#i'm getting serious witch vibes from her and i'm kind of into it
ravens-two · 1 year
PICK A CARD reading
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How do other people see you?
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Decks used: Dark Wood Tarot & Green Witch Oracle
Pile 1
Strength & Banana
Main Star sign energy: Leo & Cancer
Hi, Pile 1, Banana is the card of duality and so I think that it may be that people see you in very different ways, like you're not very consensual to the general public. The people you meet can't really decipher you, some perceive you to be incredibly nice, while others find you off-putting. However, with this card and Strength I also feel like people turn to you a lot for advice. People find you to be very wise, and most of all, impartial. They trust that you will see things from every perspective and offer the best advice you can. This also means that some people see you as a devil's advocate, because you insist on giving voice to different points of view.
In general, I think that people perceive you as being very outspoken, you don't shy away from conflict, but you don't go looking for it either. It's just that it naturally finds a way to you and you can't help but stand up for yourself and others. I also feel like other people find you to be a very calming presence, I think that it's mix of it just being your vibe, but also that they know that they can count on you to help solve any problem that might come up.
A bit random, but I think that you are known to make dirty jokes and also your sense of humor is very underrated, kind of deadpan and sometimes others can't tell if you're being serious or not.
Other people see you as being very confident in yourself, even if you don't feel like that. There's a sort of confidence that shines through you. Also, you are known as being very loyal to your friends.
Pile 2
6 of Cups & Lemon
Main Star sign energy: Gemini, Scorpio & Cancer
Pile 2 the first thing I'm getting with your group is that you have big Cancer energy. Being with you feels like coming home. I think that the people closest to you feel almost "mothered" by you, I mean this in the best way possible, they know that they can count on you to make them a nice cup of tea, pull out a blanket and hear out their problems. You have a very safe presence.
Some not so nice energy that is also coming through is that some people think that you're stuck in the past. This sentence is coming through very clearly like this to me, but I think that it will apply differently to each of you. It might be a bit literal, like you refuse to embrace new technologies for example or it could be more like you are frequently reminiscing about the good old days. I think that sometimes you are seen as being a bit sad, like filled with ennui if that makes sense. Despite that, I think that you are someone who remembers. You always know your friends birthdays and you remember the little details about their lives, and they appreciate this so so much.
With the lemon card I think that you are very talkative, but only when you feel comfortable. And the interesting thing is, when you get to the stage where you're really really comfortable you start to hold back less and less and you end up being a bit mean with your words. You're not trying to be mean, but they might sting a bit because you're brutally honest. Also, with lemon being the card of cleansing I think that your friends perceive you as being very good at cleaning. I mean this both in a literal sense (lol) and metaphorically. You're good at closing old chapters and cleaning out the old to bring in the new (with a twist too, because you always make space for the memories). You give me this vibe of it doesn't matter if it was good or bad, it matters that it happened.
Pile 3
Empress & Orange
Main Star sign energy: Virgo & Taurus
Pile 3 people see you as being full of life and energy. You are the life to her party, even if there isn't a party, you know how to cheer and pump up the people around you. I also think that people find you very charming and they love to hear you talk. In fact, I think that others love being around you and being around your energy, because it's just so big. Do you know that poem about the orange? In this metaphor you are the orange.
There's also this really interesting vibe that you are very sensual, it could be like sensual as in sexy, but like sensual as in using your senses. You love eating, you love listening to music, you love pretty things. I think that your friends and acquaintances even always ask you about restaurant recommendations and stuff like that. Also, other people love your style and your aesthetic. In fact, they really admire how cohesive you look.
Others also see you as someone who is incredibly creative and that is always filled with ideas. Honestly I think that most of you are either studying arts/design/etc or you work in those areas. You are known for your work. There's also this thing that if one of your friends has a problem they will come to you if they need an out of pocket solution. Like, you always have one. Your friends love your sense of humor, it's always so random and unpredictable. And I honestly think that you might be very popular on social media.
Pile 4
7 of Swords & Pea
Main Star signs energy: Pisces & Aquarius
Hey pile 4, you are the embodiment of chaotic energy. I don't think that anyone can pin you down, and when someone thinks that they have you figured out you immediately prove them wrong. This is big Aquarius energy honestly, not with the chaos, but with the fact that you see things in such a different manner that no one can predict what you are going to do or say next. I also think that you're the type of person to lie for fun (nothing serious of course, but just making up a whole different life to some stranger you'll never see again).
You are filled with ideas and people find you to be a good communicator. In particular I think that you're good with speaking and writing. There's also this vibe that your friends never know when to expect an answer to their texts, it could be immediately or three weeks later.
Your mind is very very busy, always buzzing with new ideas and scenarios and I think that sort of comes across to other people who think you are a bit scatterbrained. Also, people think that you are very smart. I am also getting this vibe that you have a sharp tongue, especially when it comes to social commentary. Sometimes you'll make a sarcastic comment about something around you, but not everyone will get it and those people find you a bit weird. You may get lost while telling a story, going on multiple tangents to explain your train of thought. And I also think that you get distracted easily. Some people find that a bit annoying, but your friends find it endearing.
There's this type of trickster energy here with the 7 of Swords so it might be that you are known for pulling pranks on your friends. Your presence is very fun, but sometimes a bit unsettling because again, no one knows what you're going to do next.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
hey, this is the same 14 year old from earlier. first, i want to thank you so much for such a well rounded, thoughtful response. i went through all the resources and they were all very helpful. after thinking about it, i think i probably won't do this after all. technically i think i am ready, i understand the possible consequences, i know how to be safe, etc etc, but i'm just kind of anxious. and it might be a better idea to wait to do things like this with someone i actually have romantic feelings towards, because i'll probably enjoy it more then, right? i'm not exactly sure why i agreed to do it in the first place, i guess curiosity or for the sake of formative teenage experiences or literally just "why not" lmao. i do have one more question if that's alright, do you know of a good way to tell her that i don't really want to do this anymore? we haven't set up an actual date and time yet but she's serious about it and i was serious about it but obviously my opinion has changed. i feel kind of guilty about backing out especially because she kinda wanted this as a rebound after breaking up with her girlfriend of like, six years (which means it might be good if we don't do this anyway, this might be an impulsive decision on her part that she ends up regretting).
also one more question (sorry) if you have the time and energy for it. i know there's a lot of people asking you questions haha. how would you get an STI or STD through oral sex? i understand the basics, its spread through genital fluids and gets into your body that way, but how would the symptoms start showing in your own genitals? or would they not and just show up in your mouth or throat? the planned parenthood link kind of talked about that, but it said that it was rare. anyway thank you so much! you've been genuinely so helpful and kind and i appreciate it so much!
hello! welcome back! it's great to hear from you again, and I'm glad that response was helpful. it's awesome that you were able to weigh all the available information to make that decision. you'll have plenty of other opportunities for formative teenage experiences, very few of which have to involve sex at all - I'd be a bad sex witch if I didn't tell you that I didn't have sex with another person for the first time until I was almost 21!
cancelling this plan with your friend might feel awkward, but it doesn't need to be worse than dipping out of any other activity. "hey, I think I changed my mind about wanting to see this movie; I don't really think I'm going to vibe with it. thank you for inviting me, though!" 'I'm actually not feeling up to going to the game, but I hope you can find someone else to go with." "sorry to change our plans, but I think having sex actually isn't something I want to do right now. thanks for being understanding."
this may hurt your friend's feelings; it can often feel extremely personal and hurtful when someone doesn't reciprocate an interest in sex, and feel much worse than someone saying no to other kinds of plans. this may be especially true if you're right about your friend trying to rebound from a previous relationship - six years is a long relationship for anyone, especially someone for whom six years is almost half of their life, and there's a good chance she's still feeling sore from the loss of that relationship and is seeking comfort and validation from another source (you). good on you for being insightful enough to notice this and recognize this! that's an important trait to have, both as a friend and in your future romantic and sexual relationships.
if your friend doesn't take it well when you change your mind, you may need to get a little space from her while her feelings cool off. remember, while you should be kind when you say no - obviously nothing like "I wouldn't want to have sex with you, you're gross and just rebounding" - you're not doing anything wrong at all by changing your mind, and if your friend starts trying to pester you into changing your mind or acting more harshly to you, we've definitely crossed into the territory where she's the asshole. (not that you're the asshole for saying no; nobody is the asshole in that scenario.) if she takes it poorly, it's okay to ask her for some distance and spend less time around her until the hurt feelings are mended.
remember: you don't need to feel guilty for changing your mind. you are always allowed to do that, even if you're in the middle of having sex. you don't owe anyone else access to your body, ever, and anyone who tries to convince you otherwise can go straight into the trash.
and please don't ever feel the need to apologize for asking about STIs, they're one of my favorite things to talk about!
for many STIs that can be transmitted to the mouth, the symptoms will stay in the mouth and/or throat. sometimes that will look like sores or blisters in or around the mouth, which are sometimes painful and ooze discharge and sometimes don't feel like anything at all. it can also feel like an ordinary cold, with a sore throat and some difficulty swallowing. in most cases, the symptoms won't spread to your genitals unless you also contracted the STI there as well - for instance, if you touched your mouth and tongue to an infected partner's genitals and then also touched your genitals to theirs as well. but while the symptoms looks different, the medicines that treat STIs affecting the genitals are just as effective at clearing up infections in the mouth and throat.
I'm super happy to help, and please know you can send in more asks any time :)
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astaldis · 2 months
Witcher Cat Fics
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Do you like cats and The Witcher? Then maybe you'll also like Witcher cat fics! (sorry, not Cat Witcher fics). Here is a little list of fics I found that feature cats, but it's certainly not complete. If you know of other Witcher fanfics where a cat plays an important role in the plot, please let me know so I can add it to the list.
Have fun with cats and Witchers!
(The order is totally random)
5 Times Someone Else Had To Watch The Damn Cat
Foltest, Ves, Geralt of Rivia, Iorveth, Silas of the Blue Stripes, G, 500 words:
Five times someone else had to watch Roche's cat.
