#i’m only doing it coz i love my friends
thatcreepydoll · 8 months
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rubbing my lips RAW to get these valentines done 💔
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lesbiantvfish · 10 months
did you know chronic headache sucks. It is currently illegal to take the amount of medication I need to not be in pain every 24 hours
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norrizzandpia · 7 months
bff reader x lando where they’re at a party maybs in monaco? pool party and stuff and the night gets messy but lando and reader stays out in the pool till late,and he becomes all clingy bc it’s getting cold and he likes reader 🥹 coz i’m a sucker for bff x lando aswell as cute smutty jealous lando,idk if you’ll be able to make something out of this but thank uuuu ☺️ xoxo
I love a good best friends to lovers
His (LN4)
Summary: When a fun pool party turns into a hurtful disaster, the only good thing to come from it is two confessions.
Warnings: wandering hands 😏, y/n’s ex, slightly jealous Lando, PROTECTIVE lando, the use of “whore” (not in an attractive way) language, major fluff at the end like i was blushing at my own writing
To be honest, nobody told Y/n that her ex, David, was on the invite list. As she stood next to Max, him a rambling and blushing mess over Pietra - who was laughing with her friends in the cutest bikini across the way, Y/n tried to convince herself that her eyes were lying. There was no way in hell David was walking through the door to the backyard of whosever house Lando had dragged her to. There was no way in hell David was making eye contact with her, a sickening smile on his face as her presence greeted him. There was no way in hell David was walking toward her.
No way in hell.
Except, there was!
David’s hand squeezed the flesh of her arm as he grinned down at her, “Y/n! What’re you doing here?”
She blinked a few times, her fingers slightly denting the plastic of her cup as his sliminess seeped into her skin, “David! Lando brought me here. What about you?”
The problem with David was that he was always intimidated by Lando. Whether that was because Lando had a bigger build and had a few inches on him or because of the fact that Lando was more successful, she never could tell. However, all she knew was that one of the reasons they broke up was because of his continuous insecurity that controlled their fights over Lando. No matter how many times she reassured him or told him Lando was just a friend, David would never relent. In his mind, Lando and her were basically fucking on the side.
His eyes turned a darker shade, “Lando’s here?”
She nodded, “Yes, he got invited and had a plus one.”
David scoffed, “Oh, and you’re the plus one, I suppose.”
“Yes, she is.” Lando’s voice interrupted the conversation. His body stuck to Y/n’s side like glue, his hand around her waist, as he stared the man down. Another problem with their previous relationship - Lando and David hated each other. At first, Lando had kept an open mind to his best friend’s boyfriend, albeit he was a little standoffish, but the moment Y/n started to show up at his door - sobbing - in the middle of the night because of some bullshit David had said during a fight, Lando was immediately turned off.
Lando was always protective over the people he loved, attentive and caring to its fullest potential. But, with Y/n, there had always been an inherent need to be there for her through everything from the moment he met her. The way he was with her stood out among the rest. They could try and explain the deep connection away with certain things they shared in common, they had tried, but everybody knew.
David’s chest puffed up higher, not enough to scare Lando though, “Lando.”
Each syllable drenched in a need to exert dominance, David’s words made the McLaren Driver glance down at the girl tucked under his arm. His eyes, the ones she could always read, asked for her to trust him. She always would. She smiled back at him.
With the reassurance, Lando’s hand came to rest dangerously low on her back, “Is there anything more you need to say to my girlfriend?”
She did trust him, just didn’t expect that to come out of his mouth. Her fingers almost ripped through the cup in her hands as her firm hold continued.
David’s eyes bulged, “Girlfriend?!”
From some place deep within herself, one she had never met before, Y/n nodded feverishly, “Yeah, we got together a few months ago.”
Lando’s body leaned into her and it all began to feel… comfortable. They would never address it, but there was always some sort of unspeakable tension between them that made hangouts and interactions a bit intense and awkward, too much for people who were supposed to be the closest of friends. For once, as their hands were allowed to sit nicely on places they had been too aware of every time they touched each other, that sense of heightened uncertainty was completely gone.
Replaced was warm palms.
A soft smile plastered on Lando’s face was quickly gone the moment David laughed, “Oh, I saw this coming for ages.” His gaze, dangerous and angry, shifted to Y/n and Lando almost moved his entire body in front of her. Honestly, he wished he had as David mumbled in her direction, “Whore.”
Max, sipping on his drink off to the side, choked as he watched Lando’s entire body tense up. His arm, that was once wrapped around his “girlfriend”, very quickly came to clutch the man’s shirt, shoving him harshly.
“What’d you say?!” Lando said, right in his face as Pietra came to pull Y/n away. The two girls held hands tightly as the entire party’s attention was turned toward the spectacle that was Y/n’s ex-boyfriend and her speculated new one.
David’s face went pale, “Nothing.”
Lando pushed him away once more, slapping his chest harshly before pointing a finger in his face, “Say that about her again and I will make your life a living hell, I swear to God.”
David coughed out an apology to which Lando spit on his shoes and said, “Say it to her not me, dick.”
Her eyes caught his as he stuttered it out, pure fear etched into them - something she had never seen before. He was always eager to make her feel scared during an argument. It was weird to see him in the same position he had put her in multiple times before.
When he stumbled away, out the same door he had come from twenty minutes before, Lando stopped being concerned with the cameras around him, waltzing right up to his Y/n and holding her head in his hands. He whispered, “You good?”
She nodded, leaning into his hands as he began to lead her into the house. She knew it was his friend’s house, but she didn’t expect for him to know the complete layout of it when he brought her to the kitchen so effortlessly.
She looked around, “I’m not hungry.”
He nodded, shrugged, “I know, but I thought we could hide out in here while everyone filters out.”
Her head peeked around the corner and, sure enough, the guests who were once lingering around the pool in the back were now scurrying through the door.
Lando chuckled, “Guess David’s a downer.”
An hour later, dinner ingested and everybody gone, Y/n found herself back in the backyard. Her body laid against the concrete of the pool as she stared at the place where David had been, calling her names, an hour and a half before. It hurt to think about, wonder if that’s what he had genuinely thought of her throughout their relationship. Nobody knew that it all got to her, the comments under Lando’s posts about her being something entertaining for him and the others on Twitter talking about the same things David had muttered before, but it did. No matter how much she tried to make it seem as though she knew those claims were ridiculous, a part of her did, she had gradually begun to internalize it all, creating a deep sore spot.
Nobody knew.
Well, except for him.
Lando’s footsteps pattered against the cold ground before they begun splashing around as he submerged himself in the water. She turned around to see him, one arm hanging on to the edge of the pool while the other wadded in the water. He smiled at her as he begun swimming toward her, coming to rest skin-to-skin right next to her.
He looked on at the spot she was so infatuated with before whispering, “You know what he said was completely wrong, right?”
All she could do was nod, her voice would not be convincing. She knew that. Lando knew that and that’s why his arm creeped around her torso, holding her close.
His mouth was right next to her ear, “It’s not true, Y/n.”
There was a deep sincerity in his words that hit her heart hard, prompting her fingers to trail up his arm before clutching his shoulder. Her head turned, their faces inches apart, and she smiled, “Thank you.”
His body fell further into the water as he let go of the edge, pulling her flush against him right after. He was gentle in his touches as he guided her legs to wrap around him, continuing to hold her waist as her arms wrapped around his neck. A dark, starry sky above them illuminated the twinkle in Lando’s eye. One Y/n found hard to explain away.
He pushed the wet hair out of her face, “He didn’t know what he had.”
Her fingers traced and memorized the sharpness of his cheekbones, “Are you saying you do?”
Her question, however bold, opened their friendship up. For once, one of them was giving the other the opportunity to confess whatever had manifested throughout the time they’d spent together.
She could see it in his eyes, the hesitation and fear in moving into that space with her. Sure, they had been uncomfortable together before, but this was different. This was an opening for something that could make or break them.
This was life or death to Lando.
Though, by the way she smiled at him, he knew he would be stupid, wrong her like David had, if he continued to sweep it all under the rug, “Yes.”
Her hands stopped moving about his face, instead cradling it, “What does that mean, Lan?”
Her question made his heart stop, the moment it all came down to, “Y/n, I hated seeing you with him. I hated seeing you with all of them. I couldn’t stand to see you hanging onto someone else’s arm. It made my skin crawl. And, today, when I got to be the guy that had you under his arm, especially when I got to look your satanic ex-boyfriend in the eye and tell him you were mine, nothing felt better than that. I’ve always known what I had when it came to you. I just wish you would let me show that.”
Her hands tangled in his hair as he continued to hold her, his feet stabilizing them as he stood in the pool. She exhaled a breath, took a moment to think, before leaning closer, “I never said you couldn’t.”
Even in the cold of the night, his face warmed with a tinge of redness. He squeezed her lightly, allowing a moment of silence to pass as they looked at each other before whispering back, “It’s chilly out here.”
Her giggling warmed his body, “Lan, what does that have to do with any of this?”
His hand moved delicately up her back before resting on the nape of her neck, pulling her lips closer, “I’m thinking a kiss or two might warm us up.”
She smiled again and her thumb rubbed against his jawline, “Oh, I got it. I love that idea.”
Max and Pietra watched from the living room, hearing Lando laugh before the two were kissing in the soft light of the backyard. The couple rejoiced on the couch, jumping and down with no regard for Max and Lando’s friend yelling at them to get down. However, once he looked to see what they were screaming about, he joined them too. It felt like everyone had been waiting for this moment. The moment when Y/n and Lando realized that their friendship was never just that and the love they had for each other was never just love. It was something completely indescribable, but as long as the whispers of love they shared between kisses in that pool continued, that would feel like enough.
It sure as hell was more than enough for the smiling, blushing idiot of a Brit who was kicking himself for not telling his Y/n just how much of his she really had been all along.
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papaya-twinks · 3 months
Maybe lando could like teach her like imitate topics (maybe she is so innocent she doesn’t know what sex is 🤐)
Warnings: perv!lando, smut, 18+
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
A/N - send me more perverted Lando asks pls I’m in my freak era
“How’d the date go?” Lando asked, seeing you walk into the room. “I left,” you said, seeing your best friend sitting on the sofa, a plate of pasta on the table in front of him. “Why?” he asked, a small frown on his face. “He wanted to have sex,” the words immediately made Lando’s face darken - he’d kept you innocent and away from all that, and here you were, with men trying to get you do things like that. 
“You’ve never had sex,” he said firmly, a frown on his face. “That’s why I left,” you spoke, “I don’t know how,”. His face softened at your words, the innocence behind them making his heart throb slightly. “Do you want to?” he asked, the question taking you by surprise. “Everyone else my age is,” you said quietly. 
