#i'm so sorry this must be so incomprehensible
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aenthroppe · 6 months ago
who/what is enty? an oc?
Yes! It's an oc for the pathfinder campaign i'm currently playing in :3 it's so hard to find where to start with them OTL it's my everything. my silly rabbit. It died, but got better (through the powers of necromancy). it lost the memories of its past life. it named itself "Entropy" (Enty for short), out of swearing itself to a fruitless revenge. it's part of a revolutionary group to topple the nobility. it died a second time, and got better(through the power of friendship(it was necromancy again)). it unknowingly gave up all its memories justifying its revenge. it regained the memories of the life it lost. it currently neither possess a shadow nor a soul. Its shadow tried to kill it. it posses a terribly fake italian accent (that one's on me but also- there's layers). it has fallen through the void for 7 years and still hasn't hit the ground. it is so broke (monetarily). it is so broke (mentally).
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shaadowmilkcookie · 3 months ago
I love ur oc
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OIJSNFKDL;ALKFJNG'DKNJLHG????????????????????????????????????????? OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD OH MY GOD HELLOOOOO PRETTTY LITTLE BLUE PRINCE HWO I HATE. SO DEARLY. SO MUHC. right in my inbox... oh my gawd.. oHHH MY GAWD u draw him so nice it makes me MAD bc he does not DESERVE this. 5 billion nukes to his location!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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imminent-danger-came · 2 years ago
2x08 S: "As long as I'm doing something to help out a friend, I don't mind what it is! I just want to be there for 'em when they need me. Because at the end of the day, helping my friends is more important than anything in the world!"
3x03 Mei: "So wait, how did you get your gold vision back again?" MK: "I don't know! The same way I got them in the first place I guess. Every time I learned a new ability, it was because there was something I NEEDED to do, when there was no other way. Against the gold fish guy I NEEDED to do something to save my friends!" P: "Yeah, friends that YOU put in danger on purpose!"
3x10 MK: "NO! Mei is my best friend, I’d never abandon her when she needs me. We’re heroes! It’s what we do!",
3x14 MK: "A perfect world is what you make it. So as long as I have my friends by my side...this world! Is! Perfect!”
4x01 MK: "Honestly? I’m kinda liking the world as it is, right now. So...if it could just stay like this, forever? That would be awesome." SWK: "Yeah well...forever’s a long time bud...trust me."
4x02 AL: "It’s too late to save them! We can’t risk unleashing the curse into the world." MK: “You don’t know! We’d risk it for sure! I won’t abandon them when they need us."
4x07 IMK: "You can see it, can't you? This is your fate. Your friends will turn on you, seeing you for the monster you will become. They will destroy you, harbinger of chaos."
4x11 MK: "We have to try, he'd do the same—for any of us." and
4x14 YT: "I know full well what would happen should Azure fail. But- but he is my brother. I owe him my life." S: "We get it! I'd do anything to help my friends. But at the cost of the world?" P: "I'm sorry pal, but NOTHING worth that price!"
I'm like, really worried scoob.
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capricorndevil15 · 1 year ago
Hello this is a public service announcement for the Our Wonderland community. Drive It Through Your Heart by Billy Cobb is a Genzou/Orlam song.
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dragonbarbie · 10 months ago
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aegon x best friend!reader ; modern!au
summary: this fic is snippets of aegon and reader's relationship as they grow up and discover new feelings. but to let himself be loved, aegon has to first do some growing up.
rating: 18+, minors dni.
tags: alcohol, substance abuse.
word count: 4.2k
series masterlist
next part
A/N: i'm so excited to share my first full fic! this series is very very lowkey inspired by one day and highkey inspired by peter by taylor swift. comment if you'd like to be on the taglist for this! hope you guys like it :)
divider credit @ cafekitsune!
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Age 10
“I still don't see why we had to move here." a sullen, 10 year old Y/N replied, pouting as she stared out the window from the backseat. her father couldn't help an amused smile at the little girl as he drove towards her new school. "i told you darling, daddy’s got a very important new job here in king’s landing." "yes but why did I have to move here." the older man let out a patient sigh. this had been going on weeks leading to their move. "you haven't even given the city a chance yet, kiddo. why do you hate it already?" "because..." the little girl started with an exasperated whine. ".... i don't have any friends here!" "you have me." her father offered with an assuring grin. the unamused look he got in return was not grateful in the least. "you're dad. i want friends." the seriousness with which Y/N declared her dilemma earned her a laugh from the front seat.
her father pulled into the curb by the grand iron gates of Red Keep Academy, the best private school in the city. as Y/N hopped out the backseat, looking deflated, he lowered the car window, "hey c'mon now, you can't start your first day all sad. who knows, maybe you'll come back with a hoard of friends, even more than you had back home." Y/N only looked ahead at him, unconvinced. "bye, dad."
as she made her way towards the main archway to the school, she thought of all the things she was missing about home. not the new townhouse they had in the city, her real home, back in the reach. she thought of the swing behind her house, the smell from the bakery next door, the big oak tree she saw on the way to school every morning, the fountain in the park – when suddenly someone ran past her, fast enough to knock her down.
"ouch!" she cried out from the floor, rubbing her shoulder where she had been hit. "aegon!" a woman suddenly rushed to her side, glowering at the little boy who had pushed past her. "are you okay, honey? were you hurt?" the first thing Y/N noticed was how kind the woman looked with her big brown eyes, and so very pretty. "i'm okay." she reassured in a small voice, before turning to give this 'Aegon', the dirtiest look she could muster.
the boy had to be her age, pale blonde hair that looked like someone had tried to comb it but had not been given enough time to finish the job. he wore a matching school uniform to Y/N, navy blue blazer, white shirt and dark green pants. his shirt though was untucked and seemed to already have mud stains.
she thought he seemed mostly unbothered by his own actions, but stood there attempting to look sheepish nonetheless for his mother.
"apologise to this young lady." his mother demanded. "sorry..." he mumbled almost incomprehensibly. already upset and now physically hurt, Y/N wordlessly got up and hurried away, trying to stop hot tears from spilling out.
as she walked away she heard the boy's mother scold him, "that was not an apology, Aegon. go say sorry, properly this time." she heard a childish groan in response, "do I have to?".  his mother must have given him one hell of a look, Y/N thought because she heard her say nothing else but small footsteps came jogging up to her.
as the blonde boy walked next to her, she waited for him to say something while she kept walking ahead, but he seemed to just wordlessly fall in stride with her. After a minute he suddenly asked, “do you even know where you’re going?”
now that he mentioned it, she didn’t.
she suddenly stopped and looked around herself, confused. He stopped with her and studied her for a second. “I don’t know you.” He observed. “are you new?”. She decided to stay silent, hoping he would go away if she ignored him but she was wrong. When she didn’t respond, he continued, “you’re going in the wrong direction, new girl. That way –” he pointed to where she had been headed “—is the middle school building. Primary school is this way.” He started walking down a hallway, and Y/N took hurried steps to follow him.
He gave her a sideway glance, “what grade are you in anyway? Third?” he smugly asked, proudly looking down at her as a mature fifth-grader. “fifth.” She snapped at him. “oh”, he responded, surprised. “who’s class?” “Miss Reyne.” “no kidding!” he gave her a toothy grin. “so am I.”
Y/N didn’t like this Aegon, she decided. As he kept chatting away about how boring Miss Reyne was, she gave him no replies and generally walked as if she were alone and had no association with the silver haired boy beside her. As they settled into class, she was determined to avoid him for the rest of her day. Aegon though, was determined for quiet the opposite.
He took a seat next to hers, kept making comments, providing her a running, private commentary about each teacher and student. He wasn’t affected by Y/N’s lack of a response, or if he was, he didn’t let it show. Y/N had to admit though, he was funny. she couldn’t help but crack a smile when he told her about the time Jason Lannister got gum stuck in his hair, and had to suppress a giggle when Aegon impersonated Mr. Bolton falling asleep mid-way through teaching a class. At these small instances of Y/N’s guard breaking, he flashed her a bright smile, pleased with himself.
Y/N though, didn’t utter a word to him. Until Art class that was.
They had been asked to paint an animal, and when Y/N looked up from the goldfish she had been painting, she saw Aegon’s work. “a dragon isn’t a real animal.” She disproved. The boy merely shrugged, “that’s not an animal either, it’s a fish.”
“a fish is an animal.” She frowned at her work. “it’s just an animal under water.”
“oh well, let’s add some of its natural habitat then.” He smirked, grabbing the bowl of water they’d been sharing to clean their brushes. “NO! stop!” in an attempt to block him from pouring water on her work, the brush in her hand smeared some of the yellow paint on his face.
He froze in his action immediately, bringing up his fingers to feel the paint streak running down from his brow to across his nose. This time Y/N couldn’t suppress her laughter at the sight, his blinking expression making it all the more funnier. “well, if that’s how you want to do this!” he declared as he scooped some of the red paint on his two fingers before smearing it on her cheek.
Within five minutes, their respective art works had been abandoned and both sets of uniform utterly ruined. The two had to be separated by their teacher, then ordered to walk down to the washrooms and clean themselves right up.