It's the latest in a series of drabbles about Roche's cat: Kits Out for Temeria by Faetality, check it out, it's so funny!
The Sorceress' Challenge by Annaatemychocolate
Yennefer/Triss, F/F, 11,485 words:
“The Sorceress Yennefer has set a challenge: capture her black cat and retrieve the key around its neck before the end of the month, and you get your wish granted. That’s why everyone’s here.”
Triss’ eyebrows were now dangerously close to disappearing into her hairline. “You’re not serious.”
flowers in every room by SummerFrost
Geralt/Yennefer, Ciri, F/M, 5,077 words:
Hey, Mum! Sorry, I can't stay long, there's this—" Ciri tilts her head. "What's with the cat?"
"Fuck if I know," says Yen.
Aka: The one where Geralt gets turned into a cat and dumped on Yennefer's doorstep.
Here Kitty, Kitty by round_robin
Geralt & Jaskier, Gen, 1,671 words: “Cats don't like—you can't be serious.” Geralt said nothing and Jaskier gasped. “Of all the weird fucking things they did to you, that takes the cake.”
This got a small chuckle. “Oh yes? The heightened senses that bring headaches if I'm in a town too long, the poison tolerance that still hurts like I'm dying, but no, cats hissing at me is clearly the worst...”
Of Wolves and Cats by A_hopeful_disaster
Geralt &/ Jaskier, Gen, 1,353 words: Jaskier adopts a cat. Geralt isnt sure what to think.
The Mystical Divinity of Unashamed Felinity by Star_dancer54
Geralt & Jaskier, Gen, 2,778 words: It's a morning like any other when Geralt wakes up, until he discovers that Jaskier's been turned into a cat. (unfinished)
The Way to a Man's Heart Goes Through His... Cat? by Frywen
Geralt /Jaskier, Cirilla, Yennefer , M/M, 16,861 words: Jaskier is a live-in cat sitter and Roach is the biggest and meanest cat he has ever met. Just what kind of owner does a cat like that have? (unfinished)
Ball of Purr by kentucka
Geralt, Gen, 1,211 words: A fluffy little thing (pun intended) in which Geralt gets to pet a cat.
Cat Got Your Tongue (But I’ve Got Your Heart) by WanderingDrui
Aiden/Lambert, Geralt/Jaskier, M/M, 31,093 words: After the mountain Jaskier throws caution to the winds and decides to use a secret he's kept his entire life to get back at Geralt. He expects a short and petty journey of revenge. Instead he makes new witcher friends, explores his past, and finds peace with who he is and what he wants in life. Meanwhile, Geralt hasn't heard anything about Jaskier since he sent him away and is growing worried.... (WIP)
Lovecats by Lula_Claims_The_Snakeskin_Jacket
Cahir/Yennefer, F/M, 16,404 words: Cahir and Yennefer acquire a stray cat. Or does the cat acquire them? As a witch, Yennefer vibes with cats well. Cahir is sceptical, as to his best knowledge cats are of no use on the battlefield. Obviously, some tensions are inevitable here. But this relationship will, yes, evolve.
powerful by mayoho
Rience, Gen, 100 words: Rience has always been drawn to power, even in the most unexpected places.
Figs and black pepper by calvaria
Assire var Anahid, Merlin (the cat), Gen, 233 words: Assire prefers Merlin to all astrolabes, signs and pendulums.
Cat Comfort by Molanna
Cahir, Assire var Anahid, Merlin (the cat), Gen, 1,805 words: Merlin is not only suddenly brought to a different place by his Witch, but, when he comes back to the apartment late at night from exploring the new garden, he finds a stranger in the bed he is not sure how to feel about at first. (POV Merlin)
A Furry Foundling for the Bard by Molanna
Jaskier/Radovid, M/M, 1,111 words: Jaskier and Radovid are disturbed in their very enjoyable nightly activity by a strange, eerie sound. Luckily, what they find in the street is not a monster but a pleasant surprise.
A Fiery Night by Molanna
Jaskier/Radovid, M/M, 500 words: Jaskier and Radovid are having a great time together at Radovid's little island cottage. Unfortunately, one night, something goes very wrong.
Cat-Napping by Molanna
Rience, Gen, 500 words: Unexpectedly and totally against his will, Rience ends up with a fluffy tabby cat napping in his lap.
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Winter Anime 2024 That I'm Watching
The Apothecary Diaries - continuing from last season, I love it and I am obsessed with MaoMao
7th Time Loop - This one actually surprised me with how much I love it. So far it's a fun story with beautiful art and the OPness of the main character actually makes sense. I love an OP character, especially a female OP
A Sign of Affection - THE FEELS!!! SO CUTE!! MY HEART IS MELTING!!!! I am absolutely adoring this love story
Solo Leveling - I am super intrigued by this show, I kind of feel like we are just getting to the meat of it and the whole first 4 episodes were all set up, but I am really enjoying it so far!
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic - Solid isekai
Doctor Elise - This one feels a bit like it is lacking substance, especially when it is sharing a season with 7th Time Loop. But it's cute and I am enjoying it so far. The whole advanced medical instruments in a medieval setting is a bit suspect though
Cherry Magic - Cute romance with actual adults in the workforce *gasp* shocking. I love it, it's cute and I am totally shipping the main couple, KISS ALREADY
The Witch and the Beast - Loving the vibes and characters, not entirely sure what is going on yet and they definitely don't give you enough clues with the mystery so it always feels like they are pulling the solution out of their ass but I am enjoying the ride enough to overlook that flaw
Villainess Level 99 - Not really sure where the plot is going but I'm enjoying it
The Weakest Tamer Begins a Journey to Pick Up Trash - MUST PROTECT! The main character is so sweet and I want to see her and her slime buddy grow up safely
Tsukimichi season 2 - The season is off to a slow start, but I enjoyed season 1 so I will give it a chance
Shows I Have Already Dropped
The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth - Why did he have to be a siscon? The show had a promising first episode and then episode 2 was all siscon and random childish looking girls fawning over him. DROP
Mr. Villain's Day Off - I may have kept watching this show in a less packed season, or a season where I had too many serious shows, but with it's slow pace and repetitive humor I decided it didn't make the cut when stacked up against shows like A Sign of Affection of Cherry Magic
The Demon Prince of Momochi House - Interesting concept, subpar delivery, DROP
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Changes Chapter 8
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Rain fell down from the sky as the group of five made their way to the boardwalk. People avoided the boys, although if you asked, none of them could explain why. Some youths would say their vibe was off, and some adults would state that they'd do nothing but cause trouble. The surfers would say they tried to avoid the boys simply because they were always out for a fight. True, perhaps - but not the truth.
"You know," Paul stated as he walked next to Julie, his arm loosely hanging over her shoulder, "I have been thinking, and I think there might be other ways to get your voice back."
Julie looked at him with a curious frown before looking at Dwayne, asking with a simple raised eyebrow whether or not Paul was serious. It was just the four of them now, David having gone off to find a payphone. He was expecting a call from Max.
"You can't break a sires command unless the sire is dead or breaks it himself." Dwayne said, causing Julie to nod - albeit a little put down. If only she knew who her sire was, all of this would have been easier.
"Or you ask your local witch for help," Marko said, causing Julie to look a bit more positive. Yes, David had told her Max was working on a solution, and having a witch involved meant magic. And magic, Julie thought, would mean that whatever command was placed upon her would surely be broken. Of course, Max had told her this idea of breaking the command before he left, but she had let it slip her mind.
"Or-" Paul interrupted with a wicked grin on his face, "we try the rollercoaster. It's an involuntary reaction to the speed to scream - and if you can scream, you have your voice back, right?"
Julie thought for a moment, shrugging with a frown, shaking her head slightly.
"But you will get on the rollercoaster, right? There's no harm in trying!"
The girl laughed quietly, letting the boys drag her to the ride entrance.
David sighed as he closed the glass door, looking at his boys and Julie. Three days. It had been three days since Max left, and Julie was left in their care, as if she was a pet that needed caring. Three days, and the boys were exhausted. Not because Julie was difficult. She was far from. Once they realised she didn't want to feed from certain people, they let her pick who she wanted, and she'd feed. She was more than content to just hang out with them. Ride along when they went to the boardwalk, watching with curiosity as they showed her their tricks - no, Julie was not difficult. Awake, anyway.
During the day, she didn't sleep anymore. Every time she tried, her nightmares became so lively and so vivid that the boys saw exactly what she was dreaming - and it was getting worse with the day. They had tried to make her sleep closer to them, but it didn't work. She still had nightmares, and last night, she had decided to just no longer sleep. It solved the nightmare problem, but in the long run, it would not make things easier for her.
David looked at Max' videostore, situated across from the phone box, looking at the clock. 7.56. Max would call at eight, and David wasn't sure what he would tell his sire. Whether it was that Julie wasn't getting any sleep, her nightmares were getting worse, or the fact that he couldn't believe Max just left and let them take care of the mess - he sighed as the phone rang, picking it up.
"How's Julie?"
David sighed, telling Max how the girl had been in the past three days. Max didn't say anything.
"You should come home."
"I can't."
"Bullshit. You decide to adopt the girl, and then you leave?"
"I'm getting answers."
"Yeah? What kind? That someone screwed her change up? That someone fucked around with sire commands? We knew that already. You're wasting your time."
"I'm not. David, there are more things at play here. Lucien is missing, his mate has been murdered, and I think I finally found a lead as to where Lucien - and possibly Julie - have and had been taken."
David sighed. If this was true, then maybe Max was close to an answer on how to help Julie.
"How long will you be gone?"
"Give me four days."
Max was out of his mind. Four more days of being tormented by those images, not able to help the girl - and him just pushing the responsibility away?
"This is not for you to decide. I'm doing what's best for Julie."