“But you don’t know how,” Lando said, standing up from the sofa and taking your hand. The view of you in your pretty dress and heels wasn’t helping the painful feelings Lando had for you. “No,” you shook your head, letting him sit you onto the sofa. “You need someone to teach you,” his voice was soft as he sat beside you. “Can you?” you often went to Lando when you needed help with things. 
As a kid - learning to tie your laces, doing your homework before it gradually developing as you grew, to he,ping pick and outfit, and then advice with boys. You never did have a boyfriend, but it never once crossed your mind that maybe he wasn’t giving you good advice on purpose. You blamed it on yourself, as you usually did when something went wrong. 
And you failed to see, that Lando didn’t want you with another guy, and he’d spent his time making sure he had you know you were HIS. “Of course I can,” his voice was soft, “just like learning to tie a tie,” he shrugged, lifting you onto his lap, reminding you of his past helpings. “I’m only doing this for you, okay?” he said. 
The same sentence he said when he showed you how to kiss someone for the first time, not that you needed it, or when you gave a love bite. You didn’t even flinch as he rode your dress up, his finger slipping underneath your panties. You trusted him. He wasn’t here to take advantage of you, he’d never. Right? 
You chewed on your lip slightly as he pumped his finger into you, your hips rolling against his thighs as he pulled his joggers down, his eyes trained on your face. “Gonna make it easier for next time, yeah?” hus voice was smooth and somewhat comforting as he pulled his finger out, aligning you on top of him, before letting you sink down. 
“My pretty best friend,” he mumbled, “I’m doing what’s best for you,” you whined as he slowly started pumping in and out of you, before turning to rough slams, your eyes half rolling. He watched as your thighs squeezed together, a small smile on his face. You were all his. “Only doing it coz you asked,” he said, his voice not giving away anything as the knot built up in your stomach. 
You gasped as you felt yourself come undone over him, a groan leaving his lips as he did the same, his hot cum spilling in thick ropes as he pulled out of you. “There you go,” he lifted you off, your body slightly shaking. “Only showed you,”. 
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landososcar · 4 months
so high school ; JB5
pairing(s) ; jude bellingham x singer!reader , jude bellingham x student!reader
summary ; twitters favourite new(ish) artist drops her new album right during her school year.
warnings ; nothinggggg & mainly just fluff bc i love happy people
note ; SORRY ITS SHORT AHHAHA, i’ll post a new lando fic soon i just have no inspiration… ignore any dates that are wrong or don’t match - im lazy. also this is VERYYYY LOOSLY based off so high school lol (it’s mainly the aristotle line)
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youruser surprise !!!!! as an end of term present (for myself🤭🥳) and in honour of knowing the loml for 15 years, here’s 15 new songs for you guys to (hopefully) enjoy 😊 noah, thank you for trusting me and letting me join you on what might be one of my favourite songs ever!! i loveeee youuuu. && to my jude<3 thank you for inspiring me every single day of our lives. i love you bigger than the whole sky 🩵🩵 (guys he’s actually v v talented and he helped me write scared of my guitar, hard to sleep, and feels like) j, you are my safe place and these songs — especially the ones i haven’t let you hear yet — are for you.
ps guys idk how to only write happy songs but jude is the only one who makes me feel safe enough to express my emotions through my songs 😁 i looooovvveee him and am NOT 🙅‍♀️ breaking up with him. he is stuck with me forever💞
‘the alchemy’ is YOURS tonight at midnight 💓
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user1 WHAT
oliviarodrigo my girl💞💞 i’m so so soooo excited😭
youruser jude and i love the alchemy the most out of all the songs and wanna keep her just ours for a little bit longer but maybe if you guys enjoy these songs i’ll let you have my baby
user5 WHATTTT songs did she not let jude hear omfg i need to know
youruser he’s heard them all except for daylight, paper rings & so high school lollll
judebellingham refreshing my spotify every minute til midnight you guys don’t understand she’s kept these songs in a VAULT
user6 jude i know you love spotify but apple music get new music 10 minutes early xxx
judebellingham just made an apple music account
taylorswift so so proud of you beautiful 🩷🩷
judebellingham putting ALLLL of these on the pre-game playlist
youruser babe idk if some of these will pump you up before a game
judebellingham hearing your voice will pump me up idc how sad the song is xx
user8 why’s no one talking about how she’s in UNIVERSITY and dropped a FIFTEEN song album like …??? she’s INSANE. WHERE did she find the TIMEEE
user9 not to mention she lives with him in madrid and does school online coz her uni is in the uk
user10 she’s insane i don’t understand how😭😭
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youruser just posted to their close friends story.
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liked by judebellingham, trentarnold66, and others
youruser surprised my fav person in the uk for his england game and he scored for me 😆🩵🩵
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user1 she wrote “you know how to ball” and he said “yeah” then scored a goal and did a celebration for her😭
user2 zoom in on pic 6 and you’ll see me laying on the road waiting to be run over
judbellingham ‘unemployed girlfriend’ but you’re the greatest singer on earth while also doing online uni full time and you still make time to be able to come see me
youruser it’s coz i love you so so bad
jobebellingham you make me sick
youruser i love u too jobeyyyyyy
england our favourite visitor💙💙
user3 how does she do all this whilst going to uni😭😭😭
oliviarodrigo 💖💖💖
judebellingham I LOVVVEEEE YOUUUUU
user4 i NEED the top in pic 8 where is it from
youruser i found it on depop and HAD to buy it😭😭 i think someone made it x
chappellroan HOTTTTT (you not ur bf)
youruser I WOULD DIE FOR YOU MY WIFE💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
user5 i don’t understand how you write sad songs like the ones on your album if ur ‘in love with jude’
user6 jude deserves better than someone who’s so caught up on and still writes songs about her exes
user7 were both insane let’s get married
user8 dm me right now wife
youruser liked the comments in this thread
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youruser lol little life update coz i’ve been m.i.a. for the last almost two months. 1: i went blonde again. 2: my man still as fine as ever. 3: got engaged or whatever lol. 4: slaying up exams. 5: i miss tour so i decided imma come back and see you all soon 🤭🤭 tour dates soon <3
ps in honour of becoming fiance or whatever🤗 the alchemy and 4 other songs are yours on the deluxe version of ‘the alchemy’ ,, out tonight !!!
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harrykane juudddeeeeee!!! congrats🥳❤️
declanrice mr bellingham that is a ROCK
judebellingham WIFE WIFE WIFE‼️‼️‼️
youruser not yet my love but so close🥰
user5 she’s still writing break up and sad songs whilst engaged… so weird
user6 yeah and jude helps her,, he must be so disgusted right? seriously get a life and go touch grass
taylorswift so so happy for you 💓💓
youruser 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 i love you
england juddeeeeee💙 sooo happy for you two
trentarnold ❤️❤️❤️
user8 how girl just gonna casually drop a ENGAGEMENT announcement in the middle of a photo dump
noahkahanmusic YESSSSS🤍🤍🤍🤍
user10 HOWWWW is miss girl gonna find time in her schedule to do uni, make music, keep a healthy relationship, AND TOUR
judebellingham mrs*
my other works !
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Any guide on Elle woods / hermione / rory coz I had no study motivation 😮‍💨
“she’s like a real life rory gilmore…”
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fictional study icons guide, part 1: rory gilmore
ty for the ask! i’m gonna make this multiple parts, next will be elle woods, i never read/ watched harry potter tho so idk about hermione 🫣 but if y’all want me to do other characters, feel free to send ideas!
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know your goals
rory had a clear idea of what she wanted for herself: to go to harvard & to become a journalist. when school & studying starts to feel tedious or difficult, having a strong “why” will keep you going. maybe you want to get into a certain school, you have a dream career path, or you want to become extra knowledgeable. never lose sight of your goal - surround yourself with reminders of it. rory had harvard memorabilia hanging in her room as a constant reminder of what she was working towards. you can create a vision board online, print pictures & hang them in your room, put notes up on your mirrors & walls. remember that classes, tests, & assignments are all leading you to a greater goal. studying is a means to an end and you deserve the best ending!
study a lot
rory prioritized her studies and spent a lot of her free time on schoolwork. the easiest way to succeed is to put in the time. don’t cut corners when it comes to your education - do your homework and assignments diligently, go through assigned readings & videos carefully, & if the teacher gives you optional/additional work, do it. remember tho, it’s important to study smarter, not harder. the most beneficial thing you can do is spend as much time as possible utilizing study methods that work for you. don’t waste time on study methods that aren’t effective for you. you can search my older posts for info about study styles or google learning styles & use that to help determine your best approach to schoolwork.
conquer challenges asap
when rory first started going to chilton, she unexpectedly got a bad grade on one of her first essays. she could have sat there and made excuses, felt sorry for herself and blamed the school/ teachers, but instead she worked extra hard to improve and overcome that poor grade. in the end she was valedictorian, showing that she was able to rise to the challenge and ultimately succeed. if you find yourself struggling with schoolwork, please take initiative asap and get whatever help you need. utilize all your resources - teachers, classmates, youtube video explanations, khan academy, tutors (if possible) - do not allow a dip in performance to be your norm. try to get to the bottom of why you’re struggling and then take care of whatever’s causing it. if you let yourself succumb to the struggle - telling yourself it’s because of bad teachers, the content is too hard, etc. - the only person who is gonna suffer in the long run is you. be proactive and take charge of your education.
take breaks
while rory did spend a lot of her time studying, it didn’t rule her whole life. she still made time for friends, family, and fun activities. life is about balance, and you don’t want to burn yourself out by spending every waking moment on school. take breaks for fun, to spend time with loved ones, to get fresh air & be active. give your mind breaks so that you can stay in top shape. that being said, make sure you strike a balance. don’t let your social life get in the way of your academics, but don’t let studying stop you from living life.
read a lot!
when i think of rory, i think of reading. she always has her nose in a book! she not only reads, but she reads books that are thought-provoking and intellectual - classics, non-fiction, and so on. reading is a wonderful hobby and it can also be a way to expand your mind. challenge yourself by reading books that are somewhat difficult to challenge yourself to read closely & dissect the content. find classics that genuinely interest you or non fiction on topics you enjoy. combine the fun of reading with the desire for intellectual growth. by reading more difficult books you can improve your vocabulary, build you reading comprehension skills, become better at analyzing literary devices, and overall become a more interesting person.
that’s all! have a great school year & best of luck with your studies! 🩷
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cheriladycl01 · 2 months
Better than me - Charles Leclerc x Reader P10
Plot: You are a rookie in your first f1 season, adding to the ever-growing amount of Brits performing in the grid
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As things went, the dinner Charles promised to take you out on went really well. You guys spent the whole night out talking in a small local restaurant in Saint-Tropez that he’d privately rented for the night before walking along the harbour wall.
The conversation never actually stopped, and despite knowing of Charles for a while and having met him a few times before you got into F1 yourself you guys found out more about each other in those 4 hours at dinner than you’d known about any of the drivers in the time you’d been driving with some of them.
