#i'm not going to say Magneto was right
oldbooxie · 1 year
Can we talk about how secret invasion is literally x-men first class sixty years in the future but with no Nazis and with a few more aliens
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brw · 4 months
Mind you I'm also just genuinely a Magneto hater these days because. well I think we need to have a larger conversation fandom wide about how the writer to rehabilitate Magneto in comics as a character is not only a Zionist himself but based Magneto off a Zionist politician and you can't divorce the Magneto and Charles dynamic in that era from both of them being Zionists in Israel together 🤷 or are we just going to say Magneto is right and not ask whose politics the right is derived from.
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inkmemes · 1 month
x-men  (  2000  )  sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  the first x-man film.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“won't it kinda be cold?”
“well, that's the point, stupid.”
“and when are you gonna do this?”
“i don't know what happened.”
“i don't know... i just touched him.”
“call an ambulance!”
“just get away from me!”
“don't touch me!”
“thank you, [name]. it was quite educational.”
“the wrong person driving a car can be dangerous.”
“i didn't say they were hiding.”
“what are you doing here?”
“why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers?”
“don't give up on them, [name].”
“what would you have me do, [name]?”
i've heard these arguments before.”
“it was a long time ago.”
“are you sneaking around in here, [name]? whatever are you looking for?”
“i'm looking for hope.”
“don't get in my way.”
where are we?”
“are you gonna let this man walk away with your money?”
“i'll fight him!”
“don't hit him in the balls.”
“you said anything goes.”
“you idiot!”
“you want something new, honey?”
“i'll have a beer.”
“you owe me some money.”
“[name], let's not do this.”
“no man takes a beating like that without a mark to show for it.”
“come on, this isn't worth it.”
“i know what you are.”
“you lost your money. you keep this up, you lose something else.”
“what the hell are you doin'?”
“i'm sorry. i needed a ride.”
“i thought you might help me.”
“get out!”
“where am i supposed to go?”
“i saved your life!”
“you don't have anything to eat, do you?”
“suddenly my life isn't bad.”
“it looks cosy.”
“put your hands on the heater.”
“it's nothing personal.”
“so what kind of a name is [name]?”
“you should wear your seat belt.”
“you all right?”
“weren't you supposed to bring someone back with you?”
“what happened?”
“i have made the first move.”
“where are you going?”
“what's your hurry?”
“good morning, [name].”
“would you like some breakfast?”
“i don't need medical attention.”
“what's a magneto?”
“this is the stupidest thing i've ever heard.”
“you wanna get outta my way?”
“give me a chance.”
“i may be able to help you find some answers.”
“how do you know?”
“you're not the only one with gifts.”
“what is this place?”
“i'll make a deal with you.”
“no, i don't see a difference.”
“it's gonna be close.”
“the world will be watching.”
“where the hell are we?”
“i'm sorry.”
“so... couldn't wait to get my shirt off again, huh?”
“he could very well be older than you, [name].”
“i've never seen anything like this before.”
“it's such a strange phrase.”
“i think what you really are afraid of is me.”
“i think you'll be comfortable here.”
“where's your room?”
“so read my mind.”
“come on. you afraid you might like it?”
“what do you see?”
“you oughta be careful. i might not be there next time.”
“it was an accident.”
“what the hell have you done to me?”
“i had no choice.”
“i think it'll be easier on your own.”
“you don't like him.”
“how could you tell?”
“where is it?”
“we had a deal.”
“she's all right. she's just upset.”
“i'm sorry about last night.”
“you running again?”
“who told you that?”
“she was supposed to meet me for lunch.”
“you look around, i'll check with the ticket agent.”
“i think you should follow your instincts.”
“i can still feel him inside my head.”
“he seems to genuinely wanna help you.”
“what do you say?”
“come on, i'll take care of you.”
“you promise?”
“scream for me.”
“what the hell do you want with me?”
“whoever said i wanted you?”
“you'll have to kill me, [name].”
“care to press your luck, [name]?”
“goodbye, [name].”
“i made a terrible mistake.”
“i couldn't see what he was after ‘til it was too late.”
“[name], you can't do this alone.”
“who the hell do you think you are?”
“i want you to try and relax. i'm not going to hurt you.”
“please don't leave me! i don't want to be alone.”
“wait a minute. he's not coming with us, is he?”
“answer me. please.”
“are you going to kill me?”
“i'll understand if that comes as small consolation.”
“you actually go outside in these things?”
“sounds like a storm's comin'.”
“there's someone here.”
“there's someone here. i just can't see 'em.”
“do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning?”
“[name], is that you?”
“you're not part of the group.”
“i can't move.”
“i thought you lived at a school.”
“he's become even more powerful than i imagined.”
“are you sure you saw what you saw?”
“why do none of you understand what i'm trying to do?”
“you're so full of shit.”
“if you're really so righteous, it'd be you in that thing.”
“please! somebody please help me!”
“this is mine.”
“you owe me a scream.”
“you drop something?”
“i can't control it like that.”
“i'm taking it.”
“welcome back. i knew you'd find your way.”
“how did we do?”
“oh, that tickles.”
“how are you feeling?”
“that was a brave thing you did.”
“i think she's a little taken with you.”
“well, you can tell her my heart belongs to someone else.”
“are you going to say goodbye to them?”
“i was wrong in this particular issue and i hope, in time, i may be forgiven.”
“i kinda like it.”
“i don't want you to go.”
“what do you do when you wake up to that?”
“and i will always be there.”
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aethers-bananaa · 15 days
prompt: "you make me feel alive. for the first time ever, i can breathe"
pairing: xmen'97 scott summers x afab!reader
genre: fluff, fluff, fluff, slight angst, and fluff
summary: you and scott have started dating recently and everything feels right, like you were meant for each other. scott prepares a surprise date for you and opens up about his feelings - it's the sweetest thing ever
notes: where's jean? nonexistent here... sorry for all her fans ˙◠˙. wc is 802 words and the story's set after the events of xmen 97!
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The halls of the X-Mansion flooded with children and teenagers, laughter and chatter floating through the air. The weather of spring did not disappoint, the windows of the hall magnifying the rays of the morning sun, the blossoms outside blooming in magnificent pinks and purples.
A hand rested on your shoulder from behind and you whipped around in surprise. With everything that had been going on under Magneto's unfortunate reign, you expected to see something terrible standing there. To your luck, it was someone much more welcome and familiar.
"Scott!" You exclaimed with relief.
"Hey, love," he replied, his baritone voice matching the warmth of the sun.
He pulls you aside, away from the bustling students and into a smaller, empty office. The oaken furniture glowed a golden maple colour under the morning light, a stained glass window casting warm glows of reds and yellows. In front of the head desk, the chairs had been pushed aside, a red and white checkered picnic blanket in their place. A wicker basket sat in the center, overflowing with all sorts of good food and drinks.
"We never get the time to do anything. I thought I'd do something for the both of us together, you know, seeing as we have a break from all the missions," he gestures over to the little setup. "I mean, it's not much but I-"
You almost throw yourself into his arms. Falling into an embrace, you bury your face into his broad chest.
"Oh, Scott. This is sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me," you smile. "Sit with me!"
You both take a seat opposite each other, cross-legged like school children. Cracking open a can of soda from the basket, you're unable to suppress your happiness.
"When'd you plan this, may I ask?" You giggle.
"A week ago, I'd say. Running this whole place is my job, and what I should be doing. Buuut... I suppose it was a bit much. I needed to spend time with you, to be with you alone," he half smiles. "Needed to escape for a bit to be honest."
