xenayami 10 days
The Twin
So, I figured since I have this Hugh Jackman Obsession, I've been seeing a lot of movies with him in it, and I particularly liked this film. It's called, "The Son" and it's based a teenage son who has suicidal thoughts and is conflicted with his family being torn apart due to his father being in love with another woman and having a child with her. Leaving him and his mother behind to basically start a new life. So, I thought, 'Hey why not make an angst/lightening fanfiction about this. BEWARE this will have very graphic thoughts and attempts of suicide so if your uncomfortable with the subject then this story is not for you. However, if you are also a fan of the film and just love Hugh jackman and angst shit perhaps platonic fanfictions, you may also this story. I think it's best to watch the film to get a better understanding of this fanfic, but you don't have to if you don't wanna :)
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Nora Miller was the twin of Nicholas Miller.
The twins haven't seen their father Peter since he had left their mother Kate and them behind to go be with another woman named Beth. Divorcing their mother and remarrying her, two years later he had a child with her named Theo.
Of course, their mother was upset and sadden by such news, she had sometimes bash their father for leaving her for another woman. Their father hardly came to see them once he had moved in with Beth, he did send holiday cards and birthday wishes there way but to them it had seem he didn't want to see them at all, like he wanted to stay with his new family and leave the one he had already made behind him. In some way, he was abandoning them.
Nora was the more bronze one of the two, while Nicholas was the shy smart one. They had been stuck to each other's hips since they were born. One always knew what the other was thinking, only they truly understood each other. In some ways, twins that are born together were born as if they had one soul that shared two bodies.
She had a feeling that her brother wasn't mentally well. Not since they witnessed the fall out of their family two years ago. Nora was the only one that was trying to patch things up after their father had left.
"You're not fine Nic, it's okay not to be fine."
"How can it not be? I'm more like a freak..."
"You're not. Things just happen. It's not our fault mom and dad divorced. Not our fault that dad basically left us for another woman and had a kid with her. Not our fault that mom barely pays any attention to us after he left. It's not our fault dad never comes to see us. And most of all It's not even your FAULT for any of this happening."
Nora held her twins hand.
"No matter what happens, no matter what life throws our way. I'm always gonna be there for you. Promise. Even if our parents are assholes for thinking of themselves before their own kids."
Nicholas nods his head as he squeezes his sister's hand. He knows that no matter what happens his sister will always be by his side no matter what happens, it's been like that ever since they were little.
Nicholas had been skipping school for a month and Nora had been covering for him. He knew everyone would be on his ass for not being in school for a month. But he couldn't focus, he had so many thoughts on his life on his parents life and even his twins.
He felt like a burden.
Even though his twin was basically his only friend, it wasn't even to satisfy his lonely heart. He felt his life had no value. He tries to bury the truth from Nora but of course his twin knows everything. She had told him it was okay to take a break from reality for a bit. If you were feeling out of place, then it's okay to take a mental break. No matter how long. She had known of his dark intentions; she walked in on him hurting himself. No one was in the house at the time except them. She immediately ran to him taking the knife and throwing it on the ground. Grabbing a nearby shirt and helping stop the bleeding. She had screamed at him for hours crying and sobbing onto his shirt. Begging for him to never to do something like that again.
Little did she know he still was doing it, just more secretly than usual.
When her mother found out she was furious at Nora for not telling her about Nicholas skipping school.
"Nora! How could you! Do you have any idea how much you and your brother are in!"
Nora looks away in shame. Trying to play it cool and to take the heat away from Nicholas, he did not need this right now. He was too fragile to emotional... one wrong move..
After the incident with Nicholas, he practical begged Nora not to tell mom about any of this.
"Nicholas needed time to chill out."
"Chilling out for an entire month from school!?"
Nora screams back at her, "MOM you don't get it! He can't help it!"
"Help what?! Ditching class? Getting away from reality?"
Nora looks away in tears, she was trying so hard not to tell her about Nicholas demons. She made a vow to her twin. But she also made a vow to herself if things got out of hand with him, she had to intervene and seek help.
"I found a blade in Nicholas bed."
"Is he trying to hurt someone?"
"IS someone trying to hurt him?"
"No." Nora says more in a calm voice.
