that lands on your cheek as he pulls back, his thumb coming up to smear it on your skin and then dip into your mouth for you to suck it clean as his cock gives one final twitch, a weak spurt against your lips closed around his thumb. “‘And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit,’” he finishes in his normal voice, that cocky smirk back on his screen when he finally pulls all the way back.
You lick your lips, rid yourself of the remnants of his release that you can reach. “Is that what that was? You don’t look much like the Holy Spirit to me.”
He groans looking down at you, the hand still in your hair petting almost affectionately through the strands. “We make do with what we have in Hell,” he says. His eyes flick down to your lap, where you still have two fingers poorly sunk into your pussy and are rocking back and forth on them. “Don’t worry, doll, you’ll still-”
He freeze, some notice popping up in one of the upper corners of his screen, and he shakes his head and groans as it clears away. “Quiet- someone’s at the door,” he murmurs, and takes his hands off you entirely.
You suppress a groan at the lack of contact,  fingers momentarily stilling and cocking an eyebrow at him. “How can you tell?” There’s no knock resounding through the building, no bells or chimes, and he holds a finger to his lips.
“I get an alert when someone interacts with the AdamAI. Just hold on a sec-”
There’s an audible gasp from the sinner that enters the church, and Vox looks down at you with a wicked smile. “Keep praying, my child,” he says softly, “and we’ll resume our discussion on the matter of your ‘repentance’ soon.” He stands to his full height and with a swish of his robes he’s gone, approaching the newcomer behind you and speaking in hushed tones- you catch something about a ‘private prayer session’ and resist the urge to snort, instead shifting a bit to get your thumb against your clit and rub soft circles. You don’t think you can cum like this but it's nice, sweet little zaps of pleasure that start at your core and echo through your body like the acoustics of the church you kneel in. You bite your lip to keep the sounds from escaping you as they talk, the low timbre of Vox’s voice making your body hum and tingle remembering the way he had moaned and clutched at your hair as he chased his release with your mouth around him.
Fuck, if Sister Lucy could have seen you now she would probably have an aneurysm. But its not her words echoing in your brain right now- it’s Vox’s soft “keep praying” that has your hands unable to stay still, your hips jerking minutely while you reach futilely for the edge of your pleasure, to tumble headfirst into it.
It takes a moment for you to realize that the Church is silent once again, and when you look up- and up and up, your head tilting all the way back like you’re searching for God himself in the rafters- Vox towers over you from behind, his eyes dark and hungry. He drops to his knees, a resounding crack on the floor as he reaches for you, his hand wrapping around the front of your throat to keep your head tilted back, and a low growl rumbles from his chest when he feels you swallow against his palm. “Such a well behaved lamb, to stick to your prays so devotedly in the presence of others,” he whispers, his tongue curling over the shell of your ear, and now that you’re alone there’s no shame in the desperate moan that you let loose- the way he says ‘lamb’ is so sickeningly sweet and exaggerated that you know the word he wants to use is ‘slut.’ “What kind of shepherd would I be if I didn’t give you a reward?”
His other hand comes down to grab the rosary, pulling your fingers from the slick heat of your cunt and bring them to his mouth- his tongue curls around them, the lewd sound of him sucking the juices from your digits right next to your ear, causing heat to pool in your lower stomach. Once he’s satisfied, he hoists you up with his grip on them, spinning you so that you’re facing him and pinning you to the edge of the stage. “Thought the ‘baptism’ was my gift,” you say as he lifts your legs up around his waist, shoving your skirt out of the way and just tearing your panties off your body, exposing you to the cool air of the church. “You should keep your metaphors straight.”
“Come on, I’m fuckin’ trying,” he mutters, pressing his screen to your forehead so you’re breathing in the same air. “Didn’t Jesus say some shit like ‘choose words that bring peace, not conflict’ or something? Take that holy advice, stop poking holes in my sermon, and let me show you Heaven.” He leans in before you can respond to tangle his tongue with yours, and considering where you are and what you’re doing, kissing a television is hardly the weirdest thing to happen to you today. It’s pleasant, even, a light hum of static where your lips meet his, his tongue almost vibrating with concealed electricity as he licks into your mouth like he’s trying to taste his own cum in the back of your throat.
When he pulls back for your answer, you can’t resist the truth- “That was Buddhism,” you deadpan, and laugh when static crackles across his body, a renewed erection pushing into your thigh when he uses your bound hands to lay you flat on the stage. He fumbles with his robes to get them up and around his waist again, and the laughter dies in your throat as the silky smooth head of his cock bumps against your drenched folds.
“You know a lot about religion for someone that seems to only know how to be on her knees for one thing,” he murmurs, and it's both shame and heat that flashes through you at the words while he slides his length back and forth through your wetness, pressing lightly against your clit and retreating, teasing. “Let’s see how long you can keep that up while I’m fucking the thoughts out of that pretty head, hm? Gimme a Bible passage since you know so much, dollface.”
“I don’t have access to the internet in my brain like some people but I’ll do my be- ahhh, fuck-” Vox cuts off your sentence with a solid thrust of his hips, the tip of his prick finally slipping in, and he works it in slowly, letting you adjust to it a few inches at a time until he’s buried to the hilt in your wet cunt and breathing heavily against your neck. “Oh God-”
“Thought taking the Lord’s name in vain was a sin,” he breathes, and licks down the column of your throat. He pulls back a little, the drag of him inside of you a delicious burn before he snaps forward again, punching the air from your lungs. He maneuvers the fingers of the hand still holding the rosary to press the wooden cross into your palms. “Come on, angel, give me something good.”
It’s admittedly hard to think with the way that he pistons into you, hips angled just right to hit that sweet spot inside that you had been missing with your bound hands, his free hand digging bruises into the flesh of your hip. You blurt out the first thing that comes to mind- “‘A-All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for- fuck, for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in right-righteousness,’” you manage through the pleasure that courses through you, and Vox laughs, the action causing his body to shake against you. 
“Something better,” he demands, still drilling his cock into your pussy, hard thrusts that make your vision waver and your breath catch in your throat- how he expects you to talk during that, you weren’t sure, but you would do your damndest as you search your memory for something else.
“Fuck, uhhh… ‘If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with pointing finger… and malicious talk, and if you spend yourself on behalf of the hungry-’” You lose focus on the words you can see behind your eyelids when the hand leaves your hip to press a clawed finger to your swollen clit, a firm circling that has you choking on the words before they can finish leaving your lips. A whimper escapes instead, and Vox’s grin is wide and hungry as he stares down at you.
“‘And satisfy the needs of the oppressed,’” he continues for you, “come on, little lamb, you know the rest.”
“‘Then your light will rise in the darkness, and your light become like the noonday.’” Every muscle is tense, waiting for the thread to snap as Vox continues to fuck into you like a man possessed, his tongue lathing over whatever bits of skin he can reach. You can feel the orgasm crackling like electricity down your spine, unsure if that’s a side effect of Vox’s half-machine body or just how fucking good it feels. Either way, the cusp of release has never felt like this before, like you might pass out from the strength of it, from how all consuming the pleasure is before the peak has even hit.