"I'm so very honoured, my captain. I'm glad you're able to do this for us, to take a break. I couldn't be more grateful for you."
Scott rested a large hand on your thigh. "And I you." He moves his hand up and brushes his thumb against your cheek. "God, you're beautiful, you know?"
Your heart grew hot and you blushed, so much so that you thought he'd think you were on fire. "So are you," you laughed.
Your comment elicited an affable chuckle from him.
"Y/N, do you know who I'd be without you?"
"Let me guess, Scott Summers but attractively single?"
"Haha very funny. But seriously, I'd just be Cyclops who worked all day, all night, someone who could never fill Xavier's shoes and was never satisfied. Y/N, you made me realise that there's more than that."
You felt his gaze fall on your face, studying your expression. You looked on helplessly, unable to tear your own line of vision from his own perfectly sculpted face. His amber locks and broad shoulders seemingly screamed for attention.
"Don't say that. You know you are more than that already."
Scott leaned in, closer to you. "No but I mean, I'm nothing without you really. I'm just a mutant without a soul. But you...You make me feel alive, and for the first time ever, I can breathe. With you, I'm an actual person." His voice dropped, almost in a whisper, as if telling you a secret.
His words struck your heart.
"Oh Scott... You're never nothing and never have been nothing. You'll always be a person with a caring soul and a massive heart, with or without me. Please remember that. But, I'll always, always, always be here to tell you. Know that I love you and always will," you reply, reflecting his tone of voice in your own.
Almost nose to nose now, you lean in and kiss him. His long fingers run down your cheeks and reach into your hair, gently tugging at your locks as he kisses you back tentatively. His lips are sweet and familiar, tasting of sunshine. You inhale his woody scent and bask in the warmth of his presence. Your own hands travel to rest on the vast expanse of his muscular chest, feeling his heart beat rhythmically.
After several minutes of burning yet natural passion, you both pull apart, breathing heavily. His crimson lensed glasses sat slightly crooked upon his tall nose bridge. You move your hands to adjust them for him. "Careful there," you chuckled lightly. He smiled.
"Gosh, how lucky am I to have you?" He said, his fingers dancing along your jaw.
"Could say the exact same thing back," you replied.
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xenayami · 1 month
This series is going off based on @honey-minded-hivemind Dark AU for their platonic yandere xmen x reader please check them out for the original and support them on what they do they are incredible. ❤️
The reader of this story will be Fem. Her, Kurt, Kitty, and Pietro will all be aged to 14.
Beware this is a dark au so things could get graphic you've been warned and bad GRAMMER.
Reader was founded by the x-men in a homeless shelter for kids when she was 12. Discovered by Charles Xavier who had found her through his power, sending Logan and Scott to retrieve the girl. Her abilities were to create spheres of protection and have the power to heal. But as many mutants' reader does have a limit to such lengths of what her powers can handle. Never had a family or even knew of her own. But when THE wolverine stretches his hand out for her to take how could she say no.
At some point, Lance was severely injured from a mission he was sent on with two other teens. Scott who had returned with Lance in his arms begged reader to heal him. "Please Kid... you're the only one I know that can help."
She barely succeeded managing to get lance out of the dying state but not healed completely. As soon as she was done her nose begins to bleed and later resulting to her collapsing. Of course, when she had awoken, she overheard the wolverine yelling at Scott. How could he put you through such a thing if he need someone to help Lance, he could of gone straight to hank. Not a 14-year-old who barely knows how her power works. "I regret it Logan I know I just thought-
Her and Logan always had a close relationship since she joined the school. They both were loners. But the x-men saved them from such fate. Whenever reader was in his classroom training harder than any student, he had encountered he asked her. "Because I want to get stronger to protect the ones I care about." From that moment on he had watch over her like a daughter.
When reader first arrived at Charles Xaviers school, she immediately fit right in. Rogue and Jean loved her like a little sister. Scott and Gambit as well along with Wanda and Pietro. Logan thought of you as his daughter just as Erik 'Magneto' did as well. Charles loves you like his own as for the rest of his students and his x-men. Hank adores you as much as mystique.
There was a particular group you always hung out with Kitty, Pietro, Kurt and Jubilee. They were the first friends of you had since you came to the school, since ever. Knowing you've been by yourself for as long as you could remember. You had loved every single one of them.
You had finally found your family.
One night, when everyone was sleeping you silently swore to yourself, I'm going to get stronger I will, I want to have the strength to protect my family and friends. Even if it cost me my life.'
Unknown to you accouple of ears lingered near your room and hear you.
After that day everything was peaceful.
Reader, Kurt, Pietro and Kitty were all going to go and shop for a surprise gift for their friend Jubilee. Scott and Jean sent them off.
"Now be careful out there got it, things can get out of hand when you least expect it." Scott stand Infront of the group crossing his arms over his chest looking at the group of kids.
"Geez yeah yeah we get it. Just don't tell Jubilee where we were, okay?" Pietro huffs. Jubilee was failing in a couple of classes and training lessons, so she had to stay behind. They thought going out to get her a special early birthday present would cheer her up, only to encounter Scott and Jean. The group fully understand the dangers of being a mutant lingering out and about. But they believe as long as they were together, they'll be alright.
"We'll be fine promise! We're just gonna get some grub probably hang around the park a bit and then shop for an early surprise present for Jubilee." Kitty chuckles at Scotts worriedness the group of teens, they had train for situations in case they get into trouble. They just need a break from the school for a bit and explore the world and experience the joys of being a teenager.
"Right ve promise!" Kurt joins in.
"I'll look after them Scott don't worry; we'll be back before midnight! I swear." Read was always trying to be the older sister of the group and the adults found that precious. Scott looks at her with soften eyes.
Scott looks hesitant but then Jean lays a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure they'll be fine Scott beside I'm sure the grownups need a break from the kids anyway. Let them go out." Scott looker over his shoulder and sighs in defeat.
"Fine. Reader."
She straightens up.
"Be safe."
And with that the group leaves the mansion for their outing. A couple of miles away from their home and going straight into town. Kurt walking on readers left side and Pietro and Kitty walking on her right.
"Vhet should we get for our friend?"
"Don't know maybe a necklace? Oh! or earrings!"
"You guys think too much. Just get her favorite song on a cd and call it a day."
"You're only saying that cause you never think. it's got to be meaningful dumbass."
Unaware of their surrounds the group was peaceful walking about in town. Laughing and joking around such as normal teenagers do.
A smoke grenade lands in front of the group, WOSH it sets of, and the kids were choking on the smoke. Kurt kneeling down waving his hands in the air trying to push the smoke away, kitty and Pietro were blinds and where also coughing. Reader the only on left standing was struggling to make out the attacker.
"Mutant brats"
Readers vision begins to blur, and then turn dark.
Reader wake up again in a strange room chained in a circle with Kurt, Kitty, and Pietro.
"Reader! Your awake! Thank goodness." Kitty with tears in her eyes.
"Where are we?"
Pietro growls, "Thats what I wanna know." Furious that they got caught and he couldn't do a thing about it.
"Are we?" Questioning if any of them had attempted to use their gifts to escape.
"Unable to use our powers I'm afraid so my friend."
Reader looks down in guilt, "I'm sorry guys this is my fault, I should of been more aware.."
"What? There was no what you could of know this would happened. Don't be so hard on yourself." Pietro looks over at her calming his attitude to try and make the situation better for his friends.
"They'll come guys don’t worry!" Kitty trying her best to lighten the mood.
"I'm afraid not this time kitty."