"I-is he....?"
Nora's silence alone spoke for her as her mother broke down in tears.
So a week later Kate tries to contact peter their father in hopes that his words will help Nicholas. 3 days later their father comes to visit them.
"Nicholas! Nora! How have you been?"
Nicholas answers for them both, "Fine."
"..." Nora had loathed her father. For what he did to her mother. And now what his actions have done to her brother.
"Nora if you would can, I have a moment alone with your brother?"
Nora leaves without a comment to their father but in small hopes in her heart her father would try to understand Nicholas.
Shortly after their conversation their father comes into her room next.
"Nora. You know better than to not tell your mother and me if Nicholas was skipping school. Or if he was having troubles."
"He wanted to take things in his own pace..."
He sighs into his hands, "I know you to have been hip to hip since you were born but you got to start looking out for your brother more than ever now you understand."
Nora nods as she avoids eye contact with him.
"Do you understand."
"Your brother is coming to live with me and Beth for a while."
"What? For how long?"
Her father looks around her room, "Long enough until he can get back on, he his feet."
Nora felt horrible, her twin is so mentally unstable that he would even go live with their father again after everything he's done.
"You can come with us if you want to. You know meet your little brother, get to know Beth."
"I'll pass thank."
Nicholas never speaks his mind, but Nora certainly does.
"Listen, I'm happy that you supposably found the love of your life and started another family with her. Mom may of moved on pass it but I certainly didn't."
Glaring into his eyes with so much resentment, her brother could never do the things that she could do. Standing up for yourself.
"Nora I know your angry on all this-
"Trust me on it, angry is the least of my worries."
A pregnant pause filled the air.
"My brother is so scared to tell you on how he feels because all you care about is how he is doing in school, or if he's passing his classes, or if he meets a girl yet? You never ask on how he is doing mentally."
"What exactly does that mean Nora? If you know what's going on with Nicholas, then I need you to explain." Peter walks towards her standing in front of her.
Nora steps back from him as she crosses her arms, "Look, Nic is going through a really tough state right and when I say this, I mean his mental state."
"Nora what does that mean?"
"Nic needs to go see someone. Therapist or a physiatrist he needs to see someone professionally. NO matter how much Nic begs you not to send him or how much he persuades you into thinking he will change, HE NEEDS HELP. Promise me that if things get too much for you or mom to even handle, you'll do what is right for him and seek help."
"Promise me! It's the least you could do after abandoning us."
Peter looks away from his daughter in guilt, 'Do they truly believe I had abandoned them..., after everything I've done for them...'
"Okay. I promise."
Nora steps away from her father as she leaves her room then looks back at him. "You know when you left mom, it was hard on us all. Especially Nic... I think he .... he believes he was the reason why you left."
"I don't know if it's just that or... if his life is getting too much to handle. He thinks he too much of a hassle. Or a burden. if you can help him, see his life in a better light. Then maybe. just maybe it can be enough."
With that she leaves.
Time skip in the apartment with Peter and Beth.
After that conversation he had with his daughter he needed tell his wife on the matter of his first born living with them.
"Thats what Nora said?"
Peter looks away from her in shame, "I don't believe they ever took the divorce too well."
"I don't think any kid ever does."
Beth wasn't a horrible person she just fell in love with a person who already had a family. To this day she still felt for those kids, despite them having bad impressions on her. She couldn't really blame them on the matter in any case if people were to look at the situation she would be seen as the homewrecker. But now that she has a son as well, she had to look out for her own family.
"Well, it's not your fault if he's not well peter."
"But it is, I left Kate. As soon as I did in their eye's I left them too. Nicholas hardly talks to me about himself, and Nora can't even be in the same room as me. I practically lost them Beth."
She didn't know how to feel in the situation, she thought once they were married things would be just fine. But the man she loved had so much weight on him that it difficult for people to even acknowledge their marriage much less their son Theo who had been born a couple of months ago.
"I saw the marks Beth."
"He seems to be hurting himself, and just seeing those, i-it just broke me Beth,,, he's my boy... my little boy. Maybe this change can do him some good. Nora practically beg me to help him with all my power. And if I can never be redeem in Nora's eye's as a father then I can at least be there for Nicholas."
