#i’m very endeared by the bug man
sugar-salt-n-spice · 5 months
does roach actually have antennas on his helmet or is that something artists have taken creative liberties with and added themselves?
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thrashkink-coven · 2 months
Rating things Hermes has called me
1. “Boy” 7/10, I’m a grown man but I’ll let it slide
2. “Child” 4/10, Im a grown man and I will not let it slide
3. “My friend” 10/10, :)
4. “Idiot” 3/10, :(
5. “Kid” 5/10, alright
6. “Shi” (my name) 7/10, he calls me by my name more often than not
7. “You”, 8/10, very direct and to the point
8. “Stalker” 3/10, he makes fun of me for fangirling
9. “Slowpoke” 4/10, not everyone can run fast, Hermes, some of us aren’t meant to run fast.
10. “Stink” 8/10, a term of endearment
11. “Bug” 9/10, because I’m small
12: “Shortie” 6/10, because I’m short
13. “Wizard” 10/10, the recognition I deserve
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smolthealmighty · 20 days
Spinaraki Week 4 Day 4: Cracks and Home
Old Hag Look at My Life (I'm a Lot Like You Were)
As Tomura’s world falls apart, his grandmother’s vestige comes to his unlikely rescue. It turns out they’re a bit more similar than he thought.
When Tomura Shigaraki came back to himself, his mind was achy from his mater’s reveal, his voice was hoarse from screaming, his body was scattered to the wind with barely any pieces left, and to his surprise the woman who everyone called his grandmother was holding him in her muscular arms. While he appreciated the sentiment, he couldn’t help but wish a certain someone he actually got along with (and who’s arms held the same strength) was comforting him, instead of this hero lady he’d never met but who dictated his fate in absentia.
“I know you’re not happy to see me,” Nana said, “But I hope you’re willing to put up with me long enough to keep you alive. One For All and All For One did quite the number on you, the quirk and the man I mean.”
“If you call getting smashed into bits and having my entire worldview torn into just as many pieces ‘having a number done on me’,” Tomura sarcastically threw back, “Then I’d hate to see what you’d consider to be worse!”
“No, no, I’m not sure anyone could’ve survived that combination. But you’re not just anyone, are you?” Tomura started at that, but his grandmother gently aimed his face to look at her sincere -and maybe proud?- expression as she continued.
“You’ve been through so much, you’re so very strong. And even with everything All For One has put you through, all the lies he spun and all the strings he pulled to mold you into what he wanted, you still managed to untether yourself enough to find your own goal and make your own connections. You found friends, and you dedicated your aspirations to them. You loved them, you helped them. It’s not what I’d call hero work, but in a vacuum I can’t deny it’s heroic. I only wish someone better could’ve been around to guide you, so you had the opportunity to try your brand of heroism, and for that I am sorry.”
Tomura was speechless at the apology that came two decades too late, but when he thought about it, he was -begrudgingly- at least a little bit glad someone had finally told him that not only could he be a hero after all this time, but that he was a hero for the people who mattered to him the most (and if it also flew in the face of everyone who wanted him to fail then that made it all the better).
“Wait,” Tomura asked, horror taking over as an idea of starting to dawn on him, “how the hell do you know any of that?”
“Well,” Nana squirmed, “we are currently in a vestige world residing in your mind, and you’ve got a lot stored up in here. What you’ve touched, what you feel, what you’ve destroyed, what you create, what you hate, what you love…”
“Oh no, please tell me you didn’t see anything weird.”
“Of course not,” Nana reassured, “Falling in love with a close friend isn’t weird at all.”
“I can see why you adore him, such a sweet and earnest boy.”
“And beautiful eyes and scales to boot.”
“Sorry, sorry, I can’t help it,” she snickered in a way that betrayed she wasn’t sorry at all, “It’s just that I can understand how you fell for him, after all I fell in love with your grandfather in very similar circumstances.”
“… Grandpa tied with you in Smash Bros after joining your criminal organization, then endeared himself to the point you didn’t think twice about wiping Mount Fuji off the map for him?”
“No not like that,” she corrected, “We started as friends too, but our shared love was astronomy instead of video games. One time he blind-folded me and had me use my quirk with him steering, and when the blind fold was off, I realized he floated me into an area of sky with zero light pollution, just in time to watch the nova explosion of T Coronae Borealis. My impulsive ass proposed to him on the spot, skipped the dating phase entirely.”
Tomura went bug-eyed at that, but didn’t interrupt as Nana continued to reminisce, “You know, even when we exchanged our vows and eventually had your father, I knew that marrying him automatically put a target on his back. It was only a matter of time before he would get caught in the crossfire of my line of work, and in the end, even all the safety measures we took didn’t keep him safe, but I entangled us anyway. I figured that a life with him in it, however tragic and brief, was worth living more than one where I never knew just how loved and cherished I could be. Especially if that meant I could give that same amount of love back to him.”
“…Grandma,” Tomura mused, “I feel like you’re trying to tell me something.”
“I think you might’ve inherited that outlook from me,” Nana suggested, “Seeing as you were initially on the fence about undergoing the shadiest surgery known to man for the sake of power, only to decide it was worth it literally moments after your sweetie confessed that he ‘loved those warped horizons you made’, thinking that a power upgrade was just what you needed to make him even happier! You’re just as impulsive and intense when it comes to love as I was!”
“Don’t call Spinner ‘my sweetie!’ We didn’t even get the chance to pick out pet names!” Tomura cringed, then cringed harder and pouted after realizing he outed himself.
“Well, maybe you’ll get that chance,” Nana supposed, surprising Tomura with her switch to a serious tone.
“My hands, my son’s hands, your family’s hands have been holding you back for so long. So please, let me use my hands properly this time,” she whispered, moving her arms to cradle him a bit more firmly now that he wasn’t falling apart at the seams, “Let me be the hands that hold you together, that push you forward, that guide you as you take your next steps, and support you now when you need help the most.”
As she spoke, Tomura felt multiple hands slightly nudging him. Looking down, he watched as the other vestiges of One For All pressed the gathered up pieces of him together. A man wearing goggles on his head held one leg, another with a high-collared jacket handled the other. He watched as arms were positioned by two men in similar-looking combat gear, his torso aligned with his head by someone with cracks running down his face.
Once every particle was in its place, a vestige that appeared remarkably similar to Tomura placed his hands over the cracks on his chest, and suddenly that crack began to heal. The cracks did not disappear, but instead were welded together, leaving golden scars in their place. As the other vestiges repeated the process on the rest of his body, Tomura noticed a golden, foggy vestige carefully fusing each finger of his destructive hands to his palms, thankfully without the telltale holes of All For One’s quirk, but also saw that vestige slowly grow dimmer with every piece he fixed.
