#santo marco
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rei-ismyname · 6 months ago
Is Magneto mistaken or am I taking this too literally?
Ambassador Magneto has a lot to say in House of X, especially to humans on the subject of violence.
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All his dreams are coming true and he's not shy about expressing his feelings on the matter. At the Jerusalem habitat the other ambassadors (who are all intelligence plants) claim to be wary of military advantage Krakoa and the gates provide.
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Let's fact check Magneto there. 'There has never been a mutant war.'
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What's this then? It doesn't sound very good at first glance but can it be considered a mutant war? It's basically Magneto himself unleashing an EMP and making demands of the UN. A mutant sanctuary - one they gave him too - Genosha. Terrorist act? Yeah defs. War? I'd say no.
What else? Oh yeah, that time Magneto conquered Santo Marco, a fictional South American country. Spoilers for a comic from 1963.
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Okay so shelling is bad, definitely a warlike action, though it's later said there were no casualties at all, mainly thanks to Mastermind's illusions. Still, really bad optics there dude. The fake soldiers are straight up goose-stepping. This is drawn by Jack Kirby too, who definitely had strong feelings about that kind of thing - not something he'd portray unintentionally.
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You'll note Mags having pseudo telepathy at this point, mainly bc Stan Lee had no idea how magnetism works.
Let's be honest, there's a big Nazi vibe to this occupation. This is in X-Men #4 in 1963, over a decade before Mags was retconned into a Jewish holocaust survivor. I'm honestly not a big fan of the original X-Men run and I can see why it got cancelled. Magneto was their greatest foe, but he was a pretty one dimension Doctor DOOM expy with none of the pathos, willpower or consistent ideology Claremont would reinvigorate him with. Anyway, sensing defeat, Magneto arms a nuke to blow the whole country up. Yikes.
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It's actually Quicksilver who solves that problem, deciding he's not okay with nuking a few million people. It's the start of his face turn proper, with only Wanda's 'debt' to Mags keeping her there, and therefore Quicksilver as well.
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See? Not cool, Mags. Not cool. When it's all said and done though, his occupation of Santo Marco is very brief and news doesn't get out. I assume Chuck had something to do with that. Though the country refuses to accept Krakoa for 'ideological reasons' nearly 60 years later, so maybe not. I'm going to say it definitely counts as 'conquering their land and making slaves of their people ' though.
Honestly, Magneto has died a lot since then, had amnesia and barely aged in 70 years so maybe he doesn't remember. One could argue that the spirit of what he's saying is correct - Magneto the individual did a lot of supervillain shit but there hasn't been a unification of mutants who then warred upon humans. Indeed, the opposite is true. Most mutant conflicts that could be called a war were defensive after these events.
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None of the 'ambassadors' took issue with past events or his record, instead focusing on future hypotheticals. Someone should tell them that if mutants united in world conquest they'd likely be very successful and humans wouldn't know until it was too late. Technically Magneto has been tried for his acts before an international court, and acquitted because he'd been turned into a baby and was considered a different person. Yes, really.
The conversation pivots to the emissaries being there in bad faith, with slick concealing a gun. (Not that it would be very useful.)
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Magneto demonstrates why that's the case and doesn't budge on his position. I guess we could say Magneto was (technically) right, in this specific circumstance. A show of force is certainly needed to make them take Krakoa seriously. It's only fitting then that Mags acts as the stick to make the carrot more palatable. I've still got room for one more pic so here's the X-Men enjoying post-training birthday cake, cut by Cyclops and his POWER BEAM. The X-Men's first birthday as a group.
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Note the contrast in vibes around the Brotherhood of EEEVIL Mutants' dinner table, with petty bickering, Mastermind being a creep (the X-Men have that too tho NGL,) and a very impressive tower of mashed potato. Good to know Toad has poor table manners and that Pietro is willing to punch on over it. Not to be mean, but Wanda's headgear looks super silly. Oh well, it was the sixties!
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scarlet--wiccan · 11 months ago
Were the og brotherhood based out of magneto’s castle in the QS series? I feel like that came up there but it wasn’t something that I have any memory of from the silver age. It wasn’t asteroid m, correct?
I kind of wish we had more details about the twins time with the brotherhood but that feels like something I’d regret asking for if it ever came to be
Oof, okay, this question really led me down a rabbit hole. I just re-read a ton of old comics, and my main takeaway is that Magneto and the Brotherhood have been all over the place, and have lived on way too many castles and islands, some of which are not named, or only appear in single issues.
But, also, just so you know, your question was not entirely clear. I assume that you are asking about the abandoned castle, on what appears to be a small island in the Atlantic Ocean, that Pietro and Nestor visit in #13 of Quicksilver (1997). Pietro claims that this is where he and Wanda were brought by Magneto after he saved them from the mob. To my knowledge, this is either a very hasty retcon, or simply a continuity error, as no such castle was shown in previous depictions of their time with the Brotherhood.
In X-Men (1963) #4, the Brotherhood are shown living in the presidential palace of Santo Marco, which is a fictional country in South America that had been conquered by Magneto. This is the first time we meet Wanda and Pietro, so this is the setting you see in most flashbacks to their origins. In later comics, it was retroactively stated that Magneto had already established a base on Island M in the Bermuda Triangle-- you know, that place with the weird octopus castle-- so I assume that this is where they were living before they moved into the presidential palace.