Beth felt awful but its not like he had any choice, they were his children as well.
It had been sometime that Nicholas begins living with their father again, at first the move felt awkward. Living with your father who had left your mother for another woman and with your half sibling. Once things start to calm down a bit it seemed like it was peaceful, until Beth discover a hidden blade underneath Nicholas bed, telling peter about this devastated him, just as he believed he was starting to get better. He confronted Nicholas about it and of course he denied but once he forcefully grabbed Nicholas arms, he sees the marks again and now fresh ones. Nicholas tells him that it helps him relief on the pain inside his heart. Peter tries his best to give him the best advice and begging him never to do such a thing again.
"You know when you hurt yourself like this, it's as if your hurting me.."
Holding his son close to him.
"And when you hurt mom and Nora. You're hurting me."
Nicholas leaves the room to his to leave peter to his thoughts. Devasted.
Peter thinks back on a memory when his children were happiest, on the ocean with his boat and his two small children along with his wife Kate.
"Daddy Daddy look! Fishy!"
He chuckles at his little girl Nora, "Yes, I see them honey."
"Dad, can I drive the boat now?" A little Nicholas walks up to him.
He laughs a bit, "When you're older." Alongside his wife Kate who was relaxing on the front of the boat.
"When I grow up, I wanna be a mermaid!" Tiny Nora cheers. "Me too!" Nicholas says along side his twin.
The family's joyful laughs were heard across the ocean as happy as any other can be.
He wakes up from that memory to his reality now, in his office trying to be the best successful lawyer in New York. Soon to move to Washington. His newly wedded wife Beth and his almost one year old son Theo. His little twins are now all grown up and now are struggling mentally without him especially his son. He had discover now Nicholas was never going to the school he had enrolled him in a month ago. Confronting his son once more.
"Why? Why do you do this Nicholas?! You're wasting your life away on lies! What is going on with you that its so horrible that you refuse to go to school. That you continue to hurt yourself?"
Nicholas stands in silence.
"I've had enough you are going back to school and that's final you understand me?"
"Excuse me?"
"I'm not going back. The reason why I am like this is because of you!"
"What did I do?" Peter's eyes were filled with confliction.
"You disgust me. Here are your speeches on dreams and life, starting a new family and a new life when you practical threw us away like we were shit! You asshole!"
"Take back what you just said.."
Peter felt angry fuel within him.
"Me? The Asshole? Me who had spent years with your mother for you and your sister's sake. Tell me what I do so wrong for you to hate me so much?! Why? Tell me why?"
Grabbing Nicholas shoulders with all his might as she shook him with anger.
"Tell me! Is it because I fell in love with another woman. Is that the reason?! How is it any of your business! I have the right to reinvent my life you hear me! It is my life! MY LIFE!"
Tossing his son to the floor, blinded by his anger he was shook of what he had done to his son.
"N-Nicholas... I'm sorry. I didn't mean-
Nicholas runs to his room.
The next day he gets an urgent call from the hospital that Nicholas was summited to the physic ward after his attempt. Beth found him in their bathroom earlier that day.
Kate runs into the hospital urgently searching for her son alongside her daughter Nora.
They discover that Nicholas was out of the danger state, lucky it wasn't too deep. Once they were able to visit. Nicholas begs to leave the hospital with hopes of him saying he'll never pursue in harming himself again, saying that he is a changed person and has seen the error of his ways. Peter and Kate didn't know what to think, they wanted to do whatever it took to help Nicholas no matter how hard it was with him begging. The doctors suggested he stay at the hospital longer just until he was out of danger, Nora couldn't even look her twin in the eye. She knew he needed help she just hope her parents agreed. In which they did for a week taking Nicholas out of the hospital as soon as possible. Thinking Nicholas had changed, had gotten better. Became himself again.
Sady, he didn't. That same day Nicholas was released, he committed suicide in the bathroom of Peter and Beth's apartment while Nora and their parents were in the living. They knew something was wrong when they heard a loud gun shot.