“You’re not really making them all give up their souls and fade away just to keep my destructive ass alive…” Tomura joked as he turned to his grandmother, who he realized was also fading away as his peripheral vision took on more of a golden hue, “…are you?”
“It’s a shame you think destroying is all you can do, when you know that you’ve had a fair share of creating things too,” Nana remarked, “and I’m willing to bet that the bonds you created with your friends are something not even your hands can obliterate.”
Tomura knew he couldn’t say a thing to disprove that statement, he wouldn’t even dare to entertain the thought of purposefully getting rid of them. “I can’t promise I won’t start another fight when I wake up, especially not if my friends are the ones in trouble. Sorry grandma.”
“That’s alright,” Nana chuckled, the grin on her face identical to the maniacal one Tomura sometimes saw in the mirror, “What kind of Shimura’s would we be if we didn’t act intensely for the people we love, just as intensely as we love them in the first place? Can you promise me something else then?”
“Depends, what is it?”
Nana bent down to whisper in her grandson’s ear, and though her final request made his face erupt into a blush, he readily agreed as they faded into darkness and whatever lay beyond this realm.
“See if you can make that delightful Player 2 of yours my grandson-in-law.”
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officialgleamstar · 4 months
For the Ask meme concept: Reverse Unpopular Opinion meme thing: Oxventure in the dark and the oxventurers guild's pets (Simon, Frisky and the Darkness, Percy Junior, Emily (the ship's cat), Seal Gaiman, and Dogbert)?
OxBlades is just. It’s so good. I think it’s pretty clear from my posting habits that it’s the campaign I’m the least into fandom-wise haha but truly, that is because it’s just so complete and whole to me. I think Luke ran an amazing campaign, the characters are all so endearing with their own quirks and personalities, and the story ends in such a beautiful note. As a long term My Little Pony fan, I love any story that has the plot of ‘we need to return magic to the world’ XD and I think the fact that it’s set in a far future Geth, a world that most Oxventure fans will already love, really solidifies the world building and plot. There’s so much intrigue there! I’ve probably said this before, but I have a special soft spot especially for all of the kids in OxBlades. I love Mumbles and Bug, I love Lilith’s ghost girl whose name I can’t remember right now, I love the various Dimmer Sisters kids ghdksgdkdhd I love them all!! So much!! AUGH they mean so much to me <3
And yes, omg, the Oxventurers’ Guild pets!! I wuv them. I think Seal Gaiman and Percy Junior are my favorites, though I love all of them quite a bit <3 Seal Gaiman is my favorite out of context fact to drop on my friends. “Hey. Look at this seal. Cute right? He loves scotch eggs. He also used to be a human man. He’s fine though he likes this… now…” HFKDGSKDGDKDH it’s just so funny. It never stops being funny. God. I love Seal Gaiman so so so much. And Percy Junior is just so cute to me <333 I love Corazón getting so attached to him. I love Merilwen trying and failing to win Percy Junior over. I love that Corazón and Egbert are both the kind of guys to name their pets after themselves, which is an utterly bonkers trait for one man to have, much less two
I do have a bit of a complex about Egbert’s various mounts (the most frequent of which is Dogbert, of course), as a guy who really loves paladins and also the nigh-useless mount feature in D&D 5e. Is Dogbert just one incarnation of the various mounts that Egbert summons, or are they all the same spirit? Like, he summons a horse once. Was that Dogbert? What about that alligator they summoned in Hog Wild (was it that episode. I dunno I’m not gonna check)? I think about this way too much XD in my heart, they’re all the same spirit. He’s very patient and loves Egbert sososososo much so he just deals with the fact that Egbert won’t make up his mind on what form he takes
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mk-writes-stuff · 4 months
Happy wbw! This might be a strange one, but how do you think your characters would do in the setting of Illaros?
Happy WBW! This isn’t a strange one at all, I’m actually pretty hyped :)
I’m going to primarily go with the Seven Station characters because I think they’ll be more entertaining but if I’m in the mood I might throw in some Pirates’ Roost characters at the end. Also I’m making my usual crossover assumptions - everyone can understand each other’s language (although they won’t know world-specific terms, like Belladonna has no clue wtf a halawemavar is) and magic powers work regardless of the setting. I’m also going to assume the Seven Station characters have gotten used to seeing grass :)
Honestly, I think Cassie’s going to do the best on Illaros. Her machine empathy is pretty much useless, but she doesn’t really need it honestly - she can still use it to make her arm function better. She’d probably join a local militia or become a bounty hunter and actually be pretty successful. I feel like if she ever met Izjik, they’d really get along.
Belladonna and Nellie are both struggling but I think they’d make it. Nellie would have a rough time without her meds, but she’d survive. She’s pretty resourceful and I feel like she’d be able to get a contract using her empathy magic. Belladonna’s mostly struggling because she’s never been unimportant before, but she’s clever and very good with rich people so I think she’d manage to swing it as a negotiator or something. I think Cassiopeia would be okay for the same reason, although she’d definitely be plotting to usurp whoever took her in and move up in society as much as she could.
Ricinus and Goldenrod would be okay if they landed in the city. They’re screwed otherwise - they’re both too proud to do “peasant work.” If they landed in a city, they’d probably pretend they were never married and start new lives avoiding each other as much as possible.
Sel would make it too. He’s naive and wouldn’t entirely understand what’s going on, but he’s clever and resourceful and very hardworking. He’d end up with a job in a restaurant or something and a small place to himself and live a quiet life. I think Rhys would end up doing something similar, although he’d have a harder time of it due to his disabilities.
Stellaris would be so excited but he would not do well. He’d be fascinated by everything around him but he honestly does not have a lot of skills for job prospects and is not good at endearing himself to others. I think he and Astra would get along if they met but outside of that he’d have a very rough time.
Narcissus would not survive. There would be bugs. He’d be broke. He’s allergic to pollen. I’m sorry but this man wouldn’t make it a week.
Also as a bonus - most of the Pirates’ Roost cast would do pretty fine on Illaros (it’s not too drastically different from Ixalan, they’d adapt), but I’m confident if the HO cast ever met Malcolm, it would go extremely poorly. Like I feel like they’d already be weirded out by this little feathery man (Malcolm’s like 5’7 and skinny) introducing himself as a siren but if they saw him praying quite passionately to the stars? I’m extremely confident it would be on sight.
Anyway, thank you for the ask! This was very fun, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you think they’d do :)
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songmingisthighs · 3 months
these two being the best dialogues ive heard?seen? in these past few days, woo redemption🙂‍↕️
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this is so sweet though. as an overthinker, his reassurance is very accommodating, very serine, endearing ?? idk, i can’t find the perfect word to explain it. it’s just the fact that he reassured her that she IS part of his future, that in itself is nice.
