#i’m not in a cult!! it’s just dragon age
ushiwhacka · 2 years
i’ve been trying to figure out where i’ve heard in hushed whispers before……… not me quoting the chant of light
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i don’t think it’s talked about enough that the reason there’s a Godwyn ending where he becomes a Lord (not a God) is because symbolically, he was mirroring Godfrey in more than just name.
Godwyn’s alive body sprouting fish tail and scales isn’t just a random design choice, it’s a reference to Confucius' The Book of Rites, where it’s stated that the subjugation of the Four Divine Beasts will grant the person who tamed them different kind of control:
- Dragon -> control over animals with scales (specifically, FISH. See?)
- Qilin (Lion) -> control over beasts (think of how the Hornsent coveting the power of the Crucibles via the lion dance ritual. The “lion” in lion dance is Qilin in the native language of Asian countries that celebrate that tradition. And it’s why Godfrey’s symbol is a lion, why lion imagery plays such important role in Elden Ring world)
- Phoenix -> control over birds
- Turtle -> control over the heart of men (this might be a reach but Miquella’s connection to the Carian family and thus, the Turtle Pope could be a nice parallel to this)
in Godfrey’s cut dialogues, he said “Dearest Marika is precisely what I must take back” and “Dear Marika, do not fear. I am returned.”, and even without all that, The Talisman of Lord’s Bestowal stated that Godfrey accepted his duty without any sign of wavering, even taking Serosh upon his back so he could conduct himself as a Lord worthy of her. Bro, he loves that girl, he passed Messmer’s vibe check with flying colors.
For Godwyn to be a fruit of such a loving union, i do think Godfrey instilled in him a sense of duty to protect his Mother, and there’s his own love and devotion to her as well. Leyndell Knights all use Dragon Cult incantations and buffs - the kind of power that is only available to them because Godwyn befriended Fortissax (which is why i said that move has an ulterior motive to it).
All of that brings me to this main point I’m trying to make: does Godwyn really that devoid of agency?
I see it’s a popular interpretation in the fandom that oh Godwyn was just a symbol, he had no voice, we never knew what he wanted, etc etc… Do we really not know though?
Sorry for slapping another fandom on this, but this is really relevant to my understanding of Elden Ring as a story, even with the base written by a Western author, was developed by a Japanese team of storytellers and designers:
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The concept of soul - body and body snatching etc etc exists a lot in Asian media, and there’s always a general consensus that the body remembers even as the soul perishes. What is Godwyn’s body is doing? The game specifically states that his body is alive. He only perishes in soul.
He was infesting the Erdtree’s roots, spreading Death around like free real estate. If he wanted to let go of life, of his Mother, his body should have just let go on its own. But no, he was tenaciously clinging to the Erdtree, to Marika.
Even Fortissax remembrance stated that despite its best effort, it could not fight back the Death within its friend. If Godwyn really, truly wanted to embrace a true death, would his body just let Fortissax fight alone in an uphill battle like that?
Then there is the DLC revealed that Godwyn’s personal knights were in LoS to find and guard his cadaver surrogate, specifically for the Age of the Duskborn. Their helm stated that their loyalty to him is unbroken. So will they just go and do something that their Master would not want?
These Knights are literally an elite circle that was bestowed the most precious of jewels in Godfrey’s time (the +3 medallions), they aren’t merely good, they are the very best. They are Godwyn’s inner circle the same way the Fire Knights are said to be the ones who know Messmer best.
Even if you think Fia and Those Who Lived in Death were just taking advantage of Godwyn’s death… her endgame goal technically did not even succeed. She wanted to be Mother to TWLiD, but the ending very much shows that the Mending Rune was returned to Marika’s womb. It’s her who would birth Godwyn a second life, so the True Mother™ to TWLiD… would actually be Marika 💀
Like, am i the only one who saw this as some real crazy 4D chess Uno reverse move from Godwyn? Oh these ppl wanted to get rid of him then took advantage of his body? Fine, he would take that challenge and run a mile with it. If Age of Duskborn came, it meant Ranni didn’t succeed, Fia didn’t actually get to be Mother of TWLiD, Death - the very thing that Marika tried to seal, would now be something within her control, because Godwyn is its Lord now. Exactly like how the Dragons’ power became something wielded in Marika’s favor in the end. Thanks to him.
In the Duskborn ending, bro, the God would still be Marika. It’s the only possible new Age involving a demigod that doesn’t get rid of her. Even if it utilize heretical powers to get there.
And the crazier thing? This is not the first time Fromsoft did this, btw.
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zweetpea · 11 months
Chapter 1: Prologue the stardust family
This is somewhat a mix of Sagau and genshin Cult AU with some isekai elements thrown in for fun. Key - { } translations and pick is time skip/scene transition.
The broke college student started up their third genshin account. “Hmm, who should I choose this time? Ugh, I wish there was a way to choose both! Hmm, maybe I could hack the code in the game and try to glitch it.” They pulled up the source code and started to mess around “Kate Kaslana? I’ve never heard of her.” Trying to click on the code just brought them back to the game it started to glitch and their screen started to warm outward and inward. 
They reached toward the screen to see what happened and their hand warped straight through. As they tried to pull out their hand got stuck something, or maybe someone, was trying to pull them inside. “No no no no no! Shit!” They fell through and struck the sustainer of heavenly principles. “I’ll deal with you two later!”  She seals the twins and throws them out.
“Now who do you think you are?” 
“Please don’t hurt me! I’m sorry! I was just messing around, I didn’t mean to come here!” 
“You insolent little vermin! I should- I should… I can’t even touch you. Fine, I’ll leave you with this then if you want so badly to experience the world then you’ll have to see it through to the end. I can’t have you dying through, there would be no resets for you. So i bestow my immortality upon you. Rest now, for when you wake you’ll have the glory and debauchery which you desire. You’re also getting a makeover, I’ll match you with the stardust twin.” 
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Meanwhile in Tevat the twins woke up 500 years after the fall of Khaenri’ah. 
“Lu? Surge. Age! Surge!”  {Lu? Wake up. Come on! Wake up!} 
(This is Latin, Author-Senpai has made the executive decision that the twins originally spoke Latin [we’ve also decided to be a weeaboo cause this story’s already crack enough why TF not!]<3 as the queen Casey Aonso once said “this is for the Netflix charts, not the art.”) 
{What in the dark realms are you doing} 🤍 
{Thank goodness you’re okay!} 🖤 
{Yeah now get off me stupid!} 🤍 
{Okay, wow screw you too. We should find something to eat.} 🖤 
{No shit, I’ll look for berries and meat. You try to catch some food.} 🤍 
{Alright, I’ll see if I can set up a campfire as well.} 🖤 
{Sounds good.} 🤍 
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Our hero (you) watches in an almost lucid dream state as the twins meet paimon and they learn the language of the world. Happy tears fall from their eyes as they see the twins laughing and teasing each other and Paimon. “These two are going to be alright. No matter what happens I did it, they can travel together. I just… wish I could go home, back to my friends and family.” They thought. 
Over time our hero woke up and looked upon themself in the reflection of the ocean. The sustainer of heavenly principles had given them baggy black pants, a white dress shirt with a black tie, a white zipper hoodie that resembles a dragon with gold sparkles around the top and wrists, black combat boots and fingerless gloves bedazzled with stars. They muse to themself, “This is pretty cute.” 
And with that they run after the travelers.
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ataraxiaspainting · 10 months
Hier Encore IV.
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Yan Chrollo x F Reader.
[Hier Encore III.]
Synopsis: Yorknew Police Department Headquarters, 1995, April 10th. You are a director of public safety. The Phantom Troupe attacks the headquarters and takes you under the guise of a hostage situation. Even when the ransom is paid, you are never returned and assumed to be dead. After thirteen months of captivity, in 1996, on May 9th, you escape and try to learn how to live again somewhere far away from your captor. The payment of freedom comes with a steep cost, one that stains your hands so much that even if you drown them in bleach, the stain will remain there for the rest of your life.
Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, the reader is described as AFAB and uses she/her pronouns respectively, not SFW implications, misogynistic undertones (not from Chrollo), unhealthy relationships, manipulation o’clock, body transformation (not on the reader), references to religion, violence/gore, minor character death, and stalking.
Word Count: 5.9k.
Ten Songs Like This Piece:
Lacrimosa by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
4:00 A.M. by Taeko Onuki
My Girlfriend Is a Witch by October Country
Michelle by Sir Chloe
Sonne by Rammstein
Enemy by Imagine Dragons
Venus Fly Trap by MARINA
Maneater by Nelly Furtado
cult leader by KiNG MALA
Teacher’s Pet by Melanie Martinez 
“She looked like a vixen, and that’s what she was; she had all the instincts of a female fox. She was the proverbial predatory female. She had what she wanted, now, and she was content. There was just the getting completely away with it that counted.” – Gil Brewer, Sin for Me
iv. “I must be cruel, only to be kind.”
One emotion comes after another on Sebastian's face: confusion, fear, distrust, and many more.
“Hello.” His voice is tight. “Do you need something?” He asks, putting his hands on the doorframe as a precaution.
“I have just come to ask you a few questions.” Chrollo answers, his voice as calm and collected as always. He isn’t even looking at Sebaste, his focus is placed on the inside of the cottage. He knows that you are here.
“Like what?” Sebaste asks, his body tensing up.
“My dear, come out.” He calls out to you, his voice as soft as it usually is.
“I’m sorry?” Sebaste questions, his shoulders strained upwards. “I’m right here.”
Chrollo pays him no mind, instead still looking over Sebastian's shoulder. He hums, looking at one object in the living room at a time. The black sofa by the television was old with the bottom left corner of it torn, white stuffing no longer being covered there in that spot. The carpet below Sebastian’s feet, the colors fading because of age. The creaky poplar floorboards. The pots of plants where the kitchen’s checkered tiles and the living room’s wooden planks meet, where you are hiding. Your eyes meet and his eyes are as empty as ever, perhaps even emptier, like black holes in the ground that aim to swallow you whole.
“Come out, my love.” He repeats himself, his tone sickeningly sweet to the point of mockery.
“Excuse me?” Sebaste asks, his voice slightly cracking.
“Dearest.” His gaze is still on you. It is intense and you feel a pressure on your neck like you are being strangled by him. You can’t breathe.
“I’m here.” Sebaste moves his hands downwards on the doorframe. “I’m right here.” His eyebrows furrow. “I’m right here. Don’t ignore me.” He’s upset.
“Hmm.” He leans in slightly. “She hasn’t told you anything, has she?”
You can see Sebastian's feet through the leaves of the tall plants take a step or two back at Chrollo’s question. “What?”
He still is not making eye contact with Sebaste. “Honestly, I expected that you would have left her by now, or at the very least be on your knees begging for mercy from me. Little liar.” Once more, a gentle hum escapes his lips as he leans in, drawing himself nearer. “But that is alright.”
Sebastian's feet move backward yet again. “What?” He knows. “Hello? What are you talking about?”
Remaining composed, Chrollo gradually advances towards Sebaste. “My dear, aren’t you going to greet me? I missed you.”
As an innate response to his words, your muscles contract, causing your entire body to become rigid.
“Come on out,” Chrollo continues, his smile getting wider. “We haven’t seen each other for more than a year. It feels like a millennia since I saw you last. My heart still beats for you, though, and always will.”
“Leave,” You finally say, your voice almost as shaky as you are. “Go away.”
Sebaste and Chrollo are now both looking at you, but their gazes are different. Chrollo looks at you like a hunter looks at a slain doe or rabbit they are about to eat, while Sebaste looks at you with confusion and fear, for he knows what you are; a liar. “Come closer. Let me see you.”
You shake your head from side to side until your neck cramps and you feel slightly dizzy. “Leave, go away.” You repeat, your voice still shuddering. 