5 years later
Nora was never the same after the death of her twin, she barely talked to anyone let alone her parents. As soon as she turned 18, she immediately moved away from home, there was just too many things there that reminded her of Nicholas, she did always check in on her baby brother Theo whenever she got the chance, she made peace with Beth accouple of years after Nicholas death. She dyed her hair half brown in honor of her twin. (Nora was born a blonde. So, she had a half brown half blonde hairstyle)
Not only did Nora changed her hairstyle but she also got a tattoo. It was Nicholas name written in his handwritten on her wrist. She in some way he will always be remembered.
She was now flying in on the holidays to visit her family for the holidays. Her mother and Beth practically beg, after Nicholas death no one recovered from it especially her father who took it the hardest. Nora had her own demons to deal with, she could help her father's grief and hers at the same time. He may have lost a son, but she lost her other half. the person she was born with, that grew together, that had been through everything together.
The day Nicholas died half of Nora went with him.
She had arrived at Washington to visit her father and his family for thanksgiving.
"Nora! I'm so glad to see you."
Beth greeted her with the at most gracious smile she's ever seen in her life.
"Beth. It's good to see you how's Theo?"
"Good. He just started kindergarten this year, so he's been well. His at my mother's today unfortunately."
Nora felt bum out knowing she won't see her little brother this time. Last time she visited it was on his birthday. It takes Nora forever to even take time to visit her family due to her work now. She a top rising song writer now. Nora always had a dream of writing music just as Nicholas had a dream of writing books.
"Damn that's a bummer. I was hoping to see the little sucker before I go back."
Beth sadly nods.
"I'm sorry honey, your father is here if you wanna see him."
Nora looks nervous as she agrees to at least see her father, who had been having trouble coping with Nicholas passing. She sees her father in a room by himself as she could tell he was daydreaming in a quiet room almost as if he was looking at someone.
The man jumps at shock as he turns to see his daughter.
"Nora... is that you?" He could barely recognize her due to her appearance.
"Yeah. Are you okay? You don't seem too well."
Peter looks away in distraught and disappointment.
"Nicholas could of done... so many good things... beautiful things with his life. I should of look after him more....I should of look after the both of you more... Oh god it's all my fault."
He collapses to his knees in front of Nora.
"Nora! Forgive me! Please! Forgive me! It's all my fault! It's all my fault!!"
The grown man sobs where heard echoing through the luxury apartment. Crouching in despair in pain as his sobs more and more until his eyes were swollen and his face completely red.
Nora didn't know how to react; she knew her father never forgave himself after Nicholas. He would spam her phone the chance he gets, to check in on her for her well-being. He begged her to always call him if she needed anything. It had been years since Nicholas died.
Years since her twin left her here alone.
But there was one thing she knew of Nicholas. She knew he wouldn't want her to dwell too much on it. It was horrible and miserable the first years. But eventually Nora found her peace, and now she moves on with her live as her twin would have wanted her too.
She walks Infront of her father and kneels down in front of him as she hugs him in a tight embrace. Burying her face in his neck.
"If there was one thing, I know about Nic, he would of wanted you to be happy. To be free..."
"Life goes on dad. I think....when he finally made his decision. He forgave you in those last moments of his life."
Tears streamed down overflowing from her and her father, Nora had a feeling that her twin was hugging her and him in spirit. The man sobs uncontrollably into his daughter's shoulder. As she gently rocks him in her arms clinging onto her as if she were to disappear next.
"No matter what happens. I'll be here. Promise."
Beth witnesses the heart warming moment between them, she knew sending Theo to her parents for the holidays would be a good idea. To finally patch the hole between Peter and the last of his children with Kate.
As Nora says.
Life goes on.
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xenayami 23 days
This might be kinda short but will still be intriguing. So enjoy~
Chapter 1
Voices had been yelling, sobbing in a soft distance, as reader begins to regain consciousness.
"You guys never going to let be sleep huh?"
Kitty jumps onto the reader snuggling her into a tight embrace, "WAHHH I thought you were dead! Thank goodness!" Tears stream down her face onto her face.
"Geez Kitty you're slobbering on her."
"Hehe this is just how much ve love one another." Kurt smiles and joins in the friendship hug. Wrapping his tail around the girls. Pietro look down with guilt written on his face.
Reader tried to shift near him but a sharp pain on her. Gasping in pain. "Reader?" Pietro attention also moves towards her.