The second she left the girls washroom though, Y/N found the silver haired boy waiting for her by the door, some green paint still visibly stuck in his pale locks. “race you to class?” he mischievously suggested. “Hmm” Y/N pretended to think about the challenge for a second, before saying “okay” and dashing towards their class.
With a self-satisfied smile at having beaten Aegon, she took her seat. Sulking at his defeat, Aegon slinked back in his chair, “you cheated, didn’t wait for the ‘go’…”
“win’s a win.” Y/N declared, grabbing golden glitter for her fish. 
He didn’t stay grumpy for long though, before she knew it he was back to his talkative self, this time with Y/N chiming in with her own comments. The hours flew by with Aegon by her side, and as the day came to an end Y/N realised she’d enjoyed herself after all.
As they walked towards the school gate to leave, Aegon suddenly changed the topic. “you like video games?” “yeah…?” she hesitantly replied. “great, you’re coming over tomorrow to play some.” He beamed. At the end of the sentence Y/N observed he hadn’t actually asked her a question. “okay.” She found herself agreeing.
“cool, see you tomorrow.” Aegon had started running in the direction of one of the cars, when he suddenly stopped and turned around. “never asked your name.” he sheepishly realised.
 “Y/N!” she distractedly answered as she sped up, having found her mom’s car in the parking lot.
“Y/N…” Aegon muttered to himself as he walked away, liking the way the name rolled of his tongue.
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Age 15
“You’re late.” Y/N didn’t even bother to look up when she heard the window to her bedroom open, but did glance at the subsequent sound of someone falling face first onto her carpet. “have you been drinking? Its 2pm.”
Down on the ground laid her best friend of five years, with his messy platinum hair and stick-thin lanky limbs, carrying in the distinct smell of smoke when he entered her room. Though they were the same age, aegon looked more boyish still even as he had started to race towards every vice of the adult world he could get his hands on.
Aegon merely rubbed his now injured nose, as he lifted his head off the ground. “No I haven’t been drinking… still drunk from last night. Big difference.” Y/N sighed and shook her head in vexation before returning to her homework.  Aegon had recently taken up drinking and despite Y/N’s repeated rebukes, he seemed to be enjoying himself a little too much to stop. He continued to wave off her concern and she was starting to tire of voicing it.
“Let’s say I believed you… you wanna tell me what made you so late, then? I do have other things to do with my day than wait around to teach you biology, y’know.” Aegon grabbed a chair and dragged it to sit next to her at her desk. “I was actually busy being taught biology as it happens… albeit of a different kind.” His smug, self-satisfied grin as he pulled a cigarette from his front pocket  and placed it between his teeth, told Y/N all she needed to know. “Elinda Massey was the most enthusiastic of teachers.” Y/N couldn’t help but grit her teeth at the mention of Aegon’s latest distraction.
With a swift motion she grabbed the cigarette and threw it in the bin, ignoring his protests. “you know you’re not allowed to smoke in here, my parents would kill me if they smelled it.” Aegon snorted at the statement, “yeah but, that’s never stopped me before.” The casualness with which Aegon dismissed her, pinched Y/N. It was certainly true that Y/N usually found it hard to say no to Aegon, no matter how the consequences might harm her; but she didn’t like how he took the same for granted, as if it was a given.
“What’s got you all prissy today?”
“you. You wanna pass biology this year or not?” Y/N replied, visibly irritated. “yeah like there’s a chance in hell they’ll actually fail me. Grandfather would have the place shut within the week.” “then why do you even need a tutor? Go off with Elinda or whoever.” Y/N huffed, her eyes remaining trained so hard on her textbook that she was half certain she was going to burn holes into it, her hand clutching around the pencil in her hand.
“Elinda? That’s what you’re so annoyed about?” aegon snickered. Y/N turned to now glare directly into his blue eyes, a blush creeping up her cheeks and her nostrils flaring. In that moment she wanted nothing more than to push aegon right out the window he came from so she could be alone instead of having to deal with this. “No, I just think you’re wasting your time here right now, when you could be doing…. Biology with Elinda instead.” Aegon brow furrowed at her reaction, but instead of another retort his hand reached out to gently grab her arm. “hey…” his features softened from their usual impish nature to highlight his concern “…what’s actually up with you?” in the face of such kindliness from him, she couldn’t muster any more scathing replies.
He’d seen right through her, like only he could. For weeks now she’d been stressed, but found the topic too awkward to discuss with Aegon. But she knew she’d have to open up to him sooner or later about her problem. Keeping secrets from Aegon was simply not something she did. Or even possibly could if she tried, she thought.
“promise you won’t laugh.” She first demanded in a nervous tone. Raising his three fingers, her best friend solemnly confirmed, “scouts honour.” She swallowed, her eyes looking beyond Aegon’s shoulder rather than at him as she slowly admitted. “I’ve not had my first kiss.”
Aegon merely blinked back at her, “what, is there supposed to be more to that or…?” “I’ve not had my first kiss.” She repeated as if those words were supposed to be self-explanatory. “yeah and I’ve never been to the Summer Isles, what’re you on about?” Y/N couldn’t help a groan as she momentarily hid her face behind her hands, thinking the more she would explain herself the more embarrassed she would get.
“It’s just, I’m 15, and I should have had it by now, I’ve never even been on a date.. and… and… and you’ve got Elinda and Maria before that, and Jeyne and, and…. I just can’t believe you’ve gone to third base before I’ve even had my first kiss!” her words came out rushed in the end, out of frustration and a need to just get the shameful confession over with.
She had expected Aegon to laugh it off, or worse, agree that her situation was absolutely the height of shame. Instead, he looked confused that such a thing was bothering her in the first place “what, that’s it? why didn’t you just say so before?”
nonchalantly, aegon put an arm behind Y/N’s chair. Eyes closed, he suddenly leaned in towards her, lips puckered, causing her eyes to go wide. “what the –” as a reflex response she pushed back at his shoulders, making him fall of the chair.
“the fuck was that for!” he shouted from the floor, his ego and back bruised.  “why did you try to kiss me?” Y/N was shocked, horrified even, at the prospect. Aegon was her best friend, she couldn’t even imagine looking at him in that light. it was Aegon, he was simply too familiar for her.
Aegon raised his hands out as if the answer was obvious. “you said it yourself you wanted to have your first kiss!”. Y/N’s nose scrunched up, “not with you!”.
“well how was I supposed to get that! Fuck me, I’ll never understand you women”
“‘you women?’” at that, Y/N couldn’t help but laugh. This scene before her, this response by her best friend was too ridiculous. Yet, she noted as she offered a hand to help him back up which he grumblingly took, this was very much in character for Aegon. She knew he always wanted to help her, he might not have always understood how to go about it, but his heart was in the right place.
“I don’t need you to fix it, aegon.” She affably told him, a faint grateful smile on her face for her friend’s valiant effort nonetheless. “yeah, no-shit, because there’s nothing to fix. You’re not broken, Y/N.” Y/N didn’t know that she needed to hear those words until Aegon said it and it felt as if a burden was lifted off her shoulders.
“Don’t get me wrong. Doing all this, the kissing and the more-than-kissing, it’s fun. Honestly it’s so, so much fun, like I can’t even—” “you wanna get to your point?” “–so it’s great and all but, not doing it doesn’t mean you’re any less for it. You’re still Y/N, you’ll always still be Y/N to me.”
The anxiety she had been feeling, the fear of being left behind and the worry about other’s judgement, even her own – it all started to look so small and insignificant when Aegon told her she was still the same to him. This was her only constant in life, this bond between her and Aegon, the one person she couldn’t hide who she was from. In that moment, she felt glad to have him by her side.
“Besides if you were ever truly that desperate, you could always just try Jace. he’s had a thing for you like forever” Aegon revealed, rolling his eyes in apparent annoyance of the fact. Y/N though, couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Jace… has a thing for me?” The thought of it seemed to please her, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear as a red blush started to creep onto her cheeks once more.
Aegon looked disgusted at her response, and grimaced, “yeah okay, no need to flatter yourself too much …. It’s Jace.” He stuck his tongue out at the distaste of the thought of his best friend with his nephew. Y/N didn’t pay him any attention, having taken to doodling hearts in the margins of her notebook while engrossed in thought. Aegon immediately regretted having said anything, snatching the notebook from under her hand, “alright are we going to do some biology or what?”
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Age 17
Y/N had been fast asleep when the familiar sound of pebbles against her window awoke her. she looked at the time on the watch as it read 2:17 am, quickly rising from her bed. there was only one person who had to be out there, and she knew why too. her heart sank, knowing already that aegon must have had another fight with his father. she opened the window and as expected, aegon targaryen precariously balanced his steps on the tree branch just outside.
"aegon, what are you doing? It's late," she whispered-shouted, trying not to wake her parents but already held out a hand to help him in. "Needed to see you," he slurred, his breath reeking of alcohol. She wanted to chide him for endangering himself by climbing up so high when he’d drunk so much, but looking at his condition she decided to stay quiet. He climbed into her room, stumbling slightly as he landed. Y/N caught his arm, steadying him. "You've been drinking again," she said, more as a statement than a question.
aegon’s normally sparkling blue eyes were unfocused, his silver hair dishevelled. He'd grown taller of late, she missed the days when she could stand shoulder to shoulder with him. she now had to look up at him, as she put one of his arms around her shoulder to guide him towards the bed as his own steps fumbled.
