#i'll let you decide who is the pup and who is the wolf
metropoliswhite · 6 months
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Sue Wootton - Le temps entre chien et loup Emerald Fennell - Saltburn
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 5 months
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Give Me Shelter, For My Heart | Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader | One Shot? 3k
Things are missing around the Avengers' compound and a newly returned Bucky is acting weirder than normal...Steve and Sam go to investigate and discover more than they bargained for.
Warnings: 18+ for language and suggestion of Hydra violence/torture/experimentation, omegaverse themes including alpha & omega, suggestion of pregnancy/pups, wolf shifting Rated F for Fluff and G for good friends
Challenges & Prompts: @buckybarnesevents Alpha Bucky April with extra prompts - word count, nesting, purring, beta characters, (I'll let mods decide if this hits the breeding/baby fever prompt). And @fandom-free-bingo 'forehead kisses'
Graphic by me and Canva, dividers by @firefly-graphics & @reveriesources
Masterlist | Bucky Barnes
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“Hmm,” Steve looked around the supply room, surveying the gaps and empty shelves, normally well stocked with blankets and provisions. It was the third time this week he’d found himself at a loss, not just for words but his things too. Everything seemed to be going missing. 
First it was a few plates and mugs from the galley kitchen by his office, then it’d been the lunch he’d left for him and Bucky in the fridge. Last night he’d gone into Bucky’s room to make sure he was okay and found the man sleeping on a bare mattress, all the sheets, pillows and blankets were gone and the newly revived Bucky refused to explain what had happened to them or even acknowledge that there was anything wrong at all. He hadn’t even addressed that fact that the window was wide open and it looked as if he was sleeping in his shoes. 
Which brought Steve’s thoughts to the man himself. Bucky had been so odd since he’d returned. For a day or two, he’d been something like his old self, despite the awful situation they found themselves in, he’d joked with Steve and reminisced with the few memories he had. They’d enjoyed a beer together and he’d even met with Tony during their mediation and patched things up. 
Then, they’d all climbed onto the jet and he’d become distant, pacing like a caged animal until they’d landed. As soon as the doors were open he’d vanished for forty-eight hours and sent the entire compound into mayhem before strolling back in as if nothing had happened, bruised and covered in blood. Judging by the bandages he sported later that day, his cuts and bruises spread under his shirt and trousers too. 
Steve knew that he’d changed during his time with Hyrda, back in the 30s they’d both been betas, happy to plod along ignoring the madness of the few alpha’s in Brooklyn. It had been a rare thing then, to be an alpha, now they were considered a dying breed, so when Bruce’s tests had revealed that Bucky was an alpha now, they’d tried to take it in their stride that he might go off on his own sometimes, especially since omegas were even rarer. But there was still so much they didn’t know, so much to unpack and discover about the Bucky they’d rescued, and Steve was so desperate to spend time getting to know this new man that all the time apart was making him worry. 
“You okay?” Sam asked from the doorway, leaning in to hand Steve a hot cup of coffee. 
“Just doing a stock check.” 
“He take something else?” Sam stepped into the small room, lined with shelves and shelves of tents, camping stoves, parachutes, it seemed to go on and on. The bare grey shelves where stock was missing was stark against the white washed walls. 
“Barnes,” Sam sipped his coffee, matter of fact, and Steve confronted the worry that had been plaguing him. 
“It’s Bucky, isn’t it?” Steve dropped his head heavily and Sam patted him on the back, still sipping his drink. 
“Sorry man, told you, he’s not right yet. He’s not hurting anyone though, if he hates his bedding, who cares, if he hates your lunches, who could blame him.” 
Sam sidestepped Steve’s halfhearted swipe with a grin on his face. 
“But what’s he doing with it, Sam? Where’s it all going?” 
“Hell, I don’t know, have you asked him?” Sam raised his eyebrows. 
Had Steve asked his best friend, who flinched at his touch and shied away from any conversations? Bucky who vanished for hours at a time and came back looking as if he’d been dragged through a hedge? No, he hadn’t. He’d been too scared to confront what might be going on, what latent part of his programming might be at play. 
“Look, if you’re too scared to ask why don’t I?” 
Now it was Steve’s turn to raise his eyebrow, it wasn’t that Sam and Bucky didn’t get along, they just didn’t get along yet. Steve was working on it. 
“What if we…followed him?” He offered instead and Sam laughed again. 
“Who knew Captain America was scared of his own friends,” he couldn’t contain the chuckles. “Fine, fine. Let’s keep an eye on him.” Sam turned to the ceiling, more comfortable with the AI than Steve was. “FRIDAY, if Sergeant Barnes leaves his room, please can you alert us - privately?” 
“Of course,” the soft voice answered and Steve gave his friend a weak smile. 
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FRIDAY’S alert went off twice a day, every day, over the next week. But despite their best efforts neither Steve nor Sam managed to catch up with Bucky. 
It wasn’t until the following Saturday that they managed to follow him. Bucky was supposed to be at a training session to get his official certifications but they’d both had a feeling he’d try and skip it. As predicted they’d spotted the blue of his new henley edging around the side of the compound, a full backpack strapped to his back. 
Bucky ran across the grass and towards the thick forest. His still uncut hair was tied back but tendrils fell out as he sprinted into the wind. 
He was surprisingly loud, as he strode quickly between the trees, snapping twigs and branches that Steve knew he could’ve dodge even before the serum and his training. Sam looked at him, both of their feet silent as they followed. 
Bucky’s speed increased as he turned his face up into the breeze, his backpack jostled against the trees, bouncing when he began to run. 
Steve kept up, sending Sam wide, into the breeze, in case Bucky doubled back. 
Just as he was starting to feel lost in the repetition of trees and ferns, Bucky burst into a clearing and Steve slammed to a halt. 
The pine trees gave way to a small patch of clear sky, shining down on an old shed. Unlike the other abandoned guard houses, this one had obviously been cleaned recently. The small porch was swept and a pair of Avengers camping chairs were arranged neatly facing into the forest. A line had been strung between the cabin and the trees where one of the missing blankets fluttered in the gentle wind. 
Steve crouched down, motioning to Sam on the other side of the clearing to stay out of sight. 
Bucky approached slowly, “Cățeluș, are you here?” 
At first there was nothing and then a wolf nosed its way out from behind the door, it’s chestnut brown fur almost gold in the sunlight. It leaped forwards from the porch and shot across the clearing, leaping into Bucky’s arms. 
Steve whipped his head up to try and find Sam and by the time his eyes found Bucky again the wolf was gone, replaced by a woman pulling on a large t-shirt from Bucky’s backpack. 
“James!” Her sweet voice rang out in the otherwise quiet forest. 
Swamped by Bucky’s familiar red henley, you shot from the door and into Bucky's waiting arms, the back pack dropped to the floor and forgotten. 
She was swamped by Bucky’s red henley and he wrapped you in his arms, one large hand on the back of your head, tucking you into his neck. The other supported your legs, now wrapped around his waist. 
In the clearing Bucky's shoulders relaxed as he sank into your embrace, kissing and nipping at your neck. In return you tipped your head, practically purring at the attention and wriggling in his arms. 
“Have you been okay, baby.” Bucky asked, pulling away enough to look you over. 
“I'm okay, I missed you though, James, please don't leave me again.” You begged cupping his stubbled cheeks in your hands. 
Bucky turned into your palm and kissed it, “I know, I know, I’ve been making sure it’s safe for you.” 
Steve's heart sank. Bucky didn't feel safe? 
“You trust me, don't you, my little omega.” Bucky rubbed his nose into your cheek and you giggled, holding him even tighter, your hands in his hair. 
An omega? 
Sam stared over at Steve, eyes wide. 
It was clear to them both that this was no chance encounter and all Bucky’s odd behaviour suddenly started to make more sense.
Steve motioned for Sam to leave, they could sneak back to the compound and perhaps bring this up tentatively. Perhaps leave some items you might like lying around in the hopes that Bucky would take them and understand that his secret was out, but it was safe. 
Sam moved swiftly round the clearing as Steve continued to watch Bucky. 
Bucky vanished into the cabin, leaving you on the porch alone, snuggled into his shirt and pressing the collar to your nose. 
“She’s cute,” Sam whispered, squeezing up against Steve, still hiding in the overgrown ferns that lined the edge of the cabin. 
“We can’t let her sleep out here. She must be hungry and cold.”
Bucky emerged from the cabin carrying two of the missing mugs, balancing them carefully on the railing before scooping you up into his lap. His hand hovered by his mouth, sipping in slow motion as his eyes scanned the tree line and Steve took a breath, sitting back quickly. 
“Stay here, Cățeluș,” he was up in a flash, eyes always on the tree line even when he reached into his boot to pull out a familiar gerber knife. 
Instead of flipping it into his palm, he balanced it on the arm of your camping chair. Eyes still on the trees he placed his metal hand on top of your head, “stay here and stay safe, follow the plan, do what you need to.” His voice was low, series, almost a growl. Far away from the happy, loving tones he’d been speaking to you with before. 
You nodded, and as soon as he felt your head move he was up and off the porch. 
Steve and Sam looked up in time to see a wolf leap towards them. 
It was true then, the experiments had worked and Steve had the cold feeling that returned every time he discovered something new about his friend during a fight, but he had no time to worry about it now. Not when the wolf was closing in on them. 
It was huge, its white fur dusted with fallen leaves, but its teeth gleamed in the afternoon sun as he pounced, snarling. His paws the size of dinner plates slamming into the ground in front of them, teeth bared and snarling. 
Steve rolled away, pulling Sam with him and covering his body, regretting not bringing the shield. 
“Bucky!” Sam shouted from under Steve’s arm
“Bucky it’s us we don’t want to hurt you!” 
The wolf pulled back from the two men pinned beneath him, and something like clarity passed over Bucky’s icey blue eyes and he sat on his haunches, head cocked to one side, ears floppy. Then it stood, rounding the bushes and, in a blink, the man had reappeared still hiding before the foliage to cover his naked body. 
“Steve -” Bucky looked thoroughly confused, 
“Bucky, we’re so sorry we shouldn’t have followed you.” 
“What are you doing here?” Bucky’s voice wavered, his body cold without his fur and with his clothes left behind in the cabin. 
“We were worried about you, man, you’ve been so weird - stealing stuff, going missin’, can you blame us for getting creeped out?” Sam raised his eyebrows and Bucky’s brow furrowed. 
“Sorry, I’m sorry, I just had to -” he gestured back towards the cabin and, as if remembering he’d left you behind with no way of knowing he was safe he turned and ran back to the clearing. 
Steve and Sam jumped up, chasing after Bucky once more. 
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The cabin porch was empty when Steve picked his way down the slope of mud and rocks into the clearing. 
A howl rang out as he got closer to the little house, a high, pained sound and then the response came, low and level. 
There were two wolves now, hidden at the side of the cabin in the shadows.
The white wolf kept itself half turned towards Steve and Sam, who kept quiet and still, barely daring to breathe, allowing its companion to approach slowly. 
The brown wolf dropped in front of the white, ears flat back against its head, and then rolled over, showing a soft belly that the white wolf nuzzled gently before turning back to Steve and barking sharply. 
Steve held his hands up and the wolf barked again, turning tail and returning to the cabin. 
It took only moments for Bucky to show himself on the porch, pulling his henley back down over his now dirt streaked belly. 
“Come in,” he gestured up the stairs and vanished again. 
The cabin, though run down, was well kept. The porch was swept of leaves and there was even a little mat by the door. 
“Shoes,” you whispered, pulling on Bucky’s sleeve as you entered the main living space, making an attempt to hide behind him. You’d dressed again too, also in one of Bucky’s henleys and a pair of leggings that Steve recognised as Avengers recruit issue. 
“Do you mind?” Bucky asked while Steve and Sam stared between you both. 
“Shoes,” you turned to look up at Bucky again, eyes pleading in one moment and then flicking to the two new men treading mud into your home. 
“Your shoes, take them off.” Bucky helped them arrange their boots neatly by the door while you pottered around the fireplace. “This is her nest,” he whispered, making sure the doormat was straight and the little curtain was neat over the window. “It’s important to omegas, to her,” you turned shooting a glare over your shoulder, “to us-that it’s kept just right and she hates shoes inside.”
In the small living space a camping stove had been set up with a kettle, a portable fridge, and an assortment of mugs, both Avengers field regulation and novelty, which were set neatly on the mantel. You chose four, and placed them next to the kettle while it steamed happily away. 
Bucky spoke softly to you in a mixture of English and Romanian, but you didn’t come any closer to the strange men. You’d seen them before, on the television and in Bucky’s notebooks, but now that they were here, so large and imposing, you couldn’t bring yourself to even look over. 
“This is Cățeluș, well, that’s not her real name but we couldn’t find that. She - uh -” you watched Bucky struggle for words and lay a hand on his cheek, smiling warmly up at him. Your Winter, your James. “-I don’t want to say the word, it upsets her, but she was with me when I was - him - part of the experiments.” 
You poured the tea quietly, watching the steam rise into the darts of sun making their way through the broken knots of wood in the wall, and you took a deep breath. With shaking hands you gave the first man, Sam, a cup. He had a gentle face, a wide smile and he didn’t look at you with pity, as you feared, only interest. 
The second man held his breath as you approached, keeping his hands as close to his body as possible until you pushed the cup towards him. Steve. Bucky had lots of pictures of Steve in his notebooks and had told you more stories than you could remember, but he didn’t look sickly, he looked too big for the space, his shoulders drawn in, slouched. You appreciated that he was trying not to look scary, even though your every nerve was on edge.  
