#I just woke up so I apologize for any typos
hey, i don't mean any offense but your jesus christ superstar fic has got some. inaccuracies.
"eden" doesn't exist in the bible. i think you might've gotten it from the tv series The Chosen, because that's the name of peter's wife in that show. but she's PETER'S wife, not simon's, and simon the zealot (or zealotes, as he is in jcs) is a completely different person from simon peter. peter was originally called simon before jesus changed his name, and in The Chosen that hasn't happened yet, so maybe you got that confused. eden doesn't exist nor is she married to simon zealotes.
matthias thaddeus.. doesn't exist? i thought that was supposed to be a reference to matthias OR thaddeus, who are two different apostles in the bible. matthias isn't one of the original 12, it could just be a coincidence but i'm super confused about that.
why is "The Temple" capitalized? what temple does it refer to?? is it supposed to be a synagogue or??
also like.. i don't mean to be really nitpicky since it's only a fun x-reader jesus christ superstar fic of all things, but large age gaps during that time were really uncommon. the usual age for betrothal were 12-13 for girls and 15-16 for boys.
i'm sorry if this comes off as nitpicky or criticizing, there were just some parts that didn't make sense
I have done some research and I did see that Eden was mentionned in the Bible but the websites (which were Catholic and about the Bible actually) might just have been wrong. In that case I apologize, and you can consider Eden to be just an OC here. But I never pretended that she did exist, my original tag on Ao3 said "I think Simon's gf Eden is in the Bible" before it got deleted and I had to write it again.
Yes I am aware that Eden is Peter's wife and not Simon's, that's a mistake on my part (and I apologize again). I probably got confused by Peter's original name being Simon and when I realized my mistake it was way too late to change it. But tbh my plan for this fic was always for Simon to have a partner, not Peter, but maybe I should have picked another name?
I've never seen The Chosen and barely heard of it.
Matthias Thaddeus is a reference (or at least I thought it was) to the Apostle. I know in the Bible they are two different people but in this fic Thaddeus is just a last name. I didn't know it would be a problem since the character isn't in JCS but it seems I was mistaken.
As for the synagogue, I said in the first chapter that you can imagine reader having the religion you want. If as the reader you imagine/want to keep your real religion while reading it it's more than fine. If you want to imagine that you're Jewish in it, it's also more than fine. I want everyone to be included and I only kept "Temple" in the story because it's the word used in the show; it can totally be a Synagogue or a Mosque. I didn't think it would be a problem either. I know it makes more sense for Arielle (since she's an OC) to be a Jew - and tbh she probably is - but the whole "the Temple can be for any religion" thing was mostly for the version with a reader so everyone can be included. It only works with a reader, not an OC.
My fic is based on the 2012 live Arena Tour Jesus Christ Superstar, which is set in a modern setting, with internet and social media. Of all Jesus' followers on stage are adults, including the women, so it's also the case for the reader (if the reader isn't then they might change their age in their minds to be more comfortable if they wish) and Arielle as well. While you're absolutely right about the betrothal ages of the time, it's different here due to the modern setting. In this fic there are still betrothals made by your family (and age gaps aren't rare, as both Arielle and Eden were meant to marry much older men) but they happen when you're an adult. Therefore Arielle is an adult too and I guess I never mentioned it but she's in her twenties, just like Simon, Eden, Peter and Jesus (who is about 29 yo even though I haven't said it yet - but I'm planning to). If she was underage I would have put a warning (even though I don't think I'll ever write a fic like that). But if you consider that the age gap between Arielle and Jesus is still too much I totally understand.
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zentraex · 6 months
Summary: You made a lot mistakes in your new job, but do you regret them? Nope, not a bit. But who can blame you for it? If you wouldn't have done them, you never would have met this pretty boy.
Remember: German Grammar is a lot different then English grammar. I apologize for any mistakes.
Pairing: Francis Mosses (doppelganger) x gn! Reader
(A/N): I usually write for mha, but this men dominates my fyp on TikTok and I can't stop grinning like an idiot about all this fanarts. My men is just too attractive for his own good. Nevertheless, Tumblr has too few fanfictions for him, so I had to do it myself. Still, I am not that proud about how it turned out. It certainly sounded better in my head, but I don't care. One shitty fanficion is better than none.
Art by @asteriscks on TikTok
This game is not mine, but Ignacio Alvarado. I also used phrases from the game.
Mistakes? Yes, but no regrets.
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It's been a week since you started working for D.D.D as a doorman. 
You can remember your first day so well, it could have been yesterday. 
Well... probably because your life is constantly at stake. 
It started with a mistake that you ended up here. It was completely unexpected since you always made sure, that you sent your rent to the right account. 
Surely no one can blame you for a small typo, right?
Well, your landlord, who kept pounding on your door until you woke up, surely did.
"What?" you asked, annoyed, as you opened the door.
"When do you plan to finally pay your bill? The date has already been overdue for two weeks!" he complains. 
"Sorry, but I've already transferred my money to you."
"Well, I didn't get anything. Do you still have the receipt for the transfer?"
You already knew what that meant: double payment.
"Look, today, I'll transfer it to your account again, okay? If it doesn't work this time, it's not my fault."
You were about to close the door, but your landlord had other plans when he held the door open with his foot.
 "No no no. You will give me the money now. I don’t trust you. Why would you transfer it to me today, when it should have happened two weeks ago. You will give it to me now."
Your eyes widened. 
"But I don't have that much money in my hand? Who's got that?"
"Then I'll have to kick you out for now. But don't worry, no one is going to buy an apartment here anytime soon, so you can move right back in as soon as you give me the money."
Staring stunned at his smiling face you could have sworn you were about to hit him. 
"The keys?" 
With watery eyes, you grabbed your keys, placed them in his outstretched hand, and frowned.
What kind of person had such sharp fingernails as he does?  
You were sure that he could definitely have stabbed someone with them.
Thank God, I didn't hit him. 
"When do you plan to give me the money? I've heard that all banks closed today. Some kind of holiday among them, I've heard."
How were you going to get through the day today? You intentionally left everything in your apartment since you were so sure that you could have given the money to your landlord in a matter of minutes. 
"You’re telling me this now!?"
"If you had paid, you wouldn’t need to know." 
That filthy bastard.
No matter how angry you were at that moment, your panic was overweighting.  
What were you going to do now? 
"Man, I really wouldn't want to be in your situation...", the landlord murmured.
Fuck the nails- This guy deserves a punch.
Just as you raised your fist, he speaks again.
"But maybe we can agree on something.
Then you stopped. 
"The D.D.D., which is responsible for the safety of all residents in this area, is looking for doormans. Ours has recently...quitted, which is why we are urgently looking for one. They pay three times the amount of your rent in a week. If you take the job, I can overlook your sloppiness this time."
Three times your rent? In a week? And for what? To sit there and check a few documents. You'd be crazy not to take the offer! 
"Okay. I'll do it. Where can I apply?"
"Don't worry, I'll sort it out for you. Tomorrow, you can start”
Looking back, it should have been clear to you that something was wrong. Starting with the sudden his sudden threat, the fingernails and this stupid story about the holiday of the banks. 
Maybe it was just because you were too panicked at that moment to think rationally.
But let’s be true here: when are you thinking rationally? If you did, you would certainly have quitted after your first day.
"Welcome and congratulations on your new job."
After watching the short video, a man in the yellow suit came to your window. You are so shocked that you can’t even answer.
I'm going to die today!
After all, you know it yourself: you're too gullible for the job. There's no chance you'll unmask a doppelganger who copies someone well.
“As you could see on the introductory film, your job is to verify the entry of the neighbors of your building. Each day there will be a list of individuals who will request entry to the building. It is possible that there are individuals who request entry and aren’t on the list. In which case you will mark on the checklist that they are not on the list and proceed to question the individual. Also, you must verify that the ID and the entry reqest are correct and have the respective D.D.D. logo. Don’t forget to also check the expiration on the IDs. Remember it’s Febuary 1955."
Your gaze wanders to the note that was stuck to the wall. 
Arnold Schmicht F02 – 01
Anastacha Mikaelys F02 – 04
Robertsky Peachman F01 – 02
Steven Rudboys F03 – 03 
Mia Stone F03 – 01
Rafttellyn Cappuccin F03 – 04
Admittedly, you don't know any of your neighbors, neither by character nor really by sight. You were never the type to care about your neighbors. 
"I wish you good luck."
C’mon Reader, be like Henry…
But better.
The first inhabitant was Mia Stone and you already started to sweat.
"Good evening."
Was she real? Was she a doppelganger? 
With shaky hands, you reached for her ID and entry pass, only to find that everything was fine. She was also on today's list and her appearance doesn't show any deviations either, right?
Just to be sure, you looked into the folder that described her appearance: 
Long hair
Small round nose
She has freckles
Your eyes wandered again to the woman in front of you, who was waiting patiently behind the window. 
You narrowed your eyes a little and leaned forward to get a better view of her.
No matter how long you stared at her, you didn't see them, her freckles. 
"You look different...", you murmur after a while.
"What's wrong with my appearance? I think everything is fine with my appearance."
Her photo on her ID and Entry Pass both have no freckles. 
Perhaps a mistake on the part of the D.D.D.? 
You're about to press the green button, but then you see her grinning slightly out of the corner of your eye. 
She almost had you. You're really not made for this job.
Your hand slammed hard against the red button, causing the siren to blare and the metal window to crash down. 
"3312," you murmur to yourself.
"You have contacted the D.D.D.. A group of agents has been sent to your building. Please wait for the cleaning protocol to run."
Cleaning protocol? 
What happens to those who were cleaned? They certainly won't be killed, will they? 
What if they will?
What if your judgment was wrong?
What if...
Your thoughts were interrupted as the siren fell silent and the metal window went up, only to reveal the yellow man.
"Cleaning protocol completed. You can continue your job."
It took a while until someone finally came again. 
This time, your heart was pounding faster. Significantly faster. And this time, you can't even say for sure that it's all out of fear. 
You definitely can't deny it: he's probably one of the most attractive men you've ever seen. 
You don't even have to look at today's checklist to tell he's not on it – a face like his would have caught your eye right away. 
"Francis Mosses, huh?" you murmured to yourself as you looked at his ID. "You're not on today's list."
"I’m not on today’s list because I had to leave due to an emergency."
Long nose
Thin chin
Tired eyes
Short hair
Wears a hat
It all fit. The only thing left now was a call. 
Just as you began to spin the wheel of the phone, he said, "You're new here, aren't you? I've never seen you here before."
"Yes, today is my first day."
"Must be hard, huh? I've heard that more and more doppelgangers are appearing and they are becoming more and more error-free. It would be a shame if such a pretty face as yours were to disappear forever."
Your cheeks turn red and suddenly you feel shyer than you actually are.
"B-But your job has to be hard as well. I didn't think that being a milkman would rob you so much sleep."
Francis smiles a little. So little that you almost didn't see it at all.
"It's not. I just stay up for a very long time. If you like, I can bring you some milk sometime. It's refreshing, calms the nerves."
You bite your lip slightly when you have to refrain from a question.
What milk do you mean exactly?
My God, why were you just such a sucker for handsome men?
"I'd be delighted, Francis."
You talked to him for a while and you quickly forgot that you were actually going to call someone. 
"I'd like to talk to you more, but I don't want to stop you from your work. I'll see you tomorrow, right, Reader?"
And you quickly forgot that you never told him your name. 
You pressed the green button.
"Shh," whispered the voice of Francis next to your ear. 
It was your third day, your third time to change shift.
Well, it usually would have been.
Your vision and mouth were blocked by the bloody hands of the doppelganger who claimed to be Francis.
He had killed the doorman, that should have taken over your shift.
You had to admit, that you were more than inconsiderate. After all, you didn't ask for his entry pass, nor the reason why he wasn't on today's list.  
"I'll let you go now, yeah? No wrong move, okay?"
He laughed softly as he released his hands from you and turned your chair, so you were facing him. 
"We don't want to hurt you, do we, Reader?"
The sentence shouldn't have given you hope, because after all, you were more than sure that you were going to die one way or another.
Maybe you should have shown a little resistance. For your honor, but....
He is so close to you that you can practically feel his body heat. Or was it your own? Your face, despite your situation, was burning. 
Even though he said he was letting you go, his hands ran over your body and you couldn't deny that it did something to you. 
Were you so shameful?
"Actually, I wanted to wait, but I couldn't take it anymore.  I've been patient long enough, haven't I? It was so much work for me, to let you get this job."
You didn't know what to say. Honestly, you didn't know if you would even be able to answer him. 
His breath touched your throat as he spoke, "I think I deserve this, don't I? What do you say, Reader? Do I deserve my reward?”
If you were going to die anyway, why not enjoy the last few minutes?
Regardless of whether he was a doppelganger, he had lived up to his title as "Mlikman" that night.
"You killed the real Francis Mosses?" you asked the next day. 
Francis grins, almost so much so that his real form was threatening to show itself.
"Yes, of course. What would have happened if he had come before me? You would have sent the D.D.D. after me."
Well, he had a point, huh?
No matter how wrong it was, you were glad it didn't come to that. 
You didn't know the real Francis Mosses. That's probably why his death was so insignificant to you.
"Have you killed more people?"
"Just more doppelgangers you let through."
Your eyes widened. 
You were so sure you caught them all. The false success was the reason why you didn't quit…well, it was one of the reasons.
"How many have I let through?"
Francis just continues to wear his smirk as he gives you a kiss on the forehead.
"Don't rack your pretty head over it, okay?"
You just nod, smiling.
"Are you going to kill others...?
You don't know why you added your next question. Probably because you wanted to feel special. 
"Would you kill for me?"
When you turn your gaze to his face, two white pupils stared at you and his grin is inhumanly wide and black. 
You don't know if it's joyful or sadistic, but it definitely made you feel special.
Looking back, you made more than a few mistakes. 
But honestly? 
You don't regret a single one of them. After all, all of them have led to an all-too-familiar knock on your window.
When you look up, he waves, the milkman. 
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bombsonboard · 7 months
metal arm brrr
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Summary: Every problem needs a solution. Bucky just isn't the biggest fan of yours.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Tags: Fluff in the highest degree, old married couple, Swearing (It's Bucky, duh)
A/N: I just needed to give you guys something, it's been too long since i've written on here and you guys are the best :) I've barely checked this over so I apologize for any typos.
“Can you stop moving, please?” 
Bucky Barnes half asleep is not someone you want to mess with. The first time you shuffled he had hardly made a sound, the second you were met with a low grumble (a warning you knew well) and the third strike, he was thirty seconds from kicking you out of the bed. 
When Bucky had finally learnt to sleep in a bed again, mostly thanks to you, he steadily became a big fan of his beauty sleep and god help anyone who ended up disturbing him. He had a lot to catch up on. Once, you had violently shaken him awake because his phone was ringing and when he heard Sam on the other line, you were deemed a ‘sleep thief’ for a week and a half after. Bucky Barnes was a bitch when it came to his sleep. 
You usually wouldn't have any complaints about being in his vice grip but it was January and the nights were still cold and having a boyfriend with a metal arm meant that you were held to him with an ice cold grip around your waist. When the Summer came, it was a life saver, your own personal refrigerator but you still had a good few months to go before you were hanging off his arm everyday. 
“Sorry.” You mumbled and tried to convince yourself you were comfortable without another word.
Nope, can’t do it. You shift again. 
“You’re kidding- what is it?” He pulls away from you and sits up on his elbow, glaring, he dares you. “Go on.”
With the most innocent doe eyes you could muster you slip your bottom lip between your teeth and debate the argument you could spark when your gaze slips to his vibranium arm in the semi darkness.
He doesn’t miss a thing, you’ve come to realize.
“I swear if you say-”
“-It’s cold! I’m cold! It’s just too much cold!” You burst, arms flailing in desperation. 
“It’s my arm! You said you wanted to sleep on my left, this is my left arm, nothing I can do. Okay?”
“There has to be something.” You search the room for solutions, briefly lingering on the sock drawer. 
“Oh yeah, sorry, let me just take it off.” Bucky grunts, dripping with sarcasm. 
“...If you could?”
“Seriously, fuck you.” 
Bucky falls back into his beloved pillow, eyes shut and wishing he has chosen a partner that let him sleep peacefully, then again, why would he want that when you exist?
“Look, either come to the other side or deal with it.” 
Silence finally reaches your bedroom and Bucky is deeply in dreamland while you lie awake, scheming away. 
In the early hours, you slip out of bed without a sound and make a beeline for the sock drawer, knowing you had some old pairs of slipper socks stuffed at the back. Scissors in hand, you snipped off the toes and smiled at the D.I.Y leg warmers. Oh, he was gonna be mad. 
With nearly medical precision, you held out the slumbering Bucky’s arm in front of you and one by one, slid the fluffy socks up the freezing metal until it was sufficiently covered. Thanking the universe, he was a pretty heavy sleeper, you shuffled back under the covers and happily wrapped the soft arm back around your waist. 
You slept like a lamb after that.
When the morning came, you woke up before him like usual and briefly left him to his own devices as you made coffee, two mugs sitting on the counter beside each other. 
Through the wall, you faintly hear the rising of the soldier before heavy footsteps quickly storm in your direction.
“The fuck is this?”
You look up to see him in the doorway, and find yourself the subject of a stare that would send millions running. Not you. The multicolored socks lined up his arm kind of softened his hoped effect and you had to stifle your laughter. 
“A solution?” You shrug.
“No.” He points at you with his flesh arm accusingly “Nu-uh. This? This is not how we solve things.”
“Is it not? I’m really digging the rainbow on you.” The giggle you had tried to push down had spilled over.
“You’re a fucking menace.” 