“He doesn’t get it, Y/N. None of them do. To him, nothing i've done or will do matters for shit. i'm just not the son he wanted. he regrets me, i can see it in his eyes, I—”  a sob escaped his throat, cutting him off mid-sentence.
She gently sat him down on the edge of her bed, his weight pressing down on the soft mattress.  As she looked into his sad, bloodshot eyes, she harboured such hatred for Viserys as she thought impossible for anyone else to hold. she kneeled down in front of him, her heart breaking to see him so.
"I know, i know. But you can’t keep doing this, aegon. If you keep drinking like this, you could seriously hurt yourself one of these days." and she didn't think she could survive that.
she reached out to hold his hands in her own. "You don't have to do this alone. I'm here for you. Always." if aegon heard her, he gave no indication, instead staring at their intertwined hands.
"can I crash here tonight?" he suddenly asked, looking more innocent than she'd ever seen him as he lifted his eyes to look up at her. Gone was the bravado and arrogance that was usual of him, even expected. In that moment he looked more lost than ever, and was looking to her as if she was his only hope for shelter.
she knew her parents wouldn't be thrilled about this impromptu sleepover, but then again she'd never had the ability to deny him anything. "of course," she tenderly smiled.
he kicked off his shoes and moved back up the bed, still holding onto her hand, pulling her with him. he lied down on her pillow, refusing to let go of her hand as he closed his eyes to fall asleep. he looked so peaceful, Y/N couldn’t help but reach out her free hand to run it through his hair in admiration. She wasn’t blind, she knew how handsome he looked, causing the girls to flock to him like moths to a flame. But his looks were just an objective fact to her, she never found herself attracted to him in the same way as the girl at school. But somehow in the pale moonlight, he looked more beautiful than she’d ever seen him, and it caused her chest to swell overwhelmingly.
she looked down to notice he'd opened his eyes again. "Don't leave," he mumbled, his voice thick with exhaustion.
"I won't" she promised, pulling the blanket over them both. he nodded in satisfaction of her reply, nestling against the crook of her neck, his breathing evening out as he drifted into a fitful sleep.
Sleep evaded Y/N though, on the one hand she was wracked with worry over Aegon and his drinking habits, on the other.... she could feel his breath tickling her neck, as his one hand held her own while his other wrapped around her waist, his feet entangled with hers. his body pressed to her own under the covers, making the cramped space on her single bed too hot. Aegon had never been this physically close to her, this vulnerable. she thought how his safe space, the place he ran to when he wanted an escape was her, same as he was for her. it had always been this way, yet, in the darkness of the night she sensed something had shifted between them. she couldn't name it yet, though.
The next morning, when the first light of dawn seeped through the curtains, aegon stirred. He blinked, confusion clouding his eyes at his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was the familiar face inches from his own "Y/N?" Y/N merely hummed in response, only now starting to stir awake. "what... how did i get here?" he asked looking around the room, startled. He lifted his head as he realised he was all but laid out on top of her, before moving away to lay on his back. He looked down to find his hand had cramped from holding onto hers all night, immediately releasing it. Y/N rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she responded, "what d'you mean?"
"i mean what am i doing in your bed at the crack of dawn." aegon looked earnestly confused, Y/N realised, which worried her.  "You came here last night," she slowly replied, watching his face carefully. "You were drunk. Do you remember?"
aegon frowned, rubbing his temples. "No... I don't." he suddenly looked at Y/N, "Did I do something... did we...?" he motioned to the space between them, his brow raised. Y/N sat up from her bed in alarm, "oh, no, nothing. of course not." she reassured him. she tried not to look too wounded at his relieved expression "good, good." he nodded, staring up at the ceiling.
"you had a fight with your dad and wanted to crash here. do you not remember coming up here last night?" "I don't remember anything really. last thing I do remember is opening one of the bottles from the wine cellar and then" he shrugged. Y/N frowned at his response, "Aegon, have you started blacking out?” her stomach tied itself in knots, feeling anxiety over this new development. But she felt as if she was the only one who understood the gravity of the situation.
she searched for any fear in aegon’s eyes, but only found apathy and disinterest. he seemed unconcerned, merely rolling onto his side and closing his eyes, lazily stretching himself out to get comfortable to fall back asleep.
“do you understand what that means? it means this is getting dangerous. This is no longer all for a good time, Egg.” She attempted again, this time raising her voice to catch his attention. It seemed to fall on deaf ears.
"wake me up for lunch, yeah?" he yawned, drifting back to slumber within minutes.
A wave of anger washed over her, she wanted to knock him off her bed or  hit him with a pillow in frustration over his own self-destructive ways. Did he not understand the ending he was currently headed towards? Did he not care how this going to affect him, affect her? She was tired of being the only safety harness keeping him held back when all he seemed to want to do was jump into the abyss.
“fucking… suit yourself.” She stormed off the bed to head out of her room, shutting the door behind her loudly.
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bonefall · 5 months ago
Big question cause I’m so mad about how they were used: any ideas on changing Berryheart and Curlfeather from this book?
I have ONE controversial opinion and you must allow me this;
Curlfeather not apologizing to Frostdawn kinda rocks as an idea.
Obviously it reads as insulting because of how they gave Berryheart a Tom the Wifebeater ass Redemption Death in this book, and the general way that they've not approached her with the nuance she deserves is frustrating. I agree.
But hold my hand and walk with me. Imagine Curlfeather, mauled and bloody before the daughter she died saving. Frostpaw's gone through so much fixing the damage she caused, furious at the state her mother's in, the mess she made of RiverClan, all the suffering everyone's gone through... and Curlfeather says,
"I don't regret anything."
"Really? REALLY? I go through all of that, I come ALL this way, and you won't even give me a rotten little sorry?"
She doesn't give her mother a chance to respond, lashing her tail towards the grimmace that hangs off the side of her shredded cheek, "You're not sorry for how you lead to yourself looking like THAT?"
Frostpaw shoves her scarred throat foward, "You're not sorry for THIS?"
She claws dig into the sodden black earth of the Dark Forest, "You're not sorry you're HERE?"
Curlfeather is quiet, her remaining eye stoic like a stone. Frostpaw begs furiously, "NOTHING?"
"I will vow on our blood that I will not lie to you anymore," the demon's tone is soft and honest, "and I hope that means more than the insincere apology I could offer you otherwise."
Just when it feels like Frostpaw has so much anger that her body can't handle it, pain stuffs itself inside her in equal measure. Her stomach is sick with love, throat choked with affection. It takes her a minute to form the word,
"When my father, Reedwhisker, was taken by the Kin, I saw how they broke him. His uncle, Stonefur, did not buckle under Tigerstar. My grandmother Mistyfoot quietly rescued the Clan from his accomplice, Leopardstar, while Mistystar willingly worked alongside a vicious impostor."
Now that Frostpaw is the one who's waiting quietly, Curlfeather's voice flutters hopefully, "I was willing to do anything to restore my Clan to greatness," the specter pads foward, touching her nose to her daughter's trembling forehead, "except sacrifice you."
She didn't expect to feel the harsh sting of her daughter's paw smacking her across the nose. She reels back.
"You don't get it! It's not about YOU! It's about everyone you hurt! Dont try to pretend it was all worth it, you didn't make anything great, you just broke it!"
"I had to break it so it could be set back stronger. I gave you the chance for the power, and now you are making it better than it was."
"That was in spite of you! You told me to trust no cat and I had to unlearn that!"
"I saved you when I could have escaped with my life."
"From a situation you caused in the first place!"
"It was a warrior's death!"
There is a silence that settles over them. Curlfeather is snarling in offense. Frostpaw looks, again, at her mother's fatal wounds, the defensive stance. She's reminded of how the cats of other cultures don't always see scars as rewards for a fight survived-- just reminders of pain you've gone through.
"...it was a warrior's death," she agrees, gently, watching tattered hackles smoothen out, "...and now you're dead, while I'm still alive."
The emotion in Curlfeather's face is solemn, but otherwise incomprehensible to her daughter. The expression on Frostpaw's is equally unreadable to her mother. This is the only thing they will ever understand about each other-- that there is an irreconcilable difference between them, steeper than the divide between sky and earth.
The last words the demon speaks to her daughter are, "I love you."
It's only years later that Frostdawn can say, "I love you too."
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firstprinceofhearts · 7 months ago
Do I keep revisiting the same scenes? Yes.
Am I sorry? Not in the slightest.
Is it because I'm starting to run out of footage? Maybe a little bit.
Am I going to carry on regardless? Abso-fucking-lutely
Am I asking too many rhetorical questions? No comment.
Anyway, Henry's hand on Alex's back when they first start going at it in the red room...
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Yes, he goes for his hair too, because of fucking course, but the way he grabs at his back too is just... *incomprehensible noises*.