Bucky took the proffered mug from your hands with a kiss to your forehead and you sighed, allowing him to steer you to the only arm chair in the room and then passing you your own tea. 
“We got out, eventually and - I brought her here.” Bucky sat on the rolled arm of the chair, draping his own arm over your shoulders and fitting you into his side. 
Steve and Sam could only stare. 
“Why didn’t you bring her to the compound? She can stay -” Steve turned to you, “you can stay, either in Bucky’s room or you can have your own room if you’d prefer.” 
It took you a moment to process the offer, but eventually you shook your head, turning into Bucky’s side. 
“It was awful - in there, with them she, we both -” Bucky struggled for the words, the desire to protect you rising inside 
“It’s okay,” Sam said carefully, “I know the transition’s been rough on you, Bucky, I can’t imagine what it’s been like for her, how you even got her out here. But there’s nothing to be afraid of, maybe she’ll come with you? If you suggest it?” 
Sam kept looking at you, his eyes soft and encouraging but you turned away, pressed your face into Bucky’s ribs where his scent had soaked through his shirt, reassuring and primal, chanting in your head Alpha, safe, Alpha, safe. You did miss him, when he was gone, but how could he keep you safe in that place. 
You’d seen it, once or twice, through the trees when you took a walk, looking for whatever you could find in the forest. Guards left lots of things behind, bottles and coats and jackets, useful things. You collected them all, skirting around the edge of that horrid white building and hoping to never see the terrifying things that flew out of it, men in suits and robots, it was too much. 
“You can bring whatever you like with you, and maybe Nat and Wanda could help you with some new things, if you liked?” Steve followed Sam’s lead, keeping his voice steady and low. 
“James - my nest.” You mumbled, gripping his henley in your fist. 
He dropped a hand onto your head, “we can do whatever you like, baby. You want to stay here, we can stay, you want to go to the compound, we’ll go.” 
You felt Bucky’s heart rate pick up, its beat hammering and your anxiety grew too, your breathing more ragged, you turned even further into him, practically climbing into his lap, the henley you’d taken from him riding up. 
Instantly you knew it was a mistake, the scars of your time in Hydra were still visible, raised on your skin, yellowing patches of healing bruises and calloused skin from repeated bouts in the chair. 
Sam and Steve could barely conceal their inhale of breath. 
“Bucky, did you get her checked by a doctor or…” Sam trailed off, Bucky looked angry again, his arms fully surrounding you. 
“And what would I have said, Sam?” He growled, “I know she looks like she’s been kept in a cage and beaten but please don’t arrest me, I promise it wasn’t me? Her social security number? Sorry, I don’t have it, we don’t even know her name. I did the best I could.” His anger tipped over into a resigned sadness. Bucky cupped your face in one hand and forced you to look up at him, “I did the best I could, baby, I really did.” 
You nodded and his grip loosened so you could nuzzle into his chest again, your own tears running down your cheeks at the memory of those early days. Bucky’s shaking hands patching up your burns and cuts, the whisky you’d slugged before he pulled out a stray bullet from your arm and stitched it with floss. Every touch had been gentle though, every time he’d changed your bandages or cleaned you up, it had been gentle. It had been everything he could give you. 
“We didn’t mean it like that, Buck,but we could help, get her checked over and then you can come back here.” Sam’s voice was plaintive, deliberately soothing and it made Bucky’s blood boil. 
“I’m not taking her to that place.” He bit back, there was no mistaking the way he curled you into his body, tucking your head under his chin and wrapping his arms around your back. 
It didn’t hurt anymore, to be touched, but then it’d never hurt to be touched by James. His hands had always been careful with you, his strength used only for protection and it was for that reason that you lay your trust in him completely. 
“Don’t make me go, Alpha.” You whispered, your lips brushing the base of his neck where you’d marked him, right over his scent gland, your teeth marks an eternal brand. You nuzzled into him, your chest rumbling again. 
“I won’t make you go,” he looked back at Steve and Sam, the finality of his decision sat heavily in the air. 
“Can we at least bring some medical things here? Would you let Sam check you out?” Steve offered, he was increasingly concerned by the way Bucky had retreated into the chair, his own legs now curled up on the overstuffed cushion.
Above you, James nodded once, “just you and Sam, don’t tell anyone else. I’ll know if you tell anyone else.” The panic edging Bucky’s voice had Steve raising his hands in surrender. 
“I promise, Buck, just Sam and I.”
Sam and Steve left the cabin at dusk while you and Bucky watched from the deck. As soon as they were beyond the trees he pulled you even tighter against his chest, his heat warm. 
“Everything is going to be okay, baby, I promise, no one’s going to ever, ever, hurt you again.” His hands slid down your arms and across the slow swell of your belly. “But we should consider their offer, make sure we’re making a choice that’s good for you and me, as well as them.” His palm pushed up under your shirt, splayed on your tight skin and, deep inside, your pup pushed back. 
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marshallpupfan · 2 months
Marshall Merchandise Update!
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Got some interesting new additions for my collection to show off today! Eventually, I need to show everything off again... as soon as I get things organized again. I still have items I bought from early last year that I still haven't found a spot for yet. I've been slacking! lol
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First off, this lapel pin... being graciously held up by Wolf O'Donnell. There's probably a "can't let you do that" joke in here somewhere, but I can't think of any right off hand. 😅
This was actually sent to me by a friend, who recently paid a visit to Nickelodeon Universe (an indoor theme park). While she was there, she seen this and got it for me, hoping it was something I didn't have. Fortunately, it wasn't! A fine item for my collection, indeed! She'll likely see this post later, so if you're reading this, thank you again!
Actually, I believe she also went a year or two ago and managed to find the Meet & Greet Marshall wandering around. She even got a picture & video with him, too. I was quite envious! 😄
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Next, this "magic towel" thing. It's also being held up by another wolf - this time, it's Wolf Link, from "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess". Can you tell I'm a bit of a Nintendo gamer? lol
Anyhoo, I was just doing some shopping with my mother in a dollar store when I happened to stumble upon this. It was only $1.25, so... why not get it? The artwork isn't the best, but hey, I still like it.
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Next, one of those "Good 2 Grow" snack containers! Actually, funny story about this one. I was at a gas station, not expecting to see anything pertaining to PAW Patrol, when I seen one of these that someone left at the front near the cashier. However...
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It was actually one of Zuma, which surprised me, since they usually pass him up to focus on the main four. I meant to post about it on Twitter/X, but like usual, I forgot. In any case, I decided to track one down, and I soon found one of Marshall at Walmart. It was the last one, too! Unless I'm mistaken, they also had one of Liberty, so I guess they went beyond just the six original pups this time. Nice!
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As you might recall, we've actually seen products like this before, about a year or two ago. Back then, it was just the pups in their regular outfits. This time, they went with a superhero theme, no doubt due to The Mighty Movie. I'm not sure why they went with Super Paws and not the Mighty Movie outfits, but maybe these were easier to mold. Who knows, but hey, I quite like it when older outfits get brought back, instead of them getting forgotten in the sands of time.
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I just wish we could see THIS outfit again someday. It had a brief reappearance in that "Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay" video game, but that's it so far. Sadly, at this point, I doubt we'll ever see it again.
Er... guess I got a little distracted here, sorry!
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Last, and absolutely not least, is this brand new item! Something I knew about for many months and couldn't wait to get a hold of one for myself! It's "Storytime with Marshall" by Leap Frog!
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(In hindsight, taking these pictures in front of my monitor may not have been the best idea. Hopefully they're not too hard to see. 😅)
This thing is legitimately super awesome! They really got his likeness down so well here! I mean, seriously, just look at it! It's so cute! It's easily one of the best pieces of merch I've got in my collection now!
According to the box, it can do quite a lot. It includes 40+ stories, which I assume are based on various episodes (I haven't listened to them yet, but I also assume they focus on different pups, going by the buttons on the front... yeah, it's a shame there's no Rocky or Zuma again, I know). It has a sleep timer, to help lull the little ones to sleep at night before shutting off and all that. Additionally, it teaches "core learning skills" or something, whatever that means. That's cool and all, but of course, for me, I just wanted it because I absolutely love how it looks. It'll look great on one of my shelves! lol
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I'll admit, I'm glad this came out before the new animation style got applied. While I like Marshall's updated season 11 look so far (I might make a separate post about that later), his original design is still my #1 favorite. A part of me hopes to keep collecting more merchandise of THIS Marshall, but I know that, by next year, they'll probably retire this design and start using the new one, permanently. Guess I'll enjoy it while it lasts. 😅
And that's all for now! I currently have another item coming in the mail; Marshall's new Rescue Wheels big wheel vehicle + figurine. It's been delayed, but it's supposed to show up at some point next week. Hopefully, the remaining Rescue Wheels merchandise will show up in stores soon enough, and I'll be able to show them all off soon. I might also have to buy a Boomer figurine, too. lol
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0dde11eth · 1 year
Vesemir is the Grumpiest kitten
Vesemir was having the strangest year of his long life. His pup geralt had not only managed to bind himself to a sorceress AND a Cintran princess, but also a member of the fairy Court.
The crashing of rocks in the background tell him that the sorceress and her pupil are hard at work, using their magic to help rebuild the northern tower. Echos of laughter drift down to vesemir. His pups are hard at work, helping put plaster in the cracks. Or at least they pretend to work hard when he's in eye sight. They still think that if they can't see him then he clearly can't tell what kind of mischief they are getting into.
Speaking of the little runaway viscount. "Hello bard."
"Good morning sir vesemir! And how are you this fine day? Ooh what are we harvesting today?"
"Watermelons, Lamberts cat brought me some seeds from his caravan last year, and I wanted to see how well they'd grow at this altitude."
Blue eyes peek over vesemirs shoulder, "I haven't seen a Watermelon in decades!" The young fae practically shouts in his excitement. "I can hardly wait, I swear between the treasures of your garden and cooking I've gained ten pounds, this last week alone!"
Vesemir chuckled at the bard, who was dressed in a shockingly bright green outfit, "true, you're beginning look like one of my watermelons"
A loud, dramatic gasp and a swat at his shoulder makes vesemir laugh even louder. "Nice try, but you're a kitten without any claws. All hissing and yowling and fluffing up trying to look scary"
"Rude!" Jaskier does indeed appear to fluff himself up as he draws in a deep breath to lecture the older wolf.
Before he can speak vesemir pats jaskiers head condescendingly. "I jest bard, a little kitten like you couldn't possibly eat an entire Watermelon. So we better save them all for the wolves. Help keep that figure trim."
Jaskier draws himself up glaring at the wolf. The teasing about his weight he can handle. Calling him a kitten? That's fine! But the audacity to not share the deliciousness of Watermelon?? This shall not stand!
"Let's see who's the kitten around here." Blue eyes become even bluer, glowing brightly as he gently taps the older Witcher on the nose with his forefinger.
"Bard what the hell are you doing!?" Vesemir roars in anger. Or at least he tries to. All that comes out is a series of tiny squeaks.
Long fingers come into view and vesemir swats them away, hissing furiously. The bards tinkling laughter fills the air and vesemir can feel himself being lifted by his scruff. Much to his annoyance, vesemir can't help how his body goes limp in response.
Jaskiers face appears in front of vesemirs own. "Oh you are the cutest thing! Yet you still look so grumpy, even as a kitten."
The bard brings vesemir closer and kisses his forehead, crooning under his breath. Vesemir growls at the affection, which just makes jaskier laugh more.
After a moment jaskier rearranges his grip, and as soon as he releases vesemirs scruff, vesemir takes advantage and attacks! With a wild yowl he scratches jaskiers cheek. A single drop of blood appears.
The fae heals it immediately, and huffs at at vesemir. "So rude! Well if you're not going to be good company, then I'll leave you be!
With that, jaskier places the cranky kitten on the ground, and decides to push his luck even further. "I look like a Watermelon do I? Well fine! A Watermelon I shall be!"
Another poof of magic fills the air, and in jaskiers place, a Watermelon sits. Rage fills vesemir at the faes antics and he scrambles around the plants and begins lecturing the fruit. bard. Whatever! He smacks the Watermelon without much success, considering how tiny his paws are. He can feel his fur fluffing up as his temper grows.
He's still yelling (mewing) at the bard to change them back, when the hungry pups wander into the garden, wanting to collect the pair for lunch.
To their surprise they see a cranky grey kitten, furiously growling and squeaking at a strange glowing Watermelon.
Lambert snorts. "Is that your bard?"
Eskels eyes widen, "is that... VESEMIR?"
Geralt simply sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose. Vesemir will be making him run the walls nonstop for months because he brought his ridiculous bard to kaer morhen.
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bugwolfsstuff · 7 months
Trials of Loki AU Chapter 1
@parrotxx I did it!
Well atleast the first Chapter. I'm still not sure how i'll get him to earn his place back to godhood. And it was a little rushed near the end. Also havent proof read.
Hi, I'm Loki Laufeyjarson. I used to be a god—err, Jotun. My 'godly membership' was revoked two thousand and sixteen years ago.
In my many, many years of living (if you can call most of it life), the Aesir have punished me in lots of creative ways. They've forced me to go get new golden hair for Sif. Let my mouth get stitched up. Murdered my sons and defiled their corpses to chain me to a rock. Put a snake over the aforementioned rock to drip venom on my face until Ragnarok.
But never in my immortal existence have they done something like this.
And I'm not even sure how they did it.
