#i'm actually not really going to use the sims at all for this and rely on blender resources only
sysig · 7 months
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Talana in the Sims 2!
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I don’t have any of the “correct” accessories and that is stopping me exactly 0% lol - I love this galaxy blush so much, it’s even blue and matches her skin tone! :D
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Initially I wasn’t actually sure what to do for her clothes because I didn’t have anything suitably sexy enough, but as I mulled it over I realized hey, didn’t Revenge of the Jedi come out in in ‘83? And SCII came out in ‘92....huh. I’d still like to do my own retexture, but it’s a decent base to work from!
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Of the neighbors that initially came to greet her, only DAX was another SCII member, so I had her greet just him, hoping they’d be friends :D They did not! >:0 DAX was rude to her immediately! DAX!
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If you dare say something like “You’re prettier when you’re mad” >:(
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Well that went well
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He came back later that night and acted shady - DAX! Don’t be mean to Talana!!
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DAX! >:0
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Interestingly enough, I had only had her interact with DAX at this point, but she had seen multiple other people while I took her clothes-shopping earlier - she didn’t greet any of them, but they’re still stored in her hidden memories! I just think that’s a really cool design :D She doesn’t have a relationship with them, but she does have eyes! It’s little touches like this that make me love this game
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Pft. Subtle, Talana
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I decided after they cooled down that I could try and have them get along by slowly building their relationship over the phone - they probably would get along better if they didn’t have to look at each other lol
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Talana was caught spying on Stanley, apparently he’s her type. You can’t use your telescope to peep on human males, Talana!
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Now that she and DAX are on better terms, I invited the whole household over! :D Everyone is so attracted to Stanley! Stanley is unphased lol
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Captain, please
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Everyone thinking about the Captain! She actually rejected his compliment at first haha, oh no!
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ZEX immediately went for her ballet bar, why
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“The Captain is HOT!” - Talana (and ZEX)
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Aww haha ♥ He came over to help of his own volition ♪
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I looked back over and- DAX were you just waiting your turn??
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Now that they’re not angry at each other anymore, but still mad about other people lol, angy buddies
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A mermaid you say. Talana’s Lifetime Want was to be the Hand of Poseidon (Level 10 Oceanography career), it was too perfect not to haha
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I gave her some sharp teeth accessories but unfortunately they kept flashing blue every time I reset the lot so I ended up taking them off for the rest of these :P I still think little pointy teeth are cool tho!
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I think she missed you Captain
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Hot tub time! I wonder what sweet nothings she’s whispering to him hehe
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This animation is so cute ;;♥ Such a gentle kiss! Very sweet
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Look! He’s sitting on her lap a little bit!!
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He’s such a little spoon lol ♪ Also his hand casually on her butt hehe
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Party time! Talana needed a lot of friends for her promotions so this was mostly a networking party lol, what an interesting bunch of crossovers - in this bunch we have Mariella and Stanley from The Stanley Parable, ZEX, and Miles Edgeworth :D
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And on the other side, we’ve got Phoenix, the Captain, DAX, and the Curator :D I wanted to invite the Narrator but I ran out of room on the guest list D: Still though, a good mix!
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Can you guys chill you’ve been here for like two seconds
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Miles is not interested in your ghost stories, ZEX. Actually, I’ll need to increase Miles’ and Phoenix’s interest in the paranormal when I hop back into their lot now that I think of it
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Them being in this hot tub makes me nervous - I’ve set them both to be as ace as the game will allow (0/0 attraction to men and women, I wish there was an alloace option tho :( I might be able to simulate it with ACR, but they’re so quick to jump into bed with each other! Hgh) but this specific hot tub is an Aspiration Reward and thus behaves weirdly - just don’t get any funny ideas! I see you Phoenix! Also DAX in the background checking out ZEX lol
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Not that I want any of you hanging out in the hot tub but why are you two standing behind it - you can see the empty seats, right?
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Back inside, of course these two are being goofy together haha
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Oh hey DAX :)
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Captain please, find your chill, you literally just tried to invite Talana to bed right in the middle of everyone - ACR strikes again! Yes Mariella and the Curator were subjected to that lol
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Overview of the party - we’ve got Mariella on the ballet bar, ZEX and the Captain talking about robbery, the Curator in her bathing suit chatting with Talana, a broken shower in the middle there, Stanley and Phoenix in the hot tub together, DAX stepping out into the backyard, and Miles eating some chips at the bar. Pretty sick party :D
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Something about these three from such different games all hanging out in a hot tub together is very funny to me lol
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The Captain called! :D He invited her out on a date, though they’d actually just had one lol - he wanted a round 2!
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They went out and got their pictures taken ♪
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And a little something else as well lol. I like the Public Woohoo memory icon in this context, it reminds me of a flying saucer and they are both aliens so
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They’re so cuuuute ahhhh ♥ I love the way it looks like Talana got embarrassed from the first smooch and blocked the camera hehe 💕 The Captain’s laughing face is so charming!
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Two Dream Dates back to back, he dropped off two bouquets that night haha
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Did the thing! :D Now that I’ve gotten her LTW, I’m not sure how much more I’m gonna play on her lot, but it was a bunch of fun to basically slow-speedrun her to this point haha
#WPVG#WPTS2#The Sims 2#The Sims#SCII#And a silly to start off the set with lol it's a good meme template! And now I finally have one of myself and not just Fig lol#Shitpost#I have my own thoughts about how the Syreen are portrayed in SCII but! I am still holding (most) judgement until I actually meet them lol#So like most things with SCII - I'll get there someday!#And as always it doesn't Actually change my thoughts about Syreen as what they are - I like them a lot! :D - just development etc.#ANYway lol#Jocasta was really fun to play :D#I don't usually go for a Sim's LTW - usually too many per household or I get bored lol - so it was fun as a challenge!#And all the steps to make it reality for her!#Making friends was definitely the biggest factor#DAX why >:0 But he came around eventually lol#Her and the Captain were quite fun to play against each other as well haha#I'm also way more used to having couples be in the same household so having to rely on the popout to see his Wants was different#She'd sometimes get bored by herself and roll the Date Want so I'd be like ''Yeah alright'' lol#They're not committed or anything but they do like each other a lot :)#And for the record the party was awesome lol#Pretty sure I got the highest possible score - I love how janky parties are in TS2 lol#So dissimilar to the date mechanic! Too big I guess haha#Just so fun to see everyone interact! That's the best part of the Sims haha#I am tempted to move a Sarah and Jocasta in next door sometime :0#Although I don't have a human uniform for male or female Sims yet lol#Then again I just stuck the Captain in a pirate coat :P#He's cosplaying! From the Pirate Fic! Haha#It's an idea ♪#Unsurprisingly I had to force it to post lol
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barklikeagod · 1 day
sitting here head in my hands like okay. blender. making a full scene in blender. this is something i can definitely do...
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magpod-confessions · 3 months
hi. so because i'm normal about jonathan sims and jmart. um.
i really like jmart. i think there could have been MUCH better buildup, but... ultimately it's a very cute ship. i think the appeal, yeah, is a lot that it's just canon. but.
they're both deeply broken people. jon wasn't loved enough. his grandmother tried her best, but he was never cuddled, never read to, never had a chance to *be a little kid*, really. and martin was never loved. maybe he convinced himself he was just never loved the right way, that his mum just didn't know how to show it because he was so *insufferable* and *incompetant*, but no matter the lies he tells himself, martin was not shown love by his mother.
and then they meet. and martin gives and gives and gives because that's all he knows. and jon has no idea how to receive because he never really had anything to receive. and jon's coping mechanism, with that unknown situation, is to reinforce his emotional walls. martin does not know how to stop giving. so they don't work at this point, not at all.
and then jon's emotional walls come tumbling down. well, moreso that they were violently destroyed, with prentiss and all. jon has no support system!!! tim hates him because he's a fucking *stalker*, martin... well... he can't rely on martin, of all people. and sasha... he never knew her too well, but she's acting strange. so jon and martin don't work together at that point, romantically, i think partially because jon won't let it.
in big part, jmart is built on mutual trauma (NOT traumabonding!! i know it's used that way in podcast, but that's not the correct definition) and ... martin being pretty much the only person jon has left. of course, there's basira and melanie and georgie, but they don't *get it*. they didn't go through everything jon did alongside him. sure, martin didn't either, but martin has been there the whole time.
it's partially a relationship of proximity, partially shared trauma, but i do think a lot of it is genuine care for each other (even if that care stems from the former two reasons).
anyways. theyre really cute. tma could have been just as good without it, but---and im saying this as someone who typically despises most romance in media---i really adore them and their dynamic. it opens up so many doors for both character- and self-exploration.
martin learning to love without sacrificing himself. jon learning to love openly, period. explorations of trust and how mutual trauma that affected people in different ways can shape them, etc etc etc. and of course, this is all in fics and in my own mind, because . theyre dead . (i wont accept any ending but that, honestly. theyre not Somewhere Else to me). but. it's nice. they mean a lot to me as characters and as people and as a pair. thumbs up.
and some jon ranting!! because i. admit. finally. that i might be a bit of a jon kinnie.
jon doubts himself, constantly, unless his decision is completely impulsive (ex. the coffin). he can't *let* himself feel, fully, because as a child it was always annoying/obnoxious, or too much, or wrong in some ambiguous, nebulous way.
he's out of touch with himself emotionally. it's... not so much that he doesn't get emotions, it's moreso that he's repressed the majority of his own so intensely that he has a hard time dealing with others' emotions because he's not too sure what it's supposed to feel like without a heavy flavouring of shame.