“Come on then, tell me something you’ve never told anyone else” he asks and you think for a second.
“When I was younger, in karting and moving up into F4, I nearly said yes to two teams wanting to take me on because I thought the other was a dream” you chuckle amused at the memory.
“No way! That would have been funny, I remember actually seeing you in the awards ceremony I must have been in F2 at that point” he sighs thinking back to when there wasn’t as much pressure on him and he had a lot more freedom.
“Tell me about your family, I bet you love having them at race weekends” you asked after taking a bite of the delicious food that was on your plate.
“Well, there’s Arthur, obviously you know him coz you’ve raced with him. Then there’s my older brother Lorenzo but we all just call him Enzo and of course my maman” he smiles and you think for a second looking up at the ceiling.
“Nicknames are bizarre right? Like you shortener that to Enzo, but why did nobody start calling him Lore?” The random questions spills from your mouth easily.
“I’ve never thought about that” he laughs.
Your connection was undeniable and you guys just fit together. It was so sweet, nothing could ruin this moment apart from one conversation.
Which of course had to be had.
“So where do we go from here?” Charles had asked you.
“What do you mean?” You ask with a slight tilt of you head in confusion.
“You know we can’t be together right? The media would tear us to shreds” he offers and you look down sadly.
Tonight showed you what a life with Charles alongside you could be like, his attentive side and how his words made you feel like the only girl in the world.
“We don’t have to tell anyone it could be just between the two of us” you smile.
“We’re in different teams … it would never work” he reasons and your eyes are starting to glass over in frustration.
“Then why bring me here!” You raise your voice.
“W-what do you mean, you asked me to bring you here?” He says looking over your disgruntled facial expression.
“No, no I didn’t! Don’t try spin this. I said you had to take me out to dinner, that didn’t mean, taking me out and renting out a whole intimate restaurant before taking me on a walk through the south of France. That’s mean” you say stepping back as he tries to reach out for you.
“I didn’t mean for you to get upset” he says, there were undertones of him genuinely feeling a little bad, but it was more blunt than usual. Like he didn’t really care how you felt but he was obliged to.
“Charles why do you keep doing this to me, I thought we just got past the rough patch!” You say, remembering everything he had put you through since the start of the season.
You thought maybe today was the day you were building a bridge with him that would be better for both of you in the future.
“Y/N im sorry but please let’s not let this stop us being … friends” Charles interjects stepping closer to you so he’s practically against you.
“I’m too embarrassed to do this right now Charles. I’m going home” you say crossing your arms wrapping the cardigan you were wearing tighter around you.
“Y/N no please don’t we can…” he starts but your ready to interrupt him.
“There’s nothing you can say right now. I’ll see you at the next race” you say before walking through the streets of Saint-Tropez on your own. You manage to get back to the hotel you’d originally had and begged the receptionist for your old room.
The next races went by and you didn’t attend any of them. However this time you did keep in contact with the select few people you knew had your back. You didn’t tell them why you weren’t coming to anymore races, just that you needed more time to heal.
Not exactly a lie.
You spent your time with your personal trainer getting your muscles and bones to slowly recover from the race. You really were having a speedy recovery and Silverstone was looking like a definite for you to be back in the car now which made everyone happy.
You traveled back and forth between, Monaco, Germany and the UK while you weren’t at the races, getting data from Audi and how the car been performing with a different driver now that your out for the last few races. And spending time with your family, in the UK.
By the time Silverstone came around you were deemed ready to be back in the car.
On the Thursday you walked through the car park, fans lining up either side screaming for you. You walked over to where they were fenced off and started signing as much as you could.
“Y/N are you all better now?”
“Y/N are you excited to drive again”
“Y/N are you scared to drive after your crash?”
“Y/N do you feel like you might be a bit rusty today?”
Floods of questions came your way, but with a smile on your face you answered whatever was thrown your way. You stayed there for around 20 minutes before crowds became too big and security politely asked you to move on and into the paddock.
You scanned in, loads off people coming up to you for pictures who had VIP and Paddock passes. You stayed walking with your PR manager who’d met you at the entrance.
“How are you feeling about the weekend?” They ask you and you turn your head in a cocked manner.
“Fine?” You admit.
“Okay, great! Well you are on the Drivers Press conference with Liam, Lando, Carlos and Pierre. Please try and keep up team moral yeah? We don’t want any undue attention” she admit, knowing Audi haven’t had the best time in public relations recently thanks to the crash and the scandal before that.
The rumours around your crash were kind of insane. Some people were saying you did it on purpose to prove a point, some people think your team were sabotaging you. Some people thought the grid were out to get you, some even went as far as to think you’d faked your drug test and were doping.
“I know, racing only. How excited I am for this weekend” you nod towards her as you guys get to the motorhome of Audi.
“Well I need to brief the team, but I’ll be sure to come grab you before the press conference” she smiles running of with her clipboard pressed tightly to her chest.
“Oh my gosh! Y/N! Alex and I have been waiting on you forever” Lily exclaims as she sees you step through the glass doors.
She grabs you into a tight squeeze that you immediately sink into. If Alex wasn’t careful you’d steal Lily from him in a heartbeat, she gave the best hugs.
“Hey, how are you guys! It feels good to actually be back here with you guys knowing I’ll be driving tomorrow” you smile softly.
“Yeah i can imagine it’s been far too long” Alex says rubbing your shoulder before offering you to take a seat with them in the booth they’d currently reserved.
“How are you feeling about the race, you definitely feel like your ready to get back in the car?” Lily fusses, like always.
“Yeah, i mean the physio said I was good to go”
“Okay, but are YOU good to go?” She pushes and you can’t help but think for a little. Physically you’d been cleared but with everything that’s happened your mind, we’re your reflexes going to be up to standard, would you be too emotional in the car and not think straight?
We’re you ready?
@littlebitchsposts @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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cowboybeepboop · 1 month
Can you write something with Javi and Tyler with reader? Maybe like a 3some if you write those. I don't have a plot but I love how your writing them huge fan of yours!
A/n: Hi! Thank you for the request (and ofc your compliment) 😣🙏 I just don’t write threesomes so this is like a “choose your own adventure” type thing if that makes any sense at all. I really don’t know what I'm doing. I just thought this would be an interesting way to work this request while staying in my comfort zone.
Pairing: Tyler Owens x fem! reader x Javi Rivera
Warnings: 🚫 NOT A THREESOME 🚫 and a little bit of awkward fighting
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You and Tyler Owens are the top tornado chasers in the country, each with a reputation that precedes them. You’re known for your methodical, data-driven approach, while Tyler is famous for his daring, instinctual chases. Your rivalry is legendary—every storm season, you find yourselves competing to capture the most intense footage and data, often ending up in the same storm, glaring at each other from across the swirling chaos.
Despite your professional rivalry, there’s an undeniable spark between you. Your banter is sharp and filled with double meanings, your competition fueled as much by mutual respect as it is by the desire to outdo each other. Friends and fellow chasers joke that the tension between the pair of you could power a storm all on its own.
Your team pulls into the motel that Tyler and his team are also staying at. You hop out of the passenger seat stretching as you leave the truck. Tyler, leaning against the side of his truck, notices you stretching from across the parking lot. His eyes roam over your form with more than a hint of appreciation, before he pushes himself off the vehicle and saunters over to you.
"Look who it is," he drawls, his voice laced with a familiar smirk. "You just can't stay away, can you?" Crossing your arms over your chest you give him a playful glare.
“And how am I supposed to stay away when this is the only motel in the area?” You walk past him brushing his arm with your shoulder. Tyler falls into step beside you as you make your way towards the motel entrance. He glances down at the spot where your shoulder brushed against his arm, his gaze a little darker than usual.
"Oh, so you're just here for convenience, huh?" He teases, his smirk never leaving his face. "Here I was thinking you just couldn't resist the opportunity to see me again."
”What would make you think that cowboy?” Your lips curve into a smile as you turn on your heel, looking up at him sweetly. Tyler chuckles, his arms crossing over his chest as he grins down at you. His eyes roam over your face, slowly taking in every feature.
"You know I could list countless reasons, darlin'," he drawls, his voice dripping with a southern twang. "But they'd all just boil down to one simple truth – you can't resist my charm."
”Charm?” You giggle, “I wouldn’t call you charming.” You turn once again, getting the key to your room from the front desk.
”No? Then what would you call me?” Tyler's smirk only grows wider as you turn away, his gaze locked on you as you retrieve the keys. He follows you to your room, his broad shoulders filling the hallway, making it feel far more crowded than it truly was.
"Coz let me tell you, sweetheart" he murmurs, stepping so close that his chest is nearly pressed against your back "Charm seems like the right word to me." Unlocking your door you swing it open, standing in the doorway.
”I’m thinking something more along the lines of arrogant,” your voice laced with amusement. “Yes, arrogance is the perfect way to describe you,” your playful smile widens.
Tyler laughs, his hand braced against the door frame as he leans into the door to loom over you. “Arrogant, huh?” He echoes, raising an eyebrow. “I like to think of it as confidence. I know what I’m about.”
He reaches out, his fingers trailing a path down your arm, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. “Besides, darlin’, you've never had a problem with my arrogance before. Seems more like you're trying to rile me up...”
You look up at him, your eyes landing on his lips. “Why would I want that?” You put a hand on his chest. Leaning toward him you stand on your tippy toes, “What would I get out of trying to rile you up, cowboy?” You murmur against his ear.
A shiver runs down Tyler's spine as your breath fans over his skin. His heart rate increases, his broad chest rising and falling rapidly. He swallows hard, trying to maintain his cool facade, but the heat in his eyes gives him away.
"I can think of a few things, sweetheart," he murmurs, his voice thick with barely concealed lust. He grips your hip, pulling you closer, his fingers digging into your flesh.
“Yeah?” You run a finger over his jaw, “So are you gonna keep playing games or will you come inside and do something about it?” Your eyes darkened by desire as you look up at him. Tyler's self-control snaps with your words.
With a low growl, he pushes you back into the room, closing the door behind him with a slam. He pins you against the door, trapping you between the hard wood and his hard body.
He towers over you, his hands planted on either side of your head, caging you in. His gaze rakes over you, his eyes dark with a mix of desire and barely suppressed need.
"You're playing a dangerous game here, darlin'," he warns, his voice rough. "But I never back down from a challenge." Your arms wrap around his arms pulling his face close to yours you hover your lips over his.
”Are you sure about that, Owens?” Tyler's eyes lock onto your lips, his breath hitching at the closeness.
"Absolutely sure," he murmurs, his breath fanning over your skin. "And don't call me 'Owens' in that voice. It drives me crazy, damn it." he murmurs before crashing his lips against yours.
The kiss is fierce and possessive, his tongue demanding entrance as his hands snake around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. Your arms pull him closer as you let his tongue in your mouth.