The last thing I remember was making an err...tactical retreat after a flyting with Magnus Chase. Being in a walnut that I definitely chose to be in, then sitting on a table surrounded by very angry Aesir, and then falling. Buildings spiralling in and out of my view. I tried to shapeshift into a bird, a dragon, or maybe even a butterfly—something that, as a Jotun, should come naturally to me, but I just kept falling, still humanoid. Which is very...uncomfortable.
Thankfully, I had a soft landing.
I sat up, groaning in a pile of leaves, spitting out a red leaf, and glaring at the park groundskeeper, who was staring at me bewildered. My ribs ached, and I was pretty sure were broken.
"What?" I snapped, "Never seen a guy fall from the sky?"
The groundskeeper's jaw dropped, and he fled, leaving his rake behind. Pretty sure he needed that.
The very annoying voice of Odin rang in my mind: YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELF, LOKI.
"Very helpful, Odin. Now, how do I fix it? Do I have to watch one of your stupid PowerPoints?" I asked, "Get you a new raven?"
Odin's shrill voice boomed in my head like he was yelling too close into a microphone: FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF.
I rolled my eyes, massaging my temples. Great. Just great. Not only do I get—
—AND MY POWERPOINTS AREN'T STUPID, Odin bellowed before going completely silent.
Well, they are, old man, I thought before attempting to pick myself up from the leaf pile. My ribs cracked and throbbed in protest, and my stomach clenched. I barely managed to stand up before I wanted to sit back down again.
My vision blurred. I was in some sort of park. Blobs that I assumed were mortal children were playing loudly on a bigger blob—a playground of some sort, maybe?— nearby. Another grey blob stood in front of me—A statue, sadly probably not of me. I could hear running water, a fountain?
I took a deep breath, which was a mistake.
"Owwwweee!" I hissed through my teeth, "Yep. Yep, ribs definetly broken!"
My entire body screamed at me to lie back down. This mortal form was so... fragile. Every movement felt like snake venom dripping on my face, only this time it was my entire body. Everything was so soft and painful — How do you humans live like this? How do you deal with being so, so...weak? So fragile? Broken that easily? I hated it!
I managed to —painfully— drag myself to a bench, which proved to me once again that my ribs were definitely broken.
On the bright side: my vision finally decided to stop pretending it's a funhouse mirror and I could properly take in my surroundings.
I was right about the statue, it was not of me. Very sad. It was of that one guy—Leaf I think his name was. Seriously you mortals should get a statute of me erected (haha) instead of that nobody.
The sound of wolves howling rudely broke me out of my thoughts.
Which meant Fenris' pups were on the prowl.
Now usually I'm fine with wolves, my own son Fenris was born a wolf after all and these were his children—my grandchildren. But, I knew well enough to tell the difference between an 'I'm hungry let's go hunt, guys' howl and an 'Oh my gods guys. I love you all so much' howl.
This howl was the former.
And I'm not sticking around for it. Not because I think they'll attack me. They wouldn't dare try that. But because watching my grandchildren tear apart a mortal or the odd demigod brings back some very um.... unpleasant memories.
With a very painful protest from my squishy, broken, weak mortal body, I got up from the bench and started hobbling out of the park.
As I trudged out of the park and up the street, It started pouring rain because I clearly hadn't been humiliated enough. Thor decided to soak me.
"Really?" I yelled at the sky, slightly regretting it at the sharp sting of my ribs.
YES REALLY, Odin's voice boomed in my head. Though that could have been my imagination or delirium from the broken ribs.
"I'd never do this to you!" I retorted, pointing angrily at my head. Earning some weird looks from passing mortals.
YES YOU WOULD, several Aesir said in unison before going silent once more.
It's true I would. But that was beside the point! 
I am once again asking how you mortals deal with this? THIS IS TORTURE! And I should know! I've been tortured! Many times!
A car driving past decided I wasn't soaked and miserable enough and lovingly gave me a splash of muddy water, soaking my clothes, causing them to cling to my body.
I snarled before shivering.
I have to get out of here fast, I thought bitterly. I couldn't stay in one place for too long, not unarmed and injured anyway; I have too many enemies. All of which want me dead. Can't imagine why, I'm a delight!
But the problem with having as many enemies as I have is that I don't have many allies. There's my wife Sigyn, she's the only person I truly trust to not stab me in the back—mostly cause her hands are full from holding the bowl over my face but I digress.
But that opens up a whole other problem: I don't know where she is. She could be across the country ceramic bowl shopping for all I know!
So that kinda leaves me only one option, and I know neither one of us is going to like it. But I am really starting to feel woozy and I don't have a choice.
I stood outside Randolph Chase's mansion—well more Magnus Chase's mansion. I think Randy died, pretty sure I killed him. Not too sure about that, some of my memories are a bit foggy. Hope that's not a permanent thing.
Despite our rocky history of me trying to kill him and possibly killing his uncle, the son of Frey has proven himself to be somewhat sympathetic to me in the past. So maybe, I could appeal to his sense of compassion.
And if that doesn't work then I'll just convince one of my children to let me in. Because my children just cannot say no to me.
Because if they say no I'll make them say yes because they owe it to me for their powers and creating them.
Yay, parenting! 
The snarling wolf knocker rattled as I knocked on the door. Seriously what was it with Randy and wolves? Like, dude your sister got mauled by wolves have some decency...oh right he worked with me. He doesn't have that.
I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Why did I feel so tired all of a sudden? Why am I even doing this?
The door swung open and I had to dodge to avoid being hit in the face, something my broken ribs enjoyed very much.
It was in fact not Magnus that made an attempt on my life through door. It was the green-headed menace that I called my child.
Alex Fierro.
He—she? I couldn't tell, guess Odin didn't just take my immortality—didn't react to me in her/his usual hateful face. Which was a good sign. What wasn't a good sign was the fact that my vision was starting to swim again.
"Hey, Alex!" I chirped, before promptly passing out.
Oh for fuck sake.
Chapter 2: Will be written soon.
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layraket · 3 months
I saw your post saying asks for the creatures gang au were open so
1) what type of creature is everyone? (I've seen a few post, but I don't think I know what EVERYONE is)
2) what is everyone's favorite food?
3) do they do snuggles? If so, who is most likely to curl up together?
4) of those with fur, who's is the softest?
1) I tried to make them all something that is related to their adventure AND will make sense in their quests, so we have:
Wind - Seagull
Four - Mouse
Hyrule - Fairy
Wild - Fox
Legend - Rabbit
Sky - Loftwing
Twilight - Wolf (well it would be more a mix between a german shepherd and a wolf if we go with the technicalls)
Warriors - Lion
Time - Wolf
Twilight is able to turn hylian, the same with Hyrule! the only diference is that Twilight uses the aid of the light spirits, while Hyrule is able to do this for himself
im still deciding if make this also something that Four can do, but i'll see when i finish playing minish cap lol
As an extra theres also Ravio who is a bunny and Malon who is a German Shepherd!
if i remember correctly i also added Spirit somewhere, who is a draft horse
Wind: There's this old lady in Outset island that took care of him and Aryll when their parents never came back, she makes the best fish soup! she always give them some
Four: Loves the pastries in Castle Town! Always goes to visit the minish there to have a chat and taste all the sweet bread
Hyrule: Anything tooth-rooting sweet! but fruits like strawberries are his personal favorites, in his era there's not much of them to taste (thats why Wild's Hyrule is one of his favs behind Legend's)
Wild: This damn fox eats anything that can enter his mouth. But! He loves a lot fish, he visits frequently Zora's domain and Sidon always gives him some, the same in Lurelin Village after the locals got used to his presence
Legend: Apples, also red poppies are one of his personal favorites, Ravio always find some when they explore around the forest
Sky: This bird loves fish a lot, and since he got to taste the trouts in the surface they became his favorites
Twilight: Yeto's soup, he got to taste it while hylian, and hes glad that he did that, he didnt thought that the soup could get better with wolf hair. A second place is definetly baked cucco
Warriors: See this giant cat? he's completly in love with Hyrule's food since he got to taste it, his personal favorite being the beef of Castle Town
Time: since a puppy he has been feed with a simpler diet, mostly tiny roedors and some fruit, but since he got to stay in the ranch his fav is fried cucco eggs, Malon has to talk with the cuccos cuz they dont let him near to take the eggs tho
3) Absolutely. Twilight is very protective with the ones he consider pack, so he express his love with a lot of physical touch. He always tries to stay close to Time, and keeps company Wild as he is almost like a pup in his eyes. He tried with Legend, that rabbit's bite is strong
Wild, Legend and Hyrule cuddle together a lot, sometimes Four joins them
Sky mother hen's everyone, he's the biggest in the chain and even Time or Wars cant escape his big wings covering them completly. The only one who isn't found of him is Wind
Wind stays very close to Warriors, always on his back and sleeps covered by his scarf and mane, Four also joins them sometimes, being the smallest one makes him very pocket sized for everyone
have you seen Wars?
i mean yeah Twilight looks very fluffy, Legend too
but this is a big kitty who we are talking abt
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i rest my case
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Iulius and Augustus (A Starry Night Story)
Here's a cute little story inspired by a dumb thing my friend said. It's a two parter so hopefully I'll have the second part up soon.
CW: Mentions of child abduction and some of the events from AoIS
You poke at the sizzling meat, careful lest it burns on your skillet. The smell of cooked lamb wafts up to your sensitive nose, and your stomach rumbles accordingly. Were it up to you, you would have eaten the meat as you found it, but your little companion does not have enough wolf in his blood to digest raw meat (something you unfortunately discovered after he got sick and you didn’t know what to do). The boy stares at you as you cook. Hungry little eyes follow your hands as you turn each cut of meat over. He’s cautious of you, but at least he will accept any food you offer him. You can’t blame him for his mistrust.
After all, you are his abductor.
What stories did his mother tell about you? What did her children know of the father that stalked them in the night? Of the monster who would rip their family apart, were it necessary to bring the Age of Stars into existence? Maybe she kept you a secret, a family embarrassment her children would only be able to wonder about. You would be okay with that, perhaps, being forgotten by her. Despite being a traitor, her pups need her, and you….
It’s frustrating. You know the hatred isn’t there anymore, yet your mind will not let you conjure the thought of forgiveness. The statements: ‘She took the Fingerslayer Blade in a misguided attempt to protect you.’ and ‘She loved you.’ are both logical, as veridical as ‘one equals one.’ they’re impossible to deny. You want so badly to let the pieces fall into place, but the curse of your very being stops them from doing so. What’s more, the moment Lady Ranni asked you to bring the boy to her, to use him as a tool to kill the Two Fingers, you folded like a wet sheet of paper. You wanted to protest, plead with her to leave them alone, but what did you say instead? “It shall be done, my lady.” without hesitation. What a pathetic creature you are, less than a worm, less than the scum of the earth, you-
“It’s burning.” A tiny hushed voice breaks you out of your spiraling. You stop yourself from swearing before taking the slightly charred meat out of the fire and into a wooden plate. “Sorry….” you mutter as you pass the boy his share (the less burnt one). Aster accepts your offering, taking small and careful bites with his little muzzle. You’re glad he’s eating, at least. For the first few days after you took him from his mother’s camp, he would not stop crying, to the point that he would not eat. You felt awful about that. A young pup of about 5 or 6 years old is growing and needs nutrients. Worse still was knowing that you couldn’t console him other than by reassuring him that he would return to his family safe and sound. As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t turn back. Lady Ranni would never allow it. Now the boy is calm, more curious about you than afraid. You can’t decide if that’s for better or worse. You don’t bother restraining him, as he does not attempt to run away. If only the Lands Between were safer for a young pup, maybe you would be okay with letting him escape to find his mother, then deal with Ranni’s ire at your incompetence. Her words would be easier to deal with than the gnawing guilt currently eating you alive. She’s always been the type to use the Silent Treatment, anyway, that or attempting murder.
You chew the burnt mutton, grimacing at the bitter taste in your mouth. The boy looks at you, or rather, he looks at your open jaw whenever you take a bite out of the meat. His tail wags curiously at the sight of your fangs. Aster’s teeth are relatively tiny, a mouth full of little needles that would probably cause more pain than injury. You would know as he bit your finger the other day, and the scream you let out would have given anyone a reason to be concerned. If his’ are needles, yours are knives. Big enough to tear away at flesh and bone alike.
As a general rule, you avoid biting during fights. It’s not honorable, and you’d rather avoid being compared to a wild animal, but to a little pup, it must be exciting to get an idea of how big and dangerous one’s mouth can get. A smile tugs at your lip, and you make a show of biting down on your meal, the burnt flavor now slightly dulled. Aster laughs a carefree giggle that makes your tail wag, though your guilt still weighs on your shoulders. Maybe you can pretend to be Father and Son for just a moment. After this is over, you won’t see him again. You can’t, not after what you did. Your frown fades into a smile as Aster attempts to shove as much of the mutton into his mouth, his little fangs unable to tear so much meat away. It’s adorable, though you hesitate to say it out loud. You hope that Aster forgets all the tears he shed on the way here as he grows older. You hope he continues to laugh like this forever, even if you don’t get to see it. 
Aster does not speak much, mostly walking by your side in silence. You had offered to carry him on your shoulders, though he refused. His tumbling steps made you feel nervous about his well-being, but he never slowed down or fell like you thought he might. Now and again, you would catch him grabbing onto your cloak for stability, so you offered to hold his hand if he needed it instead. He was wary, of course, but he did take you up on your offer after some deliberation. His fingers are so tiny, a little mirror image of your rougher padded digits. It’s adorable.