In fact, I genuinely feel sorry for him that there's so many layers of fabric in his way when he looks like he wants nothing more than to leave scratch marks right down Alex's spine.
It must be intensely frustrating for them both that they're so often dressed in shirts and jackets!
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entertext · 18 days ago
HGSN 34-2
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the Japanese chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Hikaru: *pants* Oh! Is... Is this it?
Hikaru: It's surprisingly plain!
(sfx: throbs in pain)
Hikaru: ...ngh
(sfx: rain)
(sfx: rustle)
Asako: These talismans...
(text: Please open. I don't need it anymore)
Asako: Uwa...there's something weird written here...
(sfx: rustle)
Tanaka: The owner of this place must have written that
Tanaka: Although it seems like they've already run away
Tanaka: Well, I'm going to open it
Asako: (Oh. That's bad.)
(sfx: mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter )
Tanaka: Hmm...can you hear it?
Asako: Um...there's...something really big there...like, oh no, that's bad...you know?
Tanaka: Huh, so that's how it is. I can't see or hear anyone there. Although there is something suspicious looking over there.
Asako: I can't see it, but I hear a ton of...voices...
Tanaka: Looks like if I screw up my head will just go flying, huh
Hamster: *squeaks* *trembles*
Tanaka: So listen very carefully
Tanaka: and try to figure out how it's acting
Tanaka: Ahem
Tanaka: Hello, sorry to bother you so suddenly. I've come to ask you for a favor.
Tanaka: There's a hole over there, isn't there? I'd like you to go to the other side and close it.
(sfx: wham)
??: *screaming*
(sfx: talisman sizzles slightly)
Asako: It's mad...really mad... I can't do this...
Hamster: *squeak*...*squeak*
Tanaka: How about this as a reward?
Asako: What's that?
Tanaka: A jincan - a gold silkworm. A type of gu used a long time ago. For these kinds of impurities, it's something they'd trade an arm and leg for.
(sfx: nervous silence)
Tanaka: Did it say something?
Asako: It said it's not enough...
Asako: It said it wants your "right brain" and "left side", mister...
*Gu - A method of creating a powerful poison by sealing several venomous creatures inside a jar until a single survivor remains (wiki link)
Tanaka: Haha...It's getting greedy. Now's our chance to negotiate.
Tanaka: Understood.
Tanaka: However, I'll need you to make that AFTER you close the hole.
(sfx: papers rip and fly off)
Asako: It's mad again...!
(sfx: talisman burns)
Asako: At this point, it almost seems like it's just throwing a tantrum...
Tanaka: A bit child-like?
Asako: Yeah...it's just a feeling though
Tanaka: ...
Tanaka: I'm afraid I can't make any more concessions than that. Also, ...if the hole is closed, perhaps the owner of this house will return as well.
(sfx: freeze)
Asako: *gasp*
Asako: It reacted to the word "owner"!
Extras (link):
Tanaka has no spiritual sense at all, but he talks to impurities through a special vocalization method.
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class1akids · 10 months ago
BNHA 423 - Thoughts (aka how to fumble your ending: a masterclass by Kohei Horikoshi)
I won't have time on Sunday, so I'll write up my chapter thoughts today. Probably the last time for this series (unless we get a Todo-family moment in the epilogue).
I've joined this fandom 6 years ago and written countless meta and analysis. I'm grieving today not that the story has come to an end, but the way it fumbled its landing.
Last chapter: Deku after a combo from everyone Rises to everyone shouting Ganbare and All Might Annointing him as HIS personal Jesus Greatest hero
This chapter:
Everyone's aggregate animosity (including 16 members of Class A - missing: Uraraka, Bakugou, Shoto and Aoyama) and the strength Deku added to OFA in 2 years kill AFO-in-Shigaraki's regen (even though he was engineered by Ujiko to be able to hold OFA).
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Deku punches the body of that little crying boy he yapped about saving of the big bad and it starts to crumble. So AFO looks for a new host in Deku.
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We get to the only good point in this chapter: as Aizawa is yelling for Midoriya, ShiraGiri worries about Tomura. The tragedy of how their lives went in separate ways. The only person on this battlefield who cares about Tomura is Kurogiri
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WTF - I'm emotional. This must help bring Tomura back, right?
Let me see! what's happening on the vestige side?
Is Kurogiri dead? Why?
Or fuck that - let's get to Bakugou, because why not. Obviously, he's in desperate need of another highlight.
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Let's even make sure he gets personally praised in case in the last 5 chapters he was not mentioned we forgot how he's the awesomest. Who cares about Kurogiri dying in the background? Who cares about Aizawa's or Mic's feelings? The most important question is how Bakugou got to the battlefield.
Oh, wait, here comes the twist. Remember that crappy little panel of Shoto in the last chapter? No? Don't worry. Neither does 99% of the fandom, except a few die-hard Shoto-fans.
Well, you see, that crappy panel was actually Shoto being hidden as he lifted up Deku at the end of that long combo to give him his last push. And the one above, is not a BKDK combo but an Origin Trio combo. It's just cropped the same way BKDK shippers always crop Shoto out of any Trio pictures.
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Congratulations, Kohei Horikoshi-sensei! What an amazing twist. You managed to write Schroedinger's Origin Trio scene! It happened, but maybe it never did. Thanks for stringing me along all these years through the rollercoaster rides of Origins and Risings. I'll take that playground from you and give it to fanfic writers who actually care about maintaining it.
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While Bakugou is yelling in the background, Deku is pulling a Mirio on AFO and calls him friendless. The worst thing that can happen to a Shonen boss.
There is some incomprehensible mumbo jumbo about OFA-magic - but don't worry peeps - it's all a set-up for Deku getting it back (in case you are one of the people who seems really to be worried about that)
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And then AFO realizes - due to Deku transferring the last bit just so - that he was just a sad little human who loved his brother all along. Yoichi's lifelong efforts to make an impact on AFO didn't do anything. Only the Jesus-Punch-of-Magic did. Too bad.
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Oh no, the whole fucking peanut gallery is back to nobody's surprise. (Actually All Might is missing, which may suggest Deku will only get the stockpile back). Even if Deku gets OFA back, please don't transfer these guys back. I'm so sick of them. They were a total waste of time and took Deku's precious real estate for introspection. Fuck that. I don't actually care. Deku has been damaged beyond repair.
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GROUP FIST BUMP!!! Amazing Climax. Maybe a double spread, Sensei?
HK: Sorry, I used up my double spread quota on Bakugou!
I'm not one to criticize Horikoshi's artstyle, but boy, this panel is so underwhelming compared to the stuff he drew in this endgame. Is this your big AFO vs OFA clash????
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What happens when Ghost Fist collides with Real blood? Of course, it will transfer all that sweet Ghost-DNA!!!
Aka - Horikoshi is saying - Don't worry, Deku won't be quirkless.
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OK. Well. Let's move on.
Here is another line from Horikoshi's outline. Did you want to see a heart-warming scene between Nana and Tenko? Too bad for you. You get Bakugou, you voted for him.
(Btw, Shoto is not the only one who doesn't seem to be allowed to have a proper scene with his mom, I guess Tenko cannot even get an emotional afterlife scene. If you are an abuse-victim in story, Horikoshi says - fuck you! Take a swan dive and hope to be reborn as a bully in your next life).
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Well, at least Tomura noticed that Kurogiri mysteriously died after Horikoshi couldn't think up an actual proper endgame for him.
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OK, onto the MAIN ANTAGONIST's final monologue. It will be deep after being built for 400 chapters, right?
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Shigaraki: Well, I didn't even manage to destroy your hand. I amount to just a crying boy.
Deku: Well, I still hate you for stabbing Kacchan and the others. (forget the others, I never cared about the others). I killed you because I was sick of your moping it's the International Board of Therapist's recommended therapy for victims of abuse and grooming.
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Shigaraki: Well, what do I say to that. That's so fucking stupid.
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Shigaraki: And to my gay little boyfriend, I leave my treasured Nintendo controller.
Deku: Yeah, whatever. I don't really have any thoughts. I've stopped introspection in Act 2. Your life sucked. You need to fuck off now and stop spreading the sadness, I have a victory punch to perform.
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Deku: This is the story of how I became the greatest hero by punching the fuck out of this crying, abused little boy and then bathing myself in his nasty pixie dust. killing 2 main villains for the price of 1 in under 7 pages and changed the weather for the dudebros on Twitter can cry about the blue sky in the anime again. I also eradicated sadness with punching it hard enough.
Also - I probably still have a quirk. Tune in to find out in two weeks.
Sensei, with all due respect - this chapter was ass. Visually, thematically, from a storytelling point of view. Even the good ideas were executed badly or were crammed in with terrible ideas. What a fucking let-down.
Will Shigaraki go and be the hero of the villains?
I can see him reconstruct with Overhaul and magic, or I can see that we will get a reveal where Deku had the Lion Turtle solution all along and he has punched Shigaraki just at the angle to magically manifest 5-year old crying Tenko and save him and he was cold and aloof because he already "saved the boy".
I can see a BS solution incoming. But it will not fix this chapter for sure, nor the broader writing issues with Deku's character and with the Deku - Tomura dynamic.