David didn't say another thing, instead opting for hanging up the phone. Fucking asshole. He could have taken Julie along, making things easier for him on that research trip of his. But no, somehow Julie was no longer his responsibility - but that of the boys. Feed her, make sure she sleeps, and make sure she doesn't have to deal with horrible nightmares. Julie herself couldn't help any of it. She really tried to wrap her head around the whole vampirism thing - and David had to admit that she was quickly coming to terms with it. She really tried not to be a bother to any of them. No, it was Max who was in the wrong here. He shouldn't have left her, no matter the potential answers and solutions. They could've waited until she got used to the town, to the vampirism. With a frustrated sigh, he left the phone box, going off on his own to hunt.
Max sighed as he heard the distant click when the phone disconnected. David could think all he wanted about him, but what he was doing right now was going to help Julie. It was going to give her some answers, and above all, some freedom. If what he did here would only be to break the command of her sire, it would already be worth it. But if he could also figure out what had happened to her, and more importantly, who had done so, he could offer her something else as well. Revenge.
Max walked out of the phone cell, one hand in his pocket. In it was the scrap of paper he'd found the night before, the address already imprinted in his mind. He walked to his car, taking the map out of his dashboard to see where he'd need to go. It wasn't far from the crypt, he realised as he looked at it. Just five blocks away.
He tried to fold the map back into its original shape, but when it proved fruitless, he just dropped it on the back seat. With a sigh, he started the car, driving off to the location left to him in Luciens file. He wasn't certain about what he'd find. The map didn't show any buildings, but there must have been a reason as to why this location was documented. Max turned left, following the road until he saw a metal gate. It was shut, locked with a thick chain. Someone wanted to keep unwanted visitors out. Luckily for Max, a simple chain wouldn't stop him. He parked the car, got out, and flew up into the air, crossing the fence. He landed between some trees, hidden in the shadows.
At quite some distance from the gate was a large building. It was cubical in shape, as if the architect had never gotten further than the initial first step. As Max got closer, moving as quickly and quietly as he could, he saw more details. Small windows, all of them barred. Only one entrance - which was heavily guarded. And when he got even closer, he noticed that there were windows at ground level, as if they were all basementwindows. He stopped to look through one of them.
Inside was a large crowd, made up of vampires and many other creatures if he saw correctly. All of them were dressed nicely, in luxurious garments and suits - and all of them surrounded a pit in the middle. Max looked, wondering what was going on when suddenly the crowd burst out in cheers.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!"
A creature was dragged in, fur growing all over its body and two sharp horns growing from its head. Max had never seen anything like it. Then, a loud buzzer went off, and another individual entered the pit. The crowd cheered again as the fight started. Punches were thrown left and right, both creatures bleeding profusely within mere minutes. It was only when the hairy creature went down to the ground, to injured to get up, that Max realised who its opponent was.
Lucien. The man who had a mere week ago brought Julie to him, asked him to help her, and was here. He was bleeding, looking underfed and feral. Lucien knew how to fight, the scene before him proving just that - so how did he end up here? And more importantly, why?
Max focused on the room behind the window, seeing how an old, strong nurse took Lhcien with her to another room. The crowd split, leaving piles of money behind. Was it money they lost after making a bet? Was it payment for attending?
Max got up, deciding to take a look around. He had noticed that the front entrance was guarded, so he would try to see as much as he could from the outside. As he flew up to the first floor, he stilled in front of a window of a laboratory. No one was at work there, at the moment, but he could make out the writing on the chalkboard. Something about finding a cure for anaemia. On another chalkboard were symptoms listed, going from rashes to involuntary weight loss. Max frowned, not quite knowing what it was they were looking for. Maybe it was a part of COL. The Company of Life had been described as looking for a cure for several blood diseases. He was about to fly away when suddenly the door opened. Max moved, hiding against the brick wall, listening to what was happening inside.
"I don't know if you've noticed, John, but the testsubject has been missing." The voice of a young woman echoed through the room. She sounded stressed.
"We both know who's responsible for that. If the boss hadn't gotten second thoughts, we wouldn't have this problem."
"Don't let him hear you say that. You know his hearing is freakishly good. We just need to find a knew subject."
"Or we ask the boss if he can make one?"
It was quiet, so Max assumed that the woman shook her head.
"He killed the last one. We have to keep a low profile."
"But we can't continue on like this, we need-"
Max had heard enough. He wouldn't get any details from these two. But, he thought as he flew higher to see if he could find any information from the other rooms. Something was definitely going on here.
He stopped at the second floor, looking right into an office. It was decorated luxuriously, het seemed rather sterile. Everything was white, not a speck of dust visible on any of the furniture. There were two white leather chairs facing a desk, resting upon a white carpet. There was no art on the wall, no cabinets or bookcases pushed against the walls either. Beside the desk, the chairs and the carpet the room was bare. Max quietly pushed the window open, slipping in. He'd seen a file laying on the desk, and curiosity caused him to look into it. He grabbed it, not even looking what was in it, and disappeared from the room. He quickly closed the window and flew off, back to his car.
He didn't bother reading the file, deciding he could do so later. First, he had to get somewhere safe for the night. The sun was going to be rising within the hour, and he was certain that Luciens' crypt was no longer a safe place to stay. Not after what he'd seen. He quickly started the car, driving off towards a hotel - hoping it would be cleaner than the past motels he'd stayed at - and rushing inside.
A young woman sitting behind the desk looked up, curious to see someone rushing in this early in the morning.
"A room. Please."
"Yeah, sure," she said, chewing on some chewing gum. As she flipped through a notebook with all available rooms she blew some bubbles.
"I've got one room free for two days, at $87 a night."
"I'll take it."
Max laid the money out on the counter, taking the room key in exchange. He quickly made his way up the stairs, rushing towards room 217. As he got in, locking it from the inside, he dropped the file on the bed. The room was dark, and there was no chance of sunlight getting in thanks to some black-out curtains. Max smiled tiredly, deciding to read the file tomorrow evening. Now, he really needed to get some sleep.
Next chapter >
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pastxlscorp · 4 months
Palia Character Impressions (pt.2)
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I wasn't expecting my last Palia post to attract the fandom! I actually have played hours of it since then but because of college haven't had the time to get to writing another post! Thankfully I just finished my finals, so I'm back to being chronically online. Hope you all enjoy :)
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A lot of people asked me about my thoughts on Einar, which was super surprising! I honestly didn't have many thoughts on him when I first started playing Palia. His dialogue was not very engaging to me. After HOURS (and I mean hours) of playing AND the most recent Ancient ruins that got added to the main storyline, I see why he is so well loved! He is such a fucking cutie! I find how much he enjoys the beauty of the world he is around so sweet, especially trying to understand the culture of the humans and engage with them in it. The recent story quest was sooooooo good at characterizing him.
In the most recent ruins added to the game, we meet another Galdur called the Gardener. His setup is so dystopian, I fucking adored it. Essentially, The Gardener is an AI of sorts that is able to control all Galdurs because he created them. That is his Oneness. He was abandoned by his human and was rarely acknowledged as a sentient being, thus he cannot understand the purpose of life if not to fulfill ones Oneness. When first meeting them, Gardener reveals that Einar is malfunctioning. I initially thought it was something serious, but the Gardener considers Einar a malfunction because he has more than one Oneness. He thinks Einar must be suffering from a lack of fulfillment and purpose and thus tries to reset his system. He continues to refer to Einar as "The Carpenter" (also calls him the "vertically gifted" one which I thought was fucking hilarious), which heavily implies Einar's oneness was something related to construction and he likely was a builder robot. I find that really wholesome compared to the Einar we know now, someone who finds fulfillment in fishing, something so far from his original Oneness. The Gardener also confirms that Einar likely has so many Onenesses because of his relationships with the humans he's met along the way, which put Einar in a whole new light for me. I didn't find my interactions with Einar anything special but now knowing that he does think fondly of the humans he is friends with really shows that his dry demeanor does have a lot of sweetness and thoughts behind it. Especially taking useless items to him, like carrots (that I always gift him) and using them as decor. I wouldn't romance Einar personally, but I can see why anyone would. Total cutie, and easily one of my favorite NPCS now.
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HEKLA MY BELOVED!! I love she. She became one of my favorites early on when I first started playing Palia. She is just so cute! She is so loving and kind and her adoration for Jina is so sweet. *Somewhat spoilers* I thought her lore was really depressing and it's somewhat angsty when you realize she latched on to Jina because she failed her prior child. It's even more angsty when you do her friendship quests and find out she is aware her attachment to Jina initially started because of her instinct to find a new Oneness. She's such a mom with her awkwardness sometimes and lack of awareness of social cues. I thought her friendship with Einar was always cute since she confirms she plays mental chess with him, but the recent quest shows that they really do respect each other in a high regard. They have somewhat of a familial relationship, almost like brother and sister. I think having Hekla be so spherical is a really nice contrast to her character. She is big like a shield, providing protection but also comfort and companionship-- like the whole idea around loving someone who can give "bear hugs."
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I love her design. I actually did not know Tamala was a NPC until I began engaging with Hassian and found out they were ex-lovers. She gave me witch vibes and I was right, not disappointed since they nailed that perfectly with her design (or at least an alchemist of sorts). She's a flirt and my first impression was honestly "Wow, I know why so many people love her. She's a milf." That changed when I found out she is hundreds of years old, using magic to rejuvenate herself. Makes sense since she does give off Mother Gothel vibes! Not only did she ignore all of Hassian's letters but she also laughs about it in the player's face. I feel even more bad for Hassian after learning this since Sifuu is implied to be somewhat of a neglectful mother and his other mom died. Poor dude already has mommy issues and gets groomed by a witch (I think it was also implied they had been intimate, considering Hassian wanted to marry her). I wonder if Hassian was always so closed in and it was encouraged by his heartbreak with Tamala, or if he became reclusive because of her. Very interesting background characterization, but this bitch is a predator since Hassian is most likely in his early or late 20s. Aside from her very obvious character flaws, I do love the choice of having a morally incorrect character. Most of the other villagers warm up to you, and even Eshe I would mark in the morally grey category. I also love the detail that most of the village is aware of her relationship with Hassian and doesn't fuck with her for what she did, or they just don't fuck with her period. Imagine being practically immortal and spending each century or so being hated by everyone.
