#i yell in my hide as i quietly sit and fume while having to fix a costume that an actor TORE. because it ‘was sewn together’
If you EVER think actors can’t get dumber. Yes they can
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astronomoney · 3 years
IDK if you're still taking requests or not, but the latest fix on D. Wayne was 😍🥰. For part 2 can you add the prompts 11 from fluff, 6 from angst and 20 from neutral pretty please?🥺🥺
Pairing: Damian Wayne x fem!reader (age 16ish)
Prompts: Prompt list ☁︎11- “Hey hey hey, it’s ok i’m here. It’s just me ok, you’re safe.” ᜊ6- “I don’t care about you anymore.” “i’m starting to think you never did.” ⚛︎20-“Please be quite, i can’t even hear myself losing my will to live.”
Summary: After the fight you had with Damian things have been tense but sometimes bottling up your emotions only make things worse (i can’t do summary’s to save my life) enemies-to-lovers because i’m a sucker for that shit
Warnings: Blood, swearing, kinda character death i guess, Damian being a dick as always, angsty teens being angsty teens
A/n: this is a part 2 but you can find part 1 here once again this took waaaay to long to write literally i could not figure out what to do but whatever because i did it and i’m proud of myself for it (Masterlist)
Word count: 3k jeez these are getting longer
Tag list: @battlenix @pleasestophoney wow look at that multiple tags
Part 1
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Love and War pt2
Spending spring break in Wayne manor had its ups and downs. Ups included a huge library in the south wing, delicious homemade meals every day, and the best water pressure you’d ever experienced. The downs included 8 hours of training daily, getting lost while trying to find a bathroom, and having to spend way too much time with your arch enemy.
Technically he's not your enemy. At least he’s not supposed to be. After the fight you had last week you couldn’t be sure. You’d had fights with Damian before but this felt different. Usually after a fight he'd sulk for a few hours but then it would go back to normal, but this time it didn’t go back to normal. Damian had been avoiding you for almost 8 days.
You knew the fight ended too soon and you both had more to say but if he was going to act like a child and ignore you then you weren't going to stop him. You still had to patrol with him but it was considerably quieter. The manor was big enough for the both of you and after a few days you'd figured out his schedule and how to get around him. Tim let you train with him, so as long as you stayed on your side of the gym and Damian stayed on his you didn't have to interact with him at all.
It wasn't until the 4th day of break that you had to talk to him. Bruce had to go meet with the league for the day so training ended early. You had a couple hours before dinner and decided reading would be the best use of that time. You walked down one of the many hallways lazily dragging your hand along the wall until you reached a door. You couldn't remember exactly where you were but you were about 75% sure there was a couch in this room, so you pushed the door open.
Inside you found tall ceilings paired with dark wallpaper, a tall window with the thin white curtains pushed out of the way, and a couch. Actually it was three couches but after 4 days staying here you'd gotten used to the large number of furniture that was there for no reason.
The couches formed a square with the open side facing the window lined wall. The first two couches were empty but when you stepped farther inside the room you saw someone sitting on the third one. Of course the one room you picked to go into also happened to be the one room Damian was sitting in. He looked up from his sketchbook and immediately frowned.
There were two options in front of you. You could back out of the room and leave him be but then you'd be backing down from something that might not even turn into a fight which made you seem weak so really you were left with only one choice. You straighten your back and closed the door behind you, officially leaving you in a room alone with Damian for the first time since the fight. You walked over to the couch facing the windows head on and sat down on the side farthest from him. He watched you the whole time but you paid him no attention, instead you simply opened your book and began reading.
You felt his eyes leave your form and you let out a quiet breath. You heard a page turn and a  pencil being dragged lightly across paper. It had been over a week but nothing seemed to be getting better between you and him. Patrols were a nightmare beforehand but now that he'd switched from constant criticism to almost no comments you found that you preferred the former.
Damian's pencil against the paper was the only sound in the room and yet the silence seemed so loud. You hated it. You hated having to avoid him all the time. You hated not being able to talk to him anymore. You hated how far away he felt even when he was right next to you. Above all you hated that you didn't hate him as much as you used to.
You never realized how much you talked to him until you didn't. It was a weird feeling to miss someone when you hadn't even known you cared about them. You honestly just wanted to apologize and let things get back to normal but as you sat there staring at your book you couldn't bring yourself to say anything.
After three to many nightmares where Damian got hurt, you finally realized how badly you needed him back. So you took a deep breath, swallowed your pride, opened your mouth, and prayed to god that something would come out.
"Damian-" you both spoke at the same time. "Sorry, you go first." You apologized.
"No you can go first." He replied almost nervously. That couldn't be right, he never got nervous.
"Uh I was just going to say, well i've been thinking lately,"
"You?" He asked sarcastically.
"Oh haha really funny. Will you just listen for a goddamn second." He was not making this easy. "I know we haven't been talking much ever since, well you know and uhh." You couldn't find the right way to word it. You were still too stubborn to outright apologize but you knew he would never say sorry unprompted. "You've just seemed... off, lately and if it has something to do with me-"
"It doesn't." He cut you off. "I'm not 'off' and even if I was you definitely wouldn't be the cause." His expression was blank but calculated.
"Well jeez you don't have to be so rude about it." You sneered back at him. "What were you trying to say anyway." So much for your apology.
"I've convinced father to change our partners." His voice was flat and he seemed bored with the conversation.
"You what?" You stood up. You couldn't believe he actually did that without talking to you first.
He stood up as well and was a few inches higher than you. "We don't work well together, you can't tell me you don't agree."
"I don't! We've been a great team! Remember the Penguin pen raid or Mr Freeze's death ray thingy." you exaggerated your point by waving our hands through the air. "We stopped those. Together. You can't just go around changing things without asking me first!" You were fuming.
"Sure I can! We only stopped those villains because of what I did, you just got in the way." he pointed at you.
Here we go again, the blame game. The endless cycle of 'he did this she did that'. You were so sick of it. "That's bullshit and you know it. I can hold my own on the field just as well as you can. And you know what! I don't even want to be your partner anymore."
"Neither do I! You can go play hero with someone else while I do all the real work. I never wanted you on the team in the first place!" He stared you down and if you weren't so fired up you'd probably be intimidated.
"God you're so annoying!” You threw your hands up in frustration. “You think you're so great and no one can even come close to you but in reality you're exactly like the rest of us!"
What were you doing? This wasn't what you wanted. You wanted to apologize and make things right but now here you were screaming at him again. You almost couldn't help it. Fighting him gave you a sort of rush that you craved. It was like a drug and you were addicted to the pain. You didn't want to fight him but it was the closest thing to a conversation you'd had in over a week and at this point it was enough to satisfy your need.
"I'm going to prove that i'm better than you. I'll do it on my own too!" You told him.
"Go ahead and try! You can do whatever you want because I don't care about you anymore."
You stepped back, stood as tall as you could without going on your tiptoes and took a breath. "I'm starting to think you never did." You said calmly, it seemed to catch him off guard and he didn't retaliate. You grabbed your book and turned towards the door. Dick was standing there, completely still and staring at you and Damian.
"Woah." He said awkwardly. He clearly didn't know how to handle the situation he'd just stumbled on.
You pushed past him and into the hallway. Tears were building up in the corners of your eyes so you had to move fast, the last thing you needed right now was for them to see you cry. 
Damian watched you walk out before turning around and groaning. "I can't believe her," he muttered to himself. "I'm starting to think you never did. That doesn't even make sense."
"Because... you do care about her?" Dick asked. It probably wasn't the best choice of words.
Damian looked back at him with an almost offended expression. "That's ridiculous! I don't care about her, that was basically the whole point of our conversation."
"Was that a conversation? The part of that 'conversation' I saw seemed more like her yelling at you and then you... yelling back." He stated the obvious.
"That was completely her fault," Damian defended. He seemed angry but it wasn't his usual kind. Usually it was directed at someone or something and usually that thing would get acquainted with his katana but this time he was mad at himself and he couldn't understand why. "I don't care about her." He repeated quietly almost trying to remind himself more than anything.
You spent the rest of the day hiding in the guest room. You planned on staying there forever and letting yourself fade out of existence but the universe had other plans. 3 hours, 5 episodes of your favorite show, and a nest made of blankets later you got a call from Tim asking you to come to the cave.
He didn't tell you why he needed you, he just said to meet him in the lower level of the cave so when you got there you were very surprised to find him and Damian standing in the hallway. You groaned internally and considered turning around and just walking away but Tim spotted you before you could. Damian's back was to you so he didn't know who it was until he turned around and you saw his face fall.
'Nice to see you too asshole' You thought to yourself, walking over to stand near him but still keeping your distance. "What did you need?" You asked, wanting to get out of there as soon as humanly possible. You kept your eyes ahead trying not to look at Damian and you had the feeling he was doing the same.
The entire mood of the dimly lit hallway had shifted from the moment you locked eyes with him and the tension was noticeable. Tim looked between the two of you before clearing his throat and bringing the attention back to him. "I actually don't need anything."
"So then why did you call telling me to come down here?" Damian asked, clearly annoyed that Tim was wasting his time.
Tim smirked in response and opened the door before Jason, who was behind you apparently, pushed you both into the room before either of you could react. You landed on top of Damian with a grunt. Once you realized you were on top of him you felt your cheeks turn red and you stood up quickly. You could have sworn you saw the slightest bit of a blush on him but you were too preoccupied with the now locked door to think about too much.
"Ok love birds here's the deal, you're petty hormone fueled fighting is driving us crazy and now we're doing something about it." Jason told you from the other side of the small glass window. "We said you were gonna lock you in a room until you figured out how to get along and now we're following through." he smirked.
"I swear to god if you lock me in this room with him,"  you motioned towards Damian, "I will drop kick you into the sun."
"If you let us out now maybe I won't kill you," Damian threatened alongside you.
"Maybe if you’d learned to talk to each other like normal people you wouldn’t be here in the first place," Tim said. "We'll be back after patrol so you've got about," he looked at his watchless wrist "4ish hours. Have fun." And with that they both walked away.
"DON'T YOU DARE WALK AWA- and they're gone. Dammit." You cursed and hit the steel door which hurt a lot more than you thought it would. "Shit," You shook your hand.
"Well that was just stupid," Damian scoffed at you, taking your hand to examine it. He always did that sort of thing on patrol so you didn't pull away or even really register what he was doing.
"Oh i'm sorry, is my frustration not smart enough for you?" you sneered back. "What even is this place anyway," You looked around the small dark room, determined to not look him in the eyes.
"A containment cell for metas, we haven't used it for a while so the power blockers are probably turned off." he told you before releasing your hand. "You definitely bruised it but you'll be fine."
You reluctantly thanked him and turned back to the door to see if you could get it open somehow. "Ok so how do we get out?"
"We don't."
You flipped around, surprised to hear him give up without even trying. "You're kidding right? There's gotta be some way out of here. We're superheros, a few walls can't hold us,” you exclaimed. “Can't you use those ninja skills you're so proud of and like... kick it down, or something?" You watched him walk to the back of the small cell and sit down on the floor.
"No," he replied simply. "This room was built to hold the most dangerous people in Gotham and I don't know if you've noticed but we don't have any of our gear." He glared at you and you rolled your eyes.
"So we're just supposed to wait here until they get back? We can't just sit here all night," You tried to convince him to do... anything really.
"Well if you're so keen on getting out then let's hear your genius plan," He leaned forward with all the smugness of billionaires son, daring you to say something.  "That's what I thought. Now will you please be quiet, I can't even hear myself losing my will to live."
"Fine whatever we'll just stay here in complete silence," You muttered sarcastically under your breath. Damian remained quiet as you started pacing back and forth but you could tell he was watching you.
After pacing for about 30 minutes you realized how tired you were from training so hard the past couple of days and sat down in the corner. You spent so much time over the last week worrying about Damian that you hadn't let yourself relax long enough to get any real rest. The little sleep you did manage to get mostly turned to nightmares.
At first you didn't even realize you were asleep. It all looked real enough except for the fact that you'd somehow been transported to a rooftop. You scanned your surroundings but everything was just slightly out of focus so you couldn't tell exactly where you were. When you turned around you saw him. Damian was there, and behind him was a shadowy sort of silhouette.
The shadow raised a knife and you realized what was happening. You tried to warn him, you tried to scream or yell or move but it was no use. The knife plunged into Damians back and you were helpless to stop it. You felt the pain he felt, you felt the blade slice through you. Finally you could move again but it was too late. The shadow disappeared but you didn't care about it, all you wanted to do was get to Damian. You ran forward but it was like running through water, your body moved in slow motion and you watched the blood start to pool underneath him.
Suddenly you were falling. Damian was gone, the roof was gone, everything was gone, it was just you and a black abyss trying to swallow you up. You screamed again but no noise came out, it was like all the air was being sucked from your lungs. It was silent and dark and empty nothingness until you saw a faint light. Then you heard something, your name being repeated, someone calling you and then you were pulled out of the void.
You shot up and gasped for air and frantically looked around but your eyes hadn't adjusted to the light yet. You heard a familiar soothing voice pulled you farther out of your trance.
"Hey hey hey, it's ok i'm here." The voice was calm and concerned at the same time. "It's just me ok, you're safe," Rough hands gently turned your head and the first thing you saw clearly was a pair of worried green eyes. You're breathing slowed and you're heart nearly skipped a beat.
Wrapping your arms around his chest you pulled him closer. He hesitated for a moment before folding you into his embrace. It was soft and delicate and it seemed like he was scared of holding you too tightly. Neither of you said anything else, you just sat there on the floor of a meta containment cell in each other's arms.
Time stood still and you finally admitted the truth to yourself. The real reason you hated Damian was because you loved him.
A/n: might fuck around and make a part 3 with the classic “because i love you!” confession scene
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mermaidssonshipss · 4 years
friends to this
warnings: smutty smut smut
pairings: jj maybank x reader
word count: 3,821
You were absolutely fuming. Your face was beat red and you were pretty sure if someone looked close enough, there would be steam coming out of your ears. Your boot clad feet pounded against the dirt, the chateau coming closer with every determined step you took. JJ Maybank was going to die, and you were going to kill him.
The chateau appeared to be empty as you approached it, but you knew better than that. John B wasn’t home, as you had seen him out on his boat earlier, but you had noted that JJ wasn’t with him. Kie and Pope had been at The Wreck when you appeared looking for the blonde haired boy, but again, he wasn’t there. You knew he wouldn’t be at his actual home, so that left one more place. You didn’t bother knocking as you yanked the flimsy door open, your eyes scanning the empty living room. With every step you took, the fire in your stomach seemed to burn hotter, the intensity of your anger almost nauseating. 
Your small fingers wrapped around the doorknob to the guest room, pulling it open and slamming it into the wall; you reminded yourself to apologize to John B for the new dent in the wall the doorknob had made.
JJ’s sleepy figure drowsily turned towards the loud noise, his blue eyes shining with sleep as he took in your figure. For a moment, you forgot why you were so angry at the boy as you looked at his shirtless and tired figure, his blue eyes pure and confused. But then you remembered.
“I’m going to fucking kill you, Maybank,” you spit through your teeth as you dragged your body across the room, crawling on top of the still confused boy as you wrapped your hand around his neck, squeezing. It wasn’t hard enough to actually kill him, but it was definitely enough for him to widen his eyes as his hands moved to cover yours, a knowing smirk growing on his chapped lips.
“Always knew you were kinky,” he rasped, causing you to tighten your grip on his thick neck, taking a mental note that your hand was almost too small to fit around the entirety of it.
Rafe Cameron was hands down the worst person on the island. Sure, you and JJ argued often and poked fun at each other, but he was overall an okay dude, he just got on your nerves, and you got on his. Sometimes, you’d even consider him a friend, just... a really annoying friend. You had been bantering with him for years, but recently JJ had decided to take it upon himself to up the banter. It started with you finding your car full of balloons, or your bike being locked up against a street pole and only JJ had the key, but nothing prepared you for this. Nothing prepared you for Rafe fucking Cameron knocking on your front door at 10am this morning, his hands grabbing onto your waist and his lips crashing into yours the second you opened it. Of course, you had immediately pushed him off, your palm colliding with his cheek as you yelled at him. He yelled back, revealing that apparently, you had texted him this morning asking if he’d be “down to fuck. just between you two.” When you assured him you hadn’t sent that, he called you a crazy bitch, and a fight began between the two of you. It ended with you pinned against the wall of your house, his hands wrapped around your neck as he screamed in your face as you began to see black. Luckily, your neighbor saw the commotion and he had rushed over, yanking Rafe off of you as he threatened to call the cops.
It would’ve been funny, and you admitted that to yourself. JJ had no idea Rafe was going to react the way he did, but the forming bruise on your neck was a reminder of how wrong it had went. And you were pissed.
“He almost killed me,” you snapped, finally releasing his neck as your own started to sting. While he 100% deserved to sport the same bruise as you, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, flashes of Rafe clouding your thoughts. JJ’s eyes scanned your face after the words left your mouth before finally landing on your neck, causing him to sit up even more. You slid down his lap slightly and his arm shot out to catch you.
“Did he do that?” JJ’s jaw was clenched as his hand reached up, his fingers tracing over the skin of your neck, “I swear that isn’t... this isn’t what I wanted. If I even thought for one second he would hurt you I wouldn’t have done it.”
“I know,” you sighed, the anger slowly dissipating from your body. The anger you felt had mainly been directed at Rafe, but because you were scared to confront him after the fact, your anger had turned onto JJ. Now though, as you sat in his lap and his fingertips gently caressed the skin of your neck, you couldn’t bring yourself to be mad at him.
“I’ll kill him, I swear to god. I’ll go down there and I’ll beat him to a fucking pulp,” it seemed that the anger that had left your body had been transferred to JJ, who’s hand was slightly shaking now as he moved you off his lap and he got out of the bed.
“No you will not,” you rushed out, standing up for them the bed and grabbing the shirt JJ was about to slip on from his hands, “It was a prank gone wrong. You’ve fought Rafe enough, and you usually end up just as beat up as him,” Your hand wrapped around his bicep as you spoke, latching onto him in pleading, “I was angry at you for a bit and... maybe thought about killing you myself, but I don’t want Rafe to be the one to actually finish the job.”
JJ let out a chuckle at the end, turning to face you as he nodded his head.
“Fine,” he agreed, letting out a sigh, “But if he comes to the Boneyard party tomorrow night looking to start a fight, I can’t make any promises.”
“Fine,” you echoed, “If he comes to the Boneyard party and starts something, all bets are off. You can have at it. Just... don’t bring the fucking gun.”
Rafe had showed up. Of course he did. You were sat next to JJ on the sand surrounding the bonfire, the other Pogues keeping an eye on the party. You hadn’t noticed him at first, not until JJ’s hand had slipped onto your thigh, his fingers digging into your skin. When you had looked over at him, his stance was tense and his eyes were locked on something in the distance: it was Rafe, who was looking over at the two of them, his fists clenched shut.
“Don’t,” you muttered, leaning closer into JJ’s side, your hand moving over his on your thigh. His grip was tight enough to leave marks, and the thought of having his fingerprints bruised onto your skin wasn’t an unappealing one. JJ’s eyes darted over your face before landing on the bruise on your neck which was now a deep black and blue, the shape of Rafe’s hand imprinted on your tan skin.