The pressure against your sweet spots- inside and outside- intensifies suddenly when Vox tilts his hips, pressing down harder and slamming his thick cock against that bundle of nerves inside, the wet sounds of your coupling all that you can hear over your voice and his grunts of effort. “‘The lord will guide you always; he will… s-atisfy your needs in a- in a- oh fuck, God, Vox-”
You want the face he’s making framed in the living room of wherever you end up living in Hell; he could almost be a real priest with the expression of worship that’s taking over his screen, looking down at you like you’re Heaven incarnate. “F̼̼͓̙ͤ̋̅̚͞͞ụ̴̴̾̀͟͡c̨̨̣̮̝̈́̔ͯ̀͂k̼̼̞̦̞̼̔, d̶̵̯̯̼̘ͨ̓o͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘, that’s right; cum on my cock, sweetheart, a͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎n̫̫̘̗͕̲̲̎ͥg̬̬̱ͩ͋͟͟ḛ̡̰̳͓̥ͬ͋ͪͧl͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘, fuck-”    
It’s just as all consuming as you expected- even more so as you tip over the edge into blissful ecstasy, every part of your body clenching down, your hands on the beads, your legs around Vox’s waist, your walls around the hard length still pounding away at you. You’re not even a little embarrassed about the echoing of your cries as you cum, the sound bouncing off the walls of the church and coming back to you and Vox, who’s chasing his own release in the tight clench of your pussy. The lewd, wet sounds intensify suddenly, sharply, the evidence of your orgasm drenching the robes bunched around Vox’s thighs. A high pitched noise emits from him, and his screen goes dark when he follows you over the edge, hot pulses of heat into your slick cunt, walls fluttering and spasming and wringing every last drop of cum from him, resting thick and warm inside of you as his head drops down to your chest and the entire building seems to just power down.
You fiddle with the rosary beads in your hands, trying to see if you can get them undone on your own- and yes, there they go, a quick twist of the wrist and they’re sliding along your skin, your wrists sore where they had been digging in this whole time. His grip on the beads had slackened as well, so you pull out of his grasp and let your hands run down his body, properly touching him for the first time- and it was well worth the wait, even through the priest robes. His muscles felt firm to the touch, the skin of his arms soft where his sleeves had ridden up, and the hot air coming off his head when you traced your fingers along the ports and wires on the back of it was oddly pleasant.
“You keep touching me like that,” he mumbles against your chest, and you feel his dick twitch where it’s seated inside you still, “and you can be the one to explain to my business partners why power’s down across Pentagram City.” The building flickers back on slowly, the simulated sunshine once again streaming from the windows as Vox boots back up, a loading screen flashing on his face before it turns back into his eyes and mouth, quirked up at the sides while you run your fingers over his body and head. “Gimme like half an hour and we can go again without blacking out both rings of Pride, maybe.”
You laugh when he pulls out, collapsing in the space next to you, the stupid little hat tumbling off in the process while he adjusts his robes. “‘Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light,’” you quote. “Maybe a power outage will bring more people to the Church, you could play that up on your advertisements- then if we regularly fuck there’s a business aspect.”
His chuckle echoes in the chapel. “Where have you been all my afterlife?” He jokes, and his clawed fingers give yours a squeeze when they come down to your sides. “I know you’re probably half kidding but listen, I could use some of that religious knowledge if Val and Velvette insist on making me do this once a week- the fucking doesn’t always have to be a part of it, but-”
“Listen, if that offer comes with a place to sleep and a hot meal every once in a while I’m down.” You think back to the screen you had signed before coming into the church- “Shit, unless that tablet I signed means I don’t get a say? Guess I should have looked at it a little closer-”
“Oh, that.” He has the decency to look a little ashamed as he pulls something up on his screen, making a note before closing it again. “Sorry, just a contingency- if we didn’t have a way for financially challenged sinners to get here that would severely limit our target market so we added that contract as an option. Technically your soul is now owned three ways by the Vees as a whole until terms are settled, but we’ll renegotiate, figure something else out.”
“‘Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back,’” you quote at him- “you help me out and I’ll help you.”
“Deal.” He stands and pulls you up with him, and you place the hat back onto his head- it snaps into place with a soft click that you laugh at- “Magnets, babe, I work with what I have”- while he leads you to the back of the church to clean up and talk about where you would be going from here.
You’re laying reclined on Vox’s living room couch a few days later, wearing one of his t-shirts and nothing else while he pours a couple drinks for you. All things considered, going to the church that day had worked out well. You weren’t ‘dating’ Vox, but he was keeping you off the street, fed, and fucked, so you didn’t have much room to complain. Every once in a while you would go over some common Bible passages with him, try to play out a full confession so he could see how it was actually supposed to go to try and help with the church thing, but because of how you met you could hardly get out “forgive me, Father” before Vox was hard and pulling at your clothes.
He’s bitching about it now as he mixes things in glasses at the kitchen counter when his apartment door flies open and Velvette strolls in. “Vox, babe, the fuck are you doin’ at that fuckin’ church? Your ratings are absolute shite compared to the stand-ins we have and that should not be the fuckin’ case.”
He immediately jumps on the defensive. “Imagine that- maybe its because I’m not a real fucking priest? God forbid it take me a fucking minute to learn the shit.”
You pipe up from the couch, tipping your head back over the arm to look at Vox and Velvette upside down. “A good start would be not taking the Lord’s name in vain.”
“Traitor,” he hisses at you, and the demoness doubles over in laughter when static sparks between his antennae as he whips in your direction. “And you’re one to fucking talk- remind me how we met again?”
“You sure you wanna do that while your friend is here, Vox? I can live with the blasphemy of fucking in a church but I draw the line at full blown exhibitionism.” Velvette wipes a tear from her eyes while Vox’s screen tints pink. “And besides- we’re working on it, aren’t we, Father?”
Velvette’s irritated grumbling is ignored as Vox pushes her back out the door and approaches you on the couch, curling his claws into your hair, coaxing you to your knees for another confession.
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drconstellation · 11 months
Inside the Dirty Donkey
**Warning! This meta contains spoilers and speculation for S3. Do NOT tag Neil!**
Time to get comfy, folks. Get your drink of choice, be it a cupperty, coffee, or nip of sherry, and find a seat. You’ll definitely want to be sitting down for this one. We’re going to the pub!
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The name is apparently a favorite of NG’s, used in his short story “We Can Get Them For You Wholesale.” And it also appears in the Sandman AU.
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In the short story above the protagonist is a jilted lover who tries to organize an assassin for his fiancé who is having an affair with another man at their shared workplace. He meets the ‘salesman’ of the firm he contacts at a pub called the Dirty Donkey, and it escalates from there. The story is freely available online, so you can search it up if you really want to read it, it won’t take long. It mentions a pale horse, which is usually what Death rides in on, and is appropriate in the context of that story.
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The question we need to ask is how does the name The Dirty Donkey apply to the Good Omens AU? Are there any context to the name at all?