"I'm okay. Promise we need to get help."
"Right. Let go home and see if the others are there they'll help!"
As the groups began to depart the mysterious abandon building. It feels familiar to the room they were lock up in. That horrible man they had encountered. As Kurt and kitty was ahead of the group, Pietro help carry reader out behind them. Lifting her up with her arm around his shoulder. "Please don't do something like that again reader. Please." Pietro voice trembles. He didn't know what would of happen if something more dangerous had harmed his friends.
Reader looks at him with a gentle smiled, "Hehe promise. But can't say that I'll not do something like it again. You're my friends and family, and I'll always protect you."
Pietro chuckles but then huffs in frustration. "Just don't do it again. Okay."
Rolling his eye and looks away, "Thanks again."
As the group exit the building, they look around their surroundings. Everything seems normal but something seemed off. More advice than usual they had to look for a way to contact the others. It had been hours since they had left that abandoned building and they went straight into a gas station.
"Let's call the schools number. They must be worried sick by now."
As she dials the number the phone immediately goes straight to voice mail.
"Did they answer?" Pietro asked.
"No for some reason it went straight to voice mail?"
The groups train of thought wonder off, they always answered the phone but for some reason no response.
"Kurt are you able to use your power?"
Kurt closes his eyes to concentrates and then he poofs behind kitty then outside the gas station then back to the group.
"I believe so!"
Reader nods in reassurance, "Is it possible for you to teleport us back to the mansion." When they were captured, the attacker took all of their valuables including their phones.
Kurt nods and motions for the group to hold hands together as they transport immediately to the mansion. Charles Xavier's school. Their home.
"Hmmm! It great to be home!" Kitty stretches.
"Reader needs to get help." Pietro interrupts.
"No need." Reader standing away from him as she looks over her wound. It had healed on their way into the gas station moments ago.
"Your covered in blood though my friend."
"We all need showers anyway. Speaking of showers, where is everyone?"
They looks away from each other and around the house, it had look horrible like no one was taking care of it. They wondered more and more and their home began to remind them of a horrible scary movie they had all seen together.
"Is it me or does our home feel strange."
An older adults male walks out of the shadow spooking the group. They could not figure out who it was. It was Scott and older looking Scott summers who look like he hadn't shaved in a while. Taller too.
"Scott?" Kitty tried to figure out.
More people emerged from the shadows of the building. Mystique, magneto, Logan, Rogue, Remy, and the kids were surpise to see two new adults in the crowd. A older Jubilee and Lance who looked like they were in the early 20's. Who had tears streaming down their faces.
"Are you real?" Scott asked in a shaken voice.
"They are." Jean appears behind him. Jean who once looked like a young adult, now had the presence as a mother figure.
"I can sense their thoughts they are the real ones. They've come back to us." Holding her hands up to her mouth as tears also streamed down her face.
"Uhhh can anyone tell us whats going on here?"
"Nothing for you to fear about my son." Magneto addresses Pietro from the crowd along with his sister Wanda at his side.
"D-dad? Sister.... what happen to you guys?"
They're old appearances that he was accustomed to had completely changed. His father had lost some weight, and his sister had become an adult. She was even taller than him now.
"You guys haven't age a bit... it was as if your still 14." Adult Jubilee wipes her eyes.
"Ve are still 14! Jubliee why do you look older?" Kurt shouts in confusion.
"Little brother? Do you not know sugars?" Rogue ask the group.
"Know what?" Reader responses back.
"It's been 7 years since you've died bub." An older looking logan steps forward towards her. With sorrow filling his eye.
Blown away from such information the kids, 7 years.... it was 1997 when they left to go look for a gift for Jubilees birthday so that would mean it was 2004?!
Logan now standing Infront of reader and sees the blood cover shirt she was wearing. "Your hurt"
"I'm okay-
Logan lifts her in his arms, "Takin you to hank. No excuses."
"What? H-hey hang on!"
As they left, the others embraced their lost children. Later to join logan in the infirmary with the other lost kids to check for any signs of injury on them as well. Reader was covered in blood the most out of all four of them. They had to check the others just in case.
Finally their little ones have return.... they have come home.