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the little, slight hint of jealousy bc he doesn’t want any other guy seeing mc is so cute as well. okay but the making out in the car is truly the cherry on top. something about making out in a car is just saur sexy ? sigh, i’m a big time sucker for woo. i love that man saur much.🙂‍↕️
LMAO i probably posted this to redeem odln!woo who's like an asshole and a half
even when he's arguing he's nice and considerate. it's sweet and sexy and g0rl they're gonna make out HARD. but yes, i too, am a bug sucker for woo. my sweet spots ? baby fever woo and possessive boyfriend woo.
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notsocheezy · 2 months
Brain Curd #114 - Twenty-Minute Tuesday #12
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily (haven't missed one yet!) and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. Please like and reblog if you enjoy - the notes keep me going!
“Hey, hey!” Walker sat down at the table. “Have I got a business opportunity for you!”
Greg shook his head. “No, you don’t.”
“Yes I do!”
“No, I’m telling you, don’t. Seriously, man, every time I give you money it evaporates into thin air.”
“You don’t understand! This time it’s foolproof!”
Greg sighed. “Fine. Give me the pitch.”
“You won’t regret it! Alrighty, now tell me - what’s the main problem with pyramid schemes?”
“They’re illegal.”
“Wrong. The problem with pyramid schemes is that after a few levels, you run out of people. And when you run out of people, you run out of money! But there’s a simple solution!”
“Make more people?”
“No… obviously that would take too long.”
“Right, of course.”
“Instead what we need to do is turn our thinking upside down!”
“So the people at the top of the pyramid give their money to everyone else? I think that’s just taxes.”
“No, no, no, far more upside-down than that. What we need to do is create a system where that bug… is a feature. So think about it for a moment - how do we make running out of people profitable?”
Greg scratched his head. “Uh…”
“I know, I know, it’s not an easy problem to solve. But I’ve done it. It’s very simple - instead of just funneling money to the top, the people lower in the pyramid buy supplies from the people at the top -”
“That’s just Multi-Level Marketing. Still a pyramid scheme. But legal.”
“Don’t interrupt me, I’m getting to the exciting part. The supplies are used to provide a service. Drumroll please… assassinations!”
“And these can be, like, regular hits, sure, but anyone lower level than the assassin is off limits.”
“Anyone… lower level?”
“This accomplishes two things: it attracts new talent by giving the freshest recruits more potential targets and free protection, and it also means anyone at a higher level…” Walker mimed slitting his throat. “… can be taken out and replaced with someone lower, so we’ll never run out of good positions!” He leaned back in his chair. “Sounds good, right?”
“That sounds like a nightmare!”
“Don’t knock it ‘til you try it, buddy.” He shot finger guns and clicked his tongue.
“This is somehow even more illegal than a normal pyramid scheme! And a hundred times as deadly! You aren’t seriously doing this, are you?”
“The moment I came up with the idea, I jumped on it. No time to think, just do, otherwise you’ll never be on the ground floor of any innovation.”
“So you’re at the top of the pyramid?”
“You’d better believe it, bucko!” Walker chuckled, and then his head exploded. A sniper from across the way became the new head assassin.
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nutzgunray-lvt · 6 months
The Graham/Serizawa bug has taken hold of me, and I've taken it upon myself to increase the amount of content for them. I took inspiration from the Cozy and Content OTP prompt from @novelbear, and came up with this little ditty.
As a backstory, the two are in Monarch's command post in Alaska, and I headcanon Vivienne as being someone who gets cold very easily. Characterization was hard to nail down, but I'd like to think that Graham and Serizawa are more open in private to each other. Either way, enjoy!
“We should get up.”
“We should… but we won’t.”
Ishiro warmly chuckled at Vivienne’s muffled retort and looked down at the bundle of blankets cuddled up against him. All he could see was a pair of big, light brown eyes innocently looking up at him, and as those eyes slowly and sleepily blinked, he found it hard to bite back a smile as he reached over to brush his thumb over her warm cheekbone.
“Aren’t you worried about getting too hot?” he asked. “We were asleep for over an hour and a half.”
“I’m fine,” the younger woman stubbornly insisted. “It’s -24 degrees outside, and I’m trying to conserve body heat so I don’t freeze.”
The older man shook his head in bemusement as he peeled off the layers of blankets to reveal a pouting Vivienne Graham. Her hair was such a mess that he couldn’t help but openly laugh at the sight, causing her pout to deepen.
“What’s so funny?” she demanded as she was pulled on top of the older man, her hair falling over her face as she unsuccessfully tried bending down and burying her head in his neck.
Ishiro merely smiled as he combed his partner’s hair back, brushing it behind her ears. Her bottom lip was slightly jutted out as she played with the hem of his t-shirt, insistent on not making eye contact with him. It was rather endearing, so much so that he couldn’t resist having a bit of fun with it.
“You do know that the outpost is insulated, yes?” he asked, rubbing up and down Vivienne’s legs in an effort to placate her. “I know you get cold easily, but don't you think six blankets is too much?”
She shrugged, grabbing one of his hands and playing with his fingers in a bid to dodge his question, her cheeks flushed from both embarrassment and being cocooned in her nest for so long.
“I suppose so,” she reluctantly admitted, interlinking her fingers with his. “But I was warm. I hadn’t slept that well in ages.”
She did have a point. The two had been working nonstop in decoding some abnormal energy signatures detected in Bikini Atoll, and that coupled with the jetlag from their flight from the Philippines had left them completely exhausted. Vivienne in particular was practically asleep at her desk when they wrapped up for the day earlier, and she hadn’t even stirred when he carried her to bed. Part of him was concerned that she was starting to fall ill, but he supposed they could cross that bridge when they got there.
Right now, all he could do was feel himself melt a little at the sight of his former protege nuzzling into his hand. She still looked quite tired - if not content - and if Ishiro had to be truthful, he himself could have used some more sleep as well. They weren’t going to be needed for the rest of the day, and though he took great pride and passion in his work, the break was admittedly a relief.
Perhaps one more hour wouldn't hurt.
“Come here,” he fondly murmured as he gently pulled Vivienne to where she was laying down on top of him. Almost immediately, she burrowed herself against his chest, curling her fingers into his shirt as her eyes fluttered shut. Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he whispered into her hair, “I suppose we can sleep in if you need it.”