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MY DAUGHTER! I love Najuma she's basically my kid. The parental figure you become to her has me weak in the heart every time she comes to you for help. I felt so bad when she comes to your housing plot after getting into a fight with her dad in one of her friendship quests. She even apologizes, not being sure you would kick her out or be bothered by her presence. She heavily confides in the player and even Hodari acknowledges this. When you try and talk to him about banning Najuma from the mines, he's firm on his answer and appreciates you looking out for her but that won't change his mind. I really wanna make a separate post on what NPCS would have a crush on the player despite not being romanced and Hodari is absolutely up there. ANYWAYS back to Najuma. I love how socially awkward she is too, really does a good job characterizing that she's just a teenager. I didn't even notice this until a friend who plays Palia pointed it out, but the fact she lost her leg in the explosion makes sense as to why there is such a big maturity gap between her and Auni. Auni has a good chunk of angst (which I will soon discuss) but he is certainly more on the carefree and energetic side compared to Najuma. Her intelligence is off the charts and makes sense considering she was hands-on working with both her father and mother. Her relationship with Auni is adorable, and I love how he looks up to Najuma. She's got the whole "Ahh you're so annoying but you can stay" dynamic with him and she clearly tries to act like she's annoyed by his energetic behavior with the player despite clearly hanging out with Auni enough to know a lot about him. Auni even has one of his friendship quests about Gardenia's, who he learned about from Najuma and wanted you to verify if it was true or not since she likes messing with him. Her bond with Zeki too was fairly surprising, and I like how Najuma is essentially an apprentice for him. He does not patronize her because she is a kid, however he does acknowledge that she has grown up too fast because of her experiences and is softer on her compared to the other villagers.
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Last one for this post! Auni was always adorable to me, but his quests got him to be one of my favorite NPCS! I actually thought he was around the same age as Najuma because he has some pretty heavy inner turmoil for his age. He has a whole quest about wanting to run away because he feels so distant from his older brother, Nai'O. I absolutely adore their brotherly bond and Nai'O after this quest continuously mentions that's worried about Auni or mentions he appreciates you looking out for him. Nai'O (my impression of him has changed, I mind redo my initial impressions later on after I've written by impressions on everyone) is a super hard-worker and can't say no to people and frequently overworks himself (ex. that one bakery festival with his mom and the concert with Kenyatta). He has already confirmed his path as a farmer. His family is dirt-broke poor and frequently is behind on their taxes, which makes sense why Auni feels distant from him. Not to mention Nai'O is also dating Kenyatta, where some of his free time does seem to go. In addition to a less-than satisfactory relationship with his brother, Auni also is already having an identity crisis. He has an obsession with magic and is instantly enamored by the player upon meeting them because he thinks humans are all magical. His dream is to join the Order when he's older, but that would mean straying from his Path as a farmer. We already know what happens to villagers that stray from their path-- Look at Reth! He was not good at his path and went with something else and despite being good at it, he still receives a lot of judgment and shame. Then you have the angst with going along with your path, like with Jel. He is the only son in his family and all of his sisters are successful, creating a rivalry and tension between them all. Not to mention, his mom is still working as a high-end tailor present day. He has not been accepted by his mother and has been feeling the pressure since he was young, even going as far to steal one of his sister's designs. Despite having an obvious passion for tailoring, it makes sense why he's so melancholic. Imagine having this angst at Auni's age, especially seeing that his family is struggling and this Path is leading them into the ground. Not only does he have to acknowledge that this Path is not successful for his family currently, but that abandoning this path means it will die out (especially with the implications that Nai'O does not really wanna do this for the rest of his life). Aside from all that turmoil, his child-like innocence and his love for insects is so adorable. He admires Najuma (platonically or romantically as a little school-boy crush, who knows) and I love how he learns a lot from her. His relationship with Hassian too is also super adorable, since they seem to play cards every day. I was super confused when Auni tells you that Hassian is mad at you and then Hassian denies it-- for a good bit I couldn't tell if Auni had misread the situation or Hassian had gotten vulnerable and wasn't expecting Auni to tattle. In either interpretation, he clearly trusts Auni and I think that makes his whole situation with Tamala even more tragic. He was young and naive, and likely a lot more social-able before she broke his heart. I would say Auni is my son but my player would get jumped by Delilah and Badruu, so he's my surrogate son for the time being.
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shenzaibird-art · 6 months
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Sooo I watched all four days of Crufts this past weekend and was possessed by the urge to draw various dog breeds. Child me would be so proud. (I still have the book of dog breeds I was obsessed with as a kid, and I still have an old little paper inside it with a list of dog breeds I wanted to draw... and pretty much all of these were there) Info about all of these people under the cut thingy:
Brelyn: A Grand Augur of necromagic. Probably will replace Morrok as Sellatrix's master and head of their team because I like her. Gentle and easygoing, likes to see innovative projects, hence her being okay with taking Verloren into her team. A powerful mage, much more deadly than she looks. Might be a witch as well or at least respect witchcraft. (Rip Morrok the owl, didn't even get a chance to exist and was already replaced, I might reuse the concept for another char or smth) Silverstrand: Was supposed to be a Grand Augur of necromagic but he has SUCH a geomage vibe that I'm not sure anymore. Either way, he's very serious and strict, and prefers things done "the right way" rather than experimental weird stuff. Basically the opposite of Brelyn a bit. If I make him a Grand Augur of geomagic, then he might be head of Lazuli's team. One of the king's most trusted Grand Augurs, warned him that exiling Verloren was a terrible idea (but got ignored anyway). King Harlin Devandell III of Houndsdagger: Proud and stubborn, likes to show off his power and skills. Grew up hearing that his mother the Queen never did enough, so he tries to do too much. Doesn't know much about magic and severely underestimates it. Ended up killed when Verloren didn't take being exiled very well. Wasn't too old, probably just a bit older than Verloren, so not even 50 yet when he died. Pommie: Finella's personal maid since she was a teenager. Very kind and caring, often felt more like a mom to Finella than her real mother. She's a household-wizard (someone who helps with trivial magic tasks, such as preparing baths with warming crystals and fancy fur potions or lighting up light orbs around the house) and taught Finella some basic magic when she asked her. The only one of this batch that I actually already had a full concept of for a while, even the breed, I just hadn't drawn her yet. Nivenyr: One of Sellatrix's witch friends. He's from the village and not related to the castle or any noble business. He works as a mage, making spells and stuff that he sells in his little shop. Somewhat cryptic. Possibly younger than he looks, I have no idea what's his age yet really. Might be more fit for my other setting that's about edgy emo witches (I mean he has emo hair even on his hands) but I'll try to keep him in this setting because Sella can't be the only witch around. Lazuli: A geomagic augur, friends with Finella. Calm and collected, she doesn't say much but judges everyone silently. Kinda tired of everyone's crap but tries to be non-violent, despite sometimes wishing she could kill some people. Her parents were jewelers and when she learned she could do magic with crystals and gemstones, she became a geomage and also learned to make art with magic crystals. Cyrus: A phytomagic augur. Extremely average guy. Obnoxious with his hate of necromagic. Was married to Finella at one point and he constantly tried to prove her how phyto is so much better than necro (Finella is a necromage, she just tried to ignore him when he went on a rant). When Verloren took over, Cyrus was among the phytomagic augurs who tried to ambush him and take him down, and was defeated and killed like all the others. Finella had mixed feelings about the incident. There were more people I wanted to make, like a pumi guy that I couldn't settle on a design for, and a girl that'll be either a papillon or a spaniel of some kind. But yeah I love dogs.
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kaplerrr · 1 year
What if COD characters were from a fantasy au! comic ? Johnny MacTavish edition.
So, I have nothing better to do than imagine what kind of fantasy world cod characters would live in and what they would do. They won't always be related, it's just something quick interpretation, nothing serious
Let's forget CoD exist and let's imagine if I were to "create" the character of Johnny MacTavish, he would be a cursed wulver. A wulver is a Scottish creature, half human // half wolf, living in the Shetland. A wulver is an immortal spirit known for its kindness, benevolence and who's rarely aggressive, unless attacked. He helps willingly humans if they get lost or if they lack food as he spends time hunting or fishing. He's just willing to protect his lands.
Why cursed ? Please bear with me, I'm gonna explain.
But before that: What kind of universe would that be ?
• It is oddly specific but I want a "Bloody mythological Cottage Core" vibe. I know. I know. Bloody because, blood duh. My boy is ready and will cut heads and fight bare hands with wyverns.
• Mythological because I want to give love to Celtic mythology. He pissed off Cerridwen, she cursed him, his sidekick is a crow, he rides selkies (occasionally the other way around 👀👀) and he's friend with faeries and witches. Celtic mythology is a never ending rabbit hole of pure goodness and I wanna dig in it forever.
Cottage core: because I love cosy forest, cabins, nature and all that stuff. Cottage core sounds great for this one.
Why cursed tho ?
I think he would be quite obnoxious with gods and goddesses. Like he's nice and all but he has attitude and not everyone if shaped to handle sass. That or he would anger or God or a Goddess because he absolutely wanted to help a human and now he's facing the consequences.
And I think he would anger Cerridwen, shape shifter, powerful witch and goddess of Wisdom and transformations (gods i love her so much). How ? Honestly I don't know, it wouldn't be the first time in mythology history that a god or a Goddess shows moodiness.
Seeking vengeance, she would curse him to be human, taking his powers away. And without power and with no one to protect his beloved lands, dark forces will start to creep in the Shetland. Johnny will have to face violence and deal with the goods and the bads of humans if he wants to get back home.
And I didn't know I needed angry Johnny in my life but here I am writing this
At the beginning I imagined him with memory loss but it was too close to what I imagined for Ghost for my liking.
And finally, here's how I would draw him (angry. But delicious.)
