#i'm just a fangirl
cursedvida · 6 days
Watching KAOS for the second time because my boyfriend hadn't seen it, enjoying it as if it were the first. Honestly, it's everything I've ever wanted in an adaptation that draws from Greek mythology: full of queer characters, because Greek mythology was FULL of them, absolutely FULL. The fact that Hades and Persephone are my parents again?? Wonderful, extraordinary, magnificent. They are always couple goals, I won’t accept any other narrative, and always the outcasts of Olympus who are fed up with what’s going on up there, but still have to deal with family obligations even if they don’t agree. Always supporting each other because it’s them against the world (the living) and that’s it. Hera portrayed as a badass queen, super elegant—everything I needed. On this rewatch, I’ve realized that the ultimate girlboss is Ariadne, sorry not sorry but yeah. Dionysus, my child, I love him. Seriously, you can’t give me a queer man with daddy issues, brightly colored clothes, and a personality that seems boosted by ten kilos of amphetamines crying over his dead kitten and expect me not to want to marry him, it’s literally impossible.
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lavenderkomorebi · 3 months
When someone asks me about my hobbies my mind starts from standard things like music and videogames and then slides towards reading copious amounts of romance manga/manhwa, obsessively rework my spotify playlist until they are "perfect", sniffing flowers and that lavender candle that I don't want to use too much because then it will disappear, and, of course, reading tumblr and batoto usernames (especially the ones connected to fandoms - y'all are crazy and I love you).
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epickiya722 · 5 months
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Whoever animated this badass shot of Miruko with the moon in the background knew what they were doing and I AM HERE FOR IT!! 😭💜
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honey-intherock · 4 months
The clearest sign yet that our society is beyond redemption is the way y'all are letting The Fall Guy flop
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trek-tracks · 1 month
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Silly post now doubly blessed by Trek royalty, creator over the moon, film at 11
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baifengxis · 11 months
confirmed gl (wlw) asian series to air in 2024*
23.5 Degrees The Series (Thailand)
The Loyal Pin (Thailand)
The Last Case (Thailand)
Pluto (Thailand)
Love Senior (Thailand)
Be Mine The Series (Thailand)
Dream (Thailand)
She Loves to Cook & She Loves to Eat Season 2 (Japan)
Fragrance of the First Flower Season 2 (Taiwan)
+ Uranus 2324 (Movie) (Thailand)
Most of them are either currently filming or finished filming and/or have announced that they plan to air the series in 2024 and we're just waiting for more updates!
"Pluto" was just announced today being gmmtv's second gl series part of the 2024 series announcements (but might end up in 2025 considering gmmtv's record...)
*Some might end up airing in late 2023 and some might be postponed for 2025
A few more that seem to be slow with updates but still have good chances of airing in 2024:
SKIU The Series (Thailand) Love In The Air/Step Up/The Perfect Song/Sun Moon Light Love (as of now they're gonna make 4 different series that all belong in the same story/universe)
Reverse4You (Thailand)
About Galaxy (Thailand)
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priceofreedom · 6 months
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#Elmyra approving of Zack makes me so happy 😭 FF7 Rebirth 20 / ?
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relicsongmel · 8 days
AA fandom has a strange tendency to pretend like Ema's canon crush on Miles doesn't exist (at least from what I've seen) but none of you will ever be able to convince me that Ema doesn't have dozens of Miles Edgeworth x Reader fics on her AO3. You only hate me because you know I'm right
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steakmakesnoises · 4 months
Starscream holding his stupid fangirl that he can squish at any moment (that's me btw, I am the stupid fangirl)
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I will have an exam again💀
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slutforpringles · 2 months
OK hear me out, but I think there's actually a pretty decent chance we might finally get a ✨Maxiel Press Conference✨ this weekend in Spa.
We know that the drivers are in the press conference roughly every four races or so, Daniel's last appearance was for the Spanish GP and Max's was the following week in Austria. I think Spa also being pretty much a second 'home' GP for Max ups his likelihood of being chosen.
We also know that F1 loves to put drivers in the press conference if there's been any controversy in their previous race, and I think because of the media reaction and commentary around Max's radio messages with GP and his sim racing he's very likely to be selected.
I think Daniel's quite uncharacteristically public criticism of VCarb's strategy fuck up is also likely to be 'dramatic' enough to warrant a press conference seat, and I think the continued media narrative that he could lose his seat over the summer break all but guarantees he'll be one of the drivers there.
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sioneve · 9 days
Minalinsky is back!
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Shikaco also came! She's also the one responsible for taking all the pictures lol
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This tweet is what makes it even more wholesome
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epickiya722 · 6 months
Teen Rumi will forever be adorable to me! 😭💜
Also, amuses me she had the nicknames "Usako" (from what I read it means "rabbit child" and some nickname Mamoru gave Usagi) and "Tiger Bunny".
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chodzacaparodia · 8 months
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A new obsession is born
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smoosie · 7 months
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Brave Mira
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drulalovescas · 3 months
Okay, the confession was romantic. It was just poorly written. Like the rest of the show.
okay, the confession was romantic, agreed. but for me it's absolutely and utterly beautiful and very good writing. like, I'm not even exaggerating. castiel's words and his love for dean was pure and selfless and uconditional. so i gotta disagree?? unless you mean it was "safely" done in order to leave the window for a platonic interpretation open in which case yeah, i guess. Bobo could've written: I love you. I'm in love with you to leave no doubt but the thing is he really couldn't. I'm 100% convinced that that was the condition under which the confession was even allowed. Hence, Bobo tried to work around it. hence we had Cas say "the one thing I want is something I know I can't have." He wasn't allowed to give us explicit "I'm in love with you" so he gave us the second best thing. And if you mean the execution, how it was shot, the distance between dean and cas (the way they always stood on top of each other and here it felt like they're million feet apart lol), how there were some of jensen's and misha's reactions cut (which is literally confirmed by jensen himself) then yeah, that happened but that's not on the writer.
My personal opinion: the confession was done, written, shot and then edited (aka butchered in the editing)"safely enough"to not alienate homophobes. but that was the condition tptb set. and, again, it is not on the writer.
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delicateartisantrash · 4 months
Excerpt: Soundwave's Puppy Eyes
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I can't stop laughing at this scene in a fanfic I'm writing, every time I come across it doing re-reads and editing passes.
Just. I lost it when I first saw that scene of Soundwave flashing 'Prime a smiley face emoji.
Imagine trying to convince the big bad Decepticon you're gonna do a thing regardless of his logic on the matter
and then he nails you with just literal #SadFace
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