“I would take you more seriously if your voice was not quivering, beloved.”  You can perceive the mocking tone in his voice. “I want to see your beautiful face not covered by the foliage of a dying plant.” His smile is getting bigger and bigger by the second, you swear to yourself. “Come on now.”
Once more, you vigorously shake your head, refusing to comply. “Leave.”
Sebaste continues to call out, desperately trying to catch his attention, but he remains unfazed, humming to himself. Fear is evident in his expression and the urgency of his voice. Concern grips you, for both Sebaste and yourself.
“Come closer, please. Come greet me.”
You squirm behind the tall plant. “No, go away, leave.”
“I won’t.” His smile fades as he looks down at Sebastian's arms still holding onto the doorframe like it was their lifeline. It is actually, you realize.
Sebastian's face contorts into a frown, while he straightens his posture even further, assuming a defensive stance. “If all you are going to do is bother my girlfriend and not talk to me, you have to leave.”
“No.” Sebaste is finally acknowledged by him, but this time his voice lacks warmth, sounding firm and icy. “Step aside.”
The urge to run engulfs you. You want to run into the forest. You want to run until your feet bleed and your ankles are twisted and bruised.
“Why would I do that?” Sebaste hisses angrily. “Leave. All you are doing is being a creep to my girlfriend. Leave or I’ll call the police. Now.”
Chrollo simply leans in closer to Sebastian's ear. “Step aside. Please.”
Sebaste scowls. “Leave. Now.”
Run, run, run. Despite your determination to hold your ground, you start to relent under Chrollo's unrelenting gaze, eventually taking a step forward as instructed. “Ah, that’s better. Good.” As Chrollo's stare intensifies, you find yourself averting your gaze towards the ground, towards your bare feet. “Look at you, my poor thing. You have nothing more to say, don’t you?” He coos like a parent watching their baby take their first steps.
“I’m calling the police.”
Sebaste delves into the depths of his hoodie pocket, where his phone resides, leaving a portion of the doorway unguarded by his arm. The urge to plead with Sebaste, to convey the futility of it all, arises within you. However, you find yourself incapable of doing so. 
In one swift motion, Chrollo grabs the cell phone away from Sebastian’s hand and throws it on the ground, a loud smashing sound reaching your ears. It’s only more pronounced by a boot stomping and crushing it like it was some sort of bug.
“Come closer, dearest.” He says, and your feet move, your mind compliant. You move closer and closer, until you are a few feet behind Sebaste, who looks both fearful and confused.
“Call the police,” Sebaste tells you, the stress in his voice is more than obvious.
You just stare, emptily. There is no point in running over to the kitchen to grab your phone, because Chrollo is quick and thus would run quicker, quicker than you ever could. You, poor you, would fall in vain in the Spider’s hunt for the fly that made it out of the web alive.
“Call the police. [First], call the police.” You would love to appear as a saint, but bright crimson stains your hands and eats at your very being. The floorboards creak and crack beneath you as you walk closer and you hope that the planks will simply break and let you fall into an infinite void where you will never be sentenced for your crimes. 
“My lady of sorrows, as beautiful as ever.”
You should have hidden your tracks better.
“Call the police, [First].” You should have watched out for any targets on your back.
You should have watched out more for the eyes looking at you in the night because you only caught one pair. “Your love is like a warm summer’s day, and it will always be mine, all mine.”
You wanted a normal human life. You wanted a normal human death.
But you are caught in the Spider’s web and encased in silk yet again, so you can’t have either of those things. Now, all that you can have that you want is to cry.
“Call the police.” Sebastian's trembling voice echoes once more, filled with fear. Desperate to find solace, he reaches out for your hand, only to be met with the unexpected rejection of a slap. 
You’re so stupid. So, so stupid. Your brain feels numb like it is rotting away inside of you, slowly but surely.
“Call the police. [First]. Go get your phone and call the police.”
“All I want is to hold you in my arms and know that you are mine.” You hold everything Chrollo has ever said to you inside of you where your heart used to be. It weighs you down more than a broken heart ever would.
“[First]. Call the police. What’s wrong?”
The world is now monochrome once more. You feel the place where warmth used to be within you. But now all there is is ashes. There is nothing but ashes. Your lungs hurt from all the filth.
“Stop it.” Disgusting, you are disgusting, Chrollo is disgusting.
You wanted to see the whole world. But you are now back to being trapped in the spider’s web and you cannot do any of those things now. A butterfly with a hole in its wing caught in its web. 
“What’s wrong? Call the police. Go. Now.” Disgusting. “[First]?” Disgusting. “[First], why aren’t you doing anything?”
“Stop it.” Your voice cracks like how you wanted the floorboards to. “Just stop it.”
“Go get your phone.” Sebaste continues, deaf to what you are trying to tell him. “Go. Now. Go.”
Your head hurts. Your stomach hurts. You want your pajamas on. You want to sleep. You wish you never ran away because now hell will be unleashed on Sebaste and you as punishment. You wish you would have just made a pit stop in this town and continued being on the move. You wish you were more tactical. You wish you had never been born at all. Disgusting. You’re so disgusting and stupid and tired.
You find yourself uttering every part of it, stammering through the words, pausing to catch your breath, pleading for Sebastian's survival, hoping to just return to whatever luxurious penthouse or hotel room Chrollo is currently staying at, imploring to have a private conversation with Chrollo about this matter in his car, away from Sebaste.
As soon as you finish begging for Sebastian's life and open your eyes, you see the book in Chrollo’s hand. With the realization of what is about to happen, tears finally fall from your eyes onto your bare feet. 
The cry that escapes your lips is a unique one, unlike any other. It is choked, desperate, animalistic, raw, and undeniably genuine.
“Don’t! Please! Wait! Chrollo!”
Chrollo looks at you and you immediately shut up.
“What are you doing?” Sebaste asks, stepping away, his entire body shaking. “Answer me. What are you doing?”
Chrollo's gaze turns towards him, bearing a facial expression that ranks among the most dreadful you've ever witnessed.
He doesn’t respond with anything more than a hum and a quick turn of the pages.
You’re too afraid to speak.
You look at the floor and close your eyes again as you continue to cry.
You hate the book. He has never used it on you, but you know what it can do. Perhaps if Chrollo is in a good mood at the moment, Sebaste will merely have a curse placed upon him and he will go out the door with poor, wailing you, his grip on your wrist strong enough to almost break it. 
A foolish thought, you remind yourself.
Chrollo wasn’t known for his mercy, after all.
Sebaste is as good as dead.
Perhaps he is even worse than dead.
He could be tortured. Starved, eaten alive, poisoned, or has all of his bones broken bit by bit.
You are scared to open your eyes. But you are also scared to have them remain closed.
As you look at what is in front of you and ignore the noises around you, you deprive yourself of any mercy.
It is what you deserve.
“[First], what is happening?” Sebaste points to Chrollo with a look of pure fear, his eyes looking like they are about to burst from their sockets. “What is he talking about?”
“I said don’t. Just stop.”
Sebaste stops in his place, his body shaking so much it looks like he is about to fall. “What?”
“I’m sorry.” It is a genuine apology. “But speaking will only make the pain worse for both of us.”
Chrollo hums again and nods at you, still flipping through the pages. Engaging in acts of rebellion will only exacerbate the situation.
The book stops turning and Chrollo points to a page. “I found it.”
His words are barely audible, drowned out by the piercing cries of anguish. Flashing lights; magenta, red, teal, and black.
Sable scales are sprouting from Sebastian's alabaster skin, each one covered in blood and pierced flesh.
His scleras are a shade of light coral. His eyelids are getting smaller and smaller by the second.
His irises get darker, almost to the hue of ink, matching the scales that are all over his body covered in little bits of torn skin. His knees collapse on themselves as you stand still, looking with both disgust and fear. His elbows fold as his arms lessen in length, his hands bonding with his clavicles. 
He is still screaming.
You want to tell him to stop, that there was no point. It’s already too late for either of you.
But you can’t.
You refuse to look at Chrollo, who is no doubt smiling at the horrifying tragedy unfolding in front of you two.
You just look at Sebaste with pitying, guilty eyes.
He does not look at you.
You deserve it, and he deserves to at least have that choice in the matter.
Whatever Chrollo is doing to him, there is no doubt in your mind that you deserve at least twice as bad of a fate.
But you don’t fear death. Not anymore. You know Chrollo does not plan to kill you, that death is not in the cards he is holding. He would never let go of his favorite toy. So, you fear the unknown. You fear whatever harrowing methods Chrollo is going to use on you. There is no doubt that they will be far more psychological than physical.
You sit and stay, like a good dog does, even though every fiber of your being is telling you to run out the back door and into the forest. So, you wait. You wait until he is done. You won’t speak or move unless you are told to. You give up all control and pretend to want to be dragged by a leash instead. You hide your true feelings behind a mask and not overplay your hand. That is how you become a dog.
Good girl.
Chrollo takes out a few Polaroid photographs from his suit pocket and lays them out on the table. One of them is the gore-stained walls of James’ apartment, his lower half the only part that is still whole. The second is Victor’s collapsed, untouched body on the wooden floorboards. The third is of your stalker’s rotting corpse in your abandoned shed, his head lowered and his partially gouged eyes swinging in the cool breeze. You can’t pretend to be better anymore. You can’t hide what you have done anymore. He knows.
You reach for the photos, grabbing them off the table then crumble them into balls, tearing them apart into shreds and watching them fall onto the ground.
Chrollo doesn’t stop you. He simply stares at the torn pieces that lay at your bare feet. He hums. It’s the most horrific sound you have ever heard. It is a mix of hilarity and hunger. When he smiles, his teeth look like a shark's. They are razorlike and look sharp enough to cut flesh, though they appear the same as yours. Although his appearance may deceive others into perceiving him as angelic, you are aware that he is anything but, just like yourself.
He knows. He knows.
Chrollo takes a step forward toward you but stops abruptly. He hums again. He looks upward towards your face and you make eye contact. Your brain starts screaming signals to run.
He knows of the lies that are the foundation of the makeup used to cover your hideous, real face. He knows of your sticky, sticky red hands, stained with crimson sin. He knows of the devil that lurks within the deepest confines of your heart. He knows that no exorcism or priest would be able to get rid of it. He knows that it will stay inside you until your last breath. He knows of the hidden transgressions within your soul, the deeds you committed to survive. The actions you took to elevate yourself above all others and everything else in this world.
He knows everything. He knows what you have done.
The stars twinkle no more. The moon has lost its luster. The night sky has broken apart. You cannot hide your wrongdoings from the scorching beams of the sun. Your skin burns. Everything hurts.
He knows.
He looks down at you like he is a king. Arrogant. Tenacious. He is not even a star to you. He is less than the small pieces of meteorites floating in the vast Milky Way, fading away more and more by the second. This life was too good to be true. You have failed and as a result, you have lost everything. 
You cover your head with your arms and run, tackling Chrollo to the ground. He falls onto the kitchen floor with a hard thump. You punch him, but your knuckle hurts as you do so, Chrollo’s face like an iron wall. You yelp in pain and withdraw your fist, using your other hand to pull out the knife from your sweatpants. You haven’t even made a dent into him, did he even feel anything?
Chrollo's laughter resonates as if he finds your actions incredibly amusing. He proceeds to articulate the harsh reality, a truth that is both unpleasant and acrid. “So, you were the one that committed those murders. As expected.”
No. No. No. No.
As you falter, Chrollo’s hands firmly grab the upper parts of your arms and push you off, the amount of power used being nearly enough to throw you against the glass cupboards of dishware and decorations. Instead, the back of your head collides with the wall next to the wooden back door, the paring knife flying out of your hand and landing a few inches away. A pained cry escapes your lips as your vision blurs for a second. He’s on top of you in an instant, his eyes dark and predatory, and your positions suddenly reversed. 