You eventually reach the Three Sisters after doing your best to avoid the Fingercreepers lurking in Caria Manor. Adula greets you as you arrive, bowing her head in respect. Aster hides behind you, peeking at the dragon with some trepidation. “It’s okay, she’s a friend.” You reassure the boy, but he just hides under your cloak. A sigh escapes your lips as you dismiss Adula with a hand motion. The dragon doesn’t stop to ponder the small furry creature hiding behind you, and she takes off into the skies, kicking up dust and grass in her wake. You peek under your cloak and behind you at the pup currently hugging your tail. “Don’t worry, Aster, she’s gone.” You say, offering your hand to the boy. Aster ignores you, staring up at Ranni’s Rise, clearly uncomfortable with the derelict tower. “... scary.” he says, hiding behind your leg. You tilt your head as you look at the building over. Now that you think about it, Ranni’s Rise does have a rather ominous look to it. Perhaps you’ve simply grown accustomed to it, or maybe it’s just that everything related to your lady seems to have its imperfections scrubbed away in your eyes. Perhaps it is you who is strange for not feeling apprehensive.
Aster clutches your leg, and his face presses against your thigh. You can almost feel him trembling through the plate and the leather of your boot. “Aster….” you nudge him gently, but he does not release your leg; if anything, his grip tightens. If Seluvis were alive, perhaps he would jeer (or cackle) at the idea that a child could so quickly and effectively immobilize you. “Aster? Are you okay?” you nudge him again to no avail. Well, this is a problem. What to do? Grabbing Aster and forcing him to enter with you would likely be the most straightforward answer, but something about that just leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Children don’t deserve to get treated like misbehaving animals, and being afraid isn’t something they should be punished for. Coercion might work, but you can’t think of anything Aster might like. If only you knew him better. You try to remember how your mother might have helped you if you were scared. She was always the better parent, not that the competition was ever stiff. Radagon was not dad of the year material, even on his good days. (The irony of history seemingly repeating itself is not lost on you.) There was this one time you were afraid of swimming, and your mother said… hmmm. Okay, that could work.
As calmly as you can, you put your fingers over Aster’s, petting the fur on the back in a soothing motion. You try to keep your voice as calm as you can. “Aster… I understand you’re afraid of going inside. It’s maybe not the most welcoming place, but… I assure you that nothing bad will happen… I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” You say, feeling Aster’s grip on your leg weakens just a little. You gently pry him away from your leg, and he lets you. His faded lavender eyes look slightly red. He’s been crying. You kneel in front of him, wiping away what remains of his tears with your thumb. “Ni allwn fod yn ddewr os nad ydym byth yn ofni.” You say, repeating the words your mother once said, only to be met with a tilted head and a little frown… Shit. You’re such an idiot! Of course, he wouldn’t know any Liurnian. You feel your cheeks slightly redden at your mistake. You’re about to explain what it means when Aster pipes up. “... Dw i'n dy garu ti?” It catches you off guard, and you sputter for a moment. The boy merely stares at you, an equal mix of concern and amusement in his eyes. “Y-you… how did you…?” You manage to say, the marbles in your skull still rattling around. Aster looks down, and a sad look crosses his eyes. “Mum says it sometimes… it sounds like what you just said.” His little ears fall back, and he wrings his hands together. Thinking of his mother must have worried him. “... she said it with a smile but smelled like tears… I don’t get it, and she wouldn’t explain.” He falls silent.
Even when crouched down to Aster’s level, he looks up at you, his tiny body still dwarfed by your massive one. To think she would not only remember what little Liurnian you taught her but would choose to tell her children she loves them using your tongue. That’s… Well, that’s something. “To be honest, I don’t understand it either….” You admit, ruffling the fur on Aster’s head, causing him to let out a little giggle. “But it means your mother loves you very much… and I’ll make sure you see her again soon.” Aster smiles; it’s a cute and dorky grin. You smile, pushing the thoughts of his mother and her strangeness into the back of your mind. It doesn’t matter anymore to you, does it? Why do you care that she remembered? You’ll never see her again, not that she’d want to see your sorry mug. Stop thinking about impossibilities and concentrate on your mission. Your tail is a traitor that wags when you think about her, and you would do well to chop the bloody thing off.
Ranni was not particularly glad to see you. She hadn’t been happy to see you for a long time, though today she was particularly unhappy with your presence. You don’t understand what you did to earn her disdain. You chose to stay loyal to her, didn’t you? Shouldn’t she be happy that you would honor your oath to her above everything? Even though you wanted to be a father, the Age of Stars needed to come. Ranni knows this, yet your relationship with her has not been the same since that day the Fingerslayer Blade slipped out of her grasp. You don’t understand her; maybe you never understood her. Still, loyal hound (or lap dog perhaps) that you are, you stay by her side.
You will take Aster to the Moonlight Plateau tomorrow morning. He should be able to slay the Two Fingers keeping Ranni bound to this land. Once it was over, you would return Aster to his family. Then… Well, then you’ll have to find something else to do. Maybe, if you’re lucky, Aster’s mother might be kind enough to chop your head clean off your shoulders. It would certainly make things easier. For now, you get to spend the night here at the tower. Aster was still a little scared but followed you into your chambers. His little fingers wrap around your index as you show the boy where he will be staying.
“Are you comfortable, Aster?” You say as you tuck the boy in your bed. Crouched by his side. He looks so small compared to it. A tiny fluffy head poked behind a sea of sheets and blankets. Aster yawns (complete with a familiar whine at the end) before responding. “Uh-huh….” You run a thumb over the fur of his head. He closes his eyes and leans into your touch. “I’ll be upstairs if you need me then. Goodnight.” You stand up and would have made your way to the stairs if not for the hesitant look on Aster’s face, clutching at the sheets and looking at you and away like he wants to ask something. It would seem there is something wrong. “Aster? Did you want something else?” If he wants a glass of water or a snack before bed, there’s probably something around here he can eat. Or maybe he’s concerned about sleeping in a stranger’s bedroom for the night, though now that you think about it, has he ever been in a bedroom before? You didn’t think to ask, but maybe he hasn’t. Is that what has him uneasy?
Aster cuts off your runaway train of thought. “... are you really my dad?” He asks in an almost embarrassed tone that makes you feel increasingly silly. You kneel back by his side of the bed, trying to keep your tone calm and comforting even though your face feels a little hot. “I… I am, yes.” You say. It’s not worth explaining to a child that even though you’re his father biologically, you do not get to call yourself that after what you did. “Is that all you wanted to know?” Aster shakes his head, his little fingers still clutching the sheets. He’s steeling himself to say what he wants, like a warrior before a duel, to the point that it’s starting to make you uneasy.
“... Why….” The boy finally says. “... Why don’t you and Mum talk anymore?” The tone is not accusatory but stings you almost like it is. It’s only natural a kid would be curious, but honestly, you were hoping to avoid it for as long as you could. Aster sees your ears crumple, or maybe how your eyes dart away and pushes on, knowing he will get his answers. “Mum told me you fought, but… Why… Why can’t you make up? Aren’t people supposed to say sorry after they fight?” Aster looks… almost betrayed. As though the knowledge that adults are more complex is baffling to him, like the fact that the world is messy and full of irreconcilable differences is too wide for his little mind to comprehend. You don’t know how to respond to his question, as frankly, that’s not something a child his age would be ready to understand.
When you fought, it was because you felt she had betrayed your and your lady’s trust. She took the Fingerslayer Blade and potentially tried to turn you into a traitor, or so you thought. As the years passed and you gave it more thought, you concluded that maybe your Tarnished lover had a reason to think as she did. Lady Ranni, for as much as your mind would never allow you to see her in a bad light, had no intention of saving you once the Two Fingers took hold of your mind. Realizing how little it meant to her stung, but the years since the Fingerslayer Blade was stolen made it clear the sister you thought you knew was long dead, buried under an icy glare and heart. You’d still give your life to her, and the Tarnished was wrong for trying to force your hand, but you wonder if maybe you’d feel otherwise if the curse of your very being was lifted. It scares you as much as it entices you, the dark thoughts of betrayal that every cell in your body seems to reject, yet they persist in your mind. Besides, it must not have been easy seeing you try to destroy yourself. if it was you in her shoes, you’d definitely….
Yes. You would have done the same for her… you can admit as much to yourself. You turn to Aster’s little inquisitive eyes. He's been silent, but you felt him picking at your expression with his eyes, trying to unearth the details of the story from your facial movements alone. “... Adults sometimes forget that they need to say sorry. When someone hurts you, it can be easy to forget the other person might have been hurt too….” You explain calmly and reassuringly. “She did something that upset me, and I wasn’t ready to forgive her for it then… I… I then said some things that….” Hurt her beyond what you could do with a sword or fang? Threw her love for you in the mud and dug your heel in? Projectile vomited the worst combination of words you could think of for the sole purpose of causing her emotional pain? Go on, pick your poison. “... that I won’t repeat, but they upset her back… a lot….” Coward. “Then… we went our separate ways and never saw each other again. She would have her cubs in peace, never having to bring up the past or think about me again.” Except for the part where you threatened to hunt her down and told her to give her children up for adoption. Let’s leave that part out for the 6-year-old, shall we? “... It’s okay to not forgive people sometimes, Aster… not when they’re… bad guys… like me.” Silence falls in the room as you finish your muttering, inconsistent explanation. It’s better this way. She has a new life and little pups that depend on her while you’re a bloody mess. You do not deserve any of it, especially not after abducting a child.
Aster stares at you, not shocked or upset. He has that doe-eyed puppy-dog look to him where you’re not sure if a single word you just said was processed in his mind. Rude. You dropped some pretty heavy stuff back there, did he not think much of it? “Aster? Is something wrong?” You ask the boy. He looks away, staring at your desk and the items on top. “But… Mum thinks about you all the time….” He looks back in what you know understand is a look of confusion. “She always says she wants us to meet you one day, and that our dad is super strong and brave….” She… she said that? W-Why… Why would she say that?! Aster goes back to fiddling with the hem of the sheets, looking down at them like they were the most interesting thing in the room. “Umm… please don’t tell her, but the other day I heard her talking to herself and she said she wished you were there to help out… So, uh… That means you’re wrong about my Mum not wanting to see you!” He finishes, staring at you with a little accusatory glare. You’re still reeling, lost on how to respond. So despite all the awful things you threatened to do, she still thinks of you like the noble knight you pretend to be. Then again, it was always just a weak excuse, wasn’t it? The real problem here is, and has always been, you.
You finally manage to push out a single: “... huh.” After a tense moment of silence, earning yourself the tiniest slap on your muzzle. “Ow! Sorry, I was just… surprised.” You say, rubbing the sore spot on your muzzle. “If… if that’s true then I guess… I don’t have any excuse….” She doesn’t have the Fingerslayer Blade anymore. Your reason for hunting her down is over too. Still… Can it really be so simple? Surely you can’t just waltz back to her and sort things out. Wars have been fought over less and yet… “Are you scared?” Aster’s voice returns you to reality, his face tilted in concern. “Are you afraid… of mum?” He asks in a most sincere way that makes you feel pathetic. You look down at your hands, so large comparatively, and yet it’s like you’re the kid in this situation. “... I am… maybe.” You admit, not bearing to look at those eyes. You can’t stand the thought of lying to him right now. Faded lavender that reflects your insecurities like a mirror. You don’t jump (it’s more of a jolt) when the boy’s hand touches the fur in the back of yours, rubbing at the fur in a circular motion. “... if you’re scared… we can go to her together. I’m not good at a lot of things, but I can do this.” You smile. It creeps up from deep within you, a smile of genuine happiness, something you don’t think you have felt for a long time. Are you gonna say no, after a vote of confidence like that? You look back at the boy, who smiles back at you, simple and dorky. “Well… alright.” You say. “When we’re done with this, your mother and I can have a chat.” You hear the little thumping noise of Aster’s tail, trapped under the sheets. It’s worth a shot, at least. “Mind you, I can’t promise it’ll go well. She won’t be happy that I took you without permission.” You remind him, though it hardly dampens his enthusiasm. “Oh, but I’m having so much fun!” The boy says, ignoring the criminality of what you did. Maybe when he gets older he will understand.
After that you put Aster to bed again. The pup was reluctant about going to sleep, but his ever increasing yawns made it clear it was past his bedtime. You turned off the lights, snuffing out each candle, letting the room go dark save for the faint glow of glintstone from the crystals that grew everywhere. “G’night, dad.” Aster said as you stood up and were about to leave. You could’ve said something else, something that still kept the pretense of distance about your bond, but instead you said the one thing that could seal your fate. “Goodnight… son.” From then on you were doomed. Absolutely screwed. Completely and perpetually. Don’t let your wagging tail fool you.
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moonbiscuitsims · 1 year
Werewolf community on the Sims 2
If you like these characters check out my YouTube Video introducing them; I'll be doing some let's play soon. <3 CC List with some of the content is here. Any support for my posts and stories is appreciated :3
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My little werewolf community in the middle of Deadmoon Lakes
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The twins Nora and Fenris are the founders. Their condition for joining is that you had to have been unfortunately savaged and turned into a werewolf and have no where to go. How kind of them?
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Poor Berry did not think there would actually be werewolves in the old abandoned farmhouse that his friends dared him to enter...
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At least Fenris and Nora are friendly and soon he actually started to adjust to life at the community. He is a knowledge sim so he feels like he's learning a lot about occult matters he didn't know about, especially once he found out here that there are also such thing as vampires...and apparently they're terrible and smelly!!
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A few weeks later, Calendula arrived and Berry became quite fond of her. They also seem to both be messing around with others, but they feel a connection.
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...a deep connection x)
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Sometimes they all take little trips to the coast for a change of scenery. Berry tried learning break dancing but didn't really get anywhere with it. So he went inside the beach bar an played a little bit of poker instead.