he's read a lot of books. he knows, in theory, what sadness or romantic love or anger or excitement feels like---and occasionally in practice, when the repression and 'compartmentalisation' (bottling it up) becomes too much and it all boils over---but he has a hard time relating those hypothetical and heat-of-the-moment feelings to actual, real life people.
he struggles with empathy, severely. partially an autistic thing, partially a trauma response. yknow. he's genuinely well-meaning when it comes to comforting those he cares about, but he's not sure of the right thing to say because of how severely that muscle has atrophied. he was never taught that with his grandmother and her neglect (and yes, no matter what he says on tape, it was emotional neglect) and then not having very many friends... he missed those prime developmental stages as a child.
he never empathised with book characters, i don't think. he was always the observer, never really fully putting himself in the role of the protagonist. he definitely used books as an escapist coping mechanism, but it wasn't in a visiting-this-fictional-world way, it was more of a losing-himself-in-the-story way, if that makes sense. there was always a sense of detachment. reading was an *in between* of his life and the life of the protagonist.
he struggles with his and others' feelings because, from his perspective, his emotions are uniquely shameful, uniquely embarrassing, and uniquely *harmful* to other people. so, he represses them, and doesn't let himself feel them unless they're 'useful'. and then, when he can't apply this ideology to others' emotions, he has no way to deal with them. he freezes up because this is a situation in which he has no real experience in, and, as a child who was punished for behaving autistically *wrong* ---whether by his peers or his grandmother---he's scared to make a wrong move.
he sees himself as a person who is uniquely capable of harm. other people can hurt other people, sure, but jon can hurt them in a *special* way, a *worse* way, because he is a fundamentally wrong, bad person.
I AM EATING THIS I agree with this yea
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canmom · 2 months
thinking about Deus Ex Human Revolution because I stumbled over its soundtrack in my game OST folder.
it got good reviews in its day but with hindsight it's not really remembered as a great game to endure the way the first one did. there is stuff to praise - art direction for example - but equally, you can criticise plenty: the clumsy handling of the 'augments' theme, the shallow orientalism of the China chapters, the watering down of the immersive sim elements. the clumsy outsourced boss fights and the rubbish ending.
if it's remembered today it's mainly for the "i never asked for this" meme, and the 'Icarus' trailer.
watching it again in 2024, the soundtrack is doing a lot of the work of carrying this. most of the dialogue in this trailer is really corny cyberpunk-isms, and a lot of its visuals are blatant riffs on Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed and Blade Runner (though I'll credit that it has a great sense of mechanical design in its robots and stuff). but the opening visual motif - the Renaissance dissection tableau transitioning into the flight of Icarus - is just the right level of pretentious for a game like this. that, combined with the wordless vocals rising and falling around the synth line, does so much work to sell the idea of 'this is grand and important'.
cyberpunk has a pretty specific sound associated with it - the electronic sounds are obvious, but in some of the best remembered cases it relies on contrasting the human voice and old school percussion against those synths, typically in some unusual vocal style that is likely to be unfamiliar to viewers - most notably Indonesian gamelan in the Akira soundtrack, and Bulgarian choir in Oshii's Ghost in the Shell. the other major genre touchpoint, Blade Runner, does not generally use vocals in the same way, but still plays the synth off against percussion sounds. in the simplest terms, it's a contrast of 'natural' and 'unnatural' right? what humans were and what we're becoming.
here we're not importing quite such an unfamiliar sound, but we have a lot of long, held notes by a solo singer (either Ariel Engle or Andrea Revel going off Soundcloud, but I'm having a hard time figuring out the specific credit). it's not unrelated to what Emi Evans was doing with the 'chaos language' in NieR, and indeed to the sound that J'Nique Nicole would bring in the sequel there. I really like wordless vocals, the human voice is such a versatile instrument and brings so much texture.
against that the synth here is actually keeping things really simple. it's mostly just repeating phrases, often simply arpeggios. I haven't really learned enough to keep track of the chord movements here, I'm sure someone more well-versed in music theory could easily take them apart because I doubt it's doing anything overly complex. but it's in a minor key, it's gradually rising for the first half of the track, dropping a bit every so often so it can keep climbing for the most part... and then the final third introduces a second synth line with a slower descending motif - goddamn it's literally just the Icarus metaphor again isn't it, rising and then falling? but it's not too obvious with it, like it doesn't climb all the way back down.
against that the trailer plays a montage of General Cyberpunk Stuff, notably Adam killing people in sicknasty ways, robot limbs doing robot limb stuff, newscasters with interesting fashion sense, and protesters getting gunned down by cops. the weakest parts are the ones that refer to the game's plot and aren't just pure vibes tbh.
that trailer wrote a lot of cheques that the game couldn't really pay, but it is interesting to look back at it with a more analytic eye. it makes me wonder how to really get that human voice texture in music I make. I mean the obvious answer is 'learn to sing', and I'm working on that and making progress, but my voice is pretty testosteron'd and inevitably that limits my range. vocaloids are great but mostly for a different kind of sound. ah well, I'll figure it out. the erhu at least has a sound that's pretty close to the human voice, so maybe that can be the ingredient I need to get that Atmosphere(TM).
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gascon-en-exil · 7 months
A Primer on Actual (SFW-ish) Male Fanservice
Has this ever happened to you? You're making a social media post or video or whatever about Fire Emblem Heroes, and you point out that a primary feature of the game is its unrelenting torrent of horny-just-verging-on-explicit female character designs: the physics-defying bras, the impossibly-contorted boobs-and-butt poses, upskirts and camel toes galore, strategically-placed rips in damaged art, the odd foot focus here and there, etc.
You're making a good case - not that it's hard, IS is not subtle about any of this - but then someone comes along and leaves a comment to the effect of "but the summer banners have shirtless men! Checkmate, loser."
This post aims to counter that, to demonstrate that genuine male fanservice on par with what FEH does with its female characters looks very, very different and amounts to much more than just muscular guys with their shirts off. To do so, I'm going to have to pull example art from pretty much the only video game subgenre that can be relied upon to deliver here: sexually explicit gay dating sims. We're going to be looking at how these games frame the male body, and what sexualized (partial) male nudity really looks like outside of the aspirational power fantasy lens adopted by most mainstream, straight-male directed media including FEH.
Of course, I'm gay myself, and I can anticipate the rebuttal to this rebuttal - that women, allegedly, do not eroticize the body in the same way as men...unless they're dirty fujoshi in which case their opinions can be immediately discarded. I leave it to any women reading this to have fun unpacking that nonsense.
(It must be noted that, while the games I'm pulling these images from are all explicit, I've gone out of my way to select art that would theoretically fall within what seem to be the content guidelines of FEH: no exposed genitals or bare butts. I'm labeling this post SFW-ish all the same though, so use your discretion when viewing.)
Let's start with something simple and softcore from Coming Out on Top.
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This is a variant on a popular mild fanservice image: a guy lifts his shirt, exposing his belly (and possibly stomach hair). In context this is also intended to convey vulnerability, as the character is drunk and struggling to undress. Also noteworthy is that the framing here is explicit with the MC in the shot.
Continuing with the softer stuff, here's one from clicker game Blush Blush.
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This game has a bunch of technically SFW options to choose from, but I went with this for two reasons. One, it's an example of how shirtless men can be eroticized without being excessively muscular; two, it's a goofy holiday pic that teases with the strategically-placed candy cane and the allusion to the "Dick in a Box" Saturday Night Live song. The NSFW variation of this image goes full throttle with that idea.
From All Men Are Pigs:
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I really wanted to include something from this game as its art style stands out quite a bit in contrast to many of the others here, although unfortunately some of the best examples break the rule. Here in a rare (for these games) non-sexual action pose, the character is performing a ballet routine on a stripper pole in a gay bar: a campy concept that works fairly well in context and that explicitly calls attention to the character as an eroticized object. He is, however, consenting to the in-universe ogling, and as he's elsewhere revealed to have experience with sex work it's understood that he knows the value of showing off his body. Call that something you'd never hear a character express in FEH...except someone like Camilla, perhaps?
Let's get a little spicier with a pair from Full Service.
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This may be the tamest of the swimwear outfits seen in the game's beach episode, but I wanted something that would compare to the summer banner designs of FEH's male characters. Even so, note the pose: reclining, legs slightly open, displaying a single nipple. This guy is the biggest bottom in the game's cast and is framed as such, even with the relatively conservative outfit and the sunglasses obscuring his face (which symbolically tie into his internalized biphobia and anxiety about publicly expressing his attraction to men). Further, because this character is a model it may be assumed that the posing is intended to be read as deliberate.
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This one comes from the game's costume night set piece, which includes several designs that wouldn't be out of place in some of the more random seasonal banners. I chose this one as a counterpoint to what FEH does with its shirtless men. There's the cocky expression, the crotch bulge with nothing underneath, and the angling which makes it look like he's standing over you. To contrast the beach image, this guy is the total top of the cast, so the musclebound partial nudity is less about being aspirational for the presumed viewer and more about erotic dominance.
For something more fantastical, here's one from the sci-fi title The Symbiant: Re:Union.
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This game's main claim to fame is alien tentacle porn, but this scene is intended as a moment of genuine, human(oid) vulnerability for the character, on the night when he reunites with his ex (the MC and viewer here) for the first time in two years. The camera pans up over his entire body, ending on this view in profile with a very large nip slip and the cigarette calling attention to his hand and mouth. As with several others, this image is also deliberate enticement, conveying both the languor of casual hookups and the weight of the characters' history together. (Obviously a mobile gacha doesn't have the space to grant such narrative or thematic significance to its eroticism...but that is part of the point.)