He breaks the kiss to gasp for breath, his forehead resting against yours. "You really enjoy pushing me, don't you?" He pants, his chest heaving.
”Of course I do, Owens.” You smirk, he growls lowly, his eyes narrowing at the use of his last name.
"You're walking a thin line, sweetheart." he warns as his hands slide lower down your waist, his fingers gripping your hips almost to the point of pain. "Keep it up and I'll have to put you in your place." His lips brush against your ear, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine.
”Is that so?” You push his chest away from you, moving past him and hopping onto the bed. “I’d like to see you try,” your smirk grows as you slip your shirt off, tossing it to the side of the room.
Tyler's eyes widen at the sight, drinking in every bit of flesh revealed with hungry eyes. His jaw clenches as his fists clench, resisting the primal urge to pounce on you right then and there.
With a low, frustrated groan, he takes a step forward. "You just can't help yourself, can you?" he mutters, his gaze glued to your body.
He stops at the edge of the bed, his eyes roaming over your form, his breathing ragged. "You're playing with fire, sweetheart. I hope you're prepared for the burn." You pull him to you by the loops of his jeans, your hands sliding up his shirt.
Tyler lets you pull him closer, a low groan escaping his lips as your hands make contact with his skin. The touch of your fingers against his bare flesh sends shivers down his spine.
"You're going to be the death of me," he gasps out, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tries to maintain control.
But the sight of you, half-naked in front of him, threatens to break his restraint. Lifting up the fabric of his worn shirt, you motion for him to pull it off as your lips trail kisses over his abs.
Tyler obeys your order without hesitation, quickly pulling the shirt over his head and tossing it aside. He looks down at you as you kiss his abs, his breathing becoming more ragged with each touch of your lips against his skin.
His hands tangle in your hair, holding your head against his stomach, silently encouraging you to continue. A loud knock interrupts you, “Hey Y/N are you in there?” Javi’s voice rings through the air.
“Yeah, just a moment,” you respond, shoving Tyler toward the closet. “Hide, don’t make a sound.” You warn, your voice a quiet demand. Tyler's eyes widen in surprise, but he obeys your command without question. He slips into the closet and shuts the door softly behind him, just enough for him to peek out.
He watches you through the crack in the closet door as you respond to your friend, a mix of annoyance and amusement playing across his face. You open the door completely forgetting about your missing shirt.
Javi glances towards the closet, only to see... nothing, his eyes widen slightly as he grins, "Aha! You got a man over don't you." He chuckles, leaning against the doorway.
He gives you a nod, "He's in there right?" Javi continues, his tone turning to a more questioning one. He eyes the door that was in front of the closet before turning his head towards you. His face now is a mix of both confusion and amusement.
”No,” you laugh stiffly blocking him from moving toward the closet door. Javi takes one last glance at the door before turning his attention back to you, giving you a teasing smile.
"Alright, alright, I believe you." His eyes dart back to your exposed chest for a brief moment. You cross your arms over your chest as he takes a step toward you.
Javi notices you become a bit more defensive, a smile plays on his lips, "What's the matter? Aren't we good friends?" He leans in, kicking the door shut, his tone turning seductive as he eyes you with a small smirk on his lips.
”We are,” you draw out as he steps closer to you.
Javi continues to step closer to you, his smirk becoming more apparent the closer he gets, “Then what’s wrong?” He begins to lean down slightly, almost as if he’s planning to steal a kiss from you.
A flush creeps up your neck as Javi brushes a stray hair out of your eyes. Javi leans in, his smile still prominent as his hands reach around your waist, his lips gently pressing against yours, but only for a split second. His eyes gaze back into yours before he pulls away.
Your eyes widen as he pulls away, your breath hitching as you hear Tyler clear his throat, stepping out of the closet. He steps into the room and makes eye contact with Javi, raising an eyebrow as he eyes you both.
“What the hell are you doing, Javi?” Tyler's voice is filled with rage as he balls his fist.
Javi raises an eyebrow, a grin appearing on his lips, "What? Is my girl not allowed to get kisses from me?" Javi crosses his arms, looking from you to Tyler as if he's daring him to continue.
"Your girl?" Tyler crosses the room, getting right up to Javi as he looks him in the eyes, "Since when did you own my girl?" You step between the two of them.
“Okay boys, let's be civil,” you glance between them sighing as you try to think of what to do next.
"Civil?" Tyler’s face scowls as he looks back at you, "He kisses you and you're asking for civil?" His eyes look at you intently as he puts his fists on his waist.
Javi crosses his arms, glaring at Tyler. "Alright, listen," he holds up a finger, "One, she's not yours, get that in your head," his eyes now only focus on Tyler, his brows furrowed, "Two, you're lucky it was just a kiss and not something a lot more"
Tyler's now right next to you, looking at Javi with a look of pure anger in his eyes, "You have some nerve," he continues to clench his fist as his temper rises, "Thinking you can kiss my girl then threaten me, you’re lucky I don't beat your ass."
Javi grins, a hint of madness in his eyes. He looks Tyler in the eyes, "What are you gonna do about it?" His eyebrows furrow, "Cause I sure as hell have no problem taking a swing at you."
”Boys, seriously stop it,” you say sternly, narrowing your eyes at them.
a/n: this is like the choose your own adventure part of this idek, but this is the Javi version if you’re interested in his over Tylers idrk.
“Javi, just go okay?” You push Tyler away from Javi as you try to calm the situation. “We’ll talk in the morning. We can just talk in the morning.”
Javi gives a nod, looking from you to Tyler. He rolls his shoulders, "Fine," he walks towards the door before turning back to look at you, "We have a lot to talk about."
“I know,” you sigh as he leaves, slamming the door behind him. Tyler stands in silence for several long moments after Javi leaves, his chest heaving with anger and jealousy. He turns to you, his jaw clenched tight, his eyes burning with barely concealed possessiveness.
"What in the hell was that?" he growls, his voice dripping with venom. "He just barged in here, kissing you, and you just... let him?" Your hand goes to his arm as you look up at him.
“Ty, I didn’t know what to do, it was completely out of nowhere,” your eyes scan his face, your eyebrows furrowing as you try to read his expression. Tyler's jaw clenches tighter at your touch, his body rigid with tension. He takes a step closer to you, his eyes boring into yours.
"What do you mean you didn't know what to do? You should have pushed him away, told him to back off,” he grits out. “You’re supposed to be mine, damn it!" You flinch softly, taking a step away from him.
“Tyler.. I didn’t…” your voice trails off as you drop your hand from his arm. Tyler's heart clenches at the sight of your flinch, his hand immediately reaching out to grab your wrist, preventing you from backing away from him.
"Hey, hey," he says, his voice a little softer, "I just... I didn’t like seeing him paw all over you like that, especially since he had no right to." He steps closer, his free hand reaching out to gently lift your chin, forcing you to look at him.
”I know, I should’ve done something..” a sigh leaves your lips as you set your hand on his waist squeezing his bare skin softly.
Tyler's tension eases slightly at your touch, the feel of your fingers on his bare skin sending a shiver down his spine. He lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, his body relaxing a bit.
"You should've," he agrees, his voice still a little gruffer than normal. "But I understand... it was unexpected, I get it." He lets go of your wrist, his hand coming to rest on your hip, pulling you closer to him.
You press your cheek to his chest, wrapping your arms around him, hugging him tight. Tyler's arms wrap around you, holding you against him, his hands running up and down your back in slow, soothing motions.
He buries his face in your hair, inhaling deeply as he tries to calm himself down. "I just... I can't stand seeing him put his hands on you that way,” he murmurs, his voice muffled as he talks into your hair.
”Maybe you can talk some sense into him tomorrow,” you mumble against his skin, “but.. can we not let that ruin what we have going on?” Tyler's hands still on your back, his fingers pressing into your skin. He leans his head against yours, his breath fanning your ear.
“Yeah.. yeah, I’ll talk to him tomorrow, I’ll knock some sense into him, make sure he keeps his hands to himself from now on,” he mutters, his voice still holding a hint of anger.
But then his tone softens, and he pulls away slightly to look down at you, a small smirk tugging at his lips. "But you’re right, we shouldn’t let him ruin our night, right?"
“Mhm,” you press a kiss onto his shoulder moving your hands up his back, onto his shoulder blades. Tyler’s eyes flutter shut at your kiss, a soft hum escaping his lips as you press yourself against him. He lets his hands wander up your sides, his fingers brushing over your bare skin.
He shivers at your touch, his mind quickly turning from anger to desire. He turns his head to your ear, his breath hot against your skin as he speaks. “You’re so damn distracting…” he mutters, his hands gripping your hips just a little tighter.
”A good distraction,” you murmur in between kisses “I hope…” your hands slide down his back as you press your chest against his.
“A very good distraction,” he agrees, his voice low and gravelly. His hands slide lower down your hips, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your thighs. He sucks in a breath as you press yourself against him, his body reacting instantly to the feel of your bare chest against his.
“You're making it real hard to think straight right now,” he groans, his eyes slowly raking over your body. You smirk and crouch leaving a trail of kisses down his body as you lower yourself onto your knees in front of him.
Tyler watches you with darkened eyes, a low groan escaping his lips as he watches your lips travel down his body. His hands reach out to tangle in your hair, his fingers gripping the strands tightly as he watches you move lower and lower.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, sweetheart,” he grits out, his voice strained, his body already reacting to what he knows is about to happen.
You look up at him through your lashes, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "I know exactly what I'm doing, Tyler," you murmur, your voice sultry and filled with promise. Your hands make quick work of his belt buckle, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. Tyler's breath hitches as you free him from his confines, his eyes never leaving yours.
You wrap your hand around him, stroking gently, watching as his pupils dilate with need. His fingers tighten in your hair, guiding you closer as you lean in, your lips parting to take him in your mouth.
His hips jerk at the contact, a groan escaping his lips as you begin to suck and lick with a practiced skill that leaves him trembling. His eyes fall shut, his head tilting back, as he gives in to the pleasure you're giving him.
You continue to suck him off with a fierce dedication, your mouth moving in a rhythm that leaves him gasping for air. Tyler's eyes fly open, locking onto yours, the intensity of your gaze sending a bolt of electricity through him.
His hips rock into your mouth, the pressure building as you swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock. His grip on your hair tightens, guiding you faster and deeper, his breathing growing erratic.
You can feel him swell in your mouth, his muscles tensing as he nears the edge. You don't relent, taking him as deep as you can, your other hand cupping his balls, gently massaging them as you suck.
His legs wobble, and a string of curses fall from his lips as he finally releases, the warmth of his cum filling your mouth. You swallow it all, not breaking eye contact as you slowly pull away, leaving him panting and thoroughly satisfied.