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Also, he fights in a kilt. That's it.
If you give women bikinis as an armour, Johnny fights in a kilt and you can't change my mind.
It might not be the most accurate representation of mythology but it is made with love <3
johnny with a mullet is living rent free in my mind
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So I watched Dune 2 yesterday and it was beyond amazing. Firstly let me say that if I could have a baby sandworm that would be so cool! and I would keep it in my backyard in the dirt to let it eat bad people that would try to get me. XD
Secondly, I thought the fight scene with Baustista and Paul's master could have been longer than just a few hits. I honestly think that if someone was wanting revenge, it would be more of a bigger fight.
Than just a few whip whacks and a stab with a knife. I know that it's not a huge part of the story (I'm assuming)
I do not like Paul's mom at all, she just rubs me the wrong way. I do not hate her just to simply hate on this woman. I don't like the choices that she made. just making that clear, even though I love the actress that plays her.
The kiss between uncle and nephew, I was like DAMNNNNNNN okay they are that kind of family. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and then I understood why then was like "okay that explains it."
Sandworm riding oh man! watching Paul ride the sandworm had me feeling like I was gonna drowned in sand just from watching it. But it was really cool to see makes me wanna ride one too! But I know I would lose my balance and fall on my face.
The walk cool I like how "graceful" Chani and Paul looked doing it together.
Some parts were hilarious to me, the baby talking to Paul's mom was kind of trippy as hell.
I feel horrible for Chani having to watch Paul take the Emperor's daughter for his own. That kind of sucks to see someone you clearly like/love have to choose someone else for the sake of power and political reasons.
the reunion of teacher and student was sweet it make me smile.
Now the one particular part where Paul is walking with his hood over his head to talk to the group as a whole. It gave off very serious Anakin skywalker's switch to the darkside vibes very heavily, and Order 66.
Now I don't just say this because I am a starwars fan but only (1- 6) not the new ones. Anyways, I say this because it was a serious parallel for me to physically see it happening on screen that sort of slow decent type feel to it.
The biggest shock to me was to find out that Paul and that nasty Baron Harkonen were related! that felt like an ultimate betrayal to me for some reason, I guess it was because I loved the relationship between Paul and his father Leto. But I was literally like
"Okay, you mean to tell me, that Paul has been related to this guy the entire time! so initially he is killing his own people?! WTF type of twisted shit is this! Jessica, you have some serious issues woman you need some therapy! "
The other witch woman, that also shocked me that she was the one who actually planned the whole thing with the death of Atreides. That was... I have no words for that one.
Rautha was creepy as hell but in a good bad guy sort of way. And his knives oh man, as someone who collects knives and loves knives myself.... I want his knives!
All in all I loved the movie sadly, though where I watched the movie did not have the sandworm popcorn bucket. so no sandworm for me, but that is okay it was still worth going and still worth seeing.
Well done Timmy I am proud of you again for making something brilliant and being a revolving master of your craft. Kudos to you sir. This one is a MUST see.
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reevezs · 6 months
💖 from summer
Less Spicy Shipping Meme
How likely they are to enter a relationship with them:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Would they…
Make the first move? Yes | No
Say “I love you” first? Yes | No
Cheat on them? Yes | No
Be the jealous type? Yes | No
Plan the dates? Yes | No
Initiate the first kiss? Yes | No
Remember anniversaries? Yes (for once, he would because dates are so important to her) | No
Their Relationship Is:
friends to lovers | rivals to lovers | enemies to lovers | still just enemies | mutual pining | star crossed lovers | old married couple | perpetual honeymoon phase | stable and boring | stable but not boring | secret lovers | best friends hiding their feelings | and they were roommates | friends with benefits | coworkers avoiding HR | one-sided affection | weird sexual tension | it’s complicated | toxic relationship | a secret affair | an actual dumpster fire | other - enemies to lovers is too strong for them, more like bickering while growing on each other and vice versa kind of vibe
PUBLIC Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
PRIVATE Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
Do they stay together?
yes, this is endgame | yes but someone is gonna die tragically | something is keeping them apart | they part ways as friends | they part ways as enemies | they’re on-again-off-again | (OR) they have a super messy breakup | it was just a fling | other
What terrible pet names would they give each other?
She still calls him an asshole(affectionate™), but he's her asshole(affectionate™) now. Or a unicorn and people think it's because of his hair. It's not.
This geek picks some witch from a tv show or something and starts calling Summer that. I'm guessing "Sabrina". Once their relationship gets more serious, he starts calling her Sanderson.
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13eyond13 · 8 months
Hey! What do you think about Berserk’s secondary characters? Such as Judeau, Luca, or Skull Night? Who’s your most and least favorite?
BAND OF THE FALCON/HAWK: So the members that made the biggest impression on me aside from Guts/Casca/Griffith, in order of how much I liked them, were:
1. JUDEAU: he was probably my next most favourite member of the Band. I thought he was pretty kind and emotionally intelligent - I liked his loyal/thoughtful/peaceful mediator vibe, and I always wanted to hear what he had to say about everybody else. I'm still not ok about what happens to him in the end, it was one of the most emotionally upsetting parts of The Eclipse to me for sure...
2. RICKERT: He started standing out to me way more post-Eclipse as a character when he starts having to make more decisions on his own. I love the ways he's dealing with his grief and I was very proud of him whenever he stood up to Griffith, hahaha. I'm really interested in seeing what part he's going to play in the finale of the story, too...
3. PIPPIN: the only scene I can really remember about Pippin now is when he literally picks up Guts and drags him down to force him to hang out with everybody else, which was great. Hahaha I liked him, but I don't remember a whole lot else about him other than that? I think that he was pretty quiet most of the time.
4. CORKUS: He's probably the one you're kinda supposed to not like as much as the others in the group, as he's pretty abrasive at times. He added some spice to things for sure, and I could see why he might feel negatively about Guts, and some of the stuff he says made for interesting contrasts to the positivity/comradery going on otherwise. I didn't feel a ton of love for him at any point, but also I don't think he deserved what he ended up getting in the end either, of course...
1. PUCK: I'm attached to him quite a bit simply because of how much he was with us in the beginning / during the parts where Guts was wandering around all surly and angry and alone. I think he sort of gets reduced to only comic relief a bit much in the later parts of the story, but he definitely kept me going through some of the darker and more nihilistic parts with his cuteness and kindness and the way he always pointed out the stuff that was at times bugging or concerning me about Guts, hahah. Also, I love whatever weird thing he has going on with the Behelit, hahaha. It's like his little pet... feeding it cheese...
2. SCHIERKE: OK so I was kind of like OHHHNOOO at first about the kid characters permanently joining Guts traveling party, because I didn't really want the story to start attempting to pander to kids a bunch when it's so clearly adult in subject matter and themes and tone much of the time. But Schierke definitely grew on me more over time, especially in the scenes where she's interacting with Guts alone - I think her witch powers are pretty impressive, her quiet/nervous personality is usually cute, and her crush on Guts is endearing as well, haha - the way she's self-aware that it's because "he's an adult who paid attention to me, and I liked it" reminds me of the kind of things I would've been saying at that age myself. I was always trying to be serious and sensible and cautious and adult all the time as a kid about such stuff, too...
3. FARNESE: She had some of the most dramatic and interesting character development of any of the characters in the entire series, I would say. Thinking about who she was when we first met her versus who she ends up becoming later on is pretty impressive. I especially like how hard she works at humbling herself, learning new things and opening herself up to new people and new ways of thinking and being, even though she also feels completely useless and incompetent at it much of the time.
4. SERPICO: I feel almost like I'd have to reread the story to really get a handle on this character better, because he often slipped into the background for me? I think his fights with Guts were pretty interesting, but otherwise he just didn't really resonate that strongly with me or stand out to me that much, and I never felt that attached to him at any point tbh
5. IVALERA: sassy and cute, but I don't have that much else to say about her
6. ISIDRO: My least favourite of the bunch, because he often actively irritates me whenever he's on the page, and the comic relief he's supposed to provide never really hits the mark for me. I feel like he just throws off the tone of the story a lot with all the loudmouthed insecure spunkiness, like he's out of place and was meant to exist in a Shonen series like Naruto or something else instead, haha. IDK... maybe I'd warm up to him more and see why he's necessary to include more upon a second read...
OTHER NOTABLES: 1. SKULL KNIGHT: I love him a lot, haha. He's got such an oddly chill and polite vibe for what a dramatic and scary-looking presence he has. He definitely can feel very plot-devicey as a character at times, but it doesn't mean I'm not always glad to see him whenever he shows up, and I think his personal history with the Berserker Armour is pretty interesting as well
2. NOSFERATU ZODD: I like him quite a bit too... definitely the most chill of the monsters to me, haha. Chill is almost always a plus to me, especially when the character is otherwise a bit larger than life
3. LUCA: I liked her! One of the more palatable characters in that arc. Was glad she was watching out for Casca like she was...
4. CHARLOTTE: I worry about her, but I feel for her too! The fanart she kept making of Griffith made me lol tbh.. I hope nothing too bad happens to her now that she's actually hitched to him...