And they are never leaving their sights again.
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xenayami 23 days
This series is going off based on @honey-minded-hivemind Dark AU for their platonic yandere xmen x reader please check them out for the original and support them on what they do they are incredible. 鉂わ笍
The reader of this story will be Fem. Her, Kurt, Kitty, and Pietro will all be aged to 14.
Beware this is a dark au so things could get graphic you've been warned and bad GRAMMER.
Reader was founded by the x-men in a homeless shelter for kids when she was 12. Discovered by Charles Xavier who had found her through his power, sending Logan and Scott to retrieve the girl. Her abilities were to create spheres of protection and have the power to heal. But as many mutants' reader does have a limit to such lengths of what her powers can handle. Never had a family or even knew of her own. But when THE wolverine stretches his hand out for her to take how could she say no.
At some point, Lance was severely injured from a mission he was sent on with two other teens. Scott who had returned with Lance in his arms begged reader to heal him. "Please Kid... you're the only one I know that can help."
She barely succeeded managing to get lance out of the dying state but not healed completely. As soon as she was done her nose begins to bleed and later resulting to her collapsing. Of course, when she had awoken, she overheard the wolverine yelling at Scott. How could he put you through such a thing if he need someone to help Lance, he could of gone straight to hank. Not a 14-year-old who barely knows how her power works. "I regret it Logan I know I just thought-
Her and Logan always had a close relationship since she joined the school. They both were loners. But the x-men saved them from such fate. Whenever reader was in his classroom training harder than any student, he had encountered he asked her. "Because I want to get stronger to protect the ones I care about." From that moment on he had watch over her like a daughter.
When reader first arrived at Charles Xaviers school, she immediately fit right in. Rogue and Jean loved her like a little sister. Scott and Gambit as well along with Wanda and Pietro. Logan thought of you as his daughter just as Erik 'Magneto' did as well. Charles loves you like his own as for the rest of his students and his x-men. Hank adores you as much as mystique.
There was a particular group you always hung out with Kitty, Pietro, Kurt and Jubilee. They were the first friends of you had since you came to the school, since ever. Knowing you've been by yourself for as long as you could remember. You had loved every single one of them.
You had finally found your family.
One night, when everyone was sleeping you silently swore to yourself, I'm going to get stronger I will, I want to have the strength to protect my family and friends. Even if it cost me my life.'
Unknown to you accouple of ears lingered near your room and hear you.
After that day everything was peaceful.
Reader, Kurt, Pietro and Kitty were all going to go and shop for a surprise gift for their friend Jubilee. Scott and Jean sent them off.
"Now be careful out there got it, things can get out of hand when you least expect it." Scott stand Infront of the group crossing his arms over his chest looking at the group of kids.
"Geez yeah yeah we get it. Just don't tell Jubilee where we were, okay?" Pietro huffs. Jubilee was failing in a couple of classes and training lessons, so she had to stay behind. They thought going out to get her a special early birthday present would cheer her up, only to encounter Scott and Jean. The group fully understand the dangers of being a mutant lingering out and about. But they believe as long as they were together, they'll be alright.
"We'll be fine promise! We're just gonna get some grub probably hang around the park a bit and then shop for an early surprise present for Jubilee." Kitty chuckles at Scotts worriedness the group of teens, they had train for situations in case they get into trouble. They just need a break from the school for a bit and explore the world and experience the joys of being a teenager.
"Right ve promise!" Kurt joins in.
"I'll look after them Scott don't worry; we'll be back before midnight! I swear." Read was always trying to be the older sister of the group and the adults found that precious. Scott looks at her with soften eyes.
Scott looks hesitant but then Jean lays a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure they'll be fine Scott beside I'm sure the grownups need a break from the kids anyway. Let them go out." Scott looker over his shoulder and sighs in defeat.
"Fine. Reader."
She straightens up.
"Be safe."
And with that the group leaves the mansion for their outing. A couple of miles away from their home and going straight into town. Kurt walking on readers left side and Pietro and Kitty walking on her right.
"Vhet should we get for our friend?"
"Don't know maybe a necklace? Oh! or earrings!"
"You guys think too much. Just get her favorite song on a cd and call it a day."