The other Pogues could sense the tension radiating off of JJ, and they all prepared themselves for the inevitable. John B and Pope had been almost as mad as JJ, wanting to go jump Rafe the second they found out what he did, and you knew if it came down to it, they’d both be fighting right alongside JJ. Kiara even threatened to go after Rafe, but the boys had yelled at her, pointing at what had happened to you.
Your breath caught in your throat as you saw Rafe and his friends making their way over to the bonfire, your body tensing up. You were scared of Rafe, and it was clear as you shrunk into JJ’s side, almost hiding behind him.
“Well well well,” Rafe chanted as he approached your group, his eyes landing on you and flickering to JJ for a moment, “Was a funny prank, Maybank. Your girls lips felt really fucking nice against mine, but you know what felt better? My hands wrapped around her throat.”
The events that took place next were a blur. One second, you were latched onto JJ, and the next, he was up and his fist was flying into Rafe’s nose. John B and Pope were quick to join as JJ took him down into the sand, his fists repeatedly colliding with Rafe’s face. He had been caught off guard, not expecting JJ to react as fast as he had, which gave JJ the upper hand.
Eventually, Rafe’s friends heard the commotion and jumped in, all of the boys swinging at each other and trying to pull the others off one another. It was absolute madness, but all you could focus on was how Rafe currently had JJ pinned. Your feet were moving before your mind even made the decision, and you threw your body weight into Rafe, trying to knock him off of JJ. He barely budged, just pushed at you with his hand before turning back to knocking it into JJ’s face. Kiara saw you, both of you making eye contact and nodding as she approached where you were standing, both of you ramming into Rafe at the same time, causing the boy to fly off of JJ. 
Your hands quickly flew to JJ, grabbing his arms and yanking him off the sand.
“Get him out of here!” Kiara hissed quietly and you tugged on JJ’s arm, signaling it was time to run. He hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering to Rafe who was wiping sand out of his eyes, blood seeping out of his nose, but you fixed him with a hard glare and took off. 
Your home was empty as you pushed through the front door, your parents having left for a weekend getaway. It was quiet as you lead JJ to your bedroom, pointing at the door that lead to your bathroom. He nodded, heading towards it as you grabbed a small towel from your towel rack and followed him. He had pulled himself up onto your bathroom counter, his eyes watching you intently as you grabbed the first aid kit and settled in-between his open legs. His eyebrow was busted open, and his cheek was sporting a cut from one of Rafe’s rings, but other than that, his face looked okay.
“This is gonna hurt,” you muttered as you poured disinfect onto a cotton pad and slowly swiped it over the cut on his eyebrow, a small smile gracing your lips as JJ hissed and tried to shrink away, “Suck it up, Maybank. You threw the first punch.”
“He deserved it!” His voice raised in defense, his hand knocking yours away from his cheek, causing you to raise an eyebrow at him in warning. His shoulders sunk and he put his hands on his thighs, letting you go back to dabbing the cotton onto the cuts.
“He did,” you mused, tossing the cotton ball into the trash beside you, your fingers sliding under the fabric of his shirt and pulling it up so you could inspect his stomach.
“Buy me dinner first,” he joked, sending you a wink and you rolled your eyes at him, letting his shirt fall back down.
“I’ve bought you dinner plenty of times, annoying ass,” you laughed, patting his knees and pushing away from him, going back into your bedroom. You heard his feet hit the bathroom floor and soon he was standing in front of you.
“You know I am really sorry though, right?” The sincerity in his voice surprised you, your eyes looking up to meet his baby blues as he stared at you.
“Of course, JJ. Even I didn’t think Rafe was that unhinged.” JJ nodded shortly, and you could tell he was looking at the bruises surrounding your neck, “I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Just a few bruises, if it’ll make you feel better you can kiss them to make them all better,” you teased, but JJ’s eyes lit up at the suggestion.
“Really?” He was like a little kid in a candy store as he stepped closer to you, and your mouth went dry at the thought of JJ’s lips on your neck.
“I mean.. I was.. I was kidding, but if you want to...” you trailed off, JJ now standing toe to toe with you, his hand reaching up and resting on the back of your neck, his thumb placed under your chin as he tilted your head.
“I’ve been told kisses heal bruises,” he was looking down at you through his eyelashes, his pupils blown wide, your breath catching in your throat as he leaned down and slowly traced his lips over your skin. Goosebumps erupted on the flesh he was trailing over. Your hands reached out and gripped onto his shirt, pulling him closer to you as he finally placed an open-mouthed kiss at the edge of your neck, right under your ear. You knew there wasn’t a bruise on that specific spot, but as his tongue traced over your salty skin and he began to suck, you knew why he chose it.
“Thought you wanted to make the bruises go away,” you muttered breathlessly, and you could feel a smile against your neck. He ignored you, now trailing his lips across the span of your neck until he was on the other side, his lips finding that sweet spot right beneath your jaw. A whimper escaped your lips as he began to suck on the skin, the hand holding the back of your neck tightening as his free hand wrapped around your waist.
He continued his assault on your neck, making sure to suck on parts of your skin that Rafe hadn’t touched, his eyes rolling back into his head as you accidentally let a moan of his name slip through. He wouldn’t mind hearing you moan his name forever.
Eventually, much to your dismay, he pulled away. Your vision was hazy as you opened your eyes and looked at him, his signature smirk back on his lips as his eyes darted to your lips. You had been biting down on your bottom lip the entire time his lips were on your neck, and the skin was red and plump from your teeth.
“He kissed you?” JJ’s voice was almost a whisper as he spoke, and you looked at him confused.
“Rafe. He made a comment about how your lips felt. He kissed you?” His hand was still behind your neck, his thumb now running against your bottom lip slowly, pulling at the delicate skin every now and then. All you could do was nod, the only thing you could focus on was the feeling of his other hand trailing under the fabric of your shirt, his hand gripping onto the flesh of your hip, his fingertips digging in, causing you to arch your back slightly, your chest pushing into his, “Think I should kiss you now then, hm?” He was teasing you. You were nothing but putty in his large hands and he knew it. Before you could question him, or respond in any manner, his lips were on yours.
Both of his hands were now gripping your cheeks as you deepened the kiss, sighing into his mouth as his tongue ran across your bottom lip, allowing him entrance. You had thought about kissing JJ many times, and it had almost happened a handful of those times. Whether it was at a boneyard party and you two had had too much to drink, the lines between you becoming blurry, or you two had been bickering back and forth all day and the overwhelming urge to kiss him to get him to shut up, you somehow always refrained. As he pushed you back onto your bed, his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you up to your pillows, you were completely and utterly confused as to why it had taken you both so long to give in. 
Somewhere between the floor and the bed, JJ had ripped your shirt off, tossing his own off right after. His lips were now trailing over your chest, his teeth biting at the flesh as his hands slipped behind your back and unhooked your red bra. You were grateful you had decided to wear the cute red lace set this morning as JJ’s eyes drank you in. Your bra was tossed across the room in one swift motion, JJ’s eyes memorized by your chest.
“Best tits I’ve ever fucking seen,” he muttered, his eyes moving to yours for only a moment before he was leaning down and sucking your nipple into his mouth, his other hand reaching up and cupping your other one.
You were in a daze with every feather light touch of his skin against yours, and you wanted more. Eventually, you both were rid of all clothing, his fingers buried deep inside your soaking hole.
“Jesus Christ, JJ,” your hips were grinding down into his hand, craving even more friction. His fingers were buried to the hilt, his rings hitting the sensitive skin, and you knew in that moment your own would never bring you to the edge the way they had prior to knowing what JJ’s felt like, “Need you inside me, JJ. Please,” your voice came out as a whimper, your hand reaching down and catching his wrist to stop his movements. 
“Are you sure you want this?” His wording was careful as he watched you lean over your bed, throwing your bedside table open as you rummaged around for a condom. 
“Yes,” you placed your hands on his chest, pushing him off of you and onto his back. He looked at you, his eyebrows raised in confusion as you crawled on-top of him, your teeth ripping the packet open.
“What are you- fuck,” before he could finish his sentence, you had rolled the condom down his large length, giving it a soft squeeze.
Generally, JJ liked being on top. He liked being in control and he hated giving up that control, but as he stared up at you and watched as you lined himself up with your entrance, he decided maybe, just maybe, he was okay with you taking control.
As you sunk down his length, both of you let out a sigh of pleasure at the feeling. You had always known he was big, but he was bigger than you imagined, and felt so much better than any of your dreams had lead you to believe he would feel. You sat for a moment, looking at him through your eyelashes as you adjusted to his size, your hips grinding down slowly to create a delicious friction between the two of you. His hands were firmly planted on your hips, and without warning he suddenly pulled you up slightly and rammed up inside of you. A loud cry escaped your lips as your body fell forward, your hands resting on his chest as you both began to move together, your hips falling down onto his roughly.
“Feel so good,” he moaned out, his head leaning back into the pillow as you clenched around him at the words, “So fucking tight.”
He was pounding up into you, and all you could do was drop your mouth open in pleasure, unable to make any noise you were so blissed out. The pleasure was coursing through your veins and gripping onto you in a way you’d never felt before, tears forming in your eyes as the pleasure built up, almost too much to handle. 
“Was like you were made for me, fuck,” he muttered through gritted teeth, and the words caused your stomach to drop, the pleasure finally slithering its way to the surface as you cried out his name. Your body had dropped, your chest pressed against his as you buried your face in his neck, your hips grinding down as he continued his pace, riding out your high. Soon after, he exploded into the condom as he chanted your name under his breath, the constant clenching of your walls around him bringing him to his end. His arms wrapped around your waist as you rested against him, struggling to catch your breath for a moment before pulling yourself off of him and collapsing onto the bed next to his body. He ripped the condom off, tying it and tossing it into the bin next to your bed. Both of you were quiet, far too fucked out to speak, but when you turned your head to look at him, you found he was already looking at you, a dopey smile on his face.
“What?” You laughed at him, your hand reaching up to slap at his chest as his smile grew. He caught it with his, intertwining his fingers with yours.
“Aren’t you gonna ask me what this means for us and all that cliche stuff?” He was still smiling as he spoke and you rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you turned onto your side to face him.
“I know you don’t do relationships. I’m not gonna get my hopes up and ask a question I have the answer to already,” he squeezed your hand, turning to face you as he propped his head up on his free hand, his elbow digging into your pillow.
“It’s not that I don’t do relationships,” he spoke softly, his eyes catching your gaze, “It’s that I’ve been waiting for you to realize I want one with you.” Your mouth dropped open slightly at the admission, your heart seeming to stutter in your chest as you took in what he said. 
“Why didn’t you say something sooner?” You had moved your body closer to his, pulling your blankets over the two of you as the cold air spread across your bare bodies.
“Don’t know. Kinda convinced myself you weren’t into me like that. Thought I had blown that chance with all the pranks and teasing, but. I don’t know. Something changed tonight I guess. Didn’t like the fact that Rafe fucking Cameron had kissed you, and I hadn’t.” 
“I would much rather you kiss me,” you laughed, cringing at the thought of Rafe Cameron kissing you ever again. JJ let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into the warmth of his body.
“Well then. You gonna let me kiss you whenever I want to?” His lips were now hovering over yours, a smile teasing its way onto your lips.
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brutal-nemesis · 4 years
E&T: Return of the Blep
It’s back but also not! (no i wont explain it you’ll see what I mean) Thank y’all for bullying him so much yesterday, it was a wonderful way to end the erabus!
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Ingredients: mouth whump, noncon surgery, lab whump
Erebus wanted to back away, to run, to hide, to resist, to fight. But doing so only made it hurt more when he lost, and he knew he was going to lose. So when the guards came to get him the next morning, he let them grab him and guide him down the hall. He promised himself he would be strong, no matter what awaited him, he could face it...right? He had to. He had to.
But as soon as Erebus laid eyes on the metal table, with its leather straps and bright overhead lights, his legs gave out. This was real. Right there, right on that table, he was going to be tied down and… he started to struggle desperately against the men dragging him, panic destroying his resolve to go quietly. He would not just let them do this, he was a person, he wasn’t a lab rat, he couldn’t let this happen. “Stop resisting,” one of the men growled, but Erebus hardly heard him through the haze of terror that had settled over him. Frustrated with Erebus’s squirming, the guard punched him square in the stomach. He gasped for breath, going limp long enough for the men to hoist him onto the table and strap his limbs down.
“Hey!” Neteri rushed over from her worktable, fuming. “Did you just hit him?”
“I’m sorry ma’am he was being difficult-”
“Well, I’d think two trained guards shouldn’t have a problem with one boy.” She got as close to the offending guard’s face as she could, somehow looking threatening while standing on her tiptoes. “You do not hurt him unless I explicitly tell you too. He is my experiment, my property, and there will be hell to pay if you mess that up in any way. Are we clear?”
“Y-yes, ma’am.” Seeing the guard’s regret, she stepped back. 
“Good. Now out of my sight.” Neteri turned to Erebus the moment the guards had left, her fury melting into concern. He couldn’t stop shaking, the table was so cold and he was so helpless and he was her experiment and what the hell was she going to do to him-
“Hey, hey, you’re alright, Erebus,” she said softly, sitting down on the table next to his head. She took off one of her gloves and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry he hit you. I know you’re scared, but I promise today won’t hurt that much. I’m just going to give you a new tongue so you can talk again, won’t that be nice? Though there are a couple conditions you have to agree to first.” 
Erebus froze. She...she was going to give him his tongue back? But why? Hadn’t she cut it off as a way of saying that she...wanted him? Unless...she did that instead of severing his vocal chords so it would be easier to reverse? Part of him started to hope that things weren’t going to be so bad after all, but he doubted that would be the case. She was pretty upfront about how she thought she owned him, like anyone could own a person, and she certainly didn’t treat him as an equal. Still, being able to talk would make this situation a whole lot more bearable, depending on what her conditions were. 
“Basically, I just want you to cooperate and be honest with me, and those sort of go hand in hand. If I ask you something, I want you to answer it, and I want you to tell the truth. If something’s bothering you, I want you to speak up.” Erebus made a face at that one. He had a very long list of things that were bothering him, and he doubted she’d take the collar off him or let him go just because he asked. She chuckled. “No, I can’t guarantee I’ll fix whatever it is, but I do want to make you as comfortable as possible within what I want. There’s no harm in asking though, because the worst thing that’ll happen is I say no. And if I messed up a procedure in some way and it hurts or something feels off, I need you to tell me. So can you agree to do that?”
Erebus considered it for a moment and then nodded. He didn’t have much of a choice, and he’d gladly voice his thoughts and complaints if it meant he’d have the ability to do so again. Neteri smiled and gave his head a final pat before getting up and putting her glove back on. He felt her pull another strap over his forehead, tight enough that he couldn’t move it at all. Despite his best efforts to remain calm, his breathing started to quicken again. He hated being immobilized on a table like this; he was just so completely helpless and vulnerable. She could do whatever she wanted to him and he would just have to lie here and take it. Neteri noticed and gave him a sympathetic look.
“You’re still nervous, huh?” Erebus tried to nod, but the strap around his head prevented it, so he bit his lip and looked away. He wanted his tongue back, but...he wasn’t exactly excited to have her messing around inside his mouth again, and he doubted it was going to be painless. “Well…” Neteri thought for a moment, looking around her lab. Her gaze landed on something he couldn’t see, and when she returned to his line of vision, she was holding a small jar and a brush. “I don’t know how much this will help, but it’s all I can think of, so hopefully it’s good enough.” Erebus’s fear gave way to confusion as she climbed up onto the table, standing over him. She started to paint something on the ceiling, but, upon realizing he could kind of see up her skirt, Erebus squeezed his eyes shut. At one point she planted a foot on his chest, probably in an effort to reach higher up, and he couldn’t help but cough at the extra weight. “Gah, you messed me up. Oh well, he has a little scar now I guess.” 
When he felt her step down off the table, he opened his eyes again to see that she had painted...something...on the ceiling. It just looked like a potato with ears and a tail. And a beady little eye with a splash of paint under it, likely from when she stepped on his chest. At first he was sort of confused as to what the purpose of the strange drawing was, but the longer he stared at it, the cuter it looked. Its simplicity was sort of endearing, and soon he found himself enjoying the sight of the round little rat. Wait, was he really being comforted by a stupid little drawing on the ceiling when Neteri was about to operate on him? Though...it was all he was going to get, wasn’t it?
Seeming to think he’d calmed enough, Neteri pried his mouth open and shoved some sort of rubber block between the teeth on one side of his mouth, forcing him to keep his jaw open wide. Holy Drottkia, she was starting, it was happening, there was a knife moving towards his mouth. He whined and tried to keep still as she made an incision along the stump of his tongue. He figured it was probably to make the reattachment easier, but the reminder of the pain he’d felt when she cut it out the first time was enough to bring tears to his eyes. No, no, this was going to fix it, he would be able to talk again, this wasn’t that day all over again.
At the sensation of something cold pressing against the wound, and Erebus couldn’t help but feel a little spark of elation. He really was getting his tongue back. But as Neteri started her healing spell, he realized the operation was far from over. Both of her hands were in his mouth, healing magic lighting everything ablaze. The feeling of his tongue was starting to come back, each nerve reattaching with an agonizing spark, every pain circuit firing all at once. He tried his best not to scream, but it was difficult not to with his mouth stuck open like this. After what seemed like an eternity, the magic finally stopped flowing. Neteri pulled her hands, and the rubber block, out of his mouth, allowing him to close his aching jaw. Having a tongue in his mouth again felt so strange, even if he had only been without it for two days. Neteri opened his mouth again, gently examining his tongue one last time before nodding and stepping back. 
“Okay, it looks good! So just...go ahead and talk. About whatever. I need to see if it works right, you know?” Erebus opened his mouth, but his mind drew a blank. What was he supposed to say after...that? Neteri looked at him quizzically. “Is something wrong? Does it still hurt?”
“I…” Why couldn’t he think of anything to say?! He’d wanted nothing more than the freedom to voice his thoughts the past few days, but now that he could, he was coming up with nothing. In his defense, he hadn’t exactly been expecting her to ask him to monologue right away.
“Seriously, Erebus, you can say whatever you want. I really don’t care. If you want to yell at me and tell me how much you hate me, feel free! I won’t, like, punish you or anything. And I’m not one of those people who’s like ‘I said I wouldn’t punish you but I was lying and you should know better’ or whatever, that’s so dumb. I’m not here for mind games, I’m here for body games.” There was a pause. “That came out wrong. Incredibly wrong. I don’t mean-”
“Shut up.” The words bubbled up out of nowhere, and he let them come. “You never shut up, and you’re so…awkward. Enough that half the time, I wasn’t sure what I would even say if I could talk. And now that I can, I don’t even know what to say. I mean, there’s been a lot I’ve wanted to say over these past two days, but I don’t remember any of them, because what the hell-?” Erebus stopped, suddenly realizing what he’d just said and who he’d said it to. He felt himself go red as he cautiously glanced at Neteri.
For a moment, he couldn’t read her expression at all, but a smile soon crept across her face, and before he knew it she was laughing uncontrollably. “Oh-hahaha-oh man, Erebus, Erebus, you,” she paused in an attempt to stop her laughter, “I was worried you weren’t going to be able to be honest with me, what with you having been a prince and all, but that was just-” she giggled one last time and took a deep breath, “it was unexpected. Good, but not what I expected out of you at all what with your sad little eyes.”