With a fiery hunger in his eyes, Tyler pulls you to your feet, his grip on your arms firm yet gentle. In one swift motion, he lifts you off the ground and tosses you onto the bed, the mattress bouncing beneath your weight.
His movements are swift and deliberate, fueled by the passion that's been building between you for what feels like an eternity. You giggle in surprise, your cheeks flushed with excitement as he crawls over you, his eyes never leaving yours.
He pins your wrists above your head, his strong thighs straddling your waist, and captures your mouth in a demanding kiss that leaves you gasping for air. His tongue tangles with yours, tasting the remnants of his own desire on your lips as his hips grind against yours, the friction sending waves of pleasure through both of you.
His kisses turn into nips and licks as he trails his way down your neck, his teeth grazing your skin, leaving a path of goosebumps in their wake. You arch into him, your body responding to his touch like it's been starved for it.
With a growl of pure need, Tyler releases your wrists, he takes in the sight of your heaving chest with a hunger that makes your pulse race. His thumbs hook into the fabric of your bra, pulling the material down to expose your nipples. He takes one into his mouth, suckling it hard as he plays with the other with his thumb and forefinger.
You moan, arching your back as pleasure spikes through you. He kisses a trail down your body, his mouth watering at the thought of feeling more of you. He reaches your jeans, his hands deftly unbuttoning and unzipping them before sliding them down your legs, along with your panties.
His eyes darken as he takes in the sight of your wetness, a testament to how much you want him. He lines himself up with your entrance, the anticipation almost too much to handle. With one powerful thrust, he enters you, filling you completely, eliciting a gasp from your lips.
His strokes are deep and rhythmic, hitting that spot that makes your eyes roll back in your head. Your legs wrap around his waist, urging him closer as you meet each thrust with equal fervor. The electricity in the air is palpable as you move together in a dance of passion and desire.
He fucks you with desperation and hunger, his hips pounding into yours, each thrust punctuating the unspoken words of need and longing that hang in the air between you. Your nails dig into his back as you try to keep up with the ferocity of his movements, your breaths coming in short, sharp gasps.
Your bodies are slick with sweat, sticking together as if trying to become one. Tyler’s eyes never leave yours, his gaze a mixture of fierce possession and blazing desire. He’s claiming you in this moment, marking you as his own in the most primal way possible, and you can’t help but feel the same need to claim him back.
The tension in the room is thick, the tumultuous passion unfolding on the bed. Each stroke feels like a declaration of war, a battle of wills, but one that you’re both eager to lose in the sweet surrender of climax.
As your bodies reach their peak together, Tyler's hips stutter to a stop, his cock pulsing deep within you. You tighten your legs around his waist, your muscles clenching around him, as you both let out a symphony of moans and gasps.
The tension breaks, and in the aftermath, Tyler collapses on top of you, his weight pressing you into the mattress. His breaths are hot and ragged against your neck, his chest heaving with exertion. Without breaking the intimate connection, he shifts slightly, his mouth finding your skin once more.
He sucks hard, leaving a dark hickey in the crook of your neck, a brand of his ownership that sends a shiver down your spine. You arch into his touch, the sting of his teeth mixing with the sweet ache of your release. His hands roam over your body, possessive and tender, as he marks you with more bruises of passion.
Finally, he pulls back, his eyes locking onto yours, the heat between you still smoldering. "Damn, darlin'," he whispers, his voice hoarse with need. "You're mine." Your heart swells at his words, the intensity of the moment etching itself into your soul. You stroke his cheek, smiling softly. "Always have been, Tyler." You murmur, your voice filled with a quiet satisfaction.
He grins, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he rolls off of you, pulling you into his arms. You both lay there, tangled in the sheets and each other, finally at peace in the eye of the tempest that is your rivalry and desire.
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shu-porang-porang · 7 months
Home at last
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Pure fluff, coz my boy's so fluffy! (plus, I needed to wash away my previous fic!! 🥵)
Pairs: Lee Minho (Lee Know) / reader (gender not specified)
Theme: fluff, a little angst if you squint
Warnings: not proofread
Word count: 0.8 k
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It’s just another one of those days, when the world seems to crumble down around you and your tongue feels too heavy you don’t wanna speak a word. As much as you need to hear his voice, you don’t wanna trouble him with your blues, he’s busy enough as is, why bother him with your mood swings? You’re watching a random episode of your comfort sitcom to try and distract yourself when his name appears on your phone screen, as if he sensed you need him.
“Hey gorgeous! How are you?” his sweet voice brings a smile to your lips.
“Hi, I’m good, thanks.”
“..hmm… are you sure? That’s not how your voice sounds like.”
“Yea… I’m fine.”
“I’m coming over.”
“No, you don’t need to, I know you had a busy day.”
“Nonsense. I’ll be there soon.”
He hangs up so you don’t get a chance to argue. Despite having been dating for only a few months, he knows you like the back of his hand. He knows you tend to keep everything to yourself, so if he doesn’t try to help, you’d never reach out.
Finally, he’s here, with bags of takeouts in his hands. As soon as you see his warm smile and glittering eyes, your heart skips a beat. He puts the bags down and opens his arms to you. You hug him impossibly tight, pressing your cheek to his chest.
“Thanks for coming.” You mumble to his chest.
“Anything for you, babe.”
He breaks the hug and cups your cheeks in his hands.
“I really missed you.” he says while leaning in to capture your lips. A few gentle kisses later and you already feel much better.
He points to the bags “shall we eat?”.
“I’m not really hungry…”
“Were you gonna skip dinner again?”
You don’t answer, just stare at the floor.
“Come on, let’s eat together.”
You follow him like a puppy. He sets the table and feeds you. No one ever treated you like this before, no one ever cared if you ate well or got enough rest. No one ever asked if you needed to talk. No one was ever there for you. Sure, you had friends and a seemingly loving family, but whenever you weren’t feeling well, they just kept away and let you be until you came around again on your own.
After dinner, you cuddle up in front of the TV, your back resting on his chest, his arms around your waist, a fluffy blanket covering you both.
“Are you comfortable jagya?”
You nod, looking up at him, he kisses your forehead. You turn your head back towards the TV and he rests his cheek on top of your head.
“You know you can talk to me, right?”
“There’s really nothing to say… you’re here and I feel much better.” you bring his hand up to your lips and kiss along a vein. He tightens his grip around you. The warmth radiating from his body melts your heart. You sink deeper in his embrace.
He kisses your temple. “Whenever you need me, I’ll be here, all you gotta do is say the word.” He whispers in your ear. You smile and nod at him. Oh you got words you wanna tell him so bad, but you’re afraid it’s too soon and would scare him off. You rest your head back on the juncture of his shoulder and neck. His cologne on his pulse point mixed with his scent engulf your senses. You can’t help but give a lingering peck to his neck. He nuzzles his cheek against your hair in response.  
You feel like your heart is so full it could burst. How he turned your whole mood around. Right here, in his arms, it’s where you belong. You think no matter how shitty life gets, if you have him by your side, nothing can bother you or make you wanna give up. With him in your life, you could live forever or die happily any moment. You hate to admit a boy has such an impact on you, but he’s no ordinary boy, you’ve never come across someone like him, or maybe you think this way because… you’re in love.
You make up your mind, if it’s gonna scare him off, it better happen sooner than later, before the possible damage gets irreparable.
“Min?” you call out.
“Yes babe?”
“I think… I think I’m in love with you…”
“Well, that works out perfectly! Coz I’m in love with you too.” He says with a big bright smile on his face. Then he leans in to seal his words. He removes an arm from around your waist to cup your cheek. His lips move gently on yours, each kiss drenched in love, telling you things words never could. He feels like home, like the soothing breeze of a spring night, carrying the scent of cherry blossoms. A single tear rolls down your cheek and he catches it with his thumb.
He breaks the kiss: “Are you alright love?”
“I am, I really am, haven’t been this well for a long time.”
He keeps caressing your cheek as he adoringly gazes into your eyes, melting you into a puddle.
“My sweet sweet baby.” he says as he takes you back into his arms.
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mae-gi-writes · 8 months
There’s something about rival athlete Wonbin! That scares you and attracts you at the same time. It’s the way is competitive streak always comes to life no matter what topic you’re engaged in.
He’s on the same track team as you are, yet always boasts about his amazing top speed in comparison to yours. He loves tormenting you with his excellent theory results, enjoys basking in the undivided attention of your classmates and professors.
Rival athlete! Wonbin, who takes the long route to class just to rile you up during your shift in the local campus coffee shop, who enjoys describing the most complicated order to make your life hell, and laughs when you mess it up with another order.
Rival athlete! Wonbin, who loves sending you airplane notes during class to tell you “looking like a dish rag today Y/N. Didn’t sleep properly?” Or “stop goggling at the newbie in front” and “you wish you saw me in your dreams ;)”, so much so that it makes you want to scream.
Rival athlete! Wonbin, who once noticed the redness under your eyes and cornered you at the end of class, only to tell you that you looked like shit. Who panics the moment your eyes fill with tears and is quick to turn soft as you cry, leaning into his shoulder unconsciously and letting you wipe your tears along his jacket.
“Don’t you dare make fun of me after that.” You threaten him, to which he rolls his eyes and knocks you on the head.
“Do I look like that kind of asshole?”
Rival athlete! Wonbin, who keeps a close eye on you from that moment onwards. Who leaves an extra bottle of milk coffee in your track room locker, who watches you from the corner of his eye during training, who orders you to walk home with him because you’re “going to be a nuisance if you hold back the team with poor performance”.
“My time has been amazing, what are you talking about?” You scoff, “if anything, you’re the one coach isn’t impressed with.”
“Yeah, coz I have to do some major babysitting aside from training.”
He looks at you, “you mean, you haven’t noticed how extra nice I’ve been to you?”
“Not really. You’re still an asshole.”
Rival athlete! Wonbin, whose friends start teasing him because he’s developing feelings but who straight out states that he likes you, right in front of your face, causing you to blush and run for your life. You skip practice that day, not sure how to juggle all those feelings at once.
Rival athlete! Wonbin, who decides to give you some space only to find himself partnered up with you during plyometrics training and decides to ask you outright why you’re avoiding him.
“I’m not avoiding you.”
“So why don’t you talk to me anymore?”
“Because what?”
“I don’t know how to talk… to you. After—after that.”
Rival athlete! Wonbin, who then grasps your chin and tugs your face up to his, as he says, “why?” He whispers lowly, voice dropping an octave, “do you like me, too?”
He gets his answer when you nod and sucks in a breath, not too sure how to respond. His brain freezes and goes into mini panic mode, but is quick to react when you start to squirm in his grasp.
He tugs you out of the main hall and into the corridor, quick to cage your hands and pin you against the wall as he gazes down at your face, tracing your features down to your lips.
“Wonbin,” your small intake of breath does not go unnoticed, and Wonbin leans in even closer so that your noses brush.