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There was this creepy guy with scary eyebrows who kept going on about... finding a test subject, saying his old one had... escaped and asking Berry if he was interested. Berry politely declined... he got a bad feeling. There was also this greyish lady who absolutely stunk, like her skin was rotting away or something, maybe she had a disease? it was almost like she was a zombie. Good thing the game crashed and Berry was able to get out of there!
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Nora also is starting to get a crush on a strange alien lady she met out on the day trip to the beach, she'd never seen anyone like her! then again, she is a human wolf so there's that...her name's Chloe Curious. She hopes Chloe feels the same way...Chloe even decided to come up to the mountains from her coastal getaway to see Nora again but is this just a one time thing?
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Apparently she lives super far away, all the way out in the desert, a small town called "Strangetown". Berry mentioned he met someone creepy from there...Nora has her number so hopefully they'll keep in touch and maybe she can go down and visit her.
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Meanwhile she and her brother have a community to help run. She can't just leave her friends, her job and all the dogs for a girl she just met.
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I mean look at him <3 pups are Nora's real true love.
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ladala99 · 1 year
Wolvden Democracy Calculator - Small Changes to Wolf Personality Generation + Public Pastebin
First off: while I'm not exactly confident in my coding skills being any good, I've decided to publicly release the code for my Wolvden generators. (Lioden Fight Generator to come. Maybe I'll make it not break so easily by then. Maybe.)
Link here: https://pastebin.com/u/ladala/1/21WU4Epn
Explanation below. Disclaimer: Requires you to have a Python interpreter installed to work. I am providing this purely to let others play with it - it's far from error-proof.
Personality Generator is what I use to generate wolf interests. It's the most simple, just spitting out text about the wolf that I tend to copy/paste into the wolf's bio if I'm feeling lazy.
Some of the outcomes spit out a number at the front; that's for my convenience (and possibly yours) to use in the second part of the calculator.
WD_Wolfchart is where the stats about my wolves live. It's named this way because in order for the voting calculator to pull from it, it needs to be named that way. You'll notice some are numbers and some are text. It's not very user-friendly. That's what the numbers the Personality Generator spits out are for. For the "strength", "(weak)" is 1, "(strong)" is 2, and if it's not applicable, it's zero.
Wolvden Decisions is the actual voting part. The only options right now are hunt, lunar, and leader - giving a vote on how difficult prey should be hunted, what type of things to buy in the lunar shop, and who should be leader respectively.
This may be buggy - last I remember, I was messing with it, trying to get it to automatically revote. I did not finish. There's some remnants of what I was trying to do in there, though I believe it shouldn't affect the main calculation - it'll just be spitting out a bunch of numbers that I was trying to troubleshoot.
If it says "revote", I'll manually do a runoff by messing with the code to disallow the lowest-scoring options, run the program again, and then only look at the wolves who voted for the lowest-scoring options the first time and add their points to the original score. I'm hoping to figure out how to automate this at some point.
The New Thing
I understand that gender identity is a thing in the February event, including nonbinary. Since that wasn't part of the original generator, I have added gender identity. Like Mate Preference, it has a 1/10 chance of not being cis, with a 50/50 of being trans-(opposite gender from site listing) and nonbinary. This rolls completely separately to Mate Preference.
For my purposes, if a wolf is trans:
They are considered their preferred gender as far as mate preferences of other wolves go. So a trans-female wolf might be in a straight relationship with a cis-male wolf.
If they are nonbinary, only wolves open to any-gender relationship will be attracted to them. I am workshopping making it easier for them to find love, however.
For their mate preferences, however, I currently plan to have them be relative to their sex. So the default is a same-gender (but not same-sex) relationship. This is because I like biological pups being more likely for gameplay reasons. I'm toying with additional mechanics to determine this as I recognize this is far from perfect.
All my existing wolves have been labeled as cis for simplicity's sake.
I have also added gender and the cis/trans dichotomy to the wolfchart, as I'm seeing if I can add identity-based tiebreakers for leadership polls. Since I don't know about you, but if I don't care one way or the other but if one of the options is more like me than the other and I must vote, I'll vote for the one I have more in common with on the surface. I plan to expand this to things like base color/rarity as well. It will likely compare these features in an arbitrary (or perhaps random) order until it hits one that the voter and one of the tied candidates have in common.
This of course would only go into effect for ties. Ideology comes first, then identity.
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 4 months
In a Heartbeat - Chapter 29 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Aspen had told me years ago that I reminded him of the story of Icarus, a man who flew too close to the sun, knowing that it was too dangerous.
It was a tale that had resonated deeply at the time.
Even more so today.
Aspen had been quiet most of the rest of the walk, a slight tense air between us after our fight.
I felt bad but I was tired of having him tell me what to think and feel all the time.
I know I had acted childish, that I was naive to think anything of Michael's words but how could I not?
That feeling of warmth through the bond was the sun and I so desperately wanted a taste of it.
Was it so wrong to want warmth after years of being left in the cold?
Even knowing the likelihood of things working out were the same chances as Icarus had.
Was it wrong of me to want even just a brief moment with it?
For just that small amount of warmth, I wasn't afraid to fall or drown.
'You're going to get burned, Simon and I can't promise that I'll be there if it happens again,' Aspen had warned me.
'Please think things carefully.'
His words had hurt but I knew that he was probably right.
After our argument, Aspen decided to let me see Cedar.
I hadn't seen him in so long, I feared he'd be terribly mad at me.
I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't want to talk to me either.
I was just glad he was here and not still roaming the forest.
It had been a shock to us all to realize he had ended up being at the pack the whole time.
Aspen had told me that he had found his mate and I couldn't have been more elated.
The fear of him going through what I went through or having to wait years like Aspen and Sarah was daunting.
He had been so excited about turning sixteen that the sheer idea of him not getting that happy ending was terrifying.
I could tell Aspen was still mad at me as we walked to the RCPP but he stayed close, his hand brushing mine occasionally, after all this was all new territory to him.
He never had a chance to live in a pack, he was probably just as anxious as I was walking past pack members and their houses.
I looked at the newer houses that had been built since I've left, a few young pups playing in front yards, a couple of betas strolling past.
It all felt so nostalgic.
Despite these new faces, walking past it reminded me of how things used to be.
My siblings used to play with our neighbors all the time.
The older Betas and Thetas would play with them in their wolf forms, while the elderly would sit and tell them stories of their youth.
There had been one old lady across the street who would garden all the time, often giving out bouquets for special occasions.
I remember dragging my younger brothers to help me fix her picket fence, my sisters helping with the painting.
I had missed this, the sense of community.
Living in the motel, we hardly saw some of the nameless guests twice, I had only remembered the front desk guy's name, Ray.
But I wondered what these members were thinking.
Did they even remember what happened?
Were they upset that I was returning?
Suddenly, I felt so subconscious.
I hardly knew these people, how could they possibly accept me back into the pack, accept me as one of their own?
Considering I had spent half my life as a rogue, would they treat me as an outsider?
Inadvertently, I grabbed a hold of Aspen's shirt sleeve, feeling uneasy walking through the area.
It didn't help that some had sent a curious glance towards us, a few of the pups tilting their heads, sniffing the air.
A few of the older members were full-on staring, sending a shiver down my spine.
What were they thinking?
We walked quicker until the RCPP was in sight and I could finally let out a sigh of relief.
My cell-phone buzzed in my pocket.
Glancing it, I noticed it was a message from Sam.
'How are you?'
I frowned, before ignoring it and stuffing my cell-phone back in my pocket.
With how much the pack had changed all those years, it was surprising to see the RCPP looked exactly the same.
The paint was faded, dirt cladding the bottom but the fencing looked fairly new.
Approaching it, I remembered the times my siblings and I would wait for my father to arrive after a hunt, often sitting in the lunchroom of the RCPP.
Being here now seemed like such a foreign concept, similar to an out-of-body experience.
Thoughts were swirling in my head as we approached the door, before it swung open, the familiar mop of brown hair flopping about as his face broke out in his signature smile as he saw us two.
He had grown a couple of inches since I've seen him and stronger since the force of him tackling me nearly toppled me to the ground.
All the worries of him not wanting to see me had vanished.
"Simon," he had practically screamed in my ear.
A Beta had stepped out from the building, standing patiently, his arms crossed.
"Hey, buddy."
I patted his hair down, as he squeezed my torso tightly.
Aspen wrapped us both in a hug and we stayed like that for what felt like five minutes.
Eventually, Aspen let go to glance at the Beta standing there warily.
Cedar seemed to notice, releasing me before looking at Aspen sheepishly.
"Cedar," Aspen said in a cautious tone, glancing at the two of them.
Cedar let out a nervous laugh, before glancing at the Beta before coaxing him over.
As he walked over here hesitantly, Cedar told Aspen...
"He's sweet. Super nice, I promise."
I don't know why it took me so long but I only realized why Aspen was so wary when the Beta placed an incredibly friendly and brave arm around Cedar's torso.
This must be his mate.
A mix of emotions hit me. I was happy, happy that his mate wanted to be around him.
Then scared, scared what the implications of Cedar's male mate would mean.
Then I felt sad, maybe even jealous that I hadn't gotten that happiness but then I was mad at myself for feeling that way.
I needed to be happy for him, I owed Cedar that much.
Cedar cleared his throat before grabbing my hand and Aspen's in another before announcing...
"Aspen, Simon, this is Bryce. He's my mate."
Cedar was beaming at this point, so much so that his eyes squinted from how high his cheeks rose.
Bryce had smiled, before extending his hand out to us.
We introduced ourselves, Aspen still judging him as Cedar made a face at him.
Bryce had watched as Cedar ranted about how they met, telling us all about Bryce's crazy friends.
When Bryce would say something, Cedar would turn his whole body to stare at him, fully engrossed in every little thing he said.
Eventually, Aspen opened up, apologizing for how wild Cedar gets at times, to which Cedar pouted, poking Bryce on his cheek and telling him to ignore Aspen.
Bryce was incredibly sweet, despite the tough guy persona he had when he first stepped out of the building.
He would make a great fit for Cedar who could get unruly and way too hyper for his own good.
I was happy for them, truly.
I was glad Cedar would get his happy ending and I was glad Aspen had found his but I wanted mine too.
Was that too much to ask for?
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 10 months
The Alpha's Addiction - Chapter 15a
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*Warning Adult Content*
Trapped - Part 1 - Kao
I'm trapped.
I'm trapped beneath him.
Why is this happening to me?
Why does it hurt so much?
Those bright green eyes of his glow with cruelty as he sneers down at me.
He likes this.
He likes that it hurts me and that he's the cause of it.
His hand closes around my throat, squeezing so tight my world spins, growing dark for a moment before I find myself alone in a dank, grey room.
The toilets.
I kneel over the white basin, hurling up what little I was given to eat the day before.
I grip my knees, coughing violently as I try to rid the acidic taste from my mouth.
Tears sting my eyes.
I know what this means.
Morning sickness, nausea, fatigue.
I know.
Panic overcomes me as I look at my still-flat stomach, dreading what is inevitably to come.
I clench my eyes shut and then I'm suddenly in the Omega sleeping quarters.
I'm too weak to move.
The Alphas will probably come soon and beat me for not being up and working.
I look down at my swollen stomach in disgust, cursing the thing growing inside of it.
Zacan's pup.
No. No no no no.
Why does this have to happen to me?
Des is gone, he's dead.
Who will I be able to lean on?
How will I take care of this pup all on my own?
How do I make sure Zacan never finds out it's his?
The room grows dim with shadows, dark miasma seeping down the walls to the floors and surrounding me.
Fear courses though my veins, my very soul as the door creaks open, revealing the razor sharp smile and mad, gleaming eyes that haunt me.
"Thought you could run, Omega? Think I won't find you? Think I won't punish you for what you did?"
I scramble back, doing my best to get as far away from Zacan as I can with my limited range of motion.
"No. No. Leave me alone," I beg.
His dark laugh resounds throughout the room, echoing off the walls and vibrating though my being.
I'm pressed up against the wall now, no more space for me to evade him.
He's advancing closer, his form morphing from humanoid to wolf, canines elongating as his claws shoot out.
He towers over me, beady eyes honing in on my own.
"Do not forget that... I OWN YOU," he roars, snapping his jaw around my neck.
I shoot up, panting as I try to ground myself.
I'm covered in sweat, ears ringing with Zacan's threats as my body starts to shake.
I'm shivering in my dampened clothes, the sheets not much better.
My mouth feels like it's full of cotton, my throat so dry I feel like it will crack if I try to swallow.
"Had a scary dream?" Oliver's voice comes from beside me and I look over to see him rubbing sleep from his eyes.
The sight of him fills me with relief and I manage to give him a weak smile.
"I'm all good, baby. Don't worry about it."
He frowns.
"You're lying again, Mama. You always say that but you don't look okay."
My smart, intuitive boy.
I lean over and smooth his curls back from his forehead, pressing a kiss to it.
"But I'm here with my Oli, now. I feel so much better already."
He gives in to the affection, cuddling into my side.
I stroke a hand over his back, taking this as his letting go of the topic.
As I lay there with him, attempting to go back to sleep, flashes of the dream still linger in my mind.
It was a nightmare, yes but it was made of painful memories that will always be with me.
I can only hope I'll succeed in blocking them out one day.
"You did not come to training yesterday."
I'd been on my way to the schoolhouse to pick Oliver up when Cyrus appeared out of the blue, oh so graciously deciding he would be by personal escort for the short walk.