The blade, you have to get it back.
As you try to reach out for it, Chrollo grabs your wrist with an abnormal amount of strength. “I wouldn’t pick that up if I were you. It would only prove a point for me.”
Run. Run. Run. You have to run, like a small child running up the stairs when the lights are off, fearing what could be lurking in the dark. 
Life. Death. Free. Cage. Run. 
No, this can’t be happening, this is just a bad dream.
“Struggle all you like, we both know how this will end.”
“Shut up. I’m not going anywhere–”
“You are. You will stay wherever I place you because I am not falling for your tricks a second time, my little witch.”
No. This is just a bad dream. You close your eyes and try to wake up, shaking your head and begging for Chrollo to be just a figment of your imagination. You try and try, but you can still feel the crushing feeling of Chrollo’s grip on your bruised wrist and the weight of his body on top of yours. This is real, and this is happening.
Your mind goes blank as you open your eyes, your body being directed by raw, pure fear. Your forehead crashes into Chrollo’s, making him back up a few centimeters and let go of your wrist. Your torso crawls toward the blade like an animal whose legs are caught under a boulder or a bear trap. Your elbows bend and you try to move forward. You are just about to grab the knife when there is a yanking of your hair backward. You holler out as your spine is twisted peculiarly, your upper body facing downwards towards the knife while your lower body is facing upwards towards Chrollo. 
“Let go!”
“You certainly are stubborn.”
Your fist smacks him square in the jaw and he lets go. Your hand grips the knife, and you start swinging it around, blinded by emotion. You manage to cut into his right cheek as he spits out some blood from your punch. You try to gouge out one of his eyes, but his dexterity causes his head to duck just in time. Your body shakes with a mix of alarm and hate. You try to aim for the space between his eyes, but he grabs your wrist with one hand and your tricep with the other and starts twisting them in two different directions, making you wail. There is a sudden snap that is louder than your cries. You scream as you drop the knife and caress your broken arm. Chrollo grabs the blade and throws it far across the room. 
Chrollo’s body seems to relax a little, so you kick him in the face and try to clamber away from him. His nose bleeds, but it does not look broken. You are as desperate as a doe trying to escape the bullets of a hunter’s shotgun. 
Run. Run. Run. 
“You’re not being good. You’re not being good at all.”
Run. Run.
With the last bits of strength you have, you withstand the agonizing pain in your arm and kick Chrollo in the stomach with both of your legs, so hard that even you wince. He backs up as he chokes on his saliva. Some of the blood from his nose jumps onto your face and you can taste the flavor of metal. He falls backward and hugs his abdomen. He is off of you at long last. For the quick moment he is in pain, you stand up quickly, clutching your unusable limb. You run as fast as you can towards the paring knife. You bend down and grab it in a rush of panic. 
Run, rabbit. Run.
Chrollo pushes you down onto your stomach, your back facing him. He grabs your broken arm and pulls it, his foot on your spine to keep you there. It bends like rubber or bubblegum. You start to flail around like a fish out of water. You gasp for air as you cry out in pain. His other hand grabs the back of your head, raising it slightly before pushing it down hard onto the wooden planks. The life you have built for yourself, everything you have worked towards, the colorful, sweet world you have made, all shatters into splinters before your very eyes.
Picking pumpkins and apples to make decorations and cook into pies, harvesting sunflowers to put into glass vases around your cottage, going into the farmer’s market and smelling freshly roasted corn and baked goods, cookies, fried mushrooms, glazed yams, eggplant parmesan, learning to love someone for the first time.
It was all for nothing. It was all for nothing because Chrollo found you. Chrollo found you and enacted his revenge. You wail a strangled, desperate breath. A raw and real breath. 
You stop struggling at long last, like a toy that has run out of power from its battery. All that fighting and you have hardly made him use his true strength.
You are weak. You cannot go anywhere. You are a rabbit with nowhere to run. Murder. Death. Theft. Crime. Manipulation. Love. Chrollo’s blood is still in your mouth and it’s bitter and dry, like you had just eaten sand in a desert or oceanless beach. It chokes you, both physically and mentally.
The fish that used to be Sebaste looks up at the ceiling, lying on its side. An unblinking, wide eye. Dull. Cloudy. Empty. Unforgiving. Confused. Weak. Its corpse lays before you two and starts to stink like the back of a butcher’s shop. 
I hate you.
That is what its eye tells you.
Traitor. Fool. Devil. Maneater. Tainted. Killer. Freak.
This is all your fault. Why did I have to die? Why are you still alive? You lied to me. You said you loved me. Liar. 
Liar. Liar. Liar.
Your feet are still cold.
If only you could have died too. If only you could have died beside him. You don’t want to die in whatever hotel room or penthouse Chrollo will shove you in, within four suffocating walls and soft sheets that cost more than your monthly rent. You don’t want to die there, you want to die anywhere else. You are not ready to die. Tunnel vision overtakes you, with only one objective in mind.
Just stay alive.
Just stay alive.
That is your one wish to the stars above.
It hurts.
Everything hurts.
You are being burned alive by your desire to both live and die.
You don’t think before you do it.
You don’t try to stop yourself before, without any hesitation, your legs propel you forward, forcefully thrusting the backdoor open with your functioning arm. Anguish, fury, remorse, and sorrow engage in a fierce battle for dominance over your every move. As you dart deeper into the dark and densely packed forest behind your cottage, the only sounds you could hear are your own ragged breaths and pounding heart. It was as if the forest was trying to swallow you up, closing in with every passing step. No moonlight or stars pierced the thick layers of leaves and branches overhead.
The darkness is like a thick fog, blurring your sight and limiting your visibility. You could not see Chrollo behind you, but your instincts told you that he was. There was no hint of a breeze to take some of the edge off, with even the birds and chipmunks being completely silent.
The pain was excruciating. With every jostling step, your broken arm jolted around like a wooden toy, threatening to send you down to the ground any second as it kept getting caught in vines and hitting tree trunks. You could not afford to stop running.
You don’t see anyone following you.
Your feet are starting to bleed and leave a few red drops of blood with every rushed step you take. You don’t care about it because instinct has taken over your mind.
You trip over a large root on the ground and fall sideways right on your broken arm, making you scream from the intense pain shooting up. As you try to get up and caress your broken arm, you stumble downhill into a pile of dead leaves. 
Your mouth is full of them, making you hardly able to breathe as you spit them out. 
If it were any other time, you would have considered it funny.
But not now.
As you rise from the ground, your hand instinctively shields your mouth, preventing any inadvertent sound that may invite unwanted attention. The pursuit of Chrollo, if not already initiated, has undoubtedly commenced.
He’s after you. You know this. He came back into your newly rebuilt life and destroyed it right in front of your very eyes. 
You know he can hear you, but you cannot hear him. You never know of his presence until he is too close, that is how it always has been. That is how it is now. Chrollo has forever possessed superior speed, strength, intelligence, attractiveness, and wealth, making it impossible for anyone to ever match his prowess, even if they desired to do so.
You hate him.
You hate him, and he’s here for you again.
How did he even find you?
Hisoka promised.
He promised you that your location would be undiscovered.
He lied to you, didn’t he?
Maybe lying isn’t the exact word.
Maybe he technically did keep his promise, because the Troupe didn’t show up in a matter of a few hours.
Chrollo showed up in a matter of nearly twenty four.
Your gasps for air and silenced cries are paired with a call of your name.
“Oh, you poor thing. Scared half to death.”
His words are as soft as they are cruel.
“Mater Dolorosa.”
You force yourself onto your feet again to run, sensing the voice behind you up the hill getting louder and louder. But when you move to run, you wince in pain and look down at your swollen red ankle.
It is so dark that you can’t see anything aside from yourself, the world around you being painted monochrome by the black night sky’s palette. 
There is nowhere to run, is there?
You have used up all of your luck getting this far, and have to pay the price.
You are out of time. You cannot dream of sweet escape anymore.
“Do you remember my touch? I touched you so sweetly. My darling girl.”
You would turn if you could, but the pain shooting out from your ankle prevents you doing so and almost makes you fall into the leaves again instead. “You took me away.” 
Moving in a circular motion, Chrollo gradually positions himself in your line of sight, his imposing figure standing tall before you. “It is a thief’s nature. I could not resist the temptation to steal you.”
Chrollo is a prime illustration of the extreme measures some individuals are willing to take in order to have you in their embrace. 
Your beauty has captivated every person you have encountered, evoking reverence from all. It is both a blessing and a curse, a double edged sword, both the thing that worships you and tortures you. 
Your sweatpants are covered in dirt stains and pieces of dried grass and leaves, your hoodie in a similarly horrible condition. Your hair had come undone, cascading in delicate wisps that obscured your vision, reminiscent of a spider's delicate web. There is nowhere to hide.
“Oh, how I love you.” Chrollo smiles and the way it reaches his eyes makes you squirm more. “Shall I enumerate the reasons why?”
The car ride was silent for a while. You would have preferred it if it stayed that way. But Chrollo could never stay quiet for long, even if you asked nicely, so he turned the dial of the radio and began humming along. In all the months you were with him, the only constant presence in your otherwise bleak, depressing life. 
The song he chose felt like yet another kick to the stomach. ABBA’s Lay All Your Love On Me. Of course he would play that.
As much as you hate doing so, you focus on the way your heart beats with each turn and bump along the road. He was calm, still so calm, even after this two year long escape. You are certain that this is the calm before the storm, and it was only a matter of time before everything came crashing down on you. More than what already had fallen. 
To claim that you were on edge would be an understatement. 
“Do you know what will happen now?”
With your heart pounding and mind consumed, you can't help but startle at his words, despite your readiness.
He lets out a small laugh, reducing the music's volume to a slightly muffled level.
It only makes you feel like you are about to go into cardiac arrest.
“You do, don’t you? You have always been a smart one.”
Your broken arm aches under the slight pressure of the seatbelt pressing against it, your ankle being only slightly cushioned by the insulated carpet beneath.
Chrollo has never hurt you before, aside from restraining you in the early days of your capture. Though, you know if you had blamed your ankle on him and told him, he would tell you it was your fault for running barefoot in the dark.
He hopefully will give you a brace or pillow for it when you both arrive back to wherever your temporary location is.
“My freedoms will be taken away.”
As he nods, a smile plays at the corners of his mouth, revealing a slightly sinister undertone that would easily deceive any unfamiliar observer.
“That is a start. But,” Pausing momentarily, he directs his gaze towards you, only to swiftly return his attention to the path that lies ahead. “What particularly? Give me an example, please.”
He is definitely planning something. Maybe you'll inquire about the source of his inquiry, or perhaps you'll force a trembling grin and pretend his question is nonsensical, aware that he's already aware of the freedoms you've gained during your time in confinement. Yet, he would persist then, and repeat his query. You could respond by acknowledging his authority to strip away any privilege he deems appropriate, a fact that both of you know to be true, but deep down, you understand that he desires a real, logical answer.
Whether this is a genuine question or something that will be used to mock you in a moment or two, you have no idea.
“A freedom like…” Your answer will probably be spawned into existence, making you wary of how to respond to his question, but you know you have to because you have no choice in this hell. “Like being able to move freely around.”
He only taps his fingers on the steering wheel in a melody unlike the one playing from the car’s speakers. “How so?” Welcome once again to the realm of eternal damnation.
You contemplate turning away from him and looking out the window instead. But that would cause you more physical pain from your arm moving against the car seat and more mental pain from you knowing you will not be able to go outside again for at least a while. That is, if you are ever allowed to go outside again. If you can ever escape again. He wants another answer. He is not satisfied. But, then again, when is he ever?
You don’t dare look away from him as he stares at you, not at the road, at you. You practically feel like your stomach is dropping out of your body and onto the insulated carpet, staining parts of it crimson red from the blood and a discolored version of its once licorice color from the stomach acid. 