There are several meanings for a dirty donkey:
Its a slang or joke name for a black horse (not particularly a dark horse, that has a different meaning altogether)
A cocktail
A sex position (I’ll let you look that one up yourself…)
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Probably the first thing we need to talk about, though is an actual donkey itself, in relation to Jesus, as S2 is full of Jesus references and hints to the Second Coming in S3. Yep, it was all there in front of us, but we were too focused on other things. If you remember your Bible teachings, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, because he came in peace. In ancient times leaders rode horses if they went to war, or if they came in conquest. But arriving by donkey meant you came with peaceful intentions.
But Jesus didn't turn up in S2, you say. And certainly not on any hairy beast. Ah, but he did - metaphorically. Gabriel as Jim turned up - he came up the street, by (the Dirty) Donkey, walking through spilled blood tomatoes, then mentioned his arms were no longer sore (because he had been taken off the cross.) MrPeriod talks more about how Jim represents Jesus here, and it might be worth revisiting it at length another time, as there is quite a bit to unpack there.
There are also the two big golden lions perched on either end of the bar inside the pub, that look rather ominous. The lions are strongly connected to Jesus and his resurrection, representing his return. (I'm still planning to have a better look for more lions in both S1 and S2, but that is still a WIP at the moment.)
There is also the scene in 1941 where the Nazi zombies stagger into the Dirty Donkey and spy on Aziraphale and Crowley through the windows through to the book shop, but all they manage to get is “Banana, fish, gorilla, shoe lace with a dash of nutmeg.” It sounds a bit like a cocktail reference – well, the nutmeg is definitely a GO ref to a certain cocktail – but the cocktail called a Dirty Donkey has cinnamon in it, in the form of cinnamon schnapps, not nutmeg – plus chocolate liqueur and rum. So maybe not.
But perhaps the most important thing we have to examine is the conversation about Jane Austin that Aziraphale and Crowley have in the pub, in S2E2. Because its got so many levels you just about need a break for extra oxygen half way down. Ha! And you thought it was a couple of funny throw-away lines about how Aziraphale saw human romance...
OK, this is the section of dialogue we are going to look at:
AZIRAPHALE: If you're going to invoke fiction, you might as well do it properly. CROWLEY: Properly? AZIRAPHALE: You remember Jane Austen? CROWLEY: Yeah. I'm not gonna forget her in a hurry, am I? The brains behind the 1810 Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery. Brandy smuggler. Master spy. What a piece of work. AZIRAPHALE: She wrote books. Novels. CROWLEY: Jane? Austen? AZIRAPHALE: Yes! CROWLEY: Whoa, bit of a dark horse. Novels, eh? AZIRAPHALE: Yes. They were very good. CROWLEY: Well. No, I'm just surprised, that's all. You think you know someone. AZIRAPHALE: She had balls. CROWLEY: Well.... AZIRAPHALE: Cotillion balls. People would gather and do some formal dancing and then realize they had misunderstood each other and were actually deeply in love.
Ready to dive into the levels on the Jane Austen conversation? Let's go...
Level 1: It’s a conversation about the novelist Jane Austen, and it sounds like they both met her, but they remember her in different ways – and Crowley’s memory is rather surprising!
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Level 2: There is a mention of a robbery. This makes the parallel with the 1967 scene in S1E3 Hard Times, where Crowley has a secret meeting in the Dirty Donkey to plan a robbery to steal holy water from a church. The robbery in the above conversation involves diamonds (are you taking note/s? This is important!) from Clerkenwell, a district of London of some notoriety. It was famous for it watchmakers and jewelers, but it was also the home of Oliver Cromwell, who has a link to the 1650 date mentioned in S2E1 and the Eccles cakes, to Charles Dickens (author of A Tale of Two Cities, a book of note for GO) Oh, and both times Crowley is wearing a "Tactical Turtleneck", which others have noted he wears when he is doing his own master spy work, such planning or discussing robberies, or sneaking into Heaven to rob them of information!
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Level 3: There is Aziraphale’s idea about how a romance should be conducted, by hosting a cotillion ball with formal dancing, because he's read all those romantic novels by Austen. And we get to see that played out in S2E5 in the eldritch ball. Crowley's idea of a romance was to get caught in the rain and kiss, then - vavoom!
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Level 4: Why mention this apparently fictional side to an author of fictional romance? Well, on one hand, it’s an interesting but dark set-up for a joke later at the beginning of S2E6. I ended up discussing it at length here, but the short of it is that it is our usual human custom not to speak ill of the dead, and this is a form of extreme black-and-white thinking. Here, Aziraphale speaks of the good/white side of Jane Austen, that is well known, but Crowley speaks of the black/supposedly forgotten or unspoken bad side of Austen.
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Level 5: Here’s the S3 information. Have you been paying attention? Did you take note? The parallels were the robberies between a church, and diamonds? That she was a brandy smuggler? Do you know where they smuggled brandy from? And do you know where Austen actually lived? On the South Downs, overlooking the Channel to France…
Whew. I think I need a drink after that. Cheers!
[Edit: I've recently finished a meta on the Bentley and how that relates to black horses, and it's occurred to me why the ethereal lift, or "hellevator," is in the entrance to the Dirty Donkey. Black horses are symbolic spirit guides between the worlds of the living and the dead, so this makes the perfect place to put the lift!]
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t4tstarvingdog · 1 year
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Holding Hands is Half Prayer and I'm Trying not to be Faithless — timothy l.l.s.h.
for the @spnpoetryrenaissance day 5 prompt: faith
this one is born from the two a.m.'s that i lie awake and miss god. you know how it is
my poetry tag list (ask to be added or removed<3): @gracekisses @floorboarddestined2004 @icantleave @hauntedpearl @chaosnatural @raytoroinmybackpack @carveredlund @pinknatural @deanwinchestersfloralwallpaper @obsessionofspn @sleepynatural @destielgaysex @gilmorenatural @faithdeans @heartshapedcas @howldean @redwinesupernova @cosmosinfinity23 @impala67-aka-baby @samsrowena @aturnoftheearth @themichaelvan @casbeeminestiel @boygeniusdisc
image description is beneath the keep reading
[Image Description: a poem that reads
I miss praying, most days.  Not enough to do it, but enough to clasp my hands anyways, Thumb pressed up tight into the pad of My palm.
I forget what age I learned what stigmata was, But I remember gazing out of the front windshield, Dad’s window, And hoping I was holy enough for it, maybe.
I was just a kid, Wasn’t no saint by any means but I  Had been baptized by fire just the same as Any apostle in the Bible.
Called the Mother Mary blessed.
Angels watchin’ over me, y’know? Thought I coulda been holy, somehow. Thought all righteousness took was someone beside me, willing’ to bleed long as  I did, too.
Well, we both bled, I guess.  Makes sense, right? Judas must’ve prayed to God, Same as he kissed His blessed face.
Sold him out that night, but I’m a betting man sometimes and I’d put money on the side that says Jesus felt the imprint of soft lips on his cheek More than the knife in his back, and sure, I guess I’m Just saying this ‘cause I know a thing or two about being a Son of a God and  Wanting to pray and  Wanting to kiss an upturned face to make me righteous.