A strange man in a lab coat appears Infront of them.
"And I'm gonna make sure of that."
"Vho are you sir?" Kurt curiously asks but something about this man seemed off this thought sent shivers down some of the group's spines.
"Nothing to concern yourself with mutt. You won't live long enough to remember it."
Kurt eyes widen in fear and shock. Reader moves closer to him moving her body in front of his. Shielding him from the intruder.
"The x-men will stop you."
"I highly doubt it. But don't you baby mutants spawns worry, they'll be joining you soon."
Reader chuckles at the man. "Keep dreaming."
A blow to the head sent her on the floor.
Blood trailed down her mouth as she struggles to sit up only to be kick back down again.
"BASTARD!" As soon as Pietro commented that last part the unknown man pulls out a blade about to charge at him who was defenseless reader bolts towards their direction and takes the hit. Readers blood spills more onto the ground. Kitty screamed in terror, Kurt froze in fear, Pietro stood in shock.
Collapsing in front of him struggling to get back up. The only thought running through her mind was to protect her friends no matter what.
"Pathetic. Just like your so-called x-men, saving life's all for nothing and taking in mutants. To what? Treat them like family. Disgusting."
With hatred in the hearts for this man run filled like crazy but reader bolding stands up.
"S-so what?"
Reader stuggles to sit up completely unfazed of the attack no matter how badly her body is damaged. That sentence alone started a spark to keep the group going.
"Thats w-what we do! You got a problem with it!? X-men put their lives on the line every day! Bitch and groan all you want! You don't got the power to change a thing!"
Unknown man sits still in silents and them maliciously smirks and them kicks the reader on the side where her wound was.
"Your gonna die anyway why waste your breath. This room is reequipped with a machine that will incinerate you lot. And don't even think of using your so-called mutant powers, this room was made with sentinel technology so don't even think about."
They were powerless.
"You have a minute."
The man leaves with a grim expression.
Kitty panics and rattles the chains, Kurt does his best to break it, Pietro struggles to move towards reader grabbing her and pulling in towards the group reader holding onto her wound putting pressure on it. Blood was dripping all down her body.
"W-what do we do!"
"Our Vates are in god's hands now my vhriend."
Holding her hand as she begins to break down in tears. both reach towards reader and Pietro who were also holding hands.
"Stay strong... Kitty." Reader struggles to breath.
"We're not gonna go out cryin." Hope light in the readers eyes.
Kitty looks over at her who was struggling to sit up straight but was still standing strong that alone gave kitty the encouragement she needed, "R-right. RIGHT! X-MEN NEVER GIVES UP THE FIGHT!"
Pietro nods and also shouts. "Thats right. We're going to show that bastard a bond that can never be broken!"
"I vhill cherish our bonds my Vhiends. No. My family. I love you all of you."
As the four where all held each other together the fear immediately vanishes. As the room shakes and rumbles the sounds of a machine above the ground was held over them begin to glow. They must of guessed it was the one the stranger was talking about.
Reader held them in a group hug all with smiles on their faces..
"We're going home everyone. Back home to our family."
In a blast of light everything exploded and nothing was left.
The x-men all gathered in the war room frantic on the kid's disappearance. Scott and Jean worries came back again when they did not show up for their classes as did Jubilee who had not seen any of her friends. Mystique concerned for her son's well being, her daughter rogue flies all over town to search for them. Magneto confronting Charles on his carelessness for the safety of his children especially Pietro his son and reader who he had grown fond of.
Hank searches with all of his technology. Nothing came to aid.
Logan rampages through the streets and the mansion to find more clues. He had assumed some mutant hating freak got to them.
Gambit did his best to search deep undercover through all the bars to pick up tips on some missing mutant kids. Nothing.
Now they regather in the war room.
"This is your fault summers!"
"Yelling at me won't find them Logan!"
Rogue goes between the two. "Fighting with one another wont help either sugars."
"She's right they have to be out there somewhere we just have to look harder!" Jean intervenes. This was all her fault. She had insisted they go. They never should of left.
"Charles?!" Erik holding onto him. Charles head his head in pain.
As sharp pain goes through the professor's head. He saw the unknown man that had taken the kids hostage. He scans throughout his memories and saw the most recent one.
He saw a vivid images of blood. Readers blood. And then later a bright light. Explosion that contain Kurt, Kitty, Pietro and Reader.
Refuses to belief it he tries again and to reach out to any of the children. Nothing there was nothing. If he could not reach them then that could only mean.
Charles shouts in anguish and despair. "MY CHILDREN MY POOR CHILDREN!"
The last image he saw was all of them holding each other in their arms embracing one another with blood soaking their clothes and smiles on their faces. Perhaps hoping for them to come for them. They never did.
"Charles?! What had happened?" Mystique ask.
Charles weeps quietly but Erik answers for him. With a menace look on his face as he stares at the group. He had realize what Charles had saw. Knowing his old friend all too well that could only mean one thing. His son... reader.... kurt and kitty. All dead.
"They are gone."
This alone silent the room.
"They have spilled blood of our children, and we must avenge them." Magneto never like the human he only tolerated them for his children's sake and for Charles but after this. He will show no mercy.
"I agree." Charles says in a shaken voice. "They must pay. Taking the life's of children of the innocent will not go unpunished." He always wanted a relationship between mutants and humans but to take the life of children he had help raised as his own. Children who could do no harm. A darkness stirred within him.
X-men stood in silence, but understood what they must do. Storming out the mansion they now go out on a man hunt to hunt down the unknown man that had kill their kids. Along with those who were involved and those who stood by and watched.
7 Years later
Amongst the rumbles of the abandon building, a sudden movement causes accouple of rocks to move. A hand emerges.
Kitty pushes the scattered building parts of her. Coughing out the dust as she catches her breath. Kurt and Pietro also emerge gasping for air.
"Everyone alright?"
Kurt pushing the rumbles aside and digging reader out of the pile. Pulling her to surface.
"Is she?"
Kurt checks, "Alive. And breathing. But how did we survive. No should of live after such."
"Defiantly." Pietro agrees but notices a small light on his outer skin glowing the same as kitty and Kurt. This familiar sensation, it feels like reader. They would know because every time one of them were injured she would offer to heal them despite over working herself.
"Did she?" Kitty questions in shock at the realization.
"She must have put barriers on us when the explosion hit. But the question is how?"
"Indeed" Kurt agrees as he held reader's unconscious body. Struggling to wake her up.
Kitty moves near him and help shakes her. "Reader... come on! Please wake up!' Tears weld in her eyes praying in her mind that her friend will wake.
Pietro looks down in shake as he looks down his hand that was stained in blood. He knew it was his fault for her injuries, but why would she do such a thing and risk her life. Just why.
Where are we anyway...
After the 7-year leap reader, Kurt, kitty, and Pietro never aged they remain 14 since the reader's shield held them in for over 7 year unable to age. But unfortunately, everyone they had loved had.
MY Thanks to @honey-minded-hivemind for letting me write this hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more!
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mostlymarvelgirl · 1 year
Imagine If Magneto's *Private Moment* With You Was Released Into The Internet (Fem! Reader)
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Erik sighed. This wasn't supposed to happen at all. On one hand, he really didn't mind, knowing that at some point, this would happen due to his fame in mutant politics, but on the other hand he didn't want you to be shown to the entire world like this in a private scenario.
The things you would have to face in public, what you would have to go through. While being deep in thought about how to deal with the scenario, a door with you running inside crying angrily. The door was slammed closed.