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happy-beeeps · 1 year
so I'm obsessed with your echo fic like almost got me crying. I NEED MOREEEE I WANNA SEE WHAT HES LIKE AS A HUBBY AND DAD PLSSSSSSS YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING AND ILYSM 💙🖤❤️
I’m actually working on part 2 of the echo fic! So as to not give too much away I’ll give you some of my headcanons on husband!echo!! (Also this is my first headcanons post I’m so sorry if it’s awful)
First and foremost, this man would work himself into a tizzy making sure your proposal is PERFECT
he’s got all these plans because you deserve them, but then the second he’s gonna start he freaks himself out, like he’ll get ready and then be like,,, wait ahaha ha ahaha ahaha
He still has a lot of self worth issues but everyday they get better and better because of the love you and his brothers send his way!
Because of this, even though by the second time you know what’s happening, you try and be gentle with him, it’s very endearing
When he finally asks you, it’s so spur of the moment
Y’all are on some ridiculously beautiful system after a mission and he just looks at you and is like “yep. This is it.”
And that’s basically what he says! (You say yes obviously)
You guys don’t have a super blown out wedding ceremony, in fact, you guys exchange some vows right then and there and he comms Rex over to officiate it (that feels like something a captain can do?)
Afterwards, you guys go on an impromptu mini honeymoon to Pabu to see the rest of your family (and because omega would kill you if you didn’t celebrate with her)
Pabu is perfect, and you spend your days eating fresh caught dinner and fruits and lounging on crystal clear water
You’ve always been a part of Echo’s family, but there’s something warmer about being officially a part of it
Echo is like the most supportive and doting husband
He’s the guy who’s like “yes!! Fuck them up honey!!! That’s my spouse!!!” And then the second things start going south he jumps in
He’s going to protect you with every fiber of his being, but he respects you enough to know that you’re a tough cookie
He’s suchhhh a cuddle bug, like, holoflic nights on the couch are his love language
At first he’s apprehensive about having kids
Let’s be so real, you’ve already begun mothering Omega, and this isn’t really the safest time to be bringing kids into the world
If you’re having biological kids, I feel like the baby would be a ✨welcome surprise ✨
Otherwise it happens quick either way, there’s a little baby in Pabu who needs parents, and you and Echo just know it’s the perfect situation
He’s all in the second it becomes reality for him
Like… baby bjorn every day, painting the nursery
You cannot separate this man from his child
You know how Din brings Grogu everywhere? Echo vibes.
Like this man is walking through Pabu in the most dad outfit ever and the baby strapped to his chest
Omega looooves having a little baby to hangout with, and she plays with the baby any chance she gets
One time you caught him going through old holos of his brothers, he’s so ready to tell your child stories about Uncle Fives
BONUS: Uncle Rex comes over all the time when you’ve settled on Pabu, and it’s really not uncommon to see the two of them standing around the house with their hands on their hips trying to figure out new DIY projects
At the end of the day, Echo see’s you and the baby as his second chance, his gift at a new life. He doesn’t waste a day and wants to shower you both with all the love he can (which you happily reciprocate)❤️
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wentzsmatchacup · 2 years
omg haii what flavor are the fall out men to you?? :P OH AND what flavor are the different fob albums?? and which one is ur favorite? ^_^
thank you so so much for asking!! :]
The flavors of people change based on who they are n stuff, so like, young Pete and now Pete have different flavors!
Blondie Pete (Pete now) is a citrus seltzer and a warm oatmeal cookie with dark chocolate chunks. Younger Pete is Cola, raspberries, and a hint of something bitter, but like a deep flavor; kind of like a chocolate but saltier; it’s something I can’t quite put my finger on. Patrick is like the Texas Roadhouse bread (shameful yeehaw from a Texas resident. If you’ve never had Texas Roadhouse, the bread is famously delicious and sweet and fluffy) with butter and a lavender tea. Andy is a sherbet with mint in it and a little metallic tang to it. Joe is a smokey steak, cherry juice, and carnival corndogs. Out of the boys, I’m torn between now-Pete and Joe for whose is my favorite. Pete’s reminds me of sunshine and warm spring and happy memories and just overall comfort and stuff, but Joe’s is strangely nostalgic.
As far as albums go, the different songs kinda taste different, but I can give an overall synopsis! :)
Take This to Your Grave tastes kinda like gunpowder, sweat, something lightly fragrant, like rain, bug juice (okay this sounds crazy but it’s this juice in a bottle from gas stations n stuff and it’s great, you should Google it lol), and a snickers bar. Despite those flavors sounding somewhat unpleasant, it’s oddly endearing and I love TTTYG! 6/10 flavor
From Under the Cork Tree tastes like bitter cherries, smarties, perfume, and wood. It’s probably one of the albums I have the least to say about flavor-wise, but it’s SO good and simple. This one has a more cohesive flavor pallet which makes it super pleasant to my senses. 9/10 flavor
Infinity On High tastes like dusty fabric, butter, summer rain, gummy bears, sawdust, and chicken noodle soup. Despite this being one of my favorite albums (behind Folie and SRAR) it has one of my least favorite flavor combinations. I can’t focus too hard on some of the tastes of the songs or it grosses me out, but MAN is it good to my ears. Very salty, very dingy. 4/10 flavor
Folie a Deux tastes like green tea, cleaning spray, cinnamon, honey, whiskey (only ever had it like once lmao), nachos, and dark chocolate. Don’t ask me why cleaning spray, that’s what “What a Catch, Donnie” tastes like to me :,) I LOVE YOU FOLIE!!! 7/10 flavor
Save Rock and Roll tastes like pop rocks, sand, milk, smoke, assorted fruit, wet dirt, something vaguely like nostalgic summers(?) (idk I can’t place it), beef, and sour patch kids. Weird combo, but it somehow works? It’s not quite unpleasant, but it’s not wholly enjoyable if that makes sense? Young volcanoes tastes good lol. 5/10 flavor
American Beauty/ American Psycho is one of my favorite tasting behind FUTCT. It tastes like sour punch straws, whoppers, apple juice, sweet tea, seawater, ballpark hotdogs, barbecue sauce, and blackberries. It tastes like going to a movie theatre and a cookout; it’s freakin delicious. There’s this overhang of hazy, deep flavor, while maintaining a sweet and tangy thing goin on. 9/10 flavor
MANIA tastes like dust, leather, cotton Candy, milkshake, wood, lemon seltzer water, vinegar, pistachios, and fruit snacks. It’s kinda like you dropped your food on the ground and ate it afterwards. I love MANIA, but why does it remind me of kindergarten daycare.. yuck… not a good taste, excluding Stay Frosty, Bishops Kinfe Trick, and Wilson. 2/10 flavor
I May update this post when So Much (for) Stardust is released, but as of right now, it tastes like licorice, pine, gunpowder, sprite, and cantaloupe! 5/10 flavor
I love the way that flavor connects me with things. These flavors also change from time to time, and I can’t ALWAYS taste it, but it’s kind of a neat party trick, eh? Once again, thank you so much for the question! This was really fun, and gave me a new appreciation for their music!! :)
final ranking (based on flavor)
(this does not at all relate to my opinions on the albums themselves! I Can do a separate ranking for that some other time!)
overall, my favorite song (flavor wise) is probably XO, Young Volcanoes, The Kids Aren’t Alright, and Favorite Record! :)
(Edit: I’m sorry i forgot to include EOWYG and didn’t include any of their EP’s, but I would LOVE to if anyone would like to hear it!)