“I-I don’t have sad little ey-”
“Yeah, you do,” Neteri cut him off as she unbuckled the strap around his head. “But for real, how does it feel? Talking doesn’t hurt, does it?”
“It...feels fine. Talking feels normal, and it doesn’t hurt at all, but it just feels kind of...different? I didn’t think I’d forget what my own tongue felt like, but I guess I must have.” He ran it over his teeth. Something was definitely off, it felt rougher somehow.
“Well, seeing as that isn’t your tongue, that’s not exactly shocking.”
“Not my...wait, what?!”
“Yeah that’s part of the tongue of a gluttony demon. You didn’t think I was going to just put yours back, did you? What would have been the point of cutting it off in the first place?”
“What’s the point of putting a-a demon tongue in its place though?”
“Erebus,” she leaned down over him and placed a hand on his cheek, “I’m just going to tell you right now, you’re gonna have to get used to it. Because it’s only going to get worse from here.”
Tags: @dramaticcollapse @thehopelessopus @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @galaxywhump @as-a-matter-of-whump @mnmlover2002 @tears-and-lilies​ @yet-another-heathen​
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xxrat-bastardxx · 4 years
mind if i slide in the first three parts of my zoro x reader fanfiction in here, its posted on archive of our own and wattpad too but i might just switch over to here so ppl can request one piece oneshots and drabbles n’ stuff anyway here it is:
Stargazer: A Roronoa Zoro x Reader
     I've been looking up recently. Not that I don't look up ever, as it is kinda my unspoken job on this ship. However instead of looking up to navigate the stars at night, lately I have been fascinated with looking at the crow's nest in the daytime, wondering what a certain swordsman was doing in there all day. Since I joined the crew the green haired hunk intrigued me. His cold personality strange to me as it was so different than everyone else on the ship. Although I found him interesting we never really had conversations, only short small talk here and there and common courtesy. A part of me wanted to get closer to him and find out all of his little secrets. The sane part telling me to leave him alone and find another person to bother.
    "(Y/N)!" Luffy yelled, pulling me out of my daydream, "FOOD!"
    "Go get Zoro while you're at it too," Nami followed.
    I got up from my spot on the grass and started my ascent. A sudden wave of excitement and nervousness washing over me. Finally I would learn the secrets of the crows nest. I unlatch the door and pull myself up, sitting myself up with my legs dangling out of the door.
    "Oh, that's boring," I say accidentally, quickly covering my mouth when I realized I actually said that out loud. Zoro drops his weight and looks at me, a puzzled expression on his face.
    "Excuse me? What did you say?" He questions even though he obviously understood what I said.
    "Shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. I was just expecting...Well I don't know what I was expecting, something different I guess." I answer not wanting to lie to the poor man I just insulted.
    Don't get me wrong walking in on a buff man working out is not necessarily boring. Just the obvious thing a buff man would be doing with his time. I guess I was hoping he would turn out to be a mad scientist or delicately painting the ocean from the perfect view the windows give.
    "Um...Anyway. It's dinner time, Nami wanted me to come get you," I say trying to change the topic and quickly make my escape. "I'll be going now, sorry I interrupted your workout."
    "Wait," Zoro says, stopping me before I leap down to the safety of the deck, "I'll walk with you." Weird. I just insulted him and now he wants to walk with me. It's not even that far of a walk either...
    I wait for him to grab a towel and dry off his sweat before heading down to the deck. Waiting for him at the bottom I listen to the commotion ensuing in the kitchen. If we don't hurry our damn captain will eat all the food. I hear a soft thump as the swordsman lands next to me. Looking up at him I shudder slightly just now realizing our hight difference. I quickly take in all of his features, never being this close for so long. Short green hair, did it always look that soft? Tan skin, was it always that smooth? Thick scar running across his chest, do you think he would let me touch it, I wonder how it feels? Damnit (y/n), why are you such a creep! I shake my head and start the short journey to the kitchen. Zoro following silently. I turn open the door to the kitchen with a smile and offer Zoro the chance to go in first. He nods to me in thanks and takes his seat at the table.
    "There you are (y/n)-swan! I thought that marimo brute kidnapped you, I was about to go save you myself," Sanji swoons carrying plates of delicious looking food. I laugh making his face light up as I sit down. The mentioned brute becoming visibly annoyed at the cook.
    "Don't worry Sanji he couldn't kidnap me even if he tried. Everyone knows I'm too quick to get caught," I reply teasing Zoro as I point my chopsticks at him.
    "Tch, how do you know...I wouldn't even want to kidnap you." Zoro grumbles poking at his food.
    "Did I make the moss head sad?" I jab, enjoying the thrill of making fun of such a powerful person. If I wasn't able to find his hidden talent, annoying him would be the next best thing. I wanted to know how far I could take it. I swear a slight tinge of red now dusted his cheeks and ears. Cute. He didn't respond but ate the rest of his meal obviously fuming.
"Luffy?" I question making the captain pause for a moment, "Who's on night shift with me tonight?" Since I navigated the ship most nights with the stars so Nami could relax, I usually asked for a helper to be on deck so I wouldn't drop dead the next day because of pulling all nighters every night. After asking it became apparent that Luffy hadn't thought of it one bit during the day. Which was typical of the airhead.
"Ussop!" Luffy smiles. It was obvious this was the first name to come to his head.
"Hey! I've done it 3 times this week already, why not someone else?!" Ussop retaliates. Ouch. I laugh it off understanding that for a normal person that was too much time to be awake.
"I'll do it," Zoro growls "I did it most of the time before she joined so its fine." This shocked me a little, he had never offered before and just after I've insulted him this much he wants to hang out with me? Or maybe he'll through me overboard as revenge. I guess if I survive the night I'll be able to learn more about him so maybe this is my dream come true.
After dinner I go to the back of the ship and watch the sunset, It was my nightly ritual so to say. Something calm to end the hectic days on the Sunny. I take in the salty ocean air and lean my head into my hand. The ocean was so peaceful today, a gentle current pulling the ship along gentle waves. So lost in the moment I didn't realize the person coming up behind me until I felt a strong pair of hands on my shoulders. I yelp in surprise and whip around to face my attacker.
"You say you're too fast to catch, yet you don't even hear me coming," Zoro scoffs.
"Hey, that's not fair, I wasn't paying attention," I pout crossing my arms over my chest. Now this guy was touching me? What the heck did I do to get all this attention, I thought teasing him would do the opposite! I guess I'm in for a long night.
    We sat in an awkward silence for the next hour, I still had no idea why this man wanted to give me so much attention all of a sudden. I had been on the ship for almost 2 months now and had never gotten any recognition from him before. Most of my time was spent with Nami talking about maps and directions, or with Ussop and Franky trying to make bigger better telescopes to research the huge sky above us. And if I wasn't with them I was usually sleeping, preparing myself for the night ahead.
    I look over to the man sitting a couple feet away, bottle in hand. Aha! Conversation starter, please let this awkward silence end!
    "So, you like sake?" Damnit he wouldn't be drinking if he didn't like it. Why did you ask something so obvious.
    "Yeah, I guess so." He replied taking another swig. Come on (y/n) think of something better. A few more excruciating minutes passed, nothing came to mind of what I could do to fix the situation.
"I don't really drink, I don't like the taste," I say, another awkward sentence for another awkward situation.
Zoro snickers, "I guess you just haven't had the right alcohol then," He reaches the bottle out towards me, "Try it," He says. Carefully I reach out and take the bottle in my hands. I shrug and take a sip. Nope still awful! I scrunch my face as the swordsman laughs. Wiping my mouth I pass back the bottle.
"Nope, definitely not for me," I mutter, earning another chuckle from Zoro.
"It seems like you don't like anything I do huh," Zoro says.
"Huh! No no no, its not like that I promise!" I quickly jab. I sigh and look up at the stars. Zoro softly punches my shoulder.
"I know I'm joking. You're different, I like that," He reassures me. At least now I know he isn't planning on throwing me overboard.
    "Wait what do you mean I'm different?" I say, the phrase finally hitting.
    "You aren't in awe of me, I respect that." Zoro says softly. A blush creeps onto my face, I didn't expect something like this from the guy. He seemed so cold and distant most of the time, it was quite intimidating. I look down at my lap, trying to hide the redness of my face. It was reassuring to know that the scariest person on the ship thought of me with respect. With those words the atmosphere seemed to lighten up. Instead of excruciating silence it was calm, like my moments with the sunset. I lie down looking at the stars, the spring constellations jumping out at me. The grand line may have the strangest seasons, but the sky remains the same throughout the years, on a cycle you could count on. Reliable as always, beautiful as always.
I hadn't noticed Zoro lying next to me until he spoke. "What are you looking at?" I turn to him our faces closer now.
"The constellations," I reply, "They help me figure out where we need to go, and what time of the year it is."
"Hmm, I never thought of it that way," Zoro says turning back to the sky, hands behind his head like a pillow. I daringly scoot closer to the man. Leaning closer to him I point to a collection of stars.
"Look over there is the Big Dipper, that one you probably already know. Oh, and over there is Virgo!" I explain excitedly. I continue to gush over the stars pointing out more constellations and going into some of the stories behind them. This goes on for a while, I spit out random star facts while Zoro nods and quietly takes in the information I shove at him. By the time my rant is over we are sitting up again, much closer than last time. When we first sat down it was as ship mates who barely knew each other, now it was like friends, who still, barely knew each other.
"You see, I grew up on a small, but well developed island. There was a lot of light pollution so I could hardly see the stars. Definitely not how we can see them tonight. My parents were just business people, nothing special, but my grandmother was an astrologer. She taught me almost everything I know about the sky now." I slow down, "Before she passed she told me that the only place I could truly see the sky in its glory is the sea. There no one can pollute the sky with bright lights and you'll be the freest you'll ever be. So that's what brought me to the Grand Line I guess. My parents weren't so happy about it but I didn't care what they thought." I hadn't noticed my tears until a calloused hand wiped them away. A small gasp escapes my mouth as I look up at Zoro, our faces much closer than I ever thought they would be. His hand remains on my face as he looks at me, the gears in his head turning. He moves a stray (h/c) strand out of my face.
I don't know what drives me to do it but I wrap my arms around the man's waist and pull him into a hug. My ear against his chest. It takes a few moments but he soon returns the gesture sliding his strong arms around me. My heart skips a beat as he gently caresses my hair, running his fingers through it. I feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breaths, the beating of his heart echoing in my ear. I knew he was just as nervous as me, even if he refused to show it. I slowly pulled away and our eyes met, locked in to each other for what seemed like hours. A delicate smile was painted on his lips and I smile back at him. What were once cold eyes showed a new formed warmth and fondness. New feelings sparked in me as I looked at his expression and got lost into his gaze. Bravery flooded through me and I hoped he felt the same spark I did as slowly leaned towards him again. I closed the distance putting my forehead against his, eyes closed. I hesitate for a moment putting my hands on his warm cheeks, then softly place a kiss onto his lips. I pull back hands still cupping his face. I look at him, a blush dusted onto his face. He places a hand on my waist and closes the distance once more, returning the kiss with more force than the last. My hands move to his hair as he gently leans me back to the floor. I look into his eyes again when we come up for air.
"I don't hate everything you do, I definitely like this," I say bringing him into another kiss.
A few days had passed since the exciting night watch with Zoro. After getting caught with Zoro straddling me by Luffy we were too embarrassed to really talk to each other. Especially when the stupid captain brought it up during breakfast the next morning. Who knew the kid would expose us like that,
"Zoro why were you wrestling with (y/n) last night? I thought you didn't like playing, you never wrestle with me," Luffy pouts reaching for another piece of toast. This alerts Sanji instantly,
"You brute! Why would you lay a finger on my precious princess?! Explain yourself swordsman!"
Me and Zoro both turn red like a tomato and look away from each other quickly. Nami and Robin snicker both knowing what was going on.
"Um..w-well you see, Its not like you think Sanji. We weren't fighting its f-fine," I manage to blurt out before Sanji went completely apeshit on Zoro.
"But why was he on top of you (y/n)?" Luffy asks. At this point Zoro was just about ready to bolt out of the kitchen and I was just about ready to melt into a puddle of embarrassment. With Luffy's new statement it seemed to have clicked with our ero—cook what was really going on...
I shudder as I recall the events of that awful breakfast and rest my forehead on the chart I had been working on in the aquarium bar. Robin pats my head as she reads her book.
"(y/n), you're going to have to talk to Zoro again. You can't just keep ignoring him like this,"
"I'd rather die than have that awkward conversation. Plus he probably is totally over me now, he's avoiding me too you know," I mumble into the paper.
"I'm sure that's not the case (y/n). I bet he feels the same as you do right now," Robin reassures me, flipping the page.
"I think I'm going to go take a nap to clear my head," I say softly closing the lid to my ink and rolling the chart back up.
"Have fun," Robin replies, lost in her book like always.
I start my walk to the girl's room remembering how gentle Zoro was when we kissed. It was a nice surprise, I didn't realize how caring he could be. His smile flashed in my mind, how genuine it was, how deeply he listened to everything I said, truly interested in every story I told about the stars. Everything that night felt right after we took down our guard walls. God I hope that's not the last time I see his smile.
Hmm, tomorrow is my night off, I wonder what I should do. Sleeping that whole time sounds like a waste, maybe I'll pamper myself extra and take a longer bath. Yeah that sounds like it will be perfect.
I turn the corner and suddenly trip over something on the floor.
"Ack! What the hell was that?!" I yell, rudely pulled out of planning my night off. I turn around to see who tripped me to yell at them some more but stopped once I saw who it was. "Zoro?! W-what are you doing napping in the hallway?"
He blushes slightly and turns his head away from me, "I was waiting for you so I could talk to you."
"Oh, umm what did you want to talk about?" I ask sitting up,
"I wanted to apologize. For the other night," He says looking in his lap.
"What would you have to apologize for? You didn't do anything wrong" I reply
"If it wasn't for me taking things too far then Luffy wouldn't have embarrassed you in front of the whole crew like that. I'm sorry that I was the cause of that," Zoro says starting to get up. Before he could walk away I grab his arm and pull him back down. I look him in the eyes making sure he listens to what I have to say.
"Zoro, you have nothing to be sorry about, I don't think you took things to far. I'm glad you did what you did and no amount of embarrassment is going to change that," I start, "Look, I'm just glad you don't hate me. I really like you, you know."  
Those seemed to be the magic words as Zoro face lights up, the same beautiful smile he gave me that night resurfacing. He leans closer and kisses my cheek. "Meet me in the crows nest tomorrow night," He says, turning back into his confident self. He kisses me before getting up, "I really like you too," He says before turning and leaving me sitting in the hallway.
It didn't register what I got myself into until a few moments later.
"Holy shit, I just confessed to Zoro. AND HE LIKES ME BACK!" I yell to no one in particular. I jump up and run the rest of the way to the girls room like a 15 year old who just met their celebrity crush. Not my best moment but it was so good to know how Zoro felt about me. It was even better that he felt the same way about me as I felt about him. I was to excited after that to get a nap in but that was fine by me.
\ \ \
Nami came in to get me for dinner a few hours later. I was surprised she didn't ask me about what had happened between me and the swordsman, I'm sure everyone on the ship could hear my squeal of excitement earlier. I'm sure her pestering would come soon enough.
We make our way to the kitchen quickly not wanting Luffy to eat everything before we get there. I was going to sit in my normal spot next to Nami but before I could get there a familiar hand grabbed mine,
"Sit next to me," Zoro says gently tugging at my hand. I smile and sit next to him mouthing a quick sorry to Nami. The new seating arrangement did not go unnoticed by anyone. Everyone was either shocked or weirded out by how physical Zoro had become with you. His embarrassment was obviously gone as he shamelessly had his hand on my knee the entire meal and kissed my cheek every once in a while. Sanji was fuming the entire meal as well, and Zoro shot him his normal icy glares. It was almost as he was making fun of the cook at times or maybe just making sure that Sanji knew his place.
It actually wasn't long before the meal felt like just an average dinner on the Sunny. Brook singing and joking with Franky, Nami being annoyed with Sanji as Robin laughs at his antics, Luffy eating all the food while Chopper and Ussop try and match his impossible pace. Time seemed to slow down every time I ate with the rowdy crew, just having a good time.
After dinner I head to the back of the ship again to watch the sunset like normal. It was the perfect day for a nice sunset, just enough clouds to make the light shine just right, caressing the sky with beautiful pinks and oranges. I smile, stretch, and head to the grass to sit with Franky to start the night shift. We had planned to set up the telescope so I could do some extra research for my chart.
It was getting late and only a few of the crew members were still on the deck. I saw the light in the crows nest go out and Zoro heading down to the deck. I tell Franky I'd be back and went to go say goodnight to the moss head. I get to the bottom of the ladder just as Zoro does.
"You off to bed?" I ask.
"Yeah, I have to be up early for training tomorrow." He says yawning.
"Ok sleepy head, get some good rest. I'll see you in the morning,"
"Goodnight (y/n)," He smiles and leans down to gently kiss my lips. I watch him disappear into the ship before I go back to Franky and the telescope, a grin plastered on my face.
I love the whole "Zoro is actually a cuddle bug" head cannon so i sorta ran with it in this oops. anywhoo lmk how you like it or if u want more, i’ll be taking requests for x reader stuff and writing more so yeah
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I would love Chat Blanc fics. Like maybe Adrienette dating, what happened after they kissed, Lila and Chloe, What Ifs
1.) chloe’s reaction
Chloe watched from the top of the stairwell.
“They look utterly ridiculous!” She stormed off with Sabrina close behind. “What does Adrien even see in Dupain-Cheng?”
“I-I don’t know, Chloe. I don’t know why he’d date her.” Sabrina reassured her. “Maybe— maybe he’s trying to make you jealous because he’s actually in love with you!”
“Adrien wouldn’t do that!” Chloe snapped, causing Sabrina to almost drop her bag. “We’re childhood friends. Our bond is unbreakable— even Gabriel Agreste agrees.” She emphasized his name. “If Dupain-Cheng really thinks that she’s enough for Adrien, she’ll soon realize she’s sorely mistaken.”
“Ms. Bustier!” Alya approached the teacher before class. “Can I switch seats with Adrien? Marinette and I are... having a disagreement.”
“Of course. Do you want to talk about the problem?” The teacher smiled.
“Nope. Have a good day!” Alya ran off and waved at Ms. Bustier.
“Girl, I got a surprise for you!” Alya hugged Marinette. “You’ll see it in class.”
“What?” Marinette asked, but she was already being whisked off to Ms. Bustier’s class.
“Alya, switch seats with Adrien please.” Ms. Bustier said as she entered the classroom.
Marinette was now seated next to Adrien, just like Alya intended. Marinette looked back at her BFF who gave her a wink. It was gonna be a good class.
Chloe was fuming across the aisle. She stood up suddenly and slammed her hands on the desk.
“Ms. Bustier, can I change seats? With Marinette?” She practically growled.
“Um, calm down Chloe.” Ms Bustier said nervously. “If you want a new seat, you can sit next to Lila.” She gestured to the seat in the back row.
Chloe was upset, but took her bag and sat down next to Lila nonetheless. She might as well be alone with her thoughts.
“Today we’ll be working on your essays due next Friday. You can peer edit with your desk partner.” Ms Bustier explained, handing out paper to the students. “Make sure to give constructive feedback.”
