galaxy-fleur · 10 hours
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Alice: Madness Returns (2011)
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galaxy-fleur · 10 hours
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Resident Evil: Death Island (2023)
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galaxy-fleur · 10 hours
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some old art, claire redfield as paramore’s self titled record
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galaxy-fleur · 11 hours
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Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) PS1 | Capcom
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galaxy-fleur · 11 hours
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galaxy-fleur · 11 hours
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need them to have a happy ending pls capcom
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galaxy-fleur · 11 hours
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claire and her oomfie
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galaxy-fleur · 1 day
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galaxy-fleur · 1 day
Important question coming your way, brace!!
how would Leon act when he has a crush-feelings for someone? nervous? chill? how would he go about it?
Ohhhhhhh this is so cuuuuute. 🥰
So as far as OG Leon is concerned, we've already seen how he acts when he has feelings for someone with how he acts around Ada. He doesn't act all-that different, but his demeanor gets a lot softer. There's a keen sort of attentiveness to how he treats her. He's gentle and considerate, while at the same time he respects her personal strengths and capabilities and doesn't step on her toes. Leon's really good at reading people and I think that would definitely factor in to how he'd treat someone he has feelings for.
But oh my god of course he'd be nervous!!!!!! He'd be nervous around them, but not in a way that's too obvious. Leon's a pretty confident guy, and I think men display nervousness a little differently than women as we're more open about our emotionality. I've noticed that sometimes when guys get nervous they get kinda like... more attuned to how you're responding to them, if that makes sense? Like they're constantly trying to figure you out, gauge your reaction to them, because of a self-imposed pressure to impress you (which I think also comes down to what we're taught societally but this ain't that kinda post lol). I can absolutely see Leon doing that, trying to look as stoic and cool as possible while sweating bullets on the inside wondering what his crush thinks of him lmao.
What I think is interesting is that Leon's demeanor around a woman he genuinely has feelings for would vary greatly from how he's treated women he just wants to sleep with (think of how he's treated Ada vs how he asked out Shen Mei and Hunnigan). He wouldn't be as bold and brazen. He'd be preoccupied with saying the right thing, being respectful, coming across as someone worth more than just a single night with. That [frankly unwarranted] high level of self-confidence would erode just enough to where his crush would start to see his underlying uncertainty, which would be very very cute.
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galaxy-fleur · 1 day
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I have a crunch on him
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galaxy-fleur · 1 day
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galaxy-fleur · 1 day
What's funny about the complaints on Jill to me is that they're always Jill-specific, if that makes sense. I've seen a couple of videos of guys expressing that the 'new Jill' is too rude and rough from the soft and gentle (their words not mine) one in the og franchise up to re5. There's also the complaint of 'Why does Jill have trauma from re5 in DI, it doesn't make sense and it wasn't shown before, she should be fine.'
And... ALL of those complains, theoretically, could also be applied to Leon, for example. The sudden character shift (say re4 to re6), the added trauma/angst, etc. If we're talking remakes, then obviously he's not as campy and is more grounded now. And I did see SOME guys complaining that the remakes are making Leon too angsty and depressed and not as cool and badass. But they are an obvious minority. And most complaints on his og character are on his infatuation with Ada, not his character shift or the added angst he acquired after re4. If anything, only the new fans don't like og re4 bc his characterization makes no sense when put next to other installments with him.
I'd be okay if they expressed similar complaints with other characters as well, if we're suddenly expecting Capcom to have a writing consistency. Kinda weird that these issues that are prevalent throughout the franchise as a whole are solely applied to Jill because she now says 'fuck' and has some angst
i have a head cold today, so i can't articulate a response to this, but i wanted to make sure i posted it just because i think it's good commentary
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galaxy-fleur · 1 day
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Just look at my art for the contest! I made it a long time ago, but I still like it. I spent about 25 hours on it and I don't regret it!
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galaxy-fleur · 1 day
re: about Leon's emotions and feelings towards Ada and vice versa. This is my little attempt to break it down and offer a perspective that evidently not many in this fandom have and here's how: it's been romanticised to hell and back, I wouldn't be surprised if one day the division at Capcom reveals a big "well actually it was never about love between them, but rather a plethora of events that attached them to each other"
Because it can't be about love, it's just too ludicrous. It's not love. It's trauma bond, and like you said it's a sense of comfort and familiarity. But people in our society are too simple minded and once again viewing things through such short sighted romanticised lens to ever be objective about the reality of it. Nothing that Leon and Ada have is written in stone to set some "relationship" to flourish because it's not that, it's a situationship and nothing more.
This is why they resort to trying to use what the devs say and conveniently put words in their mouths to try and justify their biased perspectives. Just because they won't change their dynamic of the usual Ada being one step ahead of Leon and always leaving him in the dark and being a weakness of his, does not mean that it's love. Because it isn't, that's not what they're doing and it's emotionally inept to think so. Because everything they've done has shown the exact opposite. Leon's character was never about Ada and Capcom removing the "romance" from their dynamic isn't what's gonna alter the entire plot, it's the nature of their typical two steps ahead alienation that would wreck it and that's why they'll keep the core of it. But it was never romance.
Hope all this makes sense lol, if you got anything to add, please do :)
"Leon's character was never about Ada"
Everything you said here is 100% correct but I think that specifically stands out a lot, because I think a big issue with hardcore Aeon shippers is that they see Ada as an extension of Leon and vice versa. Like you can't have Leon without Ada, and Leon can never have feelings for anyone else because Ada is such an integral part of his story or whatever. Ada is no more significant to Leon's narrative than Claire or Sherry; the only difference is that he developed feelings for Ada, but having feelings for someone does not equate to love.
I've said this before, but I understand shipping from the perspective of 'these two characters look good together/have a dynamic I like to explore through fanon.' When it extends to taking developer comments out of context to prove canonization of a relationship dynamic that obviously doesn't exist, foregoing common sense and any understanding of nuance? That's touchgrass behavior.
Yes, the only canon longstanding love interest Leon has ever had in the franchise is Ada. This is a fact. However, love is something that is developed over time, and Leon and Ada barely know each other. A loving romantic relationship is not what has been established between them. It's very clear that they both have feelings for one another in the original continuity, but any chance of a normal romantic relationship is ruined by the complexity of their personal situations and moral standing. That's the interesting part about their dynamic, which is literally why they're written that way. That dynamic doesn't even entirely change in the remakes; it's tweaked and built upon, like everything else. Whether or not Leon has feelings for Ada, his story doesn't change, and neither does the foundation of their relationship.
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galaxy-fleur · 2 days
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I always wanted a girl like me that could be my friend...
bloody versions under the cut
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galaxy-fleur · 2 days
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trans on trans crime >:3
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galaxy-fleur · 2 days
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hopper styled re3 epilogue ada wong anyone
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