The giggle now a full bodied laugh that had you clutching at your chest as you were overcome with the image of your big, scary, ‘world’s most deadly assassin’ boyfriend glaring daggers at you while donning the most fluffy and most colorful socks up his arm.
Bucky was fighting a grin with all his might, your laughter was like an ugly disease, incredibly contagious, hard to avoid, and annoying.
Something soft hits you in the face and you halt your hysterics as you peer at the slipper sock now at your feet. Lifting your gaze, Bucky is smiling smugly, and working a second sock off his arm. 
“Bucky!” You yelp and duck under the counter as the rainbow sock flies in slow motion over your head. 
You probably shouldn’t poke the bear but-
“Y’know, for the best shot the United States army had ever seen you sure do miss a lot.” You taunt from your hiding spot.
When there's no response, you make a break for the couch and get shot squarely in the forehead.
“Say that again.” He dares with narrowed eyes.
“Okay, truce. Truce!” You raise your hands in surrender. 
“Say sorry for last night.” The pink ball of fluff in his hands, a deadly fate, and you’re consigned to concede
“I apologize for last night.” You sigh, approaching him with caution “Now, it’s been ten whole minutes and you still haven’t subjected me to your obscene morning breath.”
He beckons you with his head and you happily plod over, throwing your arms around his neck. The kiss is sweet, and full of promised mornings to come.
It’s welcomed by you. Until you feel the coldest thing known to man, his left arm, writhing under your shirt and sending immediate shivers down your back. 
“Bucky!” You screech and his strong laughter descends on your morning with malice.
Desperately wiggling out of his hold, you escape to the bedroom and yell from your stronghold:
“That was an act of war James Buchanan Barnes!”
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 9 months
Didn’t Mean It » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader
Summary: After a bad day at work, Bucky accidentally yells at Y/N without realizing it. When he does realize it, he buys her favorite flowers and snacks in a way of him apologizing.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, language, brief mention of alcohol, yelling, crying, kissing, pet names (doll, babydoll)
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators.
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Bucky sighed as he walked through the door of yours and his apartment. He took off his jacket, tossing it onto the back of the couch before taking a seat and running his fingers through his hair. You walked in the living room, smiling when you seen that your boyfriend is home.
“You’re home!” You say, sitting down next to him.
You went to kiss his lips, but he turned his head and you ended up kissing his stubbly cheek making you frown in confusion.
“What’s wrong, Buck?” You asked, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Nothing.” Bucky says, unwrapping your arms from his neck and stood up.
You stood up too and followed him to the kitchen. You watched as he opened the fridge and grabbed a beer. He opened it and took a sip of it. You approached him and wrapped your arms around his waist and looked up at him.
“Are you sure nothings wrong?” You asked.
“Nothings wrong! Stop asking!” He sets his beer on the counter. “I haven’t been home for 5 minutes and you’re already clinging to me!” He yells, pushing you away from him causing you to stumble a little.
He grabbed his beer and went back in the living room with you following behind him.
“Did something happen at work?” You asked.
“Nothing happened at work! How many fucking times are you gonna ask me the same damn question?!” He asks.
“I just—” Bucky interrupted you.
“You just what?” Bucky mocked you causing you to go quiet. “That’s what I thought. Now why don’t you shut the fuck up and stop being so god damn clingy.” He says.
Bucky has never yelled at you. Your bottom lip quivered. You turned around and went to the bedroom, closed and locked the door behind you and threw yourself on the bed and started crying. Realization hit Bucky a few minutes later.
“What the hell did I just do?!” Bucky asks himself.
He got up off the couch and went to the bedroom, only to find out that the door was locked. The door knob jiggling startled you.
“Doll?” He knocked on the door a couple times. “Doll please.” He pleaded.
You didn’t stay anything. You tried your best to muffle your cries with a pillow.
“Babydoll, I’m so sorry.” Bucky starts. “I didn’t mean to yell at you and say all of those things.” He says.
Bucky waited a moment, thinking that you would forgive him quickly and open the door, but you didn’t. He sighed and sat down on the ground next to the door, leaning his back against the wall.
“I’m here if you want to talk or if you need anything.” He says.
You didn’t even realize that you fell asleep until you woke up the next morning, still wearing the same clothes you wore yesterday. You rubbed your eyes and got out of bed and went to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror and seen your eyes all red and puffy from crying. You sighed and splashed some cold water on your face and dabbed it dry with a towel. You walked out of the bathroom and unlocked the bedroom door and opened it to see Bucky sleeping with his back against the wall. You quietly walked past him and went to the kitchen to make coffee. Bucky woke up after a few minutes and seen the bedroom door open. He quickly stood up and went in the bedroom, but didn’t see you in there. He checked the bathroom, but didn’t see you in there either. Bucky began to panic, thinking that you left him. That’s when the smell of coffee hit his nose. He immediately went to the kitchen to see you pouring yourself a cup of coffee. He let out a breath of relief and approached you, hugging you from behind.
“Morning, doll.” Bucky says softly and kissed your cheek.
You didn’t say anything. You used all of your strength to push him away and went to the living room with your cup of coffee and turned the TV on. Bucky followed you like a lost puppy.
“Babydoll, I’m sorry for the things I said last night.” He apologizes.
You still didn’t say anything. You stared straight at the TV and took a sip of your coffee.
“Babydoll please.” He pleaded, putting a comforting hand on your knee.
You pushed his hand off of your knee. Bucky sighed before standing up and grabbing his jacket.
“I’ll leave you alone if that’s what you want. Let me know if you need anything.” He says before walking out of the apartment.
Bucky walked down the street with his hands in his pockets and looking down at the ground. His mind reflected on the memories of him yelling at you last night. “What the hell is wrong with me? Why the fuck would I yell at the love of my life?” Bucky thought to himself.
He looked up and seen your favorite market that’s down the street from the apartment complex you two live in. Bucky smiled to himself and went inside of it. He seen your favorite flowers and some of your favorite snacks. He picked out one of each snack and grabbed a bouquet of your favorite flowers and paid for everything. Meanwhile, you’re sitting on the couch and scrolling through social media with the TV playing as background noise. A shiver went through your body. You went to the bedroom to change into something warmer when one of Bucky’s sweatshirts caught your eye. You grabbed it and put it on, already feeling yourself getting warmed up. You went back to the living room and sat back down on the couch when you heard the door open and close. You knew it was Bucky, but didn’t pay much attention to it. Bucky walked in the living room with a couple of plastic bags and a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
“I got these for you.” Bucky says, handing you the bouquet.
You looked at him silently and took the bouquet from his hand.
“I got you some of your favorite snacks at the market down the street.” He says, sitting next to you.
You looked in the bags without saying anything.
“It’s ok if you’re not ready to talk to me yet.” Bucky starts. “I just want you to know that I’m really sorry for the way I acted last night. I didn’t mean to yell at you and say all of those rude things to you. I just—” You silenced him with a kiss.
Bucky smiles against your lips and cupped your cheeks. You pulled away, looking into his beautiful blue eyes.
“I forgive you.” You say.
“You do?” He asks.
“Yes.” You nodded. “I mean I was upset that you yelled at me and then I realized that people have their moments.” You say.
Bucky smiles and kisses you passionately.
“I love you so much, doll.” He says softly against your lips.
“I love you too, Buck.” You say with a smile.
You pulled away from Bucky and stood up to put the flowers in a vase. You smiled when you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist from behind.
“You’re wearing my sweatshirt.” He says, kissing your cheek.
“It’s warm and smells like you.” You say, leaning back against his body.
“How about we spend the rest of the day watching movies of your choice and eat those snacks I bought.” Bucky suggests.
“Mhmm, I like the sound of that.” You say, leaning your head back against his shoulder.
-Bucky’s Doll
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godslino · 8 months
ORANGE PEELS | minho established relationship. fluff.
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pairing: minho x fem!reader word count: 1.2k warnings: brief mention of not eating (nothing serious, reader is just really busy!) summary: minho and the orange peel theory
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“Well hello there beautifu—oh, okay. Or not.”
Minho blinks at the empty space where you’d just been standing, dumbfounded at the lack of enthusiasm at his arrival. When he realizes you’re not coming back, long gone into the living room, he makes his way inside.
“Sorry! I have to finish!” You call over your shoulder, hurrying back to your laptop. You seat yourself on the floor, back against the couch as you resume typing.
There are sounds of Minho toeing his shoes off at the door, bags being placed on the counter, and then eventually the rustling of his jacket as he shucks it off and throws it across the back of the couch.
“You’re not done yet?” He asks, crouching beside you. He knocks a kiss to your temple, and you let yourself lean into the touch for a moment.
“No,” you sigh, “I have, like, five pages left.”
“Babe, you realize it’s almost seven-thirty, right?”
“I know!”
“Okay, okay.” He throws his hands up in surrender.
Minho disappears after that, knowing how much you need space and silence when you’re focusing. You feel bad about it afterwards, not meaning to snap at him especially since tonight was supposed to be date night.
The two of you had plans to stay in; Minho was going to cook a small dinner while you picked out a series of movies, and then the both of you were going to plant yourselves on the couch for the remainder of the evening and celebrate the rare occasion of being off of work on the same night.
Everything got derailed when you woke up that morning and saw that you had an email notification from one of your professors:
Good morning all,
A gentle reminder that your reports are due by 11:59pm. Late work will be accepted with the stipulation that 10 points are deducted for each day that has passed since the original due date. If you have any questions about my late work policy, please refer to the syllabus.
Happy Friday!
Best Regards,
Professor Kang
The whole thing is entirely your fault. You’d failed to realize that the deadline had been pushed up by a week, your mind still under the impression that you had time to finish. Thankfully, you’d at least started the report. The down side was that out of a fifteen page paper, you only had around five done.
So, after a few messages to Minho where you apologized profusely, followed by a phone call where he reassured you that it was fine, the two of you still decided to go through with your plans. You’d been glued to your computer all day, desperately trying to finish before Minho was set to arrive. But as it turns out, the rubric for the assignment is a lot more detailed than you had originally thought, so the process has been rather slow.
“Have you eaten?” Minho calls from the kitchen, followed by the sound of your cupboards opening and closing. You respond with a sound of dismissal, your eyes scanning the screen for any typos.
“Babe?” He tries again.
“Huh? What? No, I haven’t.”
“Wrong answer.”
“Minho, I don’t have time—”
“I don’t care.” He says, his voice much closer this time. “How do you expect to get anything done if you’re hungry?”
“Haven’t even had a chance to be hungry if I’m being honest.”
“Wrong answer. Again.”
“It’s fine.” You shrug, looking up at him. He’s standing over you with his arms crossed, a disapproving look on his face.
When you turn your attention back to your laptop, he sighs in defeat, walking back towards the kitchen. You close your eyes for a moment, reminding yourself that he’s only trying to look out for you. Minho has never been a fan of your tendency to neglect yourself, especially in times of stress. So, in lieu of upsetting him, you call out,
“Can you toss me one of the oranges on the counter?”
Minho doesn’t respond. He’s probably sulking, something he always does whenever he’s upset. You briefly consider getting up to kiss the pout he’s probably sporting off of his face. But the clock is ticking, and if you finish the report, there’ll be more than enough time to do that later.
You’re so engrossed in your work, a helpful article that you managed to stumble upon giving you a huge amount of evidence for your final argument, that you don’t even realize it when Minho plops down on the floor beside you. You open your mouth to say something, turn your head towards him, and are met by his hand shoving a piece of orange into your mouth.
“Eat.” He says firmly, blinking when you slowly begin to chew. You stare at him with a confused look, releasing some of the tension between your eyebrows when he brings a finger up to poke the spot in the middle of them. “If you won’t do it yourself, I’ll do it for you. Just eat.”
You swallow, a small smile forming on your lips. Minho isn’t paying attention, his focus on the peeled orange in his hands as he breaks the pieces off one by one.
Soft and loving. Minho has always treated you the way you deserve. There’s never been a moment where you questioned how much he cares for you, not when he makes sure that you’re always his first priority. It doesn’t matter how tired he is, he’s always there, always ready and willing, always giving.
You lean forward and press a kiss to his cheek, laughing when he suppresses a smile, the shells of his ears a bright pink. “You’re cute, you know that?”
“Yeah and you’re a chronic procrastinator.” He’s quick to bite back, holding up another piece of the orange to your mouth. You take it from him gladly, and he can’t help but finally crack a smile.
“I’m sorry I ruined date night.”
“You didn’t ruin anything.” Minho says, reaching out to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. “I already told you, it doesn’t matter what we do. I’m just happy we’re together.”
His words make warmth bloom in your chest. You turn to him, squishing his cheeks in both your hands. He blinks, “What?”
“Lee Minho. How did I get so lucky?”
He laughs at that, breathy and muffled from the way his face sits in your hands. “Well for starters, I’m the one who asked for your number, so if you really wanna get technical then—” He’s cut off when you lean forward and plant a big kiss on his lips.
“You didn’t let me finish.” Minho pouts when you pull away.
“You were getting cocky, I had to do something.”
“Says the person who ruined date night.”
“Hey! You said I didn’t—”
He shoves another piece of orange into your mouth, laughing when you cough around his fingers. He’s up and running in the blink of an eye, dodging your arms when you try to grab for his shirt. Minho’s quick, he waits for the opportunity and lunges for your waist, throwing you over his shoulder with a squeal. You beat your fists against his back, not really putting up a fight, though you’ll never admit that.
There’s only a few hours left until your report is due, but you can’t be bothered to care. Not when Minho is pinning you against the couch, hands poking your sides as he tickles you and kisses all over your face, the sound of both your laughter filling the apartment and the faint scent of oranges on his fingertips.
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© all rights reserved. godslino 2024. please do not steal, translate, or re-upload.
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amelizscribbles · 2 months
OK, EXPLAINING DABIS SCARRING because @good-lord-not-books asked
*note these are just my hcs and some medical research
I'm putting this under a cut because it's long as hell, and I apologize in advance for any typos or if it's confusing. I have no problem explaining further♡
His scars are hypertrophic. which 1) explains the discoloration. It's what happens when the smaller blood vessels become partially or fully obstructed with scar tissue. They typcially start off pinkish or light red. (like when he woke up from his coma.)
Typically the treatment for this is laser removal. But if you don't have access the color may naturally shift with age/as it natueally heals. But with continuous damage to the areas.. the scar will get darker as the veins and tissue is further injured (the deeper into the skin and possible muscle it damages)
most hyrpertophic scarring can take a year + to heal. but obviously Dabi just keeps making his worse. The scars themselves are cause by the body over producing collagen for wound healing and not actually being able to break all of it down.
Which leaves collagen fibers in the skin to harden and thicken. Hardened skin doesn't allow much give, lessening the skins elasticity over all. Which can be shown in the way his unscarred skin pulls along the edges where the dermal rings line said scars. (my thoughts on his staples acrually being dermal rings will be at the end)
That's not even going into the nerve damage systemically for him considering hes covered in that kind of scar. So when he says he can't feel a thing it's literal as the nerve endings are shot to shit. And that is only going into skin deep level.
Interal organ nerve damage is a whole other mess due to the scaringbeing from burns. As severe enough burns cause systemic damage. (will also go into atfer the scarring part)
His skin looks TIGHT on him. If he did have and semblance of sensation in his nerves it might feel like hella tight/dry skin. Also I think hypertrophic scars are an inflammation response to the body healing.
His body is literally misshapen from it. (and yes we love him the way he is) You can see in panels where the skin is probably softer where there's lack of muscle definition but can see where it's tighter or pulling over his arms/ shoulders/ribcage because the skins elasticity is non-existent. The instances where it's sifter looking is probably due to his body trying to retain as much body fat it can to keep healthy (or as healthy as it's going to get in his state.)
As far as it going right up to his lower lids and having zero tear ducts. that man has chronic dry eye like it's nobodies business. so itchy and possibly bleeding eyes isn't a shock. he probably has several counts of grand larceny in artificial tears alone.
Ok so as for his scaring being from burns, burns affect the whole body and how it works depending on the severity.
It can effect muscle tissue/muscle mass, bone structure and interior organs.
Given he seems to be perpetually giving himself 3rd degree + burns .. his respiratory system and cardiovascular system are probably shot to shit. Just from smoke inhalation and perpetual injury. (hypertrophic scars fill the veins with scar tissue remember) Assuming how deep the burn and scar tissue goes.
But we haven't seen him with much breathing issues so I'm assuming it's whatever. He has mentioned motion sickness and we've even seen him turning down food. So I can at least go into it's affects on his GI tract.
In the GI tract, burns can result in increased gastric secretions, reduced intestinal motility, decreased nutrient absorption, increased GI mucosal permeability, bacterial translocation and increased intra-abdominal pressure. If it's bad enough he may have ulcers or gi hemorrhaging. Severe burns also cause liver and intestinal damage.
The fact that he's been alive this long is wild if he's been homeless this whole time and just committing small crimes to not die. One thing that irritates me is when people think he would be incredibly unhygienic due to the scars and such.
Like do you understand how CLEAN you have to keep burn injuries to keep them from getting infected?? Even if it's layered over already damaged and scarred skin. He might smell like burnt flesh but I doubt he's letting wounds fester.
Yes he could probably just cauterize himself but that's still just burning burn wounds. Especially with 0% health insurance. I always assumed he kept breaking into the Todoroki family home when he knew no one would be there to do basic things to make sure he didn't die on the street over the years.
Quick add on to my thoughts on his staples just being dermal rings to homd his skin together/as a form of human Kinstugi.
They (the rings) are pretty rounded in the manga, surgical staples aren't nearly that large either so I always assumed human Kinstugi regardless of metal color (between manga gold or anime silver) and it was both decorative and necessary for his skin.