You let out a strangled noise, swallow hard and decide to drop your gaze to his practice jersey.
“Look at me,” he orders, nudging your nose with his.
You bite your lip and do as told, letting out a shaky breath as he closes the distance between you.
Rival athlete! Wonbin, who decides that there’s nothing sweeter he’d rather have after practice than make out with you when nobody’s looking. Who grabs your hand on the way home to stuff it in his jacket while saying that “I’m cold and your hand’s hot”. Who blushes to his ears whenever he spots you smiling at him from the corner of your eye, and who secretly would do everything and anything for you because he knows you’ve got him wrapped around your finger.
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writemekpop · 1 year
Bad Baby | Mark Lee
Summary: Mark starts acting tough to get your attention... so when you dare him to hook up with you, he doesn't back down.
Genre: Best friend Mark, college AU, friends to lovers AU, feat. hottie Jaemin
Word count: 0.7k
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You heard your best friend Mark’s drawl and ran to open the front door. Balloons saying ‘24th Birthday’ filled your hallway.
“Jaemin’s arriving in fifteen minutes, I need you to make me look good-“ you said.
As soon as you saw him, the words stopped dead on your tongue.
Your sweet, pure, best friend Mark was transformed. There was no pale pink hoodie, no cowlick of hair, and definitely no grin.
Instead, you saw a tall boy in front of you, leaning on the doorframe, his dark eyes checking you out with cool interest. A black tracksuit hugged his lean body. It was Mark – a different Mark.
“Hey shawty,” he said, nodding.
You blushed at his unflinching stare. “Mark? Why are you so-“
“So what?” he asked, kicking off his shoes.
“So… not-Mark?” you said.
He shrugged. “Don’t know whatchu mean.”
Swaggering into your kitchen, he opened a can of beer and gulped it down thirstily. The Mark you knew wouldn’t even drink champagne at New Year’s.
Frustrated, you grabbed his spiky hair and fluffed it around. “I don’t- like it-“
Mark caught your hand in his, gazing at you. “You got an opinion on my hair, huh?”
Your eyes widened. You had to admit, it was the kind of thing you would only say about your boyfriend. “No…” you said, stepping away. “I don’t care what you look like- buddy-“
Mark frowned a little, like your cold reaction had hurt him. That was when you realised what was going on. You’d been pining after Jaemin, the hardest boy in the year, for ages. You’d always suspected your best friend Mark had a little crush on you, but frustratingly, he wouldn’t admit it.
Mark was acting like Jaemin to win you over!
In that moment, you knew what you had to do. If he wanted to be hard, so would you.
You looked up at him through your lashes. “Planning on hooking up with anyone tonight?” you said.
Mark chewed his lip. “Maybe.”
You toyed with the string of his hoodie. “Coz I was thinking… you and me should get it on.” You smirked. “I’m hot, you’re hot – why the hell shouldn’t we?”
Mark’s face reddened. “I mean- I’m game if you are.”
You leaned in to Mark’s ear. “Meet me upstairs.”
Five minutes later, you and Mark were sitting on your bed. Laughing lightly, you moved so you were sitting on his lap, straddling him. Mark gulped.
You gazed deep into his brown eyes. “Won’t you kiss me?”
“Of- course-“ Mark stuttered, but sweat was trickling down the side of his face. Your heart was racing. How far was this game going to go? You had expected Mark to give in a long time ago…
Mark leaned in. A few inches more, and his lips would touch yours. You could feel his hot breath on your face. Lightening was flashing up and down your body.
Mark’s lips just brushed yours- then he sprang away, gripping his head in his hands. “Alright!” he said. “I’m not a roadman! I’m not- tough! You win!”
He was fiddling nervously with the cuff of his hoodie. “I’m a dumb romantic, okay? I want the first time I kiss you… to be special. I want there to be candles, and roses, and I want us to say I love you.” He blushed. “I don’t want to… do stuff… yet.”
You crawled over to Mark and pulled him into a hug so tight it knocked the breath out of both of you. “I don’t want you to be tough, Marky. I love you just the way you are – cute and nerdy and scared of fifteen rated films,” you said, laughing.
Mark looked at you, serious now. “You… love me?”
“Of course, you idiot,” you say. “It’s always been you.”
Mark hugged you this time, nuzzling into your neck in a way that sends shivers down your spine. “When you talk about how great Jaemin is, it makes me wanna punch something,” he says.
“Jaemin who?” you said, and Mark laughed.
Mark rested his hands on your shoulders, pink lips pushed into a smirk. “Seriously though. Jaemin can’t give you half of what I can give you.”
You smile, leaning in. “Why don’t you show me, Marky?”
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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if-chaos-was-a-boy · 2 months
intro to a slightly crazy dude:
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↳CALIX or…….calcium.cal.calcharo.bitch.funnydude.joker.boyfailure.hoe. whore.sillybilly.menace.givememorenicknamespls.
⟡age: 17
FUCKING CHAMPION OF ACHILLES @achilles-the-greatest
⟡Gender: Male
⟡Pronouns: He/him
⟡Birthday: April 1 [i was a joke from birth]
⟡Zodiac Sign: Aries
⟡Godly Parent: Eris/Discordia, Goddess of Discord & Strife
⟡Sexuality: Straight, bisexual as HELLLL
⟡Personality Type: ENTP [the CLOWN]
⟡Relationship Status: my fiancé and fiancée @itsyourboyezra and @of-course-im-the-winner
⟡Height: 6’1 (hormones go vroomvroom)
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⟡Weapon of choice: Small Celestial Bronze Blade [I usually just rely on Charmspeak & Manipulation which is…not great]
⟡Fatal Flaw: Probably Hubris [im an attention whore]
⟡Lore: I was brought to Camp Half Blood after a very weird incident where me, a party pony and a cyclops managed to sneak onto a cruise. I’m spoiled to the core and an absolute menace. Call me funny, call me annoying, I’ll still be the life of the party.
⟡Chaos Manipulation-I can aggravate hostile situations till point of conflict, or I can slowly reduce the amount of chaos present (but that’s not nearly as much fun)
⟡Negative Emotion Manipulation: Anger, envy,wrath, frustration can be ramped up for the maximum amount of chaos.
⟡Flight: Like my mother-Eris-I can manifest fully formed avian wings to aid me in battle [more likely in shenanigans]
⟡Minor Control Over Illusions: Able to manipulate the mist to produce sensory hallucinations or illusions
⟡Appearance: A PERMANENT SHIT-EATING GRIN, natural messy black hair that can never be gelled down, striking maroon eyes that kinda looks at your fucking soul. Super Lean, you can only see the muscle definition when I’m wearing that compression shirt.
⟡fun facts about meeeee:
-I peel chicken nuggets
-I’m ambidextrous
-I have a hyper fixation with collecting nomnoms
-I love blind bags, mystery boxes etc @syd-the-nerd is my lucky charm, I’ve gotten everything I’ve wanted from blind boxes ever since meeting him.
-I have a skincare routine [can’t look this great without it, babe] -My dad gives me his black card to go do heinous shit, he says it helps with tax deductions
-I’m obsessed with my girlie/plat
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@that-girl-cupid (my ride or die, my best friend)
@chaos-pers0nified (best sister in the fking world)
@unhinged-waterlilly (she wildin )
@demigod-jack-hearth (op ahh, superhero)
@arisdaughter (relatable)
@hispanic-child-of-hermes (she intimidates me)
@love-lightning-forethought (legit my top 5 besties)
@debacleofdaemons / @iceweavercatlover [OOC I LOVE THIS GUY]
@daonedaonlyskh (actually the person with the sickest blog aesthetics)
@penelope-sato (my baby daughter)
@stephen-the-spider (Britney spears 😍😍)
@braydons-world (law student?????)
@of-course-im-the-winner (MY BEAUTIFUL FIANCÉE )
@itsyourboyezra (my fucking FIANCÉ)
My adoptive parent: @steve-the-union-man
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Heyhey, mod is currently going by either she/her or he/him (honestly gender fluid questioning) and a pansexual
Also im a MINOR so no NSFW BITCH.
Fun fact I have eczema so im sleep deprived coz I had too much fun in bed…….SCRATCHING MY FLESH OFF.
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affableramen · 5 days
Assorted creditor Pantalone x afab!debtor reader headcanons. Episode one
((highly requested))
tags: tsundere!pantalone ; condescending, slightly vulgar villain ; he is a meanie ; toxic relationship ; early stage of relationship ; manipulative Lone ; slight degradation+humiliation ; choking ; slap dynamics (you slap him) ; degrading names (“bitch”) ; pet names (“kitten”) ; sexual themes ; criminal themes ; pantalone has chronic illnesses
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT Madman’s note: I like mean guys and judging by what we know about Pantalone so far (Arlecchino’s voice-line, Lazzo teaser, Wriothesley’s weapon, Pantalone’s artefact) he fits this category perfectly. I see the pattern of a rude boy here. Charming on the outside but once he opens his mouth it’s disgusting (hahaha.) He probably likes mocking and lecturing others, that’s for sure vibing in the Lazzo. He also talks a lot (thanks Cholde). As for the toxic assorted au, Ik half of you don’t like reading gentle n sweet Pantalone, but when I see this man I just can’t imagine him being cruel to his lover who accepted him when the Gods did not. I really think he is very soft inside (with a person he trusts). He’s all about equality and fairness so probably he treats people the way they treat him, and if ur nice to him, well Panty acts with equal respect to you back. That’s for the personality part. Speaking of other aspects, at least you guys get a happy ending. Coz I hate bad endings. Don’t wanna fuck up huge efforts. The angst and struggle was worth it. Come get your man guys. He’s like the mean classmate who bullies you but is secretly in love with you. As for the gentleman part, I wish I could write something more than just him protecting the lady, coz I believe Pantalone to be a big deal of a gentleman who has his standards even though what he does for a living is very questionable. I’m afraid it will be too much information for this post already. I must also mention that he might say a lot of disturbing and condescending things in the beginning. Oh, and to avoid any misconception--i don’t like writing innocent readers. My reader is fierce, chronically exhausted and crazy.
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“You will be my prize. A perfect fit for a powerful man like me. You have no friends, your parents are far away, the only person to care for you is your grandmother who was, for sure, foolish enough to take a loan from Northland Bank. You are helpless in front of me, and I enjoy seeing that smug smirk disappear from your face once you realise you’re completely at my mercy. All alone, with your life depending on me. And I will, by any means, show you mercy if you are worthy enough.”
Said Pantalone as your résumé was forcefully slapped down on his desk. Your past jobs, experiences and skills — all in front of him, in his long fingers which are sliding through the pages as if it were an action book.
Your grandmother, indeed, was the only dearest person you had and, unfortunately, in order to save your life (and future) she took the risk of becoming a debtor to the old devilish banker who was by any means an extremely questionable person.