Moving along, here's one from Camp Buddy: Scoutmaster Season. Get ready for the just-shy-of-X-rated.
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This one's a character portrait, unlike all the others here which are CGs, so debatably it's more in line with what you'd see in FEH. And...yep. It's a sexy bull costume. "Crotch bulge" doesn't begin to cover it, there's the pubic hair, the pierced nipples, and assorted other bits like the bell and the saddle and the tailed butt plug. Some time ago I showed off a different horny character design from this game and got an anon calling it stupid, so let's talk about that. Is this design technically something someone could wear in real life? Yes; parts of it resemble bondage gear, and the character displays his interest in leather in another scene. Is it impractical and stupid? Quite possibly. Does the subsequent sex scene take full advantage of the costume for some Dom/sub barnyard roleplay? Also yes. This continues my point about designing beefy (heh) muscular guys, and how there's a world of difference between this and, like, Hawkeye or summer Ephraim/Dimitri/whoever.
Incidentally, this character also has an oversized dick to the point of straining disbelief and the MC's insides. If you're looking for the male equivalent of breasts so enormous they can barely be held in by barely-there tops, that would be giant dicks - and there's no way in hell that we'll ever see those in FEH, even in technically SFW bulge form.
Continuing with BLits's games, here's one from the upcoming Jock Studio.
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It's a male boobs-and-butt pose, one that doesn't require the character to dislocate his spine! I chose this image because the pose and outfit choice is remarkably similar to that of the notorious Tharja Summer Scramble DLC pic that got censored outside of Japan. Jock Studio actually has a better instance of the same pose with a different character, one where the MC's horny dialogue even calls attention to the ampleness of those two elements; unfortunately, the character has his underwear off there so it's too horny for this post. Much like Tharja with Anna in the DLC, here the character is being surprised by someone walking in while they're changing and making comically lewd remarks about their body. The contextual difference is that, rather than being forced into a swimsuit, the character here is disrobing to film a pornographic scene, and is only surprised by the MC only just now learning that their club makes porn. Hilarity ensues in both cases, but JS's setup is ironically less voyeuristic despite the game's premise.
Finally, let's close things out with one last image from Coming Out on Top. Very borderline, but I've got a distinct point to make with this one.
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Like a lot of media, gay dating sims often struggle with eroticized depictions of various types of men, among them fat, hairy, and middle-aged (or older). I believe the oldest human character with a stated age in this post is the bull guy, and he's merely in his 40s. But back to the image above, it takes full advantage of the size and age of the character on the right relative to the MC. His bulk takes up much of the frame, but it's clearly an intimate, protective embrace you'd expect of a bear daddy character. I point this out because larger and/or older male characters are often disregarded outright in FEH, or like Fargus recently they're paradoxically given more fanservice-y designs (Visible nipples and chest hair! In FEH!) presumably because the developers think that no one would look at them that way.
I think that's enough for now. The important thing to remember here is that sexual fanservice is more than simply degrees of nudity. It's about framing, angling, which body parts are emphasized, and when possible the surrounding circumstances and how they inform the character's eroticism. Is it deliberate, is it accidental...
...or is it just there to get you to gamble for your favorites?
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stargazer-sims · 3 months
Aliens & Science Babies - Info Post
Feel free to use any part of this (or all of it) for your own stories, if you want. I'm happy to share.
For ease of reference, this post will be linked in my pinned post.
We all have our headcanons, right? In the "multiverse" of my imagination, I've done a lot of worldbuilding and made up a handful of alien races for various stories over the years, most notably the Erisans from my Two Worlds universe (in which there are actually six inhabited worlds including Earth and Eris, but who's counting anyway?) But, this post is supposed to be about my lore for "Sims universe" aliens, so... here we go.
I feel like my current stories are only tangentially connected to the Sims universe (meaning it would be super easy for them to be entirely independent of The Sims with only a few very minor changes), but nevertheless, when Get To Work came out, the idea of a new ready-made alien race was irresistible to me. Fortunately, the pre-established lore was fairly vague, so I basically went to town with it for my own stories. Keeping the name of the planet Sixam was convenient, because then I didn't have to come up with something else.
in my alien lore, people from Sixam prefer to be known as Sixamish (at least when speaking English) and consider being referred to as aliens to be offensive. Their language is also called Sixamish. It's the same language across the whole planet, but it has various dialects. Most Sixamish people can understand most of the dialects.
Sixamish people are completely bald and do not have head or facial hair, eyebrows or body hair. They do have eyelashes, which are usually translucent, white or pale blue. Skin colours range from blue that is nearly white, through to deep blue and light purple. Purple is the least common skin colour, and pale blue is the most common. They have pointed ears and sharp canine teeth. The sclerae of their eyes is dark grey, with iris colours ranging from silver-grey to black to platinum or gold. Females are generally larger than males, with polychromatic males typically being the smallest.
All Sixamish people are bisexual by default. They usually bond in pairs, but trios and quads are not uncommon.
They recognize a sex binary (male and female) but gender as a social construct isn’t a concept they really understand. Their society has sex-specific and caste-specific roles, but things like clothing, fragrances, tools & appliances, toys, games, sports, careers, education, and access to public spaces are sex (and gender) nonspecific. They will not refer to things like “girls’ toys” or “men’s clothes” because that isn’t a thing for them. For example, clothes are just clothes, regardless of the style. In fact, their language has no equivalents for woman, man, girl and boy; it only has male and female, referring directly to biological sex rather than some concept of gender.
—— These next two paragraphs may be TMI for some people —— Both males and females are capable of becoming pregnant and impregnating others. Both sexes have an internal reproductive organ known as the "gestational organ" (equivalent to the human uterus & ovaries) and both have sets of external genitalia that include the "pollination organ" and "birth opening". Both sexes are capable of producing milk to feed their babies, but females have more developed breasts and are capable of producing more. Males, by contrast, will produce a small amount of milk on their own, but rely on females to produce a sufficient supply to feed a baby. The males secrete a pheromone that triggers milk production in females regardless of whether the female is pregnant/has recently given birth or not. The pheromone requires prolonged exposure, which usually means only the male's female partner will produce milk. Two males who reproduce together usually have to feed their child with formula because only the pregnant male will produce milk.
Males and females are also distinguished biologically by the size and shape of their external genitalia. The pollination organ in females is a long, thin organ, and its natural relaxed position is retracted into the body. It extrudes when the female is sexually aroused, although some females are able to extrude it at will. The male polination organ is shorter and wider, and males can retract or extrude it at wlll (most males find it more comfortable to keep it tucked in). the female birth opening is bigger than the male birth opening, but both will become larger during pregnancy, and will dilate during labour. —— ********** ——
Another important physical feature of Sixamish people is that they have spots on their face, back and chest. Spot colour plays an important role in Sixamish society and functions almost like a caste system. The most common type of spots are known as monochromatic, where all the spots on a person's body are the same colour or varying tones of a single colour. People with this spot configuration belong to the class of average citizens who can engage in any type of education or work they want to do, regardless of biological sex. People who are polychromatic have different statuses in society, depending on their biological sex.
Polychromatic spots are ones that are more than one colour.
Common Polychromia - like the name implies, this is the most common form of polychromia. In this variety, the spots are pink, purple, teal, blue and green on a single individual. All five colours can be present, but even a combination of two of these colours is enough to classify it as common polychromia
Floral Polychromia - This one is any shade of pink in addition to purple
Cool Polychromia - This is one of the rarer types. It's the presence of blue, turquoise, teal and green (cool tones), or at least two of those colours in combination
Warm Polychromia - this is the second-rarest type, and it's the presence of spots that are pink, coral, orange, gold and yellow, or at least two of these. Most people with warm polychromia have all five colours present. Warm polychromia is part of a set of genetic mutations that also includes delays in development and delays in physical maturity. Many people with this condition experience congenital disabilities or health problems such as deafness and autoimmune conditions. Most have some level of cognitive delay or learning disability.
Atypical Polychromia - a combination of two or more spot colours that don't fit into the categories above. This is the rarest type.
Sixam is a matriarchal system, which means the females are the dominant members of society. They occupy the majority of important positions in government, law, finance & commerce, science and technology. While monochromatic males have plenty of freedom to do what they want, monochromatic females still enjoy more privilege. However, even monochromatic females aren't as elevated as polychromatic females.
Polychromatic males, by contrast, have an unusual status. In terms of societal power, they have virtually none. They're generally not educated beyond basic education (think Grade 9 or so in Earth terms) and in general aren't required to work. Many polychromatic males have mild to moderate intellectual deficits or delays. They're often married at a young age, in marriages arranged by their mothers, and the mothers often collect a "bonding gift" of money or other resources from the chosen wife's family.
Polychromatic males are considered the most beautiful, particularly if they're small and delicate. Powerful females will pay a lot to arrange a marriage with a poly male, especially if he has one of the more rare spot variations. Generally speaking, he'll be treated like (stereotypical) royalty by his new wife, sometimes even with household staff specifically hired to wait on him. He won't have to be involved in any major decision-making if he doesn't want to be, he'll get to pursue any hobby or interest he likes, and his wife will typically spoil him and provide him with whatever he wants. His biggest responsibility will be to give birth to children and be the primary caregiver for them.
There are many people who disagree with the way polychromatic males are treated and think it's a "gilded cage" phenomenon. The idea of bonding gifts and arranged marriages are divisive topics in Sixamish society.