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plaguespacebird · 2 months ago
☁︎‎‎‧₊˚ ₍^. .^₎⟆ [Wednesday and tipsy!gf]
You end up drinking a little too much at a party and immediately text Wednesday to come get you. Irritated and sleepy, Wednesday opens the door to somebody's home to find too many bodies in too loud of a place. Her eye twitches.
She pushes past the drunkly dancing bodies and scoures the area to find you but before she can see you, she hears you.
"Ha-top! I didn't saaay thaat..."
Your slurred words and fit of giggles bring another wave of annoyance. Your behavior too carefree and spirited for your current state of inebriation. You're seated, well just barely, with a guy sitting too close to you. So close anyone near you would assume you two as lovers. Did you know him? How dare he be so close? Where the hell was Enid?!
In a flash of fury, Wednesday stomps over to you, harshly slapping away the guys hand on your shoulder. The loud sound dunks on you like a bucket of cold water but only momentarily. Your glassy eyes meet your lovers, your inebriated state mistaking her furry for usual coldness.
Sweet. Your words achingly sweet. 'And so out of place.'
With your last resevoir of strength, you pull yourself up. Clinging on to her neck as tighly as you could, mumbling words incomprehensible to your lover.
Behind you, Wednesday would much rather start throwing knives at the bastard who dared look at her with such display of dissatisfaction. Her boiling eyes perice a warning far deeper than what she can say right now.
The worm scrabbles as best he can, sensing more trouble than what he signed up for. Wednesday turns back to your sluggish form, happily ignorant to everything around you. She could roll her eyes if she wasn't so furious. Her cold hands had folded into fists and had yet to return any of your affections.
She tries to move you away, hoping to get out of here faster by simply dragging you but has to relent to staying outside. It was calmer at least, no crowds and the blaring music wasn't so present. She calls your name. Loud and cold. Her growing resentment harding her words. They are pericing to your soul.
She catches that. But it only serves to push you further away. "I'm sorry."
Wednesday's breath catches. Her hands snarning your wrists and out of her neck.
"You were right. I shouldn' hav' come..."
Right you were.
"I'm always right."
You looked at her shoes, too ashamed to look at her beautiful eyes. The hold she had on you hurt but if it didn't you might not be sobering up at this present moment. 'It also feels better to have her than not...'
She takes in your pitiful state. Your lovely dress scrunched, your hair beginning to frizz, make-up smudged, eyes on the brink of a cascading waterfall....
Wednesday lets out a long sigh.
"We'll talk tomorrow."
Dropping one of your wrist, she starts walking away slowing her pace when she realizes your hand-to-eye coordination has been reduced by at least 80%. With one wrist ensnared by Wednesday, you place your other hand on top of hers.
The dark woods were such a lovely place to be, too bad Wednesday was still too prickly to enjoy such beauty. That didn't stop you however.
"Stop smiling idiot."
You swing your connected hands.
"But we're ona' date!"
This time, Wednesday rolls her eyes. "Must be nice to live without any brain cells warning you of safety and surroundings."
The peak of her frenzy crumblibg down the mountain like debri countinues, as you walk back to her dorm.
"But I'd knew you'd come..."
Her response hurts. She grips your wrist tighter, deciding not to care about how bad she'll feel tomorrow. Oh, how right you were.
"I hate how reckless you are."
You hum, walking closer to her, your hand latching to her forearm. You would stare at her too, if it didn't mean face-planting into dirt. You respond in a slurred whisper, "We can work on that too..."
Patience. Wednesday thought. There was no need to climb mountins of emotions and dig holes of resistance after all, you had so much time to be together. She finally frees your wrist, lacing her fingers through yours, earning her a delightful hum on your end.
"Can we cuddle?"
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b4tteryaciid · 27 days ago
Guys what if, okay, hear me out, Ghost in a time loop trying endlessly to save Soap but he can't save him no matter how hard he tries. Soap is destined to die.
Its three days after Johnny's death. Ghost had finally broken and was sitting in Price's office sobbing. His mask thrown halfhazardly on his desk. "I can't save him" He choked out on a gasp, meeting Prices eyes. "I tried-" He choked on a sob before continuing "-so many times I tried" A flick of recognition shown on Price's grief stricken eyes. Suddenly his eyes turned cold and logical like when they were on a mission, hr leaned forward and snatched Ghosts hands away from where they were pulling at his hair. "How many times?" He asked grasping Ghost's wrists "How many times have you gone back?" He asked, voice laced with something incomprehensible. Ghost dug into his hoodie pocket, fishing out a grey scuffed up looking notebook at throwing it onto the table with more force than necessary. He'd barged into Price's office a few days ago and demanded a notebook without any explanation. Price had warily given it to him and told him not to make any bad decisions, especially trying to go back and save Johnny. Price had know about Simon's "ability" sence he joined and had successfully stopped him from using it and subsequently tearing himself apart with grief and horror. "Oh no.." He whispered, reaching for the notebook and slowly opening it, dread pooling in his stomach. He turned past his own old writings to where Ghost has started writing. It made him sick to see it. The frantic pen marks of a madman, shoddy sketches of Johnny with his face blow out and other injuries littered the pages. What looked like prayers and so many numbers were strewn about. Tick marks and ramblings flooded the creme pages. Bile licked his throat just looking at all of it, eyes flicking between the pages and Ghosts sorry state. Suddenly it all stopped and the rest of the pages went blank, the last number written was 457. Holy shit.
"Simon.." He whispered, moving over to swallow his Lieutenant up in the biggest bear hug he could. "Please stop trying" He whispered into Simon's hair. "It's not going to work, you're killing yourself trying." Ghost tried to pull away to argue but he just gripped him tighter. " You can't save him, it's not your fault either... it's fate son. Please, promise me you'll stop? This is no way to live." He held Ghost as he shook and sobbed, slowly moving them to sit down on the brown leather couch in the corner and pulling Ghost on top of him. "Youre exhausted son, just rest... it's okay, I'm here... shh" He soothed, rubbing circles into Ghosts back.
Price was holding back his own tears. Reliving the death of your best friend, knowing them, possibly even lover, 457 times? That must have been worse torture than Simon had ever gone through. He held the man as he slowly cried himself to sleep, he must've been exhausted considering how fast he'd faded. Price stayed up to watch over him and rub soothing shapes into his back as he continued to lightly cry through his sleep.
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shortqueershakespeare · 27 days ago
Tag game
Song you listened to most recently: I Don't Know Why I Like You But I Do by The Wombats, phone just moved onto Butchered Tongue by Hozier
Single most underrated band you listen to: Stornoway (obviously, as if my relentless posting about them wasn't the clue you needed)
Song that you listen to if you need a pick me up: Magnificent (She Says) by Elbow
Favourite and/or most listened to podcast: Elis James and John Robins (again that's an obvious one whoops) although I binged all of Midnight Burger lately and it's so good
Song lyric you'd rewind a song for (specifically because of the words): "Home's only a feeling you get in your mind, from the people you live and you travel beside" from Fuel Up by Stornoway or "my liver may be fucked but my heart is honest" from Things That Stop You Dreaming by Passenger, "how the mouth must be emplyed in every corner of itself" from Butchered tongue by Hozier
Song lyric you'd rewind a song for (specifically because of how it's sung): I have an entire doc compiling lyrics like this but the bit in Orange Juice by Noah Kahan where he sings "and filled you with anger", the bit in I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie where they sing "catholic school, as vicious as roman rule" and for Hozier songs, "Hold me like water or christ hold me like a knife" from Who We Are and "the first time that you kissed me I drank dry the river Lethe" from First Time.
Favourite album: Beachcomber's Windowsill by Stornoway has been my favourite for 15 years so I'd probably have to pick that, but Hozier, The Wombats, Maisie Peters and Death Cab For Cutie are all very very close behind.
Favourite album released in the last year: I'm cheating and picking one for 2025 and one for the last full year, so Oh! The Ocean by the Wombats for this year, Unreal Unearth: Unending for last year.
Food you're craving right now: I am craving literally no food and this is a PROBLEM, I'd eat a sorbet if I had some nearby though
Favourite type of weather: Warm in the sun but cool in the shade, enough breeze that you aren't too warm but not too cold if you're sitting still, t shirt and jeans ideally.
Ideal time to sleep and wake up: 2:30am and between 11:30 and 12:30
Dream job: I always say I'd like to be an academic with some pastoral role, which is true but ideally I'd do that most of the time and then an author the rest of the time.
Dream music collab: Stornoway and Hozier, this blog would be fucking incomprehensible.
One piece of advice for your past or future self: Just because an experience didn't go the way you wanted or expected, doesn't mean it wasn't worth it.
no pressure tags: @horneboy @consideratesea @sillycartoonhozier @gonnalivedespitetheevils @hellkitepriest @nojglisrenaissance @angelheon @quillinhand @bellaa-boos @luvwitheverystranger @lifemod17
plus anyone else who wants to do it - sorry to the few mutuals tumblr jsut refused to let me tag for some damn reason
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dragon-kazansky · 1 year ago
When the raven calls
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Morpheus x Female Reader
You, his raven, die protecting Jessamy while rescuing the Dream Lord. When Morpheus returns to his realm, he mourns your loss, only to find a stranger waiting for him in his throne room. The stranger claims to be you, now in human form. He doesn't understand, but his raven will always watch over him.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Notes: This chapter is very episode heavy in some places.