I just assumed wherever the rings weren't, it was just spots he couldn't reach.
it's also shown in the manga that he's adjusting/adding more along his scars.
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als, in case anyone is unfamiliar with the term Kintsugi, it's this
Kintsugi (Japanese: 金継ぎ, lit. 'golden joinery'), also known as kintsukuroi (金繕い, "golden repair"), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with urushi lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. The method is similar to the maki-e technique. Its the Japanese philosophy that the value of an object is not in its beauty, but in its imperfections, and that these imperfections are something to celebrate, not hide.
which I think suits his character very well when his piercings and dermal rings are gold looking in some of the colored manga art.
ok, I'll shut up now, ♡
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hey-august · 10 months
Time to wake up | NSFW (Buggy x afab!reader)
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GIF from goodsirs
Description: After a night of partying, Buggy seeks out your attention, only to discover that you're already asleep. Despite his "best" attempts at not waking you, something else is up and ready for some action.
Word count: ~1.9k
A/N: One shot smut with an established relationship. Based on OPLA buggy. Let me know if you see any errors or typos. ♡
Warnings: Not beta read. NC-17. → MDNI ← A moment of dry-humping. PIV, reader on top. Buggy is slightly inebriated but not deeply intoxicated. Buggy is also a whiney and apologetic mess. afab!reader, no use of Y/N. All parties are consenting adults.
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At the end of a long night of celebrations, filled to the brim with drinks, laughter, tall-tales, raunchy shanties, and - everyone’s favorite - arguments that could only be solved with fights, Buggy made his way to his captain’s quarters. He clumsily crawled into the bed where you have been sleeping after slipping out of the party a few hours ago. Although the sheets were full of your body heat, the pirate wanted to get closer the heat source. 
Buggy snuggled against your sleeping form and pulled your back into his bare chest. He rested his head behind yours, enjoying how your hair caressed his face. He found your sweet scent tantalizing and overwhelming. Although he wasn’t drunk, he had enough alcohol coasting through his body to enhance his senses and fuel his imagination. The downside of those effects was the effort it took to process stimulation, and the numerous thoughts made it harder for him to keep his mind organized.
A subtle shift in your resting position nestled you into Buggy’s body, as if you were the first two pieces of a puzzle to fit together. Buggy took advantage of the movement, putting his face into the crook of your neck and pressing his hips against yours. His lips grazed your skin and his brain wrestled with the desire to kiss and nip your neck. Unfortunately for him, the thoughts fought back, bolstered by the swelling happening between his legs.
A few kisses couldn’t hurt, right? He started with pressing his lips against your neck, not really a kiss. When you didn’t stir, he gave in - little pecks, small licks, shaky breaths muffled against your skin. Buggy was so focused on trying to stay in control while tasting as much of you as possible, that he lost track of other sensations his body was seeking. His hips were moving on their own, pressing his hard length into your backside. Small movements, just enough to get pressure. A deep breath from your body, so light it sounded like a sigh, broke his concentration. The pirate clown stilled, afraid he woke you up.
“Bugs, do you want to have sex?” you asked in a voice still coated with sleep. Buggy shook his head against your neck.
“Didn’t mean to wake you,” he murmured, “I was gonna stop.” His voice was slow and heavy from partying and the lust he was trying to downplay.
“Babe, I woke up when you practically fell into the bed.”
“M’sorry, didn’t mean it.” He hugged you closer. It was intended to be a sweet gesture, but once again the sweet whisper of alcohol suggested he put extra pressure on his erection. You didn’t miss how his hard cock twitched against you, begging for more attention.
“I don’t mind, we can have sex,” you offered again, this time upping the ante by pressing against him. 
Buggy’s breath hitched but he didn’t respond. He was stuck in a tornado of different responses, thoughts, and visions, unable to find the one he wanted. You grabbed the arm wrapped around your waist and guided his hand under your sleeping shirt and placed it on your breast. He squeezed. A sign of life. Buggy felt your body melt against his at the sensation and the storm in his mind faded away. 
Buggy finally nodded and muttered another apology while kissing your neck, “M’sorry, wanna fuck you so bad…” This time the kisses were sloppy and heated, interspaced with small nips.
You broke free from his grasp and turned around to face the pirate captain. Under his clownish face paint, Buggy’s eyebrows carried a hint of a scowl, his eyes were dark and glazed with lust, and a blush spread across the unpainted sections of his face. While he didn’t have enough alcohol to get drunk, he was absolutely intoxicated by you. As bad as Buggy felt about waking you up, it was clear that he was so desperately horny that only you would do. 
You captured his lips in an intense kiss and distracted him with your tongue so you could pull off your underwear without his roaming hands interfering. You broke the kiss to pull off your top and directed your captain to take off the only article of clothing he had on, thankful that he only ever slept in his boxers. Buggy obliged dutifully and looked at you with an expectant look, waiting for his next order.
“Let me take care of you,” you said, straddling him. His piercing green eyes watched as you got into position. You could see his feral hunger but there was also another more morose expression. Guilt.
“You sure you want this, Buggy?” The soft expression in your eyes was somehow still strong enough to sting his heart.
“I didn’t wanna wake you…didn’t mean it, m’so sorry.” His face crinkled into a scowl, frustrated with himself. You felt bad that he felt so conflicted, but seeing this man at odds with his love for you and his love for your body had your stomach in knots and your pussy dripping.
“It’s fine, sweetie. Do you want to-?” Despite avoiding your gaze, his strong grip on your hips and bashful nod were affirmation enough. 
You took your cue to lower yourself onto the pirate clown, your heart pounding wildly as the tip made way for the rest of his thick cock. You moved slowly, relying on your slick juices to make the intrusion easier. Buggy’s thickness always stretched you to your limit, creating a delicious burn for you and a plush tight prison for him. 
Through half-lidded eyes, you observed Buggy. His head was tilted back slightly as his body remained tense under your touch, eyes closed and lashes fluttering, all under knitted brows. Under the surface, he was fighting the impulse to slam you down onto his cock and fuck you into oblivion. 
With his previous internal turmoils, the alcohol was his adversary. This time it was on his side. There was no way the pirate could ravage your body the way his unfettered thoughts cried out for. Honestly, Buggy was already closer to the edge than he normally was at this point. He had already been enroute to making a mess in his boxers while humping you from behind.
You began to rock your hips back and forth, feeling Buggy’s fingers dig deeper into your hips. He wasn’t guiding you, just holding on for dear life. You were a buoy and he was afraid of sinking into the murky depths of the ocean alone. 
“Ahhh, fuuuuck, baby…” Buggy groaned in a low voice. “..f-feels s’good,” the words came out strung together with raw ecstasy. He felt your cunt squeeze at the comment, the additional tightness nearly painful. His hips jolted at the increase in pressure as his impatient cock seeked relief.
“Fuck, Buggy!” you gasped, unprepared for his contribution to what you expected to be a solo dance. His movement stuttered at your cry.
“M’sorry, baby, I-I’m so s-sorry,” he whined, “you f-feel so good.” His green eyes looked up at you apologetically while his large hands pawed at your hips, still fighting the battle of keeping his body under control. You held still for a moment, unable to do much but let your cunt squeeze fruitlessly against his throbbing cock. Each contraction caused every bit of his member to massage your sensitive walls, sending tickles of sensation through your body and bringing you closer to climax.
A quiet whimper pulled you back to the bed, a heavy anchor tethering your mind and attention.
 “P-please, m’so close,” Buggy pleaded, shifting his body under yours. Needy hands ran up and down your thighs, having given up on gripping your hips. “W-want you so bad…please wanna come…”
You nodded wordlessly and bounced up and down, wanting nothing more than to give your captain what he wanted. Buggy watched your beautiful form ride his cock, his normally talkative mouth quiet and agape. No matter how many times he’s had this experience, he was always in awe watching your lewd expressions, how your tantalizing cunt accepted his large cock, and the way your hedonistic body moved above him.
Desperate hands returned to their rightful place on your hips. His fingertips dug in deeply, bracing you against the new pace and intensity his hips were going to deliver. Buggy was about to drown in the impending wave building in his body and he couldn’t let you go. As the wave began to crest, slurred words began to pour from Buggy’s cunt-drunk mouth.
“S-so close, please, gonna come…m’sorry b-baby, gonna come. Your cu- unnngh, you f-feel so good. P-please, please, please…” 
Each thrust rubbed his cock against that sweet spot inside you, building pressure through your body until all you could see were the stars flashing in your eyes. Buggy’s movements grew more erratic as his orgasm coursed through his body, from the continued whining flowing from his mouth to the hot streams of cum that began to flood your insides. The throbbing that accompanied each spurt was nearly enough to send you to the stars you were seeing, however, you could feel his eager movements start to ebb away. You rolled your hips, chasing the climax that was only breaths away.
“Oh, f-fuck!” Buggy cried out as the tide in his body retreated and the stimulation from your continued movements increased. His body wiggled helplessly, not in an attempt to get away, but to ease the feeling of overstimulation. The sight of your captain, the fearsome clown pirate, writhing underneath you, muttering and whining words you could no longer pull apart, while still creating bruises on your hips from his man-handling, because he wanted you to finish, was more than enough for you. Buggy feebly attempted to keep your hips moving as you rode through your climax.
You collapsed onto Buggy’s chest as your orgasm teetered out, fighting the twitches that were still lighting up in your body with each beat of your heart. Buggy’s chest heaved under your body, a deep hollow wind accompanied by his own heavy heartbeat. His arms wrapped around you in a tight embrace and he rubbed his chin on the top of your head.
“You’re sooo good, y’feel so good, baby. M’so sorry, had to cum so b-bad. M’sorry, didn’t mean to wake you, just w-wanted you so bad...”
At this point, you weren’t sure if he was talking to you anymore, or if the clown was broken and saying whatever words were left in his empty head. While you wanted to lay on him longer, you made the great effort in rolling off of his body, wincing as his softening member slipped out alongside some of the extra fluid inside you. Laying next to the incoherent clown - whose body was going through a merry-go-round of tension and relaxation as it attempted to come down from all the stimulation you delivered - you tilted his face towards yours.
“Bugs, it’s fine. I’m glad you woke me up for this, okay?” you affirmed in a gentle but straightforward voice. You nodded as you spoke, prompting him to nod back. It was hard to say if he really heard what you were saying, but the calmness that crossed his face was enough for this moment.
Buggy gave another small nod before closing his eyes and allowing his body to fully relax. You kissed his shoulder and basked in the afterglow with him. There was a mess to clean up and you would both need to actually prepare for bed, but you weren’t ready to leave this moment behind yet.
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A/N: there's probably a joke here about a clown shaped alarm cock clock 🤡
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agi-ppangx · 1 year
💭you’re safe now
bang chan x gn!reader
an: based on this request<3 not really proofread so i apologize in advance for any typos and mistakes !!
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you heard chan enter your shared apartment around two in the morning. you were sitting in front of your computer, random show playing in the background, but you didn’t really pay attention. your whole day felt like a blur - you woke up in the middle of the night from a particularly bad nightmare. you had them almost every day - they caused you to be constantly tired due to waking up with a pounding heart long before your alarm. you were anxious all the time and you couldn’t concentrate. today was no different, except the nightmare that woke you up was different, scarier, and it caused your day to be an absolute disaster. you couldn’t concentrate on your way to work, almost bumping your car into another in front of you. when you arrived and your boss saw you he immediately ordered you to go home, because oh, my god yn, you look like a zombie! you came back to your apartment and just sat down, crying your eyes out, feeling completely helpless and defenceless. then you played something on your computer and here you were, your eyelids so, so heavy, but you were too scared to give in and fall asleep, knowing all too well that it only meant another nightmare.
“yn?” you jumped when chan’s hand caressed your shoulder. “hey, it’s just me,” he continued, his voice quiet and soothing. you relaxed once you fully comprehended the situation and sighed loudly. “what are you still doing up, hm?” he hugged you from behind, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. “i don’t want to go to sleep,” you whispered, your eyes welling with tears already. chan noticed your state and immediately paused the show which was still playing quietly in the background. he picked you up from the chair and you didn’t even protest, seeking comfort in your boyfriend’s arms. he sat on the edge of bed, situating you on his lap and you instantly nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck, the scent of his cologne reaching your nose. “i’m so scared,” you sobbed into his hoodie, wetting the material. he squeezed your waist, encouraging you to tell him more so he could understand you better. “i don’t want to experience this again. it was so terrifying and when i close my eyes i can still see it and-” you were starting to hyperventilate and chan had to stop you and instruct you to take a few deep breaths. you hugged him again, your cheek placed on his chest. chan started to rock you gently in his arms. “you’re safe now, baby. i promise everything is okay and you’re not in danger,” he whispered into your ear, placing a kiss on your temple. you just nodded, knowing he’s telling the truth. “maybe… maybe you could make an appointment with your therapist? you haven’t seen her for a while, so perhaps the pills aren’t working anymore. how about that, love?” he asked you gently, carefully picking the words. he knew it was a sensitive topic to you. “i should probably do that, shouldn’t i?” you answered, yawning and he quietly chuckled at your response. “i just think it would be the best idea.” you hummed at that and before you could say anything more, tiredness overpowered you and you fell asleep in chan’s embrace, feeling safe enough to let your guard down and rest.
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taglist: @lynlyndoll @iyenbread @flooo71 @skz-streamer @inniescandy-01 @hannahhbahng @prettymiye0n
let me know if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist🤎
feedback and reblogs highly appreciated🫶🏽
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mapofthesea · 2 years
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jungkook x fem!reader
non idol!au, domestic jungkook
genre: smut and fluff
word count: 3k
summary: After your midday nap ends in a nightmare, you seek Jungkook for comfort.
warnings: talk of a bad dream (some discussion of it but nothing crazy), needy Jungkook, dom!jungkook, sub!reader, face sitting, oral (f receiving), lots of love for readers tits, body appreciation in general, they're in love, handjob, some teasing/begging, jk is whiny but still in charge, dirty talk, unprotected sex in an established relationship (this is fiction, please don’t do this irl), jk cums inside, aftercare 
an: This came to me in a dream again and I woke up far too early to write the outline. As always, I do not proof read (because I am lazy and spend enough time proof reading my college assignments) so if there’s any typos I apologize. This includes mature content and is for 18+ audiences ONLY, so if you are underage or uncomfortable with this content, please don’t read it. Enjoy!
A shiver wracks down your spine, hair standing at attention underneath the warmth of your thick sherpa sweatshirt. The remnants of your dark nightmare leave you confused, even as a gentle mid-day sun streams into your bedroom and the pleasant chirping of birds faintly greets you. Your head spins and your mouth is dry, but you ignore both of those feelings as you rush out of bed. 
Flashes of the nightmare seem to stick to you, even with the sunny disposition of the day. The feeling of hopelessness and loss stings you in the short walk down the hallway into Jungkook’s office, where you had left him when you went to bed. The door is ajar, and the breath you exhale as you open it is punched right back out of you when you find the room empty. 
Anxiety simmers within you, promoted by the way you had just dreamed about not being able to reach your beloved boyfriend. The only thing you can think to do is rush down the stairs clumsily, narrowly avoiding banging your elbow off of the railing as you fly into the living room. Jungkook is there, sitting on the couch facing away from you, mindlessly tapping through his phone. 
A sigh of relief falls from your lips as you latch yourself around him from behind the couch. He startles at your touch and turns until he’s sideways, level with your chest as he peers up at you. 
His hair is endearingly mussed, a few errant pieces poking up at the crown. His big eyes twinkle at you, irises searching your own when he sees the stricken look on your face.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Of course he immediately noticed something was wrong. You can only imagine how crazy you look fresh out of a nap and a subsequent panic. 
“Just a bad dream.” You offer, running your hands down the steady plane of his back, enjoying the tangible proof of him being alive and well. Jungkook makes a low keening noise at your attention, nuzzling into the soft fabric of your sweatshirt so far that you almost don't hear his muffled words. 
“Wanna talk about it?” You finally make out his words, and the thought of rehashing the dream brings tears to your eyes. Your breath hitches a little as he settles his head on your chest. His weight is grounding, and the fact that you can smell his intoxicating mix of shampoo and cologne gives you enough power to choke out the details. 
“You needed help, and you kept calling for me, and I couldn’t get to you.” You sniffle and he whines, winding his hands around your back to hold you impossibly closer. “And you just kept yelling my name and I couldn’t find you, and I thought that you were...” the word stalls in your throat but he understands, nodding against your chest. One of your hands slides to his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart and the constant rise and fall of his breath. “I just needed to know you’re still here.”
“I’m okay, I promise. I’m right here.” His hands are steady on your waist, nose nuzzling endearingly into the space just under your breasts. His actions make you shiver for a completely different reason, and a shuddering breath punches out of you. 
“Need me to prove it?” His voice takes on a teasing lilt that makes your stomach flip and you hum your affirmation. Jungkook moves deliberately, nuzzling his face against your covered cleavage. Even through the layers of clothing you can feel your nipples harden, begging for him to give them more attention. He mouths at your tits through the fabric, playfully biting at the flesh there just enough to make you gasp. 
“Fuckin’ sweatshirt,” he groans, looking up at you with well practiced puppy eyes. He knows he doesn't need them, that you would do basically anything he asked you right now, but he loves to see the way your face softens at his expression. 
“Please take it off, baby. I wanna see your pretty tits. Wanna have ‘em in my mouth.” The genuine desperation in his voice is nothing new but it still makes your brain short circuit a bit as you scramble to pull the sweatshirt off. As soon as the fabric hits the floor Jungkook’s hands push your t-shirt up over your chest, holding it up around your collarbones with one hand as he dives into your tits.