After abandoning Santo Marco, the Brotherhood established their next base on Asteroid M. In X-Men #6, however, they are shown meeting with Namor on an unnamed island in the Atlantic, where Magneto had constructed an array of magnet-powered machines. A very similar, but different, island is also shown in Avengers (1963) #49, in which the twins temporarily rejoin Magneto, who wants to turn the island into a sovereign mutant nation. Sound familiar?
I believe that the castle in Quicksilver is based on or both of these small Atlantic islands, but to me it reads as a sort of... accidental composite setting. I think the writer just needed a place for that one scene, and they didn't want to bother checking all of the facts. And I get it-- like I said, these people were living all over the place, and it gets kinda confusing.
Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver, which is a dubiously canon retelling of Wanda and Pietro's backstory, expands on the Brotherhood's stay in Santo Marco. Here, Magneto seems to have set up permanent residence in the palace. The twins eventually flee from the Brotherhood and must escape the palace after Magneto becomes forceful and violent with them. In canon, however, they actually departed from the Brotherhood of their own volition during a skirmish in New York in X-Men #11.
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pierppasolini · 1 year ago
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Pedro (2016) // dir. Marco Leau, André Santos
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ritadcsc · 2 years ago
Nada neste mundo pode dar mais estabilidade em tempos adversos que a fé centrada em Cristo.
David Merkh e Marcos Samuel em Casamento nota dez, p. 89
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imcallingfromthestars · 3 months ago
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Gesaffelstein by Marco Dos Santos
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cali-cabrera · 1 month ago
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ft. @mcrcosantos
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jessethegoat · 3 months ago
fascinating insight to the mind of the managers this
I'm amazed how they able to lasso-ed Kieran into this. He's usually always find a way to skirt off media duty
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hbarros69 · 13 days ago
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Igreja Românica de Santo André de Vila Boa de Quires
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claresedwards · 5 months ago
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Pride, (Pt 2)
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leylayilmz · 5 months ago
WHO — closed starter for @mcrcosantos WHERE — val & leyla's apartment WHEN — thursday afternoon
"Uncle Marco!" She could hear Billie's voice filled with excitement echo down the hallway, prompting her to put her coffee down and see what all of the fuss was about. The mug was barely back on the table before she turned her head, smiling to herself at the sound of her daughter's uncontainable joy just to see someone other than her mom and Val today. She made her way toward the commotion, and as she reached the doorway, she spotted Billie launching herself into Marco's arms, near tumbling the poor guy over. Leyla leaned casually against the wall, her smile growing wider as she folded her arms over her chest, the scene in front of her too wholesome not to enjoy. "I wish she loved me that much."
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niaxbailey · 6 months ago
@mcrcosantos event - summer music festival. "One second," Nia chimed and her amused gaze skirted over Marco as she finished stacking last-minute supplies neatly for a vendor. Having volunteered to help, she'd aligned the last of it perfectly when someone brushed by the stand and rudely knocked their shoulder into Marco. The man got a word into a half-assed apology, realized who they'd bumped into, and stopped. Instead, he scoffed and turned a little red as he bluntly opted to call Marco a 'waste of space'. Nia's eyebrows were starkly raised, unimpressed by the sudden utterly unnecessary venom. "Excuse me?" Came the sharp pitch of her voice over Marco's shoulder in an instant, "You owe him an apology." Nia was fully at her friend's side in the blink of an eye, arms crossed and looking their unwanted company up and down. A slightly comical visual contrast, Nia being five foot seven and Marco towering over her as she stepped in to play bodyguard. Her umber eyes narrowed on the man that was definitely turning redder by the second, and not at all apologetic. She couldn't help but feel he looked a little like a cartoon character, with steam coming out of his ears.
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footicons · 1 month ago
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marcos leonardo icons
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pierppasolini · 1 year ago
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Pedro (2016) // dir. Marco Leau, André Santos
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zayadriancas · 9 months ago
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kira-aminu · 11 months ago
Location: Masquerade Gala, Paradise Point Starter for: @mcrcosantos
She was equal amounts relieved and disappointed that when her raffle ticket number was called out, something she had only bought to support the charity and in the hope she would win Genesis, that it didn't match with the number in front of the one man up on stage that she recognised. Ignoring the tug on her heartstrings as she watched someone else claim the date with her ex, Kira stood once the raffle was over and made her way over to the person who matched her ticket.
"356? Hi." It wasn't really a date, but it was only her second since she had decided she needed to put herself out there more, but this was just pushing the button for her awkward side to show up. "I'm Kira, I don't know if we know each other but I'm not a psycho and I'm also sorry if you were hoping someone specific would win you. I can try and switch a ticket with someone if you need me to."
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cali-cabrera · 1 month ago
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Cali's 'I don't understand instagram aesthetics so this is me' instagram. ft. her child and favourite backstabber Alba, a turtle she helped clean up at work, nights out with her sisters Mari and Sofia, forced piggybacks with @camercnbishop, her favourite hugs with @mcrcosantos and the blue bracelet he gave her for her quinceañera.
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