Chapter Ten - Trust fall
You hear Lucienne and Morpheus talking as you pass the throne room. You poke your head in and find Dream sitting on the steps with his coat sprawled out behind him. In his hand was a book. Lucienne was talking to him as he went through it.
You enter quietly and make your way over to them. Morpheus lifts his head when you enter, and he looks pleased. Not only are you still in human form, but you've returned to his side again.
This pleases him greatly.
"Is something wrong?" You ask.
"Jed Walker is missing." Lucienne tells you.
"Jed Walker?"
Morpheus realises there is a lot he hasn't told you about. He brings you up to speed on Rose Walker and her mission to find her brother. How Jed Walker can't even be found in the Dreaming, as if something or someone was keeping him out.
"Jed Walker is still in the realm of the living, but I cannot find him." Morpheus says. "All humans are connected to the Dreaming. They spend a third of their life here. Breaking that connection would require knowledge. And power."
"Then it may interest you to know that the last nightmare Jed Walker had before he disappeared was of Gault," Lucienne states.
You look up at the window where she is still depicted. "Interesting."
"You think she severed him from the Dreaming?" Morpheus asks her.
"I do."
"Because he's not just any child, is he? He's Rose Walker's brother. She is the vortex."
You had begun to connect all the dots now.
"Excuse me."
You all turn to see a young woman enter from here you had just come from. You find yourself moving to stand beside Morpheus as she walks closer.
"I'm Rose Walker. What do you know about my brother?" She asks.
Morpheus stands up and faces her. "You are welcome here, Rose Walker."
"Who are you?"
"You have somehow dreamed your way into an audience with Lord Morpheus." Lucienne explains. "The King of Dreams. And you must go."
"Lucienne." Morpheus speaks her name.
"She shouldn't be here."
You look at Rose. She could only be 20 something tops. She looks confused but also interested in what's happening. She doesn't really look at you as she listens to Morpheus and Lucienne talk.
"No, but I should like her to stay."
"What is this place?" She asks.
"You're in the Dreaming, the place where people come when they sleep."
"So, I'm asleep right now? I'm dreaming?"
"Yes, and I should like to know how it is you found me." Morpheus says.
"I heard you talking about my brother. Is he here?"
"No." Morpheus steps down from the stairs and walls over to Rose. He comes to stand beside her.
"Do you know where he is?" She asks.
"No. But I think he might be with one of my missing Nightmares." He tells her as they look up at the window.
"She's a nightmare? What would she want with Jed?"
"I don't know. But I have a feeling it has something to do with you." Morpheus looks at her curiously.
"Me? Why? What did I do?"
"It is not what you did. It is what you are." He tells her.
"I'm sorry. I don't understand any of this."
"No. Dream vortexes are largely incomprehensible."
"What's a dream vortex?"
"You are."
You roll your eyes. That doesn't really explain anything to her. Morpheus was hopeless sometimes.
"Once every few thousand years, a mortal is born with a Dreaming ability so powerful, she can travel through the dreams of others." You explain, coming over to join the two.
Morpheus looks at you.
"Apperantly, all the way to my throne room." He says, returning his gaze back to Rose.
"I was just looking for my brother." She speaks softly.
"If you can find me in The Dreaming, you can find your brother." Morpheus tells her. "No matter where Gaukt has hidden him."
"How? How do I do that?"
"For now, keep looking for your brother in the waking world. Matthew will watch over you there."
"I could do it," you say.
"No." Morpheus looks at you instantly.
Rose looks between the pair of you and then at Matthew. She feels the tension building.
"At your service, Rose." Matthew bows his head at her.
"When he is with you, I am with you." Morpheus tells Rose. "Then tonight, when you sleep, you and I will go in search for Gault and your brother together. In your dreams."
"She's just a nightmare, right? She can't hurt him, can she?"
You look down at the ground. Morpheus can see you in the corner of his eye.
Rose Walker wakes. She disappears from the Dreaming.
Lucienne takes her leave for now, as does Matthew. Morpheus looks at you. You avoid his eyes as you slowly try to walk away.
You stop and wait.
"Look at me."
You lift your head and meet his eyes reluctantly. He stares at you silently for a few moments before he speaks. "Is something wrong?"
You sigh. "Do you not trust me?" You ask.
"Of course I do. Why would I not?"
"You were so quick to send Matthew to help Rose."
"Yes?" He regards you curiously. He really doesn't see what the issue is.
"I'm right here. I can do things, too. I still have my raven form, remember?"
"I do."
"So, send me. Let me be your raven again," you plead.
He says your name softly. "It is not that I do not trust you. I just..."
"What?" You urge.
"I don't want you to leave my side."
You frown. "That's not a good enough reason."
Morpheus falls quiet again.
"I'm going for a walk... or better yet, I fly around the palace..." As you take a step, you turn into a raven and fly out of there.
Morpheus watches you go.
Lucienne walks through the library and spots Morpheus going through the books. She approaches him quickly.
"My lord, may I help?"
"Is this everything we have on Rose Walker?" He asks her.
"And Jed Walker. But I shouldn't think there's anything in those you don't already know. Except perhaps-"
"Exceot perhaps why she was able to wander into my throne room." He finishes for her. "What do you think? Why did Gault target her brother and not her?"
"Did you read about Unity Kinkaid?" Lucidnne asks. "The day you were imprisoned, there were people all over the world who fell asleep and could not wake up. Unity Kinkaid is the sole survivor of what they called the Sleepy Sickness. The day you reutneed, she woke up. Rose Walker is her great-granddaughter."
"Which would seem to suggest that my absence caused the birth of a vortex." Morpheus says.
"Is that not a possibility?"
"Vortxes are naturally occurring phenomena. No one knows why they happen. Not even I know. But I do know they are not caused or created. They simply happen." He explains.
"Then this is all a coincidence? And not am imminent threat?"
"My instinct says no, but tonight when Rose Walker sleeps, I shall see it more clearly. May I?" He takes the book with him as he leaves.
You watch from the book shelf you had been sitting on. Lucienne looks up and stares at you. You say nothing and fly out.
"You do know I can sense you as a raven? We are connected, after all."
You sigh and land on the table in front of him. He looks at you silently.
"I wanted to know more about Rose." You say.
"You could have just asked."
"I didn't think you would tell me," you sigh.
"Now who doesn't trust who?"
You ruffle your feathers and sigh. It's easier to talk to him as a raven. This way, he can't see you get flustered when he looks at you.
"I'm not trying to fall out with you. Maybe I'm jealous that Matthew gets to be the top raven these days. That used to be my job."
Morpheus is surprised to hear you say that.
"Matthew is new to the job. He needs all the experience he can get."
"Your excuses are becoming boring."
Morpheus feels bad. He is making up excuses. He simply doesn't want you to leave his side at the moment, now while you have him feeling the way he is.
"Come with me tonight."
You look up at him. "Huh?"
"Come with me to see Rose."
"You mean it?" You ask, excitedly.
Your head perks up as you look up at him. He can sense your happiness. He smiles softly.
"However, I have one condition."
"You can only accompany me in your human form."
"Why?" You cock your head to the side.
"Because I want you to."
You know that's the best you're going to get out of him. You sigh. "Fine."
"I'll call for you when Rose enters the Dreaming again."
"Okay." You fly off.
Morpheus watches you go, wishing you would stay.
When Rose falls asleep, Morpheus knows. He calls for you as soon as he feels her presence in the Dreaming. You fly to him quickly.
"My condition." He says.
You sigh and flap your wings, turning into your human form. You look up at him and sigh again. "Better?"
Morpheus takes your hand gently and then guides you through the Dreaming.
Currently, Rose is walking through the dreams of her friends.
You both find her through the dream of Chantel, her friend. You follow his gaze as he turns to look at Rose. He says nothing as he grasps your hand and pulls you through the door.
Rose ends up outside on a street where she sees Barbie in an expensive car and Ken, naked, trying to talk to her. Looks like he was having a bad dream.
You stand on the other side of the street with Morpheus, watching Rose. She turns and sees you both.
"Why is this happening? I thought we were looking for Jed." She says.
"We are." Morpheus replies.
"Then why am I in my friends' dreams?"
"Because yo uare drawing the dreams of others to you." He tells her. "Just be careful not to lose yourself in them. Take a moment. Find your path."
Rose's gaze shifts over his shoulder. You both turn to see a poster on a gate. It's one of her missing posters for Jed. Rose walks over to it and pushes it open, going through.
Now you're standing out in the open, watching Princess Barbara on her quest to save the land.
"So, what is a dream vortex? What is it for? What does it do?"
I confess, there are some questions to whichever I do not have an answer." Morpheus admits. "But I can tell you that a vortex has the power to dream entire worlds or destroy them."
Rose walks off in the same direction Barbie headed. Morpheus and you follow her.