"I didn't think you would want to keep teaching me."
I give him a pointed look.
"Well because last week I basically said that you have a dick for brains. I figured my rudeness would have driven you off."
"Ah, yes. The blow to the pride of my dick was quite severe. And my brains, of course."
A laugh bubbles up out of my throat before I can stop it, the shock of his joke getting the best of me.
Once I realize, though, I clamp my mouth shut, glaring at him.
"You're not funny."
"That is the first time I have ever heard you laugh," he grins, clearly pleased with himself.
His eyes twinkle in mischief.
"It was a pity laugh," I insist stubbornly.
"If that is true, then I envy anyone else who's attempt at humor you find pitiful.
Against my will once again, my face heats at his blatant flirtation.
I clear my throat, hoping to urge the conversation along.
"Why are you following me, exactly?"
"Because I would like to know if you are abandoning your training."
"I'm not abandoning anything," I scoff. "What I'm doing is a favor to you. Why do you want to keep teaching a mouthy Omega like me? All I do is cause fights and I've barely made any progress, anyway."
It's Cyrus's turn to look annoyed.
"So you are giving up, just like that? Where is the determined man who fiercely asked me to teach him in the ways of combat? He is gone, overnight?"
I quicken my step, as if walking faster can help me in evading his barrage of questions.
"Cyrus, all I want is for you to be mad at me for what I said last time. Seethe over it. Make me apologize and go on your way. Not try to make training happen again."
"I do not want to hear your sorry. Has it ever crossed your mind that I may appreciate how outspoken you are? I would rather you talk to me than not at all."
I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Forgive me if I don't understand because where I come from, an Omega that speaks out is made to pay for it."
"Yet you do not let that sentiment keep you silent. You are strong in your words, Koa. Let me continue to aid you in being strong in other ways as well."
We're at the schoolhouse by now and Morgan has spotted us.
I can already see the questions in his expression regarding why Cyrus is accompanying me today.
He starts walking across the front lawn to approach us.
"Gosh, yes, fine, I'll keep training," I relent, wanting this conversation to end before Morgan is within earshot.
I don't feel like explaining it all to him.
He can be quite the nosy guy when he wants to be.
Cyrus's face lights up and I put a hand on my hip.
"But don't you expect anything more. There are lines you're not allowed to cross."
Cyrus nods in assent, though I observe the faint flicker of disappointment across his face before it disappears.
One of the parents catches Cyrus's attention and Cyrus excuses himself to go converse with him.
"I will be right back, my moon," he says, leaving me to deal with the repercussions of a gawking Morgan.
"What was that?" he asks excitedly.
I shake my head, walking ahead toward the schoolhouse.
"It was nothing," Morgan looks unconvinced.
"He called you his damn moon, Koa."
"I've given up trying to stop him," I sigh with a shrug. "He doesn't listen."
"Now why would you want him to stop? If Xa... I mean... 'you know who' called me that I'd actually melt."
I give him a soft smile as we head inside together.
"You're a hopeless romantic, aren't you?"
"You'e Oliver's mother, aren't you?" an unknown, high-pitched snobby voice assaults my ears the second we're through the doors.
I look to see an angry-looking blonde woman with a hand on her hip, a rather tall boy clinging to her leg.
"Your son violently attacked mine today. How have you been raising him?"
I cross my arms, unconvinced by her bullshit accusation.
"Excuse me?"
"Hi, Koa," another teacher I know as Yarene sheepishly inserts herself in the conversation.
Hiding behind her, a sniffling Oliver peeks out at me.
"There was a small fight between the boys today. Oliver hit him on the face."
"Yes, look at what he did to my poor baby Robbie," the woman urges her kid forward, showing the light bruise growing on his cheek.
Oh, come on. Dramatic much?
"Well, what did Robbie do?"
I swear I see her eye twitch.
"What? Why does it matter? Oliver's the one who punched him."
"Do I need to speak slower for you? I'm asking, what the hell did your crotch goblin do to make my son lash out like that? Clearly there was a reason."
"What?... How rude. No wonder your pup acts this way, with a mother like you."
"Fuck you, lady," I snap back.
We're drawing attention from onlookers now but I don't care.
How dare she speak of my son like that?
Oliver suddenly runs to me and buries his face in my stomach.
"It was 'cause when I wanted to play with him and the others, he said I can't because my mom is... is a... he called you a bad name," he blubbers into my shirt.
I glare at the woman.
Hah. I knew Oliver wouldn't do something so rash without a good explanation.
"See? You didn't tell me the whole story."
She looks flustered for a moment, glancing around at the teachers and other parents watching.
"T-hat isn't true. And anyway, it doesn't change the fact that he hit Robbie."
"Your boy is twice the size of my son and he looks fine to me. I'd say Oliver should've hit him harder," I sneer.
The woman gasps in shock.
"How dare you."
"All I said is that your mom is a tramp. That's what my parents told me. And you don't even have a dad," Robbie suddenly shouts, directing his words at Oliver.
The room goes quiet.
So quiet you could hear a pin drop.
My ears burn in humiliation.
The urge to kick the woman and her child in the face is overwhelming.
When will the judgement fucking stop?
Why can't I just live without scrutiny and gossip following me wherever I go?
"You rude bitch," I spit at her through gritted teeth.
"You just wait until my mate hears about this. A skank like you has no right so insult me. You're hardly fit to be a mother..." she snaps her mouth shut, face going pale.
By the sudden increase in my heart beat, I imagine there can be only one reason.
"Your mate will not lay a finger on Koa," Cyrus's deep, stern voice sounds from behind me.
I shiver as his large, warm hand comes to rest on the small of my back.
Immediate release of the tension in my body follows the contact.
I find a small, reluctant part of myself thanking the Moon Goddess that he's here.
"And my mate is a wonderful mother."
Oh shit.
If people didn't already figure it out, they definitely know now.
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dumdumdrawstumtums · 2 years
I think there's quite a bit of untapped potential between V/il and J/ack, given their in-game background and interactions.
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Particularly the fun to be had with a feeder!Vil/feedee!Jack, given V/il's bossy, particular personality and J/ack's enduring obedience (when it's earned) and impressive physique.
Like, if V/il had that kind of kink, I feel like he would keep it an incredibly closely-guarded secret. Mr. Prim & Proper can't let anyone know he has an interest in something so boorish. But then he's got a friend in J/ack, who as a beastman not only has a big appetite but also knows how to keep a secret. It'd be fun to see those pieces fall into place - probably something along the lines of V/il offering "suggestions" on how J/ack can improve his physical prowess through bulking, how J/ack might eventually catch on, etc.
Then you got the actual feeding sessions themselves. I figure that V/il would, for the most part, want a tight grip on the reins. He gets to decide what J/ack is eating, how much he is, whether the buttons get undone or forced to hold until they pop, deciding when to rub and press on the taut sphere to work up some beastly belches. J/ack let's him, because eating enough to start pushing out his strong abs to greater and greater extents is kind of an exciting challenge in its own way, and getting any praise from V/il makes his tail wag.
There's a silly result when V/il's been getting carried away with his feeding to the point where not even J/ack's diligent workouts are able to burn off the meals, and V/il has the gall to reprimand him for starting to get pudgy around the waist; gripping his budding love handle all,
"Ugh, I thought 'fat' was a foreign concept to you beastmen. Really, how could you have gotten so reckless?"
"... But-"
"Yes, your butt is threatening to tear the seat of your pants. You're going to need to be refitted before such a disaster occurs. Meanwhile I'll plan a proper workout regimen for you, since you seem to be incapable of it."
Although I do also like the thought that there's times when the dorm leader pushes his pup in a certain way that taps into a more aggressive side. Or perhaps he whipped up a potion that he expected would increase J/ack's capacity, but has the side effect of bringing out his more beastly nature. That's when the tables turn, and V/il finds himself pinned down with powerful arms on either side of him and a tight, heavy gut bearing down on his body, unsure just how he feels about such a compromised position where he's no longer in charge.
THEN of course you can have just as much fun with the reverse, where J/ack wants V/il to lead by example, perhaps suspecting that the incredibly restrained P/omefiore head wants a piece of the gluttony pie too. Of course V/il would still try to be bossy in his feedee role, but being manhandled by the jockish wolf would leave him hiccuping and stammering.
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markleespitsbars · 3 years
stuck in a rut: the mark story context
because i decided to post a one-shot for him that has nothing to do with the book that he's from, and it's not early on in their relationship lmao
so hi! for anyone who clicked on this link from "on the edge," this is basically everything you need to know about how we got to this point in the story (without any spoilers for "stuck in a rut," the (tentative) lucas story that takes place in the same universe, as this whole thing happens before his appearance in the pack). i'm sorry if this is just as long as the one-shot itself lol
if you need context as to how this universe as a whole "works," you can find that here. it's also linked in the notes of on the edge in case you missed it! i'll be using terminology from that post in this one, so if anything is confusing, please read that :)
so basically:
all of the members of superm are in one big wolfpack. they go to virginia tech, and they keep the wolf part of their lives under wraps by masking everything under a fraternity (called sigma mu)
kai is the alpha in this pack. he's not the oldest, but he's been a wolf since he was a toddler so he's the most experienced out of everyone and thus is the leader
the reader is a graphic design major, as is ten (i swear he's important)
ten and the reader met in their first class at virginia tech as freshmen. they're basically best friends. the reader does not know he's a wolf
at this point, ten is the pup in the pack. he joined, along with taeyong, around a year before he began his studies as VT during a campus tour when he was a senior in high school, where the two met kai, taemin, and baekhyun
when ten and the reader become friends, ten is one of only five members in the pack. mark has not yet joined
over the course of their freshman year, ten and the reader work on graphic design projects together, usually at her dorm since ten is a bit uncomfortable with her coming over to the frat house in case she might learn too much
mark, an english major, is turned into a wolf right at the beginning of sophomore year (he is the same age as ten in this story). it's bad. he was essentially brutally attacked by a wolf and left for dead, and he stumbled into kai's pack pretty much on pure instinct, where he was patched up by kai's imprint, jess, and sort of initiated into the pack. so he's now the pup
very soon into sophomore year, ten finally agrees to bring the reader to his house, figuring that he's grown accustomed enough to his new lifestyle that he won't let anything slip to her
during this first visit to the house, the reader meets mark in passing as he's heading out to go to a class, and he imprints on her immediately.
he's been a wolf for, like, two or three weeks at this point? has absolutely no fucking idea what's happening or why he suddenly cannot stop smelling this smell (he can't put his finger on what it smells like but he likes it), but he disregards it and doesn't tell anyone. figures it's a normal wolf thing
mark is also just. really fucked up from it all. he's not adjusting well, has this disgusting scar on his ribcage from the attack that didn't heal very well, and being from a very christian family with a strict christian father, his faith is also being tested as someone who very vehemently did not believe in wolves before he became one. he thinks he's cursed, basically
mark has his first rut about a week into turning, which is super unfortunate for him because he's not ready for it at all. he manages to get through it with medicine, but it's not fun, especially considering he's still healing from his attack
so things go on after mark imprints on the reader, and no one in the pack has any idea that it's happened
mark has his second rut, which is his first post-imprint, and it's the absolute fucking worst. this is when he realizes what's actually going on with him, because for some reason even though he's only met the reader, like, twice, he cannot stop thinking about her while he's fucking into his fist, and the smell is unbearable
he still doesn't tell anyone once he makes it through that second one
three weeks later, ten starts his rut
the reader is over at the sigma mu house to work on a project with him, and ten is pretty confident that he can hold himself back despite the rut. he needs to hold himself back, because this project is due in two days. but despite his self-control, he's still a bit oddly flirtatious and handsy with her
the reader picks up on it, and she starts to flirt back
and one thing leads to another, and ten and the reader have sex. remember that no one in this pack knows that mark has imprinted
mark is out shopping when this happens, and all of a sudden as he's checking out, that scent that he can't get rid of turns sour. he knows something's wrong. and he sprints back to the sigma mu house to figure out what it is, and he finds ten and the reader fucking. and even worse, that ten has claimed her with a big fat mark right on her collarbone
mark goes ape shit
he rips ten off of her before he can knot, turns into a wolf, and goes in for the kill. he gets one good attack in on ten's eye before kai subdues him, and the reader is left naked and traumatized, being comforted by taemin and baekhyun while things are explained to her. despite their newfound assumptions, they still don't exactly know why mark suddenly got so angry with ten, so the imprint thing is left out
later that night, after she's made sure that ten is going to be okay, she's visited by mark, who's trying to explain and apologize. she's rightfully pissed at him, but after he explains everything about how he had no idea what was going on and never meant to hurt ten and was just acting on instinct because he physically needs her... she kind of comes around
it's slow at first, but she figures that she would be an asshole to just cut mark off because of this one incident when he's stressed to her how genuinely important she is to him, and they're practically strangers, but she tries to at least be friendly with him so that his life isn't completely ruined
once things have settled and ten's eye has mostly healed, mark and the reader become fast friends, and she starts hanging around the house more often, either for projects with ten or to try getting closer to mark. she swears that she's only doing it because he needs it, but... let's face it, who wouldn't fall for him? he's precious
but despite the strange feelings, she refuses to actually get close to him because she feels like he'll never actually like her and that his feelings for her start and end with emotional obsession
and then... mark reveals that his third rut is coming up in a few weeks, and that he'll probably be pretty hyperfixated on the reader when it happens. he suggests that she stay far away from him while it's happening, but she insists that if it'll help him through it, she'll have sex with him
after a thorough discussion with ten on how ruts work, he volunteers to take her to her appointment to get an iud (so that she can safely have sex with mark when he needs it while still avoiding pregnancy), and on the way back to the house afterward, he explains how mark turned to her and why mark is so timid in taking his shirt off around people (because he feels ashamed of the scar). ten also explains that the reader seems to be finally bringing mark out of his shell and returning some sense of normalcy to his life, and regardless of everything going on between the three of them, he thanks her for taking care of his packmate
mark reveals that night that he's actually a virgin, and the reader instantly understands that the last thing he wants is to lose it in a rut where he can't control himself. there's about two weeks until it starts, and the reader can't have penetrative sex for a week due to the iud placement, so she offers to take his virginity in a week so that he can lose it before his rut starts and get comfortable in a sexual setting while he's still in control
but because the mood has shifted and mark is a bit turned on from thinking about losing his virginity, the reader offers to at least get him off so he can sort of ease into it before actually having sex with her. she gives him a handjob, and mark basically begs to eat her out (because he can smell her), but she stops him because his instincts seem to be taking over and she doesn't want him to lose control just in case anything is still sore from the iud. she does sort of run her fingers through her labia and let him taste it finger-sucking style, though. he enjoys that very much
mark also tries to take her shirt off to touch her a little, but he chickens out because he thinks it's "unfair" that he can't take his off because of the scar and he doesn't want to do anything to her that he wouldn't let her do to him
a week later, "on the edge" begins. it's the story of mark's loss of virginity :')
thank you for reading this far and i hope everything makes sense, lol. i have a few other one-shots written for these two (ten and mark), including that handjob scene and the first time mark drops the L-bomb so if you like "on the edge" and want more wolf!mark... i'd be happy to feed you
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enormous-moose · 3 years
Fenrir/Tyr Ritual
I'm going to continue my ill-advised ritual writing with this heavy piece. This is a very serious ritual, one that I hold very very dear to me, and you need to be prepared for feelings behind it. I warn you to keep caution, this especially rings true to those who have been wronged by family, or those you once trusted most. We are calling upon Fenrir and Tyr together but you need to make sure you are in the right frame of mind so Fenrir's powerful emotions don't have ill effects. I suggest doing some calming meditation before this ritual and if you feel uneasy afterward please take a long bath/shower and sleep with lavender under your pillow.