"Did you know? Did you know that someone motherfucking asshole recorded us having sex and released it? It's apparently the hottest sextape released in the century.', you screamed at him as if you were accusing him.
He felt guilty. Of course, he would never show that, but he ended up with a comment catastrophic enough to ruin the rest of his personal life. Not that he meant what he said, but clearly not thinking through.
"Well, I warned you not to try anything new and kinky. You should've listened.", Erik said immediately, regretting what came out of his mouth.
"What?", your voice became small, not being able to believe what he said.
Before he could apologize and explain, and your anger clouded mind lost patience, the ring from your was thrown into the sink, and you turned your heels walked out the door.
****3 Months Later****
"As we recall the recent steamiest s*xtape of magneto and his wife released into internet which gained over 3.8 billion views has been deleted by the cyber crime from all platforms. The culprits had been caught but died in an accident. Was it planned by Magneto? Or was it just an accident? I'm Sarah Moon reporting in six o clock evening news and I'll see you tomorrow."
The TV was switched off.
Y/N sighed. She knew who killed them and knew Erik wouldn't be arrested. She should've known that Erik was not good expressing and should've seen the expression. She regretted throwing the ring he made for her. She regretted what she had done.
"Regretting some past actions, I suppose?", the sarcastic voice spoke up.
Of course, it would Charles Xavier showing up behind her. That annoying British accent.
"For the record, my accent once wooed your husband to my bedroom, so I would take it as a jealousy or compliment coming from you.", Charles replied while sticking his hair back.
"What do you want?", you ask him with annoyance. You didn't want to aggravate your guilt more than it already was.
Charles smiled. That bitch. You knew, well, everyone knew, if they were in trouble and needed to solve the problem quickly, Charles would do the *smile*, and it'll be like it never happened.
"You're not wiping the entire world's memory about this, that's damn near impossible and dangerous.", you replied to his reaction.
"Well, it is for the better. Think about it. Or well, I should say actually, discuss about it.", Charles wheeled back slowly and opened the door.
"What are you-", you were cut off with Erik standing outside the door soaking wet with...............blood.
There was no sound. All, the both of you wanted to do was to reach to one another and cry, Apologize, and comfort, but, the ego and guilt in both of you prevented all the bottled emotions and feelings of 3 months.
"Well, I will be leaving and give the both of you sone privacy. I'll be waiting right outside. Let me know when you've decided.", Charles said while wheeling out and closed the door.
That was it to pull the trigger inside you.
"Listen i-", Erik was cut off.
You started to tear up and your voice broke and became small and vulnerable.
"I don't want you to kill around people. We could've done this together. I don't care what other say about me. Please j-just stop.", you started to cry.
Erik walked near you and hugged you tightly as you hugged him back.
He apologized to you and held you. You felt a something slip in your ring finger. You smiled and cried more realizing how horrible you must have looked.
"Y'know, you smell really bad like some old metal furniture. You need to get showered.", you pushed him away for fun.
"We could shower toge-", Erik got cut off.
"NO. Absolutely not.", you stated while laughing.
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thorias · 6 months
I didn't expect to come back to this blog, but after watching ep5, I really needed to get some thoughts out of my head.
So I haven't exactly recovered yet from having my still-beating heart ripped out of my chest, but the more I think about it, the more I'm calming down about what X-MEN '97 just did to Gambit.
Remy Lebeau is NOT going to his grave thinking that Rogue chose Magneto over him. That is not happening and Cable is going to be the key to undoing it.
Cable showing up right before the attack on Genosha means that time travel is going to be involved here, so the normal rules don't really apply. And his brief scene with Madelyne strongly hinted that he's already tried to stop the attack multiple times. This is what Cable's arc for the season is about.
This was all set up from ep1. Now we know that the weird ghost thing Maddie saw on the psychic plane was Cable trying to warn her (you can tell from the voice and the same musical queue in both scenes) amidst visions of her infant son and a giant graveyard.
And what happened just one episode later? Rogue delivered baby Cable. No way that's a coincidence; that connection is there for a reason. Cable owes Rogue one and you know what that means.
And frankly, the writers kind of overdid it in this episode because SO many characters died here, there's just no way this isn't going to be undone somehow; these are characters the writers are going to want to use in the future.
Are they going to kill a character whose storyline isn't even finished yet and then not bring them back? Are they going to keep Maddie dead and just abandon the psychic affair story without wrapping it up? Come on. There's no way we're not going to see her again and the same goes for the others.
I'm not saying Cable will prevent the attack entirely, but he's going to change things enough to make a difference. It's the whole reason he's here.
And how fitting would it be for Cable to save Gambit when it's Chris Potter voicing Cable now? Plus, Cable's introduction scene in X-MEN TAS was him meeting Gambit AND he has that connection with Rogue now too. It's perfect symmetry.
Beau DeMayo even said that Gambit dying thinking Rogue chose Magneto instead of him would be key; this is a story point. That is going to absolutely haunt Rogue and she's going to stop at nothing to set it right.
Cable's gonna fix this shit. Cable will save Gambit, probably with Rogue's help. I'm not ruling out Gambit becoming Death for a while along the way, but this story definitely ain't over.
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dinogoofymutated · 5 months
OK!! some notes on episode 9 because I have a LOT to say
Ok first of all, I kinda loved this episode. The character dynamics between everyone was so good! Although I wish we got to see Jean and Storm talk about Madelyne and Nathan, because as far as I know she has no idea. I mean, surely they had to have a conversation about it, because why is there suddenly no baby in the house? But still.
I know we're supposed to be mad at Roberto Right now, but I just can't. It's obvious that he didn't really understand the extent of which going to war on magneto's side would entail. We can see that through the genuine feelings he was showing while fighting Jubilee. He didn't want to fight her, he regretted it the moment he started, but he didn't think that she would fight him back either. Roberto isn't exactly an X-men veteran, so I don't think he fully realized that he was in over his head. And Jubilee? Her heartbreaking "what about me?" FUCK. OH. MY HEART. Roberto really wasn't thinking about the full situation when he sided with Magnus.
The Jean and Cable fight has me heartbroken. Because we know from seeing the fight with Madelyne that sinister is just using Cable’s anger and polarizing it. And the fact that he doesn't see Jean as his mom, but Jean has all the memories from Madelyne? Hell she spoke about how she can remember the pregnancy and I'm sure she still has some feelings about Cable as a son. Also, I really fuckimg hope the ending of that scene doesn't mean she's dead (again) because to be honest I'd be really pissed off.
It was kinda sexy getting to see Cable's powers tho
And the fucking ending??? THE FUCKING ENDING??? FUCK. I really want to know what Rogue was thinking while watching a member of her family literally HAVE HIS BONES REMOVED. Is she still going to choose magneto after this? Is she going to place the blame on Logan for fighting in the first place? Imagine when storm finds out, after she had already expressed her emotions about permanent power loss. UGH.
I need to write some Logan fluff after this this is bulllshit.
-an added note, I kinda feel for the professor in this one. Hell yeah I'm mad at him, but the pain he's been going through kinda hits my heart. The scene where he wakes up, looks to the other side of his bed to find Lillandra obviously not there, and the difference between having the ability to walk and loosing it? :( and he really seems to be going through it emotionally. He was absolutely thinking only about the idealistic life he thought he was leaving his students but in the end he completely fucked it up. Sorry buddy, but maybe do that once the fight has been finished next time.