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
Your weekly headcanons!! ⋆˚✿˖° ˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ ⋆˚✿˖°
Theodore and Kiku call each other every term of endearment you can think of. Especially the really cheesy ones. You’ll often hear them call each other things like pumpkin, honey, babe, cupcake, just everything. Canonically, Kiku does call him Teddy, and I’m just gonna add on to that and say that she also calls him her Teddy bear, because he’s so cuddly! Sometimes when they’re out in public people get annoyed because they’re so lovey dovey with each other.
As for Yusaku and Skye, they often just call each other by their real names. Yusaku is SOOOO shy, he maybe tries to call her something cute like once, and then just dies of embarrassment. Skye is also pretty shy, but if Yusaku is having a bad day, she tries to be extra sweet with him, and she calls him things like love, or sweetheart. Nothing too silly or cheesy, just the more normal ones I guess lol. Oh but in Link Vrains? She does not shy away AT ALL. She’s not as bad as Theodore and Kiku, but she’s getting there 😂. It’s easier than calling him Playmaker all the time online though LOL. Also when they’re alone, Skye will call Yusaku babygirl when they’re alone. Yusaku always gets hilariously flustered.
As for Ryoken and Miyu, I don’t think Ryoken would really be the type to use terms of endearment that often, but perhaps he calls her darling, or love everyone once in a while. Miyu likes to call him silly and cheesy things like honey bunny, and cuddle bug. Ryoken’s reputation is really going down the drain thanks for his girlfriend being very sweet with him all the time.
Hehe, Nice to get one of them for a change.
Yes, absolutely. Teddy Will absolutely be the one to call Kiku every single terms of enderment on the planet and once he runs out of them, he Will make brand New ones. Kiku is as bad as him if not worse, sometimes words that don't make no sense. Also only she can call him Teddy Bear,anyone else is getting smacked.
Yusaku Will turn to the corner red tomato while calling Skye dear once, while Skye is equally shy. She is competiting with them actually to see who can call their lover the most amount of terms of enderment.
Absolutely. One day in the future where Ryoken set up a very successful buissness, he is on a meeting and sees his phone ring, then says 'Sorry my wife is calling me" and then on speaker hear the most adorable sounding terms of enderment ever spoken as the buissness man tries not to laugh about it.
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I posted 4,845 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 135 characters
#this is even funnier for me because i have a fedex package and it updated from one state far away from me to my state with no inbetween
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Image description: Bugs Bunny in a black suit, a white shirt, black bowtie, with a flower pinned to his jacket. The text to the left of him reads, "I wish all my internet friends a very thank you for making my 2021 better & happy new year <3".
0 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
Aw! Thank you Anon.
1 note - Posted December 17, 2022
My ankles are very angry tonight. Fucking chronic pain. Looking forward to getting at least one of them taken care of on February 22nd. Also looking forward to having the slight increase in one of my meds that help with sleep and chronic pain. The additional dose of medication won't arrive until this Tuesday. So now I'm awake and in pain. Boo.
1 note - Posted January 14, 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Omega Jaskier | Dandelion, Getting Together, Mating, so much banter and flirting, Protective Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Sassy Jaskier | Dandelion, Idiots in Love, Happy Ending, Kaer Morhen (The Witcher), Endearments, Knotting, Don't copy to another site Summary:
Geralt had taken one look at Jaskier in that dingy tavern in Posada almost a year ago and he'd known—Jaskier was his. His to protect and take care of and cherish. His mate.
Or: The story of Geralt and Jaskier's mating.
4 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Thanks @0dde11eth for the tag:
1) The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace - The Amazing Devil
2) That Unwanted Animal - The Amazing Devil
3) The Horror and the Wild - The Amazing Devil
4) Utakata - Kagrra,
5) Ginger - Exist Trace
I’m going to tag (but no pressure to those tagged!): @penandinkprincess, @fangirleaconmigo, @jetpuffedmarsh, @whispered-story, @wannastayugly, @miscreantmermaid, @flordefandom, @all-things-fandomstuck, @ohmygodtonystark, @kueble
4 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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“Darling” anon here. I didn’t really get what happened but I’m gay and I use pretty “camp dialect” if it would be easier to call it that.. there’s been a severely bad misunderstanding about intent, and rest assured it wasn’t meant to be anything other than how I talk and I didn’t realise it would be a problem but I won’t use that term around you if it’s uncomfortable, though, but the main thing was that I was hoping you were alright and to cheer you up but I feel a bit weird submitting anything in future and feel very awkward to talk incase any of my other queer ways of talking bugs you! Take care anyway!
I’ll not submit anything else in case my speech is seen as weird, I feel incredibly awkward about what was insinuated.. aha, I guess many people get funny about how we as gay men may talk more Eloquently and Camp, or don’t consider it, forget it’s a thing.. I don’t know really, but saying terms such as darling which would be frowned upon by macho gay guys or even women who hated people being gay or people aren’t used to it I guess, so it’s not much new to experience that response even though it’s stressful to deal with, but I didn’t really expect it considering the nature of RPing gay men I thought it was safe to speak camp I guess that’s not the case… ngl it stressed me out n I got made because this page RPs a gay guy and it just irked me for a bit before I thought you were just assuming it wasn’t to do with this and saw another meaning so why would you consider it.
A lot of people use darling in other ways, words have many meanings, people speak differently.
I’d rather say Darling than “mate”, or something, if that doesn’t make sense what I’m getting at. I even call people I don’t like darling so, it’s not anything with directed intent lol. Hope it makes sense anyway.