With that whole business out of the way, please be respectful of this ritual, I really do hold this very dear to my heart as Fenrir and Tyr are a very special team. I do not give consent for those to use this ritual to sour the gods, or to attempt to turn them against our foes. We are simply calling upon them in an attempt to welcome them and bask in the wolf moon's light and offer us strength. We will send them away afterward with kind thoughts and well wishes as we hope to receive insight and self empowerment.
What you will need:
Your usual candles white ones will do and does not matter the size.
Something to make noise (I'm using bells)
A candle stick. something to stick it in obviously. (This is going to symbolize Tyr)
Something to symbolize a wolf. (I have a wolf statue, but you can feel free and play with this as much as you would like.)
Matches because you need to light the candle.
Something to offer (I'll have several offerings on my alter including moon water, gold leaflets, oats, etc... you may use what you see fit.)
First, the stick candle a candle let's make sure our fire safety is in full force on this one. ;) Draw the typical ᛏ for Tyr on the candle. you won't light it just yet.
Second, whatever represents Fenrir you need a candle in front of it too.
Next: Draw these on a piece of paper and put them beneath the Fenrir Tribute and Tyr tribute.
ᚠᛖᚾᚱᛁᚱ (Fenrir)
ᛏᚣᚱ (Tyr)
Remember from a previous ritual these runes need to be written with sharp corners. They were often carved so be sure to get aggressive with your stokes.
Now let's start with a quick cleanse: "We come tonight in the light of the wolf moon on Tyr's day to welcome the teamwork and power of Tyr, great god of justice, law, and war. And Fenrir, great wolf, a mountain of strength, he who breaks chains and one who consumes."
Light your ritual candles but not the ones for Fenrir or Tyr.
"As I call to Tyr and Fenrir may this area hear my voice and forbid ill intent from traveling near." make the noise three times (I'm ringing the bell three times. First to get their attention. Second to make them leave, third to prevent them from returning)
On this night we welcome the war team Tyr and Fenrir to our house.
Light Tyr's candle "Tyr god who brings wisdom to the neglected. May you find my home law-abiding, faithful, and always honest. Hail Tyr, one who would pass swift justice onto all including himself. Hail and find comfort here."
Light Fenrir's candle "Fenrir, oh great mountainous wolf. Powerful adversary and inevitable doom. We greet you tonight as a protector of all the oppressed. May you find my home a space where all are welcomed and free from chains. Hail Fenrir and find comfort here."
Tonight may the gods accept my offerings. (Lay them out yada yada yada)
I share with you a tale one of Tyr and Fenrir.
Long ago after Loki had the three children and their fates were decided Tyr took it upon himself to see to Fenrir's safe upbringing. Tyr in his infinite wisdom knew the terror this great wolf could one day bring. Did he turn and run from the challenge? No, The god of war stood and accepted his fate be bound to just a small pup at the time.
Fenrir took little time growing, and soon all would cower in fear at his strength, but he was not a god. Fenrir would never be welcomed by the gods and Tyr could see how it hurt him. They were family at this point. Bood had been shed together, Tyr had watched him grow into a strong powerful wolf.
Tyr could see the desire in his young boy's eyes and so he once again took it upon himself to see to it things were set in motion. Justice should come to Fenrir for all his hard work. Approaching Odin he laid himself down appealing to the great father. "Fenrir has proven time and time again he is the strongest. All he needs now is to be accepted by the gods. Welcome him as one of us."
Odin sent him away to reflect upon the request with no answer given at the time.
That night, Odin awoke in a cold sweat. His wife Frigg touched him gently, "What ails you my love?" Odin could not speak right away. Moments passed as he saw what would become of the future.
"My wife, I have had a terrible dream. One that is not a dream but reality. This reality cannot come to pass."
Quickly he ran to Tyr and embarked the wisdom of his vision upon him. Startled, Tyr was left unsure of what to do.
"We bind the beast." Odin swore, "A challenge will go out."
"You forget his parents great Odin." Tyr warned, "Fenrir Lokison is as wise and cunning as his father, binding him will not be a simple task. The beast can break any physical chains known to us."
"Then we find one unknown." Odin cursed and sent out the challenge far and wide.
Tyr approached Fenrir at that same time tasked with delivering the trick. "Fenrir, my great son." The words hung heavy in his mouth, "Odin has a task for you. Should you manage to complete it you will finally be welcomed as the strongest and honored by the gods."
Not one to back away from the challenge, Fenrir nodded, "I will make you proud. You trained me well Tyr. What shall it be?"
"Odin will present you with chains, if you manage to break free from all of them then he will have no choice but to agree to your strength."
"A true testament to my power!" He boomed echoing through the land.
Many chains were brought to Fenrir and each time he broke them with ease. Fenrir the strength of Angerbotha and Loki combined flowed through him feeding his power. It would seem the great Asgardian King had met his match.
That is until a dove flew all the way to Svartalfheim, the land of the dwarves. Masterful craftsmen who knew no physical bindings could trap the great beast. Being such experts with crafts they searched out the most elaborate of things in existence: wrought from the sound of a cat’s footsteps, the beard of a woman, the roots of mountains, the breath of a fish, and the spittle of a bird. When they finished gathering all those materials they were shocked to find no more would those things exist in the world. It was a heavy price to pay but eventually, they finished their work. A glowing thread shined in the light dancing as reflective diamonds they called the chain Gleipnir and decided it would be that enchanted twine they would bring to Odin as their contribution.
Upon seeing this thread Fenrir knew there was something wrong. "What will happen should I not be able to break these chains?"
"Do you doubt your strength?" Odin challenged with a smirk knowing how skilled the dwarves were.
"I doubt your honor." Fenrir spat back also fully aware this must have been a trick. "Give me your word that I will be released from these chains if they should not break."
"My word?" Odin scoffed, he owed this beast nothing.
In the silence, one stood up. He had taken a stand for this wolf many times before, "I will give you my word." Tyr stepped forward laying himself at the wolf's mercy.
"Your arm I will have," Fenrir answered back. If this was a trick he wanted to maim the one responsible, "Place your arm in my mouth. Should the chains not come off, I will take your sword-bearing arm."
Without thought, Tyr agreed. Fenrir was his challenge and this was a fitting end. He placed his arm in Fenrir's mouth never sweating, shaking, or wavering. He had full trust in the wolf to honor the deal just as he knew Fenrir had his full trust. As the chain was placed around Fenrir it glowed as a thread of silver would in the moonlight.
Once complete Fenrir tried with all his might but the chains would not break. The moon passed through the sky until the sun rose and set welcoming a new night and still the chains would not break.
Defeated, Fenrir conceded. "I am not strong enough to break these chains." He turned back to Odin, "Unbind me."
As Odin turned away shaking his head Fenrir's justice was as swift as if Tyr had passed it himself. One clean break and Tyr's arm was gone. Tyr forever maimed forced to carry around the proof he was not always honorable. Fenrir cursed the gods screaming until another devastating blow took was taken. A giant sword was lodged in Fenrir's mouth.
"You will never bite down on another again." Odin commanded as he saw the wolf struggle to close his mouth again. "Take the beast from my sight, chain him alone, to weep for his lost battle."
And so they dragged Fenrir to an island where he was tied to a rock. As he fought and struggled against his chains time passed. He laid upon the ground mouth gaping open as drool began to pool creating a river that cut through the land.
Tyr gazed upon the destruction caused by the beast and turned to Odin fear radiating through his eyes. "He will be bound, until the time of Ragnarok. He is the breaker of chains, and he will devour us all."
With that tale we honor Fenrir, just as he had been bound so too do we find ourselves bound in our own chains. Tyr though wise, knew this was a losing battle and rather someone else suffer for the trick he took the punishment to heart.
The gods are powerful, but they are bound by our same flaws. Fenrir in his arrogance accepted a challenge that was against him. Tyr turned his back on justice, swore against his own son. What happened to both is a lesson to us all. Just as Fenrir is destined to break free we too will stay strong through our own challenges. Just as Tyr strayed from his path so too will we fin our way back to what is right.
I send you off tonight empowered with the lessons they teach. Thank you for coming tonight Fenrir, keep finding your strength. Good bye Tyr and thank you for your insight and bravery."
Now you may blow out your candles.
So if you've stayed this long you know that I took some creative liberties with the Binding of Fenrir. I feel like the stories are meant to have creative differences, so please do tell it your own way if you would like.
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kjpurplepineapple · 2 years
Another chapter of LK! Also I started making a comic for this, on a suggestion from a friend, so hopefully I'll be getting the first few pages of that out as well.
Linked Keys - Chapter 3
Wild was abruptly awoken in the middle of the night by a nightmare. He tended to have a lot of those. It had gotten better recently, at least to the point where he got the occasional good night's sleep, but there were still many nights where bad dreams kept him awake. Usually, they were the same thing: memories resurfacing of how he failed his friends during the Calamity. He couldn't remember most of the first 17 years of his life, yet the one thing he couldn't forget was the death and destruction that came in the wake of Calamity Ganon's rising.
"You okay?" Wild heard Warriors ask, seeing him sitting up, breathing heavily as he tried to remind himself that it had been just a dream.
"Huh? Oh. Yeah I'm... I'm fine." Wild told him.
"You sure?" Warriors asked.
"If I say I'm fine, then I'm fine." Wild argued. Warriors was taken aback by Wild's snappy response, but backed off.
"Hey, why don't you let me take over for ya. Get some sleep. I'm already awake anyway, I can keep watch." Wild stood up and approached the spot where Warriors was standing. Warriors shrugged,
"Sure, why not? I could use a little shut-eye." The two knights switched places, Wild began pacing around the camp, and Warriors went to sleep by the fire.
The fire was nearly out, and a slight chill ran through the air, but Wild didn't mind. He was familiar with this. If he stared at the surrounding landscape, the field on one side of the path, the trees where the group was camped, and the river running nearby... He could almost pretend he was back home. But seeing the other "Links" all asleep around the fire kind of ruined the illusion. Wild never thought of himself as the type to be homesick, but he was lying to himself if he thought he didn't wish he was at least back in familiar territory.
Someone put their hand on his shoulder suddenly, making him jump. Wild turned around sharply only to find Twilight standing there behind him.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." The ranch hand apologized, "Couldn't sleep?"
"Nope." Wild sighed.
"Bad dreams?" Twilight asked. Wild didn't respond.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But I know you, pup. And you're not the only one who has some weird dreams." Twilight laughed nervously.
"So... The wolf. That was you the whole time?" Wild asked. Twilight nodded.
"Not quite sure how I ended up in your Hyrule, but when I saw you, I just felt like I needed to help you."
"I would have been fine on my own, you know." Wild said defensively, before adding quietly, "Though I did appreciate the company..."
"You were capable enough to handle yourself in battle for sure, even if your methods were sometimes... Questionable. But you seemed lonely too. And it just didn't feel right to leave you all alone without a memory to your name. Especially when a friend of mine kind of went through the same thing a while back." Twilight said. Wild could tell the conversation was turning to a touchy subject, so he decided to change the topic.
"That ability you have, turning into a wolf... I've never seen that before. How did you get that?" He asked.
"That's kind of a long story. But basically, it happened whenever I entered the Twilight realm. That's, I guess, where the nickname 'Twilight' comes from. The kid must have known about that whole ordeal. But eventually I gained control over my transformations, and I've been able to use that to my advantage ever since. Being a wolf comes with its perks: I can sniff out just about anything, and admittedly my howling sounds much better than my singing. But usually I like to stick to this form."