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choster33 · 4 months
Gambit- X-men 97's Romantic Hero
I love Gambit and after watching X-men 97 I'm sure that he's a lot of people's favorite right now. After watching and rewatching, season 1 I think that the writers have set him up as the Romantic Hero which is not just that he's a main part of a love triangle which he is but Romantic in the Byronic literary archetype way of "possessing the qualities of being larger than life, enjoying suffering, being isolated from society, being always haunted by an unseeingly unidentified sin and is known for being quite cynical" according to Brainly.com. Not to mention having a long suffering love interest!
He is not in the series for a lot of time, but his arc through episode 5 and the impact that he has throughout the whole show is monumental. He begins with a splash looking hot in his iconic pink crop top. I mean, there are very few people who would make this look good and he really does. He also comes off as way more interesting than Scott who bores me to tears. I sometimes skip Scott and Jean stuff to be quite honest and that comes from Remy being a good guy, but not boring. He has a sense of humor, a sense of adventure, and an all around down to earth personality. He is a strong fighter and loyal X-men, but even from the beginning he is seen as charming, funny and right. There is less of a threat after Xavier's death and Scott, Bishop and Ororo did have it handled.
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Then we get to the club and Gambit is the ultimate lover in that he pairs up with Rogue and then proceeds to look at her lovingly whilst telling her what any worthwhile man would do to be with her. Swoon.
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Then we have episode 2 where Rogue and Magneto reestablish their connection. We may cheer Rogue for being able to touch someone, but look at Gambit's hurt and sad eyes. Long suffering relationship indeed. Romantic heroes seem to love suffering and what is more painful and self inflicted than falling in love with someone who can't touch, but also is full of insecurities about love and commitment. I love Rogue, but she's afraid of love and terrified of hurting someone else which shows in how she handles relationships.
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Mon dieu, it's freaky Rogueneto telling him what he tells himself, his deepest fears. A good Romantic hero always has demons and haunted by past sins and who is more haunted by his past than Gambit. I have to say here that some people might be thinking who is more tortured than Magneto, but I disagree. Magneto has a dark past, but he thinks he's right. Whereas Gambit is wracked with guilt and feelings of not being worthy of being called a X-man and being Rogue's man. He grew up a Cajun swamp rat from a Thieves guild raised by thieves, assassins and other nefarious people and lived most of his life as a thief. What makes him interesting is the tortured guilt and modesty that Gambit has.
He goes to Genosha because he's jealous and wants to make sure that there is nothing going on between Rogue and Magneto. Magneto even says as much. He wasn't even meant to be there and might have been safe on Earth, but we know what happened to him tragically. Plus we see how he is not cowed by Magneto and willing to ask questions no one else is willing to ask. Another reason why Magneto is not the Romantic hero, is that he is mutant MVP in this show, the heir to the X-mansion and the X-men, asked to be king of Genosha, and etc. where Romantic heroes are on the fringes of society like Gambit, who is a hero as a X-man but not wanting fame, glory, or power like Magneto.
Kurt is so observant and sees instantly the connection the two have and calls Gambit out on being theatrical. Gambit calls himself a scoundrel and yet again dismisses the possibility of a happy ending for himself. Then we get that iconic line of "There is no love without sin. Love is best measured in what we forgive." Gambit again falls into the Romantic hero trope of thinking he is too low for love, but isn't going to necessarily change his ways, just accepts that he is on the fringes of society and all that entails. One of the things I love about Romy is their understanding about one another. They both have murky pasts and are filled with self loathing and self doubt. They are strong attractive X-men but they are best friends because they GET each other.
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Oof, the breakup scene. How more Romantic and tortured was this? He showed how amazing a man he was by patiently listening to her tell her story and then at the end not blowing up at her or making her feel like shit, but just wanting the truth from her and showing how much it hurt him. He played the Swamp Rat, because a lot of that was a game, a way for her to feel OK with keeping him at arm's length, dangling on a string, never fully letting him in because intimacy was too scary.
It's scenes like this that make me wonder if they have touched before even accidentally because Gambit as a character is so self loathing that if she touched him even by accident, she is holding so much of that loathing in her which may be something contributing to her doubts. A part of comic!Rogue leaving Gambit in Antarctica was because she absorbed him and was filled with self loathing.
He is such a gentleman that he even kisses her hand and agrees to be friends. And granted that the Magneto and Rogue dance was hot, but that must have been torture for Gambit. Then our Byronic hero becomes a man of action and hot damn we get James Bond level action and heroics. He shows his strength and does whatever is necessary to save his lady. Despite his differences with Magneto, he doesn't petulantly sulk but does what is required of him because he is a hero at the end of the day. He is brave and selfless and chivalrous. He is giving old school knight chivalry here and I'm here for it.
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Then my heart breaks as does every other viewer at the death scene and the "can't feel you" line. It's very soap opera-y and dramatic to kill him after breaking his heart, but here we are. Rogue is the long suffering love interest and most Romantic stories don't necessarily have a happy ending. He wasn't even meant to be in Genosha and because of love and circumstance ended up dying tragically as the ultimate hero. He died a hero's death dying to save thousands, but more importantly to save the love of his life.
In later episodes, his death is a catalyst for Rogue taking action and even turning darker. Her love for Gambit shows more when he is gone and is going to be a fundamental chapter in her life. One that might make her think twice about being commitment phobic and using her abilities as an excuse not to feel intimacy and how wrong she got it with Gambit. It was love, true love and she didn't see it until she was too late.
This may just be a chapter in their story and we may have more drama and angst with Deathbit in Season 2, but even dead Gambit was the troubled Romantic lead that made X-men 97 work and be so interesting. Episode 5 was my favorite and probably the best episode next to the finale and that's due to Gambit. We relate to him and feel deeply in his pain, self loathing, jealousy, and love of Rogue. I find Magneto interesting and Rogueneto is fun to read and write about, but Romy is the OTP and Gambit is Lancelot.
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rei-ismyname · 17 days
Is Magneto mistaken or am I taking this too literally?
Ambassador Magneto has a lot to say in House of X, especially to humans on the subject of violence.
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All his dreams are coming true and he's not shy about expressing his feelings on the matter. At the Jerusalem habitat the other ambassadors (who are all intelligence plants) claim to be wary of military advantage Krakoa and the gates provide.
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Let's fact check Magneto there. 'There has never been a mutant war.'
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What's this then? It doesn't sound very good at first glance but can it be considered a mutant war? It's basically Magneto himself unleashing an EMP and making demands of the UN. A mutant sanctuary - one they gave him too - Genosha. Terrorist act? Yeah defs. War? I'd say no.
What else? Oh yeah, that time Magneto conquered Santo Marco, a fictional South American country. Spoilers for a comic from 1963.
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Okay so shelling is bad, definitely a warlike action, though it's later said there were no casualties at all, mainly thanks to Mastermind's illusions. Still, really bad optics there dude. The fake soldiers are straight up goose-stepping. This is drawn by Jack Kirby too, who definitely had strong feelings about that kind of thing - not something he'd portray unintentionally.
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You'll note Mags having pseudo telepathy at this point, mainly bc Stan Lee had no idea how magnetism works.
Let's be honest, there's a big Nazi vibe to this occupation. This is in X-Men #4 in 1963, over a decade before Mags was retconned into a Jewish holocaust survivor. I'm honestly not a big fan of the original X-Men run and I can see why it got cancelled. Magneto was their greatest foe, but he was a pretty one dimension Doctor DOOM expy with none of the pathos, willpower or consistent ideology Claremont would reinvigorate him with. Anyway, sensing defeat, Magneto arms a nuke to blow the whole country up. Yikes.
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It's actually Quicksilver who solves that problem, deciding he's not okay with nuking a few million people. It's the start of his face turn proper, with only Wanda's 'debt' to Mags keeping her there, and therefore Quicksilver as well.