He has no shame in lapping at you, leaving trails of translucent spit around your nipples as you keen. Jungkook sighs happily as his free hand gropes what he can't fit in his mouth, which he’s using to leave a sinful pattern of bite marks all over you. He makes a particularly pointed mark inches away from your nipple that has your knees buckling. He chuckles a breath of air across your already sensitive nipple and your hands grip greedily into the back of the couch for support. 
The way his head looks at it bobs between your breasts makes you dizzy, not to mention the deft movements of his tongue and hand sending sparks straight to your core. 
“Taste so fucking good baby, as always. Shit. I love these fucking tits.” He licks a bold stripe across your right nipple before capturing it between his lips and you pitch forward into his touch. Your hands move too, desperate to feel something other than the plush of your couch under them. 
Jungkook is so wrapped up in you that he doesn't notice your hands have moved until you’re palming his cock through his lounge shorts. He groans and nips at the swell of your breast in retaliation. 
The feeling of him readily hardening under your touch makes you moan, head tipped back as you trace the familiar length through the fabric. 
“Wanna touch you, Jungkook, please.” Your eyes water with tears and he coos at you, stroking his thumb underneath your eye to collect some tears. 
“Fuck, yeah, baby. Take my cock out while I suck these pretty tits.” His voice is barely more than a whine, but you feel confidence surge through you at the idea that you’re the one to make him this way. With no underwear on, it’s easy for you to get his cock out of the confines of his shorts. The weight and size of him is familiar and almost welcoming as you begin to stroke him the way you know he likes. You savor the feeling of his prominent veins as his cock jumps in your touch. His breath stutters against your chest in tiny puffs, giving away just how badly his resolve was slipping as you work your thumb over the head. 
“Fucking shit, you have to stop,” his hands fall away from you, head tipping back as you stroke him particularly hard. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows thickly. 
You decide to ignore his words but only manage to stroke him a few more times before he pushes your hands off of him with a growl. His eyes are dark with lust, hungrily racing over your figure that’s back to being covered with your t-shirt. Your chest heaves as he tips his head toward the empty space on the couch, and even without words you know what he wants. 
You settle into the couch and seconds later Jungkook is over you. You can see the way he’s pushed his hair off of his forehead, and the sexy crease of his eyebrows as he appraises you. 
“Stupid shirt,” he mumbles as he helps you take it off, mumbling endearingly as it gets stuck on his hands while he tries to get it onto the floor. His own follows shortly after, and it doesn't take long before he’s hovering above you completely bare. 
His cock stands at attention against his toned stomach and you reach for it, hoping he takes some pity and lets you return the favor of amazing foreplay. 
“No,” he grunts as you make contact with him. A shy smile splits his face when he notices your pout and his demeanor softens despite the situation. Jungkook brings his face inches away from your own and smiles. 
“You know I haven't even kissed you since you came down here? How awful of me.” 
“Hmmm, worst boyfriend award pending,” you tease. He smiles again and his nose wrinkles adorably, teeth poking out in the most endearing way. Your stomach flips at his beauty, how lucky you are to have him. 
“Fuck, just kiss me, please,” you breathe, suddenly overwhelmed with the need to feel his lips on your own. You keep a steady hold on the back of his neck as you kiss, clashing teeth as he pushes his tongue into your mouth. Your hips buck involuntarily at his touch and his hands find a place at them, holding with a bruising grip. He disconnects from the kiss, planting one on your chin as your chest heaves with desire. 
“My sweet girl, all worried about me in your dream, hm?” The way he’s able to change his demeanor so quickly during sex is something you love about him, and your head spins as he falls back into a more dominant personality. His fingers tease into the waistband of your bottoms, dancing along the delicate skin of your hips. 
“Y-yeah,” you squeak out. Jungkook takes mercy on you and slides your bottoms down, leaving you bare to his gaze and touch. 
“Wanna make you feel better now.” He sits up, surprisingly, and your eyes zero in on the way his cock bobs with the movement. His legs fold and unfold as he moves, and you’re confused until you realize he's laid himself down on the extended sectional of the couch. 
“C’mere baby. Want you up here.” You obey mindlessly, crawling over him so that you’re on top now. Assuming he wants you to ride him, you position yourself just above his hips, hands planted on his firm chest. An incredulous laugh punches out of him as he reaches down for you, pulling you further up his chest until you’re-
“Jungkook, no.” You gasp, in disbelief of what you now realize he’s implying. His hands splay on your thighs and his eyes sparkle. 
“Uh uh, no fighting me. We both know how much you love sitting on my face, so get up here. Wanna have you in my mouth.” 
Your stomach contracts because you know he’s right, but there’s a nagging voice in the back of your head. 
“Kook, I just had a dream that you..died, and I don’t wanna hurt you.” Jungkook grunts at your worry, pinching at the meat of your thigh. 
“Baby, I’ll be just fine. Plus, if I’m gonna go, I would love for it to be while I’m buried in your sweet little pussy.” 
His candor sends a new wave of arousal through you, and you know he’s right, so you nod and shuffle your hips up to him. 
“Love you so much, Kook.” He smiles at your words and promptly wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you exactly where he wanted you. His tongue immediately splits open your pussy lips as his fingers flex into your skin and hold you in place. You can feel his nose pressing against your clit, rubbing the nerves in a way that makes your eyes roll. He makes short work of licking up every bit of arousal you'd already produced, but there’s no shortage of more as he endeavors to attach his lips around your clit and suck. 
Your thighs shake around his head and you can heard his satisfied moans against your pussy. You feel like every nerve inside your body is on fire, conducted by the way his tongue knows the perfect places to devour. Your orgasm builds exponentially when he licks messy circles around your clit, the sloppy sounds of his spit mixing with your juices hurdling you closer to your end. Your toes curl as he groans again, vibrations going right to your core and coaxing your orgasm out of you. You gasp, unable to stop the tightening of your thighs around his head as you cum. 
Forever the champ of eating you out, Jungkook continues to lap up your orgasm until you’re genuinely worried you might be hurting him and scoot back off of him. He lets you go reluctantly, staring up at you as you go. 
His face is covered in the sheen of your cum, and his eyes are so wide and admiring that you almost want to cry. 
“You're so hot, baby. Perfect little pussy.” He sits up and captures you in his arms, uncaring of the way your weeping pussy gushes against him. 
You kiss him, and all you can taste is you, but you still feel so pleasantly high from cumming that you can’t find it in you to feel embarrassed. As your senses come back you feel his cock beneath you, and despite having just cum, you feel voracious for him to be inside of you. Jungkook kisses the soft spot under your ear and sighs at the contact of your throbbing pussy on him. 
“If you're ready I am, baby. Need to cum in you,” the strain in his voice is obvious and so sexy, the evidence of just how much you affect him. 
You can’t resist kissing him again, sharing the flavor between your tongues as he lays you back down. Although you haven't said anything, he knows your legs are far too tired to do anything but lay down and take it, and he’s more than happy to adjust for that. 
He strokes his cock a few times, spreading his precum down his shaft in a way that has your mouth watering. Your legs fall open easily, never one to deny him or delay your shared pleasure. Jungkook moans appreciatively at the gesture, running his fingers down your slit before slipping two in. 
You writhe at the unexpected contact, sensitive to his touch after cumming so hard on his tongue. Although you understand and appreciate his concern of making sure you're ready for his cock, you feel more than prepared for him after your first orgasm. 
“Please don't fucking tease me right now, I need you.” Jungkook arches a brow at your desperate plea, a shit eating grin sprouting as his fingers stall. 
“You need me that bad, huh? Don’ even need me to stretch out your little pussy?” He knows you can handle him, but the idea of making you admit it has his cock jumping again. 
Your face flames with misplaced embarrassment, knowing exactly what he wants you to admit to. 
“Y-you don’ need to because I came so hard, I-I’m wet enough.” You stutter it out and his smirk widens, proud of himself for making you admit it. 
“My dirty little baby.” He steals another kiss as he guides the tip of his cock to you, running it over your clit until he can't take it anymore. Jungkook presses in slowly and you can see his pretty eyes roll back as he feels your walls envelope him. 
Despite how wet you were, the sheer size of his cock means there’s always a stretch, but you work through it quickly, squeezing your walls around him once he has fully sunk into you. A string of praises falls from your lips as he thrusts into you, barely holding back. His hands squeeze the flesh of your waist as he fucks you, eyes bored onto the place where you connect. 
It’s all you can do to keep from squirming off of the couch in pleasure as he fucks into you with a practiced precision, finding the perfect angle and speed and using it to his advantage to work you up quickly. The sight of him over you is something you never want to be without: lower lip captured between his teeth, hair slicked back with sweat, chest heaving with his effort as his thrusts rock you up the couch cushions. 
When he finally unlatches his bottom lip from between his teeth, he makes the prettiest moans you’ve ever heard, interlaced with praises that make your own chest heave. 
“Shit, you feel so good, my baby. My girl made for me, perfect little pussy that’s just for me.” His hands shake noticeably as he moves them; one to press down over your stomach and keep you in place, the other finding it’s place over your clit. You can tell he’s close when you feel his cock twitch inside of you, and he doubles his efforts by circling your clit with two fingers at a speed that would make your wrist ache. Your hands scramble to grab onto his arms, leaving crescent marks behind where your nails dig into his skin. 
“Right t-there, Kook.” Your eyes roll and all words abandon you as your orgasm rushes in, churning your stomach in knots of pleasure as you moan Jungkook’s name. 
“Got you, baby. Right behind you.” He cums seconds after you, giving short thrusts to pump his cum as far into you as possible. You enjoy the come-down together, gripping each other closely as the world returns. You still feel a bit like your head is underwater when Jungkook gets the energy to pull out of you, but you take his hand when he offers it. One trip to the bathroom later, you’re back where you began your afternoon. 
This time Jungkook’s toned body is backing your own, fingers playing with the hair that splays around you on the sheets. 
“Feeling better?” He asks. You nod, turning to face him. Neither of you bother putting clothes back on before crawling into bed, and you press your bare chest against his own. 
“Good.” He grins and gives you a sweet kiss. “Next time you have a bad dream you let me know.” 
You quirk an eyebrow at him. “You gonna solve every bad dream with a good fuck for the rest of our lives?” 
Jungkook laughs in the way he only does around you and your heart blooms. 
“Sure, if that’s what it takes. Anything for you.” 
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screaminglygay · 1 year
pairing: siren! natasha x reader
summary: working on a boat sounds like a fun, but what if there is a cold weather?
word count: 3.6k
warnings: heavy manipulation!!!, mind control, toxic dynamic, humping a tail, dirty talk, just smut!, badly written description of what sailors do
an: so the time is here!!!! I’m exited and also anxious, aghh. I’d appreciate any of your feedback and don’t be scared to send me some thoughts! If there are any typos, i sincerely apologize, just let me know and I’ll fix it!
an2: there is a part that was inspired by hp and goblet of fire, i’ve changed most of it, but left some parts, since natasha is siren. felt like it was fitting. and it’s exactly how I imagine natasha’s style of singing.
(italics = your thoughts)
Enjoy this spooky time and be safe!
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Working on a coast was an incredible experience and for such a long time you were happy to have the oppurtunity to see new things, but most imporantily feel new things.
This spontanious work trip helped you with your mental health more than your therapist in years. You didn´t even mind working alone somedays, since your coworkers had some days shift off. You enjoyed those quiet days, where you didn´t even overthink, you just let your thoughts peacefully be and surprisingly they did the same thing to you.
Seeing things, the old things but with a different font was something you never get tired of. Everything was bigger and prettier. Colorfull sunrises and sunsets, bigger and shiny stars. But when the warm and fuzzy wind was changed by heavy rains and scary thunderstorms, you were really changing your opinion and wishing you were back in your comfy king sized bed, watching another stupid show on Netflix. Not everything was so colorful all the time.
Especially when the weather got cold and nothing was so warm and fuzzy as in the summer. When the first storm came you thought that you can hadle it, alone. You did, but barerly.
But from todays morning, you knew something big is coming and nothing could prepare you for that. You woke up and checked your phone, like you did every signle day and noticed you have one unread message, saying that your coworker, Tobias, can´t make it, because he got sea sick, from all the sailing he did this week. Which is little weird since you´re positive he´s been sailing the day he was born. But even the best of us can get sick sometimes. So youre all alone. You let out a big sigh. You werent mad, no. You were just little scared of the storm that might and most probably will come today.
When you finally got up and looked from the window you could feel that the wind was freezingly cold. Goosebumps begin to form on your arms and neck. The cold feeling seeps through your skin deeper, like a stealthy intruder, sending shivers down your spine. It's an icy touch that grips your body, making your muscles tense.
It´s gonna be a long day.
As always you packed your stuff, fuzzy socks, warm coat, another shirt just in case youll get wet. Lastly you took some snacks and a big amout of soup, hoping your heater wont let you down. And last but not least a lots of tea. As your boss always says "Tea and rum is better than a warm coat." Well you dont have the rum, but the tea will do, at least that´s what youre saying to yourself.
When you got to work, you checked all the papers from yesterday, made sure to know what your tasks will be today. And of course you had to check if the boat is in a good shape to sail the next day. It´s a lot of work, but at least you have a job to do. Not like a week ago, where you just sat and watch as the waves hit the rocks for 12 hours. You noticed that even waves have a simple patterns, its was so hypnotic to watch it hit the big rocks again and again and again.
You slowly checked all the papers to not miss anything important and undeerscore everything that you need to do today. You checked your watch and made a mental note to put the kettle on soon.
Youre working here for about a 5 months now and you still havent figured out your routine. Even though most of the times youre still doing the same job all over again, checking something, writing what needs to be fixed, checking the load, or just watching over the boat, you still do everything at the same time. So sometimes (read it as most of the times) you just forget to do the simple things as taking care of your basic needs. When you and Tobias have shift together, you two kinda take care of eachtoher, but when he´s not there it´s just so easy to forget about it.
But today you did quite good job, after checking the lower deck you came back up to unlock the kitchen and put the kettle on. When youre water was getting ready for your favorite and only tea you had here, you wrote some documentary about the first ship load you had to check. Everything was correct and you were happy that you didn´t have to unpack it and count it manually. Your first break of the day fly past very quickly as you finished your tea, that didnt make you feel warm at all. You put the cup in the sink and went on another round of checking the boat lower deck.
As you stood up something red caught your eye in the distance, you took a few steps closer to the window, hoping you would see better at what it is. It was weird seeing something so bright in the distance, where only the gray waves were moving. But to your disappointment, you didnt got the answer, it was probably some coral from the shore. You shake your head slightly and moved to another task.
When you came up you noticed that it was already dark outside, shockingly it was the same tempetrure as throghtout the day. Which was a positive thing.
How long have I been downstairs? What time is it? I didn´t have lunch... again.
As many thoughts at the same time speed through your mind, you heard something under the boat. You just closed your eyes, taking few deep breaths to calm your nerves. You put down the paperwork and the pen you were holding. Making your way to the kitchen, youve notice that you didn´t even drank much water. Cursing yourself, you drink a half of the bottle right away. The fresh water finally hitting your needs. Refreshing shockwave going through your body. Every cell awaken and all of your sences light up. Already feeling better, taking a moment to make soup and overall just refresh yourself. As you´re finishing your food, you hear it again.
This time is was way louder, so you took all of your courage to go out and look what it was. Sometimes you were tought, or maybe you just act before you think things through. You were terrified of the dark and most importantly what´s in it, but this time something made you go out. You were surprised by yourself, but you didnt question it, much.
When you got out you checked the boat, slowly analyzing if something is wrong.
Was it an animal? A fallen brench into the water?
"Hello?" You immidietly cursed yourself. "Im an idiot." You mumble as you walk around. "There is no more pathetic and stupid way to die then just say hello to the dark." You mumble under your breath.
After a while walking around the boat a big strike apeared on the sky. And after few second of a complete silence there was a big thunder coming, that made you run back inside. There it was the big storm you were so terrified of. It was way worse than the last time and you were hoping to survive it.
That´s a little bit dramatic, but your heart was pounding fast, your hands started to shake and even in this cold you very still incredibly sweaty, like if you just ran a marathon in the desert. After few hours of tinkinkng you´ll die, the storm suddently stopped, leaving you all tired and scared at the same time. Until youve heard another sound, it wasnt another bang, it was more like a humming.
Maybe someone from the sailors is here? But they are all men. Maybe someones wife? Again, your thoughts are running milions miles per hour.
The humming sounds so warm, like the old days, back in summer, where everything was colorfull, fuzzy and it felt generally so good in your ears. You stood up and without second guessing you step outside. There was complete silence, not a single person outside, The sun slowly coming out, trying to fight those stromy clouds that were showing the only evidence of heavy storm.
As soon as your hand laid back on the door handle a beautfiul voice start to sing a melodic song. You didnt understand it, it was some language you never heard, but you liked it, your brain might not understand the words, but your body understood the melody. And suddenly you didn´t felt cold, it was the other way around actually. Your cheeks were on fire, like you were running a fever, but you didn´t feel bad, no, you actually felt the best you ever did.
When you turn around you saw her. Unbeiebly beaitiful, goddess looking woman. Her hair was red, not like an apple red, more like a bright fire that is keeping you warm at the coldest nights. Each strand seemed to catch the sunlight that was finally going up, setting her aglow with a vibrant, fiery aura. Her green eyes were pierced at you, she was looking at you, waiting for your move. But you just stood there and watched her, your breathing started to speed up. You tried to remeber evertything about her, but as soon as your eyes fell lower, you noticed how light her skin looked. It reminded you of a fresh marble that was just ready to be cast in. But what caught your off guard the most, was her tail. You´ve never seen aynthing like that and it was very obvious, because youre face made it very well known. It was mixed feeling between shocked and amazed. The siren's tail was a fluid masterpiece, a shimmering blend of oceanic blues and greens. With each sinuous movement, it created a mesmerizing scene.