“Go on,” You could imagine the feeling of his fingers and yours intertwining and starting to squeeze your throat. 
Thum, thum, thum. Bum, bum, bum. Dun, dun, dun.
“...Restraints.” You wish you could just dissolve like seafoam in the sea. “I’m not sure which ones you want to use. The metal ones or silk ones most likely.” The sensation of suffocation creeps in, as if the air itself has turned putrid and malevolent, weighing heavily on your chest. Your vocal cords are raspy, resembling the aftermath of regurgitating and subjecting them to the corrosive effects of gastric acid. “Maybe gag me or tie my legs together too. Or both, it depends on if you are in a good mood right now or not, right?”
He nods slowly, never taking his eyes off of you. His gaze feels unsettling, for there is no trace of anger in his eyes, yet you can sense his fury.
“That is one, yes. What else do you think will happen when we get back, my dear?”
The road is empty. There are no deer or geese or ducks crossing, only you and Chrollo. Animals have always had better judgment of human character, after all.
You hope that the place you are going to at least has a nice view.
“Tell me.”
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tadpole-apocalypse · 6 months
Whiny under the read more
Feeling sad about the news bg3 won’t have any further dlc or content. On one hand I think it’s the best business decision for Larian, I’m sure working under hasbro was awful. I both support and respect that decision (and find it very telling they’re just completely done with all dnd content going forward) and I look forward to their future games.
But I am not ready to leave faerun and these characters, I really was sure they’d have some kind of dlc or maybe even higher level content. I’m not ready to be done with it! Sigh. It also makes me sad knowing the eventual decline of fandom content. It’s ok, I went thru this with dragon age, I’ll get over it. And I’ll probably be here 5 years later crying over fictional vampires.
But I think it does mean I will try to write fanfiction after all. I have stories I want to tell still, with Morgan and Oxus, her cult, future stories I have with her. Maybe work on actual comics that don’t look like garbage. Idk.
I’ll play other games but I’ll be playing this game for years and making stories about my characters, I hope.
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thecomfywriter · 20 days
What's the wackiest worldbuilding rule you included in any of your high fantasy stories? Have you seen other authors do the same or something similar in their works? Would you want to see your writer friends and acquaintances do their own spin on your idea?
🎇 Wackiest Worldbuilding of TNV 🎇
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Oooo another fun ask from Satoh. Sorry this took so long. Work, womp womp. I'll have i queued to release soon though so it's not TOO postponed.
It’s not wacky per se… but i like to create mythologies, maps, geographical contexts/weather patterns, and history for everything that happened before the book started.
is it a bit intense? maybe. but it’s so fun.
i know a lot of authors like to do this, so it’s nothing really unique. so i guess I'll actually choose something a bit more specific to each book down below 👇
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People own “domains” within the Dream World, each of which is unique to the other. And if they are an Arcanic, they can learn to “build”/“seize” a domain within the Arcane World.
The entire domain lore is genuinely some of the fun parts of the ToV lore. The idea that dragons try to replicate their domains in the tangible world of Elayza, which is why they build their dens the way that they do. Or that if you die within the Arcane World, your mind becomes tethered to that domain while your body calcifies, keeping you just alive enough to be a vegetable in real life, which living a groundhog day of suffering in the Arcane World.
And, of course—can’t talk about domains without talking about mental domains. The parts of a person’s mind that can shrink into and exist in without leaving, or invite others into as a telepathic connection or mind link.
I haven’t seen many authors do the entire domain thing, to be honest. But maybe I’m just not looking close enough.
The idea that all magic sings and exudes a certain colour of fog invisible to the naked eye.
It’s tied to one of Evan’s unique ability of being a Singer with Artist Eyes. He is able to hear the songs of magic and see the colours of the specific spell before the effects of the incantation are fully formed. That includes with telepathic and telekinetic magic as well.
OH also! The ability to condense one's genetic code into a single string of Aura, or the magical specialty of trapping people in the labyrinths of their own mind.
It’s not the wackiest, if I’m being honest. But it is one of the less spoiler ones.
the mind labyrinth one might be common. i know i’ve seen some form of it in books featuring telepathy, like kotlc for example (my middle school self’s JAM). but i feel like the execution is different idk.
The souls of the dead pass away into a river; and whatever the river feeds becomes the host of the dead.
The sun and the moon stones of the earth/soil you were born on determining the supernatural you are.
The "time-stealing" forcefields around the colonies that alter trespassers' ages.
The lore behind the Cult of Hedon and their origins...
Bro, I could go on, but I’m not explaining ANY those ones in any more detail than that. Too many spoilers. But I definitely haven’t seen anyone else do these ones before.
I would be curious to see how other’s execute these tropes, but a part of me is also excited by the idea of having it unique to my stories. Nevertheless, if they already exist, I’d love to see how our execution differs.
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Thanks for the ask, Satoh!!! :)
Happy Writing!
(tagging the TCW crew for the lore drops. interact with the post linked or dm to be added)
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TCW Crew!
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have-a-hiddles · 3 months
Papas' Favorite Music
I was trying to think of what the various Papas all like to listen to (besides their own music, of course). I'm taking into account what we know of their personalities, their ages, overall vibe, etc. Granted, Copia will probably be the most detailed since he is the one we know the most about thanks to the Chapters.
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Primo: Dude is nearly a generation removed from his brothers. He was already a teenager in the sixties, so his taste skews towards the hippie movement. Although I doubt he was active in anti-war protests, I think he likely enjoyed the resulting music. Bob Dylan, The Beatles, The Doors, Rolling Stones. Was dude at Woodstock? Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe... Strangely, he is NOT into Elvis at all. Not that he hates him or anything, but he will change the station if Elvis comes on the radio. Jailhouse Rock is the exception to this rule. Also really likes Johnny Cash and wishes to Satan and all of the Kings of Hell that his range was as deep as Johnny's. Modern music? Today's music often leaves him a bit empty since it's so mass-produced and lacks much complexity. There are some exceptions. Adele, Beyonce, Ed Sheeran, even some Taylor Swift.
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Secondo: Mister I Must Be Edgy himself, Secondo is one of those people who detests anything deemed "popular" by the masses. As such, he actively dislikes The Beatles, The BeeGees, the Monkees, etc. Any artist/band that had screaming teenagers after them, really. That being said, he did latch on to the burgeoning hard rock/metal genre. Aerosmith, AC/DC, Blue Oyster Cult, Black Sabbath. There were two main exceptions to his hatred of popular music: Queen and David Bowie. He's not entirely sure if it's because the music is actually that good, or if he just really wants to fuck David Bowie and/or Freddie Mercury. (He did both, by the way, although not at the same time, much to his regret.) Want to see him singing into a hairbrush like a teen girl? Play Under Pressure.
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Terzo: He likes EVERYTHING. He doesn't give a shit what genre a song is from; if he likes it then he fucking likes it! Shakira? Yeah, his hips don't lie either, gorgeous. Backstreet Boys? Yes, please! Britney Spears? Hit HIM baby one more time! Taylor Swift? Well he was definitely trouble when he walked in. Dolly Parton? Jolene, Jolene, JOLENE, JO-LEEEEEEEEEEE-EEEEE-EEEEEEEN! Opera? You can try to tear Marriage of Figaro from his white-gloved hands. Broadway? Homeboy will belt out Defying Gravity with the best of them. Disney? He will make you WEEP with his rendition of When You Wish Upon A Star. He even likes bands that constitute his "competition". Rammstein? JAWOHL. Nightwish? He will happily walk the Elvenpath. Random internet hits? He literally harassed Secondo with What Does the Fox Say? for three weeks when the song first came out. And Baby Shark. If a song spawns a meme, Terzo is all over that shit. And, yes, he has Rick-Rolled pretty much everyone at one point or another. Copia continues to fall for it. However, he LIKES that song, so the joke's on Terzo.
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Copia: Speaking of Copia; much like Terzo, his tastes defy genres. He is very much into anything with a theatrical bend. Broadway and movie musicals are his bread and butter, including Disney/Dreamworks/etc soundtracks. He will put on entire one-man versions of shows to an audience consisting entirely of his pet rats. He ALMOST has that rap in Hamilton down. You know the one. There is a debate on whether taking Copia to Walt Disney World at any point would be a fantastic idea or a terrible one. Because he absolutely will sing at the top of his lungs the entire time and may frighten some small children. And yes, he absolutely has cried listening to Terzo sing When You Wish. With that as the foundation for his music tastes, he mostly likes music that tells a story or that has an accompanying music video that plays out a story of some kind. Think Meatloaf, Michael Jackson, Imagine Dragons, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy, 30 Seconds To Mars, etc. That need for a story does spill over into his own music videos; Rats, Danse Macabre, Hunter's Moon, and Jesus He Knows Me. (I consider anything released after 2018 to be Copia's writing, with the exception of Mary On A Cross and Kiss the Go-Goat since they are Nihil's songs in-universe).
Fun Unrelated Fact: If my math is right, Primo is a baby boomer, albeit a young one. Meanwhile, the other three are thick into Gen X territory. Splains a lot, eh?
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autumnmobile12 · 8 months
Felt like sharing some speculation today:
All right, so we know My Hero Academia has the something of the same premise as X-Men in the sense that select a group of humans were suddenly born with powers, the whole 'evolution leaps forward’ deal.
We see in My Hero how the First Generation of people with Quirks, especially the ones who appeared non-human or semi non-human, were originally ostracized like the mutants of X-Men are, but then more people were born with powers and then more people had powers until it became a widespread phenomenon and ‘normal’ people became the minority and society had to restructure itself to accommodate the new normal.
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But have you read The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black?
The plot is a 19th century doctor who theorizes that mythical creatures like the minotaur, harpies, sirens, and the like all existed millions of years ago but slowly interbred with humanity and eventually died out altogether.  So he believed that when someone was born with extra fingers, limbs, a tail or otherwise didn’t have the typical human shape, it wasn’t so much a mistake in genetic coding as it was the extremely recessive genetics of those ancient creatures trying to reoccur in the modern day.
Definitely an interesting premise, so now I’m wondering if the My Hero world has a cult, conspiracy theorists, or even some scientists/historians that have similar views regarding mythology.
If this whole Quirk thing happened back in the Stone Age where no one had the benefit of science or awareness of DNA, anyone born with an otherworldly power would have been worshipped as a deity. Or the ones born with a non-human appearance would have been reviled as monsters.
So following the idea of The Resurrectionist, maybe the sudden appearance of superpowers did lead people to take a closer look at the old myths and consider the stories of the gods/goddesses of old were originally stories of people with 'Quirks' who rose to power.  Humans with meta-powers ruled the world for a few centuries, then those powers inexplicably died off. For a variety of reasons or maybe unknown reasons, humanity lost that history but remembered the old stories and chalked them up to just myth until the powers that made it possible began to reappear full force several millennia later.
Some myths began as historical events but in being handed down hundreds of generations, the multiple tellings and retellings exaggerated them into the realm of impossibility.
Lightning/electricity powers:  Zeus, Thor, Hinon
Fire powers:  Hephaistos, Surtr, Hestia, the phoenix
Foresight:  Any seer, prophet, or oracle that appears in any myth ever
Ice powers:  Yuki-onna, Skadi, Morana
Water powers:  Poseidon, Chalchiuhtlicue, Anuket, Tlaloc
Plant-related Quirks:  Demeter
Gigantification Quirks: Giants, titans, nephilim
Ryukyu:  Is a dragon.  ‘nuff said.
All Might:  Herakles
Tokoyami having a bird head but otherwise appearing human is pretty reminiscent of the old Egyptian gods.
Hawks:  Any winged creature; take your pick.  Personally, the one that comes to mind for me is Hermes.  He only had wings on his sandals, sure, but the trickster archetype resonates.