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See? Not cool, Mags. Not cool. When it's all said and done though, his occupation of Santo Marco is very brief and news doesn't get out. I assume Chuck had something to do with that. Though the country refuses to accept Krakoa for 'ideological reasons' nearly 60 years later, so maybe not. I'm going to say it definitely counts as 'conquering their land and making slaves of their people ' though.
Honestly, Magneto has died a lot since then, had amnesia and barely aged in 70 years so maybe he doesn't remember. One could argue that the spirit of what he's saying is correct - Magneto the individual did a lot of supervillain shit but there hasn't been a unification of mutants who then warred upon humans. Indeed, the opposite is true. Most mutant conflicts that could be called a war were defensive after these events.
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None of the 'ambassadors' took issue with past events or his record, instead focusing on future hypotheticals. Someone should tell them that if mutants united in world conquest they'd likely be very successful and humans wouldn't know until it was too late. Technically Magneto has been tried for his acts before an international court, and acquitted because he'd been turned into a baby and was considered a different person. Yes, really.
The conversation pivots to the emissaries being there in bad faith, with slick concealing a gun. (Not that it would be very useful.)
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Magneto demonstrates why that's the case and doesn't budge on his position. I guess we could say Magneto was (technically) right, in this specific circumstance. A show of force is certainly needed to make them take Krakoa seriously. It's only fitting then that Mags acts as the stick to make the carrot more palatable. I've still got room for one more pic so here's the X-Men enjoying post-training birthday cake, cut by Cyclops and his POWER BEAM. The X-Men's first birthday as a group.
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Note the contrast in vibes around the Brotherhood of EEEVIL Mutants' dinner table, with petty bickering, Mastermind being a creep (the X-Men have that too tho NGL,) and a very impressive tower of mashed potato. Good to know Toad has poor table manners and that Pietro is willing to punch on over it. Not to be mean, but Wanda's headgear looks super silly. Oh well, it was the sixties!
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inmymagnetoera · 4 months
Anon from before again: hell yeah! Given your blog name magneto's a given 😭 I have a scenario in mind, but anything's good!
Maybe the reader refused Erik in Cuba? She couldn't abandon Charles on the shore like that, he'd already lost Raven. Generally angst/unresolved tension when they meet again on the airplane in DoFP, could be juicy material
However, I'm not very experienced in this genre, so I hope it's close to what you wanted. Btw Reader is gender neutral, I didn't use pronouns so anyone can relate to them!
(sorry if I didn't write anything too explicit, I didn't feel very comfortable doing it :')
What about us?
"I told you to stay back!" Erik shouted holding Charles close to him as you felt your heart tear into pieces.
The two most important people in your life. The people who had saved you and taken you in after a lifetime of thinking you were alone, had just betrayed each other right in front of you, throwing accusations and punches, until that damned bullet hit your friend.
You approached slowly and Erik looked at you furiously, before his gaze became softer and more vulnerable, after all, that look was reserved only for you.
“Charles, oh my God…” you knelt next to Erik without looking at him and placed a hand on Charles’ shoulder.
They were talking but you weren't listening, too busy thinking about what would happen next: What would happen to your dream? Mutants united as a family? What would have happened to you and Erik?
As soon as you thought about him, the man stood up from his place next to Charles and looked at you.
"Let's go." He said holding out a hand to you. Behind him, Raven, Sean, and Shaw's goons looked at you.
"Go? Go where?" You said taking Charles into your arms.
"Far from here, to a place where mutants can become stronger." You saw it in his gaze, a little prayer that begged you to follow him, a look that told you that if you didn't follow him, he couldn't do it alone.
"Erik, I can't." You had tears in your eyes as you looked at him. That stupid helmet cast a shadow over his eyes. You saw his gaze change before returning to being cold and detached. He withdrew his hand.
"You've made your choice." He said angrily. But you knew, only you could know how hurt he was.
All the nights spent with him came back to you: The first time you saw him, with his brown leather jacket and his black turtleneck, the first time he saw you cry alone, hidden from everyone, and without a word he was next to you, shoulder to shoulder.
You remembered the time you saw him use his powers to create a steel rose, and how that same evening, you found a steel rose on your bed. You remembered the first time he took your hand and whispered in your ear. You remembered the tone of his voice the first time he confessed that he loved you.
When you stopped thinking, he was gone, a small cloud of sulfur rose into the air and, as you held your friend close to you, you thought about how you were going to wake up without Erik wrapped around you.
Ten years later.
The atmosphere on the plane was tense to say the least. The clawed man looked out the window (Logan, the man's name was Logan, right?) while Charles and Erik played chess.
The years after Erik's disappearance had been tough. Charles couldn't go more than a few hours without the serum. Alex left with one last hug for a war he didn't know if he would return from. Hank did what he could, but you couldn't help but feel useless every time you saw him without his glasses and his hands clasped around his face when he thought no one was looking.
When Logan had helped you free Erik, telling you that it was the only way to save his future, you hadn't hesitated, but when you saw him in that gray suit on the ground, after Charles had punched him, you didn't know what to do.
Was he still in love with you?
You hadn't said a word to each other since, but you hadn't missed the look he'd given to your soaked body in that kitchen.
Suddenly, Charles stood up and went to the bathroom, locking himself inside.
You and Erik were alone, inches from each other.
"Was it... difficult?" He asked softly.
“Yes,” you wanted to answer him
“Yes, it was hard to wake up every day without you, yes, it was hard to accept the fact that you were gone. You always told me that I was the most important thing in your life, so why didn't you choose me instead of your cause?"
“It could have been worse.” You said instead. He looked at you and after a few seconds nodded.
"I missed you." He said reaching out and taking your hand in his, running his thumb over the back of it.
You didn't speak, you were afraid that just opening your mouth would bring you back into his arms.
"It was the hardest thing in my life, choosing between you and the brotherhood. I know you most likely hate me but... I haven't stopped thinking about you for a second. One of the only thing that kept me going in that little cell of sponge and plastic was knowing you were still out here." He ran his hand down your arm, your heart felt like it was about to explode. No, you couldn't fall back into it that easily, if he wanted your forgiveness, he would have to do more than that.
"We'll talk about it when this is all over." You said as the bathroom lock unlocked and Charles returned to his seat. Erik withdrew his hand.
As you soared above the American skies, you wondered what would become of you.
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Really?? Happy Nation playing five seconds before shit hits the fan?? The fact the lyrics just tells you what's going to happen I- the whole dance sequence?? He wanted to make her his queen,,
And can you imagine how touch starved Rogue is?? Imagine not being able to touch people for your whole life?? The dance started so polite, they floating and Rogue's on control and then as soon he has the green lights Magneto losing all filter– sir you're in public
The whole "we're travelling in time" right before Cable shows up trying to prevent the massacre from happening (?) telling people to stop the music, just desperate before death falls from the sky
Leech saying "Callisto's going to save us" but we just saw Callisto's corpse going cold, then "If not her, then Magneto," and Erik dying trying to do save them. "They shall be avenged" and angry tears of Magneto
Erik having to go through it all again, Erik dying with his heart broken but still saving Rogue because he do love her, having to prevent Rogue from jumping into danger and having to prevent Gambit too because Gambit would follow her into the depths of hell (just like he would). The thousand-words stare, their locked eyes
At first one must've thought that the whole telepathic headshot aimed to Jean but taking into consideration how more fierce and visceral Madelyn's reaction was I think it was directed to her actually, and Jean felt because of some remnant of psych bond
Cable's "not again-" (did this happen before?? How many times did he try to prevent this from happening?) "I'm sorry, mom" towards Madelyn I– is she dead now?