"Hey sailor." she smirked, her voice sound way raspier than it did when she sang.
"I- I- I´m not a sailor. This is uh not my uh- boat... I just work here." You stutter out, cursing yourself for seeing the prettiest woman your eyes have ever laid on and you ramble out this sentence.
"You just work here? Oh what a pity, I wanted to ask for some help." The red haired frown, which made you feel sad right away.
"I can help! I just... not my boat." You awkwardly chuckled out.
Her eyes immidietly fell back on you. "Oh really? I don´t want to bother since you´re not the sailor of this boat." Her voice sounded so soft, yet harsh at the same time. It was luring you, by every word she said, you felt different emotion each time. A good emotions.
"I mean I´m on a shift now, so teoretically I am sailor of this boat." You smiled, youre pupils were so big and you felt like you were in euhporia.
She smiled softly. Her smile could make a whole army fall to their knees. You knew it, but most imporatnly she did too. But there was only one person she want to fall on their knees. And that person was you.
"Okay then, sailor..." her raspy voice now coming lower to your body, slowly eletrucing you. "I just need a little favor, my tail..." She let out a little whine, completly changing her body language. She didn´t seem so confident, she looked so fragile and sad. And you have to help her.
"Are you hurt?!" You imidditetly walk closer to her. Crouching so youre on the same eye level. She place her hand on yours, looking at you and finally, she bonded. Her touch made you feel cold and warm at the same time. Butterflies flying everywhere not just in your stomach and her eyes. Her captivating eyes has already read you like a whole book. Her eyes were an entrancing shade of emerald, deep and captivating like the hidden depths of the sea. They held an enigmatic allure, with a hint of mischief and ancient wisdom that drew you in, ensnaring your heart and mind.
"A little-" she sigh and looks away. "-maybe you can help me get back, to safety, where no one can find us." The soft spoken woman look at you, making eye contact again, while her hand is still on yours.
"Us?" Your words caught her off guard.
"Yes, us, darling. You know, not all people are kind as you are. Youre the only one who ever made me feel safe. Youre the only one i can trust now. Youre-" she blinks a few times, leaning closer to you. "-youre my saviour. Will you help me, darling? Help us to get to safety? The world is too cruel and we need to decide right now."
This was the task you were waiting your whole life on here. Make sure she is safe, there is nothing else that is more important than this. You nod, still making eye contact.
"I will. Of course!" You nod again, taking this job very seriously, as you felt like you were born for this.
"Say it. Say what you were made to do, darling." Raspiness was now the only thing that you´ve heard. You were less and less interested in your work and your tasks before her.
Before her there was... was there anything before her?
"I will help you. I will help us get to safety." Your eyes scanned her face, hoping these words will help her.
"Thank you my darling, will you follow me? Please?" her eyes were watery, she´s holing back tears and that tears your heart.
"Yes." You say without hasitation.
"Yes, what, darling?" She asks.
"Yes, uh-" suddnely you feel this sensation, your head feels fuzzy and your view is more and more bright. Your words are caugh up in your throat, when you looked at her lips you can see them moving, but your ears cant catch the word she´s saying. But your mind does.
"Yes, mistress." you whisper back as it´s the only thing you can say.
As you closed your eyes for a second, the world around you seemed to blur and fade. The warm feeling never leaving your side.
Time itself shifted, as if you were wrapped in a comforting cocoon. The soft, rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore became a lullaby and there is it was again. Her singing. Her soft and heart warming singing.
When you finally stirred, it was as if you had awakened in a dream. The dimly lit cave, adorned with iridescent seashells and many other decorations, that suited the cave. And there, before you, was a siren of unparalleled beauty, her emerald eyes reflecting the cave's soft luminescence.
"Hello, darling..." she slowly moved towards you "...slept well?" her smirk grew wider as she saw your hand immidietly going between your legs as there was some unbeliveble aching you were feeling.
"I- uh huh" You only nod, not realizing that your hand is going lower on your body.
The siren´s hand falls on your cheeks as she tuck some of your falen hair behind your ear. Not even for a second breaking eye contact. Without second thinking you grab her hands and put them on your body, that was covered in your wet clothes.
"P-please!" Was all you could have said. She just chuckled and squeezed your breasts.
"You don´t even know my name and you want me to fuck you? Aww darling, youre way easier than I thought you would be. So so so easy" She tsked and suddenly, you didn´t felt her hands on you anymore.
"I don´t care!" You yelp as the aching was even worse now. Is this what drugs do to you? You just want more and more and still it isn´t enough.
The siren looked at you shocked, her hand was placed on her chest as a sign of being offended. "Darling, you don´t care what my name is? That´s rude." She pout. Tears immidietly filling her eyes. "And I thought you don´t want to hurt me, yet you´re just like the others." She looked away.
"Wait- No, no, no! Im not like the others, Im sorry! Im so sorry! I want to know your name. Oh gosh I didn´t want to be so selfish!" You grabbed her arm. "Please, tell me your name, I bet it´s beautiful just like you!"
"You think Im beautiful?" Her green eyes falling back on you.
"Very." You nod.
"It´s Natasha." She wiped her tears.
"Okay, Natasha. Im sorry for being selfish, It was really mean, let me make it up to you, please." You felt so sad, like every joy just left your body forever. Like you didn´t even experience a single happy thing in your life. Like everything was just dark.
"You´re right, you did act very selfish and mean. And you should definetly make it up to me, (Y/N)." Natasha seems so small right now, like a small fish in a big dark ocean.
"Anything you want, just please- forgive me." You basically whined at this point.
"(Y/N), you truly hurted my feelings, I don´t know. How can i trust you not hurting me again?" The horrible feeling of guilt is forming not just in your stomach, but also in your head now.
Natasha looked really hurt by your words. And you felt like if you´ll lose her, you´ll lose yourself, forever.
You squeezed her hand. "I will never. How can i prove it to you? Please..." You knew this will work. "... mistress, let me prove to you, I won´t ever hurt you and Im truly so sorry!"
Her eyes shifted, her pretty green color in her eyes just dissapeared and turned into black.
"Take of your clothes. They´re wet, you will get sick. Aren´t you cold, darling?" At her words you did feel the cold breeze. Actually you were freezing.
"Y-y-yeah, Im freezing." You said while your teeth chattered.
"Oh, darling! Clothes off, righ now!" She ordered and you did as she told. "I don´t want you catch a cold!" Her voice was caring, so caring you didn´t think you deserve it, after how mean you´ve been acting towards her.
As you stand there, completly naked the shivering didn´t end, it got even worse and your nipples could cut dimonds now.
"You´re still cold? Oh, darling, come here." She pointed at her tail. "My tail is warm, it´s gonna keep you from freezing to death." Her smile could cure everything negative thing in this world.
Without second guessing you almost jumped at her, your hand wanting to touch her tail, but you stopped yourself. "May I? Mistress?" Natasha just nodded. You hand immidietly touching her tail.
It´s so soft, oh my god and warm! So so warm.
"Sit on it, darling." She take your hands and guided you on her tail. "It will make you warm, so warm, it will end the shivers, I promise."
So you did. You sat on her tail and if you felt tingles everywhere before, then now there are tignles even in places you don´t have. Running your fingers along its sleek, supple surface was like caressing a piece of heaven. Its velvety texture and gentle, soothing warmth enveloped you in a sense of euphoria, as if you were touching a living embodiment of comfort and enchantment, a sensation that melted away all of your less important other thoughts.
Natasha noticed you´re still shivering and put her hand on your hips. "Darling, if you start to move you will stop shivering. Fast friction makes heat and you really need to be in heat now, darling." Natasha was right, her words were exactly what you needed, but you just didn´t know how.
How can I do this? I don´t want to hurt her tail.
"You won´t hurt my tail, darling. I will guide you, okay?" Her strong hands squeezed your hips and slowly made you move back and forth. "Just like that, you´re doing so good."
After a little while you start to get the hang of it and you felt that amazing friction again. Everything started to feel so good, all the lost joy, all the good feeling are back. All the happy thoughts.
"Oh my god- it´s really working!" You screamed.
"I know, darling. I can feel you on my tail. Keep going." She wispered in your ear.
You did. Oh boy, you did. You moved your hips back and forth faster and faster. And at the same time it got easier, maybe it´s the tail, or maybe it´s the fact that your juices were all over Natasha.
You definetly felt the heat.
Few moments before you came and let all of your juices on the siren´s tail, she started to sing again. In the same language you couldn´t understand before, but you can now. It´s like you know the song all your life.
"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing alone in the dark,
And while you're searching, ponder this:
We're gonna take what you'll sorely miss,
But not for long you gonna think,
Let us help, and you won´t sink.
Your life might have been so perfect,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."
After the red head stopped singing, she looked at you and finally closed the gap between you two. Your first kiss was a moment of exquisite tenderness, a meeting of souls that overlap the boundaries of land and sea. As their lips brushed together, it was a gentle, captivating exchange of warmth and desire. In that soft, lingering kiss, they found a connection that was as deep and boundless as the ocean itself, a love that defied all expectations and left you utterly in her arms.
"I forgive you, darling." Natasha said and you knew, you found your life task. As she holds you close on her tail your eyes fell back into the warm fuzzy feeling, you didn´t mind be in forever.
Hope you enjoyed first day of KINKTOBER!
Thank you for reading!!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Ballora!Reader x the cast
Reader is like Ballora and they are a very caring figure who is very quiet and their walk dancing just like ballora, They dont talk too much but they care about everyone very much, Usually obliterating anything that tries to hurt them in a very brutal way even tho theres no blood there
Reader also crawls on the walls doing contortionism (bridge pose) and sometimes does this to explore the place, even scaring the cast, but the reader has a voice as beautiful as Ballora's, generally using it to help the others calm down or even try to make them sleep or something like that
TADC cast x Ballora type! Reader
Lmao hi I literally just woke up its like, 8am rn as I type this 😭😭
Typing this early since I'm making cinnamon rolls today! Gotta wake up for other people to wake up since I dont wanna. Accidentally wake anyone up
Written on mobile btw !! So things may be shorter / more typo prone !!
Only did the main 4 today my apologies, I couldn't really come up with any ideas for kinger zooble n gangle <\3
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Loves watching you perform and practice your ballet!
I think he would have literal heart eyes whenever you talk to him, he just loves your voice so much!
Floats next to you as you crawl on this walls and do your contortions; strikes up a conversation with you while you're literally defying gravity
Oh..! Ballet! She doesnt know much about it, but that wont stop her from appreciating your skills!
Probably looks at you in a different light after you absolutely demolish and/or snap during an IHA
That's not necessarily a bad thing, by the way... simply gets the point across that you're... capable in case of a dangerous situation...
Has probably gotten jumpscared after seeing you crawl on the walls
Tries to convince you to join the dark side and use your wall crawling ability to scare people... same with your contortions... if you want to like, actually consistently and intentionally scare folks then jax is you're go to person to help lure people into whatever area youre in
I don't see him as someone who would be into ballet, but I do think he would have some level of respect for the effort and stuff that goes into it
Not much to be said since I believe I've done a jax x ballerina reader a few days ago !
Stares at the small pile of mush that used to be a gloink before you came in.. for once he feels.. uneasy
Similar to pomni in terms of the wall crawling stuff she has been spooked by it a few times before growing used to it
LOVES watching you dance, literally you're number one fan, always watches you everytime you dance
Silliness be damned! This doll loves her pretty but slightly off putting partner!!
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 9 months
I have a subby baby Bucky request for you.
What about him being really needy in the middle of the night and he lays behind you and hums himself against you.
You wake up and ask him what he is doing there. (You know it but subby Bucky is just too cute with that them) He says sorry but he needs you so bad and you’re nice to him and help him with his hard bulge in his pants. 😌😌
Needy Night » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader
Summary: Bucky wakes up in the middle of the night needing attention from his girlfriend.
Warnings: Smut (18+), language, sub Bucky/dom reader, dirty talk, kissing, hickeys, dry humping, (m receiving), mommy kink, praise kink, pet names for Y/N (doll), pet names for Bucky (baby boy)
A/N: Thank you for requesting!🩵 @buckys-wintersoldier
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators.
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Bucky woke up with a gasp leaving his lips and covered in a thin layer of sweat. He propped himself up on his elbows, looking around the dark bedroom as he tried to gather his surroundings. He looked down at his lap, noticing a bump that was underneath the blanket. He lifted the blanket, only to find out the bump was inside of his sweatpants.
“Damn it.” Bucky quietly mumbles to himself.
He laid back on the bed and sighed. He turned his head to see you sleeping peacefully next to him. Bucky looked from you to his bulge as an idea popped into his head. He rolled to his side and moved himself closer to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He bit his lip to keep himself from moaning when he felt your ass against his bulge. He slowly started to move his hips against your ass, gasping quietly when he felt some kind of relief.
“Oh fuck!” Bucky quietly moans, squeezing his eyes shut.
Bucky leaned his head against your shoulder and placed save kisses on the back of it. He quickened his movements, unable to control himself. Pants left his mouth. You shivered when you felt his breath on your skin. Bucky’s movements stilled when you shifted, hoping that he didn’t wake you up. After a moment, he started grinding his bulge against your ass again, applying more pressure than he did the first time.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Bucky whispers to himself, loving the feeling of your ass against his clothed cock.
Your eyes fluttered open. It didn’t take you long to realize what Bucky was doing.
“Buck, what are you doing?” You asked, acting like you didn’t know what he was doing.
“I-I’m sorry, mommy!” He quickly apologized. “I umm…” He couldn’t find the words to describe what he was doing.
You giggled to yourself and reached over to turn on the bedside lamp. You turned over to see Bucky’s face red in embarrassment and his blue eyes were dark with lust. You placed a hand on his cheek, caressing it and rubbing your thumb over his stubble.
“Are you horny?” You asked him.
Bucky looked into your eyes and nodded his head yes.
“Do you want mommy to help you with your problem?” You asked, rubbing a hand down his abs.
Bucky nodded his head yes again. Your hand slid past the waistband of his sweatpants, rubbing your hand over his hard cock in his boxers. Bucky bucked his hip into your hand.
“Lay down for me please.” You say.
Bucky laid down on his back as you sat up. You hooked your fingers in the waistband and pulled down his sweatpants and boxers, enough for his hard cock to spring out against his stomach. His tip was leaking with precum. You wrapped your hand around his cock, pumping it a few times before swiping your thumb over his tip, using his precum as a lubricant.
“Pl-Please!” Bucky begs.
“Patiences, baby boy.” You tell him.
You leaned down and wrapped your lips around his tip and sucked on it before moving your mouth farther down on his cock, your nose almost touching his lower abdomen. Bucky threw his head back against his pillow, loving the feeling of your tongue on the underside of his cock.
“Oh fuck, yes!” Bucky moans.
You placed your hands on his thighs and began to bob your head faster. Bucky lifted his head to look down at you, making eye contact with you. You had an innocent look in your eyes that drives him crazy. You took your mouth off his cock to get your breathing under control. You leaned up, kissing his lips while moving your hand up and down on his cock. Bucky moaned against your lips. You move your lips down to his neck, your teeth lightly nipping on his skin, biting down hard enough for a hickey. Bucky tilted his head to the side to give you more access to his neck. You kissed down his body, stopping just above his cock. You wrapped your lips around his cock again and started bobbing your head. The hand that was on his cock went down to his balls, lightly massaging them.
“Fuck!” Bucky moans. “Please don’t stop!” He whines.
You applied more pressure to his balls as you massaged them. Bucky’s jaw dropped and his eyes squeezed shut, loving the feeling.
“Yes! Oh fuck!” He moans as his tip hit the back of your throat.
His cock twitched in your mouth. Bucky feeling his orgasm coming closer to an end much to his liking.
“I-I’m— oh fuck! I’m gonna cum! C-Can I cum, mommy?” He asks, almost whining.
You hummed around his cock, giving him permission to cum. A loud moan of the word mommy left his lips as he came in your mouth. You bobbed your head a few more times before taking your mouth off of his cock while swallowing his cum and making eye contact with him. Bucky was a panting mess.
“Th-Thank you, mommy.” He says, regaining his breath.
“Anytime, baby boy.” You say with a smile.
Bucky pulled his boxers and sweatpants back up. You got off the bed and went to the bathroom to get a wet washcloth to clean up the two of you. Then you went to the kitchen to get some water before getting back in bed and shutting the light off. Bucky moved closer to you, laying his head on your chest.
“I love you, doll.” Bucky whispers sleepily.
“I love you too, baby boy.” You whispered back, kissing the top of his head.
-Bucky’s Doll
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bnha-headcanonss · 5 months
Today got so, so much weirder
Bakugo one-shot. Super light. Hopefully sweet? Idk I don’t write this type of stuff. Apologies for any typos or confusing bits. It’s 4 am. I have not slept.
Slight swearing (expected)
Word count: 1875
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I woke up, sun shining into my eyes first thing. Basically blinded as soon as I wake up, on top of that, I’m going to be late, lovely start to the day!
I get up, get dressed in my uniform, and leave for school.
“Honey what about breakfast??” Mom calls out after me.
“I’m going to be late if I stay any longer! I’ll pick something up on the way, love you!” I yelled while speeding out the door.
I hear a faint “I love you too!” As I slam the door shut and make my way down the street.
“Stop walking so fast will you?!”
Bakugo and I haven’t always been close, he’s got an explosive personality, quite the temper on him. After both of us getting into UA and finding out we were in the same class, we grew closer. Originally it was banter back and forth and absolutely kicking each others ass in matches. Basically wiping the floor with each other.
He’s got this explosion quirk which goes hand-in-hand with his personality and I have a time shift quirk. I use it a lot to dodge others attacks and find way to make their attacks blow up in their own face, in his case, literally. And he hates it.