Sixam discovered faster-than-light space travel over 150 years ago. They have been aware of Earth for some time, and have been visiting it since the early 1960s. Sixamish people began living secretly on Earth in the late sixties.
They are exceptionally gifted at learning languages, and many Sixamish people learn Earth languages as well as the languages of other sentient races they're aware of.
They're also gifted at singing in particular and music in general.
Sixamish people have the ability to camouflage themselves. They can blend in with their surrounding environment to seem "invisible" or they can mimic other bipedal species, such as Earth people. Camouflage is a learned skill, and most don't master it until adolescence.
Sixamish people are natural empaths. They can't read minds, but they can both receive and project emotions. Babies and young children project involuntarily, which helps parents understand their needs. By the age of two or three, children begin to learn from older family members how not to project involuntarily, but they retain the ability to project deliberately, into adulthood.
They also have an aura, which is visible when they feel strong emotions. It has different colours depending on the emotion/the hormone driving the emotion.
Males take on more responsibility for bearing and raising children than females do.
The average Sixamish lifespan is 120 "Earth years". Males can safely have children well into their 50s, and are physically capable of having children into their late 60s. Females can safely have children into their late 40s but typically experience the Earth equivalent of menopause in their mid to late 50s.
Twin pregnancies are common among Sixamish people; however, triplets and quads are extremely rare, and there are no recorded instances of multiple births with more than four babies.
They're genetically compatible with Earth people, and having hybrid offspring is possible.
Many Sixamish people can't swim
Sixamish people are omnivores
They prefer warmer climates
They have highly advanced medical technology, particularly in the area of reproductive technology and fertility
"Science Babies"
When I first started thinking about this and doing my worldbuilding, the game hadn't given us the term "science babies" yet. I absolutely love that term, though. It's a neat, concise way of referring to the whole process, so of course I adopted it, because... why not?
In my lore, during the late 1970s/early 80s men started randomly disappearing, particularly from towns in the desert (Oasis Springs, Strangerville). They would be gone for several hours up to a day or two, and then would be returned to the spot where they disappeared. They would be disoriented and confused, but otherwise unharmed. At first, these multiple accounts of alien abduction weren't taken seriously, but soon the men were no longer coming back with no discernible harm done. In fact, doctors quickly discovered that the men had been impregnated with alien fetuses.
Human science scrambled to understand how this happened and how to deal with it, and government officials did as much as they could to suppress the information so as not to cause a mass panic. But, of course the stories got out and many people believed them.
What was really going on was that Sixamish doctors and scientists, who had been living secretly on Earth for well over a decade at that point, had observed that many human couples were unable to have biological children together, either because one of the partners was infertile or unable to conceive or because it was a same-sex couple who literally could not conceive naturally. Sixamish people were already experts in reproductive science and had perfected many scientific techniques that were fully authorized and in use on their own world. They wanted to be able to help Earth people, and began to conduct experiments with human reproduction.
Government officials launched a massive investigation to find out what was going on, and they uncovered the existence of the Sixamish people who'd been living on Earth. That was the official first contact, regardless of the fact that the real first contact had happened years ago.
After the Earth equivalent of "take us to your leader", government negotiators were able to meet with Sixamish officials and scientists for an explanation of what was going on. In a remarkable display of common sense and non-reactivity, negotiations began and eventually an agreement was reached between Earth and Sixam. The Sixamish scientists would be allowed to continue their experiments, but they would have to do it openly and it would have to be monitored by the appropriate Earth government agencies. It would also have to be approved by Earth officials before it could be offered as a medical service to the public at large.
The Sixamish people established the original Nookstone Clinic for Reproductive Science in Oasis Springs in the mid-80s.
Fast-forward to the mid-90s. The Sixamish reproductive procedures are approved, and Nookstone clinics are popping up all over the world. They don't have a huge uptake at first, but by the late 2000s, they've gained traction and are generally accepted by a large percentage of the population and are often a first choice for people who wouldn't naturally be able to have a biological child together.
Other services that Nookstone provides for prospective parents and parents-to-be are information sessions, peer support groups, counselling, and parenting classes. Most parents take advantage of some or all of these services during the process.
There is still a faction of political and social opposition to The Process, as it has become known, with people decrying it as unethical, immoral, strange and "against nature". Protests crop up from time to time, and political candidates will sometimes make it an election platform topic, but on the whole there is far more acceptance than opposition and the Sixamish clinics aren't in any danger of going away any time soon.
"The Process"
The process is similar to cloning, in that prepared DNA is placed inside a human egg cell with the nucleus removed. In this case, two sets of donor DNA from the parents are collected, prepared and combined before being placed into the egg cell and then implanted into the host or "gestational carrier".
The process always begins with a complete physical examination and psychological evaluation of the parents, as well as genetic testing for compatibility and suitability for the procedure. A Sixamish doctor (or one of the handful of human doctors trained in the process) will examine the results and meet in person with the parents for prior to doing anything else. This is an opportunity for the doctor to explain the process in greater detail and for the parents to address any questions or concerns.
The next step is DNA collection from both parents. After this, the DNA is combined and prepared. Four to six embryos are usually prepared, in case the first implantation doesn't work or in case the parents want to have further children later.
The next step will be either the implantation procedure or placing the embryo into a specialized container. There are three ways gestation of the baby can take place:
One of the parents, regardless of biological sex, can be the gestational carrier (i.e. the person who is pregnant)
The parents can choose a surrogate to carry their child. In this case, the surrogate will have to undergo the same physical, psychological and genetic testing as the biological parents
They can choose extracorporeal gestation, where the baby is grown in an artificial womb rather than in a living body
female biological parent or surrogate as carrier - This is the most straightforward and the least expensive. If the gestational carrier is a biological female, the prepared embryo is implanted directly into the uterus, and the pregnancy proceeds normally, just like a naturally-conceived or IVF pregnancy. The gestation period is the typical 37-40 weeks, and labour and delivery are also the same as a naturally-achieved pregnancy, with either natural birth or C-section, depending on circumstances. For female carriers, only one embryo is typically implanted and the rate of rejection is less than 10 percent.
male biological parent or surrogate as carrier - This option is far more complex and therefore more expensive. It also has more risks associated with it than with the female carrier option. In the case of male carriers, the embryos are encased in a bio-engineered membrane that grows with the fetus during gestation and essenially fulfills the functions of uterus and placenta. The membrane is designed to attach to the abdominal wall, and the male carrier will essentially be "pregnant" for 37-40 weeks.
Because the bio-engineered membrane isn't a muscle and biological males don't have the physical capacity to give birth naturally, birth is done surgically. This means a male patient won't experience labour. From week 36 onward, male carriers are monitored closely to track the development of the baby, and surgery is performed when the doctor determines the baby is developed enough for birth.
Biological males also naturally lack the hormones to sustain a pregnancy, so during the process, they have to receive hormone injections on a weekly basis. These hormones can cause most of the same symptoms a biological female could experience naturally during pregnancy; fatigue, muscle aches, nausea/morning sickness, acne, mood swings, food cravings, weight gain, etc.
In male carriers, the rate of rejection is still less than 10% but it is higher in males than in females. Two embryos are implanted in males, and in the majority of cases, at least one will implant successfully. If both are successful, the parents may choose to keep both or to terminate one.
The implantation procedure in males is done by injecting the embryos in their bio-engineered membranes into the patient's abdomen with a needle and surgical tubing. The patient receives a local anesthetic, so he doesn't feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Also, because what is essentially a foreign body is being introduced into his body, he's given medication to suppress his immune response, to limit the possibility of rejection.
During the implantation period, male carriers often experience flu-like symptoms and mild pain around the injection site. This usually resolves by itself with no medical intervention needed.
Approximately 10 days after the implantation procedure, the patient will have his first ultrasound scan, blood test and urine test to confirm that implantation was successful.
Biological sex of the baby can be determined by a scan around 20 weeks, just like it can in a female patient's pregnancy. Scans and checkups are scheduled throughout the pregnancy the same as they would be for a female patient.
Male patients are subject to the same risks as female patients, such as high blood pressure or gestational diabetes. Additionally, because the bio-engineered membrane isn't a normal part of the body, there is a risk in the later stages of pregnancy of the membrane tearing or detaching from the abdominal wall due to the weight of the baby. This is rare, but enough of a risk that it always gets explained to patients from the beginning. If this happens, it's extremely painful for the carrier and life-threatening for both him and the baby. It's a genuine emergency, and the baby has to be delivered immediately. If doctors think this is likely to happen to a particular patient, they may put him on strict bed rest until the baby is fully developed, or they may admit him to the hospital for close observation.
Extarcorporeal Gestation - This third option is the newest to be approved and has only been in use since 2010. It's the least-chosen option, because most parents really want the experience of having their own baby (or supporting their partner in having a baby), and also because it's the most expensive option with the lowest percentage of insurance coverage. However, just because it's the least-chosen option, that doesn't mean it's not a thriving program. Enough couples choose it for the Nookstone corporation to continue to develop and offer it as an option in three-quarters of their clinics worldwide.
This option starts in the same way as the other two, up to the point of implantation. Instead of implanting the embryo(s) into a living carrier, They're placed into the same type of bio-engineered membrane and then suspended in a specially-developed machine with an "artificial womb" tank and sophisticated monitoring equipment. The tank is maintained at the same temperature as the inside of a human body. Nutrients and hormones are measured and administered to the growing baby, and wastes are eliminated through the machine's filtration system. The gestation period is still 37-40 weeks (38 weeks in the majority of instances).