A graveyard. A young girl skipping past the graves as she sings to herself.
"Is that...?"
"Zelda. When she was your brother's age."
Rose follows the young Zelda through the cemetery as she talks to herself.
"Is she lost?"
"She's at home here," Morpheus explains. "That is what most people seek when they dream."
"Do you know where that is for Jed?"
Zelda enters one of he crypts close by. Rose follows her. On the door is another poster. Rose takes it and goes through the door. Morpheus and you follow her.
You're standing on a street. Quiet. Homely looking. Other than the three of you, there doesn't seem to be anyone around.
"You know this place?"
"That was our house growing up. Look." She shows you the photo on the poster. You smile at her as you take the poster from her hand and take a closer look.
"You've done it." Morpheus smiles. "You've found your brother's dream. Now we find Gault."
You look around. It's so quiet here.
It doesn't stay quiet for long. You watch in interest and confusion as sand swirls around and a young boy, dressed like a superhero from a comic, appears. There's what appears to be a ruby on his costume too.
The sand. The ruby. You chuckles softly.
"Halt, King of Nightmares, or I'll send you both to Dreamland."
"Jed?" Rose asks.
"I am the Guardian of Sleepers. I am Lord of the Dream Domain. I am the Sandman."
You giggle softly.
Morpheus smiles. "You are the Sandman? Is that what she told you?"
Jed gets defensive.
"Where is she? Your master."
"Stay back."
"Jed, we're not here to hurt you." Rose tells him.
A woman comes up behind Jed and places her hand on his shoulder. You look at her curiously. The woman looks just like their mother.
"It's me you want. Not him."
"Oh my God. Mom?"
"That is not your mother, Rose." Morpheus tells her, stopping her from getting close.
"Rose?" Jed removes his mask.
You watch the siblings hug.
"I've been looking for you everywhere." Rose tells him.
"Mom, it's Rose. She's all grown up."
"I'm sorry, Jed." Morpheus removes Gault's disguise.
"What did you do to her?" Jed yells.
Rose makes Jed look at her as she talks to him. Rose explains to him what is happening and then asks where he is.
"I'm right here."
"No, Jeddy, this is a dream. When you wake up, where will you be?" She asks.
"Uncle Barnaby said he's gonna break every bone in my body." Jed says, getting upset.
You frown. What are they doing to this poor boy in the waking world?
"Who's Barnaby?"
"Aunt Clarice won't be able to stop him."
"Where are they, Jed? Where are Aunt Clarice and Uncle Barnaby?"
"They're home. They're in Homeland." Jed says.
"Where is that? Where is Home Land?"
"Come, Gault. We must go." Morpheus says.
Gault crouches near Jed and looks at him sadly. "I'm sorry, Sandman."
"It's time to wake up, Jed." Morpheus states.
"Wait!" You try and stop him.
"Goodbye, Rose Walker."
Rose tries to get more answers from Jed, but Morpheus ends the dream.
You're now standing in the throne room. Morpheus is there. Lucienne, too. Gault stands there looking at Morpheus with disdain. You sit on the steps slowly.
"Do you have any idea what his life is like in the waking world?" Gault asks.
"Humans cannot live in dreams. As long as he stayed there, the child had no life nor the chance for one."
"The boy is being abused. He's suffering." Gault tells him.
"You abused that suffering to build a Dreaming you could rule."
"I had no wish to rule. I merely wished to be a Dream and not a Nightmare." Gault says to him. "To inspire rather than to frighten."
Your gaze softens as you look at her.
"The choice is not yours to make. We do not choose to be created. Nor do we choose how we are made."
You gaze down quietly. Dream has always been so particular about things, but do you not prove change is possible? You are different now from how he made you, and yet he leaves you be.
It doesn't seem fair.
"That is true." Gault agrees with him. "But we can change." Her gaze looks at you. It's like she read your mind.
"No." Morpheus says. "We are, each of us, born with responsibilities. Even I am not free to choose to be other than I am. Nor is anyone."
"Is that were true, why did all the other Dreams and Nightmares choose to leave this place when you had gone away?"
"Not all of us chose to leave and nearly all have returned." Lucienne chimed in.
"Do you think they came back out of love?" Gaulat asked her. "Or because they were afraid of what you wouldndo to them if they did not?" She addresses Morpheus. "Because I'm not afraid."
You hear Morpheus move behind you. The room grows tense.
"You should be."
You look up at him over your shoulder, but he does not move his gaze from Gault.
"A Nightmares purpose is to reveal a dreamer's fears that they may face them."
His shadow descends the stairs past you and toward Gault. You know what he's going to do.
You can't take it any more. You get up and you leave the room.
Morpheus sees you go. Lucienne watches you. Gault does not move her gaze from Dream.
It's only when you're halfway down the hall that you realise you're crying. You reach up and touch your cheek. Your fingers come away wet.
Now you really do feel human.
You head to your room to be alone.
Lucienne comes by to check on you. She feels for you when she hears you crying softly. She hugs you gently, holding you to her. She's never known you to be so emotional before.
"How can he do that?" You ask.
"I don't know..."
"It's not fair. He's not fair."
Lucienne says nothing as she holds you. You cling to her for comfort. You've never felt more human than you do now.
@missdreamofendless - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @sitkafay - @snowsatsu - @ladyofdreaming - @thoughtsfromlayla - @modest-irish-goddess - @mystic-mara -
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vigilskeep · 5 months ago
Saw your post about the fic trope wherein Varric handles all of Hawke's finances and tbh it feels like people maybe aren't fully processing the fact that DA Dwarves are Jewish-coded and are leaning heavily on stereotypes instead of dismantling them. Not to say the writers are always 100% on top of their own biases or anything but like... maybe if you're writing a culture like this you should look at why you think a guy in that culture is good at / interested in something he is textually NOT and if the answer is "because he's ___ so he must be" you should stop what you're doing and ask if you're pushing a harmful stereotype. Sorry if this is incomprehensible, I'm very sleepy.
don’t have much to add to this but nodding
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 months ago
I’ve been plagued by thoughts of Sunday x isekai reader since you made that drabble omg… esp the idea of reader cracking and letting out the truth of their past life…
There’s something so horrifyingly lonely about the isekai trope, especially when there’s some plot point where the reader knows the story of the world from their past life—to lose all your connections in the blink of an eye, and to not be sure if any of the ones you forge now can be even called genuine when you have the “cheat code” to endear others to yourself. It’s something I can’t help but imagine would wear down on a person even if they manage to adjust well.
And so one day you break and explain it all to him, ending up borderline incoherent at the end asides from the occasional mutters of “I miss x” and “I miss y” and “I just wanna go home” between tears.
I think he’d be a little elated to know that in the entire universe, he’s only who can comfort you or have this close of a relationship now that he knows your secret, but that’s far overshadowed by the pit he feels in his stomach knowing how detached you are from this world, and even worse how incomprehensibly distant you might become one day if you ever do learn how to leave.
Sunday cares very very deeply after all, and knowing he’d be helpless to control the situation if something bad were to happen to you—it’s really, truly, dreadful… enough so that his fear might overshadow the guilt he feels about liking you the way he does, and spur him to take actions he wouldn’t have considered otherwise hh it’s just a very terrible equation... I fear you may have made crack for yan lovers by combining that man with that trope 🏃🏻‍♀️‍➡️
And to think that I almost didn't publish the fic.
The reason why is because I channeled a lot of my own personal emotions in it but of course, I twisted them and made them fit into the dark romance mold because hey if I'm feeling miserable, I might as well be a true artist and make something of it.
I also have another idea for Sunday x Isekai Reader. It came to me in Sunday mass of all places and the reason why that's funny is because the idea is a nsfw one. Jesus must have been wagging his finger at me but I'm sorry my man, the brain can't help itself!
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haitaniqueen · 27 days ago
Love is the death of peace of mind (2)
Pairing: Ran Haitani x reader
Tags/Warnings: Romance, Angst, mutual pinning, second chance romance, soul mates, forbidden love, Ranwasashittyboyfriend, toxicteenRan, Bonten, Bonten canon violence, organized crime violence canon -blood, guns, alcohol, drugs consumption, etc-, all characters aged up
Summary: Ran had been exposed to violence since he was a toddler; his grandfather was a retired yakuza who had taught his grandchildren how cruel the world can be. That's why, after meeting you, he felt a deep desire to protect you... And he tried so hard, hoping that any mistakes might be fixed later... 'Fuckin' idiot!', how could he dared to believe he deserved someone like you...? And why after all these years couldn't he let you go...?
POV Y/N “We appreciate your involvement in tonight's fundraising event; please do not hesitate to contact the representatives who are wearing ribbons with the names of the programs being financed by your collaboration; my name is Alice Taylor, and I wish you a wonderful evening” You stated before stepping down from the podium amidst the applause of the audience.
You didn't enjoy being in the spotlight at gatherings like these; you preferred to be the genius and manipulator, arranging everything behind the scenes. But the program directors insisted on your appearance; there was no one like you to cement connections, and it was believed that an anonymous benefactor would arrive with a large monetary donation. Who better than you for the job? The night was frenetic, with conversations with businesspeople, leaders of government, and high-level politicians; you were fatigued, but you recognized your capacity to collect donations, and as a result, the cause you supported had enough money to work for at least two more years.