After our back and forth harsh banter that went on for months, it turned more playful. Eventually we just became each others closest friend. And I’d hate to admit it, it’s been kind of nice. Over time I developed a small crush for him. Nothing too major. But just underneath all the anger and aggression, and ego, he’s not half bad.
“My apologies your highness.” I did a stupid little curtsy and he attempted to push me down. I grabbed onto his arm so his attempt failed. Still funny though.
“What’re you doing out here so late? Usually you’re early.” I questioned. Being late or barely on time was my thing, not so much his.
“Somebody kept me up all night.” He gave me a dirty look.
“You were the one who didn’t want to go to sleep until you got a win. You just got to get better at the game.”
“I’ll blow your fucking face up, shut your mouth.” I burst out laughing. Bakugo sucks big time at Mortal Kombat. He wasn’t much for video games in general but he saw me watching an execution clip online and got interested, typical.
We reach the school and go on with our day. We don’t talk much in class, we sat and did our work. Lunch came and we ate together.
“Hey try this.” He proceeds to dump some green sauce on my food.
“What is it?” I questioned. Bakugo loves his spicy food, pretty on brand but I can’t stand it. I do not have the tastebuds strong enough for that like he does.
“It’s nothing too bad, it’s really good, I made it myself. Try it.” He demanded.
“If I burn myself, it’s on you.”
“Nah you’ll be fine. Go on.” He sits back. I already know how this is going to go, but he made it himself and I can’t say no to that.
As expected, it burned.
“Holy shit Bakugo, this burns so bad.” I’m up and looking for anything to drink but I finished my water a while ago and don’t have anything else. Meanwhile Bakugo is practically dying of laughter in his seat. I swear he’s got tears of joy forming and I’ve got tears related to death streaming down my face. Everything feels like it’s on fire.
“Here here, you’re causing a scene.” He hands me his water bottle and I start chugging.
“I don’t care.. if I cause anything.. that shit BURNS!” I manage between chugs of water. He breaks out into even more laughter.
He was right though, I am causing a scene. I sit back down and try to gain my composure.
“What is that stuff?”
He pulls out the unlabeled bottle and holds it up like an advertisement.
“Lord Explosion Murder hot sauce, available near you.” He’s got a giant grin on his face. You don’t see him smile much, even if it is artificial, it ties my stomach in a knot, that could also be the hot sauce.
“Oh my god you’re such a nerd.” I say with a stupid smile on my face, compensated by an eye roll.
“You find it funny so clearly you love this nerd. Wait- nevermind that sounded weird.”
“Yeah right, cool it hot shot.” I laugh and brush it off, I wouldn’t say love, but I think I definitely like that nerd? I have no idea.
He looked oddly vacant when I brushed it off though. There was no emotion, just stone faced. Completely changed the tone. Luckily the bell rang, we cleaned up and continued the rest of our school day.
“Roof?” I approach his desk as the final bell for the day rings.
“Yeah let’s go.” He packs away his things and we make our way to the roof.
We’ve been coming up here a couple times a week since becoming friends, just to talk, watch the sun go down, watch a movie or something. It’s like a moment of peace for me. I think this is originally where I started developing feelings for him. It’s just us, there’s no playing an act or anything. We learned to be ourselves and I really like who he actually is.
“What’s it gonna be today?” He questions, pulling out his laptop and turning on his Apple TV application.
“Hmm. What’s on the list?”
We made a list of all the movies we think about but can’t watch at the moment.
“So far there’s 27 dresses, uh 13 going on 30, 10 things I hate about you, god what is up with all the romcoms? All girly shit.”
“You realize who you’re talking to dimwit? 10 things I hate about you.”
“Yeah yeah.” He rolls his eyes, turns on the movie and positions the laptop in front of us both. It’s a nice day. Not cold, no breeze, just nice, warm air. Quiet.
I must’ve been more tired than I thought because I felt my eyes getting heavier and I’ve had to catch myself from falling forward once or twice. The movies only about half way done.
“Fucking loser.” He says.
“You’re falling asleep.” Pointing out the obvious.
“No I’m not, I’m watching the movie.” Uh-huh..
“Right.” He pulls me towards him until my head hits his shoulder. This is different, Bakugo grew some balls or something. I don’t remember much else from there though.
I must’ve been really exhausted.
I open my eyes to the night sky and Baby Driver playing on the laptop. I barely made it through 10 things I hate about you I guess. I’m still laying on his shoulder but I feel pressure on my head, it feels like his head. And I feel a hand on my waist. Is he asleep too?
“Hm.” I test.
“Finally, fucking nerd. You fell asleep.” He’s got that softer, sleepy voice. Maybe he was falling asleep. He lifts his head and moves his hand from my waist.
“Sorry, I guess today was not my day.” I laugh it off.
“Movie was good. Liked it. I put this on right after though and it’s almost over.”
“Baby Driver?”
“Yeah.” One of the first movies we watched up here. Only because he didn’t give me much of a choice, at all. It was good though, I liked it a lot more than I thought I would, I thought it was just a car movie at first.
“Let’s finish it then.” I offer.
“That was the plan. At least until you woke up.”
“Yeah yeah. Shut up and watch.”
“You’re one to talk.”
As the movie continued I could feel his arm snake around my waist again, right back to where it was before. We haven’t moved otherwise. I’m still really close to him, I can feel the heat radiating off of him, and it’s a lot. I can’t necessarily complain though. Realistically, who would?
The movie finished and we pack up to go home. It started getting colder as the time passed and neither of us had a jacket. The school issued skirt for my uniform was killing me at this point.
I let him rant on about the movie I picked the whole way home. It sounds like he liked it. He really liked the main character because she wasn’t like all the other main characters who are all boy crazy.
“She kind of reminds me of you.” He says. I take that as an absolute win. I love Kat so much. She’s the main reason I watched the movie in the first place.
Despite the fact that I’ve never fallen asleep on him like that before, nothing was weird. Nothing felt weird. Today was a weird day, don’t get me wrong but that was the most normal feeling part, and it was the most not-normal. I’m confusing myself.
We reach my apartment complex which is a couple streets away from his house and we make our way up the stairs.
“Again tomorrow?” He suggests. Or demands? No clue at this point.
“Tomorrow? Theres no school tomorrow?”
“You come over to my place. We’ll rewatch your movie so you can finish it this time and we can pick another one from the stupid list. Yeah?”
Me go over to his place? Today got so much weirder in just 30 seconds.
“You know, that sounds nice. See you around 1?”
“Yup. Don’t be Late.”
“I’ll try not to,” I start to walk towards my door.
“I’ll kill you if you are!” He’s still just standing there, you can practically hear his smile. You know how you sound different when your lips are upturned, yeah, that.
“You won’t do shit.” I laugh and pull out my keys.
I feel a tug on my arm and I’m met face to face with Bakugo. He grabs my face with his hands and suddenly his lips meet mine.
His hands lay either side of my jaw, thumbs on my cheek, holding my head up towards him. His lips are soft, he’s gentle. I practically melt into the kiss.
He pulls away, we lock eyes for just a couple seconds before he turns around to leave. His face was red. I feel red. I feel hot, and confused. My stomach did flips.
He did shit- not the shit I was referring to, but holy shit, he did shit. What.
“1 pm, don’t, be late,” he emphasized the don’t.
“I won’t.” I say, in utter disbelief. I see a small smile creep up on his lips before he’s out of sight.
What the fuck just happened?
Today got so, so much weirder.
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hotchnerobsessed · 2 years
Alone Again
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Fem!Reader x Hotch | When Aaron unintentionally interrupts your alone time, it sparks a new desire in him.
Warnings: 🥵 Smut (Soft!Dom!Hotch, fem!masturbation, cockwarming, praise kink, slight exhibitionist kink) and a few swears!
Word Count: 3583
I wrote this pretty fast and only checked for mistakes once so I apologize in advance for any typos 😅
It had been ten days. Ten days since you’d seen him. Ten days since you’d kissed him, and felt his arms around you. The cases that took him so far away from you never got any easier. But you always made a point of talking to each other every day, even if it was only for a short 30 seconds so he could tell you he was safe.
The day started as they usually did, as you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing next to your head. You didn’t make a habit of sleeping with your phone so close to you, but when he was away, you couldn’t help it. Sliding your thumb across the screen, you answered through a sleepy voice, “Aaron?”
“Hi sweetheart,” he laughed softly, “I’m sorry did I wake you?”
“No, no it’s okay, I’m up.”
He could tell you were lying, the grogginess in your voice giving you away. “Shit, I’m sorry, it’s Saturday. I should have let you sleep in. I always lose track of what day it is on these long cases.”
Your chest ached at his words, it had been too long, and you desperately wanted him to come home. “I miss you so much.”
There was a pause, and you heard him breathe deep. You were certain it was because he missed you too, which was absolutely true, but you’d come to find out soon enough there was another cause for his hesitation. They had just wrapped up the case, and in a few short hours you would be in his arms again, but he wanted it to be a surprise. “I miss you too, my girl.”
Another pause on the phone, this time it was you who hesitated. “Everyone is good? Everyone is safe?”
His chest swelled at your concern for not only him, but for the rest of the team. Your massive heart was the reason he’d fallen for you in the first place. “Yes, everyone is fine.”
You nodded your head, aware that he couldn’t see it, but in an attempt to comfort yourself. “Good. That’s good.” You knew there was no point in asking him when he’d be coming home, these things were unpredictable, so you simply asked of him what you always did, “come home to me in one piece, you hear me?”
You could hear him smile through the phone, “always.”
“I love you, Aaron.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart.”
“Talk again tomorrow?”
Another pause. “In person,” he thought to himself, but answered, “you know it.”
No more words were needed, as the line was silent for a couple seconds, both of you simply listening to the other’s breathing, before he finally hung up.
Setting your phone on the bedside table, you rubbed your eyes before opening them slowly and staring up at the ceiling. A deep sigh escaped your lips before you finally pulled back the covers and got out of bed.
Time passed slowly, as anything you tried to do to distract your mind from how much you missed him was unsuccessful. You’d watched short bursts of about six different movies, constantly flipping between channels, unable to get your mind to focus on any one alone.
The longer you sat there, faced with the knowledge of spending another night alone, the more you kept replaying the phone conversation over and over in your mind. Something about talking to him this morning made you miss him even more than usual, and you couldn’t shake that lonely feeling.
It didn’t take long for your mind to wander elsewhere, to other means of distraction. The perfect distraction from thinking about Aaron being gone, was thinking about the times Aaron was home; the times when he was close to you, touching you, and inside you.
As you changed the channel on the television one last time, you crossed one knee over the other. The slight relief this provided to the aching between your legs made it impossible for your to ignore any longer.
Finally turning the TV off for good, you closed your eyes and imagined Aaron on his knees in front of you. Sitting right in this very spot in the living room, where many times before he’d devoured you like you were his last meal, made it very easy for memories and sensations to come rushing back.
The slight rocking of your hips, and shaking of your foot just wasn’t going to cut it; you needed more, and you wanted room to get comfortable. Eagerly standing from the couch, you made your way towards your bedroom. Once inside, you tore off your pyjamas that you’d been wearing all day, and tossed them on the floor.
Climbing into the middle of the bed, you allowed yourself to lay back and spread yours legs. Just as you’d thought about the times you’d spent together in the living room, your mind now focused on the times he’d had you pinned to the mattress, endless pleasure washing over you.
Trailing your hands down your body, your hand soon made contact with your swollen bud, and the moan that escaped your lips filling the room. Not to your surprise, you were already soaking wet, as you trailed your fingers through your folds. The ease with which your fingers now moved across your core was euphoric, and it didn’t take long until you were imagining his lips all over you.
As the circles you were rubbing became tighter and faster, your climax approaching, you were completely unaware of the outside world. All your mind was able to focus on was the building pressure between your legs. That fact, coupled with how intentionally quiet he was trying to be when opening the door, made Aaron’s presence unknown to you.
Gently setting his bags on the couch, being careful not to let his keys make a sound, he smiled to himself knowing his surprise might actually work. It was at that moment that another moan escaped your lips, one so clear it made it’s way down the hallway. As Aaron’s ears perked up, he stood still, wondering if he’d just heard what he thought he had.
Sure enough, another deep moan made its way from your lips to his ears, followed by a breathless, “ohh.. Aaron..”
The smile on his face grew even wider; he couldn’t deny how it felt, knowing that even when you were all by yourself, he was still able to make you feel this good.
Taking extra care in his gentle footsteps across the floor, in no time he was standing just outside the bedroom door. He’d had you right there before, teetering on the edge of eagerness and pure bliss, so when another soft moan filled the air, he knew by the desperation in your voice that you were close.
Although he’d already heard too much, he didn’t want to cross too many boundaries; hearing you like this was different than seeing you like this. He wasn’t naive, he knew you still had a relationship with your own body, outside of your relationship with him. You were still more than entitled to your alone time, especially when he’d been gone for so long.
So he waited, not so patiently now with his hard length straining against his pants, for you to finish.
That would come sooner rather than later, with one final whimper of his name, you crested the wave and felt the bliss you’d been chasing rush through your veins.
Giving you a few seconds to regain composure, he took one final step forward and gently leaned against the wooden doorframe. As he gazed at you from the doorway, seeing you so exposed like this, sparked something new in his mind. He’d been inside you countless times before, and could get himself off simply by thinking about how it felt as one of your orgasm squeezed the life out of him. But he wanted to try something different, and he was hoping you would be eager to as well.
Just as you pulled your hand away from your core, your breathing still laboured, you were brought out of your trance by the sound of a familiar voice. He spoke gently in an attempt to not startle you, “you missed me that much, huh sweetheart?”
Your eyes flew open, and you sat up with a jolt, the fog in your brain gone in an instant. Glancing across the room, you gasped as your eyes took in the sight in front of you. He stood there, full suit in tact, hair slightly tousled, no doubt from a quick nap on the long flight home. He looked absolutely divine. You would have thought so regardless, but especially now, after having just made yourself cum while thinking about him.
Before you could form any words, you were slipping your legs off the side of the bed and playfully bounding towards him. With his arms outstretched to you, you wrapped your arms around his waist and he pulled you into his chest. Neither of you cared that he was fully clothed and you were not, simply being able to hold one another again was all you cared about.
You clenched your fists, gripping the fabric of his suit jacket and pulling him impossibly close. Breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne, you felt him place a tender kiss to the top of your head. One of his hands was combing through your hair gently, and the other was resting on the small of your back, pulling your body against his.
Finally answering his question, you whispered against his chest, “yes. Yes I did miss you that much.”
A comforting laugh rumbled in his chest as you squeezed him even tighter. It didn’t take long for you to clue into the fact that he must have heard you calling out his name, but you didn’t care, because it clearly had a desirable affect on him. You could tell he was ready for you, his length pressing into your hip, so you teased right back, “looks like you missed me a little bit, too.” Bringing one of your hands to the front of his body, you gently caressed him through his pants, revelling in the hiss that escaped his lips.
“Just a little bit..” he confessed.
Finally tilting your head back to look into his eyes, he smiled down at you, until he was unable to hold back any longer. Learning forward, his hand that was on the back of your head tugged on your hair gently, and he connected his lips to yours passionately.
You quickly began removing articles of his clothing as he trailed kisses along your jaw, and down your neck. Mumbling against your warm skin, he asked, “think you have a few more in you?”
You stopped where you were, his chest now bare to you as you tugged on his belt. Placing tender kisses across his chest from one shoulder to the other, you stated, “for you? Always..” before picking up right where you left off.
The urgency in your movements was evident, with both of you now completely undressed, the feeling of skin on skin soothing both of your lonely and aching minds.
As he laid you back on the bed, you admitted, “I’m already so wet..” implying you didn’t need him to go down on you like he always did. You missed him, and you just wanted him inside you again. “Please Aaron, I just want you to fuck me.”
He let out a deep moan at your admission, his bare length making contact with your core. Pulling back slightly, his eyes darkened, and you felt heat rush to your face. You knew that look. You’d seen it many times before. He was going to fuck you. But not until he got what he wanted. And whatever it was, you were eager to give it to him.
He stood from the bed, and you watched intently as he pulled open the top drawer of the bedside table and grabbed a condom. In no time at all, he had it rolled down his length and was back between your legs. His voice was deep and commanding, “Don’t worry my sweet girl, I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk anymore, but I want you to do something for me first.”
Nodding your head, you anxiously listened for what it was he wanted you to do.
“I want to hear you say it.”
Your voice was shaky as you spoke, “I’ll do whatever you want, Sir. I’ll be a good girl.”
The look on his face at your words made your walls clench around nothing. Before you knew what hit you, he was running his length through your folds and pushing himself inside you. The feeling knocked the breath right out of your chest, and you let out a short gasp. Giving his hips one final thrust forward, he collapsed on top of you and moaned against your neck.
He kept his hips still as he trailed kisses along your neck, before capturing your lips with his passionately once more. Pulling back, he gazed into your eyes and you could see the contemplation on his face; he knew what he wanted, and he hoped you would be comfortable giving it to him.
You both trusted each other completely, it’s why you worked so well together. You both knew there was no judgement between you no matter what, but you were still gentle, and honest, and respectful when it came to trying something new.
Lifting his body weight off of yours, he leaned back on his heels, all while his hands kept a firm grasp on your hips, holding you in place. With his length still buried deep inside you, your legs draped over his thighs, you were completely exposed to him as he glanced down at where your bodies met.
You couldn’t help the heat that rose in your cheeks as you watched him take in the sight. You were unable to pull your eyes away from him, trying desperately to read every micro-expression on his face and figure out what he was thinking. You would soon find out, and you would not be disappointed.