Don’t matter anyhow, I don’t think anyone ever told Judas That kissing Christ was as much a death sentence as Loving him.
But even so, I still look at your face and want to pray.
There’s some things no one ever learns the lesson of.
—timothy l.l.s.h.
/End Description.]
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artist-issues · 3 months
Day Six
Happy Sunday! (if you live where I do lol) thanks to all 22 of you are hanging out with me and doing these! they're a lot of fun to think of and I'm glad you're all having a good time answering them!
~soft edition~
whats your go-to comfort movie?
what's your favorite comfort food?
what do you like to do to cheer yourself up?
say three nice things about your appearance
say three nice things about your personality
say three nice things about your intelligence
what brings you peace?
what is a great personal, handmade gift that someone could make you?
what reminds you of home? (it could be your physcial house, but it could also be the feeling of home)
tag someone who makes you smile :)
My go-to comfort movie is Cinderella 2015.
My favorite comfort food is pasta, I don’t care what kind, pick it, I’ll eat it.
To cheer myself up I talk to my twin sister, or I go for a run, or I listen to Radiant Reason by Kings Kaleidoscope.
My nose makes a small shelf for the sun to sit upon.
One nice thing about my personality is that I don’t find people falling down or getting hurt funny. I’m also a pity-laugher, so if you make a joke that’s not funny I still laugh. And I like it when people’s accessories match some color on their outfit so much that I say so out loud every time I notice it.
One nice thing about my intelligence is that reading came naturally to me. And I suck at math but I can communicate where I don’t understand a math problem pretty clearly. …I don’t like these “say nice things about yourself” questions 🙃
The literal Bible is the only thing that brings me actual peace. Sometimes worship songs (songs that are about who Jesus is.) I can “distract” myself with anything, but that’s not peace, because I can only do that for so long. I know it’s a Christianese sounding answer but I’m so prideful that I can find reasons to nitpick and poke holes in any safety nets or comforting platitudes—but by the grace of God, even at my most delusionally anxious, I can’t poke holes in or find anything shaky in the Bible. In my darkest hours, when the most solid and foundational people in my life were white noise and couldn’t yank me out of the whirlpool of my dark thoughts, and there was no lifeline that I even wanted to reach for, reading the Bible truthfully, literally, snapped me out of it.
I wish people would knit me some socks. My feet are always cold and I am always losing them, I never have enough socks.
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kkoraki · 7 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
*peeps out between my fingers* tagged by @jaggededges123, thank you, I haven't done one of these in forever!
3 Ships You Like: Eighth House Gideontheninth my 4 year obsession... Scylla/Anacostia from Motherland: Fort Salem fucking amazing and done so dirty in the end... the guys from Sekiro Shadows Die Twice they should be way more famous
First Ship Ever: EVER ever, Jesus/Peter from The Bible. When I actually knew what shipping was, not really sure, there were a few, so this time I'll say Evan/Amy from The 39 Clues.
Last Song You Heard: Mariners Apartment Complex by Lana Del Rey
Favorite Childhood Book: Cannot pick only one but I loved any horse related book so The Black Stallion, Misty of Chincoteague, Justin Morgan, King of the Wind (if any horse book deserves to become a somber yet touching kids' animated movie this one does PLEASE), My Friend Flicka, Bruce Coville's unicorn anthologies and Into the Land of the Unicorns
Currently Reading: Collected Stories of Eudora Welty
Currently Watching: The last thing I watched was The Secret of Kells with my gf, I told her it would be soothing because I accidentally forgot the monks, civilians and children who get murdered inside their church on screen (it's okay we still enjoyed it); I'm planning to watch Rebel Without A Cause for the first time this weekend
Currently Consuming: Tozai Snow Maiden
Currently Craving: cheeseburger, double cheeseburger,,
Tagging: @iamthepulta @reconditarmonia @saltedpin if y'all would like, and anyone else who feels moved to do so :)
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runawaymun · 1 year
Hey, I'm really sorry if this ask comes across as hostile, but due to recent experiences with another Tolkien fan, I do feel like I need to ask. In the tags of a recent post you reblogged, you mentioned being Christian. I know that there are many Christians who are kind, loving people who embrace the queer community, including trans people. But unfortunately, I also know there are a lot of Christians who don't. I would prefer to not follow someone who thinks I and people like me are evil simply because of who we are, or who try to pull that 'love the sinner hate the sin' crap. I am not saying that you are one of those people, but I have unfortunately encountered enough of those types of Christians (even in fandom spaces) that when someone says they are Christian, it makes me nervous. I understand my own religious trauma is my issue and I need to work through it, but I would still like to know how you feel about the queer community, as I greatly enjoy your fic and art and would like to continue enjoying your fic and art. Obviously you don't have to answer this ask and regardless of your answer you shouldn't be attacked. Sorry for rambling and I hope have a good day.
Hi there!
No I really appreciate the ask and I get it. I am glad you’re taking initiative to keep yourself safe and curate your online experience. I have a huge boatload of religious trauma myself from my upbringing so when I say I completely understand, please know that I really do.
I’m openly GNC bisexual myself & a trans & nb ally and a member of the queer community who writes a lot of ragingly gay fanfic and l am also a member of the Christian faith. I grew up raised extremely evangelical and am not anymore. I just read the Book, do my own religious practice, believe in God, and try to be active in the little Lutheran church I sometimes attend because Church community is important to me and I’m fortunate to have finally found a church community that is both a safe place for me as an openly queer person & also has sound doctrine and theology. It was a long road to finding one because I’m not willing to compromise on either of those lol.
I spent a long, long time decompressing from my upbringing and unpacking my religious trauma (therapy!!), and came to the conclusion from studying the book & long prayer & discussion with other queer Christians that God Is Not Small. The Church’s historical and current hatred toward queerness is a manufactured product of Man, not God. I’ve spent years studying all of the classic “bludgeoning passages” that are brought up to go “see!!!!!!! See the Bible says it’s a sin!!!!!!!” And found through linguistic study and intersectional doctrine that, actually, no those passages have nothing to do with people in consensual, healthy, committed queer relationships. The Bible has nothing to say about trans people or enby people either. It has a lot to say about how we are all unique and diverse and made imago dei, that we are loved — and that is the truest thing about us. Again: God is not small. God does not have a gender. The Bible even makes references to God having a womb in some poetry and prophecy chapters (metaphorically, but the point being that God is not “male”). Jesus never married. Paul was arguably ace. Jesus healed a gay centurion’s boyfriend and told him “go in peace”.
