#i'm sorry i love this family
mantlehold · 1 year
look at the dad.
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then look at his step kids (who he sees as his babies, his children).
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nouverx · 5 months
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I absolutely loved the recent duo print of Alastor and Charlie on streamily and I wanted to make an hypothetical duo print of Alastor and Niffty in a similar style. A man can dream 💀
I also wish he had one with Rosie ofc he needs a duo print with all his girlies. Maybe I'll draw that next time who knows
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rachiebeee · 3 months
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they are best friends and siblings and i love them both so dearly. featuring piercings bc i stand strong in my belief that they would
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meagancandraw · 11 months
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You ever think about how neither of them got to say goodbye?
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linterteatime · 1 year
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She would like shadow the hedgehog me thinks
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riggsink · 2 months
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a small sketchdump with some warmups from the past couple weeks
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bugboybuck · 3 months
i wouldn't call myself a buck's loft HATER but i do believe he was ready to move out of it like, two years ago at this point and i rlly don't understand why anyone thinks it still suits him unless they're like under the age of twenty five skjdhsdfkj. bc yes it's a cool set! but there is Also a certain point where an adult just needs bedroom walls and 40 yr old tommy should absolutely nOT give up his garage with hobby space and fandom-certified fixer-upper house with a spare bedroom or two to let family crash in when 911 burns their houses down for drama, or the space to have a couple kids in a couple years, to move into a bachelor pad where they wouldn't even be able to fuck if someone crashed on the couch for a night—
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shitpostingkats · 9 months
Riz Gukgak and his bloody hands
SUCH a metal visual and motif. Kalina, Baron, they tease him for it, they twist it into one of his worst qualities, just as they belittle that he his heart, leverage his fear that he cannot love anyone enough.
Riz Gukgak loves. He will claw himself to shreds on love. He will dig through reality, lacerating himself on crystal, just to help his childhood friend. He will hiss at the devil, he will bite out eyes, he will do anything to help his friends feel safe. He will attempt to eat an entire dragon. Out of love for a father he barely knew.
"That’s you saying “I love you” to the people who matter to you the most."
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diamondsheep · 1 year
*sigh* YES, I DID !!
You asked for Old Man Yaoi !! Here is the Old Man Yaoi! (with a Live Sanji and Luffy reaction )
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this is what happened in THAT scene right ?..... RIGHT !?!?!??!
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magical-regical · 8 months
Hot take:
I wouldn't mind too much if Caleb wasn't a dateable character. I know the game description says he's a 'childhood friend' and him and the MC being 'taken in' by grandma was probably like, in an orphanage way not an adoption way.
But hear me out. The sibling dynamic between these two. They're the siblings who are
"You are 100% my ride or die, I would walk through hellfire for you." but also "no officer I've never seen this person in my life."
Also I want to see protective nii-san Caleb just staring down Xavier and Rafayel because,
"what makes you think you're good enough to date my sister—"
To Xavier: "—you can't cook, you sleep like a koala, and you have a tendency to disappear under mysterious circumstances."
To Rafayel: "—you're literally a fish."
and giving Zayne SO much shit for taking so long to admit his feelings for MC.
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barghest-land · 10 months
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таится чудо в любом пустяке я раньше не видел такого тумана здесь даже деревья растут как-то странно и птицы поют на чужом языке
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h0estar · 6 months
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this is what actually happened
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rainofthetwilight · 2 months
just saw someone call arin selfish gn everyone
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dootznbootz · 8 months
Menelaus rambles a lot about not only Helen, but also Hermione. About how she used to say Olive like "Olifs". How she lost her first tooth running too fast and running into a low branch while out with Helen. How he'd sometimes wake up to Hermione leaning over him and poking his face to say, "Dad, can we go see the horses?" even though it was barely daylight. How she was much nicer waking Helen and how he thinks Hermione did that on purpose because she found "dad's face funny". How her favorite color was every color.
And Odysseus listens.
And he thinks about how his son only had a few teeth coming in when he left, teething on everything. How he could only say one syllable with his babbles. How his son needed balance to stand but Odysseus was so proud that Telemachus was very good at rolling over. How his son loved pulling at his and Penelope's hair.
How his son would be talking, walking, maybe even lost his first tooth by now. And he doesn't even know if he'll ever know his son's favorite color.
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nipuni · 9 months
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Some Christmas photos! Starring my mom and Nicolas who dressed like the tenth doctor because why not 🥰
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takethelx3 · 1 month
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It was Jason's birthday so late hbd bestie (I didn't know this until yesterday but he's my little brother's favourite character so I decided to draw him. I ended up adding Dami since he reminds me of my brother hehe)
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