This option has an exceptional success rate, with gestational failure at less than 5 percent.
Parents who choose this option are told immediately that they cannot choose the sex of their baby, nor can they choose specific physical characteristics or anything else. There is a common misconception that this method is a way to get "designer babies", but beyond the initial process of combining the DNA and encasing the embryo in the bio-engineered membrane, there is absolutely no "editing" of the fetus. Sixamish people consider this to be unethical, and even if it weren't against the law in many countries on Earth, they would refuse to do it.
There are no physical checkups for the parents in this option; however, parents are invited to come to the clinic at the same intervals as gestational carriers, to receive updates on the development of their baby. This includes scans of the developing fetus, as well as updates on baby's current size, weight and overall health. It also includes hearing a recording of the baby's heartbeat at 12 weeks and finding out the baby's biological sex at the 20-week mark, if they want to know the sex.
At the end of the gestation period, babies are "decanted" from the extracorporeal gestation machine. Parents are not allowed to be present for this, but will be able to wait in an adjoining room and will meet their new baby just minutes after their birth. Babies will usually be taken to hospital after this, to be thoroughly examined and then monitored for 24-48 hours, and to complete government paperwork such as birth registry documents/birth certificate and universal healthcare programs (in countries that have those). Then, the new parents can take their baby home.
As one might expect, extracorporeal gestation is the most controversial of all the already somewhat controversial options provided by the Sixamish doctors and scientists. This is the one that far more people find creepy or uncanny, even more than the idea of pregnant biological males. It was also the most difficult to get approved and the one that is the subject of the most protests and political wrangling. The social risk involved in choosing this option is another reason why it's the least often chosen.
But, for couples in which neither partner wants to or is able to carry the baby for whatever reason, and who would rather not involve a third party surrogate, this option is the proverbial godsend. It's been the pathway to creating happy families for people who might not otherwise have had the ability or opportunity.
Feel free to ask me any questions!
I may add to this post from time to time, as there are more aspects fo Sixamish culture I'd like to think about and explore for my own story purposes.
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skunkes · 11 months
sorry if this is a silly question but do you like. sit down and talk with your ocs in your head? and they tell you about themselves? how do you get them to reveal information....i am begging mine to let me know them orz
I do! In several different ways ^_^ the trick is to think of yourself as a character in your brain theater... ill mostly be explaining thru examples and using silly language ^_^ and its more How I Do It vs a how to....
"Sitting down and talking to em" interrogation style only happens before they're fully formed. when talon still didnt have very many traits it was like we were in a white room with 2 chairs... although you COULD make a scenario out of this its usually the Before for me. final tweaks in the form of basic traits and info before sending em out for further development
the way i get ocs to tell me about themselves is more thru actions! with talon I "locked him in a room" with al in the form of imagining how they'd meet. because I set it in talon's decrepit home with no running water or electricity, there come questions like. would he be accommodating? would he explain the vampirism or just rely on flashing his fangs or hiding them until its time to bite? these arent questions i actually went into the scenario having, but as you Play Dolls its questions that get answered anyway, ykwim? (although you could also go into the simulation (lol) with questions you want answered!) And its your brain so you can do as many takes and tweaks as you want, and things develop as you imagine the same thing, or different things, which all inform a character.
Scenarios could be anything. Im a serial daydreamer so anything goes depending on how bored I am or what im doing... and just like with real people, every scenario is a way to learn more about somebody...! It's like improv in your brain as you think up how they'd react and respond to things, and what they'd say. But also, going with your oc to the grocery store or a restaurant or to slay a dragon could give you insight into their behavior but likely not any info about their trauma or whatever, just like real people (but it also depends on the person) (and the oc!)
I DO have "sit down and talk" scenarios once i feel ive learned enough standard, early level friendship stuff about em though. It's much fun if you set the scene in your mind to mimic a real life Deep Conversation session. Sitting in the backyard on those plastic chairs, or aimless car ride at night. right now the one I keep going back to is just. Loafed in bed when you're really sleepy and just starting to say anything about anything and maybe get a little sentimental. sometimes its just me talking but I obvs have the ability to imagine how he'd be interpreting that in his brain, ykwim?? You play several roles at once I guess. It's like the sims, switching back and forth between povs, but the level of immersion i get into never feels like I'm Making Them Say It, it just feels natural at that point because I've learned enough.
There's also information that's shared by you figuring out what they'd Think (as above) vs what they say which is also fun characterwise... AND ALSO while im daydreaming scenarios I do multiple takes to find their voice. Like, I'm an overexplainer, a detailed therapy-speak-er. Sometimes I catch myself giving ocs that Voice and I have to do a retake. Like hold on, Talon would NOT be introspective. He wouldn't share all that shit I just "made" him say even if it is true and now I know about it. He'd say something insanely vague and confusing if anything at all. Let's take it from the top. etc
It rlly is about immersion! You have to have fun with it! Sometimes it's so Real to me that I genuinely can't develop an oc further because I cant make something up for them and they wont "tell me", which means I just have to spend more time with em I guess! or maybe need to leave em alone for a bit. or maybe ill never know (<- which also tells me about em!) just like real people. treat the fake people like real people in your fake dollhouse brain theater sims lot puppet show simulation.... also i added more in the tags bc i didnt know where to put it in the main txt 😭
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busghost · 2 years
I've been really negative about Honkai recently and I'm sorry about that but with everything that's wrong it gets you thinking about how they could have done it better.
So now I'm wondering what ideas people have for Mei's (gestures at her) everything. Instead of just telling us everything Mei is supposed to be and show us Mei growing as a person.
I do want to see what other people think up because by no means is my idea the only good one.
DISCLAIMER: I'm only throwing ideas out, I'm not claiming to be an actual good writer. I'd be a pretentious asshole to think that if I wrote this in a story format rather than an outline that it'd be any good. It'd be worse than what we got. I'm also not blaming the writers for being crunched so bad. It's just a lot of unfortunate circumstances.
Personally I'd go nuts with the beta Crown of Thorns + the ideas introduced in ch 1-2 of Elysian Realm and the story beforehand (Elysia is "perfect" but acts mean).
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Elysia considers herself the perfect human when there's no humanity in her having let the end come because "it's their own fault". As if Mei let Kiana die to her own foolish self sacrificial habits. Her love is a detached one, like she doesn't truly understand what it is to love nor does she understand what she is loving. Humanity is more like a cute plaything than the collection of all people and their hopes and sorrows and hatred and love and everything in between.
The point of the Previous Era was that they were so coldly logical that they lost. They had no love, just look at what happened to RIN, murdered in cold blood and only became a Herrscher because of it. And that basically ALL we knew about the PE for the longest time, the coldblooded murder of a young woman just because she might've been a threat and how Sakura was able to reach RIN and get her to stop killing in the end with love.
Take the examples of love from the PE and crush them under that cold logic. Su being a doctor forced to continually sacrifice the few for the many, going against all he stands for. Griseo growing up in a world so apathetic towards new life. Hua hating Kevin for being Dr. Mei's pawn and killing HIMEKO. Expanding on the throwaway line where she was ostracized for being so close to somebody who became a Herrscher. Eden being so depressed at the loss of art and so much life. Sakura trying to do good by her sister but killing for a living to make it so. I think they really nailed Pardo the first time around. And very importantly, make it clear that MOTH/Dr. Mei's rationality is what caused so much suffering. Despite this, have her thaw out and be understanding even for their worst qualities. As the sims open up, so does she, becoming more like a person again rather than angst with a vague goal.
Contrast all of this with the love Mei has felt through her life. Her few interactions with her father that left a mark on her. Seeing how Hua has changed from the past into the present, finding people that she can openly love and care for. Theresa and Himeko giving her unconditional love and teaching her so much as parental figures. Even the tough love like Himeko slapping her across for face for suggesting everyone else would be better off if Mei killed herself. Kiana and Bronya relying on her and supporting her, her happiest moments being when she was at St. Freya with her family. Even during her short time at Anti-Entropy, Tesla was very kind to her. See the few examples of love that appeared in the Previous Era and realize THAT'S what they're fighting for in the real world.
I forget where it was stated, but I think it was Otto who said that the Current Era has come to a better understanding of what it means to be human and I really like that idea. Herrschers are more capable of being human than some people. That being human and defeating the Honkai isn't based on plans that kill nearly everyone on Earth or making decisions for the people of the future. It's not "PURGE THE HONKAI" as the PE was so fond of saying, it's "Fight for everything beautiful in the world."
With Elysia as the antagonist it doesn't even necessarily need to end in a boss fight against her or anything. But make Mei decide for herself that what she is going to fight for, she isn't "perfect" like Elysia but her love is genuine and she has a deeper understanding than Elysia ever could. She can carry on the memories of the Previous Era, not of all the fighting and plans but of the love people tried to show each other. A rejection of what everything the Previous Era stood for.
Have Mei leave the Realm and World Serpent, not because Kevin said "okay you can go now" but to abandon them to be with the people she truly cares about and believes in because that is what is important now. Maybe have her come to their aid when it's explicitly against WS's interests.
THEN Mei can take Elysia's place as Herrscher of Human/Origin because she truly understands what it means to love people unlike Elysia. How Kiana's arc is learning to accept love and loving herself, have Mei's arc be learning to love the world again.
Also do none of the retconning in chapter 34. Make everything they are doing in the Current Era their own decisions, their own plans. They are supposed to be overcoming Project Stigma through their own determination and knowledge, not because this was the real purpose of Project EMBER. Also just let the Will of the Honkai be something the Previous Era inflicted on the Current Era while tampering with it, not "we were making it easier for the CE the whole time". The Current Era's victory over the Honkai has to be their own.