Sorry, I’m rambling too!!! TLDR: I am a proud member of the queer community and I am Christian and I don’t believe those things are antithetical. I’ve experienced a lot of pain at the hands of Christians, but never from the hands of God — only love and comfort. And I am fortunate and extremely grateful to finally have friends and a church community who strive for Christlike behavior and agree with me that God Is Not Small, and that God’s love is infinite and diverse. We’re made imago dei— so why should we be any different? 🫶
Hope this helps clarify and again I appreciate the ask. I really wish you well on your healing journey with your religious trauma and whatever that looks like for you. I hope you have peace 💕 and if you ever want a friend who Gets It I’m happy to chat and I’m here 💕
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sentient-rift · 3 months
First off, I am a Born Again Christian who will put God first. I will not compromise my faith or deny the Lord Jesus, and I am more than willing to pull the plug on this blog if it comes between my relationship with Him. I will be posting the Verse of the Day from my Bible App to honor Him. The tags are #verse of the day, #bible scripture, and #Word of God. Sometimes there's more, but these three should be enough to blacklist so you don't have to see them. Of course, if you just have a problem with me being a Christian in general, then that's fine as well. You don't need to follow.
2. I want to make it clear that you DO NOT need to be a Christian to be an RP partner of mine. I have many friends who aren't Christians, and I still consider them good friends. And you don't ever have to worry about me forcing my beliefs on you, neither. Yes, I will put verses of the day when I can, and will give God praise when I can, but I won't make you convert to Christianity. I came here to both have fun and improve my writing since I aspire to Write stories for a living one day. All I ask is that you let me worship my God in peace and to treat me and everyone else the way you'd want to be treated.
3. This is a Hate Free Zone. You never have to worry about hate hear. I will do my best to treat everyone with the love God gave to us, and I will always see you as a person God has created and loved before even being born. I truly despise the hate in this world and don't want it to be part of my blog.
4. With that said, I will not be interacting with raciest people, pedophiles, rapist, etc. Just because this is a Hate Free Zone doesn't mean I will tolerate dangerous people who will treat others like objects or act like immoral monsters towards others without a care in the world. There is no justifying such actions, and I won't have any of that here.
5. This is purely a SFW family friendly RP blog, and will remain that way. That means there will be no smut or any kind of NSFW sexual content or gore. Dark subjects may appear, such as death and angst, but it will never go anywhere near rated R. The highest I will go is rated PG-13, though even that will be rare. I prefer to go at least to PG, but am willing to bump it up to PG-13 so long as it doesn't go too far.
6. When it comes to swearing, there won't be any on my part, but if you prefer to have your characters swear, I'm not going to tell you not to. I just ask that if your muse has such a potty mouth to the point to were every other word is an F-bomb, I hope you'll be willing to tone it down. I can handle a character swearing on occasions. Some of my favorite movies have some swears here and there. But when sentences are swimming with F-bombs and other strong curse words, I will find it difficult to continue with the RP and will most likely drop it.
7. As a Born again Christian, as well as this being a SFW RP blog, I have to be a bit selective with what kind of muses I interact with. This has been something I found myself having to repeat more than I like, but I DO NOT want to RP with demon muses or Satanic muses. As a Christian, I am an enemy of Satan, and therefore do not want to have any part of Satanic things. I also don't want to RP with witches, although that one can be a bit tricky. Muses who's "magic" is closer to that of a superpower, such as Elsa and her ice magic, "Magical Beings" like fairies, genies, and even Magical Girls, and of course, characters like Berkana who may be designed to look like a witch but use science masquerading as magic are fair game. The witches I'm talking about are actual occultist who use satanic and demonic witchcraft. Basically, if it's satanic, I won't interact with it.
8. I ask that you be patient with me when it comes to replies. We all have lives outside of Tumblr, and whoever doesn't, that's not healthy. Most people have been very kind, patient, and understanding about the fact that I can't always reply right away, have to put God and real life first, and that we all have those moments where we get writer's block, miss a post due to too much activity feed, simply forgot for whatever reason, or just not feeling the muse at the time. Unfortunately, there are still a small amount of people out there who treat me like a tool for there entertainment, demanding me or guilt tripping me to finish the reply or get mad when I announce I need a break. So to those people, I must remind you that human beings are not objects, and that role-playing is a hobby, not a job. If you turn it into a job, it will no longer be fun, and all you do is make them want to finish less. I don't mind friendly reminders, but when it gets as far as becoming a tool to you, and it continues even when I ask you to stop, I'll have no choice but to block you.
9. Obviously, no god-modding. For those who don't know what that means, you can read about it here.
10. Some franchises I wll NOT interact with are:
. Disgaea or anything in the same universe like Makai Kingdom
. Harry Potter
. Anything VivziePop related
. Shin Megami Tensei
.Bendy and the Ink Machine
. Cult of the Lamb
. Supernatural
. Most horror series
. Any heavily demonic or Satanic series
(I might add more in the future, but these were all I can think of at the time.)
11. When it comes to shipping, I might be very selective about it, and I also have to be in the mood for it. Honestly, I don't write too many shipping RPs, and any shipping drabbles I do is with two of my own muses. If you want to ship my muse with yours, please ask first. And if I say yes, don't rush things. Let there be chemistry and development. They need to get to know each other.
12. And finally, have fun! Seriously, role-playing is meant to be fun, not a chore. Since I expect you to be patient with me, know that I will indeed give you the same courtesy. Don't ever feel like you have to rush to reply or answer an ask. And if you ever want to drop a thread, just let me know. There's no point continuing if one of us isn't having fun with it. The best RPs are the ones we both have fun with.
If you read the rules, you can send in "Dive into the Deep Log!" or you can just like this post. None of which are mandatory, though. I understand that many have anxiety. I struggle with it myself. Either way, thanks for taking the time to read them, and I look forward to role-playing with you. God bless you, my friend.
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kittenninja14 · 11 months
About KittenNinja14 (aka me)
Hello fellow humans!!
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(picture was animated/created by MochiOkanii)
My name is KittenNinja but y'all can call me KN! (Multi-fandom lover btw)
Few things about me are that I'm a huge stan of Zane (Ninjago), LadyNoir (ship from Miraculous), Tripitaka and Wukong (Lego Monkie Kid), and Froggy(Prince Charlie) from The Land of Stories (book). I am also a HUGE stan of My Adventures with Superman, the new PJO TV Show, and Lego Monkie Kid. I am also a Christian girl. I HAVE AND WILL ALWAYS ALSO BE A HUGE STAN OF IRONDAD & SPIDERSON!!!
I love, love, LOVE Ninjago!! Both the Movie and the Show!! In fact, the Movie was the main thing that reintroduced me to this beloved show. I used to watch it when I was younger but then I lost interest. I found the movie in June 2023 and have been a fan of both the show/movie ever since! I'm not entirely sure about DR... i like the concept and have seen all the spoilers but i prefer the OG series vibe wayyy more... prob just me lol.
I used to be a fan of Miraculous, but Season 5 made me lose interest. After LadyNoir became friend-zoned, the show went on a sad decline (at least in my perspective). But I LOVE the Movie!! And I also think that the Paris special (Shadybug and Claw Noir) is amazing!
I AM OBSESSED WITH LEGO MONKIE KID!!!! It's the first series I have actually watched in order without spoilers in such a long time!! It's a def must-watch XD!! Rn I'm obsessed with Tang Sanzang (Tripitaka) and Wukong's relationship XD
Last but not least is Froggy. He's my favorite character from a book series called The Land of Stories. This series was the main spark that kindled my love for writing as well as reading! If y'all are looking for a series to read, I recommend that y'all check it out!