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (12-18 Feb 2023)
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😊 "List of People Who Disappeared Mysteriously at Sea" (Jen Myers) - nicely eerie short story
😊 In The Market For Murder (Lady Hardcastle Mysteries #2) (T.E. Kinsey, author; Elizabeth Knowelden, narrator) - again, I'm a fan of the breezy 'not-super-serious-about-historical-accuracy-in-the-small-details' tone; I really like that Flo & Lady H have this backstory/history that we only find small bits about here and there
😍 Same As It Ever Was (QuokkaFoxtrot) - 62K, Steddie - EXCELLENT time-loop fixit AU
🥰 Cabin Pressure - Series 1: Abu Dhabi to Fitton (John Finnemore, author; Stephanie Cole/Roger Allam/Benedict Cumberbatch/John Finnemore, voice cast) - entertained again by the crew of MJN Airlines
😍 Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Steve a Match (BlueSimplicity) - 209K, shrunkyclunks - omegaverse (but fairly nontrad, no mpreg) - the slow burn tag is not inappropriate but also it kind of doesn't FEEL that slow! deep worldbuilding, excellent epistolary component, incredible OC's, the differences/subversions of trad omegaverse tropes gave me clowfish AU vibes, which I loved
😍 Will Wonders Never Cease (PorcupineGirl) - 56K, zimbits AU, You've Got Mail/She Loves Me fusion - magic's real, Bitty's a tech witch with a very cute familiar - read this in one sitting and my face hurt when I was done from smiling so much
🥰 Luke and Billy Finally Get a Clue (Cat Sebastian) - novella, set in 1953; to paraphrase the official description: two best friend pro ball players finally figure their shit out, featuring: inclement weather, only one (real) bed and some hurt/comfort. Technically this is set in the Cabot Universe but there are zero Cabots in this one. Cat continues to score home runs on vibes alone. I love her books so, so much!
💖💖 +189K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
I Want You to Find Me (PorcupineGirl) - Check Please!: zimbits, 23K - canon-divergent AU where Bitty's a camboy that catches Jack's attention (while also still being his former teammate and all)
Ruin me (rainbow_nerds) - Stranger Things: steddie, 11K - absolutely cannot get enough of a reunion/2nd chance fic!!!!! fluffy AF!
Critical Feline Mass (Kryptaria, zooeyscigar) - MCU: stucky, 39K - no-powers AU where they're both retired military, Steve rents an apt to a still-struggling-to-reintegrate Bucky & sparks (and feelings) fly. also there are a lot of adorable kittens.
Tom Scott & Gavin Free - "We tried the Hot Ones sauces. It was painful."
Queer Historical Romance panel with KJ Charles, AL Lester & Lex Croucher presented by The Portal Bookshop
Poker Face - s1, e5-7
Our Flag Means Death - s1, e8-10
⭐ Vibe Check - NFL = National Fenty League
Digital Folklore - Monsters and Mental Healthcare - Vivian Asimos & Kathleen Hale
The Sporkful - Alan And Arlene Alda Bonded Over A Fallen Rum Cake
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Henry Miller Memorial Library
You Must Remember This - 1984: "Vioporn," Body Double and Crimes of Passion (Erotic 80s Part 7)
Switched on Pop - “Flowers” and the art of the response song
Digital Folklore - Hidden Meanings (Haunted Videogames, ARGs, & Folk Groups)
Strange Customs - Katie Lowes and Adam Shapiro—The Rock
It's Been a Minute - Unlocking desire through smut; plus, the gospel of bell hooks
⭐ Vibe Check - There’s Dog Years, and Then There’s Queer Years
ICYMI Plus - The Internet’s Black Emo Renaissance
99% Invisible #525 - The Chinatown Punk Wars
⭐ Fated Mates - S05.22: Trailblazer K.J. Charles
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Pushkin’s Duel
Welcome to Night Vale #222 - Makarov the Magical
Shedunnit - Bonus: Tana French on Josephine Tey
Fated Mates - S05.14: Band Sinister by KJ Charles
Writing Excuses - 18.07: Deep Dive into THE SPARE MAN
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Cactoblastis Memorial Cairn
Writing Excuses - 18.05: An Interview with Mary Robinette Kowal
Ologies - Melaninology (SKIN/HAIR PIGMENT) with Tina Lasisi
You Must Remember This - 1985: Fear Sex. Jagged Edge & AIDS (Erotic 80s Part 8)
Endless Thread - The Journeys of Two Russian Anti-War YouTubers
Strong Songs - From Bach to Miles Davis, with Emily Reese
You're Dead To Me - Early Medieval Papacy
It's Been a Minute - Kelela's guide for breaking up with men
Dear Prudence - My Partner Might Be in Conversion Therapy. Help!
The Celtic Spirit
my 'Thumbs Up' playlist
Tropical Dance Pop
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ffs-abalisk · 10 months
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So got a mix of inspiration and made some art using various picrew featuring some of your girls. Hope you like them!
1. We got out new girl, who’s giving me serious Bayonetta vibes. Figured she’s a witch so let’s show her owning it and looking just as devilishly fashionable.
2. Is an angst piece, bc life has not been quite as kind simple bc how she came to be and how that makes her feel. Like a broken puppet wishing to be free and real.
3. Is a cute pic of certain raven librarian who stolen more than a few shiny items including very powerful and legendary phoenix pirate heart. Enjoying the weather on Spring island in the middle of winter.
4. Is sneak preview of what a freckle face flame pirate might get for Xmas depending on if he’s naughty or nice. Not that matters to this white haired elf, she just loves to tease!
Uwaaaa, wow! I'm really loving all the different styles and themes that you chose for each character!
And you're absolutely right, Lor is quite fashionable lol, she's got a lot of outfits ranging from high goth to rustic folk auntie XD
Kaiza's very poetic to her character and i love that.
Juniper looks so freaking cozy and cute. I can just see her all bundled up and drinking a cup of hot cocoa. God I wish that were me.
And Leith may be wrapped up like a gift but man I'd watch out for those teeth.... Unless....😏
Thank you so much! I loved these
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thecatamaranlad · 1 year
OC dump 2 shameless boogaloo
Setting: in this weird fantasy world (or, you know, set of worlds) I wrote about having made up a bit ago. Vibe: Idunno, man. Fantasy world? Steampunk in some places and swords-and-sorcery in others? Also it's fucked up as hell and half the characters commit war crimes, cos I'm me, you really shouldn't be surprised at this point. (They're also a pack of queers. Shocker.) OK, BLORBO TIEM: in order of appearance/reference, at least in the current draft.
Liyanei Lazhel (aka Ailina Yara) (she/her, 18 at start of story): A murderer, drug addict, polyglot, and sister. She doesn't think she's had other choices if she wanted to survive. She may or may not be right. She may or may not get a chance to prove it, or prove she can do differently the next time.
Eimra Lazhel (she/her, 16): Liyanei's younger sister. A witch who shouldn't be where she is. A healer with unlikely fire magic. Fiercely principled but has never really had to lay down her life for them -- but Liyanei has never let her make that choice for herself so far.
(moar blorbos below cut!!)
Lady Kylit (she/her, 50something): A warlord and powerful witch in the midlands. Has some sort of agenda beyond kidnapping and enslaving children for her own gain, probably, or at least she did once. May or may not be still alive after an attack on her fortress.
Minishire Yatarel (he/him, 19/20): A witch raised to kill by Lady Kylit. A few years older than Liyanei. His relationship with her is... complex, toxic, manipulative, and utterly codependent. Also a drug addict. Opinions (of the characters) are mixed on whether he deserves a redemption arc. Probably won't get one anyways.
Maivra (Yatarel) (she/her, 18/19 at time of death): Minishire's twin sister. Dead before the story starts. She was as kind as her circumstances ever allowed her to be. The closest thing Liyanei had to a friend, back then.
Zoyel of the Lake (she/her, 38): An ex-nun/temple mage, current social worker. Physically disabled and dependent on people she'd prefer to avoid. Knew Eimra as a child. Absolutely wrecked by guilt for the same reason she's seen as a war hero by the folks in the city she finds herself in, and trying desperately to find a reason to continue living.
Karal Nayum (she/they, 17): Ok there's not much I can say about Karal that isn't a major spoiler. Sadly. (Karal is. My fave.) A dancer from the Colonies, beyond the Rim. Has a little bit of magic, but not much. An absolute sweetheart who isn't as naive as she appears. I can say that much. :D
Tarlane (Nayum?) (he/him, 35, trans): A dancer and a mage from the Colonies but not born there. Temple taught, but not affiliated. Karal's father, at least in some way. He's got some sort of secret he's trying to protect, but he is open, friendly, and kind regardless. Flirtatious as hell but not serious about it (unless you want him to be ;) ).
These are my Heavy Emotional Processing Comfort OCs. Don’t ask how long some of them have existed it makes me feel old ;3 But they finally have a coherent plot laid out now after [redacted] years, and I might even finish writing the story someday! Lol.
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mermaidsirennikita · 21 days
ARC REVIEW: Fangs So Bright and Deadly by Piper J. Drake
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3.75/5. Releases 9/24/24.
The Vibes: shapeshifters, MMF, folklore we should really see more of in PNR, what if you could cuddle your boyfriend like a cat?
Heat Index: 7/10
The Basics:
Marie is a consultant during her day job... and on the side, she's a witch hunting down dangerous magical objects. This brings her into contact with Joe, a gumiho, and his kitsune partner (in every sense of the word) Kuro. Though the spark she has with both men is immediate, there's a snag. They're working for Marie's enemy. Nonetheless—what's the harm in a little fun on the job? Until fun becomes a lot more serious... both in terms of physical and emotional risk.
The Review:
Speaking of fun—this was a lot of fun! I've actually never read a book featuring a gumiho or a kitsune before. A lot of (let's be real, white) authors would probably equate the creatures as they're both shapeshifting fox spirits, but Drake does a great job of introducing what they are, their similarities and differences, and what those forms and roles are to Joe and Kuro separately. Which is kind of a theme throughout the book, to be honest. Marie, Joe, and Kuro can all bonds from certain cultural similarities—but they're not at all the same. Everything, even down to the way they approach food, is carefully considered in the writing and handled (in my perspective—call me on it if I'm wrong, I'm an American white woman) delicately. But not with any sense of trepidation, either.
This shouldn't be something that's surprising, but let's be real... romance is what it is. And, like most subgenres, PNR has been super white, historically. It was really cool to see a departure.
On to the rest of the story!
I think that what makes this interesting is the way in which the stakes are high in theory, but in reality there's still a lot of levity. Kuro and Joe both experience Premature Shifting. There are multiple scenes in which they're like, held by romantic partners like pets. Because you know... foxes aren't really that big! It's borderline goofy at points, but it actually ends up being quite cute.