"You're only saying that cause you never think. it's got to be meaningful dumbass."
Unaware of their surrounds the group was peaceful walking about in town. Laughing and joking around such as normal teenagers do.
A smoke grenade lands in front of the group, WOSH it sets of, and the kids were choking on the smoke. Kurt kneeling down waving his hands in the air trying to push the smoke away, kitty and Pietro were blinds and where also coughing. Reader the only on left standing was struggling to make out the attacker.
"Mutant brats"
Readers vision begins to blur, and then turn dark.
Reader wake up again in a strange room chained in a circle with Kurt, Kitty, and Pietro.
"Reader! Your awake! Thank goodness." Kitty with tears in her eyes.
"Where are we?"
Pietro growls, "Thats what I wanna know." Furious that they got caught and he couldn't do a thing about it.
"Are we?" Questioning if any of them had attempted to use their gifts to escape.
"Unable to use our powers I'm afraid so my friend."
Reader looks down in guilt, "I'm sorry guys this is my fault, I should of been more aware.."
"What? There was no what you could of know this would happened. Don't be so hard on yourself." Pietro looks over at her calming his attitude to try and make the situation better for his friends.
"They'll come guys don鈥檛 worry!" Kitty trying her best to lighten the mood.
"I'm afraid not this time kitty."
A strange man in a lab coat appears Infront of them.
"And I'm gonna make sure of that."
"Vho are you sir?" Kurt curiously asks but something about this man seemed off this thought sent shivers down some of the group's spines.
"Nothing to concern yourself with mutt. You won't live long enough to remember it."
Kurt eyes widen in fear and shock. Reader moves closer to him moving her body in front of his. Shielding him from the intruder.
"The x-men will stop you."
"I highly doubt it. But don't you baby mutants spawns worry, they'll be joining you soon."
Reader chuckles at the man. "Keep dreaming."
A blow to the head sent her on the floor.
Blood trailed down her mouth as she struggles to sit up only to be kick back down again.
"BASTARD!" As soon as Pietro commented that last part the unknown man pulls out a blade about to charge at him who was defenseless reader bolts towards their direction and takes the hit. Readers blood spills more onto the ground. Kitty screamed in terror, Kurt froze in fear, Pietro stood in shock.
Collapsing in front of him struggling to get back up. The only thought running through her mind was to protect her friends no matter what.
"Pathetic. Just like your so-called x-men, saving life's all for nothing and taking in mutants. To what? Treat them like family. Disgusting."
With hatred in the hearts for this man run filled like crazy but reader bolding stands up.
"S-so what?"
Reader stuggles to sit up completely unfazed of the attack no matter how badly her body is damaged. That sentence alone started a spark to keep the group going.
"Thats w-what we do! You got a problem with it!? X-men put their lives on the line every day! Bitch and groan all you want! You don't got the power to change a thing!"
Unknown man sits still in silents and them maliciously smirks and them kicks the reader on the side where her wound was.
"Your gonna die anyway why waste your breath. This room is reequipped with a machine that will incinerate you lot. And don't even think of using your so-called mutant powers, this room was made with sentinel technology so don't even think about."
They were powerless.
"You have a minute."
The man leaves with a grim expression.
Kitty panics and rattles the chains, Kurt does his best to break it, Pietro struggles to move towards reader grabbing her and pulling in towards the group reader holding onto her wound putting pressure on it. Blood was dripping all down her body.
"W-what do we do!"
"Our Vates are in god's hands now my vhriend."
Holding her hand as she begins to break down in tears. both reach towards reader and Pietro who were also holding hands.
"Stay strong... Kitty." Reader struggles to breath.
"We're not gonna go out cryin." Hope light in the readers eyes.
Kitty looks over at her who was struggling to sit up straight but was still standing strong that alone gave kitty the encouragement she needed, "R-right. RIGHT! X-MEN NEVER GIVES UP THE FIGHT!"
Pietro nods and also shouts. "Thats right. We're going to show that bastard a bond that can never be broken!"
"I vhill cherish our bonds my Vhiends. No. My family. I love you all of you."
As the four where all held each other together the fear immediately vanishes. As the room shakes and rumbles the sounds of a machine above the ground was held over them begin to glow. They must of guessed it was the one the stranger was talking about.