Everyone in the class was chatting instantly, except Chloe and Lila. Marinette and Adrien were sitting in the front row, laughing and smiling. Chloe wrote so angrily that her pencil tip snapped. She got up and crossed the room to sharpen it, all the while having to watch Adrien and Marinette share their essays.
Chloe sat back down, a look of pure anger still on her face. She picked up her essay, and noticed something written neatly on the top.
“Do you want Adrien back?” The neat cursive read.
Chloe turned to the girl sitting next to her, who was quietly writing. Lila looked at her out of the corner of her eye with a knowing smile.
“What do you want?” Chloe said in a low voice, looking back at her essay.
“The same thing you want.” Lila said without looking up from her paper. “I can break them up. I just need a small favor from you.”
“What is it?”
“Buy me an Adobe photoshop subscription.”
“What? Why?” Chloe was shocked. Why would Lila need photoshop?
“Do it and Adrien is yours.” Lila promised.
“I want an explanation first.” Chloe crossed her arms, leaning back in the seat.
Lila paused from her writing, and looked at Chloe.
“...I need to photoshop a picture of myself with some celebrities.” She explained quietly. “If you tell anyone—“
“So you’re a liar?” Chloe scoffed. “Whatever. You’re good, I’ll give you that.”
Lila rolled her eyes and extended her hand. “Do we have a deal?”
Chloe hesitated. “Fine.”
They shook hands.
There was a beat of silence before Chloe spoke up.
“Don’t you have an allowance?”
“Not after I bombed the mock exams from last week.”
“Would you like to come over during lunch break, Adrien? My dad made fruit cake!” Marinette asked as she walked down the front steps.
“Sure! Your parents are super nice. And they’re good bakers.” Adrien took Marinette’s hand as they walked over to the bakery.
Chloe stormed up to Lila after watching the couple leave.
“You said you’d break them up! I should’ve known you wouldn’t actually—“
“These things take time. Calm down.” Lila responded. “Look, I’m modeling with Adrien later today. I’ll work on it then.”
“I don’t have time to wait!” Chloe yelled. “I’m taking action now.”
Lila grabbed Chloe’s arm, stopping her from chasing the couple. “If you’re going to do something, at least let me come with you so you don’t do anything stupid.” Lila said harshly.
“Hi Adrien!” The Dupain-Chengs greeted him. “You can head upstairs, there’s food in the fridge.”
“Thanks Mom.” Marinette kissed her mother on the cheek and hugged her dad. “Cmon Adrien.”
Only a minute later, Chloe and Lila walked into the bakery.
“Hello!” Lila smiled at the bakers. “Marinette forgot her phone at school, so Chloe and I thought we’d bring it back to her.”
“Oh thank you, girls. You can leave it here.” She pointed next to the cash register.
“Could we actually go see her? We have some drama to tell her about!” Lila gave her best exaggerated laugh.
“...alright, head upstairs.” Sabine said. “Oh and Chloe—“ she turned to her, “I’m glad you and Marinette are now friends.”
“Yeah we’re f-f...friends.” Chloe hissed forcefully.
Lila scoffed at her horrible lying. “Let’s go!” She pulled Chloe upstairs.
The two girls managed to slip past the couple since they were playing video games. They snooped around Marinette’s room, looking for something to use against Marinette.
“Here” Lila said, taking pictures of Adrien off of the wall. “We just need him to come upstairs.” She explained as she tore up the pictures.
“How do we do that?” Chloe whispered, watching as Lila scattered ripped pictures across the floor.
“Knock over the mannequin. Then we can hide up there.” Lila pointed to the hatch that lead to the balcony.
Chloe pushed the mannequin over, and the two girls escaped to the balcony.
“What was that?” Marinette said, hearing a thump come from her room. “I’ll go check it out.”
She walked up the stairs to her room, leaving Adrien alone in her living room.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” He whispered to Plagg. “I’m going to transform and enter from the balcony to help her.”
Marinette gasped, seeing her pictures on the floor. She picked the mannequin back up, and looked around the room for any evidence.
“Marinette, someone broke in!” Tikki whispered. “Transform! It might be dangerous.”
“Okay, but we need to hurry. I don’t want Adrien to come up here.”
Chloe and Lila crouched on the balcony, listening for arguing downstairs.
“Where are they?” Chloe stood up, but before she could check, she heard a voice from behind her.
“Breaking and entering, ladies?” Chat Noir landed on the balcony. “Shameful.” For once, he didn’t look like he was joking.
“Chat Noir! Ladybug told us to hide here because—“ Lila began, but was soon interrupted by a flash of red.
“Did I?” Ladybug glared at the girls. “What happened here, Chat?”
“These girls broke into your— I mean, Marinette’s house. I didn’t see any real damage luckily.” He explained, standing next to ladybug.
“You’ve really outdone yourself, Lila.” Ladybug clapped mockingly. “Bringing Chloe into this? Out of jealousy? You’re sick.”
“There’s morning you can do about it.” Lila stood up, clenching her fists. “Adrien will be mine, and Marinette can’t stop me.”
Chat Noir snapped. “You do not get to threaten Marinette. She’s more talented than you. She’s smarter than you. She will not lose to you. And if you think you can mess with her, then you need to think again. Because if you do anything to Marinette, I will do the same to you.” He said angrily, causing Lila to step back in fear.
Ladybug seemed almost as shocked as Lila at Chat’s anger. He’d never been this serious before. But she did feel safer knowing that Lila wasn’t going to bother her anymore.
Ladybug looked at Chloe, almost feeling bad for her. She was just lonely— she wasn’t evil like Lila. But both superheroes left the scene as quickly as they had arrived.
Chloe was frozen on the balcony, hating herself. She angered her hero and literally committed a crime—
“Get up.” Lila pulled her up. “I have one last thing to do.”
“Nothing can fix this.” Chloe had tears in her eyes— she’d never be queen bee again.
“Yes, but I can still take down Marinette.” Lila reassured her.
“Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Lila.” Gabriel shook the girl’s hand. “I’ll make sure to break them up.”
Lila grinned on her way out. She always won.
“Nathalie, go to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. I need to speak with them.” Gabriel turned to his tablet, already planning the next akumatization. “Marinette Dupain Cheng will be my masterpiece.”
*I’m not sure where this prompt even went to be honest— writing chloe and Lila was interesting though. I do think they’d be good scheming partners. Sorry if this wasn’t what the prompt asked for— I ended up merging the chloe and Lila reactions towards Adrienette. Thanks for the prompt and feel free to give feedback!
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follow on/compliant with this
for @el-gilliath because I promised her I would continue 
“I will support you in whatever you decide,” Isobel promised through gritted teeth. “But I need you to decide. Are we telling Maria the truth or keeping her in the dark forever? I can’t keep wondering what she does or doesn’t know.”
“We need to tell her,” Liz countered. “With everything that’s been going on with her mom? And with the cops investigating the Pony because of Noah? Keeping her in the dark is just putting her in danger!”
“But that’s not your call to make, Liz,” Kyle reminded quietly. “It’s theirs.” He nodded at Michael and Isobel. “And Isobel’s made it pretty clear it’s up to Guerin.”
Liz shook her head. “I can’t keep lying to her.”
“Well figure out a way,” Michael snapped. “Because until I decide to tell her you will keep your mouth shut. Max may have given you free reign with our lives and our secret but he’s dead and you’re almost out of rope.” 
“Michael,” Isobel quietly admonished. Alex knew she felt the same way but she wasn’t dumb enough to come out and say it. Not to Liz’s face.
“I respect that this is your secret and your lives that we’re talking about her,” Liz replied quietly with steel in her voice. “But you aren’t the only ones involved. It is dangerous for anyone associated with the two of you and keeping Maria in the dark while you’re sleeping with her is only going to put her in more danger. And telling her will not endanger either of you.” She grabbed her jacket and left before Michael could respond. 
“She’s not wrong,” Kyle added quietly before following. 
“Michael-” Isobel sighed.
“It’s up to me, right?” Michael looked at her. “I like having one person in my life not know what I freak I am, Izzy. Maybe we’ll have to tell her at some point but not now. Not yet,” he pleaded.
“Okay,” she agreed, lips pursed. “But tell me if you change your mind.” She cast a suspicious look at where Alex remained sitting in the corner and then she too left.
Michael and Alex were alone for the first time in weeks.
“You want me to tell her, too?” Michael snarked.
Alex stood up silently and stripped off his plaid shirt. “We aren’t doing that anymore or did you forget?” Michael told him slowly. As if he could forget. Alex ignored him and stripped off his t-shirt next. As soon as he started to bare his chest, Michael turned away.
“Look at me,” he ordered. Michael shook his head, his eyes fixed on the beer in his hands. “Michael. Look at me.”
Michael closed his eyes briefly before looking up. He flinched when he saw Alex’s scars. He had hundreds of tiny tally marks all over his body but his chest and back had the worst. Up until Caulfield, Michael would lave kisses over each and every one and curse the selfish asshole who’d caused them. ‘How could anyone tell this many lies when they knew it hurt someone else?’ he would ask. 
That all changed the day he realized that he was the selfish asshole.
“Guerin!” Alex yelled when he got to the Airstream. He saw Michael’s truck parked to the side and a bile of empty bottles by one of the rusted chairs out front. “Guerin!”
The door swung open and Michael leaned unsteadily against the door frame. He was drunk but that wasn’t surprising. Alex wasn’t sure if he’d been sober since the night Max died. What was surprising was that he looked somewhat cognizant. Maybe they could actually manage a conversation, after all.
“I thought I told you we were done?” Michael narrowed his eyes at him.
“You did,” Alex agreed. “We need to talk.”
Michael laughed, deep and mirthlessly. He took one step down and parked his butt on the step as he ran his hands over his face. “So we stop screwing and now you want to talk. Seems ironic.”
Alex shook his head. “Your truck is purple.” Michael flinched as a mark appeared on his shoulder. He looked from it to Alex. “The Airstream is orange.” Another mark. “I love my father.” A third. “I hate you.” A fourth. 
They both stared at the brand new marks etched into Michael’s shoulder. His skin was remarkably relatively unblemished. Enough so that up until now he could convince himself he didn’t have a soulmate, that it was a human only thing.
“What?” Michael asked, forcing his eyes over to Alex. “When- when did you know?”
Alex licked his lips. “You’re a miserable liar,” he echoed his own words from Caulfield. Truthfully, he’d suspected before then but the moment Michael stared him in the face and screamed, “I don’t love you!” and he felt the deepest mark yet carve itself into the flesh over his heart, he’d known. Michael had avoided him since then so he hadn’t had a chance to tell him. 
“No,” Michael shook his head. “I- I can’t deal with this.”
“Fine,” Alex agreed easily. He’d expected nothing less. “But here’s the deal. I’m done getting scars, okay? I know you can avoid a topic just fine so figure out a way to stop lying. Or I’m going to start.” He paused and turned away. “See how you like getting your body carved up because someone can’t tell the truth.”
That was the last time they’d spoken and Alex had accumulated a few new marks since then. And even though he’d given Michael a few of his own, they didn’t compare. “You don’t want to tell Maria the truth?” He asked. “Fine. That’s up to you. But stop lying to her. Because I can’t take it anymore.” He unbuckled his pants and shoved them down his hips far enough to display a neat row of tally marks. “What were you talking about two nights ago?” Alex slowly slid his finger along the row. “Seems like you did a lot of lying.”
“We were talking about you,” Michael admitted, his voice rough. He seemed torn between staring at Alex’s skin and wanting to look literally anywhere else. 
“So you’re carving up my skin because of me?” Alex was suddenly angry. “You want to lie to her about you? Fine! I mean, fuck you, but fine. But do not lie to her about me. I don’t deserve that.”
“She asked if-”
“Don’t answer! I managed it just fine for 10 years, you can handle a few months!” Alex yelled. “Or better yet! Tell her the fucking truth. It’s better for her and it’s better for me.”
“But not me,” Michael yelled. “When do I get to pick what’s best for me?!”
“You’re a coward,” Alex told him. They both waited for the mark to appear but Michael’s skin remained as it was. “You want to be with her without telling her who you are. You’re not a bad guy, Guerin. She’s not going to run when she finds out the truth. Whether she tolerates exactly how much you’ve lying to her, that’s a different story, but tell her the truth and then let her decide what she wants to do. Because if you want to be with her for real?” Alex’s voice cracked slightly. “Then do it for real. Don’t half ass it and don’t spend your entire relationship lying.”
Alex had to hand it to Michael, he’d learned how to lie without lying. Several months after their conversation, Maria was still in the dark about most of her friends’ activities but Alex had hardly any new marks. He wasn’t sure how Michael had managed it but he wasn’t going to complain. 
He hadn’t seen much (or any really) of Michael since then. The only glimpses he got were of the few minutes they spent meeting about the plan to save Max and when he went to the Pony. Of course, at the Pony he had to see Michael and Maria being the happy new, loving couple that they were. So he started avoiding the Pony. And the Crashdown. And getting his car fixed on the other side of town.
It was a small blessing that the only new marks he’d gotten recently were almost entirely of his own making. Looking back over the last few months, the incident stood out as the one time they managed to coexist in one place for longer than 5 minutes and they couldn’t even manage it without a little bloodshed.
“Yeah, I can do that,” Michael offered when Isobel asked if he could get her car to Sanders’ without waiting for the tow truck. Alex felt a new scar appear on his bicep as he and Kyle waited for Isobel to be ready to leave with them.
“Hey Kyle,” Alex mused. Kyle looked over at him, a smile around playing at his lips. By now, Kyle was familiar with the particular tone of voice Alex used when he was about to spout nonsense aimed purely at putting a mark on Michael. “I want a pet shark.” Kyle laughed and shook his head while Michael flinched.
“Hey Iz?” Michael called. Isobel stopped and turned around halfway into her garage. “Your car needs new tires.” This one was almost in his armpit and Alex had to actively suppress his reaction.
“Oh, Kyle?” Kyle raised an eyebrow. “Did I tell you? I had a really terrible date last night.” He didn’t have any last night but if Michael wanted to interpret the mark as meaning it was a great date then so be it. A glance out the corner of his eye showed Michael fuming and rubbing at his hip. 
“Terrible, huh?” Kyle replied. “Better or worse than the one last week?” Alex smiled. His ‘date’ last week was at the local animal shelter. He was hoping to adopt a dog, maybe even a beagle, and he’d gone to meet a few.
“I’d say a little better.” Michael started rubbing his opposite hip. Kyle glanced over at him. Then back at Alex. Alex could see the pieces start tumbling into place and he cursed himself for doing this when they were together. It was easy to hide it when no one could see Michael get his coincidentally timed marks. 
Isobel came out of the garage, her phone in her hand. “You sure you don’t want me to call a tow? It’d be slower but probably a little bit easier for you. I know we’ve been strengthening our powers but I don’t want to tire you out too much if I can just call a truck.”
“Nah, Izzy, I’ve got it.” The mark showed up on the back of Alex’s hand and Kyle caught it before Alex could hide it. He looked at Alex with wide eyes then back at Michael. 
“Alex?” He whispered. Alex shook his head. 
So he figured he was due. After all, Michael wasn’t generally known for his overwhelming honesty or for being considerate for long periods of time. Alex just hadn’t quite expected how the next mark would come. 
For starters, Michael told Maria and invited her to the next Saving Deputy Evans planning party. They spent most of the time letting Michael and Isobel explain everything they knew about their species and their history before delving into Noah and then finally Max. 
“So you can move things with your mind?” Maria checked with them. “And read people’s minds? And heal?”
“It’s not quite that simple,” Michael argued. “For the longest time we each only had one power but since Max died, Isobel and I have been strengthening our other powers. And it’s not so much mind reading as it is sort of getting into someone’s mind?”
Maria nodded and then asked another question which Liz answered. Alex didn’t hear. He was too focused on Michael. Michael kept glancing over at him, a strange look on his face like he was gearing up for something big. Alex knew whatever it was, Michael would bring it up later, but he couldn’t help but tense up the longer Michael kept looking over at him. He’d been doing it all night but it had only increased in frequency.
“Alex,” he said suddenly. The room quieted at once, everyone turning to face him but he only stared evenly at Alex, his eyes never once leaving him. “I love you.” Distantly, he heard Maria react but it hardly registered.
He’d thought he’d known pain before, though he would never recover from the wound he received at Caulfield. He was wrong, though. Because nothing compared to the bone deep agony of a fresh mark carving itself deep into his chest at Michael’s words.
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taehyungsgrowl · 5 years
What about Duncan coming home to you riding Jim and he gets all mad and punishes you 🙊😳
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We’re kind combining a few prompts because we’ve been talking about bringing some angst to the sugar babies so. 
Also you emo hoes really wanted some angst, I think it was the most requested prompt for the sugar babies. 
Jim was laid out on the massive bed, lazily scrolling through his phone. He seemed almost bored as he blinked his eyes slowly. 
Y/N know she was bored. She couldn’t find anything to keep her focus or attention all day. And she missed Duncan terribly. 
Jim and Y/N had spent the long weekend with their sugar daddy, but now that he had to go back to work, well, she was having withdrawals. It also didn’t help that Duncan had to rush out of the house that morning even though she had expressed just how needy she felt that morning. 
She plopped herself down on the bed, laying on her tummy besides him. Jim didn’t take his eyes off the silly video he watched on his phone; just continued to double tap and scroll. 
She rolled her eyes at him. It was one thing for Duncan to ignore her, but Jimmy too? 
“Jim,” she whined, poking his side, “I’m bored.” 
“Same,” he set his phone down, and putting his hands behind his head, propping himself up. 
“You know what I’m in the mood for?” she interrupted him, placing her hand on his crotch.
Jim couldn’t hide the smirk to form on his face. He noticed just how pouty Y/N had gotten when Duncan left in a hurry and he saw just for frustrated she seemed all day. 
“Ah,” he raises his brows, eyes wandering down to her hand on the print of his cock. “Well,” he thinks it through, “I’m sure we can think of something to kill this boredom..” he removes her hand from his crotch and pulls her on top of him. 
“Mhmm,” she agrees, shifting on his lap, building the friction between them. “And what did you have in mind, Jim,” she slid her hand on the inside of his shirt, feeling his warm skin on her fingertips. 
Simultaneously, Jim’s fingers are at her pants, tugging and pulling them down, “I think you know, kitten.”  Y/N lifted herself up enough to help Jim ease off her pants along with kicking his own off. 
Once he finally freed them both from the discomfort of their pants, she sat back down on his lap. Her folds rubbed slowly against his veiny length; Her eyes fluttered shut as she imagined the sweet release she had been craving all day. Y/N was so wet, she easily glided back and forth on his cock that was neatly sandwiched between his stomach and her pussy. 
“Y/N..” he moaned quietly, “C’mon. Haven’t you teased yourself enough?” he grabbed her hips guiding her. 
“Hm,” she mused, “And here I thought I was the needy one,” she giggled. 
“Oh, you still definitely are.” he chuckled as he took his cock and teased her entrance. 
“Jim..” it was her turn to whine again. 
“See,” he smirked. 
With that, he aligned himself at her entrance and she carefully sank down on him, engulfing his full length in between her legs. 
They both breathed out a sigh of relief was her warm cunt hugged his throbbing cock; sliding down on in until his base was pressed against her. 