Where I, of course, being the reader I am, struggle is in the fact that the relationship really is pretty healthy. Kuro and Joe are very established and happy together, which I did love. They're also both pretty good with bringing Marie into their relationship as a new partner. Which... perhaps made sense with their experiences as supernaturals and how that may affect their perspectives... But felt a little too easy for me. Like, y'all are life partners, and it's totally believable that you'd meet this woman and feel a connection you want to explore (Kuro and Joe have shared flings and slept with other people separately as well) but I don't know. It seemed a bit quick for them to jump from "let's bone her" to "let's make her our girlfriend".
To be fair, Marie does pump the brakes on that a little. I actually loved that she'd been in polyamorous relationships in the past (and didn't have a super negative experience) and knew her hard limits. There are aspects of the story beyond the triad that affect her decision, and I felt that was explored really well.
But everyone was just... a bit too respectful and good, I supposed. Which is on trend for romance right now, and a lot of people will love that. I just wanted a bit more mess.
The Sex:
Obviously, this is an MMF romance, so you get scenes that are a bit more creative and dynamic than what you'd find in a monogamous romance. But, I'd say that in terms of a triad romance, these are on the tamer side. Still very hot and explicit! Just not super crazy. You see Kuro and Joe one-on-one in a fairly quick but sexy scene, and you get multiple scenes with all three of them together. Well-written, steamy, but if you're not super experienced with triad romances, this actually may be a good way to dip your toe in the water.
That's actually true for the book all-around, now that I think about it. If you're into to fantasy and paranormal romance and curious about whether or not you'd like a triad romance... This is very much a baby steps book. There isn't a love triangle. Everyone cares about each other and wants the best for one another. It isn't at all toxic—the opposite, really. At the same time, you get the reticent Marie, the charismatic and sweet Joe, and the more dominating (but still lovely) Kuro. It's not an array of samey people, either.
So yes—for me, the drama could've been higher. But it's still a good book.
Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Legacy of Shinra ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 1 Pt. 18 ~
[Tokyo Police Department]
Ashley : Let me get this straight, so what was your deal?
Eruka Frog : Okay...We admit it. We've been working for a fake that Ansem manipulated us to destroy the most important item from the Ohkuboverse. It's the Legacy that this Medusa Faker was trying to destroy it to plunge into chaos!
Kimial Diehl : And how did you know that the Blood Blood syringe contain that deadly stuff ain't it, that stuff wasn't a bodily fluid, it was Ink ain't it.
Mizune : Please, you got the wrong idea. I give myself a simple retcon from the world. Hey, I happened to exist you know, the name Eruka might be japanese, but I'm not from somewhere. I usually come from the state of Maryland, Mizune.
Eruka Frog : And I'm from the swampy wetlands of Louisiana, I am Eruka Frog, descendant of the frog Mamu.
"Eruka Frog : The Frog witch from Louisiana"
"Mizune : Mice with from Maryland".
Kimial Diehl : I get no hesitations that you guys were involved of destroying the legacy would you. Well it ain't gonna happen. So the Medusa you've been working with a was a fake right? All this time and all of this moment, you idiots have been working for the heartless weren't ya? Why would you two do it!?
Eruka : I...I have no idea what you're talking about. Relax, I'm not just simple as you look, being a villain ain't hard work.
Mizune : It's simple, all you have to do is to unleash the chaos itself.
Kimial Diehl : Chaos? is that what you two think? You let Ansem the Seeker of Darkness dupe you guys again, for realsies?
Eruka : I won't give that much of a threat to you.
Ashley : If you won't give me answers, then I'll have to give you a torture, a thousand whoop-asses to knock some sense into you two guys!
Eruka : Okay! Okay! Look, we were using Inky substance called the Ink Demon's blood, it's a royal blood that belongs to the royal bloodline of the Ink demons for the past generations. Nure-Onna, the banished half of the witch Medusa, tricked us into taking the blood and would use to revive one of the relatives of the Kusakabe family. Asura, a so-called Kishin that presumed to be dead after a heartless killed him. He was using this kind of thing called "Madness" it's a an evil force from Greek Mythology. But it's only a concept from that was originally from the hero of Greece himself, Hercules.
Mizune : Yeah, we didn't know and we we're wrong about it.
Eruka : We definitely got ourselves on the wrong foot.
Kimial Diehl : Just because you two are witches, doesn't mean you really want the planet in genocide badly do ya. It could be easily the end for us all, but Demon Vibe was giving specific orders to the heartless were you.
Eruka : Yes! But I don't know if we were able to listen to the truth, we would never follow any specific orders.
[Trickle Maze (Soundtrack Ver.) - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Kimial Diehl : Isn't that so? I was wondering. Where did anyone get a crazy idea on one thing. How in the world do we beings of Soul Eater...Exist in the real world? Do you believe that? Huh? Do you believe that? I can believe that too you know.
*images flashing*
Eruka : Okay. It appears that I might as well get off the deep end, but have no fear, that I would be responsible that there might be some evidence from Shinra Kusakabe.
Mizune : Don't think too serious, girlie. You have some proof that you have that existence in the real world. Let's just say, if I live in the real world, or we live in the world that does not exist. We just gotta prove to you all that the world of Soul Eater is just one crazy dream from a 13-year old minor.
Kimial Diehl : Minor, that minor would be Maka Albarn. I haven't got to know about her, she was that girl who unleashed a bodacious power into the atmosphere. Those people who got to go near her, have been dead, killed, destroyed, annihilated. So what you mean all of this, is that she never got her first kiss from Soul, the boys, or even crona Kid. Maybe it's your will of luck and eventually you even have your kiss to be lost before. I don't make grudges, this would never be happier than before. I got news update, once I bring out the evidence to unveil truth from it's eyes, we can finally win this together, you and I. Either way, you might lose when it comes to a liability capable of those who will always lie and these lies can hurt someone real bad.
Eruka Frog : Lies can hurt people? But...If you say so, then I got evidence to prove to you. Could you really give me an exchange for that?
Kimial Diehl : Sure. Now let me tell you something real good. If you exchange something nice, then let me exchange you real good. So tell me, I found a giant syringe needle that contains the Black Blood and the blood is really Ink. Who or what in the world was making that substance to make people go wild, why were you helping Medusa to destroy this planet? Who gave you that stuff in order to make people to go berserk or driven with mad dog style?
Eruka Frog : Alright! Alright! I admit it! It was Sammy Lawrence! He gave that Black Blood stuff to us! Everything! He ruined my life for it and it's thanks to him!
Ashley : What? Sammy Lawrence? That mask creep from Brooklyn New York is behind all of this!? He got you two involved for bringing all of this nonsense from Soul Eater that is literally a dream? I can't believe that you two would be puppets on a string to the heartless the entire time and Sammy Lawrence was his responsibility for bringing all of this chaos that he did. Why would he do such a thing?
Mizune : For attmept on destroying the Kusakabe legacy, belonging to Shinra, the boy who created Soul Eater.
Kimial Diehl : All of this was to destroy the legacy, the one that I was protecting it? Then why didn't you guys tell me this before. What made us to protect or destroy Shinra's legacy.
Mizune : Demon Vibe says so. Can't trust the creator of the Ohkuboverse responsible for everything. Now that's a lie that could really hurt someone or somebody. You have a heart to believe, and you know we would always be with the truth, stand united with the truth.
Eruka : It's the ultimate price to pay when it not comes to telling truth. That's what made us special.
Mizune : So...What's your endgame?
Kimial Diehl : You won't be much of that. So let's get a move on shall we. You two are free to go.
Eruka Frog : Thanks for that, Tanuki.
Kimial Diehl : Nah, that's Jacqueline's line.
*Eruka and Mizune leaves*
Ashley : So...These pieces are finally coming together.
Kimial Diehl : Have mercy on our souls, Ashley. You were in all of this just recover the truth. Just don't believe anything stupid from us, okay? It's our job to seek our truth and we got attention for it's elaborate kind. There's no way that collecting souls would be the dream of us all, why would Nevada be Maka's home if her home was really earth? I mean we all live on earth too, you know. Any planet who live here can decide whether it's bad or not we always make the right decisions or even those that we were wrong about it.
Ashley : I guarantee that. But what happens if this planet's gone, it'll be all over for us. But I'm not gonna let that happen. Someone is going to pay for that matters. We got ways ahead of ourselves to get in the game if we're going to survive.
Kimial Diehl : Correction. That's the way of survival. But where on earth did you think that Nevada is our home?
Ashley : Well...There's something inside of it. Can't be too sure about that. More importantly it's a little efficient that one person that can truly know about. I got one more thing, time to make us hit the can or we'll die trying. Even though, I have the slightest look.
Kimial Diehl : But nothing's too sure, but...but what about the devil's legacy.
*Images flashing+glitching*
Kimial Diehl : [holds head in pain] Aaah!
[The Road for Underground - Michiru Yamane]
Ashley : Hey, you okay?
Kimial Diehl : Oh my Head!
*images flashing+glitching*
Kimial Diehl : Oh no! Not again! It can't be! Not like this! Those pyrokinetic bastards! These memories from the Ohkuboverse are a lie, all of this is a lie!
Ashley : Kimial Diehl! Respond!
Kimial Diehl : *responds* I understand what's going on now. The entire Ohkuboverse had some connections with the world of dreams. I just discovered that I had someone in my mind that cannot I get out of it. That pink-haired witch, who was she?
Inca's Voice : Shinra! SHINRA, SAVE ME!!!
Kimial Diehl : That voice could it be...
*flashes of a vision showing Shinra's Past*
Time Eater : [roars furiously]
Shinra : I'm trying, Inca!
Shinra : Don't worry! I'm here to save--*gasp*
Kimial : Shinra-Kun...Tatsukete.
Shinra : Inca? *GUNSHOT*
*flashes back*
Kimial Diehl : Who is Shinra, and why can't remember anything when the Ohkuboverse and...who was this Inca?