Reader held them in a group hug all with smiles on their faces..
"We're going home everyone. Back home to our family."
In a blast of light everything exploded and nothing was left.
The x-men all gathered in the war room frantic on the kid's disappearance. Scott and Jean worries came back again when they did not show up for their classes as did Jubilee who had not seen any of her friends. Mystique concerned for her son's well being, her daughter rogue flies all over town to search for them. Magneto confronting Charles on his carelessness for the safety of his children especially Pietro his son and reader who he had grown fond of.
Hank searches with all of his technology. Nothing came to aid.
Logan rampages through the streets and the mansion to find more clues. He had assumed some mutant hating freak got to them.
Gambit did his best to search deep undercover through all the bars to pick up tips on some missing mutant kids. Nothing.
Now they regather in the war room.
"This is your fault summers!"
"Yelling at me won't find them Logan!"
Rogue goes between the two. "Fighting with one another wont help either sugars."
"She's right they have to be out there somewhere we just have to look harder!" Jean intervenes. This was all her fault. She had insisted they go. They never should of left.
"Charles?!" Erik holding onto him. Charles head his head in pain.
As sharp pain goes through the professor's head. He saw the unknown man that had taken the kids hostage. He scans throughout his memories and saw the most recent one.
He saw a vivid images of blood. Readers blood. And then later a bright light. Explosion that contain Kurt, Kitty, Pietro and Reader.
Refuses to belief it he tries again and to reach out to any of the children. Nothing there was nothing. If he could not reach them then that could only mean.
Charles shouts in anguish and despair. "MY CHILDREN MY POOR CHILDREN!"
The last image he saw was all of them holding each other in their arms embracing one another with blood soaking their clothes and smiles on their faces. Perhaps hoping for them to come for them. They never did.
"Charles?! What had happened?" Mystique ask.
Charles weeps quietly but Erik answers for him. With a menace look on his face as he stares at the group. He had realize what Charles had saw. Knowing his old friend all too well that could only mean one thing. His son... reader.... kurt and kitty. All dead.
"They are gone."
This alone silent the room.
"They have spilled blood of our children, and we must avenge them." Magneto never like the human he only tolerated them for his children's sake and for Charles but after this. He will show no mercy.
"I agree." Charles says in a shaken voice. "They must pay. Taking the life's of children of the innocent will not go unpunished." He always wanted a relationship between mutants and humans but to take the life of children he had help raised as his own. Children who could do no harm. A darkness stirred within him.
X-men stood in silence, but understood what they must do. Storming out the mansion they now go out on a man hunt to hunt down the unknown man that had kill their kids. Along with those who were involved and those who stood by and watched.
7 Years later
Amongst the rumbles of the abandon building, a sudden movement causes accouple of rocks to move. A hand emerges.
Kitty pushes the scattered building parts of her. Coughing out the dust as she catches her breath. Kurt and Pietro also emerge gasping for air.
"Everyone alright?"
Kurt pushing the rumbles aside and digging reader out of the pile. Pulling her to surface.
"Is she?"
Kurt checks, "Alive. And breathing. But how did we survive. No should of live after such."
"Defiantly." Pietro agrees but notices a small light on his outer skin glowing the same as kitty and Kurt. This familiar sensation, it feels like reader. They would know because every time one of them were injured she would offer to heal them despite over working herself.
"Did she?" Kitty questions in shock at the realization.
"She must have put barriers on us when the explosion hit. But the question is how?"
"Indeed" Kurt agrees as he held reader's unconscious body. Struggling to wake her up.
Kitty moves near him and help shakes her. "Reader... come on! Please wake up!' Tears weld in her eyes praying in her mind that her friend will wake.
Pietro looks down in shake as he looks down his hand that was stained in blood. He knew it was his fault for her injuries, but why would she do such a thing and risk her life. Just why.
Where are we anyway...
After the 7-year leap reader, Kurt, kitty, and Pietro never aged they remain 14 since the reader's shield held them in for over 7 year unable to age. But unfortunately, everyone they had loved had.
MY Thanks to @honey-minded-hivemind for letting me write this hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more!
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