Tsuyu: Naiads, nymphs, rusalki, any kind of water fae
Momo: Sedna (created sea life from her finger bones), Ukemochi no Kami (produces food from her own body)
Best Jeanist: This one's a bit of a reach, but the fabric thread thing coupled with the long, spider-like limbs kinda brings to mind the story of Arachne the weaver.
We do get a nod to Ancient Greek mythology with the prison Tartarus.  What better place to lock away beings with god-like powers than the prison of the Titans itself?
Obviously an incomplete list, but you see my point.
Personally, I'm leaning toward cultist ideology with this one as I find it hard to believe every civilization would have forgotten about a previous appearance of Quirks. But civilizations die off, civilizations are overrun by others and their histories are suppressed, maybe this hypothetical 'previous Quirk phenomenon' wasn't as widespread as the current one and so fewer people were affected and therefore fewer people were alive to verify the truth of facts, maybe this hypothetical time was from an age of oral history and nothing was documented properly, so not impossible just really, really improbable.
Still, I love mythology and I find it an interesting headcanon to think about.
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anarmel · 1 year
hiya! just wanted to say i ADORE your dnd au for stranger things it is so captivating to see each art piece you've created (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
can i ask if there's any little headcanons or plotlines you'd be willing to share about it? I'd love to hear more but totally understand if not (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠) either way i appreciate the work you do!!!
Thank you for your kind words!(i read ALL tags) And sorry it took me so long I’m bad at writing hope you’re still interested)
I have entirely too much in my head for this AU and it’s ever evolving but I’m dog at writing stuff down because my brain gets like scrambled so I always forget what I want or write down and english is not my native language so my writing is blunt and sometimes i don’t have the right words for concepts i want to communicate and I overall suck at communicating but I do want to share something about this AU with someone who appreciates it so I will try)
This is my continent map and planar map for this AU because every official planar map in DnD is too unnecessary complex for my type of worldbuild:
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This table is my basic ideas and info on characters (i change it all the time because I’m inconsistent and have new ideas every week) and I fucking love multiclassing it’s more storytelly
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And i have a Pinterest board for this AU with visual clues and inspiration for the characters if you want to get a feel for that take a look: Link
Worldbuilding and character ideas(completely too long wall of text but I attached some old sketches for paragraph breaks):
Worldbuilding portion
I usually don’t like to put racism in my fantasy scenarios but The Empire is based on America with all the colonization and racism and all that so its there (reason: ST has too much themes that are purely American and if you take them out it’s kinda unrecognizable and some characters lose some experiences that effect their characteristic and choices they make. And the world needs to feel violently bigoted and secretive with governments that lie and do terrible things) but don’t look for direct correlation to real events. it’s like heavily inspired by America. i don’t want to erase racism and white supremacy and how it effects most if not all characters.
This Empire is under one of god pantheon(most of the faerunian pantheon with some exceptions). As one if the main worshiped gods that effect the story I chose Torm(the god of duty, loyalty, righteousness, obedience and law) and Bahamut(the dragon god of justice and a subservient deity to Torm). Empires are so greatly represented by dragons: massive gold hoarding uncontrollable and unstoppable and really hard to defeat. And because I want Tiamat dragon cults in the story. The list of allowed worship is limited some gods are outlawed some are just weird to worship and looked down upon. Most gods that are law and order based are great to worship
The Empire came as an expansion of an already existing Empire that represents one pantheon of gods that were at war with the Fey pantheon of gods and mortal rulers are continuing this expansion on mortal plane(even if mortal plane is abandoned and neglected by the gods). During war most Gates that connected Feywild with the Mortal plane were destroyed and in their place “Divine” Gates were built. The War of Establishment ended 200 years ago
The way my gods/worshiper interaction works is not as direct as I’ve seen in other campaigns. Paladins/Clerics get their power through tapping into residual celestial power that is left on mortal plane after calamity battles many ages ago and more advanced Paladins/Clerics can tap into celestial plane directly and it’s very rare for a god to communicate with their worshipers.
Empire general attitude towards different races(fantasy racism part… it’s worldbuilding okay):
Aasimar is the most respected race imbued with the divine blood most of the royals are Aasimar. Highest standing in society
Goliath are historically the giants that are the protectors of the divine. They are given opportunities other races are not. High standing in society
Humans are the basics as always. They have their hand in every pot.Mixed standing in society
Halflings were always a part of the empire. Infantilised in larger society. Mixed standing in society
Anything Fey is perceived as weird and inhuman and often fey magic and creatures are blamed for all manner of mischief and ills, ranging from petty vandalism and theft to outright murder and kidnapping.
But there’s a distinct difference between every elf group
High-elven culture is the one of the biggest ones that was crushed by the empire. Empire is built on elven ruins. Elves that didn’t escape to Feywild earned their keep in the empire by being great merchants because they knew to local surroundings and had established goods production and even with inter planar fey gates destroyed some elves had trade connections in Feywild. Being there from the beginning of the empire given some High Elves really high standing in society and more opportunities to build up their capital but at the cost of abandoning or suppressing their culture. Material plane High elves have purple/pink blood and similar skin under tones medium pointy ears(from living in the material plane for a while) Mostly culturally integrated. Mixed standing in society
Wood Elves mostly come from Beast Lands plane that lays between material plane and the Feywild and when empire conquest reached Feywild they stopped their war expansion on woods and wanted to build more of business relationship with the faerie court and the faerie court doesn’t care about the rogue elf tribes of Beast Lands that are being misplaced because they see the benefits of empire as a reluctant alliance instead of an enemy even if fey believe they could win the war if it comes to that . The Empire use the kidnapped elves as the laborers to build new empire cities across the continent. Wood elves have a distinct green skin undertones, green blood and large pointy leaf-like ears that make a Great War trophy and bringing a few souvenirs a soldier can show of is not that looked down upon. And high elves on large don’t associate with wood elves they are both seen as fey but different in “usefulness” in society. So wood elves have a low standing in the society but it’s slowly starting to change in some parts of the empire
Eladrin native to the Feywild and mostly are not present on the material plane and seen as distant trade partners.
Other elves(astral, aquatic, drow)exist but are not seen inside the empire
Gnomes is the other race that was native to the land the Empire took over they are integrated as the high elves and seen for their innovations and trade. But also they’re infantilised in society of larger races and sometimes are not seen as a full person but as cute creatures who are mostly helpful to bigger races. Mixed standing in society
Dwarfs mostly live underground in stone cities. I like Dragon Age lore for dwarfs so I’m incorporating it. True Dwarfs are not permitted to see the sky and those who do are considered sky walkers and still can serve as merchants of dwarven goods to the surface or can just go live as they want on the surface but they will never be considered true dwarfs and are not permitted in places of under mount worship of the Morndinsamman. They are not a part of the empire even if the mountains are on empire territory. Mostly seen as trade partners
Most of genasi populating empire are mixed. Air and earth genasi are the more accepted. Fire and water are not as much. Mixed status
Different Main Genasi tribes set up close to their respective elemental planar gates but those tribes all really different.
Air genasi mainly have a cloud city surrounding their gate populated by other avians but also have travel tribes that travel on cloud settlements.
Fire genasi are mainly nomadic with some preferring to live in a settlement near their gate it is considered their home base and if a fire genasi was outside it’s tradition to make their way to the gate at least once in their life
Earth genasi mainly have a permanent home under the mountain near their gate the city is populated by some dwarfs and rock gnomes
Water genasi live near their gate that is surrounded by mostly underwater country (enter a fantasy name for Soviet Union here)(?TSAR?) populated by aquatic elves, tortles, merfolk, tritons, simic hybrids and vedalken
Firbolgs are mostly nomadic small tribes and lived close to the fey gates so a lot of them were massacred during the war and there’s not much of them left. Perceived as fey and mostly forgotten because they live outside of cities.
Any half breed is looked down upon. A little anti-miscegenation in the mix to this horrible prejudiced bigoted world(just like the real one)
There’s also magic and class(DnD) discrimination
Any Divine and Radiant magic is praised so most of paladins clerics and monks are thought highly of in society
Any nature magic is looked down upon ether it be too fey of holistic and barbaric in the eyes of the divine
Barbarians if not zealots for the right gods or have right ancestors are barbaric and looked down upon
Sorcerers are usually put through governmental evaluations to find out their levels of danger those who deemed too dangerous go into maximum security prisons or are simply executed,those deemed controllable go into an educational program(less strict prison). Any sorcerer magic can only be used under strict control of a sorcerer’s keeper appointed by government.
Wizards studies and education mostly are behind walls of magistrates that operate separately from other government controlled magic institutes but for the greatness of the Empire. Arcane magic is controlled but not as strictly as sorcery
For Wizards to deepen their studies of magic there’s one option walls of magistrate a separate arm of the government specialized in arcane magics. Arcane magic is controlled but not as strictly as sorcery because it’s considered an intellectual and intelligent magic
Artificers are the inventors and move the world forward. Government gives grants to institutions of artificers for development of weapons and transportation for people without magic and such
Necrotic and blood magic is prohibited and outlawed
Character stuff(most of it is just like a starting position in the story that will never be)
Byers family. I wanted to make Joyce a merchant but then I came up with the idea of them being a grave keeper family for an old eleven graveyard, being just poor in fantasy settings is not enough for stigma they get (the monarchy class system is just too different everyone’s poor but the selected few…well not different at all but I wanted something different and more fantastical).
Joyce after escaping her abusive husband stared working for an old elven lady that owned the graveyard and not having any family of her own she let Joyce and her boys live on the property and when she left the mortal plane she left the graveyard to the Byers family. So in this world there’s a lot of stigma around anything fey but high elves are more integrated into society and Byers family looking over a spooky scary creepy and ancient fey graveyard filled with old dying magical remains can make the family ostracized and it brings a somber tone and a death theme to back up Wills story. Because usually grave keepers task is to make sure the dead stay dead and don’t turn undead. And Will is kind of undead after his stint in the upside down and that is his one more secret from his family and friends (I want a more magical and powers related secret for will to struggle with).
And Jonathan’s first iteration was a Chronurgy Wizard because I wanted to play with the theme of him capturing moments in time (like photos) but more I thought about him he is such a rogue and there’s Phantom Rogue that has an interesting trinkets system that you get by capturing souls of your defeated foes still has the same idea of moments being captured in a still object but Assassin suits too so idk. Maybe I should have made Byers Shadar-Kai instead of High elves. Maybe they as a family need a rewrite???
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Hopper’s story is similar to canon grew up in Hawkins moved to a big city (W.D.C) for opportunity. Low standing Goliath have an opportunity to earn status through Arena (gladiator fights). Got married. And after losing his child and divorce he transferred back to his old town with status that earned him a position of chief.
El and Henry are both kalashtar (a compound race created from the union of humanity and renegade spirits from the plane of dreams(limbo)– spirits called quori) with the appearance of astral elves to play into the themes of alienness (E.T. glowing fingers and long glowing ears). A big meteor struck near Fort Hawkins and The Empire researchers stumbled upon a lost child named Henry (astral drifter who only looks young) that possessed powers that they wanted to research and use as potential weapons (like they use ordinary sorcerers). After some years of research Henry showed scientists where they can find more power. A research group with a military support was sent into the Astral plane they returned with several adult war prisoners and the experiments jumped a few levels in cruelty. Most “Main Experiment” children were bred and grown in a lab. Events that happen at the lab resemble what happens in the show. Some sketches of El and Henry I didn’t land yet on design that is set in stone (I don’t like how I draw their quori too literal):
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Steve’s family is royalty. His dad is a king of the smallest province named Indwarim with the sit of power being in Fort Hawkins which is still not the biggest town it’s small and underdeveloped and was mostly built to separate the gate to Beast Lands from the Capital it doesn’t even have a “Divine” Gate (gate system that connects main cities of The Empire). The King of Indwarim is not known for spending time in his seat of power leaving it in the hands of his council and expects his son to take over his small province while he gets close to the emperor and climbs the social ladder closer to real seat power (Whitheirion Divine Court).