Ashley : The Ohkuboverse has been long gone, it was destroyed 1000 years before we were even born. Your memories, you becoming a hero, the influence from Shinra, the world of Soul Eater is not real, this is the real world we need to wake up. All of Soul Eater was just a fantasy, none of that was real. You just gotta listen to the truth.
Kimial Diehl : Listen to the truth, wake up to the real world. That's...That's not a half bad idea, Ashley. We'll work this way out once we get the glory, our life should be easier then to proclaim one's truth. Sorry, but I'm not in the mood for ice cream sundae, but I might give one.
*Phone beeping*
Kimial Diehl : Huh? A message? Hey, It's from someone that I knew about.
Ashley : Oh really? Isn't your mother home?
Kimial Diehl : My ma? She passed away. Sarissa had taken care of me since the 20th century. I believe this was from my lover.
Ashley : That nerdy guy Ox?
Kimial Diehl : I have something to tell you this, Ashley. It's not the nerdy guy named Ox Ford, that baldy who used to have hair, but I believe that my heart belongs to another.
Ashley : Your heart belongs to another? Who is this "another".
Kimial Diehl : *blushing* Oi, don't get a grudge on me, I first met someone in Vermont before I came back to Salem!
Ashley : And who is this "another" person you might ask?
(scene changes)
Ashley : (looking at newspaper) Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre? The former fencing champion from Paris? Hey, I heard about her, she was that girl who was a famous swords master, that knows about swords. A skillful girl in swordsmanship and she does not own a cafe or something.
Kimial Diehl : You may know not about her, Ashley. Jacqueline is that girl who protected me after making first contact with her in Vermont.
Ashley : And she's not just a Nevadan, she also speaks french and canadian french, I mean...Quebec french. She might be the one that is human but she is the masked girl, you fell in love with. And that masked girl is a Phantom.
Kimial Diehl : How did you know about that stuff?
[Legend of Babylon - Fumie Kumatani]
Ashley : Please, have a seat.
Kimial Diehl : Okay.
Ashley : Over a year on earth, the Phantoms were a race of masked beings that are basically alike humans that are part of the secret organization called the Phantoms of Society, and they were the ones that inspired one of the greatest stories of all, Phantom of the Opera. The Phantoms appear in the day as humans and they only appear at night. Locals proclaiming that the Phantoms have been inspiring the story of the Phantom of the Opera.
Kimial Diehl : They are the ones who had been secretly ones that are like superheroes, they helped the Majo Detective force for being the world's peace keeping forces. The Phantoms live underneath the human society where they battle between the day as humans and phantoms in the night. But the home of the Phantoms of Society was the house Garnier.
Ashley : like any headquaters, The Garnier itself is also the Phantoms of Society's secret organization lair, a place where they used the opera as a base of operations.
Kimial Diehl : And now, you eventually do know.
Ashley : According to the database from Lain's data, the Phantoms of Society were known to have elite members and these elitist were basically the top three. These known elitist are three Phantoms who who usually works with us detectives.
[computer shows profile of the Phantom of Society members]
Ashley : Kazuki Kuroshima, a skillful samurai born in Japan and comes from the Kuroshima Family. Codename : Phantom of Retribution Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre, a skillful swords lady and former champion of a fencing tournament born in Paris and is the from the O'Lantern Family that wields a blade for generation.
Kimial Diehl : But isn't Jacqueline's family were the ones that are responsible for burning incidents. I mean she was one responsible for the accident that the people france costs her more than two years on minimal wages. So, she decided to help out her old friend...to maker discharged. She had travel all the way to Qubec city the Green Hills of Vermont, at the beautiful scenes of where we found love at first sight.
Ashley : Yeah, it is love at first sight in the Green Hills of Vermont...Yeah, that's a true beauty. Anyway, and last but not least. We got the most coolest of elite of all...Makoto Asagiri.
Kimial Diehl : Hey that's...!
*image shows a Young Makoto saving a young Maka*
Kimial Diehl : So that's how Medusa will revive someone that a heartless, right? If I'm ready to speak up and even step up, then I'm willingly letting go everything. That's the reason for our existence from the Ohkuboverse. I can't believe that the Ohkuboverse and how can I don't know anything about my past? I did know about my past, but I never thought about having ancestor that needs one, I know I may be a witch that exist, but I'm still a righteous girl who love adventure and kicking evil butt!
Blair : Excuse me, but mind if I ca help you with anything?
Kimial Diehl : Who are you?
Blair : Why don't you ask me for it, I am a witch but I'm also looking for the ones they call Maka Albarn. Hope you don't mind too anything.
Kimial Diehl : A talking cat? I didn't order a talking cat, this is not what I expected and did you say you were looking for Maka Albarn?
Blair : Half true?
Blair in Witch Form : Sup?
Kimial Diehl : Woah! What the...? You're...a human girl?
Blair in witch form : Close, I was combined with three DNAs; a human, a witch, and Bakenko. I'm Blair the Cat Witch of the Albarn Household!
"Blair : The Cat Witch of the Albarn Household".
Ashley : I don't understand! What's a witch with the combined DNA doing here at Salem in the first place?
[Professor E Gadd's Theme plays]
Blair : Just your average household pet who is also a human witch born from somewhere around the globe. I usually come from somewhere I'd like it call england, but I'm not from England, I'm from a land called the land of Frederick County.
Ashley : Frederick...County? You are from Frederick County?
Blair : Yes, Frederick County, Maryland! Everybody knows it's Maryland!
Ashley : That's sounds...like an interesting place. That's only a mid-atlantics, ain't it?
Blair : Yeah.
Ashley : Well, I do or I may not do...But it feels like that it needs well deserve attention to make it on to the big screen. Oh, I have just the right amount of information that needs a classy establishment.
Blair : Well, what do you have.
Ashley : It's about this 13 year old minor that knows nothing about committing crimes, she was mistaken for it and someone framed her. I believe it was the Ink Demons that were responsible for that reason. I don't think that it was ever that easily being fooled by. I wonder who did it, we don't know?
*imagines Maka being in danger*
Blair : There is no way that Maka could be in serious trouble, I see. I have no regrets that you would easily finding out that something happened to Maka one year ago. I believe it is rumored whether Maka is alive or not, she's just begging for it since I've came all the way from Japan to Europe to Maryland and then into San Francisco. It was a pretty long journey just to meet Maka somewhere in a pinch.
Ashley : Ah, I see. However, she's cleverly nowehre to be found in Tokyo.
Date : Excuse me, Majo Detective Ashley I got some business to attend to, but have you seen this 13-year old girl. Your partner, Kimial told me that she was taken by another girl that looks alike her twin, but in fact, she was taken by her own sister and there was this weird humanoid being that clearly knows about Maka and her father spirit. That is the real reason Maka's mother left her for the same being.
Ashley : What's this all about, Detective Date?
Date : It appears that Maka Albarn does not have one father, but two of them. Maka's Mother has been with this other father of her's that is also the father her of sister. These two beings were both related as twins due to the arrival of this man. It's the first family between a human and a humanoid Phanto.
Ashley : Now you finally recognized these puzzles that needed to be solve. Those girls have the same image as Maka's looks. But they are two different people, one's the older sister and the other is the younger sister. Now do you know what this means. Looks like Maka's family isn't a single family, but a family of intergalactic beings.
Blair : Then what are we waiting for!? Let's get to it!
[Guardians by Hideaki Kobayashi plays]
*starts magically turning her broom on*
Ashley : Alright, Kimial. We gotta find Maka Albarn and locate her somewhere on this planet.
Kimial Diehl : Penny, can give you give us the location of where Maka Albarn is located.
Penny Crygor via Radio : Sure! I'm picking up their location! We found them through our monitors from Orbulon's ship. He's picking up some signals for Maka Albarn's location. I know where she is! She's somewhere located on the...*buzzing feedback*
Ashley : Penny? What's going on?
Lord Phanto III via Radio : I believe that your dear friend is having some technical difficulties. I will not let anyone to interfere with my daughter's training. But I would let you all do a favor of visiting to the sanctuary I am currently.
Ashley : What? Who is this? Tell me where you are?
Lord Phanto III via Radio : Then why don't you come to sanctuary on the planet's moon and I will let you greet my daughter.
Ashley : What?
Blair the Cat Witch : Hey, what the-!?
Penny Crygor via Radio : Ashley! Someone just jammed my radio signal and I believe that Maka's other father is with her. He and his brethren has been living on the moons for a long period of time before the birth humankind and witchkind.
Ashley : The Phantonians, rulers of the Galaxy! They're the ones behind Maka Albarn's character development as a hero and made her a warrior or a weapon of mass destruction. Rumor has it that they're the ones who created that iconic scythe made by his brethren.
Kimial Diehl : So that's why Maka Albarn was being chosen as the hero of Soul World? Who knew a bunch of aliens had being doing that stuff to her? I nevert thought that the mask enemy from Super Mario Bros. 2 was not from subcon, but from another planet and arrived to the solar system to conquer not just the planets, but also the moons!
Ashley : That's the reason why Phanto came to Earth. Wonder where he's at?
Kimial Diehl : But I think that I do know is that Phanto is at...
*DBZ SFX : Teleport*
Blair the Cat Witch : Hey'd, Where'd you guys go?
*DBZ SFX : Teleport*
Penny Crygor : Hey, what the--?
*DBZ SFX : Teleport*
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Huh? I sense that Kimial Diehl isn't around somewhere. But where did she gone off to?
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : KIMIAL! Darn! They've been transported to the Moon, but what's that on it? Why I don't believe it appears that Kimial and co are being transported to that sanctuary on the earth's moon. That's where Maka and the others are at. I gotta get there by rocket! I bet I know a place that I could find a space transporter.
Lord Phatno III's voice : (chuckles) You don't need someone to transport by yourself, Only those that I have the power to summon those to the moon.
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Alright! Stop playing with my head! Show yourself on this planet or I will--
*DBZ SFX : Teleport*
Eruka Frog : No! They've been summoned to the Moon! Maka's other father
Mizune : Now what do we do?
~ Scene 17 : Witches' Innocence ~
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