Not the first time Rogue feels Gambit skin being the only time she can't feel him. Feeling his dead body growing cold, not breathing, not being able to feel him
"we would carry the dream but never live it" got me thinking that maybe Magneto is dead despite my best hopes, that maybe Rogue is going to assume as the queen of a broken dream, a devasted land and grieving people
"how many?" well, most of them. Dazzler probably, Callisto definitely, maybe Shaw, maybe Moira, maybe Banshee
The episode starts as a love letter to mutants, to Xavier's dreams, and ends up in a bloodied massacre
Nothing's good gonna happen if you see the Watcher sneaking up and known time travellers scrambling around
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spottheantisemitism · 17 days
"what if the X-men were black?" is a racist, antisemitic and anti-intersectional screed that 2013 tumblr fell in love with
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Published in 2013 this made rounds of OG tumblr and made Bobby of Pencilscratchins draw all her Jewish X-men characters as brown.
Erik because he has Romani heritage (which is realistic and based and accurate to some comics).
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Anon go kick rocks with your colorism! YOU read holocaust testimonies!
Also fun fact Nazi Germany did not understand black and brown the way Americans do so it was based on ethnicity and not color, a brown Jew and a pale white passing Jew were seen as one and the same to the Nazis
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Guess which article she linked
It's this one!
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But said Kitty was Latine because "the quintessential X-girl of the 70s shouldn't be white"
Kitty already is a queer woman of color because she's Jewish. Jews are POC. Bobby what the hell? Are you implying she's only coded non-white because she's Jewish or Mutant? what the hell?!
(BTW Bobby left Tumblr around Covid but if you send her hate asks because of this essay you'll end up on spot-the-antisemitism blocklist for harrasment)
Where did she get this "Jews are white and should be race lifted?" stuff? Why from Orion!
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Top paragraph is fine!
antisemitism is written the gentile way that supports a racist eugenicist, off to a bad start.
Sexism is not covered? OH explain Storm's arcs of misogynoir or Jean's and Maddy's arc of going insane because she has the power of a god but is forced to be housewife and marry her sweetheart and have kids
Ableism is not explored? I'm sorry what about XAVIER'S ENTIRE ARC OF ABLIEST SELF HATRED AND OVERCOMING IT IN THE PREQUELS? The first class all being rich talented codedly disabled kids going to a prep school for the gifted. Disabled people really liking non human passing characters like Nightcrawler (and hating Xavier since he's too assimilationist to many). I'm sorry why do people fall for such blatant lies? the mentor of the X-men is literally canonically disabled and Orion has the GALL to claim ableism is not explored.
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_ Genosha is half fall of south Africa Apartheid and half the establishment of the state of Israel hence why the metaphor is so messy and problematic
_ Yes that number is deliberately "like the holocaust but worse" because Morrison likes their holocaust appopriation
_ Why didn't you mention it's an allegory for Gay conversion therapy torture because Bryan Singer is gay?
_ Yes Legacy Virus is Mutant Aids good job on your media literacy finally kicking in Orion
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It's racism AND antisemitism but your "antisemtism doesn't exist in america" ass doesn't get that
I do hate "mutie" as slur and the way Kitty thinks it's comparable to antisemtic and anti-black slurs and USES them to make a point, so yeah something Orion and I agree on.
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The sequence used is of Stevie Hunter the human ally character who like Xavier started teaching after she became disabled. She IS used as prop here to say Kitty is right in calling her the n-word (Claremont is racist sometimes).
But Orion can't tell her apart from Storm. Buddy if you can't tell the ONLY two black women in this comic apart, you're the racist.
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OK they're both props but it proves you never actually read the comics or you can't tell fictional black women apart neither of which is a good look
(Cole also points out the Kitty and Magneto are not White but Jewish he is dogpiled and called a fake fan for this (see below))
Keep Shyminksy out of your mouth you racist fake fan
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OH NO! I hate this!
So you decided to go with the colorist idea that the man is darker and the innocent girl in need of protecting is lighter. Gross colorism worthy of a Hollywood action movie where the black guy dies
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"Local black man can't related to white disabled teens facing ableism and makes it about racism so he can relate to it" is giving gamergate chud energy to me
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If you can't see why a Russian man is almost killed by a mob of xenophobic red blooded Americans and HAVE to make this about anti-black racism that's on you and your misunderstanding of the way Russians were hated during the cold war.
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Oh you are race swapping x-men while shitting on Psylocke who the result of basically the same idea? How hypocritical
Dwayne McDuffe does have a point but your quote does not utilize his point in any way.
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Then DON'T raceswap Wolverine if he becomes the angry black man. Think before you can X-men racism and tokenism WORSE with your race-swapping
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NO THEY DON'T strawman rejected
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Ah yes! Magneto, famously a very white man whose childhood was full of white privilege/ Sarcasm
One of the co-authors of the website has the gall to double down on calling Magneto white:
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"as a REAL fan you're fake fan, antisemitism doesn't exist and Holocaust survivor Jews are white" - this racist defending his token black friend's racist screed because some guy called Cole DARED call Orion on his bullshit
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*"I didn't like that the X-men were about white passing and invislbe disability so I made about anti black racism" also "judiasm is just a religion" canard
**Again leave Shyminksy and Morrison's good takes alone
***Yeah you get Luke Cage, that's how you get the racism of bad Luke Cage comics. You ain't inventing the racist wheel here
Orion I hate your take, I hate your misunderstanding of antisemitism and ableism that makes the two main factions tick, I hate your self centerness, I hate your racist and antisemitic co-writer making excuses for you and I REALLY hate that this did to the 2013 X-fandom what Lily Orchard did to the 2019 Steven Universe fandom and we can still see people using your bullshit arguments today
Oh and Cole? thank you for your service you're the real hero of this story, hated and feared for daring to call out the establishment
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fandomxo00 · 2 months
Welcome to my blog!
Hi, I'm Kensi, I'm 19, and I am bisexual. I have a tortie calico, her name is Nora and she is 7 1/2. I feel like the cat in the hat live action and every deadpool movie pretty much explains my humor and I've been a writer since I was probably 10? I think my first book was a horror picture book. Another thing, I grew up on horror movies and absolutely love them, and more of the classics in the 80s. If you ever seen the umbrella academy, my family is pretty dysfunctional too. I am also a huge marvel lover and I can easily obsess over grey's anatomy. (or little anything lmao)
I love to read and write fanfictions about whomever I am hyperfixating at the time and some permanent people who I am always write for. I am neurodivergent, on this blog I talk about my autism, adhd, bpd, ocd and ptsd. I am still navigating what that means for me, when I was 16 I was diagnosed with Ocd and Ptsd. My autism and adhd was neglected and repressed for a very long time, which is probably why I have borderline. But even with the diagnosis it's hard for people to understand me and alot of people will say, well we all have a little bit of tism, and that is so invalidating, please don't say that. Can you tell I am a blabber?
If you can't tell I am mentally ill but I'm working on it and pushing forward. I want this to be a safe space for everyone, it doesn't matter what you look like, identify with or struggle with, hopefully this can good place for you!
If anyone ever has questions or issues, please ask, confront, but in a nice way, I'm sensitive. I try going forward with the most authentic version of myself, even when it seems nearly impossible.