!! I am also a HUGE fan of MCU, mainly IronDad and SpiderMan-related stuff. Been a fan since 2022(??) and still am a fan. Ocasionally I'll fall into the Spidey-brainrot but as of rn IronDad and SpiderSon is my hyperfixation, lol.
Lastly, I am also a born-again, spirit-filled Christian girl. If y'all have any questions regarding the bible or Jesus, feel free to ask me! I'll do my best to answer your question!!
Anyways, I am a writer, as well as an artist. On this platform, I'm planning to post some of my sketches and doodles, as well as some story updates. I'll post my completed art on DeviantArt, tho.
Y'all can find me on Wattpad, AO3, Fanfiction.net, DevaintArt, and Youtube.
wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/KittenNinja14
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/KittenNinja14
ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/15808840/KittenNinja14
DA: https://www.deviantart.com/kittenninja14
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@kittenninja14
That's all I have for now! Have a great day, y'all!!
My tags:
Art tag: #KN14 draws
Memes/Laughter Posts: #Proverbs 17:22
Bible/Christianity: #word of God
Responses to questions: #KN14 answers
Wanna hear me rant? #KN14 rambles
Updated on Sept 3, 2024
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
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Oh no! @alatterdayknightofjesuschrist is going to block me! Someone tell the President!
You are clearly taking this stupid nonsense way more seriously than I am. Chillax, dude.
To actually answer your weird whatever, there is no evidence for any of these people actually existing, either, besides ancient Harry Potter books about them. The basic Wikipedia article about Theudas has a whole section about how scholars are debating about what exactly any of this is really about, and whether any of it is an actual historic thing.
In that specific case I would accept that some guy named Theudas / Judas led a revolt against the Romans in the 40s, because that was the cool time for that shit and that is a pretty common name. But the fact that scholars think there is confusion in the sources between potentially different revolts by at least two guys with that name, utterly proves my point.
John the Baptiat was a relative of Jesus who, EVEN IN THAT STORY, is so willfully eclipsed by Jesus that he left nothing behind. He's fake too. What point are you even trying to make with this? All of these people were fictional, until I see solid evidence they lived. Otherwise it is just a big pile of fictional literary nothingness.
Also, giving me a reply timetable ultimatum is one of the simultaneously funniest and assiest things anyone has ever done to me on here. You are a dick, but I almost respect the dork balls on you. So kudos, if only for being surprisingly interesting.
You can block me all you want. I don't intend to follow you and do not care. But before you do, I would love for you to go through my tags of "bible" and "christianity" and reblog any of those genuinely funny, well-written posts with your yelling. So few people on here fight with me about my brazen gay antiChristianity, and it is disappointing.
You could be my own personal Ben Shapiro.
Plus you obviously enjoy this too so you are totally missing out on ample opportunities to do whatever it is you think you are doing.
I'm still looking for one person on this website who knows the Bible as well as I do. If you do, go after my shit, please. Especially if I state a wrong fact. No one ever challenges me.
I'm dead-serious. Me being corrected when I am actually wrong has led to lots of personal growth on here. Me being challenged to evolve as a person is the last fun thing life has to offer me. You might be a valuable tool for that growth.
...So long as you criticize genuine factual errors and stop being a regressive fundamentalist bitch. It isn't a good look.
You should evolve too. Try it. You might find you like it.
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ama-factkin · 10 months
I'm just curious, how do you feel about super problematic fact Kins? Like people who kin Hitler/other dictators, Murderer's, things in the Bible(like Jesus or god, since sometimes people consider Jesus/god to be factkin, if they believe in them) and do you think they should be open about those kins or kinda keep them separate since they're problematic ? Not trying to start discourse, and I personally don't kin any of those, but I'm just curious what you think of them ^-^ /serious question(can't remember the tone tag thing)
Hey! I have already answered something kind of like this in the past, and while I stand by much of what I said I do feel like I worded it really badly before so let's talk about it!
This question has layers to it, so I'll try to tackle it in stages.
This got long so
1. I think "problematic" is kind of a loaded word to use here because it's not especially descriptive. It can mean anything from "is rude" to "kills people" these days so rather than calling people problematic I try to be specific what it is that I am criticizing. The three scenarios listed here (murderers, gods, and dictators) are all very different and context changes these things so wildly.
"Dictators" are not cut and dry things. Take, for example, Genghis Khan. Killed hundreds of people . Warlord. Razed villages. Terrible guy. Just all around awful person. BUT! Genghis died thousands of years ago. Now take Mussolini. He also committed countless atrocities but these atrocities were MUCH more recent and there are people who are alive today who have suffered directly due to these atrocities.
"Murderers" is also a huge category. The families of Blackbeard's victims are not still suffering because of his actions. The families of Ted Bundy's victims are.
Now, if you (I am not trying to put words in your mouth!! This is a general "you" and not directed at you specifically, anon) if you are fine with people kinning Genghis Khan and not fine with people kinning Ted Bundy, then you're placing all of the emphasis on the time frame of the actions and not on the actions themselves. Which makes sense, to a degree (I'll unpack this, don't worry) but also: the people Genghis Khan killed are just as dead as the people Ted Bundy killed.
So, reducing these things to simply being "problematic" is not really helpful.
2. Godkin. Let's talk about godkin.
I am gonna come right out and say it: I like godkin and I do not have a problem with them. I do not think there is anything wrong with being godkin. If that's who you are, go for it.
I think the issue people take with godkin is not at all about the kintypes, but about bad behaviour related to them.
This brings me into my third point.
3. The kintype is not the action.
Being otherkin is not something that has moral weight. Being otherkin does not automatically mean you are a good or bad person.
When people ask me questions like this, what I hear is "I need you to tell me that you aren't like the bad guys." I know that is not what you mean but regardless it's okay. I understand the need for reassurance.
So let me say clearly:
I do not have a problem with factkin/godkin as a whole of any kind.
I have a problem with individual people who do things and then blame those things on their kintypes.
I have a problem with people who engage in cult-encouraging behaviours whether or not they are otherkin.
I have problems with people who do cultural appropriation whether or not they are godkin.
I have problems with people who glorify dictators whether or not they are factkin.
I have a problem with people who make serial killers out to be cute little misunderstood angels whether or not they are factkin.
People who glorify Hitler are terrible people, whether or not they are otherkin.
But being factkin/godkin does not make a person more likely to do these things, and people who aren't otherkin do them every day.
In conclusion: I think all factkin and otherkin alike are valid and I maintain that a kintype is not an excuse for bad behaviour. What matters most is the way the person acts, not what identities they hold.
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piracytheorist · 1 year
hey, read your answer about you being an anime only! i promise i'm not trying to pick a fight, but if you're open to discussing this a little: considering it took endo years to get to this point, it's unlikely we'll be able to get a full S3 next year since there's probably not enough manga chapters. will you be reading the manga then? ps: the manga isn't exactly. spoilers. it's the original story, no?