Hi again anon~, and aaaa let’s see… I’m sorry my reply to your last ask felt like a misunderstanding… as I honestly hadn’t meant for it to come off that way— and I did sincerely appreciate the effort in making sure I was alright/trying to cheer me up— But to try and be a little more clear on what went down with that ask, there wasn’t really any problem at all with the usage of “darling”, I promise— considering that I myself had zero issue with endearments being used casually like that (hell, I use dear somewhat regularly myself—) and I’m also aware that more “camp” people use darling in a few different ways— with that said, though… I’d also like to apologize for upsetting you with how I responded to that ask, and I understand if you may not wanna send in anything in the future thanks to that…
In addition to that, though— I’d like to state that while I do indeed rp as a muse who’s a gay man, it should also be taken into account that Minato isn’t overly “warm” to strangers, which are what I regard any random anons as— so while part of the tone to his response was thanks to that— his internal remark about the usage of “darling” also wasn’t meant to be an overly serious thing— more of just a slightly confused question—
And lastly, I’d like to add the disclaimer that even given the muse I play— I as a mun, am simply a young lady who doesn’t have as much knowledge about gay/queer culture as someone more actively involved in it— which you may frown at me for, but— I’m just here to write and have fun, so I’ve mainly just concerned myself with aspects of it present in my muse’s source material—
With all that said, I’m once again sorry for how this or my previous ask to you might’ve come off, and if you feel I didn’t fully address all that you presented in this ask… But I hope you’re well anon, and that if you do decide to send anything in the future, then you’ll hopefully be more fond of my responses to those—
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onlyhalfshining · 26 days
We had an amazing hike. You loved it, and mentioned that you really enjoyed it and I’m so happy you did. Your first waterfall, mountain, and hike! God i loved seeing you experience it. It was such a perfect day. Even though i was out of breath, i got to hold your hand so many times, guiding you through some of the trails, looking back at you to make sure you were doing okay. I loved sweating with you lol You were so cute with your giddyup, long ankle socks, hat, hoodie, then you revealed your Spider-man tank underneath when it got hot. Gosh, you’re adorable, and cute and sexy, but like, a rare type of sexy. We hiked back and it was just lovely. Chatting, literally the whole time, looking for mushrooms, bugs and pretty ferns and soft moss. We got back and ate lunch together in the little picnic area they had at the entrance to the parking lot. It became apparent after like the 2nd person, we were the unofficial welcome/visitor center for others LOL it was hilarious and I loved it. I don’t think you did too much, but that’s okay. I’ll be the goofy, more talkative one of the two of us.
We played the burning questions card game and just chatted and learned so much about each other, for ie; you don’t like fufu (we’re gonna change that), and cucumbers! You’re insecure about not being enough 🙁 your sister is your hero, AWWWW… you like sparkling water and other things, I can’t remember!
We wrapped up our lunch and started to head out. It was so beautiful outside, i loved it so much. We stopped by one more overlook before leaving cause i really wanted you to see the mtns one more time, but also secretly wanted to kiss you at the mtn top, hehe. I’m a romantic, I’m sorry! We stood on the grass curb and took it in, His magnificence. I stepped down and looked up at you and said, “kiss me.. Here at the top, kiss me.” You smiled and did. You placed your right hand on my cheek softly and kissed me. My brain must have short-circuited because your last kiss, my mouth just stayed partly open and you finished with a kiss on my nose. You’re so sweet, and lovely and cute–fuck. I was like damn, I’m not done lol I was so grateful for that moment. For all the moments, really.
We got in my car and continued on. I wanted to stop by somewhere and just chill, relax a tiny bit more before we really start heading home so i mentioned Little Switz to you. And even though Sonny boy was waiting for you at home, you said yes anyway. My gosh… so i was like okay, I have to make it worth it. Saw a little Inn on a tight curb so busted a yewy and came back to it. Soooooo glad we stopped cause it so stinkin cute! The restaurant/bar was upscale, but in a mountain, small-town, quaint, little sibling kind of way. We sat and chatted with the bartender. He’s from the mountains, moved to clt for a year and just moved back, his last name was O-six--his dad was a black panther and changed his last name before he was born. Guy wants to open his own bar, AND a tattoo parlor and daycare for his sisters. You liked that alot. You’re so family-oriented. You were actually interested in knowing more of him and his plans and aspirations. It was endearing for some reason. You ordered a pinot-grigio and i had their old-fashioned. It was such a movie moment 💚 When we wrapped up our drinks and left the bar, we met an adorable pit on the other side of the shop, you saw some newspaper clippings that very much caught your eye (twice), and took in another view of the mountains on the balcony. It was lovely.
Then we were on the road again. Twisting and weaving, you didn’t seem too bothered by my driving, and you seemed to trust me on the road. Yay!
We talked some more, I told you my pin and you went through my phone on Spotify and we just listened to a bunch of songs. But as we were about an hour out I just eased in to it, i didn’t even plan on doing that.. the “what are we” talk LOL but i did.
“So… what do you think about us, or me–so far” Gosh, all of the confidence just left me. And i was holding your hand most of the drive, including this time. I was so nervous all of a sudden, i mean ik you like me for the most part but still, I just wasn’t 100% sure. I needed some help so you asked me “you mean like relationship wise, like if we were to be labeled?”, “Yea, like long-term, would you want that with me? A long-term relationship”? You took like, literally one second to answer, placed your index finger on my arm (btw, I love when you rub my arm to comfort me. I fucking love that so much) and just flat out said “yes” and something else like, I paused my profile (Hinge) after the 2nd date and just knew from that point on. Which i was little shocked lol ngl. You said you chatted with other girls but nothing ever left the app. Then i proceeded to tell you that i was talking with someone else while dating you, and i didn’t realize i wanted to be with you until after our 5th date. Wow lol then we talked about relationships, our love languages, our expectations for one another and of the relationship. It was a very rich convo. Then you asked if i liked fall activities, like pumpkin patches and corn mazes. I said hell yea lol we were both smiling like idiots, me especially. Like, wow, we’re girlfriends now. You & me–A & S, ugh…
Can’t wait for dinners and trips with you, babe. It’s going to be one hell of an adventure <3
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pixeldistractions · 5 months
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The community arts center in Evergreen Harbor was a popular destination in the neighborhood, but Maria had never found the time to go. There was always some excuse to claim for why she was too busy. She worked four days a week, and she obviously had Johanna to care for all on her own. Nobody could claim that she wasn’t busy. But her sister suggested that she should experiment with some new hobbies and try to find something more than work and motherhood (and pining over her man) to do with herself. 
So they went to the arts center one morning. There was a children’s program for Johanna, and Maria browsed through some of the adult offerings. 
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She really had high hopes for the wine-making class. Wine was delightful, and Maria had Italian heritage and culinary inclinations. Surely this should be a good fit! 
But then she remembered that she was also squeamish. Somehow she never thought very deeply about how wine was made. But now, flat on her ass in a barrel of sloppy fruit, she didn’t think she’d ever see wine the same way again. 
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She finished making the bottle. It was terrible—her butt was in it, after all—but at least she could say that she tried something new. 
She would keep wine-making on the back burner while she looked at some of the other classes. 