I'll be first to admit, I haven't thought much into how it's play out and definitely should have more to do with Elysia, the realm is named for her and it's her big secret at the center of it all. You could still pull this off with making Elysia suffer so much for having so much genuine love for everyone in a loveless world or a million other ways. Just not, Elysia decided the future for the Herrschers and everything the CE is doing is actually a PE plan.
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boolpropper · 6 months
Hey, I've been really enjoying looking at your posts! I'm trying to start modding the Sims 2 to be medieval too and I was wondering if you had any recommended custom content or mods or anything.
Hey! Omg totally, I'd love to share. You are too kind!!
This blog started as a way for me to keep track of my own stories, honestly. I play with the intention of creating stories for my own enjoyment, and if others find them compelling that is great! That said, I typically don't play with a ton of CC. Enough to immerse me. A lot of the time, I still use base game hairs, play maxis careers, etc. I can look past a lot of things because it is just my silly little game. Info under the cut so as not to bungle up or spam anyone's feed!
I do have a decent amount of build/buy CC and clothing CC. I have gotten a lot of it from Plumbob Keep! I have spent hours just looking through all the stuff in Sundry Goods and Wares, which is their forum for any CC -- clothing, wall paints, objects, you name it. I only got what I felt was necessary to immerse myself, like I said, and have found myself looking for specific other sets to accommodate specific story needs. For example, I rolled a random event that a fucking WAR has started, so now I need some cc bandages and what not. Generally, I like looking for The Sims Medieval conversions and Skyrim conversions. I also have gotten a lot of clothing for my medieval hood and my game in general from Skell. They have done so much work repo-ing and recoloring existing Maxis meshes in a way that doesn't gunk up your CC folder and fits seamlessly with the game. A lot of my other CAS CC (hair, accessories, makeup) comes from DeeDee! I really like their maxis matchy style and the high saturation of their color pallets.
I also use a set of defaults. I have a separate folder of my default replacements labeled "DR Medieval" that I swap in when I'm about to play my medieval hood. Things like plate and bowl recolors, aspiration failure objects, etc. Almighty Hat has some great ones.
I do play with a decent bit of mods, most of which just make the game run properly -- thing things like the nounlinkondelete, smarter EP check, etc. The rest are for my own benefit and storytelling, such as the 3-2 traits project! A lot of my gameplay mods come from MidgeTheTree. Usually I'm looking at mods that expand supernatural sims to make them more fun to play (more witch spells, more plantsim shenanigans, plantsim wings to make them look like fairies, alien telepathy, hereditary supernaturalism...the list goes on) and romance/queer mods. The latter is more to make my game a little more realistic and a bit more aligned with the relationships I like to see in stories. Not in a graphic sense, but more in a "I want my queer sims to have found family, my trans sims to have reproductive autonomy, and my gay sims to marry instead of being civilly joined" type thing.
For medieval specifically, I have a few of the Sun & Moon Star Factory Mods installed. They have A LOT and it is a little overwhelming at times to be honest -- I can't imagine playing with all of their amazing sets. But, some of them are crucial to my medieval immersion -- I want my sims to have a chicken or two, and to farm, and to craft. Many of them require other sets to run, or so they say -- usually this just means a texture from another pack is required, or a core function like collecting/autonomous behavior comes from a different mod. Often times you can do without some of the required mods of theirs -- for example, I have their fishing mod, and their guide says it requires the mining mod. I have no need for a mining mod now but might in the future, so for the time being I only downloaded the physical objects I needed to run that mod -- I need this bucket or whatever, and I'll delete the rest of the mod.
I also rely heavily on random events and dice rolls, tabletop RPG style, to form my gameplay. My sims are not, for example, actually going to kill each other in war. But I AM going to roll, "ok, what are the odds that this day goes in their favor?" Usually this looks like me writing my own scenarios and assigning them numbers/chances to roll, or sometimes I use other people's ROS, like Fir3Princ3ss' medieval ROS doc.
I hope this is helpful! I know it's a lot of info lol, but I tried my best to include links to creators I like. I just try to have fun with it and have a minimal impact on my game folders!
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thesimquarter · 8 months
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Jade Pingree is the all-business (and pretty rude) head of the Barkersville Companion Club.
Meredith is part librarian and part party girl. She’s serious during the day, and playful at night.
v - ramblings under the cut - v
I almost never see people talking about the characters from the Sims 2 Pets GBA. I mean. that's understandable. Sims 2 Pets for GBA was not only released two years after the DS was released, but it was also bad.
The Sims 2 Pets for GBA takes a lot of inspiration from the other GBA Sims games, with an isometric artstyle and a mixture of adventure elements and simulation elements. Howeverrr, the problem seems to be that it doesn't feel like it actually knows what to do with it.
The minigames are tedious and boring. Aforementioned minigames pay peanuts and rely on an NPC being in a specific location to do them. Characters have little personality; 70% of the dialogue in this game is completely exchangeable. There's no way to easily find NPCs that you need to find (read: phone call), even though they all have schedules and move all the time. The game doesn't keep track of missions. There's like three different kinds of burglars, and there's no way to stop them from coming to your house (what the fuck). Training your pets is so tedious and repetitive and yet everything else feels like a distraction from it. You can randomly, and frequently, get sick, from fully cooking your food with eight levels of cooking skill and using good kitchen items. Everything breaks down and is dirty all the time. Eating dog food is safer than cooking. This game is having me eat dog food because just cooking feels like a risk. And there's just so much more that annoys me about it.
Okay, I'm done complaining. There's not much to compliment about the game. It does have its charm but wears off as the tediousness of all of its various mechanics settles in. I mean. I'd like to know more about the characters, but also... I don't care.
I really wanted to make Jade. Unlike nearly every other character, she does, actually, have a personality. Even if it absolutely sucks. Meredith is my favorite character in the game. I can't explain why, but her design is neat and she seems really nice and likable. I was considering doing more (read: Elza and Hugo) but after I finished these two I. couldn't be bothered.
I feel as if Meredith brings the Blue Hair and Pronouns to Barkersville. She also has this kind of warmness that I haven't really gotten from other characters in this game. And I believe she's close with Kirk (... Carbon?). I'd suspect they were dating, as they both have positive reactions when they mention each other and I caught them going on a Graveyard Date at 1:00 AM. But when I talked to Kirk he said even though he's with a girl, he thought Celina was hot. So I can only make one conclusion: leave your shitty boyfriend, Meredith!!!
And on Jade: She's definitely on the Barkersville HOA (and Barkersville definitely has one!). She's just that kind of demon. It's mentioned that the Pingree's are a wealthy family. So, I don't think she has a job. Instead, she just torments her community with her influence.
Anyways. I don't actually know anything else about these characters beyond this. So. Um.
I had a lot of fun making these; I'm planning on doing something similar to this for all the Sims 2 GBA characters. I remade them all a few months ago, wanted to do renders to show them all off, and I want the excuse to write things like this about every single character. :) (and. I tried to do them all at once. but um. hm. that's just a little too much.) It'll take a while to actually finish anything w/ that because i need to experiment with format. I gave some of them outfits in other categories than 'everyday,' so I'm thinking about rendering those out, butttt that's up in the air.
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dandylion240 · 1 year
Get to Know Me - Sims Style
Thank you for the tag @nocturnalazure I think I may have been tagged by someone else but I'm not sure and I can't find it.
What’s your favorite Sims death?
I primarily use sims as a story medium and I don't actually let my sims die in game. I've had sims die by fire but I wouldn't say that's my favorite. I don't think I have any favorites but I have encountered some unexpected deaths that left me wondering what happened. Crushed by vending machine. Death by jelly bean. It only happened once and I didn't even know you could. Death by meteor. It pretty much wiped out all the kids in town since it hit the school. The family I was playing had two kids that stayed home because they had colds but all their siblings died.
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
I play with a mix of alpha and maxis match. I prefer alpha though. I just like the way it looks. But if I like something I don't care if it's alpha or mm I'm going to use it.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
I will cheat my story sims weight. It wouldn't make sense if they gained 50 lbs in pictures that wasn't supported in story. But if they're gameplay sims than no. They have to lose weight the hardway.
Do you move objects?
Yes. It's a given when setting up a scene for a story.
Favorite Mod?
I use very few mods in my sims 3 game. NRASS is a most. Sims 4 is a different story because I rely on mods to make it playable and hold my interest. MCCommand. Wonderful Whims, SOL (even though it needs to be updated and throws off last exceptions I refuse to remove it) A ton of other mods..
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
It was Sims 2 Pets for Gamecube. Then I received MyStories for PC as a gift that sparked my love affair with the sims. I remember the first time playing and I couldn't figure out to make a baby then when I figured that out I couldn't figure out how to make it stop crying. I think at some point I just turned the sound off.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
I say Live mode as in aLive. It just sounds weird to me to say Liv mode.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
For Sims 3 my favorite sim I made was my founder of my Van Winkle legacy Peter. He holds a very dear place in my heart.
For Sims 4 my favorite sim would be Dominick Reagan. He was the first sim I ever made in game that I liked.
Have you made a simself?
I have but I never play with her. It just feels weird to me.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Probably blond hair colors or the unnatural haircolors.
Favorite EA hair?
I don't really use EA hairs. I prefer alpha hairs.
Favorite life stage?