Right now the hugh jackman hyperfixation is going strong i am still thirsty over this man every day almost all the time bc it gives me the dopamine i lack!!! i try other healthy ways to search for dopamine but lol i still need more anyway this my favorite gif of his, been waiting to use it probably use it again cause fuck can i be that apple pretty pretty please???
Requests for Logan are always open unless stated otherwise here ❤️
hashtags masterlist:
#my requests
#my thirsty ass
#mental health
#ok but imagine
#reblog fanfics
*means smut of some kind, read smut warnings on each fic
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hugh jackman/logan howlett - currently updating
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erik lehnsherr/magneto - no longer updating at this point
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kateeorg · 5 months
Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks "Magneto was right" is bullshit? And really dangerous rhetoric to be spreading? I'm not really an X-Men fan, so maybe my opinion is invalid, but... (a venting rant, please ignore unless you are curious, not judgmental)
It's one thing for Magneto to be right within the universe of X-Men -- any X-Men iteration -- which gives a lot of evidence that the humans of that universe WON'T change and WILL see mutants dead before they are accepted.
Fine. Whatever.
But considering how so many see X-Men as a reflection of real world issues... we're really going this route? We're really saying violence and war is the only option?
Because people WILL map this onto real-world issues that they really shouldn't be. But the real world isn't a comic book. The conflicts are not oversimplified, and the "oppressed" and "oppressors" aren't always as clear as people think. More often, there is real hurt on both sides, and multiple facets the news can't capture.
Sometimes, both sides are violent assholes. And they will hold on to their rightness, to their feelings of being the only "oppressed" ones, to justify horrible things.
And who gets caught in the crossfire? We do. Ordinary people just trying to get by.
And the other thing is, violence and extremism makes for a better story, doesn't it? Better comics, better photos, better news readership. Peace... real peace is hard. It doesn't photograph well, like protest does. It needs to constantly be maintained, constant compromises. It doesn't make for a good movie, does it? Not a superhero movie, anyway. Or TV show.
It requires a maturity that most people? Will never reach.
Including the writers.
So screw your "Magneto was right". Maybe I'm wrong. I probably am! I'm probably letting my emotions about real world events get in the way. I don't like conflict or picking sides by nature, even when it's justified, and some will see that as a weakness of my character. Fine.
But I'm sorry, I just ... I refuse to accept that. Because I worry who is going to use that phrase as a rallying cry in the real world. And who will get hurt as a result because someone decided they "deserved" that.
This is also why I'm frankly not excited to bring the X-Men into the MCU. Because where there are X-Men, irrational hatred must follow, and I just... I don't want to see the MCU devolve into that. It will, of course, the die has been cast, but... I'm sad it came to that, because I'm not sure I trust the MCU writers as things stand to get this right.
In a world of superheroes and flying ships, the thing that takes real imagination is to see a world where peace is possible.
I'm not sure I'll ever have the writing chops to do it myself. But I endeavor to try harder than the X-Men writers clearly ever have.
Actually, I think Wonder Woman said it best: "It's not about deserve. It's about what you believe. And I believe in love."
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alabamasweettea · 6 months
had some thoughts so here have Magneto x POC!fem!reader with long braids (one swear word, smut below the cut)
Fassy!Magneto being the most powerful being on Earth, maybe even the whole solar system at this point, and agreeing to a plan to create more mutants the only way they know how (yes, i'm staring directly at the weird mutant-maker thing of xmen1 and saying screw you): breeding them.
This of course creates a problem of getting serviceable mothers (preferably mutants as well for variety's sake). Fem!reader is one of them, a telekinetic. Self-trained, her powers manifested at ten years old and she's been honing them ever since—on her own. She's levitated before, though never pushed herself hard enough to fly, and can move objects up to the size of a small SUV.
Just barely 18, she shows up at the facility—a long, white building snaking across a desolate mountain range, because why not—and is immediately paired with Magneto himself. Now let's be clear: his intention was to use his current team (Mystique, Beast, etc) as seed for this new generation, and himself because who doesn't love a little action once in a while.
He doesn't expect to be enthralled by this girl who shows up with her hair in tiny braids, longer than any he's seen before. She's pretty, okay, and are those eyelashes naturally curly?
God, she's beautiful. He practically can't remember to breathe around her, and when she skips around his kitchen in nothing but a t-shirt (his t-shirt!), barefoot, singing some oldies song, he might just be in love.
The sleeping arrangements are fine. One bed. They're both adults. It's fine.
It's not fine.
Every night he falls asleep to the soft sound of her breathing, every morning wakes up to her little noises of protest when he gets out of bed. Every movement of her body wakes him up, but in a good way. He likes being this attuned to her.
He bashes himself every chance he gets, internally. He shouldn't be this... this domestic with this girl, and they've only just met, and...
They haven't even had sex yet. Not once. Gotten close to kissing a couple times, though, and he'll take it.
Something in him wants this to happen naturally, not in some sterile medical environment. Wants to go out, have lunch, sit on the grass and look at the stars together. It'd be sweet.
She's so sweet...
She's taken to clinging to him at night, nuzzling under his jaw and staying there until the sun comes up and he goes off to do- whatever he does, she doesn't know. World domination and all that. She knows why the two of them are there, sometimes idly wonders why Erik isn't making any moves to initiate.
Erik. That's what he told her to call him. He only smiles when she's around, only lets up and lets down his guard when she's around. He's cute, she thinks, when he wears his shirts unbuttoned around the apartment or when they make dinner together.
He comes home then, and they spend just shy of an hour cuddling on the couch with glasses of wine, under the pretense of being cold. Well, maybe they were. Just not the kind that can be solved with blankets.
When did she start thinking of this place as home?
The thought makes her pull away from his gentle embrace. Here, in the arms of a killer-
If she ever writes a memoir that's what she'll call it. The pasta boils over at exactly the right moment, no thanks to her powers, and she can escape with her thoughts to the kitchen.
"Draga?" He's taken to calling her by nicknames, the Russian 'dear' being one of them. Something about the way his mouth forms the foreign words makes warmth drip into her belly.
"It's alright," she pants, suddenly too hot. "Just the pasta." He appears in the doorway, tongue flashing over his lips to catch a drop of wine that made its home between them.
Just the pasta, his ass. The glasses are now in the sink, having followed him into the kitchen and flown there at his power's behest. It's hot, hotter than it was two minutes ago. Did someone kick up the thermostat?
"Dragotsennost," Erik breathes, tucking a braid behind her ear. She knows he's sensitive; can feel the heat radiating off her face as his hips pin hers to the countertop even if he can't see it.
His nose bumps hers, already dangerously close.
"What do you want, draga?" It's quiet, deep, nearly a growl. The heat comes back full force—as if it ever left—and spreads all the way down her neck this time.
His gaze flicks between her eyes and her lips, trying to convey with all urgency the most innocent need. The subtleties of the message are lost on her, however, because she finally bridges the gap.
Kissing him is like breathing. Refreshing. Natural. You could do it a thousand times and it will always be like the first.
He makes it through a few chaste pecks before diving in headfirst, half drunk on wine and half on the taste of her. And she tastes divine—spice and sugar and coconut, wrapped up in his little woman. His.
All his.
She proves it to him later, when she's sheathed around him—holding him so tight, so tight—all messy and warm, taking everything he's giving and still wanting more-
Then she's on top, pinning him down with whatever power she can summon from the back of her blissed-out brain, flipping her hair over her shoulder and riding him right into the next morning.
That morning he's sore, she's sore, the bed's a mess, and they're in love.
Irrevocably, absolutely, awesomely in love.
(And she's pregnant. But she doesn't know it yet 😉)
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