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Flower arranging? Now this was definitively not gross (unless she found a bug, then she’d be out!). But she was also not very good at it, and the arrangement turned out terrible. How hard could it be to stick a bunch of flowers in a vase and make it look pretty? Very hard, apparently. 
Now she felt like a failure all around on top of having sticky “feet juice” all over her clothes.  
This was why she felt it totally acceptable to take herself back home, sit by the phone, and pine over her damn man. 
And that was exactly what she did. 
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But, you see, about that man—Jordan wasn’t having the best time out there, either. He told her all about his falls, scrapes, bruises, sunburn, and a possible fractured wrist. He was lonely, tired, sad, sore, and yet, he didn’t quit. He may have thought about it in some particularly down moments. He may have weighed up the pros and cons. Yet he was still out there, climbing and climbing, against all odds.
So when he called later, when he asked her how the wine-making class went, how could she tell him that she tried once and quit over a little goopy mess on her clothes? He wouldn’t judge her, and he might even find it endearing, her being such a delicate little princess. She did wish for him to find her endearing, but she didn’t want him to think of her as a quitter. Because she wasn’t one. 
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So she went again. She tried again. She put the sloppy fruit out of her mind, and this time, it didn’t bother her too much. It wasn’t so bad.
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Then, when Jordan called her that night, she would get to tell him that she tried again.
The wine still tasted like shit, but that didn’t disappoint her. Somehow, it only felt like a challenge.
— from “boxes and squares #4.2: “then have some faith” (1/5)
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story note: you are not experiencing deja vu! Sorry to make you read this scene again. I first wrote it as a little off-story piece. Not non-canon exactly, but just a little drabble. But then I decided that it belonged in the “official” story. So here we are again! With a little more depth this time. 🙃
and a little gameplay note: Maria is taking “nectar-making” in the culinary category for her second aspiration, besides her “big happy family.” <- since that one takes about a whole freaking lifetime to complete! And as for the negative moodlets, I’m happy to see they don’t happen every time. I guess we’ll just have to keep her stocked up with other happy moodlets to overpower the ick factor, lol!
Next ->
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starlight-time-machine · 11 months
Week in Review
10/15/2023 – 10/21/2023
My friend and I were both hype for the House S4 finale so we hopped on it when we both woke up. I think this is my favourite season finale in House, since it was the only one I remembered other than the series finale. The reveal was definitely shocking when I first watched it, and Wilson flexing his emotional acting is fantastic. Then we jumped right into S5, and the Hilson break-up angst is fun.
Manga Sunday time: MamaYuyu was fine, I kind of expected Escaba’s villainous turn since they emphasized his openness so much, but maybe they’ll do a double heel turn back to him being a good guy. The story was starting to shake up into the tried and true “group of young people (two guys and a girl) fight monsters” structure so at least there’s some movement happening here. I’m pretty close to dropping the manga as a whole, though.
Undead Unluck was great, I love when they pull out these big moments. Seeing Fuuko jump into surgery is fun, and seeing Rip and Latla do a three legged race I mean fight is both funny and heartwarming…it’s a clear evolution of Rip’s arc from a doomed loner shouldering the burden to someone who has to depend on others. I think Undead Unluck’s storylines have always been like, a pure distillation of shounen hype. It’s like the platonic ideal of characters who do their best and work together and better themselves for the people they care about, which could get boring if it weren’t for how genuine the writing feels and the interesting worldbuilding and the simple fact that it’s not all just teenage boys having these emotions but a variety of characters.
(Speaking of Undead Unluck, they just announced who the seiyuu for Mui is going to be and it’s not Homoto Akina or Liyuu…I’m sure Ishikawa Yui is a good fit but man…one of my favourite parts about reading Undead Unluck was seeing the little bits of Chinese and being amazed at how real it was…oh well…)
Ichinose Family is finally picking up a bit for me. After reading this and Takopi, I think Taizan 5’s brand is very much “strong premises and fantastical and intensely emotional and roundabout ways of getting to a simple and somewhat cliché truth.” So you’re telling me the various bouts of amnesia and dreaming and waking and running away would eventually lead the characters to realize that they need to face their problems and that the perfect family doesn’t exist and you just have to work at it? Wow there was no way I could’ve seen that coming. And to be honest, I kind of don’t buy that they’re such a wreck of a family to warrant all this prelapsarian desperation in the first place, but I guess it just speaks to their naïve mindsets. I am looking forward to the confrontation between Mom and Dad next week, though. I’m more interested in their relationship as a couple than the kind of played out familial relationships we’ve already seen between the other family members.
Aww the Dandadan chapter was cute, little Rin is adorable and it’s fun that the catboy in her fantasy is still a vampire catboy.
Marriagetoxin is fine, I’m still rooting for Kinosaki to be the endgame candidate for Gero but their relationship hasn’t progressed much lately beyond advisor and advisee. But since we already have canon lesbians, my hopes are still alive. The thing with Marriagetoxin that bugs me a little (aside from the action sequences that I literally could not care less about) is that I can feel the creator’s modern sensibilities in writing these female love interests and giving them real personalities and motivations and making sure they don’t end up just as damsels in distress (and I appreciate that), but when it comes to the actual romance it regresses to middle schooler levels of “oh no how do I talk to a girl.” Which, okay, I can accept that for Gero since it’s a part of his character, but it gets a bit tiring when even the cool ikemen love interest gets all blushy and embarrassed too. I’m sure people find it cute and moe and endearing but it just does nothing for me, and I wish we’d move past this general shyness around romance and, god forbid, kissing, but I guess I shouldn’t expect too much from a magazine aimed at teens. And comparing something to Chainsaw Man wouldn’t be fair, so I won’t. I guess I’m just wanting for a little more romantic progress instead of introducing new love interests and going through the cycle of Gero helping them and them becoming fond of him again, because it’s starting to feel like Marriagetoxin is spinning its wheels.
As expected, shady looking private investor guy has joined the team in Magilumiere. It’s fun seeing Sakuragi confidently chase her ambitions – she’s come a long way since chapter 1. I’m curious about the sudden focus on glasses lady whose name I can’t remember. I wonder if she’s just a conduit for information and will report back to Sakuragi and co about what she’s learned, or if this is hinting at her getting a storyline…
The latest Akane-banashi chapter was fine, I’m just not particularly emotionally invested in any of the characters and why they do rakugo. But I suppose it would’ve been hard for any rakugo centric series to capture my attention after Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu did it first. But I stay with Akane-banashi to learn about rakugo stories I don’t know, so I’ll stick with it until the end.
The One Piece chapter was good, I don’t have much to say other than I never expected to get a backstory flashback for Kuma of all people, but it looks like it’ll be pretty important.