Satisfied with the result and overwhelmed by the amount of stress, manipulation, and charm you had to use in the last couple of hours, you went out to smoke a cigarette on the terrace. You had only been outside for a couple of seconds when a girl dressed as part of the waitstaff caught up with you, cellphone in hand.
“It's for you, it's urgent”
“I'm sorry I didn't attend our concerted appointment” The deep voice gave you a chill “It's inconvenient for me to introduce myself at this time, there are too many people” His voice, you were sure you’d heard it before, but where? “Still, I need to see you now”
“Excuse me?” You didn't want to get out of your role, but the boldness took you by surprise “It's practically 3 in the morning and I don't...”
“Miss Igarashi I'm sure you can make time in your schedule, Little Sonomi must be asleep already”
The thoughts rushed through your mind; his voice had been clear enough to avoid any confusion, he had said your real last name and the name of your 5-year-old daughter.
The accelerated beating of your heart and the calm breathing on the other end of the phone became deafening; You felt your throat closed and you were grateful because otherwise you would have vomited on your elegant dress. You inhaled hard trying to articulate a word, but nothing came out of your mouth.
“My assistant will take you to Livingstone Lake, I think it is not necessary to add that I need your discretion”
The girl led you to a Mercedes outside the compound, she had already planned the route so as not to draw attention with your abrupt exit.
“I need your pone” she said extending her hand “I have to make sure you don't do anything stupid” You handed it to her shakily and reluctantly as you got into the vehicle, it couldn't be a coincidence that absolutely no one was on the street at that moment “Calm down, you're going to be fine” she said before getting in next to you and saying something incomprehensible to the driver who started driving.
You leaned back in the seat with your arms crossed looking out the tinted window, who and for what could be looking for you? Why now? Whose voice was that?
The trip seemed eternal after the vehicle went through routes where you knew there were no cameras, whoever had organized this knew the city well; your heart beat wildly when blue and red lights illuminated the northern access to the ecological reserve, there were at least two police vans, of course! The guard that prevented hot teenagers or drunk college students from trying to take a dip in the lake with tragic consequences; for a moment, you thought about hitting the window and screaming at the top of your lungs to get their attention, but that idea was discarded when you saw them change their lights towards the vehicle and get out of the way to then close the access again.
After driving for more than 15 minutes on an unlit road, the car stopped and the girl took your arm to guide you while holding a handgun on your lower back, a little further ahead there were two sedan vehicles and some men with long guns guarding the area; you swallowed heavily, going over each of your actions, alliances and jobs of the last few months, NOTHING, NOTHING COULD JUSTIFY THIS.
“Inside” The girl said pointing at the Roll Royce Ghost in front of you “Come on the boss is on a call but he'll be here in a momento” She continued to open the back door “Remember that we know everything about you”
You nodded with your fists tightly clenched as you got into the car. "Rented" you acknowledged as you checked it as soon as the door closed; the smell gave it away. "If I get out of this I can ask Satoru to investigate through his contacts... Stupid" you reproached yourself covering your face with your hands "Surely this way of thinking is what got me into this..."
The door on the left side of the Rolls Royce opened and the cold crept in as you felt someone had gotten in next to you.
You remained with your eyes covered feeling the intense trembling of your hands on your skin, your heart rate had accelerated even more and your ragged and erratic breathing became deafening; the space was invaded by a masculine and magnetic perfume, notes of wood and amber merged with cigarette smoke in your nostrils.
“Hey, Y/N, are you okay?” That voice.
He barely finished saying your name and you knew who it was. With disbelief and a dry mouth, your hands slid down your face and you turned to look at him, feeling your body lose energy through your heavy exhalations.
He was wearing a white shirt, vest, and dress pants with a matching black tie; his sharp, masculine features were perfectly framed by his hair styled in a mullet in shades of violet that highlighted his deep lavender eyes. It was Rindou Haitani, your Rindou Haitani.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" You screamed, throwing yourself at him with your eyes full of tears as you hit his chest in rage. "How the fuck did you do this to me? You're a son of a bitch, why Rindou?"
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," he replied as he stroked your hair trying to calm you down. You could feel his heartbeat racing. "It had to be this way. I couldn't risk someone seeing us together..."
You inhaled sharply in an attempt to regulate your breathing. The entire security operation played in your mind and with it, Rindou's voice mentioning your daughter's name, which made you push him violently and look at him inquisitively. At that moment, you noticed it. There was a new tattoo on his neck. You knew it, you had seen it on the news, it belongs to a rapidly rising criminal group.
"Y-yeah... This is why it couldn't be any different" He said taking your hand when he noticed the surprised and scared expression on your face "Hey, Y/N it's just me... I would never do anything to hurt you, you know that, right?"
"Y-Yeah" You replied holding his hands in yours when you recognized his hurt tone "It's just... I'm so overwhelmed Rin, it's been over 10 years since I heard about you and now you just showed up here, what am I supposed to...?"
"I never thought you could be so much more beautiful than you already were," he interrupted you, lifting your face between his hands and caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. "You've grown so much, I loved your graduation photo and... damn, your wedding photo..."
Your eyes glazed over as you heard his voice break. He was being sincere and you didn't want to admit it, but you knew very well how much you had cried because he wasn't the one who had waited for you after receiving your diploma, nor had he given you away at the altar.
"I always thought that I would..."
"Me too Rin..." Thick tears rolled down your cheeks "Even if I wasn't with Ran, I always thought that you would be with me, that you would be my man of honor" you laughed through your tears
"I would have loved to" He sighed giving you a kiss on the forehead, then resting his head against yours and staying like that for a few moments "I must... I must ask you a favor"
"There was a negotiation in this area a few weeks ago... Ran is the one who acts as the emissary" He held your hands tightly when you instinctively tried to move away, he quickly noticed that you had turned pale "I-I didn't agree with this either because I know how much it hurt you and..."
"Rindou is not that" You murmured, bringing your hand to the scar on your forearm by inertia "I can't do it, forgive me, I can't..."
"No Rindou, you don't understand" You roared in frustration "He didn't attack you, he didn't leave you confused making you feel like you were worthless... and I know he said hurtful things after that to push me away, but that doesn't take away what he did to me, that doesn't change that he never tried to fix it..."
"You don't belong with us..."
"Don't tell me the same thing he would say" You screamed through tears of accumulated fury "That wasn't his decision, it was only mine. He had no right to choose for me, because I loved him and I loved you, you were my true family"
Rindou sighed heavily as he nodded, just before coming to look for you he had had a conversation with Kakucho and he had said the exact same thing.
"Things are different now Rin... I can't take any chances, I have a daughter, she's my priority above all else"
"I know" Rindou grimaced in an attempt at a smile "When I mentioned her a while ago I was looking at her photo, she's identical to you when I met you... except her blue eyes, they're like the idiot you married"
"Satoru is not an idiot" You whispered more calmly "Besides that ended years ago..."
"Yeah I know that too"
"How much shit you investigated about me..."
"I know your father did everything he could to give you another identity and hide you while he was alive, but now that he's not here... money and power open many doors Y/N"
"There's something that will happen in a few months and I'm very sorry to be responsible for it with my meddling in your life..."
"What are you talking about?" Your heart skipped a beat again at the seriousness on his face and his gaze
"If Ran hadn't done what he did, if he hadn't forbidden me to look for you and your father hadn't hidden you so well, I would have done anything to be with you again too... and you said it yourself, your daughter is the most important, so you must disappear from my sight and Ran's..."
"And... and what does that mean?"
"Reassignments of city, phone numbers, accounts, ID... I don't know, I'll take care of paying for everything, but Kakucho is the one who will explain it to you and do everything"
"Ka-KaKucho?" You exclaimed in surprise "Is he part of this?"
"He's the only person I could trust with your information... I know that even if we begged him he wouldn't tell us where you are and he would never sell you" There was a moment of silence again. Rindou examined your worried features, while admiring and recognizing his friend from adolescence "Ran needs to let you go, I know it sounds stupid to ask you to agree to meet him for that, but..."
"I-if I were to refuse..."
"You would be the intelligent woman I always thought you would become" You nodded biting your lower lip "But if you do the opposite, you would be the rebellious, passionate and illogical woman I know you are"
"You must guarantee me that the day it happens Sonomi and I will be transferred to another place, I want at least the security and treatment that witness protection entails" You replied swallowing saliva and looking him straight in the eyes "I'm putting my life and that of my daughter in your hands on a whim, do you understand that Rindou?"
"You are still one of the most important people in my life" His solemn voice calmed you down a little, although your heart did not stop beating frantically "I will take care of you and my niece with my life even if I can't be with you, I swear" He took you by the nape of the neck to get closer and make the foreheads of both of you collide as they did when you were young
"I trust you, Rin" You whispered between tremors and feeling your dry mouth "Please, don't make me regret it"
I'm still trying to understand how to post on tumblr, please be patient <3 I hope you had a great Valentine's Day. The first part is posted on my profile
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