You had a rough path of changing jobs, trying to find the most fitting and well-paid one, however ending up in only worse conditions. A few years passed like this, the workload traumatised you so much that you couldn’t believe two years had passed since you started doing work for a living. Your grandmother was too prideful to retire, but you both knew her money alone could not sustain your happiness.
And thus, you ended up under Pantalone’s sharp gaze. Now, standing up in front of him with an unfazed expression, knowing too well this man just adores chewing on others’ suffering.
“Fuck you and your long ass monologues”, you think but your face remains cold.
The tapping of his fingers suddenly stops. You feel your heart sink, and it makes you wanna vomit.
“What was that? The look on your face just a moment ago”, Pantalone takes his glasses off and looks at you sharply. You can feel that heavy presence with your skin alone. The violet charm of his eyes suffocating you. His whole presence does nothing but choke you.
“Beg your pardon?” You narrow eyes and ask him as politely as possible.
“Were you thinking something a bit ago, dear? Or should I say, were you doubting my professionalism?”
“Shit, he is reading my mind. I have to think about something stupid.”
“You’re so untamed and so… wild, I’d say”, he says as he rises from his desk and approaches closer to you. “But alas, I can’t discount your value after one mere impression, can I? That would be too unconscionable of me as a businessman.”
You see him lean to your ear, his body bending cause of how tall he is, and you feel nauseous once he opens his mouth again.
“Your résumé is trash, but I’m not a monster everyone thinks I am. I will let you work under me because of how persuasive your grandmother has been. Though, I’ll be watching you, kitten. Perhaps I’ll even put you under my strict supervision—"
A sharp slap lands on his cheek. That is the moment Pantalone should realise that your pride cannot be underestimated. With his face thrown to the side, he pats his cheek, holding his fingers on the reddened skin.
“…at the lowest position”, he finishes the sentence. “Heh, the audacity of yours.”
Pantalone grabs your throat, your is suddenly pulled closer. While being choked heartlessly you turn your eyes to him and hold them for a few long deep moments.
“I’m not afraid of you”, the words come out of your mouth weakly. “Just let me work for you. I won’t be plotting anything. Not interested, to be exact.” He keeps suffocating you, you almost roll your eyes at the back of your head before the banker finally releases you. You slowly fall onto your knees. “Haah… hha…”
“I’d never be mean to a lady. But a particular someone just doesn’t know any manners.”
He signs the papers quickly, squeezes a used draft in a ball and throws it into the trash bin. The signature he leaves on your zero-hour contract is so lazily made as if the man wanted to deal with you as soon as possible.
“Don’t disappoint me. You wouldn’t like to see me when I’m angry.”
“Thank God”, you sigh in relief, despite being choked a few seconds ago.
His movements, his body are so quick and flexible, you do not notice how the eyeglasses return to his face.
“You have a zero hours contract here, but I’ll personally make sure you work not less than six days a week.”
“Just so you know, I won’t kill for you. That goes against my principles.”
Pantalone raises his eyebrows, giving you a bored look.
“I wouldn’t let you have a privelege like that anyway. I have enough henchmen of my own to stain hands with unneccessary violence.”
When the conversation ends, you go to the bathroom and throw out. This man gives goosebumps, and he is not easy at all.
To your biggest surprise, as a leader Pantalone turns out capable enough. Just seeing him intricately managing his resources and employees makes you admire him at some point. No matter how unattractive his personality, for sure, was, none could not deny the fact that he is a skilful individual. He possess finesse and determination. Though speaking of his other traits, you cannot ignore the fact how suave he is. Women touch him with or without his consent all the time. And you’d agree: the man is attractive. Affable demeanour in public, though quite closed in private. “Closed” is an understatement. He is, in fact, incredibly emotionally unavailable.
His ill-favoured personality, hidden under that affable demeanour and polished looks, however, could not prevent you from falling. For him. And you are gradually finding yourself more and more addicted to him. Brushing off these ideas as soon as possible, of course. Occasional touch of your fingers, frequent looks he’d give you. You cannot remember the exact moment when Pantalone started showing signs, but you remember well that his glances in your first meaning were anything but interest. As you are a “special” debtor with a large sum to owe, Pantalone almost cages you in his main office buildings. To your knowledge, there were a few of them, but out of all people the fate of working with him has fallen onto your shoulder.
There was one day when he scared you.
“You… killed someone?” You ask, holding your hand to your chest as you walk into his office to bring some papers. But they are dropped down the moment you see the so-called crime scene. The heavy metallic scent of blood blocks your breathing and you dream of disappearing from this room, however it is too late.
“Just taught a disagreeable debtor a valuable lesson”, Pantalone walks out of the shadows, lighting the cigarette right in his own office.
Your eyes widen at the sight of the blood on his face once he makes himself visible.
“What are you doing here? Ah, the job. I almost forgot.”
A panic attack crashes you sooner than Pantalone inquiries.
“Why the sour face? Just put the papers here and you’re dismissed.”
You look down at the body next, and even if!(fat chance) that person is alive, you cannot pull yourself back into the calm state.
“Are you deaf? Put your stuff on my desk,” the banker commands, wiping the blood off his cheek.
Your vision goes blurry when you see his stained with crimson skin and you feel like fainting.
“I don’t… exactly like… seeing blood, yes.” You turn away but lose your consciousness the moment after.
When you wake up you find yourself lying in the leather couch, a blanket dropped sloppily over your body. Pantalone is sitting at his desk per usual, working on his papers when he sees you slowly come to senses.
“Alive? Good. Now go back to your duties.”
You rise from the couch slowly, pulling the blanket down and slightly wobbly proceed to the door.
“Y/N.” Pantalone stops you with his voice.
“What now…” you think. But your expression softens one you hear what he tells you:
“There is a bottle of water I left for you on the desk. Take it. I’m not exactly eager reviving you after another fainting because your careless ass is dehydrated”, he stops writing with his left hand and says again, this time harsher: “And never enter my office announced again.”
“Thank you”, you take the bottle of water the Harbinger offers you. It has a distinct spicy scent from cologne lingering on it. “Your couch reeks of tobacco, by the way.”
One time, when you save him.
Pantalone storms into the office visibly injured and infuriated. You can see his secretary come up to him, presenting some sort of intel while her hand slips under his sleeve trying to pull his gloves out. You see it all through the small doorway.
“Lord Harbinger, you must have had a tough mission, let me release this stress of yours…”
The other employee of his, a male, presses a wet sponge against his expressionless face. Pantalone, seemingly weak and tired doesn’t respond immediately to the secretary boldly roaming her lustful hands over him but a while after his consciousness makes itself known. He grabs the recently presented papers and slaps the woman’s hand with them.
“Have you two no shame? I need privacy. For once, just leave me alone!” He shouts, uncharacteristically to him. Both the secretary and the lowly subordinate rush out of the room under his strict command.
When the shift ends you can see everyone leave the office, however there has been not a single move from Pantalone’s office since he shut his door. You look on the clock, it’s already 9:15 p.m. Why is he not going home? You decide to spy on Pantalone. Soon, as everyone has left the office empty, you raise from your working desk and go to check on your CEO.
You knock, but the response is none.
“Pantalone, coming in.”
You push the door slowly. Even his spicy cologne mixes up with the metallic scent of blood. You walk in the office and feel your heart sink at the sight: the banker is lying on the floor, as if he had fallen from his desk, there are lots of tablets scattered around the floor, and a bottle of wine, shattered, the salty smell filling your nostrils. The ashtray on his desk is full and messy. Everything looks chaotic and Pantalone himself is, for sure, out of character.
He is unconscious as he is lying on the floor. You rush to him, gently placing your hand on his shoulder and start shaking him.
He doesn’t wake up and you have to resort to drastic measures. You slap him. At that, he finally comes to the senses.
“This is the second time you have slapped me. Are you not afraid of the punishment I might force upon you?” he asks, groggily putting his body into a sitting position.
“Why didn’t you go to the doctor?”
“I’m perfectly fine handling some scratch.”
“Just a scratch? Then, what are the tablets for? I thought they were painkillers.”
You see as Pantalone examines his own mess, and his expression is calm yet a hint of exhaustion can be spotted.
“Clever”, he says. “I was beaten up, and my muscles obviously hurt.”
“And the wine?”
“To relax.”
“I see.”
Pantalone eyes you once again, his face extremely pale and tired. “Are you done? You can go home.” He turns away from you, you don’t know what he’s doing but you hear a drawer being pulled and Pantalone let out a short sound similar to groaning. His knuckles turn white as he grips the edge of the desk. You see a used needle roll across the very same desk…
“You’re… you’re diabetic?”
“An astitute observation” (silently). “Didn’t I tell you to go home?”
You analyse him from the top to bottom and deem this person likely not being able to get home himself. You open your eyes to offer taxi, but realise that he has a personal chauffeur. “Right, rich people…”
“That’s all? You won’t even give me a lecture for spotting you in such a vulne-” Pantalone’s gaze becomes so evil that you rethink over the choice of your wording. “In such a predicament. I mean, shouldn’t your mighty self cut my tongue in order to prevent me from gossiping about your health concerns?”
“You’ve been reading far too many detective stories. I’m not so…” he sighs, realising that given the circumstances of his long list of crimes even as a polished businessman he is a perfect match to Meropide. So Pantalone cuts his wording as well. “Forget about it.”
“You sure will be alright?”
“Worry of yourself, it’s getting quite dark and seems like rain and thunder.”
Wow. That’s a gentleman indeed! He won’t even offer you a lift? You roll your eyes.
“I’ll get home just fine. And also, you reek of alcohol. Can’t have the employees think poorly of you.”
You don’t even know if you are happy with your doing or not, because if you didn’t wake him, he’d probably be lying there on the floor until the very morning.
As you’ve cleaned your desk and taken your coat on, ready to leave, you see that the raining outside has become even more aggresive.
You walk outside and slip on the first level of stairs. “Great.” Before you could dial the number of the taxi, you hear the voice behind you stopping you.
“Don’t need to spend money. You’re coming with my chauffeur.”
“No thanks, I am quite fine being al-ready indebted to you.”
“That won’t need repayment. You saved my life. If I were not woken up in time, and didn’t inject insulin, I would most certainly end up in a coma not long after.”
“Especially considering that you drank wine”, you think.
“If you insist. Look like today I’m but a slave of the weather conditions.”
Pantalone hums to your response and leads you to the sleek black car. He throws the door open for you and gets onto the back seat with you. Once he’s settled and you wait to be dropped off your place you notice the holes on his gloves, revealing already dry blood stained cuts. You are only able to see them properly now, due to your close proximity.
“May I ask who attacked you?”
“It happens quite often so no one is really surprised by now”, he clears throat. “An assassination attempt. But I’m faster” he gives you a warning look, by which you conclude that the killer is no longer alive.