It’s great to get another SpyFam chapter, and I always love the Damian/Anya ones. Damian’s shoujo filter for Anya is a fun visual gag, and the whole chapter wrapped up in a wholesome and funny way. I enjoy these comedy slice of life chapters as much as I do the spy or assassin mission chapters, but I do wish we could use them to progress a bit more in the social games that also play a part in Loid’s schemes – though I suppose we get an indication of Damien’s deepening crush on Anya so there’s that.
I can’t believe that Cipher Academy is something I get to read every week. It’s just so so so so good. So good, in fact, that I feel the need to go page by page and talk about all the things I noticed. I liked that they kept the detail of Iroha’s barrette getting chipped in the explosion, I like that we’re finally looking deeper at the bits of Iroha’s backstory that we saw in the Code Battle with Tayutan, Iroha’s backstory is as tragic as I expected, and I realized that his five barrettes design feature is to keep up a long strand of hair…perhaps to remind himself of his past? Amvicious is great, she has the same energy as Boku no Hero Academia’s All Might. And as I looked at her design again just now I’m realizing that perhaps Iroha saying he liked their buff instructor in the Code Battle wasn’t just a deflection but because she reminds him of Amvicious, another tall, muscular, and light haired girl… And I like that Iwasaki drew stairs in Iroha and Koshibai’s shadows to indicate them moving down through the floors. I LOVE that double spread between Tayutan and Kubinashi, and I like that they’re thinking along the same wavelength… And I love that Cipher Academy has such an attention for detail that it’s really rewarding to read and pore over and make your own connections because they don’t always relay everything clearly or right away… God I love this manga.
I checked out the first few chapters of You and I Are Polar Opposites because I saw people say that it was good and unconventional, and it’s certainly cute but it’s just not for me.
Went over to my friend’s house and watched an episode of House, then went home and watched even more episodes of House over Discord. The Hilson road trip to House’s Dad’s funeral was great, and I suspect that’ll be the highlight of the season as the overall narrative descends into House/Cuddy’s blossoming relationship.
Almost forgot it was Tuesday until I saw CSM screenshots on Twitter and wow, what a chapter. I’m excited to see the Death Devil’s design.
More House marathon – we’re trying to cram as much in before our lives get busier. The agoraphobic patient was an interesting challenge, and in the episode after that I’m happy to see Foreman finally get a win on his own.
Nothing today lol just YouTube and Picross.
Does it count as watching if I slept on the couch while my friend watched the newest episodes of Our Flag Means Death?
Also nothing today – I’ve fallen down a deep video game rabbit hole.
Okay I’m feeling bad about how empty this Week in Review is because of my gaming addiction (to be fair, I also did some work), so I’m forcing myself to watch some anime today (maybe force is a silly word for watching anime, which literally requires next to no effort on my part…but I’m four years behind on my anime list for a reason). Perhaps I’ll start Anime Saturdays as a counterpart to Manga Sundays…that’d be a cute way to bookend these things.
I started with Kusuriya no Hitorigoto because it was the one I was most anxious about. I fell into this series just a few months ago and it immediately became one of my 10/10 series (the first manga to ever be so good that it got me to read the original light novel), so hearing that it was getting an anime was both exciting and nervewracking. I didn’t expect like, sakuga levels of quality for this sort of story, but I at least wanted more than just a bare bones adaptation, especially with a sumptuous setting like the Rear Palace. So far I’m pretty pleased with the setting design and the music, I’m such a sucker for Chinese instruments. I really love the background art here, all the beautiful colors breathe so much life into the show. Maomao is also very cute, especially when she’s chibified. And I love Yuuki Aoi’s voice performance.
I’m a bit confused about the opening though – I suppose they wanted to establish some things about Maomao’s life before she got kidnapped, but I feel like it just messes with the pacing. Kidnapping is a pretty hard event to try to play off as a comedy beat to match the relatively light-hearted tone of Kusuriya, which is why I think the original story just skips over it. If anything, I would’ve kept in Maomao saying goodbye to her dad, getting distracted by medicinal plants, and then a quick cut between the kidnapping and the three month timeskip. There was no need to show the consorts so early when Maomao explains their dynamics within the palace later on anyway – but now I’m rambling.
I lied, I’m back to complain about that tiny cut of Gaoshun informing Jinshi that the consorts are fighting, I feel like that was also completely unnecessary…these are just tiny nitpicks, sure, but they’re bugging me since I love this series so much. I guess the pacing of Kusuriya was always one of the more unique things about it, since long swathes of time can pass very quickly between scenes, so it was a challenge to adapt that to a fixed time medium like anime…but hmmm it’s just the little things. Like I’m tripping over rocks while I watch.
Next up is the new SpyFam episode, which starts with some nice footsteps-on-wood ASMR. And wow, I’m impressed by the actual English text happening in the show, I wonder if they had a consultant or looked at the official English translation of the manga. I also liked the shadow of the window frame like a cross or a cage on Perkins’ face as he realizes he’s been caught, now that’s subtle imagery. The story makes me so sad though…
I spoke a little too soon on the subtle imagery. The blue sky and sunlight hitting the top part of the apartment building as the story wraps up was a bit too on the nose, guys. The Bondman episode was super cute, I loved the retro style. And I loved the watercolor style of the omake – I’m glad that they get to experiment with the sillier parts of the show.
Oh hell fucking yes, every time I watch a new episode of Undead Unluck I just sit in awe of how much the show gets the manga. The direction is fantastic as always, with really new dramatic compositions unique to the show. I love that silent snippet of Gina and Andy in the cold open, it just does so much to establish her character and the scope of the Union’s operation. The quick cuts for comedy and the motion through the ocean and the sky…god I feel genuinely emotional watching this show.
Oh my god Fuuko’s little “nya” as Andy pushes her out of the grass…
I love that the first half of Undead Unluck is like, Andy and Fuuko’s romantic worldwide getaway on top of the typical shounen battle fight a boss stuff. Just this one little addition of pathos adds so much dimension to the story.
Ooo, now we’re getting some Russian…I wonder how accurate it is/if they got a Russian voice actor for this rando background character. And ahhhh Gina is so cute, such a nice contrast from how powerful her intro scenes positioned her as. AGHHHHHH HER REVEAL TO FUUKO IS SO SINISTER AND COOL AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THE MUSIC IS SO GOODDDDDDD I remember this arc being the first one where I was so impressed by the unique ending that it cemented my interest in the series, and the anime is doing such a good job of elevating it closer to its platonic ideal…I almost wish I could go into the anime blind, but then I probably wouldn’t have watched it at all. But at least I can fully enjoy the ride now. It seems like the Week in Reviews for the next few months are all going to end with me livetweeting the latest Undead Unluck episode from excitement heh. I really hope they can keep up this level of quality…and also adapt the entire manga.
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