I don't think I'll be reading it, no. I mean, I can't be sure, my resolve may break at some point and I may indulge, but as I've explained why I'm doing it that way, I plan on continuing watching the anime first and then reading the respective manga chapters.
If I may be a little more personal here, this past year I've been stuck on a job that, while not unpleasant or demanding or exhausting in any way, it was far from fulfilling. This job's contract ends at the end of July and if I'm lucky, I may actually get a much more fulfilling job this September and be more proactive in it in general, so I'll have more time filled with stuff I like. Last fall it was Spy x Family that filled a lot of that hole, and I've been stuck all these months without that nor a job I enjoy. So I'm thinking, if I get that job I want, I'll have less unfulfilled time and thus less dependence on the show (not that I'll love the story or characters any less), so it may be easier for me to wait for ten months again for new content.
As for your p.s., by anime-only standards, yes it is a spoiler. If you go to the cinema to watch a film that was inspired by a book, you wouldn't tell someone what happens at the end if you knew they haven't read the book. That's spoilers. The book is still the original story, the film is still an adaptation, but by revealing a part of the story that a film watcher doesn't know, you're spoiling it for them - and no film watcher is obligated to read the whole book and know the whole content just to enjoy the film. And while Spy x Family is quite popular, it's not common knowledge popular. Saying "Jesus dies on the cross and then gets resurrected" isn't a spoiler for the bible or any film inspired by it because it's a millennia-old story that even many non-Christians know.
When it comes to the manga vs anime debate on what's spoilers and what's not, it can get a little tricky cause you have snobs and purists on both sides, which is why I prefer to stay away from the fandom instead of engaging and then complaining about getting spoiled, because I will get spoiled and it will be my fault. My one request is that, if someone reblogs any posts of mine, to not add any details about stuff that happens in manga chapters that haven't been animated. That's all. But no-one is obligated to read or engage with my stuff, a lot don't even see it, I'm not demanding anyone tag their spoilers on their own posts or complaining to those that don't, I recognize my own responsibility in curating my experience and avoiding spoilers and take the necessary measures to do so. So I don't see where's the problem with me, in my personal blog, referring to stuff that hasn't happened in the anime yet as "manga spoilers".
I understand you wanted a discussion, not a fight, but honestly it's a tricky issue, and I'd really really rather not get into the bad side of a purist, whether they're a manga or an anime purist. And such a discussion can be derailed very easily, so while you're welcome to discuss it with me in a civil manner, I will stop it if I feel it can get out of hand.
I'm not mad or upset at you or anything. I'm just a little wary because I know how toxic fandoms can get, especially when they hold some very passionate beliefs about what's "right" and what's "wrong" in the way other people consume fictional media.
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aphroditephiltatos · 2 years
ꕥ Self Care October Challenge ꕥ
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2 Peter 3:18
"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen."
Before continuing, it is worth noting that this blog will never be perfect. I will not show you just the good days or the good moments that I receive, but I'll also show you where I struggled and where I contemplated giving up.
I've struggled with mental illnesses for quite a while now so there more failures than triumphs, and those triumphs usually last longer than those failures even though the failures hurt the most. I'm still learning that those failures are okay because they led to my beautiful triumphs that I shouldn't be casting aside just because they're not as grand as I wanted them to be.
Just to give a brief introduction of the entity behind this blog; I am woman. I would prefer to be called Dai [Day] but if you can only remember me by my username, that is completely okay. I struggle with depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia, suicidal thoughts, self-destructive behaviors, and multiple addictions. I have had PCOS for as long as I can remember, and I am [on the medical scale] a bit on the overweight side. I struggle with hyperpigmentation, excess hair growth, hormonal imbalances, excess weight, and many more symptoms. I am also a born again believer who obviously does not have their life together and is desperately trying to accumulate all the scattered pieces of their soul.
The goal of this blog is to make an attempt at romanticizing my life as I dearly need it. Since I'm still very young there will be a lot of posts under the #studyblr tags. As I am also a poet and a writer, there will most definitely be excerpts. There will be daily affirmations, lyrics, quotes, bible verses, tips on various topics, rants, vents, etc. This blog will essentially be a reflection of who I am.
The ultimate goal of this blog is remain active for just the month of October, and when that month is done, I'll take it from there.
You're welcome to leave me asks of any kinds, a follow, ideas, etc. I'm open to everyone.
╰┈➤ Dai ❦
╰┈➤ Type '#dai reminders' to get my daily affirmations and gentle reminders.
╰┈➤ Type '#daicarehealthtips' to get my physical health tips.
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call-me-chips · 17 days
Figure I should probably put the DNIs before the cut, so uhh
● Homophobes
● Terfs
● Racists
● Sexists
The usual DNIs
Now that that's out of the way,
I'm Chips
Sexuality: Lesbian
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: They/them (Also ok with he/him)
Zodiac: Gemini (May)
Fandoms: Bnha/Mha, Kny, Spy x Family, B99, Tadc, Fnaf, Toh, Helluva and Hazbin, Star Wars, Lackadaisy, Sonic, Zelda, Marvel, the Renegades trilogy, Dsmp somewhat, Zeyn_Syre, and I know I'm missing at least one more but oh well
Likes: Women, art, music/singing, cosplay, cats, guns, kpop, photography, formal outfits
Dislikes: Peanut butter, olives, mushrooms, bananas, eggplants, the government, any kind of nuts, iced tea
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This is my blog of art stuffs! I post about my own art, as well as others' art and any other interests of mine. I am very gay, so expect what I post/reblog to follow suit.
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Some little rules/things to know about my blog:
● I don't draw/interact with NSFW stuff, as I know there are minors on here and want this to be a safe place for everyone, so please keep that in mind
● I consider myself to be a Christian. However, due to personal stuffs, please refrain from talking about God/Jesus/Bible things here
● I may post about religious things occasionally tho. They will be used under the tag "chipsvsgod" for bible vents and "chipsandgod" for anything else christian related
● I also plan to post more vent related things that could touch on topics such as toxic family, sh, su1c1dal thoughts, etc., so if you would not like to see that, I will try my best to label all vent things as #chipsvents so you can block it :)
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Random things about me:
● I am Canadian (And no, No Name doesn't sell shirts.)
● I dislike peanut butter and dislike bananas, yet I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches
● I have a son. His name is Cody and he's some sort of orange tuxedo tabby mix. I love him. If you ask, I will give pics of my precious boy
● I have flat feet, so going into town for longer than 20 mins really hurts. Woo!