She ground her hips into his repeatedly, relishing the sensation of him stretching her out. 
Duncan let out a frustrated sigh as he entered the apartment. He was so fed up with the idiots under his management. He had returned to work for one full day and they already made him feel like he aged five years. 
“Jim.. Y/N..” he called out. He knew they were home, both of their cars were neatly parked in the parking lot. Duncan kicked off his shoes and followed the faint sounds of heavy breathing that came from his room. 
“Jim..” Y/N echoed, followed by Jim’s low grunts. 
“Fuck, princess..” Jim slapped her as she came down on his cock, “Feels so-”
Duncan felt like he was punched in the gut. All he wanted was to come home and enjoy Y/N and Jim’s presence -- only to find them enjoying each other without him. He hated to admit the slow burning ache he felt. 
Thinking back to all the times he’s walked in on them laughing at their inside jokes made when he’s away. All the hidden secrets they know of each other from a life before Duncan. 
Suddenly all those feeling began to pour in. 
He knew it wasn’t like that. He knew it. 
But with the weight of everything on his shoulders - from his mom, his job, the future of the country - this seemed like the easiest thing to take it out on. 
He was wrong for it, but he could’t stop the hurt and discouragement he felt. 
How despite having two people who loved him immensely - he still felt alone. 
“Feels so good?” Duncan spoke in a low voice, making them both stop abruptly. “Yeah, I know.” 
“Daddy,” Y/N whined, clearly not reading the energy in the room. Duncan was fuming. Jim lifted himself up a bit, catching on to Duncan’s anger. 
Normally, if Duncan walked in on something like this, he’d scold them and punish them. In a fun way. The kind of punishment they enjoyed. He’d walk over to them, kiss them, tell them how naughty they were, and then join them. 
But he wasn’t in the fucking mood. 
So his sugar babies who he spoils the hell out don’t need him to have fun - then what the hell was the point. All three of them had made it clear from the beginning that everything would be communicated and it would mutual. 
If Jim and Y/N had each other - who did Duncan have?
“Don’t.” he shook his head at her, beginning to loosen his tie. “Well,” he continued with the buttons on his cuffs, “Are you at least going to have the courtesy to get out of my bed while you fuck? Or do I have to watch this poor attempt at attention?”
“Duncan what’s wrong?” she asked as both her and Jim began to separate, clumsily looking for their clothes. 
“Nothing’s wrong.” he responded curtly. 
Jim and Y/N shared a look too afraid to take a step towards him. Not because they were afraid he’d actually hurt them, but they didn’t want to upset him any further. 
Duncan knew he was overreacting. He knew it. He was just too upset to be rational about it. 
“Listen.” he finally let out a breath when he saw they didn’t even make an attempt to say something. “No one’s fucking forcing you to be with me okay? You’re not the first and you certainly won’t be the last, escorts I hire.” 
Jealousy was clouding Duncan’s mind. He wasn’t jealous of Jim because he was fucking Y/N. And he wasn’t jealous that Y/N was fucking Jim. 
He felt as though they didn’t actually need him. And it hurt him more than anything - because even if he couldn’t admit now, Duncan needed them. 
“Hire? Duncan what the fuck?” Jim finally spoke up. His voice quivered slightly. “You don’t mean that. You know it’s not like that.” 
“Do I?” he snapped back. “Because it looks to me like you don’t fucking need me. You had each other before me. You’ll have each other after me. What’s the fucking point? To give you money for a pity fuck?”
“You know it’s not about your money.” Jim tried to keep his ever calm composure. Y/N who was known to be quite the firecracker of the trio, strangely kept quiet, hurdled a few steps behind Jim. Jim took a weak step forward, not wanting to rock the boat. “I love you. We love you,” he looked back at Y/N who simply nodded her head. 
“Right.” Duncan nodded his head. “I’m staying in the guest room tonight.” he picked up some sweats from his nightstand. “You two have fun.”
Y/N looked over at Jim who just stared at the door as Duncan walked away. They knew when he was upset it was best to give him his room to breathe.
“He.. he doesn’t love us?” she spoke quietly, stunned by how the night had developed. 
“He’s just got a lot on his plate right now.” Jim justified for Duncan. “He loves us.” he repeated to himself to make it real. 
“Do you think maybe we can, you know, make it up to him,” Y/N suggested with heavy implication behind her words. 
“A blow job isn’t gonna fucking fix, it Y/N.” he quipped. 
“Don’t yell at me too.” her lip shook. “This is my fault, isn’t it?” 
All she wanted was for the three of them to be together and to be happy. 
“It’s not.” he reached for her hand and made her sit besides him, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “He’ll be okay. Let him rest. We can talk about it tomorrow.” 
“What if he meant it, Jim?”
“We have a lot to talk about.” Jim pulled her in closer and kissed the top of her head. 
Duncan climbed into the rarely used queen sized bed in his extra room. The foreign feel of being in a bed that wasn’t his (and one without Jim and Y/N) did send a slight wash of comfort. 
He pulled his covers up to his chin and curled in on himself, not allowing a single sound to come out of his sadness as he held himself to sleep. 
The next morning he woke with a pounding headache at his temples. The stress from the night before feeling lighter. Reaching for his phone, he sent out his secretary to cancel all meetings as he would be staying home. 
Guilt settled in his lower stomach remembering the cold words he told his loves. He didn’t mean - and he hopes with everything in him that they know that. 
Duncan took his time before leaving the safe confines of his guest room. He lingered in the shower, wising the hot steam would cleanse him of the remorseful feeling he felt. 
He knew he shouldn’t have taken out his anger and frustration on them. It was a shit thing to do and it was eating away at him. The hurt look in Y/N’s eyes bored into his brain. 
They were so much more than cheap whores. They were his family. His loves. 
Duncan heard their distinct voices in the kitchen along with the sounds of soft music playing. After getting ready, he walked out of the room and quietly padded to the kitchen. 
Y/N looked up from the bowl of fruit she was making when she felt Duncan standing in the doorway. His honey colored locks were darkened by the water making them appear darker. 
“Hey..” his voice was just above a whisper, his right hand rubbing sheepishly at the back of his neck. 
“I’m sorry,” both Y/N and Duncan spoke at the same time. He walked towards her and Jim. 
“Last night was inexcusable. I was hurt and frustrated but I shouldn’t have let that out on you. It was uncalled for.” his eyes danced between his baby and his princess. 
“We know you didn’t mean it Duncan.” Jim placed an arm around Duncan’s waist, leaning in to kiss his cheek. 
He knew they would understand (not that it excused his behavior - but they knew how much he actually cared.)
“Sit down, Duncan.” Y/N offered him a small smile. “We have to talk.”
She and Jim both noticed the flash of worry that crossed his eyes. “I’m okay..” he spoke cautiously. “What’s wrong?” he sensed the need they had to tell him something and it made his stomach churn. 
“Nothing’s wrong.” Jim almost echoed Duncan’s words from the night before. 
Duncan pulled out a bar stool from the kitchen bar and took a seat. “Alright then. What is it?”
“We want to end the arrangement.”
Tags: @1-800-bitchcraft @divinelangdon @langdonsdemon @satcnas @plsfuckmelangdon @langdonsoceaneyes@mega-combusken @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @lathraios@ticklish-leafy-plant @wroteclassicaly @michael-langdon-appreciation @ritualmichael @langdonswhoreprobably @coollangdon @livocc @desertsunflower00@venusxxlangdon@langdonsfeed @rocketgirl2410 @cocosfern @ccodyfern@lovelylangdons @sammythankyou @maso-xchrist @langdvnshepherd  @emmyrosee  @ladynuwanda @flowersiren @starwlkers @littledemondani@queencocoakimmie @fckinsupreme
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Hopeless romantic (Branjie) - multifandomgeek
A/N: I saw a few fix-it fics with Brooke changing her ways for Vanessa and I thought it would be interesting to explore another way to view it. Hope you guys enjoy it.
AO3 Link.
They were sitting on the couch of Brooke’s hotel room in LA looking at each other so seriously you would think they would either fight or fuck at any moment now, but they were both determined to do neither. It was just the two of them, just Brooke and Vanessa, or rather Brock and Jose, out of drag, filling the silence with things unsaid, with anger and frustration but also longing and love.
They decided to try, again, to talk things out. They still had feelings for each other, and it was blatantly obvious even if they hadn’t said it out loud on national television. Being on the same city for Dragcon with no more secrets to keep from the public had them feeling vulnerable in front of each other, and the fans were not being so helpful at keeping things at bay either.
But maybe even if there wasn’t an army of people encouraging them to get back together they would have found themselves here anyway. Having the knowledge that there was no contract this time, and the freedom to do things without any producers meddling with their interactions was making them hopeful.
They had texted a lot before agreeing to meet in person. Vanjie agreed to let Brooke call her out if she started to raise her voice. Brooke agreed to let Vanjie call her out if she started to retreat into herself too much and change the subject. It was all very businesslike, the stakes felt too high for it not to be. The season 11 tour was approaching and surely they would not be able to keep their hands off each other, and no matter what they eventually would have said, things would get messy, with a big fat chance of being publicly so.
“You have to start this,” said Vanessa eventually. “You already know what I want, how I feel. Hell, everybody knows.” Brooke rubbed his face down before he talked.
“People think I’m a heartless bitch. Too selfish to love you,” he said, looking away from Vanjie’s face. It was not how he intended to do this, but it was out now.
“I know, baby, I’m sorry. It’s my fault, you know how I say things and don’t even realize half the time,“ said Vanessa getting slightly closer just to grab Brooke’s hand reassuringly. "I didn’t mean it that way, if you were bad to me it would be way easier to get over you now,” he finished in a low voice.
“People overanalyze everything anyway,” said Brooke, for himself as much as for Vanessa.
“Yeah, fuck them.”
“Do you think I’m too selfish to love you? Too cold to be romantic?” asked Brooke, still holding Vanessa’s hand, waiting for his answer with a clenched heart.
“No,” responded Vanjie, but let go of Brooke to sit back on the couch and run his hand on his own hair. “It’s not when you’re with me that’s the problem, you know that.”
“I know,” said Brooke, sitting back too, unconsciously setting himself for the hardest part of the conversation. “I know I’m gonna repeat myself, but I want you to listen okay? ‘Cause sometimes I think you were too mad or too hurt to listen.”
“Okay,” said Vanessa, trying his best not to get defensive at that.
“I am not gonna ask you to have an open relationship. I am not gonna sleep around or cheat on you,” said Brooke, and he could almost see the blood start to boil under Vanessa’s skin, but he could also see the effort she was making to listen and letting him finish, which was new and hopeful. “What I want is for us to talk, really talk, get to a compromise or something, try a DIY couple therapy, I don’t know, but change something about how crazy jealous you get, boo, because if that stays the same I don’t think we can make it,” Brooke finished and his heart was pounding. Vanessa shifted to put his elbows on his knees and hide his face while he took a deep breath. Brooke knew how deeply the jealousy was engraved in Jose’s values. It was part of his upbringing, even. But even though he understood, he couldn’t live with it. God knew he tried.
“You can’t expect me to see some gogo-boy touchy guy making googly eyes at you and touching you and be fine with it,” said Vanjie, with an edgy tone but holding back the anger as much as possible. “Especially when I see you flirting back! That’s not normal!”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s normal, it’s me! What do you think it’s going to happen, he’s gonna steal me away from you? That’s nonsense, nobody can steal me from you, Jose. Look at me,” asked Brooke, because what he as going to say was important and also because he wanted to break the heated pace the conversation was taking. Vanessa looked him in the eye, and Brooke did his best to ignore the tears forming at the corner of his eyes, even as he felt himself doing the same. He sighed. “No one can steal me from you because I’m not your property. I choose to be with you because I love you. You don’t belong to me, I don’t belong to you, we are together because we want to be.”
“It’s not that simple. I can understand that in my head, but I don’t control my heart Brock,” there were tears flowing from his eyes now.
“Could we at least try? Baby steps? No promises, just… “ Brooke was shaking. He reached to hold Vanessa’s head and rest their foreheads together against his better judgment. His smell was intoxicating. “I don’t want to move on from you. I miss you.” He leaned in, but not all the way. He wanted this to be an agreement in every way possible. He closed his eyes and felt Jose’s shaky breath before their lips met in a soft kiss.
It took a moment before their schedules aligned again. Meanwhile, they kept talking casually, like before. They didn’t mention anything sex-related or even flirt-related to each other. Vanessa had left Brooke’s hotel with no commitment, just a mutual promise that they would work on their own insecurities until they saw each other again.
On their next gig together they didn’t have to keep any façade, they were really just friends now, and above all entertainers, Drag Queens, and they did their fucking job. In between their performances, Brooke approached Vanessa in the green room, touching her arm sweetly.
“I wanna try something, but only if you agree,” Brooke said, quietly enough that only Vanessa could hear her.
“That doesn’t sound good, Mary,” said Vanessa, looking at her with a side eye.
“Ok, so, hmm… I want to go out there and flirt with some guy, doesn’t matter who,” said Brooke, and Vanessa’s whole body tensed immediately. “Baby, please,” she pleaded, reaching for Vanjie’s hand. “I’m telling you how it’s gonna be, alright? I’m just gonna act like I act when I’m on tour by myself, nothing less, nothing more. You get to watch every second of it, and I just want you to do that and keep telling yourself that it doesn’t mean a thing. Then I’ll come back to you, and we’ll talk about it. That’s it.”
“That’s it?” said Vanessa sarcastically, though not as much as she could have.
“Yes,” responded Brooke, ignoring her tone. “I’ll go out there, talk to people, maybe take a few pictures and give a few hugs like always, and come back. That’s it.”
“Fine. Sure. Okay,” said Vanessa, turning back to the mirror to finish her touch-ups. She was still tense as fuck, but didn’t argue, didn’t say no. That counted for something, right? Brooke left her to it, feeling the anxiety creeping up on her. She went to have a shot or three or she would never be able to do it. This was it, the test.
Or not. They could tune it, maybe, adapt. Make it work, put on the effort. The Notebook was an edited work, much like the storyline their fans got to see of them on Drag Race. The real relationship took work, no matter how many grand gestures or declarations of love or small romantic actions Brooke made for her lover. That took work from her too, but now she needed Vanessa to show her she could do her part, show her they could move forward from the fights they kept having in the past.
Brooke looked back to make sure Vanjie saw her leaving the green room. The Latina even gave her a weak smile and a thumbs up as the blonde stepped out to the VIP area of the party. People were talking to her immediately, and although it took some effort to relax, she managed to act like herself after a few minutes.
She didn’t look around as she let guys flirt with her, as she flirted back. It was second nature, really, not only was Brooke a nice looking guy, she was a celebrity now. It came effortlessly, and it was fun, even as it was nerve-wracking to keep stirring her thoughts away from what it would lead to later, with the person who really mattered. She almost wanted not to do it, keep it to herself, go backstage again, but that wasn’t the point. She couldn’t hide backstage forever, keep herself away from the crowd that gave her life, made her want this life in the first place. She didn’t want to change who she was. She could tune it for Vanessa, like she was already doing with the monogamy thing and so many other small things, and she knew Vanessa was doing for her too. But the jealousy was the big thing, the Problem with a capital P, and as Brooke leaned into the guy who was talking to her to say goodbye closer to his ear, touching his arm firmly, all she could do was hope. Hope it would work. Hope Vanessa would be able to love her for her.
She made her way backstage feeling her heart in her throat, expecting to see Vanjie fuming, crying, yelling, anything other than pulling her by the hand and neck to kiss her fiercely against a wall. They hadn’t kiss like that in a while, and Brooke responded immediately, crowding Vanessa with her body and thrusting her tongue inside her mouth. She felt Vanessa’s hand grip the back of her neck and her fake nails scrape the skin there. Brooke was sure she would have pulled her hair if it wasn’t for the wig. She pulled back before things got too heated and uncomfortable. They still had to perform after all.
“I don’t like it,” Vanjie said breathlessly, forehead against Brooke’s collarbone, “but I can- I can do it. I won’t get angry, I’ll trust you. Maybe not right away, maybe I’ll slip up sometimes, but I promise I’ll try. Just don’t- Nothing more than this. If you ever do, you have to tell me.”
“I won’t. I don’t ever wanna hurt you,” said Brooke, wrapping her arms tightly around Vanessa.
“Promise me,” said Vanessa, pulling back to look her in the eye, “promise me that if you get too drunk or too horny and cheat on me you’ll tell me. You have to promise.”
“I promise,” Brooke said, nodding and putting a hand on Vanessa’s exposed chest. “I won’t do it, but if I fuck it up I won’t hide it from you. I love you. I choose to be with you, no one can take that away.”
“I love you too,” said Vanessa pecking Brooke on the lips once, then twice for good measure. Brooke could feel her heart swell.
Someone called Vanjie to say she was due on the stage soon. She rushed to a mirror to fix her lips, and Brooke was left standing in a state of stupor, as if she didn’t know if she was allowed to be happy again. Life was happening around her too fast, in a way that made the whole moment sort of anticlimactic.
She watched Vanessa perform “No More Drama” from backstage. She had seen this performance a few times by now, live and online. But she could tell this one was different. Vanessa was even more emotional, if possible. She cried more than usual and smiled more when it ended, but that wasn’t all. It was powerful in an indescribable way, and the crowd felt it too.
It took until a few seconds into the standing ovation for Brooke to finally realize they were really back together again, with new promises, new dynamics. No more drama, she finally understood. That’s what Vanessa wanted too. The happy ending, not the angsty middle. Brooke felt a sting in her eyes.
“Your mascara is not waterproof,” said Courtney by her side, startling her, “just saying.” She handled Brooke a tissue casually, ever so efficient. Brooke chuckled, pressing it to the corner of her eyes and moving towards the mirrors to touch up before her own performance. She was back in work mode in no time, her heart surprisingly light, thoughts of being free to touch, talk, laugh, do everything and anything freely with Vanessa again flowing through her head, a weight lifted from her shoulders.
She wasn’t thinking about the work they still had to put into it, or how they would handle the public aspect of their relationship. She wasn’t even thinking about the tour, or the distance, not even the crown. Not because she forgot all about it, but because none of it mattered right now. Right now love was winning, and maybe she could allow herself to be a little hopelessly romantic too.
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rogers-metaphor · 5 years
Lessons in Falling in Love: Chapter One
Summary: Selene is a student, Joe is a professor. Thing’s don’t always work out the way they do in movies, and things aren’t always what they seem. 
Permanent warning/disclaimer:  this will be a story that contains smut, will have cursing, and other themes like these. So, if you’re under the age of 18, please skip this story. Also, everything in this story is completely fictional and not based on real life!!!!!!!! It’s for dramatic and entertainment purposes only. 
A/N: I hope you enjoy this story, I’m going to try to post this chapter and the second today, since this is more of an intro. I have 10.5 full chapters already done so I might be able to post once or twice a week! Please let me know what you think! 
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The music in the club was the kind of loud you could feel in your chest. To some it was overkill, but to Selene, she loved it. She loved to go out and dance when she was feeling stressed out. She dawned a little black dress that clinged to her curves perfectly, her dark black hair was straight and whipping about as she moved to the beat of the song that played. She waved to her friends sitting off to the side, her best friend Nova sat in the lap of her boyfriend, Gwilym. They weren’t the type to go out and dance like Selene, but they were there for emotional support.