Steve is fond of all attention and admiration his royal blood and divine blessing brings but all his life he felt inadequate, people respect him for the things that were given to him by birth right and nothing he did or deserve. But who is he to complain about the easy life he lives so he enjoys all the positive attention that he can get and lets people bask in his light even if deep down he knows all they want is a crumb of prestige and power befriending a royal can give, Steve has never met a genuine person in his circles so he assumes that all people are like that everyone plays their part of court theater. Steve has his own masks so he understands them. He always had people around him that tailored him to their expectations and that keep him in check. In social circles he paints a picture of a royal you can find at all the parties that are worth attending with new arm candy every time, all masked in charm and light conversation, all surface no depth, not an intellectual but at least he’s martially gifted. He’s not fit for the system but plays it enough for it to benefit him, he’s not going to stand up to it. He doesn’t know who he is without others making him.
And I want Steve to have some kind of insecurity where he thinks he’s useless without his legendary weapon which is a stolen fey artifact that was claimed by empire and now one of Harrington’s family heirlooms (which Steve doesn’t know for a while) and later in the story he will return it where it belongs because it’s a right thing to do even if it strips him of his additional powers. (Some inspiration characters for D&D!Steve are King Arthur, Stella(Winx), Fjord(CR))
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Robin is a miracle child to her older parents. They loved their little girl and given her all that they could while running a small but successful tailoring shop. I did make Robins parents fantasy hippies while well-meaning they appropriate the culture of fey creatures but don’t struggle with the stigma around it since they themselves are not fey and even benefit from it in their business because their designs perceived as exotic and “new”.
At 12 Robin come to realization that something is off about her and there’s things that happen to her that don’t happen to people around her and the desire to find out what’s wrong with her took her to the library and there she stayed studying anything that took her scattered interest. Meanwhile her parents put her into a music studies and Robin even gets to play at royal court a few times.
At 14 she come to the conclusion that she is a changeling a myth a child swap of the fey and since then she felt like she truly doesn’t belong in her family and believes that if her parents found out they would stop loving her and disown her. She keeps up her mask around her parents and doesn’t inform them about her discovery but unknowingly she keeps distancing herself from her parents.
At 17 she requests to go into a new Starcourt research center to start studying magic more seriously and spends most of her time as a scribe and even going on expeditions into the sea and forgetting her musical studies. At the Starcourt she meets prince Steve not for the first time who was sent to the magistrate to “learn humility and to appreciate his divine gifts properly and maybe it will make you more intelligent, Steve” and then it kind of follows the shows events. Some Robin sketches and a design of her parents that I’m not sure about they need to look older I think:
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Eddie is a child of a warlock pirate and an elven druid. He’s a tiefling because of his father’s infernal contract that affect him physically.
In his early years he mainly lived with his mother on land with his father’s rare visits but one day his mom just didn’t return home (I want it to be ambiguous did she get into a situation and died or got murdered or raising a tiefling child alone without support in a judgment filled town got to her and she decided to run away from it? who knows? not Eddie that’s for sure and sometimes not knowing is worse especially when you have overactive imagination) Eddie is at home alone for several weeks afraid to leave and sleeps for most of the time to repress hunger. That is the state his father finds him in and has to nurse him back to health and they live on land for a month but living a stable life was never in the cards for Eddie’s dad so he decides that Eddie is mature enough to follow him in his adventures and learn what it means to be a true son of a pirate. His father has an ego and sees Eddie as a continuation of himself and his power but he does love him but never more than himself his freedom or his pursuits. Every time Eddie is trying to bring up his mother his father shuts him down like he doesn’t want to think about whatever happen to her, like she’s not here let’s move on kind of attitude. so no closure there.
When Eddie is around 10 his father goes to visit his brother with Eddie in tow for the first time. The relationship is strenuous but a favor his father asks of Wayne is just to look after Eddie when he’s gone on a big job that will change their lives. His father never returns. Eddie lives with Wayne and he feels like a burden to this man who didn’t even knew he existed several weeks ago. Wayne is a matter of fact battle hardened tough guy that was trying to find his stability after years of service (he was in an expedition to the astral sea among other things he did in the military) Wayne after his years as a sailor was recruited into a government sponsored mercenary group and he mainly joined to lift himself and his brother out of poverty while his brother chose a different path to that same goal. While in service his needs were accommodated but after the system has abandoned him with trauma and not as much money as he was promised. But with that money he got himself a small house in the least developed province of Indwarim on the outskirts of Fort Hawkins in an area named Forest Hills and got himself a job as miner the only job available to him. His settled life gets interrupted by his brother and his grand plans for a better life but this time he doesn’t try to bring him into it all he asks is to take care of his child for a while and that Wayne can do. Even if that while turns to years he’s not that bothered the child is endearing and if both of his parents are not there for him his uncle will step in as a parental figure to the best of his ability.
Oh and for his shaved off horn he has thousands of stories about that and he will NEVER admit that it was him at 13 childishly coming to a conclusion that his horns one of the main reasons he is different and rejected by society he wanted them off he wanted to look more like his uncle he wanted to fit in he wants the snide comments and dirty looks toward their family to stop. But not only was it painful as soon as he saw himself in a mirror he knew he made an awful impulsive mistake. He wants to hide it from Wayne for as long as he can so naturally as soon as Wayne gets home from his night shift he finds out. He sits Eddie down and struggles how to fully communicate to his kid that we are dealt a certain hand in life and we got to play it to its fullest potential and that his uniqueness only makes him that unique and people who don't see it through their prejudices they are the ones that are missing out. Uncle of the year. But Eddie being a kid takes it a little differently and just changes up his tactic of shielding himself. He cranks up his "uniqueness" to a 1000% and to be bigger scarier more attention garbing more repulsive than he is so no one would even try to go after him and his out of fear of consequences. He finds other street kids like him and they form a group power in numbers as they say. Hell Fire is formed.
When Eddie is around 14 years of age and alone at home old associate of his father Reefer Rick appears on their doorstep to inquire about money that his father owns to him and how will he get it when that fucker got himself imprisoned which is the first time Eddie hears the reason for his father’s absence. As Rick is mostly a smuggler and not a distributor he recruits Eddie for his plan to get his money without unnecessary harassment of his uncle and for Eddie to make some gold of his own all and all Rick know the kid and he's scrappy. All Eddie needs to do at first is leave some packages in particular places but if he wants to make more he has to get proactive and get new clients. And Eddie does want more in as he thinks the more gold he can make the more he will help to alleviate Wayne’s burden and Wayne doesn’t even need to know (Wayne will know really soon). And to make the most of his new gig he takes his bard troupe Corroded Coffin to the court as jesters and while entertaining the stuck up upper classes he makes a few sales.
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Wheeler family is quite a wealthy family with their father working in some governmental transportation bureau and their mother being a stay at home mom.
Nancy became a small time volunteer agent to The Harpers the faction that she believes is good for the world at 14 as soon as she, by the power of her father's station, was allowed at court to find a husband and just live that court gossip live. Even that young she has her believes in order but she’s still a young girl who wants to live out her girlhood and build a good life for herself but that dream crushes when her best friend disappears under some suspicious circumstances and is presumed dead. Nancy's pursuit for truth takes over her life and she starts uncovering something bigger than court gossip something that she cannot take on alone even if she wishes she could. Armed with a gun that Barbara made for her and her strong principles she falls into a world of governments secretive experiments and what they lead to.
Mike…oh Mike he’s such a hard character for me to nail down. I saw a lot of people making him a paladin and I get that he plays a character that’s a paladin in the show but if I were to give Mike as a character D&D stats charisma is will not be his highest but it’s my opinion. He and Will are still childhood friends they met at the graveyard when Mikes curiosity won over and he’s gone exploring we’re adults said not to and fell into a grave where Will found and rescued him and then they became besties. Mike is situated by his father to work for a house that will help him get into a higher society and he gets to be an errand boy some days. He meets Dustin and Lucas when one of those errands goes sour and after their little adventure he introduces his new friends to Will and they form their little adventuring party
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Sinclair's are a family of wood elves which is already hard under rule of the Empire but they make do and father of the family even earned himself a respected position in his hunting guild so they have it better than some but still surrounded by a lot of stigma.
Lucas has gone on some scouting expeditions with his father and likes to explore the forest by himself developing his tracking and hunting skills. One time exploring on his own he noticed smoke and what is smoke without a forest fire and went to investigate. He saw a small dwarf and a big mechanical cat on fire. After Lucas helped to extinguish the Steel Defender he met the dwarf properly he found out his name is Dustin and that the fire was caused by a failed experiment he for some reason ran in the forest. They became fast friends both fascinated by each other’s experiences and lacking any other friendships they gravitated towards each other’s weirdness. When he’s older l would expand on his relationship with Patric who is the most integrated into empire society wood elf Lucas ever met and Patric is kind of his mentor and that’s how his cleric powers find him and Lucas joins the greater divine order. He enjoys his new station and it makes him feel more accepted so he doesn’t understand why his friends have to shut his new side down and make him the bad guy for exploring himself and finding his place in this horrible world. Divine power doesn’t make you a bad person but it’s powerful and most bad people seek power and it’s unfair that Lucas’s new found power diminished by his friends by putting him in the “other” box. His people were one of the most oppressed by divine powers that be and by joining the order he wants some of that power back he didn’t create this situation he’s only trying to survive in society as best as he can and find a better life for himself and everyone he loves. It’s not the power that’s bad it’s the application.
Erica is another one of the characters that is hard to nail down for me. At first I wanted for her to be a druid that pretends to be a cleric and maybe it’s an idea that is still alive but making her rogue/ranger/monk makes more sense to me but it has less narrative I think. Because she as a character has this unearned respect for the empire (based on the quote “You can’t spell America without Erica”) She too seeks acceptance but goes around that really differently to her brother. She’s larger than life boisterous bold and even if she is unwanted she will power through it and insert herself in a place that she thinks she does belong. Fake it till you make it as they say. She’s really protective of her family and will not listen for your negative opinion of her but she will hear it and will try really hard not to internalize it. She’s still a child yet doesn’t show weakness as she supposed to through her hard exterior shell. She’s charismatic and smart beyond her years and has a clever jab for every situation. And it’s no surprise that she has a side gig as a mysterious bounty hunter information gatherer she will get you all information you need on your target and you will never know that job was done by a child (imagine puss in boots in Shrek 2 situation) she has a little bit of a reputation for being efficient and anonymous.
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Dustin is half mountain dwarf on his mother’s side half rock gnome on his father’s side. His parents met when his father who works for a wealthy jeweler was send with an expedition to discover precious minerals and gemstones for a supply chain but instead of finding new deposits they stumble upon an undrermount dwarven settlement where they established a business relationship with a local gem carver and Dustin’s father established a relationship with a daughter and an apprentice of said carver. They fell in love and Claudia decided follow her love and live her life on the surface leaving the undermount behind. She is really overwhelmed by the sun and the openness of the space but with support of her husband she has a beautiful time living in Fort Hawkins. Her husband recommends her to his employer as she has unique dwarven expertise and style of making jewelry and working with gems. They make decent money and decide to expand their little family. When their boy is three years of age the father of the family passes away in an unfortunate work incident while visiting a work site a rock slide happens and takes the lives of several workers. Claudia is inconsolable but she puts herself together for well-being of her child. But every year that passes it’s tougher for her to leave the house and she slowly becomes agoraphobic the surface becomes too much without support of her husband she already worked from home and her employer doesn’t care if she is the one making the trek to deliver her product to and request raw material be delivered with the same boy she send. She has unique product and it sells.(I don’t know fully why I made her agoraphobic but the idea of juxtaposition of Dustin’s mom always being at home and available but in an unhealthy and kind of smothering way but always loving and supportive to her child despite their struggles and Steve’s parents that are never home and absent in his life is interesting to me story-wise) Dustin himself is a little engineering genius creating his first fully realized Steel Defender at age 11 despite his intelligence he’s not taken seriously in small artificer circles of Hawkins even by children his own age because not only he’s an uncommon half-breed which grants him a weird standing in society by birth but also he’s of a “small” race and that infantilizes him further so he always striving to prove himself by being the smartest person in every room he’s in which sometimes makes him insufferable and more isolated. That’s until he meets Lucas who is interesting to talk to and who is not afraid to give him shit when he steps out of line.