"Huh. Cool. Honestly I just thought it was something you had and I was getting a little jealous that I didn't have anything like that." Wild laughed.
"You probably do, actually. You just haven't seen it because you've never seen the Twilight Realm. Time and I both had wolf forms."
"You knew Time, too?!" Wild asked.
"Well, at least I think it was him. It's kind of like with Future and the rest of us, I only knew him as sort of a ghost. But yeah, he sometimes appeared to me as a golden wolf."
"Just outta curiosity, exactly how many other 'Links' have you met? Because so far, aside from Future at least, you seem to have met the most—"
"Hold that thought. Did you hear that?" Twilight interrupted. Wild tried to listen. He did in fact hear some kind of strange noise, like bones clattering together. The all-too-familiar sound of some kind of skeleton monster approaching.
"Monsters." He said. Twilight nodded.
"Probably more of those controlled by the sorcerer. Nihrie, I think the rabbit called him?"
"Well we can't just sit around and wait for an ambush. If they show up, they could hurt the others before we can take them out."
"Exactly. We need to find them before they get here. I'll scout around. You keep watch here just in case." Twilight said, reaching for some object hanging around his neck before morphing into the black wolf with white markings that Wild knew as his companion. The wolf walked away, nose in the air as he sniffed for any sign of monsters. Wild kept watch as he was asked, making sure nothing could get the jump on him or the others while Twilight was gone.
About a minute later, he heard Twilight let out a howl, indicating that he had found a monster. Wild followed the sound until he spotted his wolf friend, and the pair of skeleton monsters he was facing. Wild had seen stal monsters before; they always came out at night back home, especially during the Calamity when Ganon's power was greatest, powering up the monsters. But he'd never seen any that looked like human skeletons. Regardless, they had swords and shields, they looked ready for a fight, and they had the glowing green mark on their foreheads like the other monsters. Taking on two unfamiliar enemies was a challenge, but nothing Wild couldn't handle. In fact, this would probably be easy for the Hylian Champion, especially with Wolfie on his side.
"I'll take this one out first. Can you distract the other one so they don't gang up on me? Not saying I can't handle two at once, but it'd be nice if I didn't have to." Wild asked. The wolf nodded and turned his attention to the one on the right, while Wild moved towards the left.
He and the skeleton circled each other for a minute, shields out. They seemed to move like any old soldier wielding a sword and shield, from Wild's observation. They'd keep their guard up until just after they strike, leaving an opening for Wild to strike back. It only took about two hits— one to the body and one to the head, like the stal monsters Wild was familiar with— before the monster dissolved into a pile of bones and dark energy. Wild turned his attention to the second one, but Wolfie had apparently taken that one down himself already.
"Heh. Thanks." He chuckled. Twilight morphed back into his Hylian form.
"You didn't think I was just going to be a distraction, were you? I'm not the type to just bait the enemy while someone else beats them. You know this." Twilight said.
"Yeah, I figured. Still appreciate it though. By the way, what were those things?"
"Stalfos. You've never seen one before? That surprises me, since you seem to have a lot of weird enemies in your Hyrule already."
"I guess not. I mean there are definitely stal monsters, but they're all the skeletons of bokoblins, moblins, lizalfos, and sometimes hinoxes. Nothing that looked even remotely human like that."
"Huh. Interesting. Well, now you've seen one. They're tough the first time you see one, but eventually they just become annoying."
"Isn't that just every monster, honestly?" Wild laughed. Twilight let out a small chuckle,
"You're not wrong." He shrugged, "Come on, let's head back. Gotta make sure the camp is still okay. We've been so focused on those two stalfos, that something else could have got the others and we never would have known." Wild nodded in agreement, and the two made their way back to camp. Luckily, the area was still safe and the other Links were all sound asleep, blissfully unaware of the battle that had just gone down between the wolf, the wild child, and the two stalfos.
The two spent the rest of the night on guard together. Things were peaceful for the most part, save for a couple of Keese and a single, very lost bokoblin, so Wild and Twilight had a lot of time to discuss their adventures and where they overlapped. They laughed about all the stupid stuff Wild did while under Twilight's "supervision", and how he has not changed in the slightest.
Twilight still seemed hesitant to talk about anything relating to Wild's missing memories, but Wild didn't really want to talk about that either. It frustrated him that he couldn't remember much from his childhood, but there wasn't much anyone else could do at this point. Just like the nightmares. Wild finally opening up to other people helped sometimes, but it seemed it was still something he would have to deal with, and get over, on his own. Thanks to Twilight, though, Wild had completely forgotten about the nightmare he'd had, and wasn't left alone with his own thoughts.
Eventually a light pink glow appeared on the horizon. The sky began to lighten up as the sun rose to end the long night. Time was the first to wake up; living on the ranch his wife's family owned, he was woken up by the cuccos enough that early mornings just became part of his internal sleep schedule... Not to mention their young son always waking up at odd hours.
"Morning, Time." Twilight waved. Time waved back, half asleep. He looked around, confused, knowing someone was missing from the group.
"Wild went to get some food to cook for breakfast." Twilight explained.
"Ah. That boy really seems to like cooking, doesn't he?"
"Oh, he loves food. He's pretty good at cooking, too, though sometimes getting ingredients can be a little..." Twilight started to say before a scream cut through the air, followed by the squawking of what sounded like a lot of angry birds. Wild was sprinting towards camp with an armful of eggs, chased by a large flock of birds.
"This may have been a bad idea!!!" He cried out.
"Yeah. That." Twilight finished.
"Oh, for Hylia's sake..." Time sighed.
Minutes later, the camp was filled with the smell of bird meat and eggs being cooked. Several of the other Links had woken up by this point and heard about the bird fiasco. Despite the delicious food that was made from the last-minute addition of the bird meat, all seemed to be in favor of not letting Wild go off unsupervised again.
It took a while to get Future to wake up, as the kid could evidently sleep through just about anything, but eventually he joined the rest just in time for the last serving of food before the group all packed up their things and got ready to set out on the trail of the sorcerer Nihrie.
"I feel like we should head back into town and see if anyone knows more about him. That was the last place any of us ran into him, so someone must have seen him." Warriors suggested.
"Yeah, why don't we start there? We can stock up on supplies too. I'm almost out of potions, and with a bigger group, I feel like we might need more healing items..." Hyrule agreed.
"I can get some better ingredients, too. That way we won't have to only rely on what we can find in the wild." Wild agreed.
"I'll go with you to make sure you stay out of trouble." Time nodded.
"Wait, you're really not letting me go by myself?! I thought you were joking!" Wild complained.
"Nope. You cannot be trusted on your own." Time shook his head.
"If it makes you feel any better, Wind and my brothers are all just as bad." Vio whispered to Wild.
"I am not!" Wind started to argue.
"We are not!" Green, Red, and Blue shouted at the same time.
"You guys just don't think I can be left alone because I'm the youngest!" Wind continued.
"No, we don't think you can be left alone because you tried to eat a bug yesterday after Blue dared you to." Legend said. Wind looked like he wanted to argue, but said nothing.
"That's what I thought. Come on, let's go. We need to figure out where this guy went if we have any hope of catching up." Warriors said.
"And getting me back to normal, right?!" Legend asked.
"I dunno... You're kinda cute as a bunny. You're all pink and fluffy!" Wind teased.
"Kid, I swear I will kick your butt if you make fun of me again." Legend threatened.
"Guys, please. Enough!" Time interrupted.
"Right. Legend, make yourself useful and either watch over one of the two troublemakers, or go talk to some people and try to find out where Nihrie went." Warriors ordered.
"Nobody's gonna want to talk to a rabbit!" Legend argued.
"Then go with Wind, and let the rest of us do the talking."
"Fine!" Legend grumbled.
"Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Wild grumbled.
"Yeah, well someone lured an angry flock of birds to camp this morning, which woke most of the others up." Time replied.
"Touché." Wild grumbled. The two of them made their way towards the center of town, while the rest branched off in various other directions.
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Paw Prints
Part Four
Quirkless AU
Werewolf! Dabi x F!Reader
W! Breeding Kink mention, Stepcest?
Reader finds a helpless boy in the woods and discovers hes a werewolf, you decide to take care of him and help him grow. But as he gets older & matures,strange feelings grow too.
@babayaga67 @marvelousbakugou @squeaky-ducky @celesterdzc18 @dumdumsquad
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Dabi was walking the streets, hands shoved in his pockets and tail swishing around in an angry manner behind him. He was sick of this city, sick of deer, and sick of you. He turned down a corner still walking, looking at the ground. His heat was creeping up on him closer and closer as the days passed by. Nothing bad would happen to him if he missed it, he would just be very uncomfortable with himself physically and mentally.
Dabis wolf in him wanted a pack, puppies, a mate. And all the women here did not interest him, he wanted to find another werewolf like him if he could but..
He shook his head sneezing and stopped to lean on a building thinking. But what? You? You raised him and gave him nothing but love and a home..
With a slump he sunk down to sit and look up at the sky. Was he really the only one left in this world? Would leaving really be better?
A car zoomed past him down the street filling his nose with nasty chemicals. “Ugn fuck..” quickly he got up rubbing his nose and growling. “Leaving.. is absolutely better.”
His claws clicked on the building while he watched the people pass, his stomach growled and he rolled his eyes. He didn't want deer again.
A rather expensive looking woman passed by him with loud clicking heels not even paying attention to him, Dabi sniffed at the air clutching his throat at the horrible perfume she had on. He decided to follow from a distance , watching the way she walked with authority and attitude. Not a care in the world. Maybe.. just this once..
“Excuse me.” He purred.
The woman looked back with a disgusted look that quickly changed to a wide eye lip biting expression. “How can i..” she stepped to him and Dabi tilted his head smiling. “Help you?”
“I couldn't help but notice how lovely you smell and just hadddd.. to tell you.” He leaned down sniffing at her neck, his mouth watering from her sweet blood smell under that nasty perfume.
The woman giggled taking his hand and putting it around her. “I don't kiss on the first date.” She told him.
“Oh don't worry about that. “ he grinned showing his four big fangs. “Who knows, it might be your last..”
She laughed pulling him closer to her to stroke up and down his chest. “How mysterious, claiming me as yours already? “
“I might be..” he nipped her ear
“I'm expensive ya know, i expect the highest lifestyle and whatever i want.” She giggled, tugging him down the street. Dabi rolled his eyes at her words.
Eh, no one would miss her. Right?
Awful. She tasted awful. He had the perfume stuck in his nose and her lipstick on his goddamn face. He couldn't even bring himself to sleep with her. The smell was so irritating to his senses that he just killed her and ate her. He left nothing behind so the cops should have fun with that, she was indeed loaded with jewelry and clothes though. Dabi pocketed the money and rummaged through her fridge finding just healthy things that taste like cardboard.
“FUCKING. Hell.” The door slammed shut. “Fuckin hungry.” He stood up kicking the fridge.
He could go home..
“I wonder if she will even let me go back, she better. Or i'll eat her too. “ he told himself as he slipped out the backdoor making his way home.
Dabis ear twitched when the door to your home was not locked . He let himself in too see some boxes in the living room and all his clothes packed up. He slammed the door walking in with his hands on his hips. You came out of your room with a medium bandage on your neck to see Dabi looking at the packed items. His tail was swishing curiously.
“I packed up.. your things and my things. I'm going with you.”
He looked up to see you and the bandage. His nose told him you were a little scared and it just made him angry inside.
“I'm hungry.” He told you.
“Okay.. let me thaw out what's left in the freezer for you.” You turned your back to him and before you knew it he was in the kitchen, watching you. You pulled everything out of the freezer throwing it in the oven setting it on Thaw and waited.
A few moments of silence passed till he said anything.
“I ate a person.” He told you.
You could not hide your giggle from him, not with those wolf ears. Why was that so funny to you?
“What's so funny. I said I ate a person.” He turned you to him pinning you against the counter growling deep.
You wiped your eyes and smiled up at him talking quietly. “ when you were a puppy you use to gnaw on my leg and i would pretend you were eating me, did they taste good?”
Dabi did not know what to say to you. He just stared, his fangs vanishing under his muzzle and his mouth flatlining.
“Im more upset about the cats. Dabi, I love you. I raised you, you are my pup and no matter what you do , ill always love you.”
That was.. true..
When he started to rebel against you he could always come home no matter what, whenever he bad mouthed you he always got that smile and a “be safe, i love you” from you. You stayed up late for him, bought him expensive meats to feed his never ending appetite, raised him into the werewolf he is today. And all he's done is treat you like dirt.
Dabi nuzzled his head into your neck whimpering quietly. You licked your thumb to wash off the lipstick on his face and took him in your arms sighing deeply.
“ so they did not taste good i'm guessing?” You teased as you plucked his hair.
“I want pups.” He just said with no warning.
Your eyes got wide and Dabi picked you up, setting you on the counter to look in your eyes.
The tension in the air that you had smoothed over was back again and it made you uncomfortable. Pups? Puppies? Children..? Is that what he meant?
“Explain.. what you mean.” You asked him.
“I want to breed you.” He said, placing his paw on your stomach . “I want to fill you up with my seed, get you pregnant and watch you birth my puppies. I want a pack”
“If i have to force you i will, but i prefer not to do it that way.”
You had no time to think this over, you had read up on Heats and what they meant and had hoped it would never come to this by sheer luck. But it did, it was happening. And you loved him enough to give him whatever he wanted.
“Okay, Dabi.” You held his face kissing him on the forehead. “Ill give you your puppies.”
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