You felt his hand spread out against the inside of your thigh, his thumb rubbing gentle circles against the soft skin. His eyes trailed along your body, across your breasts, before your eyes met.
“I didn’t watch.. earlier, when I got home.. I could hear you, but I didn’t watch.”
Mild disappointment clouded your mind; though you adored the gentleman he was, not wanting to intrude on your personal time, you almost wished he had peeked. You had nothing to hide when it came to him.
“But I wanted to.”
His admission made the knots in your stomach tighten. “Me too,” you thought to yourself, but you stayed silent, knowing you were finally going to find out what he wanted from you.
“And I still do.”
Blinking slowly a couple times, you tried to interpret what he meant, and as it finally clicked in your mind, he spoke once more.
“I want you to touch yourself.”
Your mouth dropped open at his words, as you started breathing heavier.
“I want you to make yourself cum while I’m inside you.”
You exhaled deep, your mouth already dry with anticipation. “Oh fuck,” you swallowed the lump in your throat, “okay.. yes..” you stumbled over your words, “yes, Sir.”
His lips curled upwards into a smile that set your entire body on fire. If you weren’t already soaking for him, the desire in his eyes would have made you wet in an instant.
“Good girl,” he cooed, his thumb still rubbing those same circles against the inside of your thigh.
The level of comfort you felt with him had you acting on his request immediately. In a moment where your instincts might normally be to cover up, to shy away, he had you blossoming and eager to show off.
His eyes followed the trail of your fingertips, along both of your breasts, down your stomach, and between your legs. You started by resting one hand on top of his that was still rubbing gentle circles along the inside of your thigh.
You knew how much he loved the feeling of your nails on his skin, so you used your other hand to gently run your nails down his stomach. The muscles in his abdomen tensed and his eyes flickered shut momentarily as a low moan graced his lips. You smirked to yourself, knowing that even when he was the one in charge, you still had that kind of an affect on him.
Once your hand trailed all the way down, you let your fingers caress the base of his cock, as it lead straight into your heat. The countless times you’d been together, you’d never felt this before, the direct connection of your bodies with your fingertips. It was new and exhilarating for both of you, so you took a second to simply enjoy how full you felt, even from the outside.
“You’re teasing,” his voice was strained as he spoke through gritted teeth. Looking up at him, you blinked not-so-innocently, causing him to swallow hard. “Go on, be a good girl, I want to watch you make yourself cum.”
His words made your hips move involuntarily, and that slight taste of movement had you whimpering in no time. Now with both hands on your hips, his grip tightened, fingers digging into your soft flesh. He was trying to hold you still as much as himself; it was taking everything in him not to pound you into the mattress right then and there.
The look he gave you made heat pool between your legs, and your body reacted before your mind had a chance to catch up. With your fingers now directly on your clit, the feeling was euphoric. You didn’t know if you’d ever be able to describe it.
He’d made you lose control around him so many times before, but one of you was always moving. The stillness of your hips now, combined with the familiar stretch of him deep within you, and the furious circles you were rubbing against your body, had you coming undone in no time.
“Mmm.. fuck..” he groaned, “I can feel you, sweetheart. Fuck..” he was nearly breathless himself, “your pretty little pussy is squeezing me so tight.”
The soft whimpers that escaped your lips was music to his ears, “I’m close.. Aaron..” the break in your submissive exterior causing him to shiver at his own name, “Sir.. I’m going to cum..”
The faster your fingers moved, the closer that edge became.
“Such a good girl. Go on. Cum on my cock pretty girl.”
Before you knew it, pure bliss was consuming your mind.
“Yeah.. there you go.. fuuuuck you feel so good.”
With his strong hands holding your hips still, your back arched off the bed, your fingers still connected to your core. You were right on the verge of over-stimulation, but not wanting the pleasure to end. With a couple final swipes of your fingertips across your swollen clit, your body shuddered and you pulled away.
A deep exhale relaxed your entire body, as your sleepy eyes slowly opened. You were greeted with the beautiful sight of Aaron’s eyes raking across your entire body, before settling between your legs once more. “Damn sweetheart, that was so sexy.”
You smiled bashfully, as your eyes slipped closed once more. You’d hardly had a chance to get your breath back, before he was knocking it out of you once again. The sudden movement of his hips against yours, and the long drag of his length out of you, was swiftly followed by his body weight on top of yours and his length slamming back into you.
“OH FUCK!” You couldn’t help the scream that escaped your lips, as his pelvis continually brushed across your still sensitive clit. With every thrust, you felt every nerve ending in your body explode.
He kept true to his promise of fucking you until you couldn’t walk. You’d lost count of just how many times he made you cum. As the 6th? 7th? orgasm of the night washed over you, he abruptly snapped his hips into you one last time, as he spilled his release inside the condom.
Your nails dug into his skin, no doubt leaving marks up and down his back. With both of your breathing heavy against each other’s necks, you let out a faint but content laugh. “That.. holy shit..” you spoke between deep breaths, “that.. was incredible.”
His laugh matched yours, airy and weak, but blissful, “I think..” a couple deep breaths, “we need to do that more often.”
A blush crept onto your face as he lifted his head to look you in the eyes, “you like watching me, hey?”
He nodded profusely, your soft Aaron was back once more as a love-sick smile crossed his face, “can you blame me?”
Shaking your head lovingly, you placed your hand on the back of his head and pulled his lips to yours. After sharing a breathless yet passionate kiss, he rested his forehead against yours, and you confessed, “I liked it too..” you laughed again, “I mean, I really liked it..”
A cheeky grin tugged at the corners of his mouth, “yeah?”
All you could do was nod in agreement, as his lips captured yours once more.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Tag List: @ssamorganhotchner ; @ccristata ; @anlin2058 ; @sannunah28 ; @hotchgirlsummer
792 notes · View notes
mamieishere · 9 months
baby, let's go to the Han River
disclaimer : fluff, semi protected sex, praising, more fluff ?, possessiveness, some body complexes, nipple play, wydm fluff ?, kisses, comfort, aftercares, implied chubby reader, no name mentioned
(any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental, jk it's inspired by real events. I apologize for the eventual typos or grammatical mistakes)
Stressed. That word was appropriate. Stressed and waiting in the lobby for him to come.
You and a friend decided to come to Seoul after a very long year of work.
To the fatigue came jetlag. You weren't affected by the hour change but it hits your friend hard. You leaved her sleeping, she needed to recover from the long flights.
That morning, you woke up late morning and started to scroll on your phone. Your friend caught you off guard,stole your phone and opened your dating apps and liked several men while you watched her, dazed.
As the day went by, you didn't notice the messages popping on your phone. Until,
- "HAAA! Hey hey hey, look! He texted me back! He's picking me up from the hotel tonight after diner."
Your friend burned out of laughter and started teasing you. The both of you landed in a BBQ restaurant, ate, drank, payed and went home to the hotel.
You took a quick shower, wore comfy clothes and put some mascara before getting off to wait in the lobby.
Stressed, anxious and sweating. Perfect. You were a perfect mess. Checking the time on your phone, several times per minute. Shit, why does time stretch out? Is it funny?... Finally, he entered the lobby and called you by your name. He picked you to a café nearby.
- "Is it okay for you Y/N, if we talk a bit? I really want to know you."
Oh, such a cutie. You told him how anxious you were, how excited you were to meet him. Surprisingly, he tried his best to relax you, to make you feel comfortable. The longer the conversation went on, the more comfortable you felt.
- "So, as it's your first time in Seoul, did you already went to the Han River? It's beautiful, I can drive you here. Of course, I'll understand if you refuse, we barely know each other."
- "Oh.. Ah, no. No... no, no we didn't go there yet." You mumbled. "Listen, you seems to be a reliable person, I accept to come with you."
He drove you to the banks of the Han River. It wasn't a drama, it wasn't a dream. It was the reality. You two walked several minutes before you stopped to watch the night view. The lights reflected on the water, the wind was cold so he glued himself to your back.
- "Are you cold? Ooooh poor cutie." He cooed as he gave you a heated pack. "You just need to knead the bundle, it'll heat."
You were a little cold but his presence and the heater in your hands made you feel better. He kissed your cheek and turned you slowly to face him. He asked to kiss you, and you nooded. He put his lips on yours. At first, it was a very light peck, then he intensifies the kiss and you melted in his hands. He held you tightly in his arms.
- "Should we go back to the car?" His voice was sweet and calming. "I would like to take you on a date, Y/Nie. Would you like to go on a date with me?"
You left the tiniest "Yes" of your life going out in a breath. He guided you to his car and you went to his home. The surprise took you as he opened the door of his apartment. Cats. There were cats in here! Oh happy you were, you adored pets, cats were a must.
- "Here", he handed you some of his clothes. "I don't want your clothes to get dirty or covered with cats fur."
- "Thank you. But won't I be too big to fit in those?" You were insecure about some parts of your body, which included thighs and belly.
- "Wore them pretty. I don't care if they're stretch. Your body is pretty the way it is, I find you endlessly beautiful. Please, be confortable with me."
You cuddled with the cats, your stress decreasing. They were lovely and meowed the moment you stopped petting them.
- "May you come in the bed?" He patted the heated mattress and you joined him.
It started slowly, you kissed him sweetly, lightly. He took the lead, kissing you deeper, his tongue asked access to your mouth. His hands made their way to your tits still covered by his shirt. The temperature raised up in no time. You removed the shirt, feeing your big breast.
- "Oh my god, your tits are so big and beautiful..."
He played with your nipples, rolled them between his digits making you moan. His fingers were shortly replaced by his mouth, sucking and biting while his hand reached to your clothed pussy.
- "Let me take care of you, please Y/N. I want you to feel good." He cooed again and removed pants and panties in one way. He palmed your lips and made slow circles on your clit. While you... you were moans and soft blows unable to speak properly.
- "Let me... hhha... yeah May-may I suck y-you?"
- "Oh gosh no baby, I told you, lemme doing the work." he said. "Do you need a condom now or a little later? Not now? Okay baby, hold on."
He stripped his boxers, freeing his bare cock, red tiped and angry, leaking with precum. You opened your legs, obviously not enough wide for him, he pushed on your knees and placed himself close to you center. After asking your consent, he pushed his cock into you. You groaned at the stretch your pussy was so tight. He went out and pushed in again. You parted your labias to help him. Suddenly, he took your hand and interlace your fingers with his.
- "Why do you want to rush? Slowly... here, take it easy. Goooooood girl", he praised. When he finally bottomed out, a growl passed his lips. "God, baby, you're so tight. You're taking me so well", he lied on you, cadged you with his body. He pulled out, grabbed a condom and went back, entering you for good.
When he started to trust again, you stole a kiss mixed with a moan from him. He returned on his knees and sank his fingers in your nipples. You cried and put your hand on his arm.
- "You're such a good girl. oh... you're crying? hahaha oh baby, you're crying of pleasure?", he cooed, "it's okay, it's okay, I'm here. Your body is so perfect, so soft, so hot. Fuck... keep clenching like that baby. Yeah... Keep going."
Was it heaven? Cloud 9? You didn't know, everything went white. All you could felt was his body rubbing your tits and clit, his dick pounding onto your gummy part, making you squealing, crying.
- "I-I.. yeah here. Fuck! Cummin'.. Gonna c-shit... cum"
- "Cum baby, make a mess, I'm here"
He pounded even harder, deeper. It became erratic, without rhythm. He finally released his seed in the rubber in long purrs, so intense you could feel it in you.
You two stayed glued, making one.
He pulled out and you whined, feeling empty. He helped you getting up and leading you to the toilet, so you could pee. When you came back in the room, you gave you a glass of water and forced you to drink.
- "You need to stay hydrated baby", after you finished he lied you on the mattress and cuddled you tightly. "I want us to stay like that forever. I like you, I adore your body. You were so good to me...", he kept whispered you sweet nothing until you felt asleep in his arms.
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iamnotthere-idonotdie · 7 months
dream of me
part four
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synopsis: reader and bruce have moved in together and their relationship is going well. but a new gotham criminal kidnaps reader and they face sudden death, as well as a secret bruce has been keeping.
content: batman/bruce wayne x reader, cursing, no smut, violence, torture, death, blood, breaking/broken bones, kidnapping, brutality, guns, knives, vomit, graphic descriptions of violence and injuries
a/n: okay so this one took a dark turn, and i’m very surprised i was able to finish it so fast. i knew how i wanted this to play out but i wasn’t expecting it to get as graphic as it did so i do apologize for that honestly. i think what im learning is that as i write, i sort of envision it as a movie playing out in my head so sometimes it can feel more like a script than a story. also sorry if there are some wrong medical terminology and stuff in here, and sorry for any typos as well!
edit: also— i think i was kind of envisioning the joker here as seen in something like the killing joke (movie). honestly i just kind of read this joker with mark hamill’s voice altogether.
“good morning, sleep well, i hope?”
“good morning, alfred. yes i did, thank you.”
you pour yourself a cup of coffee in the kitchen as alfred makes breakfast. you grab a mug for bruce and pour his as well.
“bruce still out?”
“yes, he called and informed me that he’ll be back soon from his workout.” alfred says as he flips the omelette in the pan.
“these workouts have been getting longer and longer.”
“he does like to keep active.”
“right, he just seems to get up so early for them. the other day i woke up in the middle of the night and he was gone, it wasn’t even 4am yet.”
“he finds the 24-hour gym is less crowded in the early hours.”
alfred slides the omelette onto a plate and sets it on the small table for you.
“thank you alfred. i just worry he’s not getting enough sleep.”
“oh, i’ve been worrying about his sleep for years.”
“i sleep plenty.” bruce enters the kitchen. “morning alfred.”
“good morning, sir.”
bruce walks over to the table and kisses you.
“good morning.” you say as you hand him his coffee.
bruce sits and alfred sets a plate of breakfast in front of him too.
“thanks alfred.”
“i just hope you’re sleeping enough is all. it seems like lately it’s been less and less.” you take a sip of your coffee and look at bruce. you don’t want to be a nag, but you do worry.
he takes a sip too and looks back at you.
“i’m fine, really.”
you smile unconvincingly at him and continue eating.
the rest of breakfast is quiet, but you don’t mind the still silence. this morning routine has brought you comfort over the last few months since you moved in. alfred set up your own room when you first came, but you and bruce quickly realized you both prefer sleeping in the same bed. that is, when he’s actually sleeping in it.
you finish breakfast and bruce takes your plates and puts them in the sink, alfred already turning on the tap.
you and bruce go back upstairs and you start getting dressed for work. he doesn’t always go in, but even on days like today when his work is to be completed at home, he still drives you. he told you early on that you could work hybrid as well, that you two could work together at home on his off days. but you enjoy working at the desk. and with this new outreach project you’ve been working on, you prefer having the team in person to collaborate.
as you button your top, bruce comes up behind and wraps his arms around you, stopping you from finishing.
“bruce…” he cuts you off by kissing your neck. you leave your shirt half open as you turn around and put your arms around his neck. you kiss, letting yourself forget about work. he slides his hands down your back and pulls you in tighter. you won’t ever get enough of this.
your phone’s alarm sings to tell you it’s time to leave. bruce pulls it out of your pocket and silences it, tossing it on the bed with a smile.
“i really should go today.”
“i think you should stay.”
“i don’t know…”
“it’s not like you’ll get fired, i’m your boss.”
you laugh lightly.
“maybe i should fire you, would mean you’d get to stay home all the time.”
you laugh again and kiss him.
“well maybe i could take a sick day today.”
“don’t worry, i wont tell anyone.”
he smiles and kisses you again. all that time getting dressed was for nothing as bruce unbuttons the rest of your shirt and you slide your pants off. while this isn’t a usual part of the morning routine you’ve established, you welcome the variation.
you run your hands through bruce’s hair and watch his chest rhythmically rise and fall as he sleeps. you let him sleep as long as he seems to need to, which is much longer than you thought it’d be. you eventually drift off too, the sound of his quiet snoring lulling your eyes closed.
it’s not until late afternoon when you both wake up again, the thick curtains unable to hide the sliver of sunlight peering in.
“you let me sleep so late.” bruce sits up in bed.
“you seemed like you needed it.”
he leans down and kisses you then gets up and starts getting dressed.
“the weather is supposed to be nice today.” you sit up. “maybe we could go to the park.”
he looks at you and smiles.
“that would be nice.”
you get up and get dressed too.
“i’ll go ask alfred to pack us some lunch.”
“okay, sounds great.”
he gives you one more kiss before heading downstairs. you finish getting ready and grab your phone off the floor. a text from tim, your former coworker in california, sits in your notifications. he and his husband have adopted a young girl. you smile at the family photo he sent and reply with your congratulations. as you look at the message, you let your mind wander and start to think about the prospect. of course you know bruce would be an amazing parent. but you’re not sure if you’d be. or if that’s even what you want. your life is so perfect now and you don’t think you want any of it to change. at least not for a while.
you go downstairs and find bruce packing some sandwiches into a bag. he zips it up and looks at you.
“ready?” he asks.
you decide to walk to the park since it’s only a few blocks away. the sun sits on your skin like a warm blanket as you and bruce walk. the two of you sit by the pond under an oak and eat your late lunch. the sound of birds and ducks paired with the cool breeze rushing through the tree leaves make for a perfect spot. you and bruce lay down in the grass and kiss, your picnic site offering enough privacy that you don’t have to worry about people seeing you. it’s not as if either of you care anyway, really. you’re not trying to hide your relationship, and with bruce’s status it’d be nearly impossible to try. but you still try to avoid paparazzi when you can. you and bruce lie there in the park together until the sun sets slowly behind the hill.
“we should get going before it gets too dark.” bruce sits up.