She found eyes in the flashing lights, and offered the attractive man a smile, spinning away from him to continue dancing. A few moments later, she was in the same situation, she watched and waited for him to make his way to her. He maneuvered his way over, his body also moving to the music. She laughed at his moves. He wasn’t bad. He was just feeling it. She immediately found him attractive, his smile was enough. She loved his strong nose and the shape of his eyes. She almost couldn’t believe he came over to her.
“I’m Joe.” he introduced himself, calling over the boom of the music.
“Selene.” she shakes his hand in return. “Nice to meet you, Joe.” A flirtatious grin is offered as they both stay hand in hand, longer than usual.
This was only the start of her night. She finds herself dancing with him, getting closer and closer as the night continued on. A lot of alcohol was consumed along the way, making her more comfortable around this stranger. He was funny, and sweet. She found herself laughing easily at his jokes. Way to easily, like he knew her exact humor to a tee.
Then, she found herself in his arms, kissing him like he was the last guy on earth. They both moved in at the same time, smiling to one another before their lips collided in a desperate and sloppy fashion. They didn’t care that they had just met, or what was to follow. They didn’t care about any consequences. Even when she got in a ride with him to his house, she clung to him. His arms wrapping around her body and pulling her into him. His hands exploring her body with every passing minute.
It was the sun creeping across the blankets that covered her, that made her groan and roll away from the bright light. It took her a moment to realize she wasn’t in her bed. This jolted her out of her sleepy haze, and her eyes widened as she looked down at her naked body. Naked beside for the dark marks left all over her chest and even some on her thighs. Moments from the night before flashed through her brain. Joe.
Selene met and slept with Joe. She felt her body heat instantly thinking about the night he had given her. As much as she wanted to say she regretted it, she remembered enjoying every moment. She got flashes of his attentiveness to her body, the way he carefully used his hands to explore. She flushed red at respectful he was in asking her permission before he did anything else. He was brilliant in bed, the best she ever had by a long shot. She covered her face, as if anyone was there to witness her remembering the night.
She felt her heart race realizing he wasn’t beside her, and she slowly sat herself up to examine the place. It was clean and neat even more than her own room. It smelled of men’s cologne and fresh laundry, even the bed sheets smelled nice. She laid back trying to contemplate her options again.
She could hear rustling around in a further part of the house, and froze. She wasn’t exactly sure how to go about what to do next. In movies, they usually snuck out before the other woke up. That wasn’t even a possibility now. She realized she’d have to face him, head on.
She quietly found her dress and slipped it on before carefully creeping across his hardwood floor. She could hear him humming an vaguely familiar tune, and slowly glanced around the corner. Joe stood over a pan of eggs and placed some on a plate beside him. He looked handsome, still. Even with messy morning hair. He turned off the burner and turned to her, his eyes widening with a large smile to accompany them.
“Morning.” he said, his white t-shirt clung to his small frame, and he placed down a second plate on his small dining room table. He held out his arms toward the two empty chairs.
“Morning.” Selene greeted him, her body warming at his gesture to sit. Her stomach growled, and felt empty. With all the energy she expelled the night before she needed sustenance. She sat across from him, and began digging in immediately.
“Do you remember my name?” she asked quietly as she reached for the big cup of coffee sat in front of her.
“i couldn’t forget the goddess of the moon, Selene.” he chuckles, sitting back and observing her as she finished off her plate. “Do you remember mine?” he returns the question and she nods.
“Joe.” she shrugs. “I-I don’t do this, ever.” she feels her heart start to race as she breathed in. “I’m not the one-night-stand type of girl.”
“I’ve never done this either.” he shrugs, “It doesn’t have to be.”
“What do you mean?” Selene leans forward, finishing off her cup of coffee, folding her arms across themselves on the table. Her eyes stayed on Joe’s. She hadn’t really looked at them until now, they were a beautiful hazel color. He gives her a warm smile.
“Give me your number so i can call you sometime.” As he slides his phone to her.
She kissed him goodbye.With her hand on the side of his face, her thumb grazing over the stubble. She liked the feeling of his soft lips on hers. Though, she figured she would never see him again, she left her hand lingering on his chest. Both of their smiles were smitten and lazy. He even let her leave in one of his flannel shirts over her little black dress.  
When she got into her shared apartment Gwil sat on the couch, his eyes fell back to look at her. His long legs sprawled the end of the couch and he jumped up to his tall height. He fixed his glasses and squinted toward Selene who curiously looked back toward him.
“Oh my god!” he yells, loudly rushing toward her. “You’ve been attacked! We have to call a doctor! Nova! Come quick!!”
“Gwil!?” Selene laughed, understanding his sarcasm.
He just began screaming and yelling as if someone was murdered, while Selene laughed at his dramatics. Nova quickly rushed into the living room as fast as her small legs could carry her. Her hazel eyes looking between her boyfriend and her best friend.
“What is going on!?” she fumed, looking between Gwil and Selene who was just as shocked as Nova.
“Look at this.” Gwil said quietly. He pointed to Selene’s clearly visible marks and Selene looked down flushing bright red. Nova’s eyes growing wide as she realized.
“WHAT HAPPENED!?” she asked. “I left you alone with Joe for one minute.”
“It was…” Selene began but her eyes fell to Gwil who’s eyes were wide and filled with a little concern and hesitation. “Gwil could you excuse us, please.” Selene laughs. He nods before disappearing into another room.
The two quickly changed and headed out to get coffee. There was no hiding the markings that dawned Selene’s skin. They settled into a small area in the back of the cafe by some windows.
Selene and Nova met a year after they graduated high school. The two were inseparable ever since they met. They bonded over music and their love of coffee and art. They both knew each other inside and out, they both connected in a way that no one else could match.
Selene told her about the end of her night and the morning. Leaving out anything to dirty for it being early afternoon and in public.
“It doesn’t matter how great this morning was, i’m never going to hear from him again.” She sighed heavily, a little upset.
“Why do you say that? He could have just kicked you out or something and he didn’t! He made you breakfast and asked for your number.”
“To save me the embarrassment probably.” Selene rolls her eyes.
“Or maybe he wanted to get to know you. I feel like he’ll call.” Nova sighs, giving up on the argument.
“Or. i’ll call it a good time and be fine.” Selene shrugs.
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beccalovesdarling · 6 years
Chapter 2
: It's (Not) OkayChapter by
This chapter was prompted by pinksakura271 on FFN who wanted to see more flashbacks about them falling in love. And yes, dear, I will include more Marichat goodness. ;)
The flashbacks will continue through this story. If there is anything in particular you would like to see, let me know!! There is def some more Adrienette and Marichat coming up. Any Ladynoir will be flashbacks only for the next few chapters.
When Adrien opened his eyes, he was blinded by pink. He blinked his eyes a few times and still the pink and flowers remained. He defiantly wasn’t in his room. He shifted in the bed and froze. His bare arm had touched the faded cotton sheet and blanket he was bundled in. He wasn’t Chat Noir anymore. He was Adrien.
“It’s okay,” came a meek voice from somewhere in the room.
Adrien sat up fully and looked down from the loft bed. Marinette stood below him near a ladder. She chewed her lip nervously. “You don’t have to worry, Chaton. Everything’s ok now.”
Adrien burst into the emergency room with Marinette cradled in his arms. “Please!” He screamed. “She’s lost a lot of blood!” Her pink pants were soaked through near her crotch. “She’s pregnant!” He added in near hysteria.
That seemed to kick the blonde triage nurse into action while patients in the waiting room around him began to stand and move closer, eager for a look at something more interesting than a sprained wrist or the flu. The nurse behind the counter yelled for a doctor. Immediately, a stretcher was rolled out and Marinette was taken from him. She had passed out before he’d even left the mansion. Tikki had not been able to keep the transformation up much longer and Ladybug became Marinette in a flash of pink sparkles.
Adrien clutched Marinette’s limp hand as hot tears fell down his cheeks. “Everything’s going to be okay, Princess. I promise. I’ll fix this.”
A nurse gently removed his hand and she was carted away through the double doors.
Adrien fell into the nearest chair. His body trembled as the last of his adrenaline faded. His father had tried to kill his fiancée. His father had tried to kill his child. He scrubbed his hands up and down his face as he waited to wake up from this nightmare. He wanted to wake up in their bed with Marinette at his side with a sweet smile on her face. He wanted to see her prance around their kitchen in one of his old tee shirts and her pink panties flashing when she bent over.
With the commotion suddenly died down, the other patients ignored him as another woman sat in the plastic chair beside him. Adrien would not have noticed her had she not asked him how far along she was. He dropped his hands heavily to his lap as he turned to find Nathalie sitting beside him with registration paperwork. She clicked her pen once or twice before screwing her lips to the side. “I’ll just put about four weeks.”
“What are you doing here?” He asked hotly. “Did he send you here?”
Nathalie was half way finished with the first page before she responded. “If you mean my employer, your father, then yes. I’m here to keep the press away from this unfortunate turn of events. And to see that any mention of you is kept from her chart.”
“Unfortunate turn of events!” He shouted. “He tried to kill my baby!” The nurse at the reception desk hushed him. She had obviously already been bribed otherwise his statement would have had her calling the police.
Nathalie tilted her head. “Adrien, Marinette fell from a bridge.”
“You fell from a bridge,” Marinette explained. “You didn’t wake up. Even after Miraculous Ladybug,” she added quietly. The girl climbed the ladder and paused at the foot of the bed.
Adrien swallowed thickly. “I guess, you know?”
She nodded and looked down, her thick bangs hiding her eyes. “I feel dumb for not figuring it out sooner. I never tried to, but Alya mentioned it once or twice. And then Clara’s video.”
He crawled down the bed towards her. “I’m sorry, Marinette. I…You told me all that personal stuff when I came around as Chat Noir. I never should have done any of that, especially when you finally admitted it was me, Adrien me, you liked.”
Marinette didn’t look up. “You’ve still not figured it out yet, have you?”
“Figured what out?”
When she looked up with tears in her eyes, she said, “I’m Ladybug.”
“Adrien, there’s a lot you don’t understand.” Nathalie added quietly as her charge fumed at Marinette’s admit reason. “No matter about the secrets, you still have to uphold the Agreste name. I am sorry, Adrien, but Marinette can’t be part of that. Not right now, anyway.”
The young man rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t get to make that decision. I’m going to marry her.”
Nathalie removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes tiredly. “I do care about you, Adrien. You are honestly like a son to me. And off the record, there are a lot of things your father has done that I don’t approve of. I have helped him with those endeavors and I’m not proud of my sins. Unfortunately, I’m not in a situation where I can just walk away from it at this point. There is still a chance for that girl. She can hide overseas, go to university. If she stays here, he will try again and again until he gets what he desires. Honestly? I am surprised he even let you take her.” She delicately shoved her glasses back up her nose.
Adrien folded his arms across his chest. “She’s not leaving. I’ll make sure he stays away from her and then we’re finishing this. We’re taking away his Miraculous and he’s going to jail.”
The assistant stood, clipboard held to her chest. “Will you be able to handle the fallout? If you succeed, the Gabriel brand will no doubt go under. Hundreds of people will lose jobs. You’ll lose access to your accounts, both domestic and foreign. Miss Dupain-Cheng will never be allowed to work in the industry because it is public knowledge you two are engaged. You will ruin her.”
He scowled up at her. “I won’t let that happen to her.”
She offered him a small smile. “Just remember, the game ends when the queen is captured.” With that, she walked towards the reception desk and handed in Marinette’s paperwork. Adrien watched as a thick manila envelope was handed to the nurse that was promptly hidden in a desk drawer. Without another glance, Nathalie left the emergency department.
“Where does this leave us?” He asked quietly. Marinette sat on the edge of her bed, her knees drawn up to her chest.
“I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “I want to be with you. I know it’ll be hard to adjust and if you just want to stay friends and partners, I’m fine with that.” Her face heated and she hid it atop her knees.
Adrien moved closer, his hand reaching out to caress the skin of her cheek peeking out from her hiding place. “I don’t want to be just friends or partners anymore. I love you. I’m here for the long run.” His voice was fragile.
She peaked up at him with those large bluebell eyes. “I want that, too.” She repeated.
Adrien’s body was still by the time a doctor called his name. He swallowed thickly as he stood, his joints cracking. The middle-aged man in light blue scrubs held the doors to the triage area open. Adrien’s steps were slow and shaky as he approached. “Is she…Are they okay?”
A brief flicker of sadness crossed the doctor’s face before it smoothed back into professional blankness. “Come with me.” The doors locking behind him seemed to echo in the sterile hallway as he followed the doctor.
“She’s in post-op now. Once she’s woken up, we’ll move her to a private room,” the doctor explained as they navigated the labyrinth like corridors. “My name is Dr. Long. I performed the surgery on her. She’ll recover quickly, but to be safe, it would be best to wait about six months to a year to try again.”
Adrien’s sneakers squeaked as he abruptly stopped. “Try again? You mean…?”
Dr. Long turned to face him and that sad look from earlier crossed his face. “I regret to inform you, but she miscarried from her fall.”
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Stray Dove 6: Failed Redemption
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Stray Dove Masterlist
Thor Odinson x Plus!Size Reader
Warnings: Angst!
A/N: This takes place during Thor: The Darkworld
Devotion, it is love, loyalty, enthusiasm for a person, a god, a fate coupled with the stubbornness to not give up on the one that holds warm beating heart in powder blue hands that belong to the lover that has frozen her own. There was no hope of getting what was once to be had back, no matter how any of them pleaded, reasoned, or warred with themselves, wanting so desperately to explain what happened but knowing it would serve no one any good at this point.
It had been seen to that books were brought, furniture, clothes, whatever possible to make sure that the two didn’t have the opportunity to slip further into the dark recesses of troubled minds. Subconscious that frolicked with death, torture, complete evil every time, tired eyes closed in a vane attempt to rest.
“I see that you have been getting the gifts mother & I send,” Thor began as Y/N turned from the book in pale hands, stretched out on the chase lounge & thankfully in the nicer wardrobe that Frigga had made for Y/N.
“I have. Your early by the way, thought you weren’t due to arrive for a few more months,” the warrior began.
The pale fate putting bare feet over the edge of the lounge looking over the gods change from the usual Midgardian garb to that of Asgard. Lips wanting to turn up in an excited smile that he had come to see her but forced it down, Thor needed to get the hint to move on, she was lost yet he kept coming back.
“Something came up. The Aether was found,” Thor began coming to stand with Y/N who looked over his hair & clothes closer, the god wasn’t acting excited at getting to speak with her as usual, cocking loose longer, Y/H/C/ head at him as if she could read him, having heard rumors of he & Jane as of late.
“Your mortal is it…,” Y/N began, knowing how to get him fuming in no time & hearing a snicker from Loki as she smirked at Thor.
“She is not MY mortal Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you that you are the only one for me,” Thor snapped, obvious he was trying to keep anger in check but it wasn’t working as he bared beautifully white teeth & scowled over at Loki leaned against the barrier closest her cell with a vicious grin on almost matching pale face.
“Shut up Loki,” Thor snarled at his brother blue eyes hardening as both gods didn’t seem to be backing down, Y/N filling the charge in the air, “this is your fault!”
“Oh, come now dear brother, your precious fate did quite a bit of damage herself did you not pet,” Loki laughed looking to Y/N who turned her head, trying to hide the impish grin that was threatening to spread over insipid features
Y/N didn’t have to look at the god to know the worried gaze she was fixed with, one of pleading & begging to tell him what happened. Y/E/C orbs meeting troubled blue gaze that told Thor it wouldn’t be happening today but still worth a try.
“Tell me dove. Please tell me what happened on Midgard, it can’t hurt,” Thor began watching her close as bare feet strode the marble floor, quick glance to Loki then the fresh batch of prisoners that mulled around in their own cells before finally turning back to Thor who was closer than expected.
“But what good will it do Odinson? No one will listen to what we have to say, it never mattered. I'm just the daughter of a traitorous, murderous frost giant that followed in her father’s boots am I not? We were both naïve for believing that it would be simple for us, I, the appointed sentinel of the royalty of Asgard for recompense,” Y/N tried to speak calmly but failing when anger escaped in a hateful snarl that Thor didn’t recoil from watching the fate worriedly, noting confinement was getting to her.
“Do you think so little of my love that you think I would believe that the Y/N that attacked Midgard is the same that I was betrothed to? I saw the look of your eyes sweetheart, that wasn’t you, that wasn’t MY Y/N, my betrothed, MY dove…,” Thor began to rant till wrath consumed the fate, golden blue seidr erupting from pale hands to flare up covered arms, even noting Loki out of the corner of his eye take a step back.
“I AM NOT YOUR DOVE,” the fate snarled, glaring at Thor.
Y/E/C eyes going wild with seidr that burned in curvaceous body, wanting out but there was no such outlet. Nothing to take it out on, nothing to wound but herself, something in all truth Y/N had honestly thought of recently, had it not been for Loki seeing the signs & talking the fate out of it every time. The smiling Thor pissing her off more, trying to calm herself as the apparition turned as if there was someone speaking or entering into the room he occupied.
“You should go,” Y/N spoke quietly, turning from Thor to go back to the lounge to pick up where she left off filling him eventually leave.
“You were very harsh pet, more so than usual, are you…,” Loki spoke over to Y/N trying to get distracted mind to register he was speaking to her.
“I'm fine Loki,” Y/N spoke not looking away, turning the page focusing on the book, thankful that for one he didn’t badger her to death & leaving her to her own thoughts.
Jane was here, the Aether, the Aether? It was hidden away on Midgard wasn’t it? Was that mortal stupid enough to have stumbled upon it & how? The convergence was close, even they felt it, knew Frigga did, having spoken to Y/N just the other day, even bring up Jane to the queen curious to her input but not wanting to sound like a whiny little girl begging attention from an old lover. Quiet moment shattered by the yelling in the cell directly next to her getting their attention to watch the cell filled with black smoke.
Chaos filling the dungeon as both looked on at the scene that unfolded before them, the first Kursed that either had seen but knew what it was as it began to free itself, then the others in the dungeon for distraction. Though it was quick to back away from Loki, turning to look at the fate who cocked Y/H/C head at it to stand unflinching at her barrier, the thing meeting Y/E/C gaze for a moment then looking away to the stairs.
“What’s the matter? We make you nervous,” Y/N hushed to it as it took one last look at the two before starting to the stairs.
“You may want to take the ones to the left,” Loki spoke after the creature that stopped, seeming to take it into account before doing as Loki instructed.
Both prisoners watching the others running back & forth, the guards trying to round up who they could as the two casually went back to their books, no conversating over the chaos, best to wait it out.
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It was quiet, eerie silence between the two after they had been informed of Frigga’ death, well after both had a violent outburst, Y/N going to a corner while Loki went to the back of his cell to sit in silence as well. The fate finding interest in the flesh around short nails, picking at it, biting, bringing blood at times, not bothering to heal it as thoughts began to go dark at the sight of bright red pricking at the picked skin. How easy, how easy to take that final step, that was means, means to….
“That’s enough Y/N,” came a dry lifeless voice form across the aisle, knowing Loki had seen a tic to have spoken & looking to realize she rubbed along forearms as if to find a place to start.
“Afraid I would leave you in this Hel alone aegis,” Y/N spoke, not looking away from pale forearms until movement next to Loki’ cell caught her gaze, looking up to find Thor standing next to it, movements telling Y/N that this was more than just a consolation for the death of Frigga.