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Mayfield's and Hargrove's. Niel Hargrove is a human noble of province Calafia his family secured most of their power through a secret chromatic dragon worshiping society (a cult) and even there he managed to stand out as Tiamat cults are usually matriarchal and Niel is not that fond of women in power. Even his first wife who is of northern aasimar clan is kind of his prisoner. After her death he took in a second wife, widow of his fallen friend Sam Mayfield, because they all together started an experiment with dragon blood and a child that Susan bore and he needs to see that thru.
Billy is half aasimar which already makes him insecure from birth like he's incomplete and unfinished but still he is superior to so many so why do the unworthy get any power at all when they don't know how to use it and some powers should not exist at all. To enhance his martial prowess his father makes him get dragon blood tattoos and to activate them and enhance his rage he needs to consume more dragon blood and he is hooked on high of that power when it streams through his veins he feels on top of the world. He feels like a King. He deserves to be one.
Max is born and its already a train wreck. Some of dragon blood in her gives her a partially scaly skin but apart from that she still looks human. Her step father tells her about her greater purpose and she goes thru brutal training she is told its to make her stronger but it only making her exhausted bleeding and afraid and from a young age she learns not to share her fears or insecurities as they will be used against her. At 13 her power gets out of control when she unexpectedly got injured in a public space and the whole family is forced to move to not get discovered as blood magic users they lose a lot of material possessions but their noble status is intact but they need to start from scratch in Fort Hawkins. After that incident Max is strictly guarded by her step brother a situation that they are both not happy with. Even before losing control like that she struggled with her powers what they mean for her and how dangerous they are if she does purse them so she pivots into developing a more controlled way to channel them which does not make her family that happy.
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Basic Story
It all leads to a battle against The Far Realm (a plane of madness situated very far from the planes of the standard cosmology. This maddening realm was feared for its power to twist unfortunate visitors into gruesome monsters, and it was from here that aberrations came). A plane that Henry discovered through his talent as an Astral Drifter (someone that has traveled the Astral Sea for so long that they have lost track of the amount of time they have spent there. Aging stops in Wildspace, and it is not hard for adventurers to get lost in time during their travels. Astral Drifters have traveled to the far-flung corners of Wildspace to satiate their wanderlust. Along the way, they have crossed paths with everything from petrified gods to unspeakable monsters) So Henry got warped and combined with his quori spirit and declared himself an Aberrant God and as a being of Far Realm he seeks to consume it all and be the only power in the multiverse and he will go about it in a way that will make it final. The Celestial plane is the hardest to penetrate so at first he tried to go thru outskirts planes but it didn't lead anywhere so he found a stable connection to a mortal plane the plane that is the most interconnected with others. Limbo is his weapon. Through the plane of dreams he can influence most beings on mortal plane. He is the voice in the dark. He is the premonition. He is inspiration that comes suddenly out of nowhere. He is the Dream of greatness. He is The Voice Of God.
But mostly it's just the events of the show through a very heavy D&D lens but like with more character exploration and preferably with a more cohesive story but that's just in my head its been my night time story to myself for a while now.
Hope you enjoyed reading thru this shitstorm and I hope it makes some sense)
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Btw I really fucking love all of the tribe/clan esque groups in Zelda-
The Sheikah have always been so fucking cool, from the more ninja-vibes they gave off in earlier games to the more traditional and/or high tech vibes they have now. Idk bro I’m just a sucker for neat dudes with air reed motifs and funky tech that’s made by an Elvis impersonator and a harajuku liker who anti-aging product makers HATE!! …Also maybe I really like when characters are almost exactly like humans (or hylians, in this case.) but with a particular feature that’s different,, (it’s the white hair and gold eyes in this case.)
The Yiga are deadass just creatures. Absolute bizarre eyeball things in a bizarre eyeball cult that worships Ganon except it’s highly likely that not all of them know what they’re doing because they’re stupid dumb idiots who blindly follow their leader who is also a stupid dumb idiot (and had a weirdly good character arc in Aoc out of nowhere? Which was 100% welcome btw.) Funny banana dudes I hope they explode /aff
And lastly, I’ve been suffering with intense Zonai brainrot. Sky bunny-goat-llama-dragon furries that are just complete mysteries for the most part? Yes please absolutely- Oh and also they were apparently unreasonably cunty, which I appreciate greatly,,,,, (I know what I said. Have you SEEN any of the clothing sets from their time and people + the two Zonai characters we’ve seen?) Oh and also skrimblo robots are involved too, which is an absolute plus. Very much food for the fursona makers, 10/10.
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g0rechan · 4 months
Okay, random question: If ST was set in a modern day, what are your headcanons of that? Do you think there would be differences in the story or characters? I feel like it'll be hard to have a circus in the modern setting, but that could be a fun horror movie idea with a world with TikTok, like an urban legend almost "Be careful of this road, there's a circus full of monsters" or maybe it could be a weird money hungry cult
AH HELL YEAH I’ve got brain juice for a modern day shoujo tsubaki!
But first, I’ll answer your question, the closest thing we have to this story taking place in modern day is the live action, where it’s not really a freak show, but rather just some… oddballs in a circus. Hence why it was changed to “Red cat circus” instead of “Mr. Arashi’s amazing freak show”. Exploitation and abuse already happens a lot in those entertainment industries. So, sadly, I don’t think they would necessarily be demonized by society as much since Midori’s abuse and the exploitation of the freaks is kept a secret ☹️
Now, onto headcanons!
So Beni and Akaza are Gen X and grew up together. Beni was that one friend who would barge into their friend’s house without warning. They would hang out Thundercats and He-man.
Akaza also loved Dragon Ball and still does to this day. He had the whole manga stack in his room and everything.
Beni loved watching Rainbow Brite and Care Bears, Akaza would get so annoyed and tell her to turn it off. “I don’t wanna watch a girls cartoon!”
Speaking of which, Beni also had a bunch of care bear shit. I’m talking care bear plushies, care bear pajamas, care bear book bags, a lunch box, figurines, and so on…
Muchisute is a millennial and grew up in the late 90s-Early 2000s.
Younger Muchi LOVED Eminem and Limp Bizkit and would try replicate Fred Durst’s and Eminem’s fashion.
His mother would get so mad whenever she heard him listening to the uncensored version of “My name is” 😭 😭
He was also a skater boy and had been doing it since he was 6 years old.
He had a crush on Avril Lavigne when he was younger hehe
He grew up watching stuff like Pokémon, Dragon ball, Cowboy bebop, and adult swim cartoons like Venture bros, Boondocks, and Aqua teen hunger force.
One of his favorite movies was Kids and his favorite character was Casper.
Tbh, teen Muchisute was like a more depressed and quiet version of Telly (in my HC).
Him, Akaza, and Kanabun love GTA, Manhunt, Red dead redemption and a bunch of other violent video games.
Muchisute walked in on Bun playing GTA San Andreas and was like “oh hey I remember this game”
Kanabun responded “Remember?” Cuz he forgot that Muchisute was a kid when the game came out lmaooo. “Yeah, I played that when I was your age!”
Midori loves kpop bands like Blackpink and BTS, she can name all the members at the top of her head.
She has a wattpad account and she reads a lot of kpop, trolls, and mlp fanfics
Kanabun trolls her all the time and tells her the members all look the same lol
Kanabun would have a tik tok where he makes a lot of rage bait and troll videos
He also makes videos trying to replicate his favorite ytuber Ishowspeed in a very unoriginal and low quality manner
Midori watches a lot of makeup and art vids on yt shorts.
Middy loves drawing, she tries to replicate her art after Sailor moon and Cardcaptor Sakura.
Her favorite sailor scout is Sailor Mars.
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seigephoenix · 8 days
“Did I ever tell you about the time I started a cult?” (Nyra and Varric) ~@lordgoretash
Happy DADWC!! For @dadrunkwriting Niyra and Varric are such a cute couple despite the hard road it took to get there. One day I will write their story. As with the rest of my Dragon Age characters... Eventually.
Content Warning: wholesome Length: ~400 words
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“Did I ever tell you about the time I started a cult?” Niyra asked as she sat with Varric in front of the fire in her quarters.  He was stretched out almost asleep when she remembered the story from her Carta days.  She smiled just thinking about it now.  Varric grumbled something and shifted but she narrowed her eyes at his back.  “Well, you’re going to hear it anyway.  Think of it as a bedtime story.”
“If you let me fall asleep on this floor, I’ll make you pay for it later,” he grumbled at her earning a peal of laughter from Niyra.
“Just as your back will make you pay for it later?”  She shifted until she was lying across his back grinning at the grumbling from the dwarf.  “You’re hardly ancient Varric.  Just elderly.”  She dodged him as he reached to pinch her and laughed as he finally lifted his head to look at her.
“That mouth will get you into a lot of trouble Cadash,” he grumbled settling back down into the warm plush carpet in front of her fire.  The wintery winds at Skyhold could cut deep and he was not cut out for it, so when Niyra offered him a spot in front of her fire, he wasn’t stupid enough to say no.  Up here he didn’t get pestered every five minutes by some random noble clamoring to meet Inquisitor Cadash.  He went still when she leaned back over him and her lips grazed his ear.
“But you like trouble Varric, isn’t that what you always tell me?”  Her teeth nipped at the sensitive skin before she rose to her feet.  He shifted until one eye could glare at her.
“You’re going to be the death of me, did you know that?”  She merely grinned and held out her hand towards him.  He huffed but accepted and joined her beside her bed.
“As you always tell me.  Still haven’t caught your death yet Tethras,” she said as he pulled her towards him with a gentle smile.  “Maybe I’m not working hard enough at it.”  He rolled his eyes and covered her lips with his, tasting the laughter there and knowing this was what his future looked like.  He absolutely loved it.
“Now, tell me about this cult you established?  I might put it in the book.”  Varric tugged until they were both lying in her bed.  She grinned as she curled up against his side.
“Believe it or not, I got the Carta thugs to worship a nug as their king.”
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Probably low chance of happening…
but I really want Murtagh and Thorn to meet Rhunon.
(Not in order)
Rhunon is happy that Zar’roc has been renamed and that Murtagh has taken it upon himself to rewrite the sword’s history. Also proud of him in her own way.
Thorn: If it’s not an imposition, Rhunon-elda, may I watch you work?
Rhunon questions Thorn’s interest in smithing. Thorn: I suppose you could say I’m interested in the creation of art. Turning ordinary things into works of beauty.
Rhunon makes a comments about Murtagh resemblance to Morzan and Thorn’s scale colors being similar to the scales on Morzan’s dragon.
Thorn asks what Morzan’s dragon was like.
Murtagh asks why Morzan named his sword “Misery”.
They got onto the topic of Eragon and Rhunon making Brisingr. Rhunon says that Eragon “pestered” her into making one. Murtagh chuckles at Eragon’s persistence. Rhunon asks what Murtagh thinks of Eragon and their relationship as kin.