I like all stages. There's something interesting in all of them. Although elder stage is a bit lackluster since there's not much in game for them to do which is sad since life isn't over just because your old. I always try to make my elder stage as long as possible. It never made sense to me that elder sims died before they had grandchildren. I've known people who have 4 or 5 generations alive at once and it's kind of sad that sims can't do the same.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I'm a story teller who plays when the desire strikes.
Are you a CC creator?
I dabble every once in a while. I want to get better but I don't have the time to dedicate to it.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I've a made a few friends on SImblr.
Do you have any sims merch?
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I don't know. I think my sims have gotten better looking but that just might be due to CC. When I first started playing I didn't know what CC was and when I did it took me a while to figure out how to put it in game.
What’s your origin id?
I do. It's the same as on here but I hardly ever post anything.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Too many
How long have you had simblr?
February 2015 I think.
How do you edit your pictures?
With either photoshop or pixlr
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
Seasons has always been my favorite gamepack in any Sims game.
Tagging: @izayoichan @wannabecatwriter @holocene-sims @amuhav @mahvaladara Feel free to ignore if you've done it or don't want to.
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alltimefail-sims · 4 months
"📩 Simblr question of the day: according to you, what are the most underutilized gameplay features in the sims games you played, dlc included?"
Sharing the SQOTD from @simblr-question-of-the-day. I really liked this question because I'm excited to get more gameplay ideas.
Also, you talked about being busy recently so good luck with everything you are working on!
Yes I have been bit busier lately than I've been in a tick, but that's because I'm trying to be better about working on the book I'm writing!! But please continue to send asks and such, I'm still here and active just posting my own content a bit slower - but I'm still active and lurking about!
As for underutilized gameplay features...
I think the Club feature from Get Together is a really underutilized feature in the Sims. @sojutrait actually has a great guide up on their page that explains how clubs can be used for a more custom, immersive, hands-on gameplay experience.
I also think people don't realize how much fun the sales tables can be: I love doing "yard sales" to get rid of stuff in my sims home (for realistic gameplay), I love creating community lots filled with those sales tables to create a farmer's market/small community festival feel, and I love using them for my free-spirited, rancher, farmer, and homesteader sims specifically so they can sell their goods and rely on that income solely! Also you can create better custom food booths now with Home Chef Hustle and you can build a "food truck" OR like a pop-up ice cream stand at the park, for example. Idk it's just a fun feature to me, and exciting for those who don't think any of the rabbit-hole jobs suit their sim (or for those who want more flexibility in their sims' income without having to buy a whole ass additional community lot business).
The handiness skill as a whole is a gamechanger because of the "upgrade object" feature. The upgrades are actually super helpful and many of them will improve the functionality of the given object, will give custom moodlets, and will even help avoid disaster (fireproofing your dryer in the sims is a must... that shit catches fire if you look at it the wrong way lmaoooo).
The robotics skill is really cool and I love making the servos!! Cute little robot friend/family member and they can help around the house (crucial when you have big families, fun if you're going for a futuristic vibe or eccentric household).
Occults, in my opinion, are an underrated feature of the Sims. I think everyone should add some kind of weird, campy, supernatural shenanigans to their gameplay. Have your sim fall in love with a ghost; have your sim accidentally get bitten by a werewolf or vampire; befriend a mermaid; build a rocket in your backyard and go to space; get abducted and raise an alien; the possibilities are endless! Occults can shake shit up, especially if you're tired of vanilla, realistic gameplay.
FAMILY VACATIONS!!! HONEYMOONS!! FRIEND TRIPS!!! I love taking my sims on vacation and taking photos, making memories, etc. This feature is great too because you can get extended family members to go on vacation with your household and then it'll be a little family reunion (and you'll get moodlets for this as well that are like "The whole family is together" or something like that, it's really cute!). I think because you can literally travel to anywhere at any time without using the vacation feature this becomes really under-utilized, but it's a fun little thing to do!
Custom summer vacation holiday with seasons: depending on your lifespan/how you have your calendar days set up you can make it lasts a few days, a whole week, or even two weeks (so the kids can be off school during that time - I do one week in my saves). I just make the "mandatory events" swimming, grilling, spending time with family, stuff like that! Some days I literally have no mandatory events lol, just a day off school!
Honestly that's all I've got off the top of my head: I use a lot of mods and always have, so it can be hard for me to isolate what is a modded feature and what is just a part of the game itself! I hope one or more of these can help you spice your gameplay up a bit! Thank you for this question as always!!! <3
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 3 months
Hello again! I'm the person who asked about that line form Island Mode said by Kazuichi. So i guess the translation was right after all! Your explanation makes sense, I've read somewhere that in japanese he uses a particular way of speaking that's typical of 'cool teenage boys', and that it's one of those nuances that's a bit hard to translate to other languages. Apparently, it's the same for a lot of other Danganronpa characters way of speaking as well.
The 'Dating Sim' modes have a lot of silly stuff ^^ Like, for example, both Leon and Mondo complain that they don't know how you're suppossed to eat a hamburguer without making a mess, I've seen some funny fanart of that xD (if you're curious there are some compilation videos on youtube, so you don't have to play the whole game, and the wikis as well)
Hajime doesn't exactly say 'let's burn the books', that's true ^^;; (I probably should have just copy pasted the real dialog form the wiki), but you can make him and the other protags say some WEIRD things, I like to imagine that after saying things that are out of character like that they just stand there blinking for a couple of seconds and then go 'huhhhh???? why did I say that????' and the other character just says 'you're asking ME???' xD
Thank you for such a long and detailed answer, your english is really good! I want to learn japanese myself but it's quite difficult ^^;; , but seeing people like you who speak japanese and english inspires me and makes me want to keep trying ^^ that's why I enjoy reading your posts =)
Exactly, including Kazuichi, many of the characters in Danganronpa speak in a way that is typical of teenagers or in a more unique way, so I think it's quite difficult to translate them! X(
OMG, I didn't know Leon and Mondo had such silly stories, how cute and typical of a teenager! ehehe XD Actually, I love the Dating Sim mode and have seen all the endings in Island Mode in DR2 and Dangan Salmon Team in DRV3. Since there is no completion list for Island Mode, I don't have any records of completing it, but everyone has reached level 9 in Gathering and Cleaning to get more than half of the levels to 9.
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As for Dangan Salmon Team:
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But I have not played School Mode yet! 😭 The reason is that I played DR:THH on the original PSP version, and School Mode didn't exist at that time. Now I have the Nintendo Switch and iPad versions of DR:THH, which have School Mode, but I thought that if I were to replay it, I would like to play the English and Japanese versions at the same time, but I haven't had time to do that yet. So you told me how to see the dialog online, but I'll save it for when I actually get around to playing it. But now that you've told me about Leon and Mondo, I'm really looking forward to playing it, so I think I'll finally do it next month! ✨
RIGHT, making the protagonists say weird things is one of the great joys of the Dating Sim modes! 😆😆 It's pretty crazy that when Hajime goes to the beach, he can suggest "Let's take our clothes off" to anyone. hehe And it's so funny and cute how the protagonists have regrets after saying those things to someone. 😄
I'm very happy to hear that my posts have motivated you to learn Japanese! Actually, my English skills are not very good, using some AI grammar checkers is essential, and my listening and speaking skills are low. (I'm not being modest. I have taken some online English lessons, but even then my evaluation was at the lower end of intermediate level). Still, I enjoy communicating in English, so even if people don't have wonderful Japanese skills and have to rely on machine translation, I hope they feel free to try using Japanese. It's still a fun experience to try using a language other than your native language and communicate with someone far away. Language is a great reflection of culture, so it's also interesting to learn about the cultural background. Annnd it's even more interesting when it's related to the background of your favorite characters! XD So if you learn something about Japanese, you can try sending it to me 😉 (This is not just for the anon who sent this question, but for everyone!) Thank you so much for always reading my posts! (*,,˃ ᵕ ˂ )・.。*
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rheallsim · 1 year
Sims Tag Game
Tagged by: No one, but I saw it going around and wanted to fill it out anyway. ;)
What’s your favourite sims death? I think it would have to be Cardiac Explosion. I just find the idea of a sim getting so mad that their heart explodes hilarious, I don't know why! ^^
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I've always been pretty Maxis Match. If I were to go Alpha I'd have to change *everything* in the game to match otherwise it would bug the crap outtah me, and gosh, that would be WAY too much work. x___x I also just love the cartoony aesthetic a heck of a lot more.
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? No, not usually. Only if the weight gain/loss was completely unrealistic to what I'd expect because the game's systems don't work the way I'd like. Sometimes I become attached to the idea of a sim being a certain way, but I usually let their natural metabolism win out in the game. I love me some soft, chubby sims! :)
Do you use move objects? Yes!
Favorite mod? Ooof, this is hard… I've become very fond of most of Lumpinou's mods. MissyHissy has a lot of great mods that flesh out the gameplay in a maxis-match way, too! Though I probably get the most use out of Wonderful Whims and Meaningful Stories; the game just doesn't feel right without them!
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Gosh, this was so long ago I can barely remember… it was probably Get Together or City Living.
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE Mode, like "we're going LIVE to Bella Goth in Willow Creek!"
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? This is a hard one, because I love them all so much! 🥹 Philomena Velasquez will always hold a special place in my heart as my first Sims 4 legacy founder who was super fun to play (even though I didn't have a simblr blog at the time so none of it is documented anywhere). But I also have a major soft spot for Gabriel McKinley. She has the best resting bitch face. :D
Have you made a simself? Yup, I may be a little too obsessed with them, hahaha
What sim traits do you give yourself? Usually: Geek, unflirty, and either creative/maker. Since we can have more than that now, I might also add dog lover, loyal, and lazy (because it matches my ME/CFS symptoms closest).