“i suppose we should.”
bruce grabs the bag and holds your hand as you make your way back home. night falls quickly as you walk. with only a couple blocks to go, you hear a commotion up ahead in an alleyway. sounds of a fight echo down the street. bruce stops walking and lets go of your hand.
“stay here a second.” he hands the bag to you and starts walking toward the source of the sounds.
“wait, shouldn’t we call the police or something first? or maybe we just wait for the batman to come and take care of it. you shouldn’t go down there by yourself.”
“you can call the police.” he continues.
you let out an exasperated sigh and watch bruce turn the corner. you press the numbers 911 into your phone. you finger is just about to click the green button when a strong hand covers your mouth and drags you backwards. you scream into the glove as loud as you can but the fight drowns out your attempts at getting bruce’s attention. all you can do is move around as much as possible to try and shake this person off you but they tighten their grip and then you’re being pushed into the back of a van.
three other people are inside and they grab you. you feel the rope burn your wrists as they tie your hands together behind your back. your throat already feels like it’s being torn apart from screaming. one person spreads a strip of duct tape over your open mouth but you still try to scream for bruce. suddenly a sharp pain strikes the back of your head. the tears have been blurring your vision but now everything is even fuzzier. you let out one more sob before the pipe hits you again and everything goes black.
that’s the first thing you feel when you finally come to. that’s the only thing you feel. a throbbing, deep pain throughout your entire body like you were just spit out of a cement mixer. you’re hands are still tied behind you and your ankles are stuck to the legs of a metal chair.
you force your eyes open, but everything is still dark. have you gone blind? is your sight gone? where are you? who took you? why can’t you move? you cant see you can’t move you can’t breathe you can’t hear you’re hurting you’re crying you’re screaming you’re shaking you—
the sound of a heavy door swinging open makes you freeze. strong footsteps slowly get louder and louder, closer and closer. the footsteps stop behind you and then you’re assaulted by a harsh bright light. it was a hood over your head, and the figure has now taken it off. the footsteps make their way around you and he stops in front of the chair you’re tied to, his back toward you. your breath shakes as he just stands there, staring straight ahead.
then he starts… crying? his shoulders shake and he gets louder. no… he’s laughing. he slowly turns around to face you, his red painted on smile sending a chill down your spine.
he bends down so his face is level with yours, your noses so close they nearly touch.
“good morning sweetheart.”
the tears continue streaming down your face as he straitens back up and turns, walking toward a table against the wall in front of you. he stops at it and slowly picks up an almost comically large knife.
you sob at the sight of the weapon, knowing it’s intended for you.
“i have a problem.”
he sets the knife back on the table and turns, walking towards you. the door opens again and you see a man in a clown mask rush by and place a camera on a tripod in front of you. he presses a button and a red light comes on and flashes at you.
“a problem that can only be solved by you.”
you somehow find the strength to open your mouth and speak, the words coming out hoarse and quiet.
“yes. i am in need of some… capital. some dineros, some cold. hard. cash. now i know you’re dating ol’ brucie and i know he has some access to just a bit of money.” he walks around you and stands behind the chair. “so, brucie boy, from your friendly neighborhood joker, deposit some dolores for me in a safe and lock it up real tight. bring it to the chaplain bridge, in person, at midnight tonight along with the key and you’ll get to see your precious little babe once again.” he grabs your face and squishes your cheeks together.
“oh, silly me, i forgot to tell you how much! let’s see, oh, how about, $50 million. that seems fair enough, don’t ya think?!”
he bends down so his face is next to yours.
“isn’t 50 million enough to save the life of your dearly beloved?”
he pulls something out of his pocket. you feel the cold barrel of a gun press against your temple and let out a sob.
he pulls the gun off your head, still pointing it at you.
you scream and jolt away. terror runs through your body like electricity.
you look over and he’s still staring at you with the gun pointed in your direction. out of the barrel popped out a banner, with the word BANG! on it. he turns back to the camera and waves.
“see ya tonight.” his tone is sinister and he laughs again.
the man in the mask flips the camera off. he tosses the gun behind his back and it clacks as it hits the concrete. he claps his hands together.
“so! now’s all that’s left to do is sit by, hang tight, let loose, and wait for midnight!” he laughs again and he and the other man leave the room with the camera. the clang of the door closing echoes throughout the room as you sit there alone.
you let out an ear-piercing, guttural scream and continue sobbing. all you want is bruce. you call for him, over and over, hoping by some miracle he’ll hear you through the thick concrete walls. you keep screaming, so hard and so loud that you vomit. now bile covers the front of your shirt and tears cover your face.
the echo of the door rings through the room again and fast footsteps approach. another man in a clown mask with a syringe in his hand unties your arms. before you let him stab the needle in, you punch him in the throat as hard as you can muster. he gags at the blow at stumbles backwards, dropping the syringe. you lean to try and grab it and the chair you’re tied to tips over onto the floor. your face slams into the concrete and you hear a crunch in your nose. you cry out and now all you see is red. you fight through the pain and reach for the syringe. it’s right there, just centimeters away, when a large boot stomps on your hand, surely breaking multiple bones. you scream in pain as the chair is reset upright. you scream and sob as the men grab your arm and stab the now-dirty needle in your vein. you keep crying, but as the seconds go by, you hear yourself getting quieter. the room around you spins in slow motion as your eyelids get heavy. the last thing you see is the joker’s white face and red smile.
your eyes slowly flutter open again. you didn’t know this was even possible, but somehow you wake up in even more pain than before. the joker is still standing there in front of you. smiling. laughing.
“you’re spunky. i like you.”
you all but growl at him as he walks toward that table in the corner, picking the knife up again.
“i thought you’d be asleep until our appointment with good ol’ bruce but the tranq must have been watered down!” he turns to you and laughs.
he carries the knife as he walks toward you.
“at least now we can have a little fun!” he takes the knife and you close your eyes, preparing yourself for the pain. but instead you feel the rope around your wrists and ankles fall.
“what’s say we play a game, hmm? i’m gonna bring in three of my best boys. and the longer you can stay upright and fighting, the more likely i’ll be to not kill you and your dear dear bruce tonight.”
the door opens again and three sets of footsteps walk in behind you.
you just stay sitting in the chair. how are you supposed to fight these huge men?
the joker sighs.
“if you’re gonna be a party pooper, then i guess we’ll have to find another game to play. maybe… target practice?” he throws the knife above your head and it hits one of the three men square in the chest. he falls backwards. dead.
you gasp and try to hold back tears as the joker just laughs.
“guess i do need some practice… i was aiming for his head! haha!” he buckles over in laughter again as you try to catch your breath.
“well good news now is you only have to outlast two goons!”
you slowly stand up, not wanting the next knife to land in your sternum. one of the men walk over to you. the joker takes the gun from before out of his pocket and holds it up above his head.
“ready? fight!” he pulls the trigger with a click.
a huge fist comes flying at your face and makes contact with your cheek. you fall to the ground in pain. he kicks you in the stomach and you just stay there, laying on the ground. he stomps on your chest, your stomach, your head. all you feel is blow after blow. the joker is just laughing at your misery.
you feel a rush of adrenaline run through you and you growl in anger. when the next stomp comes toward you, you grab the booted foot and yank as hard as you can, bringing the man to the ground. you’re surprised you had the strength to do that. you quickly stand back up and kick him in the face, breaking his nose too. you kick him in the crotch and he screams. you sit on top of his chest and punch him with your unbroken hand. over and over and over. all you hear is the sound of the joker’s maniacal laugh and your own grunts as you beat the guy’s face in until he no longer resembles even a man. finally you stop, feeling proud of your strength but guilty for your brutality.
before you can get up from sitting on him, the other man is picking you up and slamming you into the concrete. your shoulder hits the ground hard and you scream. he picks you up again and throws you back first, your head colliding with the concrete so hard you’re sure they’ve both cracked. he grabs the front of your shirt and lifts you up. your body goes limp from exhaustion and he forcefully sits you back on the chair. he punches your face. one. two. three. four. five. six. times then he finally walks away. your vision is blurred and you’re seeing colorful stars flash all around you. you look down and see blood dripping down from your face and onto your lap. the joker just laughs again.
“well, you fought off one! bravo! of course that means only one of you will die tonight. shame. lovers dying together is the sweetest ending of all. romeo and juliet… swan lake… the notebook...” he pretends to wipe a tear. “but oh well. at least now you get to pick who dies! haha!”
“me.” you immediately answer. “kill me. not him.”
“awww how noble! sacrificing yourself for the love of your life, it’s a beautiful thing! very well. you’ll be the one to die.” he takes out a pocket watch. “my oh my look at that! it’s showtime, baby!”
you get tied up again and dragged out of the room. the hood is placed back on your head before exiting, and you’re thrown back into a van. the drive is longer than you expected. how far out of town were you?
the van stops after what you guess was about a half hour long drive.
you’re dragged back out of the van and onto the street. the hood is removed and the joker is gripping your neck and leading you onto the bridge.
you make it to the middle and he shoves you to the ground. you only now notice the gun in his hand.
“oh bru-uce! show me the money, baby!”
his voice echos across the water under the bridge and you wait. you hope he doesn’t come. you hope he’s decided to let the police handle it. you hope he didn’t choose to risk his life for you. because although the joker assured you that you’d be the one to die, you obviously can’t trust that he won’t pull the trigger on bruce too.
“come out come out, wherever you are!” the joker yells in a singsongy voice. “well isn’t this a disappointment! at least it was gonna be fun to kill you. now i almost can’t even enjoy it.” he points the gun in the center of your forehead. you close your eyes and let yourself cry.
you picture bruce’s face. flashbacks of when you first met him come to mind and you go through it all. you think of his smile, how it was crooked and always made you smile back. you think of his hair, how it was always just a little tussled and never quite laid flat. you think of his skin, how it was warm and how it felt against yours. you think of his laugh, how it can at times feel rare but when you hear it, it’s like the world stops. you think of his eyes, how they’d glow like warm honey when the sunlight hit them just right. tears stream as you think of every part of him. how you wish you’d spent more time memorizing him.
you hear the cocking of the gun and you gasp. you only now realize how afraid you are to die.
suddenly a loud clang behind you startles your eyes open and the joker stumbles backward. a large, dark figure comes swooping in and tackles the joker to the ground. the gun is kicked away and you watch as the batman punches the joker in the face, repeatedly. the men from the van come rushing in and the batman takes each one down with little effort.
soon, he’s standing in the lowlight of the bridge, looming over the bodies of his victims of vengeance. he walks back over to the joker and picks him up by his collar and holds him over the bridge above the water. the joker laughs.
“well then what’s it gonna be batty-boy?! you gonna kill me?! do it!”
the batman hesitates to drop him into the rough rushing river water below.
“do it!” the joker laughs in his face again.
you see the shine of red and blue lights flashing behind you and hear sirens. the sound of many footsteps come rushing onto the bridge as officers take the bodies off the ground and into custody. a few more train their guns at the batman and instruct him to let the joker go. after some time, he flings the joker back over the railing and slams him onto the ground. the officers rush to handcuff the joker and the batman walks away, back toward you.
“this isn’t over, batman! it’ll never be over!” the joker laughs again as he’s dragged away by the officers.
the batman bends down behind you and unties the ropes around your wrists.
“are you okay?” he asks, quietly. his low, gravely voice tinges with familiarity.
you just nod and he scoops you up and carries you to the ambulance. he gently sits you on the gurney and the paramedics begin treating your wounds and setting up an iv. the batman just stands there and watches, as if to make sure you’ll really be okay. you stare back at him, trying to place this strange gut feeling. the medics walk away for a moment to grab something else, leaving you and the batman there, just looking at each other.
the medics come back and start to bring you into the ambulance. up until the moment the doors close, you and the batman just continue staring. the medicine you’ve been given starts to work as you feel your eyelids get heavy. your last thought before passing out is of bruce.
the tubes in your nose and the cast on your arm are the first things you notice when you awake. your eyes adjust to the light of the hospital room and you look around, your eyes landing on an unexpected face.
tim is there, sitting by the window sleeping. alfred is in a chair next to him. he notices you’re awake and presses the alert for the nurse.
“hello, dear.”
“i’ve called for the nurse. just relax.”
“…where’s bruce.”
“he… had to go to the police station. to finish up the case.”
“but he’s okay?”
“physically, yes. but i don’t think i’ve ever seen him so distraught. i’ll call him now and tell him you’re awake. he’ll want to see you.” alfred leaves the room and you see him dial his phone.
the nurse comes in and checks your vitals, making sure you’re getting enough medicine. you have a concussion, a broken hand, your shoulder was out of socket, and your nose had to be realigned. apparently it’s been days since the incident.
the joker is in custody at arkham, but that’s doesn’t give you much reassurance since he apparently has broken out of there before.
tim wakes up and walks over to you with tears streaming down his face.
“are you okay?” he asks.
“just peachy.”
he laughs lightly and wipes a tear away.
“i was so scared.”
“me too.”
“but you’re gonna be okay now. you’re okay now.” he reassures himself. you didn’t know you meant so much to him.
“thank you tim.”
he smiles softly.
“i should go call chris and let him know you’re okay.“
tim walks out of the room as alfred comes back in.
“bruce will be here soon.”
“thank you. i’m glad you’re here alfred.”
“of course, love.”
tim comes back in and says that chris sends his regards.
“he’s been worried sick, watching the news while also taking care of the baby.”
“if you need to go tim, go. i understand.”
“im sorry i can’t stay.”
“really tim, it’s okay. thank you for being here.”
tim smiles and holds your good hand.
“i’m just so glad you’re okay.”
“thank you.” you smile back at him and he leaves.
alfred moves the chair to be closer to your bed and he holds your hand as you wait in silence for bruce.
bruce comes rushing in wet from the rain with tears in his eyes. alfred gets up from the chair and gives it to bruce. bruce sits in the chair, holding your hand, and the two of you just sit there together.
you’ve never felt fear like that before. of course you were afraid when your mother died, but you were so young. and your father was sick for a long time before he passed, so this crippling feeling of terror was something you’ve never had to experience before and something you hope you’ll never experience again.
“i’m so sorry.” bruce fights back tears. “i should’ve never left you alone. i should’ve known better. i thought i was protecting you but really i just put you in danger. this is all my fault.”
“no it’s not.”
“it is.”
“no, bruce. it’s not.”
“i was just so… angry. at him. i still am. i really thought i was going to kill him.”
you furrow your brows in confusion.
“you mean… like… if you’d have been there? at the bridge?”
you notice alfred looks up at bruce with a curious look on his face. bruce turns his head to look back at him. alfred just nods.
you look at both of them, perplexed by this silent agreement between them.
“what’s going on?”
“there’s something you need to know… about me.”
“i… i’ll show you when we get back home.”
bruce and alfred clear you with the doctor and confirm that you’re ready to leave so you get in the car to go home. you just lay in the backseat with your head on bruce’s lap. he runs his hand through your hair as alfred drives you all home.
the press is already there, ready to get a statement from you and bruce about the whole ordeal. of course you and bruce don’t say a word as he carries you inside.
he sets you down on the couch and lights a fire. alfred goes to the kitchen to make you something to eat. you lay on bruce’s chest on the sofa, watching the flames rise and fall. the heat of the fire brings you comfort, but bruce’s warm touch makes you feel at peace for the first time since that day at the park.
hours go by, the fire has become just a few orange embers, and you and bruce have eaten dinner. you suddenly remember what bruce said back at the hospital.
“what is it you wanted to tell me?”
bruce sighs and helps you up off the couch.
“i need to show you something.”
you slowly walk hand in hand to the library down the hall. you don’t come in here much but you know bruce and alfred do.
bruce goes to a wall in the back and pulls a book off the shelf. you hear a click and he pulls the wall out, revealing it’s a door to an elevator.
“what the fuck…”
bruce opens the elevator door and leads you inside.
“what is this?”
“something you need to see.”
the elevator slowly brings you down to a lower level you didn’t even know existed. bruce opens the door and leads you out of the elevator and into a basement. or at least what you think is a basement. inside, you see computers, televisions, and other tech items around. a motorcycle sits there too… along with a familiar-looking car. bruce lets you wander through the area. you try to absorb what this all is.
“what exactly am i looking at here, bruce?”
he walks over to a door and opens it to a closet. what’s inside, sitting on the shelf, makes you gasp. you slowly pick up the mask.
“i’m sorry i didn’t tell you.”
“why… how…”
“i’ve been doing this for years now. i just… this is how im able to try and help. only alfred knows.”
“and you couldn’t tell me? why?”
“everyone who knows about this is in danger. i couldn’t knowingly do that to you. but you deserve to know.”
“i… don’t even know what to say.”
bruce closes the closet door.
“i come down here every night. that’s why i’ve been gone so early in the morning. i’ve known about joker for a while and have been trying to track his whereabouts.”
“but now, he’s locked up. he’s gone.”
“as long as he’s alive, he’s a danger. and it’s not just him. you’ve lived here your whole life. you know what these streets are like.”
you just nod.
“so… this is what you do every night. you go out, after i fall asleep then return before i wake up.”
“i try. but some nights are longer than others.” bruce walks up to you and holds your hand. “but now you know.”
you just nod again, not quite knowing what to say.
“i will never forgive myself for leaving you alone that night, and i will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it.”
you look up at him. a tear rolls down his cheek and you wipe it away, leaving your hand on his face.
“i was so afraid of losing you.” he speaks barely above a whisper.
“you’re not gonna lose me. i’m here. i’ll always be here.”
he kisses you. in this room, this room that’s been kept a secret from you. this other side of bruce that’s been kept a secret from you. you want to be angry, but all you feel now is peace as he holds you in his arms.
whatever future may come, whatever troubles you will inevitably be forced to face, you know that you’ll now be able to do it together.
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