● Some of my fav clothing aesthetics are grunge, dark acedemia, emo, tech wear, and unique gender neutral suits/formal fits (Ik this isn't an actual aesthetic, shut up)
● It took me an embarrassingly long amout of time to realize that Helluva Boss is meant to sound like Hell of a boss, then it took me EVEN LONGER to realize that Blitzø is the Hell of a boss, as the title suggests
● I am what my family calls "A crackshot" and have three gold medals in marksmanship that I got in a conpetition when I was 14 (I beat all the 18 year olds hehehe)
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Rules about sketch requests:
● The sketch requests are to cure my boredom/practice and improve my art skills, so they are free
● Don't request anything too specific. I obv won't be able to recreate the exact pose you have envisioned the character in, so just suggest the character and I'll handle posing
● Anyone can send requests
● Will only do 1-2 characters per page, but I may make an exception if the characters are small
● All characters are allowed, minus characters from adult shows/movies, such as Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss
● I can draw Ocs, so long as 1 or more reference photos are provided
● BEWARE, if you don't want your request to look like crap, I recommend not sending in Sonic characters (or just animals in general). I will still try to draw in Sonic's style if you ask, but you have been warned
● Be prepared for the request to take a few days to complete. I'm slow, sorry lol
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Tags I'm going to try and use (might forget tho)
● chipsdraws
● chipsvents
● chipsvsgod
● chipsandgod
● askchips
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hey, i don't mean any offense but your jesus christ superstar fic has got some. inaccuracies.
"eden" doesn't exist in the bible. i think you might've gotten it from the tv series The Chosen, because that's the name of peter's wife in that show. but she's PETER'S wife, not simon's, and simon the zealot (or zealotes, as he is in jcs) is a completely different person from simon peter. peter was originally called simon before jesus changed his name, and in The Chosen that hasn't happened yet, so maybe you got that confused. eden doesn't exist nor is she married to simon zealotes.
matthias thaddeus.. doesn't exist? i thought that was supposed to be a reference to matthias OR thaddeus, who are two different apostles in the bible. matthias isn't one of the original 12, it could just be a coincidence but i'm super confused about that.
why is "The Temple" capitalized? what temple does it refer to?? is it supposed to be a synagogue or??
also like.. i don't mean to be really nitpicky since it's only a fun x-reader jesus christ superstar fic of all things, but large age gaps during that time were really uncommon. the usual age for betrothal were 12-13 for girls and 15-16 for boys.
i'm sorry if this comes off as nitpicky or criticizing, there were just some parts that didn't make sense
I have done some research and I did see that Eden was mentionned in the Bible but the websites (which were Catholic and about the Bible actually) might just have been wrong. In that case I apologize, and you can consider Eden to be just an OC here. But I never pretended that she did exist, my original tag on Ao3 said "I think Simon's gf Eden is in the Bible" before it got deleted and I had to write it again.
Yes I am aware that Eden is Peter's wife and not Simon's, that's a mistake on my part (and I apologize again). I probably got confused by Peter's original name being Simon and when I realized my mistake it was way too late to change it. But tbh my plan for this fic was always for Simon to have a partner, not Peter, but maybe I should have picked another name?
I've never seen The Chosen and barely heard of it.
Matthias Thaddeus is a reference (or at least I thought it was) to the Apostle. I know in the Bible they are two different people but in this fic Thaddeus is just a last name. I didn't know it would be a problem since the character isn't in JCS but it seems I was mistaken.
As for the synagogue, I said in the first chapter that you can imagine reader having the religion you want. If as the reader you imagine/want to keep your real religion while reading it it's more than fine. If you want to imagine that you're Jewish in it, it's also more than fine. I want everyone to be included and I only kept "Temple" in the story because it's the word used in the show; it can totally be a Synagogue or a Mosque. I didn't think it would be a problem either. I know it makes more sense for Arielle (since she's an OC) to be a Jew - and tbh she probably is - but the whole "the Temple can be for any religion" thing was mostly for the version with a reader so everyone can be included. It only works with a reader, not an OC.
My fic is based on the 2012 live Arena Tour Jesus Christ Superstar, which is set in a modern setting, with internet and social media. Of all Jesus' followers on stage are adults, including the women, so it's also the case for the reader (if the reader isn't then they might change their age in their minds to be more comfortable if they wish) and Arielle as well. While you're absolutely right about the betrothal ages of the time, it's different here due to the modern setting. In this fic there are still betrothals made by your family (and age gaps aren't rare, as both Arielle and Eden were meant to marry much older men) but they happen when you're an adult. Therefore Arielle is an adult too and I guess I never mentioned it but she's in her twenties, just like Simon, Eden, Peter and Jesus (who is about 29 yo even though I haven't said it yet - but I'm planning to). If she was underage I would have put a warning (even though I don't think I'll ever write a fic like that). But if you consider that the age gap between Arielle and Jesus is still too much I totally understand.
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 years
i'm glad you're feeling less bitter towards your dad and that the prayer helped :) I think that's a good idea - what scripture did you find helpful? Is it hard to live with him though, knowing that he probably won't change even though it hurts you and your family?
Prayer is the ONLY thing that helps. It also helps to talk and share your burdens with good trusted fellow Christian friends too. Not only will they more-than-likely be understanding, but they'll give you good biblical feedback/wisdom in return. I'm blessed to have two really awesome Christian friends (one I've had a while, one new that I've made at church this year) who are both really good at encouraging and exhorting.
The Scripture I found helpful was (is) Ephesians 4:26-27 (New King James Version) - "Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil." If I had my McArthur Study Bible I would share the note that goes with it for a little better understanding but, alas! I'm at work so I'm unable to. See, it's okay to be angry, but when we sin in it, that's where it's wrong. I'm guilty of that though... I tend to react badly when someone wrongs me... I'll get a bad attitude and keep on nursing and rehearsing it, which is letting the sun go down on my wrath... a bad thing. Last year, when I started going to the church I'm going to now, one of our Sunday School teachers (who is also the 'new' friend I mentioned earlier - he's also the one in all my posts tagged 'Crush Chronicles' but THAT is another story for another day) mentioned how we can sin in our reactions just as badly, if not more so, than the offender. And when he said that, it cut me deep... I was immediately and severely convicted that I teared up. I asked God to forgive me and to help me react better. I still fail way more times than not but I'm trying and I keep trying. And when I mess up, I ask God to forgive me again.
And forgiveness... That's a major thing... a major theme in God's Word and a major thing I struggle with. Jesus tells us to forgive everyone 70 times 7 - an expression meaning "all the time". It's hard and I still find myself feeling resentment toward my dad (I could easily blame him for my anxiety and low self esteem but I won't, because I refuse to be a victim and not let those things define me). But when I feel that way, I try to remember how many times Jesus has forgiven me. The times I've had a bad attitude about someone I struggle with, at work, or when I complain about the hot summer weather. He's forgiven me for exploding on my mom or siblings and He's forgiven me for neglecting my Quiet Time too many times. Heck, He stinking died for a nasty little sinner like me. So if He can do that for me, I should be able to follow His example and forgive my dad. See, it does nothing for the offender, they don't care and probably never will, but in the longrun forgiving someone is better for you, your health, and most importantly, your relationship with Jesus. But believe me when I tell you that forgiveness and reactions, and anger are struggles I fight daily! A day doesn't go by lately where my old wounds are reopened and all I wanna do is scream at my father and tell him how much he sucks and how he's ruined so much in my life. I understand and empathize with your struggle, and I'm here if you ever want to talk, anonymously, or in my DMs. I'm here for you :)
Please just remember this though: It is not your father (or any offender) that defines you. It is Jesus. He understands your hurts and frustrations more than anyone else will and He wants to help you. He will help you if you ask Him.
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