In the forge Murtagh creates a poem stanza but finds it hard to write outside the forge as if the inspiration leaves him and what he’s trying to capture in words can only be captured in the proper atmosphere.
Rhunon becomes interested in his scribbling, Murtagh reads it hoping the Attenwrack, the meter from Galbatorix’s court, doesn’t offend the elf. She comments that it’s not as melodious as the elven meter. She mentions that Eragon wrote a poem, more like an epic, for his first Agenti Blodren.
Murtagh gets a bit miffed at once again being compared to his brother. Thorn gives him a nudge and his own soothing thoughts.
She gives him some tips about writing poems. Murtagh creates stanzas based on what he sees, sort of recording the world as he sees it. Or it’s something born of something he feels. He doesn’t have any grand plans of a compilation of his poems. Merely just the observations of a traveler (or a man dealing with his past.)
At some point this comes up…
Murtagh: I grew up around gilded tongues Rhunon-elda. I may not always like what it said, but I prefer a blunt truth over veiled statements.
Rhunon applauds this.
Thorn comments that Murtagh is an accomplished dancer, this briefly piques Rhunon’s interest.
Murtagh: The steps from the court of the mad king won’t offend you?
Rhunon: if you can still enjoy the steps after all, he’s put you through. I will be fine. Cheeky hatchling.
Thorn rumbling with laughter: I’ve never heard someone call you a hatchling like that!
Murtagh: in the case of years, you’re more of a hatchling than I am.
Thorn: perhaps. Though given her age I assume you’re practically fresh out of your egg.
Murtagh scoffs with humor.
Thorn: Queen Arya is probably also a hatchling to her.
Murtagh briefly remembers the day Thorn hatched. Thorn touched his arm with his snout, positioning himself behind Murtagh as a human would to give a hug from behind.
Thorn: I do not regret hatching for you, dearest friend.
Murtagh curves his arm to caress Thorn’s lower jaw and leans his head against Thorn’s head. Eyes closed, a smile as he soaks in Thorn’s comfort and affirmation.
Rhunon sees this and notes the softness in their relationship that wasn’t as prevalent with Morzan and his dragon. It warms her to see Morzan’s son so gentle. She watches as Murtagh stands to wrap both arms around Thorn’s snout; they lean into each other.
Rhunon: You were a foreboding scourge to us, Morzan. But for his all sins your son does not have the same twisted nature you do. She softens. The boy must get that from his mother.
Not Rhunon related, but Murtagh and Thorn do briefly meet Dusan and Alanna, the two Elven children of Du Waldenvarden. They briefly interact with Thorn who rumbles contentedly from their touch. Murtagh is taken by their youthful beauty. As they depart Murtagh realizes that the children would be potential targets for Du Eld Draumars if they had any cult supporters in Du Waldenvarden, He thinks darkly that if anyone threatened or set hands on the children, he would personally see to it that their captors would not live to see another sunrise.
When Murtagh and Thorn leave Du Weldenvarden, they say goodbye to Rhunon. It’s understood that there is a respect between them. Rhunon appreciates Murtagh’s mission, she appreciates Thorn’s compliments and appreciation of her work. Murtagh and Thorn respect her as a smith and thank her for her time, allowing them to be in her forge, and for her wisdom. She wishes them well.
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fanfoolishness · 1 year
Rewatch of the Mandalorian Chapter 21, the Pirate:
Don’t smack talk Greef’s fashion sense!
“He shot first” heheh
aww Greef is starting to get worried
Dammit Nevarro! Just when you were looking more than ever like Los Angeles with those little purple flower things and all the ficus trees!
Nevarran fashion is a lil… medieval? Fancy hats.
I need to download the song for the New Republic bar because it lowkey slaps
It’s this guy! Captain Teva! His casual outfit is pretty cool.
For everyone who has seen Rebels, I wish you a very happy Zeb
Dammit Coruscant. Why do you have a brutalist sector?
Oh THIS BITCH awwww NO Elia Kane you just need to not be here, dude
But Tim Meadows my beloved!!! I had no idea he was in this season! I enjoy his vexation
Elia Kane quit stalking people you freaking creep! I hate her, she’s so good at this.
Love her evil-ass music too. Stop being eeeevil
And then Solas the protocol droid led Greef Karga the Herald to a hidden castle in the wilderness after the fall of Haven/Nevarro — oh wait, no, my Dragon Age feels go over there
Seriously, the Nevarrans look like Catherine, Called B-Wing
… I don’t remember how Carson Teva knew that Din knew Greef, really, but he’s so likable I don’t mind
Who you calling “blue boy”, PAZ???
R5 vindication! And also getting back at Din ahahaha
I cannot help but adore the Mandalorian Talking Hammer, that is so perfect for them
“The foundling in your charge” fuck, Din, you should be saying “MY SON” you fucker
“I’m in no position to ask” he asked, Darksaberwieldingly
I really thought Paz was gonna go off and then he did and I was like “ho shit, Paz character development? All righty then!”
What stake did the Armorer have in this? She didn’t try to sway them one way or the other? Does she have an ulterior motive?
Grogu still comes for every mission, yesss
Love Bo’s speech! All right, while I miss Din tremendously this season, I’m loving the season of Bo on its own merits. Also, how weird is it to see the Armorer in a ship? it’s like when your companion NPC moves from their place on the map and you know a great cutscene is going to begin
Poor lil broken droid :( Mean pirates! And they fucked up the school again :(
It’s the Mandalorian - bitch you thought hahaha
I need more smug motherfucker Din back in my life, I beg you
Wish we had more weird accents among the Mandalorians. Bo’s is pretty Standard, Paz and the Armorer are weird and flat and formal, and Din has some of that as well. But like, if they’re a diaspora, I wanna hear some variation!
One of my favorite tropes is “noncombatant citizen nevertheless rises up to defend their homeland”, and Kowakian monkey-lizards pointing out an ambush was a cheesy lil slice of delight
Paz how are you seriously so LARGE
High Magistrate Greef Karga, you are so cute and I love you
I do really love how Nevarro has been a touchstone for the entire series, and love seeing how it’s evolved over the years. Things like that are some of my favorite things about this show.
The Armorer wishes to speak with you. Here, let me accompany you to this extremely tense and dangerous music, I’m sure everything will be fine
The Armorer is… getting emotional? Reminiscent about Mandalore? I’m scared and so intrigued!!!
The sassy and scary way she asked “Do you respect my station?” And her “Remove your helmet,,.” I am… alarmed and aroused
This music is so calculating! So very Luke, join me!
Wait, Paz isn’t in on this plan? Interesting, I had assumed he was in the Armorer’s pocket.
I am hopeful for Bo because I do think she’d be a great leader? But also frightened because who could trust the Armorer in that moment? (I mean, aside from Bo who 1) I’m sure respects Armorers and 2) doesn’t know her well and 3) is seeking a home… and this is how smart people can get sucked into cults!). It could go either way, I suppose. Are she and Din finally gonna have the epic duel? I can’t see Din’s heart being in it, and I also don’t want that to happen until he’s actually competent with the Darksaber and learns why it’s been fighting him. I just need Din, Din, Din!
But this episode has me much more intrigued and curious about where the season is going, so I’m excited for next week!
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sushywritez · 1 year
It's Hellfire Night | Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader | (Sneak Preview)
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Summary: The boys plan to throw a huge party to celebrate the end of Dustin’s glorious campaign. However things don't go as planned and Eddie gets a girlfriend then ends up trying to plan the first perfect date instead.
“Come on!”
“I said no, little dude. You’re like half my age.”
“Eddie, it’s the end of my first campaign, shouldn’t this moment be special?”
“No.” He replies, “Dustin, beer isn’t going to change your life.” Eddie informs the much younger boy, but realizes the mistake in his advice. “Scratch that, it will change your life-”
“Yeah.” Eddie nodded enthusiastically rolling his shoulders back, “Not in a good way either.” Dustin frowns, but of course Eddie had to be a good role model. “You’ll end up in jail with a rap sheet longer than my hair. I’ve been there man, so I’m saying no.” He’s putting his foot down on this one. Dustin rolls his eyes and uncrosses his arms dropping the tough guy act.
“Fine, how about soda?” He suggests.
“Ha!” Eddie claps his hands together making Dustin jump out of his socks, “Now we’re talking.” He whispers reaching for the box of packaged soda. The little charade had scared a passing customer, but he did not seem to care. Eddie was always the talk of the town. Of course, when everyone knows you as the ‘Town Freak’ or ‘Cult Leader’ then thing are much different. Despite these hurdles Eddie has pushed forward through life and high school, pursuing his passion for music and gaining new friends along the way.
That same day is when things changed for Eddie. The boys gathered their items and headed towards the checkout, “Wow you boys got a lot of stuff.” The cashier noticed, “Got any big plans?” You ask. Eddie turned to face you as he placed the last bag of chips out onto the counter.
Time stopped in that moment and for once he had nothing to say. Dustin thankfully stepped in, “We’re having a big party!” Eddie snapped out of it soon after.
“Y-Yeah a sort of a get together, to honor this guy.” Eddie ruffles Dustin’s curls and hugs him to his side. “He just beet his first campaign in a game we’re playing.” You smile at the two continuing scanning items while conversing with the two.
“Well when you say campaign.” You eye the elder of the two and he’s got the brightest smile on his face, eyes full of life and wonder. “That makes me think Dungeons and Dragons.” Then this same eyes nearly pop out of his head at the mention of the game.
“You play?”
“My friend used to, but I never really got into like they did, but she definitely never mentioned it was popular.” You claim bagging up each item carefully and handing them over the counter to the boys, but Eddie wasn’t exactly done checking out just yet.
“Well, if your still interested then maybe you should come to the party tonight.” He suggests, sparing a glance at Dustin who was giving him a face. Though he ignored it and continued to converse with you. “So we’ll see you there?”
“What time?”
“I’ll be there.” You declare, “ Oh you owe, 27.89, by the way.” You mention afterwards and Eddie scrambles to grab his wallet, handing over 30.00 dollars and smiles.
“Keep the change! See you later!” The two grab their things and take off.
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fiddleheadrp · 3 months
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she/her, 31, EST
I've been roleplaying for 15+ years now and love collaborative storytelling. When it comes to plotting, I really like chatting with someone over discord to figure out plans/vibes/hopes together. My go-to plots tend to be about found family or slowburn/messy romance. I'm also queer, so my characters tend to be as well. In my day job, I'm a creative director at a design agency that serves nonprofits and progressive organizations. Hit me up if you want to talk about D&D, The Sims 4, a sci-fi / fantasy show, or whatever book you're currently reading. 
He/They, 29, EST
I’ve been in the biz since 2013, and now 2 writing degrees later, I still love collaborative writing most. I love to feel out the dynamics between characters and build plots up around the relationships they develop, and I’m a sucker for a good found-family or friends-to-lovers plot — especially if there’s werewolves involved. I’m Queer as hell, and most of the characters I write are there with me. I’m a game-enjoyer of many speeds, including tabletops like D&D and Monster of the Week, and video games like Assassin��s Creed, Sims, Dragon Age, Cult of the Lamb, Hades, and BG3, and many others — come yell at me, I’m probably down! I’m a night-shift librarian at a university by trade, and I publish poetry and short stories occasionally on the side. 
She/Her, 32, MST
I started doing text rp on the Neopets forums nearly two decades ago, and I’ve never really stopped. Collaborative writing just has a spice that no other kind of writing I’ve done does. I love to develop relationships between characters and see what plots build from there. I love family plots, found and otherwise, hurt/comfort with an emphasis on comfort, and deep friendships that could evolve into something more. I write and edit workplace skills courses as my job, as well as reviewing course videos for accuracy. I enjoy board games and ttrpgs (can’t wait to play one again one day) and am also an aspiring fiber artist (currently cross stitch and crochet, but always eager to learn more!). 
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