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Can you guarantee me death like I know you plan, Y/N spoke to Loki as she stood back with Jane protectively though they both loathed each other.
Loki & Thor plotted to get the Aether free of Jane, the weak woman that the fate stood with, looking the mortals weak state over, she would treat Thor well. If the frail mortal survived this feeling Loki tickle at her mind to draw attention away as the scene played out in the gods head.
Of course, but this is your chance to escape with Thor, he will be wanted as well, Loki commented worriedly as he spoke with Thor on other matters.
He has her if this works, just do as I ask for once, Y/N huffed out the god chuckling in heavy head at her impatience.
Anything for you pet, though I must warn you it will be painful, he chuckled darkly before pushing Thor from the cliff, looked like it was time to act as the god tumbled from the ledge.
Tags open! And re-blogs are ALWAYS welcomed!
Tags: @dark-night-sky-99​  @prettybubblesintheair​  @gramaeryebard​  @reallyheckinggay​  @jovanna-shewolf​  @andiyholly​  @katstablook​   @nickyl316h​  @beets1bears1battlestargalactica​ @aslandia726​ @moonfaery​ @furstinnajoelle   @itsbqueenthings​ @lookwhatyoumademequeue​
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fortunatowrites · 6 years
Journey of the Mimic
Writing Prompt: A group of adventures return home to find out that their pet is missing. Their pet is a Mimic.
“What’s a mimic?” asked Charlie, the newest addition to the fateful band of adventurers.
She was a cleric and had decided to join up with this band of a fighter, barbarian, and mage when they came to the rescue of her city from an evil sorcerer.
“It’s a little hard to explain,” spoke the fighter known as Theobes.
Theobes turned his head to the half-orc barbarian, Grognock.
“Mimic is creature that change to objects. It look like chest, but full of teeth and a tongue.”
“Yeah, that’s good description,” spoke Annabelle, “Now where the hell did it get off to?”
The four adventurers were returning to their base, a small fort in the middle of some hill lands, and were now actively searching the place for a treasure chest that drags itself across the floor. After combing through their entire base, they finally concluded that the mimic was gone.
“I found these keys on the seat,” spoke Charlie.
“Oh great, the door was left open and the keys were left out,” Annabelle said angrily.
“Well, let’s just be glad only our mimic is gone?” asked Theobes, trying to hide his guilt.
“Alright, this could be a horrible situation and we’ve gotta fix it,” spoke Annabelle.
“Why’s that, boss?” asked Grognock.
“We’re just outside the city of Hillgrand, Grognock.” “They think we’re heroes,” spoke Theobes.
“They don’t know mimic from us.” “That’s a good point!” Theobes said excitedly. “Then we can immediately forgive whoever left the base door opened and unlocked!”
Charlie and Annabelle exchanged looks of disbelief before reaffirming they were going to find this mimic before it wreaked havoc on the city. As they got ready to leave, Charlie noticed a pool of blood seeping from beneath a closet door.
“Uh… guys?” she asked.
Grognock stomped over to the closet and put his hand around the doorknob. Charlie could swear she saw a sadistic smile on his face as he ripped the door open, destroying the doorframe. Inside there was a large wooden chest, blood dripping from the closed lid. It opened up to reveal a set of teeth and let out a small bark.
“Chomper is home!” declared Grognock as he pet the mimic.
“Thank goodness that’s resolved!” Theobes said, miming the act of wiping sweat away from his forehead. “Time for a deserved rest.” “Alright, crisis averted. I wonder how he ended up in the closet though.” “Maybe he chase rat.”
Some time earlier...
The sounds of a lock being undone clicked through the silent hall.
“Presto,” a voice declared.
Five unruly men and a large half-orc woman entered the base: a band of rogues. Chomper sat in the corner, absolutely still and assuming the usual shape of a treasure chest. Anticipation almost made him quiver as he watched his would-be meals wander through the base.
“Damn, look at that, Gabryell!” said a short man with tan skin and equipped with several swords.
Gabryell, a tiefling with red skin and a pair of short horns that poked out from under his hair, looked over at the large chest. “Wow, these morons just leave their valuables out for us. They’re just asking us to rob them, aren’t they, Saffron Double-Threat?”
They gave a surly chuckle and started walking over to the chest. They stopped short as another man ran in front of them.
“Guys, wait! What if they’ve got dogs here?” asked Demontooth.
He was a dependable fighter and great for their operations, but had the unfortunate downfall of suffering from a phobia of dogs. “Well I don’t smell any,” replied Gabryell with a sneer.
“You can’t smell anything at all!” declared Hantrus.
“Then I guess there’s nothing here!” joked Saffron.
Everyone but Demontooth roared with laughter. Hantrus lugged up some chains and set them on the ground. Looking at the feet of who he spoke to, he declared their next actions.
“Let’s be quick. Demontooth, chain up the chest. Double, let’s search for any guards. People or dogs. Gabryell, help him Demontooth with the chest.”
“Uhm, my eyes are up here,” declared Saffron. “Double-Threat,” spoke Arii Squawk, “Don’t give yourself to the reaper too soon. I need you still.”
The four of them stood at attention while the boss walked over to a chair and sat down. The fifth man trailed right behind her. “What do you require, mistress?” asked Wartdragon.
“Fill the wagon for the boys while I make myself at home.” “Right away, mistress.”
Chomper got ready to attack as Demontooth timidly approached the chest, watching for dogs. Unfortunately, he was faster and threw the chains on the mimic. It stunned Chomper and in his daze, he was chained up. He tried to morph away but there was magic on the chains, something to help move chests that had been magically sealed or locked. It also had the side effect of preventing Chomper’s shapeshifting.
As Chomper was carried out by Demontooth and Gabryell, he saw the rest of the rogues looking through the base. Set on the back of a carriage amongst other wares, Chomper could do nothing but wait. Chomper wasn’t intelligent enough to formulate big plans, but he understood that the base was his home and he didn’t like being taken away. That was also the home of his friends and he hoped the three of them would return soon. Unfortunately, they had recently set out and were in the middle of trying to survive the dungeon of a mad sorcerer.
About half a day later, the wagon was being parked back at the rogues’ base of operations. “Why does Wart get to stay behind with the boss?” complained Gabryell as he unloaded the cart. “You ever notice he’s missing an ear and fingers?” asked Hantrus.
“Yeah. Clumsy guy shouldn’t have blades, right?”
Saffron laughed before answering for Hantrus, “Dude’s got a gambling problem, idiot.” “So?” “So, he owes his life to the boss. He used to be a noble or some crap before he got himself into so much trouble. Now he’s been trained to be her living weapon.”
“Oh,” Gabryell said as he began moving the unloaded stuff inside.
Demontooth grabbed the chest and began dragging it in. “Where do you want this, Hantrus?” he asked, looking directly at the man. Hantrus, avoiding eye contact, turned his head towards Demontooth and pointed to a corner. “I’ll start cracking it open while you guys lay out the loot.”
It took some time for Hantrus to gather his thieves’ tools and return to the room with the chest. As he approached, suddenly Saffron called out. With a sigh, Hantrus set down his tools and went across the hall to their room. Chomper could faintly hear them conversing.
“Wow, that is an interesting relic. Demontooth, you’ll have to use your connections to find a fence to get a price on this. I’ll check it for anything special, just grab it when you’re done in here.” “How come Demontooth always gets to do this stuff?” asked Saffron. “Cause I grew up in an underground city, idiot,” retorted Demontooth. “Ah. Well I came from the desert and we did tons of trading there. My dad can tell us where to fence it.” “Fine! Both of you do it,” Hantrus said with a huff.
Returning to the room, Hantrus set the strange statue in the corner of the room. Gabryell shut the door to the loot room with a slam, yelling something about Saffron’s dad. Finally, Hantrus picked up his tools and began to remove the chains from the chest.
Suddenly, the chest had two eyes that stared directly into Hantrus’ eyes. Hantrus froze with fear and anger as there was nothing more in this world he hated than eye contact. “FOUL DEMON!” he cried and lunged forward to stab it with a lock pick.
Chomper’s mouth opened wide and Hantrus tried to scream with terror as he fell into the mouth. Nothing would be heard as Chomper’s large tentacle-like tongue wrapped around his head to silence him and pull him in. Chomper’s eyes turned to the statue. He used his tongue to grab it and fling it at the front door. Through sheer luck, he hit the door directly on the doorknob and in a critical spot, causing the door to break and swing open. The statue rolled away under the cart.
Gabryell threw open the loot door and ran into the room.
“The chest is gone!” he called.
Demontooth and Saffron came running out and looked around.
“Do you think Hantrus stole it?” asked Demontooth. “Impossible,” replied Saffron. “Clearly he took it to some fence, the lock must have been too hard. Look, he even kicked the statue over.” Saffron pointed to the relic that was laying on its side, near where the chest had been moments ago.
“Well, let’s go take care of that then.”
Saffron and Demontooth hopped in the wagon while Gabryell began walking over to a stable to grab a horse.
“Where are you going?” asked Demontooth. “I’ve gotta report to the boss.” “Just ride with us, we’ll go there after getting rid of this statue.” “Fine,I guess.”
The three of them began to ride into town. A few moments later, Saffron brought them to a stop.
“My dad says there’s an old trader here.” “Good lord,” Gabryell began. “He’s real, dammit!” shouted Saffron. “I’m the Double-Threat because my ghost dad is haunting me!” Demontooth just sat quietly and stared forward, hoping this wouldn’t take long.
“Fine, go follow Ghost Dad. Hope you don’t get killed in a back alley.” Saffron took the statue and walked off into the back alley. There was the sound of a scuffle and a scream. Demontooth and Gabryell looked at each other for a minute. “Dad, what do you mean you hated me? Oh god, no!” Demontooth jumped out of the carriage and ran down the alley. There was blood strewn about, a bloody knife, and the statue sitting on the ground. “Oh no,” Demontooth said as he looked around. “I think he really did get jumped and killed.” Gabryell pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration and stayed out of the alley. He fumed for a moment and then told Demontooth to just grab the statue and get out of here. When Gabryell went back for the statue, it was now the shape of a dog. He yelped and fell over. Frozen with fear, he quickly tried to draw his sword. It was already too late as Chomper’s tongue wrapped around his leg.
Gabryell ran down the alley upon hearing the screaming again and saw almost exactly what Demontooth saw the first time.
“I’ll kill you guys for this,” he called out as he grabbed the statue and ran. “Damn it...  I gotta go back to the boss!”
Less than half a day later, they returned to the base. Gabryell picked up the statue and proceeded to go inside. As soon as he stepped in, Wart lunged out at him with a dagger. Instinctively, Gabryell backhanded him and kicked him aside.
“Oh. My bad, man.” “No… It’s okay,” Wart replied as he got up.
The boss came walking out from down the hall, swinging around a ring of keys.
“Looks like we should just upgrade by moving all our stuff to here,” she told Gabryell. “Where’s the other three?”
“Hantrus ran off with that chest,” he said slowly, judging Arii’s face as he talked, “Saffron’s Ghost-Dad got him and Demontooth kidnapped by some thugs while trying to pawn this stupid statue.”
“We’ll find them and make them pay,” Arii responded. “Hantrus will return with an opened chest, for sure.” “Where should I put this statue?” asked Gabryell. “Well, it’ll look out of place if they walk in and see it. I want to take them by surprise. Set it in the kitchen.”
“Yes, m’am.”
As Gabryell stepped into the kitchen, the statue had a tongue reach out and spill cooking oil. Unable to smell it, Gabryell walked right into it and slipped, falling on the stone flooring and cracking his skull. His scream of pain rang out and through the base.
Wart poked his head in to see the statue had taken the form of the chest again and was eating Gabryell. He screamed and ran.
“Arii! It’s a mimic!”
“Damn it all! We’ve got to kill it. It won’t fight us if we stick together.”
Wart nodded and ran besides her. She equipped her crossbow and they walked towards the kitchen. As they walked in, they simply saw blood and oil on the floor. They looked around as they investigated the kitchen, trying to spot anything out of place.
Suddenly, a chest with large spider-like legs fell from the ceiling onto Wart, knocking him to the floor. Arii pointed her crossbow at it and it skittered back into the main entrance room. Lifting Wart back to his feet, Arii chased behind it. They both entered the room but Arii immediately noticed the extra chair by the closet.
“Damn it,” she bluffed, “It must have gotten away. I’m going to hang my crossbow in the closet. Wart, grab a seat.”
“You want me to sit and relax, mistress?” he asked.
“Yes,” she growled. “But not in my seat.”
Wart began to walk towards the mimic and then he realized what he she meant. As she opened the closet door and turned her back, the mimic lunged at Wart. Quickly, he dodged out of the way as it stumbled across the floor, the legs skittering out from underneath it again. Arii whipped around and tried to shoot it, but it used its tongue to grab her arm and shake the crossbow away. Using her orcish strength, she pulled the creature and slammed it into the closet. Before she could free her arm, it bit off her hand. Ignoring the pain, she yanked her arm free of the monster and slammed the door. Using the keyring, she then locked the closet.
“Stupid monster!” she said cradling her wound.
Wart walked up to her and ripped off his shirt for bandaging. They wrapped up her arm and she handed him the crossbow. “Watch the closet. I’m going to get some medicine. Wait here, Wart.”
As she walked away from the base, an arrow thunked into her back. She turned back, more angry than surprised.
“My name is Elandrial Thorntree.”
He shot her several times and she collapsed in the doorway. Slowly unlocking the door and cracking it open, Elandrial saw nothing inside. The mimic was hiding. He quickly shoved Arii into the doorway and felt something pull her inside. Then he immediately shut and locked the door again. Throwing the keys on the seat, he then turned and left. As he walked down the road, he saw a band of adventurers returning home.
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Silver Linings
Pairing: Bucky x Reader, Clint x Reader (friendship)
Warnings: Mention of canon typical torture and violence. Fighting.
Square Filled: Craving their touch
Word Count: 1800ish
A/N: This one is written for @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan marvel mayhem challenge. My prompt is bolded in the text: “Life messes us up in so many ways, messes all of us right the hell up”
It also fills one of my squares for @marvelfluffbingo
It is my first time writing Bucky (or any of the characters really) so please judge kindly.
Thanks to the amazing, sweet and my expert on all things marvel @emilyevanston for betaing this for me.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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Clint and Steve were walking down the halls of the Stark tower as Steve was catching Clint up on their latest mission. Everything had worked out in the end, but that didn’t mean there haven’t been a few kinks along the way. A young Siberian man from the village they had been trying to save from invasion had recognized Bucky as the man that had tortured and killed his parents when he was a boy. He had attacked, before Steve and Bucky had gotten the chance to reason with him, resulting in his death as he was caught in the crossfire between the Avengers and the invaders.
Needless to say, Bucky hadn’t taken it well and honestly Steve was worried about him. He had been quiet all the way back and the instant they had reached the Stark Tower he had disappeared into his room. Steve had breathed a sigh of relief when Y/N had arrived. Bucky had been a different person ever since he met her. Well maybe not different, but more like the Bucky he had once known; the boy he had grown up with. Steve had hoped that her presence would help him somehow, but now that he heard the loud voices carrying from the Bucky’s room and towards the kitchen, he regretted being so stupid. Bucky wasn’t the same. Y/N had never seen him like this before and Steve should have known better. He should have stopped her or at the very least warned her what she was walking into.
It was too late now though as the door to Bucky’s room opened and closed with a loud bang and Y/N stormed right past Clint and Steve without as much as acknowledging their presence.
“Oh boy,” Clint mumbled looking after the fuming woman before his eyes met with Steve’s. “As much as I would love to send you after her, you’d probably have better luck with grumpy down there,” Clint nodded towards Bucky’s room with a smile. Clint turned around and followed Y/N before Steve had a chance to scold him, but Clint still felt the bitchface Steve gave him on the back of his neck. It’s only effect was the smile on Clint’s face widening.
Truth be told Clint has angered his own wife more than once as he brought the baggage of their job home with him. As pissed as she had gotten, her love and affection hadn’t wavered and Clint saw the way Y/N looked at Bucky. He knew hers hadn’t either. She just didn’t understand. She was a nurse and a damn good woman, but their jobs were something else. How could anyone understand what it was like to have someone rob you of yourself? Have you kill for them without hesitation or remorse. The truth was that no one could understand. Not unless they lived it.
Clint took a deep breath as he spotted her in the small park behind the Tower. She was sitting on the grass with her legs pulled up under her as she watched the ebbs and flows of the fountain before her. She didn’t look angry. Just like Clint had expected the expression on her face was one of agony. Bucky’s pain hurt her because she loved him. She had gotten angry because he wouldn’t let her in. He wouldn’t let her help. Clint had seen the same reaction in Laura more than once when they first met. It had taken him years to let her in and even now somethings were still hard for him to share with her. He couldn't imagine what it was like for Bucky. Decades of torture and killing, of course, he was afraid to let her see the darkness.
“Hi? Mind if I sit?” Clint asked, with a small smile as she looked up at him. She didn’t say anything she just shook her head quietly. Clint felt bad for her, just like he did his own wife once in a while. He understood why Bucky tried to push her away even if he was making a mistake. He even knew that was the exact thing Steve was trying to make him see right now. Y/N wasn’t stupid she knew what kind of a man Bucky was and she knew who he had been in the past and who he had been forced to become. She knew all of it and she chose to stay. Clint knew the argument Steve would make because it was the only one Bucky would hear. Y/N had the right to make her own choice. She had the right to decide what she could and could not handle.
“I don’t need your pity,” she mumbled as Clint sat down and he couldn't help but smile.
“Good cause I don’t pity you,” he answered and her head snapped around to look at him in surprise. “You knew he was a mess when you met him and honestly I don’t think you are the kinda woman that wants to fix him either,” Clint gave her a small nudge with his shoulder and earned a smile.
“I’m not. All he has been through made him who he is now. I love who he is,” she answered truthfully before looking back to the rushing water. “I just wish he would let me in sometimes that’s all.”
“He will. In time,” Clint assured her. He couldn't be sure of course but he saw the way Bucky looked at her. He loved her and trusted her. Him redrawing at times didn’t have anything to do with her even if Clint knew Y/N probably didn’t see it like that.
“Y/N even if it wasn’t him some of the memories are still there. All of them are hiding deep down. It was still his hands that kill those people. He saw it all happen powerless to stop it,” Clint explained even if the memories pained him. If they could help Bucky and Y/N maybe they were good for something.
“Clint I’m sorry…” she began but he just shook his head with a sad smile.
“No pity. Not for you. Not for me. Not for Bucky. He’ll pull through. Listen this life messes us up in so many ways, messes all of us right the hell up but we’ll push through. Bucky too. We’ll focus on the silver linings,” Clint sent her a wink giving her hand a squeeze. He couldn’t help but feel relieved when she laughed.
“I’m a silver lining?” she laughed, causing Clint to shrug.
“To Bucky yes. Laura and the kids are mine,” he answered with a grin as he got up offering her his hand. She took it allowing him to pull her back onto her feet. “Just try and be patient with the schmuck,” Clint grinned wrapping his arm around her shoulder, leading her back to the Tower and a hopefully calmer Bucky.
Y/N tensed as they reached the kitchen and Clint sent her a reassuring smile, nudging her towards the hall and Bucky’s room. “It’ll be fine,” he assured her, praying he wasn’t lying.