“I see.”
As you’re dropped off safely to your place, you sneak into your bedroom before your grandma has questions. As you lie in bed under a fuzzy blanket you cannot brush his scent, the mix of spicy cologne with blood, off your mind. The sight of him almost helpless, injecting that insulin like he was on a thin ice, stays carved into your mind as well.
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papaya-twinks · 4 months
happy meals - l.n
Warnings: None
Pairing: Lando Norris x fen!reader
Faceclaim: nOnE
@maxiemclaren i told u I find myself funny
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liked by y/nfans, carmenmundt, Lando orris and 256,027 others… captions: anyone who gets me happy meals is automatically my lover ❤️
user1: y/n pls I’ll buy the entire McDonald’s for you 🙏
-> user2: no, I’ll do it first!
user3: I hear you girl 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
user4: excuse my presence, but Lando in the likes?
-> user5: oooooo he’s plotting
landonorris: coca-cola is a sponsor of McLaren therefore you are advertising me
-> y/n: what in the Nando’s 👹👹
-> user6: they’re both menaces @/user4 I see it…
-> landonorris: stock market gonna break coz of u
❤️ by y/n
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liked by y/n, georgerussell63, martingarrix and 216,273 others… caption: I’m the reason for the stock marker spike actually 😼
-> user8: omg I see it I’m actually freaking right now 🏃
georgerussell63: simp 🫵🫵
-> landonorris: we’ll observed, russell 🤝
y/n: with chicken nuggets? 🥹
-> landonorris: all 11 of them 😁
-> y/n: gosh I’m in love
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liked by landonorris, f1, martingarrix and 216,273 others… caption: maccie maccie maccie love love love L L L ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
user10: WHOS ‘L L L’
-> user11: girl keep up! She’s like flirting w Lando online lmao
-> user12: he’s more into her than she’s into him haha
maxverstappen1: ur gonna get lando off his diet
-> y/n: his problem ❤️❤️❤️
-> landonorris: ur my problem
-> y/n: good 👍
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liked by y/n, y/nnews, mclaren and 329,262 others… caption: how tf does she look so pretty…ordering maccies?
georgerussel63: took a while
-> landonorris: glad to call her mine
-> carmenmundt: she’s acc mine ☝️
-> y/n: @/landonorris yeah sorry…I’m taken
-> landonorris: 💔💔
maxverstappen1: I puked ❤️❤️
-> y/n: me when u steal someone else’s kids
-> maxverstappen1: DIFFERENT STORY
kimi.antonelli: so cute xx
-> y/n: thank u my dear son ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
-> landonorris: what?!
-> y/n: Kimi is our son
-> landonorris: I seem to have stumbled past that important detail
-> kimi.antonelli: mama y papa 💘💘💘💘
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hiorintruther · 1 year
Dragging myself out of inactivity to grossly overanalyse/scream about the chapter 213 Kunigiri stuff coz I’m so mentally unwell and it’s their fault.
First of all, I love how in order to get into the other stratums, players first have to submit a request form. Presumably they’d have to state a reason for going and I doubt “I want to see my friends” would be allowed because some people would end up using it as an excuse to slack off, so I wonder what Chigiri said to get his request accepted? Obviously he was actually coming just to see Kunigami but he probably needed to make up an excuse (either that or Ego/Anri let him through because BLTV really is just football Love Island atp).
Anyway, I love the intro panel for Chigiri in this chapter coz it says SO MUCH about him.
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It’s the hair.
Chigiri barely ever wears his hair up, not even while playing football (and I’ve made my thoughts on that clear in the past so I’ll refrain from any ranting). On the field he’ll have that weird half-braid thing going on, and off the field he usually just wears it loose. One of the only other times we see him with a ponytail is in chapters 150-151, during the 2-week break post U-20 match. I think this shows that Chigiri is putting active effort into his appearance for his visit with Kunigami. He puts his hair up when he wants to make a good impression — in the Shibuya chapters he’s also wearing a rather nice outfit, so he was focussing on his appearance then too. This time around, he’s specifically doing it for Kunigami because he’s unsure about what Kunigami thinks of him after “ghosting” him during the MC match. This is Chigiri going all-out to impress through subtle gestures and small changes that are consciously made and will subconsciously be picked up on.
(There’s also Kunigami’s canonical thing for the napes of necks (egoist Bible) to take into account which… listen we have no proof that Chigiri is aware of it but we also don’t have any proof that he’s not. Who’s to say he didn’t choose this hairstyle specifically because he knows it shows off his nape, which is usually kept hidden under his hair? He’s already a bit of a flirt after that “such an insensitive hero” comment back during the Second Selection. It isn’t impossible.)
Next, the iconic “keep an eye on me” line.
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First off, Nomura really decided to make Chigiri look that pretty when he said this. Boy looks absolutely gorgeous. I’m aroace but I would’ve folded. Kunigami is stronger than me.
Second off, I like how this shows Chigiri being attentive towards Kunigami. When they first reunited, it did come across a bit like Chigiri was being dismissive of what Kunigami went through in the Wildcard, saying that he’d treat Kunigami as exactly the same person he was before (although it’s arguably understandable since they’d only just met again and Chigiri has no idea what happened in the Wildcard). Now though, it’s clear he’s observed the change Kunigami went through and a) wants to make amends for his previous comments, and b) still wants to be with Kunigami. While there’s never a direct apology given, it’s clear he doesn’t think of Kunigami the same way he did before the Mc match and wants to make amends. Honestly, idk if a direct apology would’ve been a nice addition or would’ve just made Kunigami feel worse — Chigiri is a proud person and Kunigami doesn’t want pity, so this less direct approach was probably the best way to go about things.
Thirdly, when Chigiri says “from now on, I’m gonna be keeping an eye on you”, it’s not just a promise to acknowledge Kunigami’s skills as a footballer. It’s also a subtle way of saying “you’re not getting rid of me. I’m staying right here”. Adding to that the “so, you better keep an eye on me too, got it?”, it’s both a declaration that Kunigami shouldn’t underestimate Chigiri and a “you’re gonna be seeing a lot of me so get used to it”. (Side note: Isagi’s face on this page is so fucking funny to me he’s just like “yeaaaaaah, these bitches gay. Good for them” lmao.)
Last thing I’ll scream about is this:
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Obviously Chigiri is specifically using “Rensuke” as a little jab at Kunigami to get him riled up. Chigiri is just like that when it comes to teasing. Still, it’s nice to know that he feels comfortable enough around Kunigami to say something like this without Kunigami getting angry or making things awkward between them. We’ve seen Bachira do this with Isagi too during the Barcha match, so that’s nice little bachisagi parallel. At the very least, Chigiri is showing that he wants their friendship to continue and is going to continue to treat Kunigami as a close friend, no matter how much Kunigami might try to push him away.
Conclusion to my ramblings: Chigiri is putting in the work and I respect him for it. Kunigami is in a bad place rn and what he needs is someone as stubborn as Chigiri to see him through. Chigiri knows what it feels like to feel depressed and push everyone else away because it happened to him too. He thought for a time that everything was over for him. No doubt he’s recognising those things in Kunigami and wants to help him out, especially since the two of them had grown pretty close before being separated.
Kunigiri has my whole heart!!!
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babydollmarauders · 5 months
Okay, I am here with Frat!Jack thoughts
1.) Baby doll likes hickeys but doesn't like having to bundle up when the weather starts getting warmer coz lil sensory issues with sweating (girl same) so jack comprises with leaving them in her thighs just BARELY covered by her skirt.
2.) Frat!Jack finally pulling his head out his ass and coming back for his girl coz Luke said she was going on a date (she wasn't) to a coffee shop (it was the first time she'd left the house semi presentable in days) with a guy on the basketball team (god fucking forbid) and Jack's brain was just *car crash noises* and he came storming in like "YOU'RE MY WOMAN BE GONE THIEF." except no thief. Just baby doll like 😧
3.) Hockey Frat House is a big party house for the girlies coz the guys drink their respect women juice coz Queen Ellen is feared and beloved
4.) everyone on the devil's (once jack gets head out his ass) expecting the rookie to be a little fratboy shithead chasing puck bunnies except first game Baby doll comes too he's all 😍😍 wife guy but in the not weird way and the team is like. Okay.... Sure.
5.) That icebreaker scene that blew up on Tiktok of the main dude coming to get his girl to come back to bed with him in the middle of a party in just his boxers to cuddle? That. Twice.
6.) Jack being given a Taylor swift style friendship bracelet that's bright pink that says Babydoll on it as a joke but he wears it ALL THE TIME.
7.) Trevor being absolutely scandalised whenever they so much as look at each other. Because obviously.
....I have other au thoughts....
addressing these one by one!!
1. babydoll loves hickeys but no one loves them more than jack! his absolute favorite thing is to mark her up! they definitely compromise by letting him give them to her only in spaces that can be covered by her skirts. jack goes a bit overboard sometimes,, i’m talking upper thighs, hip bones, lower stomach, ass, ALL OVER THAT AREA and babydoll gives him a look like “really?”.
2. i’m a firm believer that babydoll and luke become besties when he gets to umich and jack hates it but loves it at the same time. but it definitely comes in handy during times like that when jack and babydoll are on a break and luke pulls some matchmaking strings to get get them back together.
3. oh for sure! i mean, the guys might be fuckboys, but they’re respectful! most certainly because they know Mrs. Hughes wouldn’t hesitate to yell at them if she heard they were anything but respectful!
4. the devils guys definitely expect some cocky fuckboy frat boy, so when jack arrives and won’t stop mentioning his beautiful girlfriend and talks about how he misses her because she’s still in Michigan for another year? the team is shocked and just like “oh?? okay then…”. there’s definitely still a few teammates that expect him to be sleeping with puck bunnies the first chance he gets, but then at their first team outing at the bar after a winning game, jack is just incredibly drunk and moaning about how he just wants his girl and turning down any other girl who comes up to him.
5. that happens at least twice! just a sleepy and still a bit tipsy jack, wandering down the stairs of the frat in nothing but his boxers, earning quite a few whistles and shouts as he walks straight to babydoll— boy will not take no for an answer, he doesn’t even give her the time to say anything, he just lifts her into his arms and turns back around and straight back to his room. babydoll is just looking at him stunned and goes “jacky, what are you doing?” and he’s all pouty, replying with “you left. i need cuddles.”
6. he definitely receives the bracelet at a sorority party that one of babydoll’s friends put together. all the other guys that got bracelets with their girls names on them threw the bracelets away, but not jack. that bracelet becomes a staple in his wardrobe, only coming off to shower.
7. oh god, babydoll and jack even breathe in the same vicinity and trevor is giving them the most disgusted look, telling them to “get a room.” and “not everyone wants your love disease, some of us don’t wanna see that.” and jack and babydoll are just “?????”
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