Which is your favorite EA hair color? The second brown swatch, the new one with the nice warm highlights. :D Swatch #4. 👍
Favorite EA hair? I love the base game half-tied back tight curly hair, the one that was added in a free patch not too long ago. ^^ (SDX015CoilyTwistback)
Favorite life stage? I have a soft spot for all of them for different reasons, but I do really love it when my sims reach Elderhood and develop wrinkles and grey hair and start to slow down. :) Feels like a reward after a long, hard life! I love giving my elders a few more days using MCCC so they can enjoy being grandparents. ^^
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? 99% gameplay! I will occasionally build if the madness strikes me, but I usually rely on builds shared by others here on Tumblr or on the gallery. I'm not very good at designing actual buildings, and I get so caught up in decorating sometimes that it takes HOURS. x___X
Are you a CC creator? I am! I haven't yet broken into anything that requires Blender, but if it's a simple 2D .png texture edit I'm all over it. :D
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Nope! It's just me, which is absolutely fine! I have friends elsewhere. I just really don't get on with Discord, and that seems to be where most simblr folks hang out in groups.
What’s your favorite game? (Sims 1, 2, 3, or 4) I've played all of them, and every time the new game was an improvement on the old, for various reasons. I played SO MUCH of the Sims 2 when I was a kid/in high school, it really stoked the flames of my life-long Sims addiction. While I've gone back and tried to play all the old games again recently, I just couldn't get back into them. The Sims 4 currently has my whole heart. I love the aesthetic, and there's so much content to it now I don't really want for anything that the older games had. (Except perhaps more chaos/whimsy/custom animations for various interactions. :) )
Do you have any sims merch? Other than the video games themselves, nope!
Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope! Not really a video content person. ^^
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? It hasn't, much; though I suppose I keep finding new skin details that I fall in love with and start using on every sim, so you can see different phases that way. I might go a little maxis mix when it comes to some skin details nowadays. ^^;
What’s your Origin ID? Rheall
Who’s your favorite CC creator? Oh gosh, I have so many! For hairs, Okruee, Dogsill, and Simstrouble never let me down. I also love Shysimblr's stuff, SleepingSims, and Simtric's. Saurus' hair is still such an important staple for me, too! For clothes, Joliebean, Trillyke, LadyFu's recolours, Nucrests, Simkoos, Renorasims, Sifix, Jius, Rusty, Serenity, VIIAVI… Max20 has a chokehold on me for BB stuff, as does SIXAMcc, Surely-Sims, awingedllama and Ravasheen. Sorry, I honestly can't pick just one. ;____;
How long have you had a simblr? I started this one in Oct 2020, I think. Wasn't really in the Simblr community at any other time, though I did try to create some CC back in TS2 days on ModTheSims. ^^
How do you edit your pictures? I mostly rely on my Gshade preset to do most of the colour editing/DOF stuff, then I do a teensy bit more in Photoshop and apply TopazClean. I made a post about my current process here. I also have some older examples/downloads here and here. When I first started I did all my editing in Clip Studio Paint; Photoshop isn't a requirement to get nice screenshots. :)
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? This is also a hard one! I'm really enjoying all the stuff added with Growing Together. Definitely the best expansion pack in a while. City Living, Seasons, and Cats & Dogs are also fantastic. The game packs that add new occults, Vampires and Werewolves, are also good fun! And as far as added gameplay goes, Strangerville is a really great buy.
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I can't lie, I'm super excited about the idea of a horse-themed pack, but I know it won't be as good as I hope it will be. X) As far as anything else? Hmm… I'd love more career variety in terms of how it interacts with gameplay (fewer boring rabbit hole careers, for example), and more apartment lots. Another city-styled world would be amazing, as well as worlds based on different places around the globe. I love Sulani, Mt. Komorebi, Tartosa, etc., let's get more variety! 💪
Tagging: I tag everyone who stops to smell the flowers. <3
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helene2troie · 10 months
Get to know you- Sims style
Thanks for tagging me @niamh-sims and @12raben! I used to play TS1, but have been playing TS2 pretty much since it came out!
What’s your favorite Sims death?
So I've been playing for year and years, but I still haven't seen some of the deaths (like the murphy bed one?). I'm going to go with the satellite-falling-on-Sims death, just because the first time it happened, I was totally unprepared for it, I didn't know it was so risky to have Sims sky-gazing! XD
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Alpha CC all the way.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Do you move objects?
Yes, both for building and moving Sims past annoying obstacles.
Favorite Mod?
Recently really loving the trait-related mods, and my community lots couldn't function without the visitor controller.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
It was the complete TS1 set with all the expansions.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Live like aLIVE. But never really stopped to think about it until now.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Probably Madeline Morleigh from my old victorian hood. Love love her cheekbones, I still use that Sim as a base sometimes when making other Sims.
Have you made a simself?
Which is your favorite EA hair color?/ Favorite EA hair?
I don't use any Maxis hairs except the bald and the cropped hairstyles
Favorite life stage?
I don't have much of a preference, I'm just not a fan of the infant stage, I frequently age them up to toddlers with some cheats.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Depends on the mood. I sometimes have this grand idea and spend hours decorating, only to arrive at something completely different than what I wanted to execute. But mostly gameplay. Recently I'm also posing and decorating for picture-taking, that's fun too.
Are you a CC creator?
I've tried, only to discover how hard it is! I want to get a little better at it, because I have a lot of ideas, but I'm not skilled enough to execute them yet!
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Not really. But everyone is super nice, and I love following other simblrs doing BACCs/medieval/historical NHs!
Do you have any sims merch?
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
As soon as I discovered what CC was all about, I started spending a lot of time hunting down cool stuff. I used to have a fantasy-ish NH, and I even uploaded a few stories on the Exchange a while back (ages ago!)- it was actually pretty formative, because it taught me (very basic) picture editing. After a long break from the Sims, I came back to it and created mostly Victorian-ish NHs, like with my first simblr @janyasims2. Then I got bitten by the medieval CC bug, and I got excited about this new medieval/zombie apocalypse challenge, which I started posting over at @ts2mortalswar. Sadly I lost this save because of computer issues. Now back to medieval-ish content, over at @ts2cambremon, but mostly using the Sims as a way to worldbuild and weave in stories with gameplay. The Sims is such a versatile game, I have taken long breaks from it before, but I keep coming back to it!
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
@sunmoon-starfactory, for all their amazing sets!
How long have you had Simblr?
It was during the covid shutdown! So... April 2020?
How do you edit your pictures?
I try to edit as little as possible because honestly it's not something I enjoy, so I usually just crop pictures, and that's pretty much it. If I'm feeling fancy, I'll add some light gaussian blur and make the colors a little warmer. I usually rely on in-game lighting, especially with colored lights, makes all the difference.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
Open for Business! (also the 'fame/hollywood' one for TS1 was amazing, I really wish we could have had something similar for TS2!)
Tagging @esotheria-sims and @equinoxts2 !
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ghivrti · 1 year
fun lil life update or vent actually
I got diagnosed with interstitial cystitis back in January & it is the worst thing in the world that I would not wish upon my worst enemy!
My whole life now revolves around pissing and it sucks. I can't a lot of things that I used to love doing. Concerts are not the same anymore. I danced a lil too hard, and was in pain for WEEKS.
I went hiking like 3 weeks ago & I have been in horrible pain ever since. I piss hellfire and brimstone every single day & afterwards I can barely walk. I just have to lay in fetal position until the pain goes away.
I thought I was having reoccurring UTIs, but after months of on and off antibiotic use with no trace of infection and a million other tests, it turns out my bladder is just actively working against me!
The worst part is, NOTHING has helped the pain so far. There is NO relief. For a while, I found drinking baking soda (yes baking soda) helped the pain, but lately it has been so bad that not even that is helping :(
I have been using cbd a lot to help the pain, but now that I am looking for a new job I can't do that anymore in case I get drug tested. So there goes that too. At least until I lock something down that has good health insurance because I fucking need it.
I hate living in America! I cannot afford the bladder treatments or physical therapy! Instead I have to rely on heating pads, cbd which is out of the question right now, and a fucking CLEANING PRODUCT that is NOT MEANT TO BE CONSUMED as pain management.
I honestly was so very disheartened whenever the baking soda quit working because that would bring the pain from a 10 to like a 2 in one day. Also don't drink baking soda before talking to your doctor about it bc it will shoot out your kidneys if you are not careful.
I just want the pain to GO AWAY!!!!!!! I feel like it is consuming my whole life because it is all I think about!!!! Everything I eat all I can think about is how it will hurt me! When I go down the stairs too hard I think about how that is going to hurt me! At work when I have to pee I PRAY that it is not bad enough to where it hurts to walk afterwards.
I wish it would have been a kidney infection, or kidney stones, or an std, or literally ANYTHING else (except cancer I am really glad it wasn't cancer) because then at least I know it would be temporary.
It was honestly not too bad today until it was. I am off tomorrow, so I am going to baby myself because I fucking deserve to be babied with how bad the pain is constantly. I'm going to play sims all day.
Thank you to all 2 of you who got through this I just needed to yell into the void that I am in PAIN because there is literally nothing else I can do about it until I get a new job and make more money so I can afford physical therapy and bladder pain treatment (which doesn't actually treat anything, it just makes the pain bearable for a short while).
Goodnight & pls send good vibes because I am so tired of being in pain.
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