She took a deep breath before knocking on the door, slowly pushing it open. Her heart broke at the sight that met her. Steve was sitting in one of the chairs, his elbows on his knees leaning against his best friend. Bucky was on the edge of the bed hiding his face in his hands not looking up until Steve greeted her.
The shock and pain in Bucky’s eyes, when they met hers, took her breath away. A part of him would always fear to lose her each time she walked out of his sight, but today he had been sure he had.
“Hi Y/N. I’ll give you two some privacy,” Steve stood up giving Bucky’s shoulder a squeeze and Y/N a grateful smile before pushing past her out the door.
“Y/N. I’m sorry I didn't mean to yell at you like that,” Bucky spoke the second Steve closed the door behind him. He didn’t move though. He sat completely frozen as if he was afraid the slightest movement would spook her. Y/N felt as if a knife was pushed through her chest. She hated he still thought she could be scared of him. She never had been and she never would be. She knew that telling him that wouldn't make a difference, not right now at least. She didn't run away because he had scared her. She ran because she was angry and hurt he wouldn't let her help him. That he wouldn’t let her even touch him when all she had needed was to feel his warmth, assuring them both he was home.
“It’s fine. Couples fight,” Y/N answered quietly as she crossed the room to sit down next to him. They didn't look at each other, as they sat in silence. His right side was pressed against her left and their eyes fixated on their hands slowly edging closer to each other. They gently started to intertwine and not until they were, did Bucky look at her. His courage fueled her and she looked up to met his gaze.
“I can’t talk about this with you doll. I’m sorry. You’re…” Bucky paused not knowing how to explain it but Y/N just smiled.
“Your silver lining,” she grinned and Bucky raised his eyebrows in confusion.
“You’re my what?” he chuckled lightly squeezing her hand and Y/N pulled a face at him, before looking down at her feet almost shyly.
“Can you do something for me?” she asked. Her voice so low it was barely audible and Bucky’s smile fell. He hated seeing her hurting or sad, especially over him.
“Anything doll. Anything,” he instantly assured her and her eyes met his again. Still looking nervous, she chewed her lip and Bucky wanted to lean in and kiss her to make her stop.
“Hold me?” she asked quietly, making Bucky smile. It had been all he had wanted to do from the moment she walked through the door. He had been so incredibly stupid, pushing her away when he needed her the most.
“C'mere darling,” Bucky laid back on the bed gently pulling her into his arms. He relaxed, closing his eyes as he felt her fingers tender patterns in his chest. She was right. She was his silver lining and just one moment like this with her was worth all the pain he had gone through to get to this day in time.
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winchestergirl23 · 6 years
Breaking Curfew
Pairings: Dean x Sister, Sam x Sister
Words: 1700+
Summary: The reader returns home late from a party and pisses of her brothers.
A/N: Thank you guys so much fro reading and sharing your love! I’m truly grateful. Also, this is more of a Sam x sister fic and its really fluffy!
It was your friend Sarah’s birthday. She was throwing a party at her place. Unfortunately for you, the party fell on school night. You also happened to have a math test the next day.  
After a lot of convincing, your brothers agreed to let you go. You promised Sam you would study in advance. You were given a curfew of 9 o clock.
The party started a little late and before you knew it, it was 9.
“Sarah... I have to leave. My brothers will kill me if I’m late.” You whined.
“Come on Y/N. Just stay for a little while longer.” Sarah said. “It’s my birthday. Come on. Pleeeaseeee, stay for 2 more songs.”
Reluctantly you agreed. You danced with everyone else. You ended up having a lot of fun.  You left the dance floor to get a glass of water. You checked your watch to see the time. It read 10:30 pm.
Crap. Your brothers were going to be so pissed.
“Sarah… I’ve really got to go. Happy Birthday once again. Bye…” you shouted as you practically ran out the door.
You opened the bunker door quietly, hoping to sneak in. It was a wonder you thought, that your brothers hadn’t come to Sarah’s house to drag you back home.
They sat at the hall table with inscrutable expressions.
“Nice of you to join us Y/N” Dean said, glaring at you.
“Before you get mad…” you started.
“Oh we are mad Y/N. We are way past that” Sam yelled, standing up, his jaw clenched.
“What the HELL were you thinking? We let you go to a party even though it’s a school night. You have a test tomorrow and you’re coming in at 10:30. We clearly told you that curfew was 9:00.”
You were taken aback by his tone. It was usually Dean who did the shouting. Sam had always been the calmer, more understanding one. You could see that even Dean was shocked to see Sam shout at you like that. You tried to explain why you were late.
“The party started late Sam. And then Sarah insisted I stay for a little while longer and then I kinda lost track of time.” You said, guiltily.  
“Well maybe you can keep track of time when you’re grounded for 2 months.” Sam bellowed.
“2 MONTHS??! What the hell? “You cried out angrily. “You can’t do that!”
“I think I just did.”
“What is the matter with you?” you shouted, losing your temper.
Sam opened his mouth to reply.
“Okay… okay... This is getting out of hand. Let’s take it back a notch shall we?” Dean said, coming between you two, giving Sam a look.
Sam glowered at Dean.
You looked at Sam who was still fuming. You decided to try and soften him up.“Sammy… I’m sorry.”
“Save the apology Y/N. And don’t call me Sammy! Just go to your room” Sam growled.
Sam had never taken such a harsh tone with you. Dean had always been the strict one. Seeing Sam behave this way with you brought tears to your eyes.
“Fine” you hissed and stormed out, wiping the wet tears falling from your eyes.
“Okay. What the hell is wrong with you man?” Dean asked as you exited the room.
“What?” Sam said, glaring at Dean. “She broke curfew. She needed that”
“Yeah. She broke curfew Sam. So why’d you go all “Hulk” on her?” Dean questioned.
“She needs to know the consequences of breaking the rules, Dean”
“I agree. But come on man, this is Y/N we’re talking about. She rarely ever goes to parties, let alone break curfew. She’s a teenager. She was bound to do it sometime.” Dean cajoled.
“So… what? You were just going to let her go without any punishment?”
“No Sammy. I would have yelled a little and then grounded her for a week at most. Not 2 months. I mean seriously, 2 MONTHS? Since when are you this hot headed?” Dean asked.
“Look man, Y/N is a straight A student. She hardly breaks any rules. She’s always reading some book or the other. I mean, she’s practically a younger, female version of you. Except maybe, your hair is longer.” Dean said, grinning at the last part.
Sam threw his classical bitch face.
“You went overboard with this, man.” Dean continued. “Look, I don’t know what the hell has been going on with you but whatever it is; you’ve got to sort it out. You can’t use Y/N as your punching bag.”
“I’m not using her as my punching bag.” Sam scoffed.
“Right. So you almost didn’t rip your sister to shreds 5 minutes ago just because she broke curfew.” Dean says, sarcastically.
“How are you not mad at her?” Sam questioned.
“I am mad at her Sam. But it’s a little hard for me to be mad at her when you’re treating her like she’s committed a crime. Be rational about this, Sammy” Dean reasoned.
Sam instantly felt bad about yelling at you but was too pissed.
“Whatever.” He scoffed and walked off.
“Hey kiddo… can I come in?” Dean asked, knocking on your door.
You opened the door.
“Dean… if you’ve come to do your share of yelling, can we please do it tomorrow? I don’t think I can take any more of it today.” You said, tearfully.
“I’m not here to yell at you.” Dean stated.
“I’m not, I promise” he said in response to your raised eyebrows.
“Look kiddo… Sam was right in being mad at you. You did break curfew and you didn’t even call or anything. You could have at least texted one of us saying the party started late.” Dean said.
“If I’d have called or texted, you would have just insisted that I come home.” You responded.
“Be that as it may, you know how worried we get kiddo. You know what’s out there. What if something had happened to you sweetheart? How would we have even known?” Dean asked in a calm voice.
He wiped a tear off your face, “It’s not okay for you to break curfew. Don’t do it again. Okay?”
“I won’t. I promise. I’m sorry.” You said, hugging Dean. Dean wrapped his arms around you and patted your hair gently.
“Why did Sammy get so mad at me?” you sniffled against his shirt, now wet with your tears.
“It was just one of those days kiddo. You know how he gets when it comes to school. He just doesn’t want to see your grades going down. ” Dean consoled.
“I’ve already studied for the test Dee. I would never compromise on my grades.”
“I know kiddo. Maybe you should apologize to him again tomorrow.” Dean suggests.
“I already apologized to him once and he shot me down. I’m not talking to him” you snapped, lifting your head and wiping off your tears.
Dean sighed, “Alright kiddo.”
“By the way, you’re still grounded.”
“But not for two months right?” you asked, hopefully.
“No. Not for 2 months. But you are grounded for this entire week. No gadgets, no going out. ” Dean said.
“Thank Youuuu Dee!” you said, hugging Dean again.
The next day, the test went well. You knew the answers to most of the questions, having studied well in advance.
You didn’t speak to Sam the entire day. You were too pissed at Sam for being so harsh with you. Sam, on the other hand was mad at himself for having yelled at you but still hadn’t gotten around to talking to you. You would just ignore each other whenever you were in the same room.
Dean came to call you for dinner.
“I think I’ll eat in my room tonight” you said.
“Okay. You know what. Come here…” Dean said walking out the door, dragging you by the hand.
He walked you to the Hall where Sam was sitting and reading a Norse lore book.
“Okay. I’ve had enough.” Dean said, slamming the book shut.
Sam jumped in confusion. He looked between you, standing there rolling your eyes and Dean who had his mouth had set in a hard line.
“We’re fixing this now. You both are going to talk and set things right. If there’s one thing we do, its eat dinner as a family. I don’t care who is pissed with whom or who’s not talking to whom. You’re both going to act mature and figure this out. I’m done with you two fighting like kids. Now TALK! So, we can eat dinner as a family.” Dean glowered.
“I have nothing to say to him.” You said, pursing your lips and looking away.
Dean made a face. “Sammy? Do you have anything to say to Y/N?”
“Yeah. I do” Sam said, quietly.
“Y/N, I shouldn’t have yelled at you so harshly. I don’t know what got into me the other day. I’m sorry.”
He walked up to you and placed his hands on your shoulders. “I’m really sorry darling. I didn’t mean to behave that way. ” He said apologetically.
“It’s okay. You were right to be mad. I’m sorry I broke curfew.” you sighed.
“So are we cool? “Sam asked.
“Yeah. We’re cool Sammy.” You said, hugging him tightly.
“Great. Now let’s go eat shall we?” Dean grumbled. ”That apple pie won’t eat itself.” He said, smiling dreamily at the thought of pie.
“Hide the pie while Dean gets the table ready?” Sam whispered in your ear.
“You know it!” you giggled.
(10 minutes later)
“Where’s the pie?” Dean stormed.
“I saw on the table 10 minutes ago.” You said, innocently.
“I know Y/N. I did too. So where is it now?” Dean asked, glaring at you.
“How would I know?”
“Sammy?” Dean growled.
Sam feigned innocence, “I have no idea Dean.”
You looked at Dean who stood with his jaw clenched and then at Sam. You both burst into laughter. “Your face” You chortled, holding your stomach in one hand and pointing to Dean with the other.
“Epic.” Sam said, giving you a high five.
“Really? For this you team up?” Dean asked with an incredulous expression.
“Okay. Haha. Very Funny Now give me MY PIE!!” Dean demanded.
“Sammy… what do you think?” you asked, giggling. “Shall we give to him? “
Dean glared at you, “GIVE ME THE PIE NOW or I swear to god…”  
“Alright, alright… It’s on the hall table....” You started but burst into peals of laughter as Dean ran into the hall.
“The pie’s not in the hall. Is it?” Sam asked.
“Nope. It’s not” you chortled.
“We better run kiddo.” Sam said between laughs, just as you heard Dean shout “Y/N!!!!! GIVE ME MY PIE!!!”
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veridium · 6 years
How did Josie react to finding out Theia was hiding it from her?
(Oh boy, I’m sorry this got so long, there was so much I wanted to include and it just kept snowballing)
It was late when the Inquisitor finally made it to her bedchambers in the Winter Palace. A thousand thoughts and concerns streamed through her mind as she ripped off her formal wear. She could go the rest of her life without being cinched up in that red jacket and unforgiving blue sash. Finally able to breath in nothing but her slacks and chest wrap, she paused for a moment. 
She put her hands on her hips and meandered to the gilded window beside her equally gilded bed. She held her breath and she gazed out aimlessly. 
“When were you going to tell me?” Josephine’s voice was cold, hurtful to hear. The Ambassador had been sitting on the chair by the fireplace, turned away from the door in such a way where her presence wouldn’t be immediately detected. No need, though, Theia already knew she was there. She knew back when she confessed to the Council that Josephine would hunt her down, covered by a face and demeanor of poise and grace so as to not let anyone on that she was upset and betrayed. Perhaps she just wanted to pretend for a moment longer that she was alone. Perhaps a part of her just wanted to keep hiding.
Regardless, she knew this wouldn’t be good. She looked down at the floor and grit her teeth.
“Josephine, please,” she murmured hopelessly.
“’Josephine, please, Josephine, this was beyond you, Josephine, it was better if you did not know. Gah! You are so predictable!” Josephine’s voice grew heated, though she tried not to be the yelling sort, her commitment to such a cause was being thoroughly tested.
Theia looked over her shoulder at her as the Ambassador lept from her seat and began pacing by the fire. 
“You have always done this. When it is magic or the anchor, you turn from me. You made me look like an oblivious fool in front of the Divine and Commander Cullen. You’ve relied upon me to keep this Exalted Council intact while you run off and cause whatever else to go wrong!” Josephine continued, hands animated with her anger.
Theia watched her quietly, a stone-face expression on her face as she tried to keep herself from creating a more bombastic situation than necessary.
“Do you have anything to say to me? You stand there like a boulder against a stiff, unforgiving wind, and you cannot even bear to admit what you did was wrong?” Josephine let a hint of sadness and pain show in her face and tone, Theia’s heart ached at it.
Quietly, Theia turned and faced her, hands still gripping her hips. She bit her lip and got the courage to look her lover directly in the eyes. When she did, a chill went down her spine: Josephine’s gaze was seething, looking for answers. She had never been the destination of her eyes like that before, and it pained her.
“Josephine, I had little options. I was afraid if it became common knowledge it would contaminate efforts for the Exalted Council. I cannot be a powerful force for our cause if people believe me doomed,” she tried to explain herself, but she could already take a guess at Josephine’s retort.
“So, you blind those who are your most-trusted allies so as to debilitate them when you need their support most?” Yep, textbook counter from the Lady Ambassador. 
“No, I. I told who I needed to.”
“Who in the world?”
Theia remained silent, once again looking down at the floor. A moment passed, and then, clarity.
“Dorian.” Josephine growled, turning away and looking towards the bright and ravenous fire. “I am going to kill both of you one day, mark my words,” she cursed under her breath. 
Theia sighed. “He is the only one besides…” she stopped herself from saying his name. The long-gone friend, who longed for an orb long shattered, and whatever else spurned his soul to leave without saying goodbye.
Theia took a breath, releasing him from her mind for a moment. “Dorian didn’t even know what to do, at the end of the line. He couldn’t just stay locked up with me and find out what was wrong. None of us know.”
“So, you thought since you brilliant, talented Inquisition Mages couldn’t, surely no one else could be of use?” Josephine was unrelentingly critical. 
“When I thought it was a lost cause, my mind went to protecting the Inquisition and the Council. I had to make a choice, and I made it. I didn’t want to scare you…” Theia was cut off.
“You certainly did make a choice. And now everything is at stake, and we are underprepared. We have no protocol for if we lose you beyond what we have provisionally agreed upon. The Inquisition will be in even worse jeopardy. Why do you have so little trust for those around you, Theia? After all we have been through, after all that has been sacrificed!?” Josephine’s voice elevated to the line between arguing fervently, and yelling. 
Theia was pinned and squirming under the weight of her choices. A tense silence filled the air before she broke it with a vengeance.
“I don’t know! Okay? I was wrong. I was scared, and I thought I was dying. I still think I’m–” she stopped herself again and turned away harshly, a hand going up in her hair.
Josephine’s chest fluttered with fear. The interweaving of her anger and the terror was overwhelming her, and she was infamously known for not losing her cool. It was scarcely charted territory for her. Meanwhile, Theia knew she was overwhelmed, and instead of fighting it, let it undo her for this one moment. 
Angrily, Theia punched the dresser drawer closest to her, creating a slight crater in the wood grain. That would have been bad enough, if it didn’t start fizzling with electricity from her skin, creating an indentation of static rage. It continued to sizzle and crack for a moment before dissipating; with the lack of contact with her skin, it was nothing more than an elemental outburst.
She kept her back to Josephine, not out of indignance, but out of guilt. She couldn’t bear to look her in the face after what she had done. 
The silence was only disturbed by the crackling of the fire and the forcefulness of Theia’s breathing. 
“Josephine, Maker knows you are as angry as a Wyvern for what I have done. I knew you would be hurt if you ever found out. I’m sorry for making you feel like a fool, like I somehow think you below me, below Mages. The truth is, I…I…” her voice cracked as her throat felt like it was calcifying from the tears bubbling over in her eyes. 
Josephine’s face softened a bit, caught off guard by Theia’s crying sounds as they erupted from her chest. Theia’s cries were deep in her lungs, the cries of a woman with too much to bear. 
“Mi Amor, I–”
“Please.” Theia’s voice called for a pause.
Josephine stopped and looked down at her hands coupled together in front of her. She was still fuming a bit, but now the full reality of what was before them had made itself known. She could lose the woman she’s loved vigorously for years, the woman she’s had to share with the world, share with all its evils and machinations. The woman who always found a way back to her, despite all odds, despite all predictions. It felt like the palace walls were caving in around her: after all those times she never lost her to the great wide unknown, she could lose her with her standing right in front of her eyes.
Theia at last turned to face her again, walking closer, until she was only a few strides away. Her face was quiet, but damp with tears that she let go unchecked. “I want you to know that everything I have done has been with the peripheral fear of losing you. No matter how much pain this causes me, it does not compare to the mere idea of being without you. Protecting you, not as my Diplomat, not as my ally, but as my Love, has been one of the foremost obsessions of my actions. It blinded me to my trust in you. I was wrong. But, it was only out of the deep, entrenched desire I had to fix it so that you would never have to worry.” 
Josephine’s eyes were now the ones welling up with tears as she listened to Theia’s testimony for her reckless actions. She swallowed roughly, trying to choke back the tide from her eyes. 
“You are so foolish,” Josephine breathed, closing her eyes and letting her chin lower in humility. A taste of bittersweet humor in her words.
At that sight, Theia’s hands made their way to Josephine’s face. Softly, she tilted Josephine’s chin back up to where it had been, high and dignified. Her eyes stayed on hers. “My love, there are worse things to be,” she whispered low.
Josephine became hungry for her even more. Anxiously, she grasped Theia’s left hand and kissed her open palm, tears now falling from her ocean-colored eyes.
Theia in turn kissed Josephine’s forehead, before finally having her lips land on Josephine’s. The kiss simmered from sweet to passionate, passionate to tireless. Eventually the inertia compelled Theia to walk backwards towards the bed. Within what felt like a small but consuming moment in time, all of the garments fell to the floor, and for